Summary of the GCD “All professions are needed, all professions are important” in the group preparatory to school. Summary of the GCD on the formation of a holistic picture of the world in the preparatory group "Professions" using ICT


Target: - to consolidate the knowledge of children about professions.


To expand and clarify children's ideas about the work of people of different professions;

Exercise children in the ability to determine the name of the profession by the names of actions;

Raise interest in various professions.


Invented by someone simply and wisely

At a meeting to greet: - Good morning!

Good morning sun and birds.

Good morning smiling faces.

And everyone becomes

kind, trusting

Good morning lasts until evening. (children greet)

Educator: - Today we will go on a trip to« city ​​of professions». To get into« city ​​of professions» we need to do the task of attention.

Attention game « Who will name more professions» ( playing with a ball in a circle).

Educator: - Now let's go to« city ​​of professions» by plane.

Fizminutka « Pilot »

It's good to be a drivergo in a circle, imitating the steering wheel )

A pilot is better (run in a circle, arms to the sides)

I would go to the pilots

Let me be taught

I pour gasoline into the tank (stop, pour - ssss )

I start the propeller (circular motions right hand )

Take the motor to heaven (run in circles, arms to the sides )

For the birds to singwaving their arms like birds )

Educator: Our planes have landed. Here we are in« city ​​of professions»!

Every person dreams of finding in life a favorite thing that brings joy to himself and benefits people.

What is a profession? Professionit is the work to which a man devotes his life. There are a lot of professions and all of them are very necessary and important for people.

Educator: - What do you need to get a job?Children: - Study well, know and be able to do a lot, finish school, a special educational institution.

Guessing riddles about professions.

Who will help the tongue to put correctly

And direct the air stream on it

Distinguish sound from letters

answer without hesitationSpeech therapist )

We get up very early

Because our concern is

Drive everyone to work in the morningDriver )

Who is the most useful in the days of illness?

And cures us of all diseases? (Doctor )

Let's put a glass eye

Click once- and remember youPhotographer )

We teach kids

love nature,

Respect old peopleTeacher )

Tell me who's so delicious

Prepares cabbage soup

Smelly cutlets, Salads, vinaigrettes,

All breakfasts, lunches? (Cook )

Educator: - About people who work well, they say that they have golden hands. Skillful fingerswhat are these hands? (Hardworking, neat, diligent, dexterous, skillful)

Finger gymnastics « Such different things »

1, 2, 3, 4. Children,

Lots of things to do in the worldclench fists and clap hands)

Here comes the militaryfingers alternately greet )

They protect the border.

And the seamstress takes the needle. (imitation tailoring )

And sews clothes for people.

Janitor sweeps the street, (waving their hands )

He sings a song loudly.

The bird came into the yard

She brought grain to the chickens. (depict feeding birds )

Educator: - Let's remember the proverbs about work.

1. Walk, but do not forget things.

2. Every person is recognized by the case.

3. Every work of the master paints.

4. Handle everything skillfully.

5. You can’t even pull a fish out of the pond without difficulty.

6. Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils.

7. Whoever loves to work cannot sit still.

8. Boring day until evening, if there is nothing to do.

9. Be lazy - and lose bread.

10. Patience and work will grind everything.

11. Skillful hands do not know boredom.

12. Work time, and fun hour.

13. They judge not by words, but by deeds.

14. What is done hastily is done for fun.

15. The work of the master is afraid.

16. If there was patience, there would be skill.

Poems about professions.


Give the cook food:

Poultry meat, dried fruits.

Rice, potatoes...

And then delicious food awaits you.


If something bad happens,

Somewhere something will light up

A firefighter is urgently needed.

He will redeem it for sure.


A scientist looks into a microscope

It looks like he's doing experiments.

He has no business to boredom -

All in work, all in science.


I'll probably be a doctor

I will heal people!

I will travel everywhere

And save sick children.

ball game « Who's doing what? »

Chef - cooks, cooks, fries, cuts ...

Tailor - sews, cuts, sews ...

Driver - drives, transports ...

Doctor - treats, examines, injects ...

Hairdresser - cuts, combs, dries, colors ...

Seller - trades, sells ...

Educator - teaches, educates ...

Musician - plays, sings, performs ...

Educator: - What happens if...

Will chefs stop cooking food?

Doctors stop treating people?

Will teachers stop teaching kids?

Will builders stop building houses?

Will all drivers refuse to drive?

Will the cops stop showing up?

Finger gymnastics « Cook »

The cook was preparing dinnerWith the edge of the palm, children knock on the table)

And then the lights were turned off.

The bream cook takes (Bend over thumbs )

And lowers it into compote.

Throws logs into the cauldron, (Curl middle fingers )

Ugli hits with a ladle. (Bend over ring fingers )

Sugar pours into the broth. (Bend the little finger )

And he is very pleased. (shrug their hands )

A game « What is the profession? »

1. Pill, injection, ward -doctor;

2. Traffic light, rod, whistle -police;

3. Fire, hose, water - fireman;

4. Class, desk, primer -teacher;

5. Group, children, toys -educator;

6. Lunch, dishes, apron -teacher assistant;

7. Steering wheel, road, wheel -driver;

8. Scales, buyer, cashier -salesman;

9. Letters, mailbox, telegram -postman;

10. Dough, loaf, bread -baker;

11. Stove, ladle, delicious borscht -cook;

12. Scissors, hairstyle, comb -hairdresser;

13. Needle, thread, sewing machine - seamstress;

14. Gouache, brush, albumartist.

Well done guys! Do not forget that all professions are important, all professions are needed.

Doctor heals us from pain

There is a teacher at the school

The cook cooks compote for us,

The barber cuts everyone's hair

The tailor sews pants for us,

And we must tell you:

We have no extra professions,

All professions are important!

Educator: We have to go back to kindergarten.


What did we talk about today?

About what professions?

What would you like to be when you grow up?

Did you like it?

Riddles about professions

He is a very good master

He made a closet for us in the hallway.

He is not a carpenter, not a painter.

Furniture makes...(carpenter)

Traffic rules

He knows without a doubt.

Instantly he starts the engine,

The car rushes ... (chauffeur )

Dark night, clear day

He fights fire.

In a helmet, like a glorious warrior,

In a hurry to the fire ... (fireman )

He puts bricks in a row,

Building a garden for children

Not a miner and not a driver,

We will build a house ... (builder )

Who sails on the ship

To an uncharted land?

He is funny and kind.

What is his name? (sailor )

In reality, not in a dream

He flies in the air.

Flying an airplane in the sky.

Who is he, tell me? (pilot )

You are probably familiar with him.

He knows about all the laws.

Not a judge, not a journalist.

Gives advice to everyone ... (lawyer )

Stands at his post

He keeps order.

Strict brave officer.

Who is he? (policeman )

Nails, axes, saw,

There is a whole mountain of shavings.

This is a worker-

Makes chairs for us... (a carpenter )

He is away from all relatives

Leads ships to sea.

Seen many countries

Our brave ... (captain )

Over the bridge so that the ambulance rushes,

He repairs at the bottom of the support.

All day long time after time

Dives deep ... (diver )

Who controls the movement?

Who lets cars through?

On the wide pavement

Waving a wand ... (guard )

At his post he is in the snow and in the heat,

Keeps our peace.

A person who is faithful to the oath

It's called... (military )

A knock flies from under the wheels,

An electric locomotive rushes into the distance.

The train is not driven by a taxi driver,

Not a pilot, but ... (driver )

Performs stunts in films

Dives from height to bottom

Trained actor.

Fast, brave... (stuntman )

Waving a thin wand-

The choir will sing on stage.

Not a magician, not a juggler.

Who is this? (conductor )

The viewer freezes in fear -

In a cage with a tiger... (tamer )

Hollow and lair, fox and bird house

Always guards reliably... (forester )

Dawn sings to the village cock -

Leads cows to the meadow ... (shepherd )

At the machine he is days and nights,

He can do everything, he - ... (worker )

At the post and in the rain and in the hail,

He will go into battle for us ... (soldier )

Will not solve sick problems

All patients will be treated ... (doctor )

I was given yesterday

Five shots... (nurse )

Pike, perch, zander -

They brought us a catch ... (fisherman )

- « Paws up! Stop, you rascal!» -

Shot at the wolf ... (hunter )

Furniture, bread and cucumbers

They sell us... (sellers)

He brings letters to the house,

Long-awaited... (postman )

With a heavy bag bypasses the area,

He puts letters in a box for us ... (postman )

Plane in the blue sky

Manages it... (pilot )

I'm glad to get dressed

Both an artist and a deputy.

Deftly sew with my needle -

After all, no wonder I ... (tailor )

Every resident in the house knows -

This house was built ... (builder )

The insidious fire will win

The one who is called... (fireman )

Handyman of all trades

We will sew a jacket and trousers.

Not a cutter, not a weaver.

Who is she, tell me? (dressmaker )

Who will prescribe vitamins?

Who will cure angina?

On vaccinations, don't cry-

He knows how to be treated ... (doctor )

The bell rang loudly

The lesson started in the class.

Student and parent know-

Will conduct a lesson ... (teacher )

All products on display:

Vegetables, nuts, fruits.

Tomato and cucumber

Offers... (salesman )

Teaches us politeness

Reads a story aloud.

Not a teacher, not a writer.

This is a nanny, ... (educator )

Program content:

To consolidate the ideas of preschoolers about famous professions(doctor, teacher, cook, seller) about the importance of health in human life and ways to preserve it.

Expand knowledge about lesser known professions with the help of riddles (environmentalist, lawyer, architect, programmer, pilot).

Enrich the dictionary with words meaning the names of professions, tools, accessories, labor activities.

To develop the speech of preschoolers, logical thinking, memory, observation, interest in various professions with the help of information computer technologies (use of presentation).

To cultivate respect for people of different professions, love for work; stimulate the desire to learn and acquire knowledge.

Equipment: a toy heart, cards with professions, models of fruits and vegetables, a projector, a presentation with tasks, music for a physical education session, an outdoor game, magic music.

The course of the lesson in the preparatory group on the topic of the profession

Org. moment

Educator. Children, do you like to travel? What do you take with you on a trip? (Answers of children). And take with you on a trip good mood. And help us get it, here it is, a small paper heart.


Educator. Children, look, I have a small paper heart in my hands. It symbolizes the heart of a person, in which there is warmth, love, friendship. Therefore, we will carefully pass it around in a circle, calling each other an affectionate name and giving a smile at the same time, like this: “Good afternoon, Seryozha” (Pass the toy and smile).

Now my heart returned to me, and each of us received a good mood and a sincere smile.

I suggest you go to the country of "Professions" today. What is a profession? What professions do you know?

2. Exercise "What professions do you know?"

3. Didactic exercise"Where have I been?"

I saw the syringe... ..

I saw a comb and hair dryer... ..

I have seen many books...

I saw a desk, chalk, blackboard...

I saw a lot of goods, cash registers...

I saw a big stove, a lot of pots....

I saw crane brick, sand...

I saw the waiter....

But how do we get into the country of "Professions?" (Offers). I propose with the help of magic words Lorik, Skorik, Booms. Close all your eyes and repeat the magic words after me. Here is the magical land of "Professions". (The projector turns on, magic music sounds) (work with a presentation) Class in kindergarten

4. The first in the country of "Professions" meets us ...

Guess what profession it is?

Profession - doctor. What does a doctor need to work? (Tools, medicines, equipment, special clothing....)

What does a doctor do? (Treats, diagnoses, examines the patient, writes out a prescription ..)

The doctor has prepared tasks for us:

The most important thing that a person has by nature. (Health)

The doctor suggests that we rest and gain strength before continuing the journey.


What does a chef need to work? (Cookware, oven, electrical appliances, special clothing, food, refrigerator...)

What is the chef doing? (Cooks, cuts, cooks, stirs, salts, decorates, pours, fantasizes ..)

The chef has prepared an interesting task:

The task "What is superfluous?"

(working with a presentation)

Educator. We continue the journey. What is this profession?

Profession - teacher. What do you need to work? (Pointer, table, desks, blackboard, chalk, books, textbooks...)

What does the teacher do? (Teaches, listens to answers, fills out a journal, puts marks ...)

The teacher prepared the task

Didactic game "Riddle - Guessing Game"

(riddles for preschoolers on the topic of the profession)

The child makes a riddle about the profession. The child who guessed correctly finds the picture with the answer and guesses new riddle about the profession.

He is with a computer on s,

You can't find it smarter

Sitting at the computer

Miracle master PROGRAMMER.

He drives a great plane,

Safe flight with him

Real ace…

Brave PILOT.

Building a house with a pencil

On a piece of paper.

He will accurately calculate the vector


He, like Dr. Aibolit,

Knows what and where it hurts

He has a special gift

This doctor is ... a VETERINARY OFFICER!

The lights went out, what should I do?

How to walk around the room?

Mom says - no tantrums,


Wants to know kids

Where did the mountain grow from?

Secrets will remove the canopy

Traveler-hero GEOLOGIST.

In a cafe or restaurant

Will help you and me

Dishes choose an option

Polite WAITER.

I'm building a high-rise building

For people to live in it.

There is a brick. Mix the solution.


He knows the laws well

Notice the error right away

Important lawsuit in court

A LAWYER will write to you.

Everyone knows that for a long time

People invented cinema

He teaches how to play the part.

What do you guys call him?


What do you need to work? (Equipment, money, calculator, weights, goods, special clothing.)

What does the seller do? (Sells, counts money, lays out goods, weighs products ..)

Task "Lay out the goods"

(working with a presentation)

Children choose vegetables and fruits. At the signal of the educator, the desired basket is selected.

Educator. Children, our journey ends, we need to return to kindergarten. There are many more "Professions" in the country interesting professions and we will definitely meet with them, but next time. We say the magic words: "Lorik, Skorik, booms." (Projector turns off, magic music subsides)

Outcome. Reflection

Educator. Congratulations on your return to Kindergarten.

What did you like about the lesson today?

What profession do you like the most?

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1 Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten "Golden Key" of the urban district of Bolshoy Kamen Abstract of the GCD in the preparatory group "Professions of people" Educator of the 1st qualification category Koval O.Yu. 2015

2 Summary of GCD in the preparatory group "Professions of people" Priority area: Cognitive development. Educational area in integration: Speech development, social communication development, physical development. Technologies: Gaming, health-saving, personality-oriented. Goal: Expanding ideas about the professions of people. Tasks: To consolidate in speech a noun with a generalizing meaning of the profession. Improve the grammatical structure of speech (ex. in the formation of adjectives from nouns, agreement of numerals with nouns) Improve the skills of building a simple and complex sentence. Develop dialogic, coherent speech. Develop phonemic processes, sound analysis and synthesis skills. Cultivate motivation for learning, emotional feelings. preliminary work: Examination of subject pictures: a driver, a salesman, a doctor, a teacher. An excursion to the kitchen of the kindergarten, an excursion to the Fresh grocery store, reading poems about professions, guessing riddles, role-playing games: “Shop”, “Hospital”, “School”, “Family”. Activities: play, motor. Equipment: Subject pictures (doctor, cook, teacher); items for the organizational moment hammer, ladle, scissors, brush, camera, washing machine, dental mirror, hair dryer, postman's bag; a conductor's bag with tickets, a steering wheel, paper coins, a saucepan, models of vegetables: potatoes, beets, carrots, Bell pepper, garlic, onion, dill, cabbage, beans, tomato-tomato; jar with apple compote, subject pictures: pear, cherry, apricot, strawberry, plum; thermometer, phonendoscope, tonometer, tweezers, spatula, x-ray machine, syringe, vitamins, sweets, medicine, heating pad, ENT doctor's mirror; subject cut pictures: meat products, dairy products, fish products, bakery products, vegetables and fruits, household chemicals; plot picture - school; ball.

3 Vocabulary work: Conductor, phonendoscope, tonometer, tweezers, spatula, x-ray, household chemicals, pear, cherry, apricot, strawberry, plum, tomato. Expected result: - Children will consolidate nouns with a generalizing meaning of "profession". - They will improve the grammatical structure of speech and the skill of building a simple and complex sentence. - Dialogic and coherent speech, sound analysis skills will develop. - Increased motivation to learn. Lesson progress Organizing time. The children are in the group. There are various objects on the carpet (hammer, scissors, ladle, hair dryer, brush, camera, postman's bag, washing machine, dental mirror). - Look what a mess! Someone left items. Name them. (I think the carpenter left the hammer.) People of various professions need these items. Topic message. - Today we will go on a journey through the city of professions in order to learn more about professions and better remember their names. Introduction to the topic. - And what we will travel on, you will find out if you guess the riddle: What a miracle the house is going! And how many people there are! Wears shoes made of rubber And eats gasoline! (bus) Right! We'll take the bus. Fixing the names and ideas about the professions chauffeur and conductor. - Who drives the bus? (chauffeur) - Who else works on the bus? (conductor) The child chooses the children for the role of the driver and the conductor with a rhyme. - Who are you now? (passengers) - To ride the bus, we have to pay a fare.

4 The teacher announces the fare 8 rubles. Children come to the table and take the necessary coins (5 rubles, 2 rubles and 1 ruble) and pay the fare to the conductor. The conductor gives all passengers a ticket. The teacher asks the children questions: - What coins did you take to pay the fare? - Well, everyone paid for the fare, but before setting off, let's remember the rules of conduct in public transport. Children name the rules of conduct (you can’t talk loudly, laugh, play around, run, jump and talk with the driver on the bus). - Why can't you do that? Because the driver must follow the road, he is responsible for the lives of passengers. If the driver is distracted, the bus can get into an accident and everyone will die. - Well, that's it, the bus can go. (The children's song "We are going to distant lands" sounds). - Well, the bus stopped and we arrived. We get off the bus. What is the name of the place where the bus stops? (stop). Fixing the name and ideas about the profession COOK. Children approach the easel, where a picture hangs - a cook. - Guys, who are we visiting? (to the cook). - What does the chef do? (The cook cooks, fries, cooks). - Correctly! The chef prepares various delicious food. - I love sweet pancakes the most, because they remind me of my childhood. - What do you like to eat? - What is your favorite dish? - Begin your answer with the words: "I love and why? ...". (Each child names their favorite dish). - Guys, the cook has prepared a task for you, he wants you to help him cook borscht? - What do I need to do? - Help the cook select the right vegetables. Game exercise "Show me how to cook borscht?" what vegetables do we need for A child came up to the table and from a variety of vegetables selects the ones necessary for making borscht. (Potatoes, beets, carrots, sweet peppers, onions, dill, cabbage, beans, tomato tomato).

5 - Well done! You did a good job, and the chef prepared this apple compote for you. And he also wants to cook compotes for you from these fruits, but he doesn’t know what they will be called correctly. Help the cook. Game exercise What compote? There are pictures on the table: pear, cherry, apricot, strawberry, plum. Children pronounce the names of compotes: pear compote, cherry compote, apricot compote, strawberry compote, plum compote. - Let's say goodbye to the chef and move on. Consolidation of the name and ideas about the profession DOCTOR. - Guess my riddle, and you will find out who you have come to visit now. He is more useful in days of illness. And heal, heal, And sore throat, and bronchitis. Who is it? (doctor) - Guys, the doctor has prepared this wonderful bag for you. - Let's each of you take out an item from this bag and say what this item is for? Your proposal should contain the words: The doctor needs .. to. (Thermometer, phonendoscope, blood pressure monitor, tweezers, x-ray machine, syringe, vitamins, sweets, potion, jam, spatula, white coat, heating pad). - Good! Now let's say goodbye to the doctor and move on. Dynamic pause - Now let's have a little rest and play, and I'll see how attentive you are. (Children stand in a circle, the teacher in a circle with the ball calls the action of any profession, throws the ball to the child, he calls which profession this action belongs to and throws the ball back to the teacher). - Glasses are inserted into the windows - a glazier - A computer technician repairs a computer - Manages a bank - a banker - Animals are raised by a livestock breeder - Animals are grazing in a meadow - a shepherd - Vegetables are grown - a vegetable grower - A singer performs songs on stage - Music is performed by a musician - An astronaut flies into space - The yard sweeps street cleaner

6 - An actor plays a role in a movie - A tailor sews clothes - A watchmaker repairs watches - A shoemaker repairs shoes - They serve in the army - the military Consolidation of the name and ideas about the profession SALESMAN. The children go to the toy store. The store contains books, toys, dishes, food, an apron for the seller. - Where did we come? (to the store). That's right, it's a store. - Who works in the store? (seller) - What does the seller do? (sells) - Guys, the seller has prepared tasks for you, they are in these envelopes. You need to put together a picture from parts and explain what is drawn on it. (Children fold cut pictures and name: dairy products, meat products ..). Consolidation of the name and ideas about the profession TEACHER. Children come to the board, on which the plot picture SCHOOL hangs. On the table, turned away from them, is a picture of the teacher. - What is written on this house? (This building says SCHOOL). - Who works at the school? (teacher). - What does the teacher do? (Teach children). Today I will be your teacher. And I have a task for you. Sound analysis of the word SCHOOL. One child is invited to the board, who conducts a sound analysis. (The first sound Ш is a solid consonant, it of blue color because he can't sing. The second sound K is a solid consonant and is also blue. The third sound O is a vowel, because it can sing, it is red. The fourth sound L is a solid consonant and cannot sing, it is blue. And the last fifth sound And he is a vowel, he can sing, he is red. How many sounds are in this word? (five) - How many vowels? (two) - And how many consonant sounds? (three) - What is the sound O? (third) - What is the sound A? (fifth) - How many syllables are in the word SCHOOL? (two) - Well done! You have done well in my task.

7 Reflection - Guys, if you liked today's journey into the world of professions, clap your hands? - If you don't like it, stomp your feet. -What did you like? What didn't you like? (Children give their grades to the lesson). - What interesting things did you learn today? - Thank you all!

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GBDOU d / s 40 Combined type of the Kirovsky district of St. Petersburg. Methodical development for children of the preparatory group with OHP using health-saving, interactive technologies, ICT(use

State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 50 of the compensating type of the Petrogradsky district Synopsis of continuous educational activities in speech group(4-5 years) "Once,

Topic: “Development of life competence. Differentiation of sounds [b] - [p] "in words and sentences." Purpose: Consolidation of children's skills to differentiate sounds (n) (b) by ear and in writing. Tasks: - keep learning

BDOU Omsk "Kindergarten 124" Synopsis of direct educational activities for cognitive development in the I junior group "Journey to the Garden" Prepared by: A.M. Sultanova educator of the 1st junior group

GCD with children of the middle group on the topic: "Tops and roots" Integration of educational areas: cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development, physical development. Tasks:

Synopsis of the GCD “Transport can be different” (for children of older preschool age) Educator: Zakurdaeva V.O. Tasks: We are expanding our understanding of the trolleybus, bus, tram, and their distinctive features.

Municipal State Preschool Educational Institution kindergarten "Yolochka" with. Pokosnoe Synopsis Directly educational activities with children of primary preschool age Educator: Mikhailova

Program content: Synopsis of an open lesson on Teaching Literacy on the topic “Journey to the Land of Knowledge” To consolidate the ability to determine the location of sound in a word; Exercise in the sound analysis of words;

APPENDIX 1 municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten N 215 of a combined type" 660119, Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk, avenue 60 years of education of the USSR, 3, tel. 2250-335 OGRN 1072468018260,

Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 125 combined type" "Chefs are preparing dinner" (composing a story from a picture) / compendium of the NOOD on speech development in the preparatory

ABSTRACT of educational activities on speech development on the topic "Misha and school" (for children of the older group) Kipa Marina Alekseevna, teacher of the participant of the II (city) stage of the All-Russian professional

Municipal preschool educational state-financed organization"Kindergarten of a combined type 201" Summary of educational activities with children 5-7 years old Game lesson on the development of speech "Let's help Dunno!"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten" Rodnichok "s. Bykov Abstract of entertainment according to traffic rules for the senior group “Journey to the country“ Traffic light ”Completed by: Educator Sautchenko

Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 40" SUMMARY OF NOD ON SDA Topic: "Let's get to know each other road signs» Developed by the educator of the 1st category Rybkina M.A. Saransk Theme:

Pedagogical project MDOU d / s 1 "Chamomile" of the city of Furmanov In the 2nd junior group "Why" "Kindergarten professions" Project author: Educator: Lobunicheva O.Yu. Relevance Children of primary preschool

MAOU " elementary School- kindergarten 15 "Summary of direct educational activity" VEGETABLES IN THE GARDEN" Compiled by: Shcherbakova T. A. Kungur, 2016 SUMMARY OF GCD IN THE MIDDLE GROUP ON COGNITIVE

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities for the artistic and aesthetic development of children 198" Abstract directly

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution Kindergarten 52 Ulan-Ude Organized educational activities according to the rules traffic"Don't do it and tell others" medium

Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution of the Saransk City District "Child Development Center Kindergarten 46" Abstract of the final direct educational activities (integrated)

Shaihullina Anna Alekseevna Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten 47 of the Kopeysk city district Chelyabinsk region, Kopeysk ABSTRACT OF DIRECTLY EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES

Synopsis of the plot role play according to traffic rules for children of middle preschool age "Traveling by bus" Topic: role-playing game according to traffic rules in the middle group "Traveling by bus". Goal: skills development

Topic: "Vegetables" Prepared and conducted: teacher of the second group early age 4 Bichuk Ya.V. Type of GCD: Lesson to consolidate knowledge. GCD type: Complex lesson. Theme: "Vegetables". Age group of children:

Municipal preschool educational budgetary institution kindergarten 111 Sochi Abstract of the lesson in the middle group "Fairy Tale" Theme of the lesson: "Together for road safety!" Compiled by:

Municipal preschool educational institution "Child Development Center Kindergarten 113" in Magnitogorsk Prepared a summary of directly educational activities in the middle group "Professions"

JV "Kindergarten" Solnyshko "SBEI secondary school with. novoe Mansurkino m. p.

MUNICIPAL BUDGET PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION KINDERGARTEN 84 COMBINED TYPE Synopsis of GCD on cognitive development (literacy) in the group preparatory to school. Theme: Letter

MDOU "Kindergarten 32 combined type" Abstract joint activities in the preparatory group Educator: Evseeva S.A. 2016 Used general education program preschool education

Lesson summary Integration of educational areas: "Cognition". Formation of a holistic picture of the world, the formation of elementary mathematical concepts. Second junior group"Autumn Harvest" Prepared by

Municipal preschool educational institution Kindergarten 9 "Kid" combined type Synopsis of GCD " Artistic creativity" (drawing) "We invite the bullfinches to eat the mountain ash as soon as possible" Educator:

Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 3 r.p. Semibratovo" MMO "Development of spatial orientation skills through constructive activities" Educational activities in

Synopsis of directly organized activities within the framework of the competition "Teacher of the Year 2012" Educational area "Safety" Journey to the camp of the Rules of the road Prepared by the educator

Municipal preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten 307 Krasnoarmeysky district of Volgograd " Geometric figure triangle "(for children 5-6 years old with mental retardation) Abstract directly

Lesson outline development oral speech on the basis of familiarization with objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality in the 2nd grade. Teacher Kitaeva O.N. Theme of the lesson: "Fruits. Vegetables. Concept differentiation» Type

Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 3 r.p. Semibratovo" Synopsis of an entertaining event in the middle group "On a visit to Autumn" Prepared by: Lobova A.N. Ilyicheva N.V. Gromova S.Yu.

Theme: "Friends will always come to the rescue." Age orientation: middle preschool age. Purpose: to develop the ability of children to interact with adults and peers. Tasks: Social and communicative

Summary of the plot - role-playing game: "Kindergarten": plot "Cook". in the senior age group, MKDOU "Military city kindergarten of a general developmental type" Compiled by: educator of the first category

MBDOU "Kommunarsky kindergarten "Solnyshko" Summary of the lesson on the topic: "My favorite kindergarten" Prepared by: Akisheva E.V. Game as a means of moral patriotic education of preschoolers Topic: “My

Didactic games for the formation of the grammatical structure of the speech of children of senior preschool age speech material offer

09/30/2016 Open combined lesson in senior group for children with disabilities Topic: "Useful vitamins" Purpose: Formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle. Educational tasks: Clarify and activate

Yuzbasheva Rasima Nariman kyzy educator of the highest qualification category State budget educational institution city ​​of Moscow "School 1631" Preschool department 1851 Moscow CONSPECT

Gerasimova Nadezhda Andreevna
Position: educator
Educational institution: MBDOU kindergarten No. 33 combined type
Locality: r.p. Novoivanovskoye
Material name: Abstract
Subject: Abstract of an open lesson in the preparatory group in the section "Cognitive - research activities" on the topic "All professions are needed, all professions are important."
Publication date: 20.01.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 33 of a combined type
Abstract of an open lesson in the preparatory group

in the section "Cognitive - research activities"

on the topic "All professions are needed, all professions are important."
Educator: Gerasimova N.A. 2016

Preparatory work:
acquaintance with various professions, reading poetry and fiction, conversations about what children want to become and why.
Program tasks:
Educational: to introduce children to several types of professions, to show the importance of work in human life; clarify, summarize and expand children's knowledge about the characteristics of the profession of a hairdresser, cook, doctor, seller, artist and teacher. Developing: to promote the development of coherent speech, thinking, memory, curiosity, observation, to activate and enrich the vocabulary of children with nouns, adjectives, verbs on the topic of the lesson. Educational: to create conditions for the education of a respectful and kind attitude towards people of different professions; promote the development of the ability to work in a group; take into account the opinion of the partner; to defend one's own opinion, to prove one's innocence.
 Pictures with images of people of different professions  Fruits and vegetables for the cook  Chef's hat, cap for the doctor, scarf for the skit  Tools for the hairdresser and doctor  Easel, paints and brushes  Products and goods for the store  A wonderful bag with tools and accessories of different professions

Organizing time.
2. Children enter the hall to the music, sit down in their seats.
Invented by someone simply and wisely When meeting, say hello:
Good morning! If everyone smiles, a good morning will begin! Let everyone become kind, trusting, and good morning lasts until evening. Guys, today guests came to our lesson to look at our work. Let's greet them.
2. Announcement of the topic of the lesson. Introductory conversation.

Guys, you will all someday become adults, finish school, then college, find a profession in which you will work. How do you understand what a profession is? Children's answers ... .. - V explanatory dictionary said that
“Profession is the main occupation

person, his labor activity.

: Have any of you already thought about who you want to be in the future? Children's answers...
reads the poem "My Dream" "My Dream" Wants to become a boat a fast ship, a red foal a brave horse. The brook dreams of becoming a big river, And the path is expensive, ringing and straight. I also dream of who I want to become! I can name 100 different professions. Who will I become in life? I can become a doctor, or a captain or a violinist, rush to the stars, study space,
I can become a good agronomist.
Did you guys like this poem? Of course, choosing a profession is not easy and very responsible. After all, choosing it, you choose a business for life. And this means that the profession should suit you in all respects.
And today I offer us all ....... (interrupting) The Princess (girl) appears -crying And after her, calming her, the King (boy) appears
Why are you, my joy, shedding tears? Tell daddy what your daughter wants?
A princess:
I'm tired of sitting at home! Turn around at the mirror! Try on outfits! On-to-ate! I want to work!
Again you for yours! But where has it been seen that the royal daughter worked? I will be laughed at in the neighboring kingdoms...
A princess:
Still bored, still go to work!
(sings) Oh, princess, my wretched one, You were completely unaccustomed to work, But can’t you do everything?
A princess:
(sings) I still want it! And what the daughter requires, Must be fulfilled - point!
: Good! But what kind of work to give you? To not have to study?

Hello! Maybe the guys and I will help you, today we are just talking about professions. Your Majesty, listen carefully and decide who you want to work!
3. Acquaintance with the profession of a hairdresser.
Educator: Guys guess the riddle.
This sorceress, this artist,

Not brushes and paints, but a comb and scissors.

She has a mysterious power:

Whoever touches, he will become beautiful.
Children's answers...
1 child:
- That's right, this is a hairdresser, and I invite you to my beauty salon. I will introduce you to the profession of a hairdresser. This is a very interesting and creative job, because the hairdresser does different hairstyles every day. Hairdressers also cut, color, curl and style hair. They bring beauty. People of this profession must be neat, polite and hardy, because they spend the whole day on their feet.
A princess:
I want to be a hairdresser!
- Each profession has its own tools, that is, special items that are needed to carry out their professional activities. Of course, the hairdresser also has such tools. Game: Tools. From the presented tools, you need to select those that are needed for the work of a hairdresser and explain how to use this or that device. (There are various accessories on the table, the children choose the necessary ones and explain).
A princess:
Wow! Now I will bring beauty here! (Mini scene)
Daughter calm down, do not disgrace the old man.

Your Majesty, maybe the next profession will be to your liking?
4. Acquaintance with the profession of a cook.

Next riddle
Walks in a white cap

With a cook in hand.

He cooks dinner for us.

Porridge, cabbage soup and vinaigrette.

2 child:
- That's right, it's the chef. When I grow up, I really want to be a chef. This is a very important and necessary profession. The chef knows how to cook a lot of delicious and healthy meals He knows how to bake cakes and pies. There is a cook in kindergarten, at school, in a hospital, and in a cafe. Any chef should love his job.
Here, Cyril, you are completely right. After all, if the chef cooks with love, with pleasure, then the food turns out to be unusually tasty, nutritious and, of course, healthy.
A princess:
I want to be a chef! King: A cook!? Never!
A princess:
Want! Want! Want!
A princess: (
cooks) I will grind the pasta and cut the candle, I will mix it, salt it, pour it with water and put it in the stove! Here, you can try it, come here!
: I think they still want to live!
Do not worry, there are many professions in the world ....
6. Acquaintance with the profession of the seller.

Listen to the riddle.
We are given the goods and a check.

Not a philosopher, not a sage

And not a superman

And the usual ... (seller).

4 child (tells behind the counter baby store):
- I'll tell you about the profession of a salesman. This is a very interesting job, because salespeople communicate with different people. People in this profession should be friendly and attentive with customers. The seller must tell about the goods and help buyers choose them.
- And now our sales assistant will help you choose the right products. There are various products in front of you. I will describe to you the qualities of a certain product. You need to guess it and put it in the basket. And Tigran will help you if necessary. 1. Tasty, healthy, can be cow or goat. (Milk) 2. Sweet, sometimes milky, black and even white. (Chocolate) 3. Invigorating, fragrant, can be green or black. (Tea) 4. Red, ripe, juicy. (Apple) 5. Sour, yellow, oval. (Lemon) 6. Orange, round shape, sweet and sour, delicious. (Orange) 7. Green, elongated shape, refreshing, juicy. (Cucumber) 8. Delicious, crispy, honey, with nuts. (Biscuit)
A princess:
Legs get tired of standing all day!!!
- Then I suggest you play the game "Smooth Circle". You will need to name the profession that owns the tool that I will take out of the wonderful bag. Children stand in a circle and, holding hands, say:

In an even circle one after another

We go step by step.

Stand still, stay together

Answer like this!
(The teacher takes out an instrument from the bag, calls the child who must answer).
(invites children to sit on chairs)
5. Acquaintance with the medical profession.

He heals all diseases

Known to everyone since childhood.

Have fun look around

He is the best friend of the kids.

3 child:
-I want to tell you about the medical profession. This is a very important and necessary work. If there were no doctors, people would often get sick and could die from various diseases. Doctors are different. For example, a pediatrician treats children, a surgeon performs operations, a dentist treats teeth, an ophthalmologist checks eyesight. Doctors must be brave, determined and strong. Princess: I'll be a doctor! I'll wrap it with bandages, I'll feed it with pills, I'll stab it with injections!
7. Acquaintance with the profession of an artist.

I have a close friend

Paint all around.

Rain on the window.

So, it will grow ... (artist).

5 child (tells near the easel
: When I grow up, I dream of becoming an artist. An artist is a creator, he creates beautiful pictures. Artists paint landscapes, portraits, still lifes. They work in workshops or paint in nature. Artists make our life more beautiful.
our artist guys have a magical portrait game…. Game: "Guess the profession" (pictures-portraits)
9. The result of the lesson.

All the professions that we talked about today and those that we did not have time to talk about are very important and necessary for all people. It is impossible to distinguish more necessary and less required professions. They are all needed. No profession can exist separately from another. Many are connected and help each other. For example, a doctor and a nurse, an educator and an assistant educator.
Invites you to dance: "What to become!"
: We have no extra professions All professions are important!
I would like to finish our lesson with these words: There are many professions on earth. And each is important. Decide, my friend, who you will be. After all, we only have one life.

OPEN CLASS. Synopsis by Directly Educational Activities on the formation of a holistic picture of the world in the preparatory group on the topic "Professions".

Conducted by the educator: Yanguatova Irina Stepanovna MKDOU No. 20 of the city of Ashi, Chelyabinsk region.

Integration of educational areas:"knowledge", "communication", "reading fiction", "health".

Activities:game, communicative, motor, perception of fiction.

Material and equipment:subject and plot pictures, envelopes with split pictures depicting people with different professions, a magnetic board, cards with the image different instruments to different professions.

Program tasks:


- clarify, expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic.

Practice writing descriptive stories.

To consolidate the knowledge of children that different things help people in their work - tools.


Continue to orient children in areas human activity(science, art, production and services, Agriculture), their significance for the life of the child, his family, kindergarten and society as a whole.


To cultivate interest in classes, to form the skills of cooperation, mutual understanding.

To instill in children an interest and respect for people of different professions.

Activity progress:

Educator: Guys! Today we have a guest. And to find out who it is, you need to guess the riddle. And then you know who it is?

He is, of course, the most important

Mischievous - funny naughty,

He walks in a huge hat,

Clumsy and sloppy.(Dunno)

Children: Dunno

Educator: right. This is a stranger.

Dunno enters and carries a bright box in his hands.

Dunno: Good afternoon! I found a beautiful box here on the moon, but I don’t know what is in it. I think I'll take it to the children in kindergarten and together we'll see what's in it. Let's get a look!

Educator: Well, let's take a look with the guys.

The teacher opens the box, and there are multi-colored envelopes.

Educator: Guys, here are colored envelopes and it seems to me that there are tasks for us. Let's open in order(takes out the first envelope)

Educator: reads envelopes with riddles:

Traffic rules

He knows without a doubt.

Instantly he starts the engine,

Rushing by car ... (driver)

Dark night, clear day

He fights fire.

In a helmet. Like a glorious warrior

In a hurry to the fire ... (fireman)

He puts bricks in a row,

Building a garden for children

Not a miner and not a driver,

We will build a house…(builder)

Who in the days of sickness,

more useful than all

And heals us of all

Diseases? ... (doctor)

He teaches children at school.
Strict, but forgiving.
Helps you get smarter
He explains everything…(teacher)

He works at the stove
As he soars on wings.
Everything rages around him
The kitchen is his forge…(cook)

What I'm asking now
It's not hard to guess.
Who in one person we have
Sculptor and painter?
People hats in front of whom
Happy to shoot?
Who in one hand
Two knives sparkle -
Over someone else's head
Curl like birds?
All of you know him? This is ... (hairdresser)

At his post he is in the snow and in the heat,

Keeps our peace.

A person who is faithful to the oath

It is called ... (military)

Dunno: Well done boys!

Educator: YES, our guys are great, but guess what we will talk about today?

Children: Yes. About professions.

Educator: right, we're talking about professions.

A profession is a work to which a person devotes his life. There are many professions. The profession should bring joy both to the person himself and to the people around him.

And now our guys will talk about the professions of their mothers according to the plan:

How is your mother's name?

Where and by whom does she work?

What does she do at work?

How does your mom feel about her job?

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Children's stories...

Educator: Now let's see what's in the other envelope. Here is the game “Who needs this item? Let's play.

Pictures depicting professions are laid out on the carpet, the children stand in a circle, and in the center there is a whirligig with an arrow. The teacher spins the spinning wheel, and on which picture it stops, the children tell who the objects belong to and name the profession.

Educator: Well done boys! You know who needs these items. Did you know that professions have a smell. For example, the Italian writer D. Rodari wrote about this in his poems “What do crafts smell like”. And now Dunno our guys will read for you.

The children take turns reading the verses:

  1. Each case has a different smell.

The bakery smells of dough and pastries.

  1. You go past the carpentry workshop -

It smells like shavings, and a fresh board.

  1. The painter smells of turpentine and paint.

The glazier smells like window putty.

  1. The driver's jacket smells of gasoline.

Worker's blouse - machine oil.

  1. The confectioner smells like nutmeg.

A doctor in a dressing gown is a pleasant medicine.

  1. Only the loafer does not smell in any way.

Physical education:

We stomp our feet

We clap our hands

We nod our heads.

We raise our hands

We lower our hands.

Right and left,

Let's see with you.

Let's smile at each other

Let's go to the tables.

Educator: Guys, you have pictures on your tables depicting people of different professions. Rule of the game: I read the sentence, and you pick up and show the picture that matches. This is the task from the third envelope:

1.cut hair…

2.extinguishes the fire...

3.builds a house…

4.drives a car…

5.tailoring the dress…

6.draws pictures…

7. standing behind the counter...

8.prepares food...

9.treats children…

10. teaches children ...

11. takes care of the garden ...

12. Gets vaccinated…

13. guards the border ...

14. catches criminals...

Educator: Finger gymnastics "Builders".

We are builders, we are building

We will build many houses.

Lots of roofs and ceilings

Lots of windows, walls, floors,

Many rooms and doors

Elevators, stairs, floors.

Residents will have fun -

Housewarming in the new house!

Educator: Guys! And here is another envelope. Now we need to leave the tables and go back to the carpet. 'Cause there's a game of "pick the picture"

Children stand in a circle, the teacher divides them into teams and distributes split pictures, at a signal the children collect them.

Educator: And now, guys, let's stand in a circle again and play the game "Name the proverb about work."

Children stand in a circle, and the teacher throws the ball to the child, the child who catches the ball calls the proverb:

Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils.

Who loves to work, he does not sit still.

Boring day until evening, if there is nothing to do.

Patience and work will grind everything.

Skillful hands do not know boredom.

Work time, and fun hour.

Judge not by words, but by deeds.

You can't even pull a fish out of a pond without effort.

The work of the master is afraid.

If there was patience, there would be skill.

Educator: Guys! Now tell us what professions do you know in our kindergarten? Who is working with you?

Children: Head, educators, speech therapist, physical education instructor, music director. Cooks, nurse, caretaker, laundress, watchman.

Educator: Well done! What are you going to tell at home about our occupation today? What did we do in class today? What did you like about the lesson?

(children's answers)

Educator: And at the end of our lesson, I want to read a wish poem to you all:

Your calling.

The builder will build us a house,

And we live together in it.

Dressy suit, day off

The tailor will skillfully sew for us.

The librarian will give us books,

The bread will be baked in the bakery by the baker.

The teacher will teach everything

Teach reading and writing.

The postman delivers the letter

And the cook will cook the broth for us.

I think you will grow up

And you will find something to your liking!