How to determine the load-bearing walls of the house. Which walls in the apartment are load-bearing: the rules for determining Symbols on the plans bti

Those who decide to do construction or redevelopment in an already erected building should know what a load-bearing wall is and what threatens its destruction. The purpose of the load-bearing wall is the ability to take on loads from other parts of the building, ceilings and roofs. In order not to face the danger of destruction of the building, before starting work, you need to determine which walls are load-bearing and carry out all the planned activities without touching these structures.

What's the Difference

Walls are the main structural part of a building, but not all of them are able to withstand the load coming from floors and roofs. For this purpose, each building is equipped with load-bearing walls. To divide the space in the built house, partitions help, which can only withstand the load from their own weight. Such walls are called self-supporting. The purpose of each non-bearing wall is to act as a space delimiter, if necessary, simply allocate a separate room.

Simply put, load-bearing walls are structures on which something rests. In each building, load-bearing and non-bearing walls play an important role, but if the load-bearing is a reliable support, a high-quality frame of the building, then it is not a load-bearing partition, which, if desired, can be demolished during redevelopment without causing damage to the building. All walls are divided into load-bearing, self-supporting and non-bearing. Already by the name it becomes clear which of them are being built in order to take on the main load.

Such a partition can be built from:

  • brick,
  • aerated concrete.

As self-supporting walls in panel houses I install monolithic slabs. Such non-load-bearing walls can be used to create an additional passage by cutting openings in them and installing doors.

To correctly recognize which walls are load-bearing means to successfully redevelop without violating building codes and rules without risking creating a situation whose end result is the destruction of the structure. , means to change the distribution of the load, and this will lead to a skew of the building, collapse of the ceiling and cracking of the remaining capital structures.

They provide security not only for the apartment in which repairs are underway or redevelopment is planned. The safety of dwellings located on the lower floors depends on their quality and integrity. Main difference load-bearing structures from self-supporting -. Knowing the differences is not enough, you need to be able to correctly determine which wall is load-bearing.

It is necessary to know exactly which walls can be demolished during the redevelopment, and which should remain intact, at what thickness it is permissible to make an opening in the wall, and when it is too dangerous to perform such work.

There are certain requirements that I impose on load-bearing walls:

  1. Strength and stability.
  2. Compliance with all fire safety standards.
  3. High level of heat, hydro, sound insulation.

Another feature of the load-bearing wall, thanks to which such structures differ, is the uniform distribution of the horizontal load exerted by the floor slabs. An important criterion strength, reliability and stability is the thickness of the bearing wall. This value is set for brick, monolithic and panel internal walls.

Strict compliance established norms facilitates the determination of a load-bearing wall in any building or room.


Having learned what a load-bearing wall is, you can understand how important the construction of this structure is in strict accordance with all existing regulations and rules. Such walls are a natural continuation of the building itself, the beginning of which is the foundation. To avoid great difficulties and troubles in the process of redevelopment, you need to know how to determine the load-bearing wall in the apartment. In most cases, it is enough to carefully study technical documentation and determine the location of the load-bearing walls on the building plan. However, it happens that there is no plan and you have to independently establish the quality and purpose of the erected structures.

Construction feature panel buildings is that in monolithic house as supporting structure reinforced concrete panels are used. Their thickness is from 100 to 200 mm. Cast interior partitions structures made of gypsum concrete panels protrude, and their thickness does not exceed 80-100 mm. Thus, by measuring the thickness of the wall, it is possible to recognize the load-bearing wall, which is strictly forbidden to be demolished in such a building. non-compliance established rules lead to inevitable deflection and collapse of the floor.

One of key indicators is the thickness of the bearing walls in brick houses. To distinguish a load-bearing wall, you need to know its thickness, but it is better to have a building plan on which all load-bearing structures are marked. Self-supporting walls in an apartment, as a rule, it is much thinner than capital structures. The thickness of the walls that take the load from their own weight varies from 5 cm to 400 mm. Such a partition can be built of drywall, but more often it is a wall built of brick (half-brick masonry).

Experienced Master will tell you how to find out the load-bearing wall or not in brick house, but the size of the structure will also help to understand this. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the thickness brick wall a multiple of this brick parameter, plus the thickness of the adhesive layer and finishing material. Thus, it is possible to find out which wall is in front of the builders. The thickness of the partition does not exceed 380 mm, and for the load-bearing wall given size is minimal. The greatest thickness of the bearing wall in a brick house reaches 640 mm. The peculiarity of this structure is that it is possible to make an opening in such walls. This is justified by the ability to provide additional reinforcement to maintain a uniform distribution of the horizontal load.

To distinguish which walls can be demolished and which are strictly prohibited, their parameters will help:

  • from 80 to 380 mm - an interior partition that can be demolished if necessary;
  • from 380 to 510 mm - an internal load-bearing wall to be demolished, subject to high-quality strengthening;
  • from 510 to 640 mm - external load-bearing wall.

Brick houses or were built according to a constructive plan, hallmark which is the presence of 3 longitudinal load-bearing walls (on the plan green color) and transverse walls, called stiffening diaphragms (highlighted in blue).

The owners of apartments whose windows overlooked the front side of the house had the opportunity to build an extension or even make additional window. You can get more detailed answers to all existing questions by watching the video.

When starting to carry out work on the redevelopment of housing, you need to carefully study the plan of the apartment, which indicates the dimensions and purpose of the walls, if there is no opportunity to familiarize yourself with the documentation, then you should not make responsible decisions without measuring the thickness of the walls.

Hello. In previous articles, I described the features concealed wiring in apartment buildings residential buildings, namely, the conversation was about chasing the walls. We can summarize these articles briefly: crushing load-bearing walls is not recommended apartment buildings. A simple and logical question arises, how to determine which walls are load-bearing and which are not? This is especially important when buying new apartment. The destruction of load-bearing walls can be an unpleasant surprise when moving to a new apartment.

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Why determine load-bearing walls in an apartment (office)

Answers to the questions “Why define load-bearing walls” or “Which wall is load-bearing” do not matter at all if you are not planning a major repair associated with redevelopment and / or laying new hidden electrical wiring. Both redevelopment and electrical installation are associated with affecting the structures of the premises and, according to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, require approvals and obtaining permits if these structures are load-bearing.

Legally, the question is as clear as possible. Violation of the load-bearing structures of a house (building) can compromise its strength and lead to its destruction (partial or complete).

In practice, some construction firms, without fear, demolish and hollow walls, admonishing customers that "we do it all the time." This is not an argument at all, because the responsibility for illegal redevelopment and destruction of structures lies with the owner of the housing.

How to define a load-bearing wall yourself

There are a few practical advice how to determine the load-bearing wall or not.

Residential building made of bricks

The thickness of the bearing walls in a brick house starts at 38 cm. All other walls, 12 cm (one brick), 25 cm (two bricks), 8-12 cm (lightweight concrete), are partitions.

Bearing walls in Khrushchev and stalinkas

The design of houses such as "Stalinka" and "Khrushchev" is shown in the photo.

  • 3 longitudinal walls they are bearing;
  • Between them are load-bearing diaphragms, they keep the load-bearing walls from falling;
  • Flights of stairs are held on load-bearing walls.

All other walls are partitions.

How to determine the bearing walls in the house: Khrushchev

On the plan of the apartment it will look like this.

Apartment plan

Serial apartment building from panels

We measure the thickness of the wall.

In serial panel houses, the thickness of the bearing walls is 12, 14, 18, 20 cm. The thickness of the partitions in panel houses, that is, the walls erected after the construction (assembly) of the house, fluctuate within 8-10 cm.

Conclusion 1. If the thickness of the wall (without the plaster layer) is less than 10 cm, it is very likely that this is not a load-bearing wall, but a partition.

Important! Design panel house is supported by load-bearing walls, and the destruction of the load-bearing wall violates the integrity of the structure of the entire house.

Find out the series of your house and see the architectural layout

Panel apartment buildings are serial and each house belongs to a certain series. On the Internet you can find quite complete sites with descriptions and photos of serial panel houses. According to the house series, you can easily find the authors of the project and the project of your house. On the project of the house (apartment), load-bearing walls are clearly visible (they are shaded and / or thicker than the rest). An alternative to the project can be communication with the BTI or with the management company of your house.

Multi-apartment monolithic house

In new buildings, a monolith, it is easy to determine the load-bearing walls. Load-bearing walls are visually visible. flat concrete wall, bearing, the partition is lined with blocks.

In inhabited monolithic houses, it is somewhat more difficult. A partition is definitely a wall less than 20 cm thick. However, a wall thicker than 20 cm can be both a partition and a supporting structure. In this case, it will help to determine the load-bearing wall or not, only the architectural section of the working draft. He should be at management company. The load-bearing walls will be shaded.

What works for load-bearing walls are prohibited

In conclusion, it is somewhat impossible for load-bearing walls:

  • It is impossible to completely demolish a load-bearing wall in any buildings () and it is impossible to obtain legal approval for such a demolition.
  • move a load-bearing wall;
  • make an opening in the load-bearing wall without approval and project;
  • It is impossible, (in Moscow) to make any furrows for electrical wiring, as well as plumbing and heating pipes. (PPM No. 508)
  • Can! Drill load-bearing walls for hanging furniture and appliances, and you can also make through holes in load-bearing walls for the passage of water pipes, embedded electrical cables, and ventilation.


As you can see, it is quite possible to determine the load-bearing walls in your apartment on your own.

Bearing walls are supporting structures

Load-bearing walls are the pillars of the entire structure. After all, it is on them that the entire frame rests. Therefore, a violation of this design can lead to disastrous results. Redevelopment requires special knowledge and skills.

Engineers and builders - only these people can correctly and competently redevelop the premises. Therefore, if you are planning to demolish a wall or just make a niche, then you should immediately contact the professionals.

No matter how much work you need to do, even if you just want to make a recess in the wall, it is very important to follow the advice and opinions of professionals.

Everyone knows that load-bearing walls cannot be demolished and broken. But sometimes redevelopment is exactly what is required. First of all, you should figure out which walls are load-bearing and after that decide what and how to do.

We do everything in the following order:

  • You should start by inviting specialists from the BTI who will issue you the appropriate permit if redevelopment is possible and safe. The issued document indicates the walls that can be demolished without compromising the strength of the apartment and house. After these procedures, you can contact architects and builders to start redevelopment and further repair work.
  • In addition, it is very important not to forget that redevelopment must be legalized, otherwise problems may arise with the further sale of the apartment. However, it will take a lot of time and effort to legitimize the finished redevelopment.
  • If you are interested in knowing in advance which walls in your apartment are load-bearing, then there are several simple ways that will allow it to be installed. Each person can determine for himself which walls of the apartment are load-bearing, in order to think over future redevelopment in advance, and after receiving the official results, simply adjust it in accordance with safety requirements.

Having decided to start repairing and rebuilding load-bearing walls, or making arches (see Arch in an apartment: transformation into a decorative structure) or doors, you need to decide how realistic it is to do. And to understand which walls in the apartment are bearing, what is their function and what can be done with them. Let's deal with these questions in order.

What are the requirements for load-bearing walls

Walls, ceilings, floors are load-bearing structures in principle in all buildings. It is walls, not partitions (see Partitions and walls - what is the difference).

Certain requirements are imposed on them, and if the design is changed, the requirements must be met, and they are as follows:

Firstly They must be strong, durable and stable, as this is the support of the entire building. They carry the weight of the roof and ceiling.
Secondly They must be fireproof and comply with all safety standards.
Thirdly The walls must have good sound insulation. After all, these are outdoor structures and go out into the street.
Fourth You now know what a load-bearing wall is, it is in a vertical position. But there is also horizontal pressure on it. After all, floor slabs act not only vertically, but also horizontally as well. Therefore, when making a cut in the wall, this must be taken into account. In the photo you can see the load distribution.

Bearing wall that this is a structure that carries a certain load. Here the thickness parameter is quite important.

You need to know that the thickness of brick, monolithic external or panel internal walls has its own normative indications, that is, a standard width that always remains unchanged. This criterion greatly simplifies the procedure for determining load-bearing and ordinary walls.

Rules for determining a load-bearing wall

What are the load-bearing walls described above, now let's move on to the question of determining the load-bearing structures. Everything can be understood from the documents, or you can look and determine with your own hands.


  • The most efficient and correct method- This is the study of the constructive plan of the house, where all the walls and their width are indicated. But if you are not an expert in this field, then there may be some problems with reading and correct interpretation. Therefore, entrust this moment to a specialist who is well versed in all the subtleties and will guarantee the safety of your redevelopment.
  • The second and no less effective, but not such a complicated method is the determination of load-bearing walls by location and standard width walls. The outer walls of a building are always load-bearing and supporting walls. In a brick house, all walls that are less than 25 cm wide are the most ordinary walls. They do not carry any strategic load for the house.

If we are talking about monolithic houses, then in this case it is very difficult to determine which wall is which. This is due to the fact that the width of all walls is exactly the same, and it does not matter if it is a load-bearing wall or not. Therefore, you should refer to the building plan.

What are the methods for determining load-bearing walls

Which bearing walls in Brezhnevka or Stalinka are determined in the same way. The determination instruction will be as follows:

Definition according to the docs:

Wall thickness as the main indicator

The load-bearing wall is a support, which must also have its own thickness. It is regulated by the load level.

brick house

For brick house all walls that are wider than 38 cm will be considered load-bearing.

The very thickness of the walls can be determined by the number of bricks that are laid out in a row.

Panel house

A panel house is characterized by walls up to 14 cm thick, and those that are more will be considered load-bearing. It should be noted that the walls in this type of building are almost all load-bearing, therefore, it may be simply unrealistic and not safe to bring redevelopment to life. Depending on type of panel construction, the thickness of the walls can be 12 cm.

But how in this case to determine whether the wall is a simple partition or a load-bearing wall.

The answer to this question can only be given by a qualified specialist - an engineer.

Monolithic structure

As for monolithic houses, a load-bearing wall will be considered as such at 20 cm or more.
  • For such houses, the most best method find out which walls are load-bearing, there will be a floor plan that should be with the developer. Due to the fact that there are many different design options for building, the definition of load-bearing walls becomes much more difficult.
  • A striking example is monolithic-frame houses, which may not have load-bearing walls at all, or the partition may be 20 cm wide. This question can only be clarified correct reading architectural plan.

Attention: In addition, it is very important to remember that wall thickness measurements should only be made on cleaned walls. That is, before measuring the width of the wall, you need to remove all finishing materials.

The location of the walls will also indicate load-bearing walls.

First of all, those walls that form the main frame of the building are load-bearing. The same type of walls include those that are directed to the flight of stairs, as well as intra-apartment walls that are in contact with the neighbors' apartment.

After you have established the location of the load-bearing walls, it is very important to remember and know the following nuances:

  • Firstly, it is categorically contraindicated to completely demolish the load-bearing wall, since the upper floor cannot be without appropriate support.
  • Secondly, when removing a small part of the wall, you always need to put supports. Such supports can then be decorated to look like columns or false beams. Such elements can be not only functional, but can become an interesting part of the decor.
  • Thirdly, if you still decide to completely demolish the wall, then you should definitely provide a safe and reliable support. The location of additional supports and their dimensions should be determined by specialists.

In wall measurements, there are several nuances, without knowing which it is impossible to correctly calculate the width of the wall. And this is fraught with the fact that you can take a non-bearing wall for a load-bearing one or vice versa.

The consequences of such a mistake can be irreversible. Therefore, in order to make measurements as accurately as possible, experts strongly recommend cleaning the walls of all finishing materials. That is, measurements should be made only on previously prepared walls.

  • As for the determination of load-bearing walls by their location in the room, it must be emphasized that they are always localized perpendicular to the ceilings. Simply put, floor slabs always lie on load-bearing walls.
  • As a result, it should be noted that there are many various ways locate load-bearing partitions, but not everyone can use them correctly. Therefore, it is better to entrust this matter to a qualified specialist, an organization that deals with project activities, it is they who will be able to conduct a qualitative engineering survey your apartment. If we are talking about an atypical layout or non-standard construction, then you simply cannot do without qualified specialists.

Thus, it is necessary to once again emphasize that it is extremely undesirable to engage in redevelopment, since only a qualified professional in their field can do it as safely, efficiently and quickly as possible. Independent, unskilled redevelopment can be fatal and irreversible not only for your apartment, but for the house as a whole.

What to do if the neighbors break the load-bearing wall, the answer is simple, you must immediately contact the housing office. After all, this can lead to the destruction of the house. After all, the price of the issue is quite high and just not worth looking at. On the video in this article you can see additional, necessary information.

If you decide to carry out a redevelopment in your apartment related to the unification of the premises, you must first understand whether the walls affected are load-bearing. Doorways in load-bearing walls must be coordinated with the supervisory authorities for the redevelopment project with the execution of a technical report from the author of the house project.

The demolition of a load-bearing wall or part of it is strictly prohibited, since it violates the power circuit of the building and threatens with cracks or even collapses due to improper redistribution of loads.

At the same time, the dismantling of non-bearing interior partitions does not threaten the safety of the house and its residents, and therefore can in most cases be agreed with the Moscow Housing Inspectorate according to a simple redevelopment sketch.

Based on the above, we see that without clarifying for yourself whether the wall is load-bearing or not, it is better not to start redevelopment . There, however, this does not stop many owners. So, on various Internet portals for design and repair, there are many examples of redevelopment, where designers "do what they want" with load-bearing walls, not taking into account all the consequences of such repairs.

As a result, the customer receives an illegal redevelopment, the neighbors get cracks in the ceiling, and the inspector who visits a “bad” apartment based on their complaint is a reason to issue an order to return the premises to their original or agreed state.

Below we have tried to provide information with which you can big share probability you will be able to determine which walls are load-bearing and which are not in your apartment, and depending on this, carry out repairs in the future without violating the law and building codes.

Bearing walls in a panel house

Panel model houses different series - the most common type of housing in Moscow. This type apartment buildings residential buildings, unfortunately, does not allow to realize many planning decisions. The fact is that most of the interior walls in panel houses are load-bearing, and many circumstances, such as the floor of the apartment, the general construct of this series, or the condition of the house, can interfere with the arrangement of openings in them.

Panel house of the P-3 series, photo:

So, how to understand which walls are load-bearing in panel house? The easiest way is to measure the thickness of the desired wall.

  • For partitions, this parameter is usually from 80 to 100 mm
  • The thickness of the bearing walls ranges from 140 to 200 mm
  • Interior partitions in 90% of panel houses are gypsum concrete panels 80 mm thick
  • Internal load-bearing walls reinforced concrete panels 140, 160, 180 and 200 mm thick. In some old series of panel houses, there are also 120mm load-bearing walls

Accordingly, this means that if the wall thickness is less than 120mm, then this is a non-load-bearing partition, and if more, then this is a load-bearing wall.

It should be noted that the wall thickness must be measured in a "pure form", that is, finishing layers (plaster, wallpaper) should not be taken into account, and for the purity of measurements, the plaster layer must either be removed in several places, or pre-measured and subsequently subtracted from the wall thickness.

In "boundary" cases, it is better to rely on the opinion of the engineers of the design institute, the author of the house of your series, where you or your chosen intermediaries, apply for a technical opinion on redevelopment. In any case, it is the TK that will give the final answer on the redevelopment of load-bearing walls.

Example: technical opinion of GUP MNIITEP - an institute that is the author of 90 percent of panel houses in Moscow.

Bearing walls in brick houses

load-bearing walls in monolithic houses

For monolithic houses, the most exact way determine the load-bearing wall - take an architectural floor plan from the management company. Due to the variety of individual constructive solutions, without appropriate documentation, it is quite difficult to determine whether this or that wall is load-bearing. AT monolithic buildings, you can find both load-bearing walls and columns, pylons (columns rectangular section). Monolithic-frame houses may not have load-bearing walls at all.

Non-bearing brick partitions in a monolithic house:

The thickness of the internal walls and pylons in monolithic houses is usually 200, 250 and 300mm, so if the wall affected by the redevelopment is less than 200mm, then this is an ordinary partition. But in some cases, the partition may be more than 200 mm (if it is made of foam blocks).

Capital repairs, reconstruction and modernization of the building or only part of it require clarification of certain information. In order not to violate the integral structure and safety of a residential building, it is important to find out which walls in the apartment are load-bearing. This can be done in several ways at once. The information received should not be ignored, as it allows you to competently plan work, as well as ensure the safety of all residents. apartment building after all work has been completed.

To define such a thing as a load-bearing wall in two-room apartment(as well as other rooms), you can look at a special plan-scheme of the room. It is here that it will be indicated which wall in the room is the carrier. It is she who will have to take on all the weight, the load of all floor slabs, beams, structures that are located above.

For each housing, even before its construction, a detailed plan apartments - load-bearing walls are immediately visible here. Do not ignore the fact of their presence and make a decision on the modernization or reconstruction of this design.

How to find out which wall in the apartment is load-bearing?

If for some reason it was not possible to find a floor plan of the premises, then obvious signs can also be used to determine. There are several. You can find out which walls in the apartment are load-bearing by the thickness of the material used, the support of beams and floor slabs, as well as by the location of the structure.


It is the load-bearing wall in one-room apartment(as well as in other rooms) is thicker than the rest. This is done so that the load-bearing wall in three-room apartment, another housing, an office withstood the serious loads of all structural elements buildings above. How to determine load-bearing walls in a panel house or a brick, block structure? To do this, it is enough to measure the thickness of each overlap. Bearing wall in a four-room apartment or any other room:

  1. Brick - from 38 cm. This is far from the limit, thickness brick floor may be more, but not less than the specified value.
  2. Reinforced concrete panels - 14–20 cm. This is enough to withstand the huge load of all the structures above.
  3. How to determine the load-bearing wall in an apartment in a monolithic house? Here, any structure whose thickness exceeds 20–30 cm will be considered the main one.


How to find out if the wall in the apartment is load-bearing? To do this, pay attention to its position. Surface of interest to us:

  1. External - they are all self-supporting.
  2. Overlapping between two adjacent living quarters.
  3. Overlapping, which goes to the landing.

How to determine the bearing walls in a brick house? It is enough to use the proposed one, accept the fact that there can be several main overlaps.

Supporting beams and slabs

The plates rest on the walls with a short side. In other words, the load-bearing wall in a four-room apartment or in another room should be perpendicular to the beam or floor slabs.

To understand whether it is possible to demolish a load-bearing wall in an apartment, you should contact normative documentation. It strictly forbids touching such structures, so as not to damage the integrity of the structure, not to start deformation processes. Experienced Builders they know exactly how to demolish a load-bearing wall in an apartment and not provoke deformation of the entire building. Most often, they still will not do this, and they will work carefully with the rest of the partitions. Before any such action, it is necessary to obtain permission from the BTI.

Bearing wall in a two-room Khrushchev apartment

Bearing walls in Khrushchev in a two-room apartment can be found in several ways:

  1. The first option is to study all technical plans, schemes that are attached to the apartment.
  2. Second option. If there is no technical documentation, you can find out which walls in an apartment or office are load-bearing by outward signs. Often they become an overlap between two different apartments. In other cases (in the vast majority), the rest can be demolished and the space opened up. However, in a two-room apartment common wall between various premises it can also be the main (inviolable), this is especially true for spacious rooms.
  3. How to find out which walls in the apartment are load-bearing, except for those that were indicated earlier? You can’t exactly touch those structures that separate the flight of stairs from the space of living rooms.

In Khrushchev, the layout of the premises was carried out so that outer wall- the one connected to the balcony was not the main one. It can be demolished and the space combined with a loggia. Bearing walls in Khrushchev in a two-room apartment were also not installed in the bathrooms, even in separate ones. That is why, during redevelopment, such premises can be combined. The same is often carried out with the kitchen space adjacent to the sanitary unit.

A detailed plan of the apartment bearing walls allows you to find, but not always a document at hand. You can find out which walls in the apartments have become load-bearing in a proven way. Often it is not possible to measure the thickness of the partitions with a simple ruler. You can use a drill. If to create through hole one standard drill is missing, then we are talking about the main partition.

What walls can be demolished in the apartment?

To clarify whether it is possible to demolish the load-bearing wall in the apartment, it should be in a special supervisory authority. It is strictly forbidden to carry out such work without the knowledge of the controlling authority!

If, nevertheless, the walls were demolished, then this process should be legalized. Otherwise, you can earn a fine. Some cases exclude the possibility of demolition, and therefore the inspection authorities may require the restoration of the partition.

It is the regulatory authorities that should address the question: how to demolish a load-bearing wall in an apartment? In the vast majority of cases, such a procedure is strictly prohibited. In a panel house, as well as in Khrushchev, you can part with partitions between the kitchen and the bathroom, as well as between the bathroom and the toilet, but only after obtaining permission. Other structures are not allowed to be touched. It is important to understand what a load-bearing wall in an apartment means. This is a structure that does not involve its demolition.

If the wall has been partially dismantled (an arch or a small passage can be made connecting two apartments to each other, etc.), it is important to strengthen the structure. The plan of the apartment clearly defines the load-bearing walls, and therefore it will not be difficult to find one with a document.

How is a load-bearing wall indicated on an apartment plan?

The upcoming repair, reconstruction or even the purchase, sale of an apartment will require the use of technical documentation. The plan of the apartment created by the builders clearly indicates the load-bearing walls. Often on diagrams, load-bearing structures are marked with a bold, double or just a thick line, which will differ significantly from others.

Important! When figuring out how load-bearing walls are indicated on the apartment plan, it is important to contact a BTI specialist for clarification. Not always all the main partitions are indicated by thick lines. This most often applies to those that are located between two apartments or along the entire parameter of the room. Similar partitions may also be present inside it.

In an effort to find out how load-bearing walls are indicated on the apartment plan, you should contact the regulatory authorities. Some cases require calling a specialist at home to get the most accurate and complete answer.

How to find out which wall is chosen in the apartment as a carrier, you can use the following documents:

  • BTI technical passport. It is this document that is more detailed, since it can carry clarifications regarding the main structures, as well as clarifications about the year of construction and the selected materials for such work. It also indicates not only which walls in the apartment are designated as carriers, but also the parameters of the room.
  • Step by step plan. It is not always this document that is able to clarify the situation to the end. The presented drawing often does not have explanations, extracts, clarifications. The plan is simply presented here, and its accuracy will depend largely on the master who compiled it. How to determine the load-bearing wall in the apartment in this case? Use for clarification should be the information that will be provided above - measure the thickness, find out how the beams are supported, the location of the partition.

How to find out if the wall chosen for demolition in the apartment is definitely load-bearing? Invite a specialist from BTI if there is no plan. You can go to an appointment with him if you have a plan in hand.

Much simpler everything is presented by modern developers. The plan often shows which walls in the apartment are load-bearing. Often the document is presented in color. Here the design of interest to the owner is indicated in red. The developer himself is often ready to tell what a load-bearing wall in an apartment means, what function it performs. Some modern layouts presented in a free style - without single partition. The secret is that there are no internal load-bearing walls in the room, and therefore the reconstruction is easy to carry out.

Bearing wall in one-room apartments

How to find out which walls in the apartment are bearing, if the housing has only one room? The most simple configuration does not involve a large number main partitions. Often a load-bearing wall in a one-room apartment is one that:

  1. connects two various apartments- adjoining panel.
  2. separates living space from the stairs.
  3. Goes out into the street. If the room is angular, it may have two or more external walls, which will be load-bearing.

How to determine the load-bearing walls in a panel house? Often they are no different from those indicated in the block, brick structure.

Bearing wall in two-room apartments

The owners of multi-room housing are interested in how to find out if the load-bearing wall is in the apartment or not. It is important to answer this question, because often in their own housing owners try to increase usable space precisely due to the demolition of partitions. Serious redevelopment of living space will require clarification. How to find out where the load-bearing walls in a kopeck piece are in the apartment?

With such housing, not everything is as simple as with odnushki. The load-bearing wall in a two-room apartment is often not alone. She is:

  1. Connects different apartments - becomes an adjacent partition. How many neighboring separate living quarters, so many walls.
  2. It can delimit the space of the kitchen and other rooms.
  3. Often becomes an outer wall.

If the rooms inside the apartment are spacious, there may also be load-bearing walls between them, but often this is still not the case. That is why it is possible to reschedule precisely inner space living quarters, connect them to the corridor, but not to the technical rooms. An experienced master who undertakes redevelopment knows exactly how to determine the load-bearing walls in a brick house, monolith or block building.

Bearing wall in three-room apartments

If redevelopment is required in the process of work, a floor plan will be required. It is important to know how to determine the load-bearing wall in the apartment so as not to disturb the core of the entire building. Often a three-ruble note is a typical layout of rooms:

  1. One small one is located separately, and two spacious ones are not far from each other.
  2. Premises can be dispersed different parts at home.
  3. There are options that provide for complete isolation of rooms from each other.
  4. Bathrooms are located nearby, and not far from the kitchen area.
  5. There may be one or two balconies. Some Czech projects provide for a unified large balcony for two rooms.

Since there are always a lot of rooms, the load-bearing wall in a three-room apartment is always not alone. This is necessarily the one that serves as an overlap between two apartments, landing and goes outside. Some types of layouts also provide for the main structures between the bathroom, kitchen, and bedrooms.

Bearing wall in four-room apartments

If redevelopment is to be done, it is important not to touch the main partition. How to find out where the load-bearing walls are located in the apartment? Use the plan, determine the thickness of the structures. In a panel house, it reaches 14–20 cm, in a brick house - from 38 cm, and in a monolithic house they may not be at all. In such premises, the main panels may be inter-apartment, interior and those that connect the staircase and the living space.

Often, instead of walls in a monolithic house, pylons and columns are used, which can cope with a serious load.

It is also important for owners to take into account the years of construction of buildings. In Soviet times, all buildings were typical, and therefore, in the absence of a plan, you can look into the neighbor's. But since the beginning of the nineties, they have been using individual projects when creating residential complexes, and therefore one cannot do without measuring the thickness of the walls. It is important to clean them from a layer of plaster and other materials before such work.

How to find out if the walls in the apartment are load-bearing?

To do this, wizards can use various methods:

  • Tapping - the sound of a thick ceiling is much quieter than a simple partition. However, the masters will not rely only on their own hearing.
  • Drilling. How to determine load-bearing walls in a panel house, brick or monolithic without a plan? Just measure the thickness. The easiest option is to drill through the wall. A standard drill should be enough to go through a simple partition.
  • Material - brick was often used for laying, reinforced concrete wall cinder block, wood, foam block is not used for such purposes, especially in high-rise buildings.

What does it mean: load-bearing walls in an apartment?

How to find out which walls in the apartment are load-bearing? Use the plan or above suggested options to determine. It is impossible to demolish the found central panels, because they:

They take on almost the entire load of the higher floors.
Responsible for the integrity of the building. Without such panels, any load can be fatal.
Ensure the safety of all living people. Without partitions to carry the load, even the strongest building can easily collapse like a house of cards.
An independent decision on the need to demolish a structure that takes on the load is unacceptable. There are no single parameters for determining inviolable panels - much will depend on the parameters of the material used, the height of the buildings, the year of its construction and the layout of the interior.

Is it possible to demolish a load-bearing wall in an apartment?

Having found technical documentation or otherwise determined the location of the load-bearing wall, the property owner will wonder if it is possible to demolish them. BTI categorically prohibits such work, and this applies not only to the main panels, but also to those that connect the living space to each other. It is strictly forbidden to touch the load-bearing walls.

You can remove the interfering wall, but only in some situations:

  • If an equally strong supporting structure is installed that can replace the panel. This option is suitable for Khrushchev and brick houses, but not all of them. To make a final decision, you need to inspect and study the technical documentation.
  • Only partially - to make a passage, an opening, an arch, but to strengthen the remaining elements and only after receiving the appropriate permission from the regulatory authorities.
  • In a panel and monolithic house, you can’t touch the walls at all. In rare cases, the BTI allows removing partitions between the bathroom and the toilet.

If a person owns two adjacent apartments, he also cannot remove the partition between them. This will invariably weaken the ceiling. If a doorway is made here, it must be substantially reinforced with special structures.

Do not neglect the need for measurements. You should also not miss the opportunity to receive comments from BTI specialists. Only a professional can say exactly what object the owner is dealing with. After assessing the condition of the property, a ban on its reconstruction or recommendations for work will be given. They are documented.

Having learned which walls in the apartment are load-bearing, do not forget about elementary security. Even the fact that such a panel has been demolished at a neighbor does not give the right to clean it in his own apartment. The gradual removal of partitions increases the level of danger, and therefore it is dangerous to live in a house without load-bearing structures. It is not worth risking your own and other people's lives. For clarification and obtaining permits, you can always contact the BTI.