Description of the stylish and hardy ficus ali plant. Ficus Binnendijka: home care Ficus willow

In the photo, ficus "Benedict":

Home care

The acquisition must be given time to acclimatize.

To do this, the ficus is put in a permanent place - well-lit, but without access to direct sunlight and left alone for a couple of weeks.

Only water when needed.

Then the tropical guest is removed from the soil, the roots are washed and examined to identify problem areas - rotten and dried roots, the presence of soil pests.

All dead and rotten parts are cut off, and healthy tissues are disinfected with crushed activated or charcoal.

After the procedure, the ficus is transplanted into a suitable pot with a complete replacement of the soil.


Ficus Benedict is afraid of the cold and does not survive when the temperature drops below 11-13°, but it also does not tolerate heat well, throwing off most of the green leaves.

Advice: Optimal content for 23-26° summer and 14-16 in winter.

The air should always be fresh, but without sudden changes in temperature, cold snaps and drafts.

The ficus is unlikely to endure a hot jet coming out of a heater, fan or air conditioner.


Tropical ficus does not tolerate complete drying of the soil in a pot in the same way as stagnant water.

It is optimal to moisten the plant when the earth dries to a depth of 3-4 cm and becomes crumbly.

Attention: Be sure to pour out the water that has collected in the pan so as not to cause root rot!

It is required to spray the green mass daily to create conditions close to natural - as a resident of the tropics, Benedict's ficus requires highly humidified air.

In dry periods, an open container with water or moistened stones can be placed next to the plant.


At home, it practically does not bloom, only in natural conditions.

crown formation

Pruning must be done at an early age. to give some kind of permanent shape, while the ficus has flexible stems.

The procedure is carried out during the active growing season, trying not to touch the tree in winter and autumn, so as not to get a one-sided plant with an ugly skew.

The most suitable time- spring, when a rested flower has a large supply of new vitality and can grow evenly, developing many shoots at once.

When forming the crown, the physiological characteristics of the ficus Benedict are taken into account.

New stems appear from the lateral and apical buds, the latter developing much faster than the others and greatly inhibiting their growth.

Cutting off the top stimulates the awakening and subsequent activity of the lateral buds.

Crown can be made almost any- standard, in the form of a bush, bonsai, arc or ball.

In addition, there is ficus weaving and the formation of sculptures. What form to give the Benedict ficus is up to you.

The pruning technique is simple. Using a sharply sharpened knife or secateurs, cut off the shoot above the kidney and wipe it with a clean sponge until the milky juice is released.

Then the wound is powdered with activated or charcoal powder to protect against infection.

Pathogenic fungus likes to attack such stumps.


The soil must be fertile and rich, but at the same time loose and breathable so that water does not linger in it.

For its preparation, sod and leaf soil, sand, humus, peat and loosening components such as perlite are used.

Landing and transplant

It is carried out in the spring, before the start of intensive development of the ficus.

Replanting every year is completely optional and even harmful - exotic doesn't like change and can get stressed.

The signal for transplantation is the rapid drying of the earth in a pot means that the root system has grown greatly and does not fit in containers.

In adult specimens, you can not change the soil, it is enough to pour the right amount of earth.

Thus, the risk of developing stressful conditions is reduced.

Young and actively growing ficuses require fresh, undepleted soil.

At the bottom of the new pot, a drainage layer is placed, consisting of any stones - broken brick, expanded clay, river and sea pebbles.

Thus, he signals the presence of unfavorable factors for him.

If the leaves first turn black and then fall off, there are sharp jumps in temperature.

Yellow and sluggish leaves hint at excessive lighting or waterlogging of the soil in a pot.

root rot

Ficus is wilted, does not straighten out even after watering and spraying, the soil in the pot dries out for a very long time, development stops - all these are symptoms of the development of fungal root rot.

The plant is urgently freed from the old soil, washing the roots in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and transplanted into a new land.

Carry out the treatment with fungicidal agents.


This tidbit can be attacked by scale insects, spider mites, aphids and whiteflies.

ficus benedict- undemanding in the care of the home and a stylish plant that can be grown in homes and offices to decorate the interior.

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Ficus Ali (cv. ‘Alii’ or Ficus Binnendijkii), ficus Binnendijka hides under its name a whole group of plants similar to each other.

In the 19th century they were discovered and described by the Dutch botanist Simon Binnendijk.

Ficus leaves are dark green and long, similar to willow leaves.

Therefore, it has another name - ficus willow.

Information! Scientific name of the plant Ficus binnendijkii, but due to difficulty in pronunciation or for other reasons, it is rarely used. Commonly referred to as Ficus Alii

Ficus Alii- fast-growing and evergreen tree, in the wild can reach up to 20 m in height.

At home, ficus Ali grows up to 2 m.

This plant came from the tropics of Southeast Asia and spread to the territory that covers the foothills of the Himalayas, Nepal, Burma, Thailand, the islands of Java, Borneo, Sumatra.

This ficus can successfully grow both indoors and in the winter garden.

Among flower growers, different varieties of ficus are used.

But the varieties differ only in the width of the leaves.

Home care

If you comply with certain conditions, then Ali's ficuses will delight you with their appearance.

Here are the conditions:

  • illumination;
  • temperature;
  • watering;
  • humidity;
  • the soil.


Ali- strong and not whimsical plants.

But they have their preferences.

One of the most important is light.

Plants prefer bright rooms, but so that direct sunlight does not fall on it.

Ficuses with variegated leaves need bright diffused light, plants with green leaves feel good in partial shade.

Lighting is required in winter.

Ali does not like being moved, turned around, he is a “homebody”, so you need to look for a place for him indoors, given his future growth.


Room temperature is comfortable enough for ficuses.

In summer it is optimal 20-25°C, winter – 16-20°C.

Interesting! if the room is warm, then the plant needs more light, and vice versa, the cooler the room, the shorter the daylight hours. In nature, it is connected with the seasons.


This flower does not like both drought and excessive moisture.

It requires regular and moderate watering, avoiding stagnant water and waterlogging of the soil.

Experts advise watering the ficus when the topsoil dries out. by 1-2 cm.

Reference! In the spring, the plants wake up and until the autumn the ficus is watered more often, since at this time it is actively growing.

In autumn, the plant begins a dormant period and watering is somewhat limited for the autumn-winter period.

Air humidity

For Ficus Alii humidity is important, so they will be grateful for regular spraying.

If the plant is not large, you can rinse it in the shower.

The soil

Advice: The soil for the plant can be bought at the store: special soil for ficuses or use soil for palm trees.

If you do it yourself, then for young plants you need to use the following mixture: turf, sand and peat in equal parts, adult ficuses love loose and nutritious soil

Important! Alkaline and acidic soils will not suit Ficus Ali!

Ficuses need to be fed sometimes, it is optimal to do this once a 10-14 days, alternating organic and mineral fertilizers.

Ficuses need to be fed only in the spring and summer.

Landing and transplant

It is better to transplant and propagate (plant) ficuses in early spring, when the plant is just waking up.

Young plants are transplanted annually, completely changing the soil.

Adults are transplanted using the transshipment method, once at 3 years old.

Large plants are not transplanted. They are fed and the topsoil is renewed once a year.

A photo

In the photo ficus "Ali":


Ficus Ali is propagated with a stem cutting: in May-July, a cutting of at least 15-20 cm from 3-4 leaves on it, put it in a container with water at room temperature and place it in a warm (22-25°C) a bright place until the roots appear.

After a couple of weeks, roots begin to sprout.

The plant is planted in the ground when the roots reach 1.5-2.5 cm.

Diseases and pests

Ficus Ali is good because it is almost not susceptible to diseases and pest attacks. But it happens sometimes.

Signs of the disease:

  • leaves droop, look lethargic and fall: the reason is waterlogging of the soil, it is necessary to moderate watering
  • the growth of the plant slows down, the leaves lose color and fall: usually the problem is a lack of light.
  • The issue is solved by rearranging the plant in a more lit place or connecting artificial lighting.

  • the leaves of the plant dry and wrinkle: bright sunlight is to blame, shading and spraying will solve the problem
  • brown spots on the tips of the leaves: the cause is high temperature or low humidity, overfeeding the plant. The issue is solved by spraying ficus and airing the room, reducing the amount of fertilizer.

Poor plant care can lead to pests.

As a result, ficus may appear:

  • mealybugs;
  • shields and false shields;
  • spider mites.

Mealybug appears due to low humidity, fight it by wiping the plants with a soft cloth dipped in alcohol.

This happens more often in winter when the batteries get hot.

Alternatively, you can hang batteries with wet towels or place a humidifier under the plant.

When attacked by scale insects and false shields ficus leaves lose their color and fall.

The insects themselves look like plaques - black or flesh-colored.

You can remove them by wiping the plant with a soft cloth dampened with soapy water.

In case of serious damage, actellik is used (20 drops per liter of water).

About spider mites gossamer will tell you, white and thin. The spider mite does not like moisture, so it is worth rinsing the ficus in the shower with warm water several times in a row.

Benefit and harm

Given that Ficus Ali not rubbery, it does almost no harm.

It is worth being careful with the juice of the leaves of the plant, upon contact with the skin, they can cause dermatological and allergic reactions, but the leaves of ficus Ali are not as fleshy as those of other species, and therefore the harm is minimal here.

The plant has useful properties characteristic of all ficuses.

It has a good effect on the microclimate of the room in which it is located.

According to popular belief, in a house where ficus grows well, people do not get sick.

And if a disease suddenly occurs, then it passes easily and without consequences.

According to an old belief, if a childless woman starts growing ficus, she will soon become pregnant.

We think that this is due to the positive energy emanating from the ficus.

An infusion of alcohol from the leaves of the plant treats arthritis, arthrosis and rheumatism.

The plant is used in the treatment of vascular, pulmonary, skin diseases. Infusions and tinctures, compresses, extracts are made from it.

Ficus Ali is stylish, hardy and not demanding.

It can be formed in the form of a bush or a tree on a trunk, or you can do nothing, allowing Ali's ficus to simply grow.

The choice is yours. With proper care, it will decorate your home and bring you a lot of joy.


Useful home care video for ficus "Ali":

Appearance of ficus "Ali":

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One of the most spectacular of its kind is the ficus Ali. This plant is used to decorate offices, apartments and winter gardens. The people called the flower ficus willow. By the way, the name was taken for a reason. The fact is that the leaf plates of the presented plant are very similar to willow leaves. The stem of the flower is massive, as are the branches. Although because of the splendor of all this is invisible. At home, the presented types of ficuses usually grow up to two meters.

Some believe that "Ali" is a specific plant variety. In fact, this is a whole group of several species that are very similar to each other. By the way, if the name Binnedijk ficus is found somewhere, then you should know that this is still the same “Ali”. The presented species was discovered back in the 19th century, and after that he gave a complete description, by a famous botanist, whose name was Simon Bennendijka. Actually, the flower was named in his honor.

The most popular varieties of ficus Ali

In nature today there are quite a few varieties of this plant. It would be very difficult to list them all. Therefore, it is necessary to single out those who are more often bred by flower growers.

These include:

  • Amstel King;
  • Amstel gold;
  • Amstel queen.

The presented variety is used at home more often than others. Ali leaf plates are slightly different in their appearance, because they are somewhat wider than other species, which adds beauty and some grace to the plant.

Amstel King

Ficus Amstel King fell in love with gardeners for its sufficient unpretentiousness in care and originality. Long-leaved and broad-leaved "handsome" can become an ornament to any room. It is worth saying that the leaves of this variety sometimes reach a width of 7-8 cm.

Amstel gold

Ficus is often called Amstel green gold. The flower boasts an unusual color of leaf plates, which have a green-yellow base, on which interspersed with various forms of all shades of green are located in a different order.

Amstel Queen

Some flower growers believe that this is an narrow-leaved plant only because its leaf plates are slightly smaller than those of Ali. Although the saturation of the colors of this ficus is striking in its splendor, encouraging people to purchase this particular variety.

Lighting Requirements

Despite the fact that the Bennedik Amstel King ficus is an unpretentious flower, the simplest care rules should still be followed. One of these concerns lighting.

The plant is best placed in a shady place where direct sunlight does not fall.

Important! If the flower is placed in a dark room, the leaves will lose their color.

In winter, you can install a lighting lamp next to the flower, which will replace the sun for the plant.

It is worth remembering that the ficus does not like permutations, it does not even tolerate the turns of the pot. Therefore, the place where the flower will "dwell" is chosen in advance.

Setting the optimum temperature

The plant thrives at room temperature. Optimal indicators are considered to be +18 °C .. +25 °C. In winter, it is allowed that the temperature can drop to +16 °C. It is better not to allow strong drops, because the flower will begin to shed its leaves and hurt.

How to water correctly

Ficus Ali, like other varieties, does not tolerate drought. Every gardener should know that the substrate is watered regularly, but not flooded. During the growing season, which lasts from spring to autumn, the plant is watered more abundantly, because at this moment the flower is actively growing and it needs “nutrition”. In winter, manipulation is performed less frequently.

Important! Do not forget about the irrigation of the ficus.

Soil mix for ficus

Ficuses do not fit the substrate for ordinary houseplants, they need a special soil, which is best prepared with your own hands. It won't take long, so don't be lazy.

To compile the substrate you need to take:

  • two parts of sod land;
  • two pieces of leafy or greenhouse land;
  • one part of coal;
  • quite a bit of charcoal.

After all the parts will need to be carefully displaced.

If you plan to transplant a young plant, then a slightly modified soil mixture is suitable for it, consisting of:

  • sod land;
  • peat;
  • sand.

Ficus should never be planted in alkaline or acidic soil.

Ali's ficus diseases

By properly caring for ficus Ali, you can avoid many diseases that affect the flower.

Signs of ficus diseases are as follows:

  1. Leaf plates wither, wither or fall off altogether. The reason often lies in the overflow of the plant, which leads to decay of the root system. Sometimes this takes place when rearranging the ficus.
  2. The leaves lose their color, the flower does not grow at all or grows slowly, and the leaf plates fall off. Most likely, the ficus does not have enough light.
  3. Leaf blades turn yellow or dry. Usually the reason lies in the bright sunlight on the leaves. It is necessary to spray the plant and put it away from the window.
  4. Brown spots that appear on the leaves may be the result of too high a temperature in the room. Sometimes the reason lies in low air humidity or oversaturation with fertilizers. Once the situation is corrected, everything should be back to normal.


The most common uninvited "guests" are:

  1. Shield or false shield.
  2. Mealybug.
  3. Spider mite.

Shield or false shield

Noticing that the leaves lose their color and quickly fall off, it can be assumed that the pest has taken over the plant. At the same time, small plaques of light or dark colors can be seen on the leaf plates. If the pest has only made itself felt, then you should wipe the leaves with a washcloth dipped in soapy water. At a later stage, you will need to use actellik.


spider mite

The presence of a spider mite is indicated by a white cobweb that appeared on the leaf plates. Given that these pests do not tolerate moisture, the flower must be well "bathed" in the shower. The procedure is carried out for several days. It will not be superfluous to create a greenhouse. To do this, you will need to cover the flower pot with a plastic bag and put it in a warm place for a couple of days. If this does not help, then the flower should be treated with actellik.

You can be sure that the ficus Ali will undoubtedly please the grower with its beauty, if you take care of it properly.

Also called ficus benedict and it is a species that is very common in home floriculture. In nature, it can be found in Southeast Asia. And this plant was named so, in honor of the person who first discovered this species and his name is Simon Benedict.

There are several varieties of this plant. Their appearance is somewhat unusual for ficuses. Ficus ali is quite unpretentious and undemanding to care for.

Description of ficus ali

In nature, this evergreen plant reaches a height of 15-20 meters. It resembles a tree, as it has a smooth and fairly long trunk. It is covered with bark, which in adult specimens has a dark tint. On its surface there are stains of a pale shade.

Narrow, belt-like leaves are pointed at the tips. The branches of this ficus are drooping.

The color of the foliage is directly dependent on the variety of the plant, as well as on its habitat. It can be monophonic or variegated. In length, the leaves can reach 30 centimeters, and in width from 5 to 7 centimeters.

The leaf has a prominent vein that runs along it. In different directions from the central vein, lateral veins diverge, which are not so clearly visible. And the central vein bends the leaf in half, as if breaking it.

Ficus ali care at home


This is a fairly light-loving plant that needs bright, but at the same time diffused light. Variegated forms need especially good lighting. And forms with plain leaves feel quite good in partial shade conditions. It is recommended to place near an east or southeast window. It is necessary to protect the ficus from the draft. He can react extremely negatively to a change in illumination or climate.

Temperature regime

Pretty thermophilic plant. So, in the warm season, it feels good at a temperature of 22 to 24 degrees. In winter, it is desirable to maintain the temperature at 16 degrees. In summer, ficus requires a relatively large amount of light.

A sharp drop in temperature negatively affects the plant, especially if the temperature of the soil in the flower pot drops significantly. Ficus should not be placed near heaters or air conditioners. He does not like stagnant air, so the room must be regularly ventilated, but be sure to remove the flower away from the draft.


Not very demanding on air humidity. Feels best at moderate humidity (from 50 to 70 percent). If the room is hot, which is often the case in summer, then the foliage must be regularly sprayed without fail. For this purpose, warm, well-settled water is suitable. You also need to humidify the air in the room.


You can buy a ready-made earthen mixture for palm trees or ficuses in a special store. You can also cook it yourself.

1 option: mix sod land, peat and sand, taken in equal proportions.

Option 2: for an adult specimen, it is necessary to combine sheet and sod land, sand, peat and humus, which should be taken in a ratio of 2: 2: 1: 1: 1.

3 option: also for adult plants, an earth mixture is suitable, consisting of leafy and soddy soil, sand and peat, taken in equal proportions.

How to water

Water after the top layer dries a couple of centimeters deep. If the earth is crumbly, then the ficus needs watering. Water from the pan must be removed in time, otherwise the root system will begin to rot.


Feed in the spring-summer period 1 time in 2 weeks. To do this, use organic and mineral fertilizers, while they should be alternated. In winter, fertilizers are not applied to the soil. Fertilizers should be applied only to the soil, they cannot be sprayed on the plant. It is also recommended to dissolve the nutrients needed by ficuses in water for irrigation, which can be bought at a flower shop.

Transplant Features

Transplanted as needed, for example, when the root system no longer fits in a pot. When transplanting, take a pot a little more than the previous one. At the same time, young plants are transplanted once a year, and adult specimens (4–5 years old) are transplanted 2 times a year.

Only part of the new earth is poured into the pot, and the remaining space is filled with the old. For mature plants, the use of fresh soil is optional. In large ficuses, it is recommended to replace the top layer of the substrate once a year. This should be done during the period of intensive growth (spring and summer).

You can propagate by cuttings, which take root quite easily. The stem cutting is cut off in the spring and summer. Water is used for rooting. Place the cutting in a slightly shaded area. The temperature should be maintained between 20 and 25 degrees.

In the heat, it is necessary to systematically humidify the air. As a rule, after 3 weeks, the cutting takes root and is planted in the soil.


The plant is quite resistant to diseases and harmful insects very rarely settle on it. In the event that you take care of the plant, observing all the rules, then it will not get sick.

Possible diseases

  1. Withered withered leaves- there is either a lot of light for a plant, or a little.
  2. Leaves turn black and die- most likely there are frequent sudden changes in temperature with drops of at least 7 degrees.
  3. Dark dots or specks appear on the wrong side of the foliage- This is a fungal disease (cercospore or anthracnose). As a rule, anthracnose is manifested by a reddish bloom on the trunk. If you do not detect and get rid of this disease in time, then the ficus dies or all the leaves die off.


Aphids, mealybugs and scale insects settle most often.

Mealybug has a whitish color and a cottony texture. Most often settles on branches and on the basis of leaves. If the plant is watered, then whitish lumps can be clearly seen on the surface of the soil.

Shchitovka has a yellowish color. She settles on leaves and stems and looks like a small tubercle.

Aphid placed closer to the peduncle.

If water stagnates in the soil, this can provoke the appearance of spider mites or centipedes.

If you notice pests on the ficus, then carefully remove them with a moistened sponge and give the plant a warm shower. If centipedes or spider mites are wound up, then in this case a complete replacement of the soil will be required. Even flower growers are advised to use a solution of water with soap and alcohol. So, for 1 liter of pure water, you need to take 1 large spoonful of alcohol and 1 small spoonful of laundry soap. Everything is thoroughly mixed, and then the affected areas are washed with this mixture with a sponge.

Short description

Ficuses are those plants that are found in almost all homes or workplaces of those who love greenery. Ficus Ali (Ficus Binnendijkii), aka Binnendijka, or willow-leaved ficus, is a fairly well-known plant. Learning the history of this representative of the flora, you may come across the name of Simon Benedict, who found Ali in Southeast Asia.

Because of this, Ali is also called ficus Benedict. You can see the exact differences in the video on the Internet. It differs from its counterparts in size, bush structure. In addition, it has a slightly unusual shape and color of the leaves. Ficuses are loved because they are easy to care for at home, and very effective.

Ficus Binnendijka is the most common option flower growers choose. And all thanks to its brightness. Seeing it for the first time, you will immediately understand that this is a representative of this species. As for the shape of the leaves, it may seem that in front of you is a willow. That's how similar they are. The leaves are long, dark green in color. They grow densely on branches and trunks. If you follow all the rules of care, then you will get a 2-meter handsome man.

Great variety and diversity of varieties

This beautiful culture was discovered by the botanist Simon Bennendijka (now it is clear why the ficus Binnendijka Ali). This variety is also found in the wild. True, there he is already 20 meters tall. You can observe such beauty in the Indian subtropics. They are evergreen. If you met a representative with a light gray bark, then in front of you is an adult, with a dark brown - a young one.

Another similarity with willow lies in the fact that the leaves are still, in addition, narrow, there are many of them, so the branches cannot withstand the load that has fallen on them and, under their weight, tend to go down - just like a willow. The color of the leaves can be not only monophonic, but also variegated. Their length can be 30 cm, and the width - no more than 7. The leaves are bent towards the middle, so they still resemble opened pea pods.

Ficus has many varieties. For example Alii - with very wide leaves. You will most often meet him at flower growers. There is also Amstel Gold, Queen and King. Golden is characterized by variegated leaves: the background is yellow-green, and in the middle all shades of green. Royal - the width of the leaves is average, approximately like Alii and Amstel Gold. And Amstel King has the largest leaf width, in all other respects it is the same Amstel Queen.

unpretentious care

This homemade variety is strong, so caring for the Binnendijk ficus is simple. The main thing is to create all conditions for its growth and normal development. Binnedika loves light, but indirect. With a green color, partial shade is preferred, and variegated representatives prefer diffused light. In summer, make sure that the sun's rays do not fall directly on the plant. It is better to rearrange or move it to the shade, but not to the back of the room, otherwise the leaves of your plant will turn pale (thus Binnendik's ficus signals what it lacks - in this case, light). In addition, according to Feng Shui, evergreen helpers should be placed in the recreation area for people.

This species does not like being moved or moved and even simply rotated, so try not to touch it once again. Use this knowledge when choosing a location, as well as the fact that the plant needs a place to grow. The ideal temperature for Ali would be 18-23 degrees Celsius. In the summer months, it can withstand 20-25 degrees, in winter it should not fall below 16, it will feel most comfortable within 20 degrees Celsius.

Ali does not tolerate overdrying of the soil. Watering requires moderate and with enviable regularity. Water in the pot should not stagnate. By overdoing it, you allow the soil to acidify, which leads to the decay of the ficus and its death. Water the plant more frequently from spring to autumn. At this time, it grows actively, therefore it requires more liquid. In winter, there should be less moisture. To determine if your plant needs watering, lower a match 1-2 centimeters into the ground - if it is wet, then everything is fine. Otherwise, watering is already required.

Proper care is the key to success

Spraying ficus Ali loves. Use either a spray gun or a shower for these purposes. Water temperature room. So you will not only moisten the plant, but also remove dust from its leaves. How often to do this - look according to your conditions: what is the temperature and what is the humidity in the room where the ficus is located. If the temperature does not exceed 22 degrees, 2 times a week is enough.

If you decide to purchase a ficus, stock up on special soil for this plant. In the event that specialized land is not available to you for any reason, make such soil yourself. The main thing is nutrition and friability. Its composition:

  • 2 parts of sod and greenhouse/leaf land;
  • charcoal;
  • sand;
  • baking powder (crushed red brick).

For young individuals, 1 part of sand, peat and soddy land is suitable. Do not use alkaline or acidic soils. Spring-summer - the active development of ficus, which requires additional nutrition. It is enough to fertilize twice a month. In the flower shop you can find special complex dressings designed for deciduous houseplants. You can feed both the rhizome and outside the root. Using the latter method, you feed the plant through the leaves, spraying it with liquid fertilizer in the form of a weak solution, or you can alternate these methods.

Starting from autumn and until spring comes, ficus ali is at rest, so it does not require top dressing. If you decide to purchase a ficus ali, then you will need to control its care - remember this.

Ficus transplant

Ficuses are transplanted in the spring, as soon as the plant has awakened. If you have a young shoot, then you need to replant every year, due to growth. This completely changes the soil. Adult ficuses are transplanted every 3 years. Large plants do not "disturb" - they need enough feeding and replacing the top layer of soil once a year.

The transfer process is as follows:

  1. Prepare a new pot. It should be a couple of centimeters larger than the current one.
  2. We cover the bottom with drainage (stones and expanded clay). We put the ficus on it, then we fill it with soil, in equal parts.
  3. Be careful: the ficus should not bend over.
  4. We water the plant, it now needs a lot of water, and return it to where it used to be. Now you will need to water when the soil dries.

How to propagate a plant

Reproduction is a process that, like transplantation, is carried out in the spring, as soon as the ficus has woken up. Propagated by Ali Benjamin stem cuttings, because they are well rooted.

  1. We take a ficus mother and cut off the stalk.
  2. Make sure that this process goes quickly - for this, use a sharp tool (secateurs, knife, scissors).
  3. We put in a container with water at room temperature and into the light.
  4. We are waiting for the roots, it will take about half a month.
  5. Don't forget to add water. When they are already 2-3 centimeters long, they can be planted. Thus, stem cuttings are propagated by the Binnendik plant.

Problems that arise

What your green "neighbor" will look like depends on your preferences. The formation of the crown of ficus Ali is the so-called haircut for room joy. Pruning will help make a bush. It will not grow, get a compact shape and become fluffy. You can also plant a couple of cuttings in one pot, and as they grow, twist them together into a pigtail. Unnecessary shoots and leaves are removed. Despite the fact that Ficus Ali is an unpretentious plant, it can also get sick or be attacked by pests.

If ficus Ali sheds leaves, then you have waterlogged the soil and the roots have rotted. Or the habitat of the plant has been changed. Your ficus is not growing, the leaves have become colorless and lifeless - these are the first bells for concern. Does ficus Ali drop leaves? No, but the condition of the bark may worsen - there is not enough light.

The leaves can wrinkle and dry, turn yellow, the ficus Ali is ready to drop them - in this case, it is necessary to shade and moisten them with a spray bottle. If ficus Ali has leaves with brown spots, then there are several reasons - the high temperature of the room, overfed, or there is not enough moisture in the air. Ventilate the room, spray and fertilize strictly according to the recommendations of professionals. Binnendiyka has a number of pests - scale insects, spider mites, false scales and mealybugs, which must also be dealt with in a timely manner.

Ficus - long-term

If home care is correct, then it will delight you for a long time with its evergreen appearance, beauty and large size. The plant will not give you trouble if you take care of it, control how “comfortable” the flower is. In turn, it will delight you with coolness, pleasant appearance and the smell of the subtropics. Binnendika is a home culture, so in no case should you plant it in open ground, there are other types of ficus for this.

Among flower growers, you can hear the names related to ficus binnendika "ficus "willow". The leaves of this ficus do indeed resemble willow in shape, but this is a folk name, not a botanical one.

Mulberry family. Ficus binnendika comes from the tropical forests of Southeast Asia, the extent of its distribution from the foothills of the Himalayas, through Nepal, Burma, Thailand, and to Vietnam, Java, Borneo, Sumatra, the Philippines. It has spread in other parts of the world in countries with a tropical climate, it is also popular in the USA, it is grown on the streets in parks and gardens. Grows in all but the wettest and driest habitats of all major islands, best in rocky and rocky open areas.

These are evergreen trees or shrubs that grow in nature about 20m in height, have a powerful root system, very aggressive in favorable conditions. The leaves are shiny, dark green, about 25-30 cm long and 6-7 wide. As with all ficuses, when cut or broken, sticky white milky juice is released from any part of the plant.


Moderate, optimal in the range of 20-25°C, in winter it is possible to keep at lower temperatures of about 16-18°C, with limited watering, the limit is 13°C with a dry content. With sudden changes in temperature, it can drop leaves.

Bright diffused light, light partial shade. With a lack of light, the shoots stretch out, the leaves thin out. From direct sunlight in the hot afternoon can get burns. Variegated varieties like ‘Amstel Gold need more intense light, with some morning or evening sun.

Moderate in summer, topsoil should dry well. In winter, when light and temperature decrease, watering is limited, allowing the earth to dry out almost completely.

Air humidity:
Leaves can be sprayed, especially in hot, dry weather in summer and in winter when central heating is on. If the size of the pot allows, then you can wear ficus binnendika in the shower once every two weeks, while covering the ground from water.

from March to August, once every two to three weeks, they are fed with fertilizers for decorative and deciduous plants.

Young plants are transplanted annually in the spring, in fresh soil. Old specimens are transplanted every 2-3 years, but you can add fresh fertile land every year. The soil for ficuses should be loose and nutritious. Such a mixture is suitable: turf land 2 parts, sheet or greenhouse 1 part, you can add chopped pine bark, vermiculite and charcoal. An important condition is good drainage to the bottom of the pot, and the acidity of the soil should be slightly acidic, or close to neutral (pH 5.5-6.5). Ficus does not tolerate alkaline and too acidic substrates. The pot should be fairly stable, and not too spacious. The volume of the pot is increased when the roots fill almost the entire volume.

Cuttings that easily root in water in good light, as well as air layering.

Shaping appearance:
Ficus binnendika is a large plant, under good growing conditions, an adult plant requires regular pruning to maintain a compact shape. You can grow a ficus in the form of a stem, or by braiding the trunks of several cuttings planted in one pot.

ficus binnendijkii cv. ‘Alii’
Its leaves are much wider than those of Ficus binnendijkii; the rest of the features are the same. This variety is more often used than the species in landscaping apartments, offices, winter gardens.

ficus binnendijkii cv. ‘Amstel King’
The leaf blade is wider and reaches 7 cm. In fact, ‘Amstel King’ and ‘Amstel Queen’ are very difficult to distinguish.

ficus binnendijkii cv. ‘Amstel Queen’
A cultivar with an intermediate lamina width between Ficus binnendijkii cv. ‘Amstel King’ and ‘Alii’

ficus binnendijkii cv. ‘Amstel Gold’
(syn. Ficus binnendijkii ‘Variegata’).
The leaves are very showy coloring; on a light yellow-green background, patches of green of different shades are scattered, from dark green to light green.

By the way
The scientific name of Ficus binnendijkii is Ficus binnendijkii, probably due to difficulty in pronunciation, rarely used, most often the plant is called Ficus Ali.

About air humidity
Ficus bennendica is very tolerant of dry air in apartments. Spraying and showering have purely hygienic purposes, and also serve as a preventive measure against spider mites.

At first, Ali will develop curled leaves due to lack of air humidity, but this does not mean that you need to rush around him with a spray bottle. Over time, the plant will get used to the humidity that you have and will grow beautiful straight leaves.

Growing problems
Growing ficus binnendika for 8 years along with ficus benjamin, I would like to note some features of its content, without claiming authority:

In ficus binnendik, unlike benjamin, cuttings take root more reluctantly. In order for the cutting to give roots for sure, you need to cut a branch of at least 15-20cm and leave 3-4 leaves on it. And you need to cut the cuttings in May-July. Root in water or moist vermiculite, in a bright place. It improves rooting by heating the cutting so that the water temperature is around 24-25°C.

Unlike ficus benjamin, binnendika is more often affected by mites, especially in winter during the heating season or in summer, exposed on the balcony in hot weather. At the same time, the tips of the leaves may begin to dry in the ficus. The only salvation is hanging the batteries with wet towels, or installing a humidifier directly under the ficus.

Excessive watering is detrimental to ficus Ali, as well as to all other ficuses, the plant easily rots, sheds leaves. Ficus also suffers from sudden fluctuations in temperature, for example, if it stands in the garden and on the balcony in summer, and it gets colder at night. Also, the plant reacts painfully to drafts. In winter, opening the window, rearrange the ficus from cold air currents, otherwise the branches dry out, twist, the leaves fly around.

Ficus Ali is very light tolerant, but it is not a small plant and grows quickly under good conditions. After a while, it is no longer cleaned on the windowsill and you have to look for a place for it in the room. I would like to warn against placing the pot on the floor, near the balcony door (it can be dark there if the leaves are not at the level of the glass, and cold - drafts).

The temptation is great to put a pot of ficus against the wall of the room, for example, next to the sofa. The large Ficus Ali tree looks really impressively beautiful, but only as long as it has enough light. Then a beautiful tree can begin to "bald". To prevent this from happening, it needs to be illuminated with lamps.

These include:

  • Amstel King;
  • Amstel gold;
  • Amstel queen.


Amstel King

Amstel gold

Amstel Queen

Lighting Requirements

How to water correctly

Soil mix for ficus

  • two parts of sod land;
  • one part of coal;
  • sod land;
  • peat;
  • sand.

Ali's ficus diseases


  1. Shield or false shield.
  2. Mealybug.
  3. Spider mite.

Shield or false shield


Appearance of ficus and crown

Ficus Ali is a hybrid of Ficus Binnendiyka, its mini-copy, artificially bred for indoor cultivation. This is an ornamental tree. Its progenitor at home in the Indonesian forests grows up to 25 meters. And the selection tracing paper is miniature - her average height is 2 meters.

The leaves of Ali (also known as Benjamina), depending on the variety, are dark green or variegated, with numerous veins. The shape resembles willow or oleander leaves. They are glossy, long and narrow. The trunk is high, smooth, with dark bark. Branches drooping, which even more resemble willow.

As the tree grows the lower leaves die off, exposing the trunk. An adult ficus is a small tree with a rounded crown and a long trunk.

Forming the trunk and crown shape of a tree is easy. It is enough to cut the shoots in the spring to maintain the compactness of the specimen and the splendor of its crown. Amazing effect can be achieved and other methods.

Crown formation options

Form a ficus crown with imagination!

Simple stem

In a young plant, side shoots are first cut off., allowing only five central ones to grow. Then they pinch the top of the most important of them, and cut the side shoots in the shape of a ball. The trunk will need support for some time, which can then be removed.

Bunk trunk

The plant is divided on three levels. On the upper and lower parts, trim in the form of a ball. And in the middle part, side shoots are removed.

ficus weaving

Two or three small cuttings are planted in one pot. From two they get a spiral, and from three - a pigtail. The weave must be free to allow the tree to grow. Excess leaves and shoots are removed.

flowering time

In nature, ficuses bloom. They have male and female flowers, which are small, not decorative. Often they do not even look like flowers, but resemble growths on the trunk.

At home, ficuses do not bloom. The only exceptions are two types of ficus - karika and variegated. But even these do not have enough pollinating insects to set seeds.

Ficus can bloom in nature

home care

Ficus Ali - endurance champion among Tutovs. With proper care, it pleases with a refined appearance. What do you need to know to take care of him as best as possible?

Microclimate for ficus

For a tree you need to choose a place away from drafts and radiators must not be exposed to direct sun. Frequent change of location for the plant is detrimental. Its just needed rotate from time to time in relation to the light source.

Lighting conditions

Subtropical native needs good lighting. For variegated specimens, diffused sunlight is suitable. And plants with green leaves prefer partial shade.

Choose the right lighting for the ficus

When choosing a place to stay for a pet, it is better stay on the south or east side of the premises. In winter, Ali needs lighting.


Comfortable temperature for willow ficus 16-24 degrees. The upper limit is 27 degrees and the lower limit is 12 degrees.

The soil

It should be loose and fertile. The tree is not suitable for both alkaline and acidic soils.. Suitable substrate: turf and rotted leaves - 2 parts each, peat, sand, humus - 1 part each. You can use a ready-made mixture for ficuses or palm trees.


Watering should be moderate, better pour settled room water. From spring to autumn, they are usually watered 2-3 times a week, and in winter - no more than once a week. Stagnation of water causes rotting of the roots and death of the tree.

How to organize the right humidity?

Ficus loves moist air. It needs to be regularly sprayed 1-2 per week. If the air in the room is too dry, the frequency of spraying should be significantly increased.

In spring and summer, the plant needs to be fed with a complex fertilizer for indoor flowers. 2 times a month, fertilizer is added to the water when watering. Preferably also with the same frequency spray the plant with a weak solution of fertilizer. Mineral supplements should be alternated with organics. During the dormant period, the plant is not fed.

Benedict transplant

When the willow ficus grows up and the pot becomes too cramped for it, there is not enough soil for the roots, it dries quickly, it's time to replant the plant. The pot for Benedict is chosen a couple of centimeters larger than the previous one.

Young plants need an annual transplant, and 4-5-year-olds can be relocated once every two years or less.

Water the plant thoroughly before transplanting.. Be sure to inspect the roots of the ficus. Rotten or damaged parts are removed. The bottom of the container is laid out with expanded clay or pebbles.

At the end of the process, the new settler is again watered under the root. If necessary, the migrant is strengthened with a support. adult specimens growing in large containers, require only renewal of the top layer of the earth without transplantation. Resettlement of green pets is carried out in the spring-summer season. In winter, plants do not bother.


Ficus cuttings

reproduction ficus ali spend cuttings. Do it in the spring. The procedure is carried out in stages:

  • With a sharp knife cut off the stem.
  • Put him in the water not too hot place before the emergence of young roots.
  • When they become strong enough, the mini-willow is placed in water for a couple of days with the addition of a growth stimulator. It's done to boost his immunity with the upcoming transplant into the ground.
  • Then the plant is planted in a permanent place in a prepared pot with an earthen mixture.

mature plants with long runs propagated by layering. This is done in the following sequence:

  1. On the leafless part of the escape is done shallow incision.
  2. A pebble is inserted into it, and the place is sprinkled with hormonal powder.
  3. The incision is wrapped in wet moss and wrapped in foil.
  4. After the appearance of roots that have made their way through the moss, the shoot is cut off below the winding.
  5. young plant placed in a pot.
  6. Remaining after this the cut is smeared with Vaseline.

Diseases and pests

With insufficient care, the ficus can get sick

The most common diseases ficus Ali, their symptoms and causes can be summarized as follows:

Ficus Ali is an unpretentious medium-sized ornamental plant. It is very similar to a small willow. He gets sick most often due to improper care.. In favorable conditions with good care, the green pet grows quickly and pleases with its beautiful view.

Ficus Ali: indoor flower care

  • botanical portrait
  • Conditions of detention

Ficus Ali is one of the varieties of a large company of domestic ficuses. Like all ficuses, it is quite unpretentious, but it has its own characteristics. By the way, many, choosing this plant, do not even immediately understand that this is a ficus. After all, it looks very peculiar and is represented by several varieties. Let's learn more about ficus Ali. What is this variety, in what conditions should it be grown, what kind of care should be provided to the plant?

botanical portrait

Ficus Ali is a group of varieties, also known as Ficus Binnendijkii (lat. Ficus binnendijkii). Belongs to the genus ficus, whose homeland is Southeast Asia. It got its name from the nineteenth-century botanist Simon Binnendijk who discovered and described it. This ficus is a tall (up to twenty meters) evergreen tree with light gray bark, decorated with light strokes. True, in young ficuses the bark is colored dark brown.

This varietal group differs in the size and shape of the leaves. This is a narrow-leaved plant with drooping branches. The leaves of ficus Ali can be monochromatic or variegated, but in all varieties they are long and narrow. In length, the leaves can reach thirty centimeters, while their width does not exceed seven centimeters. A relief vein runs along the leaf, in its center, making the leaf concave. Since the lateral veins on the leaves are almost invisible, the foliage of ficus Ali resembles narrow strips of green paper bent along the fold or half-opened pea pods.

The main varieties of ficus Ali:

  • Amstel Gold has variegated leaves;
  • Alii has a wider leaf width than other cultivars;
  • Amstel King has the widest leaves (up to seven centimeters);
  • Amstel Queen in terms of leaf width is an intermediate variety between the two previous ones.

As we have already said, for good growth, any houseplant needs to create comfortable conditions. For variegated varieties, it is desirable to choose a well-lit place. And ficuses with green leaves are more suitable for a location in partial shade. It is important to immediately choose a permanent place for your green pet, as it reacts painfully to a rearrangement.

The temperature in the room where the ficus grows should be maintained within 20-25 degrees of heat in summer and 16-20 degrees in the cold season. This regularity is noteworthy: ficuses need more light, the warmer it is in the room. This home plant painfully reacts to sudden changes in temperature and to hypothermia of the soil in a flower pot. Therefore, you should not put the flower on a cold floor or on window sills (in winter), and you also need to protect it from cold and hot air flows coming from radiators and heaters, air conditioners and fans, and protect the flower from drafts. At the same time, the room where the ficus grows must be ventilated.

Ficus Ali has no special requirements for air humidity. This variety thrives in rooms with moderate humidity, but needs to be sprayed on hot days. It is necessary to spray not only the plant itself, but also the air around it, and for this you need to take a little warm settled water.

For growing ficuses, a special soil mixture is required, designed specifically for these plants or for palm trees. You can find it in flower shops or make your own soil mixture. For very young plants, soil consisting of equal amounts of soddy soil, sand and peat is suitable. For adult specimens, the soil mixture is made up of leafy and soddy soil (two parts each) and sand (one part) or from one part of peat and humus and two parts of leafy soil; an equal amount of sand, peat, leaf and sod land can also be used.


The main care for ficus Ali comes down to regular watering, timely feeding and transplanting. The need for watering can be determined by the condition of the soil in the pot - it should dry out at a depth of about three to five centimeters. If the surface layer of the soil crumbles easily in the hands and does not stick, then the ficus is watered. Water is poured on top of an earthen coma in small portions in several steps. After half an hour, the water drained into the pan is drained, and the pan and the bottom of the pot are wiped dry.

It is necessary to feed ficuses periodically - once every two weeks or every ten days. In this case, mineral and organic fertilizers should be alternated. Note that during the dormant period (winter), the plant does not need additional feeding. A solution with fertilizer is applied under the root, pouring it onto the soil and trying not to touch the stems, which can get burned from the drugs. You can also add fertilizer to the water for irrigation. Foliar top dressing (according to the sheet) is also acceptable, but only with preparations specially designed for this purpose.

Caring for ficuses also involves transplanting this home flower as it grows. The signal for the need for a transplant is the growth of the root system, when the roots almost completely wrap around a clod of earth in a pot. In this state, the soil in the intervals between waterings begins to dry out much faster.

For transplanting, take a pot, the diameter of which is two to three centimeters larger than the diameter of the old container. Young ficuses are transplanted every year, and plants that have reached the age of four, less often (every two to three years). When transplanting young ficuses, the soil in the pot is changed almost completely, and adult specimens are transferred to a new container, keeping an earthen clod.

If the plant reaches such an impressive size that it becomes very difficult to replant (transfer) it, then once a year they simply add fresh soil. After transplantation, the plants are not fertilized for one to two weeks, and the procedure itself is carried out only during the active period for the flower - in spring or summer.

If the plant is cared for in accordance with all the rules, and the conditions for its maintenance turn out to be quite comfortable for the flower, then your ficus Ali will be able to please you for many years without bringing almost any trouble. After all, it is not for nothing that ficuses are considered one of the most unpretentious and disease-resistant green pets. However, this is possible only with a caring attitude towards the flower. Good luck!

How to properly care for and propagate Ficus Ali at home

Ficuses are most often found at home, because flower growers have long chosen them as unpretentious and beautiful plants. Existing varieties differ in appearance, height, leaf color. They are distributed throughout the world. One of the most interesting representatives of this genus is Ficus Ali. Often, having seen plants on the counter, any grower will want to buy it for his home, but often does not know what care he needs, the conditions, how reproduction occurs.

  • 1 Ficus Ali: appearance
  • 2 Rules of care
  • 3 Breeding

Ficus Ali: appearance

This plant has a beautiful decorative appearance and is common in Asia. In its natural habitat, its height reaches 15 meters, and in apartments it reaches 2 meters. It got its name from the discoverer Simon Benedict, it looks like a tree with a brown trunk and smooth bark. Its bark is with light stains. The leaves are elongated, the branches are drooping at the ends. The color of the leaves can be either one tone or multi-colored, variegated. In the center of each leaf there is a vein that refracts it in half.

Care rules


Ficus Ali prefers a bright room located on the east side of the home. He does not like direct sunlight, in order for the leaves not to be burned by the sun's rays, you should not put him close to the window. Do not change the location of the plant so that it does not throw off the leaves. But at the same time, if he stands far from the windows, then the ficus will begin to lose leaves, and if there is a lack of light, otherwise its foliage loses its color saturation. Ficus Ali should not be rearranged from place to place at home or rotated. Plant care is also necessary in terms of fresh air, because they do not like drafts. If a houseplant turns yellow or sluggish, it is often caused by too little or too much sunlight.


The ideal temperature regime at home for the plant will be the temperature in the summer months from 22 to 24 degrees Celsius, and in the winter months it is necessary to observe the room temperature from 17 to 20 degrees Celsius. They are not placed next to radiators, if the room temperature is above 25 degrees, then it will need an abundance of sunlight or additional lighting. Plant diseases are easy to recognize by blackening or falling leaves when the room temperature drops by 7-8 degrees, it is important to ensure proper care and treatment of the disease in time.

He loves high humidity, so in addition to watering ficus Ali, it is recommended to spray. Proper care improves plant health. The number of sprays varies depending on the air temperature at home. On hot days, it is recommended to spray it daily, if the temperature in the room is around 20-22 degrees Celsius, then it is enough to irrigate the plants every 2-3 days. It is watered as the earth dries up, the main thing is that the earth between waterings in the flowerpot does not dry out. If it is flooded with water, the roots will rot and the plant will begin to hurt, and may even die. The plant will look much better with timely watering, spraying and an abundance of fresh air.


Feeding ficus at home occurs with the help of complex fertilizer for plants every 14 days. It is directed to the root system. Fertilizer is also applied to the foliage with a weakly diluted fertilizer, at the same intervals as on the roots. It is not worth fertilizing in the autumn months, because the plant goes into "hibernation" and does not require special attention. Leaving at this time is limited to a decrease in the volume of watered water. Fertilizers can not be applied in winter, the ficus leaves fall. In the spring, the plant gains strength again and releases new foliage.

Soil and transplant

Transplantation at home occurs in the spring months, a layer of expanded clay or stones is laid on the bottom. Soil for ficus is selected loose, airy in which moisture will not stagnate. You can buy soil designed specifically for ficuses. But it is recommended to prepare the soil yourself by mixing sod, leafy soil and sand. For normal growth, it is necessary to perform a transplant every two to three years. If the ficus grows too fast, then it needs special care and transplantation as it grows into a large container.


Reproduction of this type of ficus occurs with the help of cuttings. It is very easy to get a new plant even for a beginner gardener due to the high degree of survival. Ficus should be propagated before the active growth phase begins. To do this, cut off the stalk with a knife and lower it into the water. The container with it should be removed in the shade at a temperature of 20-23 degrees Celsius and watered from time to time. After 3 weeks, the cuttings break through the first roots and can be planted in the ground. To make reproduction faster, you can dip the cutting into a growth stimulator. Such reproduction with the help of the root allows you to make it healthier. Care for a young ficus must be competent.

In general, this type of ficus can be considered one of the most decorative and unpretentious plants. He practically does not get sick, feels good under adverse conditions in the room. Caring for the plant is simple, and its decorative component brings beauty and comfort to the house. If care is provided properly, then even a novice grower can grow a ficus.

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Ficus Ali - types, care and diseases at home

One of the most spectacular of its kind is the ficus Ali. This plant is used to decorate offices, apartments and winter gardens. The people called the flower ficus willow. By the way, the name was taken for a reason. The fact is that the leaf plates of the presented plant are very similar to willow leaves. The stem of the flower is massive, as are the branches. Although because of the splendor of all this is invisible. At home, the presented types of ficuses usually grow up to two meters.

Some believe that "Ali" is a specific plant variety. In fact, this is a whole group of several species that are very similar to each other. By the way, if the name Binnedijk ficus is found somewhere, then you should know that this is still the same “Ali”. The presented species was discovered back in the 19th century, and after that he gave a complete description, by a famous botanist, whose name was Simon Bennendijka. Actually, the flower was named in his honor.

The most popular varieties of ficus Ali

In nature today there are quite a few varieties of this plant. It would be very difficult to list them all. Therefore, it is necessary to single out those who are more often bred by flower growers.

These include:

  • Amstel King;
  • Amstel gold;
  • Amstel queen.


The presented variety is used at home more often than others. Ali leaf plates are slightly different in their appearance, because they are somewhat wider than other species, which adds beauty and some grace to the plant.

Amstel King

Ficus Amstel King fell in love with gardeners for its sufficient unpretentiousness in care and originality. Long-leaved and broad-leaved "handsome" can become an ornament to any room. It is worth saying that the leaves of this variety sometimes reach a width of 7-8 cm.

Amstel gold

Ficus is often called Amstel green gold. The flower boasts an unusual color of leaf plates, which have a green-yellow base, on which interspersed with various forms of all shades of green are located in a different order.

Amstel Queen

Some flower growers believe that this is an narrow-leaved plant only because its leaf plates are slightly smaller than those of Ali. Although the saturation of the colors of this ficus is striking in its splendor, encouraging people to purchase this particular variety.

Lighting Requirements

Despite the fact that the Bennedik Amstel King ficus is an unpretentious flower, the simplest care rules should still be followed. One of these concerns lighting.

The plant is best placed in a shady place where direct sunlight does not fall.

Important! If the flower is placed in a dark room, the leaves will lose their color.

In winter, you can install a lighting lamp next to the flower, which will replace the sun for the plant.

It is worth remembering that the ficus does not like permutations, it does not even tolerate the turns of the pot. Therefore, the place where the flower will "dwell" is chosen in advance.

Setting the optimum temperature

The plant thrives at room temperature. Optimal indicators are considered to be +18 °C .. +25 °C. In winter, it is allowed that the temperature can drop to +16 °C. It is better not to allow strong drops, because the flower will begin to shed its leaves and hurt.

How to water correctly

Ficus Ali, like other varieties, does not tolerate drought. Every gardener should know that the substrate is watered regularly, but not flooded. During the growing season, which lasts from spring to autumn, the plant is watered more abundantly, because at this moment the flower is actively growing and it needs “nutrition”. In winter, manipulation is performed less frequently.

Important! Do not forget about the irrigation of the ficus.

Soil mix for ficus

Ficuses do not fit the substrate for ordinary houseplants, they need a special soil, which is best prepared with your own hands. It won't take long, so don't be lazy.

To compile the substrate you need to take:

  • two parts of sod land;
  • two pieces of leafy or greenhouse land;
  • one part of coal;
  • quite a bit of charcoal.

After all the parts will need to be carefully displaced.

If you plan to transplant a young plant, then a slightly modified soil mixture is suitable for it, consisting of:

  • sod land;
  • peat;
  • sand.

Ficus should never be planted in alkaline or acidic soil.

Ali's ficus diseases

By properly caring for ficus Ali, you can avoid many diseases that affect the flower.

Signs of ficus diseases are as follows:

  1. Leaf plates wither, wither or fall off altogether. The reason often lies in the overflow of the plant, which leads to decay of the root system. Sometimes this takes place when rearranging the ficus.
  2. The leaves lose their color, the flower does not grow at all or grows slowly, and the leaf plates fall off. Most likely, the ficus does not have enough light.
  3. Leaf blades turn yellow or dry. Usually the reason lies in the bright sunlight on the leaves. It is necessary to spray the plant and put it away from the window.
  4. Brown spots that appear on the leaves may be the result of too high a temperature in the room. Sometimes the reason lies in low air humidity or oversaturation with fertilizers. Once the situation is corrected, everything should be back to normal.


The most common uninvited "guests" are:

  1. Shield or false shield.
  2. Mealybug.
  3. Spider mite.

Shield or false shield

Noticing that the leaves lose their color and quickly fall off, it can be assumed that the pest has taken over the plant. At the same time, small plaques of light or dark colors can be seen on the leaf plates. If the pest has only made itself felt, then you should wipe the leaves with a washcloth dipped in soapy water. At a later stage, you will need to use actellik.


spider mite

The presence of a spider mite is indicated by a white cobweb that appeared on the leaf plates. Given that these pests do not tolerate moisture, the flower must be well "bathed" in the shower. The procedure is carried out for several days. It will not be superfluous to create a greenhouse. To do this, you will need to cover the flower pot with a plastic bag and put it in a warm place for a couple of days. If this does not help, then the flower should be treated with actellik.

You can be sure that the ficus Ali will undoubtedly please the grower with its beauty, if you take care of it properly.

Features of growing ficus Ali

Many home plant lovers prefer ficus Ali. What is so unusual about this plant and how to grow it?

This evergreen tree is one of the ficus binnendijka varieties. Compared to other ficuses, this plant is less whimsical, but in beauty it is not inferior to its counterparts. In this article we will talk about the features of growing this plant.

Ficus Ali does not exist in nature - this variety was bred by breeders for greenhouses, apartments and offices. Ficus binnendiyka is native to the tropical forests of Southeast Asia. When grown outdoors in warm countries, this plant can reach 20-25 m in height.

Ficus Ali, which is a hybrid of Ficus Binnendi, is significantly different from its relative in size. In culture, its height does not exceed 3 m, and the growth of ficus roots is restrained by the walls of the pot. Ficus Ali leaves are dark green, lanceolate (reminiscent of willow or oleander leaves), 10 to 20 cm long and about 5 cm wide.

Ficus Ali leaves

This plant is one of the hardiest members of the Mulberry family. But in order for the ficus Ali to maintain a beautiful appearance and not get sick, he needs some care. What should it be?


Being a native of the subtropics, Ficus Ali does not tolerate direct sunlight. But the lack of sun will not do him any good, as it can cause yellowing of the foliage. Ideally, the plant needs diffused sunlight. This should be taken into account when choosing a habitat for ficus Ali.


The optimum temperature for a comfortable content of ficus Ali is 16-24 ° C. Permissible - not higher than 27°C and not lower than 12°C. Violation of these temperature limits can cause yellowing and leaf fall.


Watering ficus Ali is recommended moderately, preventing the earthen coma from drying out. For irrigation, use settled water at room temperature. From early March to mid-September (period of active growth), watering should be done 2-3 times a week. During the dormant period, it is reduced to 2-4 times a month. It should be borne in mind that a tropical guest tolerates a slight break in watering painlessly, but waterlogging can kill him. Excessive watering often causes root rot, which leads to the death of the plant.


A mandatory procedure for ficus Ali is spraying, since a native of the tropics requires high humidity. The frequency of spraying is determined depending on the temperature and humidity of the air. At the optimum temperature, the procedure should be carried out 1-2 times a week. In summer, as well as in winter, in rooms with central heating, when the air is very dry and the temperature is high, it is recommended to spray the leaves of the plant daily.

top dressing

At the beginning of spring, ficus Ali begins a period of active growth, which lasts 6 months. During this period, the plant must be fed. For this, complex fertilizers for indoor plants are suitable. Root top dressing (watering with fertilizer) should be carried out 1 time in 2 weeks. Foliar spraying (spraying with a weak solution of fertilizer) can be carried out at the same interval. In the fall, when the period of active growth ends, top dressing should be completely stopped.

Reproduction and transplant

Ficus Ali is propagated by stem cuttings. In the last days of winter, with the help of special scissors or a sharp knife, healthy mature (young ones may not take root) shoots should be cut. Before you put them in the water, you need to remove the milk that has come out at the cut site. Dishes with cuttings must be kept in the shade at a temperature of 20-25 ° C. It is advisable to change the water in the first 2-3 days in order to completely remove the milk that stands out on the cut. Roots should appear in 2 weeks. This is a sign that the cuttings are ready for planting. For quick rooting and strengthening of immunity, you can use a growth stimulator.

Ficus Ali stalk

Ficus Ali does not need frequent transplants. Transplant it as it develops. If the growth is fast - annually in the spring, with less intensive growth - once every 2-3 years. You can buy ready-made soil or make a mixture yourself. To do this, mix turf and leaf soil with sand in equal quantities.

Diseases and pests

Ficus Ali is one of the most stable among its relatives. However, if the rules of care and proper maintenance are not followed, he can get sick. Of the pests, whiteflies, scale insects and spider mites are dangerous for ficus.

Ficus Ali in the interior

Ficus Ali is the perfect plant for interior designers. With the help of trimming it is very easy to give the original shape.

Ficus Ali is also called ficus benedict, as a derivative of the name of the discoverer, is often found in home floriculture. Under natural conditions, he grows in Southeast Asia.


The plant has several varieties. Outwardly, they all differ from the usual ficus. This is especially true for the crown. Unpretentious in breeding and care.

In the wild, ficus benedict ali grows to a mark of 15-20 meters. The trunk is tree-like, distinguished by a clearly even lower part, not a branchy structure. The branches are thin. Closer to the top, they, bending, slightly fall down.

The leaves are slightly expanded over the entire area - by about 5 cm, rather long with pointed tips. Sometimes the leaf size reaches 30 cm in length. Their color depends on the place of growth and on the variety. It can be variegated or monochromatic.

Most adult specimens that are bred at home have dark green foliage with streaks of light green tones. Often, branching veins running along the entire surface are clearly visible on the leaf. Central vein visually separates the leaf in half, while giving it a curved shape.

Main varieties

Ficus binnendi has a lot of derivative varieties. All of them are unique in their own way.

Today we will consider only the most popular among flower growers.

ficus ali

More often than others, you can meet him in interior design. Its leaf plates have minor differences from other varieties due to the slightly increased leaf width. This gives the ficus a certain grace that breeders are willing to use. for decorating building facades and premises;

Amstel king

It has benefits due to low maintenance. Original in appearance. The leaves can be up to 8 cm wide. Slightly wavy, shiny. On a young plant pale brown bark, and in an adult - silver;

Amstel gold

It is also called "Green Gold". The name itself calls for the acquisition of this particular owner is incredibly rich golden color. The leaf plates have an unusual and very beautiful color, which suggests the presence of green-yellow pigmentation at the base of each leaflet.

And its entire surface is covered with multiple inclusions various shades of green. Unusual and exquisite decoration of any room;

Amstel Queen

A variety with an intermediate width of the leaf plate, the owner of an incredible and noble color. This ficus strikes with magnificence. It will bring colorfulness to the interior, it will become a unique decoration.

Home care


The plant is photophilous. Feels good in diffused lighting in conditions of sufficient brightness. Varieties with variegated deciduous color need more light.

Holders of a monochromatic crown can easily grow in partial shade.

Important! It is desirable to place the culture on the east, southeast side. It is difficult to tolerate drafts, as well as a sharp change in environment and temperature.

Air temperature

It grows and develops better while maintaining the temperature regime in the area 22-24 degrees of heat. In winter, a decrease to + 16 ° C is permissible. It is not necessary to place a flowerpot with a flower in a cold period of time on windows or other places where the soil will be very cold.

This will lead to a significant decrease in the temperature of the rhizome. What ficus can react to leaf shedding the occurrence of diseases. Due to the need to maintain good air circulation where the ficus grows, it is not recommended to place the plant next to heaters and batteries.

Excessive heat can cause development of disease and even death. indoor flower.

Air humidity

This indicator is not significant for the development of ficus benedict. Moderate up to 70% is quite suitable. With increased heat in the summer, it is advisable to periodically spray the foliage warm settled water.

This video talks about ficus Ali and the features of caring for the plant.


The plant should be watered as the soil dries. If you find that moisture has evaporated from the soil at a shallow depth, it's time to moisten the ground or add water to the pan.

Important! the stand under the flowerpot must be dry, as the flower absorbs as much moisture as it needs. The excess must be poured out. Failure to follow this rule will gradually lead to root rot.

Ground Requirements

You can buy ready-made soil for planting ficuses. Palm substrates are also suitable. If you prepare the mixture yourself, you should take into account the following proportions: sand, humus and peat - 1 part each; leaf and sod land - 2 parts each. For a young seedling, humus can be excluded and a substrate made up of the same components, taken in equal proportions.

top dressing

Fertilize the plant regularly 1-2 times a week from spring to autumn. In this case, the introduction of organic substances with minerals should be alternated. Top dressing is applied exclusively to the ground. Some of its varieties can be dissolved in water for irrigation and fertilized at the same time as moistening the soil according to the same scheme no more than 1 time in 7-10 days.

Important! Since the dormant period of ficuses falls in the winter months, it is not necessary to fertilize the ficus at this time.

crown formation

ficus ali easy lends itself to crown formation. You can independently create the volume and look of the houseplant that you like best. To do this, you just need to periodically trim the excess part of the branches. Then the crown will always be lush and compact.

If you plant two young pagons in one flowerpot and, in the process of their development, intertwine the trunks, you can grow an ornamental pigtail plant of incredible beauty. This form of room culture will surprise anyone.

Plant transplant

Transshipment of an adult plant, which is 5 or more years old, is produced as the root system grows and the pot becomes small. It will be sufficient to do this 2 times a year.

Young seedlings can change pots once a year. transplant best done in spring or summer during the period of active growth of the plant.

Advice! The plant should be transplanted into a container whose diameter is 2-3 centimeters larger than the previous one.

Ficus propagation

Reproduction of this type of plant produced by cuttings. It is convenient to prepare them in the spring at the time of pruning, when the crown of the plant is formed. The cutting is rooted in water in good light premises.

Maintain a warm temperature regime and add water as it evaporates. Root can appear within 10-14 days. Planted in a permanent place when the root is more than 2 cm.

The material should be planted in nutrient soil, which must first be steamed. Such a procedure is mandatory. If this is not done, then seedling may not be accepted.

Fight against diseases, pests

Compliance with the elementary rules of plant care will provide ficus or disease resistance. Otherwise, he may react negatively under uncomfortable conditions. Sheds foliage, stops growth until better times.

Always remember these criteria for the normal development of ficus benedict:

  • don't let waterlogging of the soil;
  • observe the lighting mode;
  • do not disturb him often moving to inappropriate conditions.

As for pests, this houseplant often affects scale insect and spider mite. The thyroid gland can be harvested by hand if noticed in time. After that, it will be enough to process the ficus laundry soap solution.

Spider mite can be observed with improper care. Manifested in the form of a whitish web on foliage. The pests themselves are very difficult to consider. The plant takes damage from such a settlement in the form foliage lesions.

Important! The tick does not tolerate moisture, so the first thing to do is rinse the plant well with room temperature water. And after that, you can purchase some kind of composition for treating the crop from this pest and spray it, following the instructions.

Ficus ali is ideal for flower growers with little experience. No hassle to take care of. The flower will grow and delight the owner with incredible beauty, bringing a light tropical fragrance into the room, and in the interior - freshness and novelty.

This video talks about the conditions of Ficus Ali and the possible difficulties in growing it.


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