How is the installation of MDF on the walls. MDF wall panels do-it-yourself installation: options for mounting MDF wall panels on glue and frame Laying MDF panels on walls with your own hands

The decoration of any room should be carefully thought out. Design must be not only beautiful, but also functional. For example, MDF panels can subsequently be washed, they will not quickly become dirty and age. In addition, this material has additional advantages.

Finishing for which MDF is used can be ideal. Do-it-yourself installation is quite simple. Special knowledge is not required here. So even a non-professional can do the job.

What is MDF?

For the manufacture of which very small chips are used. For production it is necessary high pressure and temperature. In order for the chips to stick together into one mixture, carbamide resins are added to it, which are considered a link.

MDF wall panels (even an amateur can do it yourself) are used for sheathing vertical surfaces in residential and office space. Other types of material can be used for making furniture, arranging partitions, laying floor covering. Very often from plates are made acoustic systems. The thickness of the material reaches 4 mm. There are some conditions for storing these products: humidity - no more than 70%, temperature - no higher than 25 degrees.

Material Advantages

Sheathing with MDF panels has some advantages:

1. High level of moisture resistance. Some types of materials can even be used for bathroom decoration.

2. Good durability. The boards are well pressed.

3. Low cost. You can buy them in any hardware store at an acceptable price.

4. Resistance to temperature changes, biological effects. Mice will not be able to gnaw through such a skin.

5.Ease of processing and use. You can cut the material with a regular jigsaw or circular saw.

6. Good soundproof qualities.

7. Products retain heat well and also they can be painted, laminated, varnished.

8. Ability to create an original design.

9. Easy panel cleaning.

MDF wall panels, do-it-yourself installation of which is done only after assembly necessary tools, made from natural material so they are environmentally friendly.

Product Disadvantages

Among the disadvantages of this material are the following:

Amenable to combustion.

Quite a large mass. This feature does not allow the use of shields for all walls.

The presence of synthetic resins in the composition of the product. Although they do not evaporate and are not harmful to health.

These shortcomings are not significant in correct operation material.

What types of plate fixings are there?

Before that, you need to understand the connection methods. They are like this:

  • Tenon groove. This is the simplest type of locking elements. Laying is done end to end. A feature of this installation is the need for a base made of metal profiles or a wooden crate.
  • Groove-groove. Here you will also need special training. The wall will need to be reinforced with U-shaped profiles.
  • Glue. This method is used quite often. However, the panel should be light in weight, and the wall should be perfectly flat. It requires a special adhesive to work. Naturally, during the installation process, dust and dirt await you. But if you have a small room at your disposal and the availability of free centimeters is fundamental, then it is better to choose this particular method.
  • profile. It allows you to level the base and attach large-format products.

What tools are needed for the job?

If you purchased MDF wall panels, do-it-yourself installation should be done only after the entire necessary material and the fixtures will be ready. You will need:

  1. Building level.
  2. Reiki for the construction of the crate.
  3. Locksmith's square for the correct determination of the angle.
  4. Plumb.
  5. Drill as well special nozzle for driving screws.
  6. Hammer and pliers.
  7. for cutting panels.
  8. Special fasteners.
  9. Screw, self-tapping screw in the required quantity.

These tools should be enough to install the panels. Surface preparation may require other tools.

Varieties and features of panels

In order for the finish to serve for a long time and with high quality, it is necessary to choose the right facing material. There are such types of panels:

  • Ordinary. They have high strength, but do not have special protection against moisture. Therefore, such products can be used for wall cladding in dry rooms: hallways, living rooms, bedrooms.
  • For rooms with increased level humidity. Such MDF panels for the kitchen are suitable. It is in this room that moisture often accumulates and there are temperature drops.
  • Heavily loaded. They can be mounted in bathrooms, as they have the most high level protection from the damaging effects of moisture.

Naturally, it should not be overlooked decorative properties MDF boards. With different designs and color design you can work wonders. For example, in order to make a room visually larger, use light or white panels. To get original and unique interior, you should pay attention to the material with an individual design pattern.

Naturally, when choosing, you should pay attention to specifications and quality. Buy material only from licensed stores. It is better to choose those manufacturers who have a good reputation and customer reviews.

Features of surface preparation

Before that, it is necessary to prepare the base. In principle, this is not difficult to do. First, remove the previous finish or its fragile parts. If the basis for fixing the plates is a wooden crate, then it will not be necessary to level the wall. It should be pre-marked.

The adhesive method requires ideal flat surface. If the defects or level differences are small, then you can apply the usual plaster mortar. Naturally, the walls will then need to be primed in order to maximize adhesion with glue.

Most often, a wooden crate is still used. Making it is easy. Rails are installed vertically and horizontally. The distance between them should not exceed 30-40 cm. A screw, self-tapping screw or nail is usually used to fasten the rails. Please note that everything wooden elements should be treated with a special antiseptic.

If metal profiles are used for the crate, then the space that remains between them can be filled with mineral wool or other insulation. In addition to keeping warm, you can provide additional sound insulation.

Mounting Features

Interior decoration with MDF panels has a certain sequence:

  1. Fixing the first panel. She is screwed on inner corner using self-tapping screws. If necessary, cut the slab to length. Since each panel has a comb, it will have to be grinded down a bit. For additional fixation, metal fasteners are used.
  2. The next strips need to be screwed back to back with the previous ones. From the side of the side groove, the product is fixed with additional fasteners.
  3. Installation of the last panel. If necessary, it is cut to length. This element is attached to the crate with self-tapping screws.
  4. Next, you need to repeat the above steps for each wall. After completing the work along the upper edge, a narrow baseboard should be installed. It is fastened with nails or screws.

As you can see, you can do this job yourself.

MDF panels are in very high demand. However, improperly mounted material can degrade the interior of the room. Therefore, try to follow the recommendations of experts.

For example, when laying slabs, always use a plumb line and this will help you attach the products evenly.

You can sew up with such material the entire wall or part of it. For example, you can only mount panels half the height of the base. This will make it possible to use additional finishing materials, as well as diversify the interior.

If there are small irregularities on the wall, then small pieces of plastic can be placed under the wooden slats. They will strengthen the crate. That's all. Let your home be beautiful and unusual. Good luck!

The modern interior provides a beautiful and original finish, which in a special way emphasizes the style of housing. Therefore, in recent times MDF wall panels are very popular among designers. Unlike wooden board they are inexpensive, come in a variety of colors and are easy to install, giving the room an ennobled look.


MDF is a unique construction material, produced in the form of panels from medium-density fibreboard. Since the boards are produced by dry pressing wood shavings under high temperature and pressure with the addition of urea resin, they are heavy-duty and durable in operation.

Decorative finishing with such panels has many advantages.

  • Easy installation. The material can be fastened in any direction: diagonally, across or along the wall surface. In addition, for the installation of panels, it is not necessary to carefully prepare the working base. The condition of the walls in no way affects the quality of the cladding.
  • Aesthetic look. Huge assortment color palette and invoices allows you to use MDF for any styling. In addition, during installation, between the plates and the base of the walls remains small space, which can be used to hide insulation and wiring.
  • Good thermal insulation. The material is characterized by excellent heat retention, so after MDF fasteners the room gets additional insulation.
  • Easy care. To clean the panels from dust and dirt, it is enough to wipe them with a soft sponge dipped in warm water. If damage occurs during operation, then there is no need to completely change the casing. To do this, the panel with defects is removed and a new one is attached in its place.
  • Durability. Such a lining will reliably serve for more than a dozen years.

Despite the presence positive characteristics, MDF has some disadvantages.

  • Low moisture resistance. Under the influence of moisture, the material is subject to deformation. Therefore, for interior decoration with high humidity it is recommended to use special plates with a protective layer.
  • Instability to mechanical damage and stress. Decorative panels need careful installation and maintenance.
  • High risk of fire. electrical wiring, which is laid under the trim, must be placed in the fire resistance of the box.
  • Formation of hollow walls. Since the MDF is fixed to the frame, a “void” is obtained between the sheathing, therefore, when you need to fix furniture to the walls, you have to use long nails or dowels.

Before you purchase facing plates, it is important to consider that they are produced different sizes depending on the model range each brand.

As a rule, products with a thickness of 7 mm to 14 mm and dimensions of 2600 × 200 mm, 2600 × 153 mm, 2600 × 325 mm are most often found on the market. fasten wall blocks usually on glue or a crate made of wooden beams and metal profiles. At the same time, the installation of plates on wooden frame it is much easier to do, but before starting the installation, the wood should be coated with antiseptic solutions that protect it from the formation of mold and fungus.

To date, MDF boards have found wide application in various fields. They cover the walls door leafs, window sills, ceilings, as well as screens for heating and ventilation systems and arches. This finish looks great modern interior, since the panels imitate not only expensive wood species, but also natural stone.

Material Quantity Calculation

The installation of MDF, like any other material, must begin with preliminary calculation number of panels. To do this, first of all, determine the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room: everything is done necessary measurements, and multiply the perimeter by the height. It is also important to consider the presence of doors and windows in the room. Their quadrature is calculated in the same way, multiplying the height by the width, the result is subtracted from total area premises.

Then, knowing all the numbers, you can go shopping for wall panels. Since the products are sold in different sizes, you will have to additionally calculate how much square meters in every plate. Usually manufacturers write this on packs. If, for example, a panel is purchased with a width of 900 mm and a length of 2600 mm, then it is enough to multiply 2600 mm by 900 mm. As a result, it turns out that in one plate 2.34 m2. Then the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room that is planned for sheathing should simply be divided by 2.34 m2, and you get right amount panels.

Instrument preparation

An important point before starting the MDF sheathing, the preparation of the tool is also considered. Since the installation of wall panels is not particularly difficult, it is quite possible to do it yourself, without resorting to the help of specialists.

To do the job quickly and efficiently, you need to have a basic set of tools at hand.

  • Roulette. It is best to use a 5-meter tape measure.
  • Level. It can be either purchased at the store or made from jute, to the end of which a nut is tied.
  • Drill with complete set nozzles. It will perfectly replace the screwdriver and simplify the task of fixing the plates.
  • Metal square. For installation, one that has various legs and is usually used by locksmiths is suitable. Using a square, panels for cutting slopes will be measured.
  • Hacksaw or electric jigsaw. It is recommended to stock up on both at the same time. In this case, the hacksaw should be chosen with fine teeth having a transverse and longitudinal washed down.
  • Bulgarian. It is needed for cutting metal profiles, if the frame is planned to be assembled from metal.

In addition to the above, you will also need the usual tools that everyone has in the house: a screwdriver, a knife, a hammer, drills and a marker.

Mounting methods

Before sheathing MDF walls, it is necessary to determine how to fix them. Install decorative panels can be with glue or on the crate. Each of these methods is characterized by its installation technology.

Before choosing, you should evaluate the condition of the surface, taking into account some of the nuances.

  • The boards are made from wood fibers, so the material must be protected from contact with mold-damaged substrates. Mounting on walls in rooms with high humidity is not recommended. In addition, the panels must be mounted on a flat base.
  • In the event that the walls are well cleaned of old finish, dry, then you can install MDF on them with glue or liquid nails without assembling the crate. This will simplify fastening, but exclude the possibility of replacing individual plates if they are mechanically damaged.

The installation of wall blocks on the frame is as follows: guides are attached to the surface, which serve as the basis for installation, then MDF is fixed to the metal profile or bar.

This technique has many advantages.

  • The crate hides the defects of the base, so the walls do not need to be leveled and leveled. This in turn saves a lot of time and money.
  • The formed "void" between the skin will serve perfect place for laying important systems communications and laying the heat-insulating layer. In addition, it creates additional soundproofing, which is especially important for apartments in which inter-wall partitions have poor sound absorption.
  • Possibility quick repair finishes if individual panels have been damaged.

As for the disadvantages of such a sheathing, it significantly reduces the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, and if you need to hang pieces of furniture on the walls or decorative elements, then it is worth considering that the design will not withstand such loads.

Unlike the previous technique, landing on glue does not have significant disadvantages. MDF boards fastened directly to the wall, connecting element in this case serves as glue. To fix the panels together additionally, clamps are also used. Thanks to this finishing option, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room does not decrease, installation is carried out quickly, without damaging the material with self-tapping screws or nails. But if the surface of the cladding is damaged during operation, then not one fragment of the finish, but the entire wall, will have to be restored.

When deciding on the choice of a particular method, it is worth considering not only the features of the room, but also calculate the cost of sheathing. For example, in some cases it is much more economical to putty the walls and not build a frame. For large rooms Of course, it is best to install the crate, since it will be problematic to perfectly align their walls.

Execution of works

MDF panels thanks to their performance characteristics and aesthetic appearance are widely used in finishing work. Wall panels can not only decorate the ceilings of the corridor, the passer-by, but also originally sheathe the doorway or window slopes. Furniture fittings and wall corners are also easily made from the material at home. Since the product is easy to install, it is quite possible to do all the work with your own hands. Before fixing MDF, you should prepare the surface for finishing by cleaning it of the old coating and eliminating all defects.

Regardless of whether it is planned to be sheathed on concrete, wood or brick, the base must be primed, this will protect the finish in the future from the appearance of mold and fungus.

For additional thermal insulation of window slopes, walls and doorways, it is recommended to lay insulating material, it will not only serve good insulation, but also cope with the task of vapor and waterproofing.

To install the panels on the slopes, they can be fixed along or across, it all depends on the size of the slope. This finish, made from a combination of light and dark pieces of slabs, looks original. Installation of panels on walls and ceilings is carried out both on glue and on a pre-assembled frame. To do this, first fasten start profile, and then the guides, along the length of which you need to properly join the decorative details. To make a beautiful corner, before installation, trim the material, rounding its edges.

Sawing or cutting panels is recommended using special tools for working with wood. A jigsaw is considered the best option for this, but if it is not at hand, then a saw with fine teeth will do. Having decided on the direction of the MDF sheathing, the panels are measured and cut to the desired length. At the same time, it is necessary to cut off the spike along the entire length of the first plate, if this is not done, then difficulties will arise when installing the corners.


When choosing a method for attaching MDF to a crate, you will first have to make a solid frame from a metal profile or wooden beams. At the same time, attention should be paid to the fact that wooden structure requires pre-impregnation with antiseptic solutions that will protect it from decay and mold. If it is planned to lay thermal insulation, then the thickness of the bars is chosen according to the thickness of the insulating material. for sheathing brick walls and rooms with high humidity, a wooden frame is not recommended.

To wooden bars during installation they were not deformed, it is worth choosing a well-dried tree. They fix the structure perpendicular to the direction of installation of the panels, leaving a small margin of 5 cm from the floor and 3 cm from the ceiling. First of all, fix vertical elements, which are placed along the edges of the recesses, in the corners and next to the openings. Planks should be located at a distance of 700 mm from each other. For fastening the structure, self-tapping screws or nails with a diameter of 4 to 6 mm are usually used.

For Assembly metal structure use UD racks and horizontal CD profiles. The pitch of the crate is similarly 600-700 mm.

The CD profile is inserted into the rack and everything is fixed to the wall with self-tapping screws. metal profiles can be cut with a special circular saw. If the ceiling is trimmed with panels, then the frame must be assembled only from horizontal elements, using additional fasteners.


After frame structure ready, start paneling. MDF boards are fixed to each other using a tongue and groove lock, consisting of a recess and a ridge. The parts are fastened to the wooden crate with small nails, they are hammered obliquely with a hammer. To install the material on the metal profile, clamps are used, they are placed in the groove of the plate and fixed with self-tapping screws.

At vertical installation MDF begin to fix from the corner, smoothly redirecting to the left side. The first plate is attached to the beam with nails, and from the side of the groove, fixation is carried out with clamps. Then the crest of the next plate is placed in the groove of the first. The last panel should be cut to length, leaving a small margin of 5 mm, and its comb cut in half. It must be inserted into the groove of the previous panel and secure the free edge.

For sheathing slopes, pieces of wall slabs are used. To beautifully close the skin, use special corners. They are planted on liquid nails or glue, decorating the edges near doors and windows. In addition, MDF is great for finishing. ceiling surface, in this case, the panels are installed in the direction perpendicular to the base of the walls.

The construction market is represented by a huge range of MDF panels. For interior decoration, a material with a painted and laminated surface is usually used. They can be sheathed as the surface of the walls, ceiling, and doorways or an arch, which is pre-installed on drywall frame. Depending on the scope of wall panels, their installation is carried out in different ways.

MDF - Medium Density Fibreboard - these are panels made from woodworking waste without the use of a binder (this is their difference from fiberboard or chipboard). The manufacturing technology of MDF panels consists in dry hot pressing of wood.

Characteristics of mdf panels

MDF panels can be made from any wood. Such panels are cheaper than solid wood panels. MDF panels are eco-friendly, ideal for indoor use.

Installation of MDF panels

There are two technologies for attaching MDF panels to the wall:

    Mounting on a wooden crate

    Mounting on a frame made of galvanized profiles.

In damp areas and brick houses absolutely not recommended to use wooden crate because there is a high risk of fungus.

The crate is carried out in the same way as during installation. plastic panels(read the article). For metal lathing, UD profiles (guides) and CD are used.

How to fix mdf panels

MDF panels are interconnected using a symmetrical tongue-and-groove lock in the form of a comb and a corresponding groove. If you are using a wooden crate, then the panels can be fixed with small nails that are hammered obliquely into the corner of the groove.

For attaching panels to metal frame use clamps (these are small metal brackets that press the tongue groove shelf). Claymers are inserted into the groove of the panel and fixed with self-tapping screws.

Do-it-yourself installation of mdf panels

You need to install the panels, starting from the corner. Remember to check the slope of the panel with a spirit level, otherwise you will attach the panels crookedly.

    On the first panel, you need to cut off the tongue tongue and fix the panel in the corner with nails or self-tapping screws.

    We take the next panel and insert the comb into the groove and fix it. We repeat everything with subsequent panels until the last 2 panels remain.

Everything more people every day choose as finishing material mdf panels for the walls of your house. It is believed that it is a worthy alternative to painting and wallpaper, but it also has additional positive qualities.

In this article, we will talk not only about mounting MDF on walls, but also reveal the secret of the popularity of this material.

Why Choose MDF

Before moving on to talking about mounting MDF panels on walls, let's see why this material is becoming more and more popular day by day. Of course, it has many advantages, but it also has no less disadvantages, and some of them are so significant that they make it simply impossible to repair some rooms with the help of these panels.

So, what are the main qualities of MDF that would distinguish it from other finishing materials:

  • Mounting MDF panels on the walls is a very simple process. and you can do it yourself, without involving professional builders. In many ways, this affects the final cost of repairs.
  • Since the installation of MDF panels on the walls is carried out on a special crate, the free space between the wall remains for air to breathe, and this is very good, as it allows the accumulated condensate to dry completely. Also, this space can be used for additional insulation walls if needed.
  • Ordinary MDF panels are very susceptible to moisture. The boards themselves endure this contact with ease, but the texture pattern can be damaged, so if you choose a material for wall decoration in a complex room, such as a bathroom or kitchen, then you should choose special boards, but we will talk about this below.
  • Panels are convenient for repairing damage. If a defect has formed somewhere that cannot be disguised, it is enough to change the damaged segment, without having to redo the entire repair.
  • MDF panels can be sewn up not only walls, but also the ceiling Thus, the whole room can be done in one style.
  • Big choice decorative solutions . MDF panels can imitate natural wood or stone, as well as be completely monophonic. This diversity allows you to create the most daring and original interiors.
  • Relatively low price.

As you can see, the panels are a good option for decorating your home, but before you go to the store and choose the patterns you like, you need to know what these panels can be and which ones can be used in rooms with a complex atmosphere.

What are mdf panels


  • Conventional panels without a protective layer. Most cheap option, which is only suitable for residential areas, such as a living room or bedroom (see Bedroom decoration: looking for options). It is undesirable to use this material in a kitchen or bathroom, as it will quickly lose its appearance and become unusable.
  • Laminated panels. This option is suitable for the kitchen. The panels do not absorb odors and can be washed with detergents. The only thing that such panels are afraid of is mechanical damage such as scratches. If at least one defect appears on the surface, the detrimental effect will continue to spread throughout the finish.
  • Veneered MDF. Perfect option for residential premises. Veneered panels are no longer just an imitation of natural wood covering, a thin slice of wood is really glued to them. Appearance of this material is at its best, but as a result, this is also reflected in the price, which can be several times higher than that of conventional panels.
  • Cork mdf. The most expensive option, which uses cork veneer as a decorative layer. This option is perfect for a nursery, especially since there are no chemical components in the panels that could harm the health of you or your child.
  • Sheet mdf. All of the above panels belong to the lining class, that is, they are assembled using the tongue-and-groove technology. Sheet MDF has no connecting grooves, and is attached as ceramic tile on glue butt-to-butt.

Which of these options to choose for finishing your home, it's up to you, you should proceed from characteristic features premises and financial opportunities, but do not fall into savings. If you can't afford laminated mdf for your bathroom, then it's better to ditch it altogether than to install conventional panels that will fall into disrepair in a few months.

MDF panels are one of the most affordable and easy-to-install wall finishing materials. It will take a minimum of components, a little skill and a desire to decorate the room beautifully. And, of course, the most important thing is our installation instructions for slats.

After finishing the wall with MDF panels, it may look like this. It's pretty, isn't it?

What are MDF panels

MDF or MDF (Medium Density Fibreboard) is a fibreboard produced by dry hot pressing. As raw materials, fine-grained sawdust of technical wood species, binders and some additives are used, which provide the material with plasticity and relative moisture resistance.

MDF boards are convenient because they can be produced in any thickness, easy to process, cut, mill, veneer. Therefore, wall panels with a thickness of 6 to 16 mm are produced from them. The width of the products varies from 12 to 37 cm, length - from 2.4 to 3 m. The surface is most often decorated with plastic or paper-resin films with a wood grain design, natural stone, ceramic products, fabrics, leather.

MDF panels are equipped with a tongue-and-groove connection system, that is, there is a spike on one side of the plank, and a groove on the other. As components, manufacturers (Kronostar, Soyuz, Kronospan, etc.) produce thin outer and inner corners from the same material with decorative surface under a tree, a stone and other materials.

The tongue-and-groove system allows you to connect the panels firmly and without gaps

The main method of mounting panels is frame or adhesive. The first is more complex, but reliable. The second requires more thorough preparation of the base, respectively, time, labor and material costs can increase significantly.

What is required for the installation of MDF

For the installation of MDF panels with your own hands, you need the following set of tools and accessories:

  • Panels and fittings made of MDF or plastic (outer, inner, finishing F-, U- or T-shaped corners).
  • U-shaped steel profiles for gypsum plasterboards and components for forming a frame. An alternative is timber 30x50 mm, 40x40 mm, 40x60 mm, etc.
  • Strengthening primer for concrete or antiseptic impregnation for wood.
  • Self-tapping screws for metal or wood, nails or special clamps.
  • Insulation (isolon, polystyrene, mineral wool, EPPS and others).
  • Hacksaw with blades for wood or electric jigsaw, scissors for metal.
  • Roulette and construction pencil.
  • Gyrolevel and metal corner.
  • Hammer, screwdriver or drill. Alternatively, you can use a construction stapler or Liquid Nails glue.

Step-by-step instruction

Consider the most common way to install panels with your own hands on walls - frame. The point is that from wooden slats or steel profiles for GCR, a “skeleton” is formed on the walls, to which decorative lamellas are subsequently attached.

In the case of mounting MDF boards on a frame, the wall does not need to be carefully plastered, puttied, leveled, or removed the old coating in the form of wallpaper or paint.

It is enough to treat crumbling mineral bases (concrete, plaster, brick, cement) with a deep penetration strengthening primer, wooden ones with fire-bioprotective impregnation or an antiseptic indelible primer to prevent the development of mold, fungi, bugs.

Installation of MDF is carried out in the following order.

Step 1. Preparing the walls

The surface must be treated with a protective and strengthening composition. If necessary, fix the thin insulation with plastic dowels or construction stapler- ordinary or foil-foamed polyethylene (Izolon, Penoizol), XPS up to 7 mm thick (Pufas, QS) or others.

At this stage, work is also carried out with electrical wiring and other communications. Outlets of sockets, switches, cables are marked.

Step 2. Forming the frame

The main rule when installing planks with your own hands is that logs or profiles are attached perpendicular to the direction of installation of the panels. As a rule, MDF is mounted vertically, respectively, the rails must be fixed horizontally.

First of all, you should check the evenness of the wall with a level and mark it. Particularly protruding areas are desirable to cut off, pits and depressions are marked with a pencil, so that when installing the crate in these areas, put thin dies of fiberboard, chipboard or plywood for leveling.

First, a frame is formed around the perimeter of the wall. The lower and upper beam or profile is installed at a distance of 3-5 cm from the floor / ceiling. Between them, the elements of the crate are placed in increments of 40-60 cm. Metal guides are fastened with metal screws or anchors; for wooden slats, you can use nails, dowel-nails or wood screws.

Along the perimeter of doors and window openings the crate is mounted with an indent of 3-5 cm from the edge. The distance between adjacent profiles should remain standard - 40-60 cm.

Additional battens can be installed around door and window frames to increase rigidity

Between the elements of the finished crate, you can install insulation boards - mineral wool, foam plastic, extruded polystyrene foam and others.

Step 3. Installing the panels

MDF must be carefully cut to size in advance. Installation starts from the corner. The panel is attached to the wall, verticality is checked with a hydraulic level and fixed from the side of the ridge to the crate using small nails or special clamps. The next lamella is inserted with a spike into the groove of the previous one until it stops and is fixed on the other side with hardware. The remaining panels are mounted in a similar way.

After finishing the work, the corners and edges around the windows and doors are decorated with MDF fittings. Folding corners made of MDF or plastic are attached with Liquid Nails, Titanium glue and their analogues.

Initially, an MDF corner is not a corner at all, but a plank. Depending on the type of corner (internal or external), it is bent in the right direction

surplus adhesive composition should be removed immediately with a damp cloth. top can be hidden under a decorative plastic or polyurethane cornice, from the bottom, plinths are mounted with their own hands to match the color of the floor or wall covering.

The covering from MDF panels is ready. It is recommended to use a vacuum cleaner or a slightly damp cloth to remove dust and dirt. Do not use rags that are abundantly moistened with water, abrasive and aggressive detergents to avoid damage to the board surface.

Detailed video instructions for installing MDF panels:

Adhesive method of mounting MDF lamellas on the wall

At adhesive method installation to the base are more stringent requirements. The surface must be solid, even and dry. It is desirable to remove the remains of old coatings completely, then prime with a composition that increases adhesion.

Glue is applied to the back of the panel in zigzag movements, then the bar is applied to the wall and pressed. The next lamella is also smeared with glue, connected to the previous one and pressed. After installing all the elements, the corners and edges are decorated with corners, cornices, and other fittings.