What insulation is better for the floor on the first. The choice of insulation for the floor. Option # 9 - foil insulation

Homeowners, no matter a private building or an apartment in a high-rise building, sooner or later face the need to insulate walls, floors, windows, loggias or balconies. Thinking about how best to insulate the floor, involuntarily they have to study information from manufacturers, ask neighbors or ask for advice from experts.

We tried to put together in the article information about the most common heaters and give a few practical advice for warming the room with your own hands.

Choosing a floor heater

Warm floor - warm house. This statement does not require proof. But it is possible to insulate the floor for mere pennies, and by investing a lot of money and effort in complex system electric or water heating.

Which insulation is better for the floor, everyone decides for himself, based on design features space and estimated budget.

Expanded clay

Expanded clay is one of the cheapest and most affordable heaters..

Its advantages are obvious:

  • Excellent heat-insulating and sound-absorbing characteristics;
  • Fire resistance and resistance to temperature extremes;
  • Light weight - expanded clay only slightly makes the structure heavier;
  • In the burnt clay granules of expanded clay, rodents do not start.

In order for expanded clay to retain heat, its layer must be 10-15 cm thick.
This is perhaps the only serious disadvantage of the insulation - raising the floor level and reducing the height of the ceiling (especially true for standard apartments).

Falling asleep under GVL sheets, pour concrete or cement mortar, constructing a floating screed.

Mineral wool and glass wool

Similar in fibrous texture and form of release in the form of plates or rolls, glass and, and for soundproofing rooms. Attractive price and ease of installation make these materials in demand for many years.

However, these heaters also have disadvantages. Glass wool is hygroscopic - getting moisture on it inevitably leads to deformation and shrinkage of the heat-insulating layer. The composition of mineral wool includes a minimum, within allowable norms, the amount of formaldehyde.

Styrofoam or Styrofoam

Perhaps, not a single warming of a loggia or balcony occurs without the participation of this universal heater..

Among the valuable properties of expanded polystyrene can be noted:

  • Waterproof;
  • Biostability;
  • Low thermal conductivity;
  • High strength, including compressive strength.

A conditional disadvantage of expanded polystyrene can be called its flammability, although the material is difficult to ignite and goes out in the absence of an open flame.

Above, we examined the most budgetary and popular heaters. But building technology do not stand still, and every year newer and more advanced materials appear on the market: polystyrene concrete, ecowool, penoizol, foil insulation.

Naturally, their prices differ significantly. Therefore, what is the most the best insulation For the floor, it's up to you!

Techniques for floor insulation on their own

Making your home warm is a feasible task for skilled owners. Detailed instructions will tell you how to properly insulate the floor in the apartment.

If you have glass or mineral wool, expanded clay in your apartment. Leaning towards expanded clay, remember the possibility of the need to raise the floor surface.

Do you have cement screed or tile on the floor? It is better, without touching them, to use sheets of expanded polystyrene (polystyrene) as a heater. A layer of thermal insulation and an additional screed will also slightly raise the level of the floor.

The sequence of floor insulation with glass or mineral wool

  1. Dismantle floor boards.

If you plan to reuse them in the same quality, number them with school chalk - this will greatly facilitate styling in the future.

  1. Lay out a waterproofing layer. Remember that glass wool is afraid of moisture!
  2. Lay insulation between the lags. Slabs of glass or mineral wool should be tightly pressed against each other, against walls and joists.

  1. The vapor barrier film is stretched on the insulation. Joints and gaps are glued with construction tape.
  2. The final touch is laying floorboards.

The sequence of floor insulation with expanded clay

The sequence of actions when insulating the floor with expanded clay is the same as with wool, if you plan to install a wooden floor. The option of pouring concrete or cement screed directly on the expanded clay layer.

The sequence of floor insulation with polystyrene foam (styrofoam)


It is rather difficult for a person far from construction to understand the whole variety of materials used in the thermal insulation of a house. In the presented video in this article you will find additional information on this topic. We hope that we helped you make a choice in favor of one or another material, and also spoke in an accessible way about the stages of work on floor insulation in your apartment.

Floor insulation in country house is a necessary process. Reliable and high-quality thermal insulation will keep the heat in the house for a long time, prevent the appearance of condensation and mold, and will help maintain comfortable temperature in room. Up to 20% of the heat from the house goes through the floor! Today they are making different heaters, which differ in cost, quality, strength and other parameters. Let's look at what criteria you need to choose heaters.

How to choose a heater

Before choosing a material, you need to carefully study the characteristics and properties of the product. When choosing, consider the following parameters:

  • High thermal insulation main criterion. After all, the main function of the insulation is to keep the heat in the room;
  • Terms and conditions of operation. The longer the insulation lasts, the less often it will be necessary to make repairs and renew the coating;
  • High strength. The floor is constantly subjected to stress, so it is important that the material has high rates strength;
  • Moisture resistance and vapor permeability. The material must be resistant to moisture and temperature changes, this will avoid the formation of mold and rot, save original view and increase the service life. Water that accumulates in the insulation reduces thermal insulation by 15-20%;
  • Safety and environmental friendliness are especially important if insulation is carried out in wooden house. Natural materials will preserve the ecological cleanliness of wood and will not disturb the healthy atmosphere of the room. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the resistance of materials to fire in order to ensure safety in case of fire;
  • The weight of the material is a significant criterion if you do not plan to build a powerful and expensive foundation. In this case, you need a light insulation.

In addition, the choice is influenced by the speed and ease of installation, consumption and cost of insulation. You should also take into account climatic conditions, area and purpose of the room. Let's take a closer look at the types of materials and find out which insulation is better to use for the floor in a private house.

Types of heaters

- widespread and popular view which is characterized by low weight and easy installation, good thermal insulation and high strength. It effectively resists moisture, so the material can be used on the balcony, ground floor and in other premises high humidity. However, expanded polystyrene is not recommended for wood floor insulation.

Penosiolliquid foam which is easy to pour into hard-to-reach places. Such material is used to seal seams and cracks in the early stages of building a house, as it fills air voids and prevents heat from escaping during further operation of the building. Penosiol distinguishes a light weight and easy installation, moisture resistance and strength.

- an affordable and inexpensive way of warming. Rigid insulation is added to concrete mix or fall asleep under gypsum boards. It has a porous structure and high thermal insulation, so the material is used in areas with a cold climate and frosty winters. However, to ensure comfortable thermal insulation, 10-15 centimeters of material will be required. This not only increases material costs, but also reduces space.

Mineral and fiberglass wool- cheap materials in the form of slabs or rolls, which are often used for wood floors. However, they have a large number of shortcomings, including high moisture absorption. As a result, the wool becomes damp and heavy, which shortens the life of the material. To avoid this problem, you need to carry out additional ventilation and do ventilation gaps. In addition, these materials contain chemical substances, which will violate environmental safety wooden house.

- environmentally friendly loose material, which is made on the basis of cellulose. The product is distinguished by high heat and sound insulation qualities, does not require a large consumption of materials, like expanded clay. A big plus is that ecowool is great for warming hard-to-reach places. However, it is not suitable for rooms with high humidity, as it is not resistant to moisture.

- light, soft and thin insulation, which is considered one of the best. It is characterized by high thermal insulation and moisture resistance, durability and long service life. This fiber can be placed under flooring or used as self coverage, which reduces the cost and time for arranging the floor. In the second case, the fiber is polished and coated with varnish or paint. The result is a natural, aesthetic, durable and warm floor that harmoniously looks in a wooden house. The only disadvantage of such material is the expensive cost.

- thin insulation that will reduce the cost of materials. It only takes 5 centimeters to organize good thermal insulation. In addition to preserving heat, polystyrene concrete prevents the penetration of extraneous noise and provides reliable sound insulation. Any coating can be laid on the material layer. In addition, it will create a flat and smooth surface.

- a reliable and durable material that reflects heat back into the room, and does not keep it inside, like other heaters. Foil is durable and waterproof. The advantage of this product is that it can be used for floor insulation in any type of premises (even in a bathhouse and sauna).

By the way, for floor insulation it is not necessary to use only one type of material. A combination of several options, such as layers of foam or wadding and foil, will enhance thermal insulation and increase the life of the structure. When you decide which insulation to use for the floor, you can proceed with the installation.

How to properly insulate the floor

To insulate a wooden floor, logs are mainly used. In this case, the bars are laid at a distance of 60 centimeters, and the gaps are filled with boards, to which the insulation is hemmed. It is important to carry out thermal insulation on both sides. A waterproofing layer is laid on top of the heat-insulating layer. If you are using foil, the reflective layer must be on the outside!

For a wooden floor, in addition to foil, glass wool and mineral wool, ecowool and cork fiber are suitable. But you can not use polystyrene foam! The thickness of the insulation layers depends on climatic conditions. So, at an air temperature in winter of -15; -25 ° C, the thickness of the thermal insulation is at least 150 mm.

For a concrete floor, expanded polystyrene is used in the form of plates. First on dried concrete pavement put waterproofing material, fit the standard polyethylene film. Next, lay the insulation, and then again the waterproofing. From above, the layers are poured with a concrete screed with a minimum height of 50 mm. It is possible to lay the flooring only after the concrete screed has completely hardened!

When insulating the floor, it is important to follow the installation technology and use only high-quality reliable materials. Otherwise, the service life of the structure will be reduced. The heat will quickly leave, and the room will become cold. Due to insufficient moisture resistance, mold and rot will appear in the house. To avoid such problems, seek the help of professionals!

The masters of the MariSrub company will select and calculate suitable materials for a house or a bath, they will perform all types of work on the insulation and arrangement of floors.

When building a cozy and comfortable home, you need to isolate all areas through which the cold penetrates inside. The floor is just such a zone, its proximity to the ground and insufficient thickness significantly reduces the temperature of the coating. High heating costs make little difference, so homeowners have to decide how best to insulate the floor.

You can carry out work on floor insulation in a house or apartment on your own, the main thing is to choose the right material. To avoid mistakes, you need to analyze the main characteristics of thermal insulation materials:

  • resistance to fire;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • environmental safety, no toxic fumes during operation;
  • strength, no deformation;
  • life time;
  • vapor permeability, the material should easily release accumulated moisture;
  • installation complexity.

floor insulation technology

The purpose of thermal insulation is to create a reliable barrier to the cold. To do this, between the base of the floor ( concrete slab, earthen embankment, lags) and a top coat, a layer of insulation is placed. Material covered vapor barrier film. To achieve maximum effect and protect it from moisture, before insulating the floor, it is necessary to lay waterproofing.

The sequence of work depends on the type of base, operating conditions of the room, the permissible thickness of the insulating layer.

Floor heaters, what to choose?

Polyfoam is popular not only because of its low cost, the material has low thermal conductivity and is resistant to moisture. He will become the best choice for basement and basement insulation. Styrofoam is environmentally friendly, and when placed under a layer of concrete screed, it is not at risk of fire. Floor insulation is universal in use, it is laid on concrete, ceramics, wood or brick.

Expanded polystyrene is an improved version of polystyrene. It is denser (40 kg/m3 versus 10 kg/m3), absorbs less moisture, and has a uniform structure. Expanded polystyrene does not rot, has low thermal conductivity and weight. Insulation plates do not crumple, serve as sound insulation, suitable for concrete and wooden floors.

Expanded clay - natural material, which is used in dry form and as an additive in concrete. It is made of clay, so it is safe for health. Expanded clay does not burn, resistant to temperature changes. As part of the screed, it significantly reduces the thermal conductivity. When used in the form of bulk granules, the insulation is sensitive to moisture, so waterproofing is required. The effective layer of material is up to 20 cm, not everywhere it is possible to raise the floor level to such a height.

Mineral wool is offered in three types:

  • Glass wool is an elastic and durable floor insulation, excellent heat and sound insulator. Its disadvantage is skin-irritating fibers. Modern mineral wool is made from high-quality raw materials, it is less dangerous and caustic.
  • Stone - a fragile insulation with high hygroscopicity. Plus mineral wool - low cost.
  • Basalt wool is resistant to burning, frost and biological effects. Insulation made in the form of rigid plates is not prone to creasing and deformation. Its density is 30-35 kg/m3. Basalt wool is safe for health, has good vapor permeability, and is used for up to 30 years. The material loses its properties when wet, so during installation it is carefully protected from moisture. Basalt wool is most often used as thermal insulation for wooden floors.

Cork insulation is characterized by high elasticity and sound absorption. It is environmentally friendly, retains heat and is not afraid of moisture. Available in rolls, allowing you to quickly cover the floor in the room. Cork material in the form of plates is laid between the logs under a wooden covering.

Polyurethane foam has a minimum thermal conductivity due to its low density. When sprayed, the composition forms a cellular structure that provides high insulating properties. When solidified, polyurethane foam forms a continuous surface without seams. Due to the high moisture resistance of the insulation, it is not necessary to lay a vapor barrier sheet. Polymer composition uses under a coupler or a subfloor from plywood.

High moisture resistance allows not to cover the polyurethane foam with a vapor barrier film.

Thermal insulators with a layer of foil, such as penofol, reflect infrared waves back into the room. A thin layer of aluminum-coated polyethylene foam is indispensable as a substrate for laminate or linoleum. The density of penofol is quite high, it does not deform from the load. The material is used alone or in combination with other insulation.

The "warm floor" system - types and possibility of installation

The device in a private house of a water-heated floor will forever solve the problem of cold coverage. It is mounted under concrete screed and is in an economical way maintain a comfortable temperature in the room.

Except hot water circulating through plastic pipes, electric cable can be used for floor heating.

It is impossible to arrange such a system in an apartment due to high load on the cover. The infrared floor on the film has become a replacement for wires and pipes under the screed. Covering strips are easy to install and spread under tiles, laminate, parquet and linoleum.

Wooden floor insulation

The tree is characterized by low thermal conductivity, but the thickness of the boards is not enough to exclude the penetration of cold, in addition, over time, gaps form in the coating, creating a draft. Recommendations on how to properly insulate the floor will help you cope with the work yourself.

  • Fitted along the entire length of the floor wooden beam(lags).
  • Plywood or trimming boards are attached to the bottom of the log, which will become the basis for the insulation.
  • Thermal insulation material - mineral wool, penofol, polystyrene foam is tightly placed between the timber. The thickness of the insulation for the floor depends on the location of the room - on the ground floor you will need a more solid layer.
  • The insulation is covered with plastic wrap or glassine for vapor barrier.
  • Floor boards are laid.

How to insulate a concrete floor

Cannot be used in a residential area concrete base without multi-layer insulation. For work, you need a dense, durable, resistant to stress and moisture material. When choosing how to properly insulate a concrete floor, consider several options.

Laying a heat insulator under the screed.

  • During the initial flooring, a pillow is made from a mixture of gravel and sand, which is poured with a thin layer of concrete.
  • Roll waterproofing is laid on top of the screed.
  • On the canvas that protects against moisture, a heater is placed: expanded polystyrene, basalt wool, foam glass. The slabs of material are laid close to each other so that cold bridges do not occur.
  • A damper tape is placed between the thermal insulation and the wall.
  • A plastic film is laid on the insulation and a reinforcing mesh is laid.
  • The concrete screed is poured.

The addition of perlite or expanded clay to concrete reduces the thermal conductivity of the material. Installation of "raised floor". This method is suitable for rooms with high ceilings.

  • Wooden logs from a bar 5 × 10 cm are laid on a concrete base.
  • Waterproofing is laid with a 10 cm approach to the walls.
  • A heater is placed between the lags: expanded clay, polystyrene foam, basalt wool.
  • The heat-insulating material is covered with moisture-resistant plywood or fiberboard.
  • The finish coat is being applied.

Having studied the performance characteristics and laying technology of popular heaters, you can easily perform thermal insulation of the floor.

Heat loss, especially in winter time, adversely affects the health of the residents of the apartment. 30% of the heat escapes through cracks in the window and doorways, and 20% is lost through the floors mainly on the ground floor, where the heated room is in contact with the ground, if there is no heat-insulating layer. Floor insulation makes your life more comfortable: you can walk barefoot on the floor at any time without fear of catching a cold. The heat in the apartment is maintained thanks to the thermal insulation of the floor. The question arises: "Which floor insulation should you choose?"

Today we will tell you about what types of floor heaters exist, what are their advantages and disadvantages. We will acquaint you with the criteria for choosing a heat-insulating layer, tell you which of the heaters is best for keeping the heat in the house, and how to lay it correctly in a particular room.

Criteria for choosing floor heaters

To choose the right material for floor insulation, you should pay attention to the following criteria.

The heater must be:

Types of floor heaters

To choose the right heat-insulating material, you need to know what types the industry offers, and what are their advantages and disadvantages.

There are several types of heaters:

  • mineral;
  • polymeric;
  • wood chip.

Expanded clay

Expanded clay - burnt clay in granules.

Despite its merits, there are some minor drawbacks.

Expanded clay dries for a long time, slowly parting with absorbed moisture. Expanded clay forms dust, so when working with it, you need to wear a respirator.

Otherwise, expanded clay is a convenient and high-quality insulation. Claydite insulate walls, floors, roofs of houses.

Polymer insulation for houses

These include:

  1. polystyrene foam - polystyrene;
  2. polyurethane foam;
  3. foamed polyethylene on a foil basis;
  4. penoizol-liquid foam.


One of the polymeric floor insulation is expanded polystyrene. It's foamed plastic. Consists of separate cells - granules.

  • This is a durable material that, despite its light weight, can withstand high loads.
  • Due to its low weight, the foam itself creates a minimum load on the walls and foundation.
  • It is moisture resistant, so it can be used in places with high humidity on the balcony.
  • Styrofoam retains heat for a long time, almost without absorbing it. It surpasses many heaters in terms of thermal insulation.
  • When insulating floors, you can get by with a small thickness of foam.
  • The price of expanded polystyrene is low, which is an important advantage of this material and attracts the attention of buyers.

An important disadvantage of polystyrene is that when burned, it releases harmful substances which are poisonous and dangerous.

Extruded polystyrene foam

Extruded polystyrene foam is different from polystyrene foam manufacturing method and characteristics. Styrofoam is obtained by exposing the granules to water vapor. At high temperatures, the cells increase in size and fill the entire mold. A foam element is added to extruded polystyrene foam at high blood pressure and temperature, which is extruded through the extruder.

The thermal insulation properties of extruded polystyrene are much better than conventional foam. But extruded polystyrene foam has lower vapor permeability. Another disadvantage is high flammability.

Foamed polyethylene on a foil basis

Foamed polyethylene on a foil basis is one of the best floor insulation. It is obtained by melting polyethylene in a special container with the addition of liquefied gas, which acts as a foamed reagent. A foil film is applied to one side of the polyethylene foam, which reflects heat. Foil polyethylene is supplied in rolls, sheets, plates.

  • Closed cells contribute to high hygroscopicity. The water resistance of the material allows you to insulate floors and walls in baths, saunas.
  • The material is resilient and elastic, durable: it can withstand a significant load, does not deform.
  • Corrosive acids, alkalis, gasoline and other petroleum products do not affect polyethylene.
  • Laying foil polyethylene is easy and simple by hand, because it weighs little and is thin enough. Foil insulation is designed in such a way that it reflects heat back into the room. In external environment does not transfer heat. Therefore, it should be laid with the reflective side up.


Penoizol-liquid foam.

It is good because it is poured into all the cracks and hard-to-reach places.

Insulation is especially necessary when building a house, because it fills all the air voids and thereby retains heat.

polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam is one of the best floor insulators of our time.

Wood chip heaters include:

  • plywood;
  • cellulose wadding;
  • sawdust.


Ecowool is a loose cellulose material. It is poured automatically or manually, closing the most inaccessible places. Cotton wool is poured into special pumps, and it passes through thick pipes into the room. Ecowool is not liquid.

The disadvantage of ecowool is its fear of moisture, so it is not recommended to use this material in rooms with excessive humidity.

sawdust materials

By themselves, sawdust for insulation is not used, because it does not meet fire safety requirements. Basically for insulation use:

  1. sawdust pellets;
  2. wood concrete;
  3. wood blocks.

Wood blocks are sawdust with the addition of blue vitriol and cement.

Sawdust pellets are obtained by adding antiseptics to them, due to which they are resistant to the appearance of microorganisms. Sawdust granules have low thermal conductivity, high soundproofing properties.

Arbolit-wood concrete.
It is fire resistant. It has increased strength, can quickly restore its shape after excessive loads. Perfectly absorbs sound waves, retains heat.

Its disadvantage is low moisture resistance. If you want to make a heater from wood concrete, then the humidity in the apartment should not exceed 75%. A finishing protective layer should be laid on top of the wood concrete.

One of the popular heaters is cork. This is the best insulation for linoleum, but also the most expensive. Cork fiber is obtained by processing oak wood. The wood is crushed, the particles are glued together with suberin, which is part of the oak. They are steamed and pressed to form cork fibre. The material is completely natural, it does not include any polymer additives. The material is durable, moisture resistant, lightweight. Due to its structure (it consists of cells, each of which is filled with a gaseous substance), it is considered the best heat insulator.

Cork fiber can be used as an underlay and as an independent floor covering.

How to lay insulation on the floor

Different heaters need to be laid in different ways.

Mineral wool is laid between the lags. But glass wool should be well insulated so that when it wears out, dust does not get into the apartment. It is very important to leave a ventilation gap.

Ecowool laying

Laying with ecowool occurs mechanically or manually. Small particles of ecowool pass through the hose, and the operator directs the material with glue added to it to the wall or floor with air. Sticking. particles of ecowool and create a heat-insulating layer. Wool is applied to the floors manually, both in liquid and dry ways. She just falls asleep between the lags. Placed on top vapor barrier membrane, and then wooden floors. The price of ecowool insulation together with work is 2200 per cubic meter in a dry way and 2800 in a wet way.

Expanded clay laying

There are 3 options for laying such a heater as expanded clay:

First you need to sweep the floor, clean construction garbage. Need to lay pvc film or a special vapor barrier. Mark the level of the screed. Then glue a 10 cm wide edge tape to leave a gap from the walls. Fill the floor with expanded clay, level it with a rule, fill it with a screed on top. It is possible to separate the screed with a waterproofing layer;

Styrofoam laying

Expanded polystyrene is laid, and then poured with cement or concrete. This is a floating screed.

Logs are placed under the wooden floors, and foam is placed between them.

The third way to lay the foam is to lay it on a concrete floor, and on top of them, sheets of plywood.

Polyurethane foam application technology

First you need to prepare the base: remove the debris. Irregularities of the base when laying polyurethane foam do not matter. The main thing is that there are no oil stains on the surface, otherwise there will be no reliable adhesion of the insulation to the base in this place. You should pay attention to the humidity of the floor, it should not exceed 5%. The air temperature must be maintained at least +10 degrees. Polyurethane foam is applied through a special nozzle. Components A and B are mixed and sprayed. The material must be evenly distributed using special equipment over the surface of the base. The specialist himself regulates the thickness of the polyurethane foam layer. The insulation dries within 24-48 hours. If the insulation is placed between wooden lags, then after the material has dried, you can do the installation finish coat. If polyurethane foam is placed on a concrete base, then a cement-sand screed must be poured on top of it, which will protect the heat-insulating layer.

Today we told you about floor heaters. We revealed the advantages of each of them, reported on the features of their styling. And which one is better, you choose. We hope you make the right choice.

The floor is the coldest surface in the room. Especially when there is an unheated underground or direct contact with the ground under it. This situation is observed in private houses and on the first floors. Therefore, the thermal insulation of the floor must meet certain requirements.

High-quality thermal insulation of the floor will provide comfortable conditions residence and prevent the occurrence of many diseases.

In order to choose the right insulation for the floor, it is necessary to take into account several parameters that the material must comply with:

  • strength;
  • terms of operation;
  • insulating properties;
  • material weight;
  • moisture absorption;
  • vapor permeability;
  • fire resistance.


Considering that the floor experiences the greatest loads, high requirements are placed on the strength of all its elements. This also applies to materials for thermal insulation.

Strength requirements apply to sheet materials. The main one is fracture resistance.

Service life

Since the flooring is changed and repaired less frequently than other surfaces in the house, the floor insulation material must retain its properties for a long time.

insulating properties

The main criterion by which floor heaters are selected is their ability to retain heat. Some of these materials may change their insulating properties during operation due to external factors.

Material weight

Any floor insulation, despite its apparent lightness, exerts a certain pressure on the bearing surfaces. This must be taken into account at the design stage and the foundation of the house should be calculated taking into account the weight of the insulating layer.

Minimum moisture absorption

Some floor insulators are hydrophobic, that is, they have high moisture permeability. This usually applies to fibrous materials. Such species are not recommended in rooms with high level humidity.

Vapor permeability

In some cases, in addition to heat-insulating properties, the material should not prevent the penetration of vapors. This property does not allow condensation to accumulate under the floor covering.

fire resistance

Fire safety requirements apply to all building materials. Floor insulation is no exception.

Some types of insulation materials release toxic substances when exposed to high temperatures.

Types of floor insulation

Now there are many different heaters on the market, what is the difference and which one is better to choose?

Expanded clay

Mineral floor insulation in the form of oval or round granules with a porous structure. It is made from clay pellets by firing at a temperature of about 1200 degrees for 30-45 minutes. Under the influence of high temperature, the clay swells and a large number of cavities are formed in it, providing insulating properties.

Expanded clay granules or fractions are divided into three categories according to grain sizes:

  • large - 20 - 40 millimeters;
  • medium - 10 - 20 millimeters;
  • small - 5 - 10 millimeters.

Granules less than five millimeters belong to expanded clay sand.

As a floor insulation, expanded clay of medium and fine fractions is used in the form of a bulk layer, the thickness of which can reach several centimeters. Therefore, this material is used only for thermal insulation of the first floors. Due to its good flowability, expanded clay fills well the entire space between structural elements floors.

Expanded clay grains easily absorb moisture, keeping it inside themselves due to the surface crust.

This property of the material eventually leads to a decrease in thermal insulation properties, especially when the expanded clay layer contacts the ground. To prevent contact of the insulation with the ground, rolled waterproofing is laid between them.

Mineral wool

Is fluffy fibers different materials. Due to its high thermal insulation properties, it is widely used as thermal insulation for floors. Unlike expanded clay, it has less weight and can be used for thermal insulation. floors. There are two varieties of this material, the difference between which is in the raw materials used in the production.


For the production of this material, the same components are used as for the manufacture of glass: limestone, sand, soda and borax. Melted at a temperature of 1400 degrees, the glass mixture, when exposed to centrifugal force in special chambers and blown with steam, takes the form of thin fibers. At the same time, polymer treatment is carried out for better adhesion. The finished loose mass is pressed and blown for final polymerization.


  • high thermal insulation properties;
  • resistance to chemical reagents;
  • high degree of sound absorption;
  • not subject to shrinkage during prolonged use;
  • immune to the effects of open fire;
  • does not absorb moisture.


  • high fragility of fibers;
  • low thermal stability.

When working with the material, breaking off from the mass of small particles of glass fibers occurs, which can penetrate clothing and into the respiratory tract. Be sure to use protective equipment.

Despite the high fire resistance, when exposed to temperatures above 450 degrees, the material is destroyed with loss operational properties. The temperature range at which glass wool can be used is from -60 to +450 degrees.


This species is produced from the melt of volcanic rocks obtained in an oven with a temperature of 1400 to 1500 degrees. The formation of fibers occurs when the liquid mass is torn by rotating rolls with simultaneous processing with polymeric binders.

At the final stage, the base of the wadding is blown into a chamber where the particles are deposited, interlocking into a web, from which, after pressing, a relatively hard material is obtained.

Thermal conductivity and sound absorption stone wool close to glass, but in terms of heat resistance it far exceeds it. The temperature operating range is from minus 180 to 700 degrees.

largest temperature Range has stone wool basalt fibers. This material can withstand cooling up to 90 and heating up to 1000 degrees.

Expanded polystyrene (styrofoam)

Represents sheets from the granules of the made foam polystyrene fastened with each other. Manufacturers produce heaters different types, differing in density, flexibility and other parameters.

As thermal insulation, polystyrene foam PS-1 is used, which has the form of sheets white color thickness from 10 to 100 millimeters. The thermal conductivity of foam is lower than that of mineral wool. Therefore, to achieve the same thermal insulation effect, the thickness of the standing polystyrene can be thinner.


  • low price. This is perhaps the cheapest insulation;
  • light weight. One cubic meter of foam plastic SP-1 weighs about 22 kilograms;
  • good tensile and compressive strength;
  • has excellent water-repellent properties;
  • ease of processing;
  • non-toxic.


  • low vapor permeability;
  • collapses when heated above 80 degrees;
  • lack of resistance to organic solvents.

If the house has a basement , floor insulation such as polystyrene foam can be mounted with bottom side. This will eliminate the need to dismantle the floor covering.

Cork insulation

Produced from the bark of the cork tree. The market is presented in several forms. Sheets and panels pressed from small granules are used as insulation on the floor. Due to the presence of siberin in the composition of the adhesive, there is no need to use chemical binders.

In addition to the thermal insulating layer in the gaps between the floors, cork materials can be used as independent floor coverings. To ensure sufficient thermal insulation, it is sufficient to use a thin, ten-centimeter layer of material.


  • Environmental friendliness. This is one of the main benefits.

According to some sources, cork floor insulation is able to block radioactive and some other types of radiation.

  • Strength. Cork floor insulation is quite hard and quickly restores its previous shape in places pressed through by furniture legs or heels.
  • Hygienic, easy care. Contaminants that have fallen on the cork coating are easily removed with a vacuum cleaner or a rag. The ability of the material to resist the formation of condensate prevents the formation of mold.
  • Thermal insulation. The material has the lowest thermal conductivity of all presented in the article and provides reliable insulation gender.


  • Price. Since this is a natural material supplied from abroad, its prices are quite high. Financial expenses for purchase will also depend on the type insulating coating and its thickness.
  • Scratch sensitive. Surface cork easily scratched by fine sand particles, which are a natural abrasive. The material is also afraid of contact with rubber shoes which may leave stains.
  • Exposure to excess moisture. Moisture resistance has a certain limit. Prolonged exposure to water leads to swelling and deterioration of the material.

Foil insulation

The ability of foil to reflect thermal radiation is successfully used in various types heaters. The thinnest layer metal coating applied to ordinary thermal insulation materials, reduces their thermal conductivity to almost zero.

Foil coating can be either one or two-sided. flooring is used in cases where 100% heat retention is required. For example, in baths and saunas, in floor heating systems.


  • the use of a foil layer allows a thinner base without reducing the thermal insulation properties;
  • foil reflects almost 95 percent of infrared radiation, thereby maintaining required temperature indoors, thereby reducing heating costs;
  • the metal coating easily repels moisture.


  • used as a cover aluminium foil subject to corrosion damage. Therefore, when decorating walls with such material in a bath, it is necessary to use waterproofing. This will not affect the reflectivity in any way.
  • Enough heat can heat metal surface to a dangerous level.

To prevent strong heating of the foil surface, it is necessary to leave a gap of two centimeters between the insulation and the wall.

In custody

There is no definite answer to the question of which floor insulation to choose, since each material has its own advantages and disadvantages. In any particular case, choose best option. The choice depends on financial capabilities, floor material, conditions for performing insulation work and other factors.

Regardless of which type of insulator will be chosen for floor insulation, before buying, you need to familiarize yourself with its properties and installation technology. Some thermal insulation materials require when laying professional approach, others can be mounted by yourself.