Technique of painting on glass with acrylic paints. Painting on glass with stained glass paints: technology

Before we begin to describe how painting with acrylic paints on glass occurs, I would like to dwell on what acrylic paints for glass are.

The main types of such paints:

  • stained glass,
  • covering.

What is their difference? Acrylic glass paints provide an opaque coating. Painting with them is akin to painting with ordinary gouache. In principle, anyone who can draw at least a little can work with them, and no special skills are needed. Most often, such paints are water-based. Because of this, they are easily scratched or even washed off with water. Therefore, in order for the decorative acrylic glass obtained in this way to please the eye for a long time, the work must be coated with a special varnish. As a rule, if the paints are water-based, then the varnish should be the same - water-based acrylic. This “union” will provide a durable coating.

Stained glass acrylic paints for glass are transparent, which creates an indescribable play of light.

Working with them is a little more difficult than with covering ones: you need at least a little experience working with contours. In stores you can buy one of the varieties of stained glass paints:

  • Ordinary: for them to dry, you just need to wait. Most often this is no more than a day.
  • Baked stained glass paints: in order for the image to be reliably fixed, they need to be heated at a certain temperature in the oven (details on working with them are in each instruction manual).
  • The paints "stuck". Although they can be purchased in children's art departments, many adults would like to use them. The work process is quite exciting: you apply an image to a smooth surface (it’s very convenient to use a stationery file for this), wait a little while for it to dry, and then, when you get a film with a pattern, separate it and glue it onto the smooth surface.

It can be not only glass, but also a mirror, plastic, refrigerator, ceramic tile, etc. It is believed that such drawings must be handled with care. However, we know from our own experience that even if you clean a mirror with such a glued pattern with a glass cleaner, nothing will happen to it. Another advantage of such paints: if you get tired of it, the picture can be removed and re-glued to another place. In general, this is not creativity in its highest sense, but excellent entertainment for children and adults.

What is needed for painting with acrylic paints on glass?

  • directly
  • acrylic varnish to fix the work and ensure its durability (how will you show off your creative successes to your grandchildren?); it can be in jars, that is, applied with a brush, or sold as an aerosol (convenient, but more expensive than the first option),
  • brushes, preferably several, with different thicknesses,
  • artistic contours: with them, painting with acrylic paints on glass will be most effective,
  • toothpicks and cotton swabs: they are very convenient for correcting the image,
  • a palette that can be replaced by a disposable plate.

For "advanced" artists the following may also be useful:

  • craquelure varnish: it is used to make cracks (by the way, such varnish is often used when creating vintage furniture, which is discussed in the article),
  • structural pastes: using them, they imitate various surfaces, such as leather and stone, and create decorative elements,
  • special paints for marking: they create stains, just like on marble.

Painting with acrylic paints on glass begins directly with the preparation of this glass. And the surface can be very different: these are windows (New Year’s drawings on the windows? Easy!), and mirrors, and decorative panels, and bottles, and a wide variety of dishes. By the way, glass furniture is also an excellent field for creativity!

Can you imagine how proud you will be when you walk past the glass facade in the living room, painted by yourself? And when you see how much decorative acrylic glass, similar to your facade, costs in luxury furniture, you will get to work with tripled enthusiasm and energy (by the way, if glass “theme” is your option, then read the article)! Let's return to preparing the glass. If the glass is without unnecessary elements, then you just need to degrease it with alcohol or regular nail polish remover. If you are going to immortalize a nice bottle, then first you need to remove all the labels. To make work easier, keep the bottle in hot water for fifteen to twenty minutes and, if necessary, remove any remaining glue with cleaning powder, a stiff brush or sandpaper. After drying, the bottle is ready for decoration. By the way, thanks to painting with acrylic paints on glass, you can make unique vases or gift bottles for any occasion.

After you have selected the image that will decorate your creation and prepared the glass, you can transfer this image. Those who have developed artistic skills apply it immediately. Good advice for everyone else. Just place the drawing under the glass and trace it! You can glue it with water, then it will be quite convenient. Depending on the effect you are trying to achieve, the work varies. If you want the effect of a stained glass window, then you must first apply the outline, and after that, when it dries (usually the drying time for the outline is one or two hours), paint the resulting coloring.

The most difficult thing here is to apply the contour evenly. Painting on glass with acrylic paints means that the outline is applied extremely carefully. The hand pressure should not be weak or strong: if you press lightly, the paint will not flow out, if you press too hard, it will flow out in excess.

But all unevenness can be corrected with a toothpick or a cotton swab. If the stained glass effect is not needed, then you can draw as you please: the main thing is that the process is enjoyable, then you will be satisfied with the result.

And finally, some tips and subtleties that can help when painting with acrylic paints on glass:

  • don't forget that ; dry quite quickly, so do not take too much paint from a tube or jar;
  • if you overdid it and squeezed out too much paint, you can refresh it during work by spraying it with water;
  • It’s better if each color is applied in several layers: then the colored acrylic glass will be unusually bright and rich. Let each layer dry thoroughly.
  • It is not necessary to buy many shades of paint at once. For beautiful painting with acrylic paints on glass, the basic ones are enough: blue, red, yellow, green and white with black, and from them you can get an unlimited number of shades,
  • You can make the pattern textured with an ordinary foam sponge,
  • if you need to cover a large area with acrylic paints for glass (perhaps your imagination will run wild and you want to paint a glass door), then you can use acrylic paint in the form of an aerosol: it is good for applying the background, but it is more expensive than usual,
  • After work, wash your brushes immediately if you do not plan to purchase new ones,
  • Regardless of the type of paint, the product should be varnished: it’s more durable;
  • and the most important advice: do not start work without desire!

Well, while working on the article, I discovered many interesting points that I did not know before. I hope they will be useful to me in the near future! In the meantime, I want to demonstrate how to easily transform a wine bottle into a cute vase using acrylic paints. I want to warn you right away: I don’t particularly know how to draw (or rather, I haven’t developed this skill much yet), so don’t expect anything original here. Decoupage is my strong point, because you don’t have to draw from scratch, but paint on it. But that's another story.

Taking the path of least resistance, I chose a glass wine bottle that already had raised flowers on it. Or rather, I chose wine for my birthday, in addition to taking a closer look at the successful packaging.

For the work I needed: a bottle, acrylic paints (I don’t have special stained glass paints yet, I only have “sticks”, but they wouldn’t quite fit here, so I made do with ordinary acrylic art paints), an outline for glass and ceramics, brushes, liquid for nail polish remover with cotton pads, toothpicks, cotton swabs, palette, glitter and water-based acrylic varnish. First I took some sandpaper in case the labels were difficult to come off, but I didn't need it.

I soaked my vessel in hot water, adding liquid cleaning agent for good measure.

Having forgotten about the bottle for an hour and a half, I easily cleared it of all the labels. Then I degreased it with nail polish remover.

I started working with the contour. As I described above, it is first useful to try to guide them along a piece of paper. I outlined some of my flowers. I only have a silver one in my arsenal, so you need to look closely to see it in the photo.

If my hand trembled somewhere, I corrected it with the help of cotton swabs and toothpicks. After waiting until the outline was dry, I started painting.

After mixing the paints, I painted the flowers in cheerful shades.

Now the most important thing: you need to go for a walk with the dog. Kidding. In general, you wait for the paints to completely dry. At that time I went into the forest to walk the dog. When I returned, the simple drawings could already be varnished. During this, I also made some flowers with glitter: I sprinkled a little glitter, added a drop of varnish, and it turned out to be several transparent shiny flowers.

Actually, that's all! The vase for one flower is ready.

I admit, for me it will perform a slightly different role. In company with other bottles of interesting shapes, she will playfully train the breathing of the children who come to visit me. When we blow into one bottle we hear one sound, when we blow into another the sound changes, etc. Both interesting and useful!

I repeat, don’t judge me harshly: this time it was, rather, not an attempt at creativity, but an attempt to demonstrate to you how you can breathe life into any thing.

More materials close to the topic

Stained glass designs are certainly capable of adding unique aesthetics to any glass surface. Surreal animals, geometric patterns, fairy-tale characters and other equally fantastic ornaments will enliven your windows, doors or even just glasses. And the most amazing thing is that painting on glass with stained glass paints is available to anyone who has enough desire for it.

In this article we will analyze the main points of this painstaking but quite feasible task.

Choosing the right paint

By and large, stained glass paints are divided into two directions: those that have H 2 O as their base, and those whose main component is an artificially produced solvent. When working indoors, it is certainly better to focus on environmentally friendly suspensions.

Of these, the best choice would be acrylic mixtures, which have many advantages:

  • Ease of use. You can apply stained glass on glass with your own hands using acrylic paints even without any special training.

  • Affordable price. There is no use of expensive raw materials in their production.
  • High strength and water resistance.
  • Ecological cleanliness and absence of unpleasant odors. During the hardening process, only water vapor is released, which allows you to work with such paints even indoors.
  • No need for dilution with solvent. If it is necessary to increase the amount of solution, it will be enough to add water to it.

Advice: the mixture should be stirred only if in the future the pattern will not come into contact with H 2 O or will be covered with varnish on top.
Since the moisture-resistant qualities are significantly reduced.

  • Wide range of possible colors. Moreover, you can always achieve a rarer shade by combining existing colors.

If the structure of the structure that you plan to paint contains iron elements, then the following mixtures are suitable for covering them:

  • Electrically conductive paint Zinga perfectly protects against the occurrence and spread of corrosive processes.
  • Fire-retardant paints for metal Polistil enhance fire safety in the entire room.

Necessary tools and materials used

You should first prepare thoroughly, providing yourself with everything you need.

Coloring solutions

Stained glass paint for glass, using acrylates as a binder, is, as we have already determined above, best suited.

And when purchasing it, you should consider the following nuances:

  • The jar must have a special symbol indicating that the solution is suitable for treating ceramic and glass surfaces.
  • The kits cost 10-15 percent less than single samples. Be economical and choose the combination that is best for you.

  • Availability of a heated warehouse in the store. Since the presence of water makes these mixtures very vulnerable to frost during storage, and improperly stored samples can simply be spoiled.
  • The expiration date must be appropriate. Old suspensions tend to dry out quickly during use.


Glass has an incredibly smooth surface, as a result of which paint applied to it tends to bleed. To avoid this, contours are used, which can also be called “contour paste” or “outliner paint”. With their help, borders of drawings and various decorative effects are created.


Stained glass paints are paints for glass that contain acrylic. Therefore, brushes with synthetic soft bristles are best suited for their use.

In the process you will need them in different proportions:

  • Round and thin - applies small strokes, details the drawing, emphasizes the final sketches.
  • Flat and medium – fills large areas, covers the work with a protective layer of varnish solution.

Tip: Do not leave brushes soaked in paint for a long time; wash them or immerse them in water.
Otherwise, they will quickly become unusable, and you will have to buy new tools.

It is also advisable to have a separate tool for each color you use.


You should immediately take into account that the paint used is quite resistant to environmental influences, and therefore varnishing is not a necessary process. But still, additional protection and giving never hurts. So it is advisable to finish the job by applying a coat of varnish

Additional materials

In addition to the most important tools and materials listed above, before painting with stained glass paints on glass, prepare:

  • A jar of water for washing brushes.

  • A rag for wiping tools, hands and removing fresh paint from places where it shouldn’t be.
  • Palette for mixing different colors. This could be a saucer, a plastic lid or any other similar container.

  • Stencil with a pattern. Useful for producing high-quality images without special artistic talents.

Painting works

Now let's directly look at how to paint with stained glass paints on glass.


  1. Degrease the glass to be treated with an alcohol solution.
  2. We create the ornament lines using the contour. We eliminate any defects immediately with a rag or after hardening with a sharp knife.

  1. We wait half an hour for the outliner paint to dry completely, or we dry it with a hairdryer to speed up the process.
  2. Using brushes, fill in all the elements of the picture. In this case, you should monitor the amount of paint applied so that there is not too much or too little.

  1. We let the image dry for forty-eight hours, and then we open it with varnish. Alternatively, if the dimensions of the processed structure allow, you can bake the product in the oven, which will also significantly increase the strength qualities of the design.


Stained glass paints allow you to turn ordinary glass products into beautiful, unique works of art. At the same time, even a person far from art can cope with the process itself, strictly following the recommendations given.

The video in this article will provide you with additional information.

Be careful and you will succeed!

Painting glass surfaces allows you to create unique products that can decorate the interior of a living space or office. A wide selection of materials and stencils in specialized stores makes it possible for both professional and novice artists to do this. Before you start, you should understand what glass paints exist and how to apply them correctly.

Types of painting materials for glass

There are several main types of coating depending on the purpose of application and the basis for production.

For stained glass

Stained glass paints are a decorative material that is abrasion-resistant and resistant to water and sunlight. Stained glass paints allow you to decorate mirror surfaces, glass vases, dishes, photo frames, etc.

Before using a set of stained glass paints with stained glass windows, it is necessary to apply an outline that will prevent the coloring composition from spreading. After drying, stained glass paints become transparent. The paint kit most often includes paint for applying contour lines.

There are organic solvent materials and water-based paints, which differ in their area of ​​application.


These water-based materials are opaque and their application is reminiscent of oil painting. For application it is better to use a wide brush, and if the surface has a large area, then it is worth taking an acrylic composition in the form of an aerosol.

Oil based

Oil paints are opaque, so they are intended for painting matte surfaces. Before application, they must be diluted with an oil topcoat, which makes the material resistant to water with the addition of detergents. However, the coating is not heat-resistant.

Silicate based

Silicate heat-resistant glass coatings resemble watercolors, but they must be cured at temperatures between 700 and 800°C. This can be done at home in the oven, if the size of the product allows.

Application of a fixative

When purchasing a set of stained glass paints, you should know that after they are applied and dried, fixation is necessary.

The universal fixer for any paint is varnish. But, in addition to this function, it is used as a solvent if the material has thickened, or when mixing paints. Porous surfaces are also varnished before painting, which makes it possible to make them smooth, simplifying the painting process.


Stained glass paints have their own application technology. First you need to purchase:

  • set of stained glass paints;
  • contours for drawing on a glass surface;
  • ready-made stencils, which you can make yourself if you wish;
  • ethanol;
  • brushes;
  • cotton swabs;
  • toothpicks or needle.

Before you paint with stained glass paints, you should choose a pattern. You can take freely available templates and stencils for copying. Further, all work is carried out in stages and in a certain sequence.

Before painting glass, it is degreased with alcohol. If the artist has the talent and skills, then the pattern is applied with a marker. Otherwise, you can fix it on the back side of the product or transfer it to the front side from the stencil using carbon paper.

Each detail must be carefully outlined, avoiding breaks. Then you should wait for it to dry completely, the time indicated in the instructions.

Stained glass paints are applied in a dropwise manner, and then distributed with a brush from the center to the periphery in an even thick layer. Errors should be corrected immediately with cotton swabs, without allowing the coating to dry.

Having painted all the details of the same color, you need to thoroughly rinse the brush, wipe it dry and start working with a different shade. Stained glass paints form air bubbles in their thickness, which can be removed with the tip of a needle or a toothpick. To speed up the drying process of the finished pattern, you can use a hairdryer.

Application of acrylic coating

Painting on glass with acrylic paints also begins with degreasing the working surface and applying the design yourself or using a stencil.

While do-it-yourself stained glass paints are applied only to the contoured drawing, this is not necessary for their acrylic counterparts.

If you make an outline, the image will resemble a stained glass window. And without its use, the pattern will be stylized as a work of painting.

After drying, kitchen set items should be coated with heat-resistant varnish to increase their service life and preserve the colorful designs.

It is worth considering the fact that decorative, heat-resistant water-based acrylic paints dry very quickly, but require baking in the oven for durability.

Use of balloon covers

Aerosol paints are most often used for painting large glass items, although professional artists also use them to decorate small parts. This can be done without extensive drawing experience by using stencils or construction tape.

The following types of aerosol formulations can be purchased in specialized stores:

  • oil;
  • heat resistant;
  • acrylic;
  • latex and others.

Most often, aerosol paints for stained glass and other glass products have an acrylic base.

Production has also been established for processing certain types of tableware.

The advantages of aerosol materials include:

  • quick readiness for use;
  • ability to penetrate hard-to-reach places;
  • good adhesive properties;
  • long shelf life without changing quality characteristics;
  • no tools required for application;
  • resistance to abrasion and fading;
  • rich color palette;
  • high drying speed.

Despite the abundance of advantages, aerosol paints also have some disadvantages:

  • impossibility;
  • complex application technique;
  • mandatory use of stencils for drawing small details - this increases the consumption of expensive paint;
  • aerosol materials of different colors cannot be mixed;
  • use personal protective equipment such as goggles, a mask or a respirator while spraying.

When using aerosol acrylic paints, you should strictly follow the instructions to avoid the formation of drips and other defects.

When decorating glass surfaces outdoors, you need to choose windless, cool weather.

You can fix the applied pattern using transparent acrylic varnish.

Making coatings at home

Despite the fact that the production of such glass materials is at a high level, and a set of stained glass paints can be easily bought in a store, some artists prefer to make them themselves.

They are prepared on the basis of an organic substance such as gelatin, which must be diluted with BF-2 glue or transparent furniture varnish. To give the desired shade, fabric dyes are added to the mixture. They can be replaced with regular gouache.

If you are creating stained glass windows with your own hands for the first time, then after applying freshly prepared paint, it must be secured with colorless varnish to avoid the pattern being washed off with water.

Painting plexiglass

Before painting plexiglass, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of this process and purchase the necessary materials and tools.

First, the surface is cleaned of grease, dust and dirt using alcohol. Then the product is placed in a heated tsaponlak dye solution for a time that ranges from 30 seconds to 15 minutes. This indicator determines the saturation of the tone.

After the staining process is completed, the glass is quickly transferred to a container with cold water until completely cooled. Next, you need to wipe the plexiglass with a dry cloth or felt to add shine. If the color of the product is not bright enough, it can be made more saturated by repeating the entire cycle from the beginning, after thoroughly drying the treated surface.

When deciding how to paint plexiglass, it is worth deciding in advance on the color scheme and the presence of sketches, which are applied after basic painting using stencils and a paint brush.

When you decide to decorate your home with glass items painted with your own hands, you should try different techniques and coatings, and then decide on your choice. In specialized stores, you can first take materials of basic colors for dyeing, and then independently obtain different shades from them. Or you can immediately purchase a set of stained glass paints and stencils so that you no longer limit the flight of your imagination.

Nowadays, stained glass is glass painting. In this article we will give a master class on painting at home. In earlier times, craftsmen who decorated buildings, houses, churches and other structures created stained glass windows using pieces of colored glass. The light in the temples passing through such a stained glass window created an atmosphere of mystery and reverence.

Today we can create stained glass ourselves using stained glass paints.

With the help of stained glass paints we can paint glass jars used for spices or cereals, painted glass bottles will add personality to the interior, a painted glass decanter for water or juice will delight you with its colorfulness, painted flowers or butterflies on an interior door, window or mirror will give good mood.

Painting on glass with stained glass paints can help when choosing a gift for family and friends. For example, by painting a set of glasses, you will save on an exclusive gift. You won’t find such a gift in stores; it is made with your own hands and is individual.

Classification of stained glass paints

Stained glass paints are divided into two main groups:

  1. Water based paints– acrylic, washes off well with water and most often requires firing to fix. After such manipulations, the painted product can be easily washed, even with cleaning agents, this will not harm the paint.

Such paints are environmentally friendly and practically odorless; for these qualities, they are also well suited for children's creativity. They are more liquid and transparent, transmitting light well.

  1. Organic solvent based paints– alkyd, can be either alcohol-based or varnish-based. Such paints do not require firing; they are thicker and more matte. They hold up well and can be wiped with a damp cloth or rinsed.

But such paints are not suitable for everyone - they have a strong pungent odor, so children and people with allergies should not work with them. In a well-ventilated area, working with such paints will not cause harm.

Everyone chooses for themselves which colors they will use. Acrylic – do not smell, are brighter, do not require special cleaners. But when applied, the paint may lie unevenly or require several strokes.

Alkyds have a strong smell, are thick and matte. But when applied, they spread evenly over the surface and can even hide unevenness and roughness of the surface of the product.

Types of stained glass paints for decoration

Stained glass paints can not only be used to paint glass surfaces; they can be used to create paintings and other works of art. For sophisticated craftsmen, there is a choice of stained glass paint textures not only based on their base.

Drawings for painting on glass with stained glass paints can be made using the following materials:

  • Silicate- the most common, they are made by melting dye and flux, which produces transparent or matte paints.
  • Chandelier– due to the presence of metal oxides in the paint, this paint has metallic or pearlescent colors. It is quite liquid, so it is used after applying a contour first so that the liquid does not spread and does not mix with other colors.
  • Foaming– when fired, such paint swells and peels off a little, resulting in a three-dimensional relief pattern.
  • Icy– or granular; when fired, the granules spread and the pattern appears in the form of pimples. Before applying them, drying oil or special glue is applied to the surface for better adhesion of the paint to the glass.
  • Matting– used to give glass a matte finish, usually used for large surfaces where paints are mixed with each other or for stencil painting. A day after painting, the product is fired to fix the paint.
  • Marbled– usually two colors are used, the second is applied before the first has dried. Then, using a brush or sponge, they are mixed, depending on what we want to see in the end. Plain marble can be obtained by dropping a little water on the surface, adding transparent paint to the water, and then adding the desired color on top.
  • Craquelure– used to create antique stained glass; this paint together with acrylic varnish gives a cracking effect.
  • Pearl- paint that creates pearls. The pearl is squeezed onto the surface to the required size, then rounded. After a day it dries completely.
  • Patterned– it is liquid, based on water and alkyd resins. When using it, a drop of water is first applied to the required surface, paint of one or two colors is applied to the water, then stirred with a brush or stick. You can use a cocktail straw to blow out your own design.

Advice! If you are creating a stained glass window for the first time, you should start with ordinary stained glass paints, without any effects and without firing.

Drawing stained glass on glass

In order for the work not to be interrupted and the mood not to deteriorate, we will prepare in advance everything that we will need in the process of creating a stained glass window:

  • Of course, stained glass paints. For the first time, it is worth taking paints that are not suitable for firing. For better fixation, you can use varnish.
  • Acrylic varnish. It will make our painting not only glossy, but also more wear-resistant. In addition, the product can be easily washed with water.
  • Contour for drawing with stained glass paints, usually sold together with paints, or in the same department.
  • Tapered brushes. This is if the paint is in jars and without attachments, or if it needs to be corrected somewhere.
  • A palette if you plan to mix several colors. But for the first time, you should choose a simpler drawing.
  • A stencil with a design or pattern. Stencils for painting with stained glass paints on glass are sold in the same place where the paint is sold.
  • A marker to transfer the stencil design onto the glass.
  • Glass or glass product. Glass for painting with stained glass paints is sold in stores where the paint is available, in various shapes and sizes.
  • Alcohol or acetone, whatever you have on hand, for wiping off excess paint and correcting uneven spots.
  • Cotton swabs and toothpicks or a needle. They are convenient for removing excess paint and correcting the outline.
  • A rag to wipe off your brushes before dipping them back into the paint.
  • Solvent for paints. It is mandatory only for these paints; a solvent from another company or for other paints can ruin our paints.

When all the tools and materials are ready, we need to cover the surface on which we are going to create our masterpiece and get to work.

Glass painting technique

Below are step-by-step instructions on how to paint a glass surface with stained glass paints using irises as an example:

Advice! It is best to place white paper or whatman paper under the glass, this will make it easier to draw and you will see what shades of paint are needed.


  • We degrease the glass using any detergent, alcohol or acetone, so that the paint adheres better to the surface.
  • Place the stencil on the glass and trace the design with a marker. We won't need the stencil anymore.
  • We draw an outline. It is better to move from the center to the edges, without rushing. We try to squeeze out the contour evenly and not leave gaps.
  • The contour must dry thoroughly; its drying time is usually indicated on the tube. The main thing is not to rush, you can start coloring the next day.
  • The most interesting thing is the filling of stained glass fragments. We also do this in stages, moving from the core of the picture.
  • We choose a paint color and paint all the fragments of this color. For light shades, mix paints on the palette to the desired color.
  • When the flowers are ready, we proceed to the background between them. As planned, it is matte-transparent, for this it is better to use varnish. It dries quite quickly.
  • Let's move on to the frame - the pebbles. We paint smaller stones with a smaller brush, larger ones with a larger brush.
    Now all you have to do is wait for the stained glass to dry, it depends on the paint, the drying time is indicated on the packaging.

Our stained glass picture is ready, all that remains is to place it in a frame and find its rightful place.


Now we know how and with what stained glass paints you can create your own stained glass masterpieces, feeling like real artists. You can use your stained glass paintings not only on plain glass, but also on dishes, windows and mirrors.

By decorating a glass cup with an individual pattern, you can give it to family or friends. They will not only like its decorative appearance, but will also be flattered by the attention and care paid to it. Moreover, such a gift will cost much less than a purchased exclusive, since the price of paints is affordable to anyone.

In the video in this article we can watch a master class on painting glass with stained glass paints.

Glass painting attracts attention, but for many this technique seems difficult. In fact, mastering this type of painting is easier than learning to paint with a brush.

Nowadays, you won’t surprise everyone with a hand-painted bottle or coffee can. And once upon a time, the art of painting began with huge stained glass windows, striking in their magnificence, in temple buildings, in Gothic cathedrals, and Catholic churches. To a greater extent, it looked like it was made from individual colored glasses, and not like painting in the literal sense of the word. The modern glass painting technique is somewhat different from ancient technologies; it is quite possible to master it on your own and without significant expenses.

Development of stained glass painting techniques

It is difficult to name the historical homeland of stained glass painting. Although, according to historians and archaeologists, this art originated in ancient times: they could decorate glass products with oil paints even under Alexander the Great. But since glass is a porous material, such drawings did not last long and lost their original appearance. Therefore, the originals have not reached us.

Glass was also painted with oil paints in Rus' in the 16th and 17th centuries. In large strokes, sometimes dense, sometimes with gaps, bright patterns and stylized plant ornaments were laid on pots and jars, as well as on glassware. And in Germany they used the technique of scraping paint from the surface of glass.

Much later, thanks to the efforts of artists and craftsmen, technologies were found that made it possible to carry out drawings by applying paints that preserved transparency and brightness. With the advent of aniline dyes, artists have much more opportunities. No wonder they were immediately appreciated by masters of folk arts and crafts.

Apparent simplicity and real difficulties

Glass painting, on the one hand, is simple and accessible enough to do at home. On the other hand, some skills are required. A steady hand and accuracy in work will help create a beautiful and unique drawing.

If you are ready to tinker with paints, contours, wait patiently for layers to dry before applying the next ones, if you like to turn ordinary household objects into works of art, glass painting will expand your capabilities as a creator. Working with glass instills accuracy and makes you feel like a Renaissance artist.

This technology can be recommended to mothers who are involved in the development of their children in order to develop skills on various surfaces. Under the strict guidance of elders, the child takes his first steps into the world of amazing art.

And starting from the age of 9-11, you can study on your own. For this purpose, there are many offers in art supply stores: sets of stained glass paints, individual tools. Just start and you'll love it.

Preparatory stage of glass work

The list of what you need for glass painting is not very long. The work will require special paints. They are sold labeled as stained glass or paints for glass and ceramic surfaces. Also stencils and special contours. It is with their help that the drawing and its boundaries are applied. You will need brushes of various sizes and shapes, rags to remove excess paint, sponges or swabs to fill large surfaces with an even layer.

Before work, the glass must be completely cleaned. This applies to labels if bottles or jars are used for painting. Then be sure to degrease the surface on which the design will be applied. This can be done easily and simply by washing with soapy water and rinsing with plenty of clean water. Let it dry without wiping, otherwise lint from the towel may remain on the glass.

How to draw a picture

You can study the features of glass painting techniques for a long time, but it is better to try to create your first picture. It is important to choose the image size according to the dimensions of the future masterpiece.

  1. Pre-print the drawing or draw it on plain paper.
  2. Place the design on the back of the glass, securing it with tape.
  3. On the outer surface, apply a drawing outline along the glass.
  4. Let dry.
  5. Using special acrylic paints intended for glass, fill in the patterns using a brush. The process will take time, since it will be necessary to dry individual fragments in order to proceed to the next ones. You can apply the paint in several thin layers to achieve the desired effect.

It is important to allow time for drying, this way you will preserve your work for a long time. Also, for safety, the painting must be coated with transparent acrylic varnish.

Fix the finished glass with the pattern into the frame. When exposed to light, you will get a very beautiful image. The sun's rays, passing through the paint, will delight and amuse.

Painting bottles and cans is a little different in that the work has to be interrupted more often so that small areas have time to dry before turning and painting the other side of the product. But the principles are the same. Cleaning glass, contouring, filling with paint and varnishing.

Ideas for creativity

You can paint not only glass blanks that can be turned into a painting. These can be vases, plates, jars for spices and coffee, tea utensils. At the peak of popularity are original wedding glasses, decorated with exclusive patterns. It’s easy to turn an inexpensive candlestick and lampshade into a masterpiece, or make a stylish box from an ordinary jar.

Specialized stores sell blanks for painting in the form of dishes, souvenirs, accessories and watches. If desired, using this technique it is easy to make

All this can be given to friends, relatives and colleagues for anniversaries and holidays, adding a memorable date or a hint of the occasion to the celebration.

Opportunities for organizing a business

Many masters, engaged in this fascinating type of creativity, receive, in addition to pleasure, additional income. If the drawing is original, neat, and has an uncluttered plot, then the demand for such a product will be increased.

Despite the fact that the materials for the work are expensive, like everything related to arts and crafts, the cost of the completed product allows you to make a decent markup. It’s good if the jar or bottle has a lid. Then this item can be used for its intended purpose, not only as an interior decoration. Such original items are accepted for sale in the handicraft departments. Online stores offer additional opportunities; today they are available to everyone.

Trying to make something unique with your own hands is a pleasure that has every opportunity to develop into. But don’t rush to think about money, first enjoy the process and master the skill to perfection.