Design for a small room. Secrets of the "fifth dimension" for small rooms. Wallpaper for small rooms

When developing the interior of a small room, they mainly adhere to two tasks: rationally use every centimeter or even millimeter of the available space and make it beautiful and harmonious. To accomplish these tasks there are many ready-made ideas, tested on thousands of rooms. We will talk about them.

General principles and ideas

Regardless of the purpose of a small room, there is general principles their design. This is far from dogma, but by adhering to these rules, it is easy to independently create a harmonious interior of a small room, and without compromising functionality and convenience.

Styles for small spaces

The very first thing you need to decide on is the style. This makes it much easier to develop a design, select finishing materials, furniture, and accessories. Small rooms should not be cluttered with objects; they should not contain many accessories. The more free space remains, the more spacious the room appears. Therefore, not all styles are suitable. The following will look good:

All of them are characterized by smoothly painted walls, clear lines, and a minimum of details. All this will play into the hands of small room. Read more about almost all of these styles.

Color selection

It has long been known that light colors visually enlarge rooms. Light - not necessarily white, although white and its shades are used very often. They make the interior lighter and weightless, especially in combination with light floors and the ceiling.

If you decide to color your walls, you need to remember the rule of three. In relation to color design its essence is that to create harmonious interior there must be three colors. The first one is basic, there can be many of them. Two additional ones may be in very small quantities. If we talk about design in small rooms, the walls are painted in the base color and they should be light. Furniture - either a base color (maybe a very close shade) or one of the additional ones. Accessories and textiles - additional colors.

If you look closely at the photos that you find most attractive, you will find that they have three colors. It may look good and more saturated different colors furnishings, but only a good designer can put everything together correctly.

How to choose a trio of colors? There are tables of combined colors that designers use, but you can be guided by your own taste or look at the photo. The most attractive combination can be implemented in your room.

Ceiling decoration

Most often the ceiling is made white. Not necessarily snow-white; often some shades and tones are used. What you shouldn’t do is paint the ceiling dark or bright color. This can only be used in a very high room with excellent lighting, and it is better if the ceiling is glossy. Dark colors make the room look much lower. If you need to remove the “well effect”, this is good way. In other cases, it is better not to experiment, although with the right lighting it may not be bad, but this also requires considerable design experience.

Dark ceiling - a controversial decision

In rooms with low ceilings There are several ways to visually make them taller through the play of color and light. The first one is to match the tone lighter than the walls. In this case, the boundary between the walls and ceiling is lost, which is perceived by us as a higher room.

Second way - glossy ceiling. The surface reflects the surrounding environment, which again deceives our vision. From modern technologies only gives this effect suspended ceilings, but the choice of shades and degrees of gloss and reflection is wide. You just have to be careful with the gloss. It reflects everything. And what lies on the cabinets too. Therefore, such a room should be in perfect order.

The third is lighting around the perimeter or directed from the walls to the center. This option is usually implemented on two-level or multi-level ceilings. This step in itself also seems to lift the ceiling upward, and with the lighting effect it is even intensified. Just when thinking about it, don’t create too many rooms for little ones. complex structures. They are good for spacious rooms, not for small rooms.

All these methods can be combined, which is often done. It is important not to overplay.

Floor decoration

The choice of color - light or dark - largely depends on the style, but there are also those in which both options are acceptable. What then to choose? Focus on own desires. If you want a sense of stability in your room, a dark floor is more suitable. If lightness is required, your choice is a light floor.

The dark floor “grounds” the interior, but gives a feeling of stability

By decorating the floor, you can also achieve a visual increase in the room, however, a floor made of boards, laminate or parquet is suitable for this. Traditionally, they are laid parallel to the rays of light emanating from the window. To achieve the effect we need, we need to lay the coating at an angle relative to the front door. This breaks up the perspective and makes the room appear larger. Yes, this method of installation is more complicated, and when using it there is more waste - not all trimmings can be installed, but the effect is good.


Small spaces require functional and comfortable furniture, while laconic forms with clear lines look better. Styles also push us towards such a choice - they all require strict, simple lines.

When planning, select the environment so that the horizontal surfaces are at different levels. This makes the interior more dynamic. If you set everything to the same level, it will be too monotonous and flat.

Another recommendation is not to overload the space. In small rooms you need to put the necessary things. It is advisable to avoid a large number of massive objects. If this suits your idea, place the furniture on metal legs. They seem to lift the object above the floor, creating interesting effects.

Furniture that changes its shape or purpose allows you to increase functionality when using a small space. It is also called “transformers”. Everyone knows the sofa bed, chair bed well. They have been used for a long time, they only change appearance and the mechanisms become more convenient. There is also a bed-wardrobe ( sleeping place rises and hides in the body) and a considerable number of similar things (the transforming sofa in the photo below).

There are very interesting and functional options furniture. These are so-called transformers - objects that can change their shape and sometimes even their purpose.

The application of these rules is not mandatory, but it will allow you to develop a beautiful and harmonious design of a small room.

Interior ideas for small rooms for different purposes

Now let’s look specifically at how all of the above is implemented in the design of premises for various purposes. It is clear that there is a significant difference between the design of a living room, a nursery and a bedroom.

The only room in the apartment

In a one-room apartment, the room should be super functional. After all, it is used both as a living room and as a bedroom. First of all, you should think about the sleeping area. There are several solutions. The most obvious and common is to put folding sofa. There are different designs, but the essence does not change. The only drawback of this solution is that it is not a bed and sleeping on the sofa is not entirely comfortable. However, this is the most common option.

A sofa bed is often placed in a small room

This option is acceptable if one person lives in an apartment. If there are two people, this is no longer very convenient: someone wants to sleep, someone else can’t sleep. In this case, they try to fence off part of the room with a translucent partition and place a bed behind it. The remaining part is furnished as a mini-living room.

The partition can be made of any material. The only condition: if it fences off an area near a window, it must let in enough light. In the photo above the room is divided into translucent glass wall. With obvious separation, the space does not become fragmented. It remains intact. Another option is to mark the area with a plasterboard openwork partition or make a partition in the form of shelves.

If you still want more privacy, there is an option with sliding partitions that work like doors in wardrobes.

They can move apart different sides(photo on the right) or fold to one side. If such a partition is made mirrored, it will also visually expand the space.

There are also non-standard options for installing a bed in the only living room. For example, if the ceilings allow, you can move the sleeping place under the ceiling. To do this, they build a solid structure in the form of a cabinet or podium, and make a bed on the “roof”.

There is another option with that podium. Make a working or living area on it, and hide it under the flooring pull-out bed. More rational use It’s hard to come up with spaces.

The bed “slides” under the podium

You can also play with the design of the bed. They can come down from the ceiling or be disguised as a closet. Such beds are already on sale and are called “wardrobe beds.”

Folding bed-wardrobe

In general, there are enough solutions. The interior of a small room in a one-room apartment can be both beautiful and functional.

Small bedroom

Even if you don't have studio apartment, a small bedroom is far from uncommon. For many, its area does not exceed 10 sq.m. In this case, only necessary items are left from the environment. IN mandatory bed, bedside tables. Everything else - if the interior of a small room is not too overloaded.

Small bedroom - nothing more

Without a closet in the bedroom it is very inconvenient, but a massive object takes up too much space. It can be replaced by a wardrobe or wardrobe. In fact, they differ in size and content. The dressing room must be at least 1.2 m deep (to allow entry). In long and narrow bedrooms with front door On the short side, you can fence off a place right at the entrance. This makes the room more regular in shape - closer to a square, and such rooms are perceived as more spacious.

If the entrance to the bedroom is on long wall, you can use one of the corners or the end wall as a dressing room. It all depends on the specific layout. If there is the slightest opportunity, select such a place. You'll just be amazed at how many things there are proper organization can fit in there.

One of the more traditional options is to fill the wall opposite the bed with furniture. But it will have to be made to order - across the entire wall. So the bedroom will have modern look. You choose the design style of this “wall” based on the overall style.

Another idea for arranging a small bedroom is to build the headboard into furniture wall. From the point of view of Feng Shui, this is wrong, but from the point of view of rationality, it is an excellent option.

It’s difficult to come up with anything else in such a highly specialized room. The main task is to choose the right color scheme.

Children's room

The concept of “children’s room” is quite loose. This is a room for children of preschool and school age, right up to teenagers. As you understand, the design and content are significantly different, but the ideas are similar.

The main way to save space is to make a bunk bed. In this case, there can be one sleeping place - upstairs, and on the “ground floor” there is a workplace. This is an option that will suit both toddlers and older children. The sizes of the beds are also not very different: children grow up too quickly, so they mostly buy teenage beds right away, adding a “childish” ambience with the help of bedspreads, pictures and other accessories.

Beds are “built-in” into the furniture wall
Reliable option. Fits well into the interior of a small room and saves space. Desk below, bed on top.

If you are afraid of heights, you can make a different type of bed - with a pull-out second bed. Also a good option.

If you don’t need a second bed, you can make drawers for toys or things under the bed. In the interior of a small room, everything is subordinated to the task of optimally using all available area, freeing up as much free space as possible.

Optimal use of free space is the main motto of the design of small rooms

For older children, almost the same techniques are used, only in a different design.

When designing the interior of a small children's room, use the above rules: three colors, multi-level surfaces, no unnecessary details.

Small living room

No matter how much you would like to stick wallpaper with a large pattern in a small living room, you shouldn’t do this. Unless in fragments or on one wall, using , otherwise they will “eat up” the space and a “box” effect will appear. You'll be almost there physically feel the walls pressing on you. Best choice - plain walls pastel colors.

One wall is decorated with wood or stone - one of fashion trends recently

The texture may be different. It could be decorative textured plaster, wallpaper with an embossed pattern or fiberglass with a paintable texture. It is now very fashionable to decorate one of the walls with wood or stone (stone-look tiles or flagstone). All of these are ways to diversify a not too large set of furniture that is usually found in a small living room. Most often this is a sofa, two armchairs, coffee table and TV. It doesn't seem like a very large set, but there are a lot of variations. Firstly, there is furniture different forms, styles and colors. And the number of combinations is very large. Some of them are in the photo gallery.

A fireplace in the living room is the dream of many Interesting design one of the walls, an unusual carpet on the floor and the interior “played” Wooden domed ceiling - very unusual To save space, the doors can be sliding for this room.

Most residents of cities - large and small, peripheral and metropolitan areas, most often own small apartments. But how I want to organize even this space so that the interior is completely comfortable, cozy, ergonomic and beautiful! It is believed that for maximum effective use space small apartment, its layout needs to be organized as simply as possible. It is undesirable to oversaturate the space functionally. Each room should have its own purpose. There is no need to combine them contrary to the prevailing stereotype of open space, but rather to separate the living area and kitchen, living room and bedroom.

Design tricks to visually increase space

So, where does the transformation of a small-sized apartment into a cozy, comfortable and functional home? That's right, from the compilation simple project, which you can sketch out yourself on a piece of paper.

Of course, unfortunately, it will not be possible to physically solve the problem of space shortage, but it is still worth trying to make housing more ergonomic and comfortable for life. Moreover, many positive feedback owners who decided to resort to small design tricks that help visually increase the space in their apartment speak about their successful experience.

Corridor and hallway

When decorating the interior design of your small apartment, it would be appropriate to use neutral and simple things. However, these things can be simple and at the same time stylish or even designer. Also, do not complicate and clutter an already small space. For such apartments the most suitable style is - in the interior of which only the most necessary things are present, and other unnecessary junk is thrown away.

The main task of pieces of furniture is to make maximum use of the free space of the rooms along the walls, while using corners and hidden volumes. So, for example, corner cabinet, occupying visually little space, will accommodate quite large number items, and access to it will be facilitated by self-extending shelves.

Having thought through every little detail, you can get a functional and stylish art object that attracts attention.

Objects built into each other will allow you to store them more compactly when not in use, the main thing is that their appearance is not complicated and intricate. It is appropriate if the furniture of one room is made in the same style and from the same materials or companion materials.

Narrow corridor will not be cluttered if the shoes are placed not on the floor, but in a special shoe shelf, which is compact in size, spacious enough and closed.

And in general, the fewer open surfaces on which objects are located, the more neat and uncluttered the design of a small-sized apartment looks.


Bathroom space will allow you to save money by properly placing all its elements. Washing machine Conveniently placed under the shelf on which washing accessories will be stored. This shelf can be multi-storey, which will allow you to place rarely used or purchased hygiene products there.

The space under the washbasin can be used to store towels and a basket of things, and under the bathtub - buckets, brushes, cleaning or other plumbing supplies.


In the kitchen, the space above the refrigerator is often neglected, where you can install a cabinet with shelves for storing rarely used dishes. The narrow space between base cabinets or a cabinet and a wall is well suited for a pull-out shelf that can accommodate pot lids, rolling pins and other compact items.

It is undoubtedly better to use color to decorate a small kitchen; this will visually expand the space. High wall cabinets will also visually increase the height and overall volume of the kitchen. Dining table It’s better to have a sliding one, which will free up space. When 1-2 family members take food, the table does not need to be moved apart; when the whole family gathers for dinner, its size can be increased.

It's a good idea to have a couple of folding chairs that can be stored hanging on hooks behind the door or in a pull-out structure between floor cabinets. These chairs can be taken out as needed and do not take up space when not in use.

Living room

If possible, the living area should be divided into separate rooms allocated for the bedroom and living room. Having your own private bedroom creates a feeling of comfort, security and stability.

Device modern beds allows you to use all its elements. Bottom part- for storing bulky items or bedding. Headboard– as a shelf, and sometimes even bedside table, on which you can place night lamps (or reading lamps), favorite photographs, souvenirs brought from travel.

If room layout has a niche, it is advisable to install a cabinet in it. It is better if it occupies the entire space from floor to ceiling. Then all things – seasonal and everyday – will be conveniently and accessible in it. Mirrors are perfect for finishing cabinet doors. This will visually enlarge the room and avoid installing a separate dressing table.

If the layout of the room does not require a niche, then you can install a corner cabinet. This design will not be visually cumbersome, but will allow you to use hard-to-reach corner space.

If after all apartment layout forces you to combine the living room and bedroom, you need to be more careful when choosing a sofa and the mechanism for folding it out. It is worth giving preference to a reliable and convenient design, because you will have to use it every day. It is also necessary to provide a built-in box for storing bedding.

Children's room

Under it you need to allocate the brightest room in the apartment. The one in which most of the day falls sunlight. Let it be small, but exactly bright room . Children of any age need a table, and it should be placed near the window. It would be quite beneficial to use the same plane as the window sill as a tabletop.

This will save money and make it interesting to decorate the workplace, and along the side walls to the right and left of the window there will be bookshelves that can accommodate not only a children’s library, but also a family one.

If there are two children or the room is very small, then it makes sense to install a loft bed. In the first case, another sleeping place will fit under it, in the second, it will free up space for games or storing toys. Based on the size of the rooms - the master bedroom and the nursery - you need to determine where to store children's clothes.

If it doesn’t allow you to place a wardrobe in it, but in the parents’ room it is spacious enough, then all the children’s things can be stored in it. And for everyday items and underwear, select a pair closed shelves in a closet for books or toys in the nursery. This is especially true when children are still small, and the choice of clothes is made by parents. For teenage children it is already necessary to allocate separate place storage (wardrobe). The main requirement for pieces of furniture for children is reliability, safety And environmental friendliness!

Choosing shades for decorating a children's room, do not forget that the child not only spends his leisure time in it, but also studies and relaxes. Therefore, the desire to dress everything up bright elements and colored paints can result in fatigue and excessive excitability of the child.

Zone the space, brightly decorate the part of the room in which the child will play and where his toys are stored. And if the furniture in the nursery is already quite colorful, then it is better to make the surfaces of the walls and floors in calm, light colors.


Now a few words about the choice of materials and shades for decorating the interior of an apartment with a small area.

In a small apartment, you need to give preference to light colors and balancing pattern geometry. In irregularly shaped rooms (long and narrow), short walls can visually stretch out the horizontal lines in the wallpaper pattern, as well as a lighter shade relative to the long walls.

The floors in such a room are preferably parallel to short walls (if it is laminate or parquet board). In the case of linoleum, a pattern with a horizontal transverse direction is suitable.

Decorating it in a white or light shade, as well as vertical geometry on the walls, will help to visually raise the ceiling. Verticality does not imply the presence of strict verified lines.

Such an ornament will be boring and dull. Give preference to a design that is only perceived as a whole, as vertically directed.

Its elements themselves can be abstract or of your favorite theme. Should not be used rich colors, rough and motley fragments. If all the walls of the room are decorated in pastel colors, then one of them can be distinguished. To do this, it is good to use companion wallpaper, photo wallpaper, and frescoes. The main thing is that the drawing is not too loaded and heavy.

A bed hidden in the wall is an excellent choice for a small room


Make sure there is sufficient lighting in the apartment. A poorly lit room seems to “hide” the darkened areas, creating the feeling of an even smaller space. A flat-shaped central source is suitable as central lighting if the ceiling is too low (less than 2.5 meters).

Point sources on the ceiling, operating from one control center and uniformly illuminating the entire room, are always appropriate. In the rooms you can additionally use sconce And table lamps , if they correlate with the main lamp. The fewer diverse and dissonant interior items in a room, the simpler and more spacious it seems. In a small apartment, sliding doors or accordion doors would also be very appropriate. Then, when open, they will not take up much space.

The variety and availability of modern finishing materials and materials for the manufacture of furniture allows us to overcome the limitations imposed by square meters. By properly planning the space, you can always visually compensate for its volume.

And by following the simple tips outlined in this article, you can organize your small apartment interior cozy, comfortable, and most importantly, as functional as possible.

Design makes our life more comfortable. How wonderful that with the help correct design space can solve many problems related to the size of the room and its functionality. You are offered options best design rooms small size. It's not only flawless color selection, but also a harmonious connection of lines and correct combination of parts.

Get inspired by these small room designs - you might want to create similar beauty in your own home. Remember that your mood and state largely depend on the environment in which you constantly find yourself.

Small room design

  1. Decorating a room in crimson tones - good option for those who combine a study and a bedroom. Red color stimulates brain activity.
  2. The most delicate color and many shelves make the room very feminine.

  3. Design option teenager's rooms. Special emphasis on a compact sofa.

  4. Minimalism- style for all times.
  5. The light green color creates a cheerful atmosphere.
  6. Great room for twins!
  7. A two-tier room performs two functions at once. Above is a bedroom, below is an office.
  8. A secret room is exactly what it should look like.
  9. A very smart solution...

  10. Freshness, cleanliness, nothing superfluous. Ideal for both work and leisure.

  11. Would you like to have a room like this?

  12. Yellow color ennobles the space.

  13. High-tech design.
  14. A room where nothing will interfere with your concentration.

  15. Incredibly cute... I want a chair like this!

  16. Purple room.

  17. Both the table and the sofa by the window are a dream!

  18. The best option for travel lovers.

  19. A real girl's room.

  20. That's how much you can fit in a very small space.

  21. Natural colors and materials are very calming.

  22. An improvised room under the ceiling.

  23. Business style room.

  24. Pink can also be elegant.

  25. This is what a child needs! Wonderful functional bed.

  26. Amazing design. Wardrobe and bed connected together save a huge amount of space.

  27. Reading corner. In a place like this you need teach children to read!
  28. An incredibly beautifully executed project. This room is characterized by absolute harmony.

  29. On the second floor there is an additional one.
  30. Masterly design of a room for an athlete.

  31. Office room for business partners.
  32. The perfect division of space for roommates.
  33. A room in an ascetic style for a student.
  34. Room creative person. An artistic approach to architectural problems.
  35. An athlete is a way of life...
  36. The bedroom you've always dreamed of.
  37. Room with bright mood. Light is very important in the design of a room.
  38. Mobile home.

The designers did their best to create such interesting interiors. Which design option for a small room did you like best? You can’t choose right away - they are all extremely successful. Let order, comfort and beauty always reign in your home. Tell us about these design examples small rooms to your friends, it deserves their attention.

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Compact spaces in our apartments, unfortunately, are not that uncommon. However, if desired, they can be made aesthetically pleasing, comfortable and functional. With proper zoning and the right combination of colors and textures, you can make modern design small room and visual expansion space.

Where to start?

When drawing up a design project, you should take into account everything architectural features premises and its pros and cons. After measuring the width of the walls, the size of windows and doors, the height of the ceiling, the distances between furniture, taking into account the width of the aisles, a schematic plan is drawn. The location of electrical outlets should also be marked on it.

There are several techniques with which you can wisely manage square meters in small room:

If the door is not an urgent need, it is better to get rid of it - this will help free up a couple of free meters; you can go further and widen the doorway or turn it into an arch, a good option for small room are lightweight sliding doors;

Sliding doors in the bedroom

When choosing furniture, preference should be given to lightweight sliding structures or built-in wardrobes;

You can make the room visually more spacious using mirrored or glossy surfaces;

A narrow and long small room can be divided into zones; however, massive elements should not be used as partitions - it is better to install partially filled structures or partitions made of glass;

Select a separate work area possible even in a small room

Zoning space using furniture elements and contrasting finish walls

If there is no natural light in the room, it is advisable to provide a false window with artificial lighting– the room in this case will look much more comfortable;

You can also save living space by increasing the width of the window sill;

Window sill-tabletop

To prevent the room from looking too dull, do not neglect the ceiling decoration; of course, in a small room, complex ones will be inappropriate (you can only afford small ceiling elements); ideal option may become glossy stretch fabrics with or without colored inserts.

Advice. If the central part of the decor is the ceiling, the remaining surfaces should have a minimum of finishing.

Glossy stretch ceilings in the nursery

Be sure to consider the type of lighting - a well-lit room seems more spacious; V small room it is better to provide a combination of point ceiling lamps, central chandelier, sconces and floor lamps;

Stucco molding and massive chandeliers are not used in small rooms.

Choosing a color palette

Be sure to make a color sketch of the room - in this case, you will be able to see firsthand the correct choice of shades and placement of accents:

For a small room it is preferable to use light colors– they will visually expand the space; bright juicy or dark colors It is better to use only as a finish;

Dark colors are used only as finishing

Light colors help to visually expand the room, plus delicate pastel shades will promote relaxation.

The ceiling does not have to be painted white, but in order not to burden the space, it must be at least a couple of tones lighter than the walls; choose calm pastel beiges, shades of linen, ivory or muted yellow shades for it - this way you can compensate for the lack of lighting in the room facing the shady side;

The ceiling should be slightly lighter than the walls

Prints that are too large can “eat up” space, while an excess of small repeating patterns can be depressing; if you absolutely want to paste wallpaper with colored patterns into the room, decorate only one of the walls with it;

Only one of the walls can be decorated with colored wallpaper

Plain walls can be enlivened with bright color inserts, paintings or photos;

Be extremely careful with your selection color shades– after all, color dissonance can nullify even a brilliant idea;

Experiment with horizontal and vertical patterns - in the first case you can visually make the room taller, and in the second you can visually expand the room;

Volumetric curtains with drapery are inappropriate in a small room - it is better to choose a lighter plain fabric or fabric with a small pattern

If the room faces the sunny side, you can experiment and decorate it in cool colors: gray, ash-turquoise, muted blue or faded purple; diluting such color palette bright colors, you can get a very non-trivial interior.

If the room is well lit, you can easily afford to use shades of gray

Advice. Chrome surfaces go very poorly with natural wood. It is best used in combination with glass or stone.

Selection of furniture

When arranging furniture in a small room main task– use most effectively usable area:
It is necessary to use mobile, folding and multifunctional furniture to the maximum;

You can free up free space with cabinets that are not too deep, but high, up to the ceiling;

Advice. In design there is immutable rule- color flooring should be the opposite color of the furniture.

In a small room, try to use sofas as much as possible, or you can use them for bed linen and bedding;

Sofa with built-in wardrobe

Built-in wardrobes are located at the bottom of the bed

You can also save space by using small cabinets located above the head of the bed;

Wardrobes above the head of the bed

Open shelves “eat up” less space; force them too a large number Small objects should not be used - they will bring a feeling of chaos;

Using mirrored or stained glass you can bring more volume and light into the room and visually expand it.

Usage mirror surfaces to expand the space

IN modern projects houses and apartments, a bedroom less than 15 meters or a living room less than 25-30 meters is considered small. Numerous magazines devoted to interior design, being mostly translated, also often discourage readers with such “measurements”, and yet many still huddle in small apartments with bedrooms less than 10 and living rooms less than 20 meters, and they are considered normal. And even if they don’t, they still have to live in exactly these conditions. However, which room is considered small is a controversial question. Here you can use the principle: if there is not enough space, then something needs to be changed. And if changing an apartment is a unrealistic option for most, then it’s worth playing on the design field. The rules are quite simple.

Color: a large palette for a small room

A combination of two or three colors is considered optimal for a small room. The first color (lightest) is called the base color. This is the main tone of the walls and ceiling. It doesn't have to be white. For a well-lit room, cool pastel shades, emerald green, are suitable. For dark room It is better to choose warm and neutral shades: pale yellow, beige, pink.

Attention! Some colors have cool and neutral or warm and neutral undertones. They cannot be combined with each other. For example, you cannot paint one wall light emerald (cool neutral) and the other pea (warm neutral) color. This same one color principle also applies when choosing the color of all other elements, furniture and textiles.

The second color is complementary. It could be more bright shade the base background and a moderately contrasting color with it. One of the walls or part of it can be painted with this paint. Large furniture and other significant interior details will look good in this design. An additional color serves to give the room depth and sets off the base color in the main details. The difference in tones makes the space look voluminous.

The third color is the brightest. It could be dark accent(up to black) or very bright, which is reflected in small details: photo frames or paintings, rugs and other small things. As a rule, these are small touches to complete picture interior, pleasing to the eye, but not attracting a lot of attention.

Oddly enough, they are the most capricious elements in the design of a room. WITH bright details It's very easy to overdo it or place it incorrectly. Can be adopted main principle: large elements - in the distance and in the depths of the room, small ones - on the side, at the entrance.

Games of light

What can you do to visually increase the space of a room with the help of light?

  • install as much as possible . A niche arranged in the form of a soft corner on the windowsill - great idea for a compact living room;
  • use: if you hang it opposite the window, the amount of light will double, and simply mirrored shelves or cabinet doors will also create a good spatial illusion;
  • zone lighting: large bulky lights in the middle of the room, yes - spotlights above the sofa or chair, above the bookshelves or at the head of the bed;
  • spotlights located in a row not only highlight a particular area with light, they visually lengthen the room - this can also be used;

  • modern, laconic design of lamps and lamps instead of pompous, deliberate chandeliers - what is needed for a compact room;

  • glass furniture and objects: depending on the functional purpose of a small room, traditional wooden doors It is quite possible to replace them with glass ones and even use transparent partitions.

  • ceiling

It is unacceptable to make a multi-level ceiling in a small room or paint it in dark colors that absorb light. Optimally – white or the most light colors flat surface. Contrasting edgings at the junction of walls and floors should also be abandoned.

If there is a need to visually increase the height of the ceiling, then it can be painted the same color as the walls. Merging into a single whole with the walls, the ceiling will seem higher.

Another traditional solution is vertical stripes(but not too bright and frequent). Wallpaper or striped curtains will successfully cope with this task.

In addition, if the ceiling is covered with glossy PVC film, it will also appear higher. Use this trick.


To avoid reducing the already small space due to incorrectly selected furniture, you need to follow a few simple rules.

1) Measure seven times - buy once. That is, before going to furniture store measure the room carefully, free space in it, calculate and think about where and what will stand. In a store, furniture doesn’t seem as big as in an apartment, so it’s easy to be tempted to buy the wrong thing. It’s like with a New Year’s tree: in the market it seems small, but in the apartment you can’t get around it.

2) For seven troubles - one sofa, or more simply - multifunctionality. An indispensable option for a small room is transformable furniture. A sofa that can be converted into a sleeping place, always with a drawer for storing linen, is what you need. Or modular furniture in the form uniform design, consisting of a table, a chest of drawers, convenient shelves and a staircase leading to the second floor to the bed.

Alternatively, such furniture can consist of children's cubes, which are easy to assemble and bookshelf along the wall, and a table with chairs for guests.

Today, quite often, a bunk bed is installed in small children's rooms. And really, what could be better for modest square meters?

If something is difficult to find in a store, you can always make it to order. It may be an order of magnitude more expensive, but believe me, then you will appreciate the convenience of such furniture.

3) Simplicity. No monograms, carvings, excessive curvature or lush decorations. Furniture should be as simple as possible (but not necessarily mediocre) in shape. Playing with color is acceptable. The sofa or chairs may well be contrasting, but not so much as to attract all the attention. In any case, it is better to place bright furniture in the back of the room, away from the entrance.

4) – an excellent replacement for chairs. Hospitality in the house comes first, even if the house is just a very compact apartment. And here, an excellent solution would be to use an idea from the east, when pillows and soft carpets replace sprawling sofas and chairs. Surely dear guests will not remain indifferent after a mysterious tea ceremony on pillows around a cute tray instead of a table.

Thick covers in original colors and knitted patterned inserts on pillows will add their own zest and originality to the interior of a small room. Additional decoration for the covers can be fluffy tassels, funny pom-poms, or just cute bows made of satin fabric. But where to hide such pillows? One way or another, they will need very little space, unlike chairs. Alternatively, you can attach decorative ribbons to the chairs or place them on the sofa. Thus, even the smallest room will become a favorite and cozy corner for household members.

5) Scrape along the bottom of the barrel. Look in all corners. If you can really look into them, then consider that a couple of meters of valuable space have been lost in the room. Corner furniture: shelves, cabinets, tables, will save space and place many necessary things.

6) Naturalness. A small room may not only have little space, but also little air. Furniture from natural wood, upholstered in natural fabrics and materials, objects made of glass and - best solution. Less plastic, primitive synthetics - and the space of a small room will be not only beautiful, but also healthy.

Textiles: softening the interior

Textile elements in the interior of a small room can help make it more comfortable. The main thing here is moderation and a minimum of decorations. Give preference to light shades, straight, flowing, translucent, without bows, lambrequins, ribbons, tassels and other “palace” decorations.

Good decision - or Chinese curtains. They are laconic and fit well into almost any non-specific interior.

Choose plain-colored bedspreads, without large drawing, frills and folds. The same goes for decorative pillows.

Carpets in a small room are a difficult issue. If you can refuse them, that’s good. If the carpet in the room is an island of comfort and warmth, and the owner cannot imagine himself without it, then you should carefully approach the choice. A small neat rug with an original shape, texture and design, for example in the shape of a flower, harmoniously combined with common interior can become a real highlight of a small room. In a small room it is better to put a carpet in light colors, with a small and discreet pattern or without it at all. If the room is narrow, then you can pick up a striped rug and lay it in strips perpendicular to the long wall. This will visually expand the room.