We learn to understand the nuances of paying for housing and communal services. How to understand the receipt for an apartment Zhirovka on utility bills


The Department of Housing and Public Utilities of the city of Moscow has released a brochure "How to understand the ENP".

Every month, Muscovites take out a Single Payment Document (EPD) from the mailbox - a receipt for paying utility bills. The document contains all the information about housing and communal services: tariffs, consumption volumes, charges, etc. It can be difficult to understand it, and Muscovites often ask questions about what this or that column means.

What information does the ENP contain?:

1 . Full name - last name, first name, patronymic of the owner / responsible tenant.
2 . The address of the dwelling at which payments for housing and communal services were made.
3 . Barcode. Graphic representation of 28 digital characters. Required to pay for the EPD through electronic terminals.
4 . The month for which the ENP was formed.
5 . Payer's personal code. It is he who must be indicated when paying for housing and communal services at terminals, ATMs and via the Internet.
6 . Information about the managing organization: name, address, contact details.
7 . Information about the residential premises: type of ownership (own or state (municipal), total and residential area, number of registered (private categories of the population are indicated separately), the date of creation of this UPD and the date of the last payment for housing and communal services.
8 . Types of services for which accruals are made.
Abbreviations used:
Cold water/DHW– cold/hot water supply
Water outlet– Water disposal (sewerage)
CPU- residential metering device
DPU- general metering device
Creation and rem.zh.p.– maintenance and repair of residential premises within the social norm
Creation and repair.- maintenance and repair of residential premises (surplus area)
Maintenance and repair of the second.vein.- maintenance and repair of residential premises (for owners who have a second home or who are not registered in the apartment)
Heating prim.pl.- heating of the main area
Fear.– voluntary insurance
9 . Volumes of consumption of housing and communal services. For each service, its own units of measurement are used: water supply and drainage cubic meters (cubic meter), maintenance and repair, social rent of housing - sq. m. (square meters), heating - Gcal (gigacalories), gas is charged based on the number of registered.
10 . Current tariffs per unit of service.
11 . The amount of accruals for services (the product of column 9 by column 10.).
12 . Information on the amount of benefits for certain types of housing and communal services.
13 . Information about recalculation. For example, recalculation for temporary absence and recalculation for services of inadequate quality.
14 . Charges payable for the service, taking into account benefits and recalculation.

That is why the Department of Housing and Public Utilities of the city of Moscow has issued a brochure “How to Understand the Single Payment Document”, which explains in an accessible language what information is contained in the payment document, the procedure and methodology for calculating each utility service, as well as a lot of other useful information necessary for "reading" the payment document.

The brochure will help you figure out how to correctly apply limit indices, who is entitled to social support measures for housing and communal services, and what threatens persistent non-payers for housing and communal services debts.

What is EPD

A single payment document is a kind of "visiting" card of the city's system of settlements and charges for housing and communal services.

A single payment document is formed every month by specialists of the Multifunctional Centers for the Provision of Public Services of the City of Moscow (MFC) or state-owned public institutions "Engineering Services" of the districts (GKU IS) and delivered to residents before the 15th. On average, employees of the city settlement and accrual system generate about 4 million (!) payment documents per month.

When creating a payment document, a huge database is used: addresses and names of owners and tenants of residential and non-residential premises, a list of services and their suppliers, information on social support measures, etc. All this array of information is processed by the computer program ACS EIRTs. Several thousand specialists take part in the creation of the ENP. And all to ensure that the payment document is in your mailbox.

Controlling the delivery of the EPD together with the residents

The city has a well-established system for monitoring the delivery time of the payment document. If the payment document is delivered later than the 15th day of the month, inform the EPD delivery quality control service about it.

To leave a message about the untimely delivery of the payment document, you must fill out a form on the website of the GKU "Center for Coordination of the GU IS" www.is.mos.ru.


Some residents and managing organizations have decided to make calculations and charges for housing and communal services on their own. Their payment documents for housing and communal services may differ from the Unified payment document. The information provided in the brochure and later in the article relates exclusively to the ENP.

What do we pay for

The services specified in the payment document can conditionally be divided into several parts. Housing services, these include the “Rental” service (payment for housing for its tenant), and the “Maintenance and repair of housing” service. Utilities: hot and cold water supply, water disposal (sewage), heating, gas supply. In some areas of the capital, electricity is also included in the ENP. But in most cases, this utility service is paid on a separate receipt. Other services are also included in the payment document: locking device, radio, antenna.

Rates, prices and tariffs for housing and communal services are set by the Government of Moscow. Thus, the tariffs for housing and communal services for 2014 were approved by the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated November 26, 2013 No. 748-PP.

The cost of services belonging to the “other” category is determined by a civil law contract and is not regulated by the Moscow Government. Let's take a look at all the services in order.

Housing Services

If the family uses housing on a rental basis, it pays for the rent, as well as the maintenance and repair of the dwelling. The rental fee is calculated based on the area of ​​the dwelling and the rate established by the Moscow Government for a specific type of tenancy - social, commercial or rental of residential premises in non-subsidized houses.

Homeowners pay for the service "Maintenance and repair of residential premises".

The cost of the service "Maintenance and repair of residential premises" includes a fee for the management of an apartment building (MKD), maintenance and current repairs of common property, work stipulated by the contract for the management of MKD.

The amount of payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises in the MKD is determined at the general meeting of the owners of the premises in the house. If the owners have not made a decision on the amount of payment for the maintenance and repair of the dwelling, the calculation is made at prices approved by the Moscow Government.

The Moscow government approves two types of prices for the maintenance and repair of residential premises:
- per area within the established norms(given below), this price is subsidized by the Government of Moscow and now for most Muscovites is 17.84 rubles. for 1 sq. m.,
- for an area exceeding the established norms. This is the actual cost of services and works on maintenance and current repairs, now for most Muscovites it is 24.53 rub. per 1 sq.m.

The price per area within the established norms is applied to registered residents with a single dwelling. In the ENP, this service is referred to as “sod. rem. zh.p. ".

The difference between the total area of ​​the dwelling and the area within the established norm of the area (in the EPD it is indicated as “sod. and rem. izl. Zh.p.”) is paid at the price for the area established in excess of the norm. For owners who are not registered in the dwelling or who have a second dwelling, accrual is made at rates for the area established in excess of the norms for the entire dwelling (in the EPD it is indicated “created and repaired second residential.”).

The following rules apply to the calculation of fees for the maintenance and repair of residential premises. For a citizen living alone - 40 sq. m. of the total living area, for a family of two people, 56 sq. m., for a family of three or more people, 25 sq.m. the total area of ​​the dwelling for each family member.

For example, in an apartment of 60.3 sq. m. registered 2 people. The established norm for a family of two is 56 sq. m. This means that the area within the established norms will be calculated at a price within the established norm, and the excess area - 4.3 square meters. m - at a price per area in excess of the norms.

Utilities: water supply

Payment for water supply can be charged according to the readings of apartment metering devices, according to the readings of a house metering device, or according to standards.

If you are paying for a water supply service using an apartment metering device (KPU), then the following abbreviations are used in the EPD: “HVS KPU”, “DHW KPU”, “Vodootv. KPU "- cold and hot water supply according to the indications of an apartment water meter, water disposal (sewerage) according to the indications of the KPU (the sum of indications of cold and hot water supply).

The cost of water is calculated based on the volume according to the readings of the apartment meter (KPU), multiplied by the tariff.

The payment document indicates the water consumption in the billing month according to the readings of the apartment meter. But if the KPU readings were not transmitted on time, they will be calculated based on the average monthly consumption for the previous 6 months.

If you are paying for a house metering device (DPU), the abbreviations are indicated in the payment document: “HVS DPU”, “DHW DPU” and “Vodootv. DPU "- cold and hot water supply, water disposal according to the readings of the house water meter.

Calculation of accruals for cold and hot water for apartments where KPU is not installed is carried out in accordance with the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated February 10, 2004 No. 77-PP.

From the volume of water consumption, according to the indications of the house meter, the volumes of consumption for all apartment devices, the volume of consumption for non-residential premises (if the house has, for example, shops, a hairdresser, etc.), are deducted, as well as general house expenses are deducted, which are determined according to the indications a metering device installed at the place where water is drawn for general house needs. If there is no such device, then the general house expenses are accepted no more than 5 percent of the volume of consumption for the general house device. The resulting balance is distributed among apartments without a CCP in proportion to the number of citizens living in them. At the same time, the resulting volume of consumption per person should not exceed two standards for the consumption of utilities.

If there is neither apartment nor house metering devices, charges are made according to consumption standards: 6.935 cubic meters. m. of cold water per person per month, 4.745 cu. m. of hot water per person per month, water disposal 11.68 cubic meters per person per month.

Heating and gas supply

The payment for heating a residential building in Moscow, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated September 10, 2014 No. 468-PP, is charged based on the average monthly indicator of heat energy consumption. To calculate it, the amount of heat consumed in the previous year is taken and divided by 12 months. Then the average monthly volume consumed by the entire house is divided by the total area of ​​the house - this is how the amount of heat that was required to heat 1 square meter of the house area is determined. The result obtained is multiplied by the total area of ​​​​the apartment and by the tariff.

At the beginning of each year, the managing organization reconciles the volumes billed to the population for payment and the volumes of thermal energy actually spent in the current year. Based on the reconciliation results, the payment is adjusted, which is usually indicated in the payment document in the “recalculation” column. It can be done both in the direction of increase and in the direction of its decrease.

In the absence of metering devices, charges are made according to consumption standards: 0.016 Gcal per 1 sq. km. m. of the total area of ​​housing.

Payment for gas supply is calculated according to the tariff for each consumer living in the apartment.

Limit indices

The marginal index of changes in the amount of citizens' fees for utilities is a universal tool for monitoring charges for hot and cold water supply, sanitation, heating, and gas. Changing the amount of the fee above the limit index is unacceptable and should entail an immediate response from the executive authorities to eliminate such a situation.

In the capital, the limit index was approved by the Decree of the Mayor of Moscow dated June 30, 2014 No. 542-RM and from November 1 to December 31, 2014 is 6.5 percent. At the same time, the maximum allowable deviation from the value of the limit index for a particular dwelling is 3.2 percent.

Also, in the form of formulas, the Moscow Government approved limit indices for changes in the amount of payments made by citizens for utility services for 2015-2018.

Marginal Index = Consumer Price Index x Coefficient + 3.5%.

In this formula, the Consumer Price Index is calculated based on the forecast of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the year preceding the year for which the change indices are calculated (based on the results of 9 months). Reducing or increasing coefficient for the corresponding year of the long-term period, determined taking into account the forecast of Russia's socio-economic development for this year.

How to apply limit indexes?

To determine if the increase in utility bills exceeds the marginal index, the charges for the two periods must be compared. The fee for any month of the current year must be divided by the fee for December of the previous year. The resulting value must not exceed the limit index. True, for the first long-term period (from July 1 to December 2014), the selected month must be compared with June 2014.

If the change in the amount of the fee exceeds the size of the established limit index, it is necessary to seek clarification from the MFC / GKU IS of the district, the managing organization. And if it was not possible to find out the objective reasons for exceeding the limit index of utility bills, it is worth contacting the State Housing Inspectorate of the City of Moscow and the city's executive authorities.

Limit indices cannot be applied in the following cases.

1. In relation to one utility service.

Limit indices apply to the total payment for all utilities provided to a citizen. Those. it is incorrect to say that the growth of tariffs for some particular utility service has exceeded the marginal index.

2. To the total amount in the ENP.

Limit indices apply only to utilities (hot and cold water supply, sewerage, heating, gas). And in the ENP, in addition to them, accruals for housing and other services are included.

3. To utilities, if the volume of their consumption changes.

In Moscow, the majority of the population pays for utilities based on the readings of apartment or common house metering devices. Accordingly, the volume of consumption, as a rule, is not the same every month, so the payment amount varies from month to month.

In addition, the volume of public services provided is affected by an increase in the number of citizens living or registered in residential premises. Some services are charged for each resident or registered: gas, and in the absence of individual water meters, cold and hot water supply, sanitation.

4. If your eligibility has changed.

The amount of payment depends on whether the citizen has benefits for paying utility bills. When accruing payments, the amount of payment for a specific service is reduced by the amount of benefits provided to him for its payment. In case of loss of the right to a benefit or a change in its size, the payment of a citizen may also change upwards and its growth will exceed the approved index.

For the convenience and simplicity of checking whether the increase in utility bills corresponds to the limit indices, the Government of the Russian Federation has developed an information tool that allows you to make the necessary calculation online.

Currently, this information tool is posted on the websites of the executive authorities of the city of Moscow.

Who is eligible for benefits?

The Moscow Government provides citizens with an effective system of social support in the housing and communal services sector. Currently, more than 50 categories of citizens in the capital are entitled to benefits, which is much more than provided for by federal law.

Benefits are provided in the form of discounts for no more than one apartment (residential premises) based on rates, prices and tariffs established by the Moscow Government. If the consumer is entitled to social support measures for paying for housing and communal services on two or more grounds, benefits are accrued on one of them.

The main document used by public utilities is the Regulation on the procedure for settlements and payment of fees for housing and communal services and fees for the use of residential premises of the state housing stock, which was approved by Resolution No. 571 of June 12, 2014 by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.

In the fat bill, we see that there are basic housing and communal services and reimbursable expenses. The main housing and communal services are divided into two columns - at subsidized tariffs and at tariffs that provide full reimbursement of economically justified costs. This means that if a family, for example, uses more water than is determined by the regulations, then it will have to pay for the excess in full.

Tariffs for basic housing and communal services - maintenance, overhaul, hot and cold water supply and maintenance of the elevator - were set by the decision of the Brest Regional Executive Committee No. 18 of January 12, 2018.

  1. Maintenance

The maintenance fee at the subsidized rate is calculated up to 20 sq. meters for each person registered in the apartment plus 10 sq. meters of total area for the whole family. Anything over the limit is paid in full. In the living quarters, we see that the total area of ​​the apartment is 73.5 sq. meters. This means that a family of two will pay a subsidized rate for 50 sq. m. meters, in full - for 23.5 square meters. meters.

  1. Overhaul

The overhaul fee is paid at a subsidized rate for the entire area, in our case 73.5 sq. meters.

  1. Cold water supply

Despite the fact that the line is called "Cold water supply", the consumption of cold and hot water is taken into account here, heating is paid separately.

According to the decree, the norm of water consumption per person is 140 liters per day. February had 28 days. We translate liters into cubic meters and consider: 0.14 * 28 \u003d 3.92 cubic meters. Two people live in the apartment, which means that they will pay for 7.84 cubic meters at a subsidized rate.

In the block "Additional information on the personal account" we see that the consumption of cold and hot water, according to the readings of individual meters for the month, exceeded the norm - the family used 18 cubic meters. water. So, for 10.16 cubic meters. they will pay full price.

  1. Water disposal (sewerage)

Everything is simple here: how many liters poured out of the tap, how many poured into the sewer. These figures are identical to those indicated in the lines "Cold water supply" - 7.84 and 10.16 m3.

  1. Hot water supply (water heating)

The house does not have a group metering device for heat energy consumption for heating water, therefore it is calculated according to the approved standard, which is equal to 0.080026 gigacalories per cubic meter. water (it is not printed in fat).

In the block "Additional information on the personal account" it is indicated that the consumption of hot water amounted to 11 cubic meters. To find out how much heat energy was spent on heating this water, we multiply 0.080026 by 11 and get 0.8803 gigacalories.

  1. Heat supply (heating)

The house has a group metering of heat energy consumption for heating. Standard for 1 sq. meter can be found by dividing the readings of the device (56.73 gigacalories in February) by the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bliving premises (2,609.12 square meters). It turns out 0.02174. To find out how much heat energy was spent on heating an apartment, we multiply 0.02174 by its area (73.5 square meters) and we get 1.5981 gigacalories.

If no one is registered in the apartment, heating will be charged at the full rate, not the subsidized rate.

  1. Elevator Maintenance

Elevator maintenance is paid at a subsidized cost by people living on the floor where the second elevator stop is located and above. The fee depends on the number of people registered in the apartment.

For the maintenance of the elevator at full cost, for example, individual entrepreneurs who rent an apartment for short-term residence can pay.

  1. Handling municipal solid waste

The fee is calculated at subsidized tariffs based on the standard for the formation of municipal solid waste (garbage), which is established by local executive and administrative bodies. In the Brest region, according to this standard, a person can “litter” by 0.165 cubic meters. (165 liters) per month. The final amount in the fat bill depends on the number of people registered in the apartment.

From February 8, 2018, the payment for the treatment of MSW will be calculated at different rates depending on whether the house is equipped with a garbage chute or not. This is provided for by Decree No. 473 of December 31, 2017. The tariff for houses where garbage chutes are used will be higher.

  1. Sanitary maintenance of auxiliary premises

The fee is paid based on the actual costs of the contractor and the number of people registered in the apartment, with the exception of children under seven years of age. In each house it will be individual. This line may include services for disinfection, disinfestation, deratization.

The maximum allowable tariff for the service is 0.56 rubles.

  1. Electricity for lighting ancillary premises and the operation of equipment, with the exception of elevators. Electricity for elevators

The fee is calculated based on the readings of the group electricity consumption meter and the number of people registered in the apartment, with the exception of children under seven years of age.

The maximum allowable amount of compensation for such expenses for public places is 0.46 rubles, for elevators - 0.52 rubles.

  1. Land tax depends on the area of ​​the land plot occupied by the house (see Resolution of the Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities of the Republic of Belarus dated June 16, 2012 No. 14 “On Approving the Instruction on the Procedure for Reimbursing Land Tax Amounts”).

Breakdown of actual costs- this is the amount that ZHREU spent on the maintenance of the house, it is published to inform residents.

Some people may have benefits. You can learn more about this by reading the law of June 14, 2007 No. 239-z "On state social benefits, rights and guarantees for certain categories of citizens."

The information was provided by the Center for Calculating Housing and Communal Payments of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise "ZhREU of Brest".

All utilities, without exception, are currently provided on a paid basis. The basis for paying the fee is the receipt.

Receipt of housing and communal services- this is an official payment document, which reflects information on the amount of debts of consumers for the past settlement periods to housing facilities that provide utilities. Since various companies can provide different kinds of services, the consumer receives several receipts.

Explanation of abbreviations in the receipt

A utility bill uses many different terms and abbreviations, often not always clear to the average consumer. Let's look at them in more detail in the table:



So the receipt indicates the numbers of metering devices installed in the room.

In this way, the total and living area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises is determined in the housing and communal services receipt.
Living area refers to the sum of the areas of living rooms.
The total area of ​​all available premises is common.

registered / living

The number of people officially registered is indicated,
and the actual number of residents.

It stands for "Department of Social Protection of the Population".
This organization can be contacted for grants.

total house area

It implies the area of ​​all residential and non-residential premises of an apartment building as a whole.

Community needs.

Individual metering device, individual metering point.


General house metering device, collective metering point of an apartment building.

Common areas.

Receipts from the management company or HOA

The main calculation on the receipt is formed on the basis of data provided by consumers and service providers.

Each service in the utility bill includes: name, actual and estimated cost, units of measurement. In accordance with this information, the consumer can independently check all accrued payments and meter readings. At the end of the settlement table of the receipt, the total amount payable, as well as the amount already paid in the current period, is indicated.

If the apartment is equipped with a meter

then the charge for cold water supply is made according to the readings of the device. Similarly, according to the meter readings, hot water supply is calculated.

Vsnab = Vv * Tariff,

Vsnab- the amount of payment for water supply indicated in the utility bill;

- the volume of water consumed according to the meter readings;



According to the meter, 12 cubic meters were consumed in one month. m. cold water;

We get: 12 * 33.03 \u003d 396.36 rubles. - the amount payable for cold water supply, reflected in the utility bill

If there is no counter

it is necessary to pay according to the approved standards for each person registered in the apartment.

Supply = number of people. * Standard * Tariff

2 people are registered in the apartment;

The standard for cold water consumption per person is 6,935 cubic meters

The approved tariff for the service of cold water supply for consumers in an apartment building in Moscow is set at 33.03 rubles per 1 cubic meter.

We get: 2 * 6.935 * 33.03 \u003d 458.13 rubles. - the amount payable for cold water supply, reflected in the receipt of housing and communal services.

You can read more about how utility tariffs are formed.

It is worth noting that water disposal and water supply are completely different concepts. According to the majority of Russian citizens, payment for sewerage means payment only for sewerage, that is, exclusively for draining water. This is partly true, but in addition to the flow of water, it includes:

disposal of used water;

transportation to treatment facilities;


sewage disposal.

The calculation of the volume of consumed resources is carried out using individual metering devices. If there are none, the amount of resources is determined as an average of the consumption standards set by the local authority.

To calculate the water disposal, it is necessary to multiply the amount of water that was received according to the meter readings in your apartment by the water disposal rate. First, we calculate for cold water, then for hot. We add up the obtained values. Their amount will determine the amount of payment for water disposal in the receipt:

Votv \u003d (Vxv * Tariff) + (Vgv * Tariff),

Vxv- the volume of consumed cold water according to the meter readings;

Vgv- the volume of consumed hot water according to the meter;

Rate- the cost of a cubic meter of water, which is set by the local administration in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.


According to the meter, 7 cubic meters were consumed in one month. m. of cold water and 4 cubic meters. m. hot;

The approved tariff for the water disposal service for consumers in an apartment building in Moscow is set at 23.43 rubles per 1 cubic meter.

We get:(7 * 23.43) + (4 * 23.43) \u003d 257.73 rubles. the amount payable for water disposal, reflected in the receipt of housing and communal services.

If the meter is not installed, the payment will be calculated based on the water consumption standards. These indicators are approved annually and published on the official websites of the local administration. It should be noted that the standard is not uniform for all regions.

In multi-storey buildings, there is a separate nuance in the calculation of water disposal: in this case, the calculation is made according to the indicator of the common house meter, and not for each apartment separately. If there is none, the management company makes a calculation according to current standards and issues an invoice to the tenants.

If the consumer has a desire to install a separate water meter in the apartment, he is obliged to notify his managing organization about this. Then she must give the necessary permission, put a seal on the meter and recalculate the payment for water supply and sanitation. The recalculation amount will be reflected in the utility bill.

Payment for heating in a house not equipped with a meter is made during the heating season. Payment is affected by:

total area of ​​the apartment;

consumption standard;

set heating rate.

If we multiply the established standard by the area of ​​​​the apartment, as a result we get the amount of heat consumed per month. The resulting volume must be multiplied by the heating tariff, thereby obtaining the amount of payment for the past month. This amount is reflected in the utility bill.

O \u003d Standard * Skv * Tariff,

Sq- area of ​​the apartment;

standard- heat consumption standard established by the local authority;



The area of ​​the apartment is 50.3 sq.m.;

The standard for heat energy consumption in Balashikha is 0.016 Gcal/sq.m of total area.

We get: 50.3 * 1601.35 * 0.016 \u003d 1288.77 rubles. the amount payable for heating, reflected in the receipt of housing and communal services.

Calculation of payment for heating in the presence of a common house heat meter, where meters for thermal energy are not installed in the apartments, is made according to the formula:

O \u003d V * (Skv / Sd) * Tariff,

V- the volume of consumed thermal energy according to the indications of a common house meter;

Sq- area of ​​the apartment;


Rate- the tariff for housing and communal services for heating, established by the local administration, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.


The area of ​​the apartment is 62.1 sq.m.;

The total area of ​​heated premises in an apartment building is 5,000 sq.m.

The approved tariff for the heating service for consumers in an apartment building in Balashikha is set at 1,601.35 rubles per Gcal;

The readings on the collective meter amounted to 72 Gcal.

We get: 72*(62.1/5000)*1601.35=1431.99 rub. the amount payable for heating, reflected in the receipt of housing and communal services.

Calculation of heating in the case when a collective (common house) meter is installed in an apartment building, and individual metering devices are installed in the apartments is calculated:

O \u003d (Vkv + Vodn x (Skv / Sd)) * Tariff,

Vkv- the volume of consumed thermal energy according to the indications of an individual meter;

Vodn- heat consumption for general house needs;

Sq- area of ​​the apartment;

SD- area of ​​an apartment building;

Rate- the tariff for housing and communal services for heating, established by the local administration, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.


The area of ​​the apartment is 50 sq.m.;

The total area of ​​heated premises in an apartment building is 8,000 sq.m.

The approved tariff for the heating service for consumers in an apartment building in Balashikha is set at 1,601.35 rubles per Gcal;

Indications on the collective metering device amounted to 140 Gcal;

The sum of heat consumed by all apartments is 100 Gcal;

Indications on an individual meter in an apartment 2 Gcal;

The cost of providing hot water 15 Gcal.

We get:(2+(140-100-15)*50/8000)*1601.35 = 3452.91 rubles the amount payable for heating, reflected in the receipt of housing and communal services.

This definition includes a large number of works that a housing company must perform:

maintenance of structural elements of the building and in-house engineering equipment;

maintenance of domestic gas equipment;

cleaning and maintaining the order of the local area;

provision of services for deratization and disinfestation (control of rodents and insects);

landscaping of the yard and adjacent territory;

tidying up common areas;

timely garbage disposal;

electric lighting of common areas;

This list of services may be subject to some adjustments and additions made by residents at the general meeting.


This line in the housing and communal services receipt refers to the maintenance of common house property. This includes current repairs:

domestic gas equipment;

structural elements of buildings;

engineering equipment.

Residents of apartment buildings pay a fee for these services in proportion to the size of their share in the common property.

The city administration (or the decision of the general meeting of the HOA / housing and communal services / ZhSK / UK) establishes the amount of payment for current repairs and maintenance of housing. To calculate the amount of payment for these services, multiply the tariff by the total area of ​​the apartment. This amount is paid into the utility bill.

Rate- the tariff for the maintenance and repair of housing, established by the local administration, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

Sq- the area of ​​the apartment.


The apartment is located in Moscow in an apartment building with all amenities, an elevator and a garbage chute. For such housing, a maintenance tariff is provided, equal to 26.53 rubles.

The area of ​​the apartment is 60 sq.m.

We get: 26.53 * 60 \u003d 1591.8 rubles. the amount payable for maintenance and repair, reflected in the receipt of housing and communal services.

Receipt for overhaul

If the homeowner does not make timely payments to the established accounts, then a penalty in the amount of 1/300 of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for each day of delay will be charged on the amount of the debt. For more information about the measures taken against debtors, you can.

Receipt for gas supply

Payment for gas supply can be carried out both according to the standards and in accordance with the readings of individual meters. Payment for gas depends on the number of people living in the apartment. An individual counter can also be supplied.

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If you do not limit yourself to a quick look at the numbers, but delve into the intricacies of the calculation, there is a chance to understand when an error crept in as a result or what could be saved on. A useful thing for the family budget, especially when it comes to regular payments. Such, for example, as payment for housing and communal services. After a new form of fat bills was introduced in 2016, it became much easier to understand the intricacies of accruals. And yet, the mathematics of the process for many remains a mystery behind seven seals.

Photo by Tatyana Stolyarova

The head of the department for accounting, calculation and charging for housing and communal services of the branch of the Unified Settlement and Reference Center of Minsk, Natalia Chernukha, agreed to explain the digital subtleties of the fat bills. For example, we use a notice for December 2017 received by the owner of a Minsk apartment with a total area of ​​50.09 square meters, where one person is registered.

We start with the first block - basic housing and communal services, the cost of which is paid at subsidized rates (their amount is indicated in the fat bill in the “Tariff” column).

The first item on the list is “Maintenance”. These are all works that relate to the engineering systems of the house, control over the technical condition of the building. The calculation depends on the area of ​​housing, explains Natalya Chernukha:

Subsidized tariffs are charged based on the standard of 20 square meters per person registered at the place of residence, plus 10 "squares" per family. In this case, one person is registered (this is indicated in the additional information section), it turns out 30. We multiply this figure by the tariff (0.1084 rubles) and we get the amount in the “Accrued” column - 3.25 rubles.

Next comes the line "Overhaul". The deduction for it is considered as follows: the approved tariff (in our case, 0.0953 rubles) is multiplied by the number of square meters of the total area. It turns out 4.77 rubles.

Now let's deal with water. Three lines are devoted to it at once: “Hot water supply (water heating)”, “Cold water supply” and “Water disposal”. Moreover, cold water supply and sanitation are measured in cubic meters, and hot water supply - in gigacalories (Gcal). Why? After all, we take meter readings for both cold and hot water in cubic meters.

Let's start with "Cold Water". It is considered by cubic meters, depending on whether there are individual water metering devices (IPU) or not. If there is, then the subsidized norm is 140 liters (0.14 cubic meters) per day for each person registered in an apartment at the place of residence or at the place of stay. We multiply this figure by the number of days in a month (in December it was 31) and by the tariff. We get the total amount - in our example, it turned out 2.50 rubles.

And now an important nuance: the IPU indicators for both hot and cold water are counted here. Similarly, the volume is calculated for the service "Water disposal" (sewerage): how much water we got from the tap, so much leaked. But when it comes to “Hot water”, it means only its heating, that is, you pay not for water, but for heat energy. Natalya Chernukha says:

The house has a group metering device that records the entire amount of thermal energy spent on water heating. This consumption is divided by the total amount of hot water used in the house. So we get how many gigacalories it takes to heat one cubic meter. Then we multiply this figure by the actual consumption in a single apartment - for this we look at the IPU indicators for hot water. We get the amount of Gcal that was spent on heating water in a particular apartment. And we multiply this value by the tariff and get the result.

For heating (service "Heat supply") - the same. There is a group metering device that calculates the volume of thermal energy spent on space heating. The total consumption is divided by the area of ​​​​all residential premises in the house, so we get the amount of Gcal spent on heating one square meter. We multiply this figure by the area of ​​​​the apartment, and then by the tariff - the amount is ready for payment.

How much will be charged for the service "Handling of municipal solid waste" depends on the number of residents. This value should be multiplied by the MSW generation rate and the tariff, in the capital they are approved by the decision of the Minsk City Executive Committee.

Let's move on to the point “Sanitary maintenance of auxiliary premises” (relatively speaking, we are talking about cleaning the entrance), this refers to the reimbursable expenses of the population. What is the point? There are costs associated with providing this service. They are assessed as a whole for the house and divided by the number of residents (according to the place of residence, under contracts for renting residential premises of a private housing stock, with the exception of children under seven years old).

So we get the cost that is payable for each resident, - Natalya Chernukha clarifies. - But there is a maximum allowable tariff for this service. If the amount received is less, the invoice is issued according to the actual costs, if more, then in the amount of the maximum allowable tariff. The population does not have to pay the difference.

If the house has an elevator, there will be an “Elevator maintenance” column in the fat bill. Here, too, everything is simply calculated: the number of registered in the apartment is multiplied by the tariff.

The next block (the economical ones may not have it) is the same basic housing and communal services, but already calculated at tariffs that provide full reimbursement of economically justified costs. This includes everything that is spent in excess of the established norms at subsidized rates. Let's say maintenance. We got an “extra” 20.09 square meters. According to them, the tariff is no longer 0.1084 rubles, but 0.1155 rubles. The same is true of water, which consumes more than 140 liters per person per day. For example, for water supply, the tariff for overspent cubic meters is not 0.5748 rubles, but 0.7638 rubles.

The penultimate block is “Additional services”. It refers to services provided on the basis of contracts (but not to every person in the apartment, but to one subscriber), for example, television, intercom, video surveillance and others. The subtleties of payment are prescribed in an individual contract with the supplier.

Now again about the reimbursable services - this is “Electricity spent on lighting of auxiliary premises, operation of equipment, with the exception of elevators”.

The principle is the same as with the cleaning of entrances, - explains Natalya Chernukha. - It is calculated as follows: there is a group meter that records the consumption of electricity for lighting common areas throughout the house. This expense is divided by the number of all registered at the place of residence. We multiply the resulting value by the tariff - the amount to be charged comes out. If it is less than the marginal tariff, we pay the actual costs, if more - the maximum permissible tariff. The same scheme for calculating the cost of electricity for the operation of the elevator.

The last item - "Reimbursement of land tax" - does not apply to housing and communal services, but is included in the notice in a separate line, and the accrued amount is added to the total.

It makes sense to save water consumption. Large numbers in this column may not be because you are pouring a lot of water, but because of a breakdown in plumbing. Therefore, be attentive to the repair of faucets, drain tank and other elements. Also, before leaving, do not forget to turn off the valves so that there is no accidental flow of water.

Please note: if no one is registered in the apartment, all services are paid at rates that provide full reimbursement of economically justified costs.

If you do not live in the apartment for more than 10 days and there are documents confirming this, you can recalculate for some services. But keep in mind: this is not about all housing and communal services. For example, maintenance, overhaul, heating are not included here, because these services are provided regardless of whether a person is in the apartment or not. More detailed information can be obtained from the RSC at the place of residence.


What to do if you do not agree with the amount specified in the notice

Firstly, do not forget - the payment of housing and communal services for the previous month must be made no later than the 25th day of the current month, otherwise a penalty will be charged for each day of delay. The questions you have are not exempt from this. Therefore, before finding out the nuances, it is better to pay the bill.

Secondly, at the bottom of the notice, you can find the contact details of the clearing house (RCC) where your home is serviced. You need to call there or come in person and ask questions. If an error really crept into the notice, you will be recalculated.

The monthly "fat bill" for housing and communal services raises many questions among Belarusians. How is the heating fee calculated? Who has to pay for the use of the elevator, and who does not? In all this, AiF dealt with experts.

The form of "zhirovka" - and speaking officially, notices on the amount of payment for housing and communal services (HCS) and fees for the use of residential premises - is approved by the Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities. This notice contains a list of main and additional housing and communal services provided in the payer's residential premises.

Other additional services may also be included in the "fat-fitting". They are provided to the consumer only with his consent and subject to the conclusion of the contract. For example, cable TV services, calling a plumber, installing water meters, etc.

According to the above form, all services in the "fat" are divided into groups. First, there are the main housing and communal services, paid for at subsidized rates, then at economically justified rates. The notice also includes “reimbursable expenses” in a separate section. Today, these are two positions: the cost of lighting common areas and the operation of equipment, as well as the cost of electricity spent on the operation of the elevator.

All payment for housing and communal services is charged both at subsidized and economically justified tariffs, subject to a number of conditions. In each case, they are considered individually.

It should be noted that the tariffs subsidized by the state are increased annually from January 1 by 5 dollars at the rate of the National Bank (based on a 2-room apartment). They may also be indexed quarterly.


For example, we took a family of three living in an apartment with a total area of ​​75 square meters. Water consumption - 10 liters of cold and 10 liters of hot.

Notice for "challenging" January 2017 Click to enlarge image. A photo:

Important! Please note that the increase in most tariffs took place on January 26 (and it is the new figures that are indicated in the notice in the appropriate column). And this means that the cost of services for the first 25 days is calculated according to the old tariffs, and for the remaining days - according to the new ones. As a result, it should not be surprising that the amount that we see in the “total” column is less than the result of simply multiplying the volume by the tariff. By the way, if the prices remained unchanged during the month, then everything would converge. By the way, the current rates can be easily found on the Internet, for example.

1. Maintenance

Maintenance of a residential building is a service for the maintenance of engineering systems and structural elements of a residential building. What is included in it? So, periodically checks are carried out on electrical, thermal, water supply networks located within the common premises of a residential building, minor malfunctions are eliminated in common areas and engineering communications of the house in the basement, in the attic. Maintenance also includes preparing a residential building for operation during the heating season.

The cost of the service is calculated based on the total area of ​​the apartment. For each person registered at the place of residence, the use of subsidized tariffs is supposed to be 20 m 2, plus another 10 m 2 - per family. That is, if only 1 person is registered, then the rate of application of subsidized tariffs is 30 m 2, if two, then 50 m 2, and so on. For the rest of the area, fees are charged at economically justified rates.

Example. 3 people are registered in the apartment. Thus, 70 m 2 (20 * 3 + 10) is paid at the subsidized rate. In the January "growth" the tariff is indicated - 0.1000 rubles per 1 m 2. Total for the service you need to pay 6.97 rubles. Why not 7 rubles? The fact is that, as we warned, the notice indicates the tariff for the last day of the month, which is valid only from January 26 (and before that it was lower). Remaining 5m 2 are paid at an economically justified rate: 5 * 0.1155 \u003d 0.58 rubles.

2. Overhaul

This is the simplest service in terms of billing. Here, the amount is tied only to the area and does not depend on the number of living and registered family members. For residential premises, a subsidized tariff is applied - in January it was 0.0880 rubles per 1 m 2, for non-residential premises - an economically justified one.

Example. We multiply 75 m 2 by 0.0880 rubles and get 6.60 rubles. By the way, everything converges here precisely because the tariff has not changed during the month.

Before proceeding to the calculation of water charges, we will make some clarifications. By "cold water supply" you need to understand all the water that has flowed out of your tap, both cold and hot (in our example, 20 m 3). According to the same principle, the cost of the service "water disposal (sewerage)" is calculated. But the cost of heating water will depend only on the indication of the hot water meter.

3. Hot water supply (water heating)

We note right away that regardless of the consumption, the cost of heating water is calculated at a subsidized rate, but on the condition that at least 1 person is registered in the apartment. It is also important to understand that in this case we pay not for water, but for thermal energy to heat it.

The amount of thermal energy that is indicated in your "fat" is determined as follows. In the house (but not yet in each) a group metering device for the consumption of thermal energy for heating water is installed. The meter measures the amount of heat that was spent in your house (in our example, it is 129.82 Gcal). This information is indicated in the notice in the section "Common House Expense". By the way, tenants can be present during the taking of testimony.

All this energy is paid by the residents of the house in proportion to the consumption of hot water in each apartment. In January, 15.6098 rubles had to be paid for 1 Gcal.

The amount you have to pay depends on many factors. In particular, on how conscientiously ALL residents submitted information on water consumption to the organization making charges (RSC, Vodokanal). Let's say, if it suddenly turns out that only you spent hot water, then you have to pay for it.

To understand whether you pay a lot or a little, you can use the rate of thermal energy consumption for heating one cubic meter of water. In Minsk it is 0.0753Gcal/m 3 . Based on it, you can check how efficiently your water is heated. To do this, you need to divide the amount of Gcal indicated in the "greasing" by your consumption of hot water. And if, as a result, your tariff turns out to be significantly higher than the standard, then this may be a cause for concern - either you have unscrupulous neighbors, or very large heat losses occur somewhere.

In houses that are not equipped with a group water consumption meter, payment for water heating is charged according to the norms for the consumption of thermal energy for heating one cubic meter of water.

Example.In our case, 0.8316 Gcal was billed for 10 cubic meters of hot water at a rate of 15.6098 rubles per cubic meter. It turns out 12.98 rubles. Let's find out how much energy is spent on heating 1 cubic meter in our house. To do this, we divide 0.8316 Gcal by 10 m 3. It turns out 0.08316 Gcal / m 3. This is somewhat higher than the standard, but, as it seems to us, within the acceptable range.

4. Cold water supply

As mentioned above, this column takes into account all the water that has flowed out of your faucet. According to the existing water consumption standards, for the use of subsidized tariffs, one person registered or living under a rental agreement in an apartment (house) has 140 liters per day. If there are 28 days in a month, then this is 3.92 m 3; 30 days - 4.2 m 3; 31 days - 4.34 m 3 per month.

And these volumes are paid at a preferential rate, which since January 26 was 0.5301 rubles per 1 m 3 .

Preferential water tariffs do not depend on the place of residence and are valid only for apartments that are equipped with meters, as well as for those residential premises where it is technically impossible to install meters, as there is a relevant decision of the local executive administrative body.

The rest of the water is paid for at tariffs that provide full reimbursement of expenses - in January (since the 26th) it was 0.7638 rubles per 1 m 3.

Example. The total water consumption in our case is 20 m 3. In January, 31 days, therefore, the rate of water consumption for a family of three was: 4.34 m 3 * 3 = 13.02m 3. And for this volume, at subsidized tariffs, we were charged 4.90 rubles. Why not 13.02 * 0.5301 = 6.9 rubles, as the calculator shows? Again, the thing is that the tariff indicated in the "fat" is valid only from January 26th.

For the rest of the water we pay at the full rate and also do not forget about tariff changes during the month. The "overrun" of water in our case was: 20-13.02 = 6.98 m 3. And we pay for it as a result of 4.90 rubles.

5. Water disposal (sewerage)

Wastewater disposal involves the removal of used water into the sewer. Therefore, the same readings of water meters (hot and cold in total) are taken into account here and the same standards apply.

Within the limits of the norm, the fee is charged according to the approved subsidized tariff, which since January 26 has increased to 0.3540 rubles per 1 m 3 . Anything above the norm is more expensive. In particular, in Minsk - 0.5103 rubles per 1 m3.

Example. We pay for the 13.02 m 3 required by the standards at a subsidized rate. This is 2.85 rubles. We pay for the remaining 6.98 m 3 at economically justified rates - 3.24 rubles.

6. Gas supply

This item will be present in the "greasing" if the apartment does not have an individual gas meter. In this case, gas payment is carried out according to established standards. The tariff per person is 2.26 rubles. As a result, in our case, the payment for gas will be 3 * 2.26 = 6.78 rubles.

If a metering device is installed in the apartment, then the gas payment is made separately and is not included in the “fat-fitting”.

7. Heat supply (heating)

As well as for heating water, in this case we pay for the energy spent on heating a house or an entrance, the consumption of which is recorded by a group meter (in our example, this is 287.53 Gcal). Please note that this information is indicated in the notice in the section "General house expenses". And once again, we recall that residents have the right to be present during the taking of testimony.

In January, the cost of 1 Gcal in Minsk was 15.6098 rubles. The amount that the house or entrance must pay is obtained by multiplying the tariff by the expense. Then it is divided among all apartments in proportion to their total area. Note that the group meter records all the energy spent on heating the house. Thus, we pay not only for the heating of our apartment, but also partially for the heating of common areas.

Example. The energy spent on heating our house is 287.53 Gcal. The total area of ​​residential premises (also indicated in the "growth" in the "Reference Information" section) is 12,644.24 m 2. Thus, the heating of one square meter was spent: 287.53 / 12,644.24 = 0.0227 Gcal / m 2. And in our apartment 75 m 2. Total: 0.0227*75=1.7055 Gcal. We multiply this by the tariff (15.6098 rubles) and get the total amount of 26.62ruble.

8. Maintenance of the elevator

An elevator maintenance fee is charged to each tenant registered and living under a tenancy agreement. The exception is children under 7 years old and citizens who, for health reasons, cannot use the elevator. It is important to note that the elevator maintenance fee is charged not from the second floor, but from the second stopping platform (where the elevator stops for the second time). For example, if the first stop of the elevator is technically provided on the first floor, and the second - on the third floor, then accruals will be made to residents starting from the third floor.

By the way, the tariff is the same for everyone. And, no matter how much you ride the elevator, they will take no more than 1.19 rubles per resident per month.

Example. And again, the arithmetic does not work: 3 tenants, the tariff is 1.19 rubles. The total amount of payment should be 3.57 rubles. And we have in the column "total" - 2.36. By the way, already in February the total amount of the fee for the elevator will be 3.57 rubles.

9. Management of municipal solid waste

The fee for the removal and disposal of garbage also depends on the number of people living in the apartment. According to the standard of payment approved by the Minsk City Executive Committee, one person in Minsk produces 0.2233 m 3 of household waste per month. The tariff for the municipal solid waste management service is determined by the local authorities. In Minsk, for example, in January it was 5.1143 rubles per 1 cubic meter.

This tariff is the same, regardless of whether there is a garbage chute in the house or not. The issue of reducing the tariff for houses without a garbage chute is being worked out.

By the way, if no one is registered in the residential premises, then a tariff is charged for one conditional resident.

Example. In our case, 3 people "produced" 3 * 0.2233 = 0.6699 m 3 of garbage. According to the current tariff in January, the total amount of payment was: 0.6699 * 5.1143 = 3.43 rubles.

10. Sanitary maintenance of auxiliary premises of a residential building

This is a fee for a range of services for sanitation (cleaning) of auxiliary premises of a residential building, washing, disinfection, etc.

For the calculation, all costs for sanitary maintenance are summed up and divided by the number of residents, minus children under 7 years old (all figures are indicated in the "fat"). Thus, it is not difficult to calculate the cost per inhabitant. However, there is an important nuance - the amount cannot be higher than 0.53 rubles. If there is more than that, then the marginal tariff applies. If the amount is less than 0.53 rubles, then the actual amount of expenses is billed for payment.

Example. In our case, we see that the cost per person is 0.4934 rubles (below the limit). Thus, for three people comes out 1.48 rubles. By the way, the maximum possible payment in our case would be 1.59 rubles.


There are only five of them. This is the installation and (or) maintenance of the intercom; video surveillance systems; payment for concierge services; rent and (or) replacement of floor anti-splash carpets; arrangement of adjacent territories with landscaping elements, landscaping and their further maintenance.

Maintenance of the intercom is also paid at actual costs, but not more than the marginal tariff, which currently stands at 0.91 rubles per apartment per month.

Additional services

These are the services that are provided to you individually at the conclusion of the contract. Each receipt will be different. This includes calling a plumber, paying for cable TV services, paying for installing meters, insurance services, etc.

Reimbursable expenses

Electricity for lighting ancillary premises and the operation of equipment, with the exception of elevators.

Here we are talking about lighting the entrance, vestibules. All energy is taken into account by a separate meter, and the cost of it is distributed among all residents of the house or entrance, with the exception of children under 7 years old. Data for calculating the amount from each tenant can be found in the "fat". However, this amount cannot exceed 0.39 rubles per resident per month.

EXAMPLE. In our case, each resident must reimburse 0.3167 rubles (below the ceiling tariff). Thus, the total amount of payment is 0.95 rubles. We also note that the maximum amount that can be set in this column is 1.17 rubles.

Electricity for the operation of the elevator

This tariff is also tied to the number of registered, as well as those living under a tenancy agreement. The energy spent is taken into account by a separate meter, and the total amount of payment is divided among everyone, except for children under 7 years old. But again, it cannot be higher than 0.47 rubles per person per month.

EXAMPLE. In our case, each resident must reimburse 0.0333 rubles (below the ceiling tariff). Thus, the total amount of payment is 0.10 rubles. With the maximum possible amount of 1.41 rubles.