Insulation of the floor along the logs with foam. How to properly insulate the floor with foam. Styrofoam floor insulation technology. Is it possible to insulate the floor with foam plastic: features of thermal insulation of boardwalks

The pleasure of living in a wooden house can be overshadowed by the cold penetrating from below, through the cracks in the flooring. You can eliminate troubles from hypothermia of the lower layers of the room with well-thought-out and carefully executed thermal insulation.

The temptation is great to insulate the wooden floor with foam; you can choose other materials with low thermal conductivity, since the range allows you to consider a large number of products with different properties and prices.


Theoretically, it is possible to isolate cold air flows from the foundation and soil by laying heat-insulating material above or below the floor. Practitioners unambiguously recommend insulating the floor surface from below, justifying this with the following arguments:

  • maintaining the height of the interior;
  • ensuring the protection of the entire wooden floor from freezing;
  • the ability to reduce the mechanical load on the insulation layer;
  • concentration of condensate outside the house.

To ensure effective insulation, you need to choose the appropriate material, taking into account the specifics of the structure, carefully observe the laying technology.

Even if in the future it is planned to equip the house with an underfloor heating system, insulation from below, underground, must be done to save energy. In severe climatic zones, in addition, ceilings are often insulated in wooden houses, using foam plastic for this purpose. It is laid between the beams and all the cracks are carefully foamed. Boards or OSB can be laid on top.


There are two fundamentally different options for carrying out floor insulation work.

In some cases, flooring is made of heat-insulating materials along the beams. The result is a pie consisting of two plank floors, between which a waterproofing film is laid out, and a layer of insulation on top. In such structures, the tree, despite preventive measures, is gradually saturated with moisture and begins to rot.

Another type of insulation is performed directly on the ground by casting a reinforced concrete monolith with a lower waterproofing pad and an upper heat-insulating layer. The resulting slab, in fact, is a pillow floating on the foundation, withstands and transfers to the ground the load from the weight of the inhabitants, furniture and household appliances in the house.

Insulation in such structures should have high density values ​​​​and low hygroscopicity, because moisture can partially seep through waterproofing and concrete.


There are several types of substances and composites of both natural and synthetic origin that can perform the functions of heaters. The most popular are the following materials:

  • mineral (inorganic) wool;
  • foams, in particular expanded polystyrene;
  • ecowool;
  • sawdust;
  • penoplex.

A big temptation is the option of using foams. Organic foam polymers are lightweight and do a good job of insulating the floor. Foam materials are easy to work with, because you can simply cut a piece of the required size and place it in the intended place.


Foam plastics are a huge group of products made from different raw materials, a common feature of which is the filling of the frozen polymer mass with air bubbles. In everyday construction practice, foam plastics most often mean ordinary polystyrene, obtained by saturating a mixture of raw granules with air, followed by heating with steam. As a result of heat treatment, foaming of the mass occurs, which, increasing in volume, acquires a given shape.

The cheapness, availability of the material does not compensate for its shortcomings, which are combustibility, the absolute absence of the ability to absorb moisture, the tendency to age and collapse after a decade and a half. In addition, ordinary foam is very fond of rodents, such as field mice, who tend to create cozy nests in it and breed.

A type of foam that can be used to insulate the floor in a wooden house is foam plastic. This is expanded polystyrene obtained by a modified technology. In the production of granules, raw materials are mixed with foaming agents, heated and squeezed out the resulting mass through extruders.

Note! High-quality penoplex (EPPS) has closed cavities evenly distributed throughout the thickness, which significantly increase the strength of the plates.

The material has a low thermal conductivity, which makes floor insulation in a wooden house with extruded polystyrene foam very effective. Problems can be caused by its low water absorption, vapor permeability (less than that of a simple foam), high flammability. Given the considerable cost, the feasibility of using foam for floor insulation, as well as expanded polystyrene, may be in doubt.

Comparison with cotton wool and expanded clay

Often, some kind of mineral wool is used to insulate floors in wooden houses. Cloths, slabs made of glass fibers, slags, special stony rocks are much less flammable than foam plastics, which makes them safe in case of fires.

Inorganic wool is light in weight, has good thermal insulation properties, but absorbs moisture too much, which can create problems for a wooden floor.

Wet insulation is a source of vapors that saturate the tree from below, causing its microbiological deterioration, rotting to a much greater extent than can occur when using foam plastics. A way out of a difficult situation can be found by protecting the wooden flooring with a vapor barrier layer.

In some regions, a method is popular - with fired balls from clay or slate raw materials. Near the sources of these minerals, the material is cheaper than polystyrene and other heat insulators, and demonstrates satisfactory performance.

Expanded clay is characterized by absolute environmental safety, incombustibility, acceptable insulating properties. The problem is the tendency of the material to self-compact, due to which the weight of the layer increases and the insulating ability decreases. In wooden houses on helical piles, expanded clay insulation can cause significant subsidence of the foundation.

Comparison with ecowool and sawdust

An expensive but effective way to insulate the floor in a wooden house is to spray a composition of polyurethane foam called ecowool. To pump the heat-insulating mass, an industrial compressor is needed that can create a flow sufficient to get into all corners of the underground space. The hardened polymer has a low weight, differs from polystyrene in high strength characteristics, is not affected by moisture, and therefore does not require waterproofing.

The method of floor insulation with polyurethane foam requires financial costs, the use of professional equipment, but, given the possibility of the safe use of the structure for more than two decades, the efforts are justified.

The good old sawdust method requires less investment; when thoroughly mixing wood waste with cement, it provides effective thermal insulation, quite comparable to that created, for example, by foam. Sawdust is environmentally friendly, has an affordable price for everyone, and is still popular with builders and homeowners.

To prevent damage by rodents, reduce flammability, wood raw materials undergo special pre-treatment. The easiest way to deal with rodents is to mix the mass with broken glass. For the sake of increasing strength, you should not get involved in the preparation of a thick mixture of sawdust with cement or clay, because this will significantly reduce the heat-insulating characteristics of the insulation.

The choice of material, laying technology depends on many factors that need to be discussed with competent builders who know the characteristics of the soil, the design of the house, and the capabilities of the owners. Available materials, such as the now popular foam, may not provide the required floor insulation in a wooden house for a long time. It is very likely that after a short period of time the work on thermal insulation will have to be done again.

Polyfoam is one of the most popular heat-insulating materials. One of the significant reasons for such popularity is the relative cheapness of foam. It is also very easy to work with it, it is easily mechanically affected, it has a relatively low weight.

Styrofoam floor insulation: cheap and cheerful!

Today, one of the most popular methods in carrying out work to preserve heat in the house is the insulation of the floor with foam. Experts say that the use of modern heat-insulating materials can reduce heat loss by 20%.
Styrofoam is a favorite material for insulating walls, floors and ceilings during construction and repair. It received wide popular recognition due to its relatively low cost and versatility. The heater has unique properties and is very easy to use. Sheets with dimensions of 1000x500mm are presented on the modern market. The thickness is selected from the range of 5-50mm.

For thermal insulation of floors, a special type of foam is used - extruded polystyrene foam. With high compressive strength, it has excellent thermal insulation performance. With a thickness of only 10mm, it is able to replace 15cm of brickwork.

Both types of material are identical in composition. Their effectiveness and durability have been verified by many years of testing in real conditions, and are beyond doubt.

Mounting methods

When working on floor insulation with foam, one of several methods is used. The choice is made according to specific conditions. In any case, the basic rules remain unchanged - the insulation must be protected from direct sunlight and direct moisture.

Preparation includes preliminary alignment and laying of heat-insulating tape at the junction of walls to the floor.

If a cement screed is selected for a clean floor. Polyfoam (PSB-S 35) is laid on a concrete floor. The gaps between the foam plates are filled with polyurethane foam. Then a waterproofing layer is placed, which is usually a PVC film. Cut to size, it is placed with an overlap at the joints of 10-15 cm. Next, the floor is poured with concrete with a thickness of at least 5 cm. Sometimes, to ensure rigidity, a reinforcing mesh is placed in the concrete.
In cases where it is necessary to insulate the ground floor, an underlying layer is made of fine gravel. Crushed stone is carefully compacted and covered with a layer of sand. Styrofoam or expanded polystyrene is laid on a layer of waterproofing. The joints are sealed with foam. Another layer of film is placed on top and poured with concrete mixture. This design allows you to make an insulated base for mounting a clean floor from other materials - laminate, carpet, linoleum.
Installation of the floor on logs with the material of the upper layer of chipboard. With this method, there is no vertical load, therefore, a layer of ordinary foam (PSB-S 15) is laid in the space between the lags. Sealing the joints of foam boards.

The floor, insulated with foam plastic, allows you to significantly save on heating in winter and maintain a comfortable microclimate in the room all year round for many years. The durability of foam plastic declared by manufacturers is 40 years. Throughout the entire period of operation, the foam does not lose its properties.

You can read the whole truth about such material as polystyrene foam, as well as learn about all the possible types of insulation and how to install them, on the website, information for which is provided only by professionals in the construction field.

Floor insulation

Styrofoam 2-5 cm thick is laid end-to-end on the waterproofing layer and attached with special butterflies using a perforator to the floor base (fastening is not necessary), while it is important to exclude the slightest gaps in the material, as they can become a "bridge" for cold. On top of the foam, it is desirable to put a reinforcing metal mesh with a cell of 30-40 mm, which will stiffen the concrete with a small layer. Also at this stage, it is necessary to lay a strip of insulation around the perimeter of the floor for better thermal insulation characteristics of the base.

To install a floor screed in the house, a classic concrete solution is used on top of the insulation (using a self-leveling is too expensive, since the screed layer should be from 2 cm when insulated) after installing the guide beacons. The guide elements are installed using a level and any quick-setting mortar, and here it is important to correctly control the accuracy of the work.

The concrete mortar is thrown between the beacons and pulled together along the guide elements with a plaster rule or an even rail, after which it is smoothed out with a wide metal spatula or a half-rubber.

Further laying of the flooring is carried out no earlier than 2 weeks after the completion of the insulation of the concrete floor with foam plastic, since it is necessary that all moisture be removed from the screed, otherwise the coating may be deformed.

We warm the floor with our own hands

What is the best way to insulate the floor? Such a question at least once occurred to a person who, in the cold season, felt all the “charm” of the floor covering, which contains cavities and all kinds of holes. Nowadays, you can insulate the floor with your own hands quite quickly and without much effort. In addition, there is a huge selection of modern materials, thanks to which it is possible to create the most optimal thermal insulation, protect the room from the penetration of cold air.

Nowadays, choosing how to insulate the floor, consumers are simply shocked by the huge amount of materials available. Here and polystyrene, and polystyrene, and mineral wool, but the most common and popular method of insulation is the so-called "floating" screed.
Floating screed technology

Those who want to learn how to make an insulated floor need to know what exactly such a floating screed is. This technology is one of the varieties of cement-sand screed, which differs from the traditional one only in the absence of a rigid connection with the walls and the base of the room. This type of screed has a special layer of insulation, which means that it can effectively insulate the floor on the 1st floor. However, this type of floor insulation is great for any other floor.

Floor insulation schemeInsulated floor installation should begin with the creation of an effective waterproofing barrier. It is on the correct implementation of this stage of work that the answer to the question depends - is it necessary to insulate the floor. If the waterproofing is done with high quality, then such a barrier will prevent the penetration of moisture from the lower floors and the basement, prevent the heat insulator from getting wet, and the air temperature in any room will increase even if the previous heating mode is maintained. Waterproofing begins with applying a layer of mastic to the base and lining the surface with roofing material.

Floor waterproofing on the ground

In order for the waterproofing of the floor on the ground to be successful, it is necessary to use the most popular materials - roofing felts and membranes. Their task is to protect the floor from water and capillary moisture penetrating into it from the soil. Among the roofing materials, the built-up roofing materials based on fiberglass have the best characteristics - it is enough to lay it in one layer. The characteristics of roofing materials based on polyester fibers are somewhat worse, and the weakest ones are for roofing materials based on cardboard. To ensure sufficient waterproofing, they are laid on bituminous mastic in 2-3 layers and with a 10 cm overlap. Recently, roofing materials have been replaced by waterproofing membranes. The membranes are very strong and durable. They are easy to lay. They can be welded and self-adhesive. For floor insulation, so-called flat membranes made of high-density polyethylene (HDPE), polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or polyolefin (TPO) are used. They are laid with a 5 cm overlap.

In rooms that are especially exposed to moisture, before laying the coating, the screed is protected with waterproofing mastic - the so-called seamless membrane. It is a mixture of polymers, fillers and modifiers. The first layer of mastic is applied to the screed with a brush or roller, the second - with a steel spatula.

As a rule, expanded polystyrene is used as a floor insulation on the ground or above a ventilated underground. Floor waterproofing on the ground can be carried out both above this insulation and below it. In both cases, the house will be protected from the penetration of moisture from the ground. If the insulation is made of mineral wool, two layers of waterproofing are required. One layer is laid under the mineral wool, on a concrete base: it protects it from the penetration of moisture from the ground. The second layer of waterproofing is laid on top of the mineral wool board to prevent moisture from penetrating the heat-insulating layer from the screed.

Floor insulation - an effective solution to problems with heat loss

Perhaps more than once you have heard your friends complain that "they pay for air." This concerned heating - when more heat was wasted, nowhere. And all because they did not have a heater.
As you know, heat loss can be up to 30% through leaks in windows and doorways, and 20% through floors. And if the first problem can be dealt with “at once” by sealing the window-doors, or, at worst, by replacing the door and window structures, then the floors will have to be difficult, because a simple replacement of the floor covering will not give tangible results. How to be in this case? The solution is quite simple - choose the best insulation.

But here the real search begins: it is very easy to get confused in a large variety of heaters, since some heaters are more noise-insulating than heat-insulating materials, others are more resistant to high loads, and some are fire resistant. In this case, you need to pay attention to the value of thermal conductivity, which all manufacturers of insulation indicate on the packaging of their products - it should be as low as possible in order to ensure the preservation of heat in the room.
What heater to choose?

Today, the construction market is literally teeming with similar materials, the production technologies of which allow the use of various types of insulation in the construction of houses. And here it is important not to get confused, dissolving in all the variety of goods offered: by saving heat in the house, reducing heat loss, creating a comfortable temperature in the house, heaters contribute to the fact that a person seeks to choose the best option for himself - both in terms of quality and price. By what criteria is a heater selected? Naturally, the material must be:

How to insulate the floor with foam?

In order for the parquet in your apartment to be warm even in the hottest frosts, you need to think about how to insulate the floor with foam. This is done in two ways:
The first way is when sheets of insulation are carefully laid on the floor without cracks, and then the finishing screed is already made. The main thing here is to choose the right brand of material. For example, PSB S-35 foam is suitable for this type of insulation. He is the most durable, reliable, strong.
The second way is when granules of extruded polystyrene foam are added to a special solution that is used for screeding. This method of insulation is considered the most "warm".

Well, how to insulate the floor with foam plastic if it is wooden? In this case, the insulation plates themselves should be carefully laid between the lags. So even in the coldest time there will be no through cracks through which the wind can penetrate, and heat will not “blow out” from the house.

Ursa or polyurethane foam, as it is convenient for anyone to fit into cracks and other spaces between the insulation and walls. The excess is cut off with a sharp knife, only after the ursa or foam is completely dry. And then you can already lay the wooden flooring. In this case, it is recommended to use expanded polystyrene of the PSB - S - 15 brand. It is the "warmest" and also reliable.

Styrofoam can also be used to insulate a floor with a linoleum coating. The fact that linoleum itself is cold, and therefore the floor will also be cold, is a myth. The main thing is to do everything strictly according to the rules, then the heat will remain. For example, after the insulation plates have been laid on the floor, you must also take care of the insulated brand of linoleum. Otherwise, the foam plastic will sag over time and lose its thermal insulation qualities, and the floor will become uneven.

Insulation of the floor with foam plastic provides the consumer with a lot of advantages, if only everything is done according to the rules:

polystyrene is not subject to rotting, even if the room is very damp;
it is durable, from 40 years of service and above;
does not settle, does not deform, does not change size;
the highest thermophysical properties;
does not cause allergic reactions;
when heated, it does not emit odors and fumes harmful to human health.

Consider an article on how to properly insulate floors and with what material?

Today in any city it will not be difficult to find examples of foam insulation of houses. Styrofoam is an environmentally friendly, non-toxic, heat and sound insulating material that has a porous structure consisting of non-communicating cells, low density, thermal conductivity and vapor permeability - this is what you can insulate the floor with. One of the main advantages of foam is the ability to carry a relatively high mechanical load at a minimum density. Styrofoam floor insulation is an easy way to provide a warm floor from which drafts will not be pulled down your legs. For thermal insulation of the floor, foam plates with a thickness of not more than 5 cm are used. This will not only provide you with a warm floor, but will also serve to reduce impact sound transmission. The insulated floor material (foam plastic) is laid on a layer of material with insulating properties, and after sealing the seams, a tongue-and-groove chipboard, sand-cement or concrete mixture 6 cm thick is laid on top. How to insulate the floor with foam plastic? Glue the floor with foam from the bottom. Use foam as glue. Since the foam tends to expand, and the foam must fit snugly against the floor, screw each sheet to the floor with screws through the trimmings of the thin lining. Although the screws are expensive, you won't ruin them and you can use a limited number of screws on the entire floor. After the foam hardens and the foam sticks, the screws can be unscrewed and used again, and all the cracks are carefully filled with foam. No waterproof pads such as roofing material, glassine or polyethylene can be used between the floor and the foam.

How to properly insulate the floor?

The technology of floor insulation with foam plastic is simple and does not require any skills in the construction industry - any beginner can handle it.

After laying the insulation, we spread another layer of waterproofing, and then - a finishing concrete screed of at least 5 cm in thickness.

Reflective thermal insulation is extremely effective, therefore, on concrete, it is also possible to make floor insulation with penofol. Aluminum foil acts as a reflective element in the foam - the metallized surface reflects up to 95% of radiant heat. And the main element of insulation in it is foamed polyethylene. When penofol is used to insulate the basement floor, the foil not only contributes to the uniform distribution of heat, but also plays the role of waterproofing. Just keep in mind that when you are insulating the floor of a garage or its basement, the aluminum foil on top must be protected by some kind of polymer film from destructive contact with the aggressive environment of liquid concrete.

Recently, floor insulation methods have been supplemented with a very simple and effective method. If they have been made for a long time and they are concrete, they can be insulated by simply covering them with a special compound - heat-insulating paint. Previously, the concrete floor must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt, dust, if it is uneven, level it with cement mortar. Before the screed, if the floor has cracks and internal voids, you can pre-insulate the floor with penoizol. This heat-insulating material has a liquid consistency and is often used for injection surface insulation - with the help of a special building syringe, it fills the defects of walls and floors, into which holes are pre-drilled. After the screed dries, several layers of liquid heat-insulating material are successively applied to it.

How to properly insulate the floor with foam in the country?

Usually country houses are wooden one-story or two-story houses, which are completely made of wood, including floors. Very often, the first floor is located directly on the ground or above the basement of the premises. Therefore, the question of how to insulate the floor in the country can be answered simply.

Since a country house is not a primary place of residence, you do not want to invest a huge amount of money in it. Therefore, I want to find such a heater that would combine low cost and good thermal insulation qualities.

How to properly insulate the floor and at the same time comply with these two conditions. To do this, you can choose mineral wool as a heater. It has good soundproofing properties, high thermal insulation and fire resistance, excellent water repellency and withstand high mechanical stress. Mineral wool can be either in the form of a flexible mat or in the form of a solid board. Flexible mats are produced from hydrophobized mineral fiber, one side of which is covered with perforated paper.
You can also insulate with foam and how to insulate the floor with foam can also be read in the literature or consult a specialist. Styrofoam, as well as mineral wool, is a good option for giving, and the presence of a cellular structure in it will allow you not to remember about re-insulation for a long time.

If you briefly tell how to insulate the floor with polystyrene foam, then we can say that this material is placed between the lags, while the entire space between the lags should be completely filled with thermal insulation. Next, between the thermal insulation and the floorboards, it is necessary to lay a layer of waterproofing and vapor barrier. To do this, you can use roofing felt or ordinary plastic film.

One way or another, the floor structure will have to be thermally insulated. At the same time, it is possible not to take into account the presence of good thermal insulation properties in the material, since most of the time spent there refers to the summer period, when it is not so cold outside.

Styrofoam floor insulation technology.

The whole technology of floor insulation consists of several stages.

1. Alignment

Initially, the surface to be insulated must be leveled. For a rough screed, you can use concrete or special dry mixes for leveling floors. The screed layer should be approximately 3-4 cm.

A waterproofing material is insulated on the screed. As a rule, a special waterproofing film is used at this stage. In the future, it will provide the floors with maximum moisture resistance.


Sheets of PPT-35 foam plastic are laid on a layer of waterproofing material. The high density of this brand is ideal for floors, excluding possible freezing. The thickness of the foam sheet can vary from 5 cm to 10 cm. When insulating the floor with extruded polystyrene foam ("Penoplex"), sheets with a thickness of 3 cm to 5 cm are used. Floor insulation with foam plastic under linoleum

4. Reinforcement

A screed solution about 2 cm thick is applied to the foam layer. A reinforcing mesh is laid on it.

5.Finish screed

A screed solution is applied to the floor. The thickness of the final screed layer should be 5-8 cm.

how to properly insulate the floors how to insulate the floor insulated material + for the floor how to properly insulate the floor with foam

A modern house is a building to which rather stringent requirements for thermal protection are imposed. A large number of highly effective heat-insulating materials are now on the market. They allow you to provide a comfortable temperature and humidity conditions in the premises. The most effective and reliable way to increase the heat-shielding characteristics will be floor insulation with polystyrene foam.

The need for thermal protection and requirements for insulation

If a person is told that it is necessary to do something, he has every right to know why it is necessary. If the house has insufficient thermal insulation of structures, serious problems arise during operation.

The heater performs the following functions:

  • prevention of freezing of the floor of the first floor and the penetration of cold into the premises;
  • protection against the appearance of condensate, which leads to the formation of mold, fungus and rotting of wooden house structures;
  • the house will require lower heating costs during the cold period;
  • improvement of soundproofing characteristics.

The following requirements are imposed on the insulation used in the floor pie:

  • good strength characteristics;
  • resistance to moisture;
  • resistance to decay and mold;
  • human safety;
  • incombustibility;
  • ease of installation.

All these requirements are met by extruded polystyrene foam, which can be used to insulate the structures of a concrete, wooden, brick and frame building.

What is polystyrene foam

Styrofoam consists of styrene granules filled with gas. Air is the most effective insulation, so a large number of cavities allows the material to have good heat-shielding performance. Currently, two types of expanded polystyrene are widely used in construction: polystyrene foam and extruded material. The second is preferable to use.

These two materials look similar in appearance, but differ in their characteristics and method of manufacture. Styrofoam is made from polystyrene foam balls by sintering. In the production of extruded polystyrene foam, the granules are mixed with a foamed reagent and forced through an extruder.

What's better? Styrofoam or extruded polystyrene foam?

Styrofoam has only one advantage over extruded material: low cost.

If the house is being built without strong financial constraints, it is better to choose the second option.

If we conduct a comparative analysis, we can come to the following conclusions:

  • extruded polystyrene foam has high strength and works better in floor construction;
  • foam plastic is characterized by higher water absorption (about two times);
  • in the presence of moisture and exposure to low temperatures, the foam may crumble into separate balls;
  • polystyrene refers to medium and low combustible materials and, when exposed to high temperatures, releases substances dangerous to humans;
  • extruded polystyrene foam, thanks to special additives, becomes resistant to fire.

For warming the floor of a wooden house is better suited extruded polystyrene foam. To reduce construction costs, you can apply floor insulation with polystyrene foam of two types at the same time. The lower thick layer of greater thickness is made of foam, and the upper one is made of a more durable material 3-5 cm thick. This method allows you to achieve a compromise between price and quality.

Pie overlapping wooden house

Depending on the strength, the material can be laid in two ways: without a lag and with their help. In the first case, the weight of the entire clean floor structure falls on the insulation, so a cement-sand screed is made on top of it. We have already discussed in detail earlier. Most often, this method is used for floors of brick and concrete buildings.

For a wooden house, insulation is made between wooden logs. It is important to take into account the location of the insulation in the building - the thermal protection of the attic floor is different from the insulation of the floor over a cold basement or underground.

Please note that the process is slightly different from the above method.

In the first case, the layers are stacked in the following order:

  1. wooden floor;
  2. vapor barrier;
  3. insulation.

When used in construction first floor floor installation order is as follows:

  1. wooden floor;
  2. waterproofing;
  3. insulation;
  4. vapor barrier.

When using extruded polystyrene foam, the vapor barrier can be omitted.

For foam, it is important to remember that steam protection is located on the side of warm air, and moisture protection is on the cold side. Only in this case the house will be reliably protected from the penetration of cold air. As a vapor barrier and waterproofing, you can use an ordinary durable polyethylene film.

Mounting process

Depending on the method of laying, work can be carried out in different ways.

The minimum layer of insulation depends on the climate in which the house is located, but on average it is 10 cm.

Laying insulation without lag (under the screed)

The workflow begins with cleaning the base from dirt and dust. Further, if necessary, perform alignment. After preparing the base, the plates are laid out, taking into account the gap for thermal expansion. These gaps are filled with fiberglass or polyurethane foam. On top of the insulation with this method of installation, a cement-sand screed is performed. For fragile foam, it must be additionally reinforced.

Laying between lags

The process starts with installation lag, the pitch of which is selected depending on the size of the insulation boards.

This method does not require high strength, so foam can be used without fear.

Between the lags, depending on the structure to be protected, lays vapor barrier or hydroprotection. The plates are mounted, as in the previous case, with a small gap. After the installation of insulation, the construction of the structure begins. finishing floor.

Schemes for constructing a floor pie are given in this article above.

Insulation of the floor with expanded polystyrene can significantly reduce the load on the building structure. This is especially important if the house is built on unstable soils with poor characteristics, as it allows you not to overload the foundations.

If you follow all the rules for laying polystyrene foam, then it is able to protect the house from the cold for 40-50 years. The right choice of materials and quality control of the production of works can reduce the cost of operating and repairing a home.

This video clearly describes the insulation by this method:

Insulation of floors during repairs is a guarantee that the house will be cozy and warm, and it will be possible to move on the surface of the floor covering even barefoot without experiencing discomfort. And it is especially important to insulate the floor in Russia, since the climatic conditions here leave much to be desired in most regions. You can insulate the base under your feet with a variety of materials according to their characteristics - this is isolon, and mineral wool so often used in construction. But is it possible to use foam for floor insulation? It turns out that it is possible, and this is one of the best options for insulation.

Styrofoam is actually familiar to every person. And the scope of this material is quite extensive. But few people know what foam is made of and what it is in general from a physical and chemical point of view.

So, foam plastic is light blocks of various sizes, consisting of foamed, but compressed together granules of a substance such as polystyrene. During the production of the material, the granules of this substance are subjected to steam treatment, the resulting particles undergo a drying stage, after which they are glued and pressed into a single block. And at the same time, 97% of the foam is ordinary air. During the drying process, the foam just acquires the same sound and heat insulation qualities that are familiar to us. Foam production is regulated by GOST 15588-66.

GOST 15588-86. Plates are expanded polystyrene. Specifications. Download file (click on the link to open the PDF file in a new window).

Table comparing the characteristics of foam and XPS

Comparative diagram of the thermal conductivity of foam

Polyfoam is characterized by low thermal conductivity, which allows it to retain heat for a long time, due to which there is a decrease in heat loss in the house. Such indicators can be achieved precisely due to the porous structure of the material.

Polyfoam is not afraid of moisture due to a special production technology, when the granules of raw materials are processed with steam saturated with moisture, it is resistant to the appearance of colonies of harmful microorganisms on it, the growth of mold. It does not develop a fungus, which, in terms of health safety, makes it one of the best heaters for walls and floors. Also, the material has a long service life and low weight, which is why they like to use it in construction. The material is easy to use, since, if necessary, it can be easily cut into elements of the required size, and you can drag the blocks yourself without involving third-party people.

On a note! To ensure the proper level of thermal insulation of the floor, it is enough to buy very thin blocks of foam - 10 cm of material thickness is enough to cope with this task.

Styrofoam is an inexpensive material, somewhat rigid and durable, it does not need to equip plywood structures for flooring, it does not require special skills or knowledge from the master. It is ideal for coverings such as lamellas or parquet due to its soundproofing characteristics.

The main drawback of the material from the point of view of construction is its exactingness in the evenness of the base on which it will be laid. If this condition is not observed, then the foam will break and crumble, as a result of which it will lose its properties, albeit partially.

On a note! Styrofoam is often confused with expanded polystyrene, which is used to package various fragile products. In fact, these are somewhat different materials, although they have a lot of similarities. Packing polystyrene foam is fragile, and its thermal insulation characteristics are much lower than that of polystyrene.

Table. Technical specifications.

Disadvantages of foam

Styrofoam - the material is far from ideal, it also has its own drawbacks, which you need to know about in order to draw your own conclusion - whether or not to buy such material for floor insulation. The main ones are as follows.

  1. Low strength indicators. The material is easily damaged or broken. But it is also easy to cut.
  2. The material is afraid of the effects of varnish or paint - it collapses because of them.
  3. It is not a breathable coating, although it is full of air in itself.
  4. If mice or rats start up in the house, they can greatly spoil this type of insulation. Therefore, it is best to cover the foam blocks with plaster.
  5. This is not an environmentally friendly material, and if set on fire, it releases a huge amount of toxic fumes into the air. But the foam itself is absolutely safe for humans.
  6. You still need to create a frame for foam, but in the case of this material, it can be made not as powerful as when using the same mineral wool.

Insulation of wooden floors

Wooden floors are quite common both in apartments and in private sector houses. They are environmentally friendly, easy to install and have good strength characteristics. However, on the lower floors, the relatively low thermal conductivity of wood is simply not enough to provide the proper level of heat, which means that it is still necessary to insulate the floors. And here, foam plastic will be an excellent option.

As far as is known, this is a whole structure, assuming the presence of an air gap between the plank covering and the ceiling. And just in this space it is required to lay foam blocks. Even a novice builder or a person who is far from construction, but decided to repair or simply insulate the base himself, can do this work.

In any case, the use of foam requires careful preparation of the base. That is, it must be cleaned, leveled, and all cracks must be sealed. After that, the waterproofing coating is laid, on which the foam is then laid. But first, a log is installed from a wooden beam.

On a note! As a waterproofing, you can use any material suitable for these purposes, even ordinary plastic film.

The foam blocks must be laid tightly, without gaps, and the joints between them can be foamed to reduce the number of cold bridges. Further, it is recommended to close the foam with another layer of waterproofing.

Advice! For laying insulation in a private house, it is better to buy foam plastic with a thickness of at least 10 cm. Moreover, the higher the humidity in the room, the thicker the insulation coating is used.

Insulation of the concrete base

The concrete floor is characterized by high reliability, as a rule, it is very even and durable, it is not afraid of serious loads. However, it cools down quickly, does not hold heat, and passes the cold easily. That is why concrete floors must be insulated. And here, too, foam comes to the rescue. However, depending on whether there is a basement under the concrete floor or not, the insulation technology will also differ.

With a basement

This section is relevant for owners of private houses or those who have apartments on the ground floors. Concrete floors in these cases are quite cold, and even a good floor covering will not save you from discomfort. Here it is recommended to fix the insulation precisely from the side of the basement, then the concrete slab itself, that is, the ceiling, will be in the air layer and it will be better to retain heat, and the cold will not penetrate into the house.

It is best to use foam plastic 5-10 cm thick, as is the case with wooden floors. If the concrete slab is uneven, then in any case it is important to prepare it for the installation of foam sheets. All cracks on it, if any, are sealed with mounting foam.

You can fix the foam on concrete using dowels 12-14 cm long. You need to work slowly, drilling holes in the concrete with a puncher, marking out places for fastenings. Before fixing the material, a special adhesive suitable for foam must be applied to the concrete surface. The joints between the fixed sheets can be closed with mounting foam.

Important! Styrofoam burns well and is easily damaged. Therefore, after installation, it is in any case important to protect it with plaster or ceramic adhesive using a thin reinforcing mesh.

Without basement

If there is no basement in the house, and the apartment is located above the first floor, then another technology for insulating the floor with foam plastic is used. In this case, the installation of sheets is carried out above the concrete surface. The old flooring is completely removed, all cracks in the base are sealed, the floor is leveled. Cracks are best sealed with a thick cement mortar. Only after that it is produced with special compounds or materials. The easiest way is to use bituminous mastic, but in some cases rolled material will also be convenient.

After that, a reinforcing mesh or ordinary masonry is laid on the surface of the waterproofing. And only then sheets of foam are placed on it. But here you can use thin sheets with a thickness of about 2-3 cm. The main thing is to mount with a minimum of joints so that cold bridges do not form. It is best to fix the foam on a special glue.

Further, after laying the foam, it is carried out using a laser level. You can fix them with the same mounting adhesive. Lighthouses are placed at a distance of no more than 1.4 m from each other, but at the same level. After that, a screed solution is poured over the foam plastic - an ordinary concrete screed is performed, and the foam plastic will be sealed on both sides with concrete surfaces.

Advice! You can level the surface of the concrete screed using a self-leveling mixture.

Styrofoam in the construction of the floor on the ground

In private houses, in some cases, the first floor is not built over the basement, but directly on the ground. Here it is important to pay maximum attention to heat and waterproofing. It is best to lay not one, but two layers of thermal insulation material. The floor can be either above or below ground level. In any case, it is important to use the thickest possible foam when installing floors.

The base under such a floor must be carefully leveled and compacted. After that, it is important to make a so-called cushion of gravel or gravel and compact it, and then cover the surface with a waterproofing coating. The best option is ruberoid. Next, the foam plates are laid very tightly to each other. Moreover, the joints of all seams should not converge in one place - it is better to lay the sheets in a “checkerboard pattern”. All joints between individual sheets are foamed.

Advice! The latest sheets should be taken a little more than the required dimensions in order to install them with some effort.

Next, further waterproofing work is carried out again. You can close the foam with a polyethylene film, but thick enough and strong enough. Next, the screed is poured using conventional technology. The thickness of the screed layer should not be less than 4 cm.

An example of floor insulation with foam

Consider step by step floor insulation in the house with foam. This is a fairly simple option, and any person can perform such insulation.

Step 1. First of all, the rough base must be cleaned of debris and all irregularities removed. If necessary, cracks are sealed, and the protrusions are polished. It is important to remember that the foam does not tolerate a curved base. Next, a waterproofing layer is laid. In this case, rolled material is used, which is laid in separate strips overlapping each other. In this case, the individual strips are fixed to each other by heating with a blowtorch. Waterproofing should be brought to the walls by about 10-15 cm.

Step 2 Next, you need to install logs for the floor. In this case, they are wooden bars, on which the floor will subsequently rest under their feet. Logs should be used only from dry wood. Fixing the lag on the base can be done using dowels. The step between the lags can be equal to the width of the foam sheet.

Step 3 After installing the lag, all communications should be laid that will be inside the floor pie. It can be wiring, pipes and so on. Laying should be done in accordance with the project of the house or repair. As for the water supply, especially in a private house on the ground floor, it is best to put it on the heat-insulating material.

Step 4 Next, foam must be laid on the surface of the waterproofing layer between the lags. It is laid consistently and tightly so that no gaps form. But if they appear, it is best to cover them with mounting foam. The logs should be of such a height that they are approximately 5-10 mm above the level of the laid foam.

Step 5 Then you need to “sew up” the floor cake with plywood sheets, OSB sheets, or an ordinary board. Everything, the floor is ready, you can equip the finishing floor covering.

Styrofoam prices for insulation

styrofoam for insulation

Video - Insulation of the floor with foam

Styrofoam is really convenient and practical, and most importantly, an inexpensive material that is great for insulating floors in a house, as well as in any building. It is easy to work with it, and the material performs its functions properly. So the main thing is to work without violating the technology, and then in the house after installing such a heater it will be comfortable and cozy.

What is expanded polystyrene, or in another way polystyrene? This is a material that is filled with gases. It consists of polystyrene and its derivatives, as well as styrene. The styrene components are dissolved by gas in the polymers. After heating is carried out with steam, due to this, the elements become larger in volume. Next is baking. Such production has expanded polystyrene. 20 millimeters - a foam sheet has such an average thickness.

Natural gas is used to create ordinary polystyrene foam. Carbon dioxide is used when it is necessary to make a given material fire resistant. The main advantages of this material are its low cost in the construction market, and it is also quite easy to install.

To work with it, you do not need to have any specific knowledge, skills and experience. Most often, this insulation is used in order to create high-quality thermal insulation. With the help of this material, the insulation of floors, walls, ceilings, balconies and so on is carried out. For many procedures, extruded polystyrene foam is used.

Extruded polystyrene foam is a product that has a uniform structure. Extruded polystyrene foam consists of small closed cells. There are many positive reviews about extruded polystyrene foam.

This building product is not suitable for every material. So, for example, thermal insulation of a wooden floor with expanded polystyrene (foam plastic) is not carried out.

Wooden materials are very rarely insulated with foam.

Various building materials are used for floor insulation. This article will reveal how to insulate the floor with polystyrene foam and by what technologies.

You want to carry out thermal insulation with this product. How to make a choice in favor of quality material?

Before purchasing the necessary material, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • The first criterion is appearance. The granules should not peel off, the color should be uniform white. There must be no damage to the surface of the material.
  • The next criterion is smell. Foreign smell should be absent. Such a smell is, for example, chemical.
  • Pay attention to the structure. The components must be perfectly sintered. When you break the Styrofoam, the boundary must be between the granules, as well as inside them.
  • The material must be well packed. Also, the packaging must be labeled and the manufacturer's data. The brand and manufacturer's recommendations should be written. All this will be proof that this product is of high quality.
  • There should be information about the properties of the foam. It should also be on the packaging. The packaging indicates the technical, physical, mechanical qualities of this product.
  • Pay attention to where you buy this material. Make sure the store is legal and has a warehouse.

Scope of expanded polystyrene

This material is used in the following areas. Let's consider each separately:

  • In the first area, expanded polystyrene is used, which is unloaded. Its density is up to 15 kg/m3. This material is used for floors, internal partitions, pitched roofs, attic floors, loggias.
  • Expanded polystyrene with a density of up to 25 kg/m3 used for during the manufacture of sandwich panels, floors, as well as walls that are three-layer. Three-layer floors are perfect.
  • Plates, the density of which varies from 15 to 20 kg / m3. are used to insulate building envelopes that are vertical.
  • Plates, the density of which is just over 25 kg / m3, are used for self-leveling floors. They are also used for thermal insulation of the base of the house (foundation) and basement. This polystyrene flooring is great.
  • For a more loaded surface, plates are suitable, which have a density of 35 to 50 kg / m3. This Styrofoam needs floors in the basement, garage or car park. They are also used in roof and floor structures that are loaded with people and vehicles.

Therefore, anyone who wants to purchase this material must necessarily know all the characteristics in order to make the right choice.

Pros and cons of polystyrene foam

Let's look at the pros first:

  • This material is easy to work with. It is easy to handle with a household knife. Mounting aids can also be used for fastening. You can glue it with glue or a mixture of mortar.
  • Plates are light in weight. Thanks to this factor, they can be raised to absolutely any height, without the need to use any additional mechanisms for this procedure.
  • This product is absolutely safe for human health. When the product is processed, no dust is released. The product also does not have any specific smell. Do not irritate the skin during operation.
  • Expanded polystyrene has a high level of resistance to various substances: biological, chemical. Since this product is made of synthetics, various harmful microorganisms cannot start in it, because they do not like such material. Fungus and bacteria are also not terrible for this material.

These are the main advantages, however, they can also include excellent sound insulation, a high level of resistance to moisture, low cost in the construction market, as well as a huge service life - it can reach up to 50 years.

Let's now discuss the weaknesses of styrofoam boards:

  • Plates are prone to deformation. This material has a low level of heat resistance. Therefore, when the temperature reaches 80 degrees Celsius, the product begins to break down.
  • The pellets may ignite. Since Styrofoam is made from a gas filler, it can ignite when exposed to high temperatures.
  • The product needs additional protection, as it does not tolerate mechanical stress.

After we have got acquainted with the main characteristics, it can be used for thermal insulation of the floor. Underfloor heating is an opportunity to save on space heating. The effect of expanded polystyrene plates is that they significantly reduce heat loss, and the temperature in the room will be maintained at a comfortable temperature for you.

Procedure technology

Using granules for concrete floor insulation

Floor insulation with polystyrene foam, which is made of concrete. The technology of the procedure lies in the fact that the granules are introduced into the concrete solution, due to which this material acquires the properties of thermal insulation. The process begins with the preparation of a concrete solution. Dry cement must be added to the water. We stir everything with a drill. For this, a specially designed nozzle is used. Stir everything to the consistency of sour cream. After you need to add granules of insulation, but do not stop interfering. The ratio should be 1:6.

The more granules you add, the higher the thermal insulation characteristics of the floor will be. However, the more you add them, the lower the strength indicator becomes.

Also, thanks to these particles, the concrete coating will acquire excellent soundproofing characteristics. This is how the concrete floor is insulated with polystyrene foam.

The use of expanded polystyrene sheets for insulation under the screed

What does this technology include? First you need to compact the soil before insulating. To do this, crushed stone is backfilled and a layer consisting of sand and a film is applied from the top. After this procedure, the sheets of this building product should be laid tightly on the entire floor. The resulting joints must be filled, for this you can use mounting tape. Next, another layer of film is laid.

In order to protect this material from mechanical influences, it is necessary to lay a strong mounting mesh on top of the insulation sheets. Then the screed mixture is poured. Its thickness should be 50 millimeters. After a certain period of time, the coating will become hard, after which it is necessary to lay the floor covering on a concrete screed. Laying needs to devote some time.

If you need a layer with a thickness of 50 millimeters, then you need to lay three layers of foam at once. The foam sheet is 20 millimeters thick.

Thermal insulation along the lags

The floor can be arranged using wooden logs. In this case, the thermal insulation procedure becomes quite easy. At the very beginning, you need to process each wooden lag, this can be done thanks to antifungal and moisture protective agents.

After that, from the bottom of the lags, the boards are fixed to the screws. Next, cut out sheets of extruded polystyrene foam are installed on the boards. At the end, the film is installed and the floor covering is installed. This is how the floor is insulated with polystyrene foam along the logs (flooring).

As we have seen, each of the technologies has its own styling rules.

Work on mistakes

In order for all the work to be carried out correctly and efficiently, the following mistakes cannot be made:

  • Pay special attention to the base rail. Defects may appear on the plaster - this means that the plinth rail was not installed correctly. In order to eliminate these defects, it is necessary to eliminate ten centimeters of plaster from the edge, which is located below. It is also necessary to cut off some part of the heat insulator covering the base rail. After that, it is necessary to fix the rail again, then cover it with a reinforcing mesh to the edge, which is located below. At the end, a connection is made with the old and new mesh. The connection is carried out with an overlap of ten centimeters. The final stage is plastering.
  • Exclude contact of expanded polystyrene plates with a soil layer. Due to such contact, the product becomes wet, and it is no longer suitable for use. The function of protection in this case is performed by the base rail. In order to eliminate this error, it is necessary to eliminate the lower part of the heat insulator, and then replace it with polystyrene foam. Namely, the floor is insulated with extruded polystyrene foam.
  • During installation, be guided by weather conditions. Work should take place at room temperature (20-25 degrees Celsius).
  • Make the insulating layer as thick as possible. Otherwise, the floor will remain cold if the thickness is small.
  • If you have a wooden house, then this building product is generally not recommended for thermal insulation. Because styrofoam boards delay the release of moisture, which will significantly harm the tree and ruin it. Wooden floors are not insulated. Remember that floor insulation in a wooden house is made using other building materials.

The use of expanded polystyrene for thermal insulation of the floor guarantees you unique comfort and coziness. This material has established itself in the construction market and has a lot of positive reviews. When warming, you only need to follow some rules and nuances. Warming needs only high-quality materials.