Curtains in Chinese style - a feature of the application in the interior. What are Chinese curtains and how to make such curtains? chinese style shutter doors

To make such a curtain is quite simple:

Tools and materials:

Two pieces of fabric different design- for the front and back side of the curtain;

Fabric for sewing garters;

Round wooden lath 2 cm in diameter;

stapler and paper clips;

Screwdriver and wood screws;

Wooden beam 2.5 x 2.5 cm;

Sewing accessories;

Centimeter, pencil.

Instructions for creating curtains with your own hands:

1. We determine the dimensions of our roller blind according to the following conditions: window height + 9cm. on the seams and the width of the window + 2.5-3 cm. add on the seams;

2. Sew together the inner and outer surfaces, removing the seams inward. From below we make a pocket for a weighting stick.

3. We proceed to fastening the upper base of the curtains with the fabric - we spread the fabric and evenly put the wooden block as shown in the figure:

4. Carefully wrap the edges, fastening furniture stapler or small cloves.

5. We try on how our ribbons will be located, check the length, select the color:

6. We fix the curtain by screwing wooden block to the top of the window. Screws or self-tapping screws can be used

You can use a little imagination and improve the design - fix the fabric on the bar with a zipper, hooks or Velcro. So the problem of washing is easily solved, because it will not be necessary to unscrew anything. and if you sew several options for such curtains, you can change the interior more often.

What to choose? Curtains or blinds. This question often arises before the hostesses. What to give preference? Each of the considered structures has its own advantages and weak sides. Curtains are more familiar, create a feeling of comfort and warmth, but blinds are the most effective protection from the sun's rays.

Japanese curtains are an exotic element of decor that came to us from the Land of the Rising Sun. Increasingly, it is used in interiors, bringing into them a piece of the mysterious East.

Anyone who is a little familiar with the culture of Japanese life knows how simple and modest their small dwellings are. Built-in closet, low bed or thick mat, small table for meals and tea ceremonies.

Perhaps the only decoration of such an interior are the curtains. They are also called Japanese panels. And indeed it is.

Japanese curtains are stripes thick fabric, no more than 50-60 centimeters wide. They are attached to ceiling rail and close the entire space of the window from top to bottom.

The kit includes several panels, they can be different colors and invoices. This gives the interior an interesting touch.

Usually such curtains cover the entire wall where the window is located. This visually expands the space of the room.

Use curtains for Japanese style can be in any room: in the living room, in the bedroom, in the kitchen. You can divide the space of an apartment or room with panels - use them as a partition.

The main thing is that they are combined with the decoration of the home. Interior styles suitable for Japanese panels: minimalism, high-tech. Panels can be different heights, this achieves the desired aesthetic effect.

In the living room

For main room in home japanese curtains fit perfectly. Here you can play with color and texture solutions. Panels made of translucent tulle fabrics look very beautiful.

Will look good here large drawings, bright colours and unusual textures.

To the bedroom

When choosing Japanese curtains for the bedroom, it is better to rely on calm, restrained colors. You can slightly “dilute” them with panels with a soft floral or graphic pattern.

Try to avoid here a large number panels. How easier device curtains, so much the better.

In the kitchen

For such a room, Japanese curtains will be a good decoration. But in the kitchen you need to follow some rules:

  • if the stove is located near the window, and cooking takes place on open fire, then be sure to buy curtains with refractory impregnation;
  • if the panels constantly touch, then choose non-staining tones of fabrics, otherwise you will spend too much time washing and cleaning.

Fabric choice

The fabric for Japanese curtains is dense - linen, cotton, bamboo or hemp. Mixed fabrics will also look good. They are more practical to care for, keep their shape and do not shrink.

How are they attached

How are Japanese curtains attached? Very simple. They require a special eaves, with several rows of tires. Their number can reach up to 5, depending on the wishes of the owner. You can use a regular cornice.

Panels of different fabrics and different heights are attached to each row. This is usually done with Velcro tape. You can sew on a regular curtain braid and insert a stick for stiffness. Bottom part fabric panel provided with a weighting agent.

Adjustment can take place in several ways:

  • manually;
  • using a special stick;
  • cord control (like vertical blinds);
  • electronic using the remote control.

DIY master class (step by step instructions)

Many home improvement and home improvement stores offer pre-made kits for hanging Japanese curtains. The panel curtains themselves can be sewn with your own hands, or you can order it in a curtain making studio. The latter option is more expensive and not as exciting as the former.

We are offering to you small master class with step by step instructions how to make japanese curtains with your own hands.

You cannot make a cornice yourself. It is better to buy a ready-made kit in the store.

STEP 1 Install the Japanese panel curtain rod in the desired location according to the instructions that come with it. STEP 2 Calculate the amount of fabric needed for sewing. This will depend on the length of the panels, their width, combination and the width of the room itself. For example, the width of the room is 3.60 meters, the height is 3 meters. All panels must be butted. We make 6 panels of 60 centimeters. Add an allowance for hemming the edges and shrinkage of the fabric. We get 6 cuts 305 by 65 centimeters. STEP 3 Cut them out of the fabric. STEP 4 Carefully iron the panels. STEP 5 We hem the side edges with a hem stitch. STEP 6 We fold the lower edge of the panels and hem it in the form of a drawstring. STEP 7 We bend the upper edge to the width of the Velcro (Velcro), sew. You can also process the upper edge in the form of a drawstring to insert a straightener there. STEP 8 Sew curtain tape or Velcro on the top edge of the wrong side of the panel. STEP 9 We insert a straightener into the drawstring at the top of the panels, and a weighting agent from below. STEP 10 Attach the panels to the eaves.

Japanese style curtains are ready.


Maria: “I bought fabric and sewed Japanese curtains myself. Fortunately, there are a lot of master classes on the Internet now. Budget and nice".

Faith: “I ordered Japanese panels for the kitchen in the atelier. I like how it looks on the window. It turned out that they can be made from fabric with special impregnation, but they cannot be washed..

Andrei: “My wife wanted to hang Japanese curtains after the repair. We saw a ready-made kit with accessories in the store. I hung the cornice myself. Wife attached panels. They are very dense. The cat does not climb on them and this is a plus ".

Have you decided to choose Japanese curtains for your home? This is very interesting and custom solution. We hope we have helped you with this!

Photo of Japanese curtains

Like other types of curtains, Chinese curtains originate in the country that is voiced in their name. Next, we will find out how to make curtains using Chinese technology. But first, a little background about this peculiar product.

Chinese curtains may consist of one or more canvases.

From the history of Chinese curtains

According to one version, curtains from China first conquered Byzantine Empire. They were presented at that time by the famous Chinese silk from China. Already from there, their fame spread throughout the world, which brought them fame as an honorary element of window opening decor.

Chinese curtains have nothing to do with Japanese curtains, as they have different designs.

Presumably the beginning of expansion of this type window decor dates back to the 6th century, when Byzantium occupied the largest territory. Historically, in any country, the trendsetters were the rulers and the richest people. It was with Chinese curtains that the popularity of color combinations came to Europe: bright blue and gold, bright red and gold, bright green.

It should immediately be clarified for the sake of completeness: Chinese curtains have nothing to do with Japanese ones, and these are completely different designs.

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Features of Chinese technology

Curtains are arranged in Chinese quite simply. Their essence is such that an ordinary piece of woven material closes the window opening. Such material may have a slightly greater length than the height of the window. So, you can make curtains for only one thing: to achieve the greatest effect from decorating even with the curtain closed. Opening such a curtain is not particularly difficult: manually the woven fabric is rolled up to the required degree of window openness, while fixing the bundle with special cords or ribbons. In other words, the roll is tied up at the desired height.

You can often hear another name for Chinese technology - garter curtains. All elements of the ties are best selected from a material with a contrasting shade to the main fabric, which allows you to prioritize well, making the ribbons a real decorative find. Usually garters are sewn in the upper part of the canvas from the outside and from the inside. Besides, Chinese designs it is allowed to decorate with decorative ribbon, tassels, glass beads, fringe, original elements finishes.

The main difference between curtains with the presence of a curtain weighting agent, when twisted, form an even roll.

Sometimes curtains are equipped with round wooden cornices. In such a situation, loops are sewn at the top of the canvas, while the cornice plays the role of a holder from above, and a plumb line and a weighting agent from below. Among other things, it is very convenient to wind curtains on the lower eaves. The main difference between curtains with a weighting agent is that when twisting up, the curtains are assembled in an even roll. Without a weighting agent, soft spectacular folds are formed on them.

Please note: Chinese curtains are not recommended to be combined with other types of curtains (or some of their elements). Since such a design is considered complete and self-sufficient, it does not need to be decorated with other design features.

Make curtains in chinese style can be from absolutely any fabric. One of the most best options the use of a colored translucent fabric is considered. Curtains look stylish if there are vertical and horizontal stripes on the fabric.

By tradition, it is customary to use Chinese products in interiors that involve East style, with a minimalist design, they also look great. In most situations, their use does not have any strict restrictions. Just make sure you choose the right fabric.

Curtains in pastel colors are perfect for rooms with soothing color schemes.

If we step back a little from oriental motifs and make a design in pastel colors, then it can be safely hung in any type of room. With equal success, they are suitable for decorating living rooms, bedrooms, kitchens and children's rooms.

Such products have small nuance- at large sizes windows it is better to use several narrow canvases instead of one voluminous one. So it turns out to simultaneously solve 2 tasks: to observe both the functional and the stylistic component. In this version of the curtains, it is much easier to control the illumination, for example, by raising individual panels to different heights, or by opening only the central curtains. Tying the fabric at different heights with the “ladder” option turns out to shift the focus to the most pleasant pictures outside the window.

Curtains in the classical Chinese style are made without a cornice, they are attached directly to the wall. They are not equipped with any lifting mechanism height adjustment is done manually.

Modern Chinese models can be equipped with an upper round wooden cornice and the same plumb line from below for more convenient twisting of the panel. Another option for fastening this kind of product is also known - with the help of special hooks located on the ceiling or wall. With this installation method, imperceptible folds appear on the canvas, adding effect, especially with wide tapes.

Chinese culture and style are always of interest, and now Chinese style is at the peak of popularity, especially in terms of interior design.

If you are not a supporter of excessive pomposity and pretentiousness, then Chinese curtains are just perfect for your room. They are distinguished by the simplicity of models, structure, lightness of texture.

If you are a fan of minimalist style and Feng Shui, then pay attention to such curtains, as this model does not require additional decorations. Chinese curtains also a good choice if you don't have enough time to update and decorate the room. Or you are limited in means.

And also, if the view from the window is not as beautiful as you would like, or you just want to hide your personal living space from prying eyes.

What do Chinese style curtains look like?

Chinese curtains are a straight canvas across the width of the window, which do not have any mechanical or electronic control mechanism.

So they are raised and lowered by hand and are fixed on desired height using decorative ribbons, allowing you to collect the material in a roll or in soft folds. This option gives you control over how much the window should be open and how much light will enter the room. Chinese curtains are easy to hang and do not require curtains. They are attached to the window opening. With simplicity and elegance, Chinese style curtains will fit in any room, it all depends on the design you choose.

They are very suitable in the kitchen, bedroom, living room or children's room. In the children's room, Chinese curtains will look cute, and in the bedroom - mysterious and magical. For a real Chinese style, you need to choose an unusual, translucent fabric with applied patterns, embroidery or hieroglyphs. Chinese curtains made of antique fabrics look very chic and expensive.

They can be decorated with lace, fringe, tassels, rhinestones, sequins, beads and decorative ribbons in different colors. But keep in mind that Chinese-style curtains, as a rule, are not combined with lambrequin or other types of curtains.

If you decide to opt for such curtains, ask what Feng Shui recommends in terms of color and texture.

According to this teaching, blue curtains help slow down the passage of time, so they will perfect choice for the bedroom.

For more good health give preference to air transparent fabrics.

It is also important to know that soft shades help you focus, and bright ones keep you in good shape all day.

Chinese goods are moving further and further into the markets of all countries of the world. The decorative elements created by oriental designers were no exception, embodying practicality and beauty. Chinese curtains are becoming more and more popular in the design of apartments and houses.

For all their simplicity and conciseness, they are very versatile, and can be used both in bedrooms and in kitchens and terraces.

Initially, the main purpose of this type of curtains was to protect the room from insects and bright sunlight. Today, they primarily help designers create an incredibly cozy and practical interior premises.

What do Chinese curtains look like?

The structure of Chinese curtains is a canvas, the size of a window opening, with a vertical fabric braid or ribbon sewn over it, with the help of which its position changes.

Such curtains can be fixed at a certain height with the help of garter belts or a cord fixed in vertical stripe fabrics. In the first case, the curtain will be assembled from below in the form of a soft drapery, in the second case it will be folded into even horizontal warehouses. If a rigid bar is provided at the bottom of the curtain, then you can pick it up in a solid roll, and then fix it with garters.

What fabrics are used for sewing Chinese curtains.

In the manufacture of Chinese curtains, the main attention is paid to the texture of the fabric. It is advisable to choose either a fabric of an unusual texture, but plain, or with interesting pattern but smooth. Monochromatic curtains with a vertical ribbon or braid of a bright, contrasting color, combined with the same color, look very impressive. bright element design, for example, sofa cushion or wall panels performed in the same color scheme.

Curtains sewn from fabric imitating canvas or wood fibers, bamboo or rattan fit very organically into the interior with a naturalistic design. In conjunction with wooden furniture and wallpaper with the appropriate texture, such curtains organically fit into the design, creating a feeling of naturalness and comfort.

Application in interior design

Chinese curtains are self-sufficient and do not require combination with other types of curtains. The use of lambrequins and other similar elements with them is categorically contraindicated. In the same time roller blinds from thin, transparent fabrics, such as organza, can be combined with vertical blinds or just thicker curtains. But all of them must be made in the same color scheme, otherwise they will look like an unsuccessfully assembled constructor.

Light, translucent models are suitable for bedrooms. Living rooms can be decorated with brighter, contrasting curtains.

Mesh or filamentous Chinese curtains are becoming popular. They hide unfortunate landscapes outside the window, while not preventing sunlight from entering the house. They can decorate balcony doors or terraces, and kitchen windows, usually having small size. For kitchen curtains It is important to choose a material that is easy to clean.

Chinese curtains will add zest to the design of any room: bedroom, nursery, kitchen, office. In addition, they are very easy to operate, do not require special care and give a feeling home comfort and comfort.