Case for managers on optimizing the system of work with personnel in project companies. HR System: How to Build the Perfect Management Scheme

How, after all, to develop a really working KPI system in a company? There are many techniques, there are separate examples, but to find an algorithm for developing a real KPI systems, almost impossible. I hope the reader will be interested in the proposed algorithm for developing a KPI system from scratch (when there is nothing yet), ending with the final result - a working system. About this in this article.

"God is not on the side of the big battalions, but on the side of the best shooters."


In this article I will try to give an algorithm for creating a KPI system in the company as a whole. On the example of a design company (IT company) implementing large and technically complex projects.

KPIs - Key Performance Indicators- key performance indicators of the unit, company or enterprise. The Russian abbreviation uses the abbreviation "KPI".

I'll start with the main one. The questions that usually come up are:

  1. Where can I get these same KPIs, and what should they be? Will these KPIs be achievable, and how to determine this?
  2. Which KPIs are important and which are not?
  3. How to use KPIs to link the key areas of the company's activities, so that KPIs for marketing do not contradict KPIs for sales?
  4. What project implementation methodology should be used? Let's say we chose the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) methodology - Balanced Scorecard. What should be done next?
  5. How to start such a project, and how should it end? Etc.

Lots of questions. Answers, as usual, many times less.

If the company has a business development strategy, strategic goals are the basis for strategic KPIs, which are easy to decompose into separate divisions of the company. In this article, we will not consider this case.

Consider the algorithm for creating a KPI system when there is no business development strategy in the company. Step by step.

Step 1. We choose the methodology for implementing the project to create a KPI system. For example, the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) methodology. I wrote about this in the article "How to develop a" Manager's Wheel "", but I repeat. These are the classic 4 "walls". See Fig.1. The gist in short:

A. Finance. Finance in the company is provided, after all, by sales of goods and services.

b. Sales. In order for everything to be normal with sales, technologies / products are needed - those that are in demand by the market and those that can be offered (sold) to the market.

C. Technologies/Products. In order for everything to be normal with technologies / products, specialists are needed - people who create them.

D. People. In order for people (able to do this) to create competitive products, they need to be paid, they need to be trained and developed, and so on. Then they will create products, products will be sold, and the company will have everything in order with finances. Then the company will be able to invest in people again and again to create new technologies / products. Technical specialists (production personnel) implement projects for which customers, in fact, pay money.

Rice. 1. Very simplified the essence of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) methodology - Balanced Scorecard.

Step 2. We form the structure of the main areas of the company's activities. For example, for a project company, this is:

"Wall" A

A set of more complex macro parameters. Somehow: liquidity indicators, capital structure, business profitability, business activity and others will not be considered in this article.

"Wall" B

2. Sales.

3. Marketing.

"Wall" C

4. Key areas of development(their condition). Let's say this is the modernization and expansion of the product line.

5. Presale.

"Wall" D

6. Production(implementation of projects).

7. HR(personnel Management).

Comment: it is worth noting that many companies add their own “walls” (5th, 6th) to the classic 4th “walls”, which are the most important in the company's activities. For example, the logistics block.

Step 3. Determine the areas that we want to strengthen. Or areas in which we have clear “points of failure”. "Points of failure" are not complete failures in business. This is something that doesn't work, or doesn't work very well. The task is clear - to eliminate the "points of failure". There are such “points of failure” in every company.

Task example. Suppose, in general, everything is more or less normal with us, except for the fact that Industry Segment 1 ceased to be profitable, but we see that it is promising Industry segment 2(or a new promising niche) with which you urgently need to start working.

An example of an action plan.

1. Prepare/adjust the product line for the new Industry Segment 2 (new industry for short - “NO”). This is the "wall"

2. Find a professional sales director for "BUT". This is the "wall" of B and D, since it is a task for the company's sales director and for HR.

a. Develop a customer profile "NO". This is the "wall" B.

b. Develop a profile for the NO director. This is the "wall" B.

c. To develop the main parameters of the motivation of the director of "NO". This is the "wall" B.

d. Develop a motivation sheet for the director of "NO" and agree on it. This is the “wall” D.

e. Carry out a search/hunting for the director of "NO". This is the “wall” D.

3. Form a new sectoral department - for short - "GCD" - (budget, responsibility centers, staffing, etc.). This is the "wall" B.

a. Assign tasks to the director of "NOD". This is wall "B".

b. Develop the main parameters of the motivation of sellers of "NOD". This is the "wall" B.

c. Develop motivational lists for NOD sellers and coordinate them. This is wall "D".

d. Search/hunt sellers in "NOD".

e. Transfer part of the sellers, hire part of the "NOD", part, perhaps, dismiss. This is the "wall" of B and D.

4. Set presale tasks to promote the company's solutions in "NO". This is the “wall” D.

5. Set tasks for marketing to promote the company's solutions in the "BUT". This is the "wall" B.

An example of a goal tree and KPIs.

"Wall" C

KPI (Technical Director):

    • Prepare/correct product line for NO.
    • Set presale tasks to promote the company's solutions in NO.

"Wall" B

KPI (Company Sales Director):

    • Develop a customer profile "NO".
    • Develop a profile for the NO director.
    • To develop the main parameters of the motivation of the director of "NO".
    • Form a "GCD" (budget, responsibility centers, staffing, etc.).
    • Assign tasks to the director of the "NOD" (after HR finds the director).
    • Set tasks for marketing to promote the company's solutions in BUT.

KPI (Director of "NOD"):

    • Develop the main parameters of the motivation of sellers of "NOD". Coordinate them with the company's sales director and transfer them to HR.
    • Look at sellers (existing and new), make decisions.

"Wall" D

KPI (HR directors):

    • Develop a motivation sheet for the director of "NO" and agree it with the Sales Director of the company.
    • Search/hunt director "NO" (find a professional sales director).
    • Develop motivational lists for NOD sellers and coordinate them with the director of NOD.
    • Search/hunt sellers in "NOD".
    • Transfer part of the sellers, hire part of the "NOD", part, perhaps, dismiss.

Comment: it is clear that there are tasks for "wall" A - to plan new expenses in the company's budget, etc.

So, we have formed a tree of goals and set goals and objectives that will ensure the creation of a new branch department (SOD).

1. The department will have to be headed by a professional sales director in this industry.

2. We planned everything necessary actions associated with closure or reduction in size Industry direction 1 if it can't be closed yet.

3. The technical department, marketing, HR and presales have been assigned the appropriate tasks, which must do their part of the work according to their profile and support the new direction “on all fronts”.

Dear reader, for sure, will think: “Easy to say: to hire a professional sales director for a new industry segment!”. Difficult! How did the author do? I formed several lists for HR.

1. List number 1. Large and medium-sized companies where it makes sense to look for a director or deputy director of a similar direction. It doesn't work, then:

2. List number 2. Smaller companies where it makes sense to look for a director. A person will be a little out of step, but he will be inside a more rebuilt company. And for him it will career. It doesn't work, then:

3. List number 1. Look for a strong seller in large and medium-sized companies, not a manager. Also for growth. It doesn't work, then:

4. List number 1. Look for a director who is close in terms of industry, taking into account his ability to master a new industry.

5. Etc. There were other options as well.

By the way, the HR service, having received such lists, could quickly figure out where and whom to look for. As a result, candidates usually found.

"For a man who does not know which harbor he is heading for, no wind will be favorable."

Lucius Annaeus Seneca the Younger

KPI details can be generated using, for example, the well-known S.M.A.R.T. goal setting methodology. That's why,

Step 4. Study the goal setting methodology to be used in goal setting.

For example, the goal setting methodology S.M.A.R.T.

Move on. We have identified areas that we want to strengthen. Or areas in which we definitely have “failure points”. What's next? Next, we develop an action plan (see example above) that will allow us to strengthen these areas and/or eliminate “points of failure”. Without a holistic action plan, it is not realistic to build a KPI system that will unite the work of various company services. Anyway, it's pretty difficult.

Step 5. Develop an action plan.

In Step 3, I showed an example of an action plan, not the most trivial, but which is quite possible to implement, and such action plans are quite often implemented by companies. What's important? - a meaningful approach to problem solving!

Step 6. Check the action plan for feasibility.

Experience shows that most often, it is immediately clear which points of the plan are precisely feasible. The main thing - you need to carefully look at those points that are clearly in doubt. And either, think a little (for example, arrange a “brainstorming”), or involve experts, or, perhaps, go another, simpler, way. But, one should not set clearly impracticable (unattainable) goals and objectives!

Step 7. Building a tree of goals (and tasks).

So, there is a plan of action. There are goals and objectives. It remains to build a tree of goals (and tasks) and appoint those responsible. If new Responsibility Centers have appeared - well, these functions did not exist before - then it is necessary to modify the organizational structure of the company in accordance with the new Responsibility Centers. So, in general, companies grow.

Step 8. Formation of a list of KPIs with the appointment of responsible employees for specific KPIs.

An example of a tree of goals and the formation of a list of KPIs based on an action plan is shown in the example above.

Step 9. Formation of motivational sheets.

Until similar (given above) qualitative goals appear in the motivation lists (and in the example above there is not a single financial goal!), the KPI system will not work! It will remain on paper. What is shown in the example above is what needs to be done urgently! Exactly in order not to "accumulate" a bunch of extra costs, and even worse - losses, and exactly in order to ensure as quickly as possible further growth companies. Of course, financial!

“It is impossible to solve the problem at the same level at which it arose.

You need to rise above this problem by rising to the next level.”

Albert Einstein

How to implement such a project?

I often hear "tried - it doesn't work!". There are quite a few reasons why such projects do not reach the stage of operation and the final result.

We often forget that man is not a machine. Therefore, on the basis own experience I would recommend the following:

1. Start with small pilot projects, limited by the scope of the company and the range of tasks. The goal is simple - to quickly develop a skill. It is not necessary to put developments into action immediately. You can simulate the situation (see item 3).

It is far from always effective to launch a large and complex project.

Example. Motivation systems in large companies, as a rule, are perfected for 2-3 years. In one of the companies in which I worked, we came to a balanced new motivation system only after 3 years. At the same time, already in the first year, a fairly good and correct system motivation. In the second year we had to make it more aggressive. In the third year, the motivation system was already balanced, including by the market, and tested in practice for 2 years. Of course, subsequently the motivation system was adjusted every year.

2. Small pilot projects are best done in the simplest and most understandable means (for example, in Word or Excel). To start. The main thing is that this is the substantive part of such projects, “put on paper”. When implementing a very small task, the mistakes made (and they will be!) Can be quickly corrected.

3. Carry out a full cycle of modeling - from solving some small problem to the formation of KPI with the conditional "appointment" of responsible persons and the formation of conditional motivational sheets.

Example. Suppose the company does not have motivational sheets (yet), there is no KPI system (yet), and the company has not implemented this project before. How to simulate a situation? Run steps 1-3. Do not assign KPIs (!), and “do not hand over” motivational sheets (!). Just entrust the responsible manager with what is written for him. And then compare what was planned and what really happened.

It is extremely important to try to avoid "classic" mistakes. To do this, do the following:

1. Be sure to form the final goals of the project to create a KPI system. The goal - "to set KPI" - is "understandable". But this is the same as “increasing the efficiency of the business”, “ensuring the further growth of the company”, etc.

I will give an example of a range of practical goals for creating a KPI system:

a. Goal 1.1: Competency testing of managers and key employees in order to identify “points of failure” (incompetent employees) and promising employees (able to grow). Still, key performance indicators should show (and show!) Efficiency and inefficiency.

b. Goal 1.2: checking the effectiveness of the company's business areas (sales, production, presale, marketing, etc.) with the same goal.

c. Goal 1.3: Checking the effectiveness of business processes and communications in the company. Most of the major goals and objectives are implemented by various departments. The growth of the company depends on the coherence of their work. No more and no less! This is the very efficiency that we often talk about.

2. The action plan must be checked for feasibility. So that it does not have unattainable goals (and tasks).

3. Be sure to appoint responsible for specific KPIs. At least simulate it (for starters). So that it does not turn out that no one is really responsible for specific KPIs.

"What is everyone's business is nobody's business» .

Isaac Walton

4. The project to create a KPI system must be completed with motivational sheets. So that the formed KPIs do not turn out to be “outlaws”. If this is a pilot project, let it be several KPIs for a period of 2-3-4 months. This is also correct.

A practical example based on the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) methodology.

I will give an example based on the above, taking into account the mentioned methodology and in the form of a sequence of practical actions. Let's say you start at the top "Finance" and you are concerned about the "marginality" indicator. It is clear that there are a lot of ways to increase the marginality of projects, so it makes no sense to list all these methods. You need to choose the methods inherent in your company, as well as identify the reasons for insufficient margins.

So very conditional plan- just for example.

1.KPI-1. Increase the marginality of projects by at least 7% over a period of time not exceeding 6 months.

Suppose the key reasons for insufficient marginality of projects are the following (conditionally):

    • High project costs due to failure to complete projects on time.
    • Most projects by themselves do not have sufficient marginality. Further - we often “fly out” of the deadlines and budget, and the marginality becomes even less.
    • There is no possibility to choose more profitable projects from the existing portfolio of projects. There are so few projects, and there is almost no portfolio of potential projects.
    • The high cost of purchasing equipment for projects, which does not add marginality.
    • There are no unique (almost unique or high-quality) services due to which the company can "charge" extra money for projects.
    • Etc.

From here, KPIs of the next level “grow” for a number of company services. Namely (again - conditionally):

2. KPI-1-1(for the Technical Directorate and Project Managers (RP)): the implementation of projects on time and within the budget of the project. The KPI for the project was fulfilled - the RP received a bonus. No - you need to figure out why, and, possibly, change the RP.

3. KPI-1-2(for the Marketing Block): identify industries, segments, and niches that are more solvent than those that the company currently operates in. Prepare a presentation and justify your proposals. During<такого-то срока>.

4. KPI-1-3(for the Sales Block): to form a portfolio of projects with a volume of at least<такого-то>, for at least<такого-то срока>(in close interaction with marketing, so as not to waste time). To be able to select projects for implementation.

5. KPI-1-4(for the Procurement Block) not yet. Initially, you can set the task - to work out and give suggestions on how to reduce the cost of purchased equipment for projects.

How, after all, to develop a really working KPI system in a company? There are many methods, there are separate examples, but it is practically impossible to find an algorithm for developing a real KPI system. I hope the reader will be interested in the proposed algorithm for developing and implementing a KPI system from scratch (when there is nothing yet), ending with the final result - a working system. About this in this article.


"God is not on the side of the big battalions, but on the side of the best shooters" — Voltaire.

In the article "How to develop a motivation sheet for a seller? Strategy and tactics", which was published on December 27, 2016 in "Business World", specific KPIs for sellers taken from real practice author.

In this article I will try to give an algorithm for creating a KPI system in the company as a whole. On the example of a design company (IT company) implementing large and technically complex projects.

KPI- Key Performance Indicators - key performance indicators of the unit, company or enterprise. The Russian abbreviation uses the abbreviation "KPI".

I'll start with the main one. The questions that usually come up are:

  1. Where can I get these same KPIs, and what should they be? Will these KPIs be achievable, and how to determine this?
  2. Which KPIs are important and which are not?
  3. How to use KPIs to link the key areas of the company's activities, so that KPIs for marketing do not contradict KPIs for sales?
  4. What project implementation methodology should be used? Let's say we chose the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) methodology - Balanced Scorecard. What should be done next?
  5. How to start such a project, and how should it end? Etc.

Lots of questions. Answers, as usual, many times less.

In the article "How to develop a "Headwheel" for managing a large company", which was published on January 10, 2017 in "Business World", there is some material on this topic, since the basis of the "Headwheel" is the KPI system.

If a company has a business development strategy, strategic goals are the basis for strategic KPIs, which are easy to decompose into separate company divisions. In this article, we will not consider this case.

Consider the algorithm for creating a KPI system when there is no business development strategy in the company. Step by step.

Step 1. We choose the methodology for implementing the project to create a KPI system. For example, the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) methodology. I wrote about this in the article "How to develop a" Manager's Wheel", but I repeat. These are the classic 4 "walls". See Fig. 1. The essence is short:

  1. Finance. Finance in the company is provided, after all, by sales of goods and services.
  2. Sales. In order for everything to be normal with sales, we need technologies / products - those that are in demand by the market and those that can be offered (sold) to the market.
  3. Technologies/Products. In order for everything to be fine with technologies / products, specialists are needed - people who create them.
  4. People. In order for people (able to do this) to create competitive products, they need to be paid, they need to be trained and developed, and so on. Then they will create products, products will be sold, and the company will have everything in order with finances. Then the company will be able to invest in people again and again to create new technologies / products. Technical specialists (production personnel) implement projects for which customers, in fact, pay money.

Step 2 We form the structure of the main areas of the company's activities. For example, for a project company, this is:


Finance. Simple parameters: income, expenses (payments to suppliers, salaries, rent, overdraft rates, foreign exchange losses, taxes, etc.), profits, etc.

A set of more complex macro parameters. Somehow: liquidity indicators, capital structure, business profitability, business activity and others will not be considered in this article.


  1. Sales.
  2. Marketing.


  1. Key areas of development(their condition). Let's say this is the modernization and expansion of the product line.
  2. Presale.


  1. Production(implementation of projects).
  2. HR(personnel Management).

Comment: it is worth noting that many companies add their own "walls" (5th, 6th) to the classic 4th "walls", which are the most important in the company's activities. For example, the logistics block.

Step 3 We identify the areas that we want to strengthen. Or areas in which we have obvious "points of failure." "Points of failure" are not complete failures in business. This is something that doesn't work, or doesn't work very well. The task is clear - to eliminate the "points of failure". There are such "points of failure" in every company.

Task example. Suppose we have, in general, everything more or less fine, except that industry segment 1 ceased to be profitable, but we see that it is promising industry segment 2(or a new promising niche) with which you need to urgently start working.

Example Action Plan

  • Prepare/adjust product line for new Industry Segment 2 (new industry for short - "NO"). This is the "wall"
  • Find a professional sales director for "BUT". This is the "wall" of B and D, because this is a task for the company's sales director and for HR:
  • Develop a customer profile "NO". This is the "wall" B.
  • Develop a profile for the NO director. This is the "wall" B.
  • To develop the main parameters of the motivation of the director of "NO". This is the "wall" B.
  • Develop a motivation sheet for the director of "NO" and agree on it. This is the "wall" D.
  • Search/hunt director "NO". This is the "wall" D.
  • Form a new branch department - for short - "GCD" - (budget, responsibility centers, staffing, etc.). This is the "wall" B.
    • Assign tasks to the director of "NOD". This is wall "B".
    • Develop the main parameters of the motivation of sellers "NOD". This is the "wall" B.
    • Develop motivational lists for "NOD" sellers and coordinate them. This is wall "D".
    • Transfer part of the sellers, hire part of the "NOD", part, perhaps, dismiss. This is the "wall" of B and D.
  • Set presale tasks to promote the company's solutions in "NO". This is the "wall" D.
  • Set tasks for marketing to promote the company's solutions in "BUT". This is the "wall" B.
  • Etc.

Goal tree and KPI example

"Wall" C:

KPI (technical director):

  • Prepare/correct product line for BUT.
  • Set presale tasks to promote the company's solutions in "NO".


KPI (sales director of the company):

  • Develop a customer profile "NO".
  • Develop a profile for the NO director.
  • To develop the main parameters of the motivation of the director of "NO".
  • Form a "GCD" (budget, responsibility centers, staffing, etc.).
  • Assign tasks to the "NOD" director (after HR finds the director).
  • Set tasks for marketing to promote the company's solutions in "BUT".

KPI (Directors of "NOD"):

  • Develop the main parameters of the motivation of sellers "NOD". Coordinate them with the company's sales director and transfer them to HR.
  • Look at sellers (existing and new), make decisions.


KPI (HR directors):

  • Develop a motivation sheet for the director of "NO" and agree it with the Sales Director of the company.
  • Search/hunt director "NO" (find a professional sales director).
  • Develop motivational lists for "NOD" salespeople and coordinate them with the "NOD" director.
  • Search/hunt sellers in "NOD".
  • Transfer part of the sellers, hire part of the "NOD", part, perhaps, dismiss.

Comment: it is clear that there are tasks for "wall" A - to plan new expenses in the company's budget, etc.

So, we have formed a tree of goals and set goals and objectives that will ensure the creation of a new branch department (NOD):

  1. The department will have to be headed by a professional sales director in this industry.
  2. We have planned all the necessary actions related to the closure or downsizing of Sector 1 if it cannot be closed yet.
  3. The technical department, marketing, HR and pre-sales have been given respective tasks to do their part of the work according to their profile and support the new direction "on all fronts".

Dear reader, for sure, will think: "Easy to say: hire a professional sales director for a new industry segment!" Difficult! How did the author do? I formed several lists for HR.

  1. List number 1. Large and medium-sized companies where it makes sense to look for a director or deputy director of a similar direction. It doesn't work, then:
  2. List number 2. Smaller companies where it makes sense to look for a director. A person will be a little out of step, but he will be inside a more rebuilt company. And for him it will be career growth. It doesn't work, then:
  3. List number 1. Look for a strong seller in large and medium-sized companies, not a manager. Also for growth. It doesn't work, then:
  4. List number 1. Look for a director who is close in terms of industry, taking into account his ability to master a new industry.
  5. Etc. There were other options as well.

By the way, the HR service, having received such lists, could quickly figure out where and whom to look for. As a result, candidates usually found.

"For a man who does not know which harbor he is heading for, no wind will be favorable"— Lucius Annaeus Seneca the Younger.

KPI details can be generated using, for example, the well-known S.M.A.R.T. goal setting methodology. That's why…

Step 4. Study the goal setting methodology to be used in setting goals:

For example, the goal setting methodology S.M.A.R.T.

Move on. We have identified areas that we want to strengthen. Or areas in which we definitely have "failure points". What's next? Next, we develop an action plan (see example above) that will allow us to strengthen these areas and/or eliminate "points of failure". Without a holistic action plan, it is not realistic to build a KPI system that will unite the work of various company services. Anyway, it's pretty difficult.

Step 5. Develop an action plan:

In Step 3, I showed an example of an action plan, not the most trivial, but which is quite possible to implement, and such action plans are quite often implemented by companies. What's important? — a meaningful approach to solving problems!

Step 6. Checking the action plan for feasibility:

Experience shows that most often, it is immediately clear which points of the plan are precisely feasible. The main thing is to take a close look at those items that are clearly in doubt. And either think a little (for example, arrange a "brainstorm"), or involve experts, or, perhaps, go another, simpler, way. But, you shouldn't put clearly impossible (unattainable) goals and objectives!

Step 7. Building a tree of goals (and tasks):

So, there is a plan of action. There are goals and objectives. It remains to build a tree of goals (and tasks) and appoint those responsible. If new Responsibility Centers have appeared - well, these functions did not exist before - then it is necessary to modify the organizational structure of the company in accordance with the new Responsibility Centers. So, in general, companies grow.

Step 8. Formation of the listKPI with the appointment of responsible employees for specificKPIs:

An example of a tree of goals and the formation of a list of KPIs based on an action plan is given in the example above.

Step 9. Formation of motivational sheets:

Until similar (given above) qualitative goals appear in the motivation lists (and in the example above there is not a single financial goal!), the KPI system will not work! It will remain on paper. What is shown in the example above is what needs to be done urgently! Exactly in order not to "accumulate" a bunch of extra costs, and even worse - losses, and exactly in order to ensure the further growth of the company as quickly as possible. Of course, financial!

“It is impossible to solve a problem at the same level at which it arose. You need to rise above this problem by rising to the next level,” Albert Einstein.

How to implement such a project?

I often hear "tried - it doesn't work!". There are quite a few reasons why such projects do not reach the stage of operation and the final result.

We often forget that man is not a machine. Therefore, based on my own experience, I would recommend the following:

  1. Start with small pilot projects, limited by the scope of the company and the range of tasks. The goal is simple - to quickly develop a skill. It is not necessary to put developments into action immediately. You can simulate the situation (see item 3).

It is far from always effective to launch a large and complex project.

Example. Motivation systems in large companies, as a rule, are perfected for 2-3 years. In one of the companies in which I worked, we came to a balanced new motivation system only after 3 years. At the same time, a fairly good and correct system of motivation was developed already in the first year. In the second year we had to make it more aggressive. In the third year, the motivation system was already balanced, including by the market, and tested in practice for 2 years. Of course, later the motivation system was adjusted Every year.

  • Small pilot projects are best done in the simplest and most understandable means (for example, in Word or Excel). To start. The main thing is that this is the substantive part of such projects, "put on paper". When implementing a very small task, the mistakes made (and they will be!) Can be quickly corrected.
  • Carry out a full cycle of modeling - from solving some small problem, to the formation of KPI with the conditional "appointment" of responsible persons and the formation of conditional motivational sheets.

This will protect against errors and give initial experience. This will be the beginning of the practice and the beginning of the creation of the KPI system.

Example. Suppose the company does not have motivational sheets (yet), there is no KPI system (yet), and the company has not implemented this project before. How to simulate a situation? Run steps 1-3. KPI do not appoint (!) , and motivational sheets "do not hand" (!) . Just entrust the responsible manager with what is written for him. And then compare what was planned and what really happened.

It is extremely important to try to avoid "classic" mistakes. To do this, do the following:

  1. Be sure to form the final goals of the project to create a KPI system. The goal - "set KPI" - is "understandable". But this is the same as "increasing the efficiency of the business", "ensuring the further growth of the company", etc.

I will give an example of a range of practical goals for creating a KPI system:

  • Goal 1.1: Competency testing of managers and key employees to identify "points of failure" (incompetent employees) and promising employees (able to grow). Still, key performance indicators should show (and show!) Efficiency and inefficiency.
  • Goal 1.2: checking the effectiveness of the company's business areas (sales, production, presale, marketing, etc.) with the same goal.
  • Goal 1.3: Checking the effectiveness of business processes and communications in the company. Most of the major goals and objectives are implemented by various departments. The growth of the company depends on the coherence of their work. No more and no less! This is the very efficiency that we often talk about.
  • Goal 1.4: Testing the ability of managers to set achievable goals (and objectives), their mastery of goal setting, etc.
  • Goal 1.5: Testing the company's ability to achieve its goals and objectives.
  • Goal 1.6: verification of the achievement of the set goals and objectives, as well as a comparison of "where we strived" and "where we came." A very interesting goal! Let's say we were striving for one thing, and the market "corrected" the company's movement, and the company came to better results! It rarely happens, of course, but it does happen. This is a good reason to analyze last year's business planning, taking into account the set KPIs, and draw conclusions. Excellent result!
  • The action plan must be checked for feasibility. So that it does not have unattainable goals (and tasks).
  • Be sure to assign responsibility for specific KPIs. At least simulate it (for starters). So that it does not turn out that no one is really responsible for specific KPIs.

"What is everyone's business is nobody's business"Isaac Walton.

  • The project to create a KPI system must be completed with motivational sheets. So that the formed KPIs do not turn out to be "outside the law". If this is a pilot project, let it be several KPIs for a period of 2-3-4 months. This is also correct.
  • Etc.

Practical example based on the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) methodology

I will give an example based on the above, taking into account the mentioned methodology and in the form of a sequence of practical actions. Let's say you start at the top "Finance" and you are concerned about the "marginality" indicator. It is clear that there are a lot of ways to increase the marginality of projects, so it makes no sense to list all these methods. You need to choose the methods inherent in your company, as well as identify the reasons for insufficient margins.

So, a very conditional plan - just for example.

KPI-1. Increase the marginality of projects by at least 7% over a period of time not exceeding 6 months.

Suppose the key reasons for insufficient marginality of projects are the following (conditionally):

  • High project costs due to failure to complete projects on time.
  • Most projects by themselves do not have sufficient marginality. Further, we often "fly out" of the deadlines and budget, and the marginality becomes even less.
  • There is no possibility to choose more profitable projects from the existing portfolio of projects. There are so few projects, and there is almost no portfolio of potential projects.
  • The high cost of purchasing equipment for projects, which does not add marginality.
  • There are no unique (almost unique or high-quality) services due to which the company can "charge" extra money for projects.
  • Etc.

From here, KPIs of the next level "grow" for a number of company services. Namely (again - conditionally):

  1. KPI-1-1(for the Technical Directorate and Project Managers (RP)): the implementation of projects on time and within the budget of the project. The KPI for the project was completed - the RP received a bonus. No - you need to figure out why, and, possibly, change the RP.
  2. KPI-1-2(for the Marketing Block): identify industries, segments and niches that are more solvent than those that the company is currently working with. Prepare a presentation and justify your proposals. During<такого-то срока>.
  3. KPI-1-3(for the Sales Block): to form a portfolio of projects with a volume of at least<такого-то>, for at least<такого-то срока>(in close interaction with marketing, so as not to waste time). To be able to select projects for implementation.
  4. KPI-1-4(for the Procurement Block) not yet. Initially, you can set the task - to work out and give suggestions on how to reduce the cost of purchased equipment for projects.
  5. Etc.
August 23, 2014 HR manager. "Persona Profi" LLC

Case for managers on optimizing the system of work with personnel in project companies

Description of the situation in case 1

Organization characteristics:

1 Activity profile: the company is engaged in the automation of the activities of companies based on 1C programs, in terms of accounting and trading operations. Number of personnel: 2 thousand people. Time on the market: more than 10 years.

General situation: The company has a network of regional centers and is currently in the TOP 5 companies involved in accounting automation at enterprises based on 1C platforms. Work with personnel in the organization is established.

Currently, the company's strategy is subject to revision, since the owner has set the task of bringing the company to the TOP 10 in the IT services market. The structure of the company is built on the principle of holding: Management Company forms the strategy and coordinates its implementation. Branches are completely autonomous and independently organize their activities. Work in their divisions is carried out according to the design principle. The subdivisions are formed according to the directions of implementation of automated accounting.

Most employees spend 90 to 100% of their time working at the customer's premises. At the same time, employees of different departments practically do not interact, and some do not even know each other. Being busy with a specific project, they are practically unaware of other projects implemented and being implemented by the company and its development strategy as a whole.

In terms of internal work with personnel, the general policy of the company, evaluation criteria for selection, etc. are determined by the HR department of the management company.

Actually, selection, personnel office work and adaptation are carried out by HR specialists in branches, each of which has its own 1C software training center. There are no courses at which employees of different branches would be jointly trained in the company.

With the adoption of the new strategy, the number of projects implemented by the company will increase, and their complexity will increase. At the same time, there are clearly not enough specialists in the company who are ready to manage projects. Since the services it provides are specific, it is advisable to involve employees who have worked in the company for at least three years as project managers.

Case Objective 1

It is necessary to help the director of personnel to provide the company with a sufficient number of competent project managers in the face of changes in the company's strategy, an increase in the number of projects and the expansion of their topics.

Description of the situation in case 2

Organization characteristics:

2 Activity profile: sale of developed software for automating the activities of companies in document management, innovation, idea management within the organization, etc. Staff: 120 people. Market life: 6 years.

General situation: The company operates successfully in the market, has large clients with a branch network. Activities are organized according to the project principle. At the moment, the company is developing rapidly: it has won tenders for the implementation of several large projects. The operational management of projects is carried out by the company's managers, who are also the owners.

Case Objective 2

Assignment: The head of the personnel department was given the task of thinking over a new system for appointing the position of "project manager" and a new system for working with personnel.

Solutions for cases 1 and 2

  • Invite an external specialist and conduct business training for existing and potential project managers on the topic "Project Management" in order to improve overall performance and strengthen the company's human resource potential when implementing new projects and strategies.
  • Develop a system of certification of personnel whose work with the customer is organized according to the design principle. Annually conduct certification and, based on its results, appoint project managers.
  • Develop a system for evaluating candidates for the position of project manager. As assessment methods, use a professional test, a 360-degree assessment (managers, subordinates, colleagues), an assessment of clients or partners, an interview with a manager.
  • Implement a system for the formation and implementation of plans professional development(PPR), compiled on the basis of the results of evaluation procedures.
  • Include learning activities, internships and self-development activities in the PDP.
  • implement automated system interaction between employees (a shell based on the intranet principle), including work plans, project implementation stages for each of the customers, reporting, company news, courses for self-study and advanced training, forums for the exchange of experience, online consultations.
  • Organize a system of staff internships, in which project employees could expand their experience in working on projects of varying complexity and structure under the guidance of more experienced colleagues.
  • Develop a system for the formation and development of a personnel reserve, a system for working with personnel, which will include personnel assessment, selection of candidates for the positions of project managers, training and development activities for reservists.
  • Introduce a system of open competitions for the position of "project manager". Post information about the competition in both internal and external sources.
  • Form a base of all those who want to take this position. With those who do not pass the competition, carry out individual work to develop the required skills and increase knowledge. Constantly post the vacancy "project manager" on the websites of professional associations and form a bank of candidates. Attract those from the external market for the implementation of individual projects in the status of a co-leader to assess the possibility of permanent cooperation. Highlight definition criteria successful leader of the project and, in accordance with them, ensure the attraction of ready-made personnel from the labor market.
  • Form a system of internal exchange of experience and innovations through the development of intranet forums and teleconferences. Organize schools for the exchange of experience to ensure the involvement of personnel in the active life of the company. Create a permanent seminar for project managers. Quarterly (according to the schedule) collect them all on the basis of one of training centers to discuss topical issues of project management in the company.
  • Create a system of a single personnel reserve of the company and introduce the rotation of project managers between branches. Improve work with personnel in the organization.
  • Develop a competition for project managers. To summarize its results publicly, with a presentation best projects. According to the developed system, to develop or select and combine education and training courses into a system, to which potentially capable candidates are sent for training. During a series of group discussions of the management team, develop criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of an employee holding the position of project manager.
Functions Definition Content
The process of determining the needs of a travel company in personnel Econometric, normative, expert methods; trend design method; corrected extrapolation, etc.
Recruitment (recruiting) Establishing the identity of the characteristics of the employee and the requirements of the organization, position. Recruitment can be in the form of recruitment, promotion or rotation. Calculation of the need for personnel. Professional selection frames. Interview. Formation of a personnel reserve.
Personel assessment Purposeful process of establishing the correspondence of abilities, motivations and other quality characteristics personnel to the requirements of the position or workplace. Personnel assessment methods. Evaluation of the employee's potential. Evaluation of the individual contribution. Personnel certification.
Staff placement Rational distribution of the staff of the organization by structural divisions, sections, jobs, etc. Typical career models. Career planning. Conditions and wages. Frame movement.
Staff adaptation Held in established by law procedure for evaluating the results of activities and determining the business qualities and qualifications of employees in order to identify their suitability for the position held. Probation. Adaptation of young specialists. Mentoring and counseling. Development of human resources.
Training Personnel training system conducted on the territory of the enterprise or corporate training centers; based on solving problems specific to a particular organization, with the involvement of own or external teachers Professional training. Training. Personnel retraining. Postgraduate additional education.

Personnel planning

Personnel planning It is part of the overall planning process in an organization. Ultimately, successful workforce planning is based on knowing the answers to the following questions:

– how many workers, what qualifications, when and where needed;

- How can you attract the right staff, and reduce or optimize the use of redundant staff;

- how best to use the staff in accordance with their abilities, skills and intrinsic motivation;

– how to provide conditions for staff development;

- what costs will be required by the planned activities.

Assessment of the organization's need for personnel can be quantitative and qualitative.

Quantification staffing needs, designed to answer the question “how much?” is based on an analysis of the expected organizational structure(management levels, number of divisions, distribution of responsibilities), production technology requirements marketing plan, as well as the forecast of changes in the quantitative characteristics of personnel. At the same time, information on the number of filled vacancies is certainly important.

Qualitative assessment staffing needs - an attempt to answer the question "who?". It's over complex view forecast, since following an analysis similar to the purposes of quantitative assessment, value orientations, the level of culture and education, professional skills and abilities of the personnel that the organization needs should be taken into account.

To determine the required number of personnel and their professional and qualification composition allow: the production program, production standards, the planned increase in labor productivity and the structure of work.

The calculation of the number of personnel can be current or operational and long-term or prospective.

Current need in staff(A) is defined as the sum of:

A \u003d H + DP, (1)

where H is the basic need for personnel, determined by the volume of sales;

DP - additional need for staff.

The basic need of the enterprise for personnel (H) is determined by the formula:

H \u003d OP / V, (2)

where OP - sales volume;

B - output per worker.

Additional staffing needs(DP) is the difference between the total need and the availability of personnel at the beginning of the billing period.

When calculating additional need take into account:

- development of the enterprise (scientifically based determination of the increase in positions due to an increase in production):

DP \u003d A pl - A b, (3)

where A pl and A b - the total need for specialists in the planning and base periods;

– partial replacement of practitioners temporarily occupying specialist positions:

DP \u003d A pl S K in, (4)

where K in - the coefficient of retirement of specialists (practice shows that this is 2-4% of the total number per year);

– compensation for the natural retirement of employees holding positions of specialists and managers (assessment of the demographic indicators of the staff, accounting for mortality, etc.);

– vacancies based on approved staffing levels, expected attrition of employees.

Long-term need for specialists- this calculation is carried out with a planning depth for a period of more than three years. When determining the need for specialists for the future and the absence detailed plans development of the industry and production, a calculation method is used based on the coefficient of saturation with specialists, which is calculated by the ratio of the number of specialists to the volume of production. The need for specialists will look like this:

A \u003d H p S K n, (5)

where Ch p - the average number of employees;

K n - normative coefficient abundance of specialists.

Planning and calculating the need for personnel is a procedure that is most effective only if the manager clearly understands what kind of employee he needs and what problems he intends to solve with the help of a new specialist.

But even when the manager has complete clarity about what kind of staff he needs, the selection may not live up to expectations. Determining and articulating actual job requirements before hiring is often done poorly. It is possible to clearly formulate the requirements for a vacancy in the process of analyzing job needs.

Such an analysis will allow the manager to clearly define the tasks and functions without which your business cannot develop effectively. Then these tasks can be redistributed among existing (or potential) team members with the necessary effective work knowledge and skills. In this case, it may turn out that new person the company is not needed at all. If the analysis confirmed your confidence in the need for additional staff, you can safely proceed to its selection.

To assess the need for staff, it can be suggested to use the test given in Appendix 2.

However, before you recruit staff, you need to create a vacancy in the organization. The creation of a vacancy should not be understood as the formal introduction of a cell in the structure and a line in the staff list, as other leaders do. It is necessary to understand who and why it is necessary to select, according to what criteria to select candidates. Therefore, before opening a vacancy, it is necessary to conduct a detailed analysis of it.

AT general view The planning process for personnel requirements can be represented by the following planning stages:

1. recruitment (external and internal planning);

2. downsizing;

3. the cost of recruiting and training personnel;

4. vocational training of personnel;

5. work and prospects for staff development.


Personnel policy in the region recruitment(recruiting) consists in determining the principles of hiring, the number of employees necessary for the qualitative performance of the specified functions, the methodology for consolidating and professional development of personnel. Recruitment is considered as a subfunction of management, which is implemented in relation to the individual. The recruitment process, as a rule, is carried out in the following sequence:

1. Evaluation criteria: personality, work (norms of behavior and characteristics of professional skills).

2. Expert evaluation (selection of tests, tasks, exercises).

3. Observation and reporting (invitation of applicants, testing and interviewing).

4. Evaluation (criteria for evaluating candidates, description of the results obtained).

5. Feedback (decision making: accept, additional testing, not suitable).

The effectiveness of the recruitment process is increased different ways(Table 8.5.1).

Table 8.5.1.

Recruitment methods

Inside the enterprise Outside the enterprise
no state move with frame movement more passive set more active set
Increasing the volume of work. Extension of working hours at the enterprise. Postponement of vacation. Vocational training for recruits. Intra-production appointment (reception) At the suggestion of the head. Purposeful development of personnel (vocational training, retraining, job change). Personal visits to candidates. Card file for candidates. Processing job applications. Help guide. Temporary job. Labor contract. Bulletin board. Recruitment with the help of employees of the Enterprise. Set with advertising and posters. HR Consultant. Advertisements in the newspaper.

Evaluation and hiring

Personel assessment- this is a purposeful process of establishing the compliance of the business and personal qualities of a person with the requirements of a position or workplace.

As a rule, before the organization makes a decision on hiring, a candidate must go through several selection steps:

Stage 1. Preliminary screening conversation. The conversation can be conducted in a variety of ways. For some activities, it is preferable that candidates come to the future place of work, then it can be carried out by a line manager, in other cases it is not important and it is carried out by a specialist in the human resources department.

The main purpose of the conversation is to assess the level of education of the applicant, his appearance and defining personal qualities. For effective work, it is advisable for managers and specialists to use common system rules for evaluating a candidate at this stage.

Step 2. Completing the application form. Applicants who successfully passed the preliminary interview must fill out a special application form and questionnaire.

The number of questionnaire items should be kept to a minimum and they should ask for information that most reveals performance. future work applicant. Information may relate to past work, mindset, situations that have been encountered, but in such a way that a standardized assessment of the applicant could be made on their basis. Questionnaire questions should be neutral and suggest any possible answers, including the possibility of refusal to answer. The points must flow from one another.

Step 3. Hiring conversation (interview). There are several basic types of conversation for hire:

according to the scheme - the conversations are somewhat limited, the information received does not give a broad picture of the applicant, the course of the conversation cannot be adapted to the characteristics of the candidate, constrains him, narrows the possibilities for obtaining information;

weakly formalized - only the main questions are prepared in advance, the moderator has the opportunity to include other, unplanned questions, flexibly changing the course of the conversation. The interviewer should be better prepared in order to be able to see and record the reactions of candidates, to choose from the spectrum of possible exactly those issues that currently deserve more attention;

not according to the scheme - only a list of topics that should be touched upon is prepared in advance. For an experienced interviewer, such a conversation is a huge source of information.

Stage 4. Testing, professional testing. Source of information that can provide information about personality traits, professional abilities and skills of the candidate. The results will make it possible to describe both the potential attitudes, orientations of a person, and those specific modes of activity that he actually owns. Testing can make it possible to form an opinion about the candidate's ability for professional and job growth, the specifics of motivation, and the features of an individual style of activity.

Step 5. Check references and track record. Information letters of recommendation or conversations with people whom the candidate named as recommenders, may make it possible to clarify what exactly and with what success the candidate did in previous places of work, study, residence. It is advisable to apply for recommendations to the places of previous work, if the term of dismissal exceeds one year, as well as to colleagues from other organizations, professional societies with which the candidate interacted on business issues.

When applying for a job, the following documents are required from the applicant: application for admission (first impression of the candidate); photograph (gives an idea of ​​appearance); biography (visually shows the process of formation); personal questionnaire (contains, collects and systematizes the most important information about the candidate); diploma or certificate (gives information about academic performance; about professional qualifications and received specialty); employment history(confirms previous places work, highlights previous areas of activity); recommendations (cover all aspects of professional suitability); characteristics from the previous place of work and educational institution(contribute to an increase in a responsible attitude to work and study) and other documents provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Stage 6. Medical examination. It is carried out, as a rule, if the work imposes special requirements on the health of candidates.

Stage 7. Decision making. Comparison of candidates. Presentation of the results for consideration by the decision maker. Adoption and implementation of the decision.

Experts have calculated that the price paid for hiring an unsuitable candidate ranges from 20% to 200% of the annual salary. With this in mind, a poorly selected candidate who has worked for a company for two years could cost the company $25,000 or more. Therefore, personnel decisions are among the most important decisions companies. Staff appraisal alone cannot make a staffing decision for you. The personnel assessment procedure will provide answers to key questions: is the candidate qualified enough to perform official duties? who are you hiring: a great employee or a potential problem? Does the candidate require training or is he immediately ready to work? Is the candidate ready to work effectively in this position? whether the applicant is interested in the position this work? will he stay?

Personnel assessment methods

Personnel assessment methods can be grouped into three main groups:

predictive method- personal data, written or oral characteristics, opinions and reviews of the manager and work colleagues, personal conversations and psychological tests;

practical method- the suitability of the employee for the performance of official duties is checked based on the results of his practical work(technique of trial movements);

simulation method- the applicant is asked to decide specific situation(situations).

Consider the most popular personnel assessment methods(Table 8.6.1.).

Table 8.6.1.

Personnel assessment methods

Method Characteristic
1. Personnel assessment centers They use a complex technology built on the principles of criteria-based assessment. The use of a large number various methods and mandatory assessment of the same criteria in different situations and different ways significantly increases the predictability and accuracy of the assessment. It is especially effective in evaluating candidates for a new position (promotion) and in evaluating management personnel.
2. Aptitude tests the goal is to assess the psychophysiological qualities of a person, the ability to perform a certain activity.
3. General Tests abilities. Assessment of the general level of development and individual features thinking, attention, memory and other higher mental functions. Especially informative when assessing the level of learning ability.
4. Biographical tests and study of the biography. Main aspects of the analysis: family relationships, nature of education, physical development, main needs and interests, features of intelligence, sociability. Personal data is also used - a kind of dossier, where personal data and information obtained on the basis of annual assessments are entered. According to the personal file, the progress of the employee's development is traced, on the basis of which conclusions are drawn about his prospects.
5. Personality tests. Psychodiagnostic tests to assess the level of development of individual personal qualities or a person's relevance to a certain type. Rather, a person's predisposition to a certain type of behavior and potential opportunities are assessed.
6. Interview. A conversation aimed at collecting information about the experience, level of knowledge and assessing the professionally important qualities of the applicant. A job interview can provide in-depth information about a candidate that, when compared with other assessment methods, can provide accurate and predictive information.
7. Recommendations. It is important to pay attention to where the recommendations come from and how they are framed. Famous and reputable companies are particularly demanding - to obtain a recommendation, information is needed from the immediate supervisor of the person who this recommendation appears. Recommendations are made out with all the details of the organization and coordinates for feedback. When receiving a recommendation from an individual, attention should be paid to the status of this person. If a recommendation to a professional is made by a person who is very famous in the circles of specialists, then this recommendation will be more reasonable.
8. Non-traditional methods polygraph (lie detector), psychological stress indicator, tests for honesty or attitude towards something established by the company; alcohol and drug tests, which are part of the standard medical examination upon admission to work; psychoanalysis in order to identify the skills of candidates for possible work in their organizations; examples of the use of astrology in the selection of personnel are known.

The listed methods, as a rule, allow solving only individual problems. concrete questions assessment of the potential abilities of employees and do not allow assessing the personality in all its manifestations. In this regard, it is quite logical to subsequently use a new comprehensive method for assessing the personality of an employee - the method of assessment centers that synthesized individual elements listed methods and directions (Appendix 3).

When selecting a person, it is also important to consider the security of the employing organization. In a situation of selection of new employees, the employing organization is concerned about a number of aspects of its security. But the employee who is getting a job also wants to find a job that would meet his ideas about safety. It seems appropriate to consider the problem of security in a selection situation, both on the part of the organization and on the part of the employee.

Security from the point of view of the organization involves a number of aspects:

1) The desire to protect the company from the penetration of people with ties to criminal structures.

2) The desire to put a barrier in front of people prone to theft. At the same time, the higher the position that such a person can take, the more economic damage he can cause to the company that will hire him.

3) Checking the employee for a tendency to abuse alcohol and drug use.

4) Ensuring information security of the company. This includes not only the protection of production secrets (know-how), but also the protection of databases, results marketing research, plans related to the conclusion of contracts with other companies, and other information important for maintaining its competitiveness.

5) Compliance of the employee with the requirements of the organizational culture (“our” person or “not ours”). This aspect of security in the selection of new employees is greatly underestimated, although it is clear that one person who adheres to destructive or destructive attitudes can cause very great harm organization, expressed in the deterioration of the moral and psychological climate, squabbles, conflicts, deterioration of labor and performance discipline, etc.

Many companies carefully study the documents provided by candidates. In some cases, the inconsistency in the information received from the employee during the interview contradicts the content of the resume and information in standard documents. Sometimes dirty documents, strikethroughs, sloppy entries are alarming.

An important direction in ensuring the safety of the company is to check the recommendations submitted by the employee. Appendix 4 provides some tips that may be helpful in this task.

Getting a job, the employee also pays great attention to various aspects of his own safety. The main points that an employee usually monitors include the following:

1) Financial security.

2) A secure place to work.

3) Organizational culture.

4) Lack of psychological stress.

5) Physical working conditions.

6) Social security.

7) Compliance with the ethical principles of selection developed by the management of the organization in the field of recruiting.

The use of various methods of personnel assessment will allow: to reduce staff turnover by 5% -10% or more; reduce the time to hire employees by 50%, while reducing the cost of hiring; increase the effectiveness of job interviews; establish salaries for employees in line with their qualifications.

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