Rosselkhoznadzor mercury information. Scheme of the Mercury system. Maintenance and support

According to Federal Law-243, from July 1, 2018, all veterinary certificates must be issued in in electronic format. Manufacturers and sellers of meat and dairy products also fall under the law. Both are required to work with veterinary certificates.

Mercury 2018 system: what is it, for whom and the timing of the transition

What is FGIS "Mercury"?

FSIS Mercury is a federal state information system for retail on the registration of electronic veterinary certificates (eVSD - electronic veterinary accompanying documents) of which the State Information System in the field of veterinary medicine (VetIS) consists. "Mercury" is designed to carry out electronic certification goods controlled by the State Veterinary Inspection, as well as tracking their movements on the territory of our country. The main purpose of introducing new requirements is:

  • creation of a unified information environment for veterinary medicine,
  • increasing biological safety,
  • food safety control.

Especially for grocery stores - inventory and cash program Business.Ru Retail.
Automated cashier's place, support for 54-FZ and EGAIS, work with weighted goods, warehouse accounting and sales analytics.

How does FGIS “Mercury” work?

Which organizations are required to connect to Mercury?

All organizations must connect to FSIS, economic activity associated with the circulation of goods of animal origin. Such companies include enterprises - farms, dairies, poultry farms, meat processing plants, seafood producers.

Logistic centers, wholesale depots, retail chains and retail stores, outlets Catering must also keep records of electronic VSD through FSIS. In other words, all those who, by the nature of their activities, are associated with controlled goods of animal origin, are required to work under the new requirements.

What are the terms of transition to work with "Mercury"?

The terms for connecting to the system are prescribed in the Federal Law of July 13, 2015 No. 243 “On Amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Veterinary Medicine”. According to federal law, all VSD must be issued electronically using the Mercury system starting July 1, 2018.

Can they postpone the transition to Mercury?

The transition to work with the Mercury system has already been postponed for six months, from January 1, 2018 to July 1, 2018. But we do not recommend counting on a further delay in the entry into force of the new requirements. Instead, we advise you to prepare in advance for new work standards and think about how to organize this process with the least effort on the part of your employees.

Training video on working in FSIS "Mercury"

How to connect to FSIS Mercury: VetIS.API

What do you need to connect to "Mercury"?

In general, the procedure for connecting to Mercury is quite simple.

To register in the system, you must:

  • fill in the application form. The template is published on the official website of Rosselkhoznadzor. Download application template for registration in FSIS "Mercury" for individual entrepreneurs >>
  • choose the option of submitting the application that suits you - a paper version, when visiting any territorial department of Rosselkhoznadzor, or an electronic version sent by email. Applications sent by e-mail must be certified by an electronic signature. Individual entrepreneurs can use a simple electronic signature, and an LLC can use an enhanced qualified electronic signature (QES);
  • send an application to the Rosselkhoznadzor;
  • choose the most convenient form of working with the system for your company - through a browser or API-interface (VetIS.API). The second option involves the use of specialized solutions that provide convenient operation of other accounting systems of your company along with Mercury.

After connecting to the "Mercury" system, we recommend paying attention to the volume and complexity of the work of your staff when interacting with the FSIS. At this stage, it is important to reduce the complexity of interaction with the system so that the emergence of new requirements does not affect previously debugged business processes.

Today there is a sufficient choice of offers on the market for integrating GIS with systems already used in your company. Thus, the Columbus solution for integrating the Mercury system with 1C allows you to set up work with eVSD within the framework of the standards adopted by the regulator, improve the quality of accounting for controlled products and automate the entire distribution chain with minimal labor costs on the part of the staff.

Complex automation of a grocery store from 500 rubles/month!
Control revenue, inventory balances, purchases, reporting and employees.

For which products do you need to issue electronic VSD?

The general list of products requiring registration of the VSD is given in the Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia No. 648 of December 18, 2015. From this document it follows that the Mercury system should take into account all goods subject to veterinary control.

List of products requiring registration of VSD:

  • meat, offal and fats;
  • sausages, prepared and canned meat products;
  • fish in any form, including canned;
  • crustaceans, molluscs, aquatic invertebrates;
  • bird eggs;
  • all types of dairy products;
  • cottage cheese and cheeses, including processed cheeses;
  • butter and other fats and oils made from milk, milk spreads;
  • pasta stuffed with meat, sausage, fish or seafood;
  • yeast is inactive;
  • soups and broths, as well as blanks for making soups and broths;
  • ice cream, except for ice cream on a fruit and berry basis, fruit and food ice;
  • feed grain: durum and soft wheat, rye, barley, oats, corn;
  • natural honey;
  • propolis, beeswax and waxes of other insects, spermaceti;
  • compound feed;
  • fertilizers of plant and animal origin;
  • stuffed animals, raw skins, hunting trophies.

Thus, we see that the list of controlled products covers almost all groups of food products. This, in turn, means that the number of companies working with Mercury will grow steadily.

Veterinary certificates in retail

Why "Mercury" retail stores?

With electronic VSD, you can perform the following operations: only form, only “quench”, or both form and “quench”. VSD in this case can be of a production or transport type.

As for retail companies, stores are required to work with incoming VSD. That is, your task will be to “redeem” the incoming certificates for each transport lot.

What should I pay attention to when receiving products from suppliers?

If you have accepted the goods partially, then these discrepancies must be indicated at the time of repayment - the refundable IRR will be issued automatically.

Another important point- operations with VSD must be carried out within 1 working day after receiving the batch. Let's imagine that you have been brought a cargo for which the VSD is not registered in the Mercury system.

Only right action in this case, you will refuse to accept the goods. The only exception here are deliveries accepted by paper VSD. In this case, you are required to pay off the paper VSD and capitalize the balance with inventory.

What to do if there is no Internet access? What are the penalties for missing Mercury?

Is it possible to continue working with paper VSDs if we do not have Internet access?

If you do not have technical restrictions for connecting to the Internet, then you cannot use paper VSDs. The list of places where there is no access to the Internet is approved at the level of each subject of the Russian Federation. If there are no such restrictions, then by July 1, 2018 you need to connect to the network and start working in the Mercury retail system.

If you absolutely do not want to connect to the Internet, then the only possible variant compliance with the requirements of the regulator in this case - to provide access to the system to your supplier or a third party who will be “authorized” to work with the system “on behalf of your company”.

Organizations that do not have technical feasibility Internet connections, for example, shops in rural areas in some regions of the country, can continue to work with paper VRRs.

What penalties await the entrepreneur for the lack of "Mercury"?

Article 10.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses provides for a fine for non-compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law of July 13, 2015 No. 243 - a fine follows for the absence of an IRR. The measure of responsibility can be from 3,000 rubles. up to 10,000-20,000 rubles, while the amount of the fine depends on who it is issued to: a legal entity or an official.

Legal entities that do not comply with the requirements of the regulator may also face a suspension of activities for 90 days. Currently, there are a number of legislative initiatives that propose changes in the penalties for non-compliance.

Read articles on food retail:

Talked about upcoming changes registration of veterinary documentsfor food companies. Starting from 2016, it is planned to switch to electronic veterinary certificates. Changes in the legislation provide for the introduction of batch accounting for the movement of raw materials and products within Russia. In this regard, in accounting for the movement of goods in 1C, it is necessary to additionally track a new dimension - the Veterinary Accompanying Document (VSD).

Purpose of the Mercury system: to ensure end-to-end accounting of the movement of raw materials and products in the context of batches (in terms of Mercury in the context of VSD and Manufacturing Dates) between all entities in Russia and the United Customs Union(ETS).

Systems are used to process all necessary transactions for enterprises Argus, Mercury and Vesta. When conducting inspections and monitoring the work of enterprises, systems are used Cerberus and Cyrano. The system is indirectly involved Icarus(directory of companies).

All systems are built on a process approach - once entered information in one system is then used in another system. Duplication of information input is excluded.

Now we will consider only the work of the Mercury system, which is divided into several parts. Veterinarians work with the Mercury.HVE system. Enterprises operate in the Mercury.XC system. If the enterprise will independently draw up Veterinary Accompanying Documents (VSD), then RosSelkhozNadzor will provide access to the Mercury.GVE system to the employees of the enterprise.

difference Mercury.GVE (State Veterinary Expertise) fromMercury.HS (Business Entity):

    in Mercury.GVE it is possible to cancel (receive) veterinary certificates and Incoming VSD

  • sending information about Outgoing VSD to Mercury.

Mercury.XC is needed only for viewing data, active operations with Incoming and Outgoing VSD (except for internal operations) are not possible.

Work in the Mercury.GVE system on manufacturing enterprises can be certified specialists who can either be hired or turn to the services of a third-party company.

It should also be emphasized that the Mercury system ensures the maintenance of residuals in the context of measurements:

  1. Products (corresponds to the entry from the classifier of TNVED codes),
  2. Date of manufacture (represented as a specific date; interval; period description string)
  3. VVD (link to veterinary document)

Mercury Accounting Principles:

  1. Only some of the measurements cannot be entered
  2. Minus shipping is not allowed

Scheme of work of a factory and a trading company in the Mercury system

Work with the Mercury system in production

List of operations:

1. Arrival of raw materials

Mercury displays purchases of only raw materials controlled by veterinary medicine.

Import clearance

1. Open the list of veterinary certificates

2. Find a Veterinary Certificate

3. Cancellation of the veterinary certificate

The cancellation procedure essentially means the receipt of goods. If discrepancies are found in the vet certificate and the actual acceptance, it is possible to correct the date of manufacture, expiration dates, quantity.

Purchase of raw materials on the territory of the ETS

The purchase operation is carried out through Transactions.

Laboratory research

Incoming raw materials to the plant must undergo laboratory tests. Based on the results of the study, a decision will be made on the use of raw materials for the production of products or on their return to the supplier.

After sampling for laboratory tests, if the raw material is not returned to the warehouse or not put into production, it must be written off. To do this, the capitalized quantity of raw materials is adjusted using Inventory.

The system provides for the possibility of combining several parishes into one batch. This may be necessary to simplify the write-off of raw materials for production. For example, it is possible to combine several goods receipts into one batch. As a result, in the accounting, several Incoming VSDs will be combined into one VSD, in the name of which all the VSDs will be listed as a line. This operation is irreversible. It is already possible to operate with only one party.

2. Production of products

As a result of cancellation of veterinary certificates and incoming VVD raw materials input products.

After the production operation is completed, all produced products will accumulate in the log Manufactured products.

As a result, a situation may arise when out of 5 tons of controlled raw materials 20 tons of controlled products will be produced.

To register the release of products, you need to create a new transaction.

The Transaction header indicates the manufacturer.

The Transaction Transaction lists a detailed list of raw materials, indicating the quantity that went into the production of a specific quantity of products.

My opinion. Factories may have questions:

  • observance of trade secrets, tk. in fact, in Mercury, the recipe for the production of products will be indicated
  • determining the cost of raw materials immediately after production, because in some cases, raw materials can be distributed after the fact of production in a few days
  • the problem of correct determination of the Decommissioning Party before the fact of the restoration of the sequence.

3. Shipment of products

The shipment operation is processed using Transactions.

Russian enterprises are becoming more and more active users of various government information systems. And, it must be admitted, in many cases - forcedly, because the law requires it.

An example of such an obligation is the use of FSIS "Mercury". Tens or even hundreds of thousands of business entities should soon become its users. Consider why this system is needed, who should register in it and how it works.

What is FSIS "Mercury" and why is it needed

FSIS "Mercury" is part of a larger state control system in the field of veterinary medicine - FSIS VetIS, which was put into operation in 2005. The Mercury system itself has been operating since 2010. At first, it was a tool for documenting operations for the import of goods that are subject to veterinary control, then it began to be used to record business transactions with such goods within Russia (and even later - within the customs territory of the EAEU).

Video - the head of Rosselkhoznadzor Sergey Dankvert about mandatory electronic veterinary certification based on the FSIS "MERCURY":

It should be noted that along with the Mercury system, the following FSIS also function in the FSIS VetIS system:

  1. "Argus".

It is designed to issue various permits for goods subject to veterinary control, which are transported across the Russian border - as part of import and export.

  1. "Vesta".

This system is used to process data related to the testing of commodities subject to veterinary control for food safety and product quality levels.

  1. "Irena".

Designed to control turnover medicines and animal feed.

  1. "Cerberus".

This information system is used to record legal important events in the activities of veterinary supervision services.

  1. "Passport".

This system is responsible for managing the general user profile various systems within the framework of FSIS VetIS.

Argus, Mercury and Vesta have the status of federal state information systems. It is assumed that they will be most often used by participants in legal relations that take place in the jurisdiction of the legislation on veterinary control.

These systems within the framework of FSIS VetIS are closely integrated with each other. For example, "Mercury" receives data from "Argus" and, thus, determines from which country the products subject to veterinary control are imported into Russia. In addition, he receives data from Vesta about the results of tests of these products for quality.

Thus, interested market participants have at their disposal a powerful infrastructure that allows them to obtain a lot of useful data on goods subject to veterinary control. Such functionality is not limited only to control procedures: it obviously also protects the interests of the end consumer, who wants to buy only high-quality goods.

Note that the Mercury system is, in fact, a modular software solution that consists of several components (subsystems). Among them are subsystems:

  • designed to work with warehouses;
  • used by the state examination of goods subject to veterinary control;
  • custom - that is, intended for business entities that carry out controlled operations with goods that are subject to veterinary control;
  • intended for territorial structures of the State Veterinary Supervision;
  • to verify the authenticity of veterinary documents;
  • for document flow with foreign suppliers.

But why, in fact, do we need FGIS "Mercury"?

The main purpose of the "Mercury" system is the execution of various veterinary VVD accompanying documents (certificates, certificates) by business entities that:

  • produce goods subject to veterinary control;
  • process these goods;
  • sell these products to end consumers.

The functionality of FSIS "Mercury" includes the provision of electronic circulation of these documents and the organization of their exchange between various participants in legal relations in areas under the jurisdiction of the legislation on veterinary control. FSIS "Mercury" servers provide storage and protection of these documents.

The Mercury system allows any interested person to check the entire chain of production activities that are associated with the specified business transactions.

Both the official body and any citizen can check how the movement of goods from the manufacturer to the counter was carried out - through the web interface - LINK.

To check the goods, you need to know the unique identification code of the veterinary accompanying document, which is assigned by the Mercury system itself.

It is assumed that this identifier will be "sewn up" into a convenient QR code, which can be fixed, for example, on a cargo container. “Armed” with any available QR code scanner (most modern smartphones support such functionality), the person concerned - for example, the person responsible for receiving the goods from the supplier, will be able to check whether everything is in order with the goods in terms of compliance with veterinary requirements.

Thus, one of the ultimate goals of the implementation of the Mercury system in Russia is to increase the transparency of the supply of products that are subject to veterinary control. Thanks to this opportunity, market participants and end users will be able to protect themselves from counterfeit and low-quality goods.

The functionality, "sharpened" for the interests of the checking structures, is also implemented in the "Mercury" system. Therefore, there is every reason to expect that government agencies there will be exceptional activity aimed at stimulating obligated economic entities to use FSIS.

But who is obliged to apply this system and how to start doing it? And what are the sanctions for not using it?

Who must register and use the Mercury system (vetspravka)

So, the Mercury system is a tool for processing veterinary accompanying documents in electronic form. Until July 1, 2018, such documents can be issued in paper version. But after - only in electronic, and only through the FGIS "Mercury".

Business entities that carry out the following procedures with goods subject to veterinary control are required to issue veterinary accompanying documents for the VVD (as a result, use the Mercury system from 07/01/2018) (their list is defined in Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated 12/18/2015 No. 648 - LINK ):

  • production;
  • treatment;
  • storage;
  • transportation;
  • sale (or inclusion in a service - for example, a catering service).

Even the smallest retail store or cafe can become a user of the system - if they receive from suppliers, and then process or sell goods controlled by Rosselkhoznadzor.

Important changes in the list of products controlled by Rosselkhoznadzor were introduced by orders of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia dated June 27, 2018 No., and.

Video - gaining access to the Mercury system:

It is noteworthy that in many cases the second option can be used by using not a qualified, but a simple EDS. That is, by sending an application, for example, from a personal electronic box of an individual entrepreneur or a representative of a legal entity. However, before doing this, you need to consult with the territorial office of Rosselkhoznadzor about whether this option is applicable for a particular applicant.

As a rule, if he has the status of an individual entrepreneur, then sending an application certified by a simple electronic signature is quite working scheme. But questions may arise to the LLC - therefore, it is better to clarify this issue in advance.

In order to “get used to” FSIS “Mercury”, the user, having submitted an application for registration (or before), can request access to a demo version of the system. To do this, send to federal service support for the Mercury system ( [email protected]) a letter in which the name of the company (full name of the individual entrepreneur), TIN of the business entity, the desired level of rights within the demo version should be indicated. In some cases, it is possible to obtain the Administrator level, which has the ability to register third-party users.

Additional information on registration in the "Mercury" system and others organizational issues can be viewed on the official website of Rosselkhoznadzor at the LINK.

Access to the demo version of the system is given for a reason: the use of FSIS "Mercury" has a huge number of nuances, and the business entity needs to pay attention to them before proceeding to practical use infrastructure. At the same time, the developer of the Mercury system offers its users various options training to work with this FSIS.

Video - about the nuances of processing applications for registration in the "Mercury" system, as well as the cancellation and registration of refundable VSD:

How to learn to use

The options here are:

  1. Independent study of the system.

This procedure involves the study various materials from the developer, familiarization with various multimedia sources. For example, instructions for users on the VetIS website - LINK.

Video - algorithm of work in the FSIS "Mercury" system:

  1. Distance learning in webinar format, organized by the partner of the system developer — FGBI ARRIAH (a federal institution that is engaged in activities related to the protection of animal health).

This training is completely free. At the same time, it is not designed for beginners, but for users who have become familiar with materials intended for self-study. The FGBI ARRIAH training course on how to work with the "Mercury" system lasts about 2-3 hours.

To participate in the webinar, you need to send an email to the address we know - [email protected]. The letter states:

  • the subject of the appeal to the developer - in this case, participation in a webinar on training in working with "Mercury";
  • name of the business entity;
  • login of a representative of an economic entity in Skype (at the same time, there is a fundamental possibility to use other programs - in agreement with the organizers of the webinar);
  • the number of webinar participants from the business entity;
  • convenient time for the videoconference, Moscow time;
  • contact details of the responsible person who ensures the participation of the economic entity in the webinar;
  • list of issues to be discussed at the videoconference.

After receiving the application, the organizers of the webinar contact the initiators of the videoconference and agree on the procedure for holding the webinar with them.

  1. Passing courses at the Academy of personnel reserve.

This format of learning to work with the system involves the subsequent receipt of a certificate, which confirms that the user has the qualifications necessary to work with the Mercury system.

At the same time, courses can be:

  • full-time - involving the personal appearance of a representative of an economic entity at the territorial representation of the institution that organizes the training;
  • remote - via the Internet.

Video - answers to the most common questions about working in FSIS "Mercury":

These courses are paid. To find out the cost of training, you need to contact the Academy for advice.

  1. Passing training at the Moscow Center for Advanced Studies, which operates on the territory of the State Budgetary Institution MosVetObedinenie.

The program of the training course for working with the "Mercury" system is compiled on the basis of another course - on teaching the principles of organization of expertise at enterprises Food Industry and laboratories.

It should be noted that the training scheme under consideration is designed for a narrow group of specialists - representatives of state and related structures who are engaged in conducting the appropriate examination.

Training is also paid. For information about its cost, you need to contact the State Budgetary Institution MosVetObedinenie. Course duration - 16 hours. Based on the results of its passage, a certificate of advanced training is issued.

  1. Training in training center, which belongs to the Federal State Budgetary Institution TsNMVL.

This course is specialized (not based on third-party curricula), but at the same time, like the previous course, it is designed for a narrow group of specialists involved in the field of veterinary control.

Supposed Full-time learning. Course duration - 16 hours.

In training, which takes place according to one or another scheme, users are introduced to the operation of the system in all details and, probably, with an emphasis on various practical nuances. At the same time, it will be useful to get acquainted with the theory - on the example of some features of using the functionality of the FSIS "Mercury".

General order of work

The use of FSIS "Mercury" is carried out through a web interface. Basically, it's a cloud program. Nothing needs to be installed on the user's computer. The system can be accessed from any computer using any browser.

  • Google Chrome;
  • Mozilla Firefox;
  • EDGE.

The fact is that the operation of the system has been tested in detail so far on these browsers. But, of course, there is no objective reason to expect any serious failures in the process of using the system if the browser is different.

Please note: on July 01, 2018, a letter from the Rosselkhoznadzor was posted on the official website, which explains what to do in case of malfunctions of the Mercury system or global problems for Internet providers - LINK.

The server part of the infrastructure of the "Mercury" system is located on 2 types of servers - the main and the backup (which is activated if the main one becomes unavailable - for example, due to failures in the power supply system).

The main user action in the system is to issue a veterinary accompanying document. In general, this involves doing the following:

  1. Adding an entry to a special journal input products- if the original veterinary document is presented in paper form. If it is electronic, then it must be paid off.
  2. Adding an entry to the journal for manufactured products.

Here you can choose two options - "processing" or "production". You need to choose from the list that is reflected in the program, desired type products that are used as raw materials, and then enter into the system data on products developed by the enterprise itself. After that, a production certificate will be issued.

  1. Registration of a transport veterinary document - if this is required based on the content of a specific cargo sent to the counterparty.

To do this, the system uses another option - "transportation". It is assumed that the decision on the approval of the cargo will be made by a veterinarian. If it turns out to be positive, then the necessary veterinary accompanying document is eventually formed.

At the official level, the rules for working in the Mercury system are enshrined in Appendices No. 1 and 2 to the Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia dated December 27, 2016 No. 589 (LINK). It will be useful to familiarize yourself with them as part of self-study.

What awaits violators

If, from July 1, 2018, a participant in legal relations controlled by Rosselkhoznadzor does not use the Mercury system, this will be equated to a refusal to issue veterinary accompanying documents. Such action, in accordance with Art. 10.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation qualifies as a violation of veterinary rules for the transportation or processing of livestock products and can lead to fines:

  1. In the event that during the inspection of the Rosselkhoznadzor it was discovered that there were no veterinary documents during the production or processing of products:
  • 3000-5000 rubles (for an official of an organization or for an individual entrepreneur);
  • in 10,000-20,000 rubles (for entity).
  1. In the event that the inspection revealed the absence of veterinary documents during the transportation of products:
  • 30,000-40,000 rubles (per official or individual entrepreneur);
  • in 300,000-500,000 rubles (for a legal entity).

Thus, the losses from not using the Mercury system can be enormous, completely incomparable with the potential costs of gaining access to the system.

This access is free of charge. But in practice, an economic entity may need to optimize the scheme for accessing the FSIS "Mercury" based on the specifics of business processes. The need for such optimization may be due to the presence of large information accounting databases in the enterprise and, as a result, the need to integrate such databases with the FSIS infrastructure.

Video - Rosselkhoznadzor discussed with the business community technical aspects EVSD operation in the "Mercury" system:

An example of such integration is the Kontur.Mercury module, developed by one of largest suppliers cloud accounting services - by SKB Kontur. Consider its main features and benefits.

Integration of FSIS "Mercury" and SKB Kontur: what are the advantages of external interfaces

Theoretically, an enterprise can do without the integration of corporate information bases and the infrastructure of FSIS "Mercury". The web interface of this system, in principle, contains everything necessary functions for carrying out certain operations with veterinary accompanying documents in accordance with the law.

At the same time, the use of the web interface from the developers of "Mercury" is characterized by a certain complexity. Information about goods, their manufacturers and other data that needs to be reflected in the system must be entered manually on the web page. It can take up to several minutes to process one position. And if we are talking about tens or hundreds of positions to be reflected in the system daily, then in order to carry out the necessary accounting operations, it may be necessary to hire several dozen specialists responsible for such work. In addition, when entering data into the Mercury web interface, errors are undesirable, which are difficult to avoid when working with the system manually.

Therefore, the integration of local information bases and the Mercury system in such cases is more than appropriate. It allows:

  • automate the process of creating and processing veterinary documents in relation to those types of products subject to veterinary control that are produced or processed at the enterprise;
  • minimize the risk of incorrect data entering the FSIS databases;
  • improve the overall efficiency of accounting procedures performed in order to ensure compliance of the enterprise's activities with the requirements of veterinary legislation.

An integration solution that allows you to achieve these benefits, in most cases, is cheaper in comparison with involvement in working with the system additional specialists. It is optimal if such a solution is based on common, typical commodity accounting platforms. As a rule, this approach makes it possible to unify and speed up the procedure for integrating an enterprise with the Mercury system and scaling the interaction of an enterprise with this FSIS.

In the case of the Kontur.Mercury module, this criterion is met. The module is based on the 1C commodity accounting platform (configurations 7.7, 8.X are supported), which has actually become the standard for enterprises of various sizes and fields of activity.

The Kontur.Mercury module allows you to:

  • process data in “single window mode”: without leaving the 1C database, the user can access the Mercury system and exchange various documents;
  • ensure full compliance of the accounting data reflected in the 1C system with the information that is recorded in the infrastructure of the FSIS "Mercury".

At the same time, it is practically impossible for any documents to fall out of the database: all of them will be synchronized and classified as necessary.

The undoubted advantage of the Kontur.Mercury solution is the fact that its interfaces are familiar to 1C users. No need to waste time and resources on passing additional training as in the case of web interfaces from the developers of the Mercury system.

The cost of access to the Kontur.Mercury solution depends on the chosen tariff. Now there are 3 of them:

  1. A tariff optimized for the final supplier (shop, catering establishment).

The main operation with veterinary documents that such suppliers perform is cancellation. It is carried out using the usual 1C functionality for the store.

The cost of using the module for this tariff is 38,000 rubles per year.

  1. Tariff optimized for intermediate suppliers, distributors of products subject to veterinary control.

Such suppliers will carry out not only the cancellation of veterinary documents, but also, in particular, issue them during the transportation of products.

The cost of access is 58,000 rubles per year.

  1. A tariff optimized for manufacturers of products subject to veterinary control.

Such business entities, in addition to the above operations, will form veterinary documents for the production of controlled products and for shipment.

The cost of access is 98,000 rubles per year.

Video - about the capabilities of Kontur.Mercury:


FSIS "Mercury" is a state information system developed by the Rosselkhoznadzor for recording transactions with goods for which veterinary accompanying documents must be issued. Technologically connected with other state information systems created to automate veterinary supervision.

The "Mercury" system allows you to issue VSD in electronic form - including using the functionality for integrating FSIS and local inventory systems, such as 1C.

From July 1, 2018, all business entities that carry out transactions with goods controlled by Rosselkhoznadzor are required to gain access to the Mercury system. It will no longer be possible to generate paper veterinary documents, they should only be electronic. For violation this requirement The law provides for severe penalties.

Any interested user can go free education work with FSIS "Mercury" by contacting the territorial representative office of Rosselkhoznadzor or the organization with which the department cooperates when providing training services in the new system.

Video - registration and work in the FSIS "Mercury" system:

All companies involved in the circulation of products of animal origin are required to switch to electronic veterinary certification through the federal state information system(FGIS) "Mercury". These are manufacturers and distributors of goods supervised by the State Veterinary Control - meat processing plants, poultry farms, dairy plants, seafood producers, as well as logistics centers, retail chains, etc. Now they can choose how they prepare veterinary accompanying documents (VSD): electronically or on paper. From July 1, 2018, they will be required to do this only through the FSIS "Mercury". Some groups of goods before July 1, 2018 did not need to be accompanied by veterinary documents at all.

How will it work?

Let's take a meat processing plant as an example.

The farm sends the delivery to the meat processing plant - draws up electronic VSD for the batch. The meat processing plant, upon receipt, makes a note in the "Mercury" that it accepted this batch from veterinary certificate under such and such a number - extinguishes. From this raw material, the meat processing plant has produced sausages, sausages and minced meat and sends them to various retail outlets - it creates new VSD for each position of its supply. When the store accepts the goods, it needs to pay off the corresponding VSD in Mercury.

Thus, using the system, it will be possible to trace where a particular sausage came from on the counter and which farms supplied meat for it. It is planned that such a system of work with accompanying veterinary documents will not give a chance for falsification.

What is the difference?

Paper VSD- This is a document on official letterhead with a signature and seal. You can issue one for the entire invoice, or you can issue one for individual positions in it. The sender keeps the spine of the document, the forwarder carries the document with him and, if necessary, presents it. If there are intermediate recipients in the way of the goods, for example, a distributor, then the paper VSD is passed along the chain from hand to hand until it reaches the final recipient, who keeps it until the expiration date of the product.

Electronic VSD- This electronic document, generated in the FSIS "Mercury", the main attribute of which is a unique UUID identifier. An electronic IRR is created for each invoice item. It happens in production and transport. In production, the fact that such and such a product is produced from certain raw materials is recorded. They don't need to be extinguished. Transport reflect the fact of the movement of products, both with a change of ownership and not, for example, from production to a warehouse. Recipients, including intermediate ones, are obliged to cancel such VSD and issue new ones when they send the goods for further sale.

How to work with VSD in Kontur.Mercury

The Mercury circuit has three solutions:

  • Integration module for 1C
  • Mobile version for extinguishing VSD

Web version and mobile application

The web version and the mobile application Kontur.Mercury are designed for retail stores, cafes and municipal institutions. The solutions are designed for those who only need to accept controlled goods and mark the receipt in Mercury. To start working in the web version and mobile application All you need is a device with Internet access.

In the web version and mobile application, the user can:

  • receive automatic notifications of incoming VSD;
  • extinguish the VSD for the accepted goods in whole or in part;
  • generate return VSD;
  • read information from the QR code on the product packaging using a scanner;
  • find the IRR on the invoice and combine them for faster repayment.

Module for 1C

Suitable for any configuration 1C: 7.7, 8.X, for regular and managed forms.

It helps users who create production and transport VSDs:

  • work in a single window mode directly in your 1C database, and not switch from 1C to Mercury and vice versa;
  • avoid errors and discrepancies: data is automatically pulled from 1C;
  • forget about the loss of documents, they will always be in the system;
  • get access to features that are not available when working via the web, for example, instant creation of CS and sites of your clients;
  • automatically generate IRR for each invoice in a few seconds.

How to register in FSIS "Mercury"?

You need to register with Mercury in accordance with the approved procedure: either submit an application to the Rosselkhoznadzor or its territorial department on paper, or send it by e-mail. In the second case, the requirements are different for individual entrepreneurs and organizations.

In the web interface, employees of the organization can register with different rights: make applications for VVD, form them, extinguish, combine these functions. Veterinarians who are authorized persons of a body or institution that is part of the system of the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation are registered from it.

The Mercury web interface has the disadvantages of any web interface: all data - product category, manufacturer, where it was received from, production date, etc. - must be entered manually. At the same time, firstly, there is a risk of errors, and secondly, it takes a long time, so IT companies already offer solutions that allow you to automate and speed up work with VSD.

How to prepare?

  • Already now, register with Mercury and master its web interface: create a list of products, your outlets, legal entities, etc.
  • Understand exactly what actions your organization will have to carry out with electronic VSD: form, extinguish, or both. If to create, then what type: production or transport, and also who has the right to do it. The rights to form VVD are delimited by Orders of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation of December 18, 2015 No. 646, 647, 648. Based on this, register your employees with the appropriate rights in Mercury.

To issue electronic VSD for products from the list according to Order No. 647, specialists need to pass certification. It is carried out by commissions that are created by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of veterinary medicine. Meetings of the attestation commission are held monthly. Her work schedule is confirmed. authorized bodies and posted on their official websites. The register of certified specialists is already underway.

For more details, see Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1145 dated November 9, 2006 “On Approving the Rules for the Certification of Specialists in the Field of Veterinary Medicine” and Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation No. 212 dated May 3, 2017 “On Approving the Application Form for Certification of Specialists in the Field of Veterinary Medicine and the Procedure for Conducting an Inspection knowledge by specialists in the field of veterinary medicine of acts regulating the issues of veterinary certification, and practical skills in preparing veterinary accompanying documents.

  • Familiarize yourself with the rules of work in "Mercury". They are in Annexes 1 and 2 to the above (please note that the procedure for amending this Order has been initiated).
  • Assess the amount of work with the VSD. If you need to create more than 300 packages per month (remember that one VSD is for one position in the invoice, it takes three to five minutes to complete it), choose an integration solution, implement and master it before July 1, 2018.
  • If you work with retail chains, carefully study their requirements for issuing VSD to them, and then try to fulfill these requirements at least in the web interface. Keep them in mind when choosing an integration.

Municipal institutions, non-chain retail and catering also need to prepare. Companies that only accept controlled products must register with the FSIS Mercury, create sites and ensure that all suppliers correctly send accompanying documents. Such enterprises will have to master the massive state portal, even if they only extinguish incoming VRR. Optimal solution for such organizations - choose service for simplified work with Mercury.

What are the risks of non-compliance?

If a truck with a load is stopped en route for inspection, the freight forwarder must show the UUID or QR code of specific VSDs. The UUID can be checked in a public service. If you scan a QR code, it will lead to the same resource, but with the UUID already entered. How exactly the forwarder will present these data: in the form of a printout from Mercury or on a mobile device is up to the supplier to decide.

Failure to do so will result in a fine. According to, the fine will be from 3,000 rubles if it is issued to the driver as an official, or from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles. - to a legal entity. In the latter case, the suspension of activities for up to 90 days can also be punished. There are currently proposed changes to this article.

Pavel Bolshakov, Lead Solution Developer

Connection to Mercury became mandatory from July 1, 2018 in accordance with the Federal Law of July 13, 2015 No. 243 “On Amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Veterinary Medicine”, all enterprises involved in the circulation of goods of animal origin must switch to electronic veterinary certification through the federal state information system FSIS Mercury. She is engaged in the accounting of electronic veterinary certificates (EVSD). Through it, control over the system of production and marketing of livestock products will be carried out: producer → wholesaler → end point of sale.

Who needs to connect to the Mercury system?

Scheme of the Mercury system

  1. Production of sausages, frankfurters from this raw material.
  2. The meat processing plant sends products to stores, while creating new VSD for each position of its products.
  3. During the receipt of the goods, the store extinguishes the VSD in Mercury.

Electronic VSD. Advantages

An electronic VSD is an electronic document that is generated in the FSIS Mercury, its main attribute is the UUID identifier. Electronic VSD:

  1. Production (the raw materials from which the goods are made do not need to be extinguished).
  2. Transport (moving goods, clearing is necessary).

Electronic IRRs are created for each invoice item and stored in Mercury for three years.

Goods for which it is necessary to issue electronic VSD?

  • various types of meat, offal and fats
  • sausage, prepared meat products, canned food
  • fish, canned fish (with the exception of fish fillet and fish meat under heading 0304 TN VED)
  • pasta stuffed with meat, sausage, fish or seafood
  • crayfish, shellfish
  • milk products
  • vegetable oils and fats
  • cottage cheese and cheese of different varieties
  • bird eggs
  • yeast
  • ready-made soups and broths
  • ice cream
  • feed grains (hard and soft wheat, rye, barley, oats, corn)
  • propolis, beeswax
  • compound feed
  • fertilizer
  • raw skins, hunting trophies, stuffed animals

The procedure for connecting to the Mercury system

There are 2 connection methods:

  1. Through the web interface (most convenient way, as any web browser will do).
  2. Through API-interface (requires own accounting system).

Plan for registration in the Mercury system through the web interface

  1. Providing Rosselkhoznadzor with information about the enterprise, about the places of production, processing, storage, sale of products. You also need to specify who is the administrator of the organization.
  2. Registration of the specified data in the form of an application according to the template: for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. The application is sent to Rosselkhoznadzor.
  3. After verifying the data on your email address You will receive an email with access details. Then you can work with the system through the web interface.
  4. Access the Mercury subsystem via

Mercury Registration Plan via API

The API automates the issuance of eVSD, information is transferred from the accounting system of enterprises to Mercury via SOAP / XML protocols. In this case, the universal gateway VetIS.API is used. This connection method is perfect for large enterprises.

How to access the universal gateway in 2 steps:

  1. Work on the test version.
  2. Connecting a productive version.

Registration and access to the test version of the gateway:

  • filling out an application
  • sending a scanned application with a signature and seal to the email: [email protected]

When the application is processed, you will receive an email containing the access details for integration work.

Getting access to the productive version of the gateway:

  1. Filling out an application.
  2. Sending a scanned application with a signature and seal to e-mail: [email protected]

When the application is processed, you will receive an e-mail containing the details of access to the productive version of the system.


  • Study of materials (in the public domain): instructions, illustrations, description of the procedure for working in the system, questions)
  • Watching video courses (processes of receiving, producing and shipping goods at enterprises)
  • Demo version - great option for those who want to learn how to work in the Mercury system. To access the demo version, you must submit an application in the form of an email and send it to the post office: [email protected] The application must include the name of the company.
  • TIN of the enterprise Full name of the registrant Email, to which the access details (login and password) for working in the demo system will be sent.
  • To access the demo subsystem Mercury.XC, you need the following address:

Distance learning in Multikas

The main task of training is to find answers to questions that arose during the period of self-study of the material or, if you did not study on your own, to be trained from scratch. To get started, you must submit an application. .

Will there be a fine?

The penalty for evading the requirements of the Federal Law of July 13, 2015 No. 243 is provided for by Art. 10.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. When checking the cargo, the forwarder is obliged to provide information about the eVSD: a QR code or a unique UUID identifier (the main attribute of the electronic VSD). If you do not have an IRR, you face a fine: 3000 rubles. - for the driver, 10,000 - 20,000 rubles. - for a legal entity.

Question-answer block about FGIS Mercury

Topic: Mercury and Retail

Question: Does a food retail business need to connect to Mercury?
Answer: Yes, from 07/01/2018, everyone who sells products of animal origin, including retail stores, must connect to the Mercury system. Connection to the Mercury system will simplify your work with VSD:

  • you do not need paper documents;
  • you can always see the documents in electronic form;
  • documents are stored in the system for three years.

Question: Is it necessary to extinguish documents in this case?
Answer: Yes, cancellation occurs within 1 business day after delivery and receipt of the goods. Cancellation confirms the fact that you really accepted the product, and after the document is canceled, no one can change it. If the store is small, then it is easier to carry out this procedure through the web.

Question: What is responsible for?
Answer: liability is provided for violation of the rules, they are in Appendix No. 1 to 589. The rest (Appendix No. 2) is the Procedure, respectively, there is no liability for violation of the Procedure.

Question: Has anyone encountered the problem of granting access to stores? I contacted the store. Want to see incoming documents. I have no way to give access. Reports: The specified object is not designated in the Cerberus system. Cerberus tried to submit an application, writes: the specified object is already available. How to be?
Answer: It is in the "Pending" status. Visible, if you only put the option "All entries". Include it in the registry, then it will be designated as a confirmed subject.

Question: The trading network is a set of legal entities. Each legal entity has several outlets. The accounting system is general. Do I need to connect every store?
Answer: In Mercury there is the concept of XC and its site. In your case, a legal entity is an XS, and specific stores or a store are an XS site. You connect XC, and the veterinary department of your region starts your sites.

Question: How soon after sending to Mercury will the recipient see the incoming document? EDI providers offer to uniquely identify transactions in Mercury.
Answer: You send, the recipient must also send a request to cancel the incoming batch (if we are talking about the Vetis.API gateway).

Question: Will we also receive an application for the redemption of VSD via api?
Answer: you have to send request via api.

Question: Tell me please:
1. We have two stores (one TIN, different checkpoints). Do we need to write one application for registration in FSIS Mercury?
2. We buy meat. On the spot, we process it into minced meat and sell it. Do we need to write off Mercury in FGIS retail sales during inventory?
Answer: Yes

Question: Is it required to issue veterinary accompanying documents when producing a batch of controlled goods in a retail network?
Answer: No.

Question: Is it necessary to issue a VSD when moving a workshop?
Answer: Yes

Question: My shop is in Mercury. Products come in on paper ERRs, but some suppliers create ERRs in parallel. To date, the program hangs, for example, 500 outstanding documents. What will happen to them in the future? While those. there is no way to extinguish eVSD yet.
Answer: If you are registered in Mercury as an XC, then you have the right to cancel veterinary certificates (look at the assigned functions). You can extinguish from anywhere, from any mobile device. According to the rules, the cancellation must occur within 24 hours from the date of receipt of the product. Extinguishing is the duty of the HS.

Question: Good afternoon! I am an IP. I trade smoked fish, sausages on the market 4 hours a day. I buy fish in bulk. Do I need to register with Mercury? And what about a private trader from a wholesale base? What documents are required from him?
Answer: Everyone who deals with regulated products needs to register in Mercury. Both you and your private wholesaler. Request eVSD from the wholesaler. If there are government veterinarians in your market, then ask them if the market software was created in Mercury. If yes, then find out its number and name. The wholesaler can issue an eVSD for this software with the indication of the recipient company. Any veterinarian can register you in Mercury.

Question: Hello! Help me to understand. In our diner, we only sell sausage sandwiches (we buy sausage and cut it ourselves), sausages, meatballs (we buy from a wholesaler and fry ourselves). Do we need Mercury or not? Thank you.
Answer: Mercury is needed. The wholesaler should send these products to you via eVSD.

Question: Good afternoon! I am an employee of the regional society of consumer cooperation. We have a distribution warehouse and a chain of stores. Part of the controlled goods enters the warehouse and then is released to stores, and some goes directly to stores from the supplier. With the second case, everything is clear (we extinguish the VSD in the store). How are we supposed to pay off the IRR for goods arriving at the warehouse?
Answer: Extinguish in a warehouse, then issue an eVSD from a warehouse to stores (if the warehouse and stores are one XC, without changing the owner, otherwise - with a change). Then extinguish in stores.

Question: We were mistakenly sent the VSD, although there was no delivery of products. How to reject VSD? What to do if the delivery is wrong?
Answer: Pay off the eVSD, on the form that opens below, check the box “split the lot”, put “0” in the column “Volume”, write the reason for the return, click “save”. A return eVSD will be generated automatically. It will be sent to the person from whom the product came.

Question: Hello! Please tell me what to write in the application for registration in the columns “Type of object”, “Name”, “Types of activity of the object”, if the object is a small retail grocery store with a standard range.
Answer: Type of object: enterprises/retail trade organizations selling meat/meat raw materials, fish/fish products.
Types of activity of the facility: receipt, storage and sale of controlled products. The name of the outlet.

Question: During the sale of goods in retail store production accumulates in the magazine. How to cross out already implemented positions?
Answer: After the sale of all goods, you need to write off products from the magazine.

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