How to start your own polystyrene foam business. We do business in the production of foam

The production of building materials has always brought a good income. This also applies to foam. Today, this material is in great demand in the domestic market. If you decide to open your own business and make a good fortune, pay attention to the business plan for the production of foam. To implement this idea, you will not need a large start-up capital, as, for example, in the case of, so any novice entrepreneur can do this business.


It will not work to quietly open a workshop in a large room and install rather bulky equipment in it. The production of polystyrene foam at home should be legalized in any case. This will allow you to sell the product non-cash payment large parties. And this is a significant advantage.

At the start, you can register an individual entrepreneur and pay a single tax. Open a full-fledged company and pay taxes in in full at the stage of formation is too expensive. This could lead your business to bankruptcy. When the company begins to expand, you can open an LLC and work on a simplified taxation system.


To choose the right geographical location of the enterprise, it is necessary to conduct a thorough market research. The most favorable for doing business are those regions in which the supply of this product does not fully cover the demand. In such a place, you can safely launch your commercial project.

Do not forget to clearly work out and include in the business plan the ways of selling the finished material. This is a very important point, on which the profitability of your enterprise largely depends. In addition, the seasonality of the business should be taken into account. In a period when demand for products is falling, you can switch to the production of foam products. This will allow you to provide a stable year-round income.

The main consumer of foam -. Each of them is already cooperating with other manufacturers. You need to attract their attention to your product with low prices, but at the same time good quality. To ensure stable sales of products, it is necessary to find regular wholesale buyers, for example, and conclude contracts with them.


The building in which the equipment for the production of foam plastic will be located has special requirements. The mini-factory should consist of three rooms, which are isolated from each other by special fire-resistant shields:

  • Production shop - 70 sq. meters;
  • Warehouse - 50 sq. meters;
  • Warehouse for raw materials - 10 sq. meters.

The workshop should be supplied with water and electricity. The height of the ceilings in this room should not be less than 5 meters.

As for the location of the workshop, it is best to find a room outside the city. Renting there will be much cheaper, which will significantly affect the payback time of the business.

Scheme: equipment for the production of foam

Necessary equipment

Starting a small business is much easier than big business. If you are limited in finances, you can open a mini foam production with a production capacity of 50 square meters. meters of material per shift. It will cost you much less.

A complete foam production line consists of the following units:

  • Pre-foamer - 250 thousand rubles;
  • Machine for secondary foaming - 40 thousand rubles;
  • Steam generator - 80 thousand rubles;
  • Block form - 150 thousand rubles;
  • Drying fan - 20 thousand rubles;
  • Steam accumulator - 85 thousand rubles;
  • Crusher - 55 thousand rubles.

This equipment does not require any special maintenance. You can install it yourself. But, as in any other business, there are some nuances here, which in the future can negatively affect the cost of the product. Therefore, it is better to entrust the installation of equipment to specialists.

One block foam mold can't provide high performance. It is advisable to purchase two units at once. If you plan to produce in high volumes, buy a cutting table equipped with an electric cutter.

Workers staff

Don't think that a modern styrofoam machine won't need service staff. To provide continuous work enterprises, it is necessary to form a staff.

To work in one shift, you will need 1 technologist and 4 workers. In addition, the staff should have a person who cleans the premises. To resolve issues related to taxation and accounting you need to hire a competent specialist.


One of the most important steps in drawing up a business plan for mini foam production is to calculate the costs:

  • Equipment - 900 thousand rubles;
  • Salary to employees - 100 thousand rubles;
  • Additional expenses (rent of premises, payment of electricity, etc.).

If your company will work in two shifts 5 days a week, the initial costs will pay off in just 3-5 months. This applies only to the purchase of equipment and raw materials. The cost of renting the premises and salaries of employees will be monthly.

Product cost calculation

One cubic meter of material costs about 1 thousand rubles. General costs for its manufacture amount to 600 rubles. Accordingly, if a foam plastic plant produces 50 cubic meters of products per day, you will make a profit of about 450 thousand rubles per month.

The profitability of such a business reaches 20%. These are excellent indicators that are difficult to achieve in any other direction of entrepreneurial activity. If you are looking for profitable business the idea of ​​foam plastic production is an ideal option in order to open your own profitable business.

Raw materials and technology

Polystyrene foam is made from special expandable polystyrene foam. Its cost largely depends on the manufacturer and fraction. The price of raw materials for the production of foam plastic ranges from $ 2 per 25 kg.

When purchasing polystyrene foam, pay special attention to its quality. Domestic raw materials can be bought at a low price, but this may adversely affect the quality of the finished product. Imported polystyrene foam allows you to get high-quality material with a small amount of marriage. AT recent times The main raw materials are purchased from China.

Pay attention to the quality of polystyrene, as well as the duration of its storage. The older the raw material, the longer the foaming process will take and the more difficult it is to achieve the density of the foamed granules.

What is needed for the production of expanded polystyrene?

  • Raw materials (foaming polystyrene foam);
  • Steam (temperature about 110 degrees);
  • Electricity (voltage 980 W);
  • Cold water;
  • Equipment.

Production technology

When raw material enters the pre-expander, the granules are inflated and turn into balls. If necessary, this process is repeated. After foaming, the granules increase in volume. This foam production technology is used for the manufacture of material of low strength.

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At the next stage, the foamed granules are fed into the hopper. They are kept there for 24 hours. During this time, the semi-finished product dries out and the pressure inside the granules normalizes. After that, it is poured into a block mold and formed by acting on the granules with steam. If you are interested in the production of foam, the video of the process will help you understand it in more detail.

Demanded and profitable idea requiring serious financial investments. But such a business format can bring tangible profits. Finished products are used in construction, repair and reconstruction of buildings.

Polyfoam has excellent sound and thermal insulation properties. It is often used for insulating rooms, internal walls. It is a great alternative to expensive air conditioning systems and high costs for heating. Such features provoke an even greater increase in demand for finished products. An entrepreneur, organizing a polystyrene foam business, can count on high and stable profits without having to spend a lot of money on advertising.

Market analysis

About 85% of foam buyers are representatives construction business. The rest of the consumers belong to the packaging sector, fishing, manufacture of fishing gear and boats. For the most part, it is necessary to focus on the construction industry, since it will be quite difficult to find other buyers. You can work in this area in the following ways:

  • Retail sales. This option allows you to significantly reduce the cost of advertising, get rid of spending on rent. The bottom line is to sell polystyrene foam through regional construction stores. One such outlet per month is able to sell about 30 m 3 of foam. The disadvantages include transportation costs for the delivery of finished products to stores, the need to give part of the profit to stores (which will significantly reduce the profit of the entrepreneur himself), damage to the finished material during transportation or storage (the natural loss for such a fragile material is about 5%).
  • Wholesale . In this case, you can sell foam directly from your warehouse. In this case, it will be necessary to equip small room for sample display and customer service. One wholesale buyer purchases at least 30 m 3 of foam. The bottom line is to get a quality product without extra charge directly from the manufacturer.

There is another option - to sell part of the goods in bulk, and part - at retail. At the same time, it is very important to develop a client base by increasing the number of potential buyers.

Ideal location

Styrofoam production as a business should be opened in a place where there are no competitors within a radius of at least 100 km. Manufacturers need to be considered. The sale of polystyrene in stores is not taken into account. It is important to evaluate the closest competitors by considering the following features:

  • wholesale and retail prices;
  • product quality;
  • product varieties;
  • availability of discounts and loyalty programs;
  • Availability additional services(for example, free shipping, measurements, calculations).

It is better to focus on those regions where the demand for polystyrene significantly exceeds supply.

Styrofoam production is to some extent a seasonal business. During periods of lack of demand, you can retrain as a company for the manufacture of foam products.

Room search

It is important not only to evaluate competitors, but also to choose the right premises for opening your own foam plastic mini-factory. For work you will need:

  1. production workshop - from 70 m 2;
  2. warehouse for storage of raw materials - from 10 m 2;
  3. a warehouse for storing finished products - about 50 m 2.

They must be separated from each other by fire-resistant shields. The presence of water supply, ventilation, heating (from +15 0 C) and electricity in the production workshop is mandatory. And the height of this room should not be lower than 5 meters.

It is better to look for a room for rent outside the city. This will not only avoid the dissatisfaction of citizens living nearby, but also reduce the rental value.

One of highlights business is foam production technology. The process should be managed by an experienced technologist who knows all the features of the manufacture of this material. There are the following stages of foam production:

  1. Foaming. Special granules are sent to the pre-expander. There they increase in size, turning into balls. The number of foaming stages depends on the density of the finished product. The lower the value needed, the more times the granules will have to pass through the pre-expander. Each such procedure requires first letting the granules rest in a special bunker.
  2. aging. This procedure lasts from 12 to 24 hours. It is needed to dry the granules, reduce their moisture content and stabilize the pressure. If necessary, the dried products are sent back to the pre-expander.
  3. molding. From the bunker, the dried granules are sent to the block form. There is formed a block of foam. This molding occurs due to the active operation of the steam generator. Due to the expansion of the granules, their subsequent gluing into a single block occurs.
  4. cutting. After molding, the blocks rest for at least a day. This time is necessary for the monolith to dry. This procedure avoids uneven cutting of finished blocks. When the monolith dries completely, it is cut according to the given parameters horizontally and vertically.

Finished products are packed and sent to a warehouse, from where they go to stores or end users.

Purchase of the necessary equipment

Equipment for the production of foam plastic must be purchased based on the required production capacity. The final cost of the production line and the number of pieces of equipment will depend on the performance.

Required equipment will include:

  • pre-expander;
  • storage bunker;
  • compartment for molding;
  • cutting machine;
  • bunker bags.

It is more profitable for a novice entrepreneur to stop at a production line that produces up to 40 m 3 per shift. Subject to maximum automation, it will cost about 1,200,000 rubles. In addition to the required equipment, the composition will include:

  • conveyor;
  • fans;
  • pumping station;
  • steam generator;
  • crusher;
  • Remote Control;
  • scales.

Additionally, an entrepreneur, if available, can purchase automated equipment for packaging finished products. It will cost 130,000 - 150,000 rubles. The forming hopper can be coated with a special Teflon coating, which will increase its cost by another 30,000 rubles. For the most effective work equipment will require an extractor hood worth about 40,000 rubles. For pneumatic transport, pipes will be needed, and this is another 50,000 rubles. It turns out that a fully automated line will cost 1,600,000 - 1,800,000 rubles.

Particular attention must be paid to the selection of a suitable steam generator. The following varieties are distinguished:

  • diesel;
  • wood;
  • gas;
  • electric.

Its productivity should not be less than 200 kilograms of steam per hour. The most preferred is electric generator, as it is as safe as possible and does not require special permits (they are required to use a wood or gas steam generator).

Purchase of raw materials

Another important component of the plant is the raw material for the production of foam. For work you will need:

  • water;
  • electricity;
  • foaming suspension polystyrene.

During the production of foam, waste is generated in the form of defective products. It is not necessary to get rid of them. It is possible to reuse such a marriage. The granules are crushed and added to the foamed polystyrene at the stage of molding the monolith.

The polystyrene used in production is glass beads. Its diameter can vary from 0.2 to 3.5 mm. This raw material is divided into fractions, and then used to produce a specific type of foam. The size of the granules to use depends on the brand of the finished product.

An entrepreneur can purchase domestic or imported raw materials. Russian-made polystyrene has a lower cost, but foreign samples provide higher productivity (10% higher). This difference is provided due to the high opening of the granules.

The most commonly used Chinese polystyrene. It has high performance and affordable price.

Calculation of financial results

For the production of 1 m 3 of foam, about 16 kilograms of raw materials are required. total amount the cost of such a quantity of finished products - 1,400 rubles. These expenses include the cost of purchasing water, polystyrene, electricity, wages. You can sell 1 m 3 of polystyrene for 1,700 - 1,900 rubles. That is, the profit from the sale will be about 300 - 500 rubles.

The initial costs will be about 1,600,000 rubles - the cost of equipment, together with transportation, installation, adjustment and training of personnel.

The following costs will also be included in fixed costs:

  • rent;
  • taxes;
  • fare.

With a productivity of 40 m 3 per day, you can count on a profit of 12,000 rubles per day. If the enterprise works every day, then in a month it will be possible to gain 360,000 rubles.

It turns out that the profitability of production is about 20-25%. The newly opened enterprise will be able to pay off in about 5-6 months.

Demand for polystyrene is constantly high, and some statistics state that the need for this material is growing every year. It is used in the reconstruction of facades, buildings, in the repair of premises and in general during construction. It has excellent heat and soundproofing properties, and therefore makes it possible to save on air conditioning and heating. Therefore, many are interested in how to draw up a business plan for the production of foam.

Company registration

Register this species activity can be both in the form of an individual entrepreneur and in the form of a legal entity. Where to stop depends on the scale of production. For small volumes, IP is enough, but keep in mind that this will limit your sales markets - many large organizations prefer to work only with LLCs. During production, it is necessary to be guided by the norms of GOST 15588-86.

Room search

When selecting premises, it is necessary to take into account the level of competition in the region. It is desirable that there are no similar industries within 100 km. The presence of shops for sale is quite acceptable.

The main requirements for industrial premises are the ceiling height of at least 5 m, the area of ​​​​the premises from 150 square meters. m, heating, technical power supply, water supply, powerful ventilation system. It is also necessary to provide a storage room with an area of ​​50 sq. m, which will be equipped with refractory structures.


When choosing equipment, you first need to decide on its capacity, which directly depends on the planned production volume. It is more profitable to purchase a specially made turnkey line. Its minimum set, capable of producing 20 cubic meters per shift, will cost at least 400 thousand rubles. Line for 100 cu. will cost at least 1.35 million rubles. It will include the following units:

  • scales;
  • crusher;
  • steam generator;
  • automatic cutting machine;
  • pneumatic conveying control panel;
  • molding blocks;
  • drying fans;
  • bags for bunkers;
  • vacuum pumping station;
  • drying bunker;
  • raw material conveyor;
  • pre-foamer with control panel;

If finances allow, it is worth buying packaging equipment, which will cost about 130 thousand rubles. Another 250 thousand rubles. it does not hurt to prepare for the purchase of a steam generator. Most often, the electric option is recommended, since it is the safest in terms of operation, and also does not require additional searches for consumable fuels, such as gas, wood or diesel.

Raw material

To make foam, you must have:

  • expandable suspension polystyrene;
  • water;
  • electricity.

The advantage of such a business is that the production is waste-free. Broken goods can be crushed and added to raw materials. Expandable polystyrene is glass beads 0.2-3.5 mm in diameter. Which diameter to choose depends on what brand of product you plan to produce. Domestic raw materials will cost less, but imported raw materials have a much higher percentage of granules opening.

Production stages

The foam production process includes the following steps:

  1. Foaming, when the granules are placed in the pre-foamer chamber. The lower the density of the material being produced, the more foaming cycles the granules must go through.
  1. aging. Foamed granules are fed through the conveyor into a special bunker, where they must rest for 12-24 hours. There they are dried, internal pressure is stabilized inside them.
  1. Molding. After drying, the raw material is sent to the block mold. Under the influence of steam, they expand, stick together and acquire the desired shape.
  1. Block cutting. After molding, the material must rest again for at least a day. Once completely dry, there is less chance of damaging the edges when cutting. A block of the required length and thickness is cut, after which it is packed.


Even the most modern production line requires maintenance by workers. There are usually at least four workers on one shift. It is desirable to establish production in two shifts, so you need to hire at least eight employees. The advantage of working on such equipment is that it does not require highly qualified personnel, so their wages may be low.

Also, for work, you will need a technologist who will monitor the quality of products and their compliance with all regulatory requirements. As additional staff, it is necessary to hire cleaners, and you will also need the services of an accountant, which can be outsourced.

Ways to sell products

Before starting production, it is worth deciding who will use your product and for what purposes. 85% of consumers are in the construction sector. The rest is for packaging, fillers, fishing tackle and more. In order for this production to be profitable, it is necessary to sell at least 30 cubic meters of foam plastic per month.

A foam plastic business plan can provide for two options for marketing products: wholesale or retail through your own store. It is easier to trade in bulk, because there is no need to spend money on store equipment, personnel, and the percentage of damage to the material is also minimized, since this is an extremely fragile product. The store allows you to set a markup of up to 30%. But it should also be regulated based on the level of competition in the region. With sufficient financial resources, it is desirable to combine these two directions.

Assess income and expenses

The most popular is brand No. 25 foam, which weighs 16 kg. Cubic meter of this product will require the purchase of raw materials for 1350 rubles, including electricity, water and wages workers. You can sell such a volume of material for 300-500 rubles.

To compensate 1.6 million rubles. equipment costs, it is necessary to produce and sell less than 3200 cubic meters every month. meters per month. Under such conditions, you can return the invested funds in 4-7 months. Wherein average term operation of the equipment - ten years. It should be borne in mind that the business has a pronounced seasonality tied to seasonality. construction works. They fall in the spring-autumn period.

Foam production: 10 material properties + composition + foam classification + marking + 4 areas of application + 9 stages of production organization + features of the production cycle + calculation and profit.

Styrofoam first appeared in Germany in the 50s of the twentieth century under the name styrofoam. Since then, this versatile material has become widely used in almost all branches of human life.

Many companies are engaged in the manufacture of foam plastic today, because. styropor only as a heat-insulating product occupies more than 10% on the market. It is not worth talking about the expediency of foam plastic production from the point of view of profitability, even despite the competition.

Therefore, in this article we will consider the important steps, thanks to which legal entities can start producing foam, increase competitiveness and get their own piece of the pie.

Properties and composition of foam

Each manufacturer, before organizing the production process of a particular product, studies its technological features and scope. We will first consider the properties of the foam.

Styrofoam is characterized by:

  • Heat-insulating properties, moreover, a high degree. In severe weather conditions, it will prevent freezing of structures.
  • Environmentally friendly, so some types of material can come into contact with food.
  • Ease. Due to this, the foam is convenient for laying, erecting buildings, fastening, transporting fragile items.
  • Soundproof. The foam can protrude protective agent from the wind.
  • Durability. If you properly exploit the material, it will last for several decades. In addition, the foam does not swell over time, does not lose its shape, does not move.
  • Moisture resistance, resistance to weak acids, salts, alkalis.
  • Fire resistance. Unlike wood, styrofoam does not ignite or smolder. When interacting with fire, it melts.
  • Temperature tolerance. The result of production is not afraid low temperatures, and the maximum threshold is +100°C.
  • Non-susceptibility to bacteria, microbiological factors.

However, polystyrene has some negative factors:

  • Expanded polystyrene products are not protected from the damaging effects of such aggressive technical solutions (their vapors) as acetone, refined products, benzene, ethylene chloride, turpentine.
  • Some types of styrofoam construction purposes under specific operating conditions, they harm humans and other living organisms, as well as buildings, worsening their thermal insulation.
  • Styrofoam is rarely used in facade decoration and is limited in residential cladding, since toxic substances still stand out, but with the likelihood of burning.

As you can see, the advantages prevail over the disadvantages, which leads to a high demand for the production of foam. What gives the material such useful properties? To answer the question, you need to know its composition.

Plastic mass is mainly composed of gas. The initial raw materials are vinylbenzene polymerization products. Due to the filling of the main volume with gas, the finished product is significantly lower in density than the polymer substance.

To be precise, only 2% is polystyrene. The remaining 98% is air. The material has a rigid porous structure, odorless, white.

1. Assortment: what kind of foam can be produced and produced?

Now let's deal with the range of goods that you will manufacture. Styropor can be produced in different classes, differing in durability and strength. It all depends on the technology you choose, the recipe.

So, distinguish press foam and the one whose production is carried out non-press method.

The second is done at high temperatures to bake the granular substances. This is the type of foam we see most often. This is a material that has a spherical structure.

But press styrofoam lends itself high temperature, is mixed, but during its production it is still necessary to add a foaming solution. This type of foam wins with high strength indicators. It is practical and hard to break.

Material marking has its own characteristics. For example, the production of domestic foam plastic entails the mark PS. In the case of non-press production technology, the designation PSB should be put. The PSB-S-15 brand has the maximum density. Also on store shelves there are brands with a numerical value: 25, 35, 50.

There are 3 more types of styrofoam according to the production method:

    Polyurethane (PPU) or foam rubber.

    It is characterized by: elasticity, porosity. Due to the fact that such material passes air well, it is used in construction and furniture production.

    However, the smoke from a PPU fire is poisonous. And the sun's rays lead to its yellowing, durability "limps".

    The second type of material is polyethylene (PPE).

    It is also very flexible and is most often used for protective wrapping of fragile items when moving.

    Styrofoam comes to retail outlets in sheets of different sizes. Unlike PU material, it is environmentally friendly and has long term services.

    You can also set up the production of polyvinyl chloride foam (PVC).

    Its characteristics do not differ in many respects from the previous type. PVC does not ignite when not in contact with fire.

    But when ignited, this foam poses a threat, because it releases into environment Hydrogen chloride, which combines with liquid to form strong hydrochloric acid.

2. Where is foam used?

Foam production is beneficial for the following industries:


    Styrofoam has found its application as a finishing, structural material for shaping, performing decorative elements. Often it fills compartments where there is no heating (for example, on small boats).

    Styropor allows you to save on thermal energy, reduce material and time costs for installation and construction. Due to the fact that polystyrene foam plates reduce the thickness of the walls, in parallel with this, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building itself increases.

    Expanded polystyrene is the basis ceiling tiles, plinths. He has proven himself to be thermal insulation material for the floor.

    Remarkably, when cutting and other work with polymer, it is not necessary to wear protective clothing, use special devices, because. it does not form dust, does not cause irritation skin. However, some safety rules must be followed. So, it is necessary to work with the material in well-ventilated workshops.

    Fishing, sea.

    Polyfoam is used in the production of life jackets, fishing gear.


    Styropor serves as an auxiliary substance in the manufacture of pharmaceutical and medical containers.

    Foam production benefits people who use the product as packaging. It is also needed as a heat insulator in household appliances.

    Styrofoam is also used in the production of metal products, allowing you to form a sample, a mold on which casting takes place. Styropor is also in demand in the manufacture of disposable tableware and children's toys.

Thanks to widespread use in various fields National economy, environmental safety, good technical specification, versatility, low cost, ease of production, the demand for foam increases¸ and the manufacturing process becomes cost-effective.

9 stages of organizing the production of foam

To organize the production of polystyrene, an entrepreneur must follow a certain algorithm. It is carried out in 9 stages.

  1. Market analysis.
  2. IP registration.
  3. Description of the technology of production, provision with raw materials.
  4. Equipment selection.
  5. Location determination.
  6. Recruitment.
  7. Establishment of sales.
  8. Cost calculation, cost and income assessment, payback.

Let's take a closer look at each specific stage.

Stage 1. Niche analysis.

First you need to give a real assessment of consumer opportunities in the place of the future presence of the plant for the production of foam. For this, the market conditions, aspects of sales, demand, and competition are studied.

These factors will affect the success of the business. If there are many competitive foam manufacturers in your area, and supply exceeds demand, it is better to abandon the idea.

Potential consumers of styrofoam are usually builders, construction companies. They own 85% of the market. 15% falls on the production of gear, packaging materials, aggregates, etc. You have to target mass consumption. Studying these questions will help you decide on the type of trade.

In case of retail will have to supply foam to hardware stores, end users. As a rule, one outlet orders approximately 30 cubic meters per month. m of foam. The retail type of trade will save you from renting a room for a store, hiring sellers and advertising costs.

However, there are also disadvantages here:

Wholesale can be carried out directly from the warehouse. To organize it, you need to purchase and install cash machine, allocate some area to demonstrate product samples.

In this case, your customers will be wholesale buyers. Suppose a person wants to insulate the facade of a house with an area of ​​150 sq.m. To do this, he will need 25-30 cubic meters. m of material. It is more profitable for him to contact an entrepreneur engaged in the production of foam plastic and purchase goods without extra charge. Some legal entities are trying to combine both types of trade.

When analyzing competitors, take into account their presence within a radius of 100-200 km, the quality and types of their products, wholesale / retail cost. It is important to pay attention to the promotion tools used by competitors: the provision / non-provision of additional services, the effect of discounts, promotions.

Interesting fact ! In Europe, like construction material, polystyrene is very popular. So, in Italy there are 400 enterprises for the production of foam.
In developed countries Western Europe one citizen accounts for up to 5-7 kg of expanded polystyrene. Recently, there have been trends towards the production of "black foam" containing graphite filler.

Stage 2. Writing a business plan.

A clear drafting of the project is the basis for the production of any product. Therefore you must write detailed business plan, where to reflect the results of research and analysis from the first paragraph.

In addition, the following information should be included in the document:

  • calculations of the cost part, profitability and capital investments;
  • description of the development strategy;
  • estimated production volumes of foam;
  • reasoning for the choice of equipment, etc.

A business plan for the production of polystyrene foam products is especially necessary if you do not have your own, and it is planned to attract investors, receive bank loans, and subsidies from the state.

Step 3: How do I register for legal foam production?

Before establishing the production of polystyrene, the entrepreneur must legalize it. Even if you intend to manufacture at home, this does not relieve you of this responsibility.

Many are registered as individual entrepreneurs and pay a single tax. At the stage of formation of production, it will be unprofitable to make tax contributions in full. When the company expands, you can at any time re-register the production of polystyrene foam into an LLC, and then work according to a simplified tax system.

The opening of an individual entrepreneur is accompanied by paperwork and the payment of state duty in the range of 800 rubles. If you are unable to personally provide required list documents to regulatory authorities, you will have to resort to the services of a notary who must certify each paper. It takes up to 1.5 thousand rubles.

When submitting an application, a tax system is selected from the five current ones. It is recommended for the production of polystyrene to pay attention to UTII or USN. Thanks to them, bookkeeping is simplified, the tax burden is reduced, because they are intended for small businesses.

After that, you need to determine the type of activity according to the OKVED-2 directory, since the selected code is indicated during registration. The production of expanded polystyrene corresponds to 25.21.

25.21 - production plastic products(pipes, blocks, plates, sheets, profiles, etc.).

Then you can start collecting documents.

You will need:

The documentation is submitted or tax office(Find the address here - or through the MFC (list of branches here - http://mfc.rf/mfc/index/regions). After 3-7 days, you will have to appear to receive documents and a record sheet for registering the production of foam plastic as an individual entrepreneur.

Also, it should. Also, the production and sale of polystyrene is impossible without obtaining permits and coordination with the fire inspection, concluding agreements with service organizations that will remove and dispose of waste.

In addition, internal documentation is being prepared:

Stage 4. The production cycle for the manufacture of foam: technology, raw materials.

Polystyrene granules are taken as raw materials for the production of polystyrene, which are classified as plastics. Some order imported ones, because. they are of better quality than domestic ones. The difference is not only in cost, but also in their chemical parameters.

On average, the price for 1 kg of polystyrene granules is 2-3 dollars. Medium-quality granulated PSV-S polystyrene costs 60-70 rubles. It resembles beads measuring 0.02-0.35 cm (in diameter). For each type of foam, appropriate granules are selected.

For example, in the production of PSB-S-50 foam plastic, polystyrene number 1 is used, i.e. the smallest. The production of PSB-S-15 brand implies the use of polystyrene No. 4. The most popular brand is PSB-S-25F.

To achieve the production of 1 cu. m of foam, you need to have 15-50 kg of raw materials available. The consumption rate is determined by the brand of foam. Many are trying to establish production even at home, since the technology is simple.

The production technology can be described as follows:

  1. Loading granulated polystyrene into the pre-expander tank and supplying steam with a steam generator. This will lead to an increase in the volume of the granules by 20-50 times and their transformation into balls.

    On the this process production accounts for 4 min. The treated polystyrene is then discharged from the tank. If a specific gravity foam plastic 12 kg, one procedure is enough.

    For lighter products, it is necessary to repeat the task several times, moreover, after the aging of the granules.

  2. Removing excess moisture by drying.

    From below, PSV-S polystyrene receives hot air, however, they are amenable to shaking. At the end of such actions, the granules through pneumatic transport fall into a special bunker.

    After 4 min. you can proceed to the next stage of foam production.

    Curing of foamed raw materials.

    Depending on the size of the substances, room temperature, the granules lie down for 4-12 hours.

    Forming (sintering).

    To do this, the foam is placed in certain forms, then it is exposed to hot steam under high pressure.

    The result should be a monolithic structure due to gluing, acquiring an adjacent shape, sintering. This procedure in production lasts up to 12 minutes.

    Sorting and warehousing.

    Styrofoam should rest after removal from the block mold for at least a day. Finished blocks during this time should lose the remaining moisture.

    Block cutting.

    At this stage of production, polystyrene is cut with a special machine into a certain thickness of the plate (2-100 cm). Standard sizes: 100x50, 100x100, 200x100 cm.

    Recycling of residues (in non-waste production).

    The remaining layers of material, allowances at the edges, "crumbs" can be processed and mixed in subsequent production, observing a ratio of 1:8.

Step 5. What foam production equipment do I need to purchase?

To find out what kind of foam you need, you need to decide on the volume of output that you are counting on. This indicator is of decisive importance for the choice of technical equipment and affects its cost.

For example, for the production of 20 cubic meters. m of foam for an 8-hour duration work shift a set of equipment is suitable, the price of which is at least 500 thousand rubles.

In order to double productivity, it will require the cost of purchasing units in the amount of 800 thousand rubles. and higher. For the production of 100 cu. m of products, it is better to buy a complete production line, the cost of which exceeds 1.4 million rubles.

This line will be:

  • a pre-expander used in primary processing;
  • a special bunker where the foam goes through the aging phase;
  • compartment for molding;
  • machine designed for cutting, bags, etc.

Maximum automation is provided by a complete set of:

In some cases, the steam generator for the production of the product is purchased separately.

Such equipment consumes at least 1 thousand liters of water per shift, the electricity consumption depends on the steam generator.

To simplify the production and release of foam, many people buy additionally:

  • product packaging device (costs approximately 130 thousand rubles);
  • hood (about 35 thousand rubles);
  • Teflon coating for the molding hopper (at least 25 thousand rubles);
  • pipes intended for pneumatic transport (within 45 thousand rubles).

The price of a steam generator varies depending on the fuel and performance. Focus on 250 thousand rubles. In terms of consumption, buying an electric one is not profitable. However, it does not need to obtain the appropriate permissions and is safe to use.

The production equipment does not require special maintenance. Installation and launch is within the power of everyone. However, in order to avoid negative impact on the cost of foam, it is better to contact the experts.

Stage 6. In what room can foam production be organized?

The foam production workshop must have high ceilings (at least 5 m). It is necessary to choose a room with an area of ​​​​200 sq.m.

It must meet the following requirements:

  • the presence of a ventilation system,
  • sewer,
  • electricity (380 W),
  • heating.

The temperature regime cannot be lower than +15°C. The water supply must satisfy the minimum needs (about 3 cubic meters per shift).

Still required separate room size 60-70 sq. m used as a warehouse. The warehouse is surrounded by fire-resistant structures. It is desirable that it be closed. Although, if necessary, expanded polystyrene foam can be stored under a canopy so that there is no precipitation or ultra-violet rays did not have a negative impact.

Another unit is a warehouse for raw materials. For this room, 10 square meters is enough. m area.

It is advisable to rent a mini-factory for the production of polystyrene outside the city (it's cheaper).

Step 7: Whom to hire for foam production?

Having finished with the material and technical base, proceed to the selection of personnel. The staff involved in the production of products is recruited without special requirements. It is not necessary to look for workers with higher education but experience is welcome.

Technological equipment is quite simple. The equipment supplier explains the operating rules upon delivery, so training of personnel will not cause difficulties. 2-4 people are enough for one shift. If necessary, you can conclude labor contract With a large number workers.

The composition of the staff is affected by the performance of the equipment. Thanks to the efforts of one worker, a production of 6 cubic meters can be expected. m of foam. And for the rest organizational issues already need people with other qualifications.

In the production of any brand of foam, personnel are needed:

  • technologist;
  • accountant;
  • sales manager;
  • salesman;
  • 2-3 loaders;
  • delivery driver.

At production staff piecework wages. Under such conditions, workers will be motivated to increase productivity.

Stage 8. Necessary measures to establish the sale of foam.

It is not enough just to care about the production of quality products. It is important to establish its marketing. To do this, they go the classic way, that is, they place ads in various sources: printed publications, on television and radio, on the Internet.

If at the expense of the first methods you can doubt, then the opportunities provided by the World Wide Web should not be neglected. If you want - create a corporate website, if you want - buy places on advertising platforms for your ads. An additional way to make yourself known will be the distribution of booklets with your contact details, an image of the products you are engaged in.

Be aware that competitors can poach your customers. To avoid this, try to conclude profitable contracts for the wholesale supply of foam, and as early as possible. Competently compose offer to benefit both you and your customers. If there are difficulties in finding large customers, best option- supply foam to construction markets or sell it from a warehouse.

Polyfoam production technology.

What are the advantages of this business idea? Tips for
organization of production.

Stage 9. Calculation of the price of foam, possible costs and profits.

The cost of production of polystyrene of the running 25th brand depends on the cost of raw materials and utilities, the purchase of equipment.

One block of material weighing 16 kg (per 1 cubic meter) requires 1 kg of raw material. If we take into account the costs of electricity and water, the salary of 2 workers (600 rubles per person per shift or for the production of 30 cubic meters of foam for each), the approximate cost will be 150 rubles. For the purchase and delivery of raw materials (1 kg), you will have to pay about 70-75 rubles. Multiplying this number by 16 kg, we get 1.2 thousand rubles.

It turns out that the cost of production of 1 cu. m of foam are: 1.2 thousand rubles. + 150 rub. = 1350 rubles. Cheaper raw materials will cost 975-1000 rubles.

Profit from this amount of material will be formed depending on the type of trade and the sale value. This is approximately 250-400 rubles. In general, it is impossible to designate a figure, because. you will have your own volumes of production and sale of foam.

Payback of equipment for the production of products can reach 7-12 months. If sales rates are good, taking into account seasonality, investments will return in a shorter time.

The cost of the mechanism depends on its configuration. An automated line will cost 1.3-1.5 million rubles. By purchasing equipment separately, you can meet 500 thousand rubles.

Styrofoam production entails monthly costs:

  • communal payments;
  • salary;
  • payment of taxes;
  • advertising;
  • rent price;
  • transport content.

Approximately 100-150 thousand rubles will have to be allocated for wages. Rental payments start from 60 thousand rubles. Tax deductions - 26.7 thousand rubles. Big advertising campaign it’s not worth launching, 10 thousand rubles. enough for her.

In total, transport costs, utilities and other expenses can give 90-100 thousand rubles. and more.

If the cost of production is 1285-1350 rubles, 1 cu. m of foam can be sold at a price of 1.5 thousand rubles.

Here is another example of calculated data for the actual production of foam plastic:

Necessary capital investments, taking into account the purchase of a technological line and other costs within 2.5-2.7 million rubles.

Styrofoam production, judging by the indicators of profitability, payback, simplicity of technology, demand for products - a very promising and profitable idea. The main thing is to make all the calculations correctly, take into account the peculiarities of the market and draw up a business plan.

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It would seem no easier material than styrofoam. And yet, literally no construction site is complete without its use. But the scope of the use of polystyrene is not limited to the construction industry alone - it is used everywhere. This is the main reason for starting your own business in this niche. Despite the high demand for the material, the competition here is relatively low, which means it's time to find out what the price of equipment for the production of foam plastic is and start implementing the project. Styrofoam is a building material, which is a small cellular mass by weight. It is difficult to overestimate the technological characteristics of foam - it has excellent heat and sound insulating properties.

Our business valuation:

Starting investments - from 1,500,000 rubles.

Market saturation is low.

The complexity of starting a business is 6/10.

The basis of any business, and this area is no exception, is a clearly drawn up project. The business plan for the production of foam plastic should contain on its pages a detailed report on the analysis of competitors and the sales market, necessary calculations start-up capital and profitability of the enterprise, a clear strategy for the development of the workshop. The presence of a business plan is especially important if the entrepreneur does not have his own funds to launch the workshop, but it is planned to attract them from, or through bank loans.
According to experts, ideal option there will be a complete absence of competition in a particular region. But even in this case, launching a full-scale enterprise with huge capacities is not economically justified. To establish sales channels and make yourself known on modern market, it is better to organize a mini foam plant. And only then, when the profitability of the enterprise will be high, and there will not be enough capacity to meet consumer needs, you can think about expanding the business.

What issues should be foreseen when launching a plant for the production of foam in Russia?

Foam release technology

Technological scheme of foam production

Despite the fact that complex physical and chemical reactions occur during the manufacture of foam, the technology itself does not become more complicated from this. That is why today it has become profitable to organize the production of foam at home. There is no need to expect big profits here, but as an extra income that does not require special time and money costs, this option is quite possible.

A home business is especially suitable for those who own their own real estate where machines can be placed. And if we talk about equipment of low power, then it will not require a lot of free space. For these purposes, an empty garage or outbuildings on a suburban area are often used.

But no matter what path of future business development is chosen, it is important to understand the process.

In general, the foam production technology can be described as follows:

  • Foaming of the raw mass. Polystyrene granules after dosing according to the recipe enter the pre-expander, where they increase in size, acquiring the shape of balls. How many times the raw material will be subjected to such processing will depend on the desired mass of the finished product. If it is planned to obtain a foam that is less than 12 kg in mass, then the components are foamed several times.
  • aging. The foamed semi-finished product is then sent to a special bunker, where it will stay for the next 12-24 hours. Here the workpiece is dried and the pressure inside it stabilizes.
  • Molding. It is at this stage that the sheet foam takes on its shape under the action of water vapor.
  • Block cutting. After the foam plastic is taken out of the block mold, it is sent to rest (≈24 hours). Here, a solid monolith dries up, and then it is trimmed to end up with a sheet of high-quality material with specified geometric parameters.

There is nothing complicated in the technology, but in order to obtain a high-quality product, it is important to organize strict control over the process.

Making foam at home does not differ at all from the technological chain that takes place in the workshop. The difference here is only in the equipment. A full-fledged workshop uses automated lines, but in the case of a home business, manual labor prevails.

Technical equipment of the shop for the production of foam

foam production line

After all the nuances of the technology and recipe have been thought out, it is necessary to analyze the technical equipment market in order to buy equipment for the production of foam. The choice here is large, and the complete set of the line will depend on the planned production volumes and available finances.

The standard foam production line is equipped with the following machines and apparatuses:

  • dispenser.
  • Pre-foamer.
  • Dryer with fans.
  • Block forms.
  • Cutting machine.

This is the main equipment. To optimize the process, experts advise purchasing another scrap crusher and a packaging machine. It is rather difficult to determine the exact cost of the entire set of equipment - big influence the price is affected by the power of the line. For example, to equip a workshop with machines with a capacity of up to 20 m 3 / cm, it will take at least 500,000 rubles. But more powerful equipment(up to 40 m 3 / cm) will cost the entrepreneur at least 800,000 rubles. A high-performance line (with a capacity of up to 100 m 3 /cm) costs at least 1,400,000 rubles. But the price of machines should not become a fundamental factor when choosing technical equipment. The brand of equipment and the conditions offered by the supplier are much more important here - warranty service, guarantee period.

There are not many ways to save money on equipping the workshop - either bring equipment for the production of foam from China, or buy a used line. And the first option, of course, is better, since Asian machines, despite their low cost, are characterized by good quality indicators.

Raw materials required for the operation of the workshop

The conclusion of contracts with suppliers of raw materials is an important step in organizing your own business. After all, the quality of the finished product will ultimately depend on the quality of the components. What raw materials will you need to buy?

An important advantage of the technological chain is the almost complete wastelessness. Upon receipt of non-standard, it can be sent back for re-production.

In addition to water, manufacturing process polystyrene involved. And it is his choice that needs to be given close attention. Polystyrene granules look like translucent rounded pebbles (0.2-3.5 mm in diameter). And depending on what kind of foam you want to get at the exit, you can use one or another brand of polystyrene. For example, for the production of grade 50 foam, it is required to take fraction No. 1 polystyrene (the smallest granules). And in order to produce grade 15 foam, the largest granules of the material are needed.

The price of raw materials for the production of foam also plays an important role when choosing a supplier. Experienced entrepreneurs will confirm that although domestic raw materials are somewhat cheaper, their quality sometimes leaves much to be desired. But from more expensive foreign polystyrene, products are obtained High Quality with less marriage. A good option is to buy the main raw materials in China.

Which room is suitable for the organization of the workshop?

Even a foam plastic business at home will require, albeit a small, but a separate room. Judging by the equipment, the organization of a full-fledged workshop requires a large area (from 150 m 2) with high ceilings(from 4 m). Basic requirements for production premises, differ little from those that apply to other industries - water supply, the presence of electricity and good ventilation.

To open your own mini foam production, it turned out to be a little cheaper due to the fact that you didn’t have to rent such large area, you can store finished products not in a closed warehouse, but in fresh air. But a prerequisite here is the presence of shelter products from rain and sun.

Problems of sales of finished products

Styrofoam is widely used in many areas, but the main consumer to whom the finished product will be sold is construction companies. But for sure potential clients they are already cooperating with someone, and therefore, it is possible to “lure” them to their side only by lowering prices, which is not always beneficial for the entrepreneur. It is important here to start looking for profitable supply contracts as early as possible - even before you buy a machine for the production of foam. And only by finding wholesale consumers, it is possible to ensure the full sale of finished products from warehouses.

Since our main goal is wholesalers, it makes no sense to launch a large-scale advertising campaign. It is much more important to correctly draw up a commercial offer that is beneficial to both the entrepreneur and the potential buyer.

If for some reason it is not yet possible to find large customers, you can sell the manufactured products on the construction markets or sell them to large hardware stores. Also a good option is to organize sales directly from the warehouse. To do this, you will have to provide for some kind of exhibition pavilion. And even private builders will come here to make a purchase at wholesale prices.

Potential business profit

According to experts, the polystyrene foam business is quite profitable. But mark here exact figure income will be difficult, since much depends on the volume of sales of the material and the initial investment.

According to the most conservative estimates, it will take at least 1,500,000 rubles to buy a medium-capacity line and set it up, rent a small room and prepare it for work, purchase raw materials and train personnel. You can organize a workshop much more “seriously”. But this is hardly economically justified - it is always better to start small, gradually developing your business.

How quickly all costs will pay off depends on how well the distribution channels work. And in order for everyone to have an idea that this line of business is profitable, the following figures can be presented: the cost of 1 m 3 of the finished sheet is 1200-1400 rubles, the wholesale selling price is 1500-1800 rubles / m 3.

When calculating net profit, variable costs must be taken into account:

  • room rental,
  • salary for workers,
  • taxes,
  • other costs.

Practice shows that with well-established distribution channels, it is possible to recoup all costs no later than in a year. And in the case of a larger enterprise, it is possible to reach the break-even point much faster.