Brutal men's bedroom: choosing a style, design ideas for men of different ages. Design of a room for a guy, ideas for interior design of a men's bedroom Men's bedroom in a modern style

Among the variety of stylistic trends, most of the stronger sex prefer just a few ways to design a place to sleep.

  1. Minimalism. Here is a laconic room, in which only the most necessary: ​​a bed, a bedside table and a wardrobe. Curtains are better to choose thick, dark colors. The color scheme is soft, meaning brown, bluish and gray tones. Experts advise this men's bedroom design to people who spend most of their time at work and need a good night's rest.
  2. High tech. For many, this style is presented in the form of something cold, "steel" and uncomfortable. But if you choose the right combination of textiles and furniture with finishing materials in the room and correctly accentuate the decor elements, then the bedroom will be conducive to relaxation after a hard day. It is better to make the ceiling multi-level and with built-in lighting. The walls should be of the same shade, but the texture can be given to them differently. Cover the window opening with translucent curtains or leave it open. Finishing materials: steel (preferably chrome-plated), brick, wood, as well as their high-quality imitation.
  3. Art Deco. Combines wealth and its accompanying luxury. The last word means not only financial well-being, but also a huge selection of geometric shapes, decorative elements, finishing material and its textures. The furniture is chic, with many finishing details. The bed (you can make a design accent on it) is made of natural wood, decorated with gilding. The palette of colors includes gold, silver, milky and burgundy shades. Of the materials used, including textiles, it can be noted:
  • tree (black and red);
  • natural semi-precious stones;
  • crystal;
  • Ivory;
  • fabrics: silk, satin and velvet.

Classicism. The main difference between the style is constancy: this direction has not gone out of fashion for centuries. For a classic and masculine bedroom, use oak or maple flooring. The walls can be finished with Venetian plaster or matte wallpaper. The ceiling needs to be given solidity, which can be done with false beams. The decor has a large selection:

  • figurines and vases on the bedside table;
  • paintings and photos with calm motifs on the walls;
  • luxurious classic multi-lamp chandelier;
  • thick heavy curtains.
Sea style. Suitable for romantic men. One of the highlights here is color. It should consist of shades of the sun, the sea and be the same. Turquoise, pearl, golden and white tones are welcome. Furniture - made of natural wood, preferably aged. The floor of the men's bedroom should resemble a deck, that is, be plank.

The interior of the men's bedroom, as a rule, is very different from the rest of the rooms in the house. This is a consequence of the desire of men to create the most functional bedroom, as well as the absence of any additional decor in the room. Most often, minimalism is chosen for the interior of the men's bedroom, because it is built on functionality and spaciousness, which is the best suited for the men's bedroom. We'll talk more about this style and more below.

The interior of a bedroom for a young man or a bachelor can be decorated in a minimalist style. This style is restraint and conciseness, the number of decorative elements in it is minimal. High-tech style and ordinary classics are also perfect, but in general, the design of a bachelor’s bedroom can be anything, the main thing is that the man himself should be comfortable in it.

The men's bedroom is a place where a man relaxes, gains strength, and also does what he loves, such as reading or listening to music. For comfort, it is better to clearly separate the zones in the bedroom. The presence of a closet is welcome, so as not to litter the room.

As a place to place clothes, you can choose the following furniture options:

  • Closet;
  • Dresser;
  • Wardrobe with horizontal shelves;
  • Wardrobe.

In a man's room, everything should be at hand and without unnecessary decorative elements, which are present in large numbers in girls' bedrooms.

The bed in the men's bedroom is better to choose with a good mattress. You can also install a practical folding sofa, but on the bedside table there must certainly be a modern lamp. Hang blackout curtains or blinds on the windows.

The interior of the men's bedroom: what to consider

In addition to the fact that a man’s room should have a comfortable sleeping place, you should also take care of the working part of the room.

It should contain:

  • Desk;
  • Sufficient amount of light;
  • Chairs or armchairs;
  • Cabinets;
  • Cabinets.

A desktop with a laptop or computer should be modern and functional. Pay attention to tables with a sliding keyboard, shelves for books and CDs, with various drawers and shelves for paper. An armchair or chair should also be comfortable and modern, the backs can be orthopedic.

As for the wardrobe, most men prefer to hang their things so that they do not wrinkle. Chests of drawers are used only for home clothes and underwear; young men store shirts, trousers, jackets and other items of clothing on hangers. The ideal option in this case is a closet, which allows you to combine a chest of drawers and a wardrobe.

You can put something on the shelves, and hang something, while the closet takes up little space, allows you to hide everything behind the doors.

Many men like to watch TV or play various games while lying or sitting in bed, so if space permits, it will be useful to hang up the TV and connect a game console. The smaller number of accessories and decorative elements compared to the women's bedroom does not mean that they should not be in the guy's bedroom at all. Beautiful and interesting paintings, figurines and other little things can be present in the men's bedroom, but they will be completely different, more complex and unusual. The bedroom for a young man of 20 years old should be functional in order to allow him to study and work well.

Bedroom design for a young guy

In the bedroom for a young guy, you need to combine comfort and practicality, as well as leave free space for any hobby. Modern designers recommend allocating a special area in the bedroom for the workshop, it can be a corner with an easel or bookshelves with a comfortable or unusual chair. As for the color design, you can choose both rich and dark colors, and calm ones.

However, it is best to decorate the walls in the guy's bedroom:

  • Blue;
  • Black;
  • Grey;
  • Brown;
  • Beige.

These colors are perfectly combined, it is not difficult to choose decorative elements and bedding in similar colors. It is better to lay out the floor with dark wood parquet. Of course, the color scheme depends on the interior design. For example, for minimalism and hi-tech, light colors such as gray or white are suitable; for classic and modern, you can choose blue, green, black and calm tones. As we said earlier, in the men's bedroom it is better to create different zones, this can be done using wallpapers of different colors or textures.

You can use wallpaper of the same color, but with a different pattern, or even glue radically different finishing materials.

Bedroom of two guys

The men's bedroom for two guys can be decorated in a variety of ways. If the room is spacious, then you can purchase two sofas or two beds. If the bedroom does not have a wide area, then a bunk bed would be an excellent option. This piece of furniture is quite functional and saves space. It is not difficult to choose a desktop for a bunk bed; in a furniture store you can find furniture of the same color, which can be easily combined with finishing materials.

Also, if the room is small, it is better to take light wallpapers in order to visually enlarge the space.

For teenagers or children, you can purchase a bunk bed with an interesting design, for example:

  • In the form of a rocket;
  • Cars;
  • Bright color;
  • in the form of a train;
  • Aircraft.

Currently, a different amount of furniture is being produced, in a room for two young men it is also necessary to leave a place for work or study, install a large spacious desk, it is especially good if two can work at it at once. The closet also needs to be large and roomy to accommodate both guys' clothes at once. A sliding wardrobe is also ideal in this situation, it will allow you to distribute things and store them neatly. Lamps can be placed on the desk or next to the bed.

Design options for the men's bedroom (video)

In conclusion, we can say that it is not difficult to create a bedroom design for a man, first of all, the color scheme and furniture should be liked by the owner of the room, then it will be as comfortable as possible to be in it. Do not forget about the practicality and functionality that men appreciate so much. It is necessary to highlight zones in the room, install a spacious closet and a comfortable bed, then the interior of the bedroom for a man will turn out perfect and will delight its owner for a long time.

Every woman's eyes widen while shopping. She is like a magpie, which looks at every little thing, and can not decide on the purchase option.

But what can be said about men at this moment? As you know, female psychology is so multifaceted, but for men things are much simpler.

In this article, we will discuss some aspects of creating a men's bedroom. There will be no female intervention here, only a purely strict male business style.

In order for a woman to feel very comfortable, she will need a lot of things. The male interior, unlike the female one, is not so heavily overloaded with unnecessary decorative elements and other details.

Simply put, the male gender gets by with a standard assortment of things, and only those that are really used.

In terms of choosing colors for home interiors, men appreciate cold and strict colors more. These include black, gray, blue and brown.

It is worth noting that each of these colors has its own symbolism. For example, brown means a firm position in life. It is usually chosen by those who stand firmly on their feet.

For men, these colors give calmness and solidity.

To create a beautiful men's bedroom design, you should decide in advance on the choice of style. Compared to women, men don't have much of a choice. But what they like can surprise and make a good impression on any woman. Common choice of men:

  • Minimalism.
  • High tech.
  • Art deco.
  • Classic.

Now pay attention to the detailed description of the above styles.


A minimalist men's bedroom is a pretty successful choice. Restraint and conciseness allows you to fully relax.

And a man who works intellectually must definitely count on a good resting place to replenish his expended strength to achieve new goals.

Reading and thinking will not be successful if the room is too overloaded with unnecessary interior details. In addition to the bed itself, there should be a wardrobe.

It is necessary for the convenient arrangement of things, because a man does not always have time to iron his shirts.

Therefore, it is worth organizing a suspension system that would keep things in good shape. In addition, you will need horizontal shelves. They usually store T-shirts, sweaters and bedding.

The most important thing is to save time when searching for one or another clothing. In general, this style is great for men who constantly like to work.

High tech

The interior of the men's bedroom in the style of "hi-tech" implies a high level of manufacturability. At first glance, the room in this style will seem cold and uncomfortable.

But in fact, this is just the first erroneous point of view. Dosed decor, fabrics, mixed textures, color accents perfectly dispose the vacationer.

This style, like the previous one, is not overloaded with something superfluous. It has a concise, rational, clear approach. All this is suitable for a self-confident man who does not throw promises to the wind.

Art Deco

The modern men's bedroom is decorated in the style of "art deco" looks very luxurious. However, it not only emphasizes the financial status of the owner, but also his own tastes, as well as creative thinking.

The name of the style means "decorative art". It is full of various beautiful decor elements, textures and geometric shapes. But all these things are not overloaded, but give romance.

Only the most elegant man on the planet lives in such a bedroom. Pay attention to the photo of the men's bedroom in this style, and you will see how rich the art can be.


A good classic never gets old and always remains in fashion. The classic look is on the trend of modern fashion. Years will pass, and you will not need to radically change or redo everything.

A man who has achieved a lot and considers himself a free, independent bird in life will choose this particular style. Wallpaper in the men's bedroom are matte. The floor is wooden, as well as the furniture itself can be made of maple or oak.

For the purpose of solidity, beams cling to the ceiling, which looks very aesthetically pleasing.

As for the extra details, they cannot be called superfluous here. Paintings, vases, old photographs, curtains, carpets, animal skins and much more will come in handy as never before.

Photo of men's bedroom design ideas

A modern men's bedroom should be functional, comfortable, practical and at the same time stylish and cozy. Interior design should reflect the character and wishes of a man. The bachelor's bedroom is a room with unobtrusive luxury, brutality, simplicity of lines, filled with various functional items.

It is possible to create a truly masculine interior that matches the age, lifestyle and preferences of the owner with the help of properly selected materials, furniture and decor. In this article we will tell you in detail how to decorate a bedroom for a man.

The spirit of freedom, the minimum amount of decor, cold colors, the severity of forms and laconic design distinguish the male bedroom interior from the boudoir of the beautiful half of humanity.

The main principles of arranging the space of the most intimate room in a bachelor's house:

  • simplicity and rationality;
  • lack of graceful and pretentious forms;
  • modest and sparse decor;
  • strict decoration in cold colors;
  • functional furniture;
  • discreet textiles;
  • subdued, diffused light.

Bedroom zoning for a man

A functional bedroom for a man, as a rule, consists of two zones, one of which is designed for relaxation and sleep, and the other is a workplace.

In the recreation area is the main piece of furniture - a bed or a sofa. It is advisable to install a spacious wardrobe, chest of drawers and bedside tables in this part of the room, which, in turn, will serve as a stand for bedside lamps.

In the men's bedroom, it occupies a small part of the room. In it, usually, there is a non-bulky table, a comfortable chair, shelves, cabinets with drawers and office equipment.

You can visually highlight each zone in the overall design of the men's room using finishes that differ in texture and color. A good solution would be to arrange the ceiling and floor with different levels.

We select the style of the interior

The choice of style for the men's bedroom depends on the age, temperament, character and life principles of its owner. As a rule, mature men prefer minimalistic interiors with classic elements.

Middle-aged men who lead an active lifestyle usually decorate their bedrooms in a modern style or in African, m and ethnic styles. Young energetic guys are more suitable for a room decorated in hi-tech style or. Eccentric and creative people will most likely choose the art deco style.


The men's bedroom is characterized by freedom of space, the rigor of furniture forms, restrained decor or its complete absence. There is nothing superfluous in such a bedroom. A comfortable sleeping and working place, compact storage systems, a lounge chair, lamps, a TV - that's all a man needs to relax after a day spent at a frantic pace.

Furniture, decor and textiles should be harmoniously combined and combined into a single ensemble. Various materials are used in the decoration: wallpaper, both smooth and textured, natural stone, wood, glass, plastic. The color scheme of the interior is maintained in restrained cold shades. Designers recommend using two or three colors: for example, chocolate, black.

Modern style

The modern masculine style in the interior of the bedroom is suitable for young people who are actively developing in all areas of life. Such a room combines minimalism and the convenience of furniture, functional zoning, stylish and expensive decor.

In decoration and for the manufacture of furniture, natural wood, glass and metal are most often used. The best colors for modern interiors are white, grey, beige, and black. You can also use dark blue and metallic.

The furnishing of the bedroom consists of a bed or a folding sofa, a wardrobe, a pair of bedside tables, and, of course, modern technology: a large or home theater. A prerequisite for the arrangement of a modern interior is clear edges of all objects.

High tech

The high-tech style is usually used in the design of a bedroom for a young man and young creative people. Well-chosen finishing materials, furniture, textiles and correctly placed accents will soften the coldness and deliberate brutality of the interior. As a result, the atmosphere in the bedroom will be conducive to relaxation and restful sleep.

Characteristic features are multi-level ceilings with built-in lights, plain walls with a pronounced texture, discreet textiles on the windows, which, if desired, can be replaced with stylish blinds. The decoration is dominated by steel, brick, natural stone, wood and glass. Most suitable colors: black, silver, metallic, white.

The bedroom in this style is filled with rough, massive furniture, lots of appliances, stylish and ultra-modern decor.


Loft style is best used in the design of a bedroom for a young man with an active lifestyle. The main principle of this style is individuality and a lot of free space. This interior harmoniously combines modern technology and raw concrete surfaces, brickwork, open communications such as electrical wires, water and ventilation pipes.

The main subject of the loft bedroom should be a bed of a simple but not ascetic form. Also, convenient and spacious storage systems that can be open are appropriate here. As a decor, the use of paintings, posters and graffiti is recommended.

The nuances of furnishing the men's bedroom

The main principle of furnishing the interior of the men's bedroom is the minimum number of pieces of furniture. This will save as much free space as possible, which is so necessary for every member of the stronger sex.

Should be large and spacious.

If necessary, instead of it, you can install a sofa that easily transforms into a bed.

Hinged wardrobes or wardrobes with a sufficient number of shelves, drawers for linen and shoes, as well as compartments for hanging clothes are perfect for storing things. Bedside tables and a chest of drawers for linen will be useful pieces of furniture.

The filling of the working area depends on the needs of the owner of the room. For some, a small table and chair will suffice. And someone will need additional hanging shelves, cabinets with drawers and racks to accommodate equipment, books and documents.

Bedroom Design Ideas for Men of Different Ages

Bedroom designs for men of different ages, although they have common features, are still significantly different from each other. Indeed, with age, each person's taste preferences, life principles and even character change.

Bachelor Bedroom Decor

When decorating a bedroom for a bachelor, designers recommend strictly following the chosen style and theme in order to create an impeccable, harmonious and cozy interior.

To emphasize the brutality and masculinity of the bachelor's "den" will help discreet shades of decoration and textiles, strict forms of furniture and subdued light.

Truly masculine decor is ancient weapons, figurines, chosen in accordance with the style of the bedroom. There should not be too many decorative items in the room, because the main principle of the male interior is restraint in everything.

Fashionable interior for a guy 20-25 years old

A bedroom for young guys is often designed not only for sleeping and relaxing, but also for receiving guests, playing sports and studying. Therefore, its interior should be as functional and comfortable as possible.

The design of the bedroom for a guy is best done in the style of hi-tech, loft or art deco. Zoning and furnishing should be given special attention. The recreation area should have a comfortable sleeping place, storage systems, lamps and additional seating for guests, for example, soft modern pouffes, frameless chairs or a bench with a soft seat. You also need to take care of stands for equipment and other modern devices, so necessary for young guys.

The filling of the working area, as a rule, is standard: a table, an armchair, shelving or hanging shelves.

Bedroom design for a man 30 years old

Middle-aged men prefer monochrome and discreet interiors. They are ideal for modern style and minimalism.

Most often, men of this age decorate the room in white-gray-black tones. According to psychologists, the black color is positioned with authority, seriousness and significance in society. Therefore, accomplished men subconsciously choose this particular color.

Representatives of this age group prefer to relax on a spacious bed, opposite which is usually a TV. The room should not have extra furniture. A couple of bedside tables, a spacious closet and a comfortable workplace will be enough. The presence of decorative items is possible, but not necessary.

Bedroom decoration for a man from 50 years old

A bedroom for a man of mature age is better to decorate in a classic style or in a minimalist style. To create a respectable and exclusive interior will allow the use of expensive materials in the decoration, high-quality wooden furniture, noble colors and shades, antique decor.

In a classic masculine interior, the main emphasis is on furniture: a massive bed, wardrobe, bedside tables, chest of drawers should be made in a restrained style from expensive wood.

Be sure to have thick curtains and bedspreads on the bed made of expensive and luxurious fabrics.

To illuminate the room, a classic chandelier, table lamps and sconces are best suited.

Decor that emphasizes masculine interior design is paintings, weapons, clocks and figurines.

As you can see, there are many different ways to arrange a men's bedroom, allowing you to achieve the desired level of space organization, elegance and comfort, while maintaining the rigor and brutality of the interior.

We hope that this article will help to successfully equip the men's bedroom. If you have any questions - ask them in the comments below. Our experts will definitely answer them.

It is necessary to start decorating a bedroom for a man with a choice of interior style, as well as carefully plan the location of all its elements. The idea is to harmoniously combine style and practicality, the second is sometimes even more important than the first. A man’s bedroom should not be overloaded with unnecessary accessories, pieces of furniture and other things, everything should be comfortable and not necessarily in perfect order, the main thing is that a man navigates his bedroom “with his eyes closed” and can find any thing.

Fancy furniture, bas-reliefs and fringes, exquisite panels with images of flowers, all this is absolutely not necessary for a tired man who wants to relax after a hard day's work. It’s not that he has no taste or contemplation of the aesthetic beauty of the bas-reliefs of his bedroom is alien to him, he just doesn’t have time for this, and he doesn’t even have a special desire. From this we conclude that hi-tech and minimalism styles are most likely to suit a man’s bedroom, of course, when choosing a style, one must rely on the tastes and preferences of a particular person, however, from the experience of designers, we see that in most cases the strong sex prefers just such styles. interior.

We create the interior of the bedroom

Strong gender advantage chooses two styles in the design of its bedroom - it's hi-tech and minimalism. They are simple in their manufacturability and comfort. Thanks to the decor, fabrics, mixing textures and correctly placed color accents, a man's bedroom can easily turn into a place that has a rest.

First of all, it is necessary to choose the central link of the future interior, it can be almost any large thing - a bright representative of this stylistic direction: a bed, a wardrobe, a picture, a panel and more.

After that, relying on the central link, we gradually form the interior, assembling it by elements: futuristic walls and ceiling with built-in lamps, an abundance of sophisticated technology, built-in furniture, complex and functional, but completely devoid of complex decor.

Windows can be decorated with light fabrics, without bright patterns, frills, lambrequins. The colors that men prefer are dark green, gray, dark beige, brown, blue, steel, black. The bedroom should not be overloaded with accessories, there should be very few of them, but they should reflect the character of a person, his inner world. It can be a framed photo, a collectible poster or a figurine, or something else. Straight clear lines, simplicity of forms, combining rationality and practicality in the rest room, that's what most of the stronger sex will appreciate.

Furniture and textiles in the men's bedroom

The practical component is the basis of a man's bedroom.

  • As already noted, a man's bedroom should be comfortable and correspond to his habits, needs, psychophysiological characteristics. The bed, which occupies a “central” place in the bedroom, should be selected taking into account the growth and build of the representative of the stronger sex. As a rule, wide and long beds with a strong base and a hard mattress are chosen. A comfortable bedside table with practical spotlights is installed nearby, and a plasma TV is usually hung opposite the bed.
  • As for the storage system, in the dressing room for a man, there should be as many hangers and bars as possible so that clothes and suits are always in perfect ironed condition and do not wrinkle on narrow shelves. This is best provided by sliding wardrobes and corner cabinets. The rhythm of life of a modern man and the expanding wardrobe require such a storage organization that would allow, if necessary, to quickly find the right thing: clothes, shoes, ties, etc. In addition to the basic elements, modern wardrobe systems have a number of specific components - hooks, hangers for trousers and ties, baskets, shoe stands, accessory holders, drawers and boxes. With the creation of an ergonomic storage system in the men's bedroom, there will be a permanent order, you will not want to return to chaos.
  • Any man will also approach the design of the workplace seriously. If the bedroom area allows, then you can combine the bedroom with an office, but in a small room you need to find a place for a table. The main attributes on it will be a designer lamp, an organizer, and possibly a frame with a photo. A good table must be complemented by an armchair and a leather upholstered chair.
  • The textile elements of a man’s bedroom should also be practical, it is necessary to exclude “capricious” fabrics and materials, and use only those that are easy to wash and clean. But this does not mean at all that men with taste cannot choose expensive and refined materials such as velvet, silk or satin. It is better to choose curtains or drapes from heavy dense fabric that does not let light through in order to create a twilight environment as if in the lair of a predatory beast. On the floor, instead of carpets in the men's bedroom, you can find an artificial skin of an animal. An animal theme can have a bedspread or a blanket on the bed.

Thus, in the men's bedroom, everything should match the owner - rich, stylish and ergonomic. Of course, much depends on the taste and preferences of a person, his character, position in society, income, but one thing remains the main thing - the male interior, this is the availability of technology, the predominance of simple, functional furniture, decorating with unusual objects - from car models to Krishna figurines.

Photos of men's bedrooms