Production of wall blocks from expanded clay. How to make expanded clay concrete blocks with your own hands? The choice of the proportion of expanded clay concrete for mortar

Expanded clay concrete blocks are a building material used for the construction of walls of residential and industrial buildings. Their widespread use began relatively recently, but they have already gained popularity among most builders.

The process of manufacturing expanded clay blocks can be done both at the factory and at home with your own hands. But in the second case, the quality of manufactured products will be significantly lower.

According to the method of manufacture and characteristics, they are similar to pure concrete blocks, with the difference that expanded clay is used as a heavy filler, and not crushed stone. Due to the lightness of expanded clay, the blocks are much lighter than classic concrete ones.

1 Benefits of using expanded clay concrete blocks

Expanded clay blocks have such an excellent property as incombustibility. This is true due to the fact that expanded clay cannot catch fire or melt. At high temperatures, it can only crack and collapse. It is the elimination of the need for additional fire supervision that makes such blocks popular in all types of construction.

Expanded clay demonstrates high performance not only at high, but also at low temperatures. When building in a cold northern climate, expanded clay concrete blocks become an indispensable tool. During frequent temperature changes, expanded clay can withstand about 50 freeze and thaw cycles.

Using expanded clay concrete, you can be sure of keeping the heat inside the apartment. The accumulation of solar energy during the day, together with the property of slow heat transfer to the external environment, made expanded clay an excellent material for the construction of civil buildings.

Expanded clay houses have the ability to "breathe", thereby maintaining optimal temperature indicators in the room.

Expanded clay blocks do an excellent job of isolating street noise, and the need to install an additional soundproofing system disappears by itself.

Thus, we can distinguish the following main advantages of the production of expanded clay concrete blocks:

  • reduced weight compared to concrete, high strength;
  • thermal insulation properties;
  • resistance to aggressive chemical environments;
  • the speed of building walls using this material;
  • frost resistance;
  • complete environmental friendliness of production and further use in construction.

1.1 Manufacturing technology of expanded clay blocks

The main material for the production of such blocks is expanded clay. It is obtained by high-temperature processing of clay or shale. Other required elements: water, cement, sand.

Sometimes various plasticizers are added in order to reduce water consumption and increase the elasticity of the mixture. Most often, liquid soap or glue acts as a plasticizer.

Depending on the proportions of the components of the expanded clay mixture, made block can have a variety of characteristics. The most common types in the manufacture of expanded clay blocks are:

  • structural;
  • structural and heat-insulating;
  • heat-insulating.

The first option, a structural block, can be obtained by increasing the proportion of cement in the total mass of the composition. The production of such blocks is rational for the construction of multi-storey residential buildings, where rigidity and strength of the supporting structures are required.

If the preservation of heat in the room is in the first place, then you should choose the proportion in this variant: 60% expanded clay sand, 30% ordinary river or sea sand, 10% cement and 8% water.

Now in detail about the manufacturing steps. First of all, it is necessary to form a claydite-concrete mixture in the required proportions. The diameter of all fractions should not exceed 10 millimeters. Cement is recommended to use brand M400. All components are thoroughly mixed in a concrete mixer. The procedure for pouring the mixture into the concrete mixer is as follows:

  1. Water.
  2. Expanded clay.
  3. Cement.
  4. Sand.

The next mandatory process is the formation of blocks. In a special niche on the vibrating machine, a mold is installed into which the concrete mixture is poured. After the compaction of the mold is completed, the excess mixture is removed from the surface of the mold, and then the mold itself is sent for drying.

The first section of drying takes place within 2 days in steel plates, at a maintained temperature of 50-60 degrees. After this period, the form is taken out into the open air and undergoes a second drying period lasting 7-10 days. All these operations can be done with your own hands, without purchasing expensive equipment.

2 Required equipment

To fully ensure the production technology, the manufacture of expanded clay concrete blocks requires a complete set of equipment. To prepare the concrete mix, concrete mixers are required - large containers placed on a rotating axis. Their main difference is the capacity (displacement) and the number of revolutions per minute.

A manual vibrating machine is an ideal machine for the production of blocks with your own hands, as well as a machine for the production of arbolite blocks. They are small in size, which makes it possible to carry out production at home.

The vibrator is fixed on the surface of the body and oscillates, contributing to the distribution of the mixture in the form evenly and without lumps. Manual machines can have stationary and removable void formers. Removable void formers allow you to configure the block type at your discretion.

The vibrating table is a machine with a pallet 3 mm thick with sides. It is on the pallet that the molds are compacted by vibration. The work behind it is simple and easy to do with your own hands, it is possible to make about 6 forms at a time.

Due to the location of the vibrator at the bottom of the pallet, the vibrations are distributed evenly over the entire surface, which has a positive effect on the quality of the output product.

The vibropress is already a much more powerful and overall machine, which is used in the production of expanded clay blocks on an industrial scale. It has a hydraulic drive that exerts several tons of effort to compact products.

The void formers are located on special ramps and are pressed into the mold as needed.

On pallets, the final molding of the blocks takes place. The vibropress eliminates do-it-yourself work at all stages of production.

2.1 Machine Rifey-Universal M

The Rifey vibrating machine is excellent for the manufacture of concrete products from rigid mixtures with a filler such as expanded clay, using the volumetric pressing method. The maximum dimensions of molded products are 780 × 390x230 millimeters. For each separate type of blocks, it is necessary to have a separate matrix.

Using the Rifey machine, you can produce the following building products:

  • wall blocks, cinder blocks, expanded clay blocks;
  • borders;
  • facing stones;
  • paving slabs.

In the CIS countries and Russia, this press is used primarily to create do-it-yourself expanded clay building materials, and only then you can use this machine to produce paving slabs.

The complete set of the machine consists of a mixture preparation module, which includes a 300-liter mixer and a conveyor that sends the mixture to the vibropress. And also from a forming module with a vibropress directly, a pump, a control panel, a drive and a cassette for feeding pallets.

The delivery can be supplemented with a punch-matrix unit designed for the production of special shapes of wall stone.

Productivity and quality of production do not leave equal machine Rifey in the market of vibropresses. Design solutions make it possible to re-equip the press for the production of other products in just an hour, by replacing punches-matrices. Reliability, ease of maintenance, repair and maintenance minimizes costs in the production of expanded clay blocks.

2.2 Manufacturing technology of a machine for the production of expanded clay concrete blocks with your own hands (video)

The rapid development of advanced technologies has led to the emergence of unique building materials, including expanded clay concrete. This type of concrete complies with all GOST 6133-99 standards and is an indispensable solution for the construction of all kinds of buildings. The proportions of expanded clay concrete for blocks imply the introduction of expanded clay, not crushed stone.

Description and characteristics

The material is characterized by low weight and excellent performance characteristics that are characteristic of concrete structures. Due to its low thermal conductivity, it can be used for arranging wall structures and ceilings.

The characteristics of expanded clay concrete blocks are as follows:

  1. Strength - 35-150 kg per cubic centimeter.
  2. Density - 700−1500 kg per cubic meter.
  3. Thermal conductivity - 0.15−0.45 W / mGrad.
  4. Frost resistance - 50−200 cycles.
  5. Shrinkage - 0% mm/m.
  6. Moisture absorption - 50%.

In the manufacture of expanded clay concrete with your own hands, the proportions are selected taking into account the required consistency and features of the building. To create blocks with different densities, it is necessary to calculate the correct ratio of the plasticizer, which gives the composition elastic properties, as well as other components that determine a number of key characteristics of expanded clay concrete.

Externally, expanded clay concrete is characterized by a cellular structure with different pore sizes (it is determined by the firing mode of the main aggregate). Depending on the porosity, three types of material can be distinguished: coarse-porous, porous, and also dense.

As for the performance properties and benefits, they directly depend on the homogeneity of the structure of the concrete mixture. Normative strength indicators are determined by the correctly chosen ratio of expanded clay gravel with fine and coarse fractions. If the material will be used as the basis for the construction of structures, it must be additionally equipped with reinforcement, which will increase strength.

In most cases, expanded clay concrete is used to form enclosing and heat-insulating layers in multilayer building forms. The characteristics and serviceability of the final composition depend on the selected proportions and the correct ratio of the components. It is important to understand that the recipe for expanded clay concrete for flooring and building blocks varies significantly.

When laying the screed, the type of surface must be taken into account, as it determines the composition of the mixture. The optimal proportion for the manufacture of a screed with a height of 30 mm per 1 m² is as follows: 40 kg of a mixture of sand concrete grade M300 and 35 kg of expanded clay gravel.

Advantages and disadvantages of the screed

Expanded clay concrete screeds guarantee high reliability of the floor base, as well as its resistance to moisture, air and negative temperatures. Among the key advantages of the design, the following points should be highlighted:

But, in addition to the advantages, the claydite-concrete screed also has disadvantages. First of all, this is a significant rise in the height of the floor, as well as the need to polish the floor surface after the composition dries.

Production technology

The technology for the production of expanded clay concrete blocks is particularly simple and affordable, which makes it particularly popular among a wide audience of builders. Such material can be used for the construction of a small residential or commercial building in a country house or a plot near the house, the construction of premises on insufficiently good soil, and many other household tasks.

The high popularity of the technology is due to the excellent properties of the material and the affordable cost of production. It can be made without any special difficulties directly on a private site, without using sophisticated equipment and the help of specialists.

Blocks of expanded clay concrete can be both hollow and full-bodied. At the same time, regardless of the form, they include the main filler - expanded clay gravel. Solid structures are in demand for arranging the foundation and cladding of external walls, while hollow structures play the role of soundproof and heat-insulating partitions between the internal and external walls of the building.

When using porous technology, it is possible to increase the bearing capacity of the foundation and wall structures of the room. At the same time, the main advantage of using such concrete is a significant reduction in the cost of construction work, a long service life of the product and a low weight of expanded clay concrete.

Composition and proportions

Without a doubt, claydite concrete is currently one of the most popular building materials. The composition per 1 m³ should include the following components:

  1. cement mixture.
  2. Sand.
  3. Fine expanded clay, which is created on the basis of natural raw materials.
  4. Water without all sorts of impurities and chemicals. It should be noted that in no case should water with an acidity below pH 4 be used to dilute the mixture. Sea water should also not be used, as it can lead to the appearance of a white coating.

Also, the composition of expanded clay concrete (proportions per 1 m³ are calculated in advance at the construction site) may include several additional additives, such as sawdust, wood ash and plasticizers.

In order for the future building mixture to meet all the requirements, You must adhere to the following guidelines and rules:

  1. You can increase the elastic properties with the help of quartz sand.
  2. To make the future block moisture resistant, expanded clay gravel (without sand) must be added to its composition.
  3. Portland cement branded from M400 is characterized by excellent binding properties, so it is better to give preference to this particular model.
  4. The cement mixture has a positive effect on the strength characteristics of the structure, however, in the presence of this component, the weight of the product increases significantly.
  5. Provided that the future block will be subjected to heat treatment, it is better to use alite cement.

As for the density of raw materials, it directly depends on the components that are introduced into the composition of expanded clay concrete blocks. The proportions for a material with a normal density imply the introduction of large-fraction expanded clay. In most cases, such blocks are used to equip heat-insulating partitions.

If we are talking about the construction of load-bearing wall structures, it is advisable to use fine expanded clay. Too many small particles will make the block quite heavy, so experts recommend looking for a "golden mean" by mixing large and small "stones" for expanded clay concrete. The proportions per 1 m³ are determined by the type of work that is planned.

Before you start creating a mixture, you need to carefully study the recipe and pay attention to a few recommendations. This will avoid many difficulties at different stages of production, as well as get a high quality product with the best features:

It is not difficult to make sure that the mixture is ready: to do this, you need to scoop up a homogeneous mass with a shovel and see if it spreads or not. If the slide begins to spread over the shovel, this indicates that the expanded clay concrete is too liquid. If the consistency is stable and not loose, then the required ratio of components has been achieved.

Depending on the design features, different grades of concrete are used for the manufacture of expanded clay blocks:

  1. M50 - suitable for the construction of partitions.
  2. M75 - is an indispensable element for the construction of load-bearing walls for industrial and residential facilities.
  3. M100 - are used in the construction of premises with a small number of storeys, insulation of enclosing structures and the arrangement of monolithic floor slabs and screeds.
  4. M150−200 - this brand of concrete is used for the construction of load-bearing structures and when creating wall blocks or panels. The material is distinguished by its ability to withstand strong temperature fluctuations and chemical attack.
  5. M200 - is a popular composition for creating light blocks and floors. The advantage of the material is resistance to moisture and chemicals.

Mixes of expanded clay blocks

As mentioned above, the proportions and recipe of the expanded clay concrete mixture depend on the characteristics of the project for which they are intended. For example, if you need to make high-quality blocks, it is better to follow this recipe:

  1. To begin with, one part of cement and 2-3 parts of sand are mixed.
  2. After obtaining a homogeneous mass, 0.9-1 part of water is added to the consistency.
  3. Then the composition is stirred again, and 5-6 parts of expanded clay are added to it.

If the filler is not moist enough, it is better to increase the volume of water. In the absence of good sand, you can use Peskobeton. In the manufacture of expanded clay concrete for the floor, one part of cement and one part of water, three parts of sand and two parts of expanded clay are mixed. For a wet CB screed, it is customary to use expanded clay gravel in the proportion of 0.5–0.6 m3 of expanded clay per 1.4–1.5 tons of sand-cement composition.

If the task is to prepare materials for wall structures, then the optimal proportions will look like this:

  1. 1 part cement.
  2. 1.5 parts of expanded clay sand with a fraction of up to 5 mm.
  3. 1 part of fine expanded clay.

If you want to create expanded clay concrete for floors, it is better to use such a batch: 1 part of cement, 3 parts of sand, 1.5 parts of water, 4-5 parts of expanded clay.

Types of placeholders

A variety of components can be used as fillers for expanded clay concrete. In addition to expanded clay or expanded clay sand, quartz sand or a larger additive, including gravel, can be used. In this case, expanded clay will play the role of the base.

Among the main varieties of fillers are:

  1. Gravel with an angular or rounded shape.
  2. Crushed stone with an irregular angular shape and a rough surface.

Depending on the bulk weight, 12 grades of expanded clay are distinguished, and two types (A and B) are used in terms of strength. Preparing claydite concrete blocks at home is much easier than it might seem at first. The main thing is to follow the above recommendations, follow step-by-step instructions and not deviate from the established recipe. In this case, the final raw material will be of the highest quality, reliable and durable.

Expanded clay blocks are a concrete wall material used for building walls of industrial and civil structures.

Expanded clay blocks are similar in properties to concrete blocks, but in their production, not crushed stone, but expanded clay is used. This material is lighter than crushed stone, so the blocks and the building structure itself are much lighter. Expanded clay is obtained from clay. It is porous and has good thermal insulation.

Expanded clay blocks have a lot of advantages: lightness, strength, frost resistance. They are widely used in the construction of various facilities and guarantee a reduction in the load on the foundation.

The expanded clay concrete block production business is a promising and fast-paying business that does not require significant costs.

This is your reliable business. Due to the relative simplicity of the technological process and the small amount of equipment used, writing a business plan is not so difficult.

The following advantages of these blocks stand out:

  • low weight (reduces the load on the foundation by 2.5 times compared to brick);
  • high strength and thermal insulation (heat loss is reduced by 75%);
  • moisture and chemical resistance, breathability;
  • construction speed (the cost of work is reduced by 30-40%);
  • environmental friendliness, strict compliance of the constructed walls with sanitary standards and requirements;
  • no need for additional insulation and wall shrinkage;
  • frost resistance is not lower than the level of a brick (50 cycles).

Thus, this material is suitable for the manufacture of garages, utility rooms or agricultural buildings. It is also suitable for the construction of residential cottages.

Resistance to rotting and burning, the ability of the material to "breathe", due to the porous structure, in many cases makes it an indispensable material. Together with durability and reliability, expanded clay concrete block becomes practically the best material for construction in a wide variety of conditions.

Prices for equipment and calculations are given on average for Russia.

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Consumers and sales channels

The main consumers of expanded clay concrete blocks are individuals and industrial enterprises, construction organizations, farms and other organizations. Business has long appreciated their advantages, and expanded clay concrete blocks successfully compete with other building materials.

Finished products are sold through two main distribution channels:

  • construction shops and wholesale construction depots;
  • mass media (ads, poster advertising, Internet).

The popularity of this material is so high that it does not require the creation of a particularly complex implementation plan. The expanded clay concrete block business is able to generate a steady income, as there is a constant demand for cheap and affordable building materials. The production of this material is year-round, but the business plan must take into account seasonal demand factors.

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The production process includes the following steps.

  1. Mixing of components: expanded clay, cement, sand, water (the composition is determined individually according to GOST and TU).
  2. Molding (giving the necessary shapes and sizes).
  3. Hardening with vibropress.
  4. Drying.
  5. Packing for storage and transportation.

The production technology involves the process of vibrocompression of several components. The preparation of the solution is a critical step and must exclude errors. The mortar uses cement grade M500 or M400. Sometimes a natural stone or tile adhesive is added to give the product a glossy finish.

The components are mixed in certain proportions, then they go to molding, after which they acquire the necessary sizes and shapes. Their hardening is provided by special equipment: a vibropress and a hardening chamber. After simple manipulations, the hardened product is dried and placed on pallets.

The finished block hardens within a day. It takes 7 days to receive a completely finished block.

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Equipment and conditions for the production of expanded clay concrete blocks

To organize the production process for the production of expanded clay blocks, the following equipment and conditions are required:

  • heated, ventilated room with electricity and a flat floor for work throughout the year;
  • open area for drying and storage of products;
  • concrete mixer;
  • vibropress (vibration machine).

The vibropress is the main equipment in the production of expanded clay blocks.

Interchangeable molds and a machine for the production of expanded clay blocks are installed on the vibrating table. The mechanism is very simple and reliable. Designs are usually designed for one or more forms. They are low cost and high performance.

Machines equipped with a non-removable block form are more complex designs. Work on them is easier, and the share of manual labor is minimized. Vibration enters the mold. The release punch guarantees a perfectly even and smooth surface of the block.

At first, to save money, you can prepare the mixture by hand. With the expansion of production, you can switch to the use of an electric concrete mixer. Most of these devices have a drum with powerful internal blades, their output volume is from 125 liters.

When choosing machines, pay attention to modern technological innovations. For example, you can purchase a detachable form with a locking connection, which makes it possible to remove the block without damaging its surface.

Most modern vibrating machines are very efficient and can produce up to 1,000 blocks in 1 working day (8 hours of work). The machine can be operated by 2 workers. The payback period of funds invested in the purchase of a machine is several months.

In addition to the production of claydite blocks, this equipment is used for the production of products from slag, sawdust, crushed stone and other substances. The vibropress operates on a voltage of 220 and 380 volts. Power averages 3.1 kW.

The machine is compact in size (usually 230-11-165 cm) and weighs about 500 kg. It can be placed in a small room.

We offer several ways to complete the technological line for the production of expanded clay concrete blocks. A business plan can have several options, since production can be differentiated depending on the type of equipment used.

Method number 1. Economical

  1. Vibrating table EV-346 - 35,400 rubles.
  2. Molding pallets - 4000 rubles / piece.

Alternative option - Vibropressing plant STROM-press
Productivity - up to 600 expanded clay blocks.
One cycle ensures the production of 2 blocks.
Price - 75,000 rubles.

The vibrating press produces much higher quality blocks compared to the vibrating table.

Method number 2. Turnkey line. KVADR 1SO2

Main kit:

  1. Vibro-press KVADR 1SO2.
  2. Concrete mixer KVADR BP2G-375 or BP1V-375.
  3. Installation platform.
  4. Shaping equipment.

Productivity for one change - 10 cubic meters.
The required area is 120 square meters.
The height of the room is 5 meters.
Personnel - 1 worker.
Price - 1,215,813 rubles.

Method number 3. own line

  1. Concrete mixer SGS-M245 - 98,000 rubles.
  2. Vibropress K-01.
  3. Technological pallets - 2 pieces.
  4. Hydroelectric station with hydrodistributing and RVD.

Specifications (business plan of production):

Productivity makes 110 pieces/hour (1.6 cubic meters) - for 1 working shift 12.8 cubic meters.
Dimensions - 800*840*1350 mm.
Weight - 420 kg.
Personnel - 3 employees.
The cost is 248,000 rubles.

Additionally required:

  • roller table (for receiving products) - 5900 rubles;
  • form kit - 50,220 rubles.

In total, the costs for the second version of the line are 402,120 rubles.

With almost the same performance, the costs for the third option are much lower. Therefore, we will consider them basic when planning the production of expanded clay concrete blocks.

For the third method, you can purchase a model of the VP5M vibropress (lower by 40,000 rubles). On average, the payback period for the production of expanded clay blocks is 6 months.

Expanded clay blocks are blocks of expanded clay concrete - a variety of "light" concrete. This material has replaced the previously popular cinder blocks. The composition and manufacturing technology of expanded clay and cinder blocks are almost identical. The only difference is that blast-furnace slag served as a filler in slag concrete, which negatively affected the frost resistance and strength of the masonry. After replacing the slag with expanded clay, they improved many times over, as did the degree of its environmental friendliness.

Expanded clay concrete is an artificial material made on the basis of cement, water and expanded clay. Expanded clay is obtained by firing fusible clay.

It is a round or oval irregular granules that have a diameter of 4-8 mm. Smaller granules are called expanded clay sand.

A expanded clay granule at a break is similar in structure to a frozen foam. Due to the sintered shell, the granules are particularly durable.

The line for the production of turnkey blocks includes:

  • vibropress with control panel;
  • concrete mixer;
  • overpass for installation of a concrete mixer with a receiving tray;
  • shaping equipment;
  • molding trays.

The manufacturing technology of expanded clay blocks is significantly different from the production process of foam blocks. This leads to the fact that expanded clay concrete has the best technical qualities. It does not need additional insulation, and when the temperature difference does not form condensate.

The technological process can be divided into the following stages:

  • mixture preparation;
  • molding;
  • hardening using a vibrating machine;
  • drying products;
  • transportation to the warehouse.

Calculations and technology do not differ fundamentally from the construction of the house itself. The only condition is the implementation of a separate foundation.

How to properly lay claydite blocks with your own hands during suburban construction can be found in the article.

Preparing the mixture

The production of one block will require 0.01 m3 of solution. How to prepare the mixture and from what is determined by GOST and TU and may vary somewhat.

Approximate proportions are as follows:

  • expanded clay - 60%;
  • sand - 20-22%;
  • cement - 10%;
  • water - 8-10%.

Subject to such proportions, a strong material is obtained, which is light in weight and has good thermal insulation. The weight of the finished block in its raw form is 11 kg, in dry form - 9.5 kg.

In order for the blocks to be as strong and durable as possible, more cement must be added to the expanded clay mixture. But it should be noted that in this case the thermal conductivity of the material will increase, so the walls will be somewhat colder.

Cement for the production of blocks must be fresh and perfectly clean. It is advisable to take cement grade M400 or M500. Expanded clay sand must be taken 2 times less than expanded clay. This will ensure the optimal density of the material.

To get a glossy surface, glue for stone or tiles can be added to the solution. But at the same time, the environmental safety of the material is reduced. Also, special air-entraining additives are added to the solution. As a rule, wood saponified resin is used for this.

To increase the strength of the material, a plasticizer is added to it (about 5 g per 1 block). Such material is characterized by higher water resistance and frost resistance. It is more resistant to cracking and block abrasion.

Preparation of a mixture for expanded clay blocks in a pear-type concrete mixer:


After mixing the components, the solution is sent to the molding, where the future blocks are given the desired shape and size.

Vibrating machine hardening

To ensure the hardening of the solution, a vibrating machine is used. Due to vibrations, the solution in the molds becomes more dense and acquires the required structure. When the solution reaches its maximum density, the excess mixture is removed with a steel plate.

Drying products

Blocks are sent to dry directly in the molds. It can be produced naturally or by steaming in a special chamber.

Drying takes about two days. If a plasticizer was added to the mixture, the drying time is reduced to 6-8 hours.

Transportation to the warehouse

Finished blocks are stored in a dry room. After drying, they are ready for sale and use.

Do-it-yourself expanded clay block production

Since the production technology is quite simple and does not involve significant investments, it is possible to organize the manufacture of the material at home. All that is required for this is to purchase raw materials and special equipment. At the same time, the cost of one block will be only 18-20 rubles.

Block Making Equipment

To ensure the minimum production process for the production of expanded clay blocks, you will need:

  • vibrating table;
  • concrete mixer;
  • molding trays made of metal.

You can purchase a vibrocompression unit that replaces the vibrating table and molds.

You will also need a room with a flat floor, a power supply, ventilation and heating system and an open area that can be used for drying and storing products.

Some brands of vibropresses produce up to 120 blocks per hour, others - up to 70. There are small machines that can be stored in a utility room and used to produce blocks in small volumes.

At the initial stage of manufacturing expanded clay blocks, you can limit yourself to equipment with a capacity of about 0.6 kW and a capacity of 20 blocks per hour. You can buy it for about 2 thousand rubles. The price of more powerful machines is much more expensive - about 30 thousand rubles.

In the photo - the most popular machines for the independent production of expanded clay blocks:

How to independently make a machine for the production of expanded clay concrete

A machine for the production of expanded clay blocks can be made by hand. At the same time, its cost will be 10 times cheaper than that of the factory one.

The most elementary version of the machine is performed according to the "laying hen" scheme. It consists of a molding box without a bottom (matrix) and a vibrator, which is located on the side wall. To make the matrix easy to remove, it should be equipped with handles.

The standard size of one block is 390*190*188mm. The percentage of voidness is not more than 30%. The voids may be rectangular or round. The main thing is that the void former has a taper so that the mold can be easily removed from the block.

To make a matrix, you need to cut a blank in the form of a block of sheet metal from 3 mm thick. In this case, you need to make a 5 cm margin for tamping. From the workpiece, you need to make a through box that does not have a bottom. The welding seam must be done from the outside.

To make the machine more stable, strips of thin shaped pipes should be welded from the ends and rubber upholstery should be made around the perimeter of the base. To prevent the solution from waking up, it is necessary to make a fringing apron.

The vibrator can be made from an electric motor from a washing machine with a power of 150 watts. To do this, you need to perform a center shift. On the shaft you need to attach a metal bar with a hole from the edge - an eccentric. The parameters of the eccentric are determined experimentally.

An example of a drawing of a machine for the production of expanded clay blocks

Computer model of a machine for expanded clay concrete blocks

A brief description of the process of manufacturing claydite blocks at home

Prepare the mixture. The kneading process should have the following sequence:

  • water is poured;
  • cement is poured (with continuous stirring) and mixed with water;
  • a small aggregate is added, after that - a large one;
  • the mass is mixed until semi-dry.

It is possible to produce blocks with various fillers: expanded clay, brick waste, sawdust, polystyrene foam, etc.

At first, kneading can be done manually. As production expands, it will be possible to buy a special concrete mixer. The output volume of such a device is about 125 liters.

Place the solution in molds and send it for pressing. The properties of the finished material largely depend on the density of the solution, so it will not be possible to do without a vibrating machine.

Send blocks to dry. It is most convenient to store them in pyramidal piles with a clearance of 2-3 cm between the blocks. In order for the product to acquire greater strength, it is advisable to keep the blocks in the air for about a week.

Get ready-made blocks from the forms. It is advisable to purchase molds with removable sides so that you can remove the products without damage. Place finished products in a warehouse or immediately send for sale.

On the video - all the stages of the process of producing a claydite block with your own hands, as well as a description of the machine required for this:

Making expanded clay concrete blocks on your own is quite simple, and production has a high level of profitability due to the low cost of materials. Therefore, the manufacture of expanded clay concrete is a great idea for start-up entrepreneurs.

The modern construction industry does not stand still. Thanks to new technologies, it is constantly developing and creating new building materials that have improved properties and technical characteristics. Do-it-yourself claydite-concrete blocks made by yourself can be attributed to such materials. The result will pleasantly surprise and save money.

Production technology

For the manufacture of expanded clay concrete blocks with their own hands, expanded clay is used, which is a foamed, burned clay, and you will also need water and cement M400, M500. If we consider the product in cross section, we can see that the structure of expanded clay granules resembles frozen foam. Since the granule is in a sintered shell, this gives it strength. The wall material is durable, with a density of 400–1800 kg/m?, light, and thanks to natural components, it is purely ecological. With good technical characteristics, thermal insulation properties, small size, building material is in high demand. And for the construction of low-rise private facilities, many owners make expanded clay blocks with their own hands. In this case, the owner of the building will not only save money, but will be 100% sure of the quality of the materials used and the technology of their manufacture.

Inexperienced craftsmen are interested in the question: how to make expanded clay concrete blocks yourself? Many craftsmen use the standard technology for their manufacture:

  • prepare and weigh all the components of the future mixture;
  • knead the working solution;
  • load the prepared solution into the machine or molding blocks;
  • store finished products in the place provided for this;
  • wait for a full set of strength.

A worthy alternative to concrete is expanded clay concrete for the floor. This is a modern building material, unique in strength and performance properties, based on expanded clay. The manufacturing technology of flooring material also requires compliance with basic processes. To cover the floors in a private house, you need to mix expanded clay concrete (25 kg) and sand concrete (30 kg). This composition has proven itself well, but it is not suitable for public places with high traffic of people. For this, a different production technology is used:

  • cement? 1 part;
  • sand? 3 parts;
  • expanded clay? 4 parts.

The floor turns out to be light, environmentally friendly, water-repellent, has fire-resistant properties and is resistant to chemical influences.

Does the expanded clay concrete floor require additional processing? sanding, which will remove the roughness. This will give it smoothness and will guarantee a long service life.

For its manufacture, wet, dry, semi-dry laying methods are used. They are selected based on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, but all options require careful preparation of the base before construction work. Floor laying technology:

  • Dry. The base is covered with a waterproofing layer (polyethylene film) and covered with a layer of expanded clay. Gypsum-fiber sheets (GVL) are placed on top. They do not have a cardboard shell, they have a high density.
  • Semi-dry. This technology is used for floors whose base drops are up to 15 cm. 80 mm of gravel is poured onto the waterproofing layer, compacted, and a damper tape is glued along the perimeter of the base, above the gravel, a fiberglass or reinforcing mesh is laid. Prepare a sand-cement mixture and fill the floor with a thickness of 40–50 mm. The process must occur quickly, since the solution tends to solidify quickly. For this, 40 minutes is enough. This method can be used to insulate and raise the base of the floor.
  • Wet. The technology is not much different from the semi-dry version. What is the only difference? it is before falling asleep the top layer of expanded clay is mixed with a sand-cement mortar. The mixture is added in portions, until the claydite acquires a gray tint.

Each owner can adjust the composition of the mixture (sand, cement, expanded clay), depending on the purpose for which this flooring is installed. You can mix components indoors and outdoors.

Tools and equipment

To get high-quality expanded clay concrete blocks (KBC), you should not save on professional equipment. This will significantly increase productivity and shorten the drying time. You can’t do without a concrete mixer, the volume of which is needed at least 130 kg. The result is a mixture of a homogeneous consistency. The minimum costs will be obtained from the purchase of vibropressed equipment. The design has hollow containers and a vibrator. The block manufacturing time is 3-4 minutes.

Having two main equipment, you can make large-pore expanded clay concrete with your own hands in 8–10 hours, 150–160 pieces. In addition, you will need a shovel, a construction trowel, a metal sheet. If 2-3 people come to the rescue, then productivity will increase by 2-3 times. When the work is done by hand, metal pallets with a flat surface will be required. To get a textured front layer, the form can be knocked down from boards or plywood. The L-shaped mold can be made from 20 mm boards, which are latched with steel fixtures.

For the manufacture of KBB, a vibrating table is used, in which a vibrator with a metal pallet and sides is built in, its thickness must be at least 3 mm. The form with the mixture is installed on a vibrating table, where the solution is compacted. Next, the molds with the blocks on the pallet are placed in a well-ventilated area and are waiting for them to dry. At one time, 6-8 molds can be made on the vibrating table. The vibrator is located at the bottom of the table, which makes it possible to evenly distribute the solution over the forms.


To create non-bearing structures for the solution, you can use ordinary expanded clay sand. For load-bearing structures on which reinforced concrete floors will be laid, enriched sand is used. For example, 100 kg of solution will make it possible to produce hollow blocks in the amount of 8–10 pieces with a size of 190x190x390 mm, the mass of which is 15–16 kg. Dimensions depend on the size of the form. For the manufacture of hollow KBB, a fraction of expanded clay from 5 to 10 mm is used, but for full-bodied? 10–20 mm. This condition must be observed in the construction of low-rise buildings.

Today, for strength and to reduce the thermal conductivity of the material in the production of CBB, the solution is saturated with expanded polystyrene granules. It is characterized by unpretentiousness and a long service life, therefore it is often used in regions where the climate is changeable. And the addition of 1 tbsp. l of washing powder per 10 liters of water will allow you to get a mixture that looks like soft plasticine.

What should be the solution? In finished form, expanded clay concrete should be gray. This indicates that a sufficient amount of cement is put into the mixture.


The technical characteristics of expanded clay blocks are affected by the proportion of ingredients. In order for the KBB to have high thermal insulation, most of the expanded clay is used in the solution. Then they cannot be used for main walls. Due to the decrease in strength, they are used for non-load-bearing walls.

The ratio of components for CBB:

  • 1 part of Portland cement M400, M500;
  • 6–8 parts of expanded clay or 300–500 kg per 1 m? mixtures;
  • 2 parts of sand (fraction 5 mm);
  • 1 part of water (look personally at the structure of the solution);
  • 1 part washing powder or softener.

To prepare 100 kg of solution you need:

  • expanded clay? 55 kg;
  • sand? 27 kg;
  • cement? 9 kg;
  • water? 9 kg.

This is a standard dosage, which is designed for 9-10 CBB with a size of 19 * 19 * 39 cm.

And you can also use a visual table that confirms the percentage of materials in the mixture:

Cement Sand Expanded clay
M50? nineteen% M50? 46% M50? 35%
M75? 20% M75? 45% M75? 35%
M100? 23% M100? 42% M100? 35%
M150? 23% M150? 49% M150? 38%

Stages of work

Before preparing the mixture, you need to prepare a mold for the manufacture of expanded clay concrete blocks. The work is carried out in 4 stages:

  1. Mix prepared ingredients. Responsibly approach the observance of their proportion. The third part of the volume of the mixture will be sand to which you need to add 1 part of water. The same amount will require cement M400, M500. Expanded clay use 6 parts.

In order not to make mistakes in the calculations, you need to know that up to 5–6 kg of expanded clay with a fraction of 5–20 mm is included in a 10 l bucket. At 1 m? the mixture needs 300–400 kg of expanded clay. It depends on what block density you want to get. Manufacturing technology requires a strict sequence of mixing ingredients. If you use a concrete mixer, then water is poured out first, then expanded clay, cement and sand are added.

  1. Mix the mixture well and start shaping the building material. If KBB are manufactured in production, then vibrating machines are used to compact the solution. But for our case, such equipment is not available, so at home they use special forms or formwork. When the mixture begins to harden and flow out, then the expanded clay must be compacted with a shovel to avoid unevenness during the laying of the CBB. After a day, the solution will "grab" and you can split the L-shaped structures. The laying of blocks begins no earlier than 7-10 days after removal from the formwork.

At home, you can use a vibrating table, which will facilitate the process of making KBB. A steel plate is placed in the mold for expanded clay blocks, and only then it is filled with a building mixture. After turning on the motor, during the vibration of the material, it may leak out. Therefore, it can be easily removed with a special tool.

  1. When the block is formed, it is lifted with the help of a plate from the vibrating table.
  2. Two days are enough to dry the made expanded clay concrete with your own hands.

You can get a strong, light, effective mixture if you follow the correct mixing technology for all components.

The manufactured blocks can be equated to ordinary ceramic bricks, as they are made from purely environmentally friendly natural materials. Using blocks, the owner saves 25-30% of money. The size of one block is 7 bricks, which speeds up the construction process.

Block drying

Dry the CBB thoroughly? This is the final stage in the manufacture of building materials. It takes 2 days to dry. But this time is not enough for construction work. It must be covered with plastic wrap for 25-30 days to prevent rapid evaporation of the liquid.

Only after such events will the blocks be ready for operation. Thanks to innovative technologies, today the drying time can be reduced to 7-8 hours. For this, plasticizing additives are used, which are liquid and dry. They are mixed with a solution at the rate of 5 g per expanded clay block.

CBB should not be allowed to dry quickly, as they will crack and their strength will decrease. Therefore, it is covered with plastic wrap.

The manufacture of expanded clay concrete blocks at home significantly reduces the cost of a private capital or temporary structure. Even an inexperienced master, following the recommendations, can easily cope with this work.