Quick repairs in the country: cheap and hearty! Wallpapering Is it possible to glue wallpaper in a country house

Posted a topic in Sunday at 05:48 AM

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    The question is why it is necessary to provide 2 customs declarations (one preliminary short of 50 columns and a standard one of 10-15 columns for the same product within 2-3 days??
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  • It would seem that it is important at what temperature to glue the wallpaper, because it is enough to use high-quality finishing materials to get the desired result. But this is far from true. It is the temperature regime in the room that is the main condition for successful wallpapering.

    Rules for successful pasting

    In order for the wallpaper to serve you for a long time and lie on the walls as an even canvas, you must follow a number of rules regarding the microclimate in the room:

    1. The first is the acceptable temperature. It should not be lower than +10 °C and higher than +25 °C. It is this temperature range that contributes to the uniform drying of the adhesive base of the wallpaper. In addition, such a temperature in the house should be maintained not only during the work, but also after them for 10 days.
    2. The second is air humidity. This indicator in the apartment should not exceed 60%. Otherwise, the adhesive will begin to react with moisture, and its adhesive properties will noticeably decrease, which can cause bubbles to appear and the web to peel off.
    3. The third is the absence of drafts. Even a small draft can have an extremely negative effect on the entire course of work. The fact is that because of it, the temperature and humidity of the air in the room will constantly change, and this adversely affects the adhesive composition and its drying, which can later cause the canvas to peel off.
    4. Fourth - protection from direct sunlight. If direct rays of the sun fall on the glued wallpaper layer, this will lead to a quick drying of the glue in some places. As a result, the canvas may wrinkle or settle.

    To comply with all these rules in a residential building is quite simple. You just need to measure the indicators with familiar instruments (thermometer), close all the windows, cover the windows with a cloth and calmly stick new wallpaper according to the instructions. In this case, the result will delight you with the quality of performance for many years.

    How to glue wallpaper in the cold season?

    Many experts recommend finishing work in the summer or spring. After all, sticking wallpaper in the warm season is a very simple task. Even if the room is non-residential and is not connected to centralized heating, the desired temperature is always maintained in it, and the wallpaper dries without problems. And here a well-founded question arises: is it possible to glue wallpaper in winter, or is it better to wait until the onset of heat? Definitely wallpapering can be done at any time of the year, subject to all the rules of this technology. But even here some difficulties may arise due to the particular room in which the work will be carried out.

    The most difficult thing is pasting wallpaper in an unheated room. In the cold season, the temperature in them drops so much that work is unacceptable, and then it becomes necessary to heat the room with the help of heating devices. But this is not the most difficult task, the most difficult thing will be to maintain the required temperature so that the wallpaper paste can dry evenly. This will require uninterrupted operation of heaters and constant monitoring of the microclimate in the room.

    In residential buildings, it will be much easier to stick wallpaper in autumn or winter, because they are equipped with a heating system and constantly maintain a certain temperature. Difficulties here may arise with air humidity, but even here you can always find a solution to the problem.

    First you need to check the humidity of the walls. This can be done using a regular piece of foam or polyethylene. It is enough to stick it overnight to the surface to be glued with adhesive tape, and in the morning, by the presence of condensate on the inside, we can conclude that the walls are damp. If there is no moisture, then you can safely proceed to wallpapering, but if it does appear, then you need to dry the air. This can be done with the help of a special electrical device - a dehumidifier - which can reduce the humidity of the air to the desired value in a given mode. Or use conventional heaters, but here it will not be possible to set the desired humidity indicator, so you will have to constantly measure it empirically.

    Coziness and comfort in the house can be achieved at any time of the year. Both in winter and summer, pasting wallpaper will not cause much difficulty if you follow the recommendations of professionals regarding the microclimate of the room and at what temperature you can paste the wallpaper. It depends on this how long they will serve you, and whether your efforts will be wasted.

    In terms of repair, a country residence for recreation is somewhat different from a city apartment. It's all about living conditions. The dacha can be with all the conditions and communications, or maybe not. Therefore, the owner of the property faces a number of practical issues. What wallpaper to choose for the country house? In general, why wallpaper in the country? How to glue wallpaper in the country? Which to choose?

    Traditionally, a dacha is a building for the warm season. Therefore, wallpaper for giving should be chosen with an almost professional look, so that they please the eye, and do not fly off after a while. For a country room, a type of wallpaper is suitable that will not fade under the influence of the country sun and will withstand the harmful effects of humidity. In addition, the wallpaper should be easy to clean and restore.

    Glue wallpaper in the country, for example, you can paper. They will not hit the wallet, but at the same time it will be difficult to glue them perfectly. You need a completely flat surface without flaws, two pairs of hands and dexterity. But it’s not a pity to re-paste this option for the next year, because paper wallpapers quickly fade and lose their presentation.

    You can use vinyl wallpaper. An ideal option to buy such wallpaper for painting. They are easy to wash and periodically put in order. They are not afraid of the direct scorching sun, and if necessary, the walls can be repainted many times. Foamed vinyl or silk-screen printing is suitable, which wallpaper to glue in the country is a personal choice.

    There is another option, but it is much more expensive. This is cork wallpaper for summer cottages. Cork is an eco-friendly material that, in style, is most suitable for a country house. These wallpapers are easy to clean. And any stains can be removed with sandpaper. According to its structure, cork wallpapers consist of plain paper on which a cork layer is applied. Cork is a material that is approved by allergists - it does not collect dust.

    Liquid wallpaper is also suitable for giving. They look like plaster. The consistency of the solution is applied to the surface of the wall, and the drawing is done with a spatula. Then everything is varnished.

    Experienced summer residents are advised not to save when choosing wallpaper. It is better to choose an option in which the decor lasts longer. You can find quality wallpaper at a discounted price in the sale. You can combine materials. For example, to cover one wall with vinyl, and to finish the second with another material, a good owner must have left pieces of wallpaper after repairs in the apartment.

    Regardless of the cost of the purchased wallpaper for giving, in no case should you save on the adhesive solution. Each type of wallpaper has its own glue. It is better to buy this ideal couple together and from the same manufacturer. Universal glue is not the best option. You need to pay attention to the expiration date and the availability of instructions for use. It is better not to purchase glue without specifying the company, otherwise the wallpapering process may be spoiled.

    You should know that wallpaper with a small pattern is preferable for country walls, because they are the least visible traces of burnout. Light colors will visually expand the small space of the cottage. If the ceiling at the dacha is low, then this can be corrected with striped wallpaper. The strip seems to lift the ceiling up. The larger the room, the wider the selected strip can be.

    For wallpapering in the country, you need to stock up on the following tools: spatulas (small and large), brush, roller, plastic spatula, pencil, tape measure, knife.

    Even if the dacha is a temporary place of rest, its design should not be neglected. In any room, the owner should be comfortable. Dacha is the place where you can fantasize and turn your craziest thoughts into reality.

    What types of wallpaper are best suited for a country house, and what should you pay attention to when choosing them.

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    Criterias of choice

    All season endurance. Unlike a country cottage, a country house is a small building in which people live only during the warm season. Therefore, when asked how to choose wallpaper for a summer residence, experts simply answer: look for coatings that are least susceptible to fading, moisture, and are also easy to clean and restore.

    We study materials

    What are the wallpapers, and how suitable are they for use in the country? We list only those varieties that make sense to use in an unheated house.

    • Paper wallpaper. They bribe with their cheapness, but gluing them is quite difficult: the surface must be well leveled, and the technology of impregnating cut strips with glue requires two pairs of hands and some skill. If the house has just been built (there are no problems with caverns on the plaster), and you are not afraid of the difficulties in pasting, this is an ideal summer cottage coating. Faded, dirty, exfoliated at the seams from dampness - we ruthlessly tear off the stripes and re-glue the room before the new season. If you want to save time and effort, prefer simplex (single-layer paper) duplex wallpaper. They do not fade longer, are more moisture resistant than single-layer ones.

    Examples of interesting collections of wallpapers on a paper basis.

    • Vinyl wallpapers. Ideal summer cottages: vinyl for painting. They are easy to wash and clean, which is quite important in the country, when households or a pet, unwillingly, due to the proximity of the garden, can stain the wallpaper with earth or grass. These wallpapers can be painted over and over again. Wallpaper with vinyl coating is not afraid of direct sunlight.

    After the winter "downtime" of the dacha, as a rule, nothing bad happens. Unless the roof leaks, then the canvas may partially or completely move away, and it will either have to be glued or replaced. To decorate the walls in the country, you can choose inexpensive foamed vinyl or elite silk-screen printing - it all depends on your financial capabilities.

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    On the picture:

    Vinyl-coated non-woven wallpaper is washable, fade-resistant, stain-resistant and scratch-resistant.

    • Cork wallpaper. Unlike vinyl, which is often "suspected" of environmental disadvantage, cork is a 100% pure material. In fact, this is a kind of paper-based wallpaper: a thin layer of natural cork is applied to it. An important advantage of the material: the cork coating does not attract dust, provides heat and sound insulation. Cork wallpaper can be washed, as well as remove stubborn stains with fine sandpaper.
    • Liquid wallpaper. In essence, it is an analogue or replacement for plaster: the composition is diluted in a basin, the flakes quickly take on a uniform consistency. This composition is applied to the wall, the pattern is applied with a spatula. It is important to remember one thing: liquid wallpaper is very hygroscopic, they must be covered with a layer of varnish.

    When thinking about what wallpapers are on the market and which ones to prefer for your home, do not forget about the obvious things and use little tricks that will help correct some of the shortcomings of the premises.

    Buy expensive. The country house is not so big - you can "go broke" on a couple of rolls of expensive wallpaper. The more expensive the coatings, the more durable they will be. Choose a few rolls of very good wallpaper, and you can save money, for example, by going shopping on sale days in large stores.

    Combine. Summer cottages are usually small. It is not necessary to completely cover all the walls with wallpaper: you can afford a combination with plaster, wood, brick.

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    On the picture:

    Let you stick only a couple of rolls of expensive wallpaper on the wall. But they will become exactly the decor of a country house, and not filling an empty wall.

    Don't skimp on glue. It doesn’t matter if you buy cheap or expensive wallpapers, you must definitely choose the right adhesive. Moreover, it is better to buy wallpaper and glue at the same time.

    Buy neutral. White, "salt and pepper", small drawings, abstract patterns in pastel colors are ideal. Such wallpaper is not afraid to fade in the sun. In addition, light colors visually expand the space.

    Adjust the space. How to choose wallpaper for a low room? - The advice is simple: buy striped ones. The vertical strip raises the ceilings. Moreover, the larger the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the wider the strip you can afford: a large strip in a room of 8 square meters. m is inappropriate!

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    Wallpapering walls is one of the most common and affordable ways of interior decoration. But when it comes to a country house, the question arises of how expedient this is. After all, most of these houses are not heated and during the winter the room becomes very cold.

    Opinions differ on this matter. Some dacha owners had a bitter experience when wallpaper lasted only one season. And during the winter they dampened and flaked off. Others, also relying on their own experience, argue that nothing like this happens with wallpaper and they have been successfully serving for several years.

    The reason for these disagreements, apparently, lies not in the wallpaper, but in the arrangement of the country house itself. If it has good waterproofing, the walls are insulated, the roof does not leak, then nothing threatens the durability of the wallpaper. After all, they do not deteriorate from low temperatures, but from excess moisture. Therefore, if you are confident in the reliability of your country house, feel free to proceed with the choice of wallpaper. Moreover, there is plenty to choose from - the range of a wide variety of wallpapers is very large.

    Wallpaper selection

    Modern wallpapers differ in many different ways - in pattern, density, texture, durability, materials, prices. Let's try to navigate this diversity in order to make a well-considered and successful purchase.

    According to the pattern, wallpaper can be divided into plain and colored; with a large, medium or small pattern; with vertical or horizontal ornament; with repeating ornamental elements or with one composite picture (wallpaper). Separately, there is a drawing that requires adjustment of the strips for its coincidence and does not require one. This is especially important to consider when calculating the required number of rolls.

    According to the density of the wallpaper are light, dense, medium density and heavy. These parameters are important to consider when choosing wallpaper glue.

    According to the texture of the surface, the wallpapers are divided into smooth and rough, glossy and matte, with a relief convex pattern and with a relief embossed pattern, as well as multilayer, ribbed, with a silk surface.

    By resistance to moisture, one can distinguish non-water resistant (paper), medium water resistance, washable and with strong water resistance (vinyl).

    All types of wallpaper have different wear resistance and differ in some other characteristics.

    Paper wallpaper. This is the most common and economical type. They can be single-layer (simplex) and two-layer (duplex). The latter are stronger and more durable. The average life of paper wallpaper under normal use is about 5 years. Low cost and ease of use are the advantages of such wallpapers. The disadvantages include their exactingness to the surface. It must be very even and smooth, otherwise all its defects will affect the quality of the gluing and appear even more strongly. In addition, the moisture resistance of paper wallpaper is the lowest. Therefore, in rooms with high humidity, they will not last long. In terms of their decorative qualities, paper wallpapers are very diverse - a huge selection of patterns and textures will allow you to decorate the interior for every taste. Some types of paper wallpaper (embossed or coarse-grained) can be used for painting.

    Non-woven wallpaper. They are made from non-woven fabric based on textile and cellulose fibers. This type of wall-paper differs in durability, durability and big decorative possibilities. It is convenient to stick such wallpapers - glue is applied only to the wall. They can be used as paint wallpaper for acrylic, latex and water-based paint. Without damage, they endure up to 5-6 repaints, are an additional sound and heat insulator. However, they also have a number of disadvantages - they easily absorb dust, odors (it is not recommended to glue them in a room where they smoke), they are poorly resistant to moisture and mechanical damage.

    Vinyl wallpapers. They are made on a paper basis with a vinyl mass applied to it. The texture of the wallpaper depends on the type of vinyl layer: flat, foamed, dense, silkscreen. This type of wallpaper has all the possible advantages. They are durable, resistant to moisture and UV radiation, not afraid of mechanical stress and temperature changes. They can be cleaned and washed with water and detergents. Ideal for painting with any kind of paint, withstand repeated repainting. The texture can be very diverse - imitate wood, stone, leather, silk, textured plaster, etc. But it should be noted that this type of wallpaper is the most expensive.

    Cork wallpaper.. Its characteristics are close to vinyl. They also have a paper base, on which a natural cork coating is applied in a thin layer. Resistant to washing and cleaning, have dust-repellent properties, are sound and heat insulators. An additional advantage of such wallpapers is their 100% naturalness and environmental friendliness.

    Textile wallpaper. They can have a paper, acrylic or non-woven base, on which a woven or non-woven material made of cotton, linen, silk, viscose, nylon or velor is applied. Textile wallpapers are expensive elite coatings. However, at the same time, they lose in their characteristics to most other types of wallpaper. The fabric absorbs odors, is unstable to moisture and dust, and may fade when exposed to direct sunlight. In a word, this is a very beautiful and stylish type of wallpaper, but in practicality comparable to paper.


    So, the surface of the walls is prepared, the wallpaper is selected, you can start gluing. Here, too, there are some preparatory steps. Firstly, if thin wallpapers are used, then it is advisable to first make a substrate - preliminary pasting the walls with some kind of paper material. Previously, old newspapers were successfully used as a substrate. This is a perfectly acceptable option. But in recent years, rolled waste paper made of thick paper, specially designed for these purposes, has appeared on sale. It is quite inexpensive, and it is much more convenient to work with it. The strips of the substrate are glued in a horizontal direction, so that later there are no coincidences of the joints of the substrate and wallpaper, because of which the joints will stand out. After sticking the paper, you need to let it dry for a day and only then paste the wallpaper.

    Modern wallpapers are often glued end-to-end. But if you prefer the overlap option, then do not forget one important rule: the overlap seams should look in the direction opposite to the light source (window). Otherwise, they will stand out strongly and spoil the appearance of the wall.

    The next preparatory stage is the marking of the walls. First, mark the upper border of gluing. From the junction of the ceiling and the wall, measure the required distance of indentation and mark it from two opposite sides of the wall. You can make marks all over the wall and then connect them in a line, but it's easier to use the old proven method. It is necessary to take a long string, grind it, then tighten it at a measured height on both sides of the wall, slightly pull it back and let it go. The twine will hit the wall and leave an even chalk mark on it, which will be the upper border of the pasting.

    Next, they outline a vertical line from which they begin to glue the wallpaper. Usually they start from one of the corners, stepping back from it 15–20 cm, so that the corner itself does not fall on the joint, but on the middle part of the canvas. The verticality of the line is verified with a plumb line, along which marks are made with a pencil, and then connected. Then, along the upper border, measure the width of the strips. For a standard wallpaper roll, it is 53 cm. From each mark, vertical marking lines are also drawn using a plumb line. If the walls are uneven, the distance between adjacent vertical lines at the bottom may differ from the width of the strip. When gluing wallpaper, vertical markings will help you navigate in which direction the skew is going and align the stripes with an overlap. Without marking, sticking wallpaper exactly end-to-end, you can take them away from the vertical.

    The next step is cutting the wallpaper. If you do not need to adjust the strips according to the pattern, then everything is done elementarily - just cut off the canvases of the desired length and put them in a pile with the wrong side up. If the pattern is complex and it is necessary that it coincides on adjacent strips, then cutting is done simultaneously from two rolls. A strip is cut off from the first. The second one is unfolded nearby, adjusted according to the pattern and also cut off. Unfortunately, with a variant with a complex pattern, there will be a lot of waste. But they are useful for pasting narrow areas above doorways, above and below windows.

    The next step is to spread the wallpaper with glue (this does not apply to non-woven wallpaper, the glue for which is applied to the wall). For this procedure, you can use a roller or brush. There is only one principle when spreading glue - it is better to have an excess of glue than to leave unsmeared areas. Wallpaper adhesives are mostly transparent, so be careful not to leave dry spots, especially at the edges of the strips. (Note that recently, for convenience, manufacturers have begun to add dyes to the glue, which discolor when dried. If you come across such an adhesive that is suitable for your type of wallpaper, then buy it better, it really helps to facilitate the process of applying glue.)

    The strip smeared with glue is folded like an accordion (Fig. 26). To do this, take the strip at one edge and fold it to the middle, do the same with the second edge, and then fold it in half along the middle line in the opposite direction. Do the same with all other stripes.

    Figure 26. Folding the wallpaper with an accordion

    Then begin directly wallpapering. They take the first strip, determine its top according to the drawing. Then they stand on a stepladder, table or stool, take the strip from above on both sides (but not very close to the edge - wet wallpaper can easily tear under its weight), and release the lower edge of the “accordion” so that the strip unfolds. The upper part of the strip is pressed tightly against the wall, aligning it with horizontal and vertical marks. Then they descend from the stand and align the lower part of the strip along the vertical mark and also press it tightly against the wall. After that, the wallpaper is carefully smoothed to the wall with a special rubber roller so that it sticks well and does not bubble. You need to smooth in the direction from the center of the strip to the edges in order to push out air bubbles (if any). All other strips are glued in the same way and the wallpaper is left to dry. It is very important that there are no drafts in the room when drying, otherwise the wind can blow under the edges of the wallpaper and they will move away from the wall. Therefore, in a glued room, all windows, doors and vents are tightly closed.

    This text is an introductory piece.