Laminate service life: how to increase, technical features and characteristics of the main classes. How to choose a laminate: tips and mistakes How many years has a laminate in an apartment

Laminate - strong and durable flooring, which has a service life of 15-30 years. But even despite this, you need to properly care for him and prevent "overloads". Otherwise, the duration of its operation will be significantly reduced, and aesthetic qualities will suffer first of all.

8 ways that really "prolong the life" of the laminate:

  1. Promptly remove water from the surface. Most manufacturers claim that their products are moisture resistant. But in fact, by moisture resistance, they may simply mean the ability of a laminate to withstand a “puddle” that appears on the surface for several minutes. And what will happen then - and so it is clear. Therefore, you accidentally spilled some liquid on the floor - remove it as soon as possible and wipe the surface dry;
  2. Use furniture protection. No, you do not need to buy covers and other accessories. But it is highly desirable to stick small rubber or plastic pads on the legs of chairs, tables and other furniture. In this case, with minor movements, the laminate will be relatively protected from scratches;
  3. Do not move furniture alone. This is especially true for heavy and large cabinets, chests of drawers, etc. It is almost impossible to move them alone without damaging the floor covering. Since the weight of such furniture is large, and the bottom surface is usually poorly processed, scratches and scuffs can quickly appear on the coating. And it will be especially offensive if you bought Laminate Kaiser a well-known German manufacturer, and instead of 25 years, it will last 10 or 15;
  4. Carpets are not a relic of the past. They can be used to protect particularly "loaded" areas, for example, in the hallway. Carpets will protect the surface of the laminate from excessive load, and walking on such a floor will become much more pleasant;
  5. Maintain optimal humidity. For laminate, this figure varies in the range of 35-65%. If the humidity is too high, over time the material may deform, as moisture will penetrate deep into. Yes, to maintain optimal humidity desirable to have a good climatic equipment, but if it is not there, at least take care of ventilation and ventilate the room;
  6. Take care of the animals. Trim their nails regularly as they are extremely sharp. And even the most durable laminate over time, it will be covered with scratches if your pets walk around the apartment “fully armed”;
  7. Use special cleaning products. And refuse to use abrasives (soda, hard sponges, brushes, etc.). Special funds floor care products are generally neutral and therefore do not have a detrimental effect on the protective coating and interlocks. In addition, with their help, pollution can be removed much faster and easier. But the main rule remains the same - avoid wet cleaning, and wipe the surface dry after cleaning, otherwise water may seep deep into the material. Yes, and stains will appear on the laminate, which will not add aesthetics to it;
  8. Trust installation only to professionals. Quality coatings pretty easy to mount. So, the German Kaiser laminate has lock connections, with the help of which the laying is carried out with minimal effort. But, despite this, styling is best left to professionals. At least because you will save a lot of time and nerves. In addition, in the absence of experience, the strips can be damaged during installation, and if you bought the material “back to back”, then you will have to re-order.

Why is everything so difficult?

In fact, there is no coating that would remain as durable and aesthetically pleasing as possible. difficult conditions operation with virtually no maintenance. Even industrial polished concrete floors require some maintenance.

And if you want to simplify your task - choose only high quality laminate high class. It is more resistant to external influences, so you can take care of it less often. And even if your house has children, pets and many guests, it will withstand the load and will remain just as beautiful for many years.

Everyone can easily and quickly choose the right laminated coating for specific room. Laminate flooring goes through many tests before it goes on the market for soundproofing, protection against scratches and damage, resistance to water, light and abrasion. Before buying, you need to find out the quality and service life of the laminate.

The main types of coverage

Laminate class 33 is one of the most durable coatings. It can withstand water for hours. It is also important to note the good wear resistance of this material. Class 33 laminate flooring is commonly used for flooring in commercial buildings that are characterized by a high daily traffic of people ( shopping centers, hospitals).

Laminate of classes 31 and 32 is also used in commercial premises, but with less people traffic. It is best suited for office space, banquet halls. Such a coating can easily withstand prolonged contact with moisture, and it also exhibits resistance to scratches and abrasion.

Laminates of 32 and 33 classes may differ from 31 mainly additional decor- special chamfer or gloss on the surface.

Also, experts distinguish laminated coating of classes 21, 22, 23. Such types are usually used for houses and apartments. Class 21 laminate is considered the most unstable and low quality, it is used mainly in bedrooms, which are distinguished by their dryness and which family members rarely enter.

Over time, laminate flooring manufacturers have ceased to create models of such classes, as they are short-lived in operation, limited in use and are of low demand. Such a laminate was especially popular abroad and in Russia until the beginning of the 21st century, after which its popularity began to decline significantly.

Laminate 31 class

Class 31 laminated flooring is used in private houses and apartments, which are characterized by low and medium pressure on the floor. Some firms allow the use of such a coating in commercial premises, but note that the life of the laminate in this case will be significantly reduced.

The types of laminate produced under this class are known for their affordability, as well as great variety additional decoration. Experts advise using a special sound substrate when installing such a flooring or purchasing a laminate equipped with a sound insulation system in advance. best solution will purchase a cork backing.

Model Qualities

This class of laminate is best suited for bedrooms, children's rooms, hallways, small corridors office space with a low floor load. To the main distinctive features This type of coverage can include:

  • the presence of a locking connection on a mechanical basis;
  • the thinness of the boards (width does not exceed 8 mm);
  • when installed in a house, the operating time ranges from 10 to 12 years.

Laminated coating 32 class

The greatest demand for modern market falls precisely on the 32 class of the laminate. Floor coverings of this type are produced at almost all construction enterprises both in Russia and abroad. This class of coating is characterized by patterns on wood, Various types design, natural color.

In terms of its resistance to moisture, abrasion and wear resistance, class 32 laminate is much better than class 31, but its price is much higher. The main features of this coverage include:

  • the thickness of laminated boards ranges from 7 to 12 mm;
  • almost every laminate produced at the enterprise has a special non-slip surface, which helps to ensure the safety of all family members;
  • The service life of class 32 laminate reaches 15 years in residential buildings and up to 5 years in commercial premises.

This type will be good for use in a house or apartment with any floor load and daily traffic. It is allowed to lay it in corridors, dining rooms, kitchens. Also, experts do not prohibit the use of it when covering the floor in small shops, offices, hotel corridors with low foot traffic.

Features 33 class

Class 33 laminate flooring is allowed to be used freely in both residential and commercial premises. There are no restrictions on this coverage model. At the same time, it is important to note the rather high cost of the material, which is justified by it. good quality and corresponding characteristics:

  1. The thickness of the laminate panels can vary from 8 to 12 mm.
  2. Built-in reinforced mechanical lock system, which is particularly resistant to pressure from the side.
  3. Beautiful and detailed drawings can be seen on the surface of the floor. The coating has an imitation of natural wood and other Construction Materials.
  4. The large thickness of the panels ultimately creates good sound insulation and thermal insulation in the rooms. If earlier, to maintain heat in the room or eliminate unnecessary sounds, additional insulating materials, then after laying such a coating they will no longer be needed.
  5. Laminated boards are particularly resistant to water, so they can fit perfectly in any room (with a high humidity index). It is best to talk about this property of the selected laminate model with the store manager before buying.
  6. The service life of class 33 laminate can exceed 20 years for residential premises and 10-12 years for public places and establishments.

Increased usage time

Laminate is a flooring that needs regular and proper care. To increase the life of the laminate at home, it is important to choose special detergents, properly remove dirt from the floor surface and carry out regular cleaning.

It is important to protect the laminated coating from dust and pollution. To do this, it is best to use a dry cleaning method, which will help facilitate the task: a vacuum cleaner or a soft cloth will do.

Washing models of vacuum cleaners in this case will not work, as they can only damage the coating. When purchasing laminated boards, the seller must tell in detail how best to wash them and how to care for them.

Why is laminate flooring so popular? In terms of design, it has no equal in imitation of natural patterns and reliefs or stone. And with the consumer qualities of this flooring, many are familiar firsthand. It can be found in most new buildings with finished finish. Yes, and in the old housing stock there is an active replacement block parquet and modular parquet board for a more durable and practical material. However, in trading floor among a huge number of collections, it is not easy to choose several samples and determine which one is better. We tell you which laminate to choose for an apartment and what to look for.

Choosing a laminate floor for an apartment

What is a laminate?

Look at the plank diagram:

1 - transparent wear-resistant layer for protection;

2 - decorative layer, reproduces the pattern natural wood, stone or ceramic tiles;

3 - fiberboard base high density(HDF) is responsible for the stability of the bar, stability;

4 - stabilizing layer, prevents the deformation of the bar.

Where can you put

It's true versatile material. It can be laid in bedrooms, living rooms, nurseries, hallways and kitchens.

They also began to actively stack in, including seasonal residence. But this is risky, as the warranty will only cover finishes in residential areas with a constant temperature and slight fluctuations in humidity: from 30% in winter to 60% in summer.

Seasonal Vacation home most of the cold season is not heated, and, naturally, the floors in it either warm up or cool down. Such climatic cataclysms are not useful for finishing.

Today, the material can serve as original design walls. The slats are fixed directly to the base using silicone glue and studs (nails without a hat) or wooden crate. Of course, such lining should not be used near water sources, as kitchen apron or wall decoration in the bathroom.

What thickness of laminate to choose for an apartment? If heavy furniture and equipment will be installed in the room, it is better not to use a coating thinner than 10 mm, otherwise it will not withstand long static loads. However, if you plan to install slats on underfloor heating, choose thinner boards as they will conduct heat better.

3. Wrong shade

To make the room look harmonious and visually “do not fall apart” into separate parts, everything Decoration Materials must be kept in one color scheme- warm or cold, even if they are in contrasting shades, for example, a dark floor and light doors.

If you want to visually expand small room, use light cold colors in the decoration, and if you want to make a too large space more comfortable, choose warm colors.

4. Moisture-resistant laminate is confused with waterproof

Humidity is one of the main enemies of this material: if water enters the joint, the boards easily absorb it and swell, this causes irregularities and the decorative coating leaves. Manufacturers have taken this feature into account and offer waterproof options that can be laid in areas such as the kitchen and even the bathroom. If you decide on such an experiment, the main thing is not to confuse moisture and waterproof laminate.

What is the difference? Moisture-resistant is based on a fiberboard of great strength, it is treated with paraffin and other compounds that can protect the board from moisture only for a while. This coating will last various pollution and wet cleaning, and fungus. But if you do not immediately wipe the water from the surface, it will penetrate inside the joint, the finish will begin to deform and rise, as a result, the floor will become uneven. Moisture resistant laminate changes volume with temperature changes, therefore. But for a bathroom, sauna, balcony or veranda, it is no longer suitable.

Only the waterproof type can survive direct contact with water. It is able to withstand prolonged exposure to water, does not deform during temperature changes and practically does not wear out. All joints of the waterproof floor are treated with heated wax, and the surface is made non-slippery and given antistatic properties so that dust does not settle on it.

5. Ill-considered substrate savings

Another typical situation is when, when drawing up an estimate for repairs, they forget to include a substrate. As a result, you have to spend time on additional trips to the store. Or they take the cheapest one, if the entire budget was spent, and then they regret it very much. After all, a high-quality substrate not only levels concrete surface, but also provides additional noise and heat insulation, softens the shock load and extends the life of the floor covering up to 5 years.

A cheap substrate has a big, but not obvious minus - the smell. Certainly, unpleasant odor will fade, but this will not stop the substrate from highlighting chemical substances, which can be toxic and cause allergies. Therefore, we recommend not to save and choose options from natural materials, for example, cork or coniferous substrate.

Technical is not electrified, which means it does not attract dust, does not absorb odors, is hypoallergenic and contributes to the natural regulation of the internal climate in the room. Coniferous substrate is made of 100% natural materials - wood conifers tree. It significantly reduces "impact" noise, the room will become noticeably warmer due to the low thermal conductivity of the material. The density of the coniferous substrate is chosen in such a way as to smooth out small irregularities in the "rough" floor and protect the locks from excessive pressure.

The final elements include various heights, widths, configurations, as well as overlays for the inlets of the elements heating system and sills.

How to choose a quality laminate

  • Choose manufacturer's products with a guarantee.
  • Do not chase cheapness, because there are no too cheap and high-quality goods.
  • Pay attention to the connection type. There is a so-called "click", when the lamellas are connected with the help of locks, and "lok" - when the elements seem to be driven into each other. The first, of course, is more convenient.
  • Don't buy a product with a strong scent.
  • Manufacturers offer a variety of colors and textures. There are also types with a pattern, when a pattern or marks are applied to the top layer. The choice is yours, but one-stop solution- This is an imitation of a wooden surface.


As for the price range, it is very wide: from 288 rubles/m² to 2940 rubles/m². And the natural desire of the buyer to minimize material costs is understandable. Some manufacturers are drawing attention to this. They save on top quality protective coating or HDF-bases. But all this negatively affects the consumer qualities of the floor and, accordingly, its service life.

How to care

To ensure that after a few years the floor looks the same as on the first day after installation, it must be properly looked after. We hope everyone already knows about the rugs in the hallway and the felt pads on the legs of the furniture. It is advisable for owners of mobile chairs to replace hard rollers with soft rubber ones.

The floor of the laminate planks with chamfers is first cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, then a wet cleaning is carried out, and then wiped with microfiber.

Ordinary slightly damp cloth. Make sure the fabric is damp, not wet.

Specialized cleaners are usually added to a bucket of clean water in the amount indicated on the package. Then they wipe the floor with a cloth moistened with this solution and well wrung out. To remove stubborn stains, use a small amount of undiluted cleaner or leave it for several minutes on heavily soiled areas. After cleaning, it is important to check for marks and streaks, as poorly removed cleaners attract dirt. Cleaning compositions based on have the same effect. They cannot penetrate deep into the coating and form a film on the surface. They do not need to be used for cleaning.

Water protection

Weakness laminate - moisture-sensitive locking joints of the slats. If water often gets on the floor and, even worse, stagnates, then, gradually penetrating through the ends into the main plate, it can cause deformation. Because of this, it is advised to coat the upper parts of the interlock with a sealant. For example, compositions of polyurethane or silicone resins in an organic solvent or more environmentally friendly wax. All of them effectively protect the flooring from negative impact water, but neutralize the important technological quality material - quick and easy installation.

Moisture-resistant laminate differs from the usual one only in the rate of moisture absorption due to the presence of water-repellent impregnations in the base, so you should not leave puddles on its surface either.

To defeat hydrophobia, some manufacturers increase the density of the base and reduce its absorbency, others add water-repellent impregnations to the base plate, and they all process the ends of the planks protective composition. Among such collections: Classic Aqua + (Egger), Sensation (Pergo), Impressive Ultra (Quick-Step).

Avoid the appearance and accumulation a large number water on the floor near the window sills flower pots and water taps.

Mistakes that will shorten the life of your laminate

It is important to strictly follow the laying technology. We pay attention to typical situations. They can significantly reduce the life of the floor and do not apply to warranty cases:

  • laying material without acclimatization in the room for 48 hours;
  • laying on a screed with a moisture content of more than 2.5%;
  • laying on an uneven base with height differences of more than 2 mm over a length of 1 m;
  • lack of waterproofing film and substrate;
  • lack of small gaps around the perimeter of the room (8-10 mm) and along the line doorway;
  • use of film electric warm floors(infrared heating mats). If the laminate is laid on, then a vapor barrier must be used. It is laid under the substrate. During operation of the heating system, the temperature on the surface of the floor covering should not exceed 27–28 ˚C.

By the way, when moving, a characteristic clattering sound is often heard. This is evidence that between top coat and the base has a small gap. It works as a kind of resonator, amplifying the sounds of heel strikes and causing irritation to the inhabitants of the apartment, and especially to the neighbors below.

It is not difficult to level the undesirable effect. Put in between decorative coating and the base substrate, which will act as a shock absorber and effectively dampen impact noise. Moreover, the underlayment will increase the "thermal comfort" on the floor surface and smooth out minor unevenness of the base, if they do not exceed 2 mm in a section 2 m long. Otherwise, the floor base must be pre-leveled.

Do not use too thick substrates: 4–5 mm. Then, when walking on the floor, installing heavy furniture, the planks will strongly bend and create an additional load on interlock connection. As a consequence, the locks can be damaged in the worst case. Too thin substrates (less than 2 mm) will not provide acoustic comfort. Experts believe optimal thickness from 2 to 3 mm.

Laminate is always laid on the floor in a floating manner so that it is free to expand and return to its original state with changes in temperature and humidity. Small gaps (5–8 mm) are left along the perimeter of the room near walls, steps, pipes, etc., as well as along the line of the doorway. They are necessary for the natural movement of the coating. It is impossible to attach the planks to the base with nails, screws, glue. This can cause creaking, gaps between separate elements or, conversely, their warpage.

The word "laminate" refers to a specific flooring that is installed on the floor, which consists of a high-density wood-fiber platform.

The upper layer of the laminate is a decorative wear-resistant protective film.

Each laminate board is made up of four horizontal nyh layers:

  1. The bottom layer is a stabilizing substrate. It has a protective function against deformation of the board, sometimes it also provides sound insulation.
  2. The main body or carrier layer. It is this element of the laminate that consists of a heavy-duty wood-fiber platform. This layer performs the most important functions: fastening, noise and heat insulating.
  3. Decorative. This layer, visible to the eye, performs an aesthetic function.
  4. Interlayer of melamine or acrylic resin. This is the most top element. Its function is to protect the laminate from damage and impact. And what is the lifespan of this material? Let's understand what it depends on.

Classes wear resistance

The division of laminate into wear resistance classes is rather conditional, since in different countries these categories correspond to completely different indicators. However, exactly from the correctness of the chosen class laminate board will depend on the service life of the coating.

Main classes laminate according to EN13329 (European scale):

  • 31 or AC3 - laminate flooring for applicationat home;
  • 32 or AC4 - for a house with an increased load or commercial premises with a low load;
  • 33 or AC5-AC6 - durable coating for commercial premises increased level loads;
  • 34 - laminate flooring for industrial or sports complexes. Very durable coating, but this class is not officially registered.

The wear resistance index of the laminate on the AC scale or the so-called "laminate turnovers" is determined by a special taber test. Its essence lies in the fact that the abrasive head rotates on the surface of the laminate, thereby deforming it. But the result for the same type of laminate coating can be different, depending on the grit size of the abrasive head.

Estimated service life of laminate flooring:

  • AC3 - from 3 years;
  • AC4 - from 5 years;
  • AC5-AC6 - from 6 years.

With proper care and a correctly calculated load, these terms can be safely multiplied by 2-3 times. For example, an AC5-AC6 laminate laid at home with light loads will last almost forever. The only negative when choosing this category will be its cost.

In addition to wear resistance, you need to make sure that the selected laminate will also have all the moisture-resistant characteristics for a particular room.

Good to know: An important role in the service life of the laminate is played by the country of manufacture and the manufacturer.

Before buying coverage, you should ask about the reputation of the supplier and consumer reviews. This will help save time and money.

Giving preference to German or Swedish production, you can count on 10-15 years of coating service, with a declared warranty of 5 years. If you stop at the Polish or French laminate, then the service life will be about 5-7 years with a 5-year warranty.

Categories of warranties

Categories of warranties from manufacturers for laminate flooring:

  • by wear resistance (how many years you can not expect abrasions on the surface);
  • impact sun rays(how long the pattern will last on the surface of the laminate without changing its color);
  • chemical and thermal effects (the period for which its strength is calculated).

It should be remembered: warranty periods exploitation laminate board are calculated in accordance with its correct styling and subject to all technological nuances declared by the manufacturer.

Laminate flooring must only be laid on a previously prepared and leveled subfloor. The maximum allowable difference by 2 running meters laminate board is 1 mm.

Over time, at the joints of the laminate board plates, scuffs will be noticeable, small gaps may appear and the fastening locks will wear out.

Note: laminate becomes noticeably less resistant to deformation over time - this means that 5-7 years after its laying, under the same loads, it will deteriorate much faster.

Significantly reduced time exploitation laminate board under regular impact loads (heels, hard soles, sharp corners various items).

Watch the video in which experts advise which is better to lay a laminate at home:

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Laminate, operating conditions in unheated room. Is it possible to lay laminate flooring in an unheated room?


Laminate, operating conditions in an unheated room. Is it possible to lay laminate flooring in an unheated room?

Very often people ask one seemingly simple question: is it possible to lay? There are a lot of forums where this issue is put up for general discussion. Someone says "no", someone writes "yes". Each of them has their own experience, and some of them can boast and talk about . As a result, the answer suggests one - is it all a matter of chance? We will not make hasty conclusions, we will deal with everything in order.

Often, unheated room is a balcony or loggia, small country house where you want to create coziness and comfort. Before putting a good laminate on the floor, we are tormented by doubts, we ask for advice: how to do right choice. After all, each of us wants not to make a mistake.

Laminate base - HDF

So what does success depend on? Of course - from the quality and reliability of the brand. At the same time, it is not only about quality, but about its basis. It is HDF, its composition and structure that affects the quality of the laminate. It is made in two ways, either take chopped wood (dust), or grind wood fibers on their own, then glue and put pressure on them. It should be noted that in the second case, the plate is more stable to fluctuations in temperature and humidity. In addition to the composition of HDF, the type of wood itself also plays a role in its stability in an unheated room. There are those breeds that are highly susceptible to changes, while others are less pliable. And as the final key - HDF impregnation (its composition, intensity) is responsible for counteracting moisture. There is one point, often the manufacturer does not bring such information to the buyer.

What to do if you get such important information I can't, but I still want to make a bed. Usually in production cheap laminate use cheap material. But also the most expensive laminate does not mean 100% guaranteed. Each laminate manufacturer always stipulates the operating conditions of the laminate. And the price of a laminate will not depend only on the quality of HDF.

Someone chooses an option, find out about a certain brand of laminate on the forums, how it behaves in extreme conditions and then make the final choice.

Proper installation of laminate flooring

But let's consider another option. What are the conditions for laying laminate flooring? The surface must be even and dry. Evenness can be achieved even with an elementary self-leveling floor. What about moisture, you ask. This is where laminate flooring comes in handy. Our the main task- protect the laminate from moisture. Minimum - lay the usual polyethylene film- this is not an option. This will require something more: waterproofing film, plus the use of good thermal insulation. It will not be superfluous to use impregnation for seams and a special sealant.

To increase the vapor barrier on the floor, you can first lay plywood board, and only then lay the laminate on it. In addition, do not forget about laminate thickness, so an indicator of 7-8 mm indicates that such a panel will be less susceptible to deformation in the autumn-winter period.

And one more nuance - compliance with the conditions for laying the laminate: in rooms with high humidity(including in unheated rooms), in addition to the use of vapor barrier, the laminate should be laid in a floating way, leaving large gaps between the laminate and the wall.

Main operating conditions of the laminate in an unheated room is compliance temperature regime. Remember, laminate is not just afraid of humidity and critical temperature, but their sharp fluctuations. You can not come to a cold country house and quickly melt a fireplace or stove. No high-quality floor covering can withstand a sharp jump.

When deciding to lay, choose a laminate from branded collections that have already proven themselves on the market. In addition, it will not be superfluous to choose a brand of laminate with increased moisture resistance. Give preference , for example, from manufacturers: Witex, Quick-Step, Floor Step, etc. For more detailed information, you can contact our consultants.

conclusions. Is it possible to lay? It is possible, but only if all the rules for its operation are observed.

Biggest range of laminate can only be found on the pages of our online store

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Collection Quick Step Serie Eligna- this is a great opportunity to create your own comfort. The product has been developed based on the most modern technologies. The highlight of this series are its decors. Belgian brand manufacturers Quick Step (Quick Step) were able to create the most believable illusion of natural wood flooring. Laminate is absolutely environmentally friendly. It is based on HDF board hard rock. In the processing of the slats, there are harmless compounds that give the coating wear resistance.

Creating a finished sophisticated interior for any room depends largely on the flooring used. His dignified appearance high quality and durability are especially valued among most people. And to create cozy children's rooms, the flooring must also have an environmentally friendly and safe.

Today, many well-known companies use several popular methods for applying a pattern to a laminate. Each of them is good in itself, but more recently appeared completely new technology decoration - direct laminate printing. The common name is DPR - Direct Print. Let's take a look at its features and benefits.

Modern laminate represents composite structure, imitating natural wood or other materials, which is used for flooring in residential and office space. Knowledgeable experts divide this flooring into several conditional classes that differ in quality, durability and design.

Laminate construction - Laminate floors are quite popular today. They are attractive in their appearance, affordable price and durability. Modern manufacturing companies create a wide variety of decors that imitate natural materials(wood, stone, pebbles, sand, marble) and abstract patterns. There are also solid colors. We recommend that you take a look at the photo gallery of our branded laminate floors. This material is successfully used in domestic and commercial interiors.

The wide popularity of the laminate is due to the fact that it is in no way inferior in beauty to natural wooden floors. Thanks to the use of innovative technologies, the coloring of the laminate perfectly accurately conveys the pattern, structure, color of natural materials.