Expanded polystyrene - characteristics and selection criteria. Expanded polystyrene and polystyrene: what is the difference between ordinary and extruded, which is better Construction foam for insulation pros and cons

Today, when choosing a heater for the house, every person has ample opportunities. Among the variety, products such as polystyrene foam and expanded polystyrene are in great demand. Many people think that these are identical materials, because polystyrene is used to obtain them. But this is far from being the case, since each of the heat insulators presented has its own scope and properties.

Pros and Cons of Extruded Styrofoam

Extruded polystyrene foam is a heat-insulating material, which is characterized by a uniform structure. It consists of small closed cells. To obtain an EPP board, polystyrene granules are mixed under high pressure. In this case, the foaming agent is smoothly introduced.

In the photo - extruded polystyrene foam

The advantages of the material include:

  1. High heat retention performance. The thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.031-0.042. Since it is high, it is possible to reduce the consumption of polystyrene foam several times.
  2. Not exposed to moisture. The material is based on a component such as polystyrene. During processing, it forms cells that are filled with air. Due to this, the insulation does not absorb water. Thus, extruded polystyrene foam can be used in the arrangement of foundations, pools and flat roofs. Due to water resistance, the material is characterized by high heat-saving properties, which are unchanged throughout the entire service life.
  3. Heat-insulating material is not affected by rot, mold and fungi. Thus, its structure remains unchanged.
  4. High compressive strength. When mechanical or temperature factors influence polystyrene foam, it remains in the same state.
  5. High sound insulation. Since during the manufacture of polystyrene foam, its cells are filled with air, this increases its sound insulation. Using material for thermal insulation of a house, it is possible to improve its sound insulation by 35 dB.
  6. High fire safety. The considered insulation does not contribute to the spread and maintenance of the source of ignition. In addition, expanded polystyrene is a self-extinguishing heat insulator. Thus, it can even be used to put out a fire.
  7. Affordable price. Due to the low cost, many comers will be able to allow such a heater.
  8. Does not enter into a chemical reaction. The insulation is not affected by lime, salt, gypsum, roofing material, cement, concrete, soda, alcohol. In addition, it will be able to withstand short contact with food and machine drains.
  9. Ecological cleanliness. Using extruded polystyrene foam, you can not worry about your health.
  10. Long service life. Since the extrusion method was used to obtain polystyrene, this guarantees the material high performance. Its properties remain unchanged for 50 years. Therefore, it is often not necessary to change the old insulation to a new one.

On the video - extruded polystyrene foam:

Extruded foam is not without its drawbacks. When it comes into contact with complex carbons, it begins to crumble. It is negatively affected by UV rays in direct contact. When heated to 25 degrees, 1 m3 of insulation will contain 104 micrograms of styrene. It will not be necessary to use it for thermal insulation of a facade with a high degree of exploitation, since a denser material is needed here.

How does foam plastering work on the outside and with what material, this information will help to understand:

But how does facade plastering on foam plastic work and how difficult it is to do it, is described in detail in this

Pros and cons of foam

Styrofoam is a heat-insulating material that is characterized by white color and rigid foam structure. It contains 98% air and 2% polystyrene.

In the photo - foam for insulation

The advantages of polystyrene include:

  1. Inertness with respect to materials such as lime, sand.
  2. Light weight. Thus, foam plastic can be used even when insulating those structures that should not be subjected to serious loads.
  3. Ease of installation. Even a person who does not have the proper experience in this matter can do all the work.
  4. Ecological cleanliness. Styrofoam is a safe insulation. Due to this, it does not release toxic components into the environment.
  5. Processable. To obtain the desired shape and size of the material, you can use a regular knife.
  6. Low price. Now almost everyone who decides to insulate their home can buy foam plastic.

On the video foam for insulation:

The installation process of such an easy and inexpensive insulation does not cause any difficulties. It can be safely used for agricultural buildings, warehouses, technical premises. Even thermal insulation in the attic will not become a tedious procedure. Styrofoam has a number of disadvantages, which include toxicity during combustion and the formation of mold if installed incorrectly.

What is the difference

If we conduct a comparative analysis between polystyrene foam and extruded polystyrene foam, then at first glance there is not much difference between them. They are made from the same material, but their production technology and density are different. The main difference between them is in the scope. Polystyrene is allowed to be used for thermal insulation of a basement with a width of 20-30 mm, but the thickness of the foam should be 50 mm. And about what pros and cons you can read in the article.article.

What's better

Based on the above information, we can conclude which insulation is better - polystyrene foam or extruded polystyrene foam. Professional builders most often choose polystyrene foam for insulation of houses and other buildings, many prefer it.

This is due to the fact that it has many more advantages, therefore, the difference in application will be noticeable. Thanks to him, you can get high-quality insulation of the house, which will remain so for a long time.

Today, when choosing the best insulation, certain difficulties arise. And the reason for this is a wide range of products. Considering foam and extruded polystyrene foam, you might think that they are identical. But it is worth familiarizing yourself with the characteristics of each individual insulation in more detail, as you can immediately determine the best and most suitable material for thermal insulation in a particular case. So everyone can determine the best insulation for himself, based on the conditions of installation, operation and personal wishes.

A lot has been written about insulation with polystyrene foam and polystyrene foam. There is a lot of information on specialized forums, heated debates are often observed, smoothly turning into harsh expressions. Opponents and admirers of polystyrene find the pros and cons of this material, they are ready to tear anyone who does not agree with their opinion.

And in this moment, one curious tendency is noticed: if someone gives a specific negative example, then there will definitely be someone who, under similar conditions, did not notice the negative consequences. For example, foam plastic is charged with the effect of a thermos when the wall does not “breathe”. And this is increased humidity in a house or apartment, mold, fungus, suffocation, etc. But there will always be someone who will write on the same forum that he does not have all this, although the house is insulated in the same way, with the same material, and enough years have already passed to draw conclusions and comments.

It turns out that the foam itself chooses who to throw a plus, and who to hang minuses? Of course not. It's just that each case is purely individual. For example, the presence of high-quality ventilation in the house solves the problem of humidity. The tightness of windows, doors, roofs is also important. Many have noticed that already in the first season after the installation of plastic windows, humidity rises - the tightness has become much higher than with old wooden windows. The situation is similar with foam insulation: the house turns into a thermos, where it really stays warm longer, but several negative consequences can also occur.

Pros of Styrofoam

  • Ease of installation. Indeed, there are no special problems during installation. Apply an adhesive mixture to the surface, stick the plate to the wall and fix it with a dowel, plastering a new wall surface is not so difficult. Spatula, tape measure, carpenter's knife and drill - that's the whole list of necessary tools. Do-it-yourself foam insulation is often considered if installation is to be carried out for a one-story building.
  • Mounting speed. Based on the simplicity of the work performed, the speed for all actions is very decent. For example, 20 m 2 of a wall can be completely insulated in an average of 1.5 days. This is taking into account all the necessary work: from the installation of foam boards to plastering and painting.
  • Light weight and comfortable size. The sizes are quite large, which pleases. Most often, 1000 * 1000 mm are used, but there are other forms: 1000 * 1200, 1000 * 2000 mm. The size advantage can be shown by comparing foam blocks with ordinary bricks: installing just one block takes little time, while the volume of one block will have to lay several bricks and much more time. Light weight is also an important indicator - the walls and foundation of a house or apartment will not feel the load.
  • Long service life. Often foam plastic is charged with rapid destruction. To some extent, it is, but we are talking about insulation, which ends with external decoration. Foam boards do not come into direct contact with ultraviolet radiation and moisture, therefore, they can last a long time.
  • If you believe the reviews on the network, then the insulation can be of high quality. We emphasize - maybe. Because many do not like this option and many did not feel a noticeable difference before and after the installation of the plates.

Cons of the material

  • The foam is flammable. In one of the articles, we conducted an experiment - we set fire to the foam. Yes, it is difficult to do this with one match. But if, God forbid, there is a fire in the house, then the foam insulation can completely disappear. Moreover, when burning, poisonous acrid smoke is released, which is unpleasant and dangerous for people.
  • The mechanical strength is extremely low. If desired and possible, try to lightly press on the insulation with your hand - even under a layer of plaster, it will bend inward. If in an apartment you need to purposefully try to spoil the appearance, then in a private house there are plenty of situations that will lead to damage.
  • Styrofoam is a godsend for rodents. Well, it pulls them to use granules of material for their nests, and that's it. If this is not always relevant for an apartment, then in private houses it is possible that rodents do not find out about free material for their needs.

Instead of a conclusion

Obviously, attempts to find an ideal insulation that would not have flaws have not been successful to date. Each type of insulation, including foam, can be found pros and cons. Also, a lot depends on the sum of additional factors: the material from which the walls of the house or apartment are built, the presence or absence of high-quality supply and exhaust ventilation, the method of installation and exterior finish after insulation. Perhaps among you, dear readers, there are those who cannot get enough of the foam insulation of their homes. But these lines can also be read by those who already regret that at one time they decided to insulate themselves with foam. It is difficult to advise anything, since you can run into an accusation of subjectivity. The house in which the author of the article lives was only recently insulated and, as you understand, no pluses or minuses were noticed. Time will tell..

Expanded polystyrene is a white material used for thermal insulation. It consists of 90% air, which is located in microscopic capsule cells with very thin walls. Their mass is a foamed polystyrene. In competition with other thermal insulation materials, expanded polystyrene shows excellent results in many safety parameters - expanded polystyrene is used even for food packaging.

Production technology

For all types of polystyrene insulation, the raw material is polystyrene granules. A reactive foaming agent is applied to form specific cells.

The entire manufacturing process has the following successive stages:

  1. Styrofoam in the form of granules is poured into a special hopper. There, expanded polystyrene (granules) swells and becomes a spherical piece material. If you need to get a heat insulator of lower density, but foaming is repeated several times. With each repetition, the size of the beads becomes larger and the actual specific gravity of the material decreases.
  2. Foamed granules are placed in a special hopper, where they are from 12 to 24 hours. During this time, the pressure in the balls stabilizes. If expanded polystyrene is produced by suspension polymerization, then at this stage the drying of the balls is also carried out.
  3. After the completion and holding of these technological processes, the balls are placed in the molding unit. A polystyrene foam block is formed in it under the action of hot air. The granules stick together with each other because they are clamped in a special form. Only after cooling, the expanded polystyrene is removed from the mold.
  4. The final stage is cutting the finished material to a given size. Because the forms, as a rule, have impressive dimensions. But before this cutting, the polystyrene foam (block) is stored at rest for a day. Because under the influence of steam, moisture collects in the block, which can interfere with cutting (fractures and dents will form).

It is important! In total, there are two main methods for producing polystyrene foam: suspension polymerization and bulk polarization.

Suspension polymerization

In the first case, the process is based on the inability of water to dissolve vinyl polymers. At the foaming stage, the granules are poured into autoclaves filled with demineralized water. The granules are under constant pressure and uniform temperature rise. The foamed polystyrene foam is removed together with water, and already in the centrifuge it is separated from it, after which it goes through the drying stage.

Constant mixing of polymer granules inside the reactor is the main advantage of this production technology. Due to this, there is an effective distribution and removal of heat, which in the future increases the time during which expanded polystyrene can be stored without damage to its structure.

Bulk polymerization

When Styrofoam is produced in this way, no water is used. The process takes place at high temperatures. When 80-90% of the original styrene is melted, the polymerization is considered complete. There is no possibility of heat removal in such production. Polystyrene has a shorter shelf life.

Expanded polystyrene: basic properties

Thermal conductivity

Expanded polystyrene contributes to the preservation of heat, because the filling of this material is air. It has low thermal conductivity. Specific figures will be several times lower than, for example, wood, expanded clay or brick, and other building materials.

Such an indicator of thermal conductivity is the key to a good level of energy saving. The polystyrene used in the construction process makes it possible to significantly save on heating during the operation of the building. Expanded polystyrene is also used to protect pipelines from freezing, which increases their service life.


The structure of expanded polystyrene is a hygroscopic material, which means that it does not absorb into water, does not dissolve in it and does not swell when interacting with moisture. But with capillary diffusion, water can penetrate into the cavities between the granules (although its amount will be insignificant, about 1.5% in relation to the total weight volume of the plate). The same mechanism allows you to remove moisture from the described material while maintaining all the properties that polystyrene foam has.

If you follow the rules for laying polystyrene foam during construction, you can avoid the occurrence of condensate in the future. Resistance to moisture allows the use of expanded polystyrene for insulation of fundamental structures.

Resistance to chemical and biological factors

Expanded polystyrene does not react to the effects of most household chemicals. For example, with prolonged interaction with salt solutions, polystyrene will retain all its original properties. The same goes for using soap and bleach, even chlorine water. Acids (with the exception of acetic, concentrated nitric acid) do not have a negative effect on polystyrene foam.

Expanded polystyrene is not affected by microorganisms, it will not become an environment for the development of fungi and will not “allow” mold to grow on itself.


Expanded polystyrene has a relatively low strength. But the advantages of the material include high bending and compressive strength. This indicator largely depends on the thickness of the plate and how correctly the expanded polystyrene is laid.


Styrofoam can absorb noise and convert sound energy into heat energy. Expanded polystyrene has excellent soundproofing qualities, which are provided by the cellular structure. To ensure good sound insulation in the room, it is enough to use a plate with a thickness of only 2-3 centimeters.


If you use polystyrene foam correctly, then the plates will retain their physical qualities for a long time. They are ways to keep their shape, mechanical and thermophysical properties for a long time.

It is interesting! The minimum temperature limit for the material is minus 180 degrees Celsius, and the maximum is plus 80 degrees Celsius.

fire resistance

Expanded polystyrene is subject to combustion. But the combustion process will not be maintained if there is no direct contact of the material with the flame. Ignited material without a flame center will simply go out in a few seconds.

From the average temperature indicators, it is clear that polystyrene foam is resistant to high temperatures. Spontaneous combustion of plates occurs at a temperature of plus 491 degrees Celsius. This is two and a half times more than the ignition temperature of paper and almost two times more than the ignition temperature of wood.

Common types of polystyrene foam:

  • Polystyrene foams (can be pressed or pressed). Many people imagine non-press foam plastic, because it is in it that TVs, refrigerators and other equipment are packed. Due to the large distance between the granules, moisture can penetrate into this type of material.

Pressed polystyrene foam differs little in terms of thermal insulation and external properties. But due to the fact that the granules are more tightly linked, it is more difficult to break or crumble.

  • Extruded polystyrene foam. They have a soft and uniform cellular structure. Consists of closed cells, therefore it is considered the best type of polystyrene plastics.

Areas of use

Excellent thermal and sound insulation properties, ease of processing and processing, as well as affordable cost make expanded polystyrene a common material for many areas of human activity. Often expanded polystyrene is used for packaging goods and equipment, food. It is also used to produce disposable tableware, energy absorbers in the automotive industry, and even voluminous outdoor advertising.

Often, expanded polystyrene is used for thermal insulation of refrigeration equipment in industry due to the threat of dusting. Expanded polystyrene is also used in the thermal insulation of the roadway. You can even make beehives out of it!

The described material has received wide distribution and application in construction - it is used as a structural and heat-insulating material. Most often, it is the external insulation of private houses, apartment buildings or even industrial premises that is carried out. Due to some features of the material for internal insulation, it is not suitable (although such use is possible subject to certain technical requirements). Due to the fact that this building material is easy to install, even non-professional builders can use it for private construction or insulation of buildings.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the material include all its properties, which are described in detail in this article above. It does not transmit heat and sound, is a moisture-resistant material, resistant to many chemical and biological components. But, like everything that is used in construction, this type of foam also has its drawbacks:

  • Styrene - the main component of the material, can release harmful chemicals. At first, they are harmless to humans, but, accumulating over the years, they begin to raise the temperature in the room (especially in extreme heat). This affects the well-being of the inhabitants of the insulated house.
  • Can absorb water, although in very small quantities. Accumulating over the years, moisture can gradually destroy the material.
  • The mechanical strength of this type of foam is low, so when using it for laying a foundation, for example, additional protection is required in the form of special shields.
  • During a fire, the products of combustion contain many toxic substances. But here we must remember that this foam plastic burns only in direct contact with fire, if it is not there, that the source of ignition goes out on its own.

If you know all the characteristics of this type of plastic, correctly apply it in those areas where it is really justified, it will be beneficial and will perfectly cope with the tasks assigned to it.

Do not forget about the possible negative consequences of using this material, so when making the final decision, you should always carefully weigh the pros and cons.

Expanded polystyrene or polystyrene is a product obtained from polystyrene and other components.

The main advantage of this material is that it is very cheap. Of the thermal insulation materials, it is by far the cheapest.

Other benefits of Styrofoam:

  • It can be used both for insulation inside buildings and outside.
  • Great for insulating foundations.
  • Not afraid of moisture, has a small specific gravity.
  • An excellent heat insulator, for example 1 cm of polystyrene foam replaces 23 cm of brickwork.
  • Works well with other materials.
  • The cheapest material from heaters.

Styrofoam is also the thinnest insulation, and only penoizol, which is sprayed on the surface, can compete with it. However, only professional builders can work with penoizol, while any person can install polystyrene as a finish on their own.

In addition, the material is very light, which will not affect the severity of the building as a whole and will help save on the foundation. Also in construction, sheet foam is more often used, but sometimes balls and crumbs are used.

Where to use

Universal material that can be used to insulate any surface:

  1. Roofs and walls.
  2. Floor and plinth.
  3. Industrial buildings and residential buildings.

This is one of the easiest ways to insulate, so many people use foam. The house will become comfortable and warm, and the insulation itself is very reliable. The installation work itself and the material are inexpensive, so if you wish, you can hire a team of workers for these purposes.

Styrofoam sheets are more often used to insulate walls, and crumbs or balls are taken for the roof. The floor and base are often insulated with extruded polystyrene foam.

Other Conveniences of Styrofoam

  • The lightest material for independent work with it.
  • It can be cut with a hacksaw, a knife.
  • It lends itself to figured cutting and a hole can be made in it, if necessary. Most often this is required if windows with cornices or decorative views are insulated.
  • Polyfoam is glued to any surface and is perfectly subjected to additional processing, such as painting or plastering.

Negative qualities

One of the negative qualities so far lies in environmental friendliness of the product. The thing is that heated polystyrene releases styrene, which not only affects the functioning of internal organs, but also changes the composition of the blood. And when burning, the foam generally becomes dangerous. As a result of combustion, it produces phosgene gas, which is considered a weapon of mass destruction. That is why, where the risk of fire is high, experts do not recommend using foam as a heater.

This is especially important to know when insulating ventilated facades, since voids will intensify combustion, which means that due to air draft, the fire will disperse more strongly. Moreover, polystyrene foam after a while can emit an unpleasant odor. The material ages, so the effect of aging of the material may appear in the house. It is best to use foam for external insulation of a building or foundation.

When insulating a bath, one should also not forget about the ability of polystyrene to change the smell from heating, therefore it is better to use it as a heater from the outside or prefer mineral wool.

Also, mice start up in the foam, so the wooden building may suffer. Also, it is not advised to use it on walls that need to breathe, and structures that have not been kiln dried. The vapor permeability of the material leaves much to be desired.

What you need to know when warming the house from the outside and from the inside

To insulate a house inside, you need to know several features, for example:

  • Sheets should be no more than 30 mm in thickness.
  • It is better to make the sheet perforated so that it stays on the surface. To do this, you can roll it with a spiked roller;
  • Glue must be applied to the entire sheet without voids.
  • To level the walls, use moisture-proof mixtures.
  • For safety, it is better to prefer a material with a fire-resistant coating.

When insulating external facades, there are also some peculiarities, so carefully study the rules before starting work.

There are also nuances for exterior decoration, they consist of successive stages:

  1. For proper installation, a profile is installed.
  2. Apply glue to the foam.
  3. Glued to the surface with fixing with dowels.
  4. Reinforcing corner pieces are being installed.
  5. Reinforce and apply a decorative protective layer.

Installation of this heater is quick and does not require the use of additional equipment. Unlike mineral wool, it does not settle in the lungs and on the skin. In addition, it has a low cost. Be sure to entrust the work to professionals if there are no skills in laying insulation.

Failure to comply can lead to dampness and mold. To prevent mice from living, you can use a fine metal mesh. There are a lot of opportunities to improve the foam and make it a quality insulation. The main thing is that even the installation of this material will cost less, like himself, in contrast to the installation of other heat-insulating materials.

All the pros and cons of the material as a heater were considered, and it is up to the buyer to purchase it or another product.