Do-it-yourself decoration of arches in the apartment. Making the interior space in the apartment: design of arches, ideas and photos How can I finish the door arch on the street

Arches between rooms instead of doors are a modern solution for visually expanding the space.

This design option is perfect for small apartments.

Arches in the living room are a great solution for zoning living space. They are especially suitable for studios where you need to separate the kitchen from the living room.

Why are arches needed?

The arch door in the living room is popular in apartments where you need:

  • do not reduce space, as happens when interior doors are used;
  • not only divide the rooms, but also combine the style of interior design;
  • give elegance and originality.

In all these situations, the construction of a designer arch will help you. Moreover, its form can be anything.

In order for you to imagine how diverse these designs can be, we suggest you look at the photo of the arches in the living room.

As you can see, it all depends on your imagination, and making it a reality is not difficult.

Types of arches

Arches have come to us since ancient times. It has always been beautiful and in demand. They have not lost their relevance even today.

And this is not surprising - after all, they are well suited to a variety of styles; with their help, you can combine and separate rooms that are completely different in functionality. For example, there is not much in common between the living room and the kitchen, but these rooms look very organic with an arch.

So what are the types of arches? There are only two of them:

  • The classical arch has a smooth arch, there are no accents in the form of a pattern or carving with an ornament.
  • Curly ones stand out with unusual shapes and attract attention precisely due to the finish.

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Classic arches are a budget option. They are mounted primarily with inexpensive, readily available drywall, plywood, or MDF.

Curly ones are usually built in large rooms, made of natural wood. Finished with glass, backlit.

Modern design of arches in the living room

Approximately a third of customers opt for the classic look of the arch.

  • First, it's relatively inexpensive.
  • Secondly, this option goes well with any repair. And most importantly, not everyone knows about other species or is afraid to experiment.

The rectangular arch does not need much alteration. It is wide, comfortable, goes well with most styles.

Wavy - on the contrary, it is suitable only for modern, retro or pop art. With these styles, the arch in the interior of the living room will be in harmony with the rest of the design in the best way.

The trapezoid-shaped arch will go well with the Gothic style.

An ellipsoidal arched passage will become an ornament, an accent in sophistication and luxury. And if such an arch is made of natural wood, it will become a real gem of your living room.

Can you make an arch yourself?

We boldly answer: “Yes, you can!” This is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. But, if you follow some rules, then this is quite a feasible task for any person who knows how to work with tools and has a well-developed imagination.

So, how to make an arch in the living room? First you need to decide on the choice of the type of structure.

If we are talking about the separation of the living room and kitchen, then the arch cannot be narrow, but at the same time it must clearly divide the space into zones.

This space seems to be one, but with an emphasis on the fact that there is a site for relaxation and another one for cooking. The materials from which you are going to mount the arch must first of all be safe.

It is important to know that the arch can be not only from a finished structure, but also, for example, from drywall, which bends very easily, turning the opening into an exquisite creation and this can be used in different variations.

By the way, from this material, the arch will look great not only between the living room and the kitchen, but also between the corridor and the bedroom.

Drywall is attached to the finished frame. After that, the surface must be puttied and painted. And then - again your imagination. It all depends on how your rooms are decorated, which should be separated by an arch.

Ready-made wooden arches will be able to please you with their smell, appearance. This will give you a feeling of coziness and comfort.

In addition, there are a lot of options on the market that will satisfy any, even the most sophisticated taste of the buyer.

Work on the establishment of such arches is much less than from drywall. Having installed the finished arch, you just have to cover up the seams between the wall and the arch. The joint can be closed with a wooden platband.

The combination with the interior of the apartment is the main condition when choosing the shape of the arch and the material from which you are going to design it. There are plenty to choose from.

And you can do it yourself - the main thing is to be able to work with tools and understand what exactly you want.

If you do not have such skills, then you just need to do it with the help of specialists. In any case, we are sure that such an option for zoning an apartment will become comfortable for you.

Photo design of the arch in the living room

Designers prefer to use arches to decorate the room instead of standard doors. Knowing how to finish the arch is not superfluous for a beginner in the field of repair work. Arches are made using materials such as drywall, plastic, wood and natural stone. A popular material for the manufacture of arches is drywall.

Drywall is an environmentally friendly material. Its advantage is the variability in the choice of the shape of the arch during construction. With the help of this material it is easy to hide the irregularities and defects of the doorway in the apartment. The design allows the installation of various light sources, shelves and other decorative elements.

Plasterboard arches in interior design

Due to the building material, the geometry of the structure in the apartment is observed. The finished product does not have a lot of weight, which is a plus for apartments with fragile walls. The material hides the shortcomings of communications in the apartment. Many find it difficult to choose the right decor for a drywall arched structure.

Drywall arch options:

  • The Roman shape is a standard design option with a semicircular arc of the arch and the correct radius;
  • British designs are produced with a truncated radius, the design of apartments using such material is less popular;
  • Slavic arched structure in the form of a rectangle with rounded corners, often erected in a classic interior;
  • A distinctive feature of Thai doorways is rounding on one side and right angles on the other;
  • Portals of a simple rectangular shape without frills;
  • The ellipse shape has a large number of options, but is usually designed like an oval;
  • The design of the trapezoid is carried out using decorative stitching of the corners so that rectangular doorways do not turn into ordinary ones;
  • The transom is made when they make out the continuation of the door that is left.

Building materials for finishing arched structures

The choice of finish depends on the design of the arch and the material from which it was made.

The owner of the apartment takes into account the interior of the premises.

The variety of material simplifies the selection of an individual design option.

Plasterboard arch design without finishing materials

The correct decor of the opening will competently divide the room into several zones. This technique is important in an apartment with a studio layout. For self-construction of the structure, drywall is more often used, since its installation is simple. There are no restrictions on the use of building materials for decoration.

The following building materials are used:

  • Wallpaper;
  • Plaster;
  • Decorative stones;
  • Tiled and ceramic tiles;
  • Plastic.

Popular materials are wallpaper, decorative stone and plastic. They differ from the rest in ease of installation. This is important when a person does not know how to finish the arch on their own. Even a beginner will cope with the design of the design, if he follows the recommendations. In order to achieve the best result, choose high-quality materials for finishing the opening in the apartment.

Using wallpaper

This method is simple and accessible. It is better to use the same wallpaper as for decorating the walls. To glue the wallpaper on the structure yourself, use the following materials:

  • Ruler, pencil;
  • adhesive for wallpaper;
  • Scissors;
  • Hard brush;
  • Wallpaper.

Phased wallpapering of the doorway

The consistency of wallpaper glue should be thicker than when pasting walls. This is necessary so that it dries more slowly and does not freeze in the form of drops. A strip of wallpaper is glued next to the arch. Another one is glued so as to close the opening (not completely, but part of it). The part of the first strip that protrudes is cut off and an allowance of 20-25 mm is left.

The next step is cutting the remaining allowance. Observe an interval of 25 mm. The allowance is tightly bent to the slope of the opening and glued with a brush. Wallpaper on the other side is glued in the same way. For pasting the arched vault, cut out the wallpaper so that the strip is equal to the width of the arch. A long strip is cut out, since when it is advanced, an exact match of the pattern is achieved.

Next, the strip is glued to the arched vault and to the sides of the opening. If it is high, then the strip is divided in two. In this case, the joints are located at the top of the arch. After gluing, it is important to iron the wallpaper to remove air bubbles.

Decorative stone for finishing works

The use of decorative stones is a laborious process. The arch of the opening and the surface inside are trimmed with decorative stone. The practicality of stone finishing is that for it the surface is not leveled with plaster. Its use is kept to a minimum.

Self-finishing a plasterboard opening with a decorative stone requires careful selection of building materials. Heavy building material under weight will change the shape of the arch or destroy it.

The use of stone in the decoration of openings

The sequence of decorating the arch with a decorative stone:

  • Surface treatment with putty in order to eliminate irregularities;
  • Using a primer after the putty has dried;
  • Preparation of a solution for decorating with a decorative stone;
  • Laying the first stone from below, at the junction of the opening and further fixing the stones with an overlap;
  • Cutting the stone, its further fastening along the arched arc, polishing with a file for decoration with decorative stone - artificial and natural;
  • Sealing seams with a specialized solution.

This decoration technology will allow you to independently decorate the arch with a decorative stone of unnatural or natural origin. The last option for finishing with decorative stone is more expensive. To obtain the desired result, technologies follow:

Decorating the opening with plastic

The advantage of decorating with plastic is that this material is cheap. Any color of the coating can be chosen. Plastic is easy to care for. Installation of building materials does not take much time, it is done by hand. Plasterboard arches are often finished with plastic.

plastic archway

For decor use:

  • plastic panels;
  • Reiki made of wood;
  • plaster;
  • Special glue.

There are a large number of forms of plastic arches. It should match the shape of the drywall arch. This building material takes any form and this is its plus. Finishing an asymmetric arch with plastic is easy to do. If panels are used, then a frame is prepared for them from rails, which are fastened with mounting foam. The corners of the opening are formed with arched corners to avoid plastic peeling.

Thinking over the overall interior design of a future apartment or house, willy-nilly, you have to think about the design of doorways, as well as transitions from one room to another. And if one owner sees medieval-heavy stone or wooden arched ceilings, then the imagination of another draws airy light and light Greek arches. Depending on the chosen option, the material for creating and finishing the decorative architectural element of the planned interior is selected accordingly. Whether it will be an open arched structure without doors or classic arched entrance doors, whether it will be decorative stone, wood or light drywall, of course, the owner or designer will decide. In any case, the arched structure should organically and competently fit into the conceived interior concept.

Photo of decorating arches with decorative stone in an apartment with your own hands

One of the most popular design options for doorways is the decoration of the arched perimeter with decorative stone. There are a great many proposals for the standard decoration of arches. It would seem that it is simpler: ordered - paid - received. However, many homeowners, like true craftsmen, consider an individual, piece design to be much more preferable.

Agree, when in your dreams a harsh entrance to the medieval halls of the castle is drawn, and you are offered a line of cheerful multi-colored bricks, it becomes at least annoying.

Decorative stone has many faces:

  • granite;
  • large pebbles;
  • marble;
  • sandstone;
  • slate.

And these are just a few of the incarnations of a practical finishing material. In addition to imitating natural materials using decorative stone, you can create the effect of brickwork with varying degrees of aging.

Among other things, decorative stone is the best example of environmentally friendly material resistant to corrosion. It is much lighter than many natural materials and therefore simple and convenient for self-assembly when decorating arched openings.

Actually, the creation of the arch itself is best entrusted to specialist builders, but its finishing is quite within the power of any home craftsman.

Working with decorative stone is facilitated by a number of significant points:

  • finishing does not require a perfectly leveled surface;
  • the presence of many additional components makes it easy to model the complex relief of the formed coating;
  • small, in comparison with natural materials, the weight of decorative tiles.

To achieve the expected result, it is enough to know the characteristics of the selected finishing material and follow the elementary rules of masonry. First of all, you need to calculate the required number of tiles needed for work. Preference is given to narrow tiles of decorative stone, in places of rounding and in the design of internal arches, and wider tiles, in the presence of even and smoothed lines of arched openings.

Laying is carried out, as a rule, in two standard ways:

  • seamless;
  • with seams.

The choice of a decision on how to decorate an arch in a particular interior is made based on the general style of the room and the preferences of the owners. Usually, the option with the preservation of seams is selected. It is more decorative and technologically simple enough. The main thing here is not to overdo it in the width of the left seams.

The prepared surface of the arched opening is primed and notches are made for better adhesion of the adhesive and decorative stone. Cement mixtures and "liquid nails" can be used as adhesive solutions. Dry adhesive mixtures offered by hardware stores must be prepared strictly following the manufacturer's recommendations. The adhesive mixture is applied to the decorative tile, which is then pressed against the work surface with force for several seconds. Finishing is done from the bottom up.

A certain difficulty is the decoration of the junction of the wall and the actual surface of the arch. In order to visually hide the junctions of perpendicular surfaces, it is recommended to lay decorative tiles on the vault of the arch with an exit beyond its corner edge equal to approximately the thickness of the tile itself. Tile cutting is done with a hand saw. The final step is to decorate the seams. This is done after the masonry has completely dried. The seams are filled to the full depth with grout, after which the excess is removed, and the surface of the seam is processed with a special brush.

Photo of a beautiful design of the arch in the apartment

As a rule, any arched structure is conceived equally, both for decorating the interior and for the purpose of optimizing the living space and increasing its functionality.

It is believed that it is best to make an arch in the hall, corridor or living room. In fact, it all depends on the layout and size of the premises where this architectural element is supposed to be placed.

Often the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe living room and kitchen combined with an arch looks very impressive, allowing you to create an atmosphere of intimacy, intimacy and comfort, or, on the contrary, solemnity and spaciousness.

A completely unexpected effect is obtained when using arches between the loggias and adjacent rooms.

The arch can delimit or unite living space, which is especially important in children's and bedrooms, as well as in any multifunctional premises. Thus, it is possible to distinguish working, play and relaxation zones.

Arched structures supplemented with shelves will make it possible to rationally use every centimeter of the limited space of small-sized housing. In addition, with the help of plasterboard arches, it is easy to mask many of the shortcomings of a typical layout and various unaesthetic communication elements.

It is customary to distinguish the following types of arches, differing in the shape of the vault:

  • Roman classical arches, with a symmetrical semicircle of the vault, ideal for rooms with high ceilings;
  • Art Nouveau arches, which look most advantageous in small apartments with low ceilings;
  • Slavic rectangular arches with small rounded corners, universal for any interior;
  • oriental arches with a characteristic shape of a vault in the form of a pointed dome, used for interior decoration in the Moroccan style;
  • Thai arches with one beveled side, which fit well into many interior styles;
  • trapezoidal arches with sharp bevelled corners, which look good in a wooden frame and represent a great version of a classic English interior;
  • portals - the most simple and modest representatives of the arched family, saving room space as much as possible;
  • niches - pseudo-arched closed structures adjacent to the wall and used as a frame for bookshelves, a music center or a TV;
  • round and oval arches, visually smoothing corners and strict planning lines used to create stylish and fashionable interiors.

Various types of arches:

Photo finishes of drywall arches in the apartment

Among all the existing options for creating arched structures, the installation of a drywall arch is perhaps the least time-consuming. Making an arch from this material is within the power of almost every home craftsman.

Drywall, due to its unique characteristics and relatively low cost, allows you to create structures of any shape and complexity. And one of its most significant advantages is the possibility of intra-arch installation of various lighting.

The main advantages of drywall arches include the fact that:

  • drywall is easy to process, any shape can be created from it, and it does not require the use of special expensive tools and fixtures;
  • with the help of drywall it is easy to hide the existing imperfections of walls and doorways;
  • it is environmentally friendly, as it is made from natural materials.

With the advent of the installation of plasterboard arches, many owners of typical and exclusive housing have ceased to worry about the problem of how to decorate or modernize their interior without arranging a large-scale destruction of the premises.

There are a lot of options for decorating arches. In all architectural styles and with the most unimaginable decor. Classic, modern, baroque, gothic, country and high-tech - all this is just a small part of the possible use of arches in the interior.

You looked at a selection of photos of arches in the apartment. More photos can be seen in the section

Whatever material the arch was erected from, it will be a real decoration only after. If you ordered a general project, then professionals will also suggest how to finish the arch in the apartment so that it harmonizes with the design concept of the entire space. But you yourself can choose the decor you like, as well as veneer this architectural element with it.

Arches decorate not only the door, they effectively designate a niche in the wall, make our window exclusive. Hence the different requirements for finishing: interior arches are under a lot of stress - which means that their decor must be not only beautiful, but also durable.

Finishing materials

The market offers numerous materials for the design of a through opening:

  • classic - wallpaper;
  • decorative rock;
  • facing brick;
  • tile or ceramic;
  • decorative plaster;
  • mirrors;
  • textile;
  • mosaic;
  • cork.

Arch corners

Carefully mark the corners with vulnerable spots - arched corners. Let us clarify that only their rigid lining does not need such protection. In another design, it is the corners that will prevent mechanical damage to the opening and preserve its aesthetic appearance.

Plastic arched corners are available in various widths, but a convenient size is 10 × 20 mm. At the same time, we glue its wide side with liquid nails inside the arch, the narrow side - to the facade.

Advice! It is necessary to press the corner to the base for a long time, so for 12 hours we will fix it with masking tape.


Sticking on the arch

  • First, putty and level the base.
  • Then we prepare the glue: stir it with a nozzle on the drill.
  • We glue the strip next to the opening vertically and bend the edge 3 cm onto the arch. Similarly, we glue the second strip next to the first.
  • We also glue the following strips with an allowance.
  • Now we cut out the corners in these allowances with scissors to avoid wrinkles, glue them to the arch, smoothing them.

At the last stage, we will paste over the vault:

  • first of all, cut a strip across the width of the arch, but let it be longer to match the pattern;
  • glue this strip at the top of the arch and then go down, smoothing it from top to bottom, and then to the edge.

The advantages of this decor include a variety of colors and patterns for any interior and taste, as well as the price of finishing. However, the wallpaper is short-lived: they turn yellow, lose their freshness and novelty. And, unfortunately, they deteriorate from moisture.

cork finish

Today, decorating openings with cork is very popular - an environmentally friendly, warm, natural material.

Only the roll view is optimal for such a design. We will also need acrylic or contact adhesive. It's easy to work with .

How can I finish the arch in the apartment with a cork? In fact, this is an ordinary wallpaper sticker. To increase the strength, then cover the cork with varnish.

Advice! For the arch in the kitchen, we will buy cork rolls coated with wax - it repels moisture.

Application of decorative plaster

Finishing Features

  • Its advantages: easy and simple application, durability.
  • Disadvantages of decorative plaster: the complexity of restoration, the relief is difficult to wash or clean.

For decoration with decorative plaster, we need embossed rollers or stamps.

Note that the use of ready-made mixtures of slow drying will facilitate the work: we will have time to make a relief on wet plaster.

Work order

  • Spread the mixture over the surface- the instruction will indicate the thickness of the layer (but more than 1.5 cm).
  • Now we create a relief with relief rollers or stamps. By the way, rollers save us material and time, unlike stamps.
  • Then we prime the dried relief.

After 20 hours, we paint according to a special scheme:

  • to emphasize the relief, we first apply dark paint with a roller with a longer pile;
  • the second layer: we will make light paint with a shorter pile or rubber roller - now only the tops of the relief are painted.

stone finish

A beautiful design of an arch with stone or tiles can be symmetrical in eco or country style or asymmetrical in deconstructivism or modern style.

Laying tiles

  • As usual, first we plaster, prime the surface and make notches.
  • We will prepare the solution from cement, lime, sand and glue, or (if the instructions allow) we will fix the tile with liquid nails.
  • The overlapping sticker will save us from sealing the outer corners - in the first row we will glue it back to back, and in the second - with a shift inward.
  • And so in each odd row we combine the edge of the tile with the border of the opening, but in each even row we attach it with an overlap.

Stone laying

  • Lay on a carefully prepared surface.
  • First, try on the tiles and mark the cut line from the inside.
  • Draw a few times along the drawn line with a construction knife and break off the unnecessary part with pliers, and then smooth it with a file.
  • We close the seams in a day.

Facing plastic

The arch in the apartment is a beautiful way to zone the space without compromising the area. The shape of the arch and the elements decorating it will emphasize the stylistic direction of the apartment and decorate the interior. In addition, in this way you can ennoble an outdated design.

Design features

The beauty of the arch is that it can be made in accordance with any style of the apartment; it will look harmonious both in a classic interior and in modern trends.

  • For a compact room, it is better to use a minimalist arch; in a spacious apartment, the opening can be of an unusual shape.
  • White is considered a classic and universal color for an arched opening.
  • With the help of an arched opening it is convenient to divide the apartment into zones, only partially isolating the premises.
  • The arch in the interior will emphasize the features of the style and will also perform a decorative function.

The photo shows a wide arched opening in a classic style. Geometric shapes are repeated in the kitchen set.

Installation location


The most common method of using arches in an apartment is as room dividers. Thus, the rooms are visually separated from each other, but retain a common space. Most often, the interior arch combines the living area with the kitchen area.

The arch over the doorway of the front door is the beginning of the interior of the apartment and the continuation of the front door. Finishing can be imperceptible or, on the contrary, focus on attention, for example, with the help of artificial or natural stone.

Dividing a room into zones

The arch can also divide one room into two different zones. For example, a bedroom has a sleeping area from a dressing room or a relaxation area. The arch above the bar counter will visually separate the kitchen area from the living room. Even a small indent above the ceiling will visually separate the room.

The photo shows a dining area with a transition to the living room. The arch is made of gypsum and repeats the relief of ceiling plinths.

Decorative arches on the wall

A good interior solution to bring individuality to the apartment. Graceful arches will support the interior in any style. A flowing arch can frame a picture, a mirror, photographs or wallpaper with a different background.

The photo shows a stylish compact living room. A mirror framed in an arch visually enlarges the space.

Niche arches

A nice way to play up useful wall space. Several shelves, a TV, a small sofa or a work desk can be installed in a niche. The arch of the desired shape will emphasize the style in the interior of the apartment.


Window openings in the form of semicircular arches will decorate and soften the classic interior of the apartment. It is more appropriate to use such windows in country and private houses.

Types by shape

In the form of an arc

The classic version is suitable for any type of layout, it has a horseshoe shape and makes an even semicircle.

The photo shows the interior of the apartment in the style of a new classic. The walls are finished with gray plaster.

square and rectangular

The arched opening has right angles and is suitable for interior decoration in any style. Width and height depends on the area of ​​the apartment. A high rectangular arch will visually make the room taller.


The ellipse-shaped arch looks very original in the interior of the apartment, it has the shape of an oval, but with obtuse corners in the place of rounding. For an arch with this shape, wide rooms are well suited.


It has the shape of a trapezoid, four obtuse angles. Ideal for the interior of the apartment in a modern style.

Semi-arc in the apartment

The semi-arch, also called the Thai arch, combines two types, the portal and the classics. On the one hand, it has a right angle, on the other, a rounded shape of any radius.

unusual shapes

In addition, arches can be of a completely unusual shape, for example, in an oriental style in the form of a dome. This option looks great in any color scheme and will become a real "highlight" of the apartment. The lancet shape will make the room taller, and the horseshoe shape will make it wider.

Arch materials


The most common option, at a low price, you can use it to create an arch of any shape. Plasterboard construction is much easier to install, unlike monolithic arches made of brick and stone.

Installation is carried out using a metal frame and drywall sheets. After the structure is assembled, it needs finishing. To do this, it is puttied and polished. After that, they begin to trim in accordance with the interior design.


Stone and wood are noble materials and not so easy to handle. The wooden arch goes well with different styles, but requires regular maintenance. In order for the material not to crack, you should purchase wood treated with special coatings.

MDF can become an analogue of natural wood. The material is much cheaper, does not require special care and does not rot.


A brick structure is more suitable for a living room in a country house, since it is quite massive, but if you want to see it in a city apartment, then you can get by with brick veneers.


A gypsum arch allows you to make a real work of art with the smallest details out of an ordinary doorway, while the cost will be very affordable. Gypsum finish can be purchased ready-made or created with your own hands.

The photo shows a living room with an arch of an unusual symmetrical shape. The decoration is made of plaster and complemented with stucco moldings.


Styrofoam is the most affordable material of all those listed, it is easy to cut the arch frame out of it, a special mesh is used to increase strength. Polyurethane arches are distinguished by high strength, wear resistance, resistance to moisture and external influences. In addition, the material is simply attached to the adhesive.

Finish options

Decorative rock

Decorative stone is much cheaper than natural stone and easier to work with. In a city apartment, a decorative stone will be the best solution also due to space savings. The material has a wide color palette and a wide variety of shapes. Suitable for finishing the entrance and interior arches.

decorative brick

An ideal material for decorating the interior of an apartment in the loft and Provence style. The material can be piece or in the form of panels. The light color of the brick is suitable for finishing a more delicate interior, as well as for an apartment with a small area. Dark brick allows you to fully reveal the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe interior in the loft style.


The color of the wood can change the character of the interior. Light or bleached wood can decorate both classical and modern apartment interiors. Dark shades, such as wenge, will stand out against the light background of the walls and focus on the arch itself.


The arch can elegantly and not pretentiously fit into the interior, having a common finish with the surface of the walls. You can also interestingly beat a wall with an opening by pasting it with photo wallpapers.


Modern mosaics are made from different materials such as glass, ceramics, stone and others. Finishing can be done only on the inside or go to the wall.


With the help of decorative plaster, the arched opening can be given a different texture. The end part can be decorated with spotlights.

The photo shows an apartment in a modern style. An arched opening connects the room with a balcony. The interior is decorated with plaster with a wave-like pattern.


One of the simplest, but, nevertheless, popular ways of finishing. The arch in the wall may differ in color, thereby focusing attention.


It can have absolutely any color and texture and can overlap with other details in the interior. A big plus can be considered durability and ease of care.

Mirror design

The mirror is an amazing material. It looks spectacular and helps to visually enlarge the room. In addition, the mirror details shimmer beautifully in the light.


Budget finish. Plastic panels can be miniature, only protecting the place of the corner, or in the form of wide strips that imitate, for example, a wooden or stone coating.


Arched openings with cork trim along the inner line will look interesting; this will become an unusual highlight that can be seen in other interior details.


Graceful way. Part of the arch may have a glass insert. Glass can be frosted, transparent or stained glass.

Design and decor

with columns

Decorating the arch with columns will look appropriate in the interior of a spacious apartment or a country house. The shape of the columns repeats the general style in the interior and can be supplemented with decorative elements, such as stucco moldings.

with moldings

Nice and easy decoration. A wide variety allows you to choose the option suitable for the interior of the apartment. Moldings are attached with liquid nails, can hide bumps and protect corners.


The interior arch can be decorated with spotlights or recessed lamps, the lighting is mounted on the inside. The arch in the wall can be decorated with LED strip.

figure design

The arch can have a completely unusual and unique shape that will decorate walls and interior openings. Smooth shapes can match the classic or oriental style. Straight lines or shapes, complemented by metal details, are suitable for a modern interior.


Hand painting will make the interior unique. The style of writing can be completely different, but it should resonate with the general atmosphere in the apartment. Stencils can become an analogue of hand painting.

Stucco moldings correspond to the classic and bohemian interior in the apartment. They can become an elegant detail and only complement the decoration of the arch or almost completely cover the opening area.

with shelves

Shelves can be part of an arched opening. This technique not only looks interesting, but also gives additional useful storage space in the apartment.

Curtains on the arch

Thick textile curtains will help isolate the room from the general space. Filament curtains perform more of a decorative function. Materials may overlap with other textile items in a room or apartment.

Corner decor

A folding corner is a minimalistic and concise way to decorate the arch and protect the corners from damage. The color can be close or identical to the wall decoration or contrast with the general background.

Unusual and original design

The arch can also have an unusual, for example, asymmetrical shape or be decorated with unusual details.

Photo in the interior of the rooms

Hallway and corridor

The arch in the hallway can be located above the front door or separate the hallway from the living room and other rooms of the apartment. At the entrance arch, it is worth protecting the corners from pollution. The interior opening can be rounded at the top without affecting the walls.

The photo shows a classic interior with pastel peach wall decoration. The high arch has a similar relief with other elements.


The arch will be a good idea for interior design of a kitchen combined with a living room. The premises will remain common, but will be visually divided into recreation and cooking areas. The bar counter installed in the arched opening will become a continuation of the kitchen.

Living room

In the hall, arches can decorate the walls, forming small niches. You can install shelves in them, hang pictures, photographs or leave them empty.

Pictured is a classic living room. A wall with an arched opening separates the room from the rest of the space.


The arch can divide the bedroom into two zones. A sleeping and active area, such as a dressing room, dressing table, or seating area.


The interior arch in the children's room can have an unusual shape and be decorated with additional elements. For example, artificial vegetation, toys and flashlights.


The option of finishing the bathroom with an arch will look appropriate in a spacious room. An arch can separate a bathtub or decorate a countertop with a sink and mirror, creating additional lighting with spotlights.

Balcony and loggia

A large arch visually separates the balcony from the room, preserving the overall space. This method is suitable for rooms with combined loggias and balconies.



The classic interior will be decorated with an arch with regular symmetrical shapes. Finishing can be made of plaster, wood or plastic panels. Elegant decorative details, such as stucco molding, will not be superfluous. But there should not be many of them, only in the form of an elegant addition.

In the photo, the interior is in a classic style. Sliding doors form an arch and unite the space.


In a modern style, such as minimalism or hi-tech, decorative trim may be completely absent. The simple shape of the doorway can be finished with the same material as the walls.


Brick and its imitation can be considered an ideal material for finishing an apartment in a trendy loft style. The arch in a brick wall looks harmonious with the effect of scuffs and aging. In order to make the interior of the apartment lighter, the brick can be painted in a light shade.


The interior of the Scandinavian-style apartment is bright, light and not overloaded with unnecessary details. The arch can be made of bleached wood, plaster or painted brick. Finishing in the Scandinavian style is made mainly from natural materials.

Country and Provence

The two directions are united by provincial comfort. Provence style is lighter and more elegant.

  • Arch in country style can be finished with stone, brick or wood, emphasizing the texture of natural material.
  • Arch Provence can be made of the same materials, but with light-colored finishes, such as painted brick or bleached wood with an aged effect.

East style

It is difficult to imagine the oriental interior of the apartment without a beautiful rounded arched opening. The arch can be complemented with beautiful inserts and panels. The wall arch does not require additional elements.

Features in a small apartment

In standard small apartments, studios or Khrushchevs, the arch will help save space.

  • In a one-room apartment, the arch will separate the sleeping area from the living room;
  • Thick curtains isolate one room from another;
  • In a studio apartment, an arch will separate the kitchen from the living room;
  • In a standard Khrushchev, the arch can become a passage to another room or kitchen;
  • In a narrow apartment, using an arch with a curtain, you can save space by giving up the door.

The photo shows a small studio apartment, an arched opening separates the kitchen from the living room.

How to make an arch with your own hands

Before proceeding with the repair, it is necessary to determine the size and material. Strictly marked sizes do not exist, the opening should be comfortable in daily use. The standard dimensions of the doorway are 70-80 cm wide and about 2 meters high. They can be changed by making them wider or narrower.

The most common way to make an arch is from drywall.

  • For the construction of the structure, you will need several sheets of drywall of different thicknesses, guides, a rack profile and reinforced arched corners.
  • Guides are attached to the walls and ceiling using self-tapping screws with plastic dowels.
  • After a semicircle is cut out of drywall, it can be attached to the guides.
  • A guide profile is attached to the inside of the drywall, repeating the line of the formed arc.
  • A strip equal to the depth of the doorway is cut out of drywall and attached to the rails with self-tapping screws.
  • After the work done, the arch is ready for facing.

Photo gallery

The arch will give the interior individuality, help save space, while competently dividing the apartment into zones. There are a lot of options on how to make or decorate an arch, which will help maintain the interior of the apartment in the desired style.