Operation of power stations and networks. Rules for the technical operation of power plants and networks of the Russian Federation

Order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation dated June 19, 2003 No. 229

Registration number 4799

"On the approval of the Rules technical operation power stations and networks of the Russian Federation"

I order:

Approve the attached Rules for the technical operation of power plants and networks of the Russian Federation.

Minister I.Kh. Yusufov



Mandatory for thermal power plants operating on fossil fuels, hydroelectric power plants, electric and heat networks of the Russian Federation

and for organizations performing work in relation to these objects


The rules for the technical operation of power plants and networks of the Russian Federation have been revised and supplemented on the basis of newly issued legislative acts and regulatory and technical documents, taking into account the experience of operating equipment, industrial buildings and communications. Changes in the structure of administrative and economic management, as well as forms of ownership in the energy sector are taken into account.

The Rules set out the main organizational and technical requirements to the operation of energy facilities, the steady implementation of which will ensure the economic, reliable and well-coordinated work of all parts of the energy systems.

The requirements for the design, construction, installation, repair and arrangement of power plants and their equipping with control, automation and protection means are set out in these Rules briefly, since they are considered in other regulatory and technical documents.

All current regulatory and technical documents must be brought into line with this edition of the Rules.

Please send suggestions and comments on this edition of the Rules to the address: 103074, Moscow, Kitaygorodsky pr., 7. Gosenergonadzor of the Ministry of Energy of Russia.

1. Organization of operation

1.1. Basic provisions and tasks

1.1.1. These Rules apply to thermal power plants fossil fuels, hydroelectric power plants, electric and heating network Russian Federation, and to organizations performing work in relation to these objects.

1.1.2. At each power facility, the boundaries and functions for servicing equipment, buildings, structures and communications between production units (workshops, sections, laboratories, etc.) should be distributed, and official functions personnel.

1.1.3. Safe operation of equipment, buildings and structures is ensured by the provisions of instructions and other normative and technical documents.

1.1.4. Each employee of the industry, within the limits of his functions, must ensure that the device and operation of equipment, buildings and structures of power plants and networks comply with safety regulations and fire safety.

1.1.5. The main task of power plants, boiler houses, electric and heat networks is the production, transformation, distribution and supply electrical energy and heat to consumers (hereinafter - energy production).

1.1.6. The main technological link in energy production is the energy system, which is a combination of power plants, boiler houses, electrical and thermal networks (hereinafter referred to as power facilities), connected by a common mode of operation and having a centralized operational dispatch control.

1.1.7. Employees of power facilities are obliged to:

Maintain the quality of the supplied energy - normalized frequency and voltage electric current, pressure and temperature of the coolant;

Observe operational and dispatching discipline;

Ensure maximum efficiency and reliability of energy production;

Comply with the rules of industrial and fire safety during the operation of equipment and structures;

Follow the rules of labor protection;

Reduce the harmful effects of production on people and the environment;

Ensure the uniformity of measurements in the production, transmission and distribution of energy;

Use the achievements of scientific and technological progress in order to increase efficiency, reliability and safety, improve the ecology of the power facility and environment.

1.1.8. At each power facility, the functions and boundaries for servicing equipment, buildings, structures and communications should be distributed between structural subdivisions.

1.1.9. Power systems should carry out:

Development of production to meet the needs for electrical energy and heat;

Efficient operation of power plants and networks by reducing production costs, increasing the efficiency of power use installed equipment, implementation of measures for energy saving and use of secondary energy resources;

Improving the reliability and safety of equipment, buildings, structures, devices, control systems, communications;

Major update production assets through technical re-equipment and reconstruction of power plants and networks, modernization of equipment;

Implementation and development new technology, technology of operation and repair, efficient and safe methods organization of production and labor;

Staff development, dissemination of advanced production methods.

Organizations engaged in the design, adjustment, operation of power facilities associated with increased industrial hazard must have permits (licenses) issued in the prescribed manner.

1.1.10. Supervision of the technical condition and implementation of measures to ensure the safe maintenance of equipment and facilities, rational and efficient use fuel and energy resources are carried out by bodies state control and supervision.

1.2. Commissioning of equipment and facilities

1.2.1. Completely completed construction of power plants, boiler houses (steam and water heating), electric and heat network facilities, as well as, depending on the complexity of the power facility, their queues and start-up complexes must be put into operation in the manner prescribed current rules. This requirement also applies to the commissioning of power facilities after expansion and reconstruction.

1.2.2. The start-up complex should include, ensuring normal operation under the given parameters, a part of the total design volume of the power facility, consisting of a set of structures and facilities assigned to certain power plants or to the power plant as a whole (without reference to specific power plants). It should include: equipment, structures, buildings (or parts thereof) of the main production, auxiliary production, auxiliary, household, transport, repair and storage purposes, landscaped area, points Catering, health centers, dispatching and technological management(SDTU), means of communication, engineering Communication, treatment facilities that ensure the production, transmission and supply of electricity and heat to consumers, the passage of ships or fish through navigation or fish passage devices. To the extent envisaged by the project for this launch complex, standard sanitary and living conditions and safety for workers, environmental protection, and fire safety must be ensured.

1.2.3. Before acceptance into operation of a power facility (start-up complex), the following must be carried out:

Individual equipment tests and functional tests individual systems ending for the power units with a trial run of the main and auxiliary equipment;

Comprehensive testing of equipment.

During the construction and installation of buildings and structures, intermediate acceptance of units of equipment and structures, as well as hidden works, should be carried out.

1.2.4. Individual and functional tests of equipment and individual systems are carried out with the involvement of the customer's personnel according to design schemes after completion of all construction and installation work on this node. Before individual and functional tests, the fulfillment of: these Rules, building codes and rules, standards, including labor safety standards, norms process design, rules of state control and supervision bodies, norms and requirements of environmental legislation and other state supervision bodies, rules for the installation of electrical installations, labor protection rules, explosion and fire safety rules.

1.2.5. Defects and imperfections made during construction and installation, as well as equipment defects identified during individual and functional tests, must be eliminated by construction, installation organizations and manufacturers before the start of comprehensive testing.

1.2.6. Trial launches are carried out before the comprehensive testing of power facilities. During a trial run, the operability of the equipment must be checked and technological schemes, safety of their operation; all monitoring and control systems were checked and adjusted, including automatic regulators, protection and interlock devices, alarm devices and instrumentation.

Before a trial run, the conditions for reliable and safe operation of the power facility must be met:

Operational and maintenance personnel were staffed, trained (with a knowledge test), operating instructions, instructions for labor protection and operational schemes, technical documentation for accounting and reporting;

Prepared stocks of fuel, materials, tools and spare parts;

SDTU with communication lines, systems fire alarm and fire extinguishing, emergency lighting, ventilation;

Control and management systems have been installed and adjusted;

Permits for the operation of the power facility were obtained from state control and supervision bodies.

1.2.7. Comprehensive testing must be carried out by the customer. In a comprehensive test, it should be checked teamwork main units and all auxiliary equipment under load.

The beginning of a comprehensive testing of the power plant is considered the moment it is connected to the network or under load.

Comprehensive testing of equipment according to schemes not provided for by the project is not allowed.

Comprehensive testing of equipment of power plants and boiler houses is considered to be carried out under the condition of normal and continuous work main equipment for 72 hours on the main fuel with a rated load and design parameters of steam [for gas turbine units (GTP) - gas] for a thermal power plant, pressure and water flow for a hydroelectric power plant, provided for in the start-up complex, and with constant or alternate operation of all auxiliary equipment included in the launch complex.

In electrical networks, comprehensive testing is considered to be carried out under the condition of normal and continuous operation under load of substation equipment for 72 hours, and for power lines - for 24 hours.

In thermal networks, comprehensive testing is considered to be carried out under the condition of normal and continuous operation of the equipment under load for 24 hours. nominal pressure provided in the launch complex.

For GTU prerequisite complex testing is, in addition, the successful implementation of 10, and for hydraulic units of hydroelectric power plants and pumped storage power plants - 3 automatic starts.

In the course of complex testing, the interlocks, signaling devices and remote control, protection and automatic regulation that do not require regime adjustment.

If complex testing cannot be carried out on the main fuel, or the nominal load and design parameters of steam (for gas turbines) for a thermal power plant, head and water flow for a hydroelectric power plant or load for a substation, power lines in joint or separate testing and coolant parameters for thermal networks cannot be achieved for any reason not related to the failure to perform the work provided for by the launch complex, the decision to conduct a comprehensive test on reserve fuel, as well as the limiting parameters and loads, are accepted and established by the acceptance committee and are specified in the act of acceptance into operation of the launch complex.

1.2.8. To prepare the power facility (start-up complex) for presentation to the acceptance committee, a working committee should be appointed, which accepts the equipment according to the act after its individual tests for comprehensive testing. Since the signing of this act, the organization is responsible for the safety of the equipment.

1.2.9. Acceptance for operation of equipment, buildings and structures with defects, imperfections is not allowed.

After a comprehensive testing and elimination of identified defects and imperfections, an act of acceptance into operation of the equipment with related buildings and structures is drawn up. The duration of the period of development of serial equipment is set, during which necessary tests, commissioning and finishing work and ensured the operation of equipment with design indicators.

1.2.10. The organization must submit to the acceptance committee the documentation prepared by the working committee in the amount provided for by the current regulatory documents.

1.2.11. Completed detached buildings, structures and electrical devices, built-in or attached premises for production, auxiliary production and auxiliary purposes with equipment installed in them, control and communication facilities are accepted for operation by working commissions.

1.2.12. Experimental (experimental), pilot industrial power-technological installations are subject to acceptance into operation by the acceptance committee if they are prepared for conducting experiments or producing products provided for by the project.

1.3. Staff

1.3.1. Persons with a professional education are allowed to work at power facilities of the electric power industry, and persons with relevant work experience in the management of power plants are also allowed.

1.3.2. Persons who do not have the appropriate professional education or work experience, both newly hired and transferred to a new position, must undergo training in accordance with the form of training in force in the industry.

1.3.3. Employees of organizations engaged in work with harmful substances, dangerous and unfavorable production factors, in accordance with the established procedure, must undergo preliminary (when applying for a job) and periodic (during labor activity) medical examinations.

1.3.4. At power facilities, constant work should be carried out with the personnel, aimed at ensuring their readiness to perform professional functions and maintaining their qualifications.

Personnel training facilities should be equipped with training grounds, classrooms, workshops, laboratories, equipped technical means training and training, are staffed and have the opportunity to attract highly qualified specialists to teaching.

1.3.5. At each power facility, a technical library should be created, as well as the opportunity for personnel to use textbooks, teaching aids and other technical literature related to the profile of the organization, as well as regulatory and technical documents.

At each power facility, a safety cabinet and a technical cabinet should be created in accordance with the standard provisions.

1.3.6. In small power facilities where the creation of a material and technical training and production base is difficult, it is allowed to carry out work to improve the professional educational level of personnel under an agreement with another energy organization that has such a base.

The head of the power facility or an official from among the executives of the organization is responsible for working with personnel.

1.3.7. Admission to independent work newly hired employees or having a break in work for more than 6 months, depending on the category of personnel, are entitled to independent work after passing the necessary safety briefings, training (internships) and testing knowledge, duplicating the requirements of the rules for working with personnel.

1.3.8. In case of a break in work from 30 days to 6 months, the form of personnel training for admission to independent work is determined by the head of the organization or structural unit, taking into account the level vocational training employee, his work experience, job functions, etc. In this case, in any case, an unscheduled briefing on labor safety must be carried out.

1.4. Monitoring the efficiency of power plants, boiler houses and networks

1.4.1. At each thermal power plant with a capacity of 10 MW or more, hydroelectric power station with a capacity of 30 MW or more, in each boiler house with a heat output of 50 Gcal / h (209.5 GJ / h) and more, the energy characteristics of the equipment should be developed, establishing the dependence of the technical and economic indicators of its operation in absolute or relative terms from electrical and thermal loads. In addition, at a thermal power plant and in a district boiler house, graphs of the initial nominal specific fuel consumption for the supplied electrical and thermal energy, and at hydroelectric power plants - the normative specific water consumption for the supplied electrical energy.

The feasibility of developing characteristics for power plants and district boiler houses of lower capacity and heat output should be established by the power system.

The development, revision, coordination and approval of the energy characteristics of equipment and schedules of specific fuel or water consumption must be carried out in accordance with the current regulations and guidelines.

1.4.2. The energy characteristics must reflect the actually achievable efficiency of the operation of the mastered equipment when the provisions of these Rules are complied with.

1.4.3. The energy characteristics of heat networks should be compiled according to the following indicators: network water losses, heat loss, specific average hourly consumption of network water per unit of calculated connected heat load of consumers, temperature difference of network water in supply and return pipelines (or temperature of network water in return pipelines), specific consumption electricity for transport and distribution of thermal energy.

The development, revision, harmonization and approval of the energy characteristics of heat networks should be carried out in accordance with the current regulations and guidelines.

1.4.4. For electrical network the normalized indicator is the technological consumption of electricity for its transport.

1.4.5. In terms of volume, form and content, the energy characteristics must comply with the requirements of the current regulatory and methodological documents.

1.4.6. In power systems, at power plants, in boiler houses, electric and heat networks, in order to improve the final result of the work, the following should be carried out:

Compliance with the required accuracy of measurements of energy consumption and technological parameters;

Accounting (shift, daily, monthly, annual) according to the established forms of equipment operation indicators, based on the indications of instrumentation and information-measuring systems;

Analysis of technical and economic indicators to assess the condition of equipment, its operating modes, fuel saving reserves, the effectiveness of ongoing organizational and technical measures;

Consideration (at least once a month) with the personnel of the results of the shift, workshop, structural unit of the power system in order to determine the reasons for the deviation actual values parameters and indicators from those determined by energy characteristics, identifying shortcomings in work and eliminating them, getting acquainted with the work experience of the best shifts and individual employees;

Development and implementation of measures to improve the reliability and efficiency of equipment operation, reduce wasteful costs and losses of fuel and energy resources.

1.4.7. All power stations, boiler houses, electric and heat networks are subject to energy supervision by a specially authorized bodies responsible for monitoring the efficiency of the use of fuel and energy resources.

1.4.8. Organizations operating power stations, boiler houses, electric and heat networks must be subject to energy audits in accordance with the current legislation on energy saving. Energy audits of organizations operating energy facilities, producing, converting, transmitting and distributing electrical and thermal energy, must be carried out by authorized bodies of state control and supervision, as well as organizations duly accredited.

1.5. Technical control. Technical and technological supervision

for the organization of operation of power facilities

1.5.1. At each power facility, constant and periodic monitoring (inspections, technical examinations, surveys) should be organized technical condition power plants (equipment, buildings and structures), authorized persons for their condition and safe operation persons, as well as personnel for technical and technological supervision were appointed and their official functions were approved.

All power facilities engaged in the production, transformation, transmission and distribution of electrical and thermal energy are subject to departmental technical and technological supervision by specially authorized bodies.

1.5.2. All technological systems, equipment, buildings and structures, including hydraulic structures that are part of the power facility, must be subject to periodic technical examination.

The technical examination of technological schemes and electrical equipment is carried out after the expiration of the service life established by the regulatory and technical documentation, and during each examination, depending on the condition of the equipment, the period for the subsequent examination is scheduled. Heat engineering - on time in accordance with the current regulatory and technical documents. Buildings and structures - in time in accordance with the current regulatory and technical documents, but at least 1 time in 5 years.

The technical examination is carried out by the commission of the power facility, headed by the technical manager of the power facility or his deputy. The committee includes managers and specialists structural divisions power facility, representatives of power system services, specialists specialized organizations and bodies of state control and supervision.

tasks technical certification are the assessment of the state, as well as the determination of the measures necessary to ensure installed resource power plants.

The scope of periodic technical inspection based on the current regulatory and technical documents should include: external and internal inspection, inspection technical documentation, tests for compliance with the safety conditions of equipment, buildings and structures ( hydraulic tests, setting safety valves, testing of safety devices, lifting mechanisms, ground loops, etc.).

Simultaneously with the technical examination, the fulfillment of the instructions of the state control and supervision bodies and the measures outlined as a result of the investigation of violations of the operation of the power facility and accidents during its maintenance, as well as the measures developed during the previous technical examination, should be carried out.

The results of the technical examination must be recorded in technical certificate power facility.

The operation of power plants with emergency defects identified in the process, as well as with violations of the terms of technical examination, is not allowed.

Based on the results of the technical examination of buildings and structures, the need for technical survey. The main task of the technical inspection of buildings and structures is the timely detection of accident-prone defects and damage and the adoption of technical solutions to restore reliable and safe operation.

1.5.3. Continuous monitoring of the technical condition of the equipment is carried out by the operational and operational and repair personnel of the power facility.

The scope of control is established in accordance with the provisions of regulatory documents.

The control procedure is established by local production and job descriptions.

1.5.4. Periodic inspections of equipment, buildings and structures are carried out by persons who control their safe operation.

The frequency of inspections is established by the technical manager of the power facility. The results of inspections should be recorded in a special journal.

1.5.5. Persons controlling the condition and safe operation of equipment, buildings and structures ensure compliance with specifications during the operation of power facilities, recording their condition, investigating and recording failures in the operation of power plants and their elements, maintaining maintenance and repair documentation.

1.5.6. Employees of power facilities who carry out technical and technological supervision of the operation of equipment, buildings and structures of a power facility must:

Organize the investigation of violations in the operation of equipment and facilities;

Keep records of technological violations in the operation of equipment;

Monitor the status and maintenance of technical documentation;

Keep records of the implementation of preventive emergency and fire prevention measures;

Participate in the organization of work with personnel.

1.5.7. Power systems and other organizations of the electric power industry must carry out:

Systematic control over the organization of operation of power facilities;

Periodic monitoring of the condition of equipment, buildings and structures of power facilities;

Periodic technical examinations;

Monitoring compliance with established technical standards timing of medium and major repairs;

Control over the implementation of measures and provisions of regulatory administrative documents;

Control and organization of investigation of the causes of fires and technological violations at power facilities;

Assessment of the sufficiency of the preventive and preventive measures on production safety issues;

Control over the development and implementation of measures to prevent fires and accidents at power facilities and ensure the readiness of power facilities for their liquidation;

Control over the implementation of the instructions of the authorized bodies of departmental technical and technological supervision;

Accounting for violations, including at facilities controlled by state control and supervision bodies;

Accounting for the implementation of emergency and fire prevention measures at facilities controlled by state control and supervision bodies;

Revision of technical conditions for the manufacture and supply of equipment for power plants;

Transfer of information about technological violations and incidents to state control and supervision bodies.

1.5.8. The main tasks of departmental technical and technological supervision bodies should be:

Compliance monitoring established requirements on maintenance and repair;

Control over the implementation of rules and instructions for safe and economical mode of operation;

Organization, control and operational analysis of the results of the investigation of the causes of fires and technological disturbances in the operation of power plants, networks and power systems;

Control over the development and implementation of measures to prevent fires, accidents and other technological disturbances in the operation of power equipment and improve operation;

Generalization of the practice of applying regulatory measures aimed at the safe conduct of work and reliable operation of equipment during the construction and use of power plants, and organizing the development of proposals for their improvement;

Organization of the development and maintenance of regulatory and technical documents on industrial and fire safety and labor protection.

Registration number 4799

"On approval of the Rules for the technical operation of power plants and networks of the Russian Federation"

I order:

Approve the attached Rules for the technical operation of power plants and networks of the Russian Federation.

Minister I.Kh. Yusufov



Mandatory for thermal power plants operating on fossil fuels, hydroelectric power plants, electric and heat networks of the Russian Federation

and for organizations performing work in relation to these objects


The rules for the technical operation of power plants and networks of the Russian Federation have been revised and supplemented on the basis of newly issued legislative acts and regulatory and technical documents, taking into account the operating experience of equipment, industrial buildings and communications. Changes in the structure of administrative and economic management, as well as forms of ownership in the energy sector are taken into account.

The Rules set out the main organizational and technical requirements for the operation of energy facilities, the steady implementation of which will ensure the economic, reliable and well-coordinated operation of all parts of energy systems.

The requirements for the design, construction, installation, repair and arrangement of power plants and their equipping with control, automation and protection means are set out in these Rules briefly, since they are considered in other regulatory and technical documents.

All current regulatory and technical documents must be brought into line with this edition of the Rules.

Please send suggestions and comments on this edition of the Rules to the address: 103074, Moscow, Kitaygorodsky pr., 7. Gosenergonadzor of the Ministry of Energy of Russia.

1. Organization of operation

1.1. Basic provisions and tasks

1.1.1. These Rules apply to thermal power plants operating on fossil fuels, hydroelectric power plants, electric and heat networks of the Russian Federation, and to organizations performing work in relation to these facilities.

1.1.2. At each power facility, the boundaries and functions for servicing equipment, buildings, structures and communications between production units (workshops, sections, laboratories, etc.) should be distributed, as well as the job functions of the personnel.

1.1.3. Safe operation of equipment, buildings and structures is ensured by the provisions of instructions and other normative and technical documents.

1.1.4. Each employee of the industry, within the limits of his functions, must ensure that the device and operation of equipment, buildings and structures of power plants and networks comply with safety and fire safety regulations.

1.1.5. The main task of power plants, boiler houses, electrical and heat networks is the production, transformation, distribution and supply of electrical energy and heat to consumers (hereinafter referred to as energy production).

1.1.6. The main technological link in energy production is the energy system, which is a combination of power plants, boiler houses, electrical and thermal networks (hereinafter referred to as power facilities), connected by a common mode of operation and having a centralized operational dispatch control.

1.1.7. Employees of power facilities are obliged to:

maintain the quality of the supplied energy - the normalized frequency and voltage of the electric current, pressure and temperature of the coolant;

observe operational and dispatching discipline;

ensure maximum efficiency and reliability of energy production;

observe the rules of industrial and fire safety during the operation of equipment and structures;

comply with labor protection rules;

reduce the harmful effects of production on people and the environment;

ensure the uniformity of measurements in the production, transmission and distribution of energy;

use the achievements of scientific and technological progress in order to increase efficiency, reliability and safety, improve the ecology of the power facility and the environment.

1.1.8. At each power facility, the functions and boundaries for servicing equipment, buildings, structures and communications should be distributed between structural subdivisions.

1.1.9. Power systems should carry out:

development of production to meet the needs for electricity and heat;

efficient operation of power plants and networks by reducing production costs, increasing the efficiency of using the capacity of installed equipment, implementing measures to save energy and use secondary energy resources;

improving the reliability and safety of equipment, buildings, structures, devices, control systems, communications;

renewal of fixed production assets through technical re-equipment and reconstruction of power plants and networks, modernization of equipment;

introduction and development of new equipment, technology of operation and repair, effective and safe methods of organizing production and labor;

advanced training of personnel, dissemination of advanced production methods.

Organizations engaged in the design, adjustment, operation of power facilities associated with increased industrial hazard must have permits (licenses) issued in the prescribed manner.

1.1.10. Supervision of the technical condition and implementation of measures to ensure the safe maintenance of equipment and structures, the rational and efficient use of fuel and energy resources is carried out by state control and supervision bodies.

Registration number 4799

"On approval of the Rules for the technical operation of power plants and networks of the Russian Federation"

I order:

Approve the attached Rules for the technical operation of power plants and networks of the Russian Federation.

Minister I.Kh. Yusufov



Mandatory for thermal power plants operating on fossil fuels, hydroelectric power plants, electric and heat networks of the Russian Federation

and for organizations performing work in relation to these objects


The rules for the technical operation of power plants and networks of the Russian Federation have been revised and supplemented on the basis of newly issued legislative acts and regulatory and technical documents, taking into account the operating experience of equipment, industrial buildings and communications. Changes in the structure of administrative and economic management, as well as forms of ownership in the energy sector are taken into account.

The Rules set out the main organizational and technical requirements for the operation of energy facilities, the steady implementation of which will ensure the economic, reliable and well-coordinated operation of all parts of energy systems.

The requirements for the design, construction, installation, repair and arrangement of power plants and their equipping with control, automation and protection means are set out in these Rules briefly, since they are considered in other regulatory and technical documents.

All current regulatory and technical documents must be brought into line with this edition of the Rules.

Please send suggestions and comments on this edition of the Rules to the address: 103074, Moscow, Kitaygorodsky pr., 7. Gosenergonadzor of the Ministry of Energy of Russia.

1. Organization of operation

1.1. Basic provisions and tasks

1.1.1. These Rules apply to thermal power plants operating on fossil fuels, hydroelectric power plants, electric and heat networks of the Russian Federation, and to organizations performing work in relation to these facilities.

1.1.2. At each power facility, the boundaries and functions for servicing equipment, buildings, structures and communications between production units (workshops, sections, laboratories, etc.) should be distributed, as well as the job functions of the personnel.

1.1.3. Safe operation of equipment, buildings and structures is ensured by the provisions of instructions and other normative and technical documents.

1.1.4. Each employee of the industry, within the limits of his functions, must ensure that the device and operation of equipment, buildings and structures of power plants and networks comply with safety and fire safety regulations.

1.1.5. The main task of power plants, boiler houses, electrical and heat networks is the production, transformation, distribution and supply of electrical energy and heat to consumers (hereinafter referred to as energy production).

1.1.6. The main technological link in energy production is the energy system, which is a combination of power plants, boiler houses, electrical and thermal networks (hereinafter referred to as power facilities), connected by a common mode of operation and having a centralized operational dispatch control.

1.1.7. Employees of power facilities are obliged to:

maintain the quality of the supplied energy - the normalized frequency and voltage of the electric current, pressure and temperature of the coolant;

observe operational and dispatching discipline;

ensure maximum efficiency and reliability of energy production;

observe the rules of industrial and fire safety during the operation of equipment and structures;

comply with labor protection rules;

reduce the harmful effects of production on people and the environment;

ensure the uniformity of measurements in the production, transmission and distribution of energy;

use the achievements of scientific and technological progress in order to increase efficiency, reliability and safety, improve the ecology of the power facility and the environment.

1.1.8. At each power facility, the functions and boundaries for servicing equipment, buildings, structures and communications should be distributed between structural subdivisions.

1.1.9. Power systems should carry out:

development of production to meet the needs for electricity and heat;

efficient operation of power plants and networks by reducing production costs, increasing the efficiency of using the capacity of installed equipment, implementing measures to save energy and use secondary energy resources;

improving the reliability and safety of equipment, buildings, structures, devices, control systems, communications;

renewal of fixed production assets through technical re-equipment and reconstruction of power plants and networks, modernization of equipment;

introduction and development of new equipment, technology of operation and repair, effective and safe methods of organizing production and labor;

advanced training of personnel, dissemination of advanced production methods.

Organizations engaged in the design, adjustment, operation of power facilities associated with increased industrial hazard must have permits (licenses) issued in the prescribed manner.

1.1.10. Supervision of the technical condition and implementation of measures to ensure the safe maintenance of equipment and structures, the rational and efficient use of fuel and energy resources is carried out by state control and supervision bodies.