Austrian curtains - distinctive features and design ideas for using this type of curtains (108 photos). Austrian curtains to order Austrian curtains in specific rooms

A lush Austrian curtain can perfectly fit into the interior of the kitchen. We picked up interesting photos with curtains from different fabrics - simple and textured. Consider how to sew such an accessory with your own hands. The material is presented in the form of detailed step-by-step instructions.

Choice of fabric and design

More recently, Austrian curtains were used exclusively in rooms of a restrained classical style. However, now their use has expanded significantly: more and more often they decorate kitchen windows. They are not only beautiful, but also comfortable, because their height can be adjusted. Of course, you can order tailoring of curtains in the workshop, but it is much more pleasant to do it yourself. What's more, it's easy.

Austrian blinds, in fact, are a kind of Roman curtains, consisting of separate parts and having a lush lower edge with scallops. Such curtains make out:

  • ruffles;
  • shuttlecocks;
  • fringe;

  • braid;
  • lace;
  • brushes and other elements.

The height is adjustable with cords threaded into the rings. It is convenient to use a special curtain band for Roman curtains. The fabric from which you plan to sew must necessarily drape well. Heavy, dense materials do not hold beautiful folds, often form creases. Therefore, light, translucent, non-wrinkling, soft fabrics will be most suitable. Classic recommendations:

  1. Organza.
  2. Polyester.
  3. Taffeta.
  4. Atlas.
  5. Chintz.
  6. Microveil.
  7. Silk.

Do not choose fabrics, the edge of which is heavily frayed. They will be very difficult to handle. The shade of the curtains should support the color scheme of the interior as a whole. A recent fashion trend when curtains are made from the same fabric that was used for other textile decor elements.

When choosing a fabric, you need to pay attention to the illumination: in a room with northern windows, it is better to avoid very dark shades. In the case of Austrian curtains, one should give preference to plain fabrics or material with a small pattern. Since a large ornament on such curtains will be partially hidden by drapery and will lose its attractiveness. An interesting effect can create vertical stripes.

Materials, tools, pattern preparation

Before you get started, you need to prepare a simple set of tools and materials for sewing. Would need:

  • Main fabric.
  • Curtain braid (preferably special for Roman and Austrian curtains).

  • Scissors.
  • Threads.
  • Needles, pins.
  • Iron.
  • Additional elements (cords, ribbons, brushes, etc.).

  • Weighting agents (if necessary).
  • Sewing machine.
  • Ruler, measuring tape.

The width of the curtain web should be equal to the size of the cornice plus an allowance for side folds. The length can be different, depending on the desired result. The standard recommendation for Austrian curtains is to multiply the height of the window opening by two. However, for the kitchen, it is better not to make many lush folds due to the complexity of care and the need for frequent washing.

It is enough to increase the height of the window by 0.5 - 1 m, and you will get the optimal length of the canvas for the curtains. When calculating, it is important not to forget the increase for the formation of the pommel and for the hem of the bottom.

Advice. It is better to leave a lower allowance for bending about 12-15 cm. This will create a small margin of fabric necessary so that even when unfolded, the curtains remain slightly gathered at the bottom. In addition, such an allowance will allow leveling the possible mistakes of an inexperienced seamstress.

The product pattern is a rectangle divided into strips for laying curtain tape. They usually leave 30-50 cm between them, as shown in the photo. The easiest way is to buy lace for Roman blinds in a specialized store. It is a ribbon with rings already threaded through it. But if necessary, it can be replaced with a narrow curtain braid with sewn rings of a suitable diameter.

Sewing steps

Let's consider the creation of a simple version of Austrian curtains, without a second layer of purl, darts and other complicating details.

  • We cut off a piece of fabric of the required size, be sure to steam it first. This is necessary so that possible shrinkage after the first wash does not spoil the look of the curtain.
  • Next, you need to mark with chalk the places for laying the curtain tape to get folds. For this we use a pattern made in advance or, if there is some sewing experience, we apply markings immediately to the canvas.

  • Then we cut off the side fold. Its value depends on the type of fabric chosen. As a rule, 3 cm is left on a dense material, 2 cm is enough on a thin and weightless material.
  • With a basting seam, manually sew the ribbons of the ribbon into place. Those of them that are located at the edges are sewn as close as possible to the hem.
  • We iron everything with an iron and only then attach the braid to the curtains.

Important! The upper part of the Austrian curtain is flat, it does not drape or fold. Therefore, it is not always necessary to sew on the assembly tape along the entire length. This is necessary if you plan to frequently change the position of the curtain or purchase a special lifting mechanism or clamps.

  • The next step is to make the top of the product. To do this, 5 cm are folded onto the wrong side of the fabric and a seam is laid on a sewing machine with threads exactly to match the fabric.
  • We sew the curtain tape for the top (the width of the standard tape is 6 cm) on the front side along the seam made earlier.
  • Turning the tape inside out, attach it again. After the manipulations, only one even and neat seam will be visible from the front side.
  • After each line laid on a typewriter, be sure to iron it well with an iron. Only after such a heat treatment will the product have a neat appearance, without twisting or gathering with unnecessary folds.

It remains only to draw the bottom edge at your discretion. Depending on the idea, you can sew any decorative elements. Then the curtain braid is carefully tightened, achieving the desired density of folds, and the cords are fixed. Curtains with weights hang more evenly, look aesthetically pleasing. Such weights are sewn at the bottom of each assembly tape.

Making Austrian curtains with your own hands may require effort, patience and accuracy. But as a result, the craftswoman will receive a completely exclusive product, made exclusively to her taste and needs. A room with such curtains will reflect the features of the bright personality of its hostess.

Austrian curtains: video

Austrian curtains in the interior: photo

Austrian curtains- This is a combination of two popular types of curtains in one form, namely: French and. From the French curtains, the Austrian ones took the pomp and sweetness, and from the Roman ones - a laconic mechanism and a rise in the horizontal plane.

Austrian curtains in the straightened position look like a solid and even canvas, when the curtains are raised along their lower edge, slightly draped assemblies or lush arc folds (scallops) are formed. It should be noted that these folds in the curtains occur only when they are lifted and pulled together with heavy cords decorated with luxurious tassels, while French curtains have folds along the entire length of the curtains and in the straightened state. In addition, if you want the curtain to cover the entire window, and lush, luxurious scallops remain along its lower edge, then you should choose a length below the windowsill.

History of occurrence Austrian curtains

Austrian curtains appeared in the 18th century, and at that time they were called scalloped. Such curtains were distinguished by luxury and splendor, due to the fact that they were sewn from woolen or cotton fabric. These curtains came into fashion at the Austrian court, which was famous for its pomp. Since such curtains were first made for aristocratic dwelling decorations They didn't go out of fashion. Since the end of the 19th century, it has become fashionable to hang Austrian curtains in doorways. By the way, since the 18th century, the design of these curtains suggests that they are almost never made of completely transparent fabrics. Most often, they decorated windows, which most of the time were closed with shutters. Today, Austrian curtains are used in various interiors when it is required to emphasize their exclusivity and chic.

control mechanism

Austrian curtains are mounted on a rail cornice. In order to give the curtains the desired shape is used special cord system passed inside the web through loops or rings. These cords are also attached to the eaves. The Austrian curtain is controlled by a chain mechanism with self-braking, with which there is no need to touch the canvas with your hands, you just need to scroll the chain down and stop the curtain at the desired window level. In addition to their practical function, the cords also carry a decorative load. Thanks to the cords, a finished look of the entire composition of the Austrian curtain is achieved.

Fabric for Austrian curtains

Almost any fabric is used for Austrian curtains, but fabrics of light and translucent textures with pastel shades are most often in demand. It should be noted that Austrian curtains made of fabrics will look most impressive. having a shiny surface - polyester, rayon, taffeta, organza, cambric, veil. In general, the type of curtains largely depends on the type of fabric used in their manufacture. Thus, if the curtain is made of moire, dense silk or satin, then their folds will be deeper and clearer, and elegant tassels are hung under vertical assemblies to highlight the splendor of the scallops. If the Austrian curtain is made of hard chintz, then during assembly it forms wide folds. We recommend using lighter and thinner types of fabric than those used, for example, for . Also, you can easily refuse a lining, because Austrian curtains in a modern interior are often used not for their intended purpose - protection from daylight, but rather as a decorative element to emphasize the style of the interior and the status of the owner of the house.


Installation methods Austrian curtains

The Austrian curtain is installed on the window sash or on the whole opening, fastened to the aluminum cornice with Velcro tape. Very often, the Austrian curtain can be seen not only separately, but also in combination with lambrequins (at the bottom of the curtain), curtains (on the sides of the curtain) and lining (under the Austrian curtain). Curtains can be installed inside the window opening, like Roman blinds, or outside, like curtains.

The most suitable rooms and styles for Austrian curtains

The classic design of curtains involves warm pastel colors, visually large window openings (that is, curtains are used in large rooms) - it is in such rooms that they can fully reveal their potential and give comfort and luxurious nobility to the interior. Typically these rooms are living room, dining room and bedroom . Such curtains look very advantageous with beautiful lighting: a lot of folds allow the light to play on them and draw very interesting patterns. The soft smooth lines of the curtains soothe and create an atmosphere of comfort in the room.

Despite the fact that many design textbooks praise the versatility of these curtains and their relevance in interiors of any style, in our opinion, Austrian curtains will look most appropriate in traditional interiors or in interiors in style or provided natural fabrics with bright floral patterns are used. like the picture below:

Photos of interiors with Austrian curtains:

The modern approach to the design of window openings with curtains is replete with a variety of models for every taste and budget. Among other options, Austrian curtains are especially popular with many buyers. What they are, where they are appropriate and what are the nuances of fitting them into the interior, we will find out together further.

Design features

Austrian curtains are curtains that originate from the 18th century, when they were invented to decorate windows closed with shutters. These are lifting panels of fabric, which are distinguished by the mechanism of lifting cords, as well as a small consumption of textiles.

In fact, they combine two types of curtains: Roman and French. From the French, they borrowed the splendor and volume of the folds, and from the Roman ones - a simple and convenient lifting mechanism.

When the curtains are in the straightened state, they are no different from ordinary rectangular panels. In this case, as a rule, one curtain is more often used on one wall. When they are raised, the rectangular panel turns into a frill of festoons. For the installation of such curtains, a rail cornice is used.

The shape of the scallops is formed by ropes passed inside the fabric through special loops. These cords are also attached to the eaves. The panel is controlled by a chain. It is pulled when windows need to be opened. Cords are the main working element of curtains, since it is their tension that determines the size of the scallops and the degree of their collection.

Style and material

By themselves, Austrian curtains cannot be called universal. Due to their shape, they gravitate towards the classical trends in interior design, which are characterized by the presence of elements of palace solemnity. No wonder such curtains have long adorned the palaces and residences of the nobility. They are still used today in such areas as classics, neoclassics, classicism. They can also decorate some ethnic interiors (for example, Italian and English styles).

However, they often fit into modern trends with difficulty, since not every modern trend needs a deliberate demonstration of luxury and the status of the owner of the house.

Of course, they will be a ridiculous spot in the design of a loft or grunge, avant-garde or minimalism.

But they can be beaten in the Arabic style, Venetian and Greek. At the same time, it is worth considering the relevance of the lining, as well as the possibility of combining it with tulle or lambrequin.

To fit them into the interior of specific rooms, you have to beat the design due to the material of manufacture. For example, a light veil or other translucent material makes the initially massive design softer. For this reason, in most cases, such products are made from light and almost weightless materials, which, in addition to the veil, include rayon and organza. Products made from silk have deep and distinct folds, in contrast to the folded veil. Chintz analogs are distinguished by a larger width of folds.

Where are they appropriate?

It should be clearly understood that these curtains, regardless of the material of manufacture, give away pomposity and always attract attention. When decorating windows with them, it is important to consider: they will not look equally good in rooms of different purposes. The opinion that they are harmonious in offices is erroneous. The office is not a place for such decor, and even the office of a male leader (such curtains give off a feminine touch).

If we talk about the rooms of an apartment or a country house, such curtains are quite suitable for decorating the living room. However, so that they do not weigh down the interior composition, they should not be repeated in the design of the doorway leading to the hall.

We must not forget about the possibility of the material to visually introduce discomfort into the perception of space. The abundance of satin or denser fabric, and even with a pattern, can spoil the design of the key room of the home.

Austrian curtains are appropriate on the windows of spacious rooms with high ceilings. With a lack of footage, they will look bulky and ugly. If you really want to hang Austrian curtains on the walls, then you should take a model made of thin fabric, which, when assembled, will give smaller and neater scallops. It is also important to pay attention to the fact that the curtains do not have any other massive decor.

If desired, you can combine such curtains with a veil in the bedroom. However, in this room, one should not forget that both the curtains themselves and their additions were made of thin fabrics. Otherwise, the bedroom may periodically resemble a theater building with massive curtains inherent in it. If you thoroughly approach the design, you can decorate the kitchen windows with Austrian curtains. However, in this case, they will not always have additional panels on the sides, which depends on the layout of a particular room.

If we talk about unusual, but possible use cases, we can not fail to note the bay window. It is here that curtains made of thin fabric, assembled into scallops, will look beautiful. But then again, if at the same time the bay window, and the room itself is spacious. When space is sorely lacking, it is better to replace this decor with roller blinds or panels on the grommets.

Such models look great on different ledges of the layout. For example, if you try, they can fit into the protruding space of a room with a window and a podium occupied by a sofa and built-in niches for various books that promote relaxation.

So that at the same time the design of the curtains does not look massive, it is worth limiting the number of scallops, using light fabric and not gathering it too tight.

Colors and patterns

The colors of Austrian curtains are varied. More often they are performed in light colors of the palette, because this is how they look elegant and do not scream about themselves. This allows you to make the color spots of the interior evenly spaced over the entire area of ​​​​the room. When the curtains are bright, you have to beat their color with accessories, the tone of furniture upholstery or even wallpaper patterns.

As for the most popular tones, today they are shades of pastel colors.(beige, cream, cream, peach, milk, lilac, blue and others). Popular and light green, as well as pistachio color. Of course, the curtains can be pink, but only in the girl's room. In general, they try to choose the tones of products in such a way that they are liked by all households.

White curtains are also in the spotlight, although they cannot be called practical. For kitchens, you can use textiles with prints on a light background. For example, unpretentious floral motifs of gray and terracotta on a white background, green pattern, contrasts of gray and light brown on a creamy base look good. The main rule of colorful curtains of the Austrian type is the dimness of the tones of the pattern, as well as their medium-sized size.

However, according to experts, it is better to give preference to monophonic models due to the already complex shape of the curtains. For example, it is these products that are harmonious in the design of bedrooms, living rooms, an office and a home library.

If you want to decorate a room with a design with a pattern, you can use materials with a combination of just two, not sharply contrasting tones of the color palette.

Tricks of choice

When ordering or buying ready-made curtains, it is worth considering such a nuance as fastening with Velcro. This is due to the design features of the curtains. Of the two types, it is the rod that is the more reliable mount, which will not suffer from either accidental sharp tension or the weight of the fabric, even if it is heavy. In addition, it is important to think over the design of the upper edge of the Austrian curtains.

For example, today a rigid textile lambrequin, fastened on both sides of the window, is in high demand. It looks more aesthetically pleasing than a wide frill, besides it gives completeness to extraordinary curtains. In order for the product to look like a single whole, the fabric of the panels and the lambrequin must be identical. This design option is appropriate in cases where the cornice is not hidden by the design of the ceiling structure.

When choosing, it is important to pay attention to textiles, its practicality in washing and durability. Knitted fabrics are not suitable for sewing these curtains, as they will sag, and in a free state they can also be deformed.

If in a particular room it is planned to hang curtains on separate and narrow windows, you can reduce the number of scallops to a minimum than combine all the windows of one wall with a single panel with scallops.

This technique can also be used when decorating a faceted bay window. For example, you can get by with one festoon for each window, hanging a separate canvas on it. Outwardly, such a design will not have massiveness: on the contrary, it will look not only easy, but also stylish. It is in this case that it is good to buy or sew Austrian curtains made of natural fabrics on your own. When the bay window has a rounded shape, it is easier to hang a single panel on its windows, forming aesthetic figured curtains from it.

Austrian curtains in the interior of the kitchen are very relevant for any design trends. After all, they combine both lush French and lifting Roman curtains, which is very important for modern people who love comfort and simplicity.

Austrian curtains

Austrian curtains are fabric hanging on a special cornice with a lifting mechanism. In the lowered and raised form, lush folds are formed along the lower edge of the Austrian, or as they are also called scallops. These curtains adopted this motif from elegant French curtains, only slightly simplified it. A modern lifting cornice allows you to adjust the level of curtains using cords threaded into rings on the canvas. Often the upper or lower part of the Austrian is decorated with fringe, lace, ruffles.

We select Austrian curtains for your kitchen

Austrian curtains are very relevant and easy to use in any interior, and they can also be combined with elongated classic curtains. When making a choice in favor of elegant curtains, their advantages should be taken into account.

  • Firstly, they take up little space, which means they are suitable even for the smallest kitchenette.
  • Secondly, the consumption of fabric for sewing Austrians is much less than for classic ones.
  • Thirdly, when the window in the kitchen is located near the table or hob, the Viennese curtains will not interfere, as they are easy to raise and then lower.
  • Fourthly, such elegant curtains will transform your kitchen and give it a presentable look.

What fabric to choose

For kitchen Austrians, it is very important that the fabric drapes easily, does not get very dirty and is just as easy to wash. For Viennese blinds, the best materials are voile, cotton, linen, chintz. These fabrics are best able to convey all the charm and tenderness of the Austrian image.

It is better to be careful about choosing a color for curtains, because the overall perception of the kitchen will depend on it. If the window is near the cooking area, then it is better to leave too light shades for another occasion, although the curtains have a lifting mechanism, splashes from a boiling pot can get on the snow-white curtain.

For Austrian kitchen curtains, it is better to give preference to plain fabrics; for small kitchens, you should not choose too bright colors, as they will fill the entire space. Large patterns are also not appropriate for compact Viennese curtains, but a small floral pattern, polka dot, stripe or cage will come in handy.

Austrians for different styles

Although we have already said that Austrian curtains are universal and suitable for almost all styles, but for the most part this is a privilege for romantic decorations such as classic, Provence, sea coast style.

Provence is light natural fabrics of light colors. A small floral pattern, a narrow strip and a check will all be in the theme of a romantic French style. And frills, lace and ribbons will add even more charm to Austrian blinds.

Classic Austrian curtains will look elegant if they are sewn from a light silk fabric, you can use an elegant fringe or ruffle along the bottom edge, and then the severity of the classic kitchen decoration will look more mundane and mysterious.

Sea style
To add a touch of nautical style to your urban kitchen and imagine yourself on vacation, just hang stylish Austrian curtains with a nautical theme. For this direction, the characters of the color are white, blue, turquoise, brown. A classic option is white Austrians with blue stripes.

Ever since the Austrian curtains first appeared in the mansions and palaces of the Austrian elite in the 18th century, and up to our time, interest in them has not faded. And if earlier only dukes and counts could afford to have such luxury at home, then over time the situation has changed, and today you can meet them in almost any room. Moreover, sewing Austrian curtains is not so difficult, and you can even cope with this task on your own.

A bit of history

This type of window decoration appeared as a result of the merger of two types of curtains that were popular at that time - French and Roman. From the first, the "Austrian" inherited lush folds in the lower part of the canvas, from the second - the lifting mechanism. Thus, the Austrian curtains did not look as pompous as the awnings fashionable in the 18th century, but at the same time they were quite noticeable and representative so that they could decorate the windows in the houses of the Viennese aristocrats. Initially, this type of curtain was called scalloped because of the scalloped folds formed during the rise.

Character traits

The Austrian curtain is a rectangular piece of fabric, to the wrong side of which special rings are sewn. They are attached to the fabric along vertical lines, the distance between which is selected in accordance with the size of the window. Then special strong and thin cords are passed into the rings, which will lift the curtains.

When lifted, the cords tighten the fabric, causing the fabric to gather into folds. Usually, when unfolded, the curtain becomes completely flat.