Waterproofing floor screed under tiles. Waterproofing a bathroom: what is best to use under tiles. What factors influence the choice of insulation material

The atmosphere of the bathroom is characterized by high humidity. In addition, there is a high risk of flooding neighbors in the event of an accident in the water supply lines or failure of water folding mechanisms.

Therefore, the issue of bathroom waterproofing is extremely relevant. It is necessary to protect the material interfloor ceiling from moisture and the unpleasant consequences it causes.

These are negative consequences such as:

  • general dampness in the bathroom;
  • the formation of mold and mildew, which spoil the appearance of the bathroom and are extremely harmful to people;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor;
  • peeling finishing walls and floors;
  • destruction of floor structures.

Materials for waterproofing floors intended for tiles

All materials used for floor waterproofing are divided into the following types:

  • rolled adhesive insulation;
  • coating insulation – pastes, mastics, liquids;
  • penetrating insulation for impregnation of the concrete base;
  • hydrobarriers on a polymer or rubber basis;
  • dry cement insulating mixtures intended for self-dilution with water.

For the most part, to prepare the bathroom floor, the first two types of waterproofing are used - pasting and coating.

A standard bathroom with low humidity levels and finishing coating It is better to insulate small tiles using rolled materials. For this, you can use well-known roofing felt and roofing felt, but it is better to give preference to modern materials based on fiberglass and polyester - such as isoelast, ecoflex, mostoplast, isoplast.

This method requires careful preparation of the concrete base:

  • it should not have differences of more than 2 mm;
  • the concrete must be completely dry.

The base requires preliminary application of a primer, which is a bitumen emulsion. And the process of gluing roll insulation requires great care. This method is good because the floor level will practically not change, since the thickness of the adhesive layer is about 1 mm. Floor tiling can be done within 24 hours after installing the waterproofing.

It can be purchased at finished form, and in the form of a dry powder, which you will have to prepare yourself. Such insulation must be applied in at least 2 layers with an interval of at least 6 hours. The second and subsequent layers of insulation are applied perpendicular to the previous one. This allows you to fill even the smallest cracks and gaps with the composition. After applying the last layer, you must take a break for at least 24 hours and only after that you can finish the floor with tiles.

It must be taken into account that the floor level of the bathroom should be 50 mm below the floor level of the adjacent rooms.

This is done so that in the event of a leak, water does not immediately flow into neighboring rooms where the floors do not have waterproofing.

The initial stage of any work in the bathroom is to create a waterproof “trough”. To do this, even before installing waterproofing, it is necessary to seal the joints between the floor and the walls of the room. In old panel houses they can even be cross-cutting. For this purpose, you can use mastics or high-quality sealant.

To complete the work you will need the following tools:

  • vacuum cleaner;
  • metal brushes or grinder;
  • notched spatula;
  • construction knife - for cutting rolled material;
  • gas burner;
  • foam roller or paint brush.

Preliminary preparation of the base:

  • Use a vacuum cleaner to thoroughly remove dust;
  • if there are oil stains and paint residues on the floor, they also need to be removed using non-aggressive chemicals;
  • the floor surface must be sanded - this will level the surface and make it smooth;
  • then the surface needs to be dried and vacuumed again;
  • all cracks and irregularities with a depth of more than 5 mm must be filled with cement mortar;
  • The floor surface is wiped with a damp cloth and dried;
  • the dry surface is treated with a deep penetration primer - it is better to use a brand suitable for use in wet areas.

A layer of primer will finally fill all minor irregularities and improve the adhesion of the base.

This type of insulation can be built-up and self-adhesive.

The material being welded requires heating of the adhesive layer using a torch.

At the same time bitumen material stands out quite strong smell, which requires an additional layer of screed on top of the insulation. In this case, the floor level may become higher by 2-3 cm, which is undesirable.

Therefore, it is better to use self-adhesive roll insulation:

  • The roll is rolled out on the floor and a piece of the required length is cut from it. It should be 30-40 cm longer than the floor section. This is necessary so that the excess length can be placed on the walls.
  • You need to remove the protective film from the underside of the cut piece and carefully lay it on a marked area of ​​the floor, overlapping the walls.
  • To better adhere the material to the base, roll it on top with a heavy cloth roller.
  • The next pieces of insulation are laid in the same way, observing an overlap of adjacent pieces of at least 10 cm.
  • The seams and joints of adjacent strips must be coated with mastic.
  • After it has hardened, the surface must be primed again.

This method has its pros and cons that you need to know.

The advantages of roll insulation are:

  • low cost of materials;
  • high heat resistance of the insulating layer;
  • easy installation.

Among the disadvantages are the following:

  • unpleasant odor of bituminous materials;
  • complexity in the process of making joints;
  • impossibility of use in systems heated floors.

Coating floor insulation technology

Most often the following materials are used for these purposes:

  • Bitumen-rubber mastic based on oxidized bitumen, organic solvent and crumb rubber. It has good adhesion to concrete, but its properties are manifested mainly on fiber-reinforced concrete.
  • Bitumen-polymer mastic - contains plasticizers and latex filler. Very popular among professional repairmen because it has excellent adhesion to concrete and is very durable.
  • Acrylic water-based waterproofing composition - materials of the latest generation. Very plastic, durable, environmentally friendly and odorless. Therefore, their use is now becoming increasingly widespread.

The process itself is simple, but requires great care:

  • Using a paint brush or roller, apply the composition to the floor and walls to a height of 20 cm.
  • After installing each layer, you must wait approximately 24 hours before applying the next one. Usually three layers are enough.
  • After the second layer, it is better to lay a reinforcing fiberglass mesh on the surface, which is then covered with the last layer of insulation.
  • If there are places where pipes exit the floor in the room, then it is necessary to use special cuffs, which are also coated with mastic.
  • While the mastic has not dried, it can be sprinkled with fine dry sand. This will improve its adhesion to tile adhesive.

This method is very good for rooms with complex geometry, where marking and gluing roll materials can present some difficulties.

  • simple installation;
  • relatively low cost of material;
  • good adhesion to the concrete base;
  • resistance to chemicals;
  • the formation of an almost monolithic waterproof layer.

The disadvantages include:

  • toxicity of materials requiring use protective equipment while working with them;
  • low frost resistance;
  • not too high strength under mechanical stress.

Each of these methods of waterproofing a bathroom floor can be done independently. To obtain the proper result, you must carefully study the instructions for using the material and strictly follow the recommended work technology.

There is no doubt that tiles are the most popular bathroom floor covering today. It is good for everyone - it is beautiful, durable, does not absorb moisture, and is wear-resistant. The list of advantages can, of course, be continued, but it’s better to focus on its problem area - the seams through which moisture can seep down into the floor.

It also cannot be ruled out that even a small flood could jeopardize good relations with neighbors living on the floor below. So, obviously, waterproofing the floor under the tiles is a mandatory activity.

Preparing the surface for waterproofing a tile floor

The base for applying waterproofing under the tiles must be cleaned of any contamination. At this stage, residues are also removed old paint, chemicals, oil stains. For this purpose, detergents and mild degreasers are used.

It is prohibited to use aggressive chemical cleaning methods when preparing the base.

It is necessary to achieve the greatest possible smoothness of the surface of the base. Existing unevenness and damage can be eliminated by using mechanical methods, for example, grinding or milling the base. You can also use a stiff metal brush to clean the surface.

Upon completion of the preparatory work, the surface is again cleaned of dirt and dust.

Thus, the resulting surface must be absolutely clean, smooth, chemically neutral and completely dried.

Subsequently, a primer is applied to the cleaned floor - priming is necessary to improve adhesion to waterproofing materials. Typically, special quick-drying bitumen primers or moisture-proofing paint are used for priming. Mix the material well before application. Having received a homogeneous mass, it is applied to the base in a thin layer. When choosing and calculating the consumption of primer material, you should take into account the density of the base, since, say, coatings with a lower density absorb it more. The base can be considered ready for waterproofing when the primer dries.

Laying waterproofing on the floor under tiles: application technologies

According to SNiP 3.04.01-87, floor waterproofing is carried out for rooms where the intensity of exposure to water is medium and high. In apartments, such rooms primarily include bathrooms. Just those where the floor covering is often tiles.

Waterproofing with roll materials

Waterproofing using self-adhesive materials extremely simple and, in principle, not much different from laying ordinary linoleum.

  • First you need to mark the insulation on the floor of the room.
  • Next, cutting off a piece of material required size, the protective film is removed from its reverse side and applied to the base.
  • For better adhesion to the base surface, a heavy roller is “passed” over the laid material.
  • Subsequent waterproofing sheets are laid with an overlap, taking 4–5 cm from each of the previous strips.
  • The places where the walls meet are the most dangerous, so much more is “entered” onto the walls - about 15-20 cm.

When using welded roll materials installation technology in general outline similar, although there are certain subtleties.

In this case, the roll is unwound directly during installation. Adhesion of waterproofing to the surface of the base, its reliable fastening provide by heating the bitumen layer using gas burner. At the end of the work, the waterproofing layer is poured with a concrete screed.

Waterproofing using coating technology

Liquid materials used to protect floors from moisture are more versatile and completely undemanding to the quality of the insulated surfaces.

General scheme for applying coating waterproofing

  • The coating mixture is applied to the floor using a roller, spatula or brush. For large surfaces, special spraying equipment can be used.
  • When using cement-polymer mastic, you can bring the floor level to the required height and ensure the evenness of the base. In this case, the condition for further filling of the screed disappears. If bitumen mastic is used, its layer is thin and the need for screed remains.
  • The coating material should be applied very carefully, without leaving gaps on the insulated surface. Increased attention require joints.

The most common option for waterproofing surfaces under tiles is the application of special one-component mastics. They have many advantages, in particular, they:

  • seamless;
  • they are applied in a continuous layer, therefore they are free from such “weak” places as joints;
  • easy and simple to apply using a roller or brush;
  • resistant to microorganisms, such as fungal mold;
  • The mastic layer is vapor permeable, that is, it allows the room to “breathe.”

To ensure optimal waterproofing, it is recommended to apply the mastic in two or three layers.

It is worth considering that the time for complete drying of the mastic layer depends on temperature and humidity conditions specific premises. Therefore, before applying the next layer, check the degree of drying of the previous one. It’s easier to check “touch” - the mastic should not stick to your fingers.

The top layer of the mastic, which has not yet had time to completely harden, is sprinkled with fine dry quartz sand (0.3-0.8 mm). Such an operation is necessary to give the surface a roughness, which will subsequently provide the best adhesion to adhesives.

When the mastic hardens, that is, the process of its polymerization is completed, excess sand from the surface must be removed with a brush. Laying of tiles begins no earlier than a day, and for some types of material – up to two.

When carrying out construction and repair work, some features of the premises should be taken into account. For example, a bathroom needs waterproofing of the floor. A lot depends on the quality of such a procedure. First of all, there is a chance to avoid certain problems with neighbors if water suddenly leaks. In addition, waterproofing helps protect the floor from the negative effects of moisture. Also, additional coating makes it possible to extend the life of many finishing materials.

If necessary, securely fasten the boards. You can also cover it completely with a sheet of plywood.

Which composition to choose

So, how and how to waterproof a bathroom floor under tiles? Ceresit and other popular brands are sold in almost any hardware store. The range of such products is quite large. Therefore, the question arises: what to buy? It should be remembered that such compositions are of the same type and work according to the same principle. The main difference lies in some properties of the materials, consumption and application methods.

If desired, you can immediately purchase ready-made liquid composition or a dry mixture, which you will have to dilute yourself before work in accordance with the manufacturers’ recommendations. In any case, if all the rules are followed, it turns out high-quality waterproofing bathroom floors under tiles wooden house and in a residential apartment.

Preparation of the solution

When the primer applied to the subfloor dries and is absorbed, you can proceed to the main stage - creating a protective layer. Do-it-yourself waterproofing of a bathroom floor under tiles is done using additional tools. Do not neglect preparatory work and coating application special compounds. The cost of primer is relatively low and you can apply it yourself. This will allow you to achieve high quality work performed.

To make waterproofing, you need to prepare a solution. If you purchased a special liquid composition intended for wooden floor, then you can skip this step. If the choice fell on a dry mixture, you will have to prepare the solution yourself. To do this you need:

  1. Pour the dry mixture into a deep container and add water. In this case, certain proportions must be observed: one part of the liquid is required for one part of the composition.
  2. The mixture should be thoroughly mixed to obtain a homogeneous mass without air bubbles or lumps. To do this, you should use a drill, as well as special nozzle, which is designed specifically for mixing solutions.

What's next

Once the solution is ready, you can begin waterproofing the bathroom floor under the tiles. To apply the solution, you can use a special roller, brush or spatula. IN in this case the choice depends not only on the ease of application, but also on the area of ​​the room. Do not forget about such critical places as the joints between the wall and the floor. Here experts recommend laying a special waterproofing tape. If you decide to do without this material, then you need to pay special attention to the corners, as well as the joints. It is better to coat them several times with a waterproofing compound.

How to apply correctly

Waterproofing a bathroom floor under tiles - important stage during repair work. Everything must be done efficiently and correctly. It is better to apply the waterproofing compound in several layers: first apply the first, and the second after 6 hours. After this, any construction and renovation work indoor use should be discontinued for approximately 48 hours. This is necessary so that the mixture applied to the floor can dry better. It is worth noting that the quality of waterproofing is very important for some types of heating systems.

The average cost of the mixture is about 500 rubles. It is not very expensive, so the solution should be applied carefully and sparingly. If you use liquid in the bathroom under the tiles, you can cover the surface with it in several layers using a brush. In some cases, it is necessary to treat walls to a height of 40 centimeters.

If desired, you can use backfill waterproofing. However, it should be noted that such compositions do not provide necessary protection surfaces from exposure to moisture. When carrying out such work, a sufficiently large layer of backfill material should be made. This is the only way to avoid many problems in the future.

In addition, there is injection molded waterproofing of the bathroom floor under tiles. The instructions for using such tools are clear and do not raise any questions. This material has excellent properties due to its application technology. However, it is very difficult to carry out work on arranging such waterproofing yourself. To avoid large quantity errors, it is better to invite specialists.

Painting method

The painting method of waterproofing a bathroom floor under tiles is considered the simplest. If necessary, work can be carried out easily, quickly and without special costs. However, it should be taken into account that such protective coating has a short service life. This figure is no more than 5 years.

After the waterproofing layer has dried, you can make a small screed that will level the surface, strengthen it, and also prepare it for further laying of tiles or other covering.

As you know, the bathroom has a special microclimate: humidity, high temperature, constant steam formation, dampness. All this is not in the best possible way affects beautifully laid tiles, as well as other design elements, causing the appearance of fungus or mold between the seams. The question arises: is waterproofing necessary in the bathroom?

Moreover, this is far from the only problem. You also risk flooding your neighbors living in an adjacent apartment on the floor below: moisture seeping through microcracks will leave wet spots on the ceiling. Waterproofing bathroom walls and floors - best solution. By the way, you can waterproof your bathtub yourself.

Special mixtures, coating mastic and other materials for bathroom waterproofing

What materials should I use? To install waterproofing in the bathroom, you need the most durable, moisture-proof materials. There are two types of compositions: coating or pasting.

Materials of the first type are made from oxidized bitumen, which is diluted with various fillers (plasticizer, rubber crumbs, latex) and an organic solvent is added to it. However, such a base is applied at a temperature of 120 degrees Celsius, which is very inconvenient for work. Also, being in the cold, the material becomes more fragile. On at the moment the most common material for coating waterproofing A bathroom is considered to be a material made on a bitumen-rubber or bitumen-polymer base.

Materials of the second type can be purchased in ready-made rolls, as well as in the form of films with an adhesive base. Polyester and fiberglass are modern synthetic substances used in the manufacture pasting materials. At first glance it seems that this type The work is much simpler: cover the room with film and that’s it. However, as you know, everything has its drawbacks. It is believed that the process of waterproofing bathrooms is best carried out using coating materials.

It is necessary to select a material, taking into account various parameters and individual characteristics specifically for your bathroom: the presence of a swimming pool of any size, temperature regime for heating floors or walls, a compartment for a shower cabin, etc.

Waterproofing wooden floors in the bathroom and concrete; regular walls and those covered with plasterboard

Let's now consider how to waterproof a bathroom. Before you begin the process of waterproofing the bathroom under the tiles, you need to carry out preparatory work so as not to have to redo everything again later. The walls and floor must be perfectly smooth, without any protrusions, so it is necessary to sand them, having previously cleaned the surface of construction waste, dust, paint.

After which it is necessary to begin the priming process using waterproofing paint. However, if the walls and floors in the bathroom are made of plasterboard, it is necessary to take care of increased waterproofing so that the glue does not lose its basic properties. In order to protect sheets of drywall from moisture, you need to: wrap it on all sides with a special waterproofing membrane or treat with mastic.

A day before installation, the sheet must be treated several times with a water-repellent liquid: this, first of all, will help increase its resistance to moisture by two to three times.

In order to treat a bathroom with roll material, you need to take a piece of a given size, heat the bitumen base, remove the protective film and glue the entire floor well, using a special roller for leveling (one area should be passed with a roller several times). If you still decide to use coating materials for waterproofing, you need to start by preparing a solution. Then, using a spatula, roller or brush, apply the resulting mixture evenly to the floor and walls.

Is it necessary to waterproof a bathroom in a multi-storey building or a wooden one? under the screed and under the tiles?

As for a bathroom in a wooden house, special attention should be paid to waterproofing. It is also important that the bathroom in a wooden house is waterproofed. All this because upon contact wooden surfaces with water, mold can form and even rot the material. In wooden buildings, it is also worth waterproofing the ceiling in the bathroom, because condensation can spoil the wood and lead to its rotting.

Often, waterproofing in a wooden house is carried out by using special hydrophobic paint and varnish compounds. They help prevent the destruction of wooden surfaces.

What type of waterproofing would be preferable for a bathroom?

The choice of one or another method of waterproofing the floor in the bathroom depends on two factors:

  • grounds. Most often it is cement-sand, or concrete;
  • bathroom equipment - is there a shower compartment, heated floors.

In standard bathrooms where there is low humidity and small area tiled cladding, it is recommended to use lining moisture protection based on synthetic resins. This waterproofing of the bathroom floor, the materials of which are only 1 mm thick, will have virtually no effect on the level of the flooring in it. Within a day after completion of the work, you can begin tiling the surface.

If the bathroom has heated floors or large tiles, insulation on an elastic cement base will be preferable. The layer thickness will be 2-4 mm, so it will take some time to dry.

Is it permissible to lay tiles directly on waterproofing?

Waterproofing under the tiles is carried out on a pre-cleaned concrete base, without any gaps or cracks. Next, the floor and walls are treated with a primer and applied insulating coating in the sequence recommended by the manufacturer. It should completely cover the floor, covering 10-20 cm of the lower part of the walls. This will protect their joints from moisture seepage.

Those who first did the screed and then the moisture protection are interested in the question: is it possible to lay tiles on waterproofing? In this case, a reinforcing mesh should be stretched over the insulating layer and a screed should be poured, and the tiles should be laid over it. The screed should not be too thin, otherwise cracks will quickly appear on it.

Instead of screed, you can use gypsum fiber sheets, which are secured to the floor with dowels.

What materials are best to use for waterproofing bathroom walls?

In order for the waterproofing of walls in the bathroom to be of high quality and reliable, it is better to use cement-polymer mixtures. Bitumen-based materials are less expensive, but over time they can flake off.

When moisture-proofing the floor, as well as waterproofing bathroom walls under tiles, pipe outlets and corners should be treated especially carefully. The joints of the floor and walls and corners are additionally sealed with sealed waterproofing tape. Where the pipes exit, special cuffs are placed on them.

Before waterproofing, all surfaces should be primed (this will improve their adhesion to the material).

To make the waterproofing of bathroom walls under tiles more reliable, it can be additionally reinforced with reinforcing mesh, which is often used in construction and renovation. It will improve the adhesion between the waterproofing material and the tile screed.

In what sequence is coating waterproofing of a bathroom floor carried out?

Coating waterproofing for a bathroom consists of dry and liquid components. To prepare the mixture, they are taken in equal proportions and mixed until smooth. Using a roller, this waterproofing composition is applied to a pre-primed floor and 15-20 cm of walls. IN hard to reach places You can use a spatula or brush.

This is the first, base layer of moisture protection. When it dries, waterproofing tape is laid at the joints of the floor and wall. This will further strengthen these joints, since they are the most vulnerable to moisture. Then, no less than 5 hours later, a second one is applied. finishing layer moisture-proof composition. A day after the second layer has dried, you can begin further work.

The consumption of the waterproofing mixture is 2-3 kg/m. sq. (this depends on the manufacturer), it is better to buy it with a small margin.

What is the best way to waterproof a bathroom in a wooden house?

High humidity causes wood to rot, and excessive dryness causes cracks to form in it. It will help to avoid this proper waterproofing bathroom in a wooden house.

The method and materials for moisture protection are selected based on the condition of the floor. First, its surface should be thoroughly cleaned, cracks and cracks should be sealed with wood mastic. Next, the flooring must be treated with a mold repellent and primed, and the formation of the waterproofing layer can begin.

The most reliable and durable will be pasting method moisture protection using a multi-layer waterproofing carpet. It consists of leafy or rolled materials, which are glued to the floor using bitumen mastic.

Among the disadvantages this method - high price and complexity of execution, but they are offset by beautiful performance characteristics this gender.

What is the best way to insulate a cable heated floor in a bathroom?

You can install waterproofing in a bathroom with heated floors yourself. You need to start with design, during which you need to outline the cable connection locations, the location of the thermostat and sensors. Work on installing a heated floor is carried out in the following sequence:

  • the concrete surface is cleaned of dust, all cracks and irregularities are eliminated;
  • a layer of waterproofing is laid (it is preferable to use rolled materials that are glued using bitumen mastic);
  • pouring screed;
  • installation of a heated floor system and connection of sensors;
  • pouring the finishing layer of screed, which will completely cover the cables of the floor heating system;
  • installation flooring;

At least 30 days must pass from waterproofing the bathroom floor and installing the floor covering to the first activation of the heated floor. During this period, all layers will dry and will not subsequently crack.

One of the important stages of bathroom renovation is waterproofing, and here homeowners are often faced with the question of what is best to use under tiles to build a reliable and durable bathroom water barrier.

Waterproofing is an important stage of repair that many people neglect. Meanwhile, a good water barrier extends the life of wall and floor finishing, reduces the risk of mold and mildew, prevents destruction of the concrete base and protects the apartment below from flooding. For example, the neighbors of the lower apartment complain that they have ugly stains on the ceiling, and sometimes even drops are clearly visible, while everything in your bathroom is dry. This means that the waterproofing is done poorly or is completely absent. Often such troubles are attributed to force majeure, although in fact they are the result of excessive savings or ignorance.

If you want the repair to be durable, do not forget to carry out waterproofing work

Which areas need waterproofing?

Waterproofing must be carried out over the entire floor area with a minimum overlap of 20-30 cm on the walls. Wall-mounted moisture protection is needed in the area of ​​the bathtub, washbasin, shower and other plumbing fixtures that are installed here. In this case, the wall must be covered with waterproofing for at least 50 cm to the sides and upwards from the extreme sides of the plumbing, in general, wherever there is a high probability of moisture getting on the tiles. Along with this, it is advisable to waterproof the inside sanitary cabinet, in which the frequent culprits of leaks are located: water supply and sewer risers.

First of all, waterproofing should be carried out near water sources

Types of waterproofing materials

Modern materials, which are capable of providing good waterproofing floors and walls of the bathroom, distinguished by method of application and composition:

  1. Coating compositions - the most widely used materials are those based on bitumen (bitumen-rubber, bitumen-polymer) and cement-based (cement-polymer mastics), others, for example, acrylic ones, are used less frequently.
  2. Pasting or roll materials are made on a polymer or fiberglass base.

Coating waterproofing composition

Types of coating waterproofing

Materials for coating waterproofing are sold in the form of dry or granular powders, semi-dry pastes, or in ready-to-use liquid form. Also, coating mixtures can be one-component or two-component, the latter, as a rule, are quick-drying and more elastic.

  • Bitumen-polymer mastics are sold in finished form. They are made from bitumen binder and polymer fillers. It is an excellent insulating material that has high performance stretching and recovery, non-toxic, odorless, resistant to temperature changes and impact aggressive environments. You can use bitumen-polymer mastic under tiles only on the bathroom floor, subject to subsequent filling with a thin screed.

    Advice! Coating waterproofing is most relevant in bathrooms small sizes, up to 7 sq. m.

  • Liquid waterproofing, bitumen-latex or “liquid rubber” is one of the simplest and most convenient ways to provide moisture protection to the bathroom. The mixture is applied to the prepared base. The surface is leveled, cleaned of dirt and dust, and primed. “Liquid rubber” is manually applied with a spatula or roller in a layer of up to 4 mm in one pass.

Application liquid waterproofing

  • After complete polymerization, the composition is leveled and becomes a seamless surface with excellent moisture-proof properties and high elasticity. It is recommended to apply a thin screed over bitumen-latex waterproofing. And after it dries, you can lay the tiles.

    Important! Waterproofing with “liquid rubber” requires additional finishing. On the floor this is usually a thin layer of leveling screed. If you need to waterproof walls under tiles, this option is not suitable, a layer liquid rubber can only be covered with plasterboard.

  • Waterproofing cement-polymer materials are quick-setting cement-based mixtures. In addition to thorough waterproofing, they can be used for quick repair and blocking leaks concrete surfaces. Cement-polymer coating waterproofing is excellent for both floors and walls if they will be tiled in the future. The mixture is applied with a spatula, or less often with a brush, onto any previously cleaned and primed surface.

Application of a cement-polymer moisture-proofing composition

  • Budget moisture protection. One of the most inexpensive and short-lived ways to waterproof a bathroom is acrylic enamel. It is applied to the surface in several thick layers (at least 3-4 layers). Soon the paint will crack.
    As alternative option some use liquid glass, but it can provide the necessary water barrier only in combination with a plasticizer, which makes the layer plastic after drying.

Rolled adhesive waterproofing materials

Materials for roll waterproofing are made on the basis of polyester or fiberglass. WITH bottom side the canvas is covered with a layer of adhesive that provides adhesion to the base, and on top with a component that improves adhesion to tile adhesive.

Roll waterproofing is laid on a previously prepared, cleaned and leveled surface. Height differences are allowed within 2 mm per 2 linear meters. The list of their advantages includes: affordable price, fastening strength to rough floor and the ability to begin cladding almost immediately, without having to wait a long time technological break.

Rolled waterproofing material

In addition, roll materials are suitable for waterproofing wooden floors. They are quite elastic, withstand the movement of wood and at the same time maintain solidity. Roll method sealing is advisable to use on large areas.

The sheets of material must be overlapped by at least 10 cm on each other and overlap the walls. The joints are carefully glued with a roller. It is important to remove all air bubbles; if the slightest gap remains, all the work has been done in vain.

When and how to start installing moisture protection

One of the key questions at this stage of repair is when to waterproof: before pouring the screed or after. But there is no consensus on this matter yet. And all because each of the options has both its pros and cons.

  • Performing a screed on top of the waterproofing will ensure an even concrete base, which has excellent adhesion and will provide good adhesion to the tile adhesive mixture. Bitumen, bitumen-polymer and bitumen-latex compositions, as well as roll materials, can be used.

Waterproofing under screed

  • Builders who prefer to seal over the screed justify their decision by the fact that in case of leaks, the concrete mass will be protected from moisture. At this point, everything is correct, but the durability of the cladding glued directly to the waterproofing through a thin layer of tile adhesive cannot be guaranteed. In this case, only cement-polymer mixtures or rolled waterproofing are suitable for arranging moisture protection.
  • You can also take the third path, the most expensive in terms of time and money, but also the most reliable - combined waterproofing.

Features of combined floor waterproofing

Prepare the rough base. If necessary, carry out partial repairs or completely dismantle old screed.

  • The prepared and cleaned surface is coated with concrete contact primer and left until completely dry.
  • Along the beacons, a screed with a height of 3 cm is pulled out, into which a reinforcing mesh is laid.
  • After a week, the surface is cleaned of dust and primed in two layers.

Application of the composition

  • Apply a layer of any coating waterproofing along the perimeter of the room in the wall-floor corners, allow it to dry, and then seal the corners with waterproof tape. The entire surface of the floor is now covered with a coating waterproofing mixture, extending onto the walls at least 20 cm. Three layers are applied, and the drying interval for each is strictly maintained.
  • On last layer Concrete contact is applied to the dried waterproofing.
  • A day later, a second tie is pulled out with a minimum thickness of 1.5 cm.
  • After final drying, the floor is covered with a primer, allowed to dry and the tiles begin to be laid.

Features of wall waterproofing

To waterproof walls under tiles, cement-polymer mixtures are used.

  • Before applying waterproofing, the walls are primed in two layers. Special attention is given to the corners and entry points of the pipes.
  • Special cuffs are put on the pipes, and the corners must be sealed with sealed waterproofing tape.
  • Sections of the walls are coated with a waterproofing compound, and after it has completely dried, they are covered with concrete contact to improve adhesion to the tile adhesive. For reliability, a reinforcing mesh is additionally embedded into the waterproofing.
  • After the layers have dried, they begin cladding.

Work can be continued only after the waterproofing composition has completely dried.

IN construction work and waterproofing in particular, a trend is clearly visible: than more expensive material, the more durable and reliable it is and vice versa. Therefore, it is difficult to unambiguously answer the question: what kind of waterproofing to choose for tiles. It is important to consider the time frame in which you need to invest, evaluate own strength, if professionals are not involved in repairs, as well as financial capabilities.

Waterproofing a bathroom: video

Carrying out waterproofing work: photo