Instructions for laying massive boards. Massive board laying technology: methods and types of fastening. Laying solid board on plywood

O An obvious fact is that flooring with small parquet slabs will take much more time than laying a massive board from a layer of wood. Why, for hundreds of years, builders could not replace a dozen small planks with one large one? It is unlikely that carpenters did not know how to lay a massive board, because the construction of wide products by gluing individual boards was done back in Ancient Greece.

Let's try to figure out why a massive board as a floor covering has only recently been used, what it is and, finally, how to lay a massive board with your own hands.



What is a solid board

This elite type of flooring, as well as possible, illustrates the statement that than easier material, the more complex and expensive the technology for its mass production.

A massive board is simply a plate of hard wood, which has groove-thorn milling along the edges, which allows many such plates to be tightly connected into a single coating. Laying a massive board with your own hands is no more difficult than laying or.

The complexity of manufacturing lies in the fact that, firstly, the board must be hard enough to resist abrasion and mechanical stress. Secondly, to keep a form at fluctuations of temperature and humidity. Thirdly, to have an attractive appearance, and, finally, laying a massive board should be within the power of even an ordinary carpenter.

Achieve this:

  • special form. To relieve internal stresses, a board with bottom side has longitudinal cuts - "breathing".
  • Treatment of wood with varnish, oil or oil-wax mastics, which increase its mechanical resistance. It is equally important that such processing shows the natural texture of wood.
  • A special drying technology that does not create internal stresses in the tree, thanks to which it is even possible to lay a massive board on.

Massive board with "breathing"

To improve the aesthetic qualities of floors made of this material, it is subjected to additional decorative processing.

The board is lightened or vice versa, tinted, covered with special ones that do not hide the natural pattern, artificially aged. Their surfaces are treated with steel brushes (brushing), sharpening, sandblasting, etc. give a different texture. And the manufacture of boards various lengths allows you to type various geometric patterns by laying a massive board.

Laying a massive board on a warm floor

Together with a warm floor, a massive board is rarely used, because due to its considerable thickness, it is a good heat insulator.

Solid boards are durable and durable materials as floor covering. Outwardly, they look like parquet, but this is where their similarity ends with it. The main difference is in the structure. Solid wood boards are based on natural wood. Due to this, the material is characterized by high performance and presentable appearance.

Products made of solid wood are laid exclusively on last step repair work. It is recommended to carry out their installation after the preparation of the subfloor, the installation of windows with doors and the puttying of the walls. It is necessary that before starting installation work primer, putty on the walls and plaster on the ceiling are thoroughly dry.

When installing the material, it is important to observe a certain level of humidity in the room. Its optimal value is no more than 60%. The installation process of products depends on the basis on which they are placed. The technology of laying a massive board has its own nuances.

Product characteristics and rules for its selection

Massive boards are made with grooves and ridges at the edges. Due to this, the products are tightly joined. There is a chamfer on the outer side of solid boards. For this reason, after laying a massive board, there are small distances between the joints. These areas are filled when various damages to the material appear.

The strength of the material is due to the fact that inside boards have transverse notches and cuts of the longitudinal type. Thanks to them, the material experiences minimal stress, and the tension of its fibers is reduced. The minimum length of the products is 50 cm, and the maximum is 3 m. The width of a massive board can be from 12 to 20 cm.

Several types of wood are used as the basis for the array. The place of origin of wood does not greatly affect the technology of laying the material on the floor. Greater value has the type of room where the boards are supposed to be placed, and their color. When choosing massive boards, the moisture content of the wood from which they are made is of decisive importance.

The optimal value is considered to be humidity of 9%. Maximum permissible value is 12%. A too wet product dries quickly after installation, as a result of which gaps appear between the boards, and the joints between them turn out to be fragile.

Varieties of material

For the manufacture of massive boards use wood:

  • European;
  • exotic;
  • domestic.

European wood is represented by larch, alder, beech, ash. These are light breeds. From exotic species apply sucupira, hevea, elm. Oak floor products are highly durable.

oak properties

Its resistance to deformation is higher than that of beech. Oak, together with ash, are excellent as coverings for hallways and corridors, where there is a constant load on the floor. Oak massive boards withstand temperature changes and humidity changes well.

  • campas;
  • kerangi;
  • kamshe;
  • guarea;
  • yarra;
  • tompling.

Light breeds do not tolerate high humidity, and products made from pears and cherries with cherries are considered the most problematic in operation. Boards made of such wood need constant monitoring of indoor humidity.

There are several methods by which an array is stacked:

  • on a screed made of concrete or a mixture of cement and concrete;
  • on plywood;
  • on an existing wood floor.

The first option is used most often. Installation of boards is carried out using glue that withstands action high temperatures. The method of laying on a screed made of concrete or a mixture of cement and concrete is suitable for those cases where a heating system is to be installed on the future floor.

Before installation, it is required to check the quality of the screed for damage. Special attention must be paid to the level of moisture content of concrete. Normal humidity is not more than 6%. If it is exceeded, then it will be necessary to cover the concrete with a waterproofing film.

How to mount on plywood?

Laying a massive board on plywood has its own characteristics. Humidity of the plywood base should be no more than 10%. Before installation, plywood sheets are cut into squares or rectangles measuring 50 by 70 cm.

The sheets are fixed on a concrete base with glue, additionally providing a snug fit due to dowels. The edges plywood sheets are fixed with a pneumatic gun with hairpins 30 cm long.

The laid plywood tiles are thoroughly cleaned and sanded. Massive boards laid on such a base do not need grinding. What matters is the state of the screed and the tightness of the plywood sheets to the base.

An uncleaned screed and poorly fixed plywood sheets lead to a violation of the integrity of the floor and a discoloration of the massive material.

The array is also attached to an existing wooden floor. It is important that the old coating does not have cracks and deflections. Before installation, you will need to check the floor for strength, clean it with a grinder.

Especially carefully it is necessary to remove the old varnish coating, if any. After cleaning the surface of the old base, you can proceed to laying the array. It is laid in the same direction as the old base.

Laying solid oak planks

Other ways of laying a wooden array

In addition to those indicated, apply alternative ways laying wooden arrays:

  • floating method;
  • on an adhesive backing;
  • on the lags.

If floating laying of solid boards is used, then it is necessary to control the base and boards. They must be separated from each other. Fasteners are carried out at the expense of dies of massive boards. It is important that the massive material is not connected to the main coating. With proper observance of technology, the floor will withstand serious loads and changes in humidity.

The floating method is ideal for underfloor heating installations. As fasteners for such a floor, it is recommended to use special self-tapping screws with an additional protective coating preventing the development of corrosion.

The option of mounting on an adhesive backing is considered a new method.

Adhesive backing will help in the installation of a wooden array

It gained popularity due to the appearance of elastinol. This is a one-sided adhesive backing that prevents the array from swelling too much. It has a number of other benefits:

  • has good sound insulation;
  • ensures the invisibility of the junction of arrays;
  • does not require the use of brackets and glue when mounting;
  • ensures the preservation of heat in the room.

Installation of the substrate is not difficult. On a pre-prepared concrete base, lay the substrate with its adhesive side to the plates. Then stacked wooden arrays.

Working with lags

Mounting arrays on logs is considered a convenient way when it is required to make the floor layer even in a short time. Logs are actively used in the reconstruction of buildings, as well as in the creation of podiums in apartments and offices. To do this, use logs from the bars. A polyethylene-based waterproofing coating is placed under the logs. Penofol is also used as waterproofing.

The installation of the base takes place according to the scheme:

  • parallel laying of lags at opposite walls;
  • thread tension with an interval of 1.4 m;
  • fixing lags along the threads;
  • filling the areas between the lags with insulation;
  • a wood-fiber cloth is laid out on top of the log;
  • on top of the canvas layer, a massive parquet board is laid.

General installation rules

The solid wood floor board is laid according to a certain technology, including the procedure:

  • thorough drying of the floor base;
  • making plywood flooring standard sizes with high resistance to moisture and strength;
  • laying sheets with a small gap on the base with their obligatory fixing with self-tapping screws with dowels (glue plywood if necessary);
  • sanding of plywood to be laid with a special machine;
  • cleaning plywood from dirt and dust;
  • laying the array, starting from the wall, with a small gap of 7 mm;
  • laying the first rows of solid boards without glue with markings to simplify further installation;
  • use as an adhesive composition for an array of exclusively anhydrous two-component adhesive;
  • use when applying glue to the base of a conventional and notched trowel;
  • having laid massive boards, it is necessary to fix them with screws, for which a pneumatic stapler is used.

After completing the work, you will need to wait until the floor dries.

Currently, it is one of the most popular and sought-after natural wood flooring. Such an increased interest is quite understandable: solid wood floors are reliable, durable, beautiful and prestigious. However, a massive floor will show its remarkable properties only if:

    there is a board decent quality;

    related materials are correctly selected;

    the laying technology is strictly observed.

In this article, we will focus on the last two points.

Solid board mounting technology

For assembly, in the vast majority of cases, the technology of rigid fastening of the floor covering to the base is used. This method of laying has a number of advantages: it provides a high degree of reliability and comfort, guarantees the durability and strength of the structure, makes it possible quality repair and renovation of the parquet floor.

Method of rigid attachment to the base involves gluing each individual board to a previously prepared surface of the subfloor. In this case, the board should be pressed as tightly as possible to the base for the time of complete drying of the adhesive composition. To ensure that this condition is met, the board is usually fixed to the base with self-tapping screws or the clamping force of a heavy load installed on top of the floor covering is used. The specificity of the method lies not only in the observance of all mandatory requirements laying technology, but also in the knowledge of the properties and characteristics of the materials used. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Method specifics

To begin with, we note the main feature of the solid wood floor: wood is a living material that is sensitive to changing environmental conditions. Knowing that wood can change its properties, and understanding cause-and-effect relationships, can reduce errors to zero in the process of laying and operating a massive board.

1. Optimal conditions for work

Before starting laying, be sure to take care of creating favorable working conditions.

    Laying solid boards should be carried out after all wet work has been completed. Otherwise, it can greatly affect the humidity in the room, which in turn will lead to deformation of the floor.

    The room in which parquet work will be carried out must be well lit.

2. The choice of materials for laying massive boards

Make a list of the tools and materials needed for the job.

    Moisture resistant plywood thickness 15-20mm is best material for use as a base on which a massive board is attached with glue and self-tapping screws: it perfectly retains self-tapping screws, stabilizes the “parquet pie” structure well and improves the thermal insulation of the floor.

    Natural cork 2-4mm thick can be pasted for additional sound insulation, and also as a bottom leveling layer.

    Primer necessary to improve adhesion (adhesion of surfaces) when gluing various types floor bases with a layer of plywood, cork or solid board.

    Glue for mounting a solid board - one of the most important components of the quality of the "parquet pie". The durability of the finished parquet floor directly depends on the choice.

    self-tapping screws are used for guaranteed clamping of the board to the plywood in the process of gluing it to the base. The choice of shape, size and number of screws depends on the specific purpose of their use.

    Silicone sealant intended to be filled expansion joint between the parquet floor and the walls in the room. The sealant will protect the ends of the plywood and boards from moisture penetration and prevent possible deformation parquet.

    Materials for finishing parquet (lacquer, oil) may be needed to apply a protective surface layer if the board does not have a factory finish.

    Care products used for professional cleaning and additional protection board surface.

    Set of tools. For laying a massive board you will need the following tools: saw, hammer, sharp knife, marking square, drill, screwdriver, chisel, spatula, tape measure, pencil, wooden pad, expansion wedges, mounting paw.

3. Preparation of the base for laying solid boards

Before proceeding with the installation of the board, check the quality of the prepared base.

    Solid wood parquet flooring is a multi-layer structure. The basis of the "parquet pie" can be a concrete floor, a screed, a wooden subfloor or a log system.

    Regardless of the type of substrate used, it must be level, dry, solid and clean.

    The evenness of the base is checked over the entire area of ​​the forthcoming laying, using a rule of at least 2 meters in length. The gap between the base and the rule should not exceed 2-3 mm over a length of 2000 mm. If necessary, the base must be leveled in accordance with the specified requirements.

    As an additional soundproofing layer, it is recommended to use natural cork with a thickness of 2-4 mm.

    The ideal base for gluing a massive board is a layer of moisture-resistant plywood comparable to the thickness of the board. The plywood must also be securely attached to the wood or concrete base with glue and self-tapping screws.

    If additional fastening with self-tapping screws is not possible, only two-component polyurethane adhesive and plywood sheets with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bnot more than 0.25 m2 each should be used. The surface of the plywood must be sanded, and the plywood itself must be laid in compliance with the technological gap 5 mm wide between the sheets.

    All layers of the "parquet cake" must be firmly glued to each other.

    It is unacceptable to use heated floors as a base!

4. Scheme of the layout of the massive board

A pre-drawn plan for your future floor will help to avoid unnecessary corrections in the course of work - think over the layout of the board in detail, or rather draw it on a piece of paper. Try to adhere to the following rules.

    Decide on the choice of the direction of the layout of the board in each room. Usually the board is laid in the direction of the falling into the room daylight. In rooms with an elongated shape, it is recommended to lay a massive board in longitudinal direction(material waste will be 3-5%). In difficult rooms geometric shape you can lay the board diagonally (material waste will be 7-10%).

    As a rule, a solid board is sold in a set of lengths; in other words, the package will contain boards of different lengths. When laying this, be sure to take this into account: use short boards at the beginning or end of the row, in places under furniture and in utility rooms.

5. Step-by-step instruction for laying a solid board on a finished base

Whom to entrust the work?

Now you know everything about the massive floor assembly technology. But do not rush to put new knowledge into practice - the first steps in any business rarely lead to perfect results. You should not turn your own house into a field for experiments, it is much more reliable to entrust the laying of massive boards to professional parquet floorers. And the knowledge gained with our help is best used to assess the level of professionalism of the master and control his work.

Choosing a performer for laying a massive board,

    look for a specialist with a narrow focus: parquet master;

    check his qualifications: work experience, certificates of completion of professional courses and seminars, recommendations, reviews and portfolio of objects;

    make sure the master has necessary tools and equipment;

    read the text of the contract and the contractor's warranty obligations.

Of course, it is best to look for craftsmen in a large parquet company. Ideally, in the same salon where the massive board was purchased. By ordering parquet from one company, you will entrust it with all responsibility for the quality of parquet floors.


Installation of natural wood flooring is a time-consuming and responsible process that requires special knowledge and professional skills. Succeed in it difficult task the tips below will help.

    Start parquet work last, after finishing all wet work.

    Carefully study the description of the massive floor assembly technology.

    Use only high-quality and really necessary materials for laying. Follow the recommendations of the manufacturers of the materials used.

    Check the subfloor for compliance with the recommended requirements.

    Consider board layout options in each room.

    Entrust the execution of work and choice related materials professionals from a reputable parquet company.

    When hiring a specialist, always conclude a contract.

Solid wood is one of the most durable flooring materials. Outwardly, it resembles parquet board, but differs from it in structure, because entirely made of solid wood. Such a coating is much more practical and durable: it is more resistant to environmental influences and withstands more loads and polishing.

Installation of parquet boards is carried out at the final stage of finishing work. In order for everything to go smoothly, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the features of the material, as well as choose a laying method depending on temperature regime and room humidity.

Material characteristic

The massive board is made with small ridges and grooves at the edges, which allows you to tightly and quickly join the floorboards. The width of solid wood boards is 12-20 cm, and the length varies from 50 cm to 3 m. The array has a chamfer with outside. Therefore, after installation, a tiny gap remains between the joints. In the event of various kinds of deformations, the distance between the board is filled without distorting the floor covering. The back side has longitudinal cuts and small transverse notches, which reduces the load on the board and reduces the tension of the fibers, thereby preventing their destruction.

Mounting the array requires a rigid, durable and even, and most importantly, a completely dry base. So, the humidity of the screed should not be more than 6%, and concrete floors - 4%.

In order to avoid accidental damage, all assembly, construction and Finishing work: installation of ventilation and heating system, wall cladding, installation of window blocks.

How to choose a massive board?

For the manufacture of solid wood boards, wood of both exotic, foreign, and domestic species is often used. Both of them are equally suitable for styling wooden floors. Therefore, when choosing wood, its color and place of operation play an important role, rather than the environment where the tree grows. From European species, light ones include: alder, ash, walnut, larch, hornbeam and beech. Of the exotic - hevea, mersava, meranti, siam, elm, sucupira. Among the pink breeds are suri, cherry, sweet cherry, and also a pear. Their wood is considered the most capricious. It requires constant monitoring of humidity: it is not recommended to “overdry” a board made of most light wood species by heating, but it is also impossible to install it in a room with a high percentage of humidity.

If you need to install the flooring in a room with strong temperature and humidity changes, then you should opt for species whose wood contains a large amount of oils. For example, oak, lapacho, merbau, kumaru, etc. Representatives of red-brown tones: iroko, kamshe, dussie, afromosia, guarea, merbau, yarra, campas, belian, tompling, as well as kerangi. rosewood, vente, bog oak traditionally used for the manufacture of dark massive boards.

Consideration should be given to the stability of wood, its reaction to the effects of atmospheric changes. So, the resistance to deformation in oak is greater than that of beech. The choice of breed also depends on which of the rooms the coating will be located in.

For the corridor, hall and hallway, in which the load on the fibers of the array increases, it is advisable to install hard domestic species (oak, teak, ash, etc.) and exotic wood. For guest rooms and bedrooms can be used solid wood any breed.

Preparing solid wood for laying

5-7 days before installation, the array is unpacked for acclimatization in the room where it is planned to lay. In order to ensure air circulation, you need to lay the product on a stand. The humidity of the plates should not exceed 5-12%. Then the wood will not change shape after laying.

Solid wood laying technology

Laying solid wood resembles installing laminate. The array is fixed with self-tapping screws to any of the bases from the side of the spike.

The floorboards must be carefully docked with wedges. A gap of 7-10 mm is usually left between the wall and the array.

Laying the first row of coating is carried out with a groove to the wall. Fastening with self-tapping screws is carried out along the front part and is covered with a plinth.

The installation of a wide board is carried out from the front side, and the place where the self-tapping screw is deepened is masked with a cork to match the wood pattern. The massive board is laid in the direction of sunlight - perpendicular to the window opening.

Ways of laying a massive board

Substrate preparation is also the key to a successful installation. There are several types of base for wood massif. Installation is carried out on reinforced concrete floors (on a screed and plywood substrate, screed and logs), on wooden floors ( chipboard, plywood and logs), in a floating way (on self-tapping screws, staples) or on an adhesive backing.

Solid board layingon concrete or cement-sand screed

The installation of an array of wood is carried out on a finishing screed using a special glue that is resistant to temperature changes, which makes its use safe enough for fixing on flooring with heating.

Before laying the screed must be checked for strength and ensure that there is no damage. To determine the degree of humidity of the base in its different shares, several holes are created with a perforator. Humidity up to 6% is considered normal. If the percentage of humidity is slightly higher, take care of waterproofing the concrete with a film.

Laying massive parquet boardson plywood

In the conditions of our climate, the array is more often laid on plywood base with additional waterproofing.

First, plywood is cut into 50 × 70 rectangles or 50 × 50 cm squares. Next, the sheets are laid on mastic or glue, and then fixed with dowels. At the same time, 5-6 dowels go to each cut. The moisture content of the plywood base should not exceed 10%.

After laying the plywood, proceed to the installation of the array. To fix the dies, it is better to use a two-component adhesive. Every 25-30 cm, lateral fastening is carried out with pneumatic pins. The finished floor covering is cleaned and lightly sanded. A solid floor board, which is laid correctly, does not require careful grinding.

If the installation is carried out in violation of technology - the screed is dirty or the base has not dried properly, the plywood sheets are displaced, then later this can lead not only to deformation of the floor, but also to a change in the color of the fibers.

Installation of a massive board on an existing wooden covering

Before starting work, you need to make sure that the old foundation is strong and only then prepare it. A belt sander equipped with an abrasive belt sands the surface of an existing wood base for maximum leveling and removing excess layers of paint or varnish. After that, the wooden coating is thoroughly cleaned.

The solid wood is mounted in the same direction as the old base. The already existing flooring is lined with plywood sheets, and then they begin to grind the plywood rough layer.

Laying a solid board in a floating way

The installation of the “floating cover” is carried out in such a way that the array is fixed separately, i.e. without connecting to the base. The connection is made between the array plates themselves. Such a coating is able to withstand large mechanical loads and changes in humidity precisely due to the fact that it is not associated with a subfloor. This method is suitable for arranging underfloor heating.

Fluctuations in climatic conditions can lead to certain changes in the size of the boards. To minimize deformation, self-tapping screws with a protective anti-corrosion layer are used as fasteners.

Laying boards on staples

The method of mounting on brackets refers to the so-called "floating". Approximately 50% cheaper such laying of a massive board. The price of services is formed taking into account the cost of materials and time for execution, which allows you to save a lot.

This type of installation has a number of other advantages:

  • ease of installation;
  • environmental friendliness (impregnation, primer and glue are not used during the laying process);
  • installation speed;
  • with the use of brackets, the resistance of the array to impacts increases;
  • the possibility of local or large-scale repairs without a complete replacement of the coating;
  • reducing the risk of deformation due to the fact that the array is laid separately, not fixed to the main floor covering.

Professional laying of a massive board with fasteners on aluminum brackets with silicone compensators guarantees a strong connection of the dies at the ends. This design can be mounted with your own hands on any flat surface.

Laying the board on the logs

Traditionally, installation on logs is carried out during the reconstruction of premises, and if necessary, level the flooring in as soon as possible without use cement mixtures. To compensate for the height of the floor, when creating small podiums in studio living rooms or commercial premises, logs from a bar are also used as a basis.

Before assembling a log structure, the floor must be waterproofed with penofol or polyethylene.

The logs are laid out parallel to each other at opposite walls and the threads are pulled at an interval of 1.5 m. The logs are installed along each thread. It is advisable to fill the space between the lags with insulation. Further, fiberboard sheets are mounted on the base of the log, then the wood massif is laid.

Mounting on an adhesive backing

This installation method has become even more accessible with the advent of elastinol - a one-sided adhesive substrate with thermal and noise insulation properties. The joints of the array are practically not noticeable, because The adhesive provides excellent adhesion. Laying with underlay significantly reduces the possibility of material swelling. The process takes place without the use of glue and staples. The labor-intensive construction of an additional foundation is also not required. The substrate is laid on the concrete base with the sticky side to the bowls, after which the solid wood is mounted.

Among the advantages of a massive board are its durability, low thermal conductivity, environmental friendliness of the material (does not contain chemical substances) and soundproofing properties. The service life of this material depends on care and is 100-120 years. At the same time, conifers can last much less. The reason lies in the properties of wood. Pine, for example, is less resistant to climatic and mechanical influences than other types of wood. Avoid excessive humidity in the room and solid wood flooring will serve you for a very long time.

Now laying a massive board is easier, faster and cheaper thanks to the emergence of a unique adhesive backing, which has thermal, moisture and noise insulation properties.

Adhesive surface provides good adhesion, and the elastic properties of the substrate do not allow the board to move.

The installation of the flooring itself is done without the use of glue, nails or staples, but requires special skills in laying on adhesive materials.

Advantages of laying on an adhesive backing:

  • Quick and relatively easy styling
  • No glue, plywood, nails
  • Savings on laying costs up to 3-5 times
  • Excellent thermal, moisture and sound insulation
  • Smoothes uneven ground
  • Elastic properties do not allow the board to move with seasonal changes in air humidity
  • Service life over 25 years

The process of laying a solid board in a "floating" way on an adhesive substrate.

An example of laying a solid board in a "floating" way on a 360º adhesive backing

Requirements to quality floor are simple:

  • it should not swell, sag, creak, “disperse”
  • should be even
  • serve without repair for a long time.

The adhesive backing is perfect for this.

Thanks to its unique structure, the adhesive backing has a long service life, evens out small allowable unevenness of the floor surface and provides an effective and economical solution to the problem of increasing the heat and sound insulation properties of floors.

The substrate is environmentally friendly and retains its properties throughout the life of the floor covering.

P.S. But for all the benefits this method However, we strongly recommend that you contact a specialist for installation and do not install it yourself. With the seeming simplicity of installation, laying skills are required both in “floating” and “classic” ways, and if you are laying for the first time, mistakes simply cannot be avoided.

Select solid board decor for laying on adhesive backing

View all features of adhesive backing

Choose an adhesive backing in the catalog

Preparing the room before laying solid board

The laying of a massive board is carried out at the final stage of the repair of the premises. This will minimize the risk of damage and deformation. Therefore, work on the installation of floors from a massive board should begin only after the windows, doors and walls have been installed, the subfloor has been prepared and all wet work has been completed.

It is very important that the wallpaper, plaster, paint, concrete dry thoroughly, and the humidity in the room does not exceed 40-60%.

At the same time, the humidity of a massive board should not be more than 12%.

However, the last remark about the moisture content of a solid board of 12% is purely theoretical, because you still cannot lower it and this indicator reflects the quality of production.

According to our studies of the products presented on the market, the moisture content of a solid board made of oak or ash (and other European species) is 12-15%, and exotic breeds, whose wood is processed in tropical countries, about 18%. This is partly why European breeds are inherently more stable in our climate.

Without fail, before laying the massive board in the room, all available air conditioning and heating systems must be put into operation.

The air temperature must be maintained between 18-22 °C, and for at least seven days before laying the solid board.

If the laying of a massive board is planned on the ground floor directly above the basement, then it should be thoroughly ventilated.

Requirements for the quality of the subfloor under the massive board

The subfloor on which the parquet board will be laid should be as even as possible, which can be achieved with leveling sanding.

The maximum allowable deviation when leveling walls and screed should not be more than 2 mm for every 2 m.

Leveling the subfloor is the most important condition when laying solid boards and any parquet.

If not perfect flat surface, a massive board will begin to creak in a couple of years due to the movement of the floorboards relative to each other. The creak of a massive board is always a consequence of an unleveled floor, and not of poor quality material.

It is very important to clean the subfloor from small debris and dirt.

Remove chips, small nails, residues from it building materials, if possible, dust, grease and adhesive stains.

The difference in humidity between the subfloor and the solid board laid on top of it should not be more than 4%. At the same time, the humidity of the subfloor itself should not exceed 12%. It is possible to achieve the installation of the necessary indicators of humidity by thoroughly ventilating the room and eliminating possible undesirable sources of moisture.

Sometimes a dehumidifier can help solve this problem.

In addition, you need to make sure that there are no movements in the subfloor. If necessary, to eliminate them, the subfloor is additionally strengthened.

How to unpack and prepare for laying a massive board

To rid yourself of unnecessary problems in the future, the solid board should be properly unpacked and prepared for laying.

Remember that a massive board already laid by the master is considered to be accepted in terms of quality and, even if there are defects, cannot be returned.

After the solid board has been unpacked, it should be carefully inspected and sorted by pattern and color, planning in advance how it will be laid on the subfloor.

To create maximum harmonious interior set aside the boards that will best match the skirting boards and thresholds to lay next to them. Decide which boards you will use for trimming, and in what specific places.

The unpacked and sorted massive board must necessarily undergo acclimatization in the room where it is planned to be laid for at least three days.

The same applies to all materials that will be used during the installation of solid wood floors. Their humidity should not exceed 12% (theoretically), and it is desirable to be in the range of 6-10%.

True, it should be noted here that today it is impossible to find a massive board with a moisture content of 6-10% on the market, even the most expensive and exclusive. Alas, manufacturers are not ready to slow down production in order to create the perfect material.

Ways of laying a massive board on various types of subfloor


Laying massive boards on concrete floors

First of all, a moisture-vapor barrier should be formed, which will serve as a buffer between concrete and wood. To do this, a special substrate made of foamed polyethylene, 3 mm thick, can be spread out or a layer of ground mastic can be laid. The finished barrier will ensure the stability of the massive board and protect it from deformation.

After that, the base for the solid board flooring is arranged, which can be done in two ways.

The first way is "lags on the screed".

According to this technology, as a base for a massive board wooden bars rectangular section - logs. Such bars are attached to the concrete base with dowels and screws, which are inserted perpendicular to the future floor. Alternatively, if there is a risk of damage to those under concrete screed communications, you can glue the logs on adhesive or bitumen-containing mastic.

The distance between the attachment points should be no more than 50 cm. After laying, the bars are leveled using a level. To adjust the height of the lag, wood chips are placed or an excess tree is removed with a planer.

Optionally, you can fill the space between the lags with thermal insulation materials. This is justified if the floor is laid on the first floor of a building that does not have basement. Then a moisture-proof film is spread over the lag, which is fixed with staples. And already on top of it is laying a massive board.

The photo shows the correct laying of plywood diagonally in relation to the massive board.
The size of the gaps should be from 3 to 5 mm.

The second way is laying on a plywood base along a screed.

Today it is the most popular way of laying a massive board. According to this technology, moisture-resistant plywood is used as the base, the thickness of which should be 15-18 mm.

Before laying, plywood sheets are cut into strips with a width of 40 to 60 cm. Moreover, a single plywood sheet is cut along its smaller side. Ready-made strips are laid on concrete, diagonally to the future floor from a massive board.

At the same time, gaps are left: between sheets - 3-5 mm, between sheets and walls - 10 mm. It is important to understand what to spread plywood tiles need to be offset relative to each other to minimize the possibility of corners touching. With the help of dowels and screws, the heads of which are recessed into the material, the plywood is attached to the concrete. At the same time, at least 9 attachment points should fall on each strip.

An alternative option for attaching plywood to concrete is landing on glue. One value of the bands in this case should be at least half as much. Before laying a solid board, plywood must be sanded with a belt sander. grinder equipped with a belt grit of 40 or 60 grit and free of dust.


Laying solid boards for load-bearing wooden structures

If the laying of a massive board is carried out in a building with load-bearing wooden structures, they can be used to attach the base to them for the future floor.

Before fixing the base under the floor, the existing logs must be aligned so that their maximum deviation from the plane does not exceed 2 mm by 2 m, otherwise the massive board will begin to creak over time.

Using a level, remove excess wood with a planer or place wood chips in the right places.

12 mm plywood, 18 mm OSB boards or 20 mm boarding can be used as a base for a solid board. Plywood and OSB boards are laid on top of a moisture-proof film in the direction of the future solid board floor so that the edges of the boards are joined on the logs, and not between them.

Between the sheets, the gap should be at least 2 mm, between the sheets and the wall - at least 10 mm, but not more than 15 mm, so that you can close the opening with a plinth. Plywood and OSB boards are fastened with screws, which must be at least 9 pieces per sheet.

In this case, the screw heads must be sunk 3-4 mm into the material for possible subsidence of plywood.

When used as a base boardwalk, the details of the subfloor are laid diagonally to the future floor from a massive board.

3. Installation on finished wood floor

A solid and high-quality wooden floor available in the room must be sanded using a belt sander equipped with an abrasive belt having a grit of 40 or 60.

After that, the surface of the wooden floor should be cleaned of dust and small debris. Laying a solid board over a wooden floor is recommended to be carried out in a diagonal or transverse direction.

Application of two-component polyurethane adhesives

The best adhesives for solid boards are polyurethane two-components, which are used by all installers.

There are many similar adhesives on the market, there are several fundamental differences:

  • Working time until the glue thickens. The optimal time now, which is indicated by manufacturers of modern adhesives, is 2.5, sometimes 3 hours. It is important to remember that this time is based on ideal conditions of temperature, humidity, as well as the ideal composition inside the jar. From can to can, the parameters of the glue itself can also vary slightly. In reality, you need to count on an hour and a half of glue work.
  • Glue base.

    Adhesives of the benzene group have a strong smell, but quickly disappear. Adhesives of the alkyd group are most often odorless, but all harmful fumes end a little longer. Remember that glue that has a smell is by no means less environmentally friendly than one that does not smell - this is a common misconception. If the moment of smell is important for the paver, we recommend Tover Tovcol PU2C hypoallergenic adhesive.

  • strength and elasticity of the adhesive.

    These options have importance for laying, however, from the available product cards, the buyer will never know which adhesive is stronger. Trust the opinion of professional craftsmen or no less professional sellers.

There are more adhesives additional properties. For example, adhesives based on water or solvents shrink the parquet and also transfer excess moisture to the solid board. Most adhesives leave stains when they get on the varnished surface of the parquet, some compounds can be removed before hardening with a cloth without leaving a trace (for example, ADESIV Pelpren PL6).

For all two-component adhesives, you need to use a wide-toothed spatula - be sure to buy one.

Only such spatulas create the correct glue line.

So, before laying, you need to thoroughly mix the two components of the glue with an electric mixer (an electric mixer allows you to do this efficiently and quickly, without reducing the glue’s working time).

Then you can pour some of the glue out of the can and smear it with a spatula. Sometimes you can see how the glue is spread not on the base, but on each plank before gluing. Spreading the composition on the planks creates an insufficient layer of adhesive, especially in the gaps between the planks, so this method is wrong from the point of view of adhesive manufacturers.

Correct glue line and correct use spatula.
Pay attention to how the spatula bends when pressed against the base.

The spatula must be held strictly vertically and pressed a little into the floor - this is how the correct adhesive seam is created - glue grooves, only a thin film from below or a completely dry base.

Fastening solid wood boards to the base and to each other

To fasten the massive board to the base, self-tapping screws are used, the distance between which should be at least 20-30 cm.

Before that, from the side of the crest, a solid board should be drilled at an angle of 45 degrees. There is no fundamental difference between which side of the planks to drill from, but theoretically it is more correct to drill into a spike. Specialized SPAX solid wood screws are the most popular for this purpose and without any of the closest competitors.

It is especially important to use specialized screws for boards made of exotic woods. high density(however, for exotic dense rocks, pre-drilling is required).

Pulling the planks of a massive board to each other when screwing with self-tapping screws.

It is very important to pull the planks tightly together when twisting and leave the necessary gap between the boards and the walls (for most medium-sized rooms - exactly 1 cm).

Natural coating: solid board - do-it-yourself laying

To pull the planks to each other, carefully use a chisel or wedges if you have to press the spike. Or, most often, the planks are knocked out with a hammer through a bar.

Instead of self-tapping screws, professional parquet teams often use an air gun with staples, which allows you to lay parquet much faster. This method is correct, however, it requires an initial investment in the purchase of a gun, a compressor and a supply of special staples.

Too small a gap between the walls and the parquet during the expansion of the wood does not allow the internal stress of the material to escape, which is fraught with cracking or swelling of the boards.

Too large a gap will be difficult to close with skirting boards of ordinary sizes.

The first row of a massive board is always laid with a groove to the wall. Fastening of the first and last rows with self-tapping screws is carried out through the front surface of the massive board. Subsequently, the attachment points are hidden under the plinth.

Rules for grinding a massive board and applying a protective coating on it

It is recommended to use disc and belt parquet sanders to process the laid solid board without factory coating.

It is important to understand that light sanding is ideal for a massive board, removing only the varnish coating. Scraping will chamfer, therefore, with seasonal narrowing of wood, cracks will be noticeable on the floor surface.

At the end of sanding (if the solid board is uncoated), the surface of the solid board should be thoroughly cleaned of dust with a vacuum cleaner or brush.

Applying varnish or oil should begin on the same day. After drying, each layer is recommended to be sanded with disk machine. It is recommended to apply from 3 to 7 layers of varnish, which can take about 7 days. If you use a semi-gloss or glossy varnish, then in addition to strength, this affects the “specularity” of the board.

Oil after grinding should be applied in 2-4 layers. Hard wax oil does not require maintenance unless there is visible deterioration in appearance. Traditional oil needs to be renewed every 1-2 years.

The final touch is the installation of the skirting board, which is carried out in accordance with the recommendations of a particular skirting board manufacturer.

After that, the laying of solid wood floors can be considered complete.

What is solid board
Preliminary work
Self-laying an array of boards on a screed

Due to its respectable appearance and natural sophistication, solid board is considered the highest quality material among natural floor coverings.

It belongs to expensive products, but its advantages are undeniable. Today, the most commonly used and simplest way to create a floor is to lay a massive board on a screed without plywood.

Carry out the arrangement of the surface from the array, as well as other wooden coatings, at the end of the repair work, so that the material does not suffer during the finishing of the room. You can lay products with your own hands, both in city apartments and in private fashionable mansions.

For ease of installation, the board has a connection with tongue-and-groove locks.

What is solid board

These products are made with small grooves and ridges at the edges. This design of the boards allows you to quickly and easily dock adjacent floorboards, and the connection is tight.

On sale you can find solid wood floorboards with a width of 12 to 20 centimeters and a length of 0.5 to 3 meters. On the outside, the products have a chamfer, so after the installation is completed, a tiny gap is visible. In the event of the appearance of various types of deformations, it is filled, and the coating does not suffer.

On the back side of the products there are small transverse notches and longitudinal cuts, due to which the load on the floorboards is reduced and at the same time the tension of the fibers is reduced, their destruction is not allowed.

Preliminary work

There are different ways of laying solid wood floorboards:

  • installation on a coupler without plywood;
  • installation on plywood;
  • creating a floating floor;
  • fixing to the old flooring.

Before laying a solid board on a screed, it should be borne in mind that it has a greater thickness than other products intended for installation finish surface floor (for more details: "How to lay a massive board correctly: installation options and methods").

One of the conditions for creating high-quality flooring is the ideal condition of the base.

The concrete base must meet a number of requirements:

  1. Humidity- no more than 2%. This indicator can be easily checked using polyethylene, which covers the concrete area: after 24 hours there should be no condensation on it, and the screed should not darken.

    There is another way. The rubber mat is placed on the screed, and it is pressed on top concrete block and brick. You can also measure humidity using a special moisture meter.

  2. Compressive strength- not less than 20 MPa
  3. Tensile strength- not less than 6 MPa.
  4. Horizontal deviation- cannot exceed 2 millimeters for every 2 linear meters.

    This parameter is checked using a two-meter level.

  5. Substrate must be clean and free of cracks. Grip on an uncleaned surface will be weaker, which will certainly affect the quality of the finish.

Subject to the above requirements, the laying of the array on the screed will be of high quality, and the floor covering will last for decades.

Experts believe that a massive screed board without plywood can be mounted directly on a concrete base not lower than the second floor, while the grade of concrete used must be at least M250.

In case of a significant deviation from the horizontal, self-leveling self-leveling floors are equipped to level the solid and dry surface of the base.

In the absence of funds for laying a finishing screed on an uneven subfloor, you can eliminate the defects yourself. Pits and cracks are covered with concrete, and with the help of special tools, all irregularities and bulges are polished.

With changes in the moisture index, wooden floorboards begin to deform linearly. As a result, the fluctuation of dimensions leads to the appearance of tension between the concrete base and the floor covering. If, under these conditions, the screed does not have sufficient strength, then voids appear in it, it begins to flake off, the laid boards will begin to creak and, most likely, the floor will collapse over time.

After preparations completed, the packs of boards are opened and the material is removed outside so that the products acclimatize before the array is mounted on the screed. To ensure the circulation of air currents, the floorboards must be placed on a stand.

Self-laying an array of boards on a screed

When a massive board is mounted on a screed without plywood, it must be remembered that it is necessary to work with natural wood, which always has minor cracks and bumps.

But they will not spoil the appearance of the floor during the operation of the floor covering, but rather emphasize the naturalness of the material. After all, it is not in vain that solid wood boards are among the elite products for surface finishing.

The technology of laying a massive board on a screed involves next order actions:

  1. The cleaned base is primed using an epoxy primer, which improves the adhesion of the adhesive composition and the screed is given increased strength.
  2. Glue is applied to finishing material and level with a notched trowel.
  3. Initially, three rows of floorboards are laid out in the middle of the room. The place for this is determined based on the width of the products, so that the edge of the row closest to the wall is at a distance of 1 to 1.5 centimeters.

    Boards on the screed can also be started from the wall.

  4. Further, each row is mounted alternately on both sides of the first three.
  5. If even the slightest difference in the level of the flooring elements is detected, massive products must be loaded for a while until the polymerization of the adhesive composition is completed.
  6. When laying between the boards and the wall, it is necessary to leave a gap, which along the longitudinal side should be equal to 10-15 millimeters, and along the end - 5-10 millimeters, since seasonal deformation of wood products is always present.

When a massive board is mounted, only modern two-component adhesives, for example, elastic polyurethane and epoxy-polyurethane, will help to lay the product on the screed.

It should be noted that solid wood floorboards should not be used for finishing"warm" floor: in case of installation wood flooring, it falls into disrepair.

Among the advantages of solid wood flooring, it should be noted its durability, low thermal conductivity, excellent sound insulation and environmental friendliness. Proper care behind such a floor covering made of natural wood is able to extend its service life up to 100-120 years.

Master class: laying a solid board

When choosing a massive board, you should be aware that coniferous products become unusable faster. For example, pine is not very resistant to mechanical stress and microclimatic changes. In order for the floor finish to serve for a long time, it is necessary to prevent high humidity in the room.

What is a solid board: advantages and disadvantages
Solid board selection criteria
The main ways of laying massive boards
Preparation for installation work
Mounting an array of boards on plywood
"Floating" array mounting method
Fastening massive boards to wooden flooring

Floor coverings made of solid wood are now popular because of their presentable appearance and many other undeniable advantages.

When choosing the option of how to lay a massive board, you need to remember that only with proper installation such a floor can last for more than a dozen years.

What is a solid board: advantages and disadvantages

The name of this product for creating a floor finish means that it is made from a single piece of wood. This material after laying is very similar to a parquet board, which, unlike solid wood floorboards, is made from several wooden planks by gluing.

First of all, it should be noted that natural wood flooring is environmentally friendly, does not contain allergens, and has a beneficial effect on health.

In addition, it has other advantages:

  • beautiful appearance, the floor surface looks presentable, which confirms the photo;
  • good sound-absorbing and heat-insulating characteristics;
  • ease of installation compared to, for example, parquet;
  • resistance to aggressive factors;
  • strength and long service life.

Disadvantages of the floor from the array:

  • high cost, especially products from valuable tree species;
  • installation is expensive;
  • sensitivity to changes in humidity and temperature indicators;
  • the need to regularly care for the surface - varnish or oil;
  • installation on the "warm floor" system is undesirable;
  • combustibility, susceptibility to decay without treatment with special means;
  • it is impossible to carry out an artistic layout, unlike a parquet board.

When it is planned to lay an array of boards, first of all, what needs to be done is to decide on the installation method.

You can make your work easier if you study in detail the features of the product and know how to choose the right product.

Solid board selection criteria

The final result depends on the quality of the material for arranging the floor covering.

Therefore, when buying a massive board, you need to pay attention to a number of points:

  1. The quality of the material and its geometry. First of all, you should examine the surface of the boards to check for cracks and similar defects on them, and then the edges of the floorboards: whether firing was used to finish them.

    If it took place, then this indicates a violation of the drying technology. Laying a floor from an array of such boards will not make it possible to make a high-quality floor - it will look sloppy.

    The geometric parameters of solid wood products should make it easy to connect the floorboards to each other. Finishing finishing coating cannot have dips or protrusions, otherwise the laid out surface will become uneven.

  2. Product design. Before laying a massive board, you need to make sure that its appearance will match the designed interior. Choose suitable option is easy, since the array is on the market in a wide range of color scheme and varied structure.

    In the manufacture of boards, not only ordinary wood, but also exotic and rare tree species can be used. Among them, the most popular is beech products - products made from it are characterized by strength, but at the same time they are sensitive to high humidity.

    Therefore, in rooms with a high humidity index, instead of beech boards, it is better to lay floorboards made of foliage or teak.

  3. Availability of documents. Confirmation of the quality of any floor products - the relevant certificates of manufacturers, which contain the information necessary for consumers about a particular product.

    After viewing them, you need to find out what technology was used to dry the boards. The best choice is products that were produced using the convective method. Humidity boards from the array should not exceed 9%.

  4. Availability of GOST certificates.They are confirmation that the goods were manufactured by serious manufacturing firms.

The main ways of laying massive boards

When a massive floor board is chosen for arranging a beautiful floor covering, installation should be done on a prepared base.

In practice, one of several ways to create a rough surface is used - products are mounted:

  • on a concrete screed;
  • on wooden logs;
  • on ordinary plywood;
  • on natural wood;
  • using brackets.

The installation of a massive board is most often carried out on a cement-concrete base.

Fixation is carried out using special adhesive compositions. They have high performance relating to temperature changes and are not toxic to humans.
Starting the installation of floorboards on the screed, they are checked for strength and the presence of defects.

The humidity of the base in this case should be 6-7%, otherwise the arrangement of a waterproofing layer will be required.

Laying a massive board: methods and technology

The gaps in the joints are carefully glued.

Thus, when choosing a method for mounting an array on a screed, they should not be allowed to come into contact with each other. This requires the arrangement of an intermediate layer using a primer mastic and a vapor barrier film.

The next popular technology is laying a massive board on plywood.

The peculiarity of this method is that it will require the creation of a vapor barrier layer. The moisture content of the material cannot exceed 10%, and fixation is carried out with two-component adhesives.

The convenience of the method, when a massive board is mounted on logs, is that
the job can be completed quickly, since no cement mortars need to be kneaded. A waterproofing layer of penofol or polyethylene film is placed under the logs.

Laying a solid board in a floating way involves installation using brackets. This technology can significantly reduce the time of work.

Aluminum products are installed simultaneously with silicone expansion joints to improve edge bonding.

Sometimes the installation of massive boards is performed on top of a wooden surface. The old coating must be reliable and durable and have a moisture content of 8-10%. If a wooden base varnished, then it is removed and the planks are polished to eliminate irregularities.

When laying the array, the boards should be placed in the same direction as in the previous coating. For fixing new floorboards, self-tapping screws with an anti-corrosion coating are used.

Self-tapping screws are fixed with an interval of 25-30 centimeters from one another. In order to prevent splitting of the material from the side where the spike is located, holes must be made.

It is impossible for the caps to “protrude” above the surface, it should be possible to subsequently close it with special rivets.

Having studied all the ways of laying a massive board, having analyzed their pros and cons, you can choose the option that will become optimal solution in this particular case.

Preparation for installation work

The rows between the elements of the flooring are fixed with staples or a massive board is laid on glue.

From the tools for the work you will need:

  • a simple pencil and square;
  • metal ruler;
  • wooden mallet;
  • drill and screwdriver;
  • pneumatic stapler;
  • putty knife.

Of the fasteners, self-tapping screws are needed - they are best purchased with galvanized coating and anti-corrosion properties, since they do not rust and are able to smooth negative impact temperature fluctuations and other seasonal factors.

Stainless brackets are located at the bottom of the coating, which are necessary for fastening two elements - they are snapped into grooves or fixed with screwed screws.

Before starting the installation, the massive board is unpacked and left in the room where the laying is planned for about a week.

Floorboards are placed on stands to ensure air circulation around the products.

Mounting an array of boards on plywood

When buying plywood for a massive board, preference should be given to sheets with a thickness of 13-15 millimeters.

The installation process is carried out step by step in a certain sequence:

  1. Plywood is cut into pieces half a meter wide.
  2. On the concrete surface place a vapor barrier.
  3. The laying of the array on plywood is carried out in compliance with the 45-degree angle in relation to the base.

    Since there is a slight deformation of the floorboards during thermal expansion, 3 mm gaps are left between the sheets during installation.

  4. Next, the surface of the plywood is sanded.
  5. After plywood base ready, start laying the array.

    They use a two-component polyurethane-based glue for solid boards on plywood. See also: "Laying a solid board on a screed without plywood with your own hands."

"Floating" array mounting method

In the event that, due to the arrangement of a warm floor, this technology is preferred, it is necessary to ensure that the base of the coating and the array do not touch. In the process of installation, structural elements are fixed with the help of planks of boards. The "floating" method allows compensation for temperature changes and changes in humidity.

Fastening massive boards to wooden flooring

In the event that the old wooden base does not inspire confidence, then it is better to dismantle it and change it to another, which is unprofitable from a financial point of view, since the creation of a new floor covering will be very costly. Array boards are laid similarly to laminate, so you can even do this work yourself. Experts recommend starting installation from the far corners - in this case, it will be possible to evaluate the results of your own efforts.