Pine tree with yellow needles. Mountain pine - planting and care, types and decorative forms. Video: Collecting pine seeds and growing them

Cedar pines are one of the main constituents of plants growing in dark coniferous forests and are the most important forest-forming and nut-bearing species.

in the northern hemisphere total area Cedar forests is 120 million hectares, in Russia - 40 million hectares. Cedars are common in the mountains of Western Europe, the Alps, the Carpathians, Russia, the Far East, Japan, China, North America, and Mexico.

The most famous types:

  • European Cedar Pine (European Cedar);
  • Siberian Cedar Pine (see article "");
  • Korean Cedar Pine (Korean Cedar, Manchurian Cedar);
  • Small pine (Cedar elfin);
  • Pine Cedar small-flowered;
  • Pine Flexible Cedar California;
  • Cedar Pine Armand;

Cedars are valuable not only for their fruits, called "pine nuts", needles, beautiful wood, but also for their original, majestic beauty. Along with cedar pines, it is worth noting that they are also of particular value in various areas of human life.

Cedar Pines in nature are propagated by seeds, in culture - by seeds and vegetatively - by cuttings and grafting.

Pine family, common in the mountains of Western Europe, the Alps, the Carpathians. A coniferous evergreen tree, the height of which is 10-25 m. The bark of the trunk is smooth, at a young age it is gray-green, in mature age it is fissured, brown. Annual shoots are dense, rust-colored, pubescent. In young trees, a narrow pyramidal crown begins very low, in old trees it becomes wide, irregular in shape.

The needles are 5-12 cm long, thin, straight, hard, dark green in color, collected five needles in a bunch. The cones are ovoid, erect, light brown in color, sitting on short petioles, 8-10 cm long. The scales of the cones are woody, dense. Scutes are large, thickened, with a small white umbilicus. Cones ripen in the third year after flowering and fall off without opening in the spring.

Trees growing in the sun begin to bear fruit. open areas from 25 years old, growing in the forest - from 50-60 years old. Seeds are small, edible, called "Pine nuts".

European Cedar Pine is a frost-resistant, shade-tolerant plant that grows well on fresh, moderately moist clay soils. Lives for quite a long time, up to 1000 years.

In the Carpathians at an altitude of 1300-1600 m above sea level and in the Alps at an altitude of 1300-2000 above sea level, together with Spruce and Larch, forming forests. Rarely found in forest stands.

It has been introduced into the culture quite widely, and its forestry reserves are practically exhausted, therefore, reserves have been organized to protect it. The application is the same as Siberian Cedar Pine. Cedar European pine is an Alpine-Carpathian species - a Pleistocene relic (period 1.8 million - 10 thousand years), included in the Red Book of the USSR. Known forms:

According to the nature of growth and the shape of the needles:

  • columnar (the crown is columnar, the main branches are vertically raised);
  • dwarf (short, spreading, thin branches, short needles, height up to 40 cm);
  • univalent (needles in bunches of 5 needles, or a single needle).

According to the color of the needles:

  • green (needles of bright green color);
  • golden (golden needles);
  • motley (one part of the needles is completely golden, the other with golden stripes, spots).

Distributed in the Far East, in the Ussuri region, Manchuria, North Korea and Japan. This is an evergreen, slender tree, the height of which is 30 (60) m and the diameter of the trunk is 1-2 m. The trunk is straight, covered with a smooth, thick, dark gray color bark. Branches are either raised up or horizontally extending.

The crown is broadly conical, reminiscent of the crown of the Siberian Cedar Pine, but more spreading, very low lowered, and begins at a trunk height of 7-10 m. Young shoots have dense rusty pubescence. The kidneys are brownish or red-brown in color, very resinous.

Broad, three / four-sided, with a pointed tip of bright green needles, located on shortened shoots. It is collected by five needles in a bundle, its length is 6-15 (20 cm), width is 1-2 mm. Korean Cedar Pine has a much smaller foliation than Siberian Cedar.

Cones - ovate-conical, brown, much larger than Siberian cedar. Their length is 10-15 cm, width is 5-9 cm. They ripen in autumn, 2 years after flowering, and fall with the seeds together. Edible, wingless seeds, the length of which is 1.5-1.7 cm, are larger than those of the Siberian cedar.

The root system of trees growing on shallow soils is superficial. Observations have shown that at a young age this pine grows slowly, after 20 years - much faster.

It is frost-resistant, at a young age - shade-tolerant, in mature - photophilous plant. This plant needs well-drained, fertile, moderately moist soils to thrive. Lives 300-400 years.

The valuable, pink-colored wood produced by the Korean Cedar Pine grows on dry, mountainous slopes, and this wood is used as a beautiful building and finishing material.

As an ornamental plant, it is planted in groups and as tapeworms in cities and forest parks. It is recommended to grow Korean Cedar Pine both as a forest crop and for creating nut plantations.

According to statistics, in the 80s of the 20th century. the total area of ​​Korean Cedar Pine in the forests of the USSR was 5 million hectares. Forms:

  • motley (light golden needles);
  • curved (curly, due to the needles spirally curved at the ends of the branches.

Homeland - Northern Japan, the mountains of the Kuril Islands. The height of this coniferous evergreen tree is 15-20 m. Branching is often observed from the base of the trunk. The seeds are almost black in color, about 1 cm long; the weight of 1000 seeds is 133 g. At home, in Japan, in Culture, it is mainly grown in gardens and as a potted crop.

So, as its dwarf specimens, which have amazing silhouettes, crowns and a variety of needle colors, they are also grown as a pot culture. In Western Europe, cultivated since 1846. In the wild in Russia, they are found in the mountains of the Kuril Islands.

On the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and in Ukraine (Chernihiv region), Cedar Pine is grown with small flowers with bluish needles. In these areas, it grows well, but rather slowly grows and bears fruit. It is proposed to carry out further research work for the cultivation of this plant in the most humid, southern regions of the USSR.

Homeland - China, the height of this evergreen coniferous tree is up to 20 m. The bark is thin, smooth, gray in color. The crown is asymmetric; the kidneys are low-resinous, cylindrical in shape, brown in color. The needles are narrow, the length of which is 8-15 cm, bright green in color, collected in bunches of five needles.

Armanda Cedar Pine (Chinese White) blooms at the end of April, ripe cones 10-20 cm long, cylindrical, resinous, yellow-brown. Cedar pine seeds of Armanda ripen in September.

Seeds are broadly ovoid, 12-13 mm long, 8-9 mm wide, black or light brown in color, fall out of the opened cones. It grows very slowly, lives up to 500 years.

This is a frost-resistant, light-loving plant. Soils for cultivation require sandy, sandy, well-drained. A strong, soft wood used in construction, furniture, and pulp production. The turpentine obtained from the resin is used in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries.

It is cultivated quite widely in Europe and North America. In Sukhumi, on the Black Sea coast, they are bred as decorative tree. It is recommended to work on a wider distribution of this plant.

Or Pine Flexible; homeland - Western part of North America. The height of the tree is 20-25 m, it has thin branches, at the ends of which there are hard, twisted needles. The needles, the length of which is 5-10 cm (cedar pine photo), are collected in bunches of five needles. Cylindrical cones, 5-30 cm long. The seeds are edible, the weight of 1000 seeds is about 111 g.

The soil for cultivation is not demanding. It grows on rocky slopes and rocks at an altitude of 1500-3300 m above sea level. Tests on its cultivation in the forest-steppe experimental Lipetsk station (Lipetsk region) showed that it is a frost-resistant, well-bearing, self-seeding plant.

Soft, rather light, very beautiful, pale yellow, blushing wood, used as construction material. Cultivated in Europe since 1851.

In Russia, it is grown in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden and in other parks of the Southern Crimea. It is recommended to carry out work on its further cultivation and distribution to create walnut plantations.

Pine stunted or dwarf, Pine Cedar Slanka and Cedar Elm grows in Eastern Siberia, the Far East, Korea, China, Japan. An evergreen coniferous multi-stemmed shrub, the height of which is 40-50 cm (less often a tree no higher than 3 m, with a rather spreading crown) with thin, flexible branches creeping along the ground, slightly raised at the ends above the ground. Its trunk and branches are covered with smooth dark gray bark.

Young shoots are densely covered with brown hairs with dense pubescence. The kidneys are strongly resinous, pointed, cylindrical in shape. Thick, thin, bluish-green needles, the length of which is 4-8 cm, in a bunch of 5 needles, tightly pressed to the shoots. The needles are trihedral, with small notches along the edge, it keeps on the branches from 2 to 4 years.

Small female cones (megastrobills) at a young age are purple-purple in color, mature shiny - light brown. The length of the cones is 4-5 cm, the width is 2-3 cm. The cones contain 35-40 nuts-edible seeds, the length of which is 5-6 mm, the width is 2-3 mm. Seeds without wings, brown. Depending on environmental conditions, Kedrovy Dwarf begins to bring seeds from 25-35 years of age. Weakly fructifies almost annually, more than high yields are observed usually 1 time in 2-3 years.

The Cedar Elder (Pine dwarf or dwarf) is propagated by seeds that are carried by Nutcrackers and Chipmunks; layering - on the fly areas of the tundra, the formation of numerous adventitious roots is observed. It mainly occurs by seeds, less often by layering and grafting.

It is a hardy, resistant to cold, sea fans, but slow growing breed. Good race, usually forming dense thickets on sandy, stony, gravelly soils. The thickets of the Cedar Elder suffer greatly from fires and are rather slowly restored in the burnt areas.

Wood of the Cedar Elder - good fuel. From the needles containing vitamin C, preparing infusions, decoctions and extracts as anti-tseng agents. Seeds, containing about 60% fat, serve as a source of edible and technical oil.

Dense cedar slate thickets, strengthening stony slopes and sands, are an important water-protective, anti-erosion and climate-regulating plant. It is recommended to plant it to create walnut plantations, as well as to design "alpine gardens", in the parks of cities in the northern regions.

The most famous decorative forms Cedar Wanderer:

  • Glauca - gray-blue needles;
  • Var. nana - low form, blue needles.

Distributed in the mountains of Mexico, the height of an evergreen coniferous tree is 8-10 m. The needles contain 2-3 needles in a bundle, light green, thin.

The trunk is short, tapering, the bark is gray, smooth, thin, scaly, the shoots are covered with bloom. The seeds are wingless, up to 1.5 centimeters long, there are 2500 of them in 1 kilogram.

One specimen of this plant grows in Artek on non-calcareous soil. All other attempts to grow seedlings of this species were unsuccessful - apparently, the lime that our lands are rich in has a detrimental effect on this species.

However, in the USA it can be found in the extreme North of Lower Clifornia and its extreme South. In the USA, it grows at an altitude of 1450-2300 meters above sea level. Of particular interest is not. Close in properties to it Pinceana Pine from Mexico.

When growing pines in the country, you not only ennoble the site, decorating it with these strict, slender trees with a tent-shaped crown, but also purify the air in the entire surrounding area. The places where these giants grow are considered environmentally friendly, because it is not in vain that dispensaries for people with respiratory pathologies are being built near pine groves.

coniferous pine tree ( Pinus) belongs to the Pine family (Pinaceae). The genus is diverse and includes more than 100 various kinds growing in the Northern Hemisphere from the Arctic Circle to Guatemala, the West Indies, North Africa and Indonesia. All species are inhabitants of the mountains and mountain forests of the Northern Hemisphere, and only Merkuza pine (Pinus merkusii) grows in Burma of the Southern Hemisphere.

After reading this material, you will be able to see the photo and botanical description species and varieties of pines, learn about their cultivation and use in landscape design:

What does a pine tree look like: photo and botanical description

Pines are evergreen slender trees. Most species reach a height of 50-75 m, with widely spaced whorled branches. The crown of pines changes with age: in young trees it has a compact pin-shaped shape, in adults it is umbrella-shaped. This is due to the fact that the annual growth of adult plants is short and appears at the ends of strongly branched shoots, while the growth of young shoots is long and slightly branched. The bark of all types of pines is bumpy or scaly.

Pine needles are always needle-like. In species of the subgenus Strobus, it is soft, thin, collected in bundles of 5, less often 3,4 or 8 pieces. In species of the subgenus Pinus - rigid, dense, collected in bunches of 2 pcs. The length of pine needles, depending on the species, can vary from 2 to 30 cm with a width of only 1-2 mm. When describing a pine tree, it is worth noting that the longest and softest needles have heat-loving southern species. The most famous softwood species is the South American Mantezuma pine (Pinus montezumae) - its needles are so soft that they are used to stuff pillows and mattresses.

Male "flowers" of pines are collected in bunches at the base of young elongated shoots, they are yellow, orange or red. Pollen is very light and can be carried by the wind over gigantic distances. Seeds are formed in cones, which are formed after pollination of female "inflorescences". They are located at the ends of the shoots and consist of a central axis on which the covering scales are spirally arranged, in whose axils the seed scales are hidden.

See how pine trees look in these photos natural environment a habitat:

Mature buds are always woody, rounded, ovoid or cylindrical, straight or curved, hanging or pointing upwards. They ripen in the second, less often in the third year. Cones size - from 3 cm long in some forms of mountain pine to 40-50 cm long in heat-loving American pines of Coulter and Lambert.).

Pine trees are one of the most beautiful trees, honored by all peoples at all times. Several references were found in ancient treatises about how pines look. It is no coincidence that legends and legends about power and longevity are associated with them, and it is these trees that personify strength and nobility. The Latin name of the genus Pinus - Pinus - comes from the ancient Greek legend about the nymph Pitiss, turned into a tree by the jealous wind god Boreas. The Mediterranean Pine (Pinus pinea) is undoubtedly the prototype of this legendary tree.

Below are photos and descriptions of popular types of pines.

Pinus bunksiana— Pine Banks

The main area of ​​growth is the east of North America, the northern provinces of Canada. It has an irregular shape of growth. The trunks are densely branched, and the branches themselves are slightly curved, pointed, growing both parallel to the ground and upwards. Young branches are light, yellow-green, later becoming brown in color.

As you can see in the photo, this pine needles are hard, short, curved, pointed, 2 needles in a bunch, green:

Cones are sessile, erect, ovate-pointed, sometimes curved, ranging from 1 to 4. Up to 8 cm long, up to 4 cm thick. Their maturation can occur for several years, and all this time they can remain closed. In youth, even on poor soils, this pine grows quite actively. Subsequently, its growth slows down. The usual height of the trees is about 20 m, and the width is 30 cm. Rare specimens are both taller and wider. The annual growth of this pine is within 20 cm, the tree is completely drought-resistant and winter-hardy. It has many garden cultivars, which in last years began to be actively introduced into Russian gardens.

Pinus banksiana Arktis

Creeping, dwarf variety of Banks pine. Fixation of the leading shoot at an angle of 45-60 degrees with respect to the ground contributes to giving this variety a very interesting shape. The branches are curved, having different lengths. The needles are short, prickly, green, Annual gains of 8-10 cm. Completely frost-resistant.

Pinus banksiana Chippewa

Mini variety of Banks pine. Round shape. The needles are short, prickly, green. Annual increments 5-7 cm, Fully hardy.

Pinus banksiana Manomet

Mini variety of Banks pine. Rounded shape, With age, it can put forward a leading shoot. The needles are short, prickly, green. Annual growths 5-7 cm, At the age of 15, the estimated dimensions are: 80-100 cm wide, 60 cm high. Fully cold hardy.

Pinus banksiana Repens

Dwarf variety of Banks pine. Creeping, cushion shape. The needles are short, prickly, green. Annual growth 7-12 cm. Estimated size at 20 years of age: 3-3.5 m wide, 80-100 cm high. Fully cold hardy.

Pinus banksiana Schneverdingen

Pinus banksiana Tear Drop

Mini variety of Banks pine. Rounded oval shape. The needles are short, prickly, green. Annual increments 5-7 cm. Completely hardy.

Pinus banksiana Neponset

Mini variety of Banks pine. Rounded oval shape. The needles are short, prickly, green. Annual increments 5-7 cm. Completely hardy.

Pinus cembra- European cedar pine

Found in the Alps, Carpathians and Siberia. The Siberian variety is better known under the name Pinus sibirica - Siberian cedar or Siberian cedar pine.

European cedar pine is a tree 10-25 m high. Young plants are broad-pyramidal, adults acquire a voluminous crown. The branches of this type of pine are thick, flexible, unevenly spaced. Shoots of young growth are rusty-red and tomentose, mature shoots are black-gray. Young bark is gray-green, mature - greenish-brown, wrinkled. The needles are collected in bundles of 5 pcs. and last 3-5 years. They are green above, below - gray, thin, straight, up to 7 cm long. Cones are formed only at the age of 40-80 years. Young cones are purple, mature ones are light brown, up to 8 cm in diameter. Seeds (“pine nuts”) ripen in the second year.

In culture, it grows slowly, absolutely does not tolerate heavy clay soils and close groundwater. Frost-resistant. In mountainous areas, "witch's broom" is often formed on this pine.

For a long time it was considered unpromising for growing in the gardens of the northern temperate zone of Russia. In the last 5 years, the situation has changed, and cultivars of this pine have begun to appear more often in our gardens, but it is still premature to draw final conclusions about their complete stability in the Russian climate.

Pinus cembra Alter Hund

Pinus cembra Aureovariegata

Dwarf variety of European cedar pine. Pyramidal shape. This variety of European pine has green-golden needles throughout the summer. At a young age, annual growths of branches within 15 cm. The leading shoot can grow up to 30 cm. this moment The final size of this variety has not yet been determined. Completely cold hardy.

Pinus cembra Diamant

Mini-grade of European cedar pine. Spherical shape. The needles are saturated, green-blue, in places whitish-silvery. Annual growths 4-7 cm. Completely frost-resistant,

  • Pinus cembra Ikarus. Mini-grade of European cedar pine. Dense spherical shape. The needles are saturated, green-blue, in places whitish-silvery. Annual increments 4-6 cm, Fully hardy.
  • Pinus cembra Frieda. Mini-grade of European cedar pine. Spherical-oval shape. The needles are saturated, green-blue. The annual growth of this pine variety is up to 4-7 cm. It is completely frost-resistant.
  • Pinus cembra Hirschbichlalm. Mini-grade of European cedar pine. Spherical shape. The needles are saturated, green-blue, sometimes whitish-silver. Annual increments 4-7 cm. Fully hardy.
  • Pinus cembra Kaunertal. Mini-grade of European cedar pine. Spherical shape. The needles are saturated, green-blue, in places whitish-silvery. Annual increments 5-7 cm, Fully hardy.
  • Pinus cembra Lagazuoi.
  • Pinus cembra Leo . Mini-grade of European cedar pine. Spherical-oval shape, The needles are saturated, green-blue, in places whitish-silvery. Annual increments 4-7 cm. Fully hardy.
  • Pinus cembra Maria Flora. Mini-grade European Cedar Pine, Spherical shape. The needles are saturated, green-blue, Annual growths are 5-7 cm. Completely frost-resistant,
  • Pinus cembra Mercedes. Mini-grade of European cedar pine. Spherical shape. The needles are saturated, green-blue, in places whitish-silvery. Annual increments 3-6 cm, Fully hardy.
  • Pinus cembra Niederalm. Mini-grade of European cedar pine. Spherical shape. The needles are saturated, green-blue, in places whitish-silvery. Annual increments 3-7 cm. Completely hardy.
  • Pinus cembra Passo Erbe. Mini-grade of European cedar pine. Spherical shape. The needles are saturated, green-blue, in places whitish-silvery. Annual increments 3-5 cm, Fully hardy.
  • Pinus cembra Perla. Mini-grade of European cedar pine. Dense, spherical-oval shape. The needles are saturated, green-blue, sometimes whitish-silver. Annual increments 3-5 cm, Fully hardy.
  • Pinus cembra Schneekonig. Mini-grade of European cedar pine. Spherical shape, The needles are saturated, green-blue, in places whitish-silver. Annual increments 4-7 cm, Fully hardy.
  • Pinus cembra St. Catarina. Mini-grade of European cedar pine. Spherical-oval shape. The needles are saturated, green-blue, sometimes whitish-silver. Annual increments 4-7 cm. Fully hardy.
  • Pinus cembra St. Christina. Mini-grade of European cedar pine. Dense, spherical shape. The needles are saturated, green-blue, sometimes whitish-silver. Annual increments 3-5 cm. Fully hardy.
  • Pinus cembra St. Ulrich. Mini-grade of European cedar pine. Dense, spherical shape. The needles are saturated, green-blue, in places whitish-silvery. Annual increments 3-5 cm. Fully hardy.
  • Pinus cembra Stricta. Dwarf variety of European cedar pine. Oval shape, branches fit snugly to the main trunk. The needles are blue-green. Annual increments 10-12 cm. Completely hardy.
  • Pinus cembra Steiner. Mini-grade of European cedar pine, Spherical-oval shape. The needles are saturated, green-blue. Annual increments 4-7 cm. Fully hardy.
  • Pinus cembra Stoderzinken 4. Mini-grade of European cedar pine. Spherical shape. The needles are saturated, green-blue, in places whitish-silvery. Annual increments 3-6 cm. Completely hardy.
  • Pinus cembra Turrach 4. Mini-grade of European cedar pine. Spherical shape. The needles are saturated, green-blue, in places whitish-silver. Annual increments within 5 cm. Fully frost-resistant,
  • Pinus cembra Drei Zinnen. Mini-grade of European cedar pine. Dense, spherical-oval shape. The needles are saturated, green-blue, sometimes whitish-silver. Annual increments 3-5 cm. Fully hardy.

Pinus contorta— Twisted pine

Grows in North America, on the coast Pacific Ocean as well as in the highlands. The height of mature trees is up to 50 m, the width is 70-90 cm. The crown is spreading.

Look at the photo - this type of pine has a thin, brown bark:

The branches are thin, whorled at the ends. The needles are green, twisted, two needles in a bunch. Cones are elongated-ovoid, ellipsoid, up to 5 cm. Do not open for several years. The root system is superficial.

Garden cultivars are very decorative. In recent years, they have been actively planted in Russian gardens. It is frost-resistant, but it is somewhat premature to draw final conclusions about its complete stability in the Russian climate.

Pinus contorta Chief Joseph

Golden variety of lodgepole pine. Dwarf, pyramidal, densely branched form. The branches are densely pubescent. The needles are long, pointed, green in summer. It begins to turn yellow in late autumn and retains a bright golden color until spring. Annual gains within 10-15 cm. The variety was tested in several gardens of the northern temperate zone of Russia for 3-5 years. It proved to be completely frost-resistant. In plants planted in open spaces, in early spring, slight burning of the needles on the growth of the current year is possible.

Pinus contorta Golden Striker

Golden variety of lodgepole pine. Dwarf, cushion-shaped, flattened form. The branches are thin, curved. The needles are long, pointed. It acquires the richest bright golden color in early spring. During the summer light green. Annual gains within 10 cm, the Variety is tested in several gardens of the northern temperate zone of Russia for 3-5 years. Proved to be completely cold hardy. In plants planted in open spaces, in early spring, slight burning of the needles on the growth of the current year is possible. Recommended landing in rarefied penumbra.

Pinus contorta Krnak

Dwarf variety of lodgepole pine. Very dense, densely branched, rounded oval shape. The needles are long, curved-twisted, dark green. Annual growths within 15 cm. The variety has been tested in several gardens of the northern temperate zone of Russia for 3-5 years. It has shown itself to be completely frost-resistant and tolerant of the sun's rays.

Pinus contorta Taylor's Sunburst

Srednerosly golden grade of a pine twisted. Wide-pyramidal, densely branched form. The needles are long, pointed, soft. It acquires the richest bright golden color in early spring. Growths keep golden color for 5-6 weeks. By autumn, the growths turn pale, and then turn green. Annual growths at a young age up to 15 cm. With age, they increase to 25 cm. The variety was tested in several gardens in the northern temperate zone of Russia for 3-5 years. It has shown itself to be completely frost-resistant and tolerant of the sun's rays.

Pinus flexilis– Soft pine (flexible)

Alpine pine, grows in the west of North America, as well as in the Rocky Mountains, at an altitude of up to 3000 m above sea level. The height of the trees is up to 25 m, the crown is pyramidal, wide. In open spaces, the height is within 15 m. When describing this type of pine, it is especially worth noting its curved branches. The bark is dark, brown. The needles are 5 in a bunch, pointed, green, on the reverse side are bluish-white. Cones are oval-cylindrical, sessile, up to 15 cm. Garden cultivars are very decorative. In recent years, they have been actively planted in Russian gardens. It is frost-resistant, but it is somewhat premature to draw final conclusions about its complete stability in the Russian climate. Has a large number of garden cultivars.

Varieties of this pine are still little studied. Therefore, their description and dimensions may not always be correct.

Pinus flexilis Arapaho

Mini grade of soft pine. Dense, spherical-oval shape. The needles are 5-6 cm long, dense, green, the back side is bluish-white. Annual increments are 5-6 cm. It is frost-resistant, but it is somewhat premature to draw final conclusions about its complete stability in the Russian climate.

Pinus flexilis Aztek

Mini grade of soft pine. Very dense, spherical shape. The needles are short, soft, green, the back side is bluish-white. Annual increments are 3-5 cm. It is frost-resistant, but it is somewhat premature to draw final conclusions about its complete stability in the Russian climate.

Pinus flexilis Komanche

Mini grade. Spherical oval shape. The needles are short, hard, blue-green, the back side is bluish-white. Vegetative shoots are light green. Annual growth is 4-6 cm. It is frost-resistant, but it is somewhat premature to draw final conclusions about its complete stability in the Russian climate.

Pinus flexilis Horstmann

Dwarf. Cushion-shaped, creeping form. The needles are soft, green. Annual growth is 10-12 cm. It is frost-resistant, but it is somewhat premature to draw final conclusions about its complete stability in the Russian climate.

Pinus coraiensis- Korean pine, or Korean cedar pine

It grows in the forests of the Far East, Japan and China. By appearance quite close to the species Pinus cembra, from which it sometimes bears the name Korean cedar.

A tree 25-35 m high. In young plants, the crown is broadly oval, in adults it is wide and rather loose. The branches are thick, flexible, unevenly spaced. Shoots of young growth are powerful green with dense red-brown pubescence, mature ones are black-gray. The needles are green above, but white-gray below and laterally, thin, straight, 8-10 cm long, collected in rare bunches of 5 pcs. and fall off in the second year. Cones are apical, almost sessile, formed only at the age of 40-60 years. Young cones are purple, mature - golden, with a diameter of 10-14 cm. Seeds, similar to "pine nuts", ripen in the second year.

In culture, it is quite frost-resistant, but it is somewhat premature to draw final conclusions about its complete stability in the Russian climate. It has a large number of garden cultivars with different forms of growth.

Pinus koraiensis Amba

Mini variety of Korean pine. Spherical shape. The needles are long, straight, soft, green-blue, silvery. Annual increments 3-5 cm. Fully hardy.

Pinus koraiensis Blue Ball

Mini variety of Korean pine. Compact, spherical shape. The needles are long, straight, soft, green-blue, silvery. Annual increments 3-5 cm. Fully hardy.

Pinus koraiensis China Baby

Mini variety of Korean pine. Spherical shape. The needles are long, soft, green-blue. Annual increments 4-7 cm, Fully hardy.

  • Pinus koraiensis China Boy . Mini variety of Korean pine. Spherical shape. The needles are short, soft, green-blue. Annual increments 3-5 cm. Fully hardy.
  • Pinus koraiensis Dragon Eye. Srednerosly variety of Korean pine. Dense, pyramidal shape. The needles are long, soft, hanging down. Blue-green with yellow stripes. Annual increments 15-20 cm. Frost-resistant.
  • Pinus koraiensis Shibanichi. Srednerosly variety of Korean pine. Pyramidal shape. The needles are long, soft, hanging down. Blue with silver.
  • Pinus koraiensis Winton Gee Broom. Mini variety of Korean pine. Spherical shape. The needles are soft, green-blue. Annual increments 3-5 cm. Fully hardy.

Pinus mugo- mountain pine

It grows in the highlands of Central and Southern Europe. Forms arrays on slopes or grows in single specimens, forming picturesque volumetric groups. Shrub with flexible trunks lodging under the weight of snow and rising young shoots. In the lower mountain belt, plant height reaches 4 m, in the upper one it does not exceed 40 cm. Young shoots are light green, adults are dark brown, glabrous. Mature bark is gray-brown, scaly, exfoliating in plates. The needles are collected in bundles of 2 pcs. They are dark green, dense, sharp, straight or slightly twisted, 5-8 cm long. Cones are small, round, single or in bunches of 3 pcs. Ripens in the second year.

Mountain pine has several natural varieties with different growth strength and crown shape. All of them are the most valuable material for obtaining varietal forms. All natural forms and varieties in culture are resistant, unpretentious and frost-resistant.

Of particular interest are varieties with originally colored needles.

Very popular Ophir and Winter Gold, the needles of which acquire a light golden color in winter.

Several varieties are widely represented in horticulture: Pinus mugo var. mughus is a dense creeping shrub that forms clumps 70-150 cm high, with needles up to 12 cm long. Most varieties with long needles, such as Mops, have come from this form; Pinus mugo var. pumilio is a creeping shrub that forms dense clumps 50-140 cm high, with needles about 3-5 cm long. This natural form has become the source for many varieties with small short needles, such as Humpy and Gnom.

Pinus mugo var. pseudopumilio

Mountain, shrub form. Has a large number of garden cultivars.

Pinus mugo var. rotundata

It grows in the mountains, in sphagnum swamps, as a shrub form; on drier and stony soils, low single-trunked trees can be found. Has a large number of garden cultivars.

Pinus mugo var. uncinata

A tree up to 20 m high. It grows in the Alps and the Pyrenees at an altitude of up to 2000-2500 m. After warm, damp winters, preventive treatment with copper-containing preparations from fungal infections is recommended. Has a large number of garden cultivars.

All natural varieties and varieties of mountain pine are frost-resistant and do not need winter shelter. Fully tolerant to sunlight.

Pinus mugo Albospicato Domschke

Yellowing dwarf, possibly medium-sized variety of mountain pine. Narrow pyramidal shape. The needles are long, soft. At the end of spring, the vegetated shoots become golden for 2 weeks. Annual increments 8 -12 cm. Completely hardy.

Pinus mugo Allgau

Mini-grade mountain pine. Spherical, slightly conical with age. The needles are green, short. Annual increments within 3-5 cm. Fully frost-resistant.

Pinus mugo Vegap

  • Pinus mugo Bozidar. Mini-grade mountain pine. Spherical shape. The needles are green, short. Annual increments 3-4 cm. Fully hardy.
  • Pinus mugo Sapes. Mini-grade mountain pine. Spherical shape. The needles are green, short. Annual increments 3-4 cm, Fully hardy.
  • Pinus mugo Chameleon. Mini, possibly a dwarf variety of mountain pine. Spherical, spreading, slightly loose shape. The needles are motley, gray-blue, golden at the ends. Becomes the brightest in the month of June, after the growing season. Annual increments up to 10 cm. Completely hardy.
  • Pinus mugo Columnaris. Srednerosly mountain pine variety. Egg-shaped. The branches are curved, tightly adjacent to the trunk. The needles are green. Annual increments 10-15 cm. Completely hardy.
  • Pinus mugo Dikobraz. Mini, possibly a dwarf variety. Spherical, spreading shape. The needles are variegated, golden at the ends. It manifests itself most clearly from the beginning of spring to the end of summer. Annual growths are 5-8 cm. Fully frost-resistant.
  • Pinus mugo Edelweiss. Micro-grade mountain pine. Very dense, spherical shape. The needles are green, short. Annual increments within 3 cm. Fully hardy.
  • Pinus mugo Excellence. Mini-grade mountain pine. Round shape. The needles are green, short. Annual increments 3-4 cm. Fully hardy.
  • Pinus mugo Fish Hook. Mini-grade of mountain pine of American selection. Spherical-oval shape. The needles are green, short. Annual increments 3-4 cm. Fully hardy.
  • Pinus mugo Jizerske Leg.
  • Pinus mugo Kalus. Mini-grade mountain pine. Spherical shape. The needles are green, short. Annual increments 3-4 cm. Fully hardy.
  • Pinus Mugo Kissen Brevifolia. Mini-grade mountain pine. Spreading spherical shape. The branches are curved. The needles are green, very short. Annual increments 3-4 cm. Fully hardy.
  • Pinus mugo Krasny Krejci. Micro-grade mountain pine. Very dense, spherical shape. The needles are green, short. Growths within 3 cm. Fully frost-resistant,
  • Pinus mugo Kudrnac. Mini-grade mountain pine. Spherical shape. The branches are slightly curved, the needles are green, short. Annual increments 3-4 cm. Fully hardy.
  • Pinus mugo Lemon. Golden mini mountain pine variety. Dense, spherical shape. The needles are golden, changing their intensity depending on the season. It is considered one of the most resistant golden varieties of mountain pine. Annual increments 4-6 cm. Fully hardy.
  • Pinus mugo March. Mini-grade mountain pine. Spherical shape. The needles are green, short.
  • Pinus mugo Mini-Mini. Mini-grade mountain pine. Spherical, compact shape. The needles are green, short. Annual increments 3-4 cm. Fully hardy.
  • Pinus mugo Minima Kalous. Micro-grade mountain pine. Very dense, spherical shape. The needles are green, short. Growths within 3 cm. Fully hardy.

Pmugo ssp. pseudopumilio- Pine mountain variation pseudopumila

Pinus mugo ssp, pseudopumilio Drobny

Mini-grade mountain pine. Spherical shape. The needles are green, short. Annual increments 3-4 cm. Fully hardy.

Pinus mugo ssp. pseudopumilio Krejci Super

Pinus mugo ssp. pseudopumilio Ohynek

Mini-grade mountain pine. Dense, spherical shape. The needles are green, short. Annual increments 3 cm. Fully hardy.

Pinus mugo ssp. pseudopumilio pixie

Mini-grade mountain pine. Dense, spherical shape. The needles are green, short. Annual increments 2-3 cm. Completely hardy.

  • Pinus mugo ssp. pseudopumilio Platzino. Mini-grade mountain pine. Spherical shape. The needles are green, short. Annual increments 3-4 cm. Fully hardy.
  • Pinus mugo ssp, pseudopumilio Rasnice. Mini-grade mountain pine. Spherical shape. The needles are green, short. Annual increments 4-6 cm. Fully hardy.
  • Pinus mugo ssp. pseudopumilio veliconoce. Minisort of mountain pine. Spherical shape. The needles are green, short. Annual increments 3-4 cm. Fully hardy.
  • Pinus mugo ssp. pseudopumilio Vireil. Mini-grade mountain pine. Very dense spherical shape.

Pay attention to the photo - the needles of the pine of this variety are green, short:

Annual increments 1-3 cm. Completely hardy.

Pinus mugo var. uncinata- Mountain pine subspecies of uncinata

Pinus mugo var. uncinata Erwin

Micro-grade mountain pine. Very dense spherical shape. The needles are short, green. Annual increments 2-3 cm. Completely hardy.

Pinus mugo var. rotundata– pine mountain variation of rotundata

Pinus mugo var. rotundata Fritsche

Mini-grade mountain pine. Round shape. The needles are green. Annual increments 5-8 cm. Completely hardy.

  • Pinus mugo var. rotundata Kvaca. Mini-grade mountain pine. Round shape. The needles are green. Annual increments 4-6 cm. Fully hardy.
  • Pinus mugo var, uncinata Montana Vlk. Mini-grade mountain pine. Dense spherical-oval shape. The needles are short, green. Annual increments 3-4 cm. Fully hardy.
  • Pinus mugo var. uncinata Schonberg. Mountain pine micro-grade, Very dense spherical shape. The needles are short, green. Annual growths 2-3 cm. Completely frost-resistant,
  • Pinus mugo var. uncinata Tour 4. Mini-grade mountain pine. Dense spherical shape. The needles are short, green. Annual increments 3-4 cm. Fully hardy.

Other varieties of pines: photos, names and descriptions

Pinus nigra- Black pine

It grows in the mountains of Southern Europe. This variety of pine is cultivated all the way to Northern Europe. Highly beautiful tree height 20-50 m. The crown of young trees is broad-pyramidal, adults - umbrella. The branches of young plants are uniformly whorled.

Pinus nigra Bobo

Pinus nigra Spielberg

Dwarf variety of black pine. Rounded oval shape. The needles are dark green, long. Annual increments 10-14 cm. Completely hardy.

Pinus nigra Moravsky Jizni Kriz

Mini-grade black pine. Spherical shape. The needles are dark green. Annual increments 3-4 cm. Completely frost-resistant,

Pinus nigra Nana

Dwarf variety of black pine. Rounded oval shape. The needles are dark green, long. Annual growths 7-10 cm. Completely hardy.

Pinus nigra Pink

Mini-grade black pine. Spherical shape. The needles are dark green. Annual increments 3-5 cm. Fully hardy.

Pinus nigra SN 15

Mini-grade black pine. Spherical shape. The needles are dark green. Annual increments 3-4 cm. Fully hardy.

Pinus parviflora— Small-flowered pine

It is widely distributed in Japan, and not only as a plant of natural flora, but also as a favorite material for decorating gardens and creating dwarf trees"bonsai".

In nature, it is a beautiful, stocky tree 5-12 m high with a flat spreading crown. The crown of young plants is densely pyramidal. The branches are dense with short branches. The bark is gray-brown, completely smooth for a long time, and peeling off in thin patches with age.

As you can see in the photo, the needles of this variety of pine are needle-like, in bunches of 5 pieces, which are closely adjacent to each other and are collected in tassels at the ends of the shoots:

The needles are strongly bent and twisted, 4-6 cm long. Young needles are white-gray, mature ones are gray-green. Cones are sessile, up to 10 cm long and up to 4 cm wide, collected in bunches and horizontally separated from each other. The shape of the cones is different - from ovoid to cylindrical. The seeds ripen in the second year, but the cones stay on the branches for up to 7 years.

Small-flowered pine is widely used for decoration of gardens in regions with a mild climate. In the conditions of frosty winters of the northern temperate zone, it can freeze slightly, and even die in places open to the wind, since it absolutely does not tolerate prolonged freezing of the soil.

Over the past 10 years, this type of pine has undergone numerous trials in the gardens of the northern temperate zone of Russia. The results obtained allow us to state that, with the right choice of planting site, small-flowered pine varieties can be recommended for cultivation in Russian gardens.

Pinus parviflora Al Fordham

Srednerosly variety of small-flowered pine. In the first years there is a columnar growth, with the nomination of several leaders. With age, it can take on a shrubby form. The needles are green. Annual increments up to 20 cm. Conditionally hardy. May suffer from rays spring sun,

Pinus parviflora Cecilia

Dwarf variety of small-flowered pine. Flattened form of growth. The branches develop in a horizontal direction, have a whip-like shape. The needles are green, with a silvery sheen. Annual increments 10-15 cm. Frost-resistant. May suffer from the rays of the spring sun.

Pinus parviflora Fukai

Dwarf variety of small-flowered pine. In the early years, it has a narrow-columnar shape, over the years it takes on a non-standard pyramidal shape with a pronounced vertical leader and several leading branches growing in a horizontal direction. In early spring, the needles become green-golden, striped. This coloration lasts throughout the season, until late autumn. Annual increments 10-12 cm. Frost-resistant. In the spring, the sun can burn badly. Early spring treatments with copper-containing preparations for fungal infections are recommended.

Pinus parviflora Fukuzumi

Dwarf variety of small-flowered pine. Flattened form of growth. The branches develop in a horizontal direction, have a whip-like shape. The needles are green, the reverse side of the needles is silvery. Annual increments within 15 cm. Frost-resistant. May suffer from the rays of the spring sun.

  • Pinus parviflora Hagoromo . Mini-variety of small-flowered pine. Dense, spherical shape. The needles are green, Annual gains within 5 cm. Frost-resistant.
  • Pinus parviflora Napu . Mini-variety of small-flowered pine. Flattened, spherical shape. With age, it can put forward a vertical leading shoot. In May, the needles turn creamy white. This coloration lasts throughout the season, until late autumn. Annual increments 3-5 cm, Frost-resistant. Planted in the sun can burn badly,
  • Pinus parviflora Shikoku (synonymous with Shikoku Govo). Dwarf variety of small-flowered pine. In the early years, it has an irregular narrow-columnar shape, over the years the shape becomes pyramidal, with a pronounced vertical leader and several leading branches growing in a horizontal direction. Early in spring, the needles become green-golden, striped. This coloration lasts throughout the season, until late autumn. Annual gains of IQ-12 cm. Frost-resistant. May suffer from the rays of the spring sun. Early spring treatments with copper-containing preparations for fungal infections are recommended.
  • Pinus parviflora Tanima-noyuki (synonym - Tani-mano-uki). Mini-variety of small-flowered pine. Flattened, spherical shape. With age, it puts forward a leading shoot in the vertical direction. In May, the needles turn creamy white. This coloration lasts throughout the season, until late autumn. Annual increments 3-5 cm. Frost-resistant. Planted in the sun can actively burn.
  • Pinus parviflora Tenysukazu (synonyms - Dr. Landis, Goldylocks). Dwarf variety of small-flowered pine. In the early years, it has an irregular, narrow-columnar shape; over the years, the shape becomes pyramidal with a pronounced vertical leader and several leading branches growing in a horizontal direction. In early spring, the needles turn bright golden. This color lasts throughout the season, until late autumn. For the first time, it was introduced into horticultural culture in Japan. Annual growths 7-12 cm, Planted in the sun can actively burn in the spring. Frost-resistant.

Pinus flight- Rumelian pine, or Balkan

It grows in the mountainous regions of southern and southeastern Europe. A narrow pyramidal tree, up to 20 m high. The branches are straight, gray or gray-brown. The bark is gray or brown. The needles are soft, green, with a grayish tint, up to 10 cm in length, collected in bunches of five pieces. Cones are cylindrical 8-12 cm, ripen in the 3rd year.

Pinus Flight Daniel

Mini variety of Rumelia pine. Spherical shape. The needles are light green. Annual increments 2-4 cm. Fully hardy.

Pinus flight Glauca

Srednerosly variety of Rumelia pine. Pyramidal shape. The branches are straight. The needles are green-blue. Annual increments 20-30 cm. Completely hardy. May suffer from the rays of the spring sun.

  • Pinus rey Aureovariegata. Srednerosly variety of Rumelia pine. Pyramidal shape. The branches are straight. The needles are green, with cream inserts. Annual increments 20-30 cm. Completely hardy. May suffer from the rays of the spring sun.
  • Pinus flight Thessalonica Broom. Mini variety of Rumelia pine. Spherical shape. The needles are green. Annual increments 2-4 cm. Fully hardy.
  • Pinus ponderosa- Pine yellow, or Oregon. AT vivo grows in the western regions of North America.

The height of adult plants reaches 30-35 m. The thickness of the trunk is about 1 m in diameter. The crown is broadly conical. This species of pine got its name because of the yellow-brown bark. The needles are green, flexible, soft, up to 25 cm long. Cones are small, cone-cylindrical. After ripening and opening, they increase in size up to 7-10 cm. Until recently, it was considered unpromising for growing in the gardens of the northern temperate zone of Russia, but in the last 5-7 years, positive experience has been gained in growing yellow pine garden cultivars in our gardens.

Pinus ponderosa Agnieszka

Variegated medium-sized variety of yellow pine. Pyramidal shape. The needles are green. 10-12 cm long. In the spring it is unevenly colored, becomes striped. Bright golden color persists until late autumn. Annual increments 15-20 cm. Conditionally hardy. Successfully grown in several gardens near Moscow for 3 years. Final conclusions about the stability of this variety can only be made after longer trials.

Pinus ponderosa K. Riley

Mini grade. Pyramidal shape. The needles are green, soft. Annual increments 5-7 cm. Conditionally hardy. The exact, final size of this variety is unknown.

Pinus ponderosa Gallinas

Mini grade. Round shape. The needles are green, soft. Annual increments 3-5 cm. Conditionally hardy. The exact, final size of this variety is unknown.

Pinus ponderosa Penaz

Large-sized variety of yellow pine. A completely unique variety. Young plants take root for several years and hardly grow. Then they begin to actively grow. Annual increments are 100-120 cm. In 20 years, a tree can reach 25 m in height. Few branches are curved. I am located randomly on the trunk. The needles are green, soft, up to 25 cm long, Conditionally frost-resistant. Successfully grown in several gardens near Moscow for 3 years. Final conclusions about the stability of this variety can only be made after longer trials.

Pinus pumila- Pine dwarf, or Cedar dwarf

Forms thickets and groups in the mountains from Siberia to Japan.

Both the natural form and its cultivars are multi-stemmed trees or shrubs with flexible but resilient shoots. In the highlands, adult fruit-bearing plants do not exceed 30 cm, but in areas with a milder climate and in horticultural crops they can reach 8 m. Under the weight of snow, the trunks completely spread on the ground, which saves the plant in harsh winter conditions. As the snow melts, the trunks straighten out, but partially retain their elfin shape. Shoots of young growth are powerful, densely covered with needle needles. The needles are collected in bunches of 5, gray-green, soft, more or less twisted, 5 to 15 cm long. The cones are very similar to those of the cedar pine, but smaller. Seeds are tasty, but small "pine nuts". Ripens in the second year. In culture, fruiting occurs in the 5-10th year.

Cedar elfin is a highly variable plant. In places with harsh growing conditions (for example, on the hills of the Kuril Islands, Sakhalin and Kamchatka), it is dwarfed and has brightly colored blue needles. In mountain valleys and in horticultural culture, the same forms grow, they can lose their compactness, crown density and the brightness of the color of the needles.

The frost resistance of both the species and its varieties is very high.

Pinus pumila Draijers Dwarf

Pinus pumila Glauca

Dwarf variety of cedar elfin. In the first years it develops very slowly, maintaining a compact cushion shape. Subsequently, in the horizontal direction, it begins to put forward several leading whip-like shoots, forming a sprawling, longline form. The needles are green-silver, soft. Annual increments up to 15 cm. Completely hardy.

Pinus pumila Jeddeloh

Dwarf variety of cedar elfin. In the first years it develops very slowly, maintaining a compact cushion shape. Subsequently, in the horizontal direction, it begins to put forward several leading whip-like shoots, forming a sprawling, longline form. The needles are green-silver, soft. Annual increments up to 15 cm. Completely frost-resistant,

  • Pinus pumila Jeg-2 (SDL). Mini-grade of cedar dwarf. In the first years it develops very slowly, maintaining a compact cushion shape. The needles are green-blue. Subsequently, several leading shoots begin to put forward in the vertical direction. A very interesting compact seedling of this variety. Annual increments 5-7 cm. Completely frost-resistant.
  • Pinus pumila Wohl'a. Mini-grade of cedar dwarf. In the first years it develops very slowly, maintaining a compact cushion shape. The needles are green-blue. Subsequently, in the vertical direction, it begins to put forward several leading shoots. Very interesting compact seedling of this variety. Annual increments 5-7 cm. Completely frost-resistant.

Pinus sibirica- Siberian pine, or Siberian cedar pine (Siberian cedar)

A variety of cedar pine - Pinus cembra. Occupies large areas from the headwaters of the Vychegda River in the northeast of the European part of Russia to the headwaters of the Aldan River in Eastern Siberia.

Tall tree, reaching 35-45 m, with a very dense cone-shaped crown. The bark of young plants is smooth, gray, the old ones are furrowed, gray-brown. The needles are bluish-green, dense, but not hard, up to 13 long and about 1.5 cm wide. Collected in bundles of 5 pieces. Cones are gray-brown, erect, up to 13 cm long. Seeds are delicious fatty "pine nuts". Cones are formed only on plants that have reached the age of 40-80 years, therefore, vaccinations are used to accelerate fruiting.

In culture, it is unpretentious only on well-drained sandy and light loamy soils. Absolutely cold hardy. It has a number of varietal forms, both fruit and ornamental.

The size of annual increments for all varieties of Siberian stone pine are somewhat arbitrary, since probation varieties of this species are few.

Pinus sibirica Highlander

Mini-grade Siberian pine. In the first years it develops very slowly, maintaining a compact rounded shape. Subsequently, it acquires a round-oval shape. The needles are green, collected on 5 needles in a bunch. Annual increments within 5-7 cm. Completely hardy.

Pinus sibirica Emerald

Dwarf variety of Siberian pine. In the first years it develops very slowly, maintaining a compact rounded shape. Subsequently, it acquires a round-oval shape. The needles are green-blue, collected on 5 needles in a bunch. Considered one of the most blue pines Siberian. Annual increments within 10-12 cm. Fully hardy.

Pinus sibirica Icarus

Dwarf variety of Siberian pine. In the first years it develops very slowly, maintaining a compact rounded shape. Subsequently, it acquires an oval shape. The needles are green, collected on 5 needles in a bunch. Annual increments within 10-12 cm. Fully hardy.

Pinus sibirica Stone Flower SDL

Micro-grade of Siberian pine. Seedling, Very dense, spherical shape. The needles are green, long, soft. Annual increments within 3 cm. Fully hardy.

Pinus sibirica Oligarch

Dwarf variety of Siberian pine. In the first years it develops very slowly, maintaining a compact rounded shape. Subsequently, it acquires a round-oval shape. The needles are green, short, collected on 5 needles in a bunch. Annual increments within 10-12 cm. Completely hardy.

Pinus strobus- Weymouth Pine

It grows in the forests of North America. A tree 25-50 m high, similar in appearance to the cedar pine. The crown is pyramidal. The branches are short, whorled, horizontally spaced from the trunk. Young shoots are thin, light greenish brown. The bark of young plants is smooth, gray, shiny, old - longitudinally wrinkled. The needles are needle-shaped, collected in bunches of 5 pieces, green-gray, soft, thin, straight, about 10 cm long. The cones are apical, hanging, often bent, light brown-yellow, narrow-cylindrical, 15-20 cm long. The seeds are small winged, ripen in the second year.

Has varietal forms with different type and crown habit.

Fully frost-resistant, but may suffer from the rays of the spring sun.

Pinus strobus Wendy

A new dwarf, possibly medium-sized variety of Weymouth pine. Rounded shape. The needles are green. After the growing season, young growths are painted in a light golden color. With this coloring, the plant goes into winter. Annual increments within 15 cm. Fully hardy. In order to avoid breaking, a winter frame shelter from snow is desirable.

Pinus strobus Werner

Mini variety of Weymouth pine. Spherical shape. The needles are green, soft. Annual increments 3-5 cm. Fully hardy. In order to avoid breaking, a winter frame shelter from snow is desirable.

  • Pinus strobus Furcata. Dwarf variety of Weymouth pine. Oval-columnar shape. The needles are light green, soft. This variety is characterized by abundant cone. Annual increments 8-12 cm. Completely hardy.
  • Pinus strobus Golden Candles. A new dwarf, possibly medium-sized variety of Weymouth pine. Pyramidal shape. The needles are green, in the spring it is unevenly painted in a creamy yellow color. Annual growths 8-15 cm. Completely hardy.

Pinus sylvestris- Scotch pine

It is widely distributed throughout Eurasia from the temperate climate zone to the polar zone. This species occupies the largest area among all types of pines. The habitats of Scotch pine are very different - from the plains of the Northern and Central Russia to the highlands of Europe. Scots pine is a tree with a height of 20-35 to 50 m. The crown of young plants is wide-pin-shaped with raised branches. The crown of adult plants depends on the growing conditions and can be from pyramidal-umbrella with horizontally tiered uneven branches on a slender trunk when free standing to voluminous and uneven in thickly curved specimens. The bark of young plants is reddish, adults - light yellow-brown, flaky.

The needles are needle-shaped, collected in bunches of 2 pieces, hard, prickly, dark gray-green, straight, 4-7 cm long. Cones single or collected in 2-3 pieces, gray-brown, matte, pyramidal, about 3 and about 2 cm wide. They ripen in the second year.

In nature, Scots pine is very variable, which is associated with growing conditions. This estate made it possible to select spectacular, diverse and numerous varieties. Currently, varietal forms have begun to actively appear in gardens located in the northern temperate zone of Russia.

Pinus sylvestris Albyns

Creeping dwarf variety of Scotch pine. The branches are slightly curved, horizontally arranged. With age, they form tiers. The needles are green. Annual increments within 10-15 cm. Completely hardy.

Pinus sylvestris Bexel WB SDL

Mini-grade Scotch pine. Dense, spherical shape. The needles are green, soft. It is advisable to clean the crown from dead needles 2 times a year. Annual increments 3-4 cm. Fully hardy. In order to avoid breaking, a winter frame shelter from snow is desirable.

Pinus sylvestris Candlelight

Large-sized variety of Scotch pine. Tapeworm. The shape is pyramidal-pin-shaped. The needles are green. After the growing season, young growths turn milky. After about 3-4 weeks, the growths turn yellow, and by the end of summer they turn green again. Annual increments 30-50 cm. Completely hardy.

Pinus sylvestris Chantry Blue

Dwarf variety of Scotch pine. Spherical-oval shape. The needles are green-blue. Annual increments 10-12 cm. Completely hardy.

  • Pinus sylvestris Doone Valley. Mini-grade Scotch pine. Round-tiered shape. The needles are green-blue. Annual increments 3-6 cm. Completely hardy.
  • Pinus sylvestris Jakutsk. Dwarf variety of Scotch pine. Pyramidal shape. The needles are green, turning yellow with the onset of autumn cold. Annual increments 10-12 cm. Completely hardy.
  • Pinus sylvestris Meffengowd. Dwarf variety of Scotch pine. Pyramidal shape. The needles are green, turning yellow with the onset of autumn cold and remaining golden all winter. Annual increments 10-12 cm. Completely hardy.
  • Pinus sylvestris Moseri. Mini-grade Scotch pine. In the first years it has a very dense, rounded shape. With age, it becomes oval-ovoid. It is advisable to clean the crown from dead needles 2 times a year. The needles are green, turning yellow with the onset of autumn cold and remaining golden all winter. Annual growths 7-10 cm. Completely hardy. Requires precise light landing site.
  • Pinus sylvestris Trollguld. Dwarf variety of Scotch pine. Pyramidal shape. The needles are green-golden throughout the year. Depending on the season, the saturation of the golden color changes. The peak of saturation of yellow-golden color occurs in early spring. Annual increments 10-12 cm. Completely hardy.
  • Pinus sylvestris Watereri. Srednerosly grade of a pine ordinary. Rounded, slightly spreading shape. There is a lack of a pronounced leading shoot. Large branches have a vertical direction of growth. The needles are dark green. Annual increments 15-25 cm. Completely hardy. In the first years after planting, it may suffer from the rays of the spring sun. So that the branches do not break under the weight of snow, it is advisable to tie them in late autumn or early winter.

Growing pines in the country: planting and agricultural care (with photo)

When growing pines in the country, keep in mind that these are one of the most photophilous coniferous plants. Just on open places they acquire a typical crown shape. In shady places and in thickened plantings, pines are not decorative.

For planting and caring for pines, it is better to use sandy loam or loose, well-drained slightly acidic loam. Dwarf varietal forms prefer nutritious loose loams - only on such soils do they have a dense compact crown.

Pines are less than other conifers in need of additional nutrition. Only young plants can be fed in the spring after the snow melts on wet ground with a light complex or combined mineral fertilizer. When growing and caring for pines, do not overdo it with fertilizers: excessive nitrogen fertilization, especially with fresh manure or feces, can lead to the death of plants.

Transplantation should be carried out either in the spring before bud break, or in the fall. Deepening of the root collar is unacceptable. Plants with actively growing shoots take root extremely poorly. Young trees endure transplantation relatively easily, large pines taken from nature do not take root. Large garden specimens can be transplanted only after preliminary preparation of the root ball, which consists in repeated pruning of the roots 6-12 months before the planned transplant.

When caring for pine trees in the country, be moderate in watering. Most species of pines are dry-loving and absolutely intolerant of stagnant and groundwater. Adult, well-developed specimens are extremely drought-resistant.

To care for pines in the way that proper agricultural technology suggests, do not forget that all members of the genus are cold-hardy, but the frost resistance of species is different. Most of them, unfortunately, are not able to withstand a frosty winter for a long time, and many species, although they can survive short-term frosts, die when the root ball freezes. At the same time, adult specimens of all species are more resistant to cold than young ones, therefore, in the gardens of regions with a temperate climate, it is possible to grow even such heat-loving pines as P. brutia, densiflora, parviflora and pinea.

Of course, even having gained strength, these plants will never look as luxurious as in their homeland, but, subject to the winter shelter of young specimens, they may well replenish the collection of conifers.

When caring for pine trees, young plants and undersized varietal forms that need shelter can be easily insulated for the winter with a spruce hut. It is practically impossible to protect large specimens of pines from frost; for this reason, heat-loving subtropical species are not considered in our manual.

Observing the rules of agricultural technology, in the spring for a uniform awakening of weak plants, abundant watering, spraying and shading from the sun's rays are recommended. It is very important to shed the soil after a frosty winter.

The next section of the article is devoted to the use of pines in landscape design.

The use of pines in the landscape design of the garden (with photo)

All pines have a number of characteristic attractive features that combine majesty and grace with monumentality and even some roughness of the branches, contrasting with the elegance of the needles. Not surprisingly, in the design of gardens around the world, pines are one of the most common and beloved conifers. A suitable cultivating species can be found in almost any climate zone, so pines can be found next to palms in southern gardens and next to heathers in gardens in the Arctic Circle.

See how beautiful compositions with pine trees in landscape design are:

Pines are used in different ways. In the south - to introduce northern flavor and create a contrast with the rough foliage of evergreens, in the north - as one of the main and most enduring plant materials. Large pines are especially good when planted as single specimens and in light groves.

As you can see in the photo, dwarf pines in garden design and dwarf forms are indispensable for small areas when composing compositions of mixborders and rockeries:

Pine trees are of little use for shearing, but are very good for forming a curly crown. Compact specimens can be easily and fairly quickly obtained by regularly breaking out growth buds in autumn or early spring and shortening growing shoots in summer.

And finally, learn how to grow a pine tree from seed.

Reproduction when growing pines in the country: how to grow a tree from seeds

In practical pine gardening, pine propagation is carried out in two ways: natural - by seeds, and varietal grafting. Growing from seeds of varietal varieties is used only to obtain new forms. Theoretically, reproduction by cuttings and layering is possible, but it is associated with such great difficulties that it does not make sense to consider it.

All pines are very easy to propagate by seed. When storing high-quality seeds under normal conditions, germination is lost after 1.5-2 years, and in a sealed container at a temperature of 0 +5 C, it remains for more than 15 years. Seeds with damaged covers are not stored and require immediate germination.

Seeds freshly fallen from cones are not ready for immediate cultivation of pines, as they have a “sleeping” embryo. Before, to awaken the seed embryo, a period of even low positive temperatures is necessary. For species in which the needles are collected in a bundle of 2 pieces, this period is approximately 2-3 months, for species with a bundle of 3-5 or more needles - 4-6 months. Scarification (violation of seed covers before sowing) is not required for pines.

Germinate seeds for propagation of pine trees in the following ways:

  • Winter sowing. Seeds are sown in a ridge to a depth of 1.5-2 cm and mulched with loose earth to a height of 1-1.5 cm. In the spring, after germination, the plants, having pinched the root, are seated or left on the ridge until autumn or next spring.
  • Snowing. In autumn or winter, the seeds are sown in boxes, then the crops are kept warm for 1-2 weeks, after which they are transferred to the street and dug into the snow until spring. Seedlings appear in late spring - early summer, they are spread out in a ridge or left in boxes until autumn.
  • cold stratification. At the end of winter, the seeds are mixed with large, clean, slightly damp sand, sawdust or sphagnum moss and placed in plastic bags or boxes, which are stored in a refrigerator or basement at a temperature of + 3 ... + 5 ᵒС for 1-3 or 4-6 months, depending from the view.

You can sow seeds in boxes or bowls in an earthen mixture consisting of rotted leafy soil, peat and coarse sifted sand in a ratio of 3: 1: 1, and store in a refrigerator or basement in the same way as seeds laid out in plastic bags, maintaining a constant temperature and even moderate humidity of the substrate.

After the end of the stratification period, the seeds that were stored in bags are washed and sown in boxes or bowls and exposed to light at a temperature of + 18 ... + 23 ° C. Seedlings are kept in the light, avoiding direct sunlight, and moderately watered.

If the seedlings are excessively dense, then they dive. Young pine seedlings are very sensitive to waterlogging - excessive watering will inevitably lead to the death of roots. If the seedlings develop normally, then the boxes, when the heat comes, are taken out into the garden, where, after gradual accustoming to the sun and fresh air, they are planted in a ridge. Young plants tolerate transplantation absolutely painlessly.

Varietal characteristics during seed propagation are determined only in the third or fourth year of cultivation, but the percentage of varietal compliance is very small.

Plants can rightfully be considered pines. In ornamental gardening various types and their varieties are not yet widely used, but due to their amazing stability and plasticity, as well as their decorative qualities, pines deserve wider use. It is useful to know that, depending on the number of needles in a bunch, pines are called two-needle, three-needle and five-needle.

Dwarf varieties of mountain pine on a hill

Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris) is widespread throughout the European and Asian parts of the former CIS, only in Siberia it occupies an area of ​​about 5.7 million km². Its distribution area is very wide: throughout Europe, up to 70 ° north latitude in Norway and up to 1800-2100 m altitude in the Alps, from the Kyiv and Dnepropetrovsk regions of Ukraine to the Angara, Irtysh and Ob, along the Lena River valley up to about 68 ° N. sh. It is clear that a more stable, plastic and unpretentious tree is hard to imagine. Scotch pine belongs to two-leaved species, grows on stony, poor and dry soils, forming either pure plantations - pine forests, or on more fertile soils it is found in a mixture with other species. At the same time, an adult tree, depending on the place of growth, can remain a meter-long dwarf or become a slender giant 35-40 m high, and in open space its crown becomes prostrate, umbrella-shaped with a diameter of up to 15 m. This is a very light-loving, frost- and heat-resistant tree species , which is used for artificial afforestation of the driest, poorest and marshy soils. Due to its evergreen beautiful crown and exceptional plasticity, Scots pine is also widely used in landscape design, especially its numerous varieties. Only in one nursery in Belgium they offer 18 varieties that differ in the shape and size of the crown, the color of the needles, as well as topiary from this wonderful plant.

Scotch pine Pinus sylvestris Formation of nivaki from Scots pine

One of the most popular cultivars is "Watereri", growing as a dense, almost round, often multi-stemmed bush with a diameter of 3-4m. Needles of a saturated shade with a gray-blue tint. This variety looks very beautiful both separately and in groups, it is especially good in composition with stones, in rock gardens and heather gardens, as well as in terraced gardens and containers, it lends itself well to molding. It is necessary to monitor the appearance of return (not characteristic of this variety) shoots that need to be cut. For a vertical accent or row planting, you can use a variety with a beautiful columnar crown shape "Fastigiata", reaching a height of 6-8 m. By pinching the side branches, you can form a denser beautiful column. The needles of this variety are bluish-green, somewhat curved, 4-7 cm long. To protect against falling apart with snow, this plant is best tied for the winter. The pine "Glauca" (Pinus sylvestris Glauca) is very beautiful - a variety with silver-blue needles and a more compact crown than that of the species. Even richer color in the variety "Blue Sky". There is also a variety with a compact crown, which turns golden in winter with ‘Aurea’ needles.

Scotch pine "Watereri" Pinus sylvestris "Jeremy"

You can also pick up wonderful varieties for rockeries and flower beds. Pine ‘Globosa Viridis’ is almost spherical in youth, later teardrop-shaped, grows up to 1-1.5 m, grows slowly, covered with very dense, green needles. Variety "Glauca Nana" grows in the form of a beautiful rounded pillow, and Scotch pine "Sport of Repens" practically spreads along the ground, with a height of 0.4 m and a diameter of up to 1 m, the annual growth is no more than 5 cm. This sprawling pine looks especially beautiful among the stones. Fans of dwarf conifers will also be interested in cushion-shaped "Jeremy", "Heartland Memory", "Doone Valley" and others.

Pinus sylvestris "Aurea" Pinus sylvestris "Globosa viridis"

More widely in landscaping, due to its stability, beauty and large (up to 10 cm), rich green needles, black pine (Pinus nigra) is used, which grows naturally in the mountainous regions of Europe and reaches 20-30 m in height with a crown diameter of 8- 12 m. Its cones are also larger, beautiful shape, kept on the tree for 3 years. You can choose varieties of black pine for any purpose - wind protection, solitary or group planting on the lawn, alleys or decoration of the hill and the shore of the reservoir.

A dense, almost rounded, very beautiful crown is admired by the varieties 'Globosa' (crown reaches 3-4 meters in diameter and 2-3 meters high), 'Nana' (crown size of an adult plant 3m, diameter up to 4m) and 'Spilberg', forming a ball up to 1.5-2 m in diameter.

Black pine Pinus nigra "Sinfonia"

Pine "Pyramidalis" differs from the original species in a narrow columnar crown shape, can reach 20 m with a width of up to 3-5 m. A more compact column is formed by black pine "Fastigiata", growing up to 7-8 m in height and up to diameter. In a young tree, the annual growth is 40 cm in height, 20 cm in width, the growth rate decreases with age. Varieties "Green Rocket" and "Sinfonia" are slow growing columnar varieties reaching 3-5 m in height.

Black pine "Brepo", which is usually grafted on a low stem, is very popular. Whether you're looking for an accent piece or a ball-and-stem container fit, there's no better solution.

Pine black "Pygmaea" Pine black "Brepo" on trunk

Black pine varieties 'Marie Bregeon', 'Ottos Compacta', 'Jeddeloh', 'Pugmaea', etc. grow in the form of a dense compact ball or pillow. They can be successfully planted in rock gardens, in or simply in a flower bed among low flowers.

Numerous varieties of mountain pine (Pinus mugo), inhabiting the foothills of the subalpine and alpine regions, have gained particular popularity among gardeners. Depending on the habitat, these are trees with an almost pyramidal crown, reaching 10 m, or branching shrubs with a wide-rounded crown. Its medium-sized, rose-like cones are beautiful, which also hang on a tree for several years. There are larger plants, for example 'Compact' - a multi-stemmed tree with a dense, spherical crown up to 4 - 5 m tall, 'Frisia' - a shrub up to 2 m tall and 1.4 m or var.mughus - an open, creeping shrub 1.5 - 2 m high. Mountain pine 'Columnaris' is a narrow-conical plant about 2.5 m high, in the spherical 'Varella' the height of an adult tree is 1.5 m, width 1.2 m, the 'Gnom' variety becomes conical with age and grows up to 1.2-1 .5 m. A very interesting variety "Jakobsen" over the years independently forms a crown resembling a bonsai. Its curved, almost horizontal branches become bare from below with age, and at the ends they form dense caps of rich green dense needles.

mountain pine Pinus mugo "Varella"

The most popular and sought-after varieties of mountain pine grow in the form of a dense cushion and differ in the size of the crown and needles, as well as its shape and color. Very small increments allow 'Mops', 'Mini Mops', 'Hesse', 'Benjamin', 'Brevifolia' etc. to maintain a dense crown. Sometimes these varieties are also sold grafted onto a trunk.

Of particular interest are varieties with variable and multi-colored needles. Varieties with needles turning yellow in autumn "Winter gold", "Golden Glow", "Carstens Wintergold" and "Ophir" will bring a wonderful variety to your hill. The 'Kokarda' variety has two needles on each yellow spots, as if two golden rings were put on each needle (similar to the popular variety of densely flowered pine - P. densiflora "Oculus Draconis", which also has two yellow stripes on each needle, the so-called "dragon eyes"). The 'Paul Maleter' variety has young needles of a beautiful white-cream shade.

Pine mountain "Mops" Mountain pine "Carstens Wintergold" in autumn

It is impossible not to recall several more types of pine, which is mistakenly called cedar. Real cedars, Atlas and Himalayan, look like beautiful fir trees with drooping branches and grow in Ukraine, unfortunately, only on the southern coast of Crimea. Nurseries offer European Cedar Pine (Pinus cembra), very similar to Siberian Cedar Pine (Pinus sibirica), from the cones of which familiar nuts are obtained. Cedar pine - a five-coniferous species, is also frost-resistant, but more demanding on air and soil moisture. Therefore, in the summer, without proper care, it may have browned tips of the needles. There are also varieties with different crowns and needle colors, often offered by nurseries in the form of nivaki. Cedar pines "Pillar" and "Stricta" grow in the form of a column, "Globe" is a dwarf form, cushion-shaped, up to 2 m high and wide. "Rugmaea" or "Nana" are dense, almost spherical. "Glauca" has silver-blue needles.

Pine cedar Pinus cembra bonsai

Siberian cedar pine, or dwarf pine (Рinus pumila) grows throughout Eastern Siberia and the Far East, in China, Korea and Japan.

Five-coniferous pines are generally very beautiful and invariably attract attention. The following species are also often offered in nurseries: Wallich or Himalayan pine (P.wallichiana), Balkan or Rumeli pine (P.peuce), Bristol or spiny pine (P. aristata), small-flowered pine (P. parviflora) and others. Very beautiful Weymouth pine (Pinus strobus) comes from the north-eastern part of North America. Its flexible, thin and soft, bluish-green needles make you want to stroke your hands. Numerous varieties of these pines will not leave anyone indifferent. The most beautiful of them can be called small-flowered pine "Negishi" with a wide asymmetrical crown and outstretched branches, as well as Weymouth pine "Macopin" - a round or conical shrub with very beautiful silky needles. It's pretty frost-resistant species, however, they are more demanding on moisture and soil fertility, are photophilous, but not heat-resistant and can suffer from sunburn in spring, and from heat in summer.

Different varieties of pines on the bank of a stream

Pines can be planted in solitary and in groups, they are perfectly combined with other conifers, but especially wonderful with spring bulbs and trees and shrubs, as well as against the background of stones and water surface.

Victoria Roy
landscape designer
specially for the Internet portal
garden center "Your Garden"

The number of varieties of mountain pine is close to 120 and is constantly increasing. Mostly dwarf and miniature varieties appear, which are difficult to distinguish. Consider what mountain pine is, what varieties of this tree are and how they differ.

Mountain pine (Mugo pine) description

Pine mountain mugo in its natural environment is common in the foothills of Central and Southern Europe. This is a coniferous, evergreen tree up to 10 m high. Shrub forms are also possible. A characteristic feature of the mountain pine is the structure and color of the plant trunk. When young, the bark is smooth brown-gray, but over time it becomes covered with dark brown scales on the upper part of the trunk. Therefore, the lower part has a lighter color than the upper.

Needles 2.5 cm long, hard, dark green. The tree gives fruits in the form of cones that appear from 6-8 years of age. Flowering is observed in May, and the cones ripen in November of the following year. Cones up to 5 cm long gray-brown. They appear on young shoots, which are greenish at first, but by winter they have time to become woody. By the age of 20, a tree can grow up to 20 m tall and up to 3 m in diameter. The annual growth of young shoots is about 6 cm.

Mountain pine is used to decorate rocky gardens, to strengthen earthen slopes. The plant is sun-loving, frost-resistant, undemanding, grows in different soils and is not afraid of its compaction. It tolerates heat, urban climate, snowfalls. Pine is not damaged by diseases and pests.

Mountain pine Mugo has many decorative forms that have their own differences, but inherited a preference for growing in sunny areas, resistance to frost, the ability to grow in various soils without special requirements. Consider the most common of them.

Allgau mountain pine (Allgau)

The plant is a dwarf shrub with a spherical crown. A distinctive feature of the Allgäu pine, which gives it a charming appearance, is a high crown density with shiny dark green needles. The height of an adult tree is 0.7-0.8 m, with a crown diameter of 1-1.2 m. Each year the tree gives an increase of 7-8 cm. The needles are long, located in bunches of 2 needles, which are slightly twisted at the end.

The trunk of the tree is smooth, red, which gives a special decorative effect. The density of the crown is created by many short hard shoots covered with needles. Thanks to this, the tree is easily formed. The plant can be grown in containers. From this shrub, you can grow bonsai or any sculpture that will decorate landscape compositions, rock gardens or parks.

When planting, it should be remembered that the tree grows worse in shaded areas with compacted soil. During the adaptation period, seedlings need shelter for the winter. The plant is not picky, it does not have special requirements for the composition of the soil and its moisture. Allgau pine is not damaged by diseases and pests.

Pine mountain Benjamin (Benjamin)

The slow growing tree is a dwarf coniferous shrub grafted onto a tall trunk. The shape of the crown is flat-spherical, dense, 0.5-1 m high. The tree gives an annual growth of 3-5 cm. The needles are shiny, dark green in color. The needles are short and hard. The tree grows on any well-drained soil and is characterized as picky. Used for decoration in rock gardens, gardens and parks, grown in containers.

Pine mountain Carstens Wintergold (Carstens Wintergold)

The variety was obtained by selection from a mountain pine seedling in 1972. The tree is a dwarf or medium sized shrub with an evergreen spherical crown. The height of an adult plant is 40 cm.

A unique feature of the mountain pine Carstens Wintergold is the change in color of the needles according to the season. The green ball first acquires a golden, and then an orange-copper color. The needles grow in bunches of 2 needles 3-5 cm long. In summer it is light green in color with a yellow tint, by the end of September it becomes golden yellow, and with the onset of cold weather - bronze yellow.

The plant produces fruits in the form of ovoid cones, 2-6 cm long, yellow-brown in color. Young shoots of the tree are short, have vertical growth and are located on a dense crown, therefore they do not break under a layer of snow. The bark of the trunk is scaly gray with a brown tint. The roots are strongly branched, growing mostly superficially.

Pine Carstens Wintergold is affected by pests: aphids, mites, bark beetles, hermes, sawflies. To protect mountain pine, it is necessary to identify the pest in time and, accordingly, choose the right means of protection in the form of an insecticide or fungicide. You can carry out preventive spraying.

The plant is used in landscape design. It belongs to the most beautiful pines. Color transformation is used to create contrasting spots in the surrounding landscape.

Important! In winter, it is necessary to clear the spherical crown of mountain pine from snow. This will prevent the formation of an ice crust, which can act like an optical lens and burn the crown of the tree in a few sunny days. If the lens has formed and it is impossible to remove it without damaging the tree, then its surface must be sprinkled with black earth or peat. Then, under the influence of sunlight, it will melt first.

Pine mountain Chameleon (Chameleon)

This is a dwarf pine variety with a dense crown of irregular shape. Needles 4 cm long have a distinctive feature. Its yellow tips change to reddish-brown after a frost. An adult tree grows up to 2 m in height. The plant is used for single and group plantings in landscape compositions.

Did you know? Pine trees emit phytoncides. They purify and disinfect the air, as a result of which most pathogenic microbes die.

Pine mountain Golden Glow (Golden Glow)

Evergreen dwarf shrub with a hemispherical crown. An adult tree has a height of 1 m and a diameter of up to 1 m. A distinctive feature of the Golden Glow mountain pine is the change in color of the needles from green to gold according to the season. The needles grow in bunches of 2 needles and are bright green in summer and bright yellow in winter.

The fruits are yellow-brown ovoid cones. The crown is dense with vertically growing short young shoots. The roots are close to the surface, strongly branched. The bark is scaly black-gray. The plant is photophilous, but shade-tolerant. It is affected by pests such as Weymouth pine hermes, pine aphids.

Suitable for the design of rocky gardens, rock gardens, heather compositions. The plant adds brightness and charm to the landscape especially in winter.

Important! Pine aphid, infecting the plant, causes yellowing of the needles and cessation of growth of young shoots. In order to prevent damage, the plant is sprayed twice with complex preparations from pests in early spring.

Pine mountain Hesse (Hesse)

Variety Hesse refers to dwarf pines. Plant height is 0.5-0.8 m. The shape of the crown is cushion-shaped, squat in diameter up to 1.5 m with high density. The needles grow in bunches of 2 needles, 7-8 cm long, slightly sinuous, have a dark green color. high density crowns is achieved due to short numerous shoots up to 5-7 pieces from one kidney.

The variety tolerates light shade well. There are no special requirements for the soil, but it does not tolerate stagnant water and soil compaction. Prefers well-drained, moderately moist, acidic soils. Can grow on rocky slopes. Used in landscape design for single landings.

Pine mountain Khnizdo (Hnizdo)

The Hnizdo variety was bred in the Czech Republic in 1984. A distinctive feature of this variety is a compact crown with several main shoots forming a recess in the center in the form of a nest. The plant grows up to 1.2 m tall with the same crown diameter. The growth of young shoots per year does not exceed 4-5 cm. The needles are dense, short, dark green in color. Fruits in the form of small cones 2-3 cm long brown.

The plant tolerates partial shade. The crown does not lend itself to spring sunburn. Prefers well-drained, fertile, moderately moist soils, but tolerates temporary drought and soil compaction. Mountain pine Hnizdo is used for single and group plantings in landscaping on lawns and slopes. Can grow in containers. To improve the decorative effect of the tree, it is necessary to carry out spring top dressing and watering during the hot period.

Pine mountain Hampi (Humpy)

The low-growing Humpy pine is a dwarf shrub with a compact, cushion-shaped crown. For a year, the growth of young shoots is 4 cm in height. At the age of 10 years, the plant measures 0.3 m in height and 0.5 m in diameter. The bark is dark grey. The high density of the crown is due to numerous, strongly branching, growing shoots. They grow under sharp corners relative to the tree trunk.

The root system is located close to the surface, highly branched. The needles are short, 4.5-5.5 cm long, arranged in bunches of 2 needles, sickle-shaped and dark green in color. In winter, its shade becomes grayish-brown, and numerous red-brown buds look spectacular against this background. The fruits of Humpy pine are in the form of ovoid cones 2-4 cm long, dark brown.

The plant does not tolerate shading, high temperatures at low humidity. There are no special requirements for the soil, but the presence of drainage is mandatory. Humpy pine is resistant to snowfall and urban conditions. And It is used effectively for design on the waterfront, along paths, etc. This variety of low pine is suitable for growing in containers.

Pine mountain Kissen (Kissen)

The Kissen pine variety is dwarf and has a rounded crown. A distinctive feature of this variety are short, hard needles of a dark green color, located not densely. At the age of 10, the plant reaches a size of 0.5 m in diameter. The annual growth of young shoots is 5-6 cm. Fruits in the form of dark brown small cones ripen in 2-3 years. The plant is unpretentious, feels good in the city. It can grow in various soils, but does not tolerate soil compaction and salinity. Has a good root system. Kissen pine is not damaged by diseases and pests. This variety lends itself well to formation. Young trees may suffer from sunburn.

Pine mountain Krauskopf (Krauskopf)

Dwarf pine 0.2-0.4 m high with a pillow-shaped crown up to 1 m in diameter. A distinctive feature of the Krauskopf variety are thick branches of the plant, growing very close to the ground in a horizontal direction. Needles up to 6.5 cm long have a dark green color. Cones are columnar, 2-6 cm long, dark brown.

Roots are superficial. The plant prefers sandy loam or light loam. This variety tolerates pruning, pinching and is resistant to pests and fungal diseases. Effectively used for retaining walls and strengthening slopes and ravines.

Pine mountain Cockade (Kokarda)

A small plant, a distinctive feature of which is the spectacular color of the crown. Each needle has 2 yellow rims. At close range, this creates the effect of golden sparks on the green crown of a pine tree.

Did you know? The oldest tree on Earth known to scientists is the Methuselah pine. She is 4842 years old. The location of the tree is not disclosed to the general public so as not to cause irreparable damage to it.

Pine mountain Laurin (Laurin)

A dwarf variety, often with a pillow-shaped, sometimes conical crown. At the age of 10, the plant grows 0.5-0.7 m high with a crown diameter of 0.8-1 m. The maximum possible height is reached after 30 years of life and is up to 1.5 m, and the diameter is up to 2.2 m. Pine needles are soft, thin, collected in bunches of 2 needles, have a green color and coniferous aroma. Fruits in the form of rounded brown cones 2.5-5.5 cm long are not numerous.

The tree is sun-loving, but can also grow in partial shade. Prefers well-permeable, fertile loamy soil with moderate moisture. This variety of pines is used to create coniferous borders or hedges, as well as in landscape compositions.

Pine mountain Litomysl (Litomysl)

The tree is a grafted dwarf shrub with a dense crown measuring 0.2-0.5 m on a stem 1.1-1.4 m high. The needles are short, hard, shiny, dark green in color.

The plant is photophilous, frost-resistant, grows in various soils, but prefers sandy loamy drained soils. Litomysl pine is used in stony, heather, oriental and container gardens. The plant tolerates urban conditions well, is not damaged by diseases and pests.

Did you know? Since ancient times, pine has been used for medicinal purposes. In the modern world, it is widely used healing properties in the treatment of respiratory diseases, nervous disorders, in cosmetology.

Pine mountain Little Lady (Little Lady)

Little Lady pine belongs to dwarf shrubs that have a compact spherical crown. The height of the tree is 0.2-0.7 m, the diameter is 0.7-1 m. The annual growth of young shoots is 4-6 cm. The needles are short, 2-3 cm long, green, growing in bunches of 2 needles.

The tree is frost-resistant (up to -34 degrees), tolerates partial shade. Grows in urban conditions, wind-resistant, does not suffer from snowfalls. Prefers drained, sandy, light loamy, slightly acidic and neutral soils. There are no special requirements for soil moisture, the plant is resistant to waterlogging and drought.

This variety tolerates pruning and pinching and is resistant to pests and diseases. Little Lady pine is used for single and group plantings.

Pine mountain March (March)

A low growing shrub with a dense crown. In 10 years it grows up to 0.6 m in height and up to 1 m in diameter. The tree has relatively long dark green needles. The annual growth of young shoots is up to 5 cm.

The plant tolerates some shade. Grows in various soils without special requirements. Suitable for both growing in containers and open field to create compositions with other plants.

Pine mountain Mini Pug (Mini Mops)

The plant was selected from a dwarf pine variety Mops. A distinctive feature is a more rounded crown shape and slower growth. evergreen shrub flattened-spherical shape with short numerous branches forming a dense crown. The annual growth of young shoots is 2 cm. The needles have a dark green color. By the age of 10, the plant reaches a height of 0.4 m.

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