What is the name of the bush with white balls. Snow globes of the ornamental shrub buldenezh. Unpretentious and beautiful

Decorative viburnum Buldenezh

Buldenezh. Such beautiful name viburnum, which translates as "snowball", belongs to the Frenchman. Europe got acquainted with this shrub more than four centuries ago. In Russia, bulldenezh appeared under Catherine II.

"Snowball", or "snowfield", at that time was grown at the palace, in the gardens and parks of the estates of wealthy landowners. In the 18th century, gardens were known in which only bulldenezh grew. Gardeners, masters of their craft, surprised Europe with their beauty standard forms Snow globe.

Bulldenezh is decorative form common viburnum. The height of a sprawling shrub is from 2 to 3.5 meters. In late spring - early summer, snow-white balls of inflorescences appear on the bush. Their diameter is 7 - 15 cm.

The inflorescences consist of sterile flowers that are odorless. As the Buldenezh bush grows older, it blooms beautifully and lives for a long time, and there are more inflorescences: there are not even leaves behind them.


Place. It is best to grow viburnum bulldenezh in light partial shade. On the sunny place flowering will be shorter. In the shade - very weak, with small loose inflorescences. And yes, there are pests.

Viburnum Buldonezh does not have berries. But it blooms amazingly. Likes slightly acidic soil and moist, but not marshy

It happens that the place seems to be suitable, and the soil meets all standards, and the shrub does not want to grow or bloom. In this case, you need to urgently look for Kalina another place. It must be remembered that bulldenezh is planted for several decades, so choosing a place is a responsible matter.

The soil. Kalina buldenezh grows well on loose, nutritious, moderately moist soil. It is very important to prepare a good landing pit at least 50 cm x 60 cm in size. Fill it with soil mixture with a large margin nutrients.

For example, mix several buckets of compost, peat and sand. To them are added wood ash(at least 3 glasses) and nitrophoska or fertilizer granules (quantity according to the instructions). This is very important for successful cultivation bulldenezh.

heavy clay soil you need to cultivate by adding humus, peat and sand to it.

Winter hardiness. The snow globe is a fairly winter-hardy crop that does not need to be covered for the winter. However, in the first years of life, it is advisable to insure and at the end of autumn insulate the roots with humus.

This easy job not only protect them from freezing in harsh winters with little snow, but also feed the plant. If you sow under a bulldenezh bush lawn grasses or save an existing lawn when planting, then dense turf will become reliable protection in any weather.

In too frosty and little snowy winters, bulldenezh can freeze slightly. But it quickly acquires absolutely healthy shoots.

Planting viburnum Buldenezh carried out in early spring or in late autumn, just before frost.

  1. Spring, when all plants wake up and the life process is activated - good time for landing by any method.
  2. If you decide to plant a shrub in the fall, this will give the seedlings time to adapt, but planting a plant in this season can only be done by dividing the root.

Buldenezh has inflorescences consisting of sterile flowers, therefore it reproduces only vegetatively. Kalina is propagated by cuttings, layering, root, offspring.

The breeding method of viburnum Buldenezh will also depend on which planting method you choose.

By dividing the root, planting a shrub is very simple. If you already have this plant on the site, you need to find a suitable lateral shoot of the young growth and carefully separate it from the mother bush - that's it, the seedling material is ready.

Planting shrubs with a layer will also not be great work. To do this, you just need to bend the lower extreme branch to the ground and pin it with a wire bracket.

From above, the layer is sprinkled with earth and kept moist until it takes root and shoot. Then it is separated from a large bush - and it can be transplanted to a separate place.

It is a little more difficult to plant a shrub with a cutting, as it takes more time for it to take root.

If only one branch is available for viburnum propagation (the growth of the current year), then you can try to grow several plants from it at once at home.

The branch is divided into small segments, consisting of two nodes (each of which has a pair of leaves) and one internode.

When cutting, the lower pair of leaves is removed, and the leaf blade of the upper pair of leaves is shortened by half.

The lower part of the cuttings is immersed in a growth stimulant solution (phytohormones). The exposure time of the cuttings in the solution - in accordance with the instructions; for example, in a solution of heteroauxin (100 mg per liter of water), the cuttings are kept for 10-16 hours.

The pots are filled with substrate ( sod land, sand, humus in a ratio of 3: 1: 1) and plant cuttings in them, deepening them by 1.5-2 cm, compress them with soil, water them and put them in a “greenhouse bag” for rooting.

Rooted cuttings of viburnum can be grown at home in pots until late autumn, and then removed until spring in the basement. In early spring, pots with cuttings are brought from the basement into the house, and in May, young plants are planted in the garden.


Although Buldenezh is unpretentious, he still needs minimal care, like any living plant, especially if you want the flowers to bloom larger in the spring and the bush grows well.

Plant care measures include, of course, watering, infrequent feeding until the bulldenezh rises and becomes an adult, pruning dry and old branches.

  1. Watering As mentioned above, Buldenezh is very moisture-loving plant, so you need to water it as often as possible, as moisture leaves the ground, especially on dry days of summer. If watering meets the needs of the shrub, the flowers on the branches will be large and juicy.
  2. Top dressing Buldenezh top dressing can be started in the second or third year after planting, since you have prepared a hole for the plant well and put enough nutrients in it - they should be enough to adapt and start healthy growth for two to three years. The first top dressing is done in the spring, when they start the first leaves to appear, it should be using nitrogen fertilizers.

    The second top dressing is done in the fall, before leaf fall, this time potash-phosphorus fertilizers are used.

    You can fertilize with top dressings diluted in water, or with dry granules, scattering them under a bush and loosening the ground with glanders, then pouring plenty of water.

    The proportions should be when diluted in water: 25-35 grams per bucket.

  3. Cleaning Buldenezh cleaning should be carried out annually, then the branches will be well updated and bloom more rapidly. Pruning viburnum Buldenezh can be done in early spring, before the start of sap flow, or in late autumn, after the leaves fall. Young plants planted a year or two ago do not need to be cleaned.

Pest control

The bush has its enemies - these are pests, and if you do not start fighting them in time, the bush may die.

Viburnum leaf beetle - eats away the flesh of the leaves, leaving them only a skeleton of veins.

Buldenezh. Such a beautiful name for viburnum, which translates as "snowball", belongs to the French. Europe got acquainted with this shrub more than four centuries ago. In Russia, bulldenezh appeared under Catherine II. "Snowball", or "snowfield", at that time was grown at the palace, in the gardens and parks of the estates of wealthy landowners. In the 18th century, gardens were known in which only bulldenezh grew. Gardeners, masters of their craft, surprised Europe with the beauty of the standard forms of the Snow Globe.

snow globes inflorescences of bulldenezh

Description of bulldenezh

Buldenezh is a decorative form of the common viburnum. The height of a sprawling shrub is from 2 to 3.5 meters. I saw bushes that were a little taller. In late spring - early summer, snow-white balls of inflorescences appear on the bush. Their diameter is 7 - 15 cm. The inflorescences consist of barren flowers that are odorless. As the bush grows older, the inflorescences become larger: even the leaves are not visible behind them. These balls stay on the bush for 20 to 30 days.

Bulldenezh care

Place. It is best to grow viburnum bulldenezh in light partial shade. In a sunny position, flowering will be shorter. In the shade - very weak, with small loose inflorescences. And yes, there are pests. It happens that the place seems to be suitable, and the soil meets all standards, and the shrub does not want to grow or bloom. In this case, you need to urgently look for Kalina another place. It must be remembered that bulldenezh is planted for several decades, so choosing a place is a responsible matter. Some shrubs continue to bloom even at the age of 60 years.

The soil. Kalina buldenezh grows well on loose, nutritious, moderately moist soil. It is very important to prepare a good planting hole for her, at least 50 cm x 60 cm in size. Fill it with soil mixture with a large supply of nutrients. For example, mix several buckets of compost, peat and sand. Wood ash (at least 3 glasses) and nitrophoska or fertilizer granules are added to them (amount according to the instructions). This is very important for the successful cultivation of bulldenezh. Heavy clay soil needs to be cultivated by adding humus, peat and sand to it.

Winter hardiness. The snow globe is a fairly winter-hardy crop that does not need to be covered for the winter. However, in the first years of life, it is advisable to insure and at the end of autumn insulate the roots with humus. This simple work will not only protect them from freezing in harsh winters with little snow, but also feed the plant. If you sow lawn grasses under a bulldenezh bush or save an existing lawn when planting, then dense turf will become a reliable protection in any weather. In too frosty and little snowy winters, bulldenezh can freeze slightly. But it quickly acquires absolutely healthy shoots.

Watering. The snow globe is watered frequently and plentifully. It's viburnum. Every autumn, before the onset of cold weather, it is important to shed the soil well under the bush, which prevents dehydration of tissues in winter period protecting the plant from freezing.

Top dressing. Good top dressing goes to the bush for the benefit. It can be wood ash or a solution of complex fertilizers. Loves viburnum and well-rotted organic matter. Especially in the spring. In summer, you can sometimes use an infusion of grass diluted with water, which has fermented, to feed bulldenezh. From mid-August, all top dressing is stopped.

Pests. Kalina is a delicacy for aphids and leaf beetles. On no other plants have I seen such fat and well-fed aphids as on bulldenezh. Aphids appear early, at the very beginning of flowering. Worst of all, it populates not only the tops of young shoots, but also balls of inflorescences. On the trunk and branches, ant paths are laid with insects in a hurry to “milk” aphids. Spraying with a solution of INTA-VIR or Iskra (diluted according to the instructions) helps to cope with aphids. Two to three treatments with an interval of 10 days are enough for the aphid to disappear for a while. From aphids, a decoction of tobacco also helps, to which you need to add about 40 g of green soap per bucket of decoction. An emergency method is a strong jet of water from a hose, which knocks down aphids that have stuck to the shoots. The jet should be of such power as to wash the pest out of the inflorescences, but not spoil the shape of the snow-white balls.

Another pest of viburnum bulldenezh is the viburnum leaf beetle. They get rid of his presence on the bulldenezh (and other viburnums) preventive measures. The best time to destroy the wintering clutches of the viburnum leaf beetle on the tops of the shoots is late autumn and early spring. In the spring, a strong crust allows you to stand on the snowdrifts in order to examine the upper tips of the branches. If characteristic dark tubercles of oviposition are found, then these parts of the shoots must be cut and destroyed. In the spring they are sprayed with "chemistry" (Fufanon, Karbofos, etc.)

Pruning. Buldenezh without pruning soon thickens, which affects the deterioration of its flowering. In the spring, before flowering, cut off damaged and dried branches. No need to leave weak shoots growing in the center of the bush. They are doomed due to lack of light and nutrition. But for aphids, this is a real paradise. After flowering, thin out the central part and shorten individual side shoots. it right time in order to reduce the size of the bush. The plant tolerates such pruning painlessly. From the end of August, the bush is not touched, they give it the opportunity to get stronger and prepare for winter.

Buldenezh - every year there are more and more inflorescences

Bulldenezh breeding

The flowers of bulldenezh are sterile, only barren flowers are collected in inflorescences. Therefore, there are no fruits with seeds. Perhaps only vegetative propagation Snow globe by layering, cuttings (especially green ones) and dividing the bush.

Buldenezh layering is often propagated in late spring - early summer. The most guaranteed option is to bend flexible annual shoots and pin them into shallow (10-12 cm) grooves. Top with soil or well-decomposed compost and water. You will have to moisten the soil regularly so that it is always wet. The rooted part of the shoot is separated from the bush with a pruner. The seedling is left for some time next to the mother bush or transplanted into a nursery for growing. The first flowering occurs in two to three years.

Cuttings can be obtained during summer pruning bush. More often for cuttings, shoots of the current year are used, on which two pairs of buds are left. lower leaves cut off, and the upper ones are reduced by half. The stalk is prepared according to all the rules: the upper cut should be straight, and the lower one should be oblique. Heteroauxin or rootin accelerate the process of root formation. The planting depth is about 2 cm. The cuttings will have time not only to take root over the summer, but even to give young shoots. Well rooted and cuttings from last year's shoots. They are cut in June. If you create everything the necessary conditions(make a bed with loose soil, stretch polyethylene film on low arcs, shade and equalize the air temperature with lutrasil, spray regularly warm water etc.), then the cuttings will quickly become strong seedlings. Many amateur gardeners root cuttings under caps, into which they turn five-liter bottles from under drinking water if they cut off the bottom. Rooted cuttings grow in school.

When planting seedlings, the root neck is slightly (3-4 cm) deepened. First, the root system is built up. At this time, it seems that the bulldenezh seedling is growing slowly. But soon his shoots begin to noticeably increase in size. A bush at the age of 3 - 4 years may already be one and a half meters high.

Flexible branches of bulldenezh bent under the weight of snow

Decorative and flowering bush bulldenezh

Buldenezh looks good at any time of the year. Enough in winter tall bush stands out in relief against the background of white snow. In early spring, snowdrops, crocuses, liverwort, marigold and other early-flowering plants bloom under its branches.

In late May - early June, the high point of the Snow Globe begins. At first, greenish-white inflorescences appear, soon they become dazzling white. It becomes clear why this decorative viburnum called the Snowball. It seems that the whole bush is covered with snowballs. The foliage retains freshness all summer, and in autumn the bush with colored leaves looks no less picturesque.

The snow globe looks great as a separately growing bush (tapeworm). It does not spoil the neighborhood with other plants. Kalina looks romantic next to the water.

The standard tree of bulldenezh fascinates. In order to get it, only the most direct escape is left. It will become the basis of the trunk with a height of 100 - 120 cm. It is better to give the crown a spherical shape. And correct it as needed.

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White is the color of tenderness and purity. For most people, it causes pleasant sensations and emotions. The more interesting look are plants that can decorate themselves with dazzling, similar to snow or clouds inflorescences. In the family of cultivated species there are ornamental shrubs with white flowers, which look especially attractive at the time of mass blooming of buds.

Ornamental shrubs with white flowers: properties of some species

Among the flowering shrubs, there are those on which only white inflorescences bloom. Such crops include garden jasmine (mock orange), black elderberry, viburnum Buldenezh, spirea. This also includes fruit-bearing species: common viburnum, mountain ash, hawthorn.

Chubushnik- a tall shrub with large foliage looks modest and does not attract attention to itself until tender white buds begin to bloom on it. Quite large dazzling white flowers exude the most delicate, extending to far distance aroma. There are terry and non-terry specimens among them. The first ones look even more impressive. The mock orange begins to bloom at the end of May, the buds stay on the shoots for a long time, attracting bees and other pollinating insects.

It owes its origin to the honeysuckle family. In culture, a variety of elderberry is especially common. She has a large saturated green foliage, against the background of which in June in large numbers snow-white, umbrella-like inflorescences bloom with a pleasant smell.

viburnum- the bride's plant - has always been considered a symbol of beauty, purity and tenderness. The people associated with female purity. The shrub received this characteristic due to the pale white flowering, which occurs in late spring and continues into early summer. The buds collected in umbrellas adorn the A inflorescence balls large sizes completely covered, a snowy miracle.

Spirea popularly called the bride. This name arose due to small boiling white flowers, which completely cover the shoots hanging to the ground. There are so many of them that it seems that the bush has no leaves at all.

Ornamental shrubs with white flowers: varietal features

In every culture of ornamental shrubs there are varieties that tend to form white buds.

Hydrangea "Annabelle" - a large-flowered species that is covered with snow-white buds in the second half of summer and remains in this form until late autumn. The flowers are collected in large, dense balls, reaching 20 cm in diameter.

Hydrangea Vanilla Freise, paniculate, blooming white - one of the most beautiful varieties of this type. The pyramidal inflorescence strikes with the transition of colors: at the base it is absolutely white, closer to the middle it is pink and at the top it is again white with a creamy tint.

Curly crops with white flowers are especially interesting. In this series, the most attractive, related to large-flowered species. Under favorable growth conditions, its lashes are completely covered with snow-white flowers with yellow stamens protruding from the middle. They are large, 5-6 cm in diameter, and look like stars sparkling against the background of dense greenery.

Ornamental shrubs with white flowers are a real decoration of any garden. They look great in single and group planting.

What does White color? For the majority, it is a symbol of purity, purity, joy, happiness, carelessness, childhood.

And if in everyday life this color is not entirely practical, then why not transfer it to the garden.

Like interior design, landscape design, aged in white colors, will allow you to achieve visual magnification space, lightness, feeling of freedom.

Therefore, today we will consider what white flowers are for the garden, we will give the main assortment that you can use when creating a flower garden.

Selection of an assortment of herbaceous species with white flowers

In the world of plants, white is not uncommon, you can see it every spring when they begin to bloom. fruit trees, and forest sunny glades are covered with the first flowers - snowdrops.

Modern genetics and breeding today boasts a long list of bred varieties, but how not to get confused in this variety? After all, flowers with white flowers have different sizes, corolla shape, number of petals, etc.

Let's divide the species and varieties into three groups- annuals and biennials, perennials and bulbous. Many names will be familiar, especially to those who have been fond of gardening for a long time, but for beginners, this information will be very useful.

Annuals and biennials

Ageratum - has white fluffy inflorescences, the Summer Snow variety (A. Houston) is especially beautiful. It will delight its flowering from July to October.

violet, or pansies. There are different colors, but there are plain varieties with white flowers, for example, the White Crystal variety.

White annual asters are especially valued for their large flowers, which look great not only in a flower bed, but also in a bouquet.

Among the begonias there are interesting varieties that look elegant and delicate, for example, Thousand Wonder White.

Turkish carnation also does not lose its popularity, the Albus variety is suitable for us. There are also many suitable varieties G. Sadovaya and G. Shabo.

Small numerous flowers of gypsophila graceful resemble a light airy cloud that will decorate the garden from June to September.

It also has white flowers sweet pea(variety "White Ensign"), iberis umbrella, medium bell varieties.

The caps of undersized marine lobularia look very nice - varieties "Carpet of snow", "Tetra schneereiben" (large flowers, leaves with a white border).

Also, do not forget about the cute white daisies (variety "The pearl"), petunias, among the variety of colors of which there are also white flowers ("Snow ball"), zinnias ("Polar Bear").

Cineraria is very decorative, which does not have white flowers, but is popular for its silvery openwork leaves.

perennials with white flowers

Among the plants of this group, spring anemones, the White giant variety, can be distinguished. A beautiful low carpet forms a rezuha, which is especially suitable for alpine slides.

The openwork panicles of astilbe, varieties "Deutscland" (A. Arends), "Schtrausenfeder" (A. Thunberg) look very beautiful.

A popular plant is the Alpine aster ("Albus"), New England and New Belgian.

Spreading white panicles of the Volzhanka will also decorate the garden. A very original form of flowers near the catchment, which look beautiful in small groups. White flowers have a grade "Snow Queen".

There are many varieties of clove pinnate, for example, "White ladies". Geranium feels very good in the garden, which also has varieties of a suitable color.

Well, small numerous stars of gypsophila paniculata will look beautiful not only in the garden, but also in a bouquet ("Bristol fairy").

The white hearts of the magnificent dicentra look spectacular and cute, the Alba variety.

Plant a starflower in a carpet flower garden, just keep in mind that the plant is poisonous. For rocky garden and an alpine hill fit iberis, saxifrage, sapling.

Today on sale you can find irises, clematis, daylilies of any color, including white ones.

Many varieties with white flowers near the bell, and they can be different shapes. Kupena and lilies of the valley are one of the favorite spring flowers, as are cute primroses (P. high grade Alba). And of course, remember the daisy, which is similar to the well-known chamomile, only larger.

White peonies will remind you of yourself with a pleasant aroma.

Our list can include white-bordered hosta, as well as its varieties with variegated leaves.

bulbous plants

Very beautiful large flowers in tuberous begonias, variety "Diana Wynyart". In autumn, you will be pleased with the flowering of the colchicum, the Album variety, whose flowers look like crocuses. Among the latter there are also many varieties with white flowers.

In this group, most species bloom in spring. These are white flowers, hyacinth ("Carnegie"), varieties of bulbous irises, muscari ("Album" variety), white-flowered varieties of narcissus, tulip, blueberry, snowdrop.

Such beautiful white flowers as dahlia (varieties "Sneezy", "Bambino"), gladiolus (cultivars "White Prosperity" with a corrugated edge, "White city"), lily will also become a snow-white decoration of your garden.

Now, using the proposed assortment, you can choose white flowers for flower beds, borders, alpine slides and other compositions in the garden.

Examples of garden design in white

Perhaps someone will say that white landscape design is boring and uninteresting. However, only those who have not seen anything like this live can think so.

Because it's not monochromatic. white wall. This is a voluminous composition, where white color is effectively combined with green, large flowers contrast with small ones, tall ones with low ones. Only the density of landings can drastically change the whole look.

And if apart from herbaceous plants pick up shrubs and trees that bloom with white flowers or have white foliage, then such a picture will cause admiring glances not only from neighbors, but also from friends and relatives.

Here are some examples successful design garden plants with white flowers. See how light and clean these compositions look.

Do not be afraid to use only one color in the garden. It will look stylish and modern. The main rule is harmonious combination all elements of the landscape, including buildings, small architectural forms and, of course, plants.

Decorative viburnum Buldenezh

Buldenezh. Such a beautiful name for viburnum, which translates as "snowball", belongs to the French. Europe got acquainted with this shrub more than four centuries ago. In Russia, bulldenezh appeared under Catherine II.

"Snowball", or "snowfield", at that time was grown at the palace, in the gardens and parks of the estates of wealthy landowners. In the 18th century, gardens were known in which only bulldenezh grew. Gardeners, masters of their craft, surprised Europe with the beauty of the standard forms of the Snow Globe.

Buldenezh is a decorative form of the common viburnum. The height of a sprawling shrub is from 2 to 3.5 meters. In late spring - early summer, snow-white balls of inflorescences appear on the bush. Their diameter is 7 - 15 cm.

The inflorescences consist of sterile flowers that are odorless. As the Buldenezh bush grows older, it blooms beautifully and lives for a long time, and there are more inflorescences: there are not even leaves behind them.


Place. It is best to grow viburnum bulldenezh in light partial shade. In a sunny position, flowering will be shorter. In the shade - very weak, with small loose inflorescences. And yes, there are pests.

Viburnum Buldonezh does not have berries. But it blooms amazingly. Likes slightly acidic soil and moist, but not marshy

It happens that the place seems to be suitable, and the soil meets all standards, and the shrub does not want to grow or bloom. In this case, you need to urgently look for Kalina another place. It must be remembered that bulldenezh is planted for several decades, so choosing a place is a responsible matter.

The soil. Kalina buldenezh grows well on loose, nutritious, moderately moist soil. It is very important to prepare a good planting hole for her, at least 50 cm x 60 cm in size. Fill it with soil mixture with a large supply of nutrients.

For example, mix several buckets of compost, peat and sand. Wood ash (at least 3 glasses) and nitrophoska or fertilizer granules are added to them (amount according to the instructions). This is very important for the successful cultivation of bulldenezh.

Heavy clay soil needs to be cultivated by adding humus, peat and sand to it.

Winter hardiness. The snow globe is a fairly winter-hardy crop that does not need to be covered for the winter. However, in the first years of life, it is advisable to insure and at the end of autumn insulate the roots with humus.

This simple work will not only protect them from freezing in harsh winters with little snow, but also feed the plant. If you sow lawn grasses under a bulldenezh bush or save an existing lawn when planting, then dense turf will become a reliable protection in any weather.

In too frosty and little snowy winters, bulldenezh can freeze slightly. But it quickly acquires absolutely healthy shoots.

Planting viburnum Buldenezh is carried out in early spring or late autumn, just before the frost.

  1. Spring, when all plants wake up and the life process is activated, is a good time for planting by any method.
  2. If you decide to plant a shrub in the fall, this will give the seedlings time to adapt, but planting a plant in this season can only be done by dividing the root.

Buldenezh has inflorescences consisting of sterile flowers, therefore it reproduces only vegetatively. Kalina is propagated by cuttings, layering, root, offspring.

The breeding method of viburnum Buldenezh will also depend on which planting method you choose.

By dividing the root, planting a shrub is very simple. If you already have this plant on the site, you need to find a suitable lateral shoot of the young growth and carefully separate it from the mother bush - that's it, the seedling material is ready.

It is also not difficult to plant a bush with a layer. To do this, you just need to bend the lower extreme branch to the ground and pin it with a wire bracket.

From above, the layer is sprinkled with earth and kept moist until it takes root and shoot. Then it is separated from a large bush - and it can be transplanted to a separate place.

It is a little more difficult to plant a shrub with a cutting, as it takes more time for it to take root.

If only one branch is available for viburnum propagation (the growth of the current year), then you can try to grow several plants from it at once at home.

The branch is divided into small segments, consisting of two nodes (each of which has a pair of leaves) and one internode.

When cutting, the lower pair of leaves is removed, and the leaf blade of the upper pair of leaves is shortened by half.

The lower part of the cuttings is immersed in a growth stimulant solution (phytohormones). The exposure time of the cuttings in the solution - in accordance with the instructions; for example, in a solution of heteroauxin (100 mg per liter of water), the cuttings are kept for 10-16 hours.

The pots are filled with a substrate (soddy soil, sand, humus in a ratio of 3: 1: 1) and cuttings are planted in them, deepening them by 1.5-2 cm, squeezed with soil, watered and put on rooting in a "greenhouse bag".

Rooted cuttings of viburnum can be grown at home in pots until late autumn, and then removed until spring in the basement. In early spring, pots with cuttings are brought from the basement into the house, and in May, young plants are planted in the garden.


Although Buldenezh is unpretentious, he still needs minimal care, like any living plant, especially if you want the flowers to bloom larger in the spring and the bush grows well.

Plant care measures include, of course, watering, infrequent feeding until the bulldenezh rises and becomes an adult, pruning dry and old branches.

  1. Watering As mentioned above, Buldenezh is a very moisture-loving plant, so you need to water it as often as possible, as moisture leaves the ground, especially on dry days of summer. If watering meets the needs of the shrub, the flowers on the branches will be large and juicy.
  2. Top dressing Buldenezh top dressing can be started in the second or third year after planting, since you have prepared a hole for the plant well and put enough nutrients in it - they should be enough to adapt and start healthy growth for two to three years. The first top dressing is done in the spring, when they start the first leaves to appear, it should be using nitrogen fertilizers.

    The second top dressing is done in the fall, before leaf fall, this time potash-phosphorus fertilizers are used.

    You can fertilize with top dressings diluted in water, or with dry granules, scattering them under a bush and loosening the ground with glanders, then pouring plenty of water.

    The proportions should be when diluted in water: 25-35 grams per bucket.

  3. Cleaning Buldenezh cleaning should be carried out annually, then the branches will be well updated and bloom more rapidly. Pruning viburnum Buldenezh can be done in early spring, before the start of sap flow, or in late autumn, after the leaves fall. Young plants planted a year or two ago do not need to be cleaned.

Pest control

The bush has its enemies - these are pests, and if you do not start fighting them in time, the bush may die.

Viburnum leaf beetle - eats away the flesh of the leaves, leaving them only a skeleton of veins.