Mesh for leveling walls. What mesh is needed for wall plastering? How reinforced mesh is used to strengthen building structures

Plastering as a way to protect and improve the facade has thousand years of history. AT individual cases unique effect acquired world fame and the significance of the brand, if you remember Venetian plaster imitating marble veneer.

But for any finishing layer from a solution of a cement-sand mixture, the inevitable were cracks and collapses exfoliated fragments. The plaster mesh helped to solve this problem.

What is a reinforcing mesh?

Flexible, openwork, knitted or woven - it creates a monolithic frame of the structure.

prototype plaster mesh can be considered common wall cladding method under plaster with the help of thin narrow boards laid crosswise - the so-called "shingles". Until now, among the ruins of pre-revolutionary and Soviet buildings, one can see the exposed skeleton of wooden reinforcement.

Creation of new materials and construction technologies allowed replace a laborious process wall cladding with very fragile wooden shingles for quick and reliable way strengthening of rough plaster with different types of facade mesh.

Do I need a mesh for plastering, its advantages:

  1. Improving the bonding effect of different materials.
  2. Protection of excessively hygroscopic masonry material (aerated concrete) from moisture penetration.
  3. hardening corner elements and joints of structures when removing window and door openings.
  4. Formation of a monolithic frame, which ensures the durability of the walls and the strength of the cladding.
  5. Insurance against internal stress of the walls during sudden changes in temperature and humidity.
  6. Restoration of cracked fragments of the facade.
  7. Reinforcing waterproofing.
  8. Achieving a respectable look finishing works.

What are the requirements for plaster mesh GOST 3826-82:

  • density within 150-170g/m²;
  • resistance to corrosion and alkalis;
  • light weight (not complicating the load system of the building);
  • tensile strength with acceptable flexibility and tensile strength;
  • cell identity (by alternation and size);
  • availability of accompanying documentation on tests carried out in independent laboratories.

Reference: Plaster mesh is also successfully used in the preparation of screeds, pouring floors for a “warm floor” device, and during the installation of thermal insulation. attic space and roofs.

How are they produced?

There are several materials, as well as manufacturing methods.

From metal (sheet or wire):

  • wicker from wire spirals (chain-link mesh - named after the creator, German bricklayer Karl Rabitz);
  • woven the mesh is created from wire threads according to the type of weaving warp and weft, allows the use of wire of any section, gives the product the necessary flexibility;
  • welded- fixes by welding the intersections of the wire, forming cells square shape; used to prevent wall shrinkage;
  • twisted(manier) - the wire is twisted in such a way that it forms 6-coal cells, the main advantage is resistance to high t◦;
  • expanded metal(CPVS) - obtained from sheet metal(thickness 0.5-1.0 mm) by cutting under the press of notches, which, when stretched, form diamond-shaped cells, is most convenient for cutting and transportation.

metal mesh worth choosing galvanized or polymer coating. So it will last longer.

From polymers (plastic):

  • armaflex(with reinforced knots) - heavy-duty;
  • plurima(with cells 5x6) - chemically inert;
  • synthoflex- with cells of medium and large size, lightweight, resistant to chemical attack.

Universal (made of polyurethane) with cells of 3 types:

  • small (6x6);
  • medium (15x13);
  • large (35x22).

Fiberglass - fine mesh, heavy duty, without restrictions in use. The fiberglass mesh is woven with other components and impregnated polymer solutions to acquire chemical resistance.

Fiberglass mesh is used for:

  • strengthening the base layer;
  • giving strength to finishing elements made of soft materials;
  • plinth reinforcement under finishing tiles.

Important: Each type of grid is designed for a certain thickness of the plaster layer and features of operation. Incorrectly selected reinforcing layer can lead to cracks, irregularities, peeling of the entire coating along with the finish.

Popular manufacturers

In the market of building and finishing materials domestic producers occupy leading positions:

  1. Company "TOP HOUSE"-20 years of experience in this segment, produces 50,000 items of goods. It produces mesh "VERTEX" for reinforcing polystyrene insulation, fiberglass mesh "Valmiera".
  2. Company "Rantos" produces all types of metal meshes from wire VR 1, VR 2, steel, surfacing, spring. He is a representative of the Cherepovets plant "Severstal".
  3. Company Teplotek- the main supplier of reinforcing fiberglass mesh CCI-160 (density 160g / m²) in the West Siberian region. It produces "TG-Textilglas" - a mesh for working on a layer of insulation.
  4. Company Stroykit(Izhevsk) offers not only metal and fiberglass reinforcing meshes, but also glue for their fastening.
  5. Company "Dr.Gunter KAST"- German representative in the market of specialized fiberglass meshes. The main production of plaster mesh is located in Sonthofen.

Plaster mesh 1 meter wide is imported to trading enterprises in rolls 30-80 meters long(roll weight 80 kg) with fasteners and additional elements. AT retail it is allowed to issue goods by the meter.

Which grid to choose?

Reinforcing mesh is not cheap material, but saves owner costs for subsequent repairs and restoration of the lost fragments of the facade. The use of plaster mesh in the facade decoration gives it representative look. Therefore, the costs are justified.

But when purchasing material, you need to make sure of its quality, as it says:

  • appearance products (the identity of the size of the cells, their alternation, the reliability of weaving, the presence of a protective layer);
  • testing the fragment for crushing, stretching (high-quality mesh instantly restores its shape and does not stretch much);
  • testing for chemical resistance (the result is visible a day after the mesh fragment is immersed in alkaline solution, for example, laundry soap);
  • a document accompanying the packaging, which should contain information about an independent examination of the quality of the goods.

How can you not remember folk wisdom about the miser? Plaster mesh - not a way to show off your financial capabilities, but a calculated long-term investment for the future.

How to calculate the expense?

The conditions that must be taken into account when calculating the material:

  • wall area;
  • possible surface irregularities;
  • insulation footage;
  • mesh overlay (butt or overlap).

Therefore, for a polymer network, it is required 1.1m² per sq. meter walls, and for fiberglass - 1.15 -1.4m². Experts recommend to provide a reserve 5% for unexpected expenses.

The choice of plaster mesh depends from the thickness of the finishing layer, wall irregularities.

The criteria become:

  • material;
  • cell size;
  • mesh weight;
  • the way it is fastened.

With significant layer thickness differences on the entire surface of the wall of a complex facade, it is recommended to abandon the plaster and replace it with another type of finish.

How to fix the mesh under the plaster for outdoor work?

Mounting technology facade mesh anyone can do it with their own hands, we will consider the whole process in more detail.

Clear the wall from the build-up, traces of masonry work. Level the surface. If a chain-link mesh is used - preparatory work and no primer needed.

prime the surface, for porous materials (aerated concrete blocks) - deep penetration primer.

Take a measurement surface to be treated and prepare cuts of mesh material.

When working with chain-link or welded mesh, its stuffing is done directly on the wall using dowels or on the frame:

  • on the wooden crate(for a wooden house);
  • on metal pins (for brick or concrete walls).

How to glue the reinforcing mesh on the walls video

Polymer and glass mesh overlapped on the starting layer of plaster, while the reinforcing layer is pressed into the mortar and fastened with dowels along the edges.

The starting layer of plaster can be replaced with a special adhesive for fixing the mesh, after which, after drying, the final layer is applied. Glue can also be used to attach fiberglass to insulation.

The adhesive layer must be sufficient to place the grid in its middle when pressed in. Base for adhesive fastening must be dried and work is carried out at positive t◦ (not lower than +5◦С) on the surface cleared of fatty stains and pollution.

With significant unevenness beacons must be installed on the walls (the thinnest layer is 1 cm, the thickest is no more than 5 cm). The solution is applied to the dampened wall, moving from bottom to top.

final layer, depending on the type of grid and the planned thickness, is formed with a wide spatula from the middle to the edges, and, if necessary, in two passes (with each layer completely dry) until the wall is perfectly leveled.

Plaster on the grid - effective method rough wall finishes. A particular advantage of this method is that it can be used to apply a thick layer of mortar, which will not slip and peel under its own weight during the finishing process. What is the procedure itself, what types of mesh to use in certain cases, and how to fix them? More on this later.

When plastering walls without the use of a reinforcing layer, there is a high risk that the applied mortar will simply fall off the base. And when finishing brick and wooden surfaces plaster may begin to flake and crumble even after repairs have been completed. This is usually due to insufficient adhesion of the materials indicated above. The grid allows you to form monolithic slab, which is not afraid of any load. different grids are designed for a certain load, and the type of material used depends on the thickness of the plaster layer.

On a note! With the help of reinforcement, a durable coating is created that does not crack during long-term operation. Even if the mortar preparation technology is violated, the mesh will ensure the integrity of the plaster layer.

Grid types

There are several types of products used for reinforcement, the main of which are the following materials:

  • fiberglass;
  • metal.

Types of reinforcing mesh: a - metal; b - fiberglass

When applying a thin layer of mortar on a flat surface, a fiberglass cloth is usually used. For finishing curved walls, when the thickness of the plaster is more than 2 centimeters, only a metal product is suitable.

In turn, metal meshes also come in several types:

  • woven - durable and flexible material, which is made from a wire of small cross section. Use such a product for both external and for internal works. When choosing a woven fabric for reinforcement, it should be borne in mind that optimal size cells in this case is 1x1 cm;
  • wicker - she is a chain-link mesh. Best suited for finishing surfaces with a large area. The most common cell size is 2x2 cm;
  • welded - made of wire using spot welding. The rods located perpendicular to each other form square cells, the optimal size of which during reinforcement is 2-3 cm. Welded products are most often used for finishing buildings subject to strong shrinkage;
  • expanded metal- made from sheet metal by forming diamond-shaped cells on a special machine. Such material is usually mounted in cases where a small solution consumption is expected per 1 m2.

How to fix a metal mesh?

To work with a metal mesh, you will need self-tapping screws, building dowels and metal mounting tape.

  1. Before mounting the canvas, it is necessary to cut off the desired piece, having previously measured the area on which the plaster will be applied in the future. For cutting thin material metal scissors will suffice. If the product is made of wire with a diameter of 2 mm or more, you will need a grinder. The cut cloth must be degreased by wiping it with a rag moistened with a solvent.
  2. Fastening the mesh under the plaster should start from the ceiling. The top of the material is fixed along the entire length with self-tapping screws, under the caps of which cut fragments of the mounting tape are placed. Wide washers can also be used as spacers, but they are much more expensive than tape.
  3. When mounting on a concrete or brick surface, drill holes in the wall and insert plastic dowels into them.
  4. The distance between the screws depends on the size of the cells and the thickness of the mesh itself. But in any case, it is desirable that the fastening step be no more than 40-50 cm. At the fixing points, the canvas may come into contact with the wall, and in the intervals between the fasteners, it should not come into contact with the surface, since in this case the quality of the plaster layer will deteriorate.
  5. At the joints, the material is mounted with an overlap of 8-10 cm.
  6. A properly fixed canvas should be well stretched. If the material does not vibrate in places where there are no fasteners, then everything is in order. Otherwise, the formation of voids under the mesh is possible, which will adversely affect the quality of the finish.

Installation of fiberglass

In this case, the plaster mesh is attached to the wall by fixing the material only along the perimeter of the canvas. First, with the help of self-tapping screws, the upper edge of the mesh is fixed in several places, and then all other sides. Additional fasteners are usually not used, since later, when applying the solution, the mesh is securely fixed in the thickness of the plaster.

It is possible to fix the fiberglass mesh on the wall with only one plaster solution; if difficulties arise, you can use self-tapping screws

Since the mesh was initially rolled up, for ease of installation it is better to unwind and fasten the material along the walls, parallel to the floor. You need to start fastening from above, from any corner of the room. The joints are overlapped with an overlap of 15-20 cm.

Should know! It is best to cut the material so that you can stretch the whole canvas. This will provide a higher strength of the plaster layer.

Preparing the wall for plaster and installing beacons

Even when using a grid, the surface needs preliminary preparation:

  • First of all, the wall is freed from old finish(if any) - paints, plasters, etc.
  • Next, dust is removed from the surface. If there is fungus and mold on the wall, the affected areas should be cleaned with a metal brush.
  • After that, the surface is treated with a primer, which improves the quality of adhesion, strengthens the base and prevents the formation of mold and corrosion.

After preparing the base and installing the reinforcing fabric, you need to help form a flat surface during the plastering process. A special profile is used as beacons.

Installation is the following procedure:

  1. Using the building level, set the extreme profile in a strictly vertical position and fasten it with two self-tapping screws.
  2. Next, the lighthouse is fixed with a plaster solution.
  3. The next step is to install the beacon on the other side of the wall. To mount all profiles in the same plane, a thread is pulled between the extreme guides.
  4. Then the remaining beacons are installed, the distance between which should be less than the length of the rule.

Surface plastering

After installing the beacons, you can proceed to the plastering process. The plastering of the walls along the grid is carried out in several stages, at each of which one layer of mortar is applied.

First stage. Plastering is usually done in 2 or 3 layers, depending on the wall material. The initial layer is applied by "spraying". To do this, prepare a solution that should resemble sour cream in consistency. ready mix throw with a trowel or ladle in random order. The solution can also be smeared, but the first option is easier and faster. The applied mixture is leveled with a spatula. The thickness of the "splatter" layer should be about 10 mm.

Second phase. After the first layer has completely dried, a thicker mixture of pasty consistency is kneaded. The solution applied with a trowel is leveled with a rule, which is pressed against the beacons and pulled from the bottom up. This layer should completely cover the reinforcing mesh. After the solution has set, the profiles are pulled out, and the remaining grooves are closed.

Third stage. The final procedure is the final leveling of the frozen surface. To do this, prepare a liquid solution and, applying it to the wall, rub it in a circular motion with a trowel.

The above plastering technology is suitable for finishing any surface, regardless of which reinforcing mesh is used.

Currently, plaster is ranked among the most popular finishing materials for interior surfaces of ceilings and walls.

The technology has stepped far forward, and not so long ago, shingles for plaster were used to strengthen the surface of the walls. Now reinforced construction mesh for plaster is widely used.

1 Application features and types

The plaster mesh is used to securely mount this same plaster on the wall, its thickness can be different. The presented wall finishing technology implies the use of those products that have a certificate of conformity.

As a rule, their typical size and aspect ratio is 10 × 10 mm. Such a grid, having dimensions of 10 × 10 mm, can be mounted on the inner surfaces of the walls quite simply and without much difficulty. The mesh for plaster, which has the appropriate certificate of quality or conformity, is used to fasten or reinforce walls from the inside of the building.

At the same time, the thickness internal walls is not decisive, but mesh for plaster performs its fastening function. In most cases, the plaster mesh has dimensions of 10x10 mm. Before you start its operation, you must make sure that there is such an accompanying document as a quality certificate.

The thickness of the product may vary slightly within acceptable limits. Such a product, used for plastering on the wall, must have a certificate.

This certificate confirms the full compliance of the product with all norms and requirements. It should indicate the thickness and dimensions(for example, 10×10 mm). Such products can be made using polyurethane or metal, and you need to mount it to the wall after reading all the relevant instructions.

In this and similar cases, the thickness of the walls does not affect the quality and pace of the work performed. Fastening of a product with dimensions 10 × 10 is carried out using special adhesives, self-tapping screws, screws, as well as other devices, the use of which allows the certificate.

The thickness of the products, in this case, must correspond to the technological conditions. For the most part, the mesh is implemented in the form of rolls and can have different sizes, the most common among them is 10 × 10 mm.

When buying, be sure to pay attention to the quality certificate. Depending on the method of applying plaster to the surface of the walls, fastening of metal or analogues can be carried out with an orientation towards different methods of implementation.

Certificate metal products may differ from the same document related to plastic products.

That layer of plaster on the wall, which is called the bottom layer, is reinforced with the participation of the selected mesh product immediately on top of the already applied mortar. The applied solution must have desired thickness and with a slight degree to press the grid. The certificate reflects all these manufacturing points in their respective points.

The most acceptable option during which the last decorative layer will be applied, it will be the one during which the reinforcement will be attached to the wiped and dry surface with the help of special devices.

The certificate allows the use of such technologies. In the case when the surface of the walls being processed does not have a large area, the plaster mortar itself can act as a fastener to the wall.

At the same time, it should be applied to the treated surface of the walls in a dotted manner - this will contribute to the reliable fixing of the grid.

After completion of this action, the entire thickness of the plaster layer is spread evenly over the entire surface area. Currently, there are a number of types of products presented, among them it should be noted:

  • universal (small);
  • universal average;
  • universal large;
  • fiberglass;

  • mesh plurima;
  • armaflex;
  • synthoflex;
  • steel;
  • galvanized.

The presented types of products are distinguished by a wide range of functionality and exhibit a high degree of resistance to impact. high temperatures and harmful chemicals.

Some of the presented species are characterized by their chemical inertness and Can be used for both outdoor and indoor finishing works. These products are distinguished by the presence of artificially reinforced nodes and are used in areas where they are under increased load.

2 What is the best grid to use?

When choosing the presented products, the primary parameter is the value of its thickness. Before work is carried out, the lowest point is located on the ceiling, and then using a laser or building level it is marked.

After such manipulations, it will be possible to evaluate maximum thickness plaster layer, which will subsequently be formed. After a certain result is obtained, a series of certain actions are performed.

In that case when the plaster thickness parameter will not exceed the value, equal to 20 millimeters, provided that there are no rusts at the ceiling base, it is possible to apply a plaster layer.

After that, you can proceed to the installation of beacons. If the presence of rusts is observed on the ceiling, or the leading layer has a thickness of 20-30 millimeters, it would be most rational to use a mesh product made using fiberglass.

This is due to the fact that the main purpose of the presented meshes is to protect the entire surface from cracking.

If the layer will have a thickness equal to 30 millimeters, then apply.

It will be able to prevent peeling under the influence of its own weight with a high degree of efficiency.

If the ceiling is uneven, and the height differences are more than 50 millimeters, then the plaster will need to be abandoned altogether.

2.1 Technical details of installation and application

When buying such a product, you need to take into account the fact that the cell size should be slightly larger than 5 × 5 millimeters, with a density value from 110 to 160 g / m².

The presented material in most cases should have such a quality as resistance to harmful effects alkalis. At the same time, the indicator of the minimum thickness of the plaster layer when using a mesh made using fiberglass should be 3 millimeters, with a maximum value of 30 millimeters.

Before starting work, the product must be trimmed in compliance with the proportions and dimensions of the canvas itself. The value of the web size will directly depend on the location of the grid. It can be longitudinal or transverse.

If there is rust on the ceiling, then the grid is located there in one solid canvas with an orientation to the location of each of the seams. In the event that rustication is absent, there will be no requirements for a special arrangement of products.

It is enough that when performing work, all working surface will be evenly covered by the mesh.

Trimming is best done with a margin of 10-15 centimeters in order to strengthen the existing seams located between the walls and the ceiling. At the beginning of the work being done, the entire surface is covered with the very first putty layer. On top of it, a plaster mesh is applied and slightly pressed.

Next, the second layer is applied. According to the regulations, such an operation can be carried out in one go. Or you can wait until the intermediate layer dries. The fiberglass mesh is designed to be attached to the wall with screws or staples, the plaster will lie on top.

The presented method is applicable when it is planned to create a thin plaster layer. Then the product will be located right in the middle of the plaster layer.

If the layer thickness exceeds 10 millimeters, then the mesh can slide to the edge, while reinforcing not the plaster, but only its surface. The initial working stages are carried out taking into account the following algorithm.

Repairs are often accompanied by leveling the walls with plaster. In addition, it also improves thermal insulation, reduces the level of extraneous noise in the finished room. plastered decorative mixtures surfaces have a beautiful appearance. When the irregularities are small and there are practically no defects, then the solution is often applied simply to the prepared base. If the deviations are large, there are cracks, then a plaster mesh is necessarily used in the work to reinforce the walls. It is represented a wide range which allows you to choose products for certain operating conditions.

Scope of use

Reinforcing mesh for wall plastering has replaced the old methods (shingles, stuffed nails) used to improve the adhesion of the finishing layer to the base surface. It is made from materials with different properties. The market includes products from a large number different manufacturers.

It is used both for internal, and external works. It is the basis of the leveling coating. The latter becomes stronger and more durable as a result. The mesh must be used to avoid the appearance of delamination, cracking, or to stop the process of crack growth itself.

The construction mesh for plaster is used to qualitatively prepare the base for further activities to decorate work surfaces. At correct installation and further plastering, it prolongs the life of the finish and helps maintain the integrity of the partitions.

Types of plaster mesh

Reinforced mesh for plaster differs in the materials used for its production, the structure and size of the cells, and the methods of creation. According to the first criterion, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • plastic;

Products have all the advantages and disadvantages of the materials used for their production.

A more detailed classification is presented in the table below.

ViewCell size, mmCharacteristic
masonry (painting)5*5 plastic sheet used when working outside and inside buildings using gypsum mixtures
universal: small, medium, large6*6,
fine mesh option suitable grid for plastering internal walls, and coarse-mesh well withstands temperature changes and loads from the outside
fiberglass mesh5*5 durable, resistant to moisture, cold and heat, chemical compounds material
plurima5*6 made from polypropylene, chemically inert, used for external and internal work

The existing assortment allows you to choose high-quality products, taking into account all requirements. The use of material that meets the existing conditions determines the durability of the finish.

Choice of working material

The main determining factor in the selection of material is its suitability for specific conditions, therefore, the mesh for plastering walls is selected taking into account the following number of factors:

  • the required thickness of the created finishing coating;
  • kind plaster mixture which one is used;
  • type of base (concrete, wood, brick, porous materials, stone);
  • external conditions in which the formed plaster layer will be located: outside the building, inside, or in unheated, damp rooms.

Plaster with the following types of mixtures:

  • cement-lime;
  • plaster;
  • cement-sand;
  • clay and others.

Various additives are often added to such compositions. Together with the main components, they have a certain level of chemical activity. This determines the degree of their influence on different materials from which meshes for reinforcement are made.

Taking into account the above provisions, the main recommendations for choosing a mesh for plastering walls are as follows:

  • fiberglass products are recommended to be used when the thickness of the created plaster layer is up to 3 cm, when there are also recesses, cracks in order to stop the expansion of old ones and the formation of new ones;
  • if the height of the formed coating exceeds 3 cm, then a more appropriate option would be from metal: it is able to withstand the weight of the finish and not peel off at the same time;
  • plastic products are best used for small thickness gypsum mortars, and, for example, cement-sand compositions corrode such reinforcing material over time;
  • when using mixtures based on clay, also when there are significant irregularities on the surface of the base, metal options are relevant;
  • plastic sheets with small cell sizes (for example, 0.2-0.3 cm) are used during finishing puttying;
  • fiberglass or galvanized (ordinary metal ones are not suitable), products are a good way to reinforce rooms with high humidity;
  • when there is a need to plaster the oven with a cement-clay mortar, then you can use a chain-link, and with a thin layer of it - fiberglass;
  • steel products are suitable for joint use with compounds containing cement;
  • during the plastering work on the exterior walls of the house, material with cells of 3 * 3 cm is usually used, and their larger sizes are selected to tighten the surface;
  • for internal work, they mainly use material in rolls, and for external work, in the form of sections.

When the height of the created layer of plaster does not exceed 2 cm, then reinforcement can be omitted. Following the above recommendations will allow you to choose the most practical material.

Features of mounting different types of mesh

Metal mesh for plaster, fiberglass or plastic, can be mounted using different ways. The choice of fixing option is determined by the composition of the working mixture, the material from which the mesh is made, and the plastering technique used. Fix with:

  • self-tapping screws or dowel-nails, screws.

The first layer of plaster for leveling the walls is reinforced by pressing the mesh into the mortar of the required thickness applied to the surface.

The best way to create finish coat(covering or decor) is the fixing of the adhesive web on a dry base with special fasteners.

When the area of ​​​​the area to be trimmed is small, then you can use the working mixture for fixing, applying it pointwise.

It is enough to simply fix the paint grid with a thin layer of mortar.

The fiberglass cloth is mounted according to the following optimal algorithm:

  • perform markup for the installation of beacons;
  • holes are drilled along it, into which dowels are then inserted;
  • set the screw heads according to the level;
  • apply the solution to an area equal to the width of the canvas used;
  • a grid is immediately applied to the plaster, threading the caps from the screws through it;
  • throw the mixture further;
  • overlap (10 cm) fix the next strip;
  • so continue until the entire room is reinforced;
  • install beacons.

The solution should be smoothed over the canvas evenly, starting from the middle of the strip, while moving towards its edges. When creating a thin layer, fixing the fiberglass to the staples with further application of putty justifies itself.

The stucco metal mesh is fixed in the following sequence:

  • cleaned of the lubricant composition by rinsing with water or wiping with a damp cloth;
  • with scissors for metal, cut the canvas into pieces of the desired size;
  • every 25-30 cm holes are drilled with a diameter of 6 mm for dowels (about 3 mm deeper than the length of the plastic part of the fastener), insert them;
  • using screws and mounting tape- fix the material on the surface;
  • the following fragments are laid with an overlap of 10 cm;
  • install beacons.

The minimum height of the created coating depends on the thickness of the mesh wire. Metal products additionally strengthen the base, and fiberglass products reinforce the plaster with a mesh.

Methods for fixing the plaster mesh are discussed in detail in the video below.

Installation of facade fiberglass material is shown in the video below.

Strengthening the base, increasing strength and reliability plaster finish- all this is provided by the creation of an adhesive layer. It is formed using different materials.

For correct execution When reinforcing walls with a mesh, it is necessary to take into account the type of mortar used, the place of installation (outside or inside the building), and the expected height of the coating. You also need to use suitable technology installation. Compliance with the above conditions allows you to plaster walls or ceilings with high quality, minimize the possibility of cracking, and not be afraid of shrinkage at home.

With all the diversity building materials used in the construction of walls, most popular view the finish so far is stucco. Even if it is planned to apply other Decoration Materials, everyone is trying to do at least a rough plaster.

In the 90s, the concept of "European-quality repair" entered our lives. At the same time, everyone puts their own meaning into it. Someone means at the same time high-quality finishing materials and expensive repairs, others believe that this is first of all ideal flat surfaces made in accordance with European standards. For, apply a grid for plaster.

However, the standards of European countries do not require without fail apply reinforcing mesh. It is recommended to use it only in difficult places.

The mesh allows you to reduce the appearance of cracks, but does not ensure the integrity of the finishing layer.

Benefits when using:

  1. Applying mortar to the grid can be done quickly, which makes plastering work easy, even without experience.
  2. If the mesh is securely fixed to the base, then you can be sure of the durability and strength of the finishing layer.
  3. The plaster applied to the grid, in fact, will be a monolithic structure that will not be subject to shedding and cracking.
  4. Plaster on the grid provides reliable adhesion to walls made of any materials.

What are they?

For various types of bases are used different types grids:


This mesh is made of polymers. The cells in the grid have dimensions of 5*5 mm. It is used in plastering.

It is used not only for plastering works, but also during finishing work using. It is made from polyurethane. Several types are produced: cell size 6 * 6 mm - considered small, 13 * 15 mm - medium and 22 * ​​35 - large.

Manufactured from specially treated fiberglass. It is applied both to plaster, and to finishing works. Cell sizes 5*5 mm. This is the most resistant mesh to chemical attack. In addition, fiberglass perfectly tolerates elevated temperatures.

This type is made of polypropylene. Resistant to aggressive environments. Has a cell size of 5 * 6 mm. It can be applied at plaster of internal and external surfaces;


The mesh is made of polypropylene, but additionally has reinforced mesh corners. Cell sizes 12*15 mm. It is used for plastering surfaces with a thick layer.

It consists of steel rods soldered at the corners of the cells. There are a number of steel mesh with different cell sizes.

Due to its susceptibility to corrosion, it is used only for interior work. As well as steel, they have various sizes cells.


Unlike metal, it can be used for outdoor work.

Which one to choose?

In order to choose the right grid, you need to use the level to determine the differences in the base. This will allow you to approximately know how thick the plaster layer will be.

There are several grid solutions:

  1. With an expected plaster layer of less than 20 mm, it is recommended to use a universal mesh. It will perfectly cope with the task of fixing the solution and prevent the appearance of cracks.
  2. If the plaster layer is more than 3 mm, a metal mesh is required.
  3. If the drops are more than 50 m, you should think about.

How to install?

Installation technology depends on the material from which it is made.

To fasten the metal mesh, you will need self-tapping screws, dowels, metal scissors and galvanized mounting tape.

All work must be carried out in accordance with the instructions:

  1. Cut a piece of mesh to the size of the wall with scissors for metal and degrease it. To do this, you can use any solvent or acetone.
  2. Using scissors for metal, we cut the galvanized mounting tape into small pieces.
  3. It is necessary to install the grid from top to bottom, placing the canvas horizontally, starting from the ceiling itself. The upper edge of the first row is fastened with self-tapping screws. Considering that the metal mesh has large enough mesh sizes so that the mesh does not jump off the self-tapping screws, pieces of mounting tape are placed under their caps so that it presses one of the sides of the cell against the wall. There are widened nuts on sale that can also be used for this purpose, however, they are much more expensive than mounting tape.
  4. If the installation of the grid is carried out on a concrete or brick wall, then the fastening must be carried out according to pre-installed dowels. To do this, you can use ordinary plastic parts, which are quite inexpensive.
  5. Fastening must be done often enough in a checkerboard pattern so that the mesh fits snugly against the wall. The ideal distance between the dowels is 500 mm.
  6. Mesh panels are fixed over the entire surface of the wall with an overlap of 80-100 mm.
  7. Fixing fiberglass mesh.

Such a mesh does not need to be fixed over the entire surface: it is enough to securely attach it along the upper edge. It is also attached, starting from the ceiling. The dimensions of the cells of such a grid are small, and it itself has a small weight, which can only be used with self-tapping screws, without additional devices such as mounting tape or nuts.

It is important that a piece of mesh remains in the corners for a small overlap.

The greatest strength can be achieved if the mesh is applied to the wall with a whole panel. Therefore, the beacons must be set up already on a grid fixed to the wall.

Ceiling mesh reinforcement

Several materials can be used to reinforce ceilings.

As well as for walls, they use a mesh of fiberglass, metal, as well as shingles - a structure made of wooden slats:

  1. Plastic or fiberglass mesh it is recommended to apply if the expected layer of putty will be no more than 30 mm.
  2. With height differences of more than 30 mm, it is better to use a metal mesh. It is much more expensive than plastic, but much stronger.
  3. Drank has been used for many years. For its construction, a 20 * 8 mm rail is used, which is attached to each other in the form of rails. This is the simplest method of reinforcing the plaster layer, but is only suitable for wooden bases, simple design.

Before attaching the grid, it is necessary to prepare a mounting tape, pre-cut with metal scissors into small pieces. The metal mesh must first be degreased with acetone or other solvents. In extreme cases, you can simply wash it with any soap detergent that can wash off oil or grease traces.

The grid needs to be cut according to the size of the ceiling. It is important to remember that one canvas should overlap the previous one by at least 12-15 cm.


  1. The shingles are attached very simply: you just need to graft the structure with nails to the ceiling at the tops of the cells.
  2. fastening metal or plastic mesh can be made both on nails and on dowel-nails. They need to be placed in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 200-300 mm from each other.
  3. If you do not use a mounting grid, then you can use nails with large hats or use washers.

The use of plaster mesh when sealing joints in floor slabs

To perform these works, a strip is cut out from the grid along the width of the site with the addition of 5-10 cm on each side. It is fastened in the usual way and sealed with mortar.

In any case, the application of the mortar should be started from the middle of the room, moving evenly towards the walls.


  1. Metal mesh - 140 rubles per square meter.
  2. Plastic - 30-40 rubles per square meter.
  3. Fiberglass mesh - 50-60 rubles per square meter.

The use of reinforcing meshes allows you to make repairs more durable and of high quality. Subsequently, it will be sufficient to carry out only redecorating: wallpaper replacement, ceiling painting.