Development of an information system "accounting for work with clients" on the example of JSC "Kirovenergosbyt". How to develop a KPI system from scratch

Company. The Golden Nut confectionery factory, established on rented premises 5 years ago, is managed by the general director, who is also the sole owner.

Business type. Production and sales chocolates(by weight and sets), bar chocolate, chocolate figures. Own distribution, warehouse, transport, company store.

Market position- sustainable. Client base includes wholesalers and large stores.

Financial position- sustainable. The increase in turnover over the past year was 15%.

Staff. Number - 1000 people, average age - 35 years, annual turnover - 10%, the share of employees with higher education - 35%.

Three main options for enterprise strategy:

1) Innovation strategy- production of a unique product

2) Quality strategy- offering high quality goods and services to consumers

3) Cost Leadership Strategy- planned policy outcomes,
aimed at avoiding extra costs»

Exercise. For one of the strategy options:

1. Develop strategic goals for working with personnel

2. Develop a draft personnel policy

3. Develop goals for working with personnel for 1 year

We choose a quality strategy, since the production of a unique product is not the best option for an enterprise that produces a large range of consumer goods; the financial position of the enterprise is stable, so it is possible not to adopt a low-cost leadership strategy.

1. Strategic goals of work with personnel:

Achievement of a high level of professionalism by the entire staff

Increasing the share of employees with higher education

Involvement of personnel in the corporate environment, the perception by employees of the values ​​and objectives of the enterprise as their own

2. Draft personnel policy

It is necessary to develop an action program based on the strategic goals. Align the general principles and goals of working with personnel with the goals and principles of the organization. Next, you need to distribute the functions personnel services establish their responsibility for their actions.

It is necessary to introduce a system of remuneration and incentives that meets the goals, ensure the professional growth of employees, and ensure the implementation of a quality management system. For permanent workers, it is necessary to develop a system of social guarantees. It is also worth working with the trade union.

3. Goals of work with personnel for 1 year:

Reduce staff turnover up to 7%

Attract highly qualified employees in the amount of at least 30 people

Create a system of work with personnel that meets the selected personnel policy

Increase staff satisfaction

Implement a remuneration system that takes into account quality indicators

Exercise. The author of the book "On the ability to work with people" - the head of the well-known space company Mary Kay writes: "We believe that our own leaders need to be raised within the company. We do not need to take a person from outside if we have already trained our own qualified specialist. When a vacancy becomes available, the department manager must submit a job description to our Human Resources department, which in turn posts this information on the bulletin board in all company buildings. Any employee can propose his candidacy. It doesn't matter what he's doing at the moment. If a person does not like his current job or feels that a new place opens up an opportunity for further advancement and believes that he will cope with these responsibilities, he applies. All applicants are invited for an interview, and sometimes up to twenty-five people apply for one place ... "

What features of the personnel policy of Mary Kay can be noted based on this example?

The peculiarities of the personnel policy are its closed nature, that is, the replacement of vacant positions with their own people, and not with new employees, the personnel policy is rather directed inside the organization; the policy is quite liberal, since any employees of the company can apply for vacant positions

When evaluating the effectiveness of personnel policy, both quantitative and qualitative indicators are taken into account. List them:

Priority of human and intellectual potentials in working with people

The degree of implementation of the company's personnel policy, the use of resources allocated for the target tasks of this policy

Attention to the problem of personnel policy on the part of the highest bodies of the company

Degree of information support

The accepted style of work of the top managers of the company with people

The degree of cohesion and qualifications (in matters of personnel management) of the management team

Specific efficiency of personnel decisions

Satisfaction of employees with the existing corporate system of labor organization and social relations

Achieving a specific end result

Leadership ability to plan

Availability of own rules for the execution of personnel orders and decisions on time and at a certain quality level

Section III. Personnel planning.

HR planning- this is a purposeful activity for training personnel, ensuring the development of personnel, calculating its professional and qualification structure, establishing general and additional needs, and monitoring its use.

Personnel planning is an essential element of the organization's overall planning system.

HR planning principles:

participation of the maximum number of employees of the organization;

· succession;



harmonization of plans through their coordination and integration;

Compliance with the requirements of labor legislation;

accounting for the individual and collective psychology of workers;

creation of the necessary conditions for the implementation of the plan;

maximum disclosure of the abilities of employees;

Accounting for economic and social impacts.

Personnel planning is carried out using various methods.

Exercise. List the main planning methods and reveal their essence. Show the advantages and disadvantages of these methods. What methods of determining staffing needs would you recommend to a large commercial bank, McDonald's, ATC?

Quantitative planning methods:

Budgetary: a table is built that reflects the receipt and expenditure of resources;

Balance: drawing up a system of balances;

Normative: the use of standards (number, manageability);

Statistical: use of statistics from previous periods and other enterprises;

Extrapolations: projecting the current situation into future periods of time

Qualitative planning methods:

Expert assessments;

Group assessments (brainstorming);

Delphi method (expert and group);

SWOT analysis;

computer models

For a large commercial bank, the budget method is most suitable in combination with the use of computer models.

For McDonald's, you can offer a SWOT analysis, an extrapolation method.

The most suitable methods for ATC are statistical and budgetary.

The indicators used in planning are divided into: approved and calculated, natural and cost, absolute and relative, quantitative and qualitative. For analysis and planning, as well as assessing the competitiveness of the organization, a system of labor indicators is used.

Exercise. Provide an approximate list of indicators for labor and enter in the table.

Name of indicator unit of measurement Characteristics of the indicator
1. General economic indicators (list)
Labor productivity Sales volume Wage level Piece Piece Ruble Shows the efficiency of work and organization of labor Characterizes the general position of the company Characterizes labor costs
2. Personnel indicators (list)
Share of employees with higher education Share of employees with various qualifications Number of managers Percent Percent Person Characterizes the level of education of the staff Characterizes the level of professional skills of the staff Characterizes the management structure
3. Staff costs (list)
Expenses for recruitment and adaptation of staff Expenses for professional training and retraining Expenses for cultural events Ruble Ruble Ruble Characterizes the attention of the enterprise to new employees Characterizes the work to improve professional level personnel Characterizes the attention of the enterprise to the social aspects of labor
4. Working conditions (list)
Salary level and social package Workplace organization Working hours Ruble - - Characterizes the material side of labor Characterizes the level of comfort and compliance of the workplace with the requirements for it Characterizes the temporal aspects of labor

Personnel planning is carried out in various time frames. List HR planning levels:

1. strategic

2. tactical

3. operational


General staffing requirement is the basic requirement determined by the volume of production and the additional requirement

Additional staffing requirement- this is the difference between the total need and the availability of personnel at the beginning of the billing period

Situation "Planning to attract personnel"

Description of the situation. It is necessary to draw up an operational plan for working with personnel at OJSC Kalugaputmash. One of the sections of this plan is the section "Planning to attract personnel." The analysis showed that the organization is experiencing an additional need for staff.

Formulation of the problem. Determine which internal and external sources are expected to meet the need for staff in the planned year, disclose the advantages and disadvantages of sources and determine specific staffing needs.


The sources of meeting the need for personnel are given in the table.

Workforce recruitment planning

Ensuring the need for labor force at the expense of the employees of the enterprise Systematic monitoring of the labor market Specific measures to attract labor Recruitment
Release due to changes in the structural, technological, organizational, social nature, as well as production capacities Relocations for the purpose of internal exchange of experience Appointment of young specialists to higher positions Constant contacts with: a) state labor authorities (informing intermediaries about your enterprise); b) schools, vocational schools, secondary specialized educational institutions, special higher educational institutions, universities (informing about your company) Sending applications for the necessary workforce to government labor administrations and educational institutions Studying job search advertisements, publishing your own advertisements, studying the press depending on the goals and region Involving HR specialists Examination of written job applications and pre-selection Employment interview Employment with a trial period

Covering the need for personnel at the expense of the employees of the enterprise is useful because there is no need to spend efforts to attract new employees, their registration and adaptation. Current employees are already familiar with the situation at the enterprise and with the work itself. But it is unlikely that it will be possible to fully cover the need for personnel from internal sources. It can also lead to an overburdening of existing staff.

Hiring new people through the labor exchange and educational institutions will help cover the need for staff, new employees will receive low wages. But it will be necessary to spend the costs of their design and adaptation, professional additional training, which will take some time.

A targeted search for employees who already have the required experience and qualifications will attract highly qualified specialists, but this method requires additional time and costs for search and selection.

Exercise. Make a description of the position of the head of the group for the promotion of the goods of Elmat OJSC according to the following scheme.

August 23, 2014 HR manager. "Persona Profi" LLC

Case for managers on optimizing the system of work with personnel in project companies

Description of the situation in case 1

Organization characteristics:

1 Activity profile: the company is engaged in the automation of the activities of companies based on 1C programs, in terms of accounting and trading operations. Number of personnel: 2 thousand people. Time on the market: more than 10 years.

General situation: The company has a network of regional centers and is currently in the TOP 5 companies involved in accounting automation at enterprises based on 1C platforms. Work with personnel in the organization is established.

Currently, the company's strategy is subject to revision, since the owner has set the task of bringing the company to the TOP 10 in the IT services market. The structure of the company is based on the holding principle: the management company forms the strategy and coordinates its implementation. Branches are completely autonomous and independently organize their activities. Work in their divisions is carried out according to the design principle. The subdivisions are formed according to the directions of implementation of automated accounting.

Most employees spend 90 to 100% of their time working at the customer's premises. At the same time, employees of different departments practically do not interact, and some do not even know each other. Being busy with a specific project, they are practically unaware of other projects implemented and being implemented by the company and its development strategy as a whole.

In terms of internal work with personnel, the general policy of the company, evaluation criteria for selection, etc. are determined by the HR department of the management company.

Actually, the selection personnel office work and adaptation is carried out by HR specialists in branches, each of which has its own 1C software training center. There are no courses at which employees of different branches would be jointly trained in the company.

With the adoption of the new strategy, the number of projects implemented by the company will increase, and their complexity will increase. At the same time, there are clearly not enough specialists in the company who are ready to manage projects. Since the services it provides are specific, it is advisable to involve employees who have worked in the company for at least three years as project managers.

Case Objective 1

It is necessary to help the director of personnel to provide the company with a sufficient number of competent project managers in the face of changes in the company's strategy, an increase in the number of projects and the expansion of their topics.

Description of the situation in case 2

Organization characteristics:

2 Business profile: sale of developed software to automate the activities of companies in document management, innovation, idea management within the organization, etc. Staff: 120 people. Market life: 6 years.

General situation: The company operates successfully in the market, has large clients with a branch network. Activities are organized according to the project principle. At the moment, the company is developing rapidly: it has won tenders for the implementation of several large projects. The operational management of projects is carried out by the company's managers, who are also the owners.

Case Objective 2

Assignment: The head of the personnel department was given the task of thinking over a new system for appointing the position of "project manager" and a new system for working with personnel.

Solutions for cases 1 and 2

  • Invite an external specialist and conduct business training for current and potential project managers on the topic "Project Management" in order to increase overall work efficiency and strengthen the company's human resource potential in the implementation of new projects and strategies.
  • Develop a system of certification of personnel whose work with the customer is organized according to the design principle. Annually conduct certification and, based on its results, appoint project managers.
  • Develop a system for evaluating candidates for the position of project manager. As assessment methods, use a professional test, a 360-degree assessment (managers, subordinates, colleagues), an assessment of clients or partners, an interview with a manager.
  • Introduce a system for the formation and implementation of professional development plans (PDP), drawn up based on the results of evaluation procedures.
  • Include learning activities, internships and self-development activities in the PDP.
  • implement automated system employee interaction (an intranet shell), including work plans, project implementation stages for each of the customers, reporting, company news, courses for self-study and advanced training, forums for the exchange of experience, online consultations.
  • Organize a system of staff internships, in which project employees could expand their experience in working on projects of varying complexity and structure under the guidance of more experienced colleagues.
  • Develop a system for the formation and development of a personnel reserve, a system for working with personnel, which will include personnel assessment, selection of candidates for the positions of project managers, training and development activities for reservists.
  • Introduce a system of open competitions for the position of "project manager". Post information about the competition in both internal and external sources.
  • Form a base of all those who want to take this position. With those who do not pass the competition, carry out individual work to develop the required skills and increase knowledge. Constantly post the vacancy "project manager" on the websites of professional associations and form a bank of candidates. Attract those from the external market for the implementation of individual projects in the status of a co-leader to assess the possibility of permanent cooperation. Identify the criteria for determining a successful project manager and, in accordance with them, ensure the involvement of ready-made personnel from the labor market.
  • Form a system of internal exchange of experience and innovations through the development of intranet forums and teleconferences. Organize schools for the exchange of experience to ensure the involvement of personnel in the active life of the company. Create a permanent seminar for project managers. Quarterly (according to the schedule) to gather them all on the basis of one of the training centers to discuss topical issues of project management in the company.
  • Create a system of a single personnel reserve of the company and introduce the rotation of project managers between branches. Improve work with personnel in the organization.
  • Develop a competition for project managers. To summarize its results publicly, with a presentation of the best projects. According to the developed system, to develop or select and combine education and training courses into a system, to which potentially capable candidates are sent for training. During a series of group discussions of the management team, develop criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of an employee holding the position of project manager.

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1.1 Concepts of personnel management

1.2 Personnel policy

1.3 Recruitment

1.4 Personnel assessment

1.5 Staffing

1.6 Adaptation of personnel

1.7 Staff training

2.1 Philosophy of the organization

2.2 Staff structure

2.3 Management regulation

2.4 Scientific organization of labor

2.5 Fundamentals of leadership

2.6 Team building

3.2 Staff compensation

3.4 Communication and etiquette

Used Books


1. Personnel management system

1.1 The concept of personnel management

The labor market is a set of socio-economic relations between the state, employers and employees on the issues of buying and selling labor, training workers and using them in the production process.

The labor market is a set of socio-economic relations regarding the recruitment, training and use of labor resources.

Under labor resources is understood as the working-age population of both sexes, with the exception of non-working war and labor invalids and persons receiving an old-age pension on preferential terms, as well as persons of a disabled age employed in the economy.

The concept of "staff" combines the constituent parts of the labor collective of the organization (performing production or management operations and engaged in the processing of objects of labor using the means of labor).

Consider the relationship of subsystems of work with personnel with the regulatory documents of the organization (Fig. 1). The data are presented on the example of the logistics company Vector LLC. On the image in green used documents are highlighted, yellow - to one degree or another, red - absent.

1.2. Personnel policy

The personnel policy determines the general line and fundamental principles in working with personnel for the long term and finds expression in the form of administrative and moral standards behavior of employees in the enterprise.

Leadership style refers to the way in which a manager interacts with subordinates. There are: authoritarian, democratic, liberal and mixed styles.

Rice. 1. The relationship of subsystems of work with personnel with the regulatory documents of the organization.

Characterizing the type of leadership at the enterprise under consideration, it can be attributed to the authoritarian style. This is manifested in the following: The leader always makes decisions on his own, an adherent of formal strict discipline and strict routine, considers punishment the main method of stimulation.

Consider the basic principles of working with personnel used in the organization in question (Table 1.)

Table 1. Principles of work with personnel.



The control system easily adapts to the changing goals of the control object and its operating conditions


Rational autonomy of structural units is ensured with the division of rights and responsibilities


Managers work in close contact with each other, participating in the development of the most important decisions

Temporary retirement of individual employees does not interrupt the work of the organization, each employee can perform the functions of other employees of his level


There are separate divisions specializing in the performance of homogeneous management functions

Fair remuneration

It is based on payment based on the results of individual and collective work with compensation for the cost of labor.

1.3 Recruitment

Recruitment is a process of selecting suitable candidates for vacancies based on the available pool of personnel at the labor exchange and at the enterprise.

The professional selection of personnel includes the following stages: the creation of a personnel commission, the formation of requirements for jobs, the announcement of a competition in the media, the assessment of the psychological stability of candidates, a comprehensive assessment of candidates by rating and the formation of a final list, the conclusion of a personnel commission to select a candidate for a vacant position, approval in the position, conclusion of an employment contract, execution and submission to the personnel department of the candidate's personnel documents.

The interview with a potential candidate for a vacant position is now decisive in hiring. There are several interview methods: British, German, American, Chinese method.

At the enterprise in question, the interview with potential candidates takes place in two stages, which makes it possible to more accurately determine and evaluate the capabilities and abilities of each candidate. At the first stage, the British method is applied - i.e. personal conversation of members of the personnel commission with the applicant. Based on the results of the first stage, a number of suitable candidates for filling a vacant position are determined. At the second stage of the interview, the Chinese method is applied: all successful candidates are sent a series of tasks related to their position, which must be solved. Further, the commission considers and evaluates the completed tasks, determining the most suitable candidate, with whom an employment contract is subsequently concluded.

An important role for the reliable functioning of the enterprise is played by the formation of a reserve of personnel - this is a part of the personnel undergoing systematic training to occupy related jobs of higher qualification.

Analysis of the situation "Trust, but verify".

1. The main conclusion of the situation under consideration lies in the title itself. It is impossible to build relationships in a team on trust alone, there must always be clear control by the management over the activities of the staff, no matter how close relations within the team would be.

2. In my opinion, the director of the company in this situation should do the following: firstly, try to resolve financial issues with Sergei amicably. If Sergey refuses to give back the money, then the director probably has only one way to return the money, since the facts of theft are obvious and confirmed by the audit, he can recover money from Sergey in court.

3. As for personnel decisions, I would do the following: dismiss Sergei under the article, legal adviser Maria, secretary Natalya and bodyguard Evgeny - offer to resign of their own free will, and to the deputy. Directors Vladimir and chief accountant Irina apply disciplinary sanctions.

4. To prevent such situations, the accounting department of the enterprise must strictly follow the established rules for working with documents, as well as not sign empty forms and strictly check and control all the numbers indicated in the documents.

1.4 Personnel assessment

Personnel assessment is carried out to determine the suitability of an employee for a vacant or occupied workplace, and can be performed in three ways: assessment of the employee's potential, assessment of the individual contribution of the employee and certification of personnel.

The main assessment methods include: source study, interviewing, questioning, sociological survey, observation, testing, expert assessments, critical incident, business game, analysis specific situations, ranking, exam and others.

The enterprise under consideration uses methods for assessing personnel in the form of an exam and a business game. The employee is presented with a number of specific production situations for analysis and development of actions to address these situations. Thus, the professional knowledge and skills of the employee are checked, and the best options for action in the situations under consideration are developed.

Certification is a form of comprehensive assessment of personnel, based on the results of which decisions are made on further career growth, relocation or dismissal of an employee.

Out wide known methods certification of managerial personnel, the most appropriate is an integrated method, which is based on a combination of original methods: brainstorming, questioning, comparative analysis, sociological survey and expert assessments.

Based on the results of filling out the "Attestation" questionnaire, an estimated score of 135 points was obtained. This assessment shows sufficiently good professional qualities of the certified person and confirms the compliance with the position held, or the employee can be transferred to an equivalent position.

1.5 Staffing

The placement of personnel ensures effective replacement of jobs based on the results of a comprehensive assessment, planned service career, conditions and remuneration of personnel.

There are four main career models:

- "springboard" - the life path of an employee consists of a long climb up the career ladder with a gradual increase in his potential, experience and qualifications;

- "ladder" - each step of a career represents a specific position that an employee occupies for a fixed time, but not more than 5 years, after occupying the highest position, a systematic descent down the career ladder begins;

- "snake" - provides for the horizontal movement of an employee from one position to another by appointment with each occupation for a short time (1-2 years);

- "crossroads" - involves, after a certain fixed or variable period of work, the manager or specialist undergoes a comprehensive assessment (certification), based on the results of which a decision is made to promote, move or demote.

Career planning consists in choosing typical career models for various stages of an employee's life path and combining them with personal development and the strategic interests of an organization for personnel development.

Table 2 presents a career plan.

Table 2. Career plan.


Way of taking office




Education at the institute under the program of higher education

Logistics manager


2-month course in Logistics

The head of logistic department


2-month advanced training courses

Competitive substitution

2-year MBA program

Enterprise Director

Election or appointment

2-week annual training at the Institute of Management

Deputy director of the enterprise


Director's Advisor


Monthly courses at the Institute of Management

Analysis of the situation "Conflict"

Analyzing the presented situation, we can say that the director of the research institute acted in the only possible way. When there is an alternative - to increase the salary of employees, but at the same time jeopardize the further activities of the organization or direct all efforts to preserve the organization, then the choice is obvious. The mistake was made earlier when it was promised an unsecured salary increase. The leader must always measure his promises with the capabilities of the organization, not only based on the results of previous periods, but also in the future. He must see and evaluate the situation in the future, this is where the talent of a leader lies.

1.6 Adaptation of personnel

Personnel adaptation is the process of adapting the team to changing conditions of external and internal environment organizations.

Adaptation of the worker is the adaptation of the individual to the workplace and the workforce.

One of the most interesting types of adaptation is the adaptation of young professionals. There are two main forms of adaptation of young professionals: mentoring and counseling.

Mentoring is a process in which one person (mentor) is responsible for the promotion and development of another person (novice or mentee) outside of the normal manager-subordinate relationship. Characteristics of a mentor include: a strong motivation to help others develop, significant and recognized experience in skills, the ability to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the mentee and formulate actions to develop or correct them, knowledge of the interests, abilities and desires of their subordinates, giving confidence to subordinates and expect the same from them.

Counseling - individual advice for individual worker and enabling him to find ways to solve a problem or reduce his anxiety about problems in areas that matter to him. Counseling requires the leader's attention, understanding, analysis, interpretation, and reaction in order to make the learning process successful for both the novice and the counselor.

I think that best form adaptation of young professionals for the organization in question is mentoring. The use of this method would contribute to a more flexible entry of a new employee into the scope of the duties performed, would avoid many "pitfalls" and production errors "due to inexperience", as well as informal relationships with a mentor will allow you to more smoothly integrate into the team.

1.7 Staff training

Education is one of the most important subsystems of the social sphere of the state, which ensures the process of obtaining by a person systematized knowledge, skills and abilities in order to effective use in professional activity. Training of workers and employees includes four main types:

Vocational training - there is primary, secondary and higher (training period from 1 to 6 years):

Advanced training - is carried out at professional courses, at schools of managers, faculties of advanced training (from 1 day to 6 months);

Retraining of personnel - is carried out in educational institutions where employees master the second specialty (from 6 to 24 months);

Postgraduate professional education - is carried out to obtain the highest professional or scientific qualification in postgraduate or doctoral studies (training period 2 - 4 years).

1. Make sure you have a license to provide educational services.

2. View the prospectus of the educational institution, the program of the curriculum.

3. Check the availability and condition of the training base.

4. Get to know the teaching staff.

5. Find out if there is a handout (books, textbooks, manuals).

6. Find out what document about education graduates receive (diploma, certificate, certificate, certificate).

7. Determine the total cost of training.

8. Make a summary table for several educational institutions and choose the best option.

In the first chapter, the system of work with personnel was considered, in particular, the concept of personnel management, elements of personnel policy, methods for assessing, adapting and training personnel were considered, a career plan was developed

2. Organization of work with personnel

2.1 Philosophy of the organization

The philosophy of the organization is a set of intra-company principles and rules for the relationship of workers and employees, a kind of system of values ​​and beliefs, perceived voluntarily or in the process of education by all the staff of the organization. This is a kind of "moral code of conduct in the organization."

1. The purpose of the organization is the implementation of quality services for the delivery of goods by car. The criteria for achieving the goal are:

Profit maximization from all types of activities,

Reducing the cost of works and services,

Improving the quality of services,

Maximization of income and living standards of employees.

2. Declaration of the employee's rights. Each person is guaranteed the following rights: personal and civil rights of an employee, social rights, the right to labor protection, the right to fair remuneration, the right to leave, the right to protect one's interests, rights and freedoms, the right to education.

3. Encouragements and prohibitions.

The organization encourages the initiative of employees aimed at: saving material, energy and information resources, improving the quality of work and services, improving skills and growth professional knowledge and skills of employees.

The organization is prohibited from: disclosing information constituting a trade secret, drinking drinks in work time and appearing at work under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

4. Working conditions. The organization provides each employee with comfortable working conditions in an office equipped with modern furniture and equipment, free access to a computer and office equipment, use of a business phone.

5. Pay. The organization has adopted a time-based bonus system of remuneration, which consists of the following elements: basic salary, remuneration for the final result achieved, bonus for the main results, material assistance.

6. Social benefits. The list of social benefits used by the organization includes: partial compensation for food expenses during the working day, travel and representation expenses, gifts for anniversaries, payment of expenses in case of a wedding or the birth of a child.

7. Social guarantees. Each employee is guaranteed the following social rights: annual paid leave of 28 calendar days, payment of sick leave in case of temporary disability or injury in the manner prescribed by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

2.2 Staff structure

The organizational structure is the composition and subordination of interconnected management links. It is presented in the form of a scheme reflecting the totality of structural units and administrative links between them.

The organizational structure of Vector LLC is shown in fig. 2.

The functional structure reflects the division of management functions between management and individual units.

The role structure of the team characterizes the division of team members into creative, communication and behavioral roles.

The social structure characterizes labor collective according to social indicators (sex, age, profession and qualifications, nationality, education, etc.).

The staffing structure determines the composition of the unit and the list of positions, the size of official salaries and the payroll.

Rice. 2. Organizational structure of Vector LLC

We will develop a matrix for the distribution of management functions among the departments of the organization (Table 3.).

Table 3. Matrix of distribution of control functions.

Function name


Beginning logistics department

Beginning sales department

Ch. accountant

Enterprise development strategy management

Organization of the management system

Financial and Accounting Management

Marketing Management

Transport management

Service Quality Management

Management of foreign economic activity

2.3 Management regulation

The regulation is a set of rules that determine the procedure for the activities of a state body, enterprise, institution and organization, as well as the procedure for holding meetings and conferences.

The internal labor regulations regulate the procedure for hiring and dismissing employees, work and rest time, the main duties of employees and administration, incentives and penalties, as well as issues of disclosure of official and commercial information.

Regulations on structural divisions determine the purpose and place of the division in the enterprise, the main functions and tasks of management, the rights, responsibilities and forms of incentives for employees of the division.

The job description is the main document regulating the appointment and place of the employee in the management system, his functional duties, rights, responsibilities and forms of encouragement.

1. The dispatcher belongs to the category of specialists.

2. A person who has a secondary vocational education without presenting requirements for work experience or initial vocational education and work experience in operational regulation of the management (production) process for at least 3 years, including at least 1 year at this enterprise, is appointed to the position of a dispatcher.

3. Appointment to the position of a dispatcher and dismissal from it is carried out by order of the director of the enterprise.

4. The dispatcher must know:

4.1. Normative legal acts, teaching materials on issues of production planning and operational management of production.

4.2. Organization of production planning and dispatching at the enterprise.

4.3. Facilities computer science, communications and connections.

4.4. Fundamentals of economics, organization of labor and management.

4.5. Internal labor regulations.

4.6. Rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

5. The dispatcher reports directly to the head of the logistics department.

II. Dispatcher Responsibilities:

1. Carries out, using means of computer technology, communications and communications, the operational regulation of transportation and other types of core activities of the enterprise or its divisions in accordance with production programs, calendar plans and shift-daily tasks.

2. Takes measures to prevent and eliminate violations, involving, if necessary, the relevant services of the enterprise.

3. Maintains a dispatch log, draw up reports and other technical documentation on the progress of production.

III. Dispatcher rights:

1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise relating to its activities.

2. Submit proposals for the management to improve the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this job description.

3. Request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor from the heads of departments of the enterprise and specialists information and documents necessary for the performance of his duties.

IV. Responsibility

1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - to the extent determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

An employment contract is an agreement between the administration and the accepted employee. It contains the procedure for hiring, organizing work and rest time, characterizing business and moral qualities, remuneration and labor incentives, social benefits and guarantees, the procedure for extending and terminating the contract.

2.4 Scientific organization of labor

The workplace is a spatial zone equipped with technical means where labor activity workers who share work or operations.

The organization of the workplace is a set of measures to equip the workplace with the means and objects of labor and their placement in a certain order.

Work area - part of the space of the workplace, limited extreme points the reach of the hands and feet of the worker with a shift of one or two steps from the conditional center of the workplace.

Layout of workplaces - layouts of employees, furniture and technical equipment in the room.

The passport (standard project) of the workplace includes the following sections: purpose and General characteristics, workplace layout, furniture equipment and technical means, functional responsibilities (basic elements of work), methods and techniques of work, remuneration, organization of services, regulatory documentation, loading of the workplace (rationing), labor protection and safety.

Since the passport of the workplace is a rather voluminous document, and many of its provisions are reflected in sufficient detail in other sections of the work, we will present here only the main provisions of the developed document regarding equipment and technical means.

The dispatcher's workplace includes a comfortable office chair and computer desk, equipped with a modern computer with Internet access, laser printers and a landline telephone. Other than a landline phone workplace The dispatcher has the following means of communication: a mobile phone, as well as electronic communication channels via the Internet (icq, skype).

Target planning - setting life goals, developing criteria for achieving them and drawing up work plans for the organization as a whole and individual employees.

The manager's personal work technique involves the use of labor mechanization tools: a calendar, an "organizer", a time manager (TM), an electronic notebook (EZK), a computer system.

Labor rate-an established measure of labor costs for the manufacture or production of a unit of output.

Depending on the research methods used, all normalization methods are divided into four main groups.

1. The microelement rationing method is based on the division of managerial work into very small labor operations and timekeeping.

2. The method of analytical rationing is based on the division of managerial work into elements of the cost structure of working time and timing of time costs.

3. The method of statistical normalization -- consists in collecting data on labor costs or the number of personnel for a set of organizations of the same type and deriving standards using statistical methods.

4. The method of expert rationing is based on expert estimates of labor costs for groups of identical management tasks and basic organizations.

2.5 Fundamentals of leadership

Leadership is a key tool for improving the efficiency of production management and is considered as a certain set of qualities, styles and types of behavior of leaders and approaches to solving situations. Leadership is built on management relationships such as "leader - follower" and "boss - subordinate" and is a specific method of managerial influence based on a combination of power, production interests and encouraging people to achieve common goals.

Management is the process of influencing groups of people in order to effectively coordinate their actions in production. Leadership does not replace management and does not exist outside of it, but complements management in cases where traditional management methods do not give high results and do not allow you to effectively achieve your goal.

A manager is a person who directs the work of others and is personally responsible for its results. The leader, on the other hand, inspires people and inspires enthusiasm in employees, conveying his vision of the future to them, helping them adapt to the new and go through the stage of change.

The theory of leadership qualities (“great people”, “charisma”) comes from the possibility of defining universal set leadership qualities (physiological, psychological, intellectual and personal), which allow you to form groups of followers to solve problematic problems. This theory is based on the deification of leaders, but it does not explain the success of leaders with a different set of qualities.

The concept of leadership behavior states that the effectiveness of a leader is determined by the manner of behavior in achieving results and the style of leadership in relation to subordinates, the possibility of psychological influence on people to achieve goals, and depends on the orientation of the leader to work or a person.

Situational Leadership - Leadership behavior can be different in different situations. The situational approach to the study of leadership examines the interaction of various situational variables in order to discover a causal relationship in leadership relationships, which makes it possible to predict the leader's possible behavior and the consequences of this behavior.

Working with a "difficult" leader requires knowledge of the types of leaders, their strengths and weaknesses, technologies for dealing with various types of "difficult" leaders, as well as methods for adapting subordinates.

2.6 Team building

A social group is a relatively stable collection of people with common interests, values ​​and norms of behavior, which is formed within the framework of a historically defined society. There are large, medium and small social groups.

In management theory, it is customary to divide groups into formal and informal. The essential difference between a formal group is that it is always created at the initiative of the administration and is included as a subdivision in organizational structure and staffing enterprises. Informal groups are freely formed small social groups of people who enter into regular interactions based on their interests in order to achieve certain goals.

The most important signs of people joining informal groups: belonging, help, protection, communication, sympathy.

The team is an average social group that unites people engaged in solving specific problems, based on common goals, principles of cooperation, a combination of individual and group interests and working at the same enterprise.

There are seven stages in the development of the team: grinding, "palace" coup, effectiveness, efficiency, skill, aging, death.

Creating an effective team is inevitably associated with the need to determine the relationship between the elements of uniformity and diversity in the team. In this case, you need to be able to combine obviously incompatible things.

The effective work of the team is limited by the discrepancy between the leader and the team, unskilled and non-developing employees, poor socio-psychological climate, vagueness of goals and work criteria, and low performance of the team.

We examined the theoretical foundations of the organization of work with personnel, including: the philosophy of the organization, the structure and regulation of management, the scientific organization of labor, the basics of leadership and team building, a matrix for the distribution of management functions and a job description for a dispatcher was developed.

3. Motivation, pay and efficiency

3.1 Motivation and needs of staff

Motivation is commonly understood as the process of inducing a person to act in order to achieve goals. The motivation process includes 4 stages:

The emergence of a need;

Developing a strategy and finding ways to meet needs;

Determination of tactics of activity and phased implementation of actions;

Satisfying needs and receiving material or spiritual rewards.

Needs are the need for something that is objectively necessary to maintain the life and development of an organism, personality, social group.

Incentives are of great importance in meeting the needs - this is the motivation for action or the reason for human behavior. There are four main forms of incentives: coercion, material incentives, moral encouragement, self-affirmation.

A brief analysis of the main foreign theories of motivation, as well as the possibility of their application in the organization under consideration, is presented in Table. 4.

Table 4. Analysis of foreign theories of motivation.

Elements of motivation theory

a brief description of

Human motives are dominated by biological needs, a person tries to avoid work, not to take responsibility. Constant supervision by management is required.

This concept is not applicable in the organization because the contingent of personnel does not meet the criteria described in the theory. This theory can be used in conveyor production.

The motives of people are dominated by social needs, a person can perceive work as a source of satisfaction or punishment, depending on the working conditions; he is ready to take responsibility and strives for it.

This theory is hardly applicable in modern Russian conditions, since it is designed primarily for the advanced creatively active part of society, which is currently not large.

People's motives combine social and biological needs, people prefer to work in a group and have stable activity goals for a long period.

Historically, the enterprise used elements of this theory of motivation. However, recently, due to the difficult economic situation, the change of owners, all previously developed and applied motivation programs are leaving. Which, in my opinion, is a rash decision and will negatively affect the work of the organization in the future.

Maslow's theory

Allocates 5 groups of needs: physiological, security, belonging to a social group, recognition and respect, self-expression. The progress of a person from need to need goes from bottom to top.

The organization uses elements of this theory of motivation, but with a greater bias towards meeting the primary needs of the staff. In my opinion, this is not entirely correct; more attention should be paid to the development of secondary needs.

Adams' theory of justice

The company uses elements of this theory in the form of keeping secret the amounts of remuneration received by employees. However, this is ineffective, because it causes additional suspicions in people, often from scratch.

From the point of view of personnel management, the social typology of a person's personality is of great importance, which is based on three components:

I want - reflects the material and moral needs of the individual, the internal motivation of a person and is the driving force in all spheres of human activity.

I know - characterizes the mental potential of a person in the form of accumulated hypotheses, models, schemes of theories.

I know how - shows the rational experience of a person in the form of a set of techniques, skills, techniques.

With regard to the organization under consideration, we can say that the management of the organization belongs to the category “I want, I know, I can”. If we consider ordinary employees, then two types of personality will probably prevail here: “I want, I know, I can’t” and “I want, I don’t know, I can”.

The quality of working life is the most important condition for the growth of labor productivity, based on the growth of material needs and the concept of the comprehensive development of the individual.

The quality of working life includes the following groups of indicators: labor collective, remuneration, workplace, management of the organization, career, social guarantees and social benefits.

3.2 Staff compensation

Under salary is understood as the price of labor power, corresponding to the cost of consumer goods and services that ensure the reproduction of labor power, satisfying the material and spiritual needs of the worker and his family members.

AT modern theory Organizations of labor distinguish the following main systems of remuneration:

The tariff system is a set of standards that regulate the wages of various categories of personnel. The constituent elements of the tariff system are tariff rates, qualification categories, official salaries, qualification categories, ETSK, KSDS.

The tariff-free system is a flexible remuneration system based on the use of qualification level coefficients that take into account the profession, qualifications, experience of the employee and, most importantly, his contribution to the final results of production. In fact, there is a rejection of permanent labor standards and a rigid tariff system.

Piecework wages - provides for wages based on the actual amount of work performed in natural meters (units of finished products) and established wage standards (rates) per unit of finished products. There are several types of individual, collective, direct piecework, piecework premium, piecework chord, chord premium.

Time wages are used in cases where it is not possible to normalize labor costs or wages are calculated based on the number of hours worked and the qualifications of the employee, determined using the tariff rate or official salary. Allocate: individual, collective, direct time-based, time-bonus and salary-bonus forms of remuneration.

Labor bonuses are an additional form of remuneration of personnel, along with wages, paid if the planned results are achieved by the enterprise as a whole and its specific unit.

The total salary for time payment consists of three main components:

The basic salary includes the established official salary, calculated from the actual hours worked.

Additional salary contains various additional payments and compensations for unfavourable conditions labor, combination of professions, for class, academic degree, title, etc.

The bonus for the main results of economic activity is paid when certain final results are achieved: an increase in production volumes, the presence of a balance sheet and net profit etc.

The main regulatory document of the organization that regulates the forms, systems, standards and wage rates for the main categories of managers, specialists, employees and workers is the Regulation on wages.

Payroll regulations designed to base organization presented in Appendix 1.

As part of the regulation on remuneration, the main sections are distinguished by types and form of payment (tariff, time, piecework, bonus) and categories of workers.

The regulation on remuneration is regulated by state laws (Tax Codes of the Russian Federation, Labor Code RF), regional peculiarities in payment and economic opportunities of the organization (revenue, wage fund, profit).

Analysis of the situation "Percentage of remuneration".

In the case presented, it describes conflict situation, which arose at the enterprise as a result of inflated, unreasonable ambitions of one of the employees of the organization (Vladimir). Vladimir, who achieved significant success in his work and was appointed commercial director, demanded additional rewards for himself for the development and implementation of the development program commercial activities enterprises. In essence, the implementation of these activities is the direct official duties of the commercial director, for which he receives his remuneration. In my opinion, elementary greed of the employee takes place here. No matter how much he receives, these amounts will always be insufficient for him and he will demand more. In my opinion, the director did the right thing. You can’t follow the lead of such an employee, even with very valuable ideas, because this will lead the situation to a dead end and as a result everyone will be dissatisfied. The only reasonable way to resolve this conflict was to dismiss this employee because, on the one hand, Vladimir did not do his job properly, and the director could not satisfy his inflated ambitions.

3.3 Personnel management methods

Management methods are ways of implementing managerial influences on personnel in order to achieve the goals of production management. There are administrative, economic, sociological and psychological methods, which differ in ways of influencing people.

Administrative methods are based on power, discipline and penalties, known in history as the “whip method”. There are five main ways of administrative impact: organizational impact, administrative impact, disciplinary responsibility and penalties, liability and penalties, administrative liability and penalties.

Administrative methods of management are a powerful lever for achieving the set goals in cases where it is necessary to subordinate the team and direct it to solving specific management problems. The ideal condition for their effectiveness is a high level of management regulation and labor discipline, when management actions without significant distortions are implemented by lower levels of management.

However, the unpreparedness of the directors' corps to work in market conditions of management, the lack of a clear strategy for the development of the organization and modern marketing, as well as the low level corporate culture led to the emergence of a negative administrative impact on the team and a decrease in the overall effect of the use of administrative methods.

Economic methods are a way of implementing control actions on personnel based on the use of economic laws, known as the “carrot method”. Economic methods include: planned management of the economy, economic accounting, wages, labor, market pricing, securities, tax system, forms of ownership, phases of social reproduction, factors of production.

Sociological methods are based on ways to motivate social impact on people through the "opinion of the team". The following methods are distinguished: social planning, sociological research methods, personal qualities, morality, partnership, competition, communication, negotiations, conflict.

Psychological methods are based on knowledge of human psychology, his inner spiritual world and are known as the "method of persuasion". In the process of concrete solution of managerial problems, it is very useful to organize effective communications and use a combination of various management methods that allow taking into account "other people's mistakes" and provide ways to solve economic and personnel problems. The main elements of psychological methods include: psychological planning, branches of psychology, personality types, temperament, character traits, personality orientation, intellectual abilities, methods of cognition, psychological images, methods of psychological influence, behavior, feelings, emotions and stresses.

The main feature of psychological methods is the appeal to the inner world of a person, his personality, intellect, feelings, images and behavior in order to direct the inner potential of a person to solve specific problems of the organization.

3.4 Communication and etiquette

Communication is a way of communicating and transmitting information from person to person in the form of oral and written messages, body language and speech parameters. People communicate through verbal and non-verbal communications.

Verbal communications are realized through oral and written messages. Non-verbal is a language of communication understood by all people through body movements, facial expressions, posture and pupil.

Negotiation is a process of exchanging views to reach an agreement on a specific issue (signing a contract, obtaining investment, hiring staff). Negotiations include three main stages: negotiation preparation, negotiation process and analysis of results.

The negotiation process can be greatly facilitated by a good command of negotiation techniques, which include:

Exclusion of a negative assessment,



Note during the conversation

active listening,




Further development of thoughts

Description of your emotional state

Description of the emotional state of the partner,

Summarizing intermediate results.

Secular etiquette is the generally accepted rules of behavior for people in society. It includes the rules of acquaintance and introduction, behavior at home, on the street and in the living room, recommendations on clothing, behavior at the table, and small talk.

A presentation is an official presentation of a person or organization to the general public. There are types of presentations - personal and organization. For the presentation, a business and cultural program is developed and presentation documents are prepared.

3.5 Staff performance

In economic theory, efficiency is determined based on the goals set as a function of the results achieved and the resources spent on it. The indicator of economic efficiency is calculated as the ratio of the resulting savings to the cost of its creation.

The effectiveness of the organization's work according to the BOERO method is calculated as the ratio of actually achieved criteria indicators to the basic values ​​of the final results of activities, correlated with each other using weight coefficients and incentive functions with a standard value of efficiency equal to 100 points.

Indicators of economic efficiency (final results), quality and productivity of labor, social efficiency of personnel activities are taken as criteria for the effectiveness of the work of personnel.

KTV evaluates the individual contribution of the employee to the results achieved over a certain period of time based on the comparison of achievements and omissions in work relative to normative value coefficient for good performance, equal to one.

The assessment methodology for the KTV allows you to objectively distribute the bonus fund (bonuses) and additional wages (remuneration) based on a quantitative assessment of the achieved results of work for a specific period of time.

Tables 5 and 6 present the calculation of the distribution of the premium for the CTI for the Logistics department of the organization in question.

Table 5. Distribution of bonuses among employees of the logistics department in proportion to salaries and KTV.


Salary, rub.

KTV worker

Sum of points

Share of premium

Prize, rub.

Total earnings, rub.

Head of Department




Table 6. Distribution of bonuses among employees of the logistics department in proportion to the KTV.


Salary, rub.

KTV worker

Average premium, rub.

Prize, rub.

Total earnings, rub.

Head of Department




As can be seen from the tables, the use of different approaches to the calculation of the premium gives somewhat different results. So in the first case, employees with a high salary are in a more advantageous position, while the second method of calculation is beneficial to employees with a small salary.

We considered the theoretical foundations of motivation, remuneration and efficiency, in particular: motivation and needs of personnel, remuneration of personnel, methods of personnel management, communications and etiquette, personnel performance, developed a regulation on remuneration of the organization and options for distributing bonuses among employees of the organization.

Used Books

1. Egorshin A.P. Fundamentals of personnel management. Tutorial for universities. M: INFRA-M, 2006.

2. Personnel management of the organization. Textbook / edited by A.Ya. Kibanova. M: INFRA-M, 2004.

3. Woodcock M. Liberated manager. M: Delo, 1994.

4. Bazarov T.Yu. Personnel Management. Tutorial. M: Academy, 2003.

management personnel labor leadership

Appendix 1


1. General Provisions

1.1. This Regulation on remuneration (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) regulates issues related to the remuneration of employees of Vector LLC (hereinafter referred to as the Company, employer), including the concept of remuneration, types of remuneration, rules for bonuses to employees of the Company.

1.2. This Regulation applies to all employees of the Company, with the exception of CEO Companies as well...

1.3. General control in the Company for calculation wages and bonuses to employees are carried out by the director of the Company. The chief accountant of the Company is directly responsible in the Company for organizing the calculation of wages and bonuses to employees.

1.4. Every month, not later than the date of payment of wages, the employee is provided with a pay slip, which should reflect the components of wages, the amount and grounds for the deductions made, the total amount of money to be paid. The fact of the presence of the employee's signature in the statement of receipt of wages also indicates that the employee has received a pay slip.

1.5. The Company establishes the following forms of remuneration:

1.5.1. Wages calculated in the manner described in Section 2 of this Regulation.

1.5.2. Remuneration for work in conditions that deviate from normal, described in section 3 of this Regulation.

1.5.3. Bonuses calculated in the manner described in Section 4 of these Regulations.

1.5.4. Other payments that may be established by other local acts of the Company, a collective agreement, an employment contract with a specific employee.

2. Wages of employees

2.1. The Company establishes piece-time wages.

2.2. In order to receive the time-based part of the remuneration, the employee must comply with the following labor standards during the working hours established by the Company.

2.3. The rates of the time part of wages for certain categories of employees are established in the Company's staff list, approved by the Director of the Company.

2.4. From the employee's salary, deductions are made, provided for by the current labor legislation.

2.5. Wages are paid monthly by paying an advance and the main part of wages. Wages are paid exclusively in cash.

2.6. The advance payment is paid no later than the 25th day of the month for which wages are accrued.

2.7. The main part of the salary is paid no later than the 7th day of the month following the month for which the salary is calculated. When issuing the main part of the salary, a payslip is issued, drawn up in the form given in Appendix No. 1 to this Regulation.

2.8. Wages are paid in the accounting department of the Company by an accountant-cashier.

3. Rules for wages in conditions that deviate from normal.

3.1. When performing work in conditions that deviate from normal, employees are paid in the manner prescribed by the current labor legislation, and (or) are provided with paid time off, if this is provided for by labor legislation.

3.2. Abnormal conditions include working under the following conditions:

3.2.1. In special conditions (workers engaged in heavy work, work with harmful, dangerous and other special working conditions, in areas with special climatic conditions).

3.2.2. In other cases, the performance of work in conditions that deviate from normal.

3.2.3. When performing work of various qualifications.

3.2.4. When combining professions and performing the duties of a temporarily absent employee.

3.2.5. Outside of normal working hours.

3.2.6. Weekends and public holidays.

3.2.7. At night time.

3.2.8. In case of non-fulfillment of labor standards (official duties).

3.2.9. In the manufacture of products that turned out to be defective.

3.2.10. When idle.

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Today, many medium-sized companies are seriously thinking about creating a full-fledged personnel service in their structure. The times when the head of the company himself selected, and taught, and paid money to all employees, are becoming more and more a thing of the past. Managers gradually delegate the functions of personnel management to line managers, their deputies, and personnel officers. But companies have more and more problems in this area: candidates make too high demands, although they themselves do not meet the minimum required level; employees complain about inhuman working conditions: intrigues appear in companies, which take all the strength of the staff; employees change jobs like gloves, and employers do not know how to keep them.

Ignoring issues of centralized personnel management no longer makes sense. To do this, it is necessary to create a full-fledged personnel service, and not a personnel department of two people. And to build a service from scratch, and not ideal, but exactly the one that the company needs at the current moment, is not an easy task. This case describes such a situation.

Organization characteristics

Activity profile - commercial and industrial holding, household appliances.

The number of staff is about 200 people.

The term of work in the Russian market is 10 years.

General situation

You headed the newly created personnel service. The first acquaintance with the company (from observations, study of documentation and conversations with managers) revealed the following situation:

1. Over the 10 years of its existence, the company has reached good performance and occupies a stable position in its market segment. The company has grown rapidly and continues to grow, openly own production, a dealer network has been formed, it is planned to expand sales channels.

2. Head - charismatic personality, used to making decisions quickly and single-handedly. He clearly imagines the company's development strategy, but rarely talks about it. Even the immediate environment has a very vague idea of ​​the prospects for development. The leader is not used to discussing his decisions, he believes that everything is clear anyway. The first person is sorely lacking time, and as a result, whoever manages to “catch” him decides the issue.

3. Grassroots specialists are quite qualified, but there are few competent managers. Managers often work like specialists, letting the work of their departments run its course. Often they simply do not have enough time to engage in proper management, because they constantly perform functions that are unusual for them, as well as instructions from the first person. The boundaries of responsibility of the heads of departments are not clearly divided, it happens that the same task is given to two departments at once, although they seem to solve different tasks. Many leaders have grown up in the company from the bottom, there are even those who have been working since the day the company was founded.

4. In general, the atmosphere in the team is friendly and creative. The director infects everyone with his enthusiasm. The style of open doors is preached, any employee can go to the head to talk. Often the ideas of ordinary employees are actively supported and implemented. It happens that the implementation of an idea is hampered at the level of middle managers, because they do not understand its meaning.

5. Some areas of tension are observed regarding the evaluation of work and methods of payroll. There are practically no bonuses in the company, only salaries. The manager himself agrees on the amount of salaries when hiring. There are no systematic salary reviews. Salary can be increased if you go and ask.

6. The turnover is low, but staff is constantly needed, because the company is growing. The heads of departments themselves are engaged in the selection, because there are only two people in the personnel department who only have time to keep personnel records. In addition, the director himself takes an active part in the selection, meeting with all candidates for all positions.

7. It is not customary for the company to draw up regulatory, regulatory and administrative documents. In addition to orders for the admission and dismissal of other administrative documents are not drawn up. There are no Regulations on subdivisions, job descriptions, Regulations on the system of motivation, selection, etc. All issues are resolved in working order. Deadlines (if they are set) are regularly violated.


1. Identify problem areas in the field of human resource management.

2. Outline a long-term plan for the work of the personnel service.

3. Determine the structure of the personnel service, distribute functions between employees, taking into account the fact that you are unlikely to be able to accept more than two new specialists at once.

4. Identify priority actions that can be implemented quickly.

Solution of the case “Building a personnel management system: where to start?”

We highlight the following problem areas.

1. The charisma of the first person and his habit of managing the company alone - this is reminiscent of a situation when, in a war, the convoys lag behind the advanced units.

2. There are no strong managers among the top management (this is not directly mentioned in the task, but it is implied). And indeed, where do they come from if the management culture does not contribute to this

3. Inconsistency of the management culture with the size of the company: although the organization has outgrown the level when it was possible to do without job descriptions, established workflow, procedures, etc., they still do not exist.

4. There is no "middle management" - those who do 80% of the managerial work.

5. Constant shortage of personnel due to the development of the company and the market.

Based on the assessment of the current situation, we outline a long-term plan for the work of the personnel service.

1. Form the very service of the personnel of the company.

2. Set up the workflow and create the necessary regulations.

3. Create and implement a personnel reserve program aimed at creating a layer of professional managers in the company.

4. Streamline motivational schemes, career and training chains, etc.

5. Attract strong top managers from outside.

6. Create a system of corporate training.

7. Establish interaction with external resources in the field of search, recruitment, selection and training of personnel.

8. Develop a system of "information circulation" within the company.

To accomplish the tasks set, it is necessary to form a personnel service with the following structure:

  • HR director;
  • personnel officer;
  • search and selection specialist;
  • training and development specialist;
  • analyst-methodologist (for the development of regulations, etc.).

Priority measures:

  • convince management of the correctness of the proposed plan;
  • discuss and clarify the plan on the company's internal web resource;
  • involve the most active supporters from among employees in the process;
  • staff the service staff;
  • select strong top managers;
  • find contractors for the search and selection of personnel, for the training of line managers and senior managers.

How, after all, to develop a really working KPI system in a company? There are many methods, there are separate examples, but it is practically impossible to find an algorithm for developing a real KPI system. We offer an algorithm for developing a KPI system from scratch (when there is nothing yet), ending with the final result - a working system.

In this article I will try to give an algorithm for creating a KPI system in the company as a whole. On the example of an IT project company implementing large and technically complex projects.

I'll start with the main one. The questions that usually come up are:

  1. Where can I get these same KPIs, and what should they be? Will these KPIs be achievable, and how to determine this?
  2. Which KPIs are important and which are not?
  3. How to use KPIs to link the key areas of the company's activities, so that KPIs for marketing do not contradict KPIs for sales?
  4. What project implementation methodology should be used? Let's say we chose the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) methodology - Balanced Scorecard. What should be done next?
  5. How to start such a project, and how should it end? Etc.

Lots of questions. Answers, as usual, many times less.

If a company has a business development strategy, strategic goals are the basis for strategic KPIs, which are easy to decompose into separate divisions of the company. In this article, we will not consider this case.

Consider the algorithm for creating a KPI system when there is no business development strategy in the company. Step by step.

Step 1. We choose the methodology for implementing the project to create a KPI system

For example, the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) methodology. These are the classic 4 "walls" ( rice. one). The gist in short:

A. Finance. Finance in the company is provided, after all, by sales of goods and services.

B. Sales. In order for everything to be normal with sales, technologies / products are needed - those that are in demand by the market and those that can be offered (sold) to the market.

C. Technologies/Products. In order for everything to be normal with technologies / products, specialists are needed - people who create them.

D. People. In order for people (capable of this) to create competitive products, they need to be paid, they need to be trained and developed, etc. Then they will create products, products will be sold, and the company will be in order financially. Then the company will be able to invest in people again and again to create new technologies / products. Technical specialists (production personnel) implement projects for which customers, in fact, pay money.

Rice. 1. Very simplified essence of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) methodology - a balanced scorecard

Step 2. We form the structure of the main areas of the company's activities

For example, for project company- This:

"Wall" A

1. Finance. Simple parameters: income, expenses (payments to suppliers, salaries, rent, overdraft rates, foreign exchange losses, taxes, etc.), profits, etc.

A set of more complex macro parameters. Somehow: liquidity indicators, capital structure, business profitability, business activity and others will not be considered in this article.

"Wall" B

2. Sales.

3. Marketing.

"Wall" C

4. Key areas of development(their condition). Let's say this is the modernization and expansion of the product line.

5. Presale.

"Wall" D

6. Production(implementation of projects).

7. HR(personnel Management).

Comment: it is worth noting that many companies add their own "walls" (5th, 6th) to the classic 4th "walls", which are the most important in the company's activities. For example, the logistics block.

Step 3. Determine the areas we want to strengthen

Or areas in which we have clear “points of failure”. "Points of failure" are not complete failures in business. This is something that doesn't work, or doesn't work very well. The task is clear - to eliminate the "points of failure". There are such “points of failure” in every company.

Task example. Suppose, in general, everything is more or less normal with us, except for the fact that Industry Segment 1 ceased to be profitable, but we see that it is promising Industry segment 2(or a new promising niche) with which you urgently need to start working.

Action plan example:

  1. Prepare/adjust product line for new Industry segment 2(for short - new industry - "BUT"). This is the "wall"
  2. Find a professional sales director for "BUT". This is the "wall" of B and D, since this is a task for the company's sales director and for HR:
  • Develop a customer profile "NO". This is the "wall" B.
  • Develop a profile for the NO director. This is the "wall" B.
  • To develop the main parameters of the motivation of the director of "NO". This is the "wall" B.
  • Develop a motivation sheet for the director of "NO" and agree on it. This is the “wall” D.
  • Carry out a search/hunting for the director of "NO". This is the “wall” D.
  • Form a new branch department - for short - "GCD" - (budget, responsibility centers, staffing, etc.). This is "wall" B:
    • Assign tasks to the director of "NOD". This is the "wall" B.
    • Develop the main parameters of the motivation of sellers of "NOD". This is the "wall" B.
    • Develop motivational lists for NOD sellers and coordinate them. This is the “wall” D.
    • Transfer part of the sellers, hire part of the "NOD", part, perhaps, dismiss. This is the "wall" of B and D.
  • Set presale tasks to promote the company's solutions in NO. This is the “wall” D.
  • Set tasks for marketing to promote the company's solutions in BUT. This is "wall" B. Etc.
  • Goal tree and KPI example

    "Wall" C

    KPI (Technical Director):

    • Prepare/correct product line for NO.
    • Set presale tasks to promote the company's solutions in NO.

    "Wall" B

    KPI (sales director of the company):

    • Develop a customer profile "NO".
    • Develop a profile for the NO director.
    • To develop the main parameters of the motivation of the director of "NO".
    • Form a "GCD" (budget, responsibility centers, staffing, etc.).
    • Assign tasks to the director of the "NOD" (after HR finds the director).
    • Set tasks for marketing to promote the company's solutions in BUT.

    KPI (director of "NOD"):

    • Develop the main parameters of the motivation of sellers of "NOD". Coordinate them with the company's sales director and transfer them to HR.
    • Look at sellers (existing and new), make decisions.

    "Wall" D

    KPI (HR directors):

    • Develop a motivation sheet for the director of "NO" and agree it with the Sales Director of the company.
    • Search/hunt director "NO" (find a professional sales director).
    • Develop motivational lists for NOD sellers and coordinate them with the director of NOD.
    • Search/hunt sellers in "NOD".
    • Transfer part of the sellers, hire part of the "NOD", part, perhaps, dismiss.

    Comment: it is clear that there are tasks for the "wall" A - to plan new expenses in the company's budget, etc.

    So, we have formed a tree of goals and set goals and objectives that will ensure the creation of a new branch department (NOD):

    1. The department will have to be headed by a professional sales director in this industry.
    2. We planned everything necessary actions associated with closure or reduction in size Industry direction 1 if it can't be closed yet.
    3. The technical department, marketing, HR and pre-sales have been assigned the corresponding tasks, which must do their part of the work, according to their profile, and support the new direction “on all fronts”.

    Dear reader, for sure, will think: “Easy to say: to hire a professional sales director for a new industry segment!”. Complicated! How did the author do? I formed several lists for HR:

    • List No. 1. Large and medium-sized companies in which it makes sense to look for a director or deputy director of a similar direction. It doesn't work, then:
    • List No. 2. Smaller companies where it makes sense to look for a director. A person will be a little out of step, but he will be inside a more rebuilt company. And for him it will be career growth. It doesn't work, then:
    • List No. 1. Look for a strong salesperson in large and medium-sized companies, not a manager. Also for growth. It doesn't work, then:
    • List No. 1. Look for a director who is close in terms of industry, taking into account his ability to master a new industry.
    • And so on. There were other options.

    By the way, the HR service, having received such lists, could quickly figure out where and whom to look for. As a result, candidates usually found.

    KPI details can be generated using, for example, the well-known S.M.A.R.T. goal setting methodology. So step 4.

    Step 4. Review the goal setting methodology to be used in goal setting

    For example, the goal setting methodology S.M.A.R.T.

    Move on. We have identified areas that we want to strengthen. Or areas in which we definitely have “failure points”. What's next? Next, we develop an action plan (see example above) that will allow us to strengthen these areas and/or eliminate “points of failure”. Without a holistic action plan, it is not realistic to build a KPI system that will unite the work of various company services. Anyway, it's pretty difficult.

    Step 5. Develop an action plan

    In Step 3, I showed an example of an action plan, not the most trivial, but which is quite possible to implement, and such action plans are quite often implemented by companies. What is important - a meaningful approach to solving problems!

    Step 6. Checking the action plan for feasibility

    Experience shows that most often, it is immediately clear which points of the plan are precisely feasible. The main thing - you need to carefully look at those points that are clearly in doubt. And either think a little (for example, arrange a "brainstorming"), or involve experts, or, perhaps, go another, simpler way. But, one should not set clearly impracticable (unattainable) goals and objectives!

    Step 7. Building a tree of goals (and tasks)

    So, there is a plan of action. There are goals and objectives. It remains to build a tree of goals (and tasks) and appoint those responsible. If new Responsibility Centers have appeared - well, these functions did not exist before - then it is necessary to modify the organizational structure of the company in accordance with the new Responsibility Centers. So, in general, companies grow.

    Step 8. Formation of a list of KPIs with the appointment of responsible employees for specific KPIs

    An example of a tree of goals and the formation of a list of KPIs based on an action plan is shown in the example above.

    Step 9. Formation of motivational sheets

    Until similar (given above) qualitative goals appear in the motivation lists (and in the example above there is not a single financial goal!), the KPI system will not work! It will remain on paper. What is shown in the example above is what needs to be done urgently! Exactly in order not to "accumulate" a bunch of extra costs, and even worse - losses, and exactly in order to ensure the further growth of the company as quickly as possible. Of course, financial!

    How to implement such a project

    I often hear "tried - it doesn't work!". There are quite a few reasons why such projects do not reach the stage of operation and the final result.

    We often forget that man is not a machine. Therefore, based on my own experience, I would recommend the following:

    1. Start with small pilot projects, limited by the scope of the company and the range of tasks. The goal is simple - to quickly develop a skill. It is not necessary to put developments into action immediately. You can simulate the situation (see paragraph 3).

    It is far from always effective to launch a large and complex project.

    Example. Motivation systems in large companies, as a rule, are honed for 2-3 years. In one of the companies in which I worked, to a balanced new system motivation we came only after 3 years. At the same time, already in the first year, a fairly good and correct system motivation. In the second year, we had to make it more aggressive. In the third year, the motivation system was already balanced, including by the market, and tested in practice for 2 years. Of course, subsequently the motivation system was adjusted every year.

    2. Small pilot projects are best done in the simplest and most understandable means (for example, in Word or Excel). To start. The main thing is the content of such projects, "put on paper". When implementing a very small task, the mistakes made (and they will be!) Can be quickly corrected.

    3. Carry out a full cycle of modeling - from solving some small problem, to the formation of KPI with the conditional "appointment" of responsible persons and the formation of conditional motivational sheets.

    This will protect against errors and give initial experience. This will be the beginning of the practice and the beginning of the creation of the KPI system.

    Example. Suppose the company does not have motivational sheets (yet), there is no KPI system (yet), and the company has not implemented this project before. How to simulate a situation? Execute pp. 1–3. Do not assign KPIs (!), and “do not hand over” motivational sheets (!). Just entrust the responsible manager with what is written for him. And then compare what was planned and what really happened.

    It is extremely important to try to avoid "classic" mistakes. To do this, do the following:

    1. Be sure to form the final goals of the project to create a KPI system. The goal - "to set KPI" - is "understandable". But this is the same as “increasing business efficiency”, “ensuring the company’s further growth”, etc. I will give an example of a range of practical goals for creating a KPI system:

      • Objective 1.1: Competency testing of managers and key employees in order to identify “points of failure” (incompetent employees) and promising employees (able to grow). Still, key performance indicators should show (and show!) Efficiency and inefficiency.
      • Objective 1.2: checking the effectiveness of the company's business areas (sales, production, presale, marketing, etc.) with the same goal.
      • Goal 1.3: Checking the effectiveness of business processes and communications in the company. Most of the major goals and objectives are implemented by various departments. The growth of the company depends on the coherence of their work. No more and no less! This is the very efficiency that we often talk about.
      • Objective 1.4: To test the ability of managers to set achievable goals (and objectives), their mastery of goal setting, etc.
      • Goal 1.5: Testing the company's ability to achieve its goals and objectives.
      • Goal 1.6: verification of the achievement of the set goals and objectives, as well as a comparison of “where we strived” and “where we came”. A very interesting goal! Let's say they were striving for one thing, and the market "corrected" the company's movement, and the company came to better results! It rarely happens, of course, but it does happen. This is a good reason to analyze last year's business planning, taking into account the KPIs set, and draw conclusions. Excellent result!

    2. The action plan must be checked for feasibility so that it does not contain unattainable goals (and tasks).

    3. Be sure to appoint responsible for specific KPIs. At least simulate it (for starters). So that it does not turn out that no one is really responsible for specific KPIs.

    4. The project to create a KPI system must be completed with motivational sheets. So that the formed KPIs do not turn out to be “outlaws”. If this is a pilot project, let it be several KPIs for a period of 2–3–4 months. This is also correct. Etc.

    Practical example based on the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) methodology

    I will give an example based on the above, taking into account the mentioned methodology and in the form of a sequence of practical actions. Let's say you're starting at the top "Finance" and you're worried about "margin". It is clear that there are a lot of ways to increase the marginality of projects, so it makes no sense to list all these methods. You need to choose the methods inherent in your company, as well as identify the reasons for insufficient margins.

    So, a very conditional plan - just for example:

    • KPI-1. Increase the marginality of projects by at least 7% over a period of time not exceeding 6 months.
      Suppose the key reasons for insufficient marginality of projects are the following (conditionally):
      • High project costs due to failure to complete projects on time.
      • Most projects by themselves do not have sufficient marginality. Further - we often “fly out” of the deadlines and budget, and the marginality becomes even less.
      • There is no possibility to choose more profitable projects from the existing portfolio of projects. There are so few projects, and there is almost no portfolio of potential projects.
      • The high cost of purchasing equipment for projects, which does not add marginality.
      • There are no unique (almost unique or high-quality) services due to which the company can "charge" extra money for projects. Etc.

    From here, KPIs of the next level “grow” for a number of company services. Namely (again - conditionally):

    • KPI-1-1(for the Technical Directorate and Project Managers (RP)): the implementation of projects on time and within the budget of the project. The KPI for the project was fulfilled - the RP received a bonus. No - you need to figure out why, and, possibly, change the RP.
    • KPI-1-2(for the Marketing Block): identify industries, segments, and niches that are more solvent than those that the company currently operates in. Prepare a presentation and justify your proposals. During<такого-то срока>.
    • KPI-1-3(for the Sales Block): to form a portfolio of projects with a volume of at least<такого-то>, for at least<такого-то срока>(in close interaction with marketing, so as not to waste time). To be able to select projects for implementation.
    • KPI-1-4(for the Procurement Block) not yet. Initially, you can set the task - to work out and give suggestions on how to reduce the cost of purchased equipment for projects. Etc.