You can't eat or drink before FGS. FGS: what does it mean and show, contraindications and normal indicators of the study? Nutrition before the study

Fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS) is the most accurate method for examining the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. According to the data obtained during the procedure, the gastroenterologist determines the presence of an ulcer, erosive changes, a malignant or benign tumor of the stomach and duodenum, ordinary or complicated gastritis, and some other diseases.

Diagnosis using a fibrogastroscope is simple, but uncomfortable, often causing fear. A tube with a special light is inserted through the patient's oral cavity, with the help of which the doctor examines the internal organs. It's annoying, but quite tolerable.

Most people who are afraid of the examination have no idea how it is easier to transfer EGD. In order for fibrogastroduodenoscopy to be as informative as possible, and for the patient to experience a minimum amount of odious sensations, there are certain rules of procedure. Conventionally, FGDS can be divided into three stages: preparation, conduct, post-procedural period.

Preparatory stage for fibrogastroduodenoscopy

Preparation for the procedure takes place at home, and consists in adjusting eating habits. The examination is usually scheduled by appointment. 4-5 days before FGDS, you should change the diet to a lighter and healthier one.


  • fatty sauces based on mayonnaise;
  • spicy seasonings;
  • sweet pastries;
  • pork;
  • mushroom dishes;
  • milk and cream;
  • beans, peas;
  • meat and fish prepared by smoking;
  • pickled vegetables;
  • nuts;
  • alcohol.


  • bread;
  • coffee;
  • any sweets;
  • raw vegetables;
  • sausages;
  • fruits.

The correctness of the results depends on the preparation of the patient

Introduce chicken breast, lean fish, cereals on the water, stewed vegetables into the diet. Do not use the culinary method of processing fry foods. Preference should be given to stews and boiled dishes. You can flavor food with low-fat sour cream or yogurt. The diet involves a fractional meal, with a 3-4 hour interval.

Three days before the FGDS of the stomach, it is necessary to abandon bakery products, fresh vegetables and fruits. Cereals and pasta are not recommended 24 hours before the examination. Eating is allowed at least 10-12 hours before the procedure. The stomach must be completely empty. Any drinks can be drunk no later than 2.5 hours. It is not recommended to smoke before the examination.

Taking medications is allowed only for health reasons, that is, those without which a person cannot do on a daily basis. This should be reported to the gastroenterologist. Medicines should be kept in the mouth until dissolved, and not swallowed.

An important factor in preliminary preparation is the psycho-emotional mood of the patient. The state of fear and nervous tension will not allow you to relax, which will lead to a complicated EGD. It will be difficult for a person to make a swallowing movement, and for a doctor to insert a fibrogastroscope.

Therefore, you should be patient, properly tune in to the procedure and not be afraid. The preparatory stage for the event is necessary not only to facilitate the diagnosis, but also for the accuracy of the results. Examination of an unprepared stomach can distort the picture of the disease.

Diagnosis is most often carried out in the morning. The examined person takes a pose on the left side, on a special table. First, you should get rid of items of clothing that put pressure on the body (belt, narrow collar of clothing, as well as jewelry).

Following the advice of doctors will allow you to undergo the procedure without pain.

The nurse treats the patient's throat and mouth with a desensitizing spray solution (anesthetic). In the presence of allergic reactions, processing is not performed. The patient must inform in advance about chronic pathologies and allergies.

With his teeth, a person clamps a special insert through which the tube of the apparatus is inserted. On a deep breath, the tube is passed into the throat. This is the most unpleasant moment of the procedure, which should be experienced calmly. Gagging, a characteristic sound, and salivation are normal reactions. You should not be afraid or ashamed of this.

The gastroenterologist examines the stomach in detail, turning the tube of the device in different directions. Tissue sampling for analysis is carried out with special forceps that are inserted into the tube. Pain during this manipulation, as a rule, is absent. The movement of the fibrogastroscope tube through the esophagus and its subsequent rotation directly in the stomach does not cause pain symptoms. The patient feels only discomfort from the presence of a foreign object in the internal organs.

The main recommendation is the ability to breathe properly on FGDS. Only the nose is involved in the process. Inhalations and exhalations should be slow and deep. It is necessary to concentrate as much as possible so that breathing is even and rhythmic.

During the diagnosis, it is forbidden to: swallow air with your mouth, talk, swallow saliva, move your body and jerk your head. In order for the procedure to go smoothly, it is necessary to clearly follow the instructions of medical specialists, breathe correctly, not be nervous, try to relax all the muscles.

If you cannot get rid of excessive tension on your own, you can take a sedative drug an hour before the examination, which is reported to the medical specialist conducting the study. In cases where stress is beyond the power of the patient, the doctor can perform EGD under the influence of general anesthesia.

You should not strive for this, as general anesthesia harms the body. When the gastroenterologist considers the procedure completed, he smoothly removes the tube of the device. The extraction process is easy, without causing inconvenience and pain. You can not abruptly move to a vertical position.

The rise should be slow, without vigorous movements. If you feel dizzy, you should tell the doctor about it, and spend some time in the office.

Post-procedural stage

Upon completion of FGDS, the patient may feel weakness, urge to vomit, nausea. Experts advise to refrain from eating for 1-2 hours after diagnosis. Drinking liquid is allowed.

It is recommended to drink only water before the procedure, coffee, tea and other drinks should be avoided.

The most common symptom after the examination is pain in the larynx. This is due to the fact that when a foreign object is introduced into the throat, the doctor can simply scratch the mucous membrane. Such sensations do not require special treatment and disappear two days after the examination. In the case when the discomfort remains for a longer time, Miramistin can be used to irrigate the throat, or Furacilin to rinse.

Within 4-5 days after fibrogastroduodenoscopy, it is recommended to follow a dietary diet. Avoid spicy, salty and smoked foods, as well as alcohol. The best option would be food based on soft foods, cereals, soups, stewed vegetables. Dishes are best consumed warm, not hot.

Modern gastroenterological equipment for diagnosing diseases makes it possible to undergo EGD painlessly. The time range of the research being conducted ranges from 7 to 10 minutes. With proper diagnosis, there are no complications. The choice of a medical center where to undergo an examination depends on the preferences of the patient. Almost every regional hospital is equipped with more or less modern gastroendoscopic equipment today. FGDS does not pose a danger to the body, and the data obtained allow us to make the most accurate diagnosis.

It belongs to the number of modern diagnostic procedures that allow obtaining reliable information about the state of this organ. For its implementation, a special device is used - a gastroscope, resembling a flexible tube equipped with a fiber-optic system connected to the monitor screen.

An endoscopist who conducts an examination and has the opportunity to see the inner surface of the stomach, upon detection of inflammation, neoplasms and any changes on the surface of its mucous membranes, receives important information that allows an accurate diagnosis.

In order for the results of an endoscopic examination of the stomach to be reliable, the patient must undergo a certain comprehensive preparation before it is carried out, in which the observance of a special diet plays an important role.

Diet before gastroscopy of the stomach

In order for the discomfort experienced by the patient during gastroscopy to be minimal, and any interference preventing the examination of the walls of the stomach to be completely absent, the organ under study must be freed from particles of undigested food.

A special diet that promotes this important task should be followed for 48 hours prior to the gastroscopy procedure. Compliance with all its requirements will allow the patient not only to endure the very process of diagnostic examination of the stomach, but also quickly get rid of irritation of its mucous membranes.

List of prohibited products

The main purpose of the diet preceding gastroscopy is to minimize the load experienced by the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, therefore, two days before the procedure, the patient should completely stop using:

  • chocolate
  • strong fish and meat broths;
  • fast food (fast food);
  • marinades and pickles;
  • fish and fatty meats;
  • any smoked meats and lard;
  • all types of canned food;
  • hot sauces and seasonings (adjika, ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard, table horseradish) of home and industrial production;
  • bread and bakery products of dark varieties;
  • mushroom dishes (including mushroom broths);
  • seeds and any nuts;
  • animal fats.

The above dishes and products are poorly absorbed by the human body, change the acidity of gastric juice and contribute to the occurrence of intestinal flatulence.

Requiring long digestion, they overload the stomach and irritate its mucous membranes, so even a short exclusion of them from the daily diet is beneficial for the digestive tract.

In anticipation of undergoing gastroscopy, the patient is advised to significantly limit the intake of table salt. In order to remove excess fluid from his body, he is advised to gradually add salt only to ready-made dishes.

The day before the scheduled gastroscopy, the patient is prohibited from using:

  • whole grains;
  • fatty cottage cheese;
  • flour and pasta;
  • sweet pastries;
  • legumes;
  • whole milk and heavy cream;
  • tomatoes;
  • citrus fruits (tangerines, lemons, oranges);
  • plums, kiwi, quince, grapes;
  • jams with any (even small) seeds, including raspberry and currant.

Approved Products

In the diet of a person who is to undergo a gastroscopy of the stomach, it is allowed to include:

  • White poultry meat and fish of lean varieties (blue whiting, hake, pike, pike perch, pollock, perch, ice fish, roach, cod) in boiled form or in the form of steam cutlets. As a side dish, they can be served with scrambled eggs, buckwheat porridge, hercules or mashed potatoes.
  • Sour-milk products (yogurt, acidophilus, kefir) with a low percentage of fat content. Doctors also recommend the use of low-fat cottage cheese and dishes from it.
  • Soups made from milk, half diluted with water (with the addition of small vermicelli or grated boiled cereals).
  • Weak fish and meat broths.
  • Light vegetarian soups that do not contain seasonings and fried vegetables, seasoned with a small spoonful of low-fat sour cream. You can add some finely chopped greens to the plate. It is advisable to refuse the use of borscht.
  • A small amount of butter.
  • Unsalted fat-free cheeses (preferably grated).
  • Vegetables (pumpkins, carrots, potatoes, cauliflower, beets), especially boiled and baked.
  • White bread or crackers from it.
  • Cookies.
  • Soft-boiled eggs.
  • Steamed omelets.
  • Apples of sweet varieties, mashed with a grater. You can bake them with pumpkin slices, slightly sweetened with sugar or honey.
  • Pears and bananas.

The best way to cook food is boiling, stewing, steaming. It is allowed to bake dishes in the oven, but without the use of fat and oil. Frying foods must be completely abandoned.

To facilitate the work of the stomach, it is better to grind or puree cooked food.

No less important is the temperature of the dishes consumed: they should not be either too hot or too cold, since sudden temperature changes at the time of eating contribute to irritation of the mucous membranes of the stomach.

Here's what a patient's daily diet might look like on the day before the gastroscopy.


  • steamed cheesecakes;
  • weak tea (black or green), 200 ml.

Second breakfast (snack):

  • banana or apple.


  • a small portion of light vegetable soup with small noodles or grated cereals;
  • a piece of steam veal;
  • boiled Brussels sprouts seasoned with a little vegetable oil;
  • rosehip decoction.

Afternoon snack:

  • baked apple (before eating it must be cut off the peel).


  • a small portion of pike perch fillet, steamed;
  • a few slices of boiled or baked vegetables;
  • low-fat kefir.

What can you drink?

The range of drinks that you can drink while following a special diet before gastroscopy is quite diverse.

The patient is allowed to use:

  • decoctions from blueberries or rose hips;
  • herbal teas with anti-inflammatory action;
  • compotes prepared from both fresh and dried fruits;
  • mineral table waters that do not contain gas;
  • weak black or green tea;
  • fruit juices;
  • berry fruit drinks.

The temperature of drinks that we are used to drinking cold should be close to room temperature, and tea should not be too hot. To sweeten tea, it is better to use honey. The amount of sugar added to drinks should be moderate.

From the use of alcoholic beverages of any strength (including beer with a low alcohol content), patients should refuse at least a day before the scheduled examination.

How many hours should I not eat before and after the procedure?

The main condition for the successful completion of the gastroscopy procedure is the complete emptying of the stomach, since this is the only way to prevent the gag reflex, which is a natural reaction of the body to the introduction of a gastroscope.

Neglecting this condition can cause:

  • the occurrence of vomiting, which significantly complicates the process of both insertion and removal of the gastroscope from the patient's body;
  • serious damage to the mucous membranes of the stomach and larynx by the edges of the already inserted apparatus at the time of the onset of vomiting, as a result of which its repeated introduction may become impossible.

To exclude the possibility of such adverse events, it is necessary to carefully calculate the time remaining before the start of gastroscopy:

  • Patients complaining of poor stomach function should ensure that their last meal takes place twelve hours before it (a margin of time is also necessary because the speed of the digestion process is significantly reduced at night). Fasting for 10-12 hours is also required in cases where the procedure will be carried out under the general.
  • Owners of a perfectly healthy stomach, quickly coping with the digestion of food, can have dinner nine to ten hours before the scheduled procedure.

Most medical sources say that before gastroscopy, scheduled for the morning, the last meal should take place no later than 19-00. If the procedure will be carried out in the afternoon, the patient is allowed a light breakfast, which should take place approximately eight hours before the procedure.

If this condition is not observed, particles of undigested food will either prevent the advancement of the gastroscope, or, having formed a thin layer on the walls of the stomach, may prevent the timely identification of problem areas on their surface.

Equally important is the question of whether it is possible to drink water before the procedure of gastroscopy of the stomach. Its last use (in a volume not exceeding 100 ml) is permissible no later than four hours before it. People suffering from chronic diseases and forced to take pills are allowed to drink them with a small amount of water.

Patients with diabetes are usually prescribed the procedure in the morning, so that half an hour after its completion they can take vital medicines and have a snack with the food they brought with them.

A special diet before gastroscopy of the stomach, which has practically no contraindications (with the exception of individual intolerance to certain products) and is useful for people of any age, is tolerated by patients quite easily, given the wide variety and nutritional value of dishes allowed for consumption.

The need for a special diet is 72 hours: 48 hours before the examination and 24 hours after the procedure.

The only drawback of the above diet is the need for self-cooking, since the menu of canteens, restaurants and cafes does not always have dishes prepared in full accordance with the requirements of clinical nutrition.

The basis of the diet that should be followed before undergoing gastroscopy is the principle of proper nutrition with exclusively healthy foods, so you can adhere to this regime even after completing any medical procedures and examinations. By following it, each person can avoid digestive problems.

As the results of gastroscopy of the stomach and the reviews of patients who strictly observed the rules of a special diet before its implementation show, during the performance of medical manipulations, consisting in the introduction and removal of the gastroscope, they almost did not experience any discomfort.

Usually, patients, as soon as they hear that they need to undergo an EGD (fibrogastroduodenoscopy) procedure, panic. There are many tips on how to easily transfer EGD. Some of them really work, some don't. In addition, when prescribing a study, doctors give recommendations on how to prepare for it.

The benefits of FGDS are much more significant than all the fears hovering around this procedure.

The leaflet given to patients provides the following advice:

  • Fasting 12 hours before the actual study. You can't drink either. Dinner should include foods that are easily digestible and do not irritate the gastric mucosa. If you break this rule and eat spicy, sour or pickled foods and foods, you can distort the results of the study.
  • Nuts and chocolate should not be consumed. Particles of these products may remain in the folds of the mucous membrane, which also interferes with the normal conduct of EGD of the stomach. For 2 days it is better to exclude them. Also, remove gas-producing foods from your diet.
  • Only essential medicines are allowed. Others are best left out. And those that need to be taken, it is better to dissolve, and not swallow whole, and it is imperative to warn the doctor about this.

How to behave during the procedure:

  • Calm down and relax. Fear causes excessive tension in the muscles of the esophagus, which interferes with the free passage of the gastroscope. The more you are afraid, the longer the procedure will last. Patients should understand that salivation and belching during EGD are normal. Doctors do not want to hurt the patient, on the contrary, they try to carry out the manipulation as painlessly as possible. But not everything depends on them. If you are tense, then it will not be possible to facilitate gastroscopy. Some patients say: "I'm afraid to do a biopsy." But it's not scary at all. The sampling is carried out under local anesthesia.

The patient who came to the EGD should be ready to interact with the doctor

  • Smoking and drinking alcohol is prohibited. Strictly speaking, smoking is not under an absolute ban, but it causes vasospasm and excessive nervousness. It is better to postpone cigarettes before doing FGDS.


Do not be afraid to do FGS and the procedure will easily help the correct breathing technique. This seems like too simple advice, but this is what helps the fastest. Therefore, before the study, doctors explain to patients how to breathe correctly and how not to panic:

Breathe only through your nose. If you try to breathe through your mouth, then saliva, which is abundantly secreted during gastroscopy, can enter the airways and provoke a cough.

Inhalation and exhalation should be slow and deep. If you do the opposite, it will interfere with the passage of the gastroscope and can lead to injury to the esophagus.

Do not be afraid, medical equipment is getting better every day, and at present, an endoscopic tube is used for EGD, which does not injure the esophagus and causes a minimum of inconvenience. In addition, endoscopes are getting thinner with every new invention.

Modern gastroscope

Fearful patients can be given the following arguments:

  • If the patient is calm and breathes correctly, then only a few unpleasant moments will have to be experienced while the doctor inserts the gastroscope.
  • The doctor uses a mouthguard that keeps the teeth from shrinking.
  • Deep breathing quickly relieves the gag reflex. The patient will only experience discomfort from a foreign body in the esophagus, and then in the stomach.

Research methodology

The patient lies on the couch on the left side. For the correct position, you need to bend your knees to your chest, and straighten your back. The root of the tongue is sprayed with lidocaine to anesthetize and stop the gag reflex, which makes it possible to easily and quickly pass the endoscope into the stomach.

A cap, or mouthpiece, with a hole for a gastroscope, is placed in the mouth. The tip of the tube, which is rather thin, is lubricated with a special gel and inserted into the larynx. At the most crucial moment, the patient must swallow to facilitate the passage of the endoscope. Do not be afraid at this moment, try to relax.

The tube then passes into the stomach. Depending on the purpose of the study, water or air is supplied to the organ cavity. Water is needed to wash the walls of the organ and identify the exact location of the cause of bleeding. Sometimes cold water can stop him. Air - for straightening folds and visual inspection of the organ. The design of the device provides for suction, which removes everything that was introduced into the stomach.

At the end of the manipulation, the endoscope is removed. You will still feel discomfort for some time, but it will pass quickly, do not worry. You will not be able to drive a car for some time after the procedure, because sedatives can reduce the ability to concentrate.

The study is accompanied by discomfort, but they are incomparable with the benefits of this procedure.

As mentioned above, morale is of the utmost importance. In fact, patients in most cases tolerate this study well. Many patients who have undergone the procedure say they were more afraid than uncomfortable.

Those who are still afraid of gastroscopy should understand that this study provides the most information. It allows you to take a biopsy, examine the internal structure of the upper parts of the digestive system and get an objective assessment of the condition of the organs. According to statistics, those who regularly undergo gastroscopy have the possibility of early detection of serious diseases. This means that they can be cured faster.

Currently, fibrogastroscopy (FGS) is the gold standard for diagnosing diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract. It allows you to get the most complete picture of the state of the stomach, which is important in the future for the appointment of effective treatment. However, if you do not pay due attention to the preparation for the FGS, its implementation will become impossible or the procedure will have to be done again.

Why preparation for FGS is necessary

Fibrogastroscopy is a rather complicated medical manipulation that the doctor performs with the help of an endoscope. An endoscope is a long, thin tube with a light source, an optical system, channels for pumping air, aspirating fluid, and inserting biopsy forceps and some surgical instruments.

During gastroscopy, the doctor inserts an endoscope through the esophagus into the stomach and examines it. Moreover, if the preparation for FGS of the stomach was insufficient, then the following situations are possible:

Errors in preparation Possible consequences
leftover food in the stomach food interferes with a full examination of the stomach, repeated FGS is necessary
errors in the diet: drinking alcohol, coffee, hot spices, etc. irritation of the walls of the stomach, which leads to an erroneous diagnosis of diseases
drinking large amounts of fluids on the eve of the study, a hearty dinner, breakfast on the day of the study high risk of stomach contents getting into the bronchopulmonary system during the advancement of the flexible part of the endoscope through the esophagus and stomach
excessive anxiety, failure to follow the doctor's instructions during the FGS injury to the pharynx, perforation of the stomach, etc.

Careful preparation of the patient for the procedure in most cases avoids such negative consequences.

Preparation for FGS

Preparation for the FGS includes the following steps:

  1. Preliminary consultation with a doctor.
  2. Compliance with a certain diet for several days before the FGS and on the day of the study.
  3. Psychological preparation.
  4. Special events held on the eve of gastroscopy - elimination of the gag reflex, sedation.

Conversation with the doctor

During a consultation with a doctor, you should tell about all existing diseases, allergies to medications, including anesthetics and sedatives. This is necessary in order to choose such medicines that will not cause unwanted complications and will not negatively affect the patient's health.

During the conversation, the nuances of FGS are discussed, how it is performed and what sensations can accompany it. Next, the patient is asked to sign a consent to the gastroscopy.


The food taken should not cause an exacerbation of an existing disease, therefore, patients are encouraged to continue to adhere to the diet that has already been recommended by a specialist: for example, if an exacerbation of peptic ulcer is suspected, table number 1 should be followed, and in case of gastritis with low acidity - table number 2.

A few days before the endoscopy, it is forbidden to consume those foods that can themselves cause inflammation of the gastric mucosa or excessive formation of gastric juice:

  • spicy, fried, smoked dishes;
  • hot seasonings and spices;
  • coffee and alcohol.

On the eve of FGS, you should take such food that will completely leave the stomach before the start of gastroscopy. And since this procedure is mostly prescribed for those patients who have problems with digestion, even ordinary food can linger in their stomach longer than usual. Therefore, it is important in the afternoon, especially during the last meal, not to eat indigestible foods, including those rich in fat. Experts advise limiting:

  • vegetable or fruit dishes;
  • dairy products;
  • lean meats, fish or poultry.

However, they should be steamed or boiled.

Psychological preparation

Fibrogastroscopy, although not very pleasant, but quite a safe procedure. Usually, patients feel mild discomfort and experience discomfort in the form of increased salivation, tearing, feeling of a foreign body in the throat and difficulty breathing, retching, but this is all tolerable. A positive attitude makes this procedure less intimidating and difficult.

If the patient is not able to relax and calm down, then on the eve of the study, he is given appropriate sedatives, or even FGS is done under anesthesia.

Do not be afraid that after this during the day drowsiness and general weakness are possible - this is just the effect of these medicines, which will end by the end of the day.

On the day of the study

FGS is carried out on an empty stomach, therefore, on this day, before the gastroscopy, it is forbidden to eat and drink.

Already in the doctor's office, the doctor will examine the oral cavity and the visible part of the pharynx to decide whether gastroscopy is possible or not. If signs of inflammation and damage to the mucosa are found, FGS is canceled until the patient undergoes a course of appropriate treatment. If there are no contraindications, then the doctor irrigates the oral cavity and pharynx with a solution of lidocaine (usually a spray is used for this purpose), and then inserts a plastic mouth guard into the mouth, which protects the endoscope from damage to the teeth. In many cases, Atropine is administered, and sometimes Promedol.

To minimize discomfort, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • On the eve of the procedure, remove removable dentures, if any, because they can come off and damage the endoscope. Remove lenses, jewelry and glasses.
  • Do not use strong-smelling perfume or cologne.
  • Try to relax and not worry.
  • Come to the procedure in loose clothing, freeing the neck area from it, unbuttoning the top button of the shirt, and loosening the belt on the trousers.
  • Tell your doctor if you have any drug allergies.
  • During the passage of the probe through the esophagus, breathe slowly and deeply through the nose.
  • Clearly follow the doctor's instructions during the FGS.
  • Before gastroscopy, in order to avoid unforeseen situations, empty the bladder.

Is it possible to smoke before the FGS

On the day of the study, smoking is prohibited, because it provokes an increased production of gastric juice and exacerbates gag reflexes. Exposure to nicotine impairs mucosal healing processes, which is especially important in cases where a biopsy is taken during FGS or polyps are removed.

How many hours should you not eat before FGS

According to most experts, the last meal before fibrogastroscopy should be at least 10 hours before the study. In this case, you can eat only easily digestible foods so that the stomach is completely freed by the time the procedure starts.

On the day of the study, it is forbidden to take medications that need to be swallowed before the FGS, but it is allowed to dissolve them under the tongue or give injections. In cases where the procedure is scheduled for some reason at a later time, how much not to eat before FGS on the day of gastroscopy, should be discussed directly with the doctor.

You can drink water before fibrogastroscopy if it is gas-free and unsweetened. But the last fluid intake should be in a small amount and no later than 2-3 hours before the procedure.

Usually, the general preparation for fibrogastroscopy lasts about 3 days in time and allows you to minimize the likelihood of serious complications and get the most accurate results.

What to bring to the procedure

What you need to take with you to the FGS should be discussed with the doctor in advance. This list usually includes:

  • direction for gastroscopy;
  • medical policy / insurance pension certificate;
  • passport;
  • medical card.

In some clinics, this list also includes a towel, shoe covers, a disposable sheet and cap, sterile gloves, a napkin that protects clothes from saliva and other biological fluids. Since the patient may feel discomfort for some time after EGD, it is recommended to come to the procedure with an accompanying person.

If a serious pathology of the stomach or esophagus is suspected, an EGD procedure is prescribed, with the help of which the condition of the organ is assessed. These manipulations make it possible to detect pathology even at the initial stages. In addition, timely examination of the stomach and duodenum helps to avoid serious complications. And in order for the examination to be easy, you need to properly prepare for gastroscopy.

Regardless of the fact that the upcoming type of research is not so complicated, some nuances are required. As a rule, preparation for the procedure begins three days in advance. The need for discipline before the examination is an important condition. Following medical recommendations will help establish an accurate diagnosis and avoid errors.

Several days of preparation

Preliminary diagnostics

Preparation for the study consists in identifying the presence of contraindications, the specialist prescribes the passage of some medical procedures.

The algorithm of examinations that you may be prescribed:

  • To determine the presence of an inflammatory process, the patient must pass general analysis of urine and blood.
  • Walkthrough electrocardiograms. The study is aimed at identifying heart diseases that may be a contraindication to gastroscopy.
  • Fluorography of the lungs. If necessary, an additional chest x-ray is prescribed.

Diet before the procedure

The basis for preparing for the FGDS procedure are considered special rules for eating. Three days before gastroscopy, the patient should eat right.

The diet in preparation is as follows:

  • do not eat too fatty, smoked, spicy or salty foods;
  • in the afternoon before the examination, it is very important not to overeat;
  • portions should be no more than the capacity of the glass;
  • give up alcohol and carbonated drinks.

Preparation for the FGDS procedure also consists in the use of dietary products. These include chicken or turkey meat, greens, steamed vegetables, cereals.

You should limit the intake of legumes, dairy products, certain vegetables, such as cabbage. This is due to the fact that these products cause flatulence, which, in turn, affects the diagnosis.

Preparation for examination of the stomach with a biopsy includes additional recommendations: you need to start a diet at least a week in advance, excluding all harmful things from the diet.

Preparation is more demanding the day before, before the upcoming examination. Immediately before gastroscopy of the stomach and duodenum, several rules must be observed:

  1. In the first half of the day try not to drink too much water. This is necessary so that in the process of penetration of the probe through the larynx and the root of the tongue, there is no gag reflex. It is forbidden to drink water or other liquid immediately 3-4 hours before FGS of the stomach.
  2. If a procedure will start in the morning. do not drink any liquid at all. It is allowed to take a sip of water no later than 2-3 hours before the examination.
  3. If a study expected in the afternoon, in the morning you can drink some ordinary water. Avoid carbonated liquids. It can lead to bloating that interferes with gastroscopy.
  4. Do not do heavy physical exertion before gastroscopy.
  5. It is forbidden to take any medication. Usually the doctor says that you need to stop drinking the pills a day before the examination. For serious diseases that require regular medication (diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, etc.), the doctor asks to adjust the pill intake. The use of drugs is stopped at least 3 hours before gastroscopy.
  6. Morning preparation includes quitting smoking. The patient must give up the habit at least 5 hours before the procedure. Tobacco smoke and its constituent harmful components negatively affect the mucous membrane of the organ. In this case, an incorrect diagnosis may be made.
  7. Gastroscopy is performed on an empty stomach, like any similar examination. The last meal is taken at least 8 hours before the study. The presence of food residues can provoke vomiting during the insertion of the probe.

Experts advise to prepare physiologically before FGDS: to empty the bladder, since in some cases the study may be delayed. It is recommended to wear loose clothing.

Required accessories

Preparation for EGD of the stomach also consists of a certain list of things. First of all, this is a medical card, a passport and a referral for the procedure. The patient must have with him the results of tests that confirm the absence of contraindications. If we are talking about a paid examination, do not forget to take the required amount.

Consider what the patient needs to have with him:

  • shoe covers;
  • a small towel, diaper or napkins - in case of a gag reflex;
  • a sheet or disposable bedding that needs to be laid on the couch.

If you are taking any medications but have stopped taking them due to an upcoming gastroscopy, have your tablets ready to take some time after the procedure. It will be possible to drink and eat within an hour after the examination!

Be sure to warn the doctor about the following factors:

  • Before inserting the probe, the doctor sometimes treats the mucous membrane of the larynx with a special anesthetic. The active substance of the anesthetic can be different. Therefore, the diagnostician should be warned about the existing allergic reactions to one or another component.
  • Before gastroscopy, it is necessary to tell the doctor about chronic diseases, despite the fact that concomitant diseases are not a contraindication for the study of the organ. In the event that gastroscopy is performed with a biopsy, exacerbations and relapses may occur, depending on the type of disease.
  • If an endoscopy of the stomach is to be carried out by a woman carrying a child, the doctor should be warned about this, especially in the first months of pregnancy. In this case, the doctor selects safer anesthetics.
  • Be sure to tell the specialist if you had a stomach biopsy or any surgical intervention less than a month ago. This factor can become a serious contraindication for gastroscopy, since after a biopsy the mucous membrane of the organ is very vulnerable, and the examination will harm the patient.

Examination of the stomach when feeling unwell

Sore throat, runny nose, cough and other cold symptoms are not a contraindication to endoscopic examination.

However, during gastroscopy, the patient feels insecure and constrained, fearful. Debilitating symptoms of the disease can significantly aggravate the situation. If you feel unwell and even in a bad mood, experts advise postponing preparations for gastroscopy until complete recovery.

moral preparation

When examining the stomach, mental preparation is needed for manipulation. This is due to the fact that when the patient is calm, the procedure is much faster and is considered more informative.

Worries about whether the study is painful, whether the procedure can provoke vomiting, how to properly prepare for gastroscopy and other important aspects can put pressure on the patient's psyche, which is why many refuse to be examined. To set up a person, the doctor needs to be told about how endoscopy of the stomach is performed, why it is needed and what consequences are possible.

Those who have undergone this procedure claim that gastroscopy is absolutely painless. On average, the procedure lasts 5-20 minutes. To reduce the sensitivity of the root of the tongue, doctors in some cases use anesthetics. This is necessary to suppress the urge to vomit.

The main task of the specialist is to calm the patient. Anxiety of the patient can lead to involuntary compression of the esophagus, and, as a result, to difficulties during the study.

Don't be afraid and don't worry. FGDS, though unpleasant, but absolutely painless study, which an experienced specialist does quickly and efficiently. Remember that this is the only way to examine the stomach and duodenum and not miss complications that threaten not only health, but also life!

Patient opinions

I suffered for 3 months from stomach pain, only then I decided to go to the clinic. In an adult hospital, a standard procedure for examining the stomach - fibrogastroscopy was prescribed. I don't even know what it is or how it's done. Of course, the memories were not the best. During this manipulation, the strongest eructation was disturbing. When the probe was inserted, there was a gag reflex, then it passed. During the movement of the probe, you experience discomfort. But in general, I want to note that gastroscopy is absolutely painless, rather unpleasant. To exclude any discomfort, be sure to ask your doctor about the subtleties of preparing for EGD. It starts in a few days. The specialist will tell you what is impossible and what is possible. The conclusion is this: in 5 minutes of torment I received an accurate diagnosis. I drank pills for 3 days, the pain disappeared like a hand! For those who suffer from pain in the stomach, I advise you to be patient and dare to undergo the procedure.

Anatoly, 24 years old

From friends I heard a lot of reviews about the procedure for examining the stomach, which is called gastroscopy. Under no circumstances, for anything, would I ever agree to this type of diagnosis. Well, this is where the trouble happened. The doctor suspected the presence of a malignant tumor in the stomach, the procedure was extremely necessary, one might say the question was between life and death. Of course, I gained patience and went to swallow a tube with a light bulb. To wait for the appointment of the procedure in the queue for a very long time, I went to a paid clinic. Oddly enough, I had extremely positive impressions of this procedure, apparently, this is due to the fact that the presence of oncological disease was not confirmed, which I am immensely glad about. I listened attentively to the doctor, he explained what a gastroscopy of the stomach is and how it is done, he told me how to breathe correctly, turn around and what to do in order not to experience discomfort and avoid vomiting. I followed his recommendations. No gag reflex happened, although she waited and was afraid to the last, holding the towel nearby. It is also very important to prepare for endoscopy of the stomach, which consists in the rules of nutrition. In general, gastroscopy is painless. The only thing is that after gastroscopy, the throat is a little sore, but within a day it went away on its own. The diagnostic method is 100% informative!

Nina, 45 years old

I have been familiar with this diagnostic method for a long time. I go through FGS every year, as I have a history of stomach ulcers. I went through the procedure 6-7 times already. There is nothing wrong with her. There is absolutely no need to be afraid. Yes, it is very unpleasant, and the sounds in the process are not the most harmonious ones, but nothing painful. The preparation is simple: do not eat at night, and go on an empty stomach in the morning. That's all. I think that it is quite possible to endure a few minutes, because this is the only way to see the entire mucosa of the stomach and duodenum 12.

Ilona, ​​36 years old

Preparation for the examination of the stomach is an important recommendation that helps to minimize discomfort and eliminate the consequences. From the reviews, we can conclude that if you follow the advice of a specialist, carefully follow his recommendations, then the procedure will pass quickly and without discomfort.