How to plaster an OSB board indoors. Plaster on OSB sheets, to be or not to be? Gluing elements onto OSB

Today, OSB boards are widely used in construction and interior decoration. The OSB board itself is a panel with dimensions of 2.5 × 1.2 m, which is made from compressed wood chips and has good properties, such as strength, ease of processing, and resistance to mechanical damage.

OSB also has high sound and heat insulation. However, when the time comes finishing premises, many novice builders are wondering: How to properly putty OSB. After all, each OSB board is coated with wax, which preserves quality characteristics material, and the putty simply won’t work on such a coating. How can one be, the material is so praised, but as a result, some ridiculous problems appear in the simplest finishing.

In this article, we will look in detail at how to properly putty OSB boards with your own hands, using a fairly simple scheme. Moreover, it doesn’t matter at all what needs to be puttied, the wall or the ceiling.
So, below is a wall covered with OSB, on the left before finishing, on the right - puttied, which is ready for painting or wallpapering.

Some builders, before starting to putty OSB, prefer to first sand the entire surface, thereby removing the wax layer and making the surface rough. True, this method will take a lot of time, and there will be a lot of dust, especially if you use a power tool. Others choose a simpler and no less reliable way– processing OSB surfaces a special primer and the use of mesh during the puttying process. Moreover, both methods incur approximately the same costs for tools and materials, but differ greatly in the time spent on work.

Selecting the necessary material and tools

In order for the putty to adhere well to smooth OSB, its surface must be prepared. To do this, we purchase a primer called “Concrete-Contact” and a small brush or roller from any hardware store. After applying the primer, a rough layer forms on the smooth OSB surface. This surface, as a result, allows the putty to adhere well to the base.

Now you can proceed to the next stage of preparing the OSB surface. In order for the putty to stay on the wall not only firmly, but also for a long time, it is advisable to reinforce it. Therefore, when buying soil, be sure to take a plaster mesh with you. Almost all plaster meshes, as a rule, are made of either metal or polymer materials and have different cell sizes. Of course, to reinforce a thick layer of putty or plaster, it is advisable to use a metal mesh, but for finishing the interior walls of OSB rooms, it is enough to use a fiberglass (or glass-fabric) mesh with a cell size of 5x5 mm. The main advantages of using such a grid:

- relatively low cost;
- simple material to use;
— improves the strength of the coating;
— prevents the appearance of cracks during shrinkage of the putty.

How to putty OSB

- creates a fairly durable and elastic coating;
— does not crumble or crack when drying;
— the finished surface can practically not be sanded;
- quick-drying material.

However, such putty is much more expensive than regular putty, but you can live with this, since the cost of purchasing it is easily offset by the quality and speed of work. To apply the putty, you will need two metal spatulas, one wide 20-30 cm, the second narrower 10-15 cm. We will apply the first spatula layer by layer, and the second we will work in the corners and hard to reach places, and also scoop the putty from the bucket.

Preparing the surface
If desired, for greater confidence, you can lightly sand the OSB panels with coarse sandpaper on critical areas of the walls, for example in corners or near doors and window openings. The primer is applied to the wall with a regular brush or roller in 2-3 layers with an interval of 20-30 minutes. After applying the last layer, it is necessary to allow the primer to completely absorb and dry, for which 3-4 hours is enough. Then we take the plaster mesh and cut it into strips with a length equal to the height of the ceiling. The mesh is applied in one layer over the entire wall area. It is recommended to place each adjacent mesh with a slight overlap of 2-10 cm - as glued before wallpaper. Attach the mesh to the wall with a stapler, screws or glue. It is not at all necessary to glue it over the entire area, just “smear” it with putty and it will easily stick to the rough surface of the OSB. It is better to start laying the mesh from the corner of the room.

Having glued the plaster mesh to the wall behind it top part, we begin to putty. We work only within the mesh strip, leaving small margins from the edges to overlap the edge of the next mesh. The first layer of putty should only attach and smooth out the mesh, so you shouldn't sculpt a lot at once. Consistency and accuracy are important here. We perform puttying according to standard puttying rules. We scoop up the putty with a small spatula and put it on a large one, with which we spread it on the wall. The direction of applying the putty itself does not matter, the main thing is that the surface is as smooth as possible. To avoid sagging and unevenness, try to hold the spatula correctly while working. Start spreading the putty on the wall, holding the spatula at an angle of 45-60 degrees to the surface, and finish the putty by gradually reducing the angle to 15-30 degrees.

It will be easier to putty an OSB wall with a mesh if you gradually move from the ceiling to the floor. This way we will gradually smooth out and evenly cover the entire plaster mesh. In total, the putty is applied to the OSB panel in 2-3 layers with a thickness of 1-2 mm. After applying each layer, you need to let the coating dry for 30-60 minutes. The first layer can be made 1 mm thick - just to attach and smooth the mesh. The second layer should cover the plaster mesh. With the last layer we level the almost finished surface.

Finishing the putty
We finish the puttying, leveling out all the unevenness, using only a large spatula. The plaster mesh may be slightly translucent, but in no case should it protrude or be flush. If, after the putty has dried, the mesh still appears, you need to add another layer of putty. Ideally, the plaster mesh should be 2-3 mm from the surface of the finishing layer of putty. Trying to apply the putty carefully and evenly, layer by layer. If you don't rush, you may end up not having to sand the finished surface.

We count the consumption of materials
Before you buy primer, putty, brushes and a whole set of spatulas in the store, you need to decide how much and what to buy. After all, although the remaining extra can of putty will be useful on the farm, you will still spend a certain amount of money on it, which could be used to buy the missing can of soil. Therefore, it is better to calculate, at least approximately, how many materials will be needed. Here is the approximate consumption building materials for puttying OSB panels.

Many builders sheathe outer part houses OSB (OSB, OSB) plate. This material is affordable and of high quality. When the time comes to carry out the final work, the craftsmen think about how to paint the OSB board on? For the right choice need to study everything possible options, used for this product.

What is OSB board?

The first OSB boards have already been created more than thirty years ago during mass construction of frame materials. Most residents of Canada, the USA and many Europeans live in such houses.

For the first houses built according to frame technology, was required reliable casing, resistant to sunlight and moisture. Wood was not suitable for this type of installation, as its installation took too much time and effort.


This option for covering OSB panels is the most popular and justified for outdoor work. This type of finish has a number of features:


The use of sheathing with the installation of siding panels is an economical method that helps improve the appearance of the building.

Siding can be strengthened installed surface OSB.

There are a large number of options for siding panels, so if you wish, you can choose a model that imitates a block house or brickwork.

The advantage of such cladding is that if OSB boards are already glued to the side of the facade, it is not necessary to mount an even frame. However, you can't do without a membrane which will protect from wind and moisture.

If this additional fastening is not installed, the siding will periodically sweat from the inside, and the OSB will swell under the influence of moisture.

If you choose between two types - PVC or acrylic, then you can choose any type, since there are no significant differences between them.

Facing products are produced in one thickness, varying from 0.8 to 1.3 millimeters. They are able to withstand temperatures reaching 80 degrees Celsius, and exposure to sunlight, under which they do not fade.

Both types are highly resistant to the spread of fire and chemical reagents. Acrylic panels have a rich color, but otherwise are almost no different from PVC products.

Is it possible to attach siding directly to OSB? For practical advice on installing siding from professionals, watch the video:

How to plaster a slab outside the house?

The question of whether it is possible to putty the surface of OSB boards is controversial: some experts believe that this coating will not protect the product from the appearance of cracks on the surface of the facade. Others, on the contrary, recommend using additional coverage, because it will refresh gloomy wood panels and serve as protection against moisture and dust.

Carrying out quality work Plastering the façade of a building can be done subject to the following conditions:

  • the surface must be coated with an adhesive compound before carrying out work;
  • the solution applied to the surface with a spatula should not be thinner than three millimeters;
  • use of reinforcing mesh after applying the first layer;
  • surface coating adhesive composition after the first layer has dried.

The surface of OSB slabs visually looks decent, and some home owners leave them at this stage and do not additional work on the cladding of the building.

Many experts still recommend covering the slabs with plaster - this will not only give the house individual features, but also protects against external damage. In order to perform plastering efficiently, you need to follow the sequence of work:

  1. When applying the first layer, you should try to run a wide spatula along the wall to fill all the recesses on the OSB. For correct application you need to move the tool along the wall in arcuate movements. Completion of the first layer should not be accompanied by streaks along the surface to be coated.
  2. After the first layer has completely dried, clean the wall with an abrasive mesh and repeat the application of putty.
  3. In order to achieve an ideal surface with a smooth shine, you need to apply at least five successive layers.
  4. After applying the putty, the surface must be dried, after which a layer of paint can be applied to it.

The question of what is the best way to carry out work on filling panels is even asked experienced craftsmen. The work process can be complicated by the fact that most putty materials do not adhere well to wood surfaces.

Therefore, you need to choose those coating models that have the highest adhesion to a wooden surface.

In order for the work to be completed successfully, it is recommended to pay attention on a mixture of Rodband and Goldband. These mixtures are made on a gypsum basis with admixtures of polymer materials.

If the owner of the premises wants to save on putty material, then it is better to purchase Rodband, its texture is more rigid than that of Goldband, and the price is much lower.

The selection of finishing is also important, and should be approached carefully. In order not to make a mistake with this choice, it is recommended to purchase Vitonit KR mixture.

Installation of porcelain tiles

Porcelain tiles are suitable for gluing to OSB walls, but is it necessary to carry out such serious work that can also cause damage to building structures?

Porcelain stoneware tiles are resistant to fungal growths, moisture and mold. One of the most important advantages of this material is considered to be stability and a wide range of products in stores. All these advantages are suitable for carrying out interior works, but not external ones.

OSB panels can be tiled indoors, for example on the floor, but external work is not recommended.

Craftsmen do not use porcelain stoneware in facade works for one main reason - the wall surface must be ventilated in order to avoid waterlogging and swelling of the panels.

OSB coloring agents

In addition to water-repellent protection, paint coating provides a number of advantages for the surface:

  • the coating can protect wooden surfaces from premature deformation;
  • if large chips are noticeable on the surface of the wall, they can easily be hidden after applying the impregnating solution;
  • Compared to other materials, painting is quite cheap and is not inferior in protective qualities.

Typically, for outdoor finishing, OSB-3 or OSB-4 is used, which are most resistant to weather events. Not every owner can purchase OSB-4, since this material is highly expensive and resistant to mechanical stress. If the “four” is completely protected, then OSB-3 requires additional coating.

The boards are made from wood, which is the main component of the product, giving it environmental properties. At the same time, such a natural composition makes the wood product vulnerable to the onslaught of weather conditions.

Give additional protection can be siding, artificial stone or the most common and easy-to-install material – paint.

When choosing a composition suitable for outdoor use, you can pay attention to all mixtures intended for working with wooden surfaces.

Avoid coatings that damage appearance facade. These include glazing substances and gloss varnishes. These compounds will show off and highlight the texture of the chips, which is not particularly attractive. Therefore, it is better to refuse such products.

The following compositions are suitable for coating OSB boards:

  1. Latex compounds.
  2. Included latex paint includes substances most suitable for working with wood material. After application, the paint is not subject to stretching and does not leave smudges. The disadvantage of this option is high cost of material.

  3. Alkyd paint.
  4. Often used in such work. Its peculiarity is that it looks attractive after being applied to the wall. This composition takes a long time to dry, sometimes up to eleven hours. The composition evaporates before it dries completely. bad smell. After drying the composition, the smell disappears.

    Paint is capable withstand elevated temperatures, but is not resistant to fire and alkalis that get on the surface of the product.

  5. Acrylic mixtures.
  6. They are also often used, but if you read the composition of this paint, it will become obvious that it is not ideal option for OSB coating because it contains water. Water-based paints in contact with OSB panels capable of spoiling their composition.

    But if the panel is strong enough, then you can use an acrylic composition, which has undeniable advantages: resistance to sunlight, smooth coating and the ability to stay on the facade for more than eight years.

    But it is important to remember that if you leave jars of paint at a low temperature, the composition will deteriorate, because water turns into ice. The composition without water will be unsuitable for further use.

  7. Oil mixtures.

They used to be widely used, but today they are almost out of use. This happened due to the displacement of this mixture by other more popular ones.

Oil suspensions toxic in composition, and the work has to be carried out in special masks or a respirator. The oil takes too long to dry and spreads over the painted surface, which of course requires additional effort to restore the wall and eliminate smudges.

After work on applying the suspension, rags often form that spoil the appearance of the facade. Another unpleasant property of this paint is the impossibility of covering it with a new composition that differs in components.

In order for the painting job to be completed safely and without additional effort and touch-ups, you need to remember a number of features of the wooden material:

  • If there are sharp protrusions on the building, they will contribute to the spreading of the paint composition. If there are such corners, they need to be rounded, as in a plasterboard;
  • the edges and joints of the slabs must be puttied to eliminate possible difficulties in applying and smoothing the wall;
  • The question of whether it is necessary to prime the surface between the wood and the paint should not arise, because there is a clear answer to it - yes. This action is mandatory for precise adhesion between the paint and the material;
  • if the owner wants to achieve an even application of the composition over the entire surface of the wall, he will need to carry out finishing putty on all slabs;

The number of times for applying paint is determined individually, but experts advise painting at least four times. After the paint is abundantly absorbed into the wooden surface, the color of the product will become saturated, and the strength of the composition will noticeably increase.

It is important to remember that each layer has its own time to dry, and you cannot start painting before the previous mixture has dried.

Exterior finishing of a frame house made of OSB with paint - watch the video:

OSB boards are widely used in frame house construction. Those located outdoors require protection from external atmospheric influences. Inside residential premises, the surface is finished in different ways: wallpaper is glued, painted, varnished. When using some options, it is necessary to putty the OSB in order to create a perfectly even base and protect the wood from the harmful effects of the products used and moisture.

Useful information about OSB boards - why putty them

OSB particle boards are 90% wood. A special manufacturing technology gives the structure greater strength and beautiful surface. Despite these qualities, the material requires additional finishing. Puttying is not only the basis for subsequent decoration, but also protection from the harmful effects of the environment. The peculiarity of the material, like any other natural wood, is its susceptibility to water and its evaporation.

For this reason, many people believe that OSB boards should not be puttyed, since the water contained in the mixture will cause swelling of the base and its deformation. Wallpapering and painting is also dangerous. Everything is true, except for one thing: there are a sufficient number of modern mixtures, adhesives, and paints that do not contain water. These are the ones that should be used.

Decorative putty hides the structure of the slab

In some cases, the natural appearance of the slabs may well suit the needs of utility rooms and outbuildings. Some people like a unique surface pattern, cover the slab with varnish - and that’s it. To make OSB look like solid walls, you can’t do without preparation. It is the putty that will create a perfectly even base for wallpaper, painting and decorative plaster. Paint or glue will not cause wood to swell.

What should the primer be?

There are no specially developed compositions for OSB. Conventional solutions are used, subject to certain requirements. Immediately exclude preparations containing water. After application, it is absorbed into the material, which begins to swell. Use only a primer intended for wooden surfaces. These are compositions with an acrylic, glyphthalic or gypsum base. They take into account the fact that putty will be applied, so alkyd products are not used - they are good for painting.

Primer for OSB boards – universal, deep penetration. Acrylic is the most suitable of them, used for painting and puttying. For unheated room additives are added to prevent the development of fungus. Some formulations, for example EuroPrimer, already contain such additives. Sold in concentrated form, diluted according to instructions before use.

The slabs contain resins and other substances that sometimes bleed through the finish and spoil the work done. To eliminate such a nuisance, quite complex technology is used. First, an insulating paint is applied (example: Aqua-Deck E.L.F.), then a dispersion putty containing synthetic resin. Allow to dry for 12 hours and stick on special material for bonding cracks in putty: Variovlies A 50 Basic. After such preparation, no stains will appear.

In some cases, an adhesive primer is used - Concrete Contact. It differs from other compositions in the content of quartz sand, which makes the surface not smooth, but with slight irregularities. It is used when decorative plaster or tiles are planned as a finishing finish. Thanks to the unusual filler, adhesion is significantly improved. When applied with a poppy brush or long-haired roller, other tools do not ensure uniform distribution of the composition over the slab.

It is recommended to mix all soils before use, but in the case of Concrete Contact this is a very important operation. Quartz sand settles quickly; if the process is not carried out very carefully, the mixture will turn out to be heterogeneous. Moreover, when working, this procedure is repeated every 10 minutes; only under such conditions will the coating be of high quality.

Among other primers, professionals recommend:

  • acrylic-based varnish for wooden surfaces, which is diluted with solvent in a ratio of 1:10;
  • latex - after drying, a thin film is formed that prevents the penetration of resins;
  • alkyd varnish, diluted to more liquid state white spirit.

In addition to choosing the right primer, it is important to apply it according to the technology:

  1. 1. The plates are cleaned. Dried dirt is wiped off with a damp cloth, the rest is removed with a vacuum cleaner or broom.
  2. 2. Seal the joints. It is possible to use acrylic sealant or polyurethane foam. The excess is removed with a knife, and the sealant is treated with sandpaper.
  3. 3. The prepared composition is applied to OSB. Usually they start with the joints, process them with special care, then move on to the rest of the surface.

The quality of priming depends on the patience of the master. Do not immediately apply a thick layer, it will not have any effect. It is recommended to repeat the operation three times, carefully distributing the drug over the surface. Let it dry thoroughly each time. How long it takes depends on the air temperature and the properties of the composition and thickness of the layer. You'll have to be patient and do something else, but the quality will be excellent.

Requirements for putty and its choice

  1. 1. Acrylic. Levels any surfaces, including OSB.
  2. 2. Nitro putty. A quick-drying composition containing cellulose, resin, plasticizers, fillers. Before use, dilute with solvents recommended by the manufacturer.
  3. 3. Oil-adhesive – containing varnishes, glue, additives, oil and plasticizers. Dissolve with drying oil.
  4. 4. Gypsum with polymers. Considered the best for working with wooden surfaces.
  5. 5. Dispersed with synthetic resin. Highly elastic, used for finishing plaster.

The listed types of putties must have certain properties. Before purchasing, it is recommended that you read the instructions on the packaging and pay attention to the characteristics. Among these, a very high degree of adhesion is of particular importance, because not every composition will adhere to the resinous surface. When preparing for use, it is important to achieve a uniform consistency. Coating requirements include durability and sandability.

If you need to putty small areas, then the cost of the compounds is not particularly sensitive. When finishing the entire house built using frame technology, it hits the budget. I have a recipe self-made composition, which is used by some masters. It consists of inexpensive components:

  • oils: 2.8 kg of linseed and 0.6 kg of turpentine;
  • 0.3 kg ground pumice;
  • 0.2 kg of gelatin and the same amount of casein;
  • 170 ml of ammonia solution;
  • 3 liters of water. Pumice is crushed into dust, the mass is poured into linseed oil and stir until smooth. Pour in turpentine oil and stir again. When the mixture has steeped for 10 minutes, add everything else. Heat in a water bath, stir, infuse, repeat again until homogeneity is achieved.

Puttying technology - process sequence

The work is not particularly complicated and repeats all operations applied to other surfaces. Theory alone is not enough to cope with the finishing of capricious materials. For those who have some experience in puttying, it is useful to familiarize yourself with the video material, which will tell you about the features of working with OSB.

Operations are carried out in the proposed sequence to avoid mistakes and not miss anything. Begin by sanding the surface, joints and ends with fine-grained sandpaper. Remove dust and be sure to prime. After treatment with the compounds, a protective film is created that prevents resins and other substances from reacting with the finishing material.

Sealing joints at the beginning of work

After the last, third layer has dried, puttying begins. The work is carried out at a temperature of +1° or more and in relatively dry air in which dampness is not felt. The composition is placed on a tray and applied to the slabs with a spatula. After treating a small area, level the coating and remove excess. This is done until the putty has set.

Tools of different widths are used. Using a narrow spatula, spread the composition over a large area. Holding it at an angle to the surface, smooth the mixture evenly. The next portion should overlap the previous one without too noticeable transitions. A layer of more than 2 mm is not allowed: this is not only extra waste material, but also the risk of cracking. The putty is allowed to dry for 3–12 hours depending on humidity and temperature.

Then the surface is polished, eliminating irregularities. If noticeable depressions remain, correct by applying the composition and repeat the previous operations. When an acceptable result is achieved, it is painted or wallpapered. Sometimes reinforcement with non-woven fabric is required. The individual pieces are overlapped, then the joints are cut and the excess is removed.

Plastering OSB - how to do it right

This operation is mainly used externally to protect the slabs from mechanical damage, sun, rain and wind. Vapor-tight plaster allows the material to breathe, condensation does not accumulate, and there are no favorable conditions for the development of mold. Often the walls are insulated at the same time, which significantly reduces heating costs and increases sound insulation.

Different solutions are used:

  • universal cement-sand, which is suitable for all surfaces;
  • polymer compositions characterized by high adhesive characteristics;
  • gypsum for interior decoration;
  • lime for plastering wet areas.

All mixtures are diluted with water, so there is a risk of deformation wood boards and rejection of the finishing layer. To avoid such consequences, create an insulating ceiling using one of the options. In the first case, the insulation is fixed. The second method is to use kraft paper or bitumen-impregnated cardboard.

Plastering OSB is carried out over a reinforced mesh

For tiled heat insulators, the surface is pre-cleaned and degreased with white spirit. Then the adhesive is applied and the insulation is fixed. Kraft paper or asphalt cardboard is stapled using a stapler. Plastering on the facade in both cases is carried out over a reinforcing mesh made of plastic or fiberglass.

The technology is standard, but there are some features. A spatula is used, and the next layer is applied after the previous one has hardened. The use of special mixtures will make the process easier, because working with those prepared by yourself is difficult, especially without sufficient experience.

Video material will help you get acquainted in detail with the features of OSB plastering.

Today frame structures They are used quite widely in construction because they are lightweight and easy to use. OSB boards are used for cladding such structures. They are inexpensive, and the thermal insulation they create exceeds all expectations. To finish these surfaces you can use various materials, commercially available. But nevertheless, there are nuances that do not allow the use of some of them. One of the frequently asked questions is whether it is possible to plaster OSB? Let's try to answer it and give practical recommendations.

Plastered coatings can be provided with excellent protection from external negative factors and mechanical damage. Including:

  • from wind forces;
  • from sun rays;
  • from precipitation.

Vapor-permeable plaster mixtures allow OSB to breathe and not accumulate condensation, which reduces the risk of mold formation. In addition, insulation is often used together with plaster. With the simultaneous use of room plaster and insulation, the following is ensured:

  • reducing the cost of heating a building or structure by almost half;
  • promotion soundproofing properties almost 2 times.

Is it possible to plaster OSB boards yourself? Of course you can. The main thing is to choose the right type of plaster mixture, because each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Based on some data and operating characteristics, you can make the right choice.

Cement-sand mortar is universal and is perfect for any base, for example, brick or concrete, even a wooden surface can be leveled with its help, but only with preparatory work.

Preparatory work

When preparing for work, it is necessary to analyze how the sheets, that is, the basics, will be fastened. This must be carried out clearly as required building regulations, and it is not recommended to independently reduce or increase the number of elements arrangement.

OSB boards must be fastened firmly enough to prevent them from moving. The presence of vibration and mobility of the base are the main negative factors affecting any structure. It is important to know that the use of additional fasteners to strengthen the structure cannot be used.

OSB is sheets made from wood chips. By themselves, they absorb water, and the plaster marking is rejected. Without preparation, the surface will become covered with a network of cracks, and the solution will gradually peel off. Creating a special insulating overlap between the slab and the covering layer will help avoid this problem.

There are 2 options for insulating coating:

  1. Fastening the insulation.
  2. Upholstering the surface with kraft paper or cardboard impregnated with bitumen.

Attaching the insulation

External thermal insulation is made with polystyrene foam or mineral wool sheets. The insulation is fixed directly to the walls. Then the well-known operations are performed:

  • reinforcement mesh is installed;
  • adhesive is applied;
  • the surface is primed;
  • plastering is being carried out.

As for insulation from the inside, polystyrene foam sheets are most often attached to the walls. This is the most good decision to create a reliable layer, they do not allow moisture to pass through. Gluing is done using glue, which is accessible even to an inexperienced worker.

The fastening technology is simple:

  1. The surface is degreased from oil and dirty inclusions using white spirit.
  2. The adhesive base is applied using a special calibration spatula.
  3. Next comes pressing the insulation to the base.
  4. It is necessary to wait until the adhesive composition dries.
  5. The base is reinforced by installing a plastic or fiberglass mesh with a self-adhesive base.

To put it simply, first the insulation is attached to the OSB board, then the reinforcing mesh, and only then it is plastered.

Fastening the upholstery

To begin with, all joints are coated with sealant, after which they are laid with kraft paper or cardboard impregnated with bitumen. Fastening is carried out with a stapler on the staples. A mesh (plastic or fiberglass) is then fixed to the surface.

This is the most economical option, but thermal insulation properties still lower, however with the help internal insulation this problem can also be solved.

Plastering technology

How to plaster a surface? The work process itself is standard, but there are some nuances:

  • The plaster solution is applied using a spatula.
  • Application is carried out in several layers, and the preliminary layer must gain strength.

Plastering an OSB board is quite difficult, you need to have certain skills in carrying out the work, otherwise you will not be impressed by the work. Modern manufacturers offer the use of new compositions in their assortment. They are quite easy to use, and even a non-professional can handle them.

The work process itself is more similar to puttingty walls. It is suitable for both outside and inside work. The plaster layer is applied with a spatula, with a thickness of 1.5 to 5 mm.

Important! For finishing work, compositions are used that have high properties adhesion. Usually these are mixtures of polymer based. When they are applied, fungus does not appear, and, accordingly, the plaster is preserved for a long time.

Such plaster mixtures are produced in several types. For processing wooden base- latex or acrylic. Their application requires preparatory operations:

  1. The outer surface is sanded using fine sandpaper.
  2. Afterwards a primer layer is applied. This is necessary to create strength and improve adhesion to the next layer of surface treatment.
  3. Next, plaster mixtures are applied.

On a flat base cement plaster A polymer composition can also be used. In terms of price characteristics, this requires much more investment, however, it will serve for many years, more than 25 years. During this time, all the properties of the plaster are preserved.

On video: putty for sip sip panels and OSB.

Positive and negative sides

It is necessary to apply a layer of plaster on the slab, since the house will last longer, and its appearance will instantly change and, accordingly, the cost will increase. Depending on the possibility of purchasing the material, you can evaluate the quality characteristics.

In any case, if the owner purchases OSB boards, he saves on cash Oh. Of all types of coating, you can choose the most expensive option:

  • plastering walls with polymer plaster, which has high qualities gluing;
  • with a pungent odor of oils and solvents or oil-glue;
  • finishing the surface with polyurethane foam sheets, followed by plastering each using cement, gypsum or lime mixture;
  • insulation of the facade before direct plastering.

Finished plaster mortar An OSB board is needed indoors, especially since it is not exposed to external negative factors. But even in this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of the insulated facade, the presence of ventilation and heating in the room.

Safety precautions

How to plaster a wall correctly, beautifully and without causing harm to health? To do this, you need to follow simple requirements:

  1. You should only work in special clothing and shoes; you can use old things, as long as the material is dense enough and breathable.
  2. A hat is also required; if plastic material gets on your hair, it will be difficult to wash it out.
  3. Gloves should be worn on your hands, although many people do not want to use them. From the effects of plaster skin It dries a lot, and more than one tube of cream will be needed to soften it. Bare hands are more susceptible to injury than those covered with gloves.
  4. Do not neglect safety glasses, because even minor splashes in the eyes can spoil the impression of the repair.
  5. In any case, you will have to use scaffolding, for example, a chair, table or ladder. Work on direct application of plaster cannot be carried out from a ladder, as horizontal force is applied and there is a risk of falling.

It is important that the scaffold stands firmly on the floor or other foundation. If you feel dizzy or feel unwell, it is better to take a break and not get up to heights. Own safety is in the hands of the owner himself.

Recommendations from finishing specialists (2 videos)

OSB boards are a good alternative to expensive building materials. Widely used in the installation of floors, ceilings, structures internal partitions. The aesthetic appearance of the material allows it to be left without any finishing. However, quite often OSB is subjected to finishing - painting or applying decorative plaster, with preliminary putty. Whether it is possible to putty an OSB board, how to putty an OSB under wallpaper or painting, as well as the application rules will be discussed in this article.

Features of OSB boards

Oriented strand board is produced by pressing large chips of softwood wood. The gluing process occurs when exposed to high temperature under pressure. Synthetic resin serves as the adhesive material. In addition, the composition contains boric acid and synthetic wax. The products are quite durable and are not subject to delamination, which guarantees a long service life.

Before you putty the OSB board, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics and advantages of using the material, including:

  • strength of structures– due to the direction of the chips in one direction;
  • moisture resistance– special treatment protects the material from rotting and swelling under the influence of water or moisture;
  • fire resistance – coating with special substances ensures complete resistance to fire;
  • resistance – characteristic of negative natural influences, including fungus, insects, etc.;
  • lightness – the slabs are light in weight and are available in various sizes.

Good to know! When purchasing, do not forget to pay attention to moisture resistance indicators, which may vary between different brands of products.

Types of putty compounds

OSB boards consist of more than 80% natural solid wood, so it would be correct to use mixtures intended for wooden surfaces. Putty for OSB boards is presented in a fairly wide range on the modern market.

Puttying osb boards can be carried out using the following leveling agents:

  • Oil-adhesive compositions– products based on oil varnishes in addition to drying oil and other fillers.

  • Adhesive compositions - putties based on oils, adhesive solutions and plasticizers can be made at home.

  • Nitro putties are quick-drying compounds that contain cellulose ethers, resins, plasticizer fillers and a certain amount of solvents.

  • Gypsum mixtures are putty for OSB boards containing gypsum and polymer additives.

  • Compositions with latex- an order of magnitude more expensive than the previous ones, they represent the most suitable option, based on a fairly long service life.

If you don’t know how to putty an OSB board, choose mixtures for wood processing, which should be indicated on the product packaging.

On video: how to choose putty.

Before puttying, the surface is first sanded and then primed. To carry out the work, the material is selected based on a number of requirements, namely:

  • Choice of primer. It must be primed with special mixtures intended for wood processing. As a rule, these are compositions based on drying oil or glyphthalic varnish that do not contain water. The end parts of the OSB are first treated with primer mixtures even before the sheets are installed, since this is very problematic to do afterwards. The primer will help prevent stains from resins and other substances contained in the material.

  • Choice of putty. You should opt for compounds intended for finishing wooden bases. The walls should be plastered in several layers, horizontally and vertically, which will provide a more even surface. It is also worth remembering that in order to avoid cracks after drying, it is recommended to reinforce the surface with elastic materials, for example, non-woven fabric.

Advice! It is preferable to buy already polished slabs, the price of which is not much higher, but the finishing work will be much faster.

Basic requirements for compositions

Regardless of the type, OSB putty must have some characteristics, including:

  • Homogeneous consistency– will ensure the absence of large solid particles and facilitate the application process.
  • Good adhesion - the boards are coated with wax or resins, so not all mixtures will be able to adhere to their surface.
  • Low shrinkage– will significantly speed up the finishing work time.
  • Solid consistency– such compounds are easy to grind.

Low shrinkage ensures that cracks do not form when the substance dries. The finished base should be suitable for painting or wallpapering and create a durable final coating.

Application technology

After purchasing all necessary materials you can immediately start working. It is worth noting that pox putty is carried out in the same way, regardless of whether the surface is painted or wallpapered. Puttying OSB should be done in the following sequence:

  1. Applying primer in 2 layers. Depending on the type of mixture, the drying period varies from 4 to 12 hours.
  2. Puttying. Work must take place in a room with positive temperatures and permissible humidity air 60%. For maximum effect, putty mixtures are applied in 3 layers.
  3. Grinding. After the putty has completely dried, the surface is sanded to remove possible defects and making it smooth. You also need to carefully remove any dust that has formed on the surface.
  4. Reinforcement. Requires overlapping material.
  5. Alignment. An adhesive solution is applied to the surface, after which the coating is leveled. Next, you can plaster or glue wallpaper.

Puttying process

If we talk about whether it is possible to putty OSB boards, we must take into account that for these purposes it is preferable to choose specialized compounds that do not contain water.

putty osb walls makes them suitable for painting, as well as for gluing vinyl, non-woven or liquid wallpaper.

The article provides complete information on how to putty OSB boards, tips on choosing materials and application rules. This finish is not at all necessary, but will help protect the base from moisture and allow you to make a beautiful, high-quality decorative coating.

Now you know how to putty OSB boards profitably and in a fairly short term. Compliance with the described recommendations will allow you to carry out high-quality putty on OSB boards, guaranteeing a long period of use and maintaining an excellent appearance.

OSB preparation and puttying technique (2 videos)

Necessary tools and putty work (36 photos)

Rules for applying plaster on OSB boards for facade finishing

Frame houses are fast and affordable way get your own home. But such buildings require a more careful selection of materials to perform insulation and decorating work.

Those who choose plastering are wondering whether to lay plaster on an OSB board on the facade or not, and what compositions are best to choose?

Oriented strand boards (OSB) must be protected from external negative influences. Because decorative finishing should have the following advantages:

  1. Resistant to high humidity.
  2. Tolerance to harsh and frequent changes temperatures
  3. Mechanical reliability.
  4. Heat and sound insulation properties.
  5. Affordable price.
  6. Duration of operation.
  7. Light weight.

Therefore, to the question whether it is possible to plaster an OSB board, the answer is definitely possible and necessary, since this type of finishing has all the listed characteristics. The main thing to remember is that wood absorbs moisture quickly and a lot, even if it is coated with a moisture-repellent composition.

Before plastering the base, it must be protected with a special layer that will not allow moisture to pass through from the solution. This layer can be bitumen cardboard, paper-based roofing felt, kraft paper or an elastic polymer coating.

This option involves extensive preparation. Without this, OSB boards will constantly be exposed to moisture, which the plastered layer absorbs and transfers to the base.

IN preparatory stage includes:

  • Fastening on a base of moisture-proof material. As mentioned above, this can be asphalt cardboard, roofing felt, kraft paper or polymer coating.
  • Installation of reinforcing mesh. It can be fiberglass or galvanized steel mesh. She's getting flooded special glue, so that the composition completely covers the reinforcing layer.
  • After the glue has completely dried, the surface must be treated with deep penetration primer to increase adhesion.

After waiting for the applied primer to dry completely, you can plaster the OSB boards using silicate or mineral mixtures. They have good long service life, decorative and protective properties.

The solution is applied in a thin layer of 1.5 to 5 mm. Therefore, this process is reminiscent of applying putty. Such OSB plaster slabs require time and money. But, once everything is done efficiently, the owner can forget about repair work for a long time.

If debts are messing with a large number I don’t want layers, but I still need to decorate the facade and you can use another finishing method. To do this, you will need to purchase polyurethane foam in sheets. Fix it securely to the base. It will perform the functions of thermal insulation.

To attach the insulation, you can use a special glue for external work. When choosing an adhesive composition, pay attention to whether it can be used for polyurethane foam.

A thin layer of plaster solution is applied to the insulation, and reinforcing fiberglass is laid on top of the wet layer and pressed in, leveling the applied solution. After this layer has dried, apply a little more solution in order to hide places where the mesh can be visible.

After drying, you need to rub and paint the surface. For painting it is better to choose acrylic paint.

The fastest way to apply plaster to the surface of OSB boards is to use polymer compositions based on acrylic or latex synthetic resin. They are available in the form of ready-made solutions. After opening the container, everything must be used very quickly. Because the plaster sets quickly and it is impossible to dilute or restore the original consistency.

Now let’s figure out how to plaster an OSB board in this way.

  • Grinding. For this they choose sandpaper coarse grain. At the same time, all elements that protrude beyond the surface of the slab and do not connect well with it are removed.
  • Primer. After sanding, the slab is cleaned of dust and covered with deep penetration primer intended for wooden surfaces. This will not only protect the wood from moisture, but will also increase adhesion, which means the plaster solution will be easier to apply.
  • If there are any unevenness on the OSB board or there are gaps at the joints, then after the soil has dried, they are treated acrylic sealant. The composition is sent into the uneven area and carefully leveled with a spatula. This process will allow you to use less polymer plaster.
  • Plastering. After the sealing layer has dried, begin applying the finished composition. The solution is applied to the wall and leveled to obtain a layer 5 mm thick. You need to work quickly.

The polymer layer of plaster does not require painting, but if desired, the owner can change the color of the finish at any time. This method of decorating OSB boards is expensive, but its service life of over 25 years makes it possible to eliminate this disadvantage.

The compositions that are used for plastering slabs harden very quickly, so if the owner does not have experience in this area, then it is better to use the work of a professional team.

How to plaster OSB walls and ceilings in a house, correct OSB plaster indoors

How and why to plaster internal walls made of OSB

Oriented strand board (OSB), also known as OSB (OSB or OSBI), is perfect for construction. These slabs are increasingly used in house construction. This is especially true for the construction frame houses. They are used both for cladding exterior facades and for arranging interior space inside. Therefore, the question is which method to prefer for finishing interior spaces, is relevant for every home owner.

Main types of interior decoration

Various methods can be used to decorate interior spaces whose walls are made of OSB. The choice is always up to the owners. Brief list finishing works that are suitable for OSB are given below:

  • wallpapering
  • painting
  • varnish coating
  • decorative putty and decorative plaster
  • gluing tiles or ceramic tiles

You can learn about all finishing methods in the article: methods of finishing surfaces from OSB sheets in the house.

All listed species finishes have one common feature. The OSB surface must be properly prepared before the final finishing coat is applied.

There is essentially only one weak point of oriented strand boards. This is the ability to absorb and gradually accumulate moisture. Over time, the entire slab or part of it swells and deforms. Therefore, the OSB surface must be insulated from exposure to high humidity. And here many people have a question: is it better to putty OSB walls or cover them with a layer of plaster?

Initially, the puttying process is used to seal seams between slabs and to level walls. This layer serves as the basis for applying paint, wallpapering partitions and, oddly enough, for the finishing layer of plaster. So the conclusion is quite definite: putty is an element of rough finishing of premises.

So plaster interior walls from OSB it is quite possible. This, along with others, is a fairly common finishing method that is often used by designers. It should be added that the use of a conventional sand-cement mixture in this case is not recommended. There are special types of plaster that are designed for interior work with OSB panels.

What plaster is used for OSB indoors

Plaster, in this case, is used to create the last layer, which largely determines the design of the premises. These mixtures are called decorative plaster. For wooden surfaces, it is recommended to use compounds that have high adhesion. It's about plaster mixtures polymer based. A layer of such plaster “breathes” and prevents the formation of fungi and mold. The plaster layer helps to significantly reduce sound transmission and retain heat. It is environmentally friendly and absolutely safe. A wall covered with plaster looks absolutely uniform. Joints between slabs and other defects are hidden. This coating will last more than twenty-five years.

Plaster mixtures are sold ready-made or dry. Dry varieties should be diluted with water or another reagent before application, in accordance with the instructions. It is very important to make sure that OSB boards rigidly fixed and not subject to movement. Only after this can you start working. Otherwise, the plaster may crack and begin to peel off in places.

Decorative plaster OSB indoors. Types, characteristics

Decorative plaster can be classified according to two parameters: the composition of the filler and the type of binding components. Based on the type of filler, one can distinguish Venetian, structural, textured and flock.

Venetian plaster when applied, it can form a smooth surface. It contains an admixture of tiny marble chips. This gives the surface a mirror shine.

Structural mixture has small impurities of quartz and other components. The surface becomes rough. Its main difference is that when applied to the wall, multi-colored spots appear on it.

Textured plaster may have different kind and include admixtures of any suitable material. These can be small pebbles, pieces of mica, silk fibers or other fabric. Wall panels coated with this mixture have a pronounced texture, which is determined by the filler.

The most difficult thing to work with seems to be flock mixture. But it is very advantageous in design. The fact is that it consists of three layers - the main one, the layer with flocks and the varnish coating. Pieces of dried acrylic paint are used as flocks.

Types of decorative plaster for OSB indoors by composition

Based on the presence of different binding components in the mixture, textured plaster can be divided into the following types:

  • mineral
  • acrylic
  • silicone
  • silicate

IN mineral plaster Cement acts as a binder. It is not very suitable for OSB, since it is afraid of impact when hardening. Although the finished layer becomes stronger over time, it lacks a certain plasticity. An accidental impact may cause a piece of the coating to come off the wall.

Acrylic plaster made on the basis of acrylic resin. Compared to the previous mixture, it has lower strength and service life. Has many color solutions. You can color the mixture yourself by adding a special colored paste. It is quite suitable for application to a prepared OSB surface.

Synthetic resins serve as a binding component for silicone decorative plaster. It is very flexible and can be easily applied to the wall. Silicone plaster is resistant to moisture, vapor permeable and has an antiseptic effect. There are many color varieties. This type of textured plaster fits perfectly into the solution of the task.

Silicate plaster stands out because liquid glass is used to create an astringent effect. The frozen surface has increased strength, moisture resistance, vapor permeability and antifungal properties. This plaster will last a long time, up to fifty years or more. This option can also be used for working with OSB.

Relief of textured plaster for OSB in the house

According to the shape of the surface relief, the most famous types of textured plaster are: “lamb”, “bark beetle” and “fur coat”.

"Lamb" It has a fine-grained structure due to the filler of small unprocessed pebbles.

Plastered surface "Lamb".

"Bark beetle" resembles a tree that has been attacked by bark beetles.

Plastered surface "Bark beetle"

"Fur coat" has a smoother surface compared to the first option, since the filler in this case is cement.

Plastered surface “Shuba”

OSB surface preparation

As already mentioned, the finishing of walls and ceilings from OSB sheets indoors takes place in two stages. The first, roughing, includes preparing the facade of the slabs for finishing coat. The second, finishing, involves applying plaster to the prepared base.

Surface preparation begins with sealing the seams between the slabs. For this it is advisable to use acrylic or silicone sealant . After completing this operation, it is recommended to get rid of all visible irregularities and defects using grinder. If this is not possible, then you can go over the walls with ordinary sandpaper.

Sealing joints with sealant.

The walls should be cleaned of dust using a vacuum cleaner. For ceilings, all processes are similar. If necessary, wipe the surface with white spirit. After this, the first layer of primer is applied. Best used acrylic primer with additives, which improve its properties . Adhesive grade primers have also proven themselves well. They contain fine quartz chips, which help keep the putty on the walls. After the first layer of soil has completely hardened, the operation should be repeated.

More details about choosing suitable primers and technologies for their application can be found in the article: how to properly prime OSB.

Next up is plastering the walls. There are specially developed mixtures for OSB panels. It is better to use adhesive-based putties. Before applying the composition, a special metal or plastic mesh, which promotes better adhesion of the putty. Fastening is easiest done with a construction stapler. Then the first layer of putty is applied. The mesh should be completely hidden under the mixture. Perfect for creating flat surface You can putty the wall a second time when the first layer has dried.

The next two videos show the preparation process clearly.

More details about the intricacies of choosing putty, preparing the base and puttying can be found in a separate article: OSB putty.

After this you can think about applying decorative covering, be it wallpaper, paint or decorative plaster.

Applying decorative plaster indoors

The selected mixture is prepared as written on the package. The work is not much different from puttying. However, getting the wall surface to look as intended requires some skill.

To apply the mixture, use a flat spatula, as shown in the figure. The plaster is carefully applied in several layers. The layer thickness is small, ranging from one and a half to five millimeters. Typically, two or three coats are sufficient. It is very important to ensure that before applying the next layer, the previous one has dried and gained strength.

Applying plaster to the prepared surface

This is circuit diagram works on plastering internal surfaces made of OSB. It should be noted that each type of decorative plaster has its own nuances during application. This type of finishing is relatively inexpensive. And if everything is done correctly, the resulting interior will satisfy the most demanding taste and will last for many years.

An example of Venetian plaster with a pattern.

Silk plaster can be classified as a separate finishing class - this is what liquid wallpaper is called. You can learn about the use of silk plaster on OSB in the article: correct technologies for applying liquid wallpaper to the surface of OSB sheets.

How and how to plaster, paint and putty OSB boards

When working with OSB boards, first of all you need to remember that more than 90% of these products consist of wood. Therefore, high-quality OSB finishing slabs is associated with the use of materials characteristic of working with solid wooden surfaces.

The slabs lend themselves to almost any finishing: they can be glued, painted, puttyed, varnished and even, subject to certain rules, plastered. All processing methods have their own characteristics, so each one should be analyzed separately.

A material such as OSB can be painted with water-based or oil-based compositions applied with a brush, spray or roller.

The question often arises: is it possible to paint OSB boards with water-based compounds? It is possible, but this will increase the shape of the sheet slightly (swelling is possible), so it is highly advisable to use OSB 3. If you paint only on one side, this may lead to a slight bending of the panel. Therefore, it is worth treating the slab with water-based paints in cases where the appearance is not important. In opposite situations, it is necessary to use oil compounds. What are the features?

1. Any paint tends to spread on sharp corners . Therefore, before painting, they must be rounded by light sanding (with a radius of at least 3 mm). This is especially important for OSB used for exterior finishing.

Before painting OSB, the perimeter is first painted

When treating slabs located outside, it is necessary to use paints intended for outdoor use. In this case, you should follow the manufacturer's recommendations for painting wooden surfaces.

2. Edges. Their surface is more porous than the plane of the slab. The result is greater absorption, i.e. moisture absorption. Therefore, special attention should be paid to sealing edges. Moreover, this operation must be carried out before priming and applying the main coating.

Painted OSB floor

3. Padding. If you decide to treat the slabs with an antiseptic or fire-retardant impregnation, then you should carefully read the instructions - some of these chemicals may contain a high alkali content, which will require the use of a special primer.

4. Layers of paint. The opinion that the thicker the layer, the better it will protect the surface, is not entirely true. It is better to apply several thin coats rather than one thick one. In this case, each layer must be thoroughly dried.

  • the edges must be processed before the assembly of the structure begins (rounded and sealed);
  • If water-based sealing compounds are used, then due to swelling in the future, mandatory grinding will be required. Therefore, it is better to use solvent-based formulations (for initial processing);
  • When using transparent dyes, it is necessary to use those that prevent penetration ultraviolet rays(i.e., such materials must contain inhibitors);
  • slabs must be fastened in such a way that there are no potential areas for moisture accumulation;
  • It is necessary to cover both sides with dye equally;
  • 45 degree end connections are not recommended (due to the formation of sharp edges). If the finishing requires that the edges will be visible after completion of the work, then they must be filled with cellulose (wood) filler, then sanded and primed.

Putty and varnish

The design of the OSB board itself and its texture are decorative and look aesthetically attractive. The use of colorless putty or varnish will only emphasize the naturalness of the surface. But do not forget about the “tendency” of the material to swell.

So is it possible to putty OSB? It is possible if oil-based formulations are used. Good effect allows the use of putty when applied to slab flooring. The surface is glossy and sufficiently protected from mechanical stress.

There is no special putty for OSB or varnish. The usual composition used for wooden surfaces will do. If it is necessary to use them, it is better to use special boards that have already been sanded by the manufacturer - such panels do not require preliminary preparation. Sanded boards can also be used for film coating or lamination.

If you use drywall to decorate your home, we advise you to read the article on how to putty drywall.

Pasting wallpaper on OSB

Here the traditional approach is no longer suitable. The plate has high absorbency. Therefore, you cannot simply paste wallpaper using glue containing water - the slab will begin to swell and the wallpaper will simply fall off.

In order for the wallpaper to adhere securely to the OSB surface, it is necessary to take a number of preparatory measures.

First, a layer of primer must be applied to the panel. After it has completely (completely!) dried, any dispersion putty based on synthetic resin is applied. Its drying time should not be less than 12 hours.

And the final preparatory step is gluing the elastic material for reinforcement. Only compliance with the above rules will allow the pasted wallpaper to remain on the OSB surface.

Very often, OSB boards are in demand in the construction of frame houses - they are used to upholster the load-bearing frame. One of the ways to protect it in this case is plastering. However, here again the problem of absorption arises and the question “is it possible to plaster OSB” is quite appropriate.

The process of plastering slabs has its own characteristics. These, first of all, include preliminary fastening of bituminized cardboard to the surface. It is also possible to use roofing felt with a paper base or facing kraft paper.

The mesh on the OSB wall allows the putty to stick

The next stage is fastening the galvanized plaster mesh. The resulting structure is filled with a special adhesive (the grille must be completely immersed in it). No special plaster on OSB board is required. The only requirement is that it must be vapor-permeable and polymer-acrylic.

Gluing elements onto OSB

If necessary, various materials can be glued to the OSB board. decorative elements at interior decoration. For external use, the need for gluing may arise, for example, when attaching a soft roof to a roof. Typically, several types of glue are used, depending on the location of application and the required strength of the joints:

  • thermoplastics: for working in dry conditions (the objects to be glued must be fixed);
  • thermal hardening compositions: serve as structural, i.e. load-bearing glue (hardens when heated, but there are compositions that harden at room temperature);
  • Urea-formaldehyde, melamine-formaldehyde: have limited resistance to weather conditions. It is better to use in a place protected from precipitation or indoors;
  • elastomers: include 2 components (binder, glue itself), used for gluing thick parts (sets quickly, no preliminary fixation is required);
  • bitumen-based: most often used for fixing when arranging the roof.