Description of the educational institution Tuimazy Pedagogical College

announces the admission of students

for 2019-2020 academic year

based on class 9 Education on a budget basis

01/35/11 Master of agricultural production

Qualifications: operator of livestock breeding complexes and mechanized farms, mechanic for the repair of agricultural machinery and equipment; tractor driver of agricultural production; car driver.

Training period: 3 years 10 months

01/43/09 Cook, confectioner

Qualifications: cook; confectioner

Training period: 3 years 10 months

18103 Gardener (for persons with disabilities)

Training period: 10 months

based on class 11 Education on a budget basis

01/43/09 Cook, confectioner

Qualifications: cook; confectioner

Training period: 1 year 10 months

Upon graduation from the college, a state diploma is issued. Young men with a basic (general) education are given a deferment from the army.

D documents

1. Application

2. Document on education;

3. A copy of the passport;

4. Photos 3x4 - 6 pcs.

5. Medical certificate in form 086-u

The Uymazinsky Pedagogical College was opened in 1990 as a branch of the Belebeevsky College, in November 1995, by order of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, the Pedagogical School became an independent state educational institution of secondary vocational education. In 2002, according to the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of August 12, the Tuymazinsky Pedagogical School was transformed into the Tuymazinsky Pedagogical College by Order No. 10OZ of August 26, 2002. In 2001-2002 the specialty 050303 Foreign language was opened. In 2002-2003 academic year the specialty 050202 Informatics was opened. The youngest pedagogical college of the republic is already known not only in the region. Not only graduates of the Republic of Bashkortostan, but also young people from other regions of the Russian Federation consider it prestigious to get an education in it. Every year, the Tuymazinsky Pedagogical College opens its doors to those who wish to dedicate themselves to the "excellent, like no other under the sun" and honorable profession of a teacher. In such a short period of time, it has already become the undisputed leader among other educational institutions. In many ways, the secret of the success of the entire team lies in the skillful leadership, professionalism, and modern thinking of the administrative team. The college has an author's system of educational work, the purpose of which is to educate a comprehensively developed self-organized personality with citizenship and a sense of patriotism, highly professional knowledge and skills: "I am a citizen, I am a teacher, I am a person." The Pedagogical College has a lot of prestigious achievements. Extensive research work is constantly carried out here, the experience of leading teachers of the city and the republic is summarized, methodological literature is collected, seminars and certification of teachers are held. Employees intend to implement the idea of ​​holding master classes with the involvement of teachers from the city. In the meantime, they send their students to practice with such masters for the entire duration of their studies, so that they can then present the results of their observations in their theses. A well-equipped information and analytical center prints all the necessary methodological literature and even regularly publishes its own newspaper, Student Bulletin, which is very popular among teachers and students. Teachers of the Pedagogical College and their colleagues from Tuymazy and other cities of the republic have the opportunity to pass the candidate's minimum directly on the basis of the college. Each classroom has laboratory rooms and a complete set of manuals made by students. The library of the Pedagogical College, which now contains more than 45 thousand books, has long turned into a mass library, serving teachers and correspondence students from all over the city. The head of the library, Roza Mukhametovna Akadeeva, proudly shows her “golden fund”: rare pre-revolutionary publications in Russian and Arabic. language and literature, turned into a real national museum, where authentic items of Bashkir folk life are collected in a small yurt. It trains not only kindergarten teachers and primary school teachers, but also physical education teachers, teachers of labor, English, the Bashkir language, computer science. Both budgetary and commercial departments work successfully. It is not easy to debug the work of such a huge educational institution as the Tuymazinsky Pedagogical College. This requires not only organizational talent, but also a clear vision of the tasks and problems of modern education. The fact that the administration and the teaching staff of the pedagogical college possess these qualities. The teaching staff is working on the problem "The quality of education as the main object of improving the training of specialists in the context of the modernization of Russian education." The college pays great attention to improving the qualifications of the graduate and the level of development of his personality. As a result of 2006, the Tuymazinsky Pedagogical College took the 1st place in the competition for the best hostel of institutions of secondary vocational education of the Republic of Belarus in the Oktyabrsky region, as well as the 2nd place in the competition for the best comfortable educational institution of the Republic of Belarus in the Oktyabrsky region. The future of any college depends on its staff. The Pedagogical College is actively working in this direction. That is why the college strives to organize research activities at the proper level. And in this direction there are successes. The experimental site, opened at our base, was proposed to become a republican one and work under the leadership of the Bashkir Institute for the Development of Education. A branch of the Bashkir Pedagogical University has been opened at our base, which allows solving problems not only of our city and region, but also of the entire western region of the Republic of Belarus. About 500 teachers and teachers of educational institutions of the Western region of the Republic of Belarus improve their skills annually at the training and consulting center based on the TPK. In order to further improve the work of BIRO on advanced training, training and retraining of teaching staff, if necessary, it is possible to consider the issue of allocating premises for the ECC. Over the years, who just did not visit our college. These were poets, artists, composers and many other celebrities. Our college was visited by the President of the Republic of Belarus M. Rakhimov, the Minister of Education R.G. Mukhamedyanova, the Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation A. Kiselev. In 1997, a meeting was organized with the national poet Mustai Karim. On September 13, 1997 and in November 2006 Fan Valiakhmetov visited us. And in 1998 we had a Tatar poet Ildar Yuzeev - (photo). So in 2000, writers Gazim Shafikov, Kadim Aralbaev, Abdulkhak Igebaev visited us. Musical meetings with composers A.Imayeva, F.Galimov, B.Makhiyanov were also organized. Meeting with the actors of the Bashkir State Academic Drama Theater F. Bikbulatov, Z. Atnabayeva. Meeting with a kuraist - Ishmurot Ilbekov, with a singer - Vener Mustafin. Meeting with Vakhit Khyzyrov. Meeting with Fanir Galimov - January 2004, poet, composer of the Tuymazinsky region. The Pedagogical College never forgets about its veterans and therefore every year on the day of the elderly and on the day of victory day invites them to its place. The college organizes a concert for them with the participation of students. Gives souvenirs. He also invites them for tea. We also had foreigners, so at the end of March 2003 a delegation consisting of representatives of the Dutch Agrarian and Pedagogical Professional Institute - CTOAS visited us: Arjen Heerema - director, Henk de Vries - associate professor of the Department of Economics, Management and Management, Zoya de Vries - associate professor of the Department of English , member of the working group on international cooperation, Jan Wilem Dirkenhof - STOAS. On the trip they were accompanied by the Deputy Minister of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan M. Biryukov. In April 2007, representatives of the Association of Teachers, German Language Teachers under the auspices of UNESCO visited: Corinna Sons - a representative of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in Ufa, Mazunova L.K. - President of the Association of Teachers and Teachers of the German Language of the Republic of Belarus, Lavrentiev S.N. - Co-Chairman of the Friendship Society "Bashkortostan - Germany". Our guests were also representatives of many regions of Bashkortostan, and they all noted the good material and technical equipment of the educational institution, the prospects of the chosen paths. Our college feels constant care from the administration of the city of Tuymazy and the Tuymazinsky district.

This secondary specialized educational institution is still very young, but has already gained popularity among applicants who want to devote their lives to children. Mainly girls and boys from Tuimazov, Oktyabrsky and neighboring villages of the region study here. All conditions have been created for them to receive an excellent education and comprehensive development: computer classes, special classrooms, an ethnographic museum, studios for learning to play the piano, button accordion, circles of folk crafts, painting and drawing, folk dance and folklore, theater, in a word, learn and rejoice. It is gratifying that future specialists here, without leaving the city of Tuymazy, can get a higher education and even a degree. The chain “college, institute, branch of the Bashkir Institute for the Development of Education, postgraduate studies” is unique, because you will not find this in every educational institution. So it is better for young people who feel a pedagogical vein in themselves to go to study at the Tuymazinsky Pedagogical College. The college monitors the results of the educational process at scientific and practical seminars and teachers' councils; the results of the educational process are considered in dynamics over several years and as differentiated as possible by groups, subjects, departments at the meetings of the PCC and meetings of the head. departments and analyzed. 85% of graduates continue their studies at universities in full-time and part-time forms of study, the employment of graduates in their specialties is 80%. The specialties of Foreign language, Informatics, Technology, Physical education, Preschool education are requested. Students have the opportunity to receive additional training: in the specialty 050720 Physical Education - in the field of sports training, in the specialty 050709 Teaching in primary school - additional training in the field of native language and literature, Russian language and literature, correctional and developmental education. The Bashkir language is studied in all courses as the language of the republic, in the first and second courses - literature and culture of Bashkortostan. All this contributes to the fact that every student realizes himself as a citizen of the Republic of Belarus. A significant contribution to the international education of students is made by the Deputy Director for Educational Work, a teacher of literature and culture of Bashkortostan R. Galliamova, teachers of the Bashkir language V. Guzairova, G. Karimova, Sh. Fatikhova, teachers of the Tatar language G. Latypova. In order to develop the college as a multidisciplinary educational institution, the issue of expanding the additional training of students together with regional government and education bodies is being considered in accordance with the list and content of additional training disciplines agreed and approved by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The Pedagogical College considers that one of its main tasks is to work on the formation in students of such personality traits and properties of future professional activity as creative initiative and the integrity of the worldview.

In recent years, many new things have appeared in education and pedagogical science: entire systems, technologies. Now you will not surprise anyone with innovative educational institutions. But almost immediately they gave rise to heated debate, and opinions about their necessity are sometimes expressed diametrically opposed.

Many questions, for example, arise about student-centered education. Some see it as a fundamentally new school. Others see another slyness.

Teachers of the Tuimazy Pedagogical College have their own opinion on this matter. Our educational institution considers personal orientation as the main direction of its activity. A modern pedagogical educational institution is designed to train specialists with dialectical thinking, a bright personality, striving for continuous self-education and self-education, ready to understand and cooperate with the new generation, able to fit into a constantly changing environment. And this means that the main goal of education should not be the transfer of the amount of knowledge and the development of practical skills, but methods and ways of thinking. Knowledge cannot be an end in itself for a person, it is a means for personal development.

In 2011, a new specialty "Applied Informatics (in education)" was opened.

In 2013, the college was renamed into GBOU SPO "TPK" - the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary Specialized Education "Tuymazinsky Pedagogical College".

In 2015, the college was renamed GBPOU Tuymazinsky Pedagogical College.