Prayers from corruption and the evil eye to the Moscow matron. Strong prayers for corruption Matrona of Moscow. Correct reading of the prayer

Every person is subject to negative influence from the outside. The prayers of Saint Matrona will help protect against damage and the evil eye. She protects every person, bestowing her protection and patronage.

Corruption is one of the most known ways negative energy impact. She is sent with the aim of taking revenge on the offender, taking away his strength and simply out of harm. An evil word spoken in the hearts also affects the human biofield. Proven methods will help determine if you have damage. Negative interference in energy affects the mood, health and life success of a person. Prayer to the Matrona will help protect yourself and remove the negative effects of the evil eye.

Prayers to the Matrona of Moscow from damage and the evil eye

Mother Matrona, intercessor and protector. Help the servant of God (name) get rid of the influence of someone else and the evil eye. Cleanse my soul from filth and direct me to the true path. The power of your healing gift helps every sufferer, heals and heals bodily and spiritual wounds. Do not refuse me a simple request. I beg you, Holy One, intercede for me, pray to the Lord for intercession, and I humbly pray to our Father. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Oh, Blessed Matrona, I appeal to you. Help the servant of God (name) get rid of human anger and black slander. Have pity on me, give me the strength to fight evil and hatred, get rid of black thoughts and envy. Help and intercede for me, Give me the strength not to hold a grudge against my offenders. I do not judge anyone by their deeds and forgive all mistakes on the path of life. Amen.

Those who feel corruption on themselves should visit the church and place a candle under the face of the Matrona, Jesus Christ, and also in front of the icon of St. Sergius of Radonezh. Before the icon of the Matrona of Moscow, pray for intercession and overshadow yourself with a triple sign. Take holy water with you and wash yourself in the morning and evening for three days in a row, offering a prayer to the Blessed Matryona.

If you are unable to attend church, pray at home. To do this, you should stay alone, light a candle and focus on your problem. Imagine your damage in the form of a clot of dark energy and try to push it out of your body into the flame of a candle. Read the prayer "Our Father", and then pray to Mother Matrona. The words of the prayer can be anything. The main thing is sincere faith in the Higher powers and the confidence that prayers will help heal the soul and body.

Treatment. How to use prayers, conspiracies and folk medicine Bagirova Galina

The power of the relics of the blessed old woman Matrona

How much did the great, blessed old woman Matrona do in her life. How many people did she help? Thanks to her, many recovered, cured of incurable diseases. After her death, Matrona was recognized as a saint.

People from all cities of Russia and other countries of the world travel to Moscow to touch the relics of Matrona. There are long queues waiting for a miracle.

A miracle really happens if a person treats with pure thoughts, but there are those who want to harm someone and ask Matrona about it. The saint does not help such people.

My friend has a sister who has been married for several years. She could not get pregnant for a long time. She went through various courses of treatment, but everything was to no avail. Together with their mother, they came to Matrona and asked the saint to help her get pregnant. After some time, a miracle happened, and Olga really became pregnant. Happiness knew no bounds. Now a charming daughter is growing in their family, who pleases everyone in the world.

People come to Matrona with various problems and diseases. When you stand at the relics for several hours and wait for the moment to touch them, your thoughts slow down, your body calms down, and you are filled with warmth and begin to radiate light yourself and give it to others.

People must be aware of what they are doing.

Always come with pure thoughts. Leave all your problems outside the gates of the temple, do not talk on the phone, focus on the problem with which you came. Calm down and mentally ask the saint to help you. The line is there for you to concentrate. Don't ask for everything at once. That doesn't happen. Do not get ahead of everyone and do not try to deceive someone by skipping the line. Remember, you are fooling yourself first. Matrona sees everything, watches everyone. Your problem cannot be more important than those of those who come to it and stand by it. Everyone who is there has someone seriously ill, young people cannot have children, but everyone is standing and meekly waiting for their turn. Be sure to skip women with children ahead of you, as well as the elderly. Be quiet in the temple, do not talk. Remember, with your conversations you can break someone's prayer, interfere with someone. Don't be selfish and think only of yourself.

Go to the Matron in the temple, buy her icons, pray, light candles, ask for recovery. Drink the holy water that is there. Take it with you.

The matron will definitely help you if you come with pure thoughts and really want to get well soon your loved ones.

Galina advises turning to Saint Matrona in prayer, reading the troparion while standing in line.

Prayer to the blessed old woman Matrona of Moscow

Option one

People turn to Matrona with all troubles and illnesses. Many believers always stand by her relics and icon. Matrona protects from troubles and heals seriously ill people

O blessed mother Matrona, now hear and accept us, sinners, praying to you, having learned to receive and listen to all those who suffer and mourn in all your life, with faith and hope for your intercession and help of those who come running, quick help and miraculous healing giving to everyone; let your mercy not fail now to us, unworthy, restless in this many-fuss world and nowhere to find comfort and compassion in spiritual sorrows and help in bodily illnesses: heal our sicknesses, deliver us from the temptations and torment of the devil, passionately fighting, help me convey my worldly Cross, to endure all the hardships of life and not lose the image of God in it, preserve the Orthodox faith until the end of our days, have strong hope and hope in God and unfeigned love for neighbors; help us, after departing from this life, reach the Kingdom of Heaven with all those who please God, glorifying the mercy and goodness of the Heavenly Father, in the Trinity of glory, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Option two

O blessed mother Matrona, with her soul in heaven before the Throne of God, her body is resting on the earth, and the grace given from above exudes various miracles. Look now with your merciful eye on us, sinners, in sorrows, illnesses and sinful temptations, your dependent, comforting, desperate days, heal our fierce ailments, from God to us through our sin, forgive us, deliver us from many troubles and circumstances, implore our Lord Jesus Christ, forgive us all our sins, iniquities and sins, even from our youth, even to this day and hour, we have sinned, but with your prayers, having received grace and great mercy, we glorify in the Trinity the One God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion to the Blessed Matrona

1. The land of Tula vegetation, the city of Moscow, the angel-like warrior, the blessed old woman Matrona. From birth in bodily blindness until the end of her days, she remained. But she generously received spiritual sight from God, a seer and a prayer book.

Most of all, she acquired the gift of healing diseases. Help everyone with faith flowing to you and asking in illnesses of the soul and body, our joy.

2. God-wise, blessed old woman Matrona, prosperity of the land of Tula and the city of Moscow, glorious decoration, let us praise today, faithful. For this, having not known the light of day, enlighten yourself with the light of Christ and be enriched with the gift of insight and healing. The priest and the wanderer on the earth, now in the devils of heaven, the Throne of God stands and prays for our souls.

Prayer helps to live, protects from enemies and envious people, heals our souls, hearts, our body from ailments and diseases.

I wrote my prayer of life, maybe it will help some of you too.

God, the Most High, I pray You, God,

Save our souls and save us.

After all, we are Your children, we are all Your children,

I ask you, God, love us, love.

Let the world become cleaner, a little kinder,

And people will hear my requests.

And every heart will tremble in an instant,

And everyone wants great love.

Thank you God for being there

When we suffer, when we are sad,

Thank you for seeing our eyes

Thank you for everything, thank you for everything.

God Almighty, I pray You, God,

Be near, be with us both night and day.

Save me from bad weather, from evil, from adversity,

Save our souls and we will sing.

We ask for forgiveness for the word, for the deed,

We ask for forgiveness for the entire human race,

Let us pray not quite so skillfully,

But You are in our heart, You are next to me.

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6.1 MAIL OF Blessed Xenia According to the newspaper "Resurrection", St. Petersburg, 1993. For new government, after 1917, the chapel of Blessed Xenia became the site of "counter-revolutionary gatherings." It was even under the tacit supervision of the GPU. In 1947, the authorities were forced to open the chapel,

Our grandmothers often tried to save us from “damage and the evil eye” by any means. What it is, why it is and why it is necessary to guard against it, it was not clear. What is spoilage? Corruption is a disease from witchcraft. strong ritual black magic, the purpose of which is to harm a person, causing him misfortunes and troubles.

Corruption - a disease from witchcraft

How to recognize damage?

Unfortunately, damage can be very different and not immediately, and you will pay attention to a new spot on the shoulder or heaviness in the back, for example. But if you do not recognize damage immediately and do not take any measures, then the consequences can be quite serious. As with a cold, there is a small list of "symptoms" that will help "diagnose" spoilage:

  1. Nightmares. If you have begun to be haunted by restless dreams that are somehow related to each other or are repeated. You may be afraid to fall asleep, this is also a variation of this symptom.
  2. A cardinal change in a person's attitude that has no reason. Most often these are close friends, loved ones, relatives.
  3. Premonition of trouble, anxiety, emotional experience, imbalance for no apparent reason.
  4. Changes in the behavior of pets. They may study you with interest, and then hiss or whine. Unfamiliar animals may react aggressively, or run away in fear, shun you.
  5. The arrival of the "black band". Whatever you pick up, anything breaks. Whatever they take on is doomed to failure.
  6. A sharp and unreasonable appearance of problems and conflicts at work, theft of personal belongings, problems with finances.

Your environment will begin to change, and not at all in better side. New strange strangers. Maybe this suspicious person appeared for a reason? No wonder you are so not drawn to communicate with this person.

  1. A sharp drop in self-esteem. You go to the mirror and you don't like anything, even though it used to be in order. Look at your reflection as if you are not seeing yourself. The appearance of heaviness in the shoulders, as if a child was sitting on them, a cat. Incomprehensible chill in the abdomen, pressure in the chest.
  2. The loss pectoral cross, the appearance of an obsessive desire to get rid of it, to remove it. Burning sensation when touching holy objects, the occurrence of burns from holy water.
  3. strange unpleasant odors which cannot be logically explained. Frequent depression, apathy, lack of vitality.
  4. The emergence of new, incomprehensible objects such as eggs, needles, pins, earth, water, sand, ropes and threads with knots, and so on that can be used in black magic.
  5. Violation of the cycle of menstruation in women, infertility. The appearance of large pigmentation on the body. Voices may begin to be heard addressed to you.
  6. Weight jumps. How to gain about a dozen kilograms in a couple of days, and depleted to a skeletal state.
  7. The emergence of new phobias that did not exist before. Fear of close people, relatives, friends.

From the outside, you can see that a person loses his sight

From the outside, one can notice that a person’s gaze is lost, he is empty, and his behavior becomes like that of a cornered cattle: he is indecisive, withdrawn, frightened.

How to remove damage through a prayer to the Holy Matrona?

Ask any healer or grandmother-conspirator, and they will answer you that in such cases, first of all, you need to contact the Holy Matrona of Moscow.

Who is Matron?

One of the most famous saints of the Slavic family. Everyone who has visited the Intercession Monastery tells that at the place of her burial there is special aura- an aura of kindness, closeness, understanding, empathy. As if she is always here, nearby, sitting and listening to your prayers and always helping.

Matrona was born without eyeballs and was the youngest in the family. By itself, she was small, frail. The mother thought to get rid of her by giving her to an orphanage, but she had a dream that a bird of unprecedented beauty without eyes sat on her chest. After that, Matrona was left for a reason. Although the girl did not have eyes, she has a different vision. The baby was drawn to the icons that stood in the corner of the house. She took them, touched them, distinguished them. She also ran to the church that stood next to her house. She would hide in a corner near the door and stand there for hours, praying. Since childhood, she believed with extraordinary strength. The girl was always more concerned about other people's problems than her own. When my mother talked about how unhappy she was, Matrona only said in bewilderment: “Am I an unhappy mother? Vanya is unhappy with you, yes Misha. But by the age of seventeen, Matrona had lost her legs, but she did not feel deprived.

Miracles began when Matrona announced the death of the priest who baptized the baby. They say that during the baptism of the girl under the ceiling, one could see a small cloud, which indicates - this person will become holy. After the first prediction, other magical things also happened: the prayers of the Holy Matrona healed people and helped the mourners. Matronushka saw possible catastrophes, natural disasters, she also knew that there would be a revolution and there would be persecution of the church. People came to the house of the miraculous Matrona, because she helped not as charlatans, for personal gain, but out of the simplicity of her soul. The matron said that it is not she who helps, but God, so why does she need awards?

They brought absolutely incurable, killed people: Matrona will pray, give water to drink, and people fall into a deep sleep. And, lo and behold, he gets up completely healthy, although a couple of days ago it seemed that nothing could help the patient. Matronushka even predicted to Stalin that he would rule sensibly, but that he himself would not leave Moscow.

What prayers can be used to remove corruption addressed to the Matrona?

Before her death, the Holy Matrona said:

“Everyone, everyone, come about me and tell how alive, about your sorrows, I will see you, and hear, and help you.”

To turn to the Holy Matrona of Moscow with a request to protect from corruption and the evil eye, it is necessary, like any other saint, simply with a prayerful speech. Anywhere, anytime, the main thing is to open your heart and be honest.

For the ritual you will need:

  • 12 candles;
  • Icon of Jesus Christ;
  • Icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • Icon of the Blessed Staritsa Matrona of Moscow;
  • Holy water.

It is necessary to come to the temple and put three candles for each of the above saints. Stop at the icon of the Holy Matrona of Moscow, repeat the prayer to yourself. Prayer from the evil eye to the Matrona of Moscow:

In baptism, in prayer and in fasting observance, deliver me, Matrona, from the evil creation. Amen.

After diligently baptize and leave the temple. Returning home, collect holy water in a jug or bowl and go into a room where no one can disturb you, close the door. Light three candles, put icons and a container of water. Look at the flame, and let all the anger burn in the holy fire. Let go of resentment, forgive offenders. Realize that not everyone is always good, and that's okay. Read "Our Father" a couple of times, cross yourself and drink holy water. You can proceed to the prayers themselves, which will help get rid of the evil eye and damage. After whispering these prayers, it is necessary to heartily cross yourself several times and again take a sip of consecrated water.

Simple prayer conspiracies to the Matrona from the evil eye

The first prayer from the evil eye:

Blessed Staritsa, Matrona of Moscow. In impotence, I turn to you, let human malice not die in me. Who sent damage - let him not suffer, who jinxed by chance - will not sob. I forgive enemies, I do not judge people, but only deliver me from my grief. In prayer power and faith I will be saved, at the appointed hour I will ascend to Heaven. Amen.

Prayer from the evil eye is the second, which is somewhat stronger:

Matrona of Moscow, Blessed Staritsa. Whether as a punishment, or as a test, I suffer from suffering. Intercede before me, deliver someone else from damage. Let the evil eye be washed away with water, and there will be no refusal from God. The lesson that the Lord gives, let it enter my soul by faith. Amen.

It is very important to pray with all your heart, with a pure heart, with full faith in your words, only then it can help. Strengthen your Faith and know that God helps!

Be healthy!

Corruption and the evil eye - then negative impact which cannot be influenced by itself. When other people are angry with you, they can send a lot of troubles and misfortunes that make life very difficult. Fortunately there is strong prayer Matrona of Moscow from damage, which is able to protect the one who asks.

Days of Remembrance:

  • March 8 (transitional) - Finding of the relics - March 8 (February 23) in a common year / March 7 (February 23) in a leap year
  • September 2 (transitional) - Cathedral of Moscow Saints
  • May 2
  • October 5 - Cathedral of the Tula Saints

How does the prayer of the Matrona help from corruption and the evil eye?

It is worth saying that Matrona did not possess any powers, her ability to help people is a gift from God. The saint prayed to the Lord for everyone who came to her with requests, who needed support, salvation and protection. Prayer from corruption and the evil eye to Matrona, like a shield, will protect from enemies who wish, albeit in thoughts, evil and misfortune.

It also happens that negative consequences cites an inadvertently dropped bad word, said in a fit of anger. Even here it would not be superfluous to read a prayer from the evil eye to the Matrona of Moscow. Any prayer brings peace to the soul, which can be a real salvation and a solution to all the problems that have piled up.

Matronushka has long been revered by all Orthodox as a healer and fortuneteller, but at the same time she is the intercessor of believers who will always hear and come to the rescue.

Prayers to the Holy Matrona of Moscow from the evil eye and corruption

O blessed mother Matrono, with her soul in heaven before the Throne of God, her body is resting on the earth, and the grace given from above exudes various miracles. Look now with your merciful eye on us, sinners, in sorrows, illnesses and sinful temptations, your dependent, comforting, desperate days, heal our fierce ailments, from God to us through our sin, forgive us, deliver us from many troubles and circumstances, implore our Lord Jesus Christ, forgive us all our sins, iniquities and sins, even from our youth, even to this day and hour, we have sinned, but by your prayers, having received grace and great mercy, we glorify in the Trinity the One God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever. Amen.

O blessed mother Matrono, now hear and receive us, sinners, praying to you, having learned in all your life to receive and listen to all those who suffer and mourn, with faith and hope to your intercession and the help of those who come running, quick help and miraculous healing to everyone; let your mercy not fail now to us, unworthy, restless in this many-fuss world and nowhere to find comfort and compassion in spiritual sorrows and help in bodily illnesses: heal our sicknesses, deliver us from the temptations and torment of the devil, passionately fighting, help me convey my worldly Cross, to endure all the hardships of life and not lose the image of God in it, preserve the Orthodox faith until the end of our days, have strong hope and hope in God and unfeigned love for neighbors; help us, after departing from this life, reach the Kingdom of Heaven with all those who please God, glorifying the mercy and goodness of the Heavenly Father, in the Trinity of glory, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Holy Righteous Mother Matrona! You are a helper to all people, help me in my trouble (…..). Do not leave me with your help and intercession, pray to the Lord for the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

This article has a lot of prayers for corruption and the evil eye.

Almost every person can jinx another without knowing it, because this happens unintentionally. Damage, unlike the evil eye, is directed purposefully. The black magician creates a negative program and sends it to a person, destroying health, family relationship and the desire to live.

  • Be sure to remove the damage, as it can seriously harm a person. For this, different methods are used.
  • Treatment for damage is done with the help of prayers, appeals to various Saints.
  • When reading a prayer from corruption, you need to sincerely believe that higher power help to remove the negative program and restore the energy balance.
  • Before you start reading any Orthodox prayer, you need to read "Our Father". In this case, the effect of healing prayer will be more effective.

REMEMBER: Any Orthodox prayers are read STANDING! This must be done in front of the icons.

Prayer Our Father:

90th Psalm:

Reprimand with prayers from corruption - Psalm 90

There is no need to speak numbers, only words are spoken.

Prayer to the Life-Giving Cross:

Reprimand with prayers from corruption - Life-Giving Cross

Prayer to Saint Cyprian:

Reprimand with prayers from corruption - a prayer to St. Cyprian

Reprimand with prayers from corruption - continued

Reprimand by prayers from corruption - continuation of prayer

Reprimand by prayers from corruption - continuation of prayer writing

Reprimand with prayers from corruption - continued to Cyprian

Reprimand with prayers from corruption - prayer to Cyprian continued

Reprimand with prayers from corruption - words to Cyprian continued

This prayer is very large, but it is effective and protective. Be patient and read all the necessary prayers calmly and measuredly.

Reprimand with prayers from corruption - what prayers to read

In addition to reading prayers, it is necessary to order in the Sorokoust church for health. This is not a prayer, but a whole set of actions that a priest does during a service. Sorokoust helps in healing and protects from evil.

The icon must be purchased in the temple or monasteries. The purchased image of the Saint on the street, from the hands, will not be useful, since the icon must be consecrated. Which icon to pray from corruption and the evil eye?

  • Guardian Angel - a baptized person usually chooses the image of his patron by name.
  • Icon Mother of God- any image.
  • The icon of the Seven Arrows is a strong amulet against damage and the evil eye.
  • Holy Matrona - relieves diseases.
  • The image of Nicholas the Wonderworker is a powerful and strong image, an assistant in everything.
  • Holy Great Martyr Artemy - refer to this image if damage caused cardiovascular diseases.
  • Holy Trinity and Jesus Christ - you can ask for any help, including a request for healing from corruption.

Important: If the damage is strong, then all relatives need to pray for the person. This will ensure quick healing and recovery.

Saint Cyprian and the righteous Justinia are revered by God as the destroyers of all evil spirits. During their lifetime, they were able to defeat the unclean with the help of their righteous actions and prayers offered to the Lord. Therefore, a prayer service is offered to them in cases where damage has been brought to a person, there is an evil eye or black envy.

Prayer or Akathist of the Hieromartyr Cyprian and Ustinya from corruption, evil eye, witchcraft and tricks of the devil:

Prayer of the Hieromartyr Cyprian and Ustinya from corruption, evil eye, witchcraft and tricks of the devil

Prayer of the Hieromartyr Cyprian and Ustinya from corruption, evil eye, witchcraft

Prayer of the Hieromartyr Cyprian and Ustinya from corruption, evil eye

Prayer of the Hieromartyr Cyprian and Ustinya from corruption

Prayer of the Hieromartyr Cyprian and Ustinya

Prayer of the Hieromartyr Cyprian and Ustinya - continued

Prayer of the Hieromartyr Cyprian and Ustinya from corruption - continued

If you notice a deterioration in health, relationships with people or a loved one, do not hesitate, contact Kipriyan and Ustina. They are able to defeat the demonic host with the Holy Spirit. Read the Akathist every morning and evening for 40 days.

Damage to death: signs and how to remove it with prayer and which one?

Damage to death is the most terrible negative program that affects a person. The psycho-emotional state of a person is disturbed, the desire for life disappears. Other signs of damage to death:

  • The emergence of unreasonable phobias.
  • Bad night sleep, nightmares.
  • Difficulties at work and in communication with colleagues and superiors.
  • The appearance of hallucinations, both visual and auditory.
  • Dislike of one's own attitude in the mirror.
  • Depression, apathy, suicidal tendencies.
  • The appearance of addictions: alcohol, drugs and use a large number food.
  • Desire to be in a dark space, fear of bright light.

How to remove damage by prayer and which one? First you need to go to church and confess. Then, the next day, you need to take communion. This helps a person to let the holy spirit into himself, getting rid of the negative. The following prayers are read every day:

  • Our Father
  • 90 Psalm
  • Life-Giving Cross

Prayer to Jesus Christ:

Prayer to Jesus Christ

Above there is a prayer to Jesus Christ, but there are still some Jesus prayers that help get rid of corruption. The shortest prayer to Jesus Christ for deliverance from corruption:

"Lord have mercy!"

Prayer to Jesus Christ for deliverance from corruption

Another one good prayer from evil spells. Read it in the morning at dawn.

Prayer to Jesus Christ for deliverance from corruption and the evil eye

Prayer the Indestructible Psalter to remove damage from a person

Prayer The Unsleeping Psalter is a special kind of prayer. It helps to remove damage and save a person from a demonic attack. Often such a prayer is ordered in monasteries. After all, it has always been believed that monks are angels who help beg forgiveness from God for worldly people.

Interesting: Prayer Unsleeping Psalter is very large and placed in a book. It is difficult to read it to one person, so in monasteries and churches it is done by a group of clergy. This prayer can be read while sitting, while other prayers are read standing.

To remove damage from a person, this Prayer is read 40 times in a row. it great expense energy and strength, so ordering the reading of such a prayer in a monastery is expensive. But, if you need help, a person usually does not think about money. Moreover, payment for reading prayers in monasteries is considered a donation, and God will reward you with His grace for this.

Prayer to the Life-Giving Cross from corruption

This prayer should be read each after the Our Father prayer. Above was published the Prayer to the Life-Giving Cross from corruption. When the negative is removed from the person, it is necessary to continue to read this prayer, but it is possible in an abbreviated version:

« Protect me, Lord, by the power of Your Honorable and Life-Giving Cross, and save me from all evil».

These words can be pronounced at any time if you feel the eyes of a bad person on you, or if someone wishes you harm.

Blessed Matrona of Moscow is a righteous and intercessor. Even during her lifetime, she said: “Contact me for help, talk like a living person, talk about your bad weather, and I will help.” Therefore, people revere the Blessed One and always ask her for protection and help in removing negativity.

Matrona's first prayer from the evil eye and corruption:

Prayer to the Matrona from the evil eye and corruption

Matrona's second prayer:

Second prayer to the Matrona from the evil eye and corruption

To protect against damage and the evil eye, you can repeat a short prayer:

“Blessed Matrona of Moscow, have mercy on me, a sinner!”

Sytin Georgy Nikolaevich is a psychotherapist with 50 years of experience. He knows many healer conspiracies that help get rid of damage and the evil eye. He wrote many installations for new life healing from diseases and other ailments. Many people call it prayers.

Prayer from the evil eye of corruption:

Sytin Georgy Nikolaevich: prayer from the evil eye of corruption

Prayer from the evil eye of corruption from George Sytin

The words of this psychotherapist should be repeated every day. These settings really work wonders - many people claim this.

Everything Exists 73 Dreams Holy Mother of God. Among Orthodox believers, it is believed that whoever reads these dreams and gives them to read to other people will receive God's mercy. The Lord rewards people who read the Dreams of the Most Holy Theotokos Stepanova.

Soy of the Most Holy Theotokos 3 (for every salvation). This is a real conspiracy from corruption:

Dreams of the Blessed Virgin Mary Stepanova: conspiracies from corruption

Prayer to the Guardian Angel from corruption, evil spirits, witchcraft

Nicholas the Wonderworker is one of the most revered saints in Orthodox Church. Prayers are praised to him in various life situations, including when you need to get rid of the negativity sent by dark forces. First read the Our Father, and then the prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker:

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker from the evil eye and corruption

From the evil eye and damage, you need to pronounce the following words:

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker from corruption

Then cross yourself three times and drink Holy Epiphany water.

Holy Scripture - the Psalter, gives a person a charge of positive energy. He can protect from the evil thoughts of other people, from enemies and witchcraft. A man reads the words, calls to God, and he gives the believer strong protection. Many Psalms are read from corruption, but the 90th (published above) and the 58th are considered the strongest.

58th Psalm from witchcraft and corruption

Sorokoust is a church rite. As mentioned above, it is better to order it in monasteries, since in the church priests often do this action in an abbreviated version. After all, they have other daily activities: Baptism of infants, weddings and more. The monks will read Sorokoust from corruption in full and spend everything necessary actions. Often people order Sorokoust at the same time in three monasteries or churches.

Many women are successful and beautiful, but they cannot boast of personal happiness and having strong family. Most likely, this is damage to loneliness. A mother can remove a negative program by reading prayers and begging forgiveness for her daughter before God. But you can remove the damage to loneliness on your own with prayers.

Also, a woman should read the 90th Psalm, the Prayer to the Life-Giving Cross and Jesus Christ. These prayers are above. Every day 12 times repeat: "Lord have mercy"! For sale in the church strong amulet- a belt with the words of the 90th Psalm. It is worn every day, all the time - it protects and protects from evil people, tongues and corruption.