A plant that looks like hair. Adiantum (Adiantum) or venus hair. Care, reproduction at home. External description of the "fabulous" plant

Adiantum is a popular houseplant, which is one of the species of the numerous genus of ferns. A highly ornamental plant fascinates with delicate and openwork greenery. As a pot culture, the most commonly grown subspecies is known as "hair venus".

In the wild, the plant is found in the mountainous regions of the Caucasus, Crimea, as well as in Central Asia on moist limestones near water bodies. The fern owes its name to delicate, light green leaves resembling weightless hair, female curls, on elongated cuttings. Legends associate the origin with the goddess Venus. Sori are translucent on thin sheet plates. The thin rhizome is covered with black scales. Plant height can reach 70 cm.

When cultivating a fern in a pot, it is necessary to take into account a number of features of an exotic plant:

  • intolerance to bright light;
  • the need for moist and fertile soil;
  • exactingness to the temperature regime;
  • love for cramped pots.

Home care

In order for the original plant, which creates an atmosphere of comfort and complete harmony, to develop well and delight the grower with openwork greenery, comprehensive fern care should be carried out.

Ground Requirements

All types of adiantum, not excluding Venus Hair, need loose, fertile soil with an acidic reaction. A soil mixture with similar indicators is prepared from peat and sand, which are taken in a ratio of 2: 1. Before use, the substrate is calcined for about 20 minutes in the oven for disinfection.

Lighting and location

Under natural conditions, the fern chooses shaded areas, therefore, at home, you should not place a flower pot in the bright sun, which can lead to the death of leaf plates. The best place for an openwork plant will be the window sills of the northern or eastern windows that do not open for ventilation. Venus hair needs fresh air, but does not tolerate drafts. It is necessary to decide on a place for a pot right away: the plant does not like a change of location.

Temperature regime

Venus hair is quite demanding on temperatures and does not react badly to an increase in the thermometer in the spring-summer period above the mark of 22 ° C. In winter, the fern should be kept in a cool room with a temperature regime of 15 ° C.

Watering and spraying

The Venus hair flower does not tolerate overdrying of an earthy coma, which causes yellowing and wai shedding. However, too frequent watering, accompanied by stagnation of water in the roots, is also detrimental to the plant due to the development of gray rot. To balance the watering regime, it is necessary to carry out the bottom watering by placing the pot in a bowl of water. After the top layer of soil is completely saturated with moisture, the flower is rearranged into the sink so that the remaining excess liquid drains. In winter, the frequency of procedures is halved. Adiantum loves moist air and needs daily spraying during the hot season.

Attention! Water procedures are carried out with settled or filtered water.

Top dressing and fertilizers

Fertilizer fern is carried out every three weeks from mid-spring until the arrival of autumn, when top dressing is reduced. In winter, the fern does not need additional nutrition at all. As fertilizers, liquid mineral complexes should be used in half the dose indicated on the manufacturer's packaging.


With the advent of spring, pruning of yellowed and aged wai should be carried out in order to preserve the decorative effect and direct all the vitality of the plant to the formation of new leaves.

How to transplant a plant

Since the houseplant is characterized by a slow pace of development and a love for cramped dishes, transplantation should not be carried out more than 1 time in 2 years. The signal for the procedure is the roots of the fern that have appeared from the drainage holes.

Spring transplant is carried out as follows:

  1. A wide pot is taken, on the bottom of which a drainage layer of broken brick or gravel is placed.
  2. The drainage is slightly covered with a loose substrate, on which the Venus hair rolls over.
  3. The voids are carefully filled with soil mixture, after which the soil is slightly compacted and moistened.

Reproduction of the fern maidenhair

Venus hair reproduces by spores and division of the bush.

Reproduction by spores

With this method:

  1. A shallow container is being prepared, which is filled with a pre-disinfected soil mixture of peat, sand and a small amount of leafy soil.
  2. The spores are soaked for disinfection in a pink manganese solution.
  3. The substrate is moistened, and spores are distributed over its surface.
  4. Crops are covered with glass and moved to a shaded, warm room.
  5. When shoots appear, which is noted after 1-12 weeks, the glass is removed.
  6. The box is transferred to a bright place without bright sunlight.
  7. After the seedlings get stronger, they are dived in several pieces into separate pots filled with peat.

Advice! To speed up germination, bottom heating should be arranged for crops within 21 ° C.

The division of the bush

During transplantation, a procedure is carried out in which the root is cleaned of soil residues and divided into parts using a sharp, sterile instrument. Each division should have several growth buds. Injured places are sprinkled with crushed or charcoal. Delenki are planted in separate pots so that the root neck is flush with the ground level so that rotting does not begin.

Attention! A fern with an injured root system takes a long time to take root, so you should not wait for a quick start of intensive vegetation.

Plant diseases and pests

Due to the content of the insect-repelling enzyme in the leaf plates, the maidenhair Venus hair is rarely affected by pests. Sometimes aphids, scale insects, spider mites and mealybugs can be noted on the shoots of an ornamental plant. So that insects do not cause much damage to the beauty of the flower, it is necessary at the first sign of the vital activity of one or more harmful organisms to spray the fern with an insecticidal preparation according to the instructions indicated on the package. Venus hair is not susceptible to diseases.

The main problems in growing

A popular indoor flower is famous for its unpretentiousness.

However, the abuse of the non-capricious nature of the plant leads to a number of problems associated with violation of the rules for growing maidenhair:

  • The leaves dry, acquiring a brown color at the edges - the situation is noted when the earthen clod is dried or smoked next to the flower.
  • Leaves fall - the reason lies in the too dry air.
  • The fronds turn pale - a sign of bright lighting.
  • The sheets are curled - evidence of hypothermia in conditions of high humidity.

Absolutely all, without exception, representatives of the fern family are distinguished by their unusual, sophisticated beauty. But the most graceful and gentle of them is the maidenhair (Venus hair).

It is no coincidence that this very fragile plant is compared with the beautiful hair of the goddess of love. Its green, delicate and very lush foliage, which rests on elastic and thin petioles, sways beautifully with even a slight movement of air.

After reading the article, you can find out more detailed information about the venus hair plant: home care, growing features.

General information

Caring for a maidenhair plant requires the same patience and diligence as caring for hair. In the process of growing at home, it is nourished, moisturized, cut and washed.

It should be noted that this type of fern, compared to other indoor plants, has an important advantage - when grown indoors, it does not need a lot of light. The flower feels great both in partial shade and in the shade. Proper care of this plant will allow you to enjoy the patterned and juicy greenery that adorns even the dark corners of the house for many years. There are many beautiful indoor plants. Venus hair is the most delicate and elegant among them.

Its name comes from the Greek a diant, which means "not to wet". This is due to the fact that the surface of the leaves of the plant is as if covered with a film - water does not linger on them, it immediately drains.

A bit of history

More than 200 years ago, a venus hair flower (photo presented in the article) settled in a person’s home. Flower growers immediately appreciated the elegance of openwork leaves (their name is fronds). In those days, this plant, tender and sensitive to air quality, could not adapt in simple huts with stove heating. Adiantum and other types of ferns were grown only in winter gardens and greenhouses of wealthy families.

Central heating improved the quality of the atmosphere in the apartments, so these flowers began to decorate the premises of various houses. However, even here it was not without problems: the dry air of apartments with central heating negatively affected the health of the fern. Today there are many ways to create the humidity necessary for a plant, so a wonderful maidenhair is bred at home without much hassle.

Places of growth

The flower of venus hair is the brightest representative of the numerous and beautiful family of ferns. Its habitats in the wild are the lower tiers of mountain forests (tropical and subtropical). However, today the maidenhair has adapted to a mild temperate climate. It also tolerates light frosts, but in severe colds, its aerial part dies off.

The plant grows in the Crimea, in the North Caucasus, in Central Asia, in the Mediterranean, in Europe, in the mountains of Africa and in America. Adiantum prefers mountainous terrain, wet and shady places to a greater extent. It can also grow on rocky soil. Settles at waterfalls, on river banks and in rock crevices.

A favorite place is limestone soil near a source of moisture.


In total, there are approximately 2000 ferns in nature. Adiantum is recognized as the most refined. Some varieties of it fell in love with flower growers for their original foliage. But the most popular among them is the maidenhair venus hair (detailed description below).

Description of the maidenhair

Venus hair (see photo in the article) is a perennial herbaceous fern with a thin and curved rhizome, covered on the outside with brownish-black scales. The leaves are alternate and petioles (length - 25 cm) are shiny, dark, covered with scales at the base.

The leaves are small, green, may be tinged with gray. The plates are quite wide, smooth, dissected. There are trapezoid, wedge-shaped and obovate forms, located on the petiole in the form of a fan.

Among the adiantums there are species cultivated in open ground. For example, the stop-shaped one presented above. In the rooms, mainly venus hair is grown. However, in fairness, it should be said that varieties such as Ruddy's maidenhair, transparent and delicate, are also good for growing in the house.

growing conditions

A representative of this variety grows well in partial shade, so the most successful place for it is the northern or eastern side of the room (a place in the back of the room or a window sill).

  1. The plant does not tolerate completely enclosed spaces, as it always needs fresh air.
  2. Doesn't like drafts. With them, the flower may die.
  3. Dust must not be allowed to accumulate in the room. Regularly clean with a damp cloth and ventilate the room more often.

In addition, this flower is adversely affected by the content of any harmful substances in the air. For example, he does not even tolerate tobacco smoke, and the place of growth in the kitchen negatively affects him. The optimal room temperature for the maidenhair is no more than +22 degrees Celsius in summer and no lower than +15 in winter.

Soil Requirements

The root of the plant has a superficial location, so a wide and shallow pot can be used for growing. The drainage layer should be thick enough. Ready-made soil for ferns can be purchased at the store, only you need to add a little chopped sphagnum moss and charcoal to it. The soil for a home flower of venus hair is nutritious, slightly acidic and porous. It should dry quickly and absorb water well.

Approximate composition of substrates:

  1. Added to 2 parts of peat land, one part of humus and leafy soil, as well as 1/2 part of sand.
  2. Leafy earth and peat are mixed (3 parts each), 2 parts of soddy land, humus and sand (1 part each);
  3. Leafy soil (3 parts) is mixed with peat soil (2 parts), with humus and coarse sand (one part each);
  4. Equal shares of peat, coarse sand and sod land are mixed;
  5. Pine bark, coconut fibers, leafy soil and humus are mixed in equal parts.


Venus hair, like other varieties, requires some care.

  1. The plant does not tolerate any movement very well, so the pot should always stand in one place.
  2. To improve the condition of the plant in summer, it must be actively (daily) sprayed with warm water.
  3. In winter, the plant does not need water procedures, as they can have a detrimental effect on its development.
  4. In the spring-summer period, it is desirable to carry out planned feeding with liquid fertilizers (reduce the concentration indicated in the instructions by 2 times). This should be done no more than 1 time in 3 weeks. In winter, top dressing is not needed.

Venus hair is a flower, the care of which includes pruning of affected and yellowed leaves. This must be done in the spring - to give the plant neatness. This process also stimulates the emergence of new, young leaves. After removing the old greenery, the plant should be well watered and sprayed.


The main rule of watering is moderation and regularity. The plant has a negative attitude to both waterlogging and overdrying. Therefore, it should be watered a little and often. In spring and summer - three times a week, in autumn - less often, and in winter - once every 7-10 days. Make sure the topsoil dries out between waterings.

It should be remembered that venus hair does not tolerate chlorinated water. It is best to use settled and filtered.

rest period

The rest time of the maidenhair, like all varieties of ferns, is not as pronounced as that of other flowering plants. Its rest period is from November to March, when growth only slows down. There are no special activities during this time. You just need to remove the pot from heating appliances, provide high humidity and diffused light, and also protect it from drafts.

Watering should also be reduced (more information on this in the article above).

There are references to this flower in the writings of Pliny the Elder (ancient Roman writer). It says that the healers of those times, noticing the similarity of the foliage of the plant with curls, began to recommend it as a remedy for hair.

In the Caucasus, even today, some peoples rinse their hair with infusions of the venus hair plant. They believe that thanks to him, the hair shines. A decoction of the leaves of this flower in China is used in the treatment of tobacco and alcohol addiction.

The maidenhair itself, as noted above, does not tolerate tobacco or any other smoke.


There are several legends about the origin of the plant. One of them says that at the place where a young beautiful girl fell from a cliff, a waterfall broke through. Her hair turned into a fern.

According to another legend, the goddess of love Venus, cutting off her hair, dropped a small strand from which a maidenhair grew. Hence its name.

There are many different beliefs about the flowering of the fern. Our ancestors believed that the fern blooms in a magical way: on the eve of the summer solstice (Ivan Kupala holiday), a fiery flower sprouts, so bright that it is impossible to even look at it. And it only blooms for a few seconds. Then it breaks down by an invisible force. But the person who plucked it earlier can gain power over everything. Ancestors could not understand how this plant reproduces. Therefore, similar legends were born then about the fern, which has a mysterious power.

However, science has been able to debunk the mysteries of the fern. Absolutely all adiantums never bloom. Nature has provided a mechanism for reproduction by spores for them. They are formed in this plant from spring to autumn (along the edge of the leaves or on their tips, in sori). They acquire a brownish color as they mature. The spores are very small, like dust.


By creating the most suitable conditions for the hair venus plant, indulging all its whims and habits, you can get wonderful emerald green patterned fronds.

Such a plant will decorate any corner of the house. It is even surprising that such a delicate flower is content even with partial shade in the back of the room. The maidenhair looks great both on the windowsill, and in a hanging planter, and on a stand.

Venus hair, or as it is also called Adiantum, is the most elegant fern.

Delicate in texture, the plant is often compared to the hair of Venus, the goddess of love.

Its lush green crown looks like a hat of hair on dark petioles and develops beautifully in any slight wind.

A legend is even associated with its name that it owes its appearance to the fact that Venus threw her strand of hair to the ground, and this is how Venus hair appeared.

In the language of flowers, adiantum means love, and there is even a belief that having it in a woman's house will bring her happiness and mutual love. And if suddenly the flower fades, then problems in the relationship are outlined.

Features of care

Venus hair requires the same careful and diligent care as living hair. At the same time, the maidenhair has a significant advantage over other plants that are grown at home.

It doesn't require a lot of light. And with the right approach to care, it will bring joy and decorativeness to the house for a long time, even on the north side of the house and in dark corners.

Venus hair is also often used to create beautiful bouquets for a wedding. But it must be remembered that after the maidenhair is cut off, it fades very quickly.


Venus hair belongs to the genus Adiantum and to the Pteris family. Its natural habitat is topics, and in the climatic zone of Russia it can be grown in a greenhouse or botanical garden.

It grows most often in forest areas on the banks of mountain rivers, gorges, in rock crevices, near waterfalls.

It is also suitable for decorating apartments and growing at home.

The name of the flower maidenhair comes from the Greek expression a diant - not to wet. It was given to the plant for its interesting coating on the leaves that keeps them from getting wet.


Fern is a perennial plant, grows up to 60 centimeters. Its roots are short, creeping, with black scales.

Wai petioles, growing up to 25 centimeters, are black and brown, thin and glossy, with small leaves of delicate green color, like curls of hair.

Along the edges of the leaves is a sorus, a pocket in which spores ripen, dark in color. Adiantum spores throughout the summer, Venus hair leaves grow up to 40-60 centimeters.

It grows very quickly, in one spring its rosette can grow twice. And when choosing a landing site, this must be taken into account, and planted in such a way that he is comfortable.

Adiantums do not like transplants, if it is often transplanted, then its fronds will lose their decorative effect and may dry out. Therefore, it is always better to choose a place for him immediately.

Venus hair varieties

There are more than two thousand species of ferns in nature. Adiantum is considered the most delicate and refined. And some of its species are widely recognized by gardeners.

The most famous species is Adiantum venus hair, and very often all types of maidenhair are called by this name.

Adiantum venus hair

In nature, it is found on the stone banks of rivers and lakes located in the mountains. Its leaves can grow up to 25 centimeters, look asymmetrical and strongly pinnate.

Dark petioles are crowned with small leaves, up to 3 centimeters long, and arranged in the shape of a wedge and cover the pot with an openwork cover.

Light green leaves and black petioles contrast very effectively. Plant spores mature from late spring to October. At home, the maidenhair is propagated by dividing the root.

Adiantum large-leaved

This species of fern was developed in America, where it is found along roadsides and near gutters.

Its leaves are pointed, up to 50 centimeters long, very unusually colored. Its young shoots are red with a pink tint, and acquire a green tint over time.

Adiantum stopiform

It is the most cold-resistant type of fern. It can grow in the wild in the southern regions of Russia and in some places can be found in the middle lane.

Flexible dark petioles grow up to 60 centimeters, small leaves dissected from the edge are placed on them.

Bushes of this species have a semicircular shape. Suitable for growing at home, and not capricious, like other species.

Adiantum finely pubescent

Sometimes it is also called small-haired. It grows freely in mountainous areas in Africa, Australia, India.

Brown petioles, growing up to 35 centimeters, are crowned with diamond-shaped leaves, with serrated edges and pubescent below. Their sori are very densely packed. Good for indoor growing.

Adiantum tender

It is found in the wild in the tropical zone of America and the Antilles.

Petioles up to 30 centimeters long, black with delicate feathery leaves, very decorative. Distributed as a houseplant.

Andiantum venustum

This species is native to Nepal and India. Petioles are red-brown in color with elongated leaves of a rich green hue.

The fern grows up to 40 centimeters in height and is often used as an ampelous plant.

Adiantum kidney-shaped

It is the most unusual species among ferns. Long flexible petioles end in semicircular leaves resembling horseshoes.

In the wild, it is found only in the Canary Islands, and grows up to 20 centimeters. Its dwarf variety grows only up to 10 centimeters.

Adiantum Ruddy

It is a native of tropical America.

Its leaves are long, creeping, and the petioles are dark brown, almost black. Popular as a houseplant and has several subspecies.

Adiantum Fragrance

Differs in very fast growth, and reaches a height of 50 centimeters. Its curly leaves are loosely arranged on petioles of a gray-brown color.

Chilean maidenhair

It is distinguished by small growth, up to 40 centimeters and good drought resistance. Its leaves are rounded, serrated, densely located on the petioles, crawling on top of each other.

Ethiopian maidenhair

It comes from Africa, Australia and New Zealand. It has unusual petioles, painted purple on top and black on the bottom. The leaves are arranged loosely in wide wedges with rounded edges.

Growing venus hair

Adiantums are not capricious ferns, but require some conditions in order to show their beauty.

Conditions for favorable growth


The relation to lighting in a Venus hair is very simple.

He does not really like direct sunlight, and feels most comfortable on the windowsill on the north side of the house.

In rooms where it is quite hot, he will feel good under the rack.


All types of maidenhair grow well in the fresh air, however, in order for them to grow all year round, the temperature should not be allowed to drop below 10 degrees. If the temperature rises above 20 degrees, then it is necessary to provide additional moisture.


Dry indoor air is detrimental to ferns. With a long period of dry air, it will begin to lose leaves.

Therefore, it is necessary to spray it with warm water, boiled or tap water, from a spray bottle daily.

In order for the air in the room to be humid, you can use a pallet with wet expanded clay or peat, or use special electronic humidifiers.

You can place the fern in a damp room, kitchen or bathroom, or arrange a potted plant near an indoor fountain.

Such humidification is mandatory during the heating period in apartments, and on hot days in summer. It is necessary to arrange a shower once a week for the maidenhair, covering the ground with polyethylene, from waterlogging. You can also ventilate the room, not very cold air.


The room where the maidenhair pot is located must be kept clean. The fern does not tolerate dust and strong odors such as tobacco and burning. The room must be aired twice a day, and wet cleaning twice.


Adiantum prefers to be watered with soft and warm water, which has been defended for 24 hours. Watering is done after the top layer of soil has dried, at least once a week.

During the summer, and during the heating period in winter, it is best to water twice or thrice a week.

In autumn and winter periods, the maidenhair is watered very rarely, since at low temperatures the roots of the plant can rot.

top dressing

Fertilizers are applied under the roots of the plant every two or three weeks, during periods of active growth in the spring or summer. Suitable for maidenhair organic complex fertilizers suitable for ferns or ornamental deciduous.


Venus hair is planted in wide pots or flowerpots, for a comfortable location of powerful roots. At the same time, the crown of the fern falls along the walls of the pot from the outside.

The soil mixture should be used from peat, humus, sand and charcoal, with the addition of calcium-containing fertilizer. Or buy a ready-made mixture in the store.


If there is a need to transplant a fern, then it must be done at the end of March.

In this case, the pot must be chosen larger than the previous one.

The soil for transplantation is chosen the same as for the primary planting. Transplantation is carried out by transshipment to avoid damage to the roots of the fern.

rest period

Since ferns never bloom, their rest period is not as pronounced as in flowering plants. In winter, the maidenhair simply slows down the growth processes.

At this time, he needs diffused light, high humidity, moderate temperature and protection from hot air and drafts. A comfortable temperature is considered to be 15-20 degrees.

At the same time, the lower the temperature in the room, the less often it will be necessary to water the plant.


Reproduction of the maidenhair occurs in two ways: dividing the bush and spores

Reproduction by dividing the bush

They basically do this division during transplantation. A well-developed bush is divided into parts so that all individual parts have buds. Separated parts must be immediately planted in the ground and provide increased care.

Reproduction by spores

They are harvested from the mother plant or bought in a store.

  1. Spores are sown in a container with soil consisting of sand, peat and earth.
  2. From above it is covered with a film or glass and placed in a warm room, limiting direct sunlight, airing daily and providing regular watering.
  3. In a month, the first gatherings will appear, then the film is removed and the container is moved to the light.
  4. Transplantation is carried out when the sprouts reach a height of 2-3 centimeters.

Diseases and pests

All fern diseases occur due to improper care or due to pests.

  • lack of moisture leads to the appearance of brown spots on the leaves and to their wrinkling.
  • With dry and dirty air the crown of the maidenhair dries up. At the first sign, it is necessary to ventilate the room, water the plant, wipe the leaves with a sponge and spray it.
  • Pale coloration and lethargy are the result of a lack of nutrients in the kidney. Corrected with top dressing.
  • When it's cold the fern curls its leaves.
  • Invasion of aphids or spider mites. They deplete the forces of the maidenhair and he dies. If found, it is necessary to wash the fern with soapy water, and then treat it with insecticides.

medicinal use

In addition to decorative properties, adiantums also have medicinal properties.

The leaves and petioles of venus hair are used to treat smoking addiction.

And in Italy, a drug has already been created, from the acid contained in the maidenhair, which treats alcoholism, addiction to coffee and tobacco.

Infusions and powders from the plant are often used as an antipyretic and expectorant.

In some countries, in the form of a paste from plants, wounds are healed and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are treated. And in the form of a powder, gastritis, jaundice, and urolithiasis are treated as a diuretic and laxative.

Maidenhair venus hair is probably the finest and most delicate plant in texture of all the ferns. The beautiful fronds of this plant are widely used in large bridal bouquets. At the same time, one should not forget about one feature: after cutting, its fronds fade quickly enough. Read about the features of growing this houseplant in the article.

Adiantum venus hair (Adiantum capillus-veneris). © Stacy

Botanical description of the plant

Adiantum venus hair (Adiantum capillus veneris) - a species of ferns from the genus Adiantum ( Adiantum) of the Pterisaceae family ( Pteridaceae). In some classifications, it is included in the Adiant family ( Adiantaceae).

Perennial fern up to 60 cm tall with a short creeping rhizome covered with narrow, blackish scales. Petioles of wai maidenhair 10-15 (up to 25) cm long, black-brown, thin, glossy. Wai blades 20-40 cm long, light green, twice or thrice pinnately compound, broadly oblong in outline, not wetted by water.

Wai segments are 2.5-3 cm long and 1.5-2 cm wide, very delicate and thin, on hair-like petioles, obovate in outline, with a wedge-shaped base and a fan-shaped-lobed apex. The sori of the maidenhair of the venus hair shine through the thin tissue of the frond segment, framing it with a dark dotted line.

The maidenhair venus hair spores throughout the summer - from late spring to early autumn. In Russia, in the wild, it is found only in the lower mountainous belt of the North Caucasus, outside our country, the maidenhair venus hair is widespread in Western Europe, the Mediterranean, in the mountains of the Crimea, Transcaucasia, Central Asia, Asia Minor, Africa, in North and Central America.

It grows along the banks of mountain rivers and streams, in rock crevices, near seeping water, near waterfalls; prefers carbonate rocks. Adiantum hair venus is one of the most famous ornamental ferns. Widely cultivated in greenhouses, easy to grow indoors.

Adiantum venus hair (Adiantum capillus-veneris). © Andre Karwath

Features of growing maidenhair venus hair

Growth: Vigorous growing plants, easily doubling their size in a season.

Smell: missing.

Lighting: maidenhair venus hair does not like direct sunlight, feels comfortable on the windowsill of a north-facing window. In the greenhouse, where it is very hot, it grows well under the racks.

Temperature: Venus hair adiantums adapt well, most commercially available varieties grow well outdoors in the summer. You should not allow the temperature to drop below + 10 ° C if you want them to grow all year round. At temperatures above +20°C, high humidity must be ensured.

Watering maidenhair venus hair: It is necessary to maintain high humidity at all times, but do not allow water to stand in the pots. In summer, water twice a week, using rainwater if possible, in winter less often, once a week, but do not let the soil dry out. Note: There are a few deciduous varieties that lose their fronds in winter, but they are not usually sold as houseplants.

Feeding maidenhair venus hair: Add half the recommended amount of liquid fertilizer to the water every 14 days in summer.

Humidity: high. Place the pot on a saucer of damp pebbles, or place it in an outer container filled with damp peat or moss. In houses with central heating, spray the plant daily with settled water at room temperature.

Cleaning maidenhair venus hair: daily spraying keeps wai clean. Never use a cleaning agent.

Atmosphere: do not tolerate the smell of gas combustion products and cigar smoke.

Soil for maidenhair venus hair: Peat-based potting mix: Take equal parts fibrous peat, soddy soil and fine white sand, adding a little basic fertilizer.

Transfer: Prefer to grow in pots that are slightly cramped for them. Repot maidenhair veneer in the spring when the plants are too big for their pot. Do not compact the soil too much.

Trimming maidenhair venus hair: remove only damaged or very old fronds. If, unfortunately, the plant has dried up, cut off all the fronds and spray what is left with water twice a day. New fronds will appear soon.

Low maintenance makes it easy to grow these plants indoors. But, pay attention, they do not like being carried from room to room. For active growth, they need to acclimatize in one place and stay there.

Adiantum venus hair (Adiantum capillus-veneris). © Hugo Sanchez Adiantum venus hair (Adiantum capillus-veneris). © taibif

Care for the maidenhair venus hair

Potted varieties of ferns are kept in partial shade, as tender fronds wither under the direct rays of the sun. The ideal temperature for the plant is +15 .. +20°C, if the temperature rises, the plant suffers, the fronds become dry, pale and brittle.

The fern is planted or transplanted at the end of March to a mixture consisting of one part peat, one part leaf humus, one sand and two pieces of charcoal, a little fertilizer containing calcium is added.

After winter, branches with maidenhair veins may turn brown, they must be cut at the very base and watered moderately so that the plant has new branches with leaves, while the minimum temperature should be approximately + 15 ° C.

In spring and summer, water thoroughly so that the soil is always moist, but not wet. In addition, every two weeks you need to feed with liquid fertilizer. In autumn and winter, the maidenhair venus hair is watered little, because if it is cold, the roots will rot. Life in the plant will freeze and it may even die if the temperature is below + 7 ° C or it is blown with cold air.

Reproduction of maidenhair venus hair

Older plants can be divided in early summer, but this is not always a good thing, as these divisions often take a long time to grow. It is better to grow young plants from the spores that are on the underside of the wai. Sow them in early spring, and, if possible, provide heating from below. A simple greenhouse will give excellent results.

Diseases and pests of maidenhair venus hair

spider mite can be harmful if the air is too dry - cobwebs appear on the stems, fronds become lethargic, turn yellow and fall off. You need to remove the cobwebs from the plant, gently wash it under a weak warm shower, and increase the humidity around it.

Aphids they damage the fronds from the underside, the tops of the shoots - the damaged parts become discolored, the fronds curl, turn yellow and fall off, the plant is sprayed with derris, fitoverm, decis, actellik, inta-vir, after drying, you need to rinse the fronds in clean warm water.