Organizational structure of the administration of the urban settlement. Organizational structure of the municipality

Factors affecting the organizational structure
local administration

The general structure of municipal authorities, the division of powers and the system of relationships between its three main links (representative body, head of the municipality, local administration) were considered in Chapter 1, mainly from legal positions. Here we are talking about the practical organization and technological process. municipal government. The most important role in this process is played by the local administration as the executive and administrative body of the municipality. Therefore, the presentation of questions of the organization of municipal government begins with a consideration of the organizational structure of the local administration.
Organizational structure - the most important factor activities of the local government, the form in which the process of municipal government is implemented.
The organizational structure is understood as the composition and subordination of interrelated organizational units (individual positions), links (management units) and steps (levels) endowed with certain rights and responsibilities to perform the relevant target management functions.
The control link is a separate cell with strictly oriented functions, and the control stage (level) is a set of links located at a certain hierarchical level.
It was shown above that municipalities differ significantly in size of territory, size and composition of the population, position in the system of territorial division of labor, economic potential, composition of the municipal economy, and the level of development of engineering and social infrastructure. The type of municipality predetermines the composition of the jurisdiction of local self-government, which, in turn, determines the scope of tasks and functions of all municipal governments, including administration.
The goals, objectives and functions of municipal government directly affect the structure of the local administration and are the basis for the allocation of independent units in its structure, responsible for achieving specific goals and solving individual specific tasks. The more complex the economic complex in a particular municipality, the more important the interconnection of all its components, complete solution issues of socio-economic development and environmental protection. Accordingly, in order to achieve these goals, the relevant structural units are organizationally singled out or strengthened within the administration. Municipal formations, which differ in the composition of the tasks to be solved and management functions, the necessary amount of management work, differ in the number and internal structure of the executive bodies. The staff of the administration of a large urban district may have hundreds of employees and dozens of structural units, while the staff of the administration of a small rural settlement - only 5 - 7 employees.
Along with the listed external factors, it is necessary to single out internal ones that affect the structure of the administration: personnel, equipment, management technology, labor organization. On the one hand, they influence the organizational structure of management, on the other hand, they are determined by it. Thus, managerial personnel influence the management structure in terms of the redistribution of functions between departments and individual employees. But basically it is the management structure that determines the composition of positions and requirements for personal qualities workers. The introduction of information technology affects the structure of administration in terms of both reducing the number of employees of individual units and the emergence of new units (information services). When forming the organizational structure of the administration, it is necessary to take into account both external and internal factors.
The most important factor influencing the formation of the organizational structure is the rate of controllability (control range).
The rule of manageability is the maximum allowable number of employees whose activities can be effectively managed by one manager under certain organizational and technical conditions.
Both the number of employees in a separate unit and the number of administration units depend on the norm of manageability.

Principles of building the organizational structure of the administration

The formation of the structure of the local administration is the organizational assignment of certain functions of municipal government to individual management units and officials. Solution to this challenging task is provided on the basis of a combination of scientific methods with the subjective activity of specialists. Therefore, when designing organizational structures, it is important to observe a number of important rules(principles) of their construction, presented in fig. 8.1.3. Let's look at these principles.

Rice. 8.1.3. Principles of building organizational structures
local administrations

1. Focus on achieving goals.
The organizational structure should contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the management of the municipality. This is ensured by establishing the rights and the necessary full responsibility of each managerial link for achieving the tasks assigned to it; balancing the tasks of the links of one level of management in relation to the tasks of a higher level; rational division and cooperation between links and levels of management and their interaction.
2. Perspective.
Local self-government bodies should, while solving operational issues, simultaneously carry out work to determine a strategy related to the socio-economic development of the municipality. To do this, it is necessary to provide for a block of long-term, strategic management in the organizational structure, separating it from the block of operational and current management. In practice, this is achieved through the division of powers between the representative and executive bodies, as well as the creation of special units in the organizational structure of the administration that deal with the development strategy of the municipality.
3. Ability to develop (adaptability).
The need to develop the organizational structure is explained by the trend of constant changes in external conditions, emerging disproportions in the system of municipal government. Under these conditions, the organizational structure must be sufficiently elastic, able to adapt to the perception of corrective actions. In practice, this is achieved through periodic changes in the organizational structures of local governments, as well as through the creation of temporary target units (headquarters, commissions, committees).
4. Complexity.
When building the organizational structure of the local administration, it must be taken into account that all stages of the implementation of management activities should be structurally provided:
- analytical (analysis of the problem, identification of possible solutions);
- task setting (identification of activity priorities);
- making a managerial decision (choosing a technology and an algorithm for solving a problem, determining the final and intermediate results);
- execution of the decision (specific activity for the implementation of the management decision);
- evaluation of results (analysis of performance results, preparation for the next analytical stage and new cycle).
The principle of complexity requires in the analysis of the structure to proceed primarily from the integrity of a particular function. This is especially important when the performance of the function is "divorced" by different structures or for the performance of this function it is necessary to involve several structural divisions of the administration. It is desirable that the issues assigned to the jurisdiction of one or another structural unit are as complete as possible, which is especially important for sectoral structural units.
5. Individualization.
The formation of the organizational structure should be based on taking into account the individual characteristics of a particular municipality. In this regard, any kind of typical organizational structures can only be used as advisory and indicative. As practice shows, the rejection of unified models, reliance on analysis and consideration of local characteristics give positive results.
6. Profitability.
The organizational structure should ensure the efficient and rational implementation of the municipal management process, the ability to obtain the necessary results in the most economical way. Cost-effectiveness can be achieved when carrying out various activities, including through the introduction of positions (system administrator, specialist in information technology etc.), whose functions include analysis of the current organizational structure, functional and hierarchical division of powers, remuneration of municipal employees, mechanization and automation of management processes in order to improve them.
The principles of building organizational structures can be refined, and the forms and methods of using these principles can change due to changing external conditions, goals and objectives. However, the basic principles must be respected, as they express General requirements to the organization of municipal government.

Approaches to the formation of the organizational structure
local administration

The organizational structure of the local administration as an executive and administrative body is based on the principles of unity of command and hierarchical subordination. The process of forming the organizational structure of the local administration includes the formulation of goals, objectives and functions, determining the composition and location of units, their resource support (including the number of employees), the development of appropriate regulatory procedures and documents.
Real systems of municipal government differ great variety organizational structures of administrations. But at the same time, there are general approaches to building organizational structures. The most promising is a system-targeted approach with a focus on the final results of the system. The issues of goal-setting in municipal activities were considered in Chapter 3. Determining the system of goals ("tree of goals") and tasks of a particular municipality is the main guideline for the formation of its organizational structure. When forming an organizational structure on the basis of the "tree of goals", it is necessary to decompose the goals and objectives of municipal government to specific management functions.
Thus, with a system-targeted approach, real conditions are created for individualizing the process of forming an organizational structure in relation to the characteristics of a particular municipality.
The system-targeted approach in this case is that, based on the ultimate goals of managing the municipality:
- do not lose sight of any of the management tasks, without which the implementation of the goals will be incomplete;
- identify and link in relation to these tasks a system of functions, rights and responsibilities along the management vertical;
- to explore and institutionalize connections and relationships along the horizontal of management, i.e. to coordinate the activities of different links and organizational units in the performance of common tasks;
- to provide an organic combination of vertical and horizontal management, to find the optimal ratio of centralization and decentralization in decision-making for these conditions.
When building an organizational structure based on the "tree of goals", it is important to give a qualitative and quantitative description of the goals and objectives. Qualitative serves as a justification for the allocation of management functions, quantitative - to determine the type of organizational unit (department, management, department, etc.).
The distribution of tasks between subdivisions of the local administration can be carried out according to several criteria:
- by groups of management objects (sectors of municipal activity) that provide the provision of municipal services of a certain type: education, health care, construction, youth policy, etc.;
- on a functional basis, determined by the nature, functions and stages of management activities and the management cycle: analysis and planning, control, property management, finance, legal, information support, etc.;
- on a territorial basis (for municipalities in rural areas and for large cities, and after the entry into force of the Federal Law of 2003 - only for large cities).

The practice of building organizational structures
local administrations

In modern municipal practice, the typical links in the organizational structure of the local administration are:
- the head of administration;
- his deputies in the areas of municipal activity, among which there may be one or two first deputies;
- structural units various types who may be subordinate to the head of administration, one of his deputies or in subordination (for example, a department within a department);
- collegial advisory bodies: collegium of administration, economic and other councils;
- administration apparatus.
From the point of view of the above distribution of tasks and goals of activity, the structural divisions of the administration are divided into four groups (Fig. 8.1.5).

Rice. 8.1.5. Types of structural divisions
local administration

The jurisdiction of sectoral structural divisions includes issues related to the management of specific industries (areas) of municipal activity. They perform the functions of a customer for the performance of works and the provision of municipal services. Their main role is manifested at the stage of implementation of the goals and objectives of life support and development of the territory.
Objects of activity of functional (staff, general competence) structural divisions cover a specific function for the entire administration and its structural divisions. Their main feature is the use of the advantages associated with the specialization of functions, and the ability of the administration to consider the territory as a whole within its function. According to the classification of the goals of municipal activities (see Chapter 3), functional units are related to providing. Usually they are vested with the right to coordinate the decisions of other structural units, for example, on compliance with the law or the possibility of financing.
Creation of territorial structural subdivisions (district in major cities etc.) is associated with the need to bring local governments closer to the population and allows you to combine the centralization of the most important functions in highest level municipal management with increased efficiency in solving current issues. At the same time, it is important to prevent the fragmentation of the functions of municipal governments and the loss of advantages associated with specialization. To stimulate the initiative of territorial structural units, they may be granted autonomy within the framework of the cost estimate.
Auxiliary subdivisions (apparatus) do not have their own competence in resolving issues of local importance and perform the functions of ensuring the activities of the management of the administration and its structural subdivisions. The apparatus plays an important role in organizing the work of the administration. Being its subsystem, it performs the same role as the municipal government in relation to other subsystems of the municipality. In particular, the device provides:
- planning and coordination of work of all administration structures;
- work with documentation (clerical work);
- preparation and holding of meetings, sessions, collegiums and other events;
- communication with the media, holding press conferences;
- control over the execution of decisions;
- organization of reception of citizens, work with complaints and suggestions;
- material and technical, legal, personnel, information, financial support for the activities of the administration;
- Interaction of the administration with the representative body and often its economic service.
The chief of staff is usually equal in status to the deputy head of administration.
The administrative apparatus may include such services as a general department (work with documentation), personnel service(sometimes it reports directly to the head of the administration), a reception of citizens, a legal service, an information service, economic services, a press service, its own accounting department, a control apparatus, etc.
The head of administration and his deputies may have their own apparatus, which includes, in particular, secretaries, assistants, referents, and advisers.
Such organizational structures are called linear-functional, since they are based on a certain system of interaction between linear (industry) and functional structural units and decision-making by linear units in agreement with functional ones.
In accordance with the volume and distribution of tasks and functions, specific organizational units are created in the administration - departments, divisions, committees, departments, etc. To solve managerial problems, large organizational units are divided into smaller ones, forming new levels. For large cities with a powerful administrative apparatus, it is advisable to delineate the functions of management in as much detail as possible, creating special units for their execution. For small settlements, the most acceptable scheme is one in which the functions performed are grouped, and in the first place, the functions of sectoral divisions should be combined. However, the unification of the functions of units whose interests contradict each other within the framework of one unit is undesirable.
To perform the functions delegated by government bodies, it is sometimes advisable to use separate separate structural units. This is important because in terms of the execution of delegated powers, local governments are funded and controlled by the relevant authorities. state power.
The collegium, an advisory body under the head of the administration, plays a special role in its work. It makes decisions on the most important issues of managing the municipality, with the exception of those that are within the competence of the representative body. Decisions of the collegium, if necessary, are formalized by resolutions and orders of the head of administration.

Program-targeted structures in local administrations

In the context of economic and political reforms, linear-functional organizational structures of management in some cases do not meet the requirements for managing the ever more complex objects and goals of municipal government. To eliminate this discrepancy, the linear-functional structures of administrations can be supplemented with structures of a new type - program-targeted. They are created to solve specific targets and can be permanent or temporary. As a result of this addition, matrix organizational structures of municipal government are formed.
When new problem requiring a solution within a certain period of time, a program of work is drawn up, the resources necessary for the implementation of the program are allocated, and a temporary team of employees is formed. Employees of the municipal government, included in the temporary team for the implementation of the target program, are at the time of its decision in double subordination: administrative subordination to their line manager (vertical communication) and functional subordination to the program manager (horizontal communication).
In the system of municipal government, program-target structures are implemented in the form of commissions, headquarters, working groups, etc. The list of such units changes periodically. Some are liquidated, others reappear, many exist for years.
Commissions are created for a certain period of time to solve any aggravated problem. The purpose of their creation is to find a way out of the current management situation. In their work, they use the methods of situational analysis.
The creation of working groups within the administration is associated with the solution of specific management tasks and is temporary. As a rule, working groups perform design tasks. For example, when reorganizing a government body, it is effective to create a special group for the organizational design of the administration structure and the development of new work technologies.
When forming the structures of program-target management, it is advisable to develop maps (matrices) for the distribution of rights and responsibilities between the bodies of linear-functional and program-target structures. They detail and clearly fix the general decision-making rules, the division of responsibility of several bodies for different aspects of one result, the role of collegiate and advisory bodies in the decision-making process.
The need to implement program-targeted functions requires the creation of a separate strategic, innovative block in the administration structure. Its activities should be aimed at identifying problem situations and posing problems, translating problems into task packages and transferring them to industry and functional divisions. The main objectives of the strategic block are as follows.
1. Constant monitoring of the existing state, established norms and relations in various areas of local life: analysis of the situation, fixation of disagreements and conflicts, organization of research.
2. Development of programs to prevent crisis situations, as well as projects to reorganize and change the situation in various spheres of life, ensuring that its main parameters are brought to a level corresponding to objective ideas about the settlement. This includes the development terms of reference for programs and projects, their analytical and legal support, examination of strategic decisions submitted for approval to the head of administration, development of schedules for the implementation of subprograms and projects, their budgeting, development of business plans, etc., as well as internal management audit.

Improving organizational structures
municipal government

The main shortcomings of the existing linear-functional structures of municipal government are associated not only with their organizational structure, but also with the most established ideology of municipal government. They boil down to the following.
1. An ingrained approach to the municipality and, accordingly, to its management as a production or social production system. The main emphasis is on improving the performance of the structural divisions of the administration themselves (housing and communal, transport, healthcare, etc.), and not on the degree and quality of meeting the needs of the population in a particular municipal service. In other words, the criterion for the effectiveness of the service is its own indicators, and not the final result of the activity.
2. Focus on solving current problems related to the life support of the municipality, and the lack of a strategic approach to management. The variety of current private tasks and goals of municipal government inevitably gives rise to contradictions between them, due primarily to the limited material and financial resources. Each structural subdivision is aimed at solving its own problem and seeks to obtain maximum resources. In this case, the entire control system often works inefficiently.
3. Fuzziness of the system of functional links between individual structural units, duplication of functions, uneven workload of employees, lack of clear organizational procedures by which units interact with each other. As a result, the bulk of the work falls on the shoulders of the head of administration, who has to deal with many coordination issues.
4. Mixing of managerial functions and direct economic activity. Many structural divisions of administrations, being legal entities, provide various paid services and earn money for their existence, i.e., in fact, they are engaged in commercial activities. This business is risk-free, since it is conducted on the basis of municipal property, for efficient use which is not adequately supervised. For this reason, some administrations from municipal governments began to turn into financial and industrial groups by type of activity.
In view of the foregoing, the reorganization of municipal government structures is a complex and complex task.
Like any other organization, the local administration is a social system. A social organization (unlike a professional one) is not development-oriented; its main criteria are stability and immutability. Any attempts to change the state of social organization are perceived as threats to existence and, if possible, are rejected. Innovation calls in social systems a certain shift in balance and consequences that cannot always be foreseen. Therefore, special methods for activating innovative processes are required.
In addition to the contradictions between traditional and innovative activities, in practice the contradictions within the most innovative activity - between radical and improving its types are even more important. It is impossible to radically reorganize any structure from the inside, because for this it is necessary, figuratively speaking, to rise above the problem and look at it "from above".
If we talk about the actual organizational structures of local administrations, then the main directions of their reorganization can be as follows.
1. Separation of power and economic functions, withdrawal from the administration of all structures involved in economic activity and having by virtue of this the status of a legal entity, giving them the form of municipal institutions. The 2003 federal law provides that local self-government bodies endowed with the status of a legal entity are municipal institutions intended to perform managerial functions and are subject to state registration as legal entities.
2. Creation of large organizational and administrative blocks in the structure of the administration, the leaders of which are fully responsible for the implementation of municipal policy in the relevant areas, the achievement of its ultimate goals. These can be blocks of economics and finance, municipal real estate management, urban economy, social policy, public security, etc. These issues have been partly addressed in previous chapters. The creation of large blocs can significantly reduce the burden on the head of administration in dealing with current issues, allowing him to devote most of his time and energy to the problems of strategic management.
3. Creation, along with the classical linear-functional organizational structures, of structures of a program-target or program-functional type, as mentioned above.
The need to combine different types of organizational structures and methods for achieving goals predetermines the complexity of the task of developing and implementing an effective system of municipal government, reorganizing the organizational structure of the administration. It is required to develop a model and an organizational project for the reorganization, a package of regulations for individual structures and their areas of activity. It is also necessary (and this is the most important thing) to convince the employees of the administration of the need and expediency of reorganization, and to retrain some specialists. At the same time, the reorganization of municipal government structures should be deployed simultaneously along several parallel lines:
- development of a model and organizational project of reorganization;
- development of the regulatory framework for the activities of the local government;
- development of a package of regulations for various areas of municipal activity;
- development of regulations on the main organizational and administrative blocks;
- description of organizational procedures and functional links of the entire space of interaction between various management structures, main jobs and preparation of job descriptions;
- retraining and advanced training of administration workers;
- preparation of a reserve of personnel for municipal government.

Questions for self-control

1. What factors influence the formation of the organizational structure of the local administration?
2. How is the distribution of tasks and functions between the structural units of the local administration?
3. What types of organizational management structures are used in municipal government?
4. What are the basic principles for building the organizational structure of the administration?
5. What stages does the process of forming the organizational structure of the administration include?
6. What are the main types of structural units of the local administration?
7. What are the main directions for improving the organizational structures of local administrations?

Lecture, abstract. 8.1. The organizational structure of the local administration - the concept and types. Classification, essence and features.


32. Structure of local administration. Sample forms.

General approaches to the formation of the structure of local administration

The structure of the local administration of urban districts and municipal districts usually includes:

· the head of administration;

Deputy (deputies) of the head, one of which may be the first;

· sectoral structural divisions involved in specific sectors of the municipal economy (for example, housing and communal services, culture, etc.);

functional structural divisions covering a specific function for the entire administration (economic service, financial, legal, municipal property management, etc.);

· territorial bodies created in areas of large cities or in settlements, in the aggregate constituting an urban or rural settlement;

· the apparatus of the local administration, which ensures its activities (legal department, personnel, accounting, record keeping, etc.);

· support services those providing the maintenance of the premises, drivers, cleaning lady, etc.

The legislator in Part 8 of Article 37 of the Federal Law N! 131-FZ fixed only the legal norm that the structure of the local administration may include sectoral (functional) and territorial bodies of the local administration, and provided the representative body of the municipality with the possibility of more detailed regulation of the relevant issue

Under formation of the structure of local administration refers to the formation of committees, departments, services and other structural units and the empowerment of their own competence within the framework of the powers established by the charter of the municipality for the local administration as a whole. When forming the structure of local administration, it is necessary to take into account:

· features of a particular municipality (its size, population density, features of the organization of the provision of services, etc.);

· a list of issues of local importance, established for the corresponding type of municipality, other issues established in the charter, the availability of delegated state powers, etc.;

degree of development various forms self-organization of the population capable of participating in solving issues of local importance.

When determining the structure of the local administration and the distribution of powers between its divisions, it is necessary to proceed from the following principles:

· expediency and logic, a clear delineation of functional blocks; . avoid duplication and parallelism;

Completeness of coverage 104 and avoidance of gaps in resolving issues of local importance by the local administration as a whole; . effectiveness, which provides for the possibility of evaluating (measuring) the achieved result of work;

sufficiency of security, which involves providing a structural unit for the proper performance of its functional duties in a sufficient amount of material, legal, informational and other types of support;

· consistency and relationship with other departments, i.е. accounting for the description of the functions of the structural unit of its relationship with other structures;

Structuring (detailing), i.e. division of the function of a structural subdivision into the functions of individual specialists who are assigned to them in the form of official duties;

Efficiency, which means the achievement of the designated goal

And solving the tasks of the unit at the lowest cost; Prevention of the principle of creating structures "for people";

· a unified approach to the formation of structures and determination of the staffing level of local self-government bodies.

^ Structure of local administration for settlements of various sizes

Head and Deputy Heads of Administration. The local administration is led by head of the local administration who is either the head of the municipality, or is appointed to a position under a contract (parts 1 and 2 of article 37 of the Federal Law). TO organize the activities of the head in the local administration, the position of a secretary who is engaged in office work may be provided. In large settlements, it is permissible to have a secretariat. In small settlements, the functions of the secretary of the head can be assigned to a specialist in charge of general issues, office work and archiving. If there is a deputy head in the administration structure, it is possible to instruct the secretary of the head to perform secretarial functions for the deputy.

In larger settlements (more than 3,000 people), the position of deputy head of administration is being introduced. The distribution of functions between the head of administration and his deputy can be organized in different ways. The head can be directly responsible for the most important areas - economic and financial blocks, development planning. In addition, a structure is possible in which all specialists involved in organizational and administrative issues are directly subordinate to the head. The deputy head may oversee the management of property and the provision of municipal services, or be responsible for social issues.

In settlements with a population of more than 5,000 people, two positions of deputy head of the settlement can be introduced, one of which is the first. The following distribution of duties between the two deputy heads is possible: the first deputy is responsible for property management and the provision of municipal services, the second - for social issues or for social and organizational issues.

In large settlements with a population of over 10 thousand inhabitants, in which administrations exercise a large amount of authority, the representative body of the settlement can establish three positions of deputy heads of administration, as a rule, in charge of development issues, issues of the current state and issues of ensuring activities, respectively. -ness and interaction; one of the deputies at the same time is the first deputy head of the administration of the settlement with the appropriate powers.

With regard to the transferred state powers (if any), it seems that these issues can be supervised by the head himself or his deputy, or a special employee (in larger settlements).

The practice of creating additional positions of deputy heads should be avoided not for the purpose of solving problems, but “under a certain personality”. This leads to the growth of the administrative apparatus, duplication of functions, resulting in a decrease in the efficiency of the entire administration and additional unreasonable spending of budget funds.

^ Structural divisions of local administrations. For structural subdivisions of local administrations, the most adequate name is “department” (in medium and large settlements). It seems that the terms "management", "headquarters", "department" are more typical of public authorities (ministries, regional governments or administrations of subjects of the Russian Federation) and should not be recommended for use at the municipal level.

It should be noted that in practice in local administrations the number of employees of departments is usually very small (sometimes 2-3 people), although experts believe that the number of independent departments should be at least 10 units. Therefore, for small settlements, we recommend that the structure of the administration include mainly specialists responsible for specific blocks of issues, and not to create departments unnecessarily. Otherwise, there is an unreasonable increase in the number of managers. In addition, often many heads of departments actually perform the functions of specialists; in their activities there is no work on making managerial decisions, and this is the main content of the functions of any manager.

To solve local issues settlements in the local administration there should be subdivisions (or relevant specialists):

· Economics, strategic development and municipal property;


On municipal economy, on social issues;

For organizational matters.

Enlarged spheres of activity of subdivisions of municipal administrations can be represented as follows.

The division for economics and strategic development oversees the following blocks of issues: socio-economic development, forecasting and strategic planning, development planning, land management and control of land use, as well as relations related to the management of municipal property, business development - creating a favorable investment climate, etc.

The finance department is one of the main participants in the budget process. His powers include the formation of a draft budget, participation in the preparation of the main documents necessary for the preparation of a draft budget (a register of expenditure obligations, a long-term financial plan, etc.); budget execution, budget execution control, etc.

The municipal department is responsible for providing utilities, the provision of social housing for the poor, transport services, roads, communications, catering, trade and household service. In addition, the area of ​​responsibility of this division includes issues of improvement, gardening, collection and removal of household waste, burial sites and ritual services.

The division for social issues oversees guardianship and guardianship, cultural development, library services, physical education and sports, and the organization of mass recreation.

The subdivision for organizational issues essentially organizes the functioning of all subdivisions of the local administration. Here, legal issues are resolved, economic and organizational relations are regulated, decisions are made on personnel issues, and the local administration is connected with other local government bodies, primarily with the representative body. This sub-division is also responsible for public relations and media, for information work. Office work and the formation of an archive are also carried out here. In large settlements, issues of emergencies and primary fire safety may be transferred to the competence of this unit.

The execution of delegated state powers, depending on their nature, can be organized in different ways. These functions can be assumed by the head of administration or his deputy, a separate specialist (or several specialists) can be introduced to address these issues, or the implementation of state powers, taking into account their specifics, can be divided among various specialists within the local administration.

According to Art. 37 of Law No. 131-FZ in the system of local governments as mandatory condition the local Administration, which is a set of executive and administrative bodies of the municipality, should be formed and operate.

The Local Administration is usually created and acts precisely on the basis of the proposal of the Head of the Local Administration, and then its structure is approved by the representative body of the municipality.

As the executive and administrative body of the municipality, the local Administration is called upon to carry out the functions of managing subordinate industries and areas of the municipal economy, i.e. this is the body of local self-government, which is directly responsible for the economic, socio-cultural and administrative-political development of the life of the territory of the municipality.

Compared with other local governments, the legal status of the local Administration is characterized by the following main features:

1. Local Administration is an independent body of local self-government, endowed with its own competence in resolving issues of local importance;

2. In the cases and in the manner established by acts of federal and regional legislation, the local Administration may exercise the individual state powers transferred to it;

3. In your current work the local Administration is accountable, controlled both to the Head of the municipality and the representative body of local self-government, and in some cases - to the relevant executive bodies of state power at the federal and regional levels;

4. The financial and economic basis for the functioning of the local Administration is the objects of municipal property, which it disposes and manages, and the local budget funds allocated for its maintenance;

5. According to its organizational structure, the local Administration consists of a staff of professional municipal employees who replace certain positions in the municipal service;

6. Acts of local administration occupy the smallest place in terms of their legal force in the system of municipal legal acts issued by local governments.

The very organizational structure of the local Administration conditionally consists of two components:

1. The Office of the Administration, which includes various sectoral, functional and territorial executive authorities in charge of managing sectors and areas of the municipal economy;

2. Services and structural subdivisions of the auxiliary Office of the Head of the local Administration, responsible for the material and technical, organizational and legal support of all activities of the local Administration.

The most important feature of the work of the so-called “sectoral executive bodies” that are part of the structure of the local Administration is the fact that they carry out the function of management in individual sectors and areas of the municipal economy by creating locally subordinate municipal enterprises, institutions and organizations.

All sectoral executive authorities operating within the structure of the local Administration are conventionally divided into 3 groups:

1. Those executive authorities that deal with the economic development of the territory of the municipality;

2. Sectoral executive authorities that are in charge of issues of socio-cultural development of the territory of the municipality;

3. Bodies that are responsible for the administrative and political development of the territory of the municipality.

Functional bodies of executive power are such governing bodies of the local Administration, which are called upon to carry out specialized managerial functions in the areas of disposal and management of municipal property; planning and forecasting the socio-economic development of the territory of the municipality and who are in charge of managing municipal finances.

In Tomsk, there are 3 of them: the Department of Economics, the Department of Finance, the Office of Property Relations of the Administration of Tomsk.

More of it the most important feature activities of the functional executive authorities that are part of the structure of the local Administration is to provide them with the right to control the work of other sectoral and territorial executive authorities precisely on issues within their competence.

Territorial executive authorities, created in the structure of the local Administration, are bodies of intersectoral competence, which are designed to deal with issues of economic, socio-cultural and administrative-political development of the territory of the municipality in the part assigned to them by the territory under their jurisdiction. Examples in Tomsk are all district administrations of the city of Tomsk.

The services of the structural subdivision of the auxiliary apparatus of the Head of the local Administration, unlike other types of executive authorities operating in the municipality, have the following main features:

1. They are directly directly subordinate in their current work to the Head of the local Administration;

2. They, as a rule, are not endowed with any power and administrative powers in relation to objects of municipal property and local budget funds;

3. The municipal legal acts issued by them on issues within their competence usually have advisory legal force.

In Tomsk, these are the General Department, the Office, the Protocol Department, the Control Committee, the Legal Committee, the Informatization Committee, the Human Resources Department, the Centralized Accounting Department of the Administration of Tomsk

The competence of the local Administration and its bodies.

The entire competence of the executive and administrative bodies of the municipality is established and regulated by special provisions (administrative regulations on these bodies) approved by the Head of the local Administration.

Let's consider the competence of sectoral executive authorities on the example of the Department of Urban Planning and Architecture of the Administration of Tomsk.

According to the regulation on this Department, approved. Mayor of the city of Tomsk, he has three main tasks:

1. Participation in the development of the draft city budget, city target programs and development plans for the city of Tomsk in the section of financing the expenditures of the city budget for architecture and construction;

2. Formation of the necessary regulatory and legal framework at the level of the city of Tomsk in the field of urban planning activities in the city of Tomsk;

3. Implementation of control and supervision over the observance by all participants of urban planning activities of the approved norms and rules, standards in the field of regulation of urban planning activities and the performance of architectural and construction works.

Given the above tasks facing the named department, it is endowed with the following most important powers:

1. Development of a draft Master Plan for the development of the city of Tomsk, draft city programs and plans in the field of municipal housing construction;

2. Preparation of special city regulations regulating the issues of urban planning activities in the territory of Tomsk;

3. Making a decision in agreement with other executive bodies of the City Administration on the allocation of land plots for housing construction;

4. Coordination and approval of design and estimate documentation for the conduct of architectural and construction work by developer organizations in the city of Tomsk;

5. Performing the function of a municipal customer for the implementation of architectural and construction works, financed from the city budget;

7. Signing of acts of working and state selection committees on the commissioning of buildings and structures and other capital construction projects;

8. Performing the function of state architectural and construction supervision over compliance with the norms of urban planning legislation by all developer organizations in the city of Tomsk.

Let's consider the competence of functional bodies of executive power on the example of the Department of Finance of the Administration of Tomsk.

According to the charter of the city of Tomsk and the Regulations on this Department, approved by the mayor of Tomsk, he is the leading participant in the regulation of the budget structure and processes in the city of Tomsk.

And so it is preceded by the realization three main tasks:

1. Preparation of a draft city budget and a report on its implementation for the next financial year;

2. Development of local city municipal legal acts in the field of regulation of the implementation of budgetary and financial policy in the territory of Tomsk;

3. Implementation of departmental financial control over the proper execution of the city budget, targeted use of the city budget funds for the intended purpose and compliance with the current budget legislation in the city of Tomsk by all participants in budgetary and financial activities.

Directly within the competence of this Department is the implementation of its main specific powers:

1. The authority to account for all revenues to the city budget and the performance of all financial transactions with the funds of the city budget;

2. Preparation of special provisions on the regulation of local taxation in the city of Tomsk, the budget structure and process in the city of Tomsk, the conditions and procedure for providing financial assistance from the city budget to legal entities and individuals;

3. Providing, if necessary, together with the tax service of the city of Tomsk, deferrals, installments and exemptions from local taxes and fees and other obligatory payments to the city budget at the request of legal entities;

4. Performing the functions of the municipal financial Treasury and the chief cashier in relation to the funds of the city budget;

5. Municipal internal debt management and acceptance of all necessary measures to reduce the city budget deficit;

6. Organization of placement and issue of municipal securities in the financial markets in agreement with the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation;

7. Approval of the cost estimate of all budgetary organizations located and operating in the city of Tomsk;

8. Conducting financial audits and audits of the financial and economic activities of other services and divisions of the city Administration, municipal enterprises, institutions, organizations;

9. The right, if necessary, to take appropriate measures to eliminate identified violations of budgetary legislation, including blocking the accounts of budgetary organizations, suspending the activities of budgetary organizations and drawing up protocols on administrative offenses against guilty leaders and officials of city government for violating the current budgetary legislation.

Consider the competence of territorial executive authorities at the municipal level. As an example, let's take the activities of the district administrations of the city of Tomsk.

According to the regulation on the regional administrations of the city of Tomsk, approved by the mayor of the city, they are tasked with the following three main tasks:

1. Ensuring the planned and integrated economic and socio-cultural development of the territory of the districts of Tomsk assigned to them;

2. Implementation of functions for the disposal and management of objects of municipal property that are in their jurisdiction on the basis of the right of operational management;

3. Control over the observance of acts of the current legislation by all individuals and legal entities in the territory of the district on a special range of issues;

4. Protection and maintenance of public order;

5. Protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens.

Directly within the competence of the named executive and administrative bodies of the city administration is the implementation of such specific powers belonging to them:

1. Participation in the preparation of the draft city budget; projects of city target plans and programs for the development of the city of Tomsk in the part assigned to them within the jurisdictional territory of the district;

2. Implementation of the general management of the activities of subordinate municipal enterprises, institutions and organizations located on the territory of the districts of the city of Tomsk;

3. Implementation of the powers to dispose and manage objects of municipal property, which are under their jurisdiction on the right of operational management and expenditure of city budget funds according to their section of the budget classification;

4. Support and development of entrepreneurial activity in the region of Tomsk in the field of small and medium-sized businesses;

5. Implementation of the function of a municipal customer for the supply of goods and the provision of services for municipal needs and ensuring the activities of municipal enterprises, institutions and organizations located on the territory of the district;

6. Consideration of citizens' appeals, performance of certain types of registration and permit actions;

7. Interaction with law enforcement agencies on the maintenance and protection of public order, representation and protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens in the judiciary.

All district administrations of the city of Tomsk are endowed with the rights of a legal entity, and therefore they can independently enter into contractual property relations with individuals and legal entities and bear independent responsibility for their legal obligations.

Services and structural subdivisions of the auxiliary apparatus Heads of the local administration. Consider their activities on the example of the Right Committee of the Administration of Tomsk.

Currently, the legal committee of the Administration of Tomsk is called upon to perform the following main functions assigned to it:

1. Legal expertise and preparation of draft municipal legal acts, which are subject to approval by the Duma of Tomsk and the mayor of Tomsk;

2. Development of draft civil law contracts concluded with individuals and legal entities, and their legal support until the conclusion by the Administration of Tomsk;

3. Advice and legal assistance to employees of the City Administration in the application of acts of the current legislation;

4. Official representation and protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the Administration of Tomsk, judicial and law enforcement agencies.

Organization of work and acts of the local Administration and its bodies.

Basically, the entire organization and activities of the local Administration and its bodies are based on a one-man basis, i.e. each head of the executive and administrative body of the municipality independently, on issues of his competence, makes managerial decisions, organizes their implementation and controls the organization of the adopted acts, and also bears personal legal responsibility for the results of his activities to the Head of the local Administration.

Nevertheless, as the current municipal practice shows, usually under the head of the Department of Management, much less often departments, the local Administration can create and operate a special collegium for prompt consideration and discussion of issues within the competence of the named head of the local administration.

The collegium formed under the head of the relevant executive and administrative body of the municipality includes all his deputies ex officio, heads of subordinate structural divisions and services, advisers, referent consultants and heads of municipal enterprises, institutions and organizations.

In turn, at a meeting of the collegiums convened and held under the chairmanship of the head of the executive and administrative body of the local Administration, the following issues of the activities of the local Administration are mainly considered and discussed:

1. Participation in the preparation of the most important projects municipal legal acts that are subject to consideration and adoption by the representative body of the municipality or the Head of the local Administration;

2. Participation in the development of draft local budgets, special target programs and plans for the development of the territory of the municipality, precisely in terms of its functions;

3. Selection and placement of personnel and resolution of other internal organizational issues of the activities of the local Administration;

4. Generalization and summarizing the results of the current financial and economic activities of the local Administration and subordinate municipal enterprises, institutions and organizations;

5. Control over the proper execution of the adopted acts of the representative body of the municipality and the Head of the local Administration;

Any proposals and recommendations that are submitted to a board meeting are subsequently legally formalized by issuing relevant municipal legal acts of the head of the executive and administrative body of the municipality:

1. Leader's orders;

2. Orders;

3. Job descriptions;

4. Administrative regulations or regulations.

By general rule all of the above types of municipal legal acts come into force from the moment they are issued by the head of the relevant executive and administrative body of the municipality. They can be challenged by interested parties in court or canceled by the Head of the local Administration.

The acts of the commission, created and operating in the structure of the local Administration, are a resolution and a decision. Moreover, the Commissions operating under the Head of the local Administration always exercise their powers only on a collegiate basis. Meetings of the Commissions operating under the Head of the local Administration are considered competent if more than half of the members of the commission with the right to vote are present at them.

In turn, decisions are considered adopted at a meeting of the commission under the Head of the local Administration, if a simple majority of the members of the commission present at the meeting voted for them.

Acts of such two commissions of the local Administration as administrative commissions and commissions for minors cannot be canceled by the Head of the local Administration. And they can only be challenged by interested parties only in court. Namely, citizens have the right to appeal, for example, the decision of the Administrative Commission or the Commission on Juvenile Affairs through the court within 10 days from the date of their adoption at a meeting of the commission.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

FGBOU VPO "Volgograd State University"

Faculty of Management and Regional Economics

Department of State and Municipal Administration

Improving the structure of management of the municipality

(on the example of the Gorodishchensky municipal district)

Course work

in the discipline "System of state and municipal management"

Volgograd, 2012



1.1 Theoretical concepts of the organizational structure of the municipality

1.2 Building organizational structures of local administrations

1.3 Principles of formation of the organizational structure of the municipality


2.1 Features of the formation of the organizational structure in the Gorodishchensky municipal district

2.2 Analysis of the process of formation of the organizational structure in the Gorodishchensky municipal district

2.3 Problems of formation of organizational structures in municipalities






Relevance of the research topic. Federal Law No. 131-FZ of 06.10.2003 regulates the issues of determining the structure of local self-government bodies by the population. It lists the main bodies that may be part of the structure of local self-government bodies, including bodies whose presence in the structure of local self-government bodies (with the exception of cases provided for by the Federal Law) is mandatory, and also establishes procedures for determining the structure of local self-government bodies by the population.

The Federal Law (131-FZ) defines the procedures for changing the structure of local governments. The choice of one or another structure of local self-government bodies should not be random, it should be carried out taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of each of the possible structures in relation to the conditions of a particular municipality. And from this follows the need to describe the possible basic structures and factors taken into account when choosing one of them as a basis in the event that a decision is made to change the structure of local governments.

the head of administration;

his deputies for areas of municipal activity, among which there may be one or two first deputies;

structural units of various types, which may be subordinate to the head of administration, one of his deputies or in subordination to each other (for example, a department within a department);

collegiate advisory bodies: collegium of administration, economic and other councils;

administration apparatus. Structural divisions of the administration in terms of the above distribution of tasks and goals of activity are divided into four groups: functional, sectoral, territorial and auxiliary.

In addition, the problem of optimizing the structure and staffing of one of the mandatory local self-government bodies - the executive and administrative body (local administration) is always relevant.

These issues - improving the structure of local governments and optimizing the structure and staffing of local administrations - are discussed in this course work.

Purpose and objectives of the study. The purpose of the work is to theoretically substantiate and develop practical solutions for improving the organizational structure of the municipality (on the example of the Gorodishchensky municipal district).

To achieve this goal, it is supposed to solve the following tasks:

To study the theoretical concepts of the organizational structure of a municipality in the Russian Federation;

Explore the procedure and principles for the formation of the organizational structure of the municipality;

To study the practice of building organizational structures of local administrations;

Analyze the procedure for the formation of an organizational structure in the Gorodishchensky municipal district of the Volgograd region;

To study the features of the formation of the organizational structure in the Gorodishchensky municipal district of the Volgograd region;

To study the problems of formation of organizational structures in municipalities;

Formulate and propose a set of measures aimed at improving the organizational structure in the Gorodishchensky municipal district of the Volgograd region;

The object of the study is the process of improving the organizational structure of the Gorodishchensky municipal district of the Volgograd region.

The subject of the study is the system of managerial, organizational, legal and economic relations arising in the process of improving the organizational structure of the Gorodishchensky municipal district of the Volgograd region.

Theoretical and methodological basis. theoretical and methodological basis research were the works of domestic and foreign authors in the field of improving the organizational structures of municipalities in the Russian Federation.

The conducted researches are based on the abstract-logical method, system approach, system analysis as general scientific methods of cognition.

Widely used in the work software products operating environment Windows XP: Microsoft Word 2003, Microsoft Excel 2003.

The information base of the study was made up of legislative and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation and the Volgograd region, materials of specialized printed publications, data from the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation and Volgogradstat on improving the organizational structures of municipalities in the Russian Federation. Scientific articles, articles in newspapers and magazines written on the subject under study, educational and scientific literature.

Structure and scope of work. The course work consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references from 60 titles. The work contains 6 figures, 1 table and 3 applications. The content of the course work, including a list of references and applications, is set out on 57 pages of typewritten text, incl. the main text - on 56 pages.


1.1 Theoretical concepts of the organizational structure of the municipality

The management structure provides for the implementation of general and specific management functions, maintains appropriate vertical and horizontal connections and separation of controls.

The vertical separation is determined by the number of management levels, as well as their subordination and directive relations. Horizontal division is carried out according to industry characteristics. It may be oriented towards:

Sub-processes of industrial production;

Manufactured products;

Spatial production conditions.

The organizational structure regulates:

Separation of tasks by departments and subdivisions;

Their competence in solving certain problems;

The general interaction of these elements.

Basic laws of rational organization:

Ordering tasks according to the most important points of the process;

Bringing management tasks in line with the principles of competence and responsibility (coordination of competence and responsibility, coordination of the "decision field" and available information, the ability of competent functional units to accept new tasks for solving);

Mandatory distribution of responsibility (not for the area, but for the “process”);

Short control paths;

Balance of stability and flexibility;

Ability for goal-oriented self-organization and activity;

Desirability of stability of cyclically repeated actions.

The following factors influence the organizational structure:

The size of the municipality;

Applied technologies;


Before considering the issues of the structure of local governments, the structure and staffing of the local administration, we will clarify the basic concepts and terms used in this topic, as they are defined (directly or indirectly) by the current legislation.

Local self-government bodies are bodies elected directly by the population and / or formed by the representative body of the municipality, endowed with their own powers to resolve issues of local importance.

A deputy is a member of the representative body of a settlement, municipal district, urban district or intracity territory of a city of federal significance.

An official of local self-government is an elected person or a person who has concluded a contract (employment contract), endowed with executive and administrative powers to resolve issues of local importance and (or) to organize the activities of a local self-government body.

Elected official of local self-government - an official of local self-government, elected on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot in municipal elections.

Member of an elected body of local self-government - an elected official of a local self-government body formed in municipal elections.

The head of the municipal formation is the highest official of the municipal formation, endowed by the charter of the municipal formation in accordance with federal law with his own powers to resolve issues of local importance.

Local administration - the executive and administrative body of the municipality, endowed by the charter of the municipality with the authority to resolve issues of local importance and the authority to exercise certain state powers transferred to local governments by federal laws and laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The head of the local administration is an official of local self-government, who manages the local administration on the principles of unity of command.

In the definition of local self-government bodies, attention should be paid to the fact that these are not any structural units of local self-government, but only those that, firstly, are elected by the population and / or formed by the representative body of the municipality, and secondly, are endowed with their own powers to resolving local issues.

This definition, in combination with the definitions of the local administration and the head of the local administration, as well as taking into account the procedure for the formation of the local administration (the representative body of the municipality only approves the structure of the local administration), in a certain sense casts doubt on the status of the local administration as a local self-government body, since the local administration is not elected by the population, is not formed by the representative body of the municipality, and all its powers to resolve issues of local importance are concentrated in one official - the head of administration, since he leads the local administration on the principles of unity of command. Therefore, we can say that the local administration is a local self-government body by virtue of the law that gave it such a status, and not by virtue of the above definition.

There may be several elected bodies of local self-government, based on the general definition of a member of an elected body of local self-government, but one must exist (except in cases established by federal law) - a representative body of a municipal formation, a member of which is called a deputy.

Officials of local self-government are divided into two categories - elected and those who have concluded a contract (labor contract). These persons may have two types of powers (sometimes combined, sometimes separated) - executive and administrative powers to resolve issues of local importance and powers to organize the activities of a local self-government body.

General approaches to determining the structures of local administrations, despite their dependence on many factors, can be formulated, since some of the factors are present everywhere, and there are also fundamental principles for building management structures.

The fundamental principle is the compliance of the subject of management with the managed object, that is, the choice of a particular structure of the governing bodies of a municipality directly depends on its main parameters (composition and size of the territory, the number and socio-demographic characteristics of the population, the composition of municipal property, the structure of the municipal economy, economic the structure of the municipality as a whole, etc.).

Two main approaches to the construction of structures of local administrations are functional and program-targeted.

The functional approach is used in the development of a structure that ensures the current management of the municipality. With this approach, the functions performed by local administrations are identified, and their structure is formed in such a way that the performance of each of the functions is provided by the corresponding structural unit. This does not mean that a separate body is needed to perform a single function.

After identifying the entire set of functions (and this is not difficult to do, based on the competence of the municipality), they are grouped according to some principle, for example, according to the “industry” (improvement, housing, education, healthcare, etc.), according to the principle of belonging to one sphere (social, economic, socio-political), and after that the necessary structure is finally built. A number of structural units are formed to carry out auxiliary functions, that is, those without which it is impossible to solve the main tasks facing local governments (meaning the functions of financial planning, execution and control over the execution of the local budget, personnel management, archiving, etc. ). As a rule, several principles are used simultaneously to group functions, and the degree of “enlargement” of structural units is determined by the composition and number of managed objects.

Thus, in large municipalities, governing bodies are formed in the areas of healthcare, education, and culture, and in small municipalities, general governing bodies are created. social sphere. It is important that all functions are taken into account, that there is no duplication of functions, and that the functions of planning and execution, execution and control are not combined in one structural unit.

Quite productive is the principle of "horizontal-vertical" construction of the organ system, which can be illustrated by the following example. When organizing the management of the education sector, a body is created that is in charge of the actual issues of education, as well as non-subordinate bodies that ensure its activities - financial planning and execution of the revenue side of the budget, execution of the expenditure side of the budget, service and personnel management, office work, etc. - and at the same time, there should be a management vertical - the head of the local administration, the deputy in the direction, the head of the industry unit, the head of the institution. Thus, building horizontal-vertical structures to perform each of the functions or, in a more enlarged form, to manage various areas of activity, and then, bringing them into a single structure, we will get an integral structure of local administration.

The program-target approach is used in the formation of a structure that ensures the implementation of programs, in particular programs and projects for the development of municipalities, both complex and targeted. The difference between this approach and the previous one is that the structure is based not on functions, but on goals, objectives, their ranking by priorities, ways of achieving them, forms and mechanisms of implementation determined by development programs and projects, and the dynamics of changes in the process of implementing programs is taken into account. and projects. Otherwise, the same principles apply in these approaches.

In reality, there can be no municipalities in which only current management is carried out or only development programs and projects are implemented. Both are inherent in each municipality; Therefore, both of these approaches are used to varying degrees when building the structures of local administrations. Of course, this creates certain difficulties, but it is precisely the consideration of all functions, goals, tasks, priorities, resources and restrictions that makes it possible to optimize the structures of local administrations.

Let us consider the possible basic structures of the administrations of a municipal district, a settlement, and an urban district without taking into account the exercise by them of individual state powers, since the presence and list of these powers are variable factors. We call them basic, because for each specific municipality they must be specified in relation to its features (characteristics).

Based on the list of issues of local importance of the municipality and the powers of local governments to address them, five main blocks can be distinguished (of course, with a certain convention) in the structure of the administration of the municipal district:

Economics and finance;

life support;


Social politics;

Ensuring activity.

The conditionality is caused by the fact that some questions relate to related fields of activity, and the wording of individual questions includes several different functions at the same time. For example, lands and water bodies can be considered as resources (economic block) and as objects of environmental protection measures (security block in a broad sense). The distribution of activities by blocks can be as follows.

economics and finance:

Economic planning;

Implementation of economic policy;

Management of municipal property;

Management of municipal natural resources;

Financial and tax planning;

Budget execution;

Financial control;

life support:

Public utilities;


Territorial planning and urban planning;




Domestic services;

Funeral services;

social politics:

General education;

Preschool education;

Additional education;

Health care (medical care);

Culture and leisure;

Physical culture and sports;

Working with children and youth;


Civil Defense and Emergencies;

Public order protection;

environmental protection;

Protection of life and health at water bodies;

provision of activities:

personnel policy;

Accounting service;

Legal service;

Economic service;

office work;

archival activities;

Information Support;

Public and media relations;

Execution control.

A more detailed disclosure of the structure of the administration of the city district (municipal district), as the largest municipalities, (up to primary structural units and individual staff positions) is possible, taking into account the functions performed in each direction. The procedure and principles for the formation of organizational structures of municipalities will be discussed in more detail in other paragraphs of the course work.

Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that the management structure ensures the implementation of general and specific management functions, maintains appropriate vertical and horizontal connections and separation of controls.

The vertical separation is determined by the number of management levels, as well as their subordination and directive relations. Horizontal division is carried out according to industry characteristics.

1.2 Building organizational structures of local administrations

In modern municipal practice, the typical links in the organizational structure of the local administration are:

¦ head of administration;

¦ his deputies for areas of municipal activity, among which there may be one or two first deputies;

¦ structural subdivisions of various types, which may be subordinate to the head of administration, one of his deputies or in subordination to each other (for example, a department within a department);

¦ collegial advisory bodies: board of administration, economic and other councils;

¦ administration apparatus. Structural divisions of the administration in terms of the above distribution of tasks and goals of activity are divided into four groups (Fig. 1.1).

Rice. 1.1 - Types of structural units of the local administration

The jurisdiction of sectoral structural divisions includes issues related to the management of specific industries (areas) of municipal activity. These divisions perform the functions of the customer for the performance of work and the provision of municipal services. Their main role is manifested at the stage of implementation of the goals and objectives of life support and development of the territory. Sectoral structural divisions are most often linearly subordinate to one of the deputy heads of administration.

Functional (headquarters, general competence) structural units perform certain general functions for the entire administration and its independent structural units. These divisions are endowed with the right of regulatory actions in relation to other structural divisions, usually the right to coordinate decisions of other structural divisions, for example, on compliance with the law or the possibility of financing. According to the classification of the goals of municipal activities, functional units are classified as providing. They may report directly to the head of the administration, the deputy head or the head of the administration apparatus.

The creation of territorial structural subdivisions (administrations of districts, administrations of districts, etc.) is associated with the need to bring local governments closer to the population and makes it possible to combine the centralization of the most important functions at the top level of municipal government with an increase in efficiency in solving current issues. Territorial subdivisions are typical for large and largest cities, for municipalities of the "city-district" type, for urban municipalities, which include isolated settlements or rural settlements. The presence of territorial structural subdivisions, of course, complicates the structure of the administration. Their first leaders report either directly to the head of the city administration, being his deputies for the respective territories, or (more rarely) to the first deputy head. Structural subdivisions of territorial administrations most often have dual subordination - to the first head of the corresponding territory (head of the administration of a city district, district, etc.) and to the profile structural subdivision of the city administration.

Auxiliary subdivisions (apparatus) do not have their own competence in resolving issues of local importance and perform the functions of ensuring the activities of the management of the administration and its structural subdivisions. The apparatus plays an important role in organizing the work of the administration. As its subsystem, it performs the same role as the municipal government in relation to other subsystems of the municipality. In particular, the device provides:

¦ planning and coordination of work of all structures of administration;

¦ work with documentation (clerical work);

¦ preparing and holding meetings, meetings, collegiums, and other events;

¦ communication with the media, holding press conferences;

¦ control over the execution of decisions;

¦ organization of reception of citizens, work with complaints and suggestions;

¦ material and technical, legal, personnel, information, financial support for the activities of the administration;

¦ the interaction of the administration with the representative body and often its economic service.

The chief of staff is usually equal in status to the deputy head of administration.

The administrative apparatus may include services such as a general department (working with documentation), a personnel service (sometimes it reports directly to the head of administration), a reception of citizens, a legal service, an information service, economic services, a press service, own accounting, a control apparatus etc. The head of the apparatus, as a rule, is directly subordinate to the head of administration and sometimes is his deputy.

The head of administration and his deputies may have their own apparatus, which includes, in particular, secretaries, assistants, referents, and advisers.

In management theory, such organizational structures are called linear-functional, since they are based on a certain system of interaction between linear (industry) and functional structural units and decision-making by linear units in agreement with functional ones. The advantage of linear-functional structures is the relative simplicity of construction and the clarity of interaction. However, such structures are inherently conservative, belong to the type of rigid structures, and are effective only when performing rarely changing functions of the same type.

In accordance with the volume and distribution of tasks and functions, specific organizational units are created in the administration - departments, departments, committees, departments, etc. To solve managerial tasks, large organizational units are divided into smaller ones that form new levels.

For large cities with a large administrative apparatus, it is expedient to delineate the functions of management in as much detail as possible, creating special units for their execution. For small settlements, the most acceptable scheme is one in which the functions performed are grouped, and in the first place, the functions of sectoral divisions should be combined. However, the unification of the functions of units whose interests contradict each other within the framework of one unit is undesirable.

To perform the functions delegated by government bodies, it is advisable to use separate separate structural units. This is important because, in terms of the execution of certain delegated powers, local governments are financed from the state budget and are controlled by the relevant state authorities.

Collegium - an advisory body under the head of administration plays a special role in the work of the administration.

It makes decisions on the most important issues of managing the municipality, with the exception of decisions that are within the competence of the representative body. Decisions of the collegium, if necessary, are formalized by resolutions and orders of the head of administration.

Structural divisions (bodies) with the status of a legal entity. Many administrations have structural subdivisions (bodies) with the status of a legal entity. In accordance with the Federal Law of 2003, the list of local administration bodies endowed with the status of a legal entity is established by the representative body of the municipality, which acts as their founder and approves the regulations on them.

Based on the study, it was found that in the modern municipal practice of building the organizational structure of the local administration, typical links are: the head of the administration, his deputies in the areas of municipal activity, various types of structural units that may be subordinate to the head of administration, one of his deputies or in subordination among themselves (for example, a department within the administration), collegial advisory bodies: the board of administration, economic and other councils and the apparatus of the administration.

1.3 Principles of formation of the organizational structure of the municipality

The most important role in the practical organization and technological process of municipal government is played by the local administration as the executive and administrative body of the municipality. In this connection, we will consider the organization of municipal government, i.e. with the order of formation of the organizational structure of the local administration.

The organizational structure is the most important factor in the activity of a local government, the form in which the process of municipal government is implemented.

The organizational structure is understood as the composition and subordination of interrelated organizational units (individual positions), links (management units) and steps (levels) endowed with certain rights and responsibilities to perform the relevant target management functions.

Municipalities differ significantly in size of territory, size and composition of the population, position in the system of territorial division of labor, economic potential, composition of the municipal economy, level of development of engineering and social infrastructure. The type of municipality predetermines the composition of the jurisdiction of local self-government, which, in turn, determines the scope of tasks and functions of all organs of municipal government, including administration.

The goals, objectives and functions of municipal government directly affect the structure of the local administration and serve as the basis for the allocation of independent units in its structure that are responsible for achieving specific goals and solving individual specific tasks. The composition of the main factors influencing the organizational structure of the local administration is shown in fig. 1.2.

Rice. 1.2 - The main factors determining the organizational structure of the local administration

Along with the listed external factors, it is necessary to single out internal factors that affect the structure of the administration: personnel, equipment, management technology, labor organization. On the one hand, they influence the organizational structure of management, on the other hand, they are determined by it. Thus, management personnel influence the management structure in terms of the redistribution of functions between departments and individual employees. But basically it is the management structure that determines the composition of positions and the requirements for the personal qualities of employees.

The most important factor influencing the formation of the organizational structure is the rate of controllability (control range).

The rule of manageability is the maximum allowable number of employees whose activities can be effectively managed by one manager under certain organizational and technical conditions.

Both the number of employees in a separate unit and the number of administration units depend on the norm of manageability. In turn, the rate of controllability depends on a number of factors.

Principles of building the organizational structure of the administration.

The formation of the structure of the local administration is the organizational assignment of certain functions of municipal government to individual management units and officials. When designing organizational structures, it is necessary to observe a number of important rules (principles) for their construction, presented in Fig. 1.3.

1. Focus on achieving goals. The organizational structure should contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the management of the municipality. This is ensured by establishing the rights and the necessary full responsibility of each managerial link for achieving the tasks assigned to it.

Rice. 1.3 - Principles of building organizational structures of local administrations

municipal administration

2. Perspective. Local self-government bodies should, while solving operational issues, simultaneously carry out work to determine a strategy related to the socio-economic development of the municipality. To do this, it is necessary to provide for a block of long-term, strategic management in the organizational structure, separating it from the block of operational and current management.

3. Ability to develop (adaptability). The need to develop the organizational structure is explained by the trend of constant changes in external conditions, emerging disproportions in the system of municipal government. Under these conditions, the organizational structure must be sufficiently elastic, able to adapt to the perception of corrective actions.

4. Complexity. When building the organizational structure of the local administration, it must be taken into account that all stages of the implementation of management activities should be structurally provided:

¦ analytical stage (analysis of the problem, identification of possible solutions);

¦ task setting (identification of activity priorities);

¦ making a managerial decision (choosing a technology and algorithm for solving a problem, determining the final and intermediate results);

¦ implementation of the decision (specific activity for the implementation of the management decision);

¦ evaluation of results (analysis of performance results, preparation for the next analytical stage and a new cycle).

The principle of complexity requires, when forming a structure, to proceed, first of all, from the integrity of a particular function.

5. Individualization. The formation of the organizational structure should be based on taking into account the individual characteristics of a particular municipality. In this regard, any kind of typical organizational structures can only be used as advisory and indicative.

6. Profitability. The organizational structure should ensure the efficient and rational implementation of the municipal management process in the most economical way. Cost-effectiveness can be achieved through various activities, including through the introduction of positions (system administrator, information technology specialist, etc.).

The principles of building organizational structures can be refined, and the forms and methods of using these principles can change due to changing external conditions, goals and objectives.

Approaches to the formation of the organizational structure of the local administration. The organizational structure of the local administration as an executive and administrative body is based on the principles of unity of command and hierarchical subordination. The process of forming the organizational structure of the local administration includes the formulation of goals, objectives and functions, determining the composition and location of units, their resource support (including the number of employees), the development of appropriate regulatory procedures and documents. This process is divided into several stages.

1. Formation of a general structural diagram;

2. Development of the composition of the main structural divisions and relations between them;

3.Regulation of organizational structures;

4. Calculation of the cost of maintaining the administration.

Real systems of municipal government are distinguished by a wide variety of organizational structures of administrations. But at the same time, there are general approaches to building organizational structures. The most promising is a system-targeted approach with a focus on the final results of the system.

The system-targeted approach in this case is that, based on the ultimate goals of managing the municipality:

¦ do not lose sight of any of the management tasks, without which the implementation of the goals will be incomplete;

¦ identify and link the system of functions, rights and responsibilities along the vertical of management in relation to them;

¦ to explore and institutionalize the connections and relationships along the horizontal of management, i.e., to coordinate the activities of different links and organizational units in the performance of common tasks;

¦ to provide an organic combination of vertical and horizontal management, to find the optimal ratio of centralization and decentralization in decision-making for these conditions.

When building an organizational structure based on the "tree of goals", it is important to give a qualitative and quantitative description of the goals and objectives. A qualitative characteristic serves as a justification for the allocation of management functions, a quantitative one - to determine the type of organizational unit (department, management, department, etc.).

The distribution of tasks between subdivisions of the local administration can be carried out according to several criteria:

¦ by groups of management objects (industries of municipal activity) that provide the provision of municipal services of a certain type: education, health care, construction, youth policy, etc.;

¦ on a functional basis, determined by the nature, functions and stages of management activities and the management cycle: analysis and planning, control, property management, finance, legal support, information support, etc.;

¦ on a territorial basis (for urban districts (large and largest cities).

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the organizational structure is the most important factor in the activities of the local government, the form in which the process of municipal government is implemented. The organizational structure is understood as the composition and subordination of interrelated organizational units (individual positions), links (management units) and steps (levels) endowed with certain rights and responsibilities to perform the relevant target management functions.

The goals, objectives and functions of municipal government directly affect the structure of the local administration and serve as the basis for the allocation of independent units in its structure that are responsible for achieving specific goals and solving individual specific tasks.

The formation of the structure of the local administration is the organizational assignment of certain functions of municipal government to individual management units and officials.


2.1 Features of the formation of the organizational structure in the Gorodishchensky municipal district

In accordance with the current legislation, the structure of local governments includes (Fig. 2.1):

Representative body of the municipality (obligatory, except for certain cases established by law);

Head of the municipality (required);

Local administration (required);

Supervisory body of the municipality (optional);

Other bodies and elected officials of local self-government provided for by the charter of the municipality and having their own powers to resolve issues of local importance (optional).

Rice. 2.1 - Elements of the structure of local governments

In accordance with the Charter of the Gorodishchensky municipal district of the Volgograd region (adopted by the decision of the Gorodishchensky district Duma of the Volgograd region of June 29, 2005 N 847) (as amended on July 14, 2010), the structure of local governments of the Gorodishchensky municipal district is (Art. 23):

Head of the Gorodishchensky municipal district (hereinafter referred to as the head of the municipal district);

Administration of the Gorodishchensky municipal district (hereinafter referred to as the administration of the municipal district);

The Chamber of Control and Accounts of the Gorodishchensky Municipal District, which have their own powers to resolve issues of local importance and the execution of certain delegated state powers.

The procedure for formation, powers, term of office, accountability, accountability of local governments, as well as other issues of organization and activities of these bodies are determined by this Charter.

Changing the structure of local governments of the Gorodishchensky municipal district is carried out only by amending this Charter.

The District Duma (Article 24) is an elected body of local self-government that has the right to represent the interests of the population of the municipal district and make decisions on its behalf that are valid throughout the entire territory of the municipal district.

The District Duma consists of 20 deputies elected by the population of the district on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot for a term of 5 years.

Deputies of the District Duma are elected by a mixed electoral system:

10 deputies - in a single constituency in proportion to the number of votes cast for the lists of candidates for deputies nominated political parties, public associations, electoral blocs;

10 deputies - according to the majoritarian system of relative majority with the formation of single-mandate constituencies.

Deputies of the Gorodishchensk District Duma exercise their powers, as a rule, on a non-permanent basis.

The activities of the District Duma are carried out in accordance with the regulations. The Duma has 33 competencies, the main ones are:

1) adoption of the Charter of the Gorodishchensky municipal district, introduction of amendments and (or) additions to it;

2) making a decision on holding a local referendum;

3) appointment of elections to local self-government bodies;

4) adoption of generally binding rules on the subjects of jurisdiction of the district, provided for by the Charter;

5) appointment in accordance with this Charter of public hearings and surveys of citizens, as well as determining the procedure for conducting such surveys;

6) appointment and determination of the procedure for holding conferences of citizens;

7) adoption of decisions provided for by this Charter related to changing the boundaries of the Gorodishchensky district, as well as with the transformation of the Gorodishchensky district;

8) election of the head of the municipal district;

9) appointment of the head of the administration of the municipal district;

10) appointment of the chairman of the Chamber of Control and Accounts of the Gorodishchensky municipal district;

11) approval of the structure of the administration of the municipal district and the regulations on the administration of the Gorodishchensky municipal district on the proposal of the head of the administration of the municipal district, etc.

The structure of the Gorodishchensk District Duma, approved by the Decision of the Gorodishchensk District Duma of October 27, 2009 N 5, is presented in Appendix 1. The structure of the Gorodishchensk District Duma approved by the Decision of the Gorodishchensk District Duma of 12.01.2011 N 357 in Figure 2.2.

Rice. 2.2 - Structure of the Gorodishchensk District Duma

The head of the municipal district is the highest official of the Gorodishchensky district (Article 28) and has 9 powers.

The head of the municipal district performs his duties on an ongoing basis. Within its powers, it ensures the exercise by local governments of the Gorodishchensky municipal district of powers to resolve issues of local importance of the Gorodishchensky municipal district and certain state powers transferred to local governments of the Gorodishchensky municipal district by federal laws and laws of the Volgograd region.

The head of the municipal district, as chairman of the Gorodishchensk District Duma, organizes the activities of the District Duma.

The administration of the Gorodishchensky municipal district is the executive and administrative body of the Gorodishchensky municipal district, endowed with the authority to resolve issues of local importance and the authority to exercise certain state powers transferred to local governments by federal laws and laws of the Volgograd region (Article 30).

The Administration carries out its activities in accordance with the current legislation and the Regulations on it, approved by the Gorodishchensk District Duma.

The administration of the municipal district is headed by the head of the administration of the district on the principles of unity of command. The structure of the municipal district administration is approved by the district Duma on the proposal of the head of the municipal district administration. The structure of the administration of the Gorodishchensky municipal district consists of the head of the district administration, his deputy, structural divisions of the administration of the municipal district, as well as sectoral (functional) and territorial bodies of the administration of the municipal district. Regulations on sectoral (functional) and territorial structural subdivisions of the administration of the Gorodishchensky municipal district are approved by the Gorodishchensky District Duma.

The structure of the administration of the municipal district is shown in Figure 2.3.

On the basis of the study, it was established that, in accordance with the Charter of the Gorodishchensky municipal district of the Volgograd region, the structure of local governments of the Gorodishchensky municipal district is made up of: the Gorodishchensky district Duma, the head of the Gorodishchensky municipal district, the administration of the Gorodishchensky municipal district, the Chamber of Control and Accounts of the Gorodishchensky municipal district.

Rice. 2.3 - Structure of the municipal district administration

2.2 Analysis of the process of formation of the organizational structureGorodishchensky municipal district

Taking into account the fact that the need to determine the structure of local government bodies arises in two cases: when creating a newly formed municipality and changing (in fact, defining a new one) the structure of the bodies of an existing municipality, the Federal Law (131-FZ) provides for both of these cases.

The structure of the administration of a municipal district may be determined in accordance with the law.

The staffing of the local administration. Local self-government bodies solve issues of local importance with varying degrees of effectiveness, while having a different structure and number of executive and administrative bodies.

The structure of the administration of the Gorodishchensky municipal district is formed in accordance with the recommended requirements in accordance with the Federal Law (131-FZ) and other regulatory legal acts, taking into account the size of the urban settlement and the functions performed.

As already noted in paragraph 2.1, the structure of local governments of the Gorodishchensky municipal district consists of: the Gorodishchensky district Duma, the head of the Gorodishchensky municipal district, the administration of the Gorodishchensky municipal district, the Chamber of Control and Accounts of the Gorodishchensky municipal district.

The representative body - the district Duma consists of 20 deputies elected by the population of the district on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot for a period of 5 years.

Over the past 3 years, the structure of the Gorodishchenskaya District Duma has been amended twice in 2009 (Appendix 1) and in 2011 (Fig. 2.2).

At present, the district duma is headed by the head of the Gorodishchensky municipal district - the chairman of the Gorodishchensky district Duma. The structure of the Duma consists of: one Deputy Chairman of the Duma, seven standing committees and three departments. The Duma carries out its activities in cooperation with the representative bodies of rural settlements (deputies) (Table 2.1). The Gorodishche District Duma from among the deputies forms permanent commissions for preliminary consideration and preparation of issues related to the competence of the District Duma (Article 26).

In order to exercise control, the Duma has the right to create temporary commissions, which may be formed at the proposal of a group of deputies numbering at least one third of the established number of deputies of the district Duma. quantitative and personnel Commissions are determined on the basis of personal statements of deputies and approved by the Gorodishchensk District Duma.

Table 2.1 - Deputies of rural settlements of the Gorodishchensky municipal district

Name of settlements

Number of deputies

Gorodishchenskoye urban settlement

15 deputies

Erzovskoye urban settlement

10 deputies

Novorogachinskoye urban settlement

10 deputies

Vertyachinsky rural settlement

10 deputies

Grachevskoe rural settlement

10 deputies

Kamenskoe rural settlement

10 deputies

Karpovskoe rural settlement

10 deputies

Kotluban rural settlement

10 deputies

Krasnopakharevskoe rural settlement

7 deputies

Kuzmichevskoe rural settlement

10 deputies

Novozhiznenskoe rural settlement

10 deputies

Novonadezhdinskoye rural settlement

10 deputies

Oryol rural settlement

10 deputies

Panshinsky rural settlement

10 deputies

Peskovatsky rural settlement

10 deputies

Rossoshinsky rural settlement

10 deputies

Samofalovsky rural settlement

10 deputies

Tsaritsyno rural settlement

7 deputies

179 deputies

The head of the municipal district is the highest official of the Gorodishchensky district. The head performs his duties on an ongoing basis.

The main reasons in connection with which the powers of the head of the municipal district are terminated ahead of schedule. This is:

1) resignations of their own free will;

2) dismissal in accordance with Article 74.1 of Federal Law No. 131-FZ of October 6, 2003 "On the General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation";

3) the entry into force of a guilty verdict of the court against him;

4) recall by voters;

5) early termination of the powers of the district Duma, etc.

The administration of the municipal district is the executive and administrative body of the Gorodishchensky municipal district, endowed with the authority to resolve issues of local importance and the authority to exercise certain state powers transferred to local governments by federal laws and laws of the Volgograd region (Article 30).

The administration of the Gorodishchensky municipal district carries out its activities in accordance with the current legislation and the Regulations on it, approved by the Gorodishchensky District Duma.

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    The organizational structure is the most important factor in the activity of a local government, the form in which the process of municipal government is implemented.

    The organizational structure is understood as the composition and subordination of interrelated organizational units (individual positions), links (management units) and steps (levels) endowed with certain rights and responsibilities to perform the relevant target management functions.

    The structure, staffing and size of the local administration are determined by the head of the local administration and approved by the head of the municipality, and sometimes by the representative body of the municipality. The structure of the administration includes various departments, departments, sectors, committees and other structural divisions of a sectoral, functional, territorial nature, including divisions for the management of municipal property, local finance, housing and communal services, etc. In large municipalities, departments of health, education, transport and communications, etc. are being created. The local administration has its own service apparatus (case management, accounting, personnel department, legal service, etc.). The composition of each structural unit of the executive body of local self-government is headed by a head (head of department, head of department, etc.).

    The goals, objectives and functions of municipal government directly affect the structure of the local administration and are the basis for the allocation of independent units in its structure, responsible for achieving specific goals and solving individual specific tasks.

    In modern municipal practice, the typical links in the organizational structure of the local administration are:

    The head of administration;

    His deputies for areas of municipal activity, among which there may be one or two first deputies;

    Structural divisions of various types that may be subordinate to the head of administration, one of his deputies or in subordination (for example, a department within a department);

    Collegial advisory bodies: board of administration, economic and other councils;

    Administration apparatus.

    From the point of view of the above distribution of tasks and goals of activity, the structural divisions of the administration are divided into four groups: sectoral, functional, territorial and auxiliary.

    The jurisdiction of sectoral structural divisions includes issues related to the management of specific industries (areas) of municipal activity. They perform the functions of a customer for the performance of works and the provision of municipal services. Their main role is manifested at the stage of implementation of the goals and objectives of life support and development of the territory.

    The objects of activity of functional (headquarters, general competence) structural divisions cover a specific function for the entire administration and its structural divisions. Their main feature is the use of the advantages associated with the specialization of functions, and the ability of the administration to consider the territory as a whole within its function. According to the classification of the goals of municipal activities (see Chapter 3), functional units are related to providing. Usually they are vested with the right to coordinate the decisions of other structural units, for example, on compliance with the law or the possibility of financing.

    The creation of territorial structural units (districts in large cities, etc.) is associated with the need to bring local governments closer to the population and makes it possible to combine the centralization of the most important functions at the highest level of municipal government with an increase in efficiency in solving current issues. At the same time, it is important to prevent the fragmentation of the functions of municipal governments and the loss of advantages associated with specialization. To stimulate the initiative of territorial structural units, they may be granted autonomy within the framework of the cost estimate.

    Auxiliary subdivisions (apparatus) do not have their own competence in resolving issues of local importance and perform the functions of ensuring the activities of the management of the administration and its structural subdivisions. The apparatus plays an important role in organizing the work of the administration. Being its subsystem, it performs the same role as the municipal government in relation to other subsystems of the municipality.

    The head of administration and his deputies may have their own apparatus, which includes, in particular, secretaries, assistants, referents, and advisers.

    Such organizational structures are called linear-functional, since they are based on a certain system of interaction between linear (industry) and functional structural units and decision-making by linear units in agreement with functional ones.

    In accordance with the volume and distribution of tasks and functions, specific organizational units are created in the administration - departments, divisions, committees, departments, etc. To solve managerial problems, large organizational units are divided into smaller ones, forming new levels. For large cities with a powerful administrative apparatus, it is advisable to delineate the functions of management in as much detail as possible, creating special units for their execution. For small settlements, the most acceptable scheme is one in which the functions performed are grouped, and in the first place, the functions of sectoral divisions should be combined. However, the unification of the functions of units whose interests contradict each other within the framework of one unit is undesirable.

    In the context of economic and political reforms, linear-functional organizational structures of management in some cases do not meet the requirements for managing the ever more complex objects and goals of municipal government. To eliminate this discrepancy, the linear-functional structures of administrations can be supplemented with structures of a new type - program-targeted. They are created to solve specific targets and can be permanent or temporary. As a result of this addition, matrix organizational structures of municipal government are formed.

    In the system of municipal government, program-target structures are implemented in the form of commissions, headquarters, working groups, etc. The list of such units changes periodically. Some are liquidated, others reappear, many exist for years.