Products for covering lining inside the house. How to coat the lining inside the house so that it does not darken: instructions for choosing a coating White impregnation for wooden lining

Wooden lining is a beautiful, natural material. It is not surprising that so many users around the world prefer it as a finishing and facing material.

The environmental friendliness and natural beauty of wood not only decorates the room, but also creates a certain microclimate in it. And the lining covered with a thick coating (paint, varnish) allows you to create any decor.

But the tree has a significant disadvantage that affects performance characteristics lining - it is subject to rotting, various damage, and also tends to darken.

This article is intended for those who want to protect and at the same time preserve the lining in its natural form. Let's consider step by step how and what is the best way to cover (impregnate, process, paint).

I must say that the “take a brush, paint and paint” method is good precisely because of its simplicity. But how long will wood painted this way last? Wouldn't it be better to take a more thorough and correct approach?

Correct painting wooden lining consists of 4 stages:

Stage 1 - preparing the lining for painting

For eurolining, such a stage will be unnecessary, since manufacturers are guided by the European standard, which provides for the mandatory primary treatment of wood with protective compounds.

Those who bought a standard lining domestic production or dealing with an already painted surface, you must first carry out the initial processing of the panels.

Preparation of new lining

Preparation of new lamellas includes:

  • sorting. It is known that the intersection of varieties up to 10% is allowed. That is, a batch of first-grade lining may contain up to 10% of second-grade lamellas. In order not to disturb the surface they need to be sorted;
  • drying. The purchased lamellas must be dry before installation;
  • maintaining room temperature, in which it is planned. Naturally, there is no point in heating the sauna to keep the boards warm. But the boards need to lie for 2-3 days in the room where they will be installed;
  • removal of defects. Defects in the surface of the lining include chips, roughness, the appearance of blue, white spots, dead (falling out) knots. On some panels, defects can be left untouched. This is due to the fact that during the work you will need a short lining. For example, for finishing under a window or above a door. However, in order to begin installation on an open surface, the boards must be cleaned of defects by bleaching (for these purposes it is recommended to use SenezhNeo or Frost). Grease stains can be removed by degumming - wiping with a 25% acetone solution. Roughness can be removed using sandpaper or metal brush.

Preparation of used (old) lining

Unfortunately, painting wooden lining is not an action that can be performed once for the entire life of its operation. Painting lining is a process that needs to be repeated periodically.

If you need to paint pre-painted, varnished surfaces, you also need to pre-treat the panels.

When to paint the lining:

  • peeling of the bottom layer of paint;
  • loss of color of lamellas;
  • loss of shine of paint or varnish;
  • the appearance of a significant defect, for example, the ingress of fat, oil, solvent, other dye, the appearance of fungi on the surface of the lining;
  • new style, thirst for change and fashion. For example, the existing color of the lining does not fit into the updated interior of the house and other factors.

How to clean lining from varnish, paint and dirt

There are two ways to remove old paint or varnish from the lining:

  • Mechanical. IN in this case, the existing coating is removed using a scraper, a wire brush or a hair dryer and a spatula. To completely remove the paint, you need to treat the boards with a soda solution (100 grams of soda per 1 liter of water). A significant disadvantage of the method is the likelihood of damage to the lamellas by the scraper. Tip: this method is suitable for cleaning lining from oil paint.
  • Chemical. It involves the use of various synthetic solutions and compositions (removers, softeners) that promote peeling of paint from the base. It is worth noting that chemical method quite aggressive. You need to work with solutions in a well-ventilated area with necessary means personal protection. After removing the surface layer, the lamellas should be washed with water or rubbed with white spirit.

When constructing or renovating residential premises, the question often arises: how to cover the lining in a house? Here is the most collected full information about processing protective composition coverings, their properties, brands and technology. We also talk about preparation and processing based on our experience.

Principles of mixture selection

How to cover the lining inside the house? A similar problem often faces attentive owners of their homes. To solve this problem, you need to answer the following questions:

  • Is it necessary to cover it with something?
  • Will the treatment be carried out in a damp or dry room?
  • Does the material need tinting? Or, on the contrary, do you need to preserve the natural color of the wood?

Having answered these questions, you can already understand what special mixture to take for interior works in the impregnation room.

What properties should the mixtures have?

  • Moisture protection
  • Temperature protection
  • Anti-pollution
  • Protection against mold formation
  • Increasing the level of fire resistance of wood
  • Warning mechanical damage
  • Protection against fading due to sun rays
  • Required visual characteristics

Now it's worth stopping at certain types clapboard sheathing. These can be impregnations, stains, as well as varnish mixtures or paints. The choice of how to paint the wood remains with the buyer.

Impregnations with stains differ in that they penetrate into the structure of the tree. These include drying oil, which is currently used only in utility rooms.

It does its job well, but after a while the skin darkens under its influence and acquires an unpleasant film on the surface.

Protective impregnations are often used for antiseptic and fire-fighting purposes, so the wood is coated with the composition on both sides before direct installation. But after using such impregnation, you should definitely pay attention to its compatibility with any finishing coatings, for example, paints.

Antiseptic film compositions are close in their functions to protective impregnations. They are especially well suited for lining outside a building.

Stain is mostly used to give the material a certain tone and to disinfect the surface of the lining.

The most common brands of impregnations and stains:

  • "Tikkurila"
  • "Senezh"
  • "Pinotex"

Now it’s worth paying attention to such protective mixtures as varnish coatings and paints. Their use is absolutely unnecessary, since good stain or impregnation will provide reliable protection for the wood.

Paints are often used for decorative purposes, as they are able to hide distortions and sometimes unpleasant to the eye color of the lining after it has been finished with stain or impregnation.

But still we cannot discount protective properties paints

When starting a conversation about varnishes, it should be said that they are used to preserve the natural color and structure of wood.

Color palette

Types of varnish coatings:

If it is necessary to cover the cladding indoors, it is recommended to use water-based varnish, since they do not contain toxins; moreover, they are fire resistant and easy to use. In addition, the owner can choose two types of textures: matte or glossy.

If you need to cover outer skin, then it will fit well transparent coating, which has high degree resistance to ultraviolet rays.

In order to “age” wood for decorative purposes, it is recommended to coat it with varnish with the addition of color.

Alkyd composition can be applied to parquet and floorboards due to the fact that it has high level strength, and is also able to withstand severe mechanical damage.

If in some areas of the room the cladding may also be subjected to mechanical stress, then it is best to apply alkyd varnish “spot” on it.

Continuing the conversation can't help but pay attention different colors , although they are used much less frequently than varnishes. Great option is a translucent paint that partially preserves the natural structure of wood.

Popular paint brands:

  • "Belinka"
  • "Senezh"
  • "Texturol"

Professionals also advise considering painting the lining with wax-based paint. It is made on the basis natural oil made from flax, therefore less toxic. But the disadvantage of this paint is difficulty in application and high cost.


You need to cover it 2 times.

It is very important to know the coating sequence, since high-quality processing is the key to facing material will be in excellent condition for a long time.

The necessary tools when painting lining are the protective compound itself, a tray for it, a brush, roller or sprayer, primer, safety glasses, if necessary, a ladder, and pumice stone for sanding.

Video - painting technology (if you need to paint):


Boards after drying

  1. Before covering the board in the house, it requires initial drying, cleaning, sanding, and sanding small flaws and irregularities.
  2. If there are small dark areas on the material, it is necessary to clean them using special compounds for bleaching wood. It could be “Senezh Neo” or “Iney”.
  3. After the bleaching procedure, the material must be washed and dried again.
  4. Be sure to cover the boards with a primer that will fill its pores. Moreover, the primer reduces the consumption of the protective product. The right decision will give the primer the same shade that the varnish has, using the same color.
  5. Next, you should treat the surface with antiseptics and fire retardants.

After waiting for the skin to dry, you can begin the second stage of work.

Applying varnish to the trim

You can cover it with a sprayer if the area is large.

Everyone chooses the tool with which the application will be carried out, if this work will be carried out by the owner with his own hands.

It all depends on the material and required area coverings.

These can be brushes, rollers or sprayers. But many professionals believe that the highest quality and beautiful coating It works when applied with a brush.

Video - how to cover wooden walls:

Application sequence:

  • 1. The coating should be mixed so that the toning is uniform. Before you start painting, it is recommended to make a stroke in an inconspicuous place to check the saturation of the pigment.
  • 2. Using brush movements along the wood grain, apply the first layer.
  • 3. Leave the first layer until completely dry. After this, sand it and apply a second coat.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that if eurolining is treated with a similar composition, then with each subsequent layer the amount of color shade should decrease.

By applying the varnish in this way, it will acquire a deeper and glossier color.

Plastering a varnished surface. Then cover again.

By the way, the main differences between regular and eurolining are the fastening, since the latter has more complex profile, the quality of the wood, the presence of channels for wood ventilation, the depth of the tongue-and-groove joint and, of course, the price.

4. The final layer should be transparent. It should not be sanded.

When painting, much attention should be paid to the ends of the lining, since this is the most vulnerable part of this material.

Cost of work

A full range of work, including coating wood with a protective solution and antiseptic with layer-by-layer sanding, will cost approximately 250-290 rubles per 1 square meter.

1 liter of varnish costs approximately 140-150 rubles, depending on the brand.

Thus, you should treat it very responsibly, sparing no effort, time and money. You should also very carefully read the information written on the can of the protective agent.

We hope that this information will help when covering the clapboard paneling with your own hands.

Interior decoration country house must be durable, safe and durable. And if in winter it is empty and not heated, then it is also moisture resistant, since the risk of condensation in this case is very high. Not every material can cope with such tasks, however, if you properly process and decorate natural wood lining, it will last for decades.

Depending on how to paint the lining inside the country house, it will have different appearance: will retain the natural pattern and shade or acquire a new one. And protective compounds for impregnating wood improve its performance characteristics.

Lining in the design of a country house

Any wood material must be coated with protective compounds. Without them, the finish will quickly lose its appearance and become unusable. Paints, varnishes and impregnations perform several functions:

  • Improves the appearance of the front surface of the lining;
  • Prevents natural darkening of wood;
  • Protects against mold, mildew and rot;
  • Reduces the release of resin from coniferous trees;
  • Improve water-repellent properties, thereby preventing swelling and deformation;
  • Reduces the ability to ignite and spread fire.

Coatings different types solve one or more problems. Therefore for best protection you have to choose several compositions at once. How to paint the lining inside the house depends on exactly what functions are assigned to the coating and what appearance of the finish you would like to achieve in the end.

Types of compositions for lining

All wood treatment products are conventionally divided into protective and decorative. Some of them need to be combined, others can be used independently. Ideally, primary processing should be carried out before installing wooden lining, so the products will be protected from adverse factors from all sides. If the siding is already installed and has a coating, it will need to be removed or sanded.

Pay attention! Eurolining, if it is manufactured according to the standard, is already covered with protective or protective-decorative compounds.

Protective means

The primary tasks of these compounds are to protect the tree from pests, mold, mildew, moisture, and changes temperature regime and extending the service life of the lining and finishing coating.

Coating the lining with a protective compound before installation

Common products for treating wooden surfaces:

  1. Primer. Popular base for decorative finishing. It improves adhesion, prevents moisture absorption and resin release, fills pores and hides minor irregularities. Compositions with an antiseptic additive are produced; they protect the tree from damage by mold and mildew.
  2. Oil-wax. Creates a surface from thick film, which perfectly repels water. This treatment is necessary for rooms with high humidity.
  3. Linseed oil. Penetrates wood deeply and hardens over time. Protects from moisture and gives the lining a distinct structure.
  4. Drying oil. Once a popular processing tool. Today it is being replaced by more advanced compounds. Improves the hydrophobicity of wood, but the coating quickly changes color and sticks.
  5. Bleach. The material is more often used topically, where there are defects such as blue spots or natural darkening.
  6. Antiseptics. Protect the surface from pests, fungus and mold. They are also used on affected areas of the finish.
  7. Fire retardants. Reduces the ability of wood to ignite and spread fire.

Oil-wax and linseed oil do not require additional processing, as they give the surface a distinct pattern, and the color can be tinted. It is also permissible not to paint drying oil, but it will have to be renewed frequently. Primer and antiseptics are used as a base for finishing.

Lining coated with drying oil

Decorative coatings

These compositions must be selected taking into account the condition of the finish. There are means that preserve and emphasize natural look wood, make the annual rings more pronounced, and add shade. Others, on the contrary, hide the design under a thick layer of color. The first ones should be used if the lining has no defects (grades Extra, A and AB) and old paint. Second, for products with numerous damages (grades B and C) and coatings that cannot be removed.

Transparent compositions for finishing wooden lining: varnishes, stain, some paints. Opaque: acrylic and oil paint, water-based.


Acrylic, alkyd and water-based varnishes are most suitable for interior work. Completely preserve the natural appearance of wood. You can add pigment to the composition, which will give the lining a tint. The varnished surface has a glossy or matte texture. Additionally, they protect the finish from moisture, discoloration and minor mechanical damage. May contain antiseptic additives.

Varnish coating for lining

Decorative azure

Gives wood a distinct structure and any color. It does not form a film on the surface, but penetrates deeply. The material is transparent, so the lining underneath should be without significant defects. In addition to decorative, it performs a protective function.

Options for decorative azure shades


It has almost the same effect as decorative azure. Colors wood richly brown different shades. Stain is often used for artificial aging linings. It is important to consider that it does not protect enough from moisture.

Shades of stain

Acrylic water-based translucent paint

Forms a thin layer on the surface of the wood, through which the texture and natural shade of the wood are visible. Such paints hide minor finishing defects.

Translucent paint on lining

Oil paint

Thick opaque coating. Forms a film on the surface. Can have any shade. Maintains color and integrity for a long time. This lining paint requires updating approximately every 5 years. Has a pungent odor.

Lining covering oil paint

Acrylic paint

A more durable opaque finish than oil paint. It has virtually no odor and dries in a short time. Can create matte and glossy finish. Its only drawback is its high cost.

Matte finish acrylic paint


The paints are odorless and dry quickly. They form a matte or semi-matte texture. Suitable for dry rooms only.

Water-based paint for decorating a country house

The video shows an example of a competent combination of protective and decorative coatings for lining, applied at home, without the use of special tools.

Tips for choosing a topcoat and interesting ideas

A wide selection of coatings allows you to choose absolutely any color and texture for the lining. In a country house, it is better to give preference to the most durable and unpretentious compositions that do not have to be updated frequently.

If the panels have many defects or an old coating, then thick, opaque paint is indispensable. Improve appearance base surface It is possible by removing the top layer of wood, but this is too labor-intensive and time-consuming.

Unusual combination of paint shades for lining

The colors and shades of the lining can be combined in the decoration of one room. This technique allows you to divide a spacious room into zones. Decorate or diversify the design, place accents.

Color accents in clapboard trim

Due to the color of the finish, you can achieve some visual effects. Light shades expand the space, dark shades, on the contrary, make it smaller. White ceiling looks taller than brown.

The color scheme for the lining can match the palette of shades used in the interior or contrast.

Harmonious combination color palette textiles and walls

Lining processing technology

Protection and painting of the lining is carried out in several stages. The first one is preparation. If the finish is new, then before covering the lining, it is enough to clean its surface from dust with a solution of 5 liters of water and 150 grams. soda After drying, you can apply the first layer.

If there are old coatings, sanding with pumice or sandpaper. It's better to do it grinder. The goal of this procedure is to create a rough texture that will easily adhere to coatings.

Cleaning walls of old paint with a sander

If thick paints are applied to the lining, you can clean them off mechanically (construction hairdryer and a spatula, sander) or special chemical solutions. Both methods do not guarantee perfect result, but it's worth a try. This option is better than painting the clapboard inside the house directly over the old finish.

The coating may not be removed, but then it should be degreased. IN mandatory remove areas with crumbling paint, air cavities and clean until smooth.

If there are serious defects, such as fallen knots, it is necessary to fill the hole and clean it smooth.

Applying protection

If the coating could not be applied to an uninstalled lining, then the joints should be coated more thoroughly in order to treat as much as possible large area. The composition must be applied in a thin and uniform layer. To do this, you can use either a brush and roller, or mechanical tools. If the protection is applied in several layers, then it is important to dry each of them thoroughly before painting the lining with the next composition.


The method of applying the topcoat depends on its type. General rules carrying out work:

  • Use two brushes (wide for the main part, narrow for the joints) or a spray gun;
  • Painting begins from the top so that random drops do not spoil the finished surface;
  • Go through one section once, in a continuous line;
  • Some varnishes and paints are applied in two or three layers, each of them must dry naturally within several days;
  • It is better to make several thin layers than one thick layer;
  • Only painted finishes should not be exposed to UV rays and sudden changes temperature.

IN hard to reach places You can use a foam sponge for painting. It is best to apply the composition to the entire area in a short time. If you need to take a break, the joint should be placed in an inconspicuous area.

Applying paint with a spray gun

For interior decoration country house, lining - one of best options. She doesn't demand complex care, and it is enough to restore the surface once every 7-10 years (depending on the type of coating). If you treat it according to all the rules and taking into account the characteristics of operation, the material will last at least 25 years.

Increasingly, people choosing finishing coating, give preference natural materials. Wood is considered very popular. It is environmentally friendly, healthy, and saturates the air with a healthy aroma. Except useful properties, the tree has such quality characteristics as excellent thermal and sound insulation. That is why lining is often chosen as a material for interior decoration.

Wooden lining is environmentally friendly pure material, but requires special processing to protect the tree from destruction.

However, there are some drawbacks. Wood is considered a flammable material, it is susceptible to rotting, and it can cause various fungi and insects. To prevent all these processes, as well as to protect against mechanical damage and adverse effects environment, the lining is being processed. This is an accompanying process in this case, and you cannot do without it.

Choosing wood trim, many do not know how to treat the lining inside the house and how often it needs to be treated. Processing wooden covering Let's look at the inside of the houses next.

Required materials

Paint and varnish coatings for lining protect wood from moisture and sunlight.

Before you go to the store for a treatment product, it is worth finding out what products are available and what they are needed for. After all, with the help of some you can change the color, some serve for shine and protection, and some only protect the wood from the adverse effects of the environment and protect it from damage. But it is worth noting the fact that manufacturers, trying to please the buyer, are constantly releasing new building materials.

To process the lining inside the house, you only need to choose quality materials, safe for human health. So, you can process it using the following means:

  1. Primer for wood.
  2. Antiseptics for wood:
    • opaque antiseptic (covering);
    • translucent antiseptic (glaze).
  3. Fire-resistant impregnation for wood.
  4. Acrylic paint.
  5. Oil paint.
  6. Bio-oil.
  7. Wax for wood.
  8. Varnishes for wood:
    • alkyd;
    • water based.

If the wood has old coating, you will need a product to remove the old coating. Antiseptics and primers are designed to protect wood, like preliminary stage before painting.

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More details about materials

Antiseptic coating is important for country houses, it will reliably protect the wood from insects and mold.

Antiseptic for wood is a product designed to protect wood from the process of decay, from insect pests and mold, protects from the sun. The antiseptic is absorbed into the wood to a depth of several millimeters. They are divided into translucent and opaque antiseptics. The translucent antiseptic preserves the natural grain of the wood and saturates the natural color, giving it shine. An opaque antiseptic preserves only the wood texture; the color of the wood is hidden underneath it. The antiseptic not only destroys existing organisms, but also protects against their appearance for a long time.

Wood primer performs the same functions as an antiseptic. Wood primer is an integral step in wood processing before painting or varnishing. Thanks to the primer, the consumption of varnish and paint is significantly reduced, since the primer forms a protective surface and protects the wood from moisture and corrosion.

Modern manufacturers produce antiseptic primers that combine the properties of a primer and have bioprotective properties. Next come decorative coverings. They hide completely natural color wood, leaving only its natural relief.

To treat large volumes of lining with impregnation, it is convenient to use a hand sprayer.

Oil paint. It penetrates deeply into the surface of the wood, thereby preserving external quality up to eight years. After 7-8 years, the surface loses its shine, the color becomes less saturated, and it is required reprocessing surfaces. The disadvantages of this coating are long term drying and unpleasant strong smell. Therefore, painting the lining inside the house with oil paint is only possible in warm time years so that the room can be ventilated.

Acrylate paint has an almost imperceptible odor, unlike oil paint. It is applied evenly, does not spread, dries quickly and is safe for health. Therefore, treating the lining inside the house with acrylic paint is considered one of the most acceptable options. But it has one drawback - the high price.

Acrylic aqualac is the most environmentally friendly product. The coating is durable, strong, and the structure of the wood is visible. You can process lining inside the house, with the exception of the floor. Aqualac dries very quickly, even if several layers are applied. A type of varnish is alkyd. It is great for treating interior surfaces, but it should only be applied to a completely dry surface.

If the appearance of the lining is especially important to you, it is recommended to use decorative glaze. It protects the wood well and at the same time the structure and relief of the wood is preserved under this coating. It is possible to mix the necessary colors to achieve the desired shade. If you only need to change the shade of the wood, use stain. However, staining requires a perfectly flat surface.

If it is necessary to completely hide the structure of the wood, use opaque enamel.

It is applied in three layers. Thus, the material consumption is quite large. Treatment with a special oil or a product containing oil (not to be confused with oil paint) is very popular. Oil does not emit unpleasant odor, but at the same time, due to the fact that it penetrates deeply into the tree, it reliably protects the tree from pests and adverse factors. If you use regular colorless oil, the material will get a golden hue.

High-quality repairs require the use of convenient materials. They must be quickly installed, be moisture-resistant, resistant to fungus and insects, and retain heat.

Lining is the most comfortable material for plating. This is wood high quality manufactured for long lasting use and attractiveness natural wood Perfect for indoors and outdoors. It holds heat well correct installation does not allow moisture to pass through. Even considering that the lining is located indoors and is not too exposed to climatic influences, its protection should not be neglected.

Depending on the location where the cladding will be used, you need to select the appropriate coating. Processing the lining takes a lot of time, since impregnation compositions usually take quite a long time to dry, but they have certain advantages:

  1. Wax treatment provides excellent protection against moisture, forming a unique coating. But moisture is not all that can destroy a tree - from solar radiation and ultraviolet radiation is better to impregnate with other compounds.
  2. Antiseptic - can penetrate several millimeters into wood, withstands ultraviolet radiation, the effects of fungus, it is moisture resistant, great for balconies.
  3. Antiseptic with a translucent coating - it highlights the wood background well, great for exterior decoration.
  4. Transparent antiseptic – protects against moisture, emphasizes natural look tree.
  5. Oil paint – has high moisture resistance, it is best used in the bathroom. It is suitable as a top coating; a beautiful shine is not the main advantage; dirt is easily removed from such a surface. You can safely wash the floors and leave them to dry in the sun. The paint needs to be renewed after five years. It is better to carry out the procedure on warm days; the material does not dry for long, but has a sharp and persistent odor, which cannot be removed without regular ventilation.
  1. Acrylate paints are more durable than previous ones, they are stable on the outside, moisture and dry climate will not harm them for at least 5 years. The coating allows air to pass through well and is best suited for cladding a house.
  2. Varnish with an alkyd base is more suitable for floors - after impregnation, the wood gives off heat more slowly and is destroyed; it must be applied to a clean, well-dried surface. If these requirements are not met, it will crack during drying. The service life of the material described is more than ten years, after which the coating will need to be renewed. In addition, emulsion and water-based varnishes, acrylic and water-based, are used.
  3. Surface glazing – suitable for imparting beautiful shade wood, retains its richness for a long time and is produced in various colors. It is not used as a protective layer; it is more suitable for the living room or bedroom.
  4. Stain does not provide any special color or protection; it can only darken or lighten the main color of the lining and add “nobility”. Apply only to a smooth, polished surface.
  5. Enamel – will highlight the material and its color. This coating is applied at least twice, each layer must dry completely.

It’s worth buying high-quality materials, eurolining, for example, coniferous based, will last longer when covering the facade. The resin released by the tree not only creates beautiful color, but also additional protective coating. Then you should select the tools required for the impregnation process:

  • traditional brush (convenient, but for treating large surfaces);
  • roller;
  • spray.

Remember that when working with paints and varnishes that have an odor, you should protect your respiratory tract with a respirator.

Impregnation procedure

Eurolining has high-quality coating, but it also needs to be protected additionally. Layers must be applied in correct sequence. It all starts with a good cleaning of the wood - this way the paint or varnish will soak in faster and form a protective layer more reliably.

When the place of application has been determined, you need to start impregnation, for example, this will be outer wall Houses. An antiseptic is applied as the first layer; it will protect the core of the tree from insects. After this, it is better to cover the lining with acrylate, paint or varnish. The first one practically does not allow moisture to pass through and is resistant to drying out. Ultraviolet light will not destroy the multilayer coating of the material, and it will last a long time.

Due to the smoothness of the coating, it can be easily cleaned with a powerful stream of water. Free access air allows the wood to dry quickly after rain. It is better not to cover the outside of the house with drying oil; it is more suitable for interior decoration, for example, for the kitchen. Has good moisture resistance, but is capricious high temperature and ultraviolet. On the street it will quickly lose its properties, so before impregnating the material in the house with it, it is worth considering that it can dry for a day or more. It is better to ventilate the room well to speed up the drying process and prevent the smell from ingraining itself into the walls.

Drying oil coating is best used as a final coating if more than one layer is applied. If the result does not suit you, use an oil composition.

Thus, to create quality repairs There are many factors to consider, including:

  • location of the lining (inside or outside the room);
  • microclimate of the room (dry air in a room or pantry is different from humid air in a bathroom or sauna);
  • purpose of the lining (coating the floor or walls, ceiling).

Each type of material has its own advantages, and for processing in different conditions excellent substances will be required. But the main thing is that you should not save money; a multi-layer coating will protect your beloved home from damage.