Landscape design with a swimming pool in Mediterranean style. Dreams of a fairy tale, or a Mediterranean-style garden. Architectural landscape elements

How nice it is in the summer! We associate summer with exciting travel, water, sun, relaxation and holidays. outdoors. Why not delay summer longer by creating on your own summer cottage a corner of the Mediterranean? Garden in Mediterranean style- spectacular, cozy and cheerful, reminiscent of the sunny south, as if you were in Italy or Greece. If your plot is small (and this style looks best on miniature pieces of land, from 1 to 6 acres) and sunny and, moreover, its configuration allows you to arrange a patio, there is every reason to create a garden in this style. And the area is narrow and long in in this case becomes a virtue! The Mediterranean garden does not require constant care and is suitable for those who cannot constantly be in the countryside.

Key elements of landscape design:

Inner patio.
Natural materials: limestone, ceramics.
Bright plants.
Paving and platforms.
Handmade objects and accessories.
Garden screens.
Cozy nooks.
Lots of garden furniture.
Moderate use of water - in the form of small fountains.
No lawns.
Islands of light gravel, through which individual stone slabs are laid.

Layout features:

A fountain or tiny pond is located in the center of the patio.
The patio should be hidden from prying eyes on all sides by walls or vertical landscaping.
Containers with plants are displayed in picturesque groups on the patio or gravel backfill. There are a lot of containers, and the sizes range from gigantic to tiny.
Bright, colorful plantings of flowers and groups of trees are located mainly along the perimeter of the site.
Garden areas are visually separated by numerous pergolas and trellises, preferably wooden.

Color solution:

Predominant colors: beige, sand, white, terracotta (reddish). There is no black and gray, dark colors and shades. In addition, the following are characteristic: azure blue, blue, sunny yellow, orange, bright red. Contrasting combinations are popular.

Plants style:

Trees: plum, pear, cherry, apple and columnar apple, apricot, serviceberry, cherry, varietal rowan, chestnut, Manchurian walnut. Ornamental fruit trees are well suited; among conifers, it is best to plant thuja occidentalis.
Shrubs: boxwood, euonymus, weigela, viburnum buldenezh, ornamental honeysuckle, grapes. It would be great if it was cultural, but it could also be girlish or Amur.
Perennials and flowers: clematis (any), sweet pea and hops, morning glory, fire beans, irises, dahlias, various daisies, coreopsis, rudbeckia, echinacea, fragrant tobacco, varietal calendula, marigolds, ageratum, zinnia, petunia. Decorate the garden: dark amaranth, decorative mint, salvia ( better mixture varieties). Along the fence you can plant a lot of gladioli, bindweed, and giant onions. Nasturtium fits very well with the Mediterranean theme. Lavender can be replaced with scepter mullein or speedwell. It is good to plant clumps of thyme among the gravel.

Small architectural forms:

Geometric ornament.
Terracotta containers and plant pots.
Gazebos in the form of pergolas with a canopy.
Mosaic - inside the patio and on the walls.
Figures made of terracotta are conventional, stylized.
Sea shells.
Benches made of painted wood.
Garden “curtains” made of twisted wires and spirals.
Garden furniture - elegant wrought iron chairs and a round table.
Decorative terracotta balls.

Landscape designer tips:

The house itself and all buildings should be light.
For tracks, in addition natural stone, you can use cast tiles in matching colors, especially when you need to lay out a pattern.
To decorate the barbecue, it is better to take white or yellow brick.
A spectacular composition for a Mediterranean garden: a pot lying on gravel and a handful of mosaics, as if scattered from it.
The vegetable garden can be located in large pots. In a garden of this style it is usually small: mainly made up of greenery and herbs.
Plain boards painted blue, can be used for making shutters summer house or kitchens.
Use the fence area to hang containers of hanging plants.
Strongly aromatic plants, as well as plants with narrow foliage, are very suitable for this style. So in the summer, use your patio to bring out decorative indoor plants- dracaenas, cordilines, sansevierias, laurel, lemon, aspidistra, yucca.

Material prepared

As the Olympics in Sochi shows, in the summer city to spend winter games quite possible. You just need to try really hard. In our article we will do a little the opposite: in winter time let's talk about summer. More precisely, about how to decorate your garden in a Mediterranean style. There is not much left until spring - you will have just time to prepare and plan everything. Well, it’s time to finally continue our series of materials about world styles garden art. , ... the time has come for Greece and Cyprus!

One of the main functions of a Mediterranean garden is to provide shade. Unlike Japanese and English styles, the feature of the coastal garden is regular lines, simple and unpretentious plants. And most importantly, architectural forms come to the fore.

Coastal landscape

On Russian six hundred square meters you rarely find perfectly flat areas. Sometimes the height difference is 1-2 m. And the soil at such a dacha is heterogeneous. Original and simple solution will become terracing plot. Residents of the Mediterranean have long figured out how to do this. Remember the Greek Santoria, whose streets go down to seashore like steps. This is a series of flat areas that are connected by steps and inclined paths.

Terraces can occupy the entire site or be part of a recreation area. It is enough to level two or three areas so that at least one of them is higher than the others. Wild stone, tiles, and wood are used as paving. Concrete slabs are allowed.

The terraces are connected by steps or paths. At sudden change heights, ladders will come in handy, no matter two, three or seven steps, stone or wooden.

If the height difference between the terraces is gentle, paths are used. They can be made from tiles or more traditional gravel. Even ordinary trampled earth will not ruin the view. A patio - and this is what terraced areas in the Mediterranean style are called - allows you to fill the gaps between the areas with lush greenery and flower beds.

There is another way to create a resort atmosphere in your dacha. It is suitable for budget-conscious owners. It combines paving surfaces and a pond: next to a spacious rectangular area, a deep pond of regular shape is formed. Its side rises above the terrace. Water, reflecting the sun's rays, scatters light and creates the effect different heights. The pond performs another role - it provides the recreation area with coolness. In it on warm time year, you can place swordtails or another type of indoor fish, and place a pot with flowering plants next to the side.

Colorful paradise

When the “skeleton” of the garden is ready, the owner of the dacha will have to choose the plants. The basis for bright and blooming garden there will be evergreen conifers. They feel good both in the Mediterranean and in Russian latitudes different types junipers, yews, barberries. Hostas and ferns support the green note. And here the height of the plants plays an important role: as in the case of the patio, trees, shrubs and flowers create a “ladder effect”. Evergreens will retain the bulk of the garden even in winter.

In the Mediterranean style it is not customary to use only perennials. Rose hips, cereals, annuals - their combination will ensure the garden blooms for 6-8 months. It is important to choose plants so that their flowering times vary. Immediately after the snow melts, bright yellow forsythia blooms; the usual lilac pleases the eye from late April to mid-May. Then comes the turn of rosehip and cinquefoil, which bloom until October.

The Mediterranean style allows you to play with colors, and not necessarily just plants. Often used for decorative filling of flower beds. colored glass and multi-colored ceramic chips. This allows you to emphasize the originality of the garden.

Very rarely in Russia trees are used to create a Mediterranean atmosphere. Although during the flowering period the trees coastal zone very beautiful. In addition, their wood is often used to make furniture: chairs and tables made of sycamore are highly valued by connoisseurs for their particular strength.

During flowering, yellow acacia emits an unusual exciting aroma. Such “Mediterranean plants” do not bear fruit, so summer residents are indifferent to them. These trees do not require special care and patiently endure cold winters. They will help create the shade needed for shrubs, flowers and lawns.

In addition to ground plants, coastal residents use trees and shrubs in tubs. For example, lemon or orange. Citrus seedlings are actively sold in greenhouses, and some enthusiasts grow them on windowsills in apartments. Another cheap and elegant option is flowering cactus or oleander. Choose your decorative plant pots carefully. The effect of antiquity and relief patterns are valued here. You can use broken jugs, cans and old barrels for flower pots.

To maintain plant diversity, it is necessary to water the garden generously twice a day. Make sure that the soil remains moist at a depth of 5 cm. During particularly dry periods, cover plants from direct sun rays using awnings or stretched mesh. For the winter, junipers are tied with a soft cord, drawing the branches to the trunk, and covered with burlap on top.

Creative approach

Residents of the Mediterranean do not separate the garden from the house itself. Sometimes the terrace is a natural continuation of the foundation, and the roof of the gazebo is inseparable from pitched roof Houses. Transformable gazebos are very popular: a frame-base made of timber, pitched roof. They serve as makeshift walls decorative fabrics. You can sit on a chaise lounge or couch different sizes. This version of the gazebo can change according to your mood, just replace the textiles.

Pergolas give a special charm to the garden - composite structures of arches connected to each other. They help to hide in the shade on the hottest day. The “corridor”, which forms a pergola, diffuses light and protects plant leaves from sunburn. The pergola is made from processed wooden beam. The wood is painted white or silver and touched up every two years. Often, in order to enhance the “corridor” effect, shrubs 1-2 meters high are planted next to the pergola.

In addition to places equipped for recreation, in Mediterranean garden Small architectural forms are present in abundance. These could be statues or geometric shapes: stone balls on a rectangular pedestal and cubes illuminated by lamps. Multi-colored sculptures of turtles and frogs, hidden in flower beds, will help enliven the garden and will not contradict the overall style.

...There is just a little bit of winter left – and you can already start transforming your garden. Mediterranean style - why not? We hope our tips will help you!

Hello, dear friends! Who among us does not dream of warm countries and the sea... Where there is eternal sun and a lot of bright colors, it seems that positivity always prevails and summer mood. However, in our climatic conditions you can create an island of warmth and positivity.

In this article you will learn how you can recreate a piece of the sunny Mediterranean on your site. I really like the Mediterranean style! Let's talk about it!

Mediterranean style – diverse and many-sided. It has absorbed the characteristics of many countries, such as France, Italy, Spain and Greece, Morocco. Having recognized him distinctive features, you can enjoy the riot of colors and good mood for a long time.

Spanish style may include Moorish or Moroccan influences such as wrought iron, vibrant tile and plaster patterns, and vibrant fabrics. A riot of colors and always a summer mood - this is the Spanish style.

Greek style closely connected with the sea, with a large number dark blue tones - crisp turquoise mixed with white plaster. This style is characterized by white walls, blue shutters and doors. Main principle construction is minimalism and functionality; the houses look like a box. Houses without attics . Mostly houses are built on the basis of a concrete frame - structures made of pillars and floor slabs. Brickwork and the concrete frame is usually covered with colored plaster light colors. IN in some cases used in finishing natural stone. Mandatory presence of terraces and loggias, awnings and shutters. The roof is usually flat or has a slight angle of inclination, the roof is made of ceramic tiles.

Italian style contains many natural materials such as ceramic tiles, clay tiles, wood. Great value give color. IN Italian garden The dark green color of evergreen pine trees and boxwood dominates. Curly pruning of trees is one of the main accents in an Italian style garden. Italian style goes quite well with various shades of stone - beige, pink, gray, golden.

Do not think that the Mediterranean style is not suitable for the Russian regions. Many of their greenhouse plants can be replaced with our analogues. After all, we will not simply copy this style. We will draw from it the most interesting and acceptable for each of us and add something of our own!

The main features of the Mediterranean style.

Creating a landscape Mediterranean style starts with plants, which are classics in the Mediterranean region. These are olive trees and cypress trees, palm trees and citrus fruits. Olive tree Of course, it will not grow in cold regions, because it is a very heat-loving tree that requires special care. It can be safely replaced with a plant such as silver oleaster or sea buckthorn. In general, it is better to give preference to plants that have leathery or glossy leaves. Barberry and cotoneaster, boxwood and mahonia are suitable here.


Our conifers (spruce, pine, thuja) and evergreen shrubs (boxwood, euonymus) will create the illusion of the Mediterranean. Cypress can be replaced with juniper virginiana (skyrocket), it resembles cypress in its elongated shape crowns The varieties Pyramidalis and Schotti have a similar crown shape.

It is better to display citrus fruits in pots for the summer season from the house to the terrace. The same geranium in clay pots will fit perfectly into Mediterranean style.

Mediterranean landscape It wouldn't be complete without herbs such as English lavender and rosemary. They can be grown in raised beds and plant pots.

The most basic and important thing when setting up a garden in a Mediterranean style is the presence of an enclosed space. Because it's real cozy atmosphere possible only in limited space. Tall stone or clay walls usually surround the entire garden. Although this is the main condition, not everyone can build additional buildings in their garden. But there is an alternative to additional construction - to use existing walls of various buildings, creating small patios between them. For example, between a house and a bathhouse or barn. Many plots are not large - on these it is better to create a single patio with a terrace, a herb garden, a fountain or a flowerpot with flowers. The entire area can become a recreation area. The vegetable garden can be separated by a pergola or hedge.

In a traditional Mediterranean garden it is appropriate to use stone for small architectural forms (, etc.) to add color and texture to the landscape. It is better to use sandstone or yellow brick white flowers. When creating paths, choose light-colored stone, which is often used in Mediterranean gardens, as sidewalks and patios are sunlight They get very hot and this creates inconvenience. Light stone solves this problem. Stone tiles, such as travertine will provide more professional look For pedestrian paths and patio.

Such a garden is characterized by the installation of fountains, waterfalls and cascades. The murmur of water on a hot day brings coolness and peace. In a garden, a stone fountain usually serves as the central composition. Most often it has a regular shape (circle, square, polygon), but you can also use a flowerpot or jug. Moreover, the fountain can be small in size.

Relief is the main decoration of the garden. Elevation changes on the site are a traditional phenomenon for the Mediterranean landscape. The stylization of the garden in the Mediterranean style is especially enhanced by terracing, numerous retaining walls and Various canopies, pergolas, wooden trellises, arches, canvas awnings, living arches of trees and benches located under them will create volume in your garden and radically change the overall atmosphere

Use of statues and ceramics throughout the yard, helps highlight character and highlight the visual appearance of the Mediterranean style. You need to choose traditional statues - statues with images of Roman numerals, Greek gods and animals such as lions, all of which also correspond to the style. This is of course not for everybody. I wouldn't imitate the Mediterranean style so much. And statues are not cheap, unless you are Tsereteli!!!))

By the way, it is welcome if there is one on the site. It's great if the site . Look for ideas using the link!

I thought for a long time about the style of my garden and settled on the Mediterranean. Firstly, we have an area with elevation changes; secondly, there is a natural reservoir; thirdly, I really love stone, wood and forging, plants in clay pots and conifers. In addition, based on this, we plan to paint the façade of the house in light color... The frames are dark, the facade is light ( textured plaster), there is an exit (both fell in love with the house project) from the house directly to the terrace, when entering the garden down the steps of the patio in a secluded corner (this is in the plans). So it's mine!!! Many probably thought that it would be expensive (judging by the photos) to create such a style on the site? However, in defense of this style, I will say that many accessories and basic elements are completely replaceable with more budget ones. Let's take a look:

Furniture - a durable alternative could be a good quality wooden table or small table, or a comfortable wicker furniture. Informal furniture, for modern Mediterranean, in metal or wood can be painted to suit your mood or preference. Here too, slightly peeling paint can add charm. Various changes can be made quite quickly and will not cost much - using a variety of tablecloths and pillows.

Fountain - where are we from big fountains with statues!!! A large jug or flowerpot will ideally replace bulky elements.

Paths – For a rustic feel, opt for gravel to add texture. By the way, this is more budget option paving. Gravel is good for isolated areas or as filler between flower beds where there is little foot traffic; cobblestones are effective for curved elements and path details. All this will create the desired antiquity effect and will absorb and radiate the heat needed by the plants.

Pots - pots, pots...pots with flowers everywhere! They can be displayed along the steps or on the terrace in groups, and it all blooms, smells, and pleases the eye!!!

You can use pottery for planting, or simply place ceramics in the corners of your patio or deck to add a Mediterranean-inspired visual appeal. Terracotta pots will fit perfectly into the Mediterranean landscape if you dig a little jug in a secluded corner of the garden and lay out pieces of ceramics (as if it had spilled out of it), and “forget” it there. Pots work well self made, especially aged ones, with a touch of antiquity, so to speak.

Urns, bowls and even olive jars can serve as plant pots. Decorative stones and other materials will be useful in a Mediterranean-style garden.

Mosaic is one of the most important decorative elements of a Mediterranean style garden.

Especially luxurious combinations are obtained when four elements meet at once in one corner of the site - water, stone, dense vegetation and mosaic. Flower pots you can decorate it yourself pieces of broken tiles, shells, pebbles or colored glass. This original work will definitely not require large investments!

When you choose color palette for Mediterranean landscape, don't stick soft shades, such as pastels. Instead, turn on the brave ones, bright shades furniture pillows, ceramic tableware and other accessories. Other shades that work well in Mediterranean style are red, yellow and orange.

We looked at the photos, noticed something for ourselves and go ahead, create, make sketches!!!

So, let's summarize briefly:

The house itself and all buildings should be light.
For paths, in addition to natural stone, you can use cast tiles of appropriate colors, especially when you need to lay out an ornament.
To decorate the barbecue, it is better to take white or yellow brick.
A spectacular composition for a Mediterranean garden: a pot lying on gravel and a handful of mosaics, as if scattered from it.
The vegetable garden can be placed in large pots. In a garden of this style it is usually small: mainly made up of greenery and herbs (well, this is for those, of course, who do not keep a large garden)
Simple boards painted blue can be used to make shutters for a summer house or kitchen (Greek style)
Use the fence area to hang containers of hanging plants.
Strongly aromatic plants, as well as plants with narrow foliage, are very suitable for this style. So in the summer, use your patio to bring out decorative houseplants - dracaenas, laurel, lemon, aspidistra, yucca.

What's good about this style?- because it is very diverse! You can choose any direction for yourself - Spanish, Italian, Greek, and each will delight you with warmth and its mood!

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Don't let your plot look like your neighbor's!

Best regards, Tatyana!

If you love Mediterranean resorts for their cheerful, sunny landscapes, why not keep a little of your holiday to yourself personal plot? The garden, designed in a Mediterranean style, will give you the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the coastal regions of Greece, Cyprus and Spain in your own suburban area.


The main feature of the Mediterranean style is the widespread use of natural stone: from large boulders to small pebbles. This feature is due to the rocky terrain of the Mediterranean coasts.

Among the plants, palm trees, olive and citrus fruits are popular. Fruit plants are selected taking into account their practical purpose - it’s always nice when the garden is beautiful and useful. Toparia look nice - trees with fancy crowns created with the help of a special haircut.

When choosing decorative elements, preference is given to antique style–vases, amphorae and others ceramic products look quite appropriate. You can place them anywhere: in a recreation area, along paths, in the middle of the lawn, etc.


The Mediterranean direction is great solution for those who like to care for their plants themselves, but cannot or do not want to spend several hours in the garden every day. When landscaping the area, you can limit yourself to hardy plants, which do not require careful maintenance, and the slight unkemptness of the plantings within the framework of the concept is considered as an advantage, not a omission.

Frost-resistant grapes are perfect for garden landscaping. It looks great and is able to please its owner with delicious fruits. Vertical surfaces are decorated with virgin grapes, clematis or climbing roses. You can diversify your palette with potted plants. They are placed on windows, next to trees, decorative elements and outdoor furniture.

The beauty of the gardens of southern Europe does not leave almost any person indifferent. Anyone who has been to the southern regions of Italy at least once will forever remember cute gardens, which are in every courtyard, everyone local resident. These kindergartens, despite their small size, look very beautiful, romantic and, as already written, cute.

Like a toy that you want to play with. I want to come to this garden again and again, I want to dream, love, think and live in it. That is why the Mediterranean style is one of the most favorites in landscape design, but at the same time, one of the most difficult to create and design.

Mediterranean style - features and attractions

A garden made in this style is very practical. Everything about it is thought out. Everything is created for the owners to relax, to enjoy the beauty of nature, to relax with the aromas of herbs and flowers.

All the plants in the Mediterranean garden have their practical purpose. That is, if these are trees, then they are necessarily fruit-bearing, if these are flowers, then they are necessarily spicy or giving edible fruits, if these are herbs, then you can certainly pick them and throw them straight from the garden into your tea or rub them on the cooking duck. Also distinctive feature are trimmed bushes and trees. Usually boxwoods are used for this purpose. It was in Italy that the first people began to trim plants, creating from them figures of various animals, people, objects, or simply some form: a cube, a ball, etc.

One more A feature of this style is the obligatory use of stone or tiles. By the way, the Mediterranean style is specifically associated with terracotta tiles, which add “cuteness” and “cuteness” to the garden. The use of natural stone in design did not appear out of nowhere. This aspect This is due to the fact that most of it is located near the water, which means that stones are an attribute that nature itself bestows. The other part of the gardens is located in mountainous areas, which means that the same stone remains a friend.

There are a lot of different little decorations in the Mediterranean garden. At every corner, on every path, there is either a ceramic vase, or a beautiful statue, or a flowerpot filled with soil, and planted in it. beautiful flowers.

The Mediterranean style is very popular, but not everyone can afford to design a garden in this style.. This is explained by the fact that many plants simply cannot grow in our climate. Many heat-loving trees and shrubs do not take root and grow poorly, as they are accustomed to completely different conditions and soils. However, there is a way out.

Particularly heat-loving plants (various palm trees) can be planted in containers. There are many advantages to this method of growing. Firstly, you can transfer the same plant to different places: today it stands in the center of the lawn, and tomorrow it covers the patio from the sultry rays of the sun. Secondly, a plant in a container can very easily be brought to some warm place while it is autumn, winter and early spring outside. This will allow the plant to easily overwinter, and will save you from many worries.

Some heat-loving plants can be replaced with our native ones. For example, viburnum will protect you very well from scorching rays.

Hugely popular in the Mediterranean enjoys magnolias and boxwoods. Magnolias are used to decorate the site; they are planted in the background as a backdrop for low-growing flowering plants. Boxwoods are used to create various compositions. Boxwood bushes are great option for haircut. Therefore, it is from boxwood that beautiful trimmed walls and statues are created.

Also in the Mediterranean they really love roses that are planted in large groups, forming entire rosaries. Rose may be different shades: from pure white to dark lilac, almost black.

At the foot of trees and shrubs various herbs: basil, mint, lemon balm, sage, thyme, chicory, oregano and others. They will serve not only to decorate the area, but also serve a practical purpose, as they can be used in cooking.

Periwinkle and cotoneaster perfectly decorate the site with their pearlescent foliage. In addition to their foliage, many species of periwinkle and cotoneaster bloom very beautifully.

In the Mediterranean garden, cypress is considered one of the main plants. This plant is very thermophilic, so it can be replaced similar plants. Juniper and thuja work well for this purpose.

Arbors should be covered with plants. Heat-loving vines can easily be replaced with virgin grapes, clematis or climbing varieties honeysuckle Curly forms of roses will also look good. The rose will braid the arbor, forming a dense wall, and bloom with its beautiful flowers.

A Mediterranean-style garden must have a small topiary. IN southern countries Cypress trees are used for this purpose. In our country, you can use spirea and barberry for this. In addition, these plants tolerate shearing very easily, and this will allow you to create sheared compositions from them.

Small architectural forms and landscape decorations

A special role in decoration of the landscape of the garden, made in the Mediterranean style, is a pond. The very understanding of a reservoir is blurred, since it may not be a traditional pond, but a stream, fountain or waterfall. It is also often practiced to create three or four separate ponds located in a group. They have no direct connection with each other, but visually they are a single whole.

The fountain is one of the favorite elements. It is placed in the foreground so that it is visible to everyone. Or they are located in some secluded corner, to which only the owners have access. In it they take a break from work and unnecessary glances, and the sound of water created by the fountain will help them relax.

It is simply impossible to imagine the Mediterranean style of a garden without gazebos and arches entwined with plants. Wood is usually used to create them, but stone is also used.

Secluded corner of the garden

If you are making a garden in a Mediterranean style, then you simply must provide a corner in which only you can stay, relax there, enjoy the beauty of nature and silence.

Create cozy corner possible in the depths of the garden under the canopy of trees. The entrance to it should be “curtained” climbing plants. You definitely need to think about what will happen in this place: what plants will grow, what furniture will stand.

Inside your secret corner you can place a fountain, as was written above, you can put some beautiful statue. It is preferable to plant those plants that have beautiful flowers, foliage and a strong, pleasant aroma.

We have described the basic principles of creating a garden in a Mediterranean style. If you decide to decorate your garden in this style, then don’t limit yourself to them. Imagine! Look for new ones design solutions, even if they seem very brave to you! The main thing to remember is that all elements must be combined with each other, complement each other. You can create a truly beautiful, soulful garden only when creating it, you treat everything with love, invest not only energy and time, but also your soul. Good luck in creating your own corner of the Mediterranean!

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