Competitions for a solid company at the table. The game "What can I do with this?". It's always nice to get a surprise

If the anniversary is boring, then such a holiday is not something that will not be remembered, no one else will come to visit you. Therefore, before celebrating the anniversary, you need to prepare for it. Come up with a plan for the whole holiday, so to speak, sketch out a small scenario. And you also need to come up with your own original and cool contests for a woman's 50th birthday that you can play at the table. If you yourself came up with one or two contests, then you can take the rest from us. For you, we have prepared a selection of various contests that are played while sitting at the festive table.

Competition 1 - "Battle of the Sexes"
No, there is no need to dismantle the floors and fight with them. In this competition, men will compete against women. The host asks the women a question, and they answer it. And then a question for men and already men should give an answer. But the questions are not simple: women are asked men's questions, and men are asked women's issues. After which team gets the most correct answers, that team and congratulations to the hero of the day.

Butand questions for women:
- a universal device with which you can score and chop? (Axe)
- in this game you can hit with a pear, head and even a heel (football)
- what is usually sorted out in the motor? (carburetor)
- construction tool for precision (level)
What is a hockey shootout called in football? (penalty)

Questions for men:
- what is inserted into what: a thread into a needle or a needle into a thread? (thread to needle)
- a bag in a bag? (beauty bag)
- what is put in shortcrust pastry: yeast or sand? (neither one nor the other)
What do you use to remove old nail polish? (using acetone)
How to quickly dry applied nail polish? (blow on them)

Competition 2 - Compliments to the hero of the day
This contest is for men only. Since our birthday girl is a woman, men should name compliments for her. But not everything is so simple - compliments should begin with the letter J. It is important here that the hero of the day herself has a sense of humor and is not offended. Each man at the table takes turns calling his compliment. You can't repeat. Who could not call a compliment in turn in five seconds, he is eliminated. In the end, the last one left wins.

Compliment examples:
- cheerful; live; desired; pearl; burning; murmuring; and so on
But this competition has a continuation - women can also take turns complimenting men. And all compliments must begin with the letter M.
Here are examples of compliments:
- dreamy; magical; wise; mega super; cute; mighty; and so on.

Contest 3 - Guess the answer.
In this competition, guests have to guess the answer. Each guest can ask their own question individually. And you can ask a question, and whoever gives the most original answer receives a prize or one point, and according to the results, whoever scores more points wins.

An example of questions, answers and prizes:
1. Did he leave his grandmother and left his grandfather?
Answer: sex.
Prize: condoms.

2. What is: 90, 60, 90?
Answer: the speed of vehicles before the traffic police post, before the traffic police post and after the traffic police post.
Prize: whistle.

3. And hanging and standing. Is it cold, is it hot?
Answer: shower.
Prize: shower gel.

4. What do you eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner?
Answer: Breakfast lunch and dinner.
Prize: cookbook.

5. According to statistics, more than 40 million people do it every night?
Answer: "sitting" on the Internet.
Prize: flash drive.

Competition 4 - Guess the movie.
Everyone likes to watch films, especially Soviet ones. And in films, they often drink very often. Do you drink on anniversaries? Of course yes! let's play - the host describes the film and the situation where they drink, and the guests should name the name of the film. Whoever names the most correct names wins the competition.
So, movie descriptions:
- friends are sitting in one of the Moscow baths on New Year's Eve. (Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath)
- a plumber, a drinker, drinks in a pub with a new acquaintance. As a result, the locksmith leaves the cohabitant, and his new buddy wakes up in the bathroom. (Afonya)
- three friends drink with the head of the trading base. And there they decide to go to work and come up with the name of their operation. (Operation Y")
- one friend, or rather a comrade, brings the other in the "weeping willow" restaurant to the desired condition. (The Diamond Arm)
- it happened in the Caucasus. And to be more precise, on Gogol Street, 47. One lover of folklore got so drunk that he does not remember what happened. (Caucasian captive).

In the scenario of any holiday, there comes a moment when all the main solemn toasts have already been pronounced, but the guests are not yet ready for active competitions or dance entertainment. Just then, to the aid of the leaders, they come funny fun that can be held right at the table.

The proposed selection is role-playing fairy tales and games for any holiday, written by talented Internet authors (thanks to them). Each of them can be safely attributed to the category of games - "icebreakers", which "split the hall", liberate guests, give the mood for festive fun, and therefore serve as a wonderful transition to an active entertainment program.

Fairy tale - noise maker at the table "Lambs"

For conducting, the presenter divides those present into several teams, each of which will represent one of the members of the "drum" family: Grandfather, Grandmother, Father, Mother or Son, then the participants, at each mention of "their" character, make "their" noise: rustle, rattle etc. When a family is mentioned in the text, everyone makes noise actions at the same time.

Actors and noise actions:

lamb grandfather- rustling newspapers,

Grandmother-drum- rattling dishes

lamb father- stomp their feet three times and make the creak of an opening door

mother lamb- make a scratching sound on a wooden surface

lamb son- clap your hands three times

lamb family - everyone present makes sounds at the same time.

Leading(reads text):

In the house thirteen on Mira street
In a very shabby old apartment,
That our people call a communal apartment.
lamb family has been living for a long time.
They settled in a huge closet,
Wherever a human foot goes.
This closet, littered for a very long time,
family of lamb here endures two centuries.
Other tenants communal apartment
Little by little this family was forgotten:
Accustomed to their usual noises and sighs -
Under the same roof, they lived not badly.
lamb grandfather loved at leisure
Slightly play a trick on your dear wife:
shurshal Grandfather old newspaper in the corner
driving Babusya rustling in anguish.
granny in retaliation strummed dishes,
How lamb son was frightened many times.
lamb father when I was out of sorts,
He made a mess in his house:
He stamped his feet, creaked the doors
And everyone is tired of these sounds.
BUT mother lamb loved him so:
I did not scold at all for these tricks.
And as a sign of their tender and fiery feelings
Mommy bought him a watermelon.
lamb father was not known as a stinger -
Watermelon certainly shared between everyone.
Residents of a communal apartment then
Heard how the family champs together.
lamb son tried the hardest:
With relish watermelon he gorged himself.
So friendly lamb family lived,
Until the big trouble happened:
Suddenly, one day they decided to resettle the tenants.
And the house was promptly demolished.
The people left the communal apartment,
family of lamb have, of course, been forgotten.
Now they're looking for another place to live
Where they will be satisfying, cozy, warm,
Where lamb grandfather without any interference
Will continue to rustle with his pile of newspapers,
Where sometimes Granny lamb
Can rattle his old pot
Where lamb son clap your hands,
lamb father foot suddenly stomps,
BUT mother lamb sometimes without fear
Scratch at the door of a dear spouse.
Respond, people who are not very against
Hear all this late at night?

Table role-playing tale "Nebremen non-musicians"

Four guests who received cards with remarks easily "reincarnate" in their heroes, for this it is enough for them to pronounce their phrase expressively after each line where it is said about them. It is important for the host to remember to make small pauses at the right time and, if necessary, to make signs to the participants.

Actors and lines:

A donkey: "Horse I run!"
Dog: " Woof! I want to wet my throat first "
Cat: " Moore-meow, suddenly I will become fat and important!
Rooster: " Ku-ka-re-ku-ku! You can even hear it in Moscow!”

In a neighboring village the year before last
Some peasant suddenly went crazy:
He drove out all the living creatures that are in the house
I have lived side by side for fifteen years.
And lived with him all these years in the world:
DONkey shebutnoy... (Horse I run!)
The DOG that didn't growl anymore...
There lived an old robber, a CAT who loved sour cream...
In the company of this COCK was not superfluous ...

The company quietly wandered along the road,
The paws and legs of the poor are tired.
Suddenly the light appeared in the forest hut -
The terrible robbers have a home there.
And friends began to discuss right here,
How best to scare the robbers.
The DOG was suddenly the first to say softly... (Woof! I want to wet my throat first!)
Donkey, however, decided that he was not passive either. Still would! … (Horse I run!)
The CAT was very afraid of a night ram ... (Moore-meow, suddenly I will become fat and important ?!)
Friends offered to scare the gang -
Disperse the robbers with a cry.
A COCK that has already flown onto the roof ... ( Ku-ka-re-ku-ku! You can even hear it in Moscow!)

The animals quietly went to the hut
And all together: DONKEY, DOG, CAT, COCK - they shouted (Everyone screams).
The robbers immediately ran away from the house.
Who settled in it? They are familiar to us.
And lived for many more years in a house in peace
Brave donkey... (Horse I run!)
A DOG that growled menacingly... (Woof! I want to wet my throat first!)
And a subtle connoisseur of homemade sour cream, CAT ... (Moore-meow, suddenly I will become fat and important!)
And, of course, - COCK, he is not superfluous at all ... (Ku-ka-re-ku-ku! You can even hear it in Moscow!)


Table role-playing tale "Happiness is near."

Klava has been waiting for happiness for a long time,

Everyone wonders where it is

Then a FRIEND came to her

And hugged the owner.
Together we decided it was time
Invite PETER to visit.
Like, even though he's a fool,
But ditties to sing a master.
PARROT, having heard about it,
Sat on a perch higher
Began, poor, to lament:
"Where would the HOLIDAY wait?"
Here at the first call
PETER came - ready for anything.
KLAVA made a salad
And washed the grapes.
And he approves of the recipes.
There's a knock on the door! KLAVA darted:
Suddenly some kind of setup?
The door opened - the PRINCE appeared.
PETER almost shot himself!
To put it bluntly, without offense:
He had views on KLAVA!
Here they remembered about the HOLIDAY,
The song was pulled together.
PETER hiccupped and choked,
And swung at the PRINCE.
PARROT flew around the cage,
He called his ancestors for help.
And the GIRLFRIEND is only happy:
There will be a fight, what you need!
Only KLAVA does not yawn,
Raises a toast to happiness.
Sipped a glass
And Pyotr's glass is not enough!
But kinder, he's in a drinking bowl
PARROT pours vodka.
PRINCE, eating a herring,
Everyone mutters their motive.
KLAVA says softly:
"Grooms are our glory!"
A GIRLFRIEND whispers to her:
“You pour them a third ...”
The PRINCE made his decision,
Having made an offer to CLAVE.
PETER, blushing with effort,
Cookie makes a GIRLFRIEND.
And from the cage PARROT
Suddenly he let out a dog bark.
It's been a glorious HOLIDAY!
PETER eventually passed out.
PRINCE hid his face in a salad
(It was delicious, by the way.)
KLAVA sings a song
How it all ends, waiting.
And envious, FRIEND,
Though left without a spouse,
Sing along to her too
About "sorrows from the fields."
After seeing these things,
PARROT our gray hair.
He is silent on weekdays
And as a HOLIDAY - so screams.
Here the fairy tale ends
And who listened - well done!

Game moment "Cheerful table orchestra"

Who sits, who sits to the right of the bottle

Beat rhythmically on the glass with a fork.
Who sits, who sits from the bottle to the left
Tap the plate boldly with a fork.
Who sits, who sits to the right of the herring
Hit the plate with a fork and spoon.
Who sits, who sits to the right of the potato
Hit your knees with both hands.
Who is at the table today drank quite a bit
Beat slowly with a fork on a spoon
Who is in this hall today arrived late
Tap the glass gently on the table.
Who is today arrived on time and arrived
Beat as best you can with your heels on the floor.
Who is satisfied everyone left - clap your hands!
Who is a little was angry- don't be shy either.
And now together with everything you can - at once!
Have fun and joy at the holiday with us!

Collection posted for review

This competition is perfect for a fun company, where everyone knows each other well. Everyone sitting at the table in turn (clockwise) names a part of the body or item of clothing that they like in a neighbor, for example, eyes, neck, hands, dress, and so on. When all the guests have named, the host announces that now it is time to kiss the part of the body that was named by them.

Fastest of all

The host distributes sheets to all participants on which the words of a complex tongue twister are written, for example: Four black, grimy imps drew a drawing in black ink for tacking ships carrying a caravel to the cavaliers and the queen. Whoever is the fastest and, most importantly, correctly, can pronounce a tongue twister, will get a prize, for example, a bag of nuts or a toy microphone.

Around the world

Time to remember the countries of the world and travel. Guests in a circle name one country each (in alphabetical order) and a few words characterizing this country. Who can not name for a long time - drops out of the circle of participants. Naturally, letters such as “ё”, “й”, “ъ”, “ы” and so on do not participate. For example, the first participant says Australia - kangaroos, natives, the second participant says Belarus - potatoes, Lukashenka, and so on.

Help me eat it

Participants have their hands tied so that left hand one guest was tied to the other's right, and right hand guest - from the left side of the neighbor. Dishes are placed in front of the participants, such as salad plates or yogurts. At the start command, the guests begin the meal. Whoever can eat the dish the fastest wins.

Table school of laughter

The host starts the sentence, and the guest continues it, but in such a way that it is funny. To do this, the leader must prepare several well-known catchphrases based on the number of invited guests. If the guest cannot remember the sentence, he can invent a continuation himself, the main thing is that loud laughter is heard in the room. The funniest participant gets a prize. For example: the bisector is ... (a rat that runs around the corners and divides the corner in half); According to the law of Archimedes ... (after a delicious dinner, wipe your hands on a neighbor) and so on.

Drawing on a plate

Each guest is given a small tube of mayonnaise, ketchup and mustard. These are the paints with which guests must paint the most beautiful and interesting picture on their plate. Here everyone turns on their imagination and gets to work. For the most wonderful and magnificent art, guests receive prizes.

The best bartender

Of all the tools at hand on the table, each of those sitting at the table must figure out how to make the most interesting and beautiful cocktail, for example, mix a few drinks, decorate with fruit from the table and add some kind of personal touch. Based on the voting results, we determine the best cocktails, and prizes are awarded to cool bartenders.

For any holiday, you gather with friends and celebrate it. But at some point, you all get bored, and you want to have more fun. This is where board games for the birthday of adults come to the rescue. New and cool games, which are easy to play right at the table. You just need to prepare a little and you will never forget this evening. And so, let's get acquainted with the games.

The first game - answer the questions!
Everyone knows how to play cities? Then you know the rules. We have only slightly changed the very essence of the game. And now you have to answer questions. That is, prepare cards on which questions are written. And the first guest draws one card. And there, for example, it is written - I really like it ...
And now the first guest says that he really likes it. For example:
- plant peppers!
So the second guest says that he likes the letter C.
- Count the chickens!
It turns out the third guest with the letter T.
- Carry the piano!
The fourth guest with the letter L.
- to be lazy!
And so on. The main thing is to come up with more questions, and more diversely.

Second game - I don't know who I am!
The game is very simple. But also very funny. You need to prepare these masks in advance:

At the celebration, you put on these masks for all guests so that those to whom you put on a mask do not see it. When all the guests are wearing masks, the game begins. In turn, each guest asks something about his mask. And others answer him: yes or no. After all, others see the masks of others, but not their own! The winner is the one who was the first to guess what mask he has and who he is!

By the way!
There is interesting game titled Who We Really Are.
Its essence is simple: guests take turns taking out cards and reading them out. funny rhymes that says who you really are. Everything is fun and casual.

The third game - why such a gift?
Funny game for cheerful company. The main thing is that no one should be offended, because the answers can be very “sharp”!
One guest turns to another and says what he will give him. For example:
- I'll give you a tomato!
And the second guest must answer the first. Why does he give him a tomato. For example:
- because you have such red cheeks!
Then another guest says to the following:
- I'll give you a guitar!
And the answer is something like this:
- because you talk like a guitar is playing.

Fourth game - why?
You need cards to play. On them you need to write sentences and names of animals and birds. The first guest takes out one card and, addressing any guest. Reads it:
you are so strong...
Then the guest to whom this appeal is directed. From another bag he takes out a card with the name of birds and animals and reads it out. And it turns out:
- you are as strong as ... goose 9a maybe like a lion or like a titmouse)
Then another guest takes out a new card and turns to someone else:
You are so soft like...
The one addressed takes out his card and reads out:
- you are so gentle, like ... a seal (or maybe an elephant or a monkey)
The rules are simple and the end result is funny. Especially if your friends are already drunk.

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Due to its diversity and entertainment, games are interesting for people of all ages. Despite the fact that in modern times they are more often associated with computers, many will not refuse to have fun at the table in a family or friendly circle for such an intriguing pastime. We present you the most interesting board games for the company of adults at the table.

This entertainment is ideal before the start of the feast, it will cheer you up and create a pleasant atmosphere, everyone who has applied can be a participant.

Rules: guests take a glass and pass it to each other, everyone who takes it in their hands must pour some alcohol into it. The loser will be the person who spills at least a drop, he will have to drink everything poured with a toast. It is highly recommended not to stir drinks!

Am I someone?

Purpose of the game: each participant is attached to the forehead paper with a character, hero, actor, politician, etc.

During the game, each player must guess what is written there by asking one leading question and getting an unambiguous answer to it.

The one who recognizes his hero is considered the winner, if his version is wrong, then penalties or elimination may be provided in the process.


The game got its name because for a while, in the allotted few seconds, a person must unravel as many words as possible. Entertainment leads the solving participant into a panic state, which is very funny to watch from the outside.

  1. All players write 20-30 words, except for adjectives and verbs, then throw them into the hat.
  2. Participants are divided into pairs, the goal of one of them is to explain with a phrase, each conceived word, the other must guess them in the allotted time.
  3. After they change places, the winners are the couple who named large quantity correct options.

The game, familiar to many since childhood, has not lost its popularity among adults. Its principle is quite simple and easy to remember.

  1. Players are divided into 2 teams, the winning team is the one that quickly picks up 10 correct options.
  2. From each team, a captain must be selected, to whom the leader will speak the word. His task will be to explain to the team what he heard, with gestures.

Eiffel Tower

The requisites for the construction of the tower will be domino plates. Each participant builds on the floor, the one who destroys the structure is out of the game or subject to penalties.

Alphabet in a bowl

Entertainment is suitable for any feast where there are treats on the tables.

Rules: the facilitator suggests a letter to the guests, who must find it at the beginning of the product name. The first person to find the right word takes the lead.

Mysterious Item

How to play: in this game, the gift to the winner is determined immediately, it should be wrapped in several layers of foil. A piece of paper with a riddle is glued to each layer, the one who solves it removes one sheet.

If someone does not cope with the task, he passes it to the next contestant. The most difficult task should be placed on last layer foil, the winner removes it and receives a prize.

Unsmiled princesses

The goal of the game is to divide the participants into teams, one of which cannot be smiled, the task of the opposite is, on the contrary, to make the rivals laugh.

The laughing participant goes to the opposing team, the player who has never been embarrassed will win.

"Bearded" joke

The essence of the game: each of those present at the table begins to take turns telling a sentence from a joke. If one of the participants can continue it, then a “beard” is attached to the story. The winner of the game will be the one who tells the most unique jokes.

Solving the hit


  1. One of the participants must leave the room, he will guess the phrase conceived by the team.
  2. The host, together with those present, comes up with a phrase from a song or poem, the main thing is that it be famous.
  3. Each guest remembers one word from it.
  4. In the game, the leader in order asks the participants a question, to which they will have to answer with a sentence using a hidden word.


People sitting at the table take a piece of paper and a pen. The facilitator calls the letter, on which the participants must quickly draw an object. Artists with matching pictures are eliminated. The winner is the one whose creations are the most unique.

The facilitator takes one personal item from each participant and puts them in a common, opaque bag.

During the game, the guests present come up with a task, the one whose phantom will be taken out performs it.


The game is based on the well-known "bottle", but instead of kissing, the participants perform tasks that are invented before it starts.

Put together a song

Rules: for this game, each word from the selected song is written on a separate piece of paper. All participants sit down at the table and get acquainted with the sheets, the winner will be the one who quickly solves and sings the hidden song.

Finish a masterpiece

  • Option number 1

The guests gathered at the table are invited to complete the drawing conceived by the author. The sketches must be the same, for this you can print them on a printer, the winner is the one whose creation will be as close as possible to the previously drawn original.

  • Option number 2

The host gives the guests different parts of one drawing, which they must complete. The players who draw the object correctly win.

How to play: Many of the same items are chosen as props for the game, usually matches or other sticks.

A pile is thrown onto the table for the guests, from which one item should be pulled out.

The person who touches the neighboring sticks loses and leaves the game, I pull out my own.

Dance of facial expressions

Target: to cheerful music, the presenter calls out part of the face, and the guests begin to dance to her. It turns out a lot of fun, the winners are the most original and funny dancers.

Mafia 2

How to play: a deck of cards is taken and each guest is dealt one. The team member who got the ace of spades will be the mafia, and the one who got the ace of hearts will play the sheriff.

All the rest will be civilians. The task of the mafia is to kill people with an imperceptible wink. The eliminated participants put down their card after a few seconds. The goal of the sheriff is to catch the criminal.

Russian roulette

Such a game is more suitable for a feast where alcohol will be consumed. 2 glasses of vodka and 1 of water are placed on the table in front of the player so that he does not know what is poured where, his task will be to drink both shots in a row, what will be in them, a matter of luck ...

Such a game is ideal for a party in which there are boys and girls who are not couples among themselves and are not related by family ties.

  1. Participants are divided into women and men, the latter leave the room while the ladies guess one of them for themselves.
  2. Each guy enters the room one by one and tries to guess the one who chose him, then kisses her. If she answers him, then the sympathies coincided, otherwise he gets a slap in the face.
  3. The man stays in the room. If he chose his lady correctly, then the next participant who kissed his couple is kicked out the door.
  4. The one who finds his half last or does not guess it at all loses.

Drawing from memory

The players are faced with the task of completing an object to a sketch of a drawing. The condition is closed eyes and turn on the spot. Since this will not be easy enough to do, the one who most accurately depicts the missing element in its place will win. As a result, artists will be interested to see what came out of all this.

empty box

Entertainment is not suitable for relatives, and participants must be of different sexes.

To the sound of music, a box is transmitted in a circle, the one on whom the sound has subsided must take off some of his clothes. How far the game will go depends only on its participants.

Here they are, table games for the company of adults at the table. Looking through a huge amount of entertainment, we can conclude that age does not affect the state of the human soul. Most of the games came to us from early childhood, but they have become even more interesting and fun.

Another video in the next interesting competition for adults on a home holiday.