A worthy setting for a blooming diamond. Growing rhododendrons in landscape design Flowerbed design with rhododendrons

Every spring and the first months of summer, rhododendron flowers make any suburban area, and any pre-estate plot unusually beautiful. This plant is distinguished by unearthly beauty and attractiveness. Therefore, with each season, there are more and more people who want to admire their own rhododendron. But not many are aware of the existence certain features in breeding rhododendrons. And today we will talk about how to achieve the most optimal conditions in order for the rhododendron to feel great on your site.

Choosing a place for planting rhododendron

Garden rhododendron is beautiful plant that can fit into absolutely any design suburban area. But it requires a special landing and special care. And here it can indicate the main features of breeding a photo of this plant. So, these wonderful plants are divided into two types:

  • deciduous,
  • evergreens.

And they all have the same environmental requirements:

  1. do not tolerate when moisture stagnation occurs (the earth must be loose);
  2. can't stand strong wind in winter and spring (do not plant in open areas);
  3. don't like straight lines sun rays(create a shadow).

They do well under the branches of neighboring trees. But when in the spring, the foliage on the trees did not appear, in an evergreen species, the spring sun dries the leaves, and in order to avoid this, come up with some kind of shadow.

Let us immediately note the fact that dacha land hardly suitable for landing. With it, you need to do the following procedures:

  1. sour,
  2. mix needles and top peat;
  3. you can also add clay particles, compost and other elements.

Which variety is preferable

About how the rhododendron looks in landscape design, can show photo. It is worth noting that this plant has several varieties. It is not so easy to give preference to one or another variety of rhododendron, because they are all beautiful, but there are plenty to choose from - there are more than a thousand species, and there are even more varieties of about twelve thousand. It follows that the main selection criterion is their preference for a particular area.

In case your garden plot located on the sunny side, give preference to deciduous species, there is a shady zone - choose evergreens. Whichever species you prefer, they should winter well.

Varieties of deciduous species NorthernLights winter well. They are characterized by a height of 1.5 meters, have small, but dense flowers, grow well, picky. Varieties such as KnapHill-Exbury, Rustica winter well at minus thirty degrees.

As for evergreen species, they tolerate winter period rhododendrons of Katevbinsky hybrids (they reach four meters in height and up to 1.5 m in width).

Numerous varieties of the Finnish selection of the MarjattaAybrid series winter at minus thirty-four degrees. The same parameters withstand hybrids, Carolinian rhododendron. True connoisseurs of this type of plant have also created magnificent shrubs of small height, which are also a wonderful decoration for any garden.

Landing Highlights

Earlier in this article, we listed frost-resistant varieties have rhododendrons. Look at their photos for sure you will choose the most with the help of them beautiful tree for your garden. Now it is important to talk about the main points of planting this plant.

In case you bought a rhododendron in a container, it is very important to look at the root system. When the plant has been in a container for a long period of time, there will be dried roots around the edges, and when you plant it in the ground, it will be very difficult for young roots to grow, and accordingly it will receive little nutrition. Therefore, remove the dried roots or cut the root system in two or three places.

These are the parameters of the earthen recess that must be observed: depth from 30 to 40 cm, diameter from 60 to 70 cm.

The soil is acidified before planting (pH from 3.5 to 5) and sour peat, sand, sawdust or sour peat are added. Also, leafy and coniferous soil should be added to the soil for this plant. And at the time of planting, add mineral fertilizers.

After the planting process is completed, make a fence from the ground around the plant so that water does not leak when watering.

If we talk about the reproduction of rhododendron, then they can be propagated by several methods.

  • The most popular method is the cutting method: cuttings are cut in the first or second month of summer from 10 to 15 cm long. Then they should be kept for 24 hours in a solution that stimulates growth, and after this time they are planted in soil diluted with peat, needles and sand and cover with cling film.
  • The second method: layering, it consists in making an incision on a certain branch, then bending it to the ground, already in a hole made for it, covered with earth and watered abundantly. And when the next spring comes, they are transplanted to another place.

The main features in the care of rhododendrons

take care of these fabulous plants easy as long as you follow the basic rules. For example, its root structure is arranged in such a way that small roots grow close to the surface of the earth, so there is a possibility of drying, overheating and freezing in winter, when there is little snow. Therefore, it is necessary to apply such agro-tricks as mulching. Here you will need needles and sawdust, chopped bark and small chips of coniferous trees, as well as light compost: coniferous or garden.

Older rhododendrons need watering 3 times a week, in a volume of 1.5 buckets. Young plants are watered more often, but in a volume of 0.5 buckets. In stuffy and very warm days, they must be irrigated with water. In order for the rhododendron to winter well, it is well watered, but taking into account if the autumn was not rainy. As you have already noticed, acidity is very important for this plant, so do not forget to acidify the water, for example, with lemon (4 gr. citric acid per bucket of water). If the flowers have already pleased your eye and wilted, be sure to remove them.

Preparing rhododendron for winter

If a cold snap occurs in spring and early autumn, the rhododendron tolerates this quite normally (it can withstand temperatures down to minus seven degrees). If you have chosen the right place for the shrub, then it will survive the winter without any problems, and if not, then you need to protect it. Evergreen species can break under the snow, build a frame for them and cover with spruce branches. Trimming the plant is not necessary at all, they are very negative about this procedure. Therefore, in one year they are cut on one side, and the next year on the other. But if the bush has grown to a huge size, then a haircut is a must. In general, trim the plant to your liking, giving it a variety of shapes. At the very beginning of summer, the longest branches and extra roots are removed.

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What can be said in conclusion

Rhododendrons are beautiful of any variety, the color of their flowers is simply amazing. And how to decorate and create a composition from them is up to you, in any case it will look just great.

Photo of rhododendron

Dahlias, poppies. at cottages and suburban areas middle lane and in the southern regions it is much less common to find a very beautiful and unusual shrub that resembles the queen of the garden - a rose. The literal translation from Latin is " pink tree", although the rhododendron belongs to heather.

Exotic shrub - enough capricious plant, it is not easy to grow it, but the magnificent flowers are so good-looking that it is not a pity for the time spent to care for them.

Most varieties of rhododendron grow well in the south, but some varieties, such as "Daursky", "Canadian", feel good in northern regions. Everyone knows home azalea - this is one of the types of this shrub, it often adorns our urban housing, it is distinguished by a variety of shades and lush color. "Relatives" of this plant with a "registration" in Japan, the Himalayas and Tibet, North America can reach sizes up to 30 meters in height. AT wild nature there are also low types of rhododendron, creeping bushes feel good in coastal areas and at the foot of the mountains. "Mountain" varieties the best way suitable for landing in . Rhododendron has an endless palette - flowers can be white and yellow, purple and red, flowering begins with the onset of spring and continues until autumn.

Planting a rhododendron

Experienced gardeners recommend spring planting, which lasts from April to mid-May. The work can be carried out in another period, the main thing is to exclude the time of flowering and the ten-day period after flowering. Varieties planted early in early May are already covered with flowers against the background of barely appeared foliage and grass.

Place to land

In the sun, the rhododendron will feel uncomfortable, and in a shady place it will not give abundant flowering. It is better to break a flower bed with shrubs on the north side so that at noon the plant is closed from the scorching sun. A barrier from the heat can serve not only the wall of the building, but also tall trees, a fence. Rhododendron gets along well with trees with a deep root system: larches, oaks, spruces, apple trees, pears.

Soil Requirements

The shrub does not tolerate neutral or alkaline soil, the soil should be acidic, rich in humus, without lime impurities, well aerated. Best Cast- a mixture of clay and peat.

Disembarkation order

  • Dig a shallow hole up to 40 cm, width - up to 60 cm;
  • drainage - sand and pebble, a layer of 10 - 15 cm;
  • fill the pebbles with a mixture of riding or sphagnum, with a slight acidity, peat and loam, peat should be twice as much;
  • compact the soil, make a hole for a seedling;
  • cover the seedling with soil up to the root neck, it should be on the same level with the soil;
  • water the plant;
  • make mulching with peat, moss, rotted needles, chopped bark and oak leaves to a depth of 5 - 7 cm.

Before planting, the roots can be moistened by lowering them into a container of water. Hold until bubbles stop appearing. There is another piece of advice experienced gardeners how to achieve a better development of the root system. If flowering plant cut off the most magnificent buds - the seedling will spend more energy on rooting as soon as possible.


Many varieties of rhododendrons are not afraid of frosts up to -30 degrees. But still it is better to play it safe and cover the plants with spruce branches, lutrasil or matting. Before the onset of winter, the bushes are well watered. Bright spring sun can burn the foliage, it needs to be shaded.

The roots of rhododendron are close to the surface, it is necessary to loosen the soil very carefully, digging is excluded. Weeds are also best removed by hand, a hoe or garden knife can cause harm.

The shrub has a twofold attitude to moisture: it does not tolerate waterlogging, but at the same time it requires spraying and watering with specially prepared water. 12 - 20 hours before watering, put in a container sphagnum peat for acidification. The best optionrainwater, you can use tap water, but it must first be defended. The need for watering will be "prompted" by the plant itself: as soon as the foliage loses its glossy sheen, it's time for water procedures. In the area where the rhododendron is planted, there should not be ground water close to the surface, otherwise the roots may die.

Rhododendrons look spectacular if they are located in groups. Shrub plantings can be placed near paths, paths, along the edges of lawns, near pools and fountains, where summer time air humidity is increased. Most tall plants planted in the center of the group, low - at the edges. Rhododendrons look good and grow next to conifers such as spruce, pine,. Solitary plantings are good on park lawns, you can create a hedge from the bushes.

plant pruning

The shrub does not need to form a crown, but sometimes it needs to be thinned out, old shoots removed. Pruning is done in early spring, before the start of sap flow. Strong and thick branches with a diameter of 3-4 cm are cut with garden shears, wounds are treated with resin or garden pitch. In a month, the rejuvenation process should start: dormant buds will begin to develop, new shoots will hatch.

Rhododendrons bloom unevenly: this summer they can please with lush color, and on next year the results can be very modest. To minimize these processes, wilted buds must be removed.

Shrub dressing

The plant must be maintained from the beginning of planting and throughout the flowering period. To maintain the acidity of the soil, potassium sulfate, superphosphate, potassium nitrate, ammonium in a minimum concentration, calcium sulfate or magnesium sulfate are used. In early spring contribute nitrogen fertilizers, the second top dressing - in July. The perfect way- top dressing with a liquid solution of natural fertilizers: cow dung, horny flour. The rotted manure is diluted with water in a ratio of one to fifteen, insisted for four days.

A year or two after planting upper layer soil is renewed. Humus or compost is mixed in equal proportions with peat and sprinkled with the mixture around the roots. Superphosphate, ammonium or potassium sulfate can be added to the bedding.

Types of reproduction

There are three main ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • layering.

The first option is very laborious. Healthy, dry seeds should be planted in boxes of moist peat or in pots, with some sand added. Landing put on a lighted place, the plants should be under glass caps. Within a month, the condensate is removed from the glass, and the soil is moistened.

For propagation by cuttings, half-woody shoots are taken, cut into cuttings 7–8 cm long. Leaves are removed from the bottom, the end is placed in a container with a growth stimulator, planting material kept in solution for 12 - 15 hours. Then it is placed in peat soil, the cuttings should take root within 2 to 4 months. The next procedure is transplanting into boxes with peat-coniferous soil, it is better to put them in a cool greenhouse. In the spring, rooted cuttings are planted together with other plants directly in boxes, after two years they can be transplanted to permanent place.

The fastest and most convenient option for propagating rhododendron is to pin layering. The flexible lower shoot is placed in a dug groove 12–15 cm deep. The layer is watered, sprayed, the rooted plant is separated from the parent bush, dug up and transplanted to a permanent place. This method is best for deciduous rhododendron species.

Popular varieties

Daurian rhododendron grows 2-3 m high, it differs abundant flowering. AT warm year the plant can please with repeated flowering.

The eastern guest, Adams' rhododendron, is accustomed to rocky soils. The flowers are pale pink, the height of the bush is up to 1.5 meters.

The Caucasian rhododendron is low, spreads along the ground, the inflorescences are pale yellow, cream.

Japanese rhododendron - deciduous variety, buds - lobster color. The foliage turns red in autumn, the plant is unpretentious, winter-hardy, reproduces well by any of the methods listed above. shrub - great option for the middle lane.

Diseases and pests

Large bushes, dense foliage, buds - beautiful place residence for pests. Half of them are able to destroy the beauty grown with such difficulty in two weeks. To protect the rhododendron, the following measures are recommended:

  • manual collection of slugs and snails, they are located on the trunk and on the branches;
  • for protection against bedbugs, scale insects, rhododendron flies, spider mites, mealy worms use Karbofos;
  • for the treatment of fungal diseases, such as chlorosis, rust, spotting, an iron chelate solution is used, the affected shoots are cut out, for prevention, the plant is sprayed with Bordeaux liquid in early April or late autumn.

Photo of different varieties of rhododendron

Azalea is a type of rhododendron.

Blooming rhododendrons are an extraordinary sight. They delight with the splendor of white, pink, red, purple, purple flowers, often collected in large inflorescences that resemble a huge bouquet.

Unfortunately, not everyone succeeds in such a difficult task as growing rhododendrons. These flowering plants are quite difficult to cultivate, but nevertheless they deserve an attentive and patient attitude. And if you follow our recommendations for care, then throughout the season you will be able to admire their abundant flowering, and in the fall - a variety of leaf colors.


Rhododendrons are suitable for group and single plantings, and their combination with decorative forms conifers, heathers, erics and others flowering plants will give elegance to the landscape area.

Undersized rhododendrons make out rocky areas, alpine slides, of which they create magnificent borders.

Many medium-sized species are suitable for group plantings. They are planted along paths, fences, used as hedges, selecting plants with different flowering periods, combined in color of flowers and leaves, in size of bushes. Groups made in purple-pink-white tones look very impressive; rhododendrons with yellow flowers best combined with orange and red.

For single landings, you should choose specimens above 2 m, with beautiful shape bush, succulent dark green leaves and bright flowers collected in dense inflorescences, like the Katevbinsky rhododendron (Rhododendron catawbiense), r. Smirnova (R.smirnowii), r. the largest (R.maximum) and their varieties.

When planning a landscape composition with continuous flowering it is important to choose an assortment of rhododendrons and other flowering shrubs in such a way that others pick up the baton of flowering. autumn harmonious combination create yellow, orange and red leaves of deciduous rhododendron species against the background of dark green foliage of conifers.

By creating landscape compositions, it should be borne in mind that not all plants are "friendly" with each other. Species with a shallow root system (maple, elm, hornbeam, willow, ash) are not recommended to be planted near the rhododendron, as the trees will take water and nutrients from the soil before it. But next to the common pine and Siberian larch, the shrub feels at ease, as the needles falling from them improve the mechanical composition and fertility of the soil.

You can plant next to the rhododendron bulbous plants: saffron, snowdrop, lily, blueberry, muscari, narcissus, tulip, white flower, colchicum. In shaded areas - ferns (cystopteris, shield, maidenhair), and in places with high humidity and soil - ground cover plants(sedum, periwinkle, pachysandra, cloves).

When landscaping a site near buildings, it must be remembered that sometimes the soil contains the remains of building materials. This land should be replaced soil mixture prepared specifically for rhododendron. It is better to place plants on the north side of the building. Places near the corners of the house, where a through wind always blows, are unfavorable for planting rhododendrons.

Planting rhododendrons

The best time to plant is early spring. Plants with a closed root system can be transplanted almost throughout the season, but rhododendrons, even grown in containers, should not be planted during flowering and late autumn.

It is advisable to prepare a place for planting rhododendron in advance. The planting hole should be two to three times as wide and twice as deep as the plant's root ball. Drainage is necessarily poured at the bottom of the pit - a mixture of broken brick and sand with a layer of 15–20 cm. If landing pit deep, then the drainage layer is increased to 30-40 cm and includes fine gravel or crushed stone (but not lime).

The soil mixture is prepared from leaf ground, peat and coniferous litter in a ratio of 3:2:1 with the addition of complete mineral fertilizer - 70 g per pit or at the rate of 2–3 kg / m³ of substrate. Optimal acidity soils 4.5–5.5.

The distance between the bushes depends on the height and diameter, on average it ranges from 0.7 to 2 m. The plants are not buried, they are planted strictly to the level of the root collar, sometimes 2–4 cm higher, taking into account further soil settlement. After planting, they must be watered abundantly with water.

Rhododendron Care

Twice a year, rhododendrons are fed with acidic fertilizers. In early spring, during the period of active growth of shoots, in trunk circle add a dry mixture of ammonium sulfate, superphosphate, potassium sulfate in a ratio of 2: 1: 1.5 at the rate of 30–40 g / m². Sometimes in the spring 30 g/m² of urea and 70 g/m² of double superphosphate are applied.

Young plants are fed with lower concentrations mineral fertilizers in liquid form. In mid-June, the bushes can be fertilized with slurry - 0.5 liters per bucket of water. (One bucket is spent on two plants.) Horse and pig manure, bird droppings are completely unsuitable, as they increase the alkalinity of the soil. Do not use chlorine-containing fertilizers. After flowering, the plants are fed with a mixture of phosphorus and potassium - 30 and 15 g / m², respectively. At the end of summer and autumn, fertilizers are not applied.

Rhododendrons are demanding on moisture, so two or three times a week they are regularly and plentifully watered with soft water or slightly acidified. The amount of water depends on the size of the plant: a bush with a height of 30-40 cm needs 5 liters of water, a height of 50-100 cm - at least 10 liters. After watering, the soil should be moist to a depth of at least 20–30 cm.

Since the roots of rhododendrons are located close to the surface, they are loosened infrequently and shallowly. So that the soil does not dry out, it is mulched with peat, wood chips, pine needles or sawdust with a layer of 4–8 cm. Mulch not only delays the evaporation of water from the soil, but also blocks the way for weeds, enriches the earth with organic matter, protects the roots during severe frosts.

pruning rhododendrons

In May, dry branches are removed and formative pruning is carried out, shortening too long shoots. To rejuvenate the bush, older shoots are cut out, making the crown compact.

Rhododendrons in bloom can turn an ordinary garden into a magical sight. With the right care, this plant will bloom luxuriantly and brightly, and beautify the landscape for a long time.

Features of varieties of rhododendron

The Rhododendron genus has many stunning shrubs and stunted trees. On some varieties, wintering evergreen leaves, on others, the leaves fall off and grow again the next season.

If choose evergreen, then the leaves on it can last from 3 to 5 years. On wintering varieties, the leaves last only one year, and on falling ones you can admire them from spring to autumn.

Depending on the variety, the leaves can be spear-shaped, round or elliptical. Flowers also boast a variety of shapes, sizes and shades. They are collected in corymbose inflorescences.

The birthplace of rhododendrons is located on Far East and in the mountain forests of Japan and China. Deciduous varieties are more suitable for the harsh Russian climate. Among them are Lemon Lights. It reaches up to one and a half meters in height. The flowers have a lemon color and a pleasant aroma.

Frost-resistant varieties also include Northern Hi-Lights. Flowers appear on them in late spring. In addition to them, varieties suitable for cold regions include:

For your site, it is better to choose varieties that came from Finnish nurseries, as they are distinguished by the greatest endurance, which cannot be said about representatives of the species from Holland.

The more leaves on the rhododendron, the more difficult it will be for him to endure the cold. It is difficult for such plants to resist drafts and winds. In addition, they will constantly need high humidity which makes it difficult to take care of them.

The most suitable care for rhododendrons

In order to reduce the necessary care for the rhododendron to a minimum, it is necessary to carefully choose a place for planting a plant. The soil must be prepared in a special way and mulched.

Especially in the first year, it is important that the bushes do not feel a lack of moisture. Rhododendrons should be watered with soft settled water. It is better if it is collected from a river, pond or rainwater tank.

You need to loosen the soil carefully and at some distance from the plant itself. The roots of the bush are very delicate and easily damaged. garden tools. Weeds should be pulled out by hand.

Like most other plants, rhododendron responds well to fertilizers. It is best for him to use mineral supplement. Liquid varieties will be optimal, since they are designed specifically for such plants.

Granular fertilizers can also be used. They are usually used in dry form, simply scattering in equal portions one at a time. matchbox per 1 sq.m. This amount will be enough for a small plant up to 50 cm in height. As the shrub grows, the amount of fertilizer is increased.

Top dressing should be carried out from the beginning of May to the 20th of June every 2 weeks. After that, at the end of the month, the plant is fertilized again with potassium sulfate dissolved in water. Proportions are calculated based on the age of the plant. Until the end of summer, it is no longer necessary to fertilize the plant.

It is better not to use long-acting fertilizers, as they are designed for a long warm period of the year. The result of such illiterate top dressing will be secondary growth and freezing of new shoots.

Also, to avoid secondary growth at the end of August, you need to reduce watering. If the weather turned out to be rainy, then the bushes can not be watered at all. To avoid fungus, you need to treat rhododendrons with special substances twice a season.

During flowering, wilted flowers should be regularly removed. Useful in the dry period will often spray the bushes.

In addition, twice a year, the ground under the bush needs to be mulched. pine sawdust. This will avoid rapid drying of the soil and reduce acidity.

Which place is suitable for rhododendrons

A place for planting rhododendron bushes must be chosen taking into account the fact that the plant cannot tolerate winds and sudden changes temperature. Therefore, a flower bed must be reliably protected from both the sun and the winds.

Near the rhododendron bushes there should not be trees with a superficial root system:

Such "neighbors" will deprive the flowers of nutrition and moisture, destroying them. Nearby you can plant pines or oaks, as well as fruit trees. In any case, the rhododendrons must be outside the crown cover so that the rainfall feeds the bushes in sufficient quantities.

Planting rhododendrons on the site

Thanks to the fibrous root system, with the correct extraction of seedlings from the pot, it is easy to transplant rhododendron into the ground. In this case, plants need to organize good drainage.

The best option would be to build high beds at the level of 10-15 cm. This will avoid damage to the plant by spring floods. You can protect the soil from sprawling with the help of stones.

It is also important to correctly prepare the substrate for planting. It should be sufficiently acidic in the range of 4.5-5.5 pH. In addition, it should be moderately loose and breathable.

The composition can include high-moor peat, loam and the same part of the pine litter. Another option consists of garden soil and two parts of sphagnum acid peat. Instead of garden soil, you can use clay, but 2 times less in volume.

compact root system will allow the plant to be content with a small pit with a diameter of 60 cm. It is enough to dive 40 cm into the depth. The free space around the earthy coma is filled with a substrate and compacted.

How to prepare rhododendrons for the winter season

The approach to preparing for wintering will completely depend on the climate of a particular region. In most regions, preparations can begin as early as mid-August.

In dry autumn, the rhododendron needs to be watered in order to create a reserve of water in the leaves for the winter. One-time watering should be plentiful.

Many varieties do not require shelter for the winter. They tolerate snow very well. scorching sun. Coniferous varieties rhododendrons are less resistant and need special care.

After the onset of stable cold weather, rhododendrons should be covered. Lush shrubs are tied with a rope into a denser sheaf.

Spruce or pine branches are placed in the middle of the resulting structure. After that, you can put the frame on top. It can be a hut on which a burlap cloth is laid.

You can remove the shelter at the end of April. It is important that by this time the snow has already melted. The main thing is to do it in stages, airing the bushes.

For complete removal frame is better to choose a cloudy day. Branches are best left for a short time to protect from the bright sun. After a few days, when the plant gets used, and they can be removed.

https://www..jpg 800 800 Administrator https://www.pngAdministrator 2015-11-17 07:45:53 2018-11-30 11:18:49 Rhododendrons - bright accent in the garden

Rhododendrons feel good under the crowns of trees, especially under larches and pines, hawthorn and mountain ash, small-leaved maples, decorative and fruit stone fruits.

Under trees such as Norway spruce, Norway maple, linden, birch, elm, ash, rhododendrons will lack moisture, since these species have a powerful or close to the surface root system.

Shrubs can also become an excellent background for rhododendrons: barberry, viburnum, spirea, mock orange, lilac, vesicle, deren, euonymus, honeysuckle. Rhododendrons, like many representatives of the Vereskovs, get along well with conifers - mountain pines, junipers, thujas, dwarf firs.

Of the many varieties of herbaceous perennials, cereals and ferns, irises, daylilies, astilba, hosts, geyhers are suitable for the role of neighbors for rhododendrons. The Vereskov company will be made up of ground cover: periwinkle, pachysandra, tenacious and clear-headed.

However, rhododendrons look best in groups against a backdrop. bulk materials- pine bark, tinted wood chips, gravel. The plants listed above are best placed at some distance from them. When planting any types of peonies near rhododendrons, you should be more careful, because peonies will overshadow the planting of rhododendrons with their beauty, besides, these plants have different soil needs.

Composition of varieties of rhododendrons

When creating a composition from different varieties plants must take into account their characteristics so that the picture remains attractive as long as possible. On the small area it is undesirable to mix warm and cold tones. Nearby, rhododendrons of carmine, purple and pink color will look good. And orange, red and yellow rhododendrons will look better in separate groups. Varieties with white color are combined with all colors, so they can be planted as a contrast between varieties that do not harmonize well with each other.

When planting rhododendrons, it is better to take into account all the necessary recommendations in advance, and then, when the plants grow, it will be too late to change anything, because adult rhododendrons do not tolerate transplantation well.

Planting rhododendrons in the garden | Near the househttps://website/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/113-220x150.jpghttps://website/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/113-220x150-150x150.jpg 2019-01-04T20:18:22+03:00 Near the house Flower beds and lawns landing, rhododendronRhododendrons feel good under the crowns of trees, especially under larches and pines, hawthorn and mountain ash, small-leaved maples, decorative and fruit stone fruits. because these species have a powerful or close to the surface root system. Excellent ...Near the house