Which blinds are better to use on the balcony - beautiful ideas in the interior and selection rules. How to choose blinds for a balcony: vertical, horizontal, roller Blinds for metal windows on a balcony

The loggia is a place with excessive illumination. In addition, a large glass area makes the loggia unprotected from prying eyes. Therefore, an obligatory part of the design is the choice of high-quality and comfortable blinds.

How to choose blinds for the loggia?

Blinds - a type of window (door) protection from sunlight and unwanted attention. They consist of planks fixed to a cornice and equipped with mechanical devices for turning (simultaneously for all planks or, as an exception, for each plank separately), as well as for sliding and expanding.

The variety of options is small:

  1. vertical.

Materials, plank widths, mounting methods and protective properties differ much more. So, the planks can be made of wood, reed, bamboo, plastic, thin metal, special dense fabric, and so on. The mounting method varies depending on the type of blinds and the width of the slats. According to the width of the components, models are distinguished with a complete overlap of the luminous flux - if the plates in the closed position slightly overlap each other - or partial.

If the question arises - how to choose blinds for the loggia, such parameters of the room are taken into account:

  • total glazing area;
  • window design (panoramic, with sliding or opening shutters);
  • the presence of additional elements of the situation (furniture, clothes dryers, etc.);
  • natural and planned illumination.

Depending on this, models with a greater or lesser length / width of the overlapped area, full or partial overlapping of the luminous flux, horizontal or vertical are selected. It is also important to take into account the color scheme of the loggia or balcony to select blinds with the appropriate design.

Blinds for a loggia with sliding windows

If the glazing is made with sliding sashes, horizontal blinds may be inconvenient. With this design of windows, it is more logical to choose vertical models, thanks to the fastening of the cornice, located at a distance of 5 ... 15 cm from the sashes (for their free expansion or sliding). At the same time, the length of the plates (lamellas) is chosen so that they descend below the edge of the frames by 3 ... 30 cm. The length margin depends on the presence of an internal window sill, folding table or other objects that limit the space under the window.

For windows facing south and southwest, it is rational to use the most dense, light-protecting blinds on the loggia with sliding windows with full overlap of the light flow. The color scheme and the presence of decor (for example, photo printing or multi-colored strips) depends on the design of the balcony as a whole.

Blinds for panoramic windows on the loggia

Panoramic glazing of the loggia involves blinds of such length and design as to completely close all the translucent elements. At the same time, options are acceptable both with vertical models for the entire height of the windows, and horizontal ones - either for the entire height, or in the form of separate segments. If horizontal slats are used as small areas, they are mounted directly on the frames (including opening ones) or even between them, and not on the wall above the windows. Blinds for panoramic windows on the loggia can be single or multi-layer, with additional curtains made of fabric of different density.

A prerequisite for high opening or sliding doors is a mechanism for collecting slats (lamellas) in one or two directions. This ensures free access of air, ease of cleaning glass and minimal risk of damage to the slats when opening windows.

Vertical blinds on the balcony

The ability to move all the slats at once (or in parts) to the side for a loggia with opening or sliding shutters is very convenient, so vertical blinds are often chosen for the loggia. They can be successfully combined with simple tulle, curtains of various kinds. If necessary, especially effective protection from light, we can use the option with horizontal and vertical canopies on the same balcony. In this case, they are mounted so that there is free access to the control of both options for light protection.

The main disadvantage of vertical blinds on the loggia is the significant width of the slats, which reduces the available free space. Therefore, for very small rooms it is more rational to choose a horizontal option. Regardless of the type of design chosen, they help make the balcony space more cozy and comfortable, provide privacy and a level of illumination that is pleasing to the eye.

Reading 4 min.

The balcony is the most illuminated part of the apartment or house. This is not only a big plus of the room, but also causes some inconvenience. For example, on a hot day, the room adjacent to it heats up from the balcony, house plants burn out under the influence of direct sunlight, and the bright light from the lanterns interferes at night. That is why on almost all modern balconies you can see a variety of curtains. We will figure out which curtains are best suited for placement on balcony windows.

Which is better: blinds or roller blinds?

Since the balcony and loggia are a limited space, it is impractical to hang tulle and classic floor-length curtains on the windows here. The most successful and common options are blinds and. What to choose from this?

Blinds Roller blinds
Materials - aluminum and plastic - quite durable and strong Plastic mechanism and fasteners rarely break, but the fabric curtain can tear or lose its aesthetic appearance.
Replacing bent or broken plates is a complex process that requires the cost of the work of the master You can replace the fabric on the roller blind yourself, and the cost of materials will be small
The slats rotate 360°, which allows you to adjust the illumination of the room Individual curtains on each sash can be fixed at different heights, creating perfect balcony lighting
They collect all the dust, which is very noticeable when closing the slats High-quality roller blinds practically do not attract dust and wool
Resistant to moisture, so they are easy to clean and can be used on poorly waterproofed balconies Require periodic dry cleaning (vacuum cleaner, knocking out dust, etc.), not suitable for rooms with high humidity or leaky windows
Strongly heated through the glass under the sun's rays Even in hot weather, it is impossible to get burned from the curtain fabric

Read also: What to choose to protect the balcony from the sun?

Vertical blinds
Horizontal blinds

Everyone who has ever compared horizontal or vertical blinds with roller blinds in the interior notes the more aesthetic appearance of the latter. Most often, blinds are associated with offices, cabinets and government agencies, but not with cozy living rooms and balconies.

A few more advantages of roller blinds:

  • design versatility - suitable for wooden, aluminum or plastic window frames;
  • a large selection of materials, colors and patterns;
  • ease of installation and operation;
  • wide price range.

Of the shortcomings, only a decreasing opening angle of the sash and the impossibility of mounting on sliding windows can be noted, but this minus applies to blinds and Roman blinds as well.

Blinds entered our everyday life in the last century, and for several decades they have been considered a worthy alternative to ordinary curtains. Today they are successfully used in homes, offices, apartments, cottages and public institutions. Sometimes there are circumstances when only these products can be hung on the window. Thus, blinds are an important and necessary element of decor.

Modern models of curtains for windows may well cope with their functions without creating any difficulties in operation. But the best, most comfortable and most practical option for the design of balcony windows still remain blinds.

What are the best blinds for a balcony? Let's try to figure it out in this article. After all, from the whole variety of blinds available for sale, after all, you will have to choose one single, your own option.

Initially, blinds were made of plastic, and they were used mainly in office or public spaces. However, the increased convenience of this element of decor forced the craftsmen to change its design and installation method, thanks to which the blinds have many varieties and decorative moments. To date, there are several types of blinds:

Types of blinds:

  • Horizontal. These products are most often installed on the windows of balconies due to the fact that they are practical, convenient, and easy to use.
  • vertical. These are also quite convenient designs in order to be able to regulate the entry of light into the loggia or balcony.
  • facade. Their main difference is that they are attached outside the window, which greatly affects the quality of the curtains. These products are very durable and reliable.
  • Pleated. Pleated fabric construction with 2cm pleats.
  • Rolled. These designs are great for both the balcony and the loggia. They are not very expensive, and have an infinite number of variations.

But Roman blinds look the most spectacular and most modern. A loggia or balcony, decorated with these designs, will be able to fascinate anyone who casts their eyes on them.

Handmade roller blinds can also be hung on the balcony windows. You will find step-by-step instructions and a photo review in the article:.

Blinds on the balcony with sliding windows: photo design options

Having decided to purchase these products for glazed balconies, the owners of balconies and loggias are faced with a choice, not knowing which blinds are better. The modern market has a large number of blinds, which differ both in shape and in the materials from which they are made.

Horizontal blinds on the loggia: choose your option

Cassette horizontal blinds for the loggia today, apparently, the most popular of all. They are very practical and easy to use. At the same time, they do not have a high cost.

Blinds on the loggia should perfectly fulfill their protective functions and provide a pleasant aesthetic appearance. Most meet these requirements horizontal blinds.

Such models are attached directly to the double-glazed window. This allows them to be fixed when airing or opening a window structure. These products are much easier to clean, but unfortunately they are not suitable for aluminum frames.

Horizontal blinds are usually:

  1. Cassette type Isolight and Isorta. These are one of the most popular types of plastic window blinds that have a huge number of advantages over vertical models. These designs are quite practical and effective. The systems are somewhat different from each other.
  2. Aluminum Holis. The usual classic version with stick-rope control. Their main advantage is their low price, but they are not very convenient to use.
  3. Wooden. Option suitable for eco-style. But these structures are quite heavy. Their main advantage is environmental friendliness and excellent appearance. Differ in high cost.
  4. Bamboo. Lighter in comparison with wooden structures, they have more color shades, however, they are also the most expensive in terms of cost.
  5. Plastic. Economy option, In addition, easy to care for and varied in color.

Recently, blinds of the “wave” type have become increasingly popular. They have an excellent aesthetic appearance. The essence of the design is the wavy shape of the edge of the lamella.

How to hang blinds on a balcony (video)

Increasingly, you can see glazed balconies equipped with blinds. And not in vain. These designs are convenient and easy to use, and their low cost makes them accessible to almost everyone.

Blinds design on the balcony (photo in the interior)

Blinds have long been considered a convenient replacement for curtains. This is not a new invention, their official history goes back to the 19th century. There are many types of blinds. And often people are lost in front of such an extensive choice. What blinds are best for balconies and loggias? It depends on a number of factors.

Basic information about blinds

Blinds are a practical and functional analogue of curtains. They represent a series of plates. Basically, they differ depending on the location of the plates (vertical or horizontal). Regulation of the amount of sunlight and privacy is ensured by turning the plates.

Their demand all over the world is explained by the following advantages:

  • Convenience. You can make a room a little lighter or darker, or provide protection from curious people from the house opposite, by simply turning the plates;
  • Privacy. Blinds help to achieve complete protection from prying eyes;
  • Comfort. The plates do not interfere with the circulation of fresh air, which is especially important in an office environment;
  • A large assortment. You can choose blinds for specific conditions and your personal taste. They are made of different materials: aluminum, plastic, fabric, bamboo, wood. There are options made from a range of materials. Thus, you can choose blinds for an unusual design of the room;
  • Easy installation. You can install blinds yourself;
  • Appearance. Properly selected blinds will organically fit into an apartment with any design;
  • Light scattering effect;
  • Versatility. Blinds can be installed both in window openings, and on a balcony, and as partitions;
  • Affordable cost.

Blinds appeared in our country in the 90s, and quickly began to be in consumer demand. They are especially in demand for offices, workspaces, and more recently for home interiors.

Varieties of blinds

How to choose blinds for the balcony? First of all, you need to navigate in their varieties:

  • Horizontal. Often installed on balconies with metal-plastic windows. This is one of the most popular options for blinds. They are comfortable, practical, easy to clean;
  • vertical. They are distinguished by a vertical arrangement of lamellas, a stylish appearance and convenient regulation of the flow of light into the room. Vertical blinds reliably protect the balcony from prying eyes and from the sun's rays. They are usually made of aluminum, plastic, fabric;

  • facade. Their main difference from conventional blinds is installation outside the building. Accordingly, their quality is very high. Facade blinds are distinguished high strength, reliability. Some of the models not only help to hide from the sun's rays, but also serve as protection against robbers. Due to the fact that the blinds are combined into a single facade, they increase the functionality of metal-plastic windows. They help to maintain the desired temperature in the room due to the fact that the light, in this case, is reflected even before it hits the windows, which serves as protection against overheating of the room in the summer. They are ideal for growing flowers on the balcony, as they help to easily distribute the light, do not allow glare. Blinds are made of aluminum and stainless steel. Thanks to the materials, they are resistant to corrosion;

  • Pleated. They are a design with pleated fabric with folds of two centimeters. This is the most expensive type of blinds, and their high cost is fully justified. This option has a number of important advantages: they can be washed, they can be mounted on any type of windows(trapezoidal, semicircular, mansard, etc.), are regulated by a number of methods (rope, handle, electric control). Such blinds close from the bottom up, which provides your protection from prying eyes even when you look outside. They are mounted on windows made of wood, plastic, aluminum. Can be made from several fabrics and tones;

  • Rolled. These are universal blinds (curtains) for balconies and loggias. They are distinguished by a democratic price, many variations of fabrics and textures, a snug fit to the window. This is the best option if your balcony faces the sunny side. The dense fabric of the roller blind will reliably protect the room from the sun's rays. If your windows are on the other side, you can always purchase blinds made of translucent fabric;

  • Roman. This practical option will fit into any interior design. Roman blinds look much more effective than classic blinds. They are rectangular canvases with sections that, when adjusted, fold. Functional and comfortable. The only drawback is the high price. They can be made from various fabrics: linen, silk, cotton. To prevent natural fabric from fading in the sun, it is coated with an appropriate composition;

  • Bamboo or wooden. Such blinds serve, first of all, for decoration of an interior. This original detail instantly attracts attention. These are natural materials that are always in fashion. This option is very convenient. Wooden or bamboo blinds are adjusted in the same way as horizontal ones, or they are folded into a roll. They also have disadvantages: high cost, relatively large weight, which can quickly weaken the mount.

Tip: For balconies and loggias, you should choose plastic blinds. They are easy to clean, easy to use, retain their appearance for a long time, do not deteriorate under the influence of the sun.

But still, which blinds are best suited depends more on your own preferences, and, importantly, on the type of windows.

How to choose blinds for the balcony? The following tips will help you with this:

  • On aluminum frames, horizontal blinds are not installed, which must be fixed to the sash;
  • If you are interested in aesthetics, choose pleated blinds. They look very attractive on large windows, and therefore are optimal for balconies and loggias;
  • If you have chosen roller blinds, you can purchase their free-hanging variety in the event that you have sliding window frames on the balcony;
  • When choosing roller blinds, it is also better to install structures with a cassette mechanism. In this case, the fabric is located inside an aluminum or plastic box, which protects it from dust and dirt, making it easier to care for the blinds.

Summing up, I would like to note that in fact there are no specific rules for choosing balcony blinds. You can choose any, but you should not forget about certain restrictions. In particular, for sliding or aluminum windows, blinds mounted on sashes are not suitable. They cannot be installed on aluminum structures, and sliding windows with such blinds cannot be opened. In this case, it is recommended to choose vertical blinds that are mounted to the ceiling.

Remember that preference should be given to those options that you not only like visually, but also suit the type of attachment. Do not forget about the basic recommendations for choosing. The rest you can navigate to your taste. At the moment, there is a huge choice and you are sure to find something that suits you both in terms of aesthetics, and in terms of practicality and ease of installation.

Photo blinds on the balcony

In this section, we have selected for you a few more photos on the topic of our article.

The main functions of window decoration are to protect rooms from the view from the outside, and from the sun's rays. In this article, we will consider the blinds for the balcony - the advantages and disadvantages, we will discuss what pitfalls you may encounter during the operation of this product.

The advantages of blinds on a balcony over curtains are obvious:

The designs of various products generally consist of lamellas or canvas and a cornice. Lamels of devices are made of metal (aluminum), plastic, fabrics, wood. To choose the right model of curtains or blinds that meets the requirements of the room, you should have an idea about all kinds of blinds.

Vertical blinds perfectly support the theme of a single space on balconies with panoramic glazing

It is difficult to talk about the blinds on the balcony which one is better or more beautiful, since the first stages of selection are the analysis and specification of the technical parameters of the installed window. So, for example, blinds on a balcony with sliding windows can be of the same type of fastening - directly on the window frame.

When installing structures on the loggia, special attention should be paid to the options for attaching cornices. Which blinds are better to mount on the balcony is determined by the material from which the glazing of the room is made.

Blinds to the balcony. Which models are better - an overview of the advantages, disadvantages

An expanded range of the construction market allows you to choose a decor for a balcony, based on the characteristics of the room, the desires of the owners. When choosing, the strengths and weaknesses of the products, their cost (depending on the size of the structure, the quality of the materials) are taken into account.

Blind type Distinctive features approximate cost
pros minuses
vertical Easy maintenance, low price, installed on non-standard openings; easy replacement of damaged lamellas; smooth control of natural light. In the case of drafts, they make noise and get confused. In products with a pattern, it is difficult to replace individual damaged strips; difficult to open doors. from 370 rubles
Horizontal Are established on separate window double-glazed windows; wipe and wash without dismantling; fixing the lower bar eliminates noise during drafts; smoothly changing the level of daylight. Not mounted on aluminum frames, plastic white lamellas turn yellow over time; plastic is deformed with a sharp impact; from 420 rubles
Rolled Tightly adjoin to glasses thanks to features of fastening. The inability to smoothly regulate the natural lighting of the room. from 1110 rubles per product
with sides 0.7 m by 1.8 m
Roman Several mounting options; ease of maintenance (the canvas can be washed). The intensity of light changes only by lowering / raising the canvas; high price. from 1600 rub.m.
Pleated Many mounting options, various control systems, design non-standard wooden, plastic, aluminum windows; the canvas is erased (manually). High price; it is not advisable to install on the loggia-kitchen due to rapid contamination. from 1200 rubles per product
with sides 0.4 m by 1.6 m
wooden bamboo Environmental friendliness; stylish window decor. Significant weight weakens the mount over time; price; the level of illumination is regulated only by raising / lowering the slats wooden - from 2600
rub/sq.m. bamboo – from 900

Models of blinds for a loggia, balcony, bay window - differences

When installing blinds, the distinctive features of the glazing of the premises must be taken into account. Taking into account these nuances creates a harmonious and cozy atmosphere on the site:

Which blinds are better to choose on the balcony - depends on the tasks of the room, its location. For the working corner, products are selected that smoothly regulate the degree of natural light. It is rational to mount structures with thin canvases on balconies on the north side. A variety of types of curtains / blinds solves lighting issues, implements interesting design ideas.