Why dream of eating black olives. Dream Interpretation: why the Olive Tree is dreaming, olives, to see the Olive Tree in a dream, what olives mean. Dream Interpretation of Medium Miss Hasse

In a dream, ripe and strong olives are considered a symbol of peace and immortality. Why are they dreaming? To prosperity, well-being, love and prosperity. The dream book will consider in detail the main details of the image and give them a complete description.

Only good!

What is the olive tree in the night? It marks mental stability, calmness and peace of mind.

Dreamed of a flowering plant? The dream interpretation prophesies true friends and timely help. If the indicated vision happened to be seen by a married dreamer, then he will have a pleasant trip or vacation with his family.

In a dream, walking through an olive grove literally means that in reality, bad omens will suddenly turn into good events.

Miller's note

What does this tree mean according to Mr. Miller's dream book? He prophesies recognition of merit, respect for others and unexpected financial income. For a pregnant woman, the image guarantees an easy and safe birth of a healthy baby.

Life will get better!

Why else dream of a tree hung with ripe olives? If a sick person dreamed about it, then an indispensable recovery awaits him.

To the condemned dreamer, the dream book promises an early release, and for everyone else, the fruit-bearing tree is a new love or mutually beneficial partnership.


Finding olives lying on the ground in a dream is a difficult job for which you do not require reward or gratitude. If you collected them, then the money will soon roll in.

Did you see familiar characters helping you? In reality, fate will present a delightful surprise and give good luck.

Take action!

Why dream of green olives hanging on branches? The dream book believes that in the near future you will be extremely inattentive and distracted. And all because you are seriously in love.

However, green fruits in a dream call for caution, calmness and delicacy. Any inappropriate outburst of emotions can hurt. In addition, this is the perfect time for reconciliation.

Dreamed of ripe green olives? Completely spontaneously acquire an expensive item, but a sudden profit will cover all costs.

Bribe or fun?

Why do black olives dream? They promise an unusual acquaintance and broad prospects. Just seeing one or more berries in a dream means that you will have to pay a bribe.

Had a dream that you collected olives in huge quantities? The dream interpretation guarantees great joy, significant success and long-awaited well-being. Seeing any olives in a jar is a sign of fun or a lavish feast.

The value of the details

The interpretation of sleep will not be complete if you do not take into account other details of the dream plot. The dream interpretation offers a number of decryptions.

  • The olive branch symbolizes reconciliation even with enemies.
  • The wreath promises disappointment.
  • Olives in sauce hint at household chores.
  • Bones portend near happiness.

Why dream of olive oil? In a dream, this product calls not to rush things. Dreamed of olive oil? Alas, in difficult times you will have to rely solely on your own strength.

Seize the chance!

Did you have to eat delicious olives in a dream? The dream interpretation is sure that you know how to enjoy life.

Did you happen to eat canned fruits? Upcoming events will help you rise above your usual life and significantly improve it. There will be a chance to get a new position and get rich.

Good in every way.

Harvesting olives in a dream- portends you significant success.

Find one or more olives in a dream- a sign of unexpected joy.

Olive stone- suggests that your happiness is not far off, you just need to be patient and not give up.

Modern combined dream book

Seeing a flowering olive tree in a dream- make true friends who you can rely on in difficult times. For a married man this dream- means an exciting journey in a pleasant and cheerful company.

A dream in which you see a fruitful olive tree- a very auspicious sign. You will be recognized by colleagues and close friends. Large financial inflows are expected. For a pregnant woman such a dream- portends a successful easy delivery and a healthy baby.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone a bad dream before dinner.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Ripe, strong olives: a sign of prosperity and happiness. This dream is good in every way.

Harvesting olives in a dream portends you significant success.

Find one or more olives: a sign of unexpected joy.

Olive bone: suggests that your happiness is just around the corner, you just need to be patient and not give up.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the 20th century

Dream Interpretation - Black color in a dream

Color in a dream is a reflection of your overt or hidden emotions. Black color symbolizes focus on one's deep feelings. You worry that you will grapple with someone, and as a result of this conflict you will be unpleasantly hurt (sleep with a snake) kittens - this desire to take care of someone .. But it did not work out very well. The episode with the dress reflects the situation that .. You perceive yourself badly..

Dream Interpretation - A black horse with a high temperature, a homeless woman, a foreign car

This dream suggests the difficulties of choosing between the Desired (feelings, emotions) and the Beneficial (social standards, foundations) - this may be the choice of a partner, a deal or a direction in life. But one thing is certain in a dream - at the moment the Dreamer corresponds with her energy only to the Horse (the hot Horse is bored), and not to the gray Jeep (a fragment of the new Asphalt cannot withstand the Jeep and melts), since she does not have a "stable foundation" for the Greater, she is not ready solve problems not of their level. Good luck!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

To dream that you are picking olives - to peace, pleasure and happiness in family life and in all other cases. Seeing that you are eating them is a harbinger that you will rise above your current circumstances, whatever they may be, that you will achieve favor and support from influential people who will help you take a profitable place and get rich. For lovers, seeing olives in a dream - picking or eating them - is a sign of a happy fate: they can be sure of the sincerity and purity of intentions of the one who gives them their attention. They are waiting for a happy marriage and a life full of prosperity.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

Dream Interpretation - Olives

An olive grove in a dream is a sign of wealth, prosperity and sadness about the past.

To see an olive tree in a dream is a harbinger of death for the patient; For a healthy person, such a dream predicts illness. However, to see an olive tree with fruits in a dream is a harbinger of peace, tranquility, prosperity. Sometimes such a dream predicts the fulfillment of a desire. Olive tree flowers in a dream foreshadow the birth of children for women, for girls - an early marriage, for men - joy, strong friendship, prosperity and success in business. A wreath of its branches in a dream portends health and well-being, especially if you see it on your head. The olive branches you saw in a dream portend peace and a serene existence. Sometimes such a dream predicts a marriage without love and without children, and sometimes the reconciliation of rivals or enemies. Olive branches have long been considered a symbol of peace, prosperity, prosperity and health. For the military, this dream portends the imminent end of hostilities. Therefore, any dream about them is favorable, unless you see in a dream that the branches are broken, withered, etc. In this case, the dream portends you that you wish for the impossible. Collecting or lifting olives from the ground, or getting oil from them in a dream means that you have a lot of hard work to do. See interpretation: tree, branches, leaves.

Interpretation of dreams from
  • Picking olives in the company of cheerful friends - fate will bring you delicious surprises and success will accompany you.
  • Opening a jar of olives - fun and joy await you.
  • Break a jar of olives - disappointment will precede pleasure.
  • There are olives - you are satisfied with your life and surroundings.
  • To see a flowering olive tree - you will be recognized by colleagues and close friends; large financial gains are expected.
  • To see a fruitful olive tree - you will be recognized by colleagues and close friends; large financial gains are expected.

Eastern female dream book

  • What do Olives dream about in a dream book: There are olives - Illness.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

  • To see or eat olives is a need / caution in everything / a warning from a frivolous adventure.

Esoteric dream book

  • There is - enjoy life.
  • Seeing, treating someone is a joy from children and loved ones.

Psychoanalytic dream book

  • There are olives - a disease.

Autumn dream book

  • What do Olives dream about in a dream book: Olives - There are olives in a dream - for the presentation of your office.

Spring dream book

  • What do Olives dream about in a dream book: Olives - To the acquisition of an expensive thing, to unexpected luxury.

Summer dream book

  • What do Olives dream about in a dream book: Olives - Seeing in a dream how you eat olives - to a banquet.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

  • To dream that you are picking olives - to peace, pleasure and happiness in family life and in all other cases. Seeing that you are eating them is a harbinger that you will rise above your current circumstances, whatever they may be, that you will achieve favor and support from influential people who will help you take a profitable place and get rich. For lovers, seeing olives in a dream - picking or eating them - is a sign of a happy fate: they can be sure of the sincerity and purity of intentions of the one who gives them their attention. They are waiting for a happy marriage and a life full of prosperity.

Miller's dream book

  • It may be a symbol of peace. Do you offer an olive branch to your opponent as a sign of reconciliation?
  • Numbness/loss of sensation
  • This may mean that you are cut off from your own feelings, that you are suppressing what scares you. It may also indicate that you are in a state of emotional shock. If this is true, see a psychotherapist.

Aesop's dream book

  • Much like nuts, olives are a sexual symbol. Black olives mean that you will enjoy intimate relationships with someone you already know and spend time in the company of close friends. Green - that you will enjoy an intimate relationship with someone you do not know yet, with whom you will soon make friends.

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

  • You will give the official a bribe.

See interpretation: olive tree, olive oil, plants, food