Cut down a log house from a bar with your own hands. How to make a good log cabin from a bar yourself. Features of the layout of wooden baths

It is possible to build a log house from a bar with the aim of permanent residence, as well as temporary. The log house is built from a building material such as timber, and glued is also possible. If you plan to permanently live in a house made of timber, then construction material must be planed, and if for a temporary one, it is not necessary. In any case, the beam is laid with the planed side inward.

Scheme of types and cross sections of the beam.

Features of log cabins from a bar

Collect the bars with your own hands, unlike log walls, follows directly on the finished foundation of the tape type. Houses or log cabins built of timber necessarily shrink, which excludes the laying of walls immediately after the construction of the house. Usually they wait at least about a year or two years to lay high-quality walls that will last a long time. A building material such as timber has only positive characteristics.

Figure 1. Scheme of assembly of shields for the base.

You can use profiled timber, saving on finishing materials. A timber can retain moisture in its structure for a long time, so the shrinkage of a built house takes a long time. It is not necessary to erect a log house alone, it is necessary to invite an assistant. The process of building a house from a bar with your own hands is not difficult.

To build a shed High Quality, be sure to use wooden dowels, which are easy to do with your own hands. For this purpose, apply ordinary boards or their trimmings left after performing any work, for example, related to the installation of the crate. It is better to perform pins from harder scraps of boards; for this, they are trimmed on one side with a saw. Then they are sawn into boards having a width of 120 mm, the main thing is that they turn out to be even.

How to lay the foundation for a log house from a bar

The principles of the strip foundation

Figure 2. Scheme of arranging the foundation with ventilation.

The first step in the construction of a beam is laying the foundation. Before work is carried out, soil analysis is carried out for construction site, which is reduced to geological research related to the search for the level of occurrence ground water and determination of soil composition.

For each type of terrain with a certain soil composition, special types foundations that will last for decades, and the presence of groundwater will not have a devastating effect on them. Before starting to lay the foundation for a log house, it is necessary to dig a trench for the future structure. This is due to the removal of the fertile soil layer. First, sand is poured into the trench, which is compacted by filling it with water. After that, a stone is poured into the trench to begin reinforcing the foundation.

It is possible to reinforce with reinforcing bars both at the top of the foundation and at the bottom. This will give the highest strength to the entire future design log house. Reinforcement is carried out using concrete, if you do it yourself in a concrete mixer, then it will not cost as much as if you buy ready-made concrete in hardware store. Delivery of concrete is carried out by such a type of transport as a mixer truck, and it can only enter areas with the largest area, otherwise the concrete will have to be unloaded in another way.

The best option would be to use a concrete mixer installed on the site. This will allow you to independently prepare a concrete mortar for reinforcing the foundation, but the quality of the composition will not be as high as that of ready-made concrete. Reinforcement is laid at the bottom of the trench with sand and stones, and then this space is poured with concrete. The entire foundation tape, if it is tape, is poured with concrete to ground level. The foundation can also be arranged using formwork, and a columnar type of foundation is also suitable for a certain composition of the soil.

Figure 3. Scheme reinforcing cage for the foundation.

When using a concrete mixer, it should not be closed in the place where its engine is located, since a constantly circulating air is required to cool it after and during operation. Before the construction of a log house from a bar after complete device the foundation should take from a week to a month for the structure to fully stand.

For a certain kind soils, for example, swampy ones, you will need to make a spatial frame. Only after that formwork is created and a concrete solution is poured into it. If the foundation is in warm weather, then its surface must be laid out with sawdust or other material, for example, moss, roofing felt. You can simply fill it with water. The thickness of the formwork boards should be about 40 mm. Formwork panels should be selected required height and length.

Foundation plinth device

The initial size of the shields is usually taken as the distance between the center lines of the base. The shields are assembled directly on the ground using special linings. The assembly diagram of the shields for the base is shown in fig. 1. Shields with a smooth side should be facing the inside of the plinth.

In the basement of the foundation, special windows for ventilation should be provided, which are located at a distance of 15-20 cm from the surface of the earth. They are located on opposite sides plinth structures each opposite the other. To create them, you can use asbestos-cement pipes adjacent to the ends of the shields, as shown in Fig. 2. This position of the pipes will allow you not to fill ventilation holes concrete mortar.

Figure 4. Methods for joining a beam.

The reinforcement frame of the base is located in the upper part, this is shown in fig. 3, after that they fill concrete screed. Reinforcing bars should be laid in an overlapping manner, tying them with wire.

In this way, you can get a rigid structure that is firmly connected to the foundation of the future structure. Starting to fill concrete mortar into the formwork, the pouring line should be marked on the boards from above. When the base of the log house is ready, they begin to lay the first crown.

For proper styling top harness roofing material is lined on the base in two layers, taking into account the entire perimeter of the structure. To do this, a strip of roofing material is bent along, and then placed on the base. To make a harness, use straight bars, on which there are no cracks, various jumps, rot.

How to build a log house from a bar

To protect the gaps between the bars from water ingress, chamfers should be removed from the upper edges, the size of which will be 10x10 mm. The joining of the corners of the log house should be done using the tenon-groove method. It is possible to connect the beam on the dowels and on the root tenon, as shown in fig. 4 in schematic form. The connection of the corners of the initial crown can be carried out using the half-tree method, and the fastening of subsequent rows is carried out on dowels using root spikes. The main tools and materials for construction are:

  • beam;
  • saw;
  • a hammer;
  • pins;
  • nails.

Figure 5 different ways fixing beams and logs.

There may be gaps between the crowns of the bars, so they should be laid heat-insulating material caulk. As a heat insulator, felt or tow is used, cut into strips, the width of which is 20 mm. smaller size beams in width.

For better drainage of water from the seams running horizontally between the bars, chamfer a width of 20 to 30 mm. It is possible to reduce the degree of conductivity between the bars by using grooves, stuffing rails in the shape of a triangle.

Using pins having a rectangular or round shape, it is possible to dock the bars in a vertical position, as shown in Fig. 5. To disinfect all the bars that belong to the first crown, this is done by lubricating each of the bars from all sides. The ends of the bars are left without treatment with the composition.

Do-it-yourself sawing of curved beams should be done by creating small segments of them that fit into the gaps of windows and doorways. The oil-treated beams are laid on the plinth, fastening them with brackets. Block walls can be built in a similar way to the process of building log walls.

Blocked walls have seams that are located in a horizontal direction, which is the main difference between log cabins and log buildings.

The seams are the most vulnerable sections of the walls of the log house, so they need not only to be insulated, but also covered with drying oil or oil paint.

It is possible to protect the beams of the log house from biological effects on wood, as well as atmospheric influence, by sheathing the walls from the beam from the outside with a board or facing brick.

Plank wall cladding horizontally makes it easier to lay the heat insulator. If the wall thickness is less than 150 mm, then additional heat insulators are used, and if the thickness is about 200 mm, then heaters can be dispensed with.

Most main stage in the construction of a wooden house - the installation of a log house. A mistake made at this stage can lead to the most disastrous consequences, and to eliminate it, you will have to disassemble everything and start from the very beginning. Correctly assembled frame will serve you for many decades, provide you with environmentally friendly housing and will please the eye with color natural wood. To carry out such work will require basic carpentry skills, concentration and attentiveness.

The construction of the log house is preceded by the construction of the foundation. We talked about the basics and methods earlier. If your foundation is ready, you can safely take up the assembly of the house. Most often, log cabins are assembled from timber with dimensions of 100x150, 150x150 or 150x200 millimeters. The use of ready-made timber in the construction of a house can significantly reduce the time of its construction. This is due to the absence of the need to cut through the gutters and select logs by diameter. special attention requires material selection. A beam intended for assembling a log house must necessarily have a profile, that is, a recess on one side and a protruding groove on the other. During assembly, the groove of one beam is fixed into the recess of the other, forming a so-called lock, which gives strength and stability to the entire structure. The beam must be even, without bends and distortions that may appear if this material is not stored correctly. Due to the curvature of the groove, you will not be able to lay such bars in the right way, which will entail its uneven drying and violation of the geometry of the whole house. For greater reliability of the finished structure, it is necessary to take into account general recommendations specialists. For the installation of lower crown buildings, use bars with a larger cross section. This is due to the fact that it is on the lower logs in the walls of the house that the greatest load falls. Due to the constant pressure exerted on the logs during their drying, when using thin beams, the walls of the building can be skewed. For maximum thermal insulation, it is necessary to correctly lay the corners of the building. Corners in a wooden frame can be formed in several ways - with a gash in two or one plane. Washed down in two planes is more preferable, since it is less blown and provides more reliable connection bars of one crown. Washed down in one plane is much easier, but requires additional insulation with third-party materials. Fastening with a crown between each other can be done using nails or wooden “fingers”, called dowels. The use of the latter is the preferred option, since it allows you to achieve maximum reliability of connections. Nails must be made from absolutely dry wood to avoid shrinkage. Wood is best for making them. hard rock eg oak. It is recommended to use steel nails with a length of 150-200 millimeters. They should be hammered into holes with a depth of 25-30 millimeters, the diameter of which should be slightly larger than the nail head. This will avoid the formation of cracks in the walls of the log house when the wood shrinks. Since the tree is subject to shrinkage, the joints of the bars must be additional insulation. To do this, it is better to use tow or a special insulation, for example, Isover or Yrsa. As the house is being built, be sure to check the horizontalness of the crowns by level, and control the vertical angles with a plumb line. After completing the installation of the walls, plug the protruding remnants of the tow between the bars. Wood shrinkage makes it impossible to mount door or window frames directly to the wall beams. To fasten them, install a stand that provides free displacement of the bars during their shrinkage along the box.

Only thoughtful and diligent work on the installation of a log house from a bar will allow you to achieve a decent result that will delight all residents of the house for a long time with the warmth and comfort of the atmosphere.

How to make a log house from a bar with your own hands is easy to understand after reading the thematic information. AT recent times in modern housing construction there are tendencies to use wood material. After all, wood is an environmentally friendly product. A house made of this affordable material has a relatively low cost and optimal construction speed. Specifications wood has been valued at all times. The tree has a low thermal conductivity, it keeps warm in winter and cool in summer. Due to the depreciation properties of wood, such a house is not afraid of earthquakes. Moreover, it is very beautiful material especially when properly processed. Species such as cedar, spruce, fir, have antiseptic properties, disinfecting indoor air. So, consider how to build a house out of wood.

Timber houses are perfect for connoisseurs of natural and natural materials.

Where to start building?

You need to start with the calculation. You should decide on the plan of the building itself, outline its dimensions, number of floors, type of construction, choose suitable type materials and finishes. Only after that, you can proceed to the financial calculation of the cost of the project. If this is not done, then it is likely that the construction process may stop due to lack of funds.

The next step is the planning of the building site. This is very important aspect, since from right choice places under future home depends on how dry and warm it will be in it and whether it will stand long enough without major repairs.

Required inventory

To build a foundation:

Before starting work, it is necessary to carefully calculate the required material.

  • bayonet and shovel shovels;
  • scrap, pickaxe;
  • a hammer;
  • hacksaw;
  • tape measure and marking cord;
  • a tub for mixing the solution;
  • bucket;
  • level.

For the construction of walls, roofs, floors:

  • sawmill or hand saw;
  • Sander;
  • axe;
  • plane;
  • chisels and chisels;
  • a hammer;
  • mallet;
  • nail puller;
  • small sledgehammer;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • drill and screwdriver.

For finishing work:

  • trowels and spatulas;
  • brushes and rollers;
  • various containers, etc.

You will also need a huge number of fasteners - screws, bolts, nails, etc. The list of possible building materials is incredibly extensive, it all depends on the choice of the owner, his preferences and capabilities.

Stages of building a log house

Foundation. First you need to decide on the type of foundation. It can be done in a standard tape way. There are many materials for this type of construction. The tape type of foundation is perfect for most large-sized heavy structures. If it is necessary to build a small wooden house ik like a country house, then it is permissible to use a columnar foundation. When implementing it, it is recommended to use concrete blocks exclusively of factory design, since self-made bases are fragile and unreliable.

Logs. When the foundation is ready, it is necessary to lay the logs (beams for the floor) on its surface. It should be borne in mind that the longer the lag or gun carriage, the greater the likelihood of its deflection. In this case, an additional concrete support under her. To reduce the risk of beam deflection, it is better not to use a solid beam, but to connect three boards together. The size of the cross section of the lag in this case should be 15x18 cm. The number of lags directly depends on the size of the premises and the estimated number of people simultaneously in the rooms.

Main box. This is one of the main stages of building a house - assembling the external walls. A bar of 15x15 cm or more is taken under the main perimeter. Before that, it is recommended to decide on the choice of the type of timber. It can be both glued and solid. Each has its own benefits. Glued laminated timber shrinks faster, which allows you to start faster interior decoration. The larger its cross section, the warmer the house. You should not save on it, counting on additional thermal insulation. It will only worsen the ventilation of the walls, which will lead to their premature destruction. The number of bars depends on the planned height of the house, in addition, 2 are added additional timber top and bottom for strapping.

Laying the first crown. Under the first square of the perimeter, it is recommended to place a board and a layer of roofing material in order to avoid premature smoldering of the crown. Yes, and replacing them is much easier, unless, of course, you know how to raise wooden frame.

The corner joint is made either half-wood, or in the form of a studded joint. You can also embed logs for the floor into the first timber of the house or fix them to it with metal corners.

Between the layers of timber, which are mounted in series, a heater is laid.

To give the structure rigidity, it is necessary to flash the corner joints with square dowels - bars.

load-bearing walls. If the conceived house has sufficiently large dimensions, then it is impossible to do without the installation of load-bearing walls. Internal main walls are made of timber with a section of 10x15 cm. The thickness of the wall is the thickness of the smaller side of the timber. Bearing walls act as links between outer walls house and roof. In some cases, it is permissible to use support beams. This, of course, significantly saves material consumption, time, money and increases inner space. But the method also has disadvantages: the strength of the entire structure decreases and the building does not always have an aesthetic appearance.

Window openings and doors. In this case there is important nuance: if, after sawing the openings, you immediately install the boxes, then when the wood shrinks, they will simply be crushed. How to cut the right opening? In some cases, it is recommended to leave the lintels from the wall beam, removing them only after shrinkage, but this does not always look aesthetically pleasing. I make special elements - pigtails, this is the best option against deformation.

Roof. The best option would be to create gable roof with frame gables. Do not complicate its design yourself in order to avoid premature repairs.

Floor and ceiling. Floors are recommended to be made two-layer, consisting of a rough and finish coating. Between them, you can build in a floor heating system or simply lay a heater. Can be placed on top of a finished floor flooring(linoleum, laminate, parquet, etc.). It is necessary that the underground is freely ventilated, otherwise damage to the wood is possible. Ceilings are recommended to be stretched, this will create additional insulation and hide possible defects.

Warming and interior decoration

The final action is Finishing work inside the house and its insulation. It must be taken into account that decorative trim also play the role of a kind of insulation. But in any case, it is necessary to carefully caulk all the cracks between the timber from the outside and from the inside with tow or a special tourniquet before and after the shrinkage of the wood.

Under the interior decoration is meant a wide range of work, including not only decoration various materials walls and other surfaces, but also the wiring of communications. It is worth noting that until the timber is completely shrunk, especially if it is one-piece, it is not recommended to carry out thorough finishing work. This applies to applying a plaster layer to the walls, laying tiles and drywall. These materials are difficult to deform during shrinkage of the structure and quickly crack, inevitably crumbling.

Log cabin from profiled timber: shrinkage, assembly with your own hands. A house built from profiled timber is something more than a roof over your head. This is a place of endless comfort, which has attractive external data and excellent characteristics.

This is due to the fact that only natural materials without glue and harmful impurities. Thanks to this, the house will have an unusual atmosphere, and you will always feel comfortable in it.


  • The naturalness of the material.
  • Low thermal conductivity - thanks to this, even in the cold season, the rooms will always be warm.
  • Reliability and durability.
  • Uniform and fast shrinkage of the material.

Building a house from a log house

Key stages of construction from a log house of profiled timber

Self-made construction of log cabins is a very complex and time-consuming process, which cannot be carried out without special skills. The first stage of work at which difficulties are encountered is the choice of material. The profiled bursa should have a cross section of at least 200 mm. But if you are building a 7 * 7 log house, which will be used only in summer, you can take material with a smaller section.

Don't forget that when self assembly shrinkage should be taken into account, which will be from 10 to 15 cm. We will divide the process of assembling a log house from profiled 7 * 7 into five parts.


  1. Scheme drawing, design.
  2. Fill .
  3. work.
  4. and outside work.

Main processes

Building walls

Creating and building walls is a very important process that should be done with all care. We lay out the rows of timber very carefully. Each subsequent one must be fastened with the previous dowel. Thanks to this action, the beam will not move to the side. To install the pins, you will need to drill holes that will be 40 mm in diameter. This is the ideal indicator for the dowels to easily enter the hole.

Important: If you set out to build a house for year-round living don't forget the sealant. To do this, in one of the bars it will be necessary to cut a protrusion, and in the other, cut a groove with similar dimensions. The layers of timber can be alternated with grooves and spikes. Such a structure will general design more reliable and stronger. You can’t make mistakes in laying, as you will have to take everything apart and start over.

If the size of a log house made of profiled timber is more than 7 * 7, at least one partition should be installed on the first floor. This will be a kind of support for the flooring on the second floor. In the end, when building walls, you will need to cut down window openings. Determine the location for the windows and cut out the openings. When drying the material, it is important that they are well ventilated. After shrinkage of the profiled frame, you can proceed with the installation of windows.

Recent work in the assembly of the log house

This is the final stage of the build. You only need to insulate the building and do the finishing, as well as roofing works. After everything is done, the construction will be officially considered completed. As you can use mineral wool / glass wool. Or is perfect for interior decoration, but the first option will be much better.

Ready log cabin - order or do it yourself?

A log house made of profiled timber is an excellent building with a huge list of advantages. In order for it not to lose its remarkable qualities, it is recommended to order or buy a ready-made building, since during the construction by oneself there are many errors and problems, due to which the final version of the dwelling will not be comfortable.

With self-assembly, many questions will certainly arise, the answer to which will not even be given by every specialist. Many people, for lack of experience, make serious mistakes, and this is as a result of error and a violation of the integrity of the structure as a whole. In this case, the good old saying works: “The miser pays twice”, since you have to redo everything, hire a specialist and buy additional material. To avoid such mistakes, there is a share of common sense to order or buy a ready-made log house from a reputable company.

Order and purchase - advantages and disadvantages

It is much easier to order a kit or buy a log house from a specialized company than to build a house yourself. This is due to such reasons:

Well, the main advantage in ordering a log house from profiled timber is savings. Indeed, it will be much cheaper for you to buy a ready-made building or place an order.

If you want to do the construction yourself, it will be more expensive for you for several reasons:

  • The material will be purchased from specialized firms. But these same firms purchase timber at a cost several times lower than they sell.
  • Material consumption. Do-it-yourself construction has never been without mistakes. A groove that you cut incorrectly or something else will lead to the purchase of new material. Experienced professionals are unlikely to make such mistakes.
  • It is impossible to assemble a log house alone / together, so you will have to hire a team. Handymen who will help you will also have to pay.

Such costs usually exceed the payment for the order of the same log house in the company.

Additional advantages when ordering a log house from profiled timber

The advantages mentioned above are not the last ones on the list. When ordering or buying a finished log house, you will save time and effort. Even if you succeed on the materials (which is unlikely), it will take you a lot of time to assemble, and you will also have to wait for the shrinkage of the log house from the profiled timber. Contact the firm great option if you want to get a house in as soon as possible, and you want it to meet all quality parameters.

You will also not be able to do your own construction in winter period. But this is not a hindrance for companies that, even in winter, assemble pediments, walls and partitions in production workshops. After that, they leave it for shrinkage and manage to do both the interior and exterior decoration by the beginning of spring.

The construction of glued beams has the following advantages:

  1. The material of manufacture is winter wood, and it has a dense structure.
  2. built in winter time, has a plus in the form of freezing moisture from the walls.
  3. So it is much better ventilated, due to which good shrinkage will be ensured.


The price for the construction of a log house will depend on many factors, which include the quantity and quality of the timber, as well as its cross section and the complexity of the construction.

Prices are approximate.


Do not forget that you should order kits only from well-known and time-tested companies. Do not forget that different companies have different prices for construction. So, an order in a popular company will be much more expensive than in a lesser one. popular company but the quality of work will be the same.

Do not forget, that when choosing a log house, you should carefully examine it and notice all the details. Before buying, study all the characteristics and evaluate the quality. The finished product can be placed and immediately begin finishing work.

Eco-friendly and high quality characteristics inherent in wooden housing construction. From round timber, our grandfathers collected entire towers, the beauty of which still arouses admiration. And thanks to modern antiseptics and neomid, a wooden frame is not afraid of fires and fungus. In installation on your own, it is easier to use a beam of the correct shape. How to make a log house from a bar with your own hands, the main stages of installation, the rules and recommendations of specialists can be found in this article.

We design your house

Before assembling a house from a bar, it is necessary to choose the right project. Log cabins are assembled according to standard or individual projects, may differ in architectural complexity or have simple shapes. If you plan to assemble a ready-made factory log house, we recommend that you opt for standard project which has advantages:

  1. The log house has already been tested in operation, and the manufacturer has eliminated the main shortcomings.
  2. The material for manufacturing is used as economically as possible, so the price of a finished box is cheaper.
  3. It is easier to choose a finishing material and a roof, as you can see with your own eyes several finished houses and chat with the owners.

When choosing individual design bar is the same suitable material. It has the correct shape and can be adjusted to any size. Therefore, with the advent of this lumber, it became possible to collect wooden boxes the most complex and unusual form.

By choosing a beam of the desired section, any project can easily be adjusted to any region with different average temperatures and climates. For a garden or country house, a small section material is suitable: 100x50 mm, 100x100 mm. For permanent residence, a timber with a section of 150x150, 150x200, 200x100 mm is taken. The easiest option square section- 150x150 mm. Square shape allows you to quickly assemble the walls without the selection of technical and outer side. But provided that the bar is simple. In this case, a section of 150x150 mm must also be insulated.

One of the economical options is profiled material. The spike and groove on the technical sides of the beam are firmly connected during installation and create a reliable barrier to the wind. The walls are insulated with a tape heat insulator, right during assembly. And if the front and back sides are additionally polished, then after assembling the box, you only need to go along the walls paintwork material and the house is ready to move in.

A separate group is a log house made of glued lumber. This beam consists of lamellas, which are interconnected under the influence of a press and glue. But scientists are still arguing about the environmental friendliness of glued lumber. From the positive stands out: high strength of the walls and increased thermal insulation properties. So for the construction of a residential building from glued material, a section of 100x100 mm is suitable, with winter temperature up to -15 degrees additional wall insulation is not required.

When choosing a project, it is worth considering what type of timber the walls will be assembled from. Since further finishing work depends on this, which means additional material investments.

Where to start?

When the project is selected, the assembly of the log house from the timber begins. The basis of the house is being prepared - the foundation. Because material is light then any type of foundation will do:

  1. Columnar;
  2. Ribbon grillage;
  3. Tape.

We do not recommend monolithic, as this is the most expensive option, which will be cost-effective only if the soil is mobile and heavily crumbling. For loose soil with a high groundwater table, pile or columnar foundation. How to build a house if the soil is swampy and mobile? wise to use screw piles. It is easy to mount them with your own hands, and there will be less “walking” in the future. But, choosing a columnar or pile foundation, it should be understood that in the future the basement of the house will have to be additionally framed and insulated. Otherwise, there will be no basement or cellar in the house, and heat loss after the basement is insulated will decrease by 15%.

One of the most popular types foundation for a wooden frame - tape. It got its name for its external resemblance to a concrete strip rolled out on the ground. The height of the foundation is selected individually and is associated with the characteristics of groundwater.

At high level occurrence of groundwater and freezing in winter by more than 1.2 m, you can use the tape-grillage version. The design combines concrete tape, but on piles every 1.5 - 2 m. And first the piles are poured, then the formwork is made under the ribbon. Before pouring, it is recommended to calculate the cubature of the foundation, this will reduce the cost of concrete.

A detailed technology for assembling a strip-grillage foundation is disclosed in one of the previous articles.

Lego for adults

The manufacturer will deliver the finished log house to the site in a sealed package, it will be easier to assemble it with your own hands. It is difficult to assemble your house from a solid bar without experience and skills, since the correct connection of the corners is required. But more on that below.


Before laying the first crown, it is necessary to waterproof the foundation. The tree is airtight, and through microcracks in the foundation, moisture will get to the first crown and over time it will begin to rot. For work you will need materials: bituminous mastic(price from 350 rubles) and roofing material (price from 220 rubles)

Waterproofing is carried out as follows:

  1. From above, the foundation is smeared with hot bituminous mastic.
  2. The first layer of roofing material is rolled out from above. When joining, the material is overlapped.
  3. The roofing material is again smeared with bituminous mastic.
  4. Is rolling out finishing layer roofing material.

The width of the roofing material should exceed the width of the foundation by 15–20 cm. The remaining ends of the roofing material can later be hidden under the plinth sheathing.

First crown

The first crown of the log house is laid according to the level on the dried waterproofing. The cross section of the first crown is larger than the others in the box. This will increase the stability of the structure.

The first crown of the log house is the most important in the design, so to increase durability it is worth overpaying for larch or aspen. They are less susceptible to moisture, and over time acquire a hardness comparable to iron. But we do not recommend using aspen from the Volga region. The tree has a fragile core and is not suitable for construction in 90% of cases.

Before laying the first crown is covered protective compounds(Sanezh, Belinka Bio, Tikkurila, Neomid 440 and Valtti Aquacolor (price from 120 rubles / l). The laying of the first crown is carried out on laid out slats or a lining board. The slats are laid in increments of 30–40 cm across the foundation tape, the boards are sewn to base with metal pins.The slats are 10 mm thick and create an additional gap between the foundation and the framing, which creates additional ventilation.The wooden framing is attached to the foundation with metal anchors.But the frame is attached to the base only for light structures.Large houses with several floors quite heavy and will not move from the base without additional fasteners.

Folding the box

It is not difficult to build a log house from a ready-made kit, but you will have to tinker with a solid beam. There are several options corner connections timber with the remainder and even:

  1. Assembly in the paw. At the ends of the beam, spikes and nests are cut out for them. It has disadvantages: it is blown, over time the material will dry out and serious insulation will be required.
  2. AT dovetail. The option is similar to the previous one, but has a special cut at an angle. Minus the difficulty drank.
  3. Into the bowl. In each beam, a bowl is made from below for the upper link. The top crown fits into the bowl and creates an airtight connection. Cons: you will need a skill and a special cup cutter.
  4. Half a tree. Half of the section is sawn in each end part. Fits into the resulting nest top crown. Minuses in blowing and unreliability of the connection. To increase grip, a dowel is made of wood, which connects the ends.

Corner connection with the remainder is considered warmer and more reliable. The corners and the timber are additionally connected to each other with the help of dowels. Nagels are used wooden or metal. The latter option is more reliable, but when the log cabin dries, cracks form in the walls, and the metal pins spoil appearance at home. Wooden dowels can be made independently from the remnants of lumber or birch. Nagel will give the structure additional strength, and will not allow the beam to twist when it dries. Nails are attached to every two crowns, skipping one, in increments of at least 150 cm.

A jute insulation is rolled between each beam (price from 110 rubles). If the material is profiled, then between the spikes and grooves there is a special chute for laying tape insulation. If timber joints are needed along the length, then a joint in the root tenon is used. The essence of the connection is in the sawing of a spike and a groove, which are securely connected and additionally fastened with dowels.

Internal partitions in a log house can not be immediately assembled. They are made with a smaller section material and are attached to the main walls. But if you plan a two-story log house made of timber with your own hands, then at least one partition is assembled immediately. It serves as an additional support.

Draft floors can be laid immediately. They further serve as the basis for a warm "pie" of the finishing floor. Mineral wool or ecowool, foam plastic can serve as a floor insulation. Most inexpensive option use foam, it will give additional sound insulation between floors.

It is not recommended to cut window and door openings in a log house immediately. The building must stand. Even chamber drying during the first three months will shrink at least 3%, natural humidity not less than 10%. Before inserting the frames, a pigtail is made, which will give the structure greater strength and prevent distortions during the walking of the soil.

Choosing a roof and roof

A rough roof is erected until complete shrinkage. If the timber chamber drying or glued, then the shrinkage is negligible and you can proceed to the finishing roof. As roofing suitable any material: corrugated board, ondulin, soft tiles. Most economical option for garden houses- roofing material or slate. The step of the crate will depend on the choice of the roof. How softer roofing and the lower the roof, the more often the crate is made. For example, under soft tiles and the substrate is made of thin plywood.

The design of the roof is selected individually. But the fewer bends and corners in the design, the more reliable it will be. The simplest option is shed roof or gable, they are assembled by hand.

going to rafter system with laying ceiling logs. A bar with a section of 100x50 mm is suitable for work. The technical side will be 50 mm. The front and frame of the truss system are assembled from a material with a section of 150x100 mm. They are attached to the Mauerlat, which is laid on upper part walls. A bar with a section of 150x150 mm is taken as a Mauerlat. The most difficult thing in installation is to install the first rafters and matrix. You can fasten the truss system to the walls using metal brackets or anchor bolts. Logs and Mauerlat are connected to each other with the help of a thorn-groove lock. Readers can read more in the article on roof installation.

The finished roof is insulated and waterproofed. This is necessary to reduce heat loss in the house. Next, proceed to additional insulation and decoration. A wooden house will shrink completely after three years. This time it is not recommended to carry out grandiose design finishing works, but it is already possible to live in the house.

What's the price

As you know, the road will be mastered by the walking one, but the owner’s hands are not always sharpened under construction works or work eats everything free time. Specialists will assemble the log house in a few weeks, and the quality of work will be high. The price of installation will depend on what work needs to be done. There are two types of standard services for the installation of log cabins:

  1. Full construction.
  2. Easy Assembly.

The service differs by the list of works. Turnkey installation includes: foundation (casting, formwork), box assembly, truss system, roofing, draft floors and ceiling, installation of windows and doorways, all internal partitions. Simple assembly may include individual works. For example, the foundation is made by hand, and the box and rafter system are assembled by specialists.