Disadvantages of a house made of sip panels. Sip panels - what they are, reviews of houses made from sip panels, pros and cons. Very warm and stable home

SIP panels - comfortable material with excellent performance qualities and high durability, allowing you to build really quickly. However, Canadian house construction technology has disadvantages.

Technology modern construction made from sandwich panels is not as new as some are accustomed to believe. At home in North America its foundations have remained unchanged for more than half a century, and the nuances of such construction have been worked out to the smallest detail. Climatic conditions of this region are quite similar to ours, especially when it comes to the European part of Russia. The technology is being actively implemented in domestic practice; many owners of such houses have already appreciated all the advantages, leaning in their favor.

SIP panels - not quite standard material In order to verify its strength and select suitable structural properties, various studies were carried out by expert groups at one time. Construction technology includes many patents and unique algorithms that make working with such material convenient and fast. For people in the subject, this option is not just a tribute to fashion, but a completely rational decision.

Russian specialists are not yet so strong in SIP technology, so its features are surrounded by myths, some of which are quite absurd. In fact, according to the classification, this is panel construction, which has features quite typical for this type.

  • How to combine with wooden frame, and by themselves, these elements are very durable, and with incredible lightness they are resistant to wind, snow and other negative weather conditions
  • In the USA, such houses safely survive hurricanes and earthquakes. They are quick to assemble, economical and very warm.

However, such buildings have significant disadvantages that are worth mentioning.

Disadvantages of houses using Canadian technology

Technology is never perfect, but any problems can be overcome by owning valuable and detailed information. In order for a house to be durable, all real risks need to be worked out in advance, a comprehensive assessment of the situation and a system of thoughtful preventive measures allows you to forget about possible problems.

Many shortcomings in Canadian homes clearly manifest themselves when technology is violated: after all, not every team knows how to handle such material.

Each joint requires precise adjustment: the building is erected like a constructor, requiring the accuracy and appropriateness of the location of each part.


As a rule, one of the main disadvantages of a house made of sandwich panels is that they are not well protected from fire. Of course, compared to wood, this is much less pronounced, but brick or concrete houses have certain advantages here. However, practice shows that compliance with standards fire safety an order of magnitude more significant than the wall material. High-quality electrical wiring, correct installation sockets, absence of network overloads, treatment with fire retardants - all this plays a decisive role.

When unfinished, the SIP panel is a K3 fire-rated material, just like regular wood. Accordingly, it can be used for the construction of single-family houses residential buildings, but is not suitable for large buildings where the spread of flames can be truly fatal to a huge number of people at once.

Expanded polystyrene does burn, but not at all like wood. The fact is that the hazard class does not fully reflect the actual picture. Firstly, the sandwich panel material is many times inferior in density to both timber and boards, and secondly, synthetic material This type consists of more than 95% air, the third significant argument: typical polystyrene foam PSB-25 ignites at a temperature twice as high.

When burning, the panel does not emit significant concentrations of highly toxic substances.

  • Styrene is the main poisonous substance, and it is released in very low concentrations. In addition, it has a pungent odor, its appearance is very easy to recognize
  • Things are a little worse with carbon monoxide, it has no odor, however, with incomplete combustion tree, its selection is also inevitable

Stories about well-burning sandwich panels usually refer to fakes, of which, by the way, there are quite a lot on the domestic market. Normal certified material cannot be set on fire either with matches or with a cigarette butt; even a directed burner does not cope with it very well. Therefore, there is an important task here: to find trusted suppliers who do not accept counterfeit products.

ABOUT this minus Canadian houses sometimes mentioned by skeptics. It does not provide any substantive basis, since rodents can damage the insulation, but they are absolutely not interested in sandwich panels specifically.

SIP is absolutely not a material that would suit mice or rats: it is uncomfortable and inedible, the same story goes for ants and termites. Rodent nests also cannot be created on the basis of polystyrene foam: for them, soft ones are much more relevant warm materials, including even glass wool.

Environmental friendliness

Obviously, for many builders in Russia, SIP remains a not very trivial technology. Understanding that it is used is far from natural material, causes controversial judgments. Many are trying to play it safe and react to the proposed materials with caution to the extent of a certain xenophobia.

In the USA, the SIP standard has been developed so thoroughly that security is beyond doubt; not only is it used to build private sector, but buildings social security and administrative buildings.

The far-fetched problem of low environmental friendliness is again a consequence of non-compliance with technology: the right material For Canadian home has less formaldehyde emissions than chipboard.

About 80% European houses today they are insulated with polystyrene, everything modern research they talk about its chemical neutrality and minimal indicators of chemical effects on the respiratory system and human skin.

SIP panels good quality They are no cheaper than laminated timber. Each element of the future home requires manufacturing to a specific size and gluing.

It is more economical to make the panels yourself, however, this will require serious experience and a willingness to spend considerable time. A fairly powerful press is also required; with any deviations from the technology, the polystyrene foam structures lose strength. The handicraft panel turns out to be uneven and unevenly glued. The cost of such production is low, but the thermal insulation qualities of the building are no longer the same.

  • Certification of compliance with GOST and TU standards is a guarantee of the durability of the building
  • According to the American opinion, the consumer qualities of houses made of SIP panels are significantly higher than those of similar buildings made of timber, so investments here are quite appropriate and worthwhile
  • The use of each grade of polystyrene in each specific location of the structure is best thought out and agreed upon at the design stage

This is one of the disadvantages of a frame house, and maybe a plus, because... You can choose insulation to suit your taste and color. More about the cons frame houses You can read.

Capitalism and durability

Some people today look at real estate as an investment option. This approach is completely rational, useful and increasingly relevant for Russian compatriots.

All other things being equal, when choosing a type of construction, it is more effective to give preference brick building than a house made of sandwich panels. And here it’s not even a matter of stereotypes and the classical idea of ​​​​home in the minds of ordinary people. Brick or stone house, built with decent investments - a universal solution, even with the emergence of even more interesting technologies, without a doubt, there will be a demand for it.

High resale price - significant feature such a home for posterity. And SIP technology, unfortunately, very soon may be supplanted by more relevant economical options, such a risk remains here.

  • According to the service life of buildings based on sandwich panels, a life of 50 to 150 years is attributed
  • In fact, such estimates are quite approximate; much will depend on the location of construction, aggressive external factors, taking into account the nuances during construction, observing the subtleties of technology and selecting the type of material
  • There are known buildings of a similar plan that, with proper care, have stood for several centuries.

The sustainability of these houses is affected by their good thermal insulation and the ability to withstand high humidity. All this helps to regularly reduce heating costs in winter, which often affects owners of houses made of timber or brick of similar size.

Video about the disadvantages of Canadian houses made from SIP panels

The production of new materials for construction does not stand still: today, so-called sandwich panels produced using Canadian technologies are beginning to gain popularity.

The strength necessary for high-quality construction is ensured through the use of expanded polystyrene, covered with OSB sheets on each side.

But not everyone considers the use of SIP technologies good idea: before starting the planned work, weigh the pros and cons of SIP panels.

Consideration of the main pros and cons of houses made of SIP panels will help you decide whether it is worth building structures from these materials.

If their characteristics satisfy you, you will be able to complete the construction quickly enough and without outside help, well, we will try to help you by describing the main stages of the technological process.

Advantages of using sip panels

The first feature that is worth paying attention to when considering the pros and cons of vultures panel houses, - This service life houses made of sip panels.

Many people have a misconception about how long this material retains its original properties. In fact, the durability of houses made from good quality sip panels can reach 50 years, and when using additional finishing materials you can extend it.

In addition to the service life of the sip panel house, controversial points also arise regarding other properties, which, nevertheless, can be attributed to advantages and not disadvantages:

Attention! If you follow the correct construction process for building a house according to SIP technologies takes no more than four weeks.

High strength and others beneficial properties materials provide a fairly long service life of houses made of SIP panels.

However, it is important to consider both the pros and cons of houses according to Canadian technology, so let's talk about the disadvantages of sip panels.

Disadvantages of panel-type houses

One of the most significant disadvantages of houses made of sip panels include their fire hazard. In fact, the degree of fire protection of such materials is greater than that of wood. And when burned, they will not release toxic substances that threaten your health.

If you follow basic fire safety rules, you don't have to worry about your safety. In addition, walls of this type can be treated for maximum fire protection.

Attention! Sandwich panel without additional finishing belongs to the fire resistance category K3, so it can be used to create small living spaces. But, in the case of constructing large buildings where many people will be present, it is better to think about the issue of fire protection more responsibly.

Don't forget that most of the disadvantages of sip panel houses can be prevented if choose good quality material. Such walls cannot be set on fire with a cigarette butt or matches, and even if in contact with an open source of fire, the material will be difficult to succumb to negative effects.

The disadvantages of sandwich panels include: their insulating properties. We are talking about imperfect sound insulation, but this problem can be easily solved with the help of additional protective finishing.

Another disadvantage of vulture houses is low vapor barrier. Because frame houses this type practically does not “breathe”, accumulation of excess moisture, the spread of mold and mildew on the internal walls.

Of all the pros and cons of thermos houses, maximum attention should be paid to this issue, since it is important to maintain a favorable microclimate in the rooms. This drawback is solved using ventilation systems, as well as special seals for roofs.

Such a minus of sip panels as the need to ensure ventilation of structures, significantly increases the cost repair work. But, as experience shows, in residential premises with standard conditions it is enough to install special mortise valves for windows and walls, the features of which will be told to you by specialists in construction stores.

Let's talk about another point that worries many: vulture panels and mice. Rumors about such disadvantages of vulture houses are greatly exaggerated. Only insulation materials are susceptible to this problem, and not the SIP technology panels themselves. Insects will not threaten your walls either.

Moreover, pests will not be able to create nests inside polystyrene foam, since this the material is too strong.

As you can see, the disadvantages of panel houses are not so terrible if you choose certified material that meets the standards. In addition to the pros and cons of sip panels, you also need to know the features of their use in construction processes: at this stage, mistakes can be made that will affect the final result.

Features of panel construction

The technology of building a house from sip panels is simpler than what we are used to construction process. Since they are light in weight, there is no need for a heavy foundation, so you can choose the pile version with strapping beams.

Secure the boards on top of this base using screws. required sizes- and start installing the panels themselves. In case of installation strip foundation strapping boards are attached to composite panels, not bars.

Pay attention to the way the panels are connected to each other: this is common tongue-and-groove method, which greatly simplifies self-assembly.

Advice: to ensure the structure remains airtight, use polyurethane foam: it is used to process the ends of panels before attaching them to each other.

If you follow the described technology correctly, the house will turn out to be reliable, durable and protected from drafts. Warmth will be retained inside the room, and over time, walls of this type will not be in danger of cracking or shrinking. But it is important not to skimp on basic materials, since their quality directly determines maximum term operation.

Please note one more point: assembly of houses from this material should be carried out in the off-season, when air humidity is minimal.

Canadian construction technology has gained popularity in many parts of the world. First of all, the structure is built very quickly. In northern conditions, SIP panels are excellent option, because they have high performance heat saving. To produce this building material OSB board and thermal insulation material are used. Most often, polystyrene foam is used for this purpose. Before starting construction, it is important to know all the pros and main disadvantages of houses made from SIP panels.

This building material is distinguished by its simplicity of design and affordable price. With all this, their advantages stand out:

  • high thermal insulation;
  • strength;
  • light weight;
  • durability;
  • affordable price.


When weighing the pros and cons, it is also worth considering the main technical specifications slabs According to European standards, such a slab can have the following dimensions:

  • width - 1.25 and 1.2 m;
  • length - 2.5 and 2.8 m (in some cases 3 and 6 m).

American standards are measured in inches. In Russia, such sizes are extremely rare. The most popular is the standard 2.44 and 1.22 m. The thickness of the material may vary. To a greater extent it depends on thermal insulation material. The insulation can be 100, 150 or 200 mm thick. For the manufacture of SIP panels, OSB sheets with a thickness of 9 or 12 mm are used. These are the main advantages of the building material. In addition to this, you also need to become familiar with the main disadvantages.


In order to start building a house, you need to make a foundation. Using a brick or concrete blocks, need to do monolithic base with a sufficiently large depth. Using SIP panels, the foundation can be made less bulky. This is because the walls will ultimately exert little load. The average weight of one panel is 60 kg.

The advantages also include high fire resistance. During testing, it was found that the material was able to contain fire for one hour. This makes the material third degree fire-resistant. They also have this positive quality as - self-extinguishing. This is due to the fact that the composition includes antiperen. The material is non-toxic and does not release any toxic substances when ignited. OSB and polystyrene foam are absolutely safe for human health. Therefore, they can be safely used for the construction of temporary and residential structures.

  • Durability is one of the advantages of SIP panels, against which nothing can be said. For construction, this indicator is very important. In the future, it will be possible to hang shelves, brackets and other heavy pieces of furniture on the walls.
  • Stability can be ensured by adding a stiffening frame, which uses vertical and horizontal bars inside the structure.
  • Rigidity is achieved due to the fact that gluing of all layers is carried out with a special adhesive composition under press pressure. Durability is an undeniable advantage. On average, SIP panels can last more than 50 years, while maintaining all their advantages and resisting various influences.
  • The small thickness of the panels is important during construction. The thickness is three times thinner than masonry, while all heat-saving characteristics meet the standards.
  • For interior and exterior decoration you can use the most various materials. Thanks to the perfectly flat surface, there is no need to carry out preparatory work.


Despite the fact that they have a huge number of advantages, before starting construction in mandatory It's worth exploring the pros and cons. Knowing all the shortcomings, you can find solutions against them. This will extend the life of the house and eliminate all the risks of living in it.

The reliability and strength of the structure as a whole depends directly on how accurately the construction technology is followed. In addition, it is worth studying all the disadvantages of houses made of SIP panels.

  1. Flammability. Compared to wood, panels are not as susceptible to fire and are more resistant to its effects. But, despite this, during construction it is important to do the wiring correctly, pay attention to special attention locations of sockets and switches. As additional protection can be used special means- anti-feathers. Also, to increase fire resistance, it is worth using non-combustible building materials as cladding.
  2. In some cases, the insulating material may be damaged by rodents. Therefore, it is important to control all joints so that there are no cracks or gaps through which pests can crawl. Such deficiencies are extremely rare.

In order for the building to be as strong and reliable as possible, it is worth using the recommendations of experts regarding construction. Knowing all the pros and cons, you can even do the work yourself.

  1. The very first thing is to find quality products. Only in this case will the panels withstand the entire expected load. Unscrupulous manufacturers may use low-quality adhesive composition, as a result, the panels may simply fall apart. You need to choose a supplier responsibly; it is best to use the recommendations of relatives and friends who have already made purchases.
  2. Practical materials can be used as a base screw piles or shallow tape monolith. This makes it possible to significantly save money on the entire construction.
  3. The special production technology of the panels provides them with maximum rigidity. This makes it possible to build a house at any time of the year, even at subzero temperatures. The structure does not shrink after construction and is not subject to seasonal soil heaving.
    4. It is important to make a high-quality frame that will hold all the walls. For external walls it is worth using thicker options. For interior partitions A thinner version will do. It is also necessary to individually select the option for arranging the gable under the roof.
  4. All work should be carried out step by step and in compliance with all technologies and standards.

Knowing all the advantages, you can end up with a reliable temporary structure or permanent residence. The pros and cons fully characterize the material and make it stand out compared to other options.

August 6, 2017
Specialization: master in construction plasterboard structures, finishing works and styling floor coverings. Installation of door and window units, finishing of facades, installation of electrical, plumbing and heating - I can give detailed advice on all types of work.

You don’t know what material to build a residential or country house? Today I will tell you about one very popular option - houses made of SIP panels. This solution has long been used in Europe and America, but in our country it appeared about 10 years ago and is rapidly gaining popularity. Let's find out about the pros and cons of this technology so that you can make the right decision.

What is a SIP house?

We will look at the main advantages that SIP houses have, and then we will touch on the disadvantages. Let me make a reservation right away - the analysis is based on quality options structures, cheap fakes for SIP, we do not take into account, since they do not even meet the minimum requirements for safety and durability.


The type of buildings we are considering has many advantages:

Illustration Description

High reliability indicators. The photo shows the structure of the SIP panel; it consists of two OSB boards on the outside and inside and a polystyrene foam filler. It provides excellent thermal insulation and fills the internal cavity completely. The result is very durable and at the same time fairly light elements from which you can build both country houses and houses for permanent residence.

High thermal insulation characteristics . To avoid giving you a lot of boring numbers, the photo shows a thickness comparison different materials with the same thermal conductivity.

As you can see, only 160 mm SIP panels are comparable to more than half a meter of wood.

Such houses are one and a half times warmer than frame structures, insulated with mineral wool, this should also be taken into account.

High construction speed. The house kit is manufactured at the factory and delivered to the site marked. All you have to do is assemble all the elements according to the constructor principle.
As practice shows, the construction of a structure takes from one to four weeks. This is much faster than any classical technology, be it timber, blocks or bricks.
Most often, this is done like this: while the house kit is being manufactured, you make the foundation and install communications to save time in the future.

Possibility to implement a project of any complexity. This is a very important advantage, because you can bring almost any idea to life. The manufacturer will provide you with finished projects, and if you don’t find anything suitable, they will develop it especially for you individual solution, taking into account all your wishes and preferences.

Ease of construction. Construction can also be done with your own hands. The panels weigh little, and with 1-2 assistants they can be assembled one-story house won't be difficult.

This factor allows you to save large funds on construction equipment. And it’s much easier to make a foundation for such a house, because there will be little load on it compared to other options.

Ease of finishing. If we consider the structure from the inside, then it is ideal flat surface you can immediately attach drywall or glue ceramic tiles. None preliminary preparation not required, the most you have to do is apply primer.

Exterior finishing of houses from SIP panels can be done in different ways: from plastering and putty to covering with siding or any other material.

Reasonable cost. The price of a house kit with an area of ​​approximately 100 square meters ranges from 700 thousand to one and a half million, depending on the complexity of the design and the thickness of the panels.

Regarding country houses, then they will cost even less, the option for 30 square meters costs 300-400 thousand rubles.

The price of the house kit includes a box with a roof. Additionally, you will have to install door windows and finish them.

Disadvantages of SIP houses

This option also has disadvantages, they also need to be sorted out:

  • Flammability. Although OSB and expanded polystyrene cannot be classified as flammable materials, when high temperature they may catch fire. But this disadvantage is inherent in all wood options, be it SIP, frame, log or timber. If you follow basic fire safety rules, you don’t have to worry;
  • Assembly requirements. If during installation the elements were connected poorly, then cold will penetrate into the house through the cracks, and over time, due to moisture, fungus may begin to form in the joints. That is why it is recommended to buy ready-made slabs rather than cut them on site, and immediately fill all cracks, if any, with polyurethane foam. good exterior decoration will create an additional barrier to moisture and cold, so it must also be reliable;

  • Low sound insulation performance. For all their advantages, SIP panels conduct sound well, so if you are building a house near noise sources, it is better to additionally soundproof it. If the house is two-story, then it is also better to additionally insulate the ceiling of the second floor;
  • The need for a ventilation system. In such buildings, ventilation is mandatory, since the walls do not allow air to pass through. Provide all communications in advance so that you don’t have to spoil the finished floors later.