Assessment of the quality of certain types of work. Quality management of construction and installation works. kits of prefabricated structures for single-family houses


Building regulations

2. The essence of quality of construction products



The quality of construction products is the main factor influencing the cost of construction, efficiency and durability of objects. Insufficient attention to quality leads to higher construction costs, increased operating costs to maintain the required technical condition of the constructed facility, deterioration of the necessary amenities and comfort for residents, and in some cases - to accidents of poorly constructed buildings and structures.

Nowadays, there are often cases when, in parallel with the main ones, it is necessary to carry out repair and restoration work to eliminate deficiencies associated with the quality of newly erected building structures.

One of the conditions for improving the quality of construction is strict adherence to building codes and regulations (SNiP), performance of construction and installation works (CEM) in full accordance with the project within the accepted maximum deviations and tolerances.

In construction, various concepts of structural dimensions and distances between alignment axes are established. Thus, if the design dimensions between the conventional edges of structural elements or the design distances between the alignment axes of a building or structure are specified, then such design dimensions are called design or nominal.

However, due to the fact that deviations were made during the manufacture of building structures, during their installation in the design position, as well as during the actual layout of the construction and installation axes, the nominal dimensions cannot be achieved. Therefore, the concept of actual size is also introduced.

The actual size (actual) can deviate from the design one both in the direction of increase (plus deviations) and in the direction of decrease (minus deviations). However, these deviations should not affect the deterioration of the quality of construction and installation products, i.e. must be standardized. To do this, establish a zone between the largest and smallest deviations.

Thus, accuracy is characterized by the degree of approximation of actual dimensions to the main design dimensions. The deviation of the actual dimensions of products from the design ones in construction practice is absorbed by the arrangement of gaps, seams or the dimensions of the support areas and is called a compensator.

The system of permissible deviations in construction is built on the principle of grouping by accuracy class, which is determined in accordance with the purpose and methods of construction and installation work and geodetic work.

1. Building regulations

construction installation quality

In the Russian Federation, in 1994, the “System of regulatory documents in construction” was introduced, establishing requirements for construction products. The use of these documents allows us to ensure compliance with mandatory building codes, rules and standards. Regulatory documents are developed on an integrated scale in accordance with the requirements of the International Organization for Standardization ISO (ISO). Regulatory documents are divided into federal, federal subjects and enterprise documents.

Regulatory documents of general state use (federal) include:

Construction codes and regulations of the Russian Federation
(SNiP); State standards of the Russian Federation in the field of construction (GOST R);

Codes of practice for design and construction (SP);

system guidance documents (RDS).

The regulatory documents of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation include Territorial Construction Standards (TCN). These documents do not duplicate state norms and standards, but take into account the specifics of the industry of a certain subject of the Russian Federation.

Production and industry documents of enterprises include standards of enterprises (associations) of the construction complex and standards of public associations (STP and STO). Enterprise standards do not apply to products supplied (handed over) to the customer.

In the absence of state standards, the requirements for these products should be established in the Technical Specifications (TU).

Along with the “System of regulatory documents in construction”, at the federal level, regulatory and technical documents of the State Standard of Russia, norms, rules and regulations of state supervision bodies, and technical design standards of ministries are used.

State standards of the Russian Federation (GOST R) and Gosstandart (GOST) establish requirements for groups of homogeneous products in terms of common functional purpose, scope of application, etc. State standards in content can be divided into three groups:

products (15 types);

general technical (6 types);

organizational and methodological (3 types).

The first group of product standards includes standards for general technical requirements, general technical and technological conditions for a specific type of product. They contain requirements for the materials, structures, machines, equipment, equipment used, i.e. on material resources and means of production.

The second group of standards regulates standard technological processes.

The third group of standards defines the requirements for technical and production documentation. These are the standards of the unified system of design documentation (ESKD), the system of design documentation in construction (SPDS) and the unified system of technological documentation

State norms and standards are mandatory for use by all design, installation and construction firms and organizations, enterprises in the building materials and structures industry of federal, republican, regional and local subordination in all sectors of the country's economy, as well as departments carrying out construction and acceptance of construction and installation work.

The norms and standards of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are mandatory for all enterprises, organizations and firms located on the territory of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, regardless of their departmental subordination.

Standards of enterprises (associations) are mandatory only for enterprises and associations that have approved this standard. The main document regulating all types of construction is SNiP, therefore, when considering permissible maximum deviations for construction products during control checks, reference is first made to the relevant provisions of SNiP.

Regulatory requirements for maintaining safe working conditions for workers in the construction industry, requirements for fire safety of facilities, means and methods of extinguishing fires, as well as preventive measures are regulated by SNiP, departmental rules and instructions, in particular “Fire Safety Rules for Construction and Installation Work” of the GUPO of the Russian Federation .

Sanitary, hygienic and environmentally friendly working conditions are determined by the Sanitary Rules (SP), Sanitary Standards (SN), Hygienic Standards (HN), Sanitary Rules and Norms (SanPiN).

The essence of quality of construction products

The quality of construction products is assessed based on the following criteria:

functional - the level of compliance with the main purpose (production of a given volume of high-quality products, provision of optimal sanitary and hygienic and living conditions, comfortable living conditions, recreation, etc.;

technological - a combination of the efficiency of the technological process and the level of labor productivity with the cost and quality of products;

structural - strength, durability, reliability, etc.;

aesthetic - architectural expressiveness of the external appearance of buildings and interiors, thoroughness and accuracy of construction, installation and special work, selection of lighting sources, sanitary equipment, etc.

Defects in construction arise as a result of poor-quality design developments or deviations from design solutions and technical conditions for the production of work, the use of low-quality materials and prefabricated structures, and poor-quality construction work.

Deficiencies in design often arise due to incomplete engineering surveys, inaccuracy of initial data on the mechanical properties of soils under foundations, errors in calculations, and insufficient coordination of general construction work with sanitary and electrical work. The use of low-quality materials, structures and products leads to defects in the execution of work, and sometimes to deformations of buildings and even accidents. The quality of work is reduced due to the delivery to the construction site of materials, structures and products that do not comply with design solutions and technical conditions, and low factory readiness.

The quality of work depends on a number of factors, the main of which are:

failure to comply with technical specifications for work;

failure to comply with the required technological sequence when performing interrelated work;

insufficient technical control of engineering and technical
workers (engineering personnel) monitoring the progress of construction. The quality of construction products is also influenced by the presence of a clear work plan (WPP), the level of qualifications of builders, the timeliness and completeness of the supply of materials, proper coordination of the work of the general contractor with subcontractors, the correct organization of quality control, the level of planning and organization of construction, an incentive wage system and a number of other factors.

To improve the quality of construction in construction organizations (firms), an integrated quality management system for construction products (CS UKSP) is being developed and implemented, based on enterprise standards (STP), developed in accordance with the “Basic provisions for the development of an integrated quality management system for construction and installation works” .

Methods for quality control of construction and installation works

The acceptance of building structures, materials and products supplied to the construction site, their warehousing and storage, and the quality of work at all stages of construction of the facility must be systematically monitored. Upon delivery and acceptance of the facility into operation, its final inspection is carried out.

Depending on the place and time, volume and method of inspection (Table 1) in the technological process (control stage), the following are distinguished:

Table 1

Type of control Contents By time of implementation Input Operational Acceptance Inspection of incoming materials and products Inspection and measurements during the work Acceptance of completed work with the preparation of a report for hidden work By volume of inspections Continuous Selective Inspection of all products Inspection of some products By frequency Continuous Periodic Volatile Inspection during the entire period of work execution The same, at certain intervals Episodic inspection By means of implementation (method) Visual Measuring Registration Inspection without measuring instruments The same, using measuring instruments, including laboratory ones The same, by analyzing documentation (projects, passports, certificates)

Acceptance control of the same indicator can be carried out at several levels and using different methods. In this case, the results of lower-level control can serve as the subject of higher-level control (for example, inspection reports of hidden work on acceptance of the base of the embankment are presented when accepting the embankment as a whole).

The results of acceptance control are recorded in inspection reports of hidden work, intermediate acceptance reports of critical structures, test load tests of piles and other documents provided for by the current standards for the acceptance of construction work, buildings and structures.

Depending on the scope of controlled parameters (scope of control), the following are distinguished:

continuous control, during which the entire quantity of controlled products is checked (all joints, all piles, all structures, etc.);

selective control, in which some part of the quantity (sample) of controlled products is checked. The sample size is determined by building codes, design and other documents. Current regulations require random placement of control points; the sample is established in accordance with GOST 18321 - 73 as for products submitted for control using the “scatter” method.

Depending on the time intervals between checks (frequency of control), the following can be carried out:

continuous monitoring, when information about the controlled parameter of the technological process is received continuously;

periodic monitoring, when information about the controlled process parameter is received at certain intervals;

volatile control performed at random times (episodically), mainly when it is inappropriate to use continuous, selective continuous or periodic control.

Depending on the use of special control means, there are:

visual control - according to GOST 16504 - 81;

measurement control performed using means
measurements, including laboratory equipment; registration control, performed by analyzing data recorded in documents (certificates, inspection reports of hidden work, general or special work logs, etc.). It is used when the object of control is inaccessible (for example, embedding an anchor) or it is inappropriate to perform other methods of control;

technical inspection - according to GOST 16501 - 81.

When checking the quality of construction and installation work, preference is most often given to control using geodetic instruments.

The main task of quality control is to prevent defects and defects in work. Therefore, preference should be given not to passive, but to active control, which consists not only of determining the compliance of product indicators with regulatory requirements, but also making changes to production processes at all stages of construction: when developing design estimates, manufacturing parts and products, performing production processes in the workplace.

Control over the quality of construction should be prompt and multi-stage, carried out by construction laboratories, construction engineers, the developer, the author of project documentation, and special state control organizations. In addition, workers exercise public control when transferring structures to work. Thus, plasterers, before starting to plaster stone walls, check the quality of the masons’ work, painters check the quality of the plasterers’ work, etc.

There are internal and external quality control.

During internal control, the quality of construction products is determined by the technical personnel of the construction site based on the results of production control and is assessed in accordance with specially developed regulations and instructions. The control results are recorded in work logs.

External control is carried out by state control and supervision bodies, as well as technical supervision (technical supervision) of the customer and designer's supervision of the developer of design estimates.

Acceptance of the facility into operation

Acceptance of objects into operation is the final stage of external quality control of construction products. The acceptance rules are regulated by SNiP 3.01.01-85.

The commissioning and acceptance of objects into operation is carried out in two stages:

  1. preliminary technical acceptance of the object from the contractor by the customer’s working commission;
  2. final acceptance by the State Commission.

The working commission is appointed by order of the head of the enterprise with the inclusion of representatives of the general contractor and his subcontractors, the design organization, the operating organization, state sanitary and fire inspection authorities, technical inspection of trade unions, local trade unions and other interested organizations.

The working commission checks the compliance of the work performed with the projects, estimates and standards, evaluates the quality of the work performed, and makes a conclusion about the possibility of operating the equipment.

The act of the working commission serves as the basis for the appointment of the State Acceptance Commission. The State Commission for Acceptance of Production Facilities is appointed by order of the relevant authority.

The State Acceptance Commission includes the following representatives:


general contractor;

general designer;

state, sanitary and fire inspection bodies;

authorities for the use and protection of water resources;

financing bank;

technical inspection of trade unions;

trade union organization of the customer.

The customer submits the following materials to the State Acceptance Commission:

design assignment and certificate of technical and economic indicators of the facility;

permission to allocate a land plot; acts of laying out the axes of structures and networks; acts for hidden and special work;

data on the geology and hydrogeology of the construction site, the depth of the foundation base;

sets of working drawings with necessary changes;

approved and executive master plans;

list of organizations involved in the design and construction of the facility;

acts of technical acceptance of the object by the working commission.


In the Russian Federation, in 1994, the “System of regulatory documents in construction” was introduced, establishing requirements for construction products. The use of these documents allows us to ensure compliance with mandatory building codes, rules and standards. Regulatory documents are developed on an integrated scale in accordance with the requirements of the International Organization for Standardization ISO (ISO). Regulatory documents are divided into federal, federal subjects and enterprise documents.

Construction quality refers to the compliance of the quality of constructed buildings with design solutions and standards. Quality must be formed at all stages of construction: before production (design), production (construction and installation processes) and after production (operation). Therefore, it is a complex problem that depends on all participants: government agencies, customers, design and construction organizations, manufacturing plants, transport enterprises and organizations involved in the operation of construction projects.

Quality control of construction products is considered to be checking the compliance of product quality indicators with established requirements, which are recorded in the project, standards and technical conditions, supply agreements, product passports and other documents. The objectives of control are to prevent defects and defects in work and ensure the required quality of products.

Control over the quality of construction must be comprehensive and prompt, carried out, first of all, by the work contractor and the foreman.

Depending on the place and time, volume and method of testing in the technological process (control stage), the following are distinguished:

incoming control - control of incoming materials, products and structures, soil, as well as technical documentation. Control is carried out primarily by the registration method (using certificates, invoices, passports, etc.), and, if necessary, by the measuring method;

operational control - control performed during the production of work or immediately after its completion. It is carried out mainly by measuring method or technical inspection. The results of operational control are recorded in general or special work logs, geotechnical control logs and other documents provided for by the quality management system in force in a given organization;

acceptance control - control performed upon completion of construction of an object or its stages, hidden work and other control objects. Based on its results, a documented decision is made on the suitability of the control object for operation or subsequent work.

Thus, this work examined the main aspects relating to the quality of construction work.

List of used literature

1.Goncharov A. A. Metrology, standardization and certification: a textbook for universities / A. A. Goncharov, V. D. Kopylov. - M.: Academy, 2004. - 240 p.

2.Kruglov M. G. Innovative project: quality and efficiency management: textbook / M. G. Kruglov. - M.: Delo, 2009. - 333 p.

.Lyubimov M. M. Standards for systems for ensuring the safety of buildings and structures / M. M. Lyubimov, V. I. Shcherbina // Standards and quality. - 2008. - N 10. - P. 26-31.

.Ogvozdin V. Yu. Quality management. Fundamentals of theory and practice: textbook / V. Yu. Ogvozdin. - 6th ed., revised. and additional - M.: DIS, 2009. - 297 p.

.Podolsky M. S. Voluntary-compulsory certification: [certification in construction] / M. S. Podolsky, E. S. Penkin // Standards and quality. - 2006. - N11. - pp. 42-43.

.Prosvetov G.I. Quality management: tasks and solutions: educational and practical guide / G.I. Prosvetov. - M.: Alfa-Press, 2009. - 167 p.

.Rzhevskaya S.V. Quality management: workshop: textbook for universities / S.V. Rzhevskaya. - M.: Logos, 2009. - 286 p.

.Salimova T. A. Quality management: textbook / T. A. Salimova. - 2nd ed., erased. - M.: Omega-L, 2008. - 414 p.

.Sergeev I.V. Economics of organizations (enterprises): textbook / I.V. Sergeev, I.I. Veretennikova, eds. I. V. Sergeev. - Ed. 3rd, revised and additional - M.: Prospekt, 2008. - 553 p.

.Sergeev, I.V. Economics of organizations (enterprises) [Electronic resource]: electronic textbook / I.V. Sergeev; I. I. Veretennikova. - Electron. text data. - M.: KnoRus, 2009. - 1 electron. wholesale disk (CD-ROM).

.Stupin I. Bricks for jerking: [housing construction] / I. Stupin // Expert. - 2004. - N20. - P. 26-30.

.Quality management: workshop: educational manual / ed. V. E. Sytsko. - Minsk: Highest. school , 2009. - 192 p.

.Quality management: textbook for universities / ed. S. D. Ilyenkova. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2009. - 352 p.

.Urbanization is generating a boom in building standards: [standard ISO/TC 59 “Construction of buildings”] / / ISO 9000 + ISO 14000 +. - 2006. - N6. - P. 3-5.


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Evaluation of construction and installation works is a normative procedure designed to determine how well the contractor has coped with the entire project or with individual types of work. A special commission compares the results achieved by the builders with the customer’s requests and with official government regulations. As a result, the cost of construction and the facility is calculated.

When is the assessment carried out?

The procedure is necessary to sum up the results of the intermediate stage of construction and installation or to understand whether the object is ready for delivery. It is also used in the following cases:

    When the results of the work do not satisfy the customer.

    When work results diverge from the project plan.

    When a defect in construction and installation work is discovered at a commissioned facility.

    When the customer violates the contract with the contractor, despite the latter’s conscientious work.

When a conflict arises between builders and the customer, a court may order an initial or re-evaluation of the property.

What questions does the procedure answer?

The assessment of construction and installation work determines whether the work performed meets quality standards. The study determines whether the performer performed his duties in good faith and answers the following questions:

    Does the actual efficiency of the crew correspond to the construction and installation plan?

    How high-quality materials were used in the work?

    How strong and safe the construction was made by the contractor.

    Were technological standards observed during the work?

    Whether sufficiently qualified persons performed construction and installation work.

Based on the results of the procedure, the appraiser establishes the market value of the objects that were examined.

Who does the assessment?

The subject of assessment is determined by Article 4 of the Federal Law of July 29, 1998 “On assessment activities in the Russian Federation”. According to the document, appraisers are individuals and combine the following qualities:

    Received a higher education as an appraiser, an expert in real estate valuation.

    Have a higher education – for example, economics or construction. At the same time, he underwent professional retraining, allowing him to evaluate objects.

    They can confirm the legitimacy of their practice with a qualification certificate. This document must be valid, that is, received and confirmed no more than 3 years ago.

    Act in accordance with the directions specified in the qualification certificate.

    Belong to a self-regulatory assessment organization.

    We insured our liability in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Valuation Activities”.

According to the general requirements for appraisers, these specialists must be clean before the law. They are required to provide the customer with a certificate stating that they have no unexpunged or outstanding convictions for the following types of crimes:


    moderate severity;

  • especially severe.

The specialist must understand the standards and be able to apply them correctly.

It is based on construction GOSTs and instructions SN 378-77, which regulates the assessment of the quality of construction and installation procedures.

How to conduct an assessment?

In establishing the real price of the property being assessed, the commission conducts a series of studies. It determines how well the following elements of the object comply with the standards:

    load-bearing structures;


    building materials;


If the inspection reveals no defects, the object is allowed for operation. In this case, the work is assigned one of the following ratings:

  • satisfactorily.

The higher the rating, the higher the cost of the contractor’s work and the final price of the object. It is rated “excellent” to mark the special skill of the performer. Work of the highest standard implies an improved project while maintaining the original estimate. The result is characterized by the following nuances:


    technical precision;

    superiority to standards.

Projects that are completed thoroughly according to the documentation and in accordance with all customer requirements are awarded a “good” rating.

Performers who made minor shortcomings receive a “satisfactory” rating. The blots differ from the customer’s request, but do not affect the following indicators of the object:

    for strength;

    for reliability;

    for sustainability;

    for durability;

    on appearance;

    for suitability for use.

The construction and installation work carried out is not always of sufficient quality for the commission to allow the facility to be used. In this case, we are talking about defects.

Defects mean violations of projects or any kind of departure from regulations. Such errors require elimination.

A significant defect damages the durability of the object; it is eliminated during the general course of construction and installation work. At the same time, a critical defect means that the object is fragile and unsafe. To resolve critical errors, all other work is suspended.

What is needed for the procedure?

In order for the specialist to complete his work, he is given access to the object of assessment. A complete package of well-prepared documents is also required.

What documents are required?

By establishing a working relationship, the customer enters into a written agreement with the contractor. It indicates the identification and qualification data of the appraisers, as well as the following information:

    purpose of the operation;

    objectives of the operation;

    detailed description of the subject of assessment;

    cost of the commission's work;

    date of assessment;

    standards on which the commission is going to rely.

Among other things, the contract regulates insured events, as well as the behavior of the customer and the contractor in the event of disagreements. In addition, the appraiser will need access to project documentation and certificates for building materials.

Who pays for the procedure?

The assessment procedure is paid by the customer. The cost of the service does not depend on the results of the procedure; it is specified in the contract and is unchanged.

As a rule, the valuation price ranges from 10 thousand rubles to 25 thousand rubles and depends on the procedure established by the local architectural and urban planning department.

What documents are issued after the procedure?

After the procedure, the service customer receives a paper or electronic assessment report. It must be interpreted unambiguously, and ambiguities are excluded from the text. The document contains redundant contact and personal information about the customer and contractor, as well as the following data:

    date of the report;

    serial number of the decision;

    number of the contract under which the assessment was carried out;

    evaluation period;

    purpose of the assessment;

    full description of the object of inspection.

The evaluation report describes how the ordered procedure went and what it led to. It also includes the following entries:

    about the value of the assessed object;

    about the documents used by the appraiser.

Appraisers certify the paper with personal seals, physical or enhanced electronic signatures.

How long is the report valid?

According to Article 12 of the Federal Law of July 29, 1998 “On appraisal activities in the Russian Federation,” the appraisal report is valid for 6 months. This is true if hidden defects are not revealed during operation or new ones appear.





Resolution of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Construction Affairs dated August 19, 1977 No. 122


UDC 693.658.562(033.96)

“Instructions for assessing the quality of construction and installation works” (SN 378-77) was developed in development of section 8 of Chapter SNiP IIM-76 “Organization of construction production” by the Department of Technical Regulation and Standardization and the Central Research Institute of Transport and Transport of the USSR State Construction Committee with the participation of construction ministries and departments.

With the entry into force of this Instruction, the “Temporary Instructions for Assessing the Quality of Construction and Installation Work, Structural Parts of Buildings and Structures and Completed Construction Facilities and Start-up Complexes” (SN 378-67) become invalid.

Editors - engineers L. L. Lysogorsky (Gosstroy USSR), E. V. Alexandrov (Glavmosstroy), B. N. Gagin (Ministryazhstroy USSR), V. Af. Rychev (Ministry of Construction of the USSR), Ph.D. tech. Sciences Ya. V. Smirnov (Ministry of Transport), Eng. G. A. Sukalsky (Minmontazhspetsstroy USSR), Ph.D. tech. Sciences V. D. Toptsiy (TsNIIOMTP).

And 3р 2 * 3 798 Instruction-norm. And vol. - 7-77

Stroyizdat, 1977

1. This Instruction establishes the basic provisions for assessing the quality of certain types of construction and installation work for elements and parts of buildings and structures, as well as for completed construction projects as a whole (enterprises, their individual queues, start-up complexes, buildings and structures). An approximate list of individual types of construction and installation work for which quality assessment is given is given in the appendix.

2. The assessment of the quality of construction and installation work must be carried out on the basis of current legislation, project requirements, building codes and regulations and other regulatory documents, standards, as well as these Instructions.

3. The quality of certain types of construction and installation work is subject to mandatory assessment during intermediate acceptance, and the quality of construction and installation work on completed facilities - upon their commissioning.

4. The assessment of the quality of construction and installation work upon acceptance from the performers is carried out by craftsmen or work producers. In this case, the results of quality control carried out by representatives of the customer’s technical supervision, designer’s supervision of design organizations, construction laboratories and geodetic construction services must be taken into account.


Introduction period

Technical Department


into action from

rationing and


standardization and


Gosstroy USSR

X* (0.25) Order 565

installation and installation organizations, as well as state and departmental control and supervision bodies acting on the basis of special provisions about them.

An assessment of the quality of all work hidden by subsequent work and structures is carried out upon acceptance of these works by the technical supervision of the customer with the participation of a representative of the contractor (master or work producer), and work on the construction of critical structures, in addition, with the participation of workers conducting designer supervision.

5. Assessments of the quality of construction and installation work are recorded in general work logs and acts (interim acceptance of critical structures, examination of hidden work, working commissions and the state acceptance commission).

6. When assessing the quality of construction and installation work, compliance with the established parameters* must be checked. geometric (dimensions, marks, gaps, tolerances), physical and mechanical (strength, density, surface condition, tightness, humidity, temperature) and other parameters, as well as aesthetic requirements are taken into account.

7. The quality of certain types of construction and installation work upon acceptance from the contractors is assessed:

“excellent” - when the work is performed with special care, skill and technical indicators that exceed the indicators required by regulatory documents and standards, or when the operational indicators provided for by the project are improved without increasing the estimated cost of the relevant types of work;

“good” - when the work is completed in full accordance with the project, regulatory documents and standards;

“satisfactory” - when the work is completed with minor deviations from the technical documentation, agreed upon by the design organization and the customer, but not reducing the indicators of reliability, strength, stability, durability, appearance and performance.

Notes: 1. Work performed with deviations from the projects or in violation of the requirements of regulatory documents, not agreed with the design organizations and the customer, is subject to

are subject to re-acceptance only after appropriate alteration (correction).

2. For the purpose of uniformity of the procedure for assessing the quality of construction and installation works with the product quality certification system operating in industry, it is allowed to conditionally equate the rating “excellent” to the highest category, “good” to the first category and “satisfactory” to the second quality category.

8. Verification of compliance of construction and installation works with the requirements of the project, regulatory documents and standards should be carried out, depending on the nature of the controlled parameters and requirements, instrumentally (measurements, tests) and visually. The need for continuous or selective testing, the scope and methods of control measurements and tests are determined based on the requirements of regulatory documents and standards.

9. The assessment of the quality of construction and installation work on a completed facility is carried out on the basis of assessments of the quality of individual types of construction and installation work in the following order:

assessments of individual types of work are conditionally equivalent to:

“excellent” - to a point of 5, “good” - to a point of 4, “satisfactory” - to a point of 3;

assessment of the quality of construction and installation work for the facility as a whole, taking into account assessments of individual types of work provided for in the attached indicative list, is determined by the formula

5Р 5 + 4Р 4 + ЗР 3 Рш + Ra + Рш 9 ( )

where Рз, Ra, Рз is the number of types of work that received the following ratings: “excellent”, “good”, “satisfactory”;

the obtained average values ​​are accepted as corresponding:

from 4.51 to 5.0 - “excellent” rating,

from 3.51 to 4.50 – rated “good”,

from 3.00 to 3.50 - rated “satisfactory”.

Based on proposals from design, construction and installation organizations, the working commission establishes the most responsible (most important) types of work, i.e. work, the poor performance of which can lead to the loss of the load-bearing capacity of structures or to the unsuitability of the building and structure for normal operation.

Assessment of the quality of construction and installation works according to

the object as a whole cannot be set higher than the assessment of any of the individual types of work classified as the most responsible (most important).

The State Acceptance Commission checks the correctness of the quality assessments of certain types of work and, with proper justification, has the right to change them.

10. If there are several buildings and structures as part of a completed construction project, the assessment of the quality of construction and installation work on the facility is carried out by determining the average assessment of the quality of work on the main buildings and structures, the list of which is established by the state acceptance commission.

The average score is determined by the formula

5С, + 4С « + ЗС,

С 5 + С « + С 3 ’

where Cs, C t, C 3 - the number of buildings and structures in the complex that received, respectively, the ratings “excellent” (point 5), “good” (point 4), “satisfactory” (point 3).

The values ​​obtained in this case are accepted as corresponding:

from 4.51 to 5.0 – “excellent”, from 3.76 to 4.5 – “good”, from 3.0 to 3.75 – “satisfactory”.

11. Taking into account the peculiarities of the construction of facilities in various sectors of the national economy and industry, departmental and republican instructions for assessing the quality of construction and installation work may, in agreement with the USSR State Construction Committee, be issued in accordance with this Instruction.

12. When deciding on the installation of a plaque of Honor with the names of the most distinguished participants in construction on a completed construction site in a prominent place, as provided for by Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of October 18, 1931 No. 867, it is necessary to take into account the assessment of the quality of construction and installation work on this facility, adopted in the act of the state acceptance commission.




1. Planning and strengthening the surfaces of earthen structures.

2. Preparation of natural foundations.

3. Compaction of bulk soils and backfills.

4. Artificial consolidation of soils.

5. Construction of pile foundations and sheet piling

6. Drainage device.

7. Preservation of the natural properties of permafrost soils.

8 Reinforced concrete works (monolithic reinforced concrete).

9. Installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete and concrete structures,

10. Anti-corrosion protection of structures, pipelines and equipment.

11. Sealing joints and seams.

12. Installation of metal structures.

13. Stone work (brickwork, artificial and natural stones and large blocks).

14. Lining works.

15. Installation of wooden structures.

16. Antiseptic treatment of wooden structures.

17. Installation of floors.

18. Roof installation.

19. Plastering works

20. Painting and wallpaper work.

21. Glass works.

22. Facing works.

23. Installation of window and door blocks.

24. Waterproofing works.

25 Thermal insulation work.

26. Fire retardant insulation device.

27. Installation of switchgears and transformer substations, power and lighting electrical equipment.

28. Laying cable power supply lines.

29 Installation of overhead power supply lines and conductors.

30. Grounding and lightning protection device.

31. Installation of equipment and communication lines.

32. Laying external water supply and sewerage networks. 33 Installation of internal water supply systems.

34. Laying external heat supply networks.

35. Installation of internal heating systems.

36 Installation of internal sewer systems.

37. Installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems.

38. Installation of main process equipment.

39. Installation of process pipelines and fittings.

40. Installation of heat and power equipment.

41. Installation of sanitary equipment.

42. Installation of lifting and transport equipment,

43. Installation of elevators.

44. Installation of gas supply systems.

45. Installation of automation systems (including fire extinguishing).

46. ​​Construction of railway tracks.

47. Construction of highways.

48. Construction of driveways, blind areas and sidewalks.

49. Landscaping of the territory.

50. Installation of external improvement items.

Note. The list can be supplemented (clarified) in departmental and republican instructions, taking into account the specifics of the construction of facilities in various sectors of the national economy and industry.



Editorial Board of Instructional and Normative Literature Head. Edited by G. A. Zhigachev Editor L. N. Kuzmina Jr. editor S. A. Zudilina Technical editors E. L. Temkina, T. V. Kuznetsova Proofreaders G. A. Kravchenko, E. V. Mazhnikova

Submitted for printing on November 13, 1977. Signed for printing on November 17, 1977.

Format 84XI08V8a D. l. Printing paper No. 2

0.42 el. oven l. (0.37 academic sheets)

Circulation 100,000 copies. Ed. No. XII-7538 Order. No. 565 Price 3 kopecks.

Stroyizdat YuzOOB, Moscow, Kalyaevskaya st., 23a Podolsk branch of the PA "Periodika" Soyuzpoligraprom and the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for publishing houses, printing and book trade Podolsk, st. Kirova, 25

The bulk of large and medium-sized projects are, in one way or another, related to the construction of industrial and agricultural facilities, housing, bridges, roads, etc. The buildings being erected are either the goal of the plan in themselves, or are an integral part of it, without which the continuation of the project is impossible. As a rule, the largest amount of financial and material resources spent is on construction and installation work - construction and installation work. Accordingly, the regulation of this activity in legislation occupies a special place.

What does construction and installation work mean and how are they regulated?

Construction as such includes a wide range of concepts. This is not only the construction of new structures and buildings, but also activities for their repair (current and major), restoration, reconstruction and renovation. The process itself is multifaceted and consists of the following stages:

  • organizational (marketing research, development of a project concept, selection of a customer and contractor);
  • survey (geodetic, geological, environmental, geotechnical, hydrometeorological);
  • design (preparation of design and working documentation);
  • material support phase (procurement of necessary products and raw materials, their transportation to the sites);
  • construction and installation (preparatory, basic and finishing);
  • commissioning (control measures and necessary tests).

There are several interpretations of the term “construction and installation work” depending on the dictionary, reference book or legislative act where this term is mentioned. At the same time, they all agree that construction and installation work in construction is a certain list of operations aimed at the construction of new buildings, premises and the installation (installation) of the necessary equipment in them (ventilation, heating, gas and water supply systems, sewerage, etc.). ). For abbreviation in technical documentation, the abbreviation SMR is often used rather than the full name.

The main document regulating all construction and installation activities in Russia is SNiP, which stands for Construction Norms and Rules.

It includes five sections:

  1. General questions, classification and terminology. Management, organization and economics.
  2. Requirements and standards for the design of structures, foundations and equipment.
  3. Preparation, execution and acceptance of completed operations. Recommendations for construction and installation work.
  4. Standards for drawing up estimates for all types of operations with explanations.
  5. Norms of labor and material costs, prices for performing manipulations.

Also, the production of building materials, structures and products is regulated by GOST (State Standards), developed by government agencies and scientists. GOSTs are approved by Gosstandart and Gosstroy of the Russian Federation. For certain technologies and materials, especially new ones, manufacturers develop specifications (Technical Conditions), which are agreed upon with government agencies. With the development of best practices and new technologies, the entire regulatory framework is regularly reviewed and changes are made.

Existing types

The construction of a new building or its deep reconstruction requires the implementation of a huge number of actions of different directions and intensity using a wide variety of materials and specialized equipment. Construction can be carried out using several different methods:

  • contractor(most common in Russia), when all operations are performed by specialized organizations in accordance with the concluded agreement with the customer;
  • economic when the entire scope of construction and installation work is carried out by the enterprise’s own departments;
  • mixed, when one part of the operations is carried out independently, and contractors are invited for the other.

Based on the focus and expected result, the following main types of construction and installation work are distinguished:

  • general construction;
  • transport;
  • unloading and loading;
  • special.

Usually, installation or construction work is distinguished depending on which operations predominate at a particular stage. Installation is an activity using ready-made parts or parts, for example, installation of power electrical wiring and other cables, reinforced concrete and metal structures, various equipment (pumping, energy, transport, technological), painting and insulation of pipelines.

General construction activities, based on the processed materials and constructed structural elements, are divided into the following types:

Some of these actions are combined into the familiar term “zero cycle”, which is familiar to every builder. It represents the initial phase of construction and includes preparing the construction site and access roads to it, carrying out excavation work, and laying the foundation. The zero cycle ends when the underground part of the building is erected and utility networks are installed. This is followed by the above-ground and finishing cycles.

Special activities include those performed in a special way or with special materials that require specific knowledge and skills. These include, for example, the installation of complex devices and systems, elevators, telephone lines, lining of units with fire-resistant or acid-resistant masonry, and construction of mine shafts.

Loading, unloading and transport operations involve the delivery of structural elements and parts of different sizes, tools and necessary equipment to the workplace. Due to the variety of cargo being moved, specialized equipment is used, such as panel carriers, trailers, dump trucks, conveyors, loaders, excavators, and cranes.

Sometimes procurement operations are also distinguished, consisting of the production of semi-finished products (concrete mixture, reinforcement frame, mortar, prefabricated structures, including large-unit structures). Depending on the required volumes and complexity of production, they can be produced either by specialized enterprises (such as a reinforced concrete products plant) or directly on the construction site.

In addition to the construction of buildings, the list of construction operations also includes landscaping and landscaping, land reclamation, dredging, creation of environmental protection structures (anti-landslide, anti-erosion, anti-mudflow), bank protection, drilling, water pumping, etc.

Contractual relations

Considering the complexity and diversity of actions carried out during the implementation of a project, especially a large one (construction of an industrial complex, military or agricultural facility), it is necessary to hire contractors to carry out all the necessary actions. Some of them cover most of the general construction processes, others specialize in certain areas that require special equipment and trained professional personnel.

Accordingly, the most common type of agreement is a work contract, which has two contracting parties:

  • the customer, authorized by the investor, who sets the parameters for carrying out certain processes, accepts the results and pays for them;
  • a contractor who fulfills the customer's requirements within the agreed time frame.

The parties to the agreement may be legal entities, individuals or third parties who act on behalf and in the interests of the customer. Contractors are usually construction organizations or licensed individual entrepreneurs.

If the contractor is not able to fully fulfill the entire scope of its obligations on its own, then it has the right (if this is not prohibited by the agreement) to enter into a subcontract agreement within the approved budget, that is, to attract other organizations to carry out certain processes.

Often, to carry out the entire construction complex, a general contractor is determined, who provides and guarantees the entire construction process, fulfilling the order partly on its own, partly with the participation of subcontractors. The general contractor is responsible for all defects of subcontractors.

In addition to general provisions, such as the names of the parties, the date and place of signing, details, legal addresses and signatures of the parties, a standard contract agreement includes the following main sections:

In addition, the agreement has a number of annexes as an integral part, the list of which is indicated in the main body of the agreement. These include:

  • calendar plan;
  • lists of necessary equipment and materials;
  • a copy of the customer’s title documents for the land plot;
  • a copy of the customer’s permission to carry out construction;
  • a copy of the contractor's license;
  • acts of acceptance and transfer of technical documentation, materials and equipment;
  • a copy of the insurance policy;
  • regulations for the work carried out;
  • estimate documentation;
  • acceptance certificate.

If necessary, the parties may enter into additional agreements on certain issues as part of the execution of the general agreement. Problems arising in the production process are reflected in the protocols of disagreements and reconciliation of disagreements.

Depending on the scope of activities performed and the scale of the project, the contract may have different contents.

Thus, an agreement for the construction of a small residential building and a large factory can differ radically from each other, both in scope and in the detail of all the actions performed.

A construction contract imposes great responsibility on the contractor, since poor quality of workmanship, the use of low-quality materials and non-compliance with approved standards can cause destruction of structures, large financial losses or loss of life. Therefore, the quality of construction and installation work is of particular importance at each phase of construction.

The quality of construction products affects the cost and operational characteristics of the structure, their durability and efficiency. If an object is built from untested materials or in violation of technical regulations, then this leads to an increase in the cost of all processes due to the need to constantly correct identified deficiencies, increased operating costs for maintaining the object in working condition, and a decrease in the level of comfort of residents.

Control is carried out by checking the compliance of product indicators with the approved requirements recorded in technical specifications, standards, projects, supply contracts, product passports. The main task is to avoid marriage and defects and maintain proper product quality. There are two forms of quality control:

  • production (internal) control system;
  • external control.

Internal control is carried out directly by employees of enterprises (design, industrial) that produce the necessary products. Plants and factories that produce building materials issue passports for their products, confirming that they were manufactured in accordance with the state standard. The presence of such a passport when delivering products is mandatory.

Internal control has several areas that differ in their characteristics and focus.

By implementation time:

  • Input. This is a study (external inspection) of materials, structures and products arriving at a construction site, as well as accompanying and technical documentation. The registration method is mainly used (analysis of passports, invoices, certificates), sometimes the measuring method is used.
  • Operating. It is carried out during processes or immediately after their completion, has the form of a measurement or technical inspection, its results are necessarily recorded in special journals. The main figures at this stage are foremen, foremen, and site managers.
  • Acceptance. It is carried out after the completion of a certain type of operation (stone, facing), representatives of the customer or designer often join the inspection, so it has an element of external control. As a result, a decision is made on the suitability of the facility and the possibility of continuing construction.

By volume of inspections:

  • Solid. All structural elements or product units (piles, metal structures, etc.) are inspected.
  • Selective. A certain part of the product, selected at random, is studied, its volumes are determined by SNiP (Building Norms and Rules).

By frequency:

  • Constant. Information about the status of the parameter being monitored is provided continuously.
  • Periodic. The parameter is monitored at certain intervals.
  • Volatile. Checking occasionally (at any time), is used when there is no need for deeper forms of control.

By methods:

  • Visual. It is based on GOST 16501-81.
  • Measuring. It is carried out using the necessary measuring instruments, and, if necessary, laboratory analysis is carried out using appropriate equipment. A variety of methods can be used: mechanical (destructive), pulsed (acoustic, vibration) and radiation.
  • Registration. This is an analysis of data that is recorded in various documents (magazines, certificates, inspection reports). It is used in cases where, for technical reasons, access to the controlled object is impossible.

To ensure appropriate product quality, large enterprises create specialized services, which are usually subordinate to the chief engineer (technical inspection, construction laboratory, geodetic service).

Analysis of data obtained as a result of instrumental research and comparison of them with current legal and design documentation is called construction expertise. It can be extrajudicial and judicial. All identified violations, deviations and defects are recorded in an expert report, which also includes photographs of the detected defects. Based on the results of the examination, the following are determined:

  • assessment of wear of elements, utility networks and structures during operation;
  • determining the amount of damage from emergency situations (fire, flooding);
  • compliance with the project, GOST or SNiP;
  • testing of materials and structures used;
  • study of load-bearing elements in preparation for reconstruction or redevelopment.

International quality control practice suggests a slightly different approach to this issue, the basis of which is:

  • the material interest and responsibility of each performer for the proper execution of all manipulations, which is regulated by internal management - this is a kind of standard established at the enterprise;
  • clear instructions for each work process;
  • availability of highly qualified personnel;
  • equipping with modern high-tech equipment.

External quality control includes inspections carried out by organizations that have the right of supervision and are independent of the contractor organization. Its main forms are:

  • technical supervision of the customer;
  • designer's supervision of the design organization;
  • state architectural and construction supervision;
  • control during the commissioning of a facility by various acceptance committees: fire, sanitary and epidemiological, industrial and mining supervision, labor inspection.

Technical supervision by the customer. It is carried out continuously throughout the construction and installation work. The customer's representative participates in the inspection of all hidden actions carried out, acceptance commissions, and intermediate acceptance of the most important structural elements. If there is no customer approval, then no further operations are carried out. Representatives of technical supervision have the right to make decisions on suspending construction and refusing to pay for processes carried out in violation of design calculations and technology. If the quality ultimately turns out to be insufficient, then the customer’s technical supervision employees bear responsibility along with the contractors.

Author's supervision by the designer is also carried out on an ongoing basis. Its main difference from the control functions of GASN and technical supervision of the customer is that for its implementation a separate agreement is concluded between the customer and the designer with the appropriate payment. Architectural supervision consists of monitoring the exact adherence of all actions of the contractor to regulatory documents and the approved project.

All changes in the project and rationalization proposals must be agreed upon with a representative of the designer's supervision. He is also present at intermediate acceptances and inspections, resolves issues regarding design and estimate documentation, points out deficiencies and monitors their elimination. All comments from the designer's supervision are recorded in a special journal, which is then transferred to the customer.

State architectural and construction supervision carries out general control at all phases (research, project development, construction). Its representatives must check pre-project documents, issue a construction permit and check its implementation at any time. They have the right to suspend construction, fine and initiate criminal cases.

Certification and licensing as components of quality control

With the rapid development of new technologies, the development of innovative building materials and methods of their fastening, the question of compliance of these developments with approved standards and quality indicators has arisen. Therefore, in recent decades, great importance has been attached to the certification of manufactured products and licensing of design, survey and construction activities.

– this is an activity aimed at establishing compliance of product quality indicators with the requirements of approved regulations and standards. It is aimed at protecting consumer rights and the environment, as well as for the safety of people’s health, life and property. Objects of certification in construction can be:

  • design products;
  • industrial products manufactured by construction industry and building materials enterprises;
  • erected structures and buildings;
  • relevant services and works;
  • imported elements.

Certification comes in one form:

  • Voluntary, based on the initiative of a product manufacturer wishing to confirm the conformity of its products to potential customers.
  • Mandatory, used for a separate legally approved range of goods that, if of poor quality, can be dangerous to people’s health and the safety of their property (balcony doors, windows, structures for private houses, locks, sealants).

In general terms, certification of any type of product occurs as follows:

  • the applicant submits a declaration for certification;
  • the testing scheme and methodology are determined, as well as the testing laboratory;
  • sampling and identification of samples, examination of products and study of the state of production;
  • analysis of the results obtained;
  • registration, registration and issuance of a certificate of conformity.

Licensing represents an examination of the applicant (legal or individual) and the documents submitted by him regarding their readiness to perform the types of activities specified in the application. A special commission checks the availability of the necessary technical base and legislative acts, the implementation of the declared technological processes and the level of control over them, the qualifications and work experience of personnel, and reviews from the applicant’s clients.

The licensing regulations stipulate that the applicant must have at least half of the full-time number of specialists and managers in the field of design and construction with 3 to 5 years of experience in the specialty. In addition, on the basis of property rights (or on other legal grounds), the candidate must have the necessary objects, tools and means of production (special equipment, manual or automatic tools, transport, power plants, measuring instruments).

The classifier of design, construction and installation works clearly defines the list of actions and necessary equipment. Together, actions for the construction of objects for various purposes (functional and industrial), such as roads, aerospace or agricultural facilities, are brought together. Not only the construction and installation work itself is licensed, but also the functions of the general contractor and developer.

As a rule, the licensing period after the first application is short (1 year); if during this time the analysis did not show violations on the part of the applicant, then the next license can be valid for 5 years; upon repeated application, the entire procedure is completely repeated. If an organization violates the current legislation, the license may be revoked.

Organization of construction and installation works

In the process of constructing large objects, such as multi-storey buildings, bridges, roads, factories, various specialized and general construction organizations usually take part. In order to ensure uninterrupted processes and systematic phased commissioning of completed parts of the facility, a system of continuous planning and execution of work is necessary.

In practice, there are three main methods for organizing construction and installation work:

  • Consistent. When using it, individual activities are carried out one after another, that is, the next one begins no earlier than the end of the previous one. This approach is poorly applicable to large-scale projects, since it requires a lot of time, but is suitable for the construction of single buildings, since a small number of workers can be used.
  • Parallel. It is based on the maximum possible combination of various processes (installation and construction) in a single period of time. It makes it possible to erect several buildings at the same time, but requires a significant amount of labor and equipment.
  • In-line. It consists of splitting complex processes, combined in time, into a number of simple operations performed sequentially. All actions are divided into threads that are executed within clearly defined deadlines. In each facility that is included in the flow, construction and installation work is carried out by complex teams moving from one building to another. This ensures an even load on staff and rhythmic delivery of objects included in the flow.

Work execution projects (WPP) include major decisions on the organization of construction and installation work. The PPR is developed by specialized trusts or other organizations and consists of:

  • a calendar plan in which all the work of different performers is noted, linked to deadlines;
  • a master plan indicating the location of the facility itself, auxiliary sites, mechanized installations, warehouses, heat and power supply networks, access roads;
  • schedule of requirements for the supply of products, materials, structures, special equipment, and workers.

For processes carried out using new methods and high complexity, the PPR contains technological maps.

They indicate economic and technical indicators, requirements for the necessary safety precautions, schedules and recommendations on methods of organizing the work of workers, the need for resources (parts, inventory, equipment), and calculations of labor costs.

Often, a number of unrelated works are carried out simultaneously on the site, for example, electrical installation, plumbing, carpentry, and tiling. The rhythm of the work process requires the supply of certain materials at the right time in sufficient quantities and in the correct technological sequence. In order to prevent downtime, taking into account the opinion of contractors, hourly schedules are developed, based on which the manufacturer ships and the auto plant delivers the required elements to the site.

To link the supply of parts and their installation, transport and installation schedules are drawn up. Based on the technological sequence of building installation and the standard time for installing each element, the time of arrival of vehicles at the site and the range of goods that are delivered on each flight are clearly outlined. Weekly, daily and hourly schedules are drawn up, thanks to which different departments can see the big picture and act in concert. This allows you to plan the completion time of each type of work and approximately calculate the completion date of the object.

In order to more fully cover the entire complex of ongoing processes, scheduling is used when working on all types of objects. It provides a general understanding of the sequence of actions over different time periods (from a day to several months), although plans regularly require adjustments depending on emerging circumstances. Construction duration is calculated according to SNiP standards and varies greatly depending on the complexity of the structure. A reduction or increase in the duration of work must always be justified, since if the duration is increased, delivery deadlines may be missed and the customer may incur losses, and unjustified reductions often become the reason for non-compliance with the standards for performing technological operations.

Depending on the scale of the project, the following types of planning may be used:

  • simplified methods;
  • calendar line charts;
  • network diagrams.

Simplified methods are used for current tasks, usually for the next few weeks or days. Such diagrams only indicate the types of actions to be performed and the timing of their completion; they are not clear enough and are not optimized. Simplified forms also include planning in the most general monetary form.

A calendar line graph, otherwise known as a Ganga graph, is a scale with marked horizontal lines of varying lengths representing the duration of each activity. To compile it fully and efficiently, you need to take into account the following points:

  • draw up a list of necessary work;
  • determine their volumes and production methods;
  • calculate their labor intensity based on standards and previous experience;
  • make a preliminary schedule with approximate deadlines for completing each task;
  • optimize it taking into account the real possibilities of distributing labor, equipment and other conditions.

In order to correctly calculate the amount of work and the time spent on it, in addition to the prescribed standards, other significant factors should be taken into account, for example, local weather conditions or terrain features. If at the starting stage there is a time delay due to incorrect calculations, it will be almost impossible to compensate for it, since it is very difficult to adjust the linear graph.

The network diagram is compiled using a more modern graph technique (map, labyrinth, network). Printed on a sheet of paper or displayed on a computer monitor, such a diagram looks like a set of vertices connected to each other by segments (non-directed and directed). The circles at the beginning and end of the segment indicate the beginning and end of the work. In this type of planning, there can be a number of different paths between the start and end events. The longest path is called the critical path, and it determines the total duration of the project. Accordingly, other paths have time reserves and the ability to vary the speed of process execution.

The strength of such planning is the ability to adjust it along the way.

If construction does not meet the agreed deadlines, then it is possible to reduce the critical path time by redistributing labor and material resources from non-critical path stages, attracting reserves or changing the sequence of processes (if technologically feasible). To facilitate the preparation of schedules and their clarification, a number of computer programs have been created.

Calculation of estimated cost

An integral component of project documentation is the estimate, that is, the estimated cost of construction and installation work. Correct financial calculations contribute to the rhythmic and uninterrupted implementation of construction stages. If inaccuracies were made, this could lead to losses, missed deadlines, debt, or the need to attract additional financial resources, often credit.

The estimated cost usually includes several components and is calculated using the following formula: Ssmr=PrZ+NR+PN(Spr), where Ssmr is the estimated cost of all work, PrZ is the total amount of direct costs, Pn(Spr) is planned savings, or estimated profit. To better understand how calculations are made, you should dwell in more detail on each of the component parts.

The amount of all direct costs is calculated taking into account the total volume of work (in natural measurement units) and the currently applied prices per unit of measurement in accordance with estimated standards. Direct costs typically range from 65 to 80% of the total cost and consist of:

  • employee salaries those who are directly involved in construction and installation works (10-15%);
  • cost of all building materials which are used in the construction of structures (50-55%);
  • operating costs of the vehicles used, special equipment, mechanisms and machines, including the salaries of specialists managing them (5-10%).

Overhead costs include reimbursement to a contractor or subcontractor for all costs associated with organizing and maintaining appropriate living and production conditions at a construction site. The amount of overhead costs is set depending on the wage fund and strongly depends on the scale of the facility being built, the method of production, and the type of construction. Typically this figure varies between 13-20%. To calculate them, standards are used taking into account the characteristics of production. Applying a multiplying factor for overhead costs is prohibited.

Overhead costs include:

  • Expenses for administrative and economic needs. This takes into account payment for business trips, costs for the office, mail and telephone communications, maintenance and servicing of passenger vehicles, purchase of the necessary specialized literature (normative, technical, economic), subscription to the required periodicals.
  • Expenses for personnel services. This includes training and retraining of managers and specialists, creation of proper living and sanitary conditions, and labor protection. This also includes additional payments to employees (length of service, additional leave for length of service), social insurance.
  • Costs for the necessary organization of the process. These include maintenance of security, ensuring fire safety, costs of maintaining design teams and construction laboratories, depreciation deductions, geodetic measures, and landscaping.
  • Other costs(property insurance, licensing, auditing, consulting, advertising services, banking services).

Estimated profit (the term "planned savings" is often used) represents the planned profit of the contractor. It should cover the costs of material incentives for personnel, as well as the development and modernization of production facilities. Its volume is calculated for each organization separately, based on the contract cost of construction, and ranges from 7-11% of the total amount. Estimated profit does not relate to the expenses taken into account in the estimated cost. To calculate it, they are guided by the relevant Guidelines.

There are industry standards for estimated profits, depending on the type of operation:

  • General industry standards that apply to all businesses. For repair and construction work, they amount to 50% of the workers' compensation fund, which is included in the direct costs included in the estimate. Regarding construction and installation work, this figure is 65%.
  • Standards depending on the types of processes performed. They are used at the stage of drawing up working documentation and are specified in Appendix No. 3 of the Methodological Instructions.
  • Individual standards for individual organizations. Do not apply to enterprises fulfilling orders with funds from the Federal budget.

The structure of planned savings takes into account the following expenses:

  • re-equipment and modernization of fixed assets of the enterprise;
  • material incentives for employees: financial assistance, treatment in sanatorium-resort complexes, purchasing tickets to cultural events and gym memberships, assistance in repaying mortgages and purchasing certain services and goods;
  • tax payments (property, profit, local taxes) at a rate not exceeding 5%;
  • assistance to individual partner educational institutions.

A properly drawn up, thoughtful estimate allows you to organize construction and installation work at the proper level, avoiding cost overruns and delays in payments during construction. In addition, it is possible to achieve the cost of construction and installation work through the use of more productive mechanisms, reasonable savings in materials, changing the labor regime or improving management. To accurately calculate costs, factor analysis is used - this is a technique for studying the impact of each individual construction factor on costs.

Author's supervision of construction by design organizations was introduced in order to improve quality, reduce the duration and reduce the cost of construction, as well as increase the responsibility of design and construction organizations for the quality of constructed facilities. It is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on Author's Supervision, approved by the State Construction Committee.

Design organizations and their representatives carrying out design supervision,

have the right to stop certain construction and installation work if it violates

different construction technology, low-quality structures and materials are used, there are deviations from the design, which can lead to alterations or is associated with a decrease in the strength and stability of the structure. They have the right to prohibit the use in construction of structures and building materials that do not comply with standards, designs and other technical documentation.

Representatives of the design organization carrying out designer's supervision have the right to submit proposals to the relevant authorities to bring to justice officials who allowed poor quality construction and installation work to be carried out.

Architectural supervision is carried out under an agreement concluded by the customer (developer) with the design organization - the general designer for the entire period of construction of the facility. The design organization issues an order that assigns design supervision to specific representatives (the author and co-author of the project, the chief engineer of the project, the chief architect of the project, group leaders and other specialists).

customer calls. With the permission of the ministry, department to which it is subordinated

designer, permanent residence of workers can be established,

For the construction of enterprises, buildings and industrial structures,

transport, land reclamation and water management, communications, energy and agriculture, projects of which provide for the use of complex construction solutions, new building structures and materials and new technological processes;

For the construction of residential buildings, public utilities, cultural and community facilities and other civil buildings and urban structures - with an estimated construction cost of over 200 thousand rubles;

For the construction of experimental facilities intended for

federal needs;

For the construction of all enterprises, buildings and structures in seismic areas.

the period of construction and acceptance into operation of completed facilities.

During the construction process, check the compliance of the work performed with the design solutions provided for in the working drawings, check compliance with the technology, and the quality of construction and installation work;

Make proposals to reduce the cost, improve the quality and reduce the duration of construction of the facility, make clarifications and changes to the design and estimate documentation in the prescribed manner;

Resolve issues arising during the construction process based on design and estimate documentation;

The quality of certain types of construction and installation work upon acceptance from contractors is determined using a point system: excellent, good, satisfactory.

This principle of assessing product quality is used in the current

"Instructions for assessing the quality of construction and installation works" (SN 378-77). According to the Instructions, objects that are completed and prepared for commissioning, as well as certain types of completed construction and installation work on structural elements and parts of buildings and structures, are subject to assessment. At the same time, the quality of construction and installation work is assessed by comparing

actual product parameters with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation - projects, SNiP, standards, instructions.

The quality of construction and installation work upon acceptance from contractors is assessed using a point system in compliance with the following requirements.

The “excellent” rating corresponds to the highest level of construction and installation work. It is affixed when the work is performed with special care, skill and technical indicators that exceed the indicators required by regulations and standards, or when the operational indicators of the enterprise envisaged by the project are improved

without increasing the estimated cost of the relevant types of work.

Work performed in full accordance with the project, in compliance with regulatory and technical documentation (SNiP, standards, technical specifications) is assessed as “good”.

Work is assessed as “satisfactory” when it is completed with minor deviations from the technical documentation, agreed upon with the design organization and the customer, but not reducing the reliability, strength, stability, durability, appearance and performance of the constructed facility.

The main regulatory documents that determine the quality of construction and installation work performed are SNiP “Rules for the production and acceptance of construction work” and GOST standards for building parts, structures, and building materials. These documents contain special instructions for assessing the quality of construction, installation and special works, requirements for materials, parts and prefabricated structures, and define permissible deviations from SNiP. In cases where the quality of the work performed lies beyond the extreme lower limit of tolerances determined by SNiP, such work is qualified as a defect subject to rework.

The general assessment of the construction of a building, structure, enterprise is derived from

a set of individual assessments of structural elements and types of work. To obtain an objective comprehensive assessment of the quality of construction and installation work, the final assessment is determined by the weighted average assessment score of structural elements

and types of work according to the formula:


X 1 +4 ´ X 2 +3 ´ X 3

X 2 +X 3

Where x1 - the number of types of work for which the grade “excellent” was given;

x2- the number of types of work for which the grade “good” was given;

x3- the number of types of work for which the rating is “satisfactory”.

The final score for the object is given with the following rounding: with values ​​from 4.51 to 5.0 points - “excellent”, from 3.51-4.50 - “good”, from 3.0-3.50 - “satisfactory” ".

If the completed project consists of several buildings and

structures, the quality of work on the facility as a whole is assessed by determining the average assessment of the quality of work on the main buildings and structures, the list of which is established by the state acceptance commission.

Average assessment of the quality of construction of a complex of buildings and structures

determined by the formula:

ABOUT= 5´ WITH 1 +

2 +3 ´ WITH 3 ,

where C1, C2, C3 – the number of buildings and structures in the complex that received

grades “excellent”, “good”, “satisfactory”.

In general, for a construction organization, the average quality indicator of construction and installation work is determined on the basis of data contained in acts of acceptance of objects for operation. For this purpose, a summary sheet for assessing the quality of construction work on objects is compiled (table), on the basis of which the average quality indicator of work for the construction organization is derived.