Catalog of ready-made house projects. Original roofing and designer roofs: How to build a Chinese or Japanese roof over a private house - rafter diagrams, instructions, sketches and photos. Review of roofing elements for cottages with pagoda elements in Japanese or Chinese

Japanese style garden.

Of all the theme gardens, it is the most complex in layout. It requires knowledge of the traditional canons of organizing space, the ability to harmoniously arrange all the elements of the composition, and create a feeling of peace and harmony with nature.

The result should be miniature copy of a natural landscape, where each stone or bush occupies a strictly designated place. It is important to remember that according to the laws of planning Japanese garden components, In no case should you arrange them symmetrically or use several elements of the same shape and size.

Avoid overcrowding with details and dense planting. This will help create a contrast between the open and closed spaces of the garden.

An almost obligatory element of a Japanese garden is a stream of water with a bridge thrown across it, a pond or a miniature waterfall.

The exception is the so-called rock gardens, where water is symbolized by sand or gravel, on the surface of which wavy lines are applied.

Each component of a Japanese garden has its own symbolic meaning and occupies a strictly defined place. The stones symbolize the “masculine principle” - yang, mountains, strength, courage and peace; streams and artificial ponds - the feminine principle - yin.

Choosing the right plants for a Japanese garden is not an easy task; their choice is usually limited both by the requirements of style and by the whims of individual crops. You can plant decorative cherries and plums, conifers, rhododendron, Japanese maple. Irises, ferns, hosta and some herbaceous plants are appropriate in such a garden.

Each plant in such a garden is not accidental and, like its inanimate elements, carries a meaning. Oak symbolizes strength, pine - longevity, bamboo - durability, lotus - wisdom, etc.

Garden in chinese style.

Creating such a garden is no less difficult..It landscape garden with a free layout, all elements of which are subordinated to the beauty of the natural landscape and filled with deep meaning.

Plan the area in such a way that it has one main composition, and all other elements are subordinate to it. Create a small stream in the garden with a curved bridge thrown across it, or place a gazebo in the form of a pagoda. Plant plants so as to create the impression of a natural landscape...

Few of our clients decide to build a house for permanent residence V exotic style. But our last work was just from the category of non-standard architectural projects. The customer needed a project guest house in Chinese style.

By the time the client contacted him, the foundations of all planned structures had already been erected on his site - a house, a garage and guest house. The first two were designed by another agency, but the client decided to order the guest house from us.

According to the plan, the entire ensemble of buildings should use elements of Chinese architecture.

Chinese style. What is he like?

Having decided to build a house in the Chinese style, you need to be faithful to it to the end. After all, the main feature of the style is the philosophical meaning of the surrounding material things. Each detail is ordered and harmonious, transmitting one or another energy force according to the teachings of Feng Shui.

Start unified system taken from the natural landscape on which the future building will be located. A Chinese-style structure should blend in with the surrounding landscape and look as natural as, for example, trees or flowers in a garden.

Therefore, Chinese architecture is characterized by smooth lines, the use of natural materials, and natural colors.

In design outside At home, natural wood was often used, which was covered with bright red or black varnish.

The recognizable shape of the Chinese roof has a high roof with steep slopes, which is due to natural feature Celestial Empire - frequent heavy rains, as well as the philosophical side where it is very important place occupies mythology associated with dragons.

A Chinese style house must be permeated sun rays. For this purpose, it is not even customary to curtain windows, and window openings are made of large sizes.

The use of gold-plated and mother-of-pearl details in the design is typical. A typical decorative element is images of dragons. Image Chinese house would not be complete without the typical street lanterns, decorated with tassels and painted with hieroglyphs.

Chinese style house project in a modern application

Look at the photo of our guest house with elements of the surrounding landscape. The area near the building is decorated winding paths made of stone, the same smoothness of lines can be traced in the structure of the house itself and its component parts - from the curved roof, ending with ornate images of dragons on the corners of the roof, decorative balls of the terrace fencing, concave table legs in the barbecue gazebo. The presence of stones in the exterior can be mistaken for a stone garden.

The roof is designed only as an imitation of the Chinese one (without using special technology structure, far protruding corners and multi-tiered structures).

In the design of our Chinese style house we used facing brick, natural stone, wooden consoles, flexible tiles, decking boards and natural wood of noble species.

The entire exterior of the building is planned on a “natural” harmonious contrast of light and dark (almost black) shades natural wood, so naturally fitting into the natural landscape.

A characteristic feature of the Chinese style are large window openings, ready to warm the inhabitants of the house with life-giving warmth. sunlight. The glass is decorated with an abundance of crossed perpendicular lines of the frame binding, forming rectangles different sizes. Such elements are also typical of Chinese homes.

The shine of mother-of-pearl is present in the design decorative balls on the terrace railing. The red color in the exterior is only indicated in the decor by hieroglyphs and tassels of street lamps.

Internal structure of the guest house

Plan interior spaces the design of the guest house is no different from any country cottage. There is a vestibule, a living room-kitchen-dining room, a bedroom, a dressing room, a bathroom, as well as a covered terrace with a barbecue gazebo and a woodshed for pleasant outdoor meals.

The total construction area is 152.5 sq. m. m.

An integral element of any country house– fireplace – will be located in a cozy living room-kitchen-dining room. Combining three rooms will make the room brighter, more spacious and convenient for serving guests.


Chinese style houses in modern architecture received a new wave of distribution thanks to the currently fashionable hobby of Feng Shui. The territorial proximity of China and Russia has always contributed to the significant influence of centuries-old Chinese traditions on our culture.

Living in a house built in the Chinese style will be comfortable and easy for seekers who strive for harmony, and even those prone to mysticism. Proximity to natural principles is the best way to promote relaxation and filling with internal energy.

Try to plunge into oriental exoticism and bring Feng Shui harmony into your life.

Architectural bureau of Alexey Sukhov |

Option No. 2 with minor changes

Chinese style is one of the components of the so-called oriental style interior Main feature in the oriental style is its exoticism. Unlike European culture, which prefers to create a more ordinary atmosphere in the house, the realities of the oriental style look more interesting and allow you to get a completely unique interior. This explains the continued popularity of the oriental style and the fact that increasingly in populated areas grow up at home asian style.

Chinese style in the design of the facade of a house

The severity of forms, strict space saving and minimalism distinguish the Chinese style from many others. And this manifests itself in everything: in restrained, calm tones, which should be illuminated as much as possible.

Features of the direction:

  • The interior layout of the house should be created with the desire to minimize all elements and household appliances included in the design of a Chinese house, including furniture. Here, each element must occupy a place specially prepared for it.
  • But this does not mean that Chinese culture involves blind imitation Japanese minimalism. Interior design and exterior finishing Chinese-style houses are a special culture, consciousness and perception of the world. It allows several presence in the room more objects and accessories than in all other Far Eastern cultures.

There can be no clutter in the rooms of an Asian-style house, since this room has a special meaning, and unnecessary interior elements should not affect the relaxing atmosphere in it.

Interior layout

Space is very important to the Chinese people, and it is even more important for them to be in harmony with their surroundings. This is taught not only by the Asian people, but also by the rest of the people, the culture of Feng Shui, which helps to properly use space and all the objects in it. First of all, you need to remember that when creating a Chinese house with your own hands, you should not build sharp corners, install bulky furniture and unnecessary equipment.

Avoid sharp and straight forms when decorating your home. To hide the corners of the room, you can use built-in corner furniture to brighten up the straight lines. It is recommended to hang a round tablecloth on tables.


  • Wall columns, which are in most cases a decorative element, can be used to round out flat wall surfaces. The same effect can be achieved by decorating the walls with silk fabrics or silky wallpaper, which depict photos of traditional Chinese flowers - chrysanthemums and peonies. You should not use bright colorful wallpaper to decorate walls.
  • There should be enough space in the hallway, but it should not be empty. The Chinese are known for their ability to properly divide and use space. This means that all decorative components are required to perform even practical functions.
  • To zone areas in Chinese houses, it is customary to use painted screens that can be easily moved from place to place. Unlike the austere simplicity of Japan, Chinese style design must use interior space more fully. For this purpose, you can create niches in the walls or arched structures with your own hands, in which you can place decorative toys and accessories.

Chinese style colors

Color is of particular importance in the Chinese style of interior and exterior interiors of houses. Since ancient times, the love of the Chinese people for combinations of warm and cold shades, combining pastel colors with bright and large rich in color large interior elements.

A special meaning lies in two colors - yellow and blue, which must be present in the decoration of the house.


  • Yellow is considered the color of the emperor and ranks special place in the list of official symbols state power in China. Therefore, Chinese style always implies the use of this color in its palette.
  • Blue color is called the color of nobility; it will emphasize high social status person living in the house, or at least notes his desire to occupy a higher social position.
  • Interestingly, the color blue is not used in large quantities in the Chinese style home. And with a fleeting inspection of the room, it can hardly be noticed, as it is used in the line elements, which indicates the reserved and modest character of the owners of the house.
  • If there are only two mandatory colors in the interior, design It is impossible to imagine a Chinese house without the presence of red in it, symbolizing not only fire, as one of the forces of nature, but also the health and, consequently, the prosperity of the people living in the house.
  • As for furniture, the choice should fall on options made from natural materials, for example, bamboo. Furniture in a Chinese house is comfortable low sofas and tables corresponding to them in size.
  • However, it is allowed to have a large dining table, because in Chinese traditions, when everyone gathers at the table big family. A popular coating is black lacquer, textiles, and covers with photographs of traditional Chinese motifs and ornaments.

Chinese-style furniture should be conservative and be selected in the same style.

For example, if you put a bamboo table in the living room, which is decorated with an openwork tsaga, it means modern furniture, there is no more room. Decorate your room with these decorative elements, like mirrors, an aquarium with small catfish and carp. There should be niches in the walls for trinkets and souvenirs, unusual combinations of shelves, drawers and doors.

An important component in a room that gives Chinese style are stools, small sizes varnished. Which can be installed inside each other, thus creating shelves on which you can place indoor flowers, porcelain figurines, in the form of people or animals. If these stools are not folded into a pyramid, then they can be used as tables at which you can drink tea.

Chinese style flooring and lighting

The main quality that characterizes Chinese style is the simplicity of the floor. Which should be a modest base for the rest of the items in the room - furniture and accessories. To make the space in the room look more spacious, you need to use marble, ceramic coating or other options made from natural materials.

Design features:

  • In a Chinese, as in a Japanese, house, carpets are almost never placed on the floor. And remember that you should limit yourself to 2 - 3 options floor coverings for the whole house. This way you will achieve simplicity in style and will be able to eliminate the possibility of visual dissonance that arises when organizing different genders.
  • The most popular floor covering found in prefabricated houses from China is bamboo laminate, which is distinguished by its authentic oriental style and high environmental performance.
  • Another distinctive feature, which is relevant exclusively for China, is called the complete absence of curtains and possible curtains on the windows. Moreover, there is no need to hang chandeliers in the house, which can be successfully replaced with ordinary incandescent lamps.

Soft lighting is achieved through the use of white paper lanterns or lamps with openwork light shades.

Building a Chinese style house

The Chinese style is, first of all, distinguished by its extraordinary roof. Therefore, before you build your own Chinese house, you need to build the most ordinary frame from natural material, it is better from wood, for example, from laminated veneer lumber, over which the simplest roof can be erected.

Carrying out work:

  • The load-bearing element of this structure is a single pillar located in the center of the house, reinforced in the foundation. This distinguishes Chinese houses from European structures, which involve distributing the load from the roof and roofing material on load-bearing walls. Instructions according to which it is distributed on a Chinese roof in a rectangular rather than triangular form.
  • As consumables To create a roof, you need to purchase support beams and boards. First of all, prepare detailed plan work and draw an approximate diagram of the roof, with the help of which it will be possible to cope with the work much easier.
  • Place the leg of the rafter system perpendicular to the base. To the top of which attach support bars, the opposite edges of which should be secured to extreme points roof bases.

The same work must be done on all sides of the rectangle. Then according to the data rafter systems a kind of sheathing is made - curved plywood is nailed tightly around the perimeter of the roof. A roofing covering, for example, tiles, is attached to the base prepared in this way. It is comfortable due to its softness and it will be very convenient for her to close the roof so interesting shape. The cost of building a house will increase if the tiles are replaced with a profile. Watch a video with recommendations for building a house in an oriental style.

Europeans began to “rave” about China after the travels of Marco Polo. Even then, during the Middle Ages, interior traditions existed in the Celestial Empire. For a Chinese, a house was not just a roof over his head and a set of necessary items, but a material reflection of his attitude to the world and life...

History: from Rococo to Avant-Garde

A keen interest in Chinese life swept Europe at the end of the 17th century, when the jaded nobility discovered porcelain brought by the first merchants. The finest dishes were not only unusual in appearance, but also hygienic, because a porcelain cup, unlike a silver one, only needed to be rinsed.
A passion for porcelain led to a passion for everything that reminded me of a distant, alluring country. This is how chinoiserie appeared - Chinese.
Aristocrats ordered architects to design pavilions in the form of pagodas, and the chambers were decorated with silk screens, fans and vases.
However, very little was known about China in those years, so the style was superficial - with a considerable touch of fantasy.

The second wave of fashion chinese interior covered Europe at the beginning of the 20th century and... is still holding on. The culture of the Celestial Empire has become more open; now, when furnishing a house in the Chinese style, its owner does not limit himself to decor, but follows the rules of Feng Shui and honors Chinese customs. Thus, it brings not only an exotic flavor to the home, but also a microclimate.

Conceptual features of Chinese style in the interior

Simplicity and expressiveness are the first things that Chinese homes are associated with.

It has:

  • unbulky, low furniture;
  • the use of intarsia - wooden inlay, which decorates surfaces
  • chests of drawers and wardrobes;
  • presence of sliding screen partitions
  • thoughtfulness and restraint in the choice of accessories.

Adhering to these criteria, it is not difficult to create a Chinese monastery in any corner of the planet.

Finish: wood dominance

Which includes Chinese, they “don’t like” ultra-modern materials and technologies.
The walls of a Chinese-style apartment are covered with either bamboo or fabric trellises.
Not prohibited paper wallpaper, once invented in China; It is also possible to paint on plaster: flowering branches, mountain landscapes, strange birds.

Each of the drawings is a symbol that attracts a certain energy into the house, so the patterns need to be taken seriously.
If the room is small, it is appropriate to cover one of the walls wood panels dark color, this will visually enlarge the room, give it a stamped, picturesque look.

For floors, if the option of bamboo parquet is, alas, unattainable, both large tiles and wood with a rich texture are suitable.

The most difficult thing in decorating a Chinese house is perhaps the ceilings. They are usually multi-level, which creates the illusion of heaven above your head. For this purpose, rectangular, carved wooden structures are used, which are equipped with lighting and contrast with the walls.

Color scheme: bright and bold

The Chinese believe that the color red attracts good luck. It’s rare that a home is complete without fragments of a cinnabar shade: it could be a wall, upholstery, or a carpet on the floor. And the most popular color triad is the combination of red, black and gold.
The main tone, and in a modern Chinese home it can be not only red, but brown, burgundy, even green, is often diluted yellow accents.

Sunny color in the Middle Kingdom it symbolizes nobility and was widely used in the design of palaces.

Style furniture

Of course it is made of wood. Priority:
▫ Manchurian nut;
▫ oak;
▫ sandalwood;
▫ mahogany;
▫ bamboo;
▫ rattan.
You can often see objects made of plywood, covered with scarlet paint, painted with hieroglyphs and typical ornaments.
Chinese furniture seemingly non-massive and lower than the European one. Squatty – characteristic feature wardrobes, shelves, deck chairs and chairs.

In rich living rooms, the furniture is mostly lacquered, with openwork plywood intarsia, with inserts of mother-of-pearl, tortoiseshell, and noble wood.

The furnishings of an apartment in the Chinese style are the embodiment of dignity: all the objects are elegant, functional, but there are few of them. A low sofa, a bamboo chair, a round or oval tea table sometimes make up the entire ensemble main room.
It is needless to add that the furnishing of a Chinese house is carried out according to the principles of Feng Shui: some objects are arranged in pairs, others symmetrically.

Accessories: fabulous wealth

The Chinese-style interior is not overloaded with trinkets. However, their choice is huge. This is for example:

  • vases, figurines, porcelain dishes;
  • rugs, fans, napkins made of bamboo;
  • figurines, dolls, ceramic cups;
  • live chrysanthemums and peonies in vases, mini bonsai trees.

In addition to the rational role, the screen also plays a decorative role: it can be painted with landscapes or decorated with a painting.

A spectacular final touch to the decor will be a pair of bronze bells, paper lanterns and incense sticks.
Decorating a room in Chinese style requires not only impeccable taste, but also knowledge. After all, every detail - a lotus flower or a dragon figurine - is full of secret meaning.

Lighting: natural and concise

In China it is not customary to curtain windows. They are covered with sliding matte screens or carved grilles in a characteristic square. However, today to protect windows you can use roller blinds or bamboo roller blinds.
Lamps are also rarely equipped with caps and shades. However, it is not uncommon to see a floor lamp with a lampshade made of thin rice paper. The center of the living room, bedroom, and dining room is often decorated with a Chinese-style chandelier.

Chinese style interior - photo

Chinese style bedroom interior

More photos:

Houses made of laminated veneer lumber | №5 (75) "2017

This one is unusual wooden house built in the private sector of the city of Korolev, Moscow region and is intended for year-round residence family consisting of three generations. A feature of its design was the appeal to oriental motifs - customers were impressed by the art of China, which, in turn, led to the active use of materials from valuable species wood

On small area among deciduous trees and with oil the house was built, summer kitchen with a barbecue area and an openwork gazebo in the Chinese style. The future owners were very actively involved in the project. They wanted the house to feel cozy and warm, so they decided to use only... natural materials- mostly wood different breeds. In addition, the customers expressed the wish that each room be equipped with functional system lighting. It was assumed that the space of the living room and kitchen-dining room should be transformed depending on the number of guests, of which there are sometimes many. These ideas predetermined the layout of the house and design, and the result of the work was an interior where an atmosphere of measured, comfortable life was created.

On the ground floor, the double-height living room and kitchen-dining room are a single space, but it is structured using light wooden latticework, the carvings of which are in the Chinese style. Thanks to this technique, the interior turned out to be airy, filled with light, with an elegant oriental flavor. The leading role in the design of the house is given to wood: the cladding of the ceiling, floor and walls, furniture - everything is made of valuable wood. Layout wooden elements on the ceiling in all rooms is made in the same style, but its design is not repeated anywhere. It organically complements the strict geometry ceiling lamps, and wicker lampshades sconces and pendant lamps, on the contrary, soften the lines of the interior.

The design of the staircase was formed during the finishing process: it was made from solid wood by local craftsmen, and the railing ethnic style delivered from China.

The load-bearing columns and part of the walls are decorated with rattan fabric. Against this background, furniture made from elastic but durable bamboo looks harmonious: elegant tables, massive armchairs and a sofa upholstered in leather in berry shades. Boxes, porcelain and figurines brought from travels continue the theme of the East, maintaining the desired atmosphere in the house.

On the second floor there are the master's office and bedroom, as well as the son's room, where the storage system is also designed individually: it is made in the form of a bench, on the wooden seat of which a chessboard is drawn.