How to grow a new variety of apple trees. Secrets of growing an apple orchard from experienced gardeners. How to grow an apple tree on your own: planting, care, pruning, top dressing. Why the apple tree does not bear fruit - video

The article is dedicated to those who are interested in how to grow an apple tree from a seed at home, what are the advantages of this method of growing seedlings, what to look for during the process.


Before you grow an apple tree from a seed, you should know that compared to other ways of propagating an apple tree, the risks are significantly increased here.
After all:

  • From the moment the seeds are planted to a mature tree that regularly bears fruit, many years can pass,
  • Not all grains can come off, not to mention getting a full-fledged seedling,
  • There is a good chance that the seed will not grow the variety you are hoping for. you eat delicious apples, and want to get the same apple. But in fact, either a wild animal or a tree with completely different taste qualities can grow. And keep in mind that you will not learn about bad taste right away, but after years, until the apple tree grows from the stone. True, the wild animal can be "calculated" earlier, by the thorns on the branches of the seedling,
  • If you grow an apple tree from a seed at home, most likely it will not have an ideal crown, which is convenient both for processing (spraying, picking fruits) and getting on it sun rays.
    If all of the above does not stop you, then read how to grow an apple tree from a seed at home.

Video how to grow an apple tree from an apple seed:

Stratification of apple seeds

Before you grow an apple tree from a seed, it is advisable to stratify it. This procedure aims to improve seed germination.

The order of stratification is as follows:

  1. Remove the seeds from a ripe apple fruit, and rinse thoroughly in water. It is important that the apple is not only ripe, but also without signs of damage by diseases or pests. In addition, the apple must be grown in our latitudes. Because brought from southern countries, perhaps tasty, but it will not take root well with us, and it may freeze in winter. You need to plant several seeds at once, because not all will sprout, some will turn out to be wild, and only a small part will give good harvest.
  2. Soak in water for 3 days, changing it every 24 hours. Some gardeners use stimulants to speed up germination, such as Epina or sodium humate.
  3. After this, the process of stratification itself takes place, during which, the bone (seed) fruit plant hold for a long time at low temperatures. As a rule, it is from +1 to +5°C. this mode is stored in the refrigerator (vegetable compartment) or in the cellar or basement.
  4. Seeds are placed in a box filled with moistened sand, and left for the winter (from autumn to early spring) in a cool place.
  5. You need to regularly moisten the sand (but do not flood). Also, check for mold. If so, then rinse running water.
  6. In the spring, when the seed begins to germinate, it can be planted in flowerpots or boxes filled with nutrient soil, for example, black soil. Put such flowerpots on the windowsill, for better lighting the sun. In warm spring days, you can put flowerpots on open air, but at night clean the room.
  7. After the seedlings grow up and get stronger, then in the fall they can be planted in open ground. There, they are followed by the usual care for plants: weeding, fertilizing, disease and pest control, regular watering. Some summer residents plant a seedling in open ground not next fall, but even later, in spring. Thus, the seedling will get stronger and it will not need to survive the cold winter.
  8. During the cultivation of seedlings in flowerpots, you need to regularly transplant into large containers so that the roots do not rest against the walls of the vessel.

Another way to plant an apple tree from a seed

In addition to stratification, we will talk about the method of how to grow an apple tree from an apple seed. This is the so-called "direct" method. For this, in early spring remove the fresh seeds from the apple, wash and plant immediately in the ground.
It is clear that not all seeds will germinate, and most of them will not survive the winter.

Apple tree from seeds

But those that survive will be hardened and ready to grow in adverse weather conditions.

Alternative option

For those who do not know whether it is possible to grow an apple tree from a seed, we answer: yes, you can. But not to wait long years and have a more predictable option, you can plant an apple tree using seedlings that can be purchased from nurseries, garden shops or in the bazaar (in reliable sellers).
In this case, after 3-5 years, you can regularly get fruits, moreover, of the variety that you bought.
Supplement how to grow an apple tree seedling from a seed. If, as a result of your efforts, you got a wild game, do not rush to dig it up. After all, you can graft varieties of apple trees from your garden on it and increase the planting.
Now you know whether it is possible to grow an apple tree from a seed, how to plant an apple tree from a stone at home, and what risks await us.
Also, for a better understanding of the process, pay attention to interesting videos, where experienced gardeners share their best practices and secrets:

Apple tree - from seed to apple tree. Cultivation, planting, propagation, grafting, watering, care.

How to plant and grow an apple tree. We propagate, graft, water the apple tree, take care of it. (10+)

Agrotechnics of the apple tree: from the stone to the bulk apple

Anyone who has homestead or summer cottages more than once they tried to plant a flowering and fruitful garden on them. Home-grown crops are always the most delicious and healthy.

No matter how many types of trees there are in the garden, an apple tree of a delicious variety will never be superfluous. First, because different varieties of apples bear fruit in different time, secondly, and the shelf life different varieties differs, and, thirdly, there are never too many apples, because you can always find a use for them: pastries, homemade jam, juice, canning and many more options, about which experienced housewives surely aware.

Pollination of an apple tree

Apple flowers are pollinated by insects, mainly by domestic bees. The fruits of different varieties of apple trees have the most diverse shape, size, color, taste and smell. Each fruit usually contains 10 seeds, which are covered with a brown skin.

You can grow an apple tree from an ordinary bone from good fruit. But one should not expect that a grown tree will bear fruit with the same fruits. Either way, you need to get vaccinated. But all this is quite realistic to do at home, the main thing is to be patient, diligent and follow all the recommendations. In addition, it is advisable to take the bone from a healthy frost-resistant variety, then the seedling will have a good root system and will be resistant to weather disasters. It is best to take a ripe apple tree that grows wild in your area, not grafted.

start first preparatory stage it is necessary in early January in order to plant mature seedlings in open ground in the second half of May.

Preparation of seeds (seeds)

Even on initial stage everything is not as simple as it seems. Just throw a stub into the soil and you should not wait, the chances of germination are too small in this case. Those who are aimed at success in this undertaking and a rich harvest should approach each stage of cultivation responsibly and with the utmost diligence.

You need to choose ripe bones: in appearance they should be Brown color smooth, no dents or damage.

When the seeds are selected, they must be thoroughly washed and soaked in clean water For a three days. It is advisable to change the water every day.

Now it's time to harden the seeds. To do this, they must be placed in a vessel with wet sand (sawdust) and placed on the lower shelf in the refrigerator, where they should remain for about 50-60 days. Throughout this period, it is necessary to ensure that the sand does not become moldy, but also does not dry out.

Our ancestors, in the absence of refrigerators, used a different method of hardening, which is also very good due to the fact that it is as natural as possible. Its essence lies in the fact that hardening occurs in the ground. To do this, prepared washed seeds are planted in the ground in the summer, where they are still in warm soil for some time and meet the winter. Strong seeds after hardening in this winter gave sprouts in the spring. But this method is interesting, rather, as experience and in modern conditions much more convenient to use the refrigerator. Inveterate naturalists may well follow old-fashioned methods.

First shoots

When the seeds in the refrigerator began to germinate (and this, as already mentioned, will not happen earlier than in 50 days), then it's time to transplant them. To do this, you need small boxes that are filled special composition: a small layer of drainage (pebbles) is poured on the bottom, then you can pour a little sand or sawdust, and the thickest upper layer- soil (chernozem and a little peat). The soil should be nutritious in composition and loose in structure.

Seeds germinated in the refrigerator are planted in this composition. And the ready-made boxes then need to be placed on the windowsills on the sunny side. Water as needed - the main thing is to ensure that the soil is moist, but not wet or overdried.

The nutritional properties of the soil can be improved with the help of natural substances, for example, humus, compost will be very useful.

So, on a well-lit windowsill, the seedlings should spend about 60 more days, after which they can be planted in open ground.

Planting a seedling

Before transplanting the grown sprouts, it is necessary to decide on a place for the future tree. It is necessary to provide that it will be a tree of impressive size with a developed root system. Therefore, the place should be open and sunny, it is better if there are no other trees and shrubs nearby, as well as a neighbor's fence.

When a place is chosen, and the seedling is ready for free independent development, it can be transplanted. The hole needs to be dug large, its diameter should slightly exceed the size of the roots. So the tree will be easier to develop further. The young shoot should be watered abundantly and covered with a 5-centimeter layer of sawdust around the entire tree by about 80-100 cm. You do not need to immediately use any fertilizers. During this period, it is most important to monitor the degree of moisture and looseness of the soil.

After the first season, you can stop watering if there is no drought. perfect time for planting seedlings is the second half of spring or the first half of autumn.

For the first time, when the tree is still very young and fragile, it is better to protect it with an additional mesh barrier, you can make stretch marks from strong wind and rain.

There is a good chance that a tree grown from a stone will bear fruit, but even then the fruit will not match those from which the stone was extracted. In order to get a qualitatively and quantitatively good harvest, a tree must be grafted.

Grafting an apple tree

There are many methods and methods of vaccination. The choice should depend on the season, region, and grower's skill. As a scion, a bud or cutting from a tree is used, whose fruits you like for taste, appearance, size and resistance to pests.

How to grow an apple tree from seed

After grafting, the grafted branch will have the same fruits as on the tree from which the graft was taken.

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Growing an apple tree from a seed (stone) at home

How to grow your own apple tree

Start by growing a rootstock from Antonovka seeds. In the fall, select the most ripe antonovka fruits, preferably from the south side of the tree. Get seeds. Prepare a place for sowing, for which dig a rectangular hole 25-30 cm deep and fill it with well-draining, fertile soil, which should rise 5-8 cm above the ground. In this place, before frost, sow the selected Antonovka seeds according to the scheme 10 × 10 cm (more often) to a depth of 2-3 cm. Be sure to mulch the planting site with needles or fallen leaves, just not from fruit trees and oak, the leaves of which inhibit the growth of the plant. Seeds should not freeze in winter, they will undergo natural stratification. The temperature in the soil layer of seeds should be 0 - minus 2°C. In the spring, remove the mulch, and the Antonovka seeds will begin to germinate.

How to stratify apple seeds in a conventional refrigerator - my method

The germination percentage is about 50-70, so sow more seeds. When your seedlings have 6-8 true leaves, cull and pick with a clod of earth. Leave only the strongest, having non-curved trunks. Care during the summer is normal: weeding, top dressing every month, watering, loosening. By the autumn of the first year, the seedlings should have a height of 50-70 cm and a trunk diameter of up to 1 cm. In the fall, cull again, and with a clod of earth, the best stock can be planted on permanent place. For the winter, it is necessary to provide a fence against hares: for them, the bark of young apple trees is a delicacy. And protection from hares can be 3-4 layers of newspaper wrapped around the trunk and tied with twine.

Over the summer, think about what kind of apple tree you want to grow. Maybe in your area, some owner has a variety that you like, and it will not be difficult to get grafting material. In the spring of the second or third year, graft with a cutting or in the summer (in July) budding with a bud.

So gradually grow your apple tree, the taste of the fruits of which will be known to you in advance.

After harvesting, fruit trees begin to grow intensified roots, and plants at this time, if they are not fed, will experience hunger, which will negatively affect the future harvest.

Here is the consumption of fertilizers for apple and pear trees per 1 m2 of crown, depending on the age of the crop.

Age 7-12 years - 1 cup of simple superphosphate, 1/2 cup of potassium chloride, 1 bucket of organics.

Age 13-20 years old - 1.5 cups of simple superphosphate, 2/3 cups of potassium chloride, 1 bucket of organics.

Note: organic matter is applied 1 time in 4 years.

Cherries, plums and apple trees on low-growing rootstocks up to 4 years of age are not fed annually in the fall. From the age of 5, annually in the fall, 1 cup of simple superphosphate, 1/2 cup of potassium chloride and 1 bucket of organic matter are applied per 1 m2 of crown once every 4 years. In dry autumn, watering is necessary.

Stratification of apple seeds in a domestic refrigerator

I never throw away well-ripened seeds of Antonovka and Anis, but use them for growing rootstocks for grafting with cultivars. harvested seeds I dry it at a temperature of 30-35 ° C for 2-3 days, put it in glass jars for medicine for storage. I've been stocking up since autumn river sand(1 cup sand to 1/3 cup dry seeds).

In early January, I lay the seeds for stratification. To do this, I wash the sand well and ignite it in a hot pan, and wash the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate and soak to swell for 1 day. Then I mix the seeds with wet sand in a ratio of 1: 2 and pour them into clean plastic boxes, better rectangular shape (approximate dimensions 2x4x5 cm). The bottom of the box should have drainage holes to prevent accidental waterlogging of the mixture. The mixture of seeds and sand should be loose and always wet. I fill the boxes by 2/3 of the volume, I cover the top with a rectangular cardboard to reduce the evaporation of moisture. I put the same cardboard on the bottom of the box before filling the mixture.

I store boxes with seeds for 3-3.5 months. (stratification period) in a closed door shelf household refrigerator at a temperature of +5-6°C. Once or twice a week I check the moisture content of the mixture, if necessary, add water drop by drop with a pipette, stirring the mixture.

After 1.5 months, individual seeds begin to germinate. To identify them, you need to periodically pour the mixture onto a sheet of paper and, moving a match, check each seed. Mass germination of seeds is observed by the end of 2.5-3 months. stratification, at this time it is necessary to check the mixture more often (after 2-3 days) in order to plant germinated seeds on time.

Not one manages orchard. After all, only they give that aroma to your site, which causes both a feeling of sadness and joy. Bringing a tree from a seed planted in the ground to a real giant covered with fragrant apples is a huge job and pleasure.

Apple trees belong to the rose family. This is especially felt when the tree is covered with a white-pink cloud of fragrant flowers, which then miraculously turn into round fruits, sweet and sour in taste. The tree serves man: it feeds him with apples, various products are made from its trunk. Yes and by appearance the tree has decorative properties, like a spreading crown with branches of various shapes.

  • Tall trees with a ball-like crown produce greenish-yellow, slightly sour Antonovka fruits.
  • From Bessemyanka Michurinskaya you can get juicy greenish yellow tint apples that ripen gradually from August to September.
  • Ruddy, round, juicy fruits will give the Baltika variety.

But late-ripening varieties of apple trees are the most valuable, since they bear fruit late, their harvest lasts all winter:

  • Winter-hardy Aport is often found in apple orchards. Its fruits are conical, yellow with red barrels.
  • Juicy apples of the Bezhin meadow variety are distinguished by long storage.

To make the garden look complete, it is necessary to have all three varieties of apple trees in it. The choice of a variety, knowledge of the characteristics of growing and caring for it plays a big role in providing oneself with a harvest of fruits over a long period of time.

The apple tree is classified as a pome crop and propagated by its bones, cuttings, layering:

  • Reproduction by seeds requires special preparation, which is still begun in winter. Seeds planted in the ground, together with the container, are sent for hardening in the refrigerator. As soon as after 2 months green shoots appear, they must be transplanted. To do this, prepare boxes with a drainage layer and loose, nutritious soil. Now the seedlings continue to live on windowsills in more comfortable conditions, warm and well lit. It will go on like this for another two months. And now the seedlings are ready for independence, they are preparing a place in the garden. But there is no guarantee that the apple tree will be the same as the mother tree from which the seed was taken. Might have to do.
  • The preparation of cuttings begins in the spring, getting them from root branches. The length of the material is about 20 centimeters. For some time, the cuttings are stored in a cool place, sprinkled with sand. Seedlings are obtained from strong cuttings if they are taken from an ungrafted tree. This material is used both for and for vaccinations.
  • Having chosen reproduction by layering, they are pinned to the ground side branches and sprinkle with soil. During the warm season, they are watered - and in the fall, apple tree seedlings are ready, which are carefully separated from the mother.

Each breeding method fruit tree it is costly in its own way, has its pros and cons, but it is possible to grow an apple tree by any means.

Planting apple seedlings should not be rushed. Choosing a place in the garden important detail in replanting young trees. Sunny and open glades are suitable for fruit trees such as an apple tree. A pit for planting must be prepared in advance, a week in advance. If the soil is waterlogged groundwater then it is not suitable for the seedling. standing height ground water should not reach one and a half meters.

The day before planting, the seedlings are soaked in water, cutting off the roots by a third, and then lowering the root part into a clay mash.

Some use the use of additives - growth stimulants. For apple trees are comfortable loamy soils. If the predominance of clay is great, then peat and coarse river sand can be added to the soil, and more clay, humus and compost can be added to the sand.

Landing Features:

  • The volume of the pit depends on the varietal characteristics of the tree: the higher its trunk, the greater the width of the landing groove.
  • At the bottom of the ground with the addition and ( wood ash, rotted manure, potassium sulfate, superphosphate) are loosened with a sharp shovel and drainage is thrown there, which can even be made from old tin cans.
  • Sprinkling the hole with a third of fertile soil, they drive in a peg in the middle, near which the seedling is placed, slightly raising it above the ground.
  • Having straightened the roots of the plant, they slowly begin to pour the earth and tamp it down. Especially carefully it is necessary to trample down the edges of the landing circle after landing.
  • Having tied a small apple tree to a peg with twine, water the seedling abundantly using at least 5 buckets of water.
  • It is advisable to mulch the soil around the apple tree with a five-centimeter layer of peat.
  • A week later, the seedlings are repeated.

The best time for planting apple trees is the autumn period until mid-October, but it is not recommended to do this later than the twentieth, it is better to leave it until spring, until the end of April.

The basic rules for caring for an apple tree include:

  1. Good watering, especially during dry periods, is a must for a fruit tree. The main irrigation schedule is three times a day - at the beginning of summer, during the filling period, before frosts.
  2. Top dressing is used in spring and autumn. In April, fertilize with saltpeter in a tablespoon per square meter and ashes up to two glasses. It is useful to shed the soil under the apple tree with a solution boric acid and blue vitriol. In the autumn, superphosphates, compost, are brought under the tree. Some experts recommend adding a little table salt, or sodium chloride. Close up fertilizer in the soil around the circumference of the tree.
  3. Whitewashing of apple tree trunks in autumn is carried out so that the trees are protected from diseases by honey preparations contained in lime. In case of damage and wounds on the bark, these places can be covered with red lead or pitch.

Removing some of the branches from the apple tree will help rejuvenate the tree and increase its yield. Pruning is carried out in early spring, when all the snow has not yet melted. Old branches are completely removed, and those remaining with last year's flower buds are partially removed. This procedure will help stimulate new flowers, form a full-fledged crop of apples.

The thickening of the crown is removed by removing thin branches.

This helps to reduce the frequency of fruiting and free the tree from overloading with apples in harvest years. Lightening the tree when cutting three-year-old shoots can improve its fruiting.

Thinning the crown of the tree, its clarification is carried out, while the growth shoots turn into fruit-bearing shoots, the premature aging of the fruit branches is suspended. Frequent pruning of weak growth will help to correct the appearance of the tree and its further life.

Many varieties of apple trees are susceptible to diseases:

  • The formation of a powdery coating on leaves, buds and shoots indicates infection with a fungal disease. This ailment is effectively treated by spraying with lime decoction with the addition of sulfur.
  • The most common among apple trees is scab, which covers apples and leaves with brown spots. The cure comes with ten percent ammonium nitrate, and the affected leaves are simply destroyed.
  • Diseases caused by a fungus different kind, affect apple trees quite often. It's fruit rot, and rust, and soot fungus. The name of the ailments speaks for itself, it is necessary to fight them with spraying, copper-soap solutions. Coniferous trees planted nearby will help to avoid infection with many diseases.

The main pests of the apple tree include hawthorn, the caterpillar of which feeds on buds and leaves. At the end of summer, the caterpillar in the cocoon retains its life until the onset of autumn. By removing and burning old foliage, you can partially save the tree from the pest.

The apple codling moth is also dangerous, destroying fruits and leaving gardeners without a crop.

Carrying out apple trees in advance with appropriate preparations will help to avoid the onset of the disease and save from pests.

More information can be found in the video:

Apples are the most common fruit throughout Russia. There is a huge variety of varieties of these fruits: there are summer, winter and autumn varieties of apple trees. Songs and poems are dedicated to these super-useful fruits. This is the first fruit covered in the Bible. After all, it was this fruit that Eve tasted and upset the balance between Good and Evil. Fairy tales also mention rejuvenating apples as a symbol of immortality and beauty.

In every private house, an apple tree grows in the yard or in the garden. Every year she gives you a generous harvest of delicious and juicy fruits. Moreover, your grandparents planted it. So let's figure it out, is it possible to grow an apple tree from a seed? Is this real but? Of course, you can try to grow an apple tree by seed, however, this method is used quite rarely by gardeners for the following reasons:

  • This is a very painstaking and difficult task.
  • the so-called wild game most often grows from sprouts. Such fruits cannot be called tasty and they differ from an ordinary homemade apple.

But, despite all the shortcomings of this lesson, we still offer you try to grow an apple tree from a seed at home.

If these arguments sounded convincing to you and you are ready to faithfully implement all of our recommendations, then this article will be extremely useful to read.

How to choose and prepare seeds before sowing

Select seeds for sowing:

  • hard;
  • plain brown;
  • without any damage.

You must prepare the seeds for sowing, by doing the following:

There is also a "grandfather" method of stratification. To implement it, you need to pull out the seeds from a ripe large apple, rinse and immediately plant in the ground. This is done in order to get good shoots in the spring and harden our apple tree. The plant is adapting to natural conditions. An important condition is the time of year when you plan to plant the seeds in the ground. Need to land at least a month before the onset of frost.

Congratulations! You have completed all the preparation steps. Now we need to plant the seeds. Let's take a closer look at how to do this.

How to plant apple seeds

Caring for an apple tree does not require any supernatural efforts. The principle of care is the same as for indoor plants. As you have already read in the recommendations given above, young tree need to be grown at home for four years. To root system apple trees developed correctly, transplant the tree into a container bigger size as you grow.

It is necessary to plant a young tree in the garden at the end of spring. The site should be located on the sunny side and have a considerable size, because. will grow out of it in the future massive tree impressive size. The main condition is adaptation of the apple tree to natural conditions before the onset of the first frost. If you did not have time to plant a tree in May, do not be discouraged, postpone this business until September and plant.

You will be able to harvest from your apple tree in five or even fifteen years.

Features of caring for an apple tree

Care principles:

  • Water periodically, not forgetting about your tree.
  • Feed with the necessary drugs.
  • Regularly prune dried branches from a mature apple tree.

By following these principles, after ten years, you will be able to enjoy delicious juicy fruits every year and collect generous harvests apples from your tree planted from a seed.

All plants for a complete and proper development and life needs vitamins and minerals. The apple tree is no exception. You need to regularly feed the tree. And you have to do it right. It is necessary to loosen the soil and add a mixture for top dressing.

You can infect a young tree with various infectious diseases. Compost - the best fertilizer. Top dressings consisting of phosphorus and potassium will be very useful for young trees. They contribute to the maturation of the dense part of the tree under the bark (wood). Feeding proportions must be strictly observed:

  • potassium chloride should not be more than 20 grams per square meter;
  • superphosphate - about 35 grams.

Summing up

Now you know how to grow a whole apple tree from tiny seeds, how to recognize a wild game and what principles to follow in germinating seeds. Enough theory, now start practicing, acting according to our algorithm of actions. Have no doubts about the success of your event, and you will achieve the desired result with a little effort and discipline. You can proudly tell your children ten years from now that it was you who grew that gorgeous apple tree on personal plot from a tiny seed.

You bought apples in the store and on the market, and you liked their taste so much that you immediately wanted to grow the same variety in your garden.

What to do in this case? After all, the variety of apples is not always known for certain.

From this article you will learn how to grow an apple tree from a seed at home.

How to choose a seed for planting?

It is known that an apple tree grown from a stone is more hardy and strong. Also, such a tree is characterized by good winter hardiness and a long lifespan.

True, the result can be known only after the first harvest.

You can grow tasty and new variety, or you can - a wild apple tree, which has bitter-sour apples.

Experienced gardeners say that a well-bearing tree can be grown if certain rules are strictly followed. But the harvest will still have to wait a long time - about 5-15 years.

The first thing you need to start growing is the choice of seeds. Full bones can be obtained from apples that grow on the periphery of the crown. It is in this place that flowers are best fertilized.

It is worth paying attention that the selected variety must be adapted to the region of your residence.

The seeds themselves must be:

  1. Intact (remove the bones from the apples as carefully as possible).
  2. Firm and ripe.
  3. Have a uniform brown color.

3 steps to seed preparation

Growing an apple tree from a stone is a long and laborious process, so you should be patient. For successful cultivation it is necessary to properly prepare the seeds for planting.

It consists of three consecutive steps:


Place the selected bones in a container with warm water and stir with a small spoon for 3-5 minutes. Repeat several times. This procedure is necessary to get rid of the inhibitory layer that interferes with germination. Water must be drained using gauze or a sieve.

It is better to use a wooden spoon or a stick. Such material will not damage the seeds.


After washing, the bones must be put in a glass of water. The glass must be placed in a warm place for 3-4 days, while the water must be changed daily, otherwise the bones may become moldy. On day 3, you need to add a growth stimulator to the water (sodium humate, Epin).


This procedure is designed to harden seeds in order to prepare them for natural conditions a habitat. At this stage, the onset of the winter period is simulated.

There are several ways to carry out stratification:

  1. Artificial. Mix apple seeds with peat and sand in a ratio of 1: 3, then the resulting mixture must be moistened until water begins to seep to the surface. Moss can be used instead of a substrate + sawdust or sand + sawdust + Activated carbon. Seeds should not be in contact with each other, so that the mold does not pass from one to another. In the selected substrate, the bones should be kept for 6 days at room temperature. During this time, they should swell. After that, the substrate with apple seeds should be placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 2-3 months. Optimum temperature should be +4°C.
  2. Natural. At the end of August or in autumn, it is necessary to remove the seeds from apples, wash them and plant them dry in open ground. After 2-3 months, colds begin, and natural stratification. During the winter, the seeds swell, and sprout in the spring.

Apple seed sowing technology at home

To plant apple seeds at home, any time of the year will do. For cultivation, it is necessary to select only the healthy and strongest sprouts.

Step by step we will describe the instructions on how to plant the bones:

  1. Prepare a container or box. Make small holes in the bottom excess moisture could leave.
  2. At the bottom, lay a drainage layer of pebbles, expanded clay or broken bricks.
  3. Use only black soil as soil. This soil has all the substances that a young tree needs.
  4. When planting, use the following scheme: the distance between the seeds should be 2-3 cm, the width between the rows should be 15-20 cm, and the depth should be 2 cm.
  5. Water the soil generously with water. At the same time, make sure that the soil is not washed out and the seed is not exposed.

When the second pair of leaves appears on the grown trees, they must be sorted. wild apple trees and weak plants should be removed. They differ from varietal ones in small and brightly colored leaves, as well as thorns on the trunk. So the distance between seedlings increases to 7-8 cm.

Apple seedling care

Young trees need proper care for full development. Seedlings should be kept at home for at least 4 years.

During this time, they will get stronger and will be ready for transplanting into open ground.

If at home it is impossible to keep the plant for so long, then the trees can be planted on garden plot provided that they are reliably protected from wind, cold and pests.

The volume of the container where the apple tree grows needs to be increased every year. Thus, the root system will develop correctly.

Also, it is important to take care of proper feeding seedlings. It is strictly forbidden to use active organic matter (bird droppings, fresh manure). They can cause burns or cause a bacterial infection.

In the first year, trees can be fertilized with infusion of humus. Every year at the end of August, potassium-phosphorus supplements are shown to apple trees (15-20 g and 30-40 g, respectively).

At the same time, the soil must be thoroughly loosened and watered.

Another important point in care is watering. Until the root system is formed, it should be watered every 7-10 days. There should be no dry earthen crust around the base of the trunk.

Most people are used to buying ready-made apple tree seedlings. But it is much more interesting to grow a tree from a seed. This is a very interesting process, although it requires a lot of time and patience.

The main thing is to follow the above instructions. Then your garden will be decorated with apple trees that you have grown with your own with my own hands. This is a real reason to be proud.


Details on how to grow an apple tree from a seed at home

Apple tree that grew from a seed stronger and more resilient. It is generally more winter hardy than the parent tree.

The apple tree from the stone has a long lifespan. True, it is not known what the result of planting a seed will be.

After all, you can grow a completely new and tasty variety, or you can grow a wild apple tree that has bitter-sour and completely inedible apples.

Therefore, such an annual apple tree is very often used as a stock, planting a variety on it.

Is it possible to grow an apple tree from a seed at home?

According to experienced gardeners, if clearly follow the rules how to grow an apple tree from a stone at home, then everything will succeed and get a tree that will bear fruit well. But the harvest will have to wait 5-15 years.

Seed selection

Important! You should choose a variety adapted to your region, as the tree should grow well in your area. It is better if the selected variety is frost-resistant. Seeds should be firm, intact and have a uniform brown color.

Seed selection begins with the selection of the fruit.

In order to select seeds, you first need to select the best fruits.

If the apples are underdeveloped, then the bones in them as well.

Full-fledged seeds are formed in apples growing on the periphery of the crown, since this place has the best conditions for the fertilization of flowers and the best illumination.

Seed preparation


Bones for washing and further cultivation must be recently taken out of the fruit, they cannot be stored for several years.

Seeds need to be removed from the fruit, and immediately rinsed in warm running water to wash off the inhibitor (it prevents growth).

For this the bones are placed in a container of warm water, small wooden stick stir for 3 minutes, then move the bones to gauze and drain the water.


  • Put the bones in a glass of water.
  • Put the glass in a not very warm place in the room and wait 3 days, wash the seeds daily and change the water, because otherwise the water will stagnate and the seeds from apples may become moldy, and, therefore, they cannot be planted.
  • On the 3rd day, a growth stimulator is poured into the water, for example Epin, sodium humate, on the 4th day you will see that the seeds are swollen.


Important! In order to improve the chances of seed germination, stratification is used (this is the provision best conditions, which mimic natural conditions in autumn and winter to speed up the germination of an apple seed).

You can start stratification in different ways:

  • it is required to mix 1 part of seeds with 3 parts of peat and sand. We must not forget that the number of bones is put with a margin, since not all of them germinate as a result.
  • After everything is mixed and moistened with a ruler. Seeds should not come into contact with each other, otherwise the mold will not pass from one rotten seed to others;
  • instead of peat earth and sand, mix sawdust from wood and peat soil and soak the seeds in this substrate;
  • you can make a composition of sand and sawdust, pouring crushed activated carbon there, which will not allow mold to occur;
  • Water is added to the substrate until moisture appears on the surface. Then they wait 6 days for the seeds to swell;
  • then the resulting composition with seeds from apples is placed on bottom shelf of refrigerator and leave for 2 months.

Advice: Every 3 days, look to see if mold has arisen, if the substrate in which the seeds are placed has dried out, if they have hatched.

There are also a different method of stratification, it was used by the monks of the Valaam Monastery.

In August or autumn, they picked apples, took out the seeds from them, then washed them and planted them dry in the soil.

The bones of the apple tree are closed to a depth of 2 cm, observing an indent of 10 cm. Usually, after 2-3 months, frosts begin, and natural stratification. During the winter, the bones swell and harden, and in the spring they sprout.

Sowing technology, how to plant an apple tree from a seed at home

They take a pot or a box, they must have holes in the bottom, drainage from broken bricks, pebbles, crushed stone is placed on the bottom. Pour into a box soil taken from where you plan to plant a tree in the future.

For every 10 kg of earth pour:

  • 30 g of superphosphate;
  • 200 g of ash;
  • 20 g potassium sulfate.

Select the strongest sprouts for planting.

The technology of growing apple trees from seeds at home

Landings are placed on the southern windowsill, they need to be well lit. They need to be constantly moisturized.

When the first sprouts appear, they are transplanted into large pots.

If the sprouts are planted directly on the garden, then leave an indent of 20 cm from each other, and between the rows make a distance of 15-20 cm.

If the sprouts are powerful, then they are allowed to be transplanted to a permanent place.

Growing apple sprouts.

If the sprouts are frail, then first transplant them into pots, and then plant them in a permanent place in the country.

An apple tree grown from a seed needs to be replanted three times in 4 years:

  • 1st time - from a bowl where a seed germinated into a pot or box. This is necessary for the growth of the tap central root;
  • 2nd time - then the apple tree grows in a pot for a year, and after that it is transplanted into a larger pot. When transplanting, it is required to cut off the central root (or bend the root at a right angle);
  • 3rd time - planted in a permanent place.

Transplants are made so that the apple tree begins to bear fruit earlier, otherwise it will only have apples in 15 years. And good care is very important.

After each transplant, the sprouts are thoroughly watered.

Watering is required after each transplant.

When sprouts grow 4 true leaves, you can sort out future apple trees by removing those that grow wild.

Distinguish a wild type apple tree from varietal tree It is possible because the game has smaller and brighter leaves, thin and straight spikes on the trunk and short shoots.

Cultivated apple trees do not have thorns, their foliage is larger, in color it is dark green or grayish, with pubescence from below, the edge of the leaves is wavy or curved, their stem is thicker and the buds are arranged symmetrically.

How to grow an apple tree from seeds at home: further care

Trees grown at home are transplanted to a permanent place, mid-April to end of May and in September and October.

If apple trees initially grew in open ground, then they can be transplanted to a permanent place throughout the summer season.

Try to choose a place that is brightly lit by the rays of the sun so that there are no other trees nearby.

Before planting in the ground, humus, ash and mineral fertilizers are embedded.

ATTENTION! If fertilizers are not used during planting, then organic matter is added in the summer. But in the first year, it is best to feed not with manure, but with infusion of humus, rotted compost. Since fresh manure or chicken droppings can lead to burns on trees.

In addition, this organic matter is often the cause of bacterial infections.

In August, the seedlings stop feeding with nitrogen and feed with phosphorus and potassium so that the shoots ripen for winter and leaf development stops.

Per 1 m² trunk circle pour 15-20 g of potassium chloride and 30-40 g of superphosphate, after the earth is loosened and watered abundantly.

Water the tree in the first year of cultivation every week, and then loosen it shallowly.

If you want to make a rootstock from a seedling later, in October, dig it up, cut off all the leaves, and stepping back 20 cm from the root collar, cut off the central taproot, then the seedling will not grow so intensively, and branched fibrous roots will grow in it.

For the whole winter, a seedling with a covered rhizome can be placed in a cool basement.

BUT vaccinated in spring.
It is best to graft the stock after 1-2 years of cultivation. After grafting, you need to constantly water the apple tree so that the soil does not dry out.

Useful videos

Watch how to grow an apple tree from a seed at home on the video:

Watch a video on how to perform seed stratification:

Growing a columnar apple tree from seed

For planting, it is required to use fruits grown on a columnar apple tree, but those varieties that adapted to your area.

To the best varieties columnar apple trees include: President, Medok, Ostankino, Vasyugan, Moscow necklace.

You can also grow an apple tree from a seed at home, like an ordinary apple tree, first they are selected, soaked for 3 days, then stratified.

To get a columnar apple tree, which has excellent characteristics, an apple tree grown from seed can be used as a graft, grafting it onto a dwarf clonal (vegetative) stock.

Conclusion Apple trees grown from seeds have excellent frost resistance and resistant to diseases and pest attacks. In addition, you have the opportunity to get a new variety.


Step-by-step instructions on how to grow an apple tree from seeds with your own hands

Apples are the most common fruit throughout Russia. There is a huge variety of varieties of these fruits: there are summer, winter and autumn varieties of apple trees.

Songs and poems are dedicated to these super-useful fruits. This is the first fruit covered in the Bible. After all, it was this fruit that Eve tasted and upset the balance between Good and Evil.

Fairy tales also mention rejuvenating apples as a symbol of immortality and beauty.

In every private house, an apple tree grows in the yard or in the garden. Every year she gives you a generous harvest of delicious and juicy fruits. Moreover, your grandparents planted it.

So let's figure it out, is it possible to grow an apple tree from a seed? Is this real but? Of course, you can try to grow an apple tree by seed, however, this method is used quite rarely by gardeners for the following reasons:

  • This is a very painstaking and difficult task.
  • the so-called wild game most often grows from sprouts. Such fruits cannot be called tasty and they differ from an ordinary homemade apple.

But, despite all the shortcomings of this lesson, we still offer you try to grow an apple tree from a seed at home.

  • You can use young sprouts to decorate your home. The apple tree will perfectly decorate any apartment or house, creating comfort and coziness.
  • Other varieties can be grafted with apple seedlings, as they are very resistant to adverse weather conditions.
  • You can get a new variety of tasty apples.
  • You minimize your costs by choosing the seed germination method.

If these arguments sounded convincing to you and you are ready to faithfully implement all of our recommendations, then this article will be extremely useful to read.

  1. Choose for sprouting only winter varieties apples, as in this case you will have a better chance of success. The apple tree must endure natural disasters.
  2. “What you sow, you will reap.” If you want to reap the fruits, then you must choose and prepare the right seeds. it required condition! How to do it right, we will tell a little later.
  3. Sow in the ground. The first four years of its life, the apple tree must live at home. It must be periodically transplanted as the root system grows.
  4. Choose a spacious area within your garden and select sunny place for planting an apple tree.
  5. If you plan to graft an adult apple tree with this seedling, dig it up and cut off all the leaves, trim the trunk to 20 cm from the root system. These manipulations should be carried out in the month of October. Store the scion until spring in the basement of your house.
  6. Feed your seedling properly.

How to choose and prepare seeds before sowing

Select seeds for sowing:

  • hard;
  • plain brown;
  • without any damage.

You must prepare the seeds for sowing, by doing the following:

  1. Good Rinse, placing in a vessel with warm water and stir for several minutes with a toothpick. Drain the water by dropping the seeds on cheesecloth or strainer. These actions are needed to wash off the layer covering the seeds. It slows down the growth process. Therefore, this stage of preparation is mandatory.
  2. soak washed seeds for several days in purified water (for example, filtered), water temperature 20-25 degrees. leave for a few days for the seeds to swell. You can enhance the germination ability and avoid the development of various diseases by using seed growth promoter. There are many preparations for sprouting, consult a specialized store to choose such a stimulant and you will be sure to answer all your questions.
  3. Stratify, i.e. create unfavourable conditions. At this stage of preparation, we need to sprinkle the seeds well with a mixture of sand and crushed activated carbon, pour large quantity water and place in the lowest compartment of the refrigerator. "Forget" about the seeds for three months. So they will pass good hardening and will be adapted to any natural phenomena.

There is also a "grandfather" method of stratification. To implement it, you need to pull out the seeds from a ripe large apple, rinse and immediately plant in the ground.

This is done in order to get good shoots in the spring and harden our apple tree. The plant is adapting to natural conditions. An important condition is the time of year when you plan to plant the seeds in the ground.

Need to land at least a month before the onset of frost.

Congratulations! You have completed all the preparation steps. Now we need to plant the seeds. Let's take a closer look at how to do this.

How to plant apple seeds

  1. We take a container for landing. It should have holes in it so that excess water comes out. Cover the bottom of the container with drainage (to remove excess moisture). As a drainage can be: pebbles, pieces of foam, gravel, crushed stone. the height of the drainage layer should not exceed three centimeters. Expanded clay drainage is sold at any gardening store. Fill the container with black soil.
  2. Plant seeds in black soil at a distance of two centimeters from each other. Between the rows, indent 15 cm. Dig holes one and a half centimeters deep and plant the seeds.
  3. Water well, but do not overdo it, do not erode the soil.
  4. Place the container in a well-lit area. Remember to water the seeds regularly.
  5. Thin out the beds regularly.
  6. When the second pair of leaves appears, sort the sprouts. A wild apple tree is determined by its characteristic features: a bright, almost unnatural color of the leaves and thorns on the stem. There are no thorns and thorns on a varietal trunk.

Caring for an apple tree does not require any supernatural efforts. The principle of care is the same as for houseplants.

In order for the root system of the apple tree to develop correctly, transplant the tree into a container larger as it grows.

How to grow an apple tree

It is necessary to plant a young tree in the garden at the end of spring. The site should be located on the sunny side and have a considerable size, because. in the future, a massive tree of impressive size will grow from it.

The main condition is adaptation of the apple tree to natural conditions before the onset of the first frost.

If you did not have time to plant a tree in May, do not be discouraged, postpone this business until September and plant.

  • The planting hole should be three times the size of the root system.
  • You need to dig a piece of the site you have chosen and uproot all the weeds, clearing the soil completely.
  • Remove dried roots from the seedling, if any.
  • Plant a tree in a hole and cover it with earth, tamping each layer well so that there are no air gaps.
  • Water the apple tree well and cover the ground with mulch (hay or peat) around the tree trunk. These actions must be done so that the earth does not dry out and weeds do not grow around the entire perimeter.

You will be able to harvest from your apple tree in five or even fifteen years.

Features of caring for an apple tree

Care principles:

  • Water periodically, not forgetting about your tree.
  • Feed with the necessary drugs.
  • Regularly prune dried branches from a mature apple tree.

By following these principles, you will be able to enjoy delicious juicy fruits every year after ten years and reap bountiful harvests of apples from your tree planted from a seed.

All plants need vitamins and microelements for their full and proper development and vital activity. The apple tree is no exception. You need to regularly feed the tree. And you have to do it right. It is necessary to loosen the soil and add a mixture for top dressing.

You can infect a young tree with various infectious diseases. Compost is the best fertilizer.

Top dressings consisting of phosphorus and potassium will be very useful for young trees.

They contribute to the maturation of the dense part of the tree under the bark (wood). Feeding proportions must be strictly observed:

  • potassium chloride should not be more than 20 grams per square meter;
  • superphosphate - about 35 grams.

Summing up Now you know how to grow a whole apple tree from tiny seeds, how to recognize a wild game and what principles to follow in germinating seeds. Enough theory, now start practicing, acting according to our algorithm of actions.

Have no doubts about the success of your event, and you will achieve the desired result with a little effort and discipline.

You can proudly tell your kids ten years from now that you raised that gorgeous apple tree in your backyard from a tiny seed.

You bought apples in the store and on the market, and you liked their taste so much that you immediately wanted to grow the same variety in your garden. What to do in this case? After all, the variety of apples is not always known for certain. From this article you will learn how to grow an apple tree from a seed at home.

It is known that an apple tree grown from a stone is more hardy and strong. Also, such a tree is characterized by good winter hardiness and a long lifespan. True, the result can be known only after the first harvest. You can grow a tasty and new variety, or you can grow a wild apple tree, which has bitter-sour apples.

Experienced gardeners say that a well-bearing tree can be grown if certain rules are strictly followed. But the harvest will still have to wait a long time - about 5-15 years.

The first thing you need to start growing is the choice of seeds. Full bones can be obtained from apples that grow on the periphery of the crown. It is in this place that flowers are best fertilized.

It is worth paying attention that the selected variety must be adapted to the region of your residence.

The seeds themselves must be:

  1. Intact (remove the bones from the apples as carefully as possible).
  2. Firm and ripe.
  3. Have a uniform brown color.

3 steps to seed preparation

Growing an apple tree from a stone is a long and laborious process, so you should be patient. For successful cultivation, it is necessary to properly prepare the seeds for planting.

It consists of three consecutive steps:


Place the selected bones in a container of warm water and stir with a small spoon for 3-5 minutes. Repeat several times. This procedure is necessary to get rid of the inhibitory layer that interferes with germination. Water must be drained using gauze or a sieve.

It is better to use a wooden spoon or a stick. Such material will not damage the seeds.


After washing, the bones must be put in a glass of water. The glass must be placed in a warm place for 3-4 days, while the water must be changed daily, otherwise the bones may become moldy. On day 3, you need to add a growth stimulator to the water (sodium humate, Epin).


This procedure is intended for hardening seeds in order to prepare them for natural habitat conditions. At this stage, the onset of the winter period is simulated.

There are several ways to carry out stratification:

  1. Artificial. Mix apple seeds with peat and sand in a ratio of 1: 3, then the resulting mixture must be moistened until water begins to seep to the surface. Instead of a substrate, you can use moss + sawdust or sand + sawdust + activated carbon. Seeds should not be in contact with each other, so that the mold does not pass from one to another. In the selected substrate, the bones should be kept for 6 days at room temperature. During this time, they should swell. After that, the substrate with apple seeds should be placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 2-3 months. The optimum temperature should be +4°C.
  2. Natural. At the end of August or in autumn, it is necessary to remove the seeds from apples, wash them and plant them dry in open ground. After 2-3 months, colds begin, and natural stratification occurs. During the winter, the seeds swell, and sprout in the spring.

Apple seed sowing technology at home

To plant apple seeds at home, any time of the year will do. For cultivation, it is necessary to select only the healthy and strongest sprouts.

Step by step we will describe the instructions on how to plant the bones:

  1. Prepare a container or box. Make small holes in the bottom so that excess moisture can escape.
  2. At the bottom, lay a drainage layer of pebbles, expanded clay or broken bricks.
  3. Use only black soil as soil. This soil has all the substances that a young tree needs.
  4. When planting, use the following scheme: the distance between the seeds should be 2-3 cm, the width between the rows should be 15-20 cm, and the depth should be 2 cm.
  5. Water the soil generously with water. At the same time, make sure that the soil is not washed out and the seed is not exposed.

When the second pair of leaves appears on the grown trees, they must be sorted. Wild apple trees and weak plants should be removed. They differ from varietal ones in small and brightly colored leaves, as well as thorns on the trunk. So the distance between seedlings increases to 7-8 cm.

Apple seedling care

Young trees need proper care for full development. Seedlings should be kept at home for at least 4 years. During this time, they will get stronger and will be ready for transplanting into open ground. If at home it is impossible to keep the plant for so long, then the trees can be planted in the garden plot, provided that they are reliably protected from wind, cold and pests.

The volume of the container where the apple tree grows needs to be increased every year. Thus, the root system will develop correctly.

Also, it is important to take care of the proper feeding of seedlings. It is strictly forbidden to use active organic matter (bird droppings, fresh manure). They can cause burns or cause a bacterial infection.

In the first year, trees can be fertilized with infusion of humus. Every year at the end of August, potassium-phosphorus supplements are shown to apple trees (15-20 g and 30-40 g, respectively).

At the same time, the soil must be thoroughly loosened and watered.

Another important point in care is watering. Until the root system is formed, it should be watered every 7-10 days. There should be no dry earthen crust around the base of the trunk.

Most people are used to buying ready-made apple tree seedlings. But it is much more interesting to grow a tree from a seed. This is a very interesting process, although it requires a lot of time and patience. The main thing is to follow the above instructions. Then your garden will be decorated with apple trees that you have grown with your own hands. This is a real reason to be proud.