Project activity in the preparatory school group “Soon to school. Introductory project "Soon to school!"

Tatiana Nikiforova
Short-term educational project "Soon to school" in the preparatory group

Relevance project

"Be ready for school- does not mean being able to read, write and count. Be ready for school means to be ready to learn all this. (L.N. Wenger)

The problem of ensuring continuity preschool and primary education is one of the most pressing issues throughout history preschool and general pedagogy.

Preschool The educational institution has a special role to play in common system continuous education, since it is the first link in this system. Exactly at preschool In an educational institution, the foundations of the personality, its properties, qualities and abilities are laid, which in many respects will determine the ways of the further development of the child as schoolboy.

Admission to school- one of the most milestones in child development. From the world of childhood with fun games and fun, a small person finds himself in a completely different environment, where he is required to work hard, perseverance, and concentrate. He has to obey the rules school routine. And if this transition for your child becomes unexpected, then his adaptation to learning process will be long and painful, and this will undoubtedly affect his academic performance, and hence his self-esteem. It is not sad, but many complexes that adults suffer from are formed precisely during the period schooling.

The most important task of the kindergarten and parents is the psychological preparation baby for admission school. To understand what a child is going through on the eve of admission to school, remember how uncomfortable you yourself were when waiting for something unknown. As a rule, children with great desire go to school, looking forward to the first lessons, but at the same time experiencing anxiety. Parents need to help their child school life, remember and convey your feelings from entering the first grade.

AT preschool educational institution, educators should try to correctly describe to the child the features of learning in school. To begin with, check which representations it has already formed, set simple questions: how he imagines school what is a break and a lesson, what takes longer in time, what he will have to do at the lesson, and what is at the break, why does he want to school What attracts him there is the appearance of new friends, games with them or the desire to learn something new. If the child's responses show his perception schools like new exciting game, it is necessary to explain that the meaning of learning (new knowledge) is a process that requires patience and perseverance, which in school he can expect not only joyful events, but also the need to work, for which he will have to give up part of the time previously spent with friends.

The main goal of continuity in work preschool educational institution and schools is to ensure a smooth and painless transition of the child into school, the formation of the internal position schoolboy with the help of the unity of requirements of parents, educators and teachers. In this regard, there was a need to create copyright educational project"Hello, school


form ideas about school and positive attitude towards school life for older preschoolers.


Formation of learning motivation and interest in the learning process itself.

Relieve feelings of anxiety and doubt preschoolers before meeting with school.

Increasing parental competence in matters pre-school preparation.

Protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children.

View project:

Cognitive - creative

Duration project:

Short term 2 weeks.

Members project:

Pupils preparatory group , caregiver groups, parents.

Description project:

Admission to school completely changes the life of a child. By the time of admission to school the child should have an idea of ​​what awaits him, how learning takes place. And the most important thing. He must have a desire to learn. If a child is not ready for a new society, then even if he has the necessary stock of skills and abilities, it will be difficult for him. The project will be useful in the work of educators preparatory groups, as well as parents, in order to increase parental competence in matters of school preparation of children.

In his project I used to watch cartoons on school theme. With the help of them, children better represented school life for which you need to study. Acquainted with literary works about school life and schooling. For parents prepared a lot of information on how to help a child cross the threshold without excitement and anxiety schools.

I think that project"Hello school» helped children and parents to better understand school life assess your knowledge and skills before school. Formed an internal position schoolboy with the help of the unity of the requirements of parents and educator.

Expected results:

Formation in children of motivational readiness for school;

Increasing parental competence in matters of school preparation;

Favorable course of adaptation school period.

Relieve feelings of anxiety and doubt school.

Project consists of three stages:

1. Organizational

2. Practical

3. Generalizing

Implementation plan project

The first stage is organizational.

Prepare in a group necessary material for cognitive and productive activity (development of conversations, consultations for parents). Creation of a subject-developing environment school theme.

Prepare task for parents to collect the necessary information and arrange it.

The second stage is practical


Exhibition of illustrated books school topics and reading the works of A. Barto "AT school» , S. Marshak "First of September", a story by M. Panfilova from the series "Forest school»

Work with children:

Looking at illustrated books school. View cartoon: "Like a camel and a donkey in went to school» .

Conversation on the topic: "Please" (polite words in the life of the future schoolboy) . Target: teach children to self-control their behavior. Didactic game "Who has a longer ribbon", goal: to develop the ability of children to compare objects that are sharply contrasting in length by applying

Working with parents: help parents in the selection board games about school. Target: involve parents in training of future schoolchildren.

Registration of a photo exhibition « School. school supplies» . Making a folder - moving for parents: "Readiness for school»

Work with children:

consideration school supplies , a conversation about their purpose and application.

Conversation on the topic: "What do you think school different from kindergarten? "What do we know about school» . Target: create a positive installation on school. Didactic game "Find your house", goal: reinforce the ability of children to compare objects in width using the application or overlay technique.

Working with parents: to advise parents to read books together at home about school. Talk to children about whether their child is ready to go to school. Target: prepare parents to possible difficulties, upon admission of children to school.

Design a corner of developing mathematical games: math labyrinths, developing loto, fill in the missing number.

Work with children:

Conversation about school, mode, and rules of conduct in school about attitudes towards learning and grades. Story - role-playing game "Kindergarten". Target: expand and consolidate children's ideas about the content of the labor activities of kindergarten employees. Making riddles and reading proverbs about school.

Working with parents: memo on the topic "12 Tips for Parents of Future First Graders"


Design a corner of board and printed games school theme: "Who has a longer ribbon", "Put the towels in different piles", "Find your house", "Cars".

Work with children:

Watching a cartoon "Forest school» . Target: to form children's ideas about school.

constructive activity on topic: « School of my dream» . Target: to form the ability of children to design their plans. Develop imagination, constructive abilities. Didactic the game: "Garden for Mashenka", goal: develop children's ideas about the width of objects.

Working with parents: folder move on topic: "A year later I'm a first-grader"

Organize an exhibition of illustrations school.

Work with children:

Examining the painting "Scale". Target: continue to expand understanding of school. Compiling stories on the topic "What school» . Target: to form the ability to share impressions. Didactic game "Let's help Mashenka decompose the mushrooms", goal: To develop the ability of children to compare objects in thickness.

Working with parents: issue a memo to the parents of the future first grader.

The third stage is a summary

Photo exhibition on the topic: How do we prepare for school»

Exhibition of drawings: « Soon to school»

Modeling on the topic: « Schoolboy»

Making a photo album about the work done on project.

Being ready for school does not mean being able to read, write and count.

To be ready for school means to be ready to learn all this.

L.A. Wenger

Going to school is a difficult period in the life of a preschooler. The child is undergoing a restructuring of lifestyle and activities. Small man is in a state of expectation: something very significant and attractive is coming, but as yet uncertain. The whole way of life of the child changes radically (mode, change of communication with adults and peers, increase in the amount of intellectual load). The attitude of the child to school is formed before he goes to it. And here information about the school and the way it is presented by parents and educators of the preschool educational institution plays an important role.

Many parents try to create an emotionally attractive image of the school: “You will be an excellent student,” “You will make new friends,” “Teachers love smart people like you.” Adults believe that by doing so they instill in the child an interested attitude towards school. In reality, a child tuned in to a joyful exciting activity, having experienced even minor, negative emotions(resentment, jealousy, envy, annoyance) can lose interest in learning for a long time. It is necessary to carry out purposeful work to educate preschoolers in a positive attitude towards school using a variety of forms and methods of work, through the creation of a developing subject-spatial environment, through pedagogical education of parents and interaction with primary school teachers.

Together with the children of our group, we developed the project “We will go to school soon”. In this project, priority is given to organizing effective interaction between preschool educational institutions, schools and families. Carrying out work to educate a positive attitude towards school in children of the preparatory group helps to increase the social and cognitive activity of children, the purposeful formation of their integrative qualities necessary for the successful inclusion of children in school life.

Project "Soon we will go to school"

Age of children: 6-7 years.

The duration of the project is 3-4 weeks.

Objective of the project: Formation of ideas about the school, education of a positive attitude towards school in children of the preparatory group.


- To introduce children to the school and the teaching profession.

– Create a subject-developing environment to familiarize pupils with the school.

– Develop coherent speech of children, enrich and activate vocabulary.

– Promote mutual understanding, friendliness, relieve feelings of anxiety before meeting with the school.

– To increase the level of parental competence in matters of pre-school preparation.

Model of three questions:

What do we know?

What do we want to know?

How can you find out?

What children learn in school

That soon we will be schoolchildren

Schools are different

There's a change at school

The school has teachers

School is very interesting

What is a school?

Why do we go to school?

How are they taught at school?

What are the schools?

What is taught at school?

Are there clubs and sections at the school?

What were the schools like before?

Where and how did our parents study?

Ask teachers and parents

Watch TV

View encyclopedias

Watch video

Go on a school tour


Collection of information

Literature was selected and placed in the group:

S. Marshak "The First of September"

A. Aleksin "The First Day"

V. Voronkova "Girlfriends go to school"

E. Moshkovskaya "We play school"

A. Alexandrova "To School"

V. Berestov "Counting"

A. Barto "To School"

Illustrated material:

Presentation "First time, first class"

Presentation "Rules of behavior for educated children at school"

Demo Material

Audio recording of the fairy tale "Philippok"

Exhibition of photographic materials "History school uniform»

Information for parents:

Adding a sliding folder to the group to help parents "Ready for School"

Consultation for parents on the topic: "What games can be used at home when preparing a child for school"

Questioning of parents "On the eve of school life"

"Evening of questions and answers" with a primary school teacher

IVstage - Project implementation

Parents took an active part in creative activities and chose the following projects:

"First time, first class" - presentation

"We are writers, we are publishers" - newspaper

"Journey to the land of knowledge" - musical entertainment

Excursion to the school library, school museum

Corner for parents - consultations

Presentation "First time in first class"

We are writers, we are publishers. Publication in the newspaper of the kindergarten

Musical entertainment "Journey to the land of knowledge"

Excursion to the school library, school museum

Corner for parents

The game "Letters line up"

Vstage - Project presentation

Exhibition of children's creativity "My school"

Do-it-yourself student's corner

Photo exhibition "My parents, educators - schoolchildren"

Creating bookmarks for the children's primer

Excursion to school No. 78

"Bookmark for the primer"

Photo exhibition "My parents, educators - schoolchildren"

Do-it-yourself student's corner

Creativity of children "My school"

Excursion to the school

"Children are talking." school impressions

“I liked the medals at school, the awards that were awarded to students” - Masha P.

“I especially liked the canteen at school…. and director!!! - Matthew D.

“I liked the teachers at school, and a very large library with a lot of books” - Alena G.

“The school is cool, beautiful and amazing. Loved the students and teachers." Daniel I.

“I want to go to school, I liked the director of the school” - Cyril A.

“The school has a large sports hall where you can run fast. I want to work there.” Pavel W.

The results of the project activities:

All children have an educational and cognitive motive for learning, all the children of the group are ready for school:

– Children's understanding of schooling and the profession of a teacher has been enriched.

- The children have formed an “internal position of a schoolboy”.

“Children have a positive attitude towards school and a desire to learn.

- The professional competence of preschool teachers in preparing children for school has increased.

– Increased parental competence in matters of pre-school preparation.

– Strengthened ties between the kindergarten and the family.

Elena Sivak
Project "Soon to school"

Relevance project

At present, the problem of personal readiness for school. One of the main components psychological readiness to school is motivational readiness for school. Motivational readiness for school is a prerequisite for the successful adaptation of the child to school. Motivational readiness to study in school includes the developed need of the child for knowledge, skills, as well as the desire for improvement. Holding special work on the development of motivational readiness for school, will allow to overcome the shortcomings in it, and will contribute to an increase in the level of personal readiness for school.

Tasks project:

1. To study the psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of personal readiness for school.

2. Determine the eldest in children preschool age level of formation of personal readiness for school.

3. Formation of motivational readiness for school with older preschoolers through project activities.

4. To help parents eliminate misunderstanding of the child's motivational sphere through joint, playful creative and cognitive activities;

Type of project:


Practice oriented.

Implementation timeline project - short term.

Members project - tested preschoolers(6-7 years old, parents.

Expected results project:


Deepening children's knowledge about school;

Increasing the level of personal readiness of children to study in school;

Formation of the volitional and motivational component of the future schoolboy;

Formation of a system of relations preschooler(to yourself, adults, school) ;

Mastering the established norms and rules of conduct in school.


Raise pedagogical competence parents on the development of motivational readiness in preschoolers.

Information-cognitive work with parents has a positive effect on the preparation of older preschoolers to school.

Methodological basis projects were:

Studies of psychological readiness for school(Gutkina N.I., Venger L.A., Bozhovich L.I.)

Study of motives (Lisina M.I., Zaporozhets A.V., Kravtsova E.E.)

Implementation mechanism project:

Work on project carried out in several stages educational areas in accordance with GEF:

Social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development;

Physical development.

Implementation stages project:

Stage 1. Preparatory

The study of pedagogical experience in this project.

Drawing up a passport project.

Selection of a nursery fiction for reading to children.

Making didactic games.

Selection plot pictures and illustrations.

Selection of toys, attributes for gaming activity on school theme.

Conducting a survey of children to identify the level of formation of motivational readiness for school for preschoolers. For this purpose, the methods of N. I. Gutkina, M. R Ginzburg, L. I. Nezhnova were used. (see the appendices for a description of the methods)

Stage 2. Basic.

Implement measures to form motives as a component of personal readiness for teaching children in school.

Stage 3. Analytical.

Present results and summaries public project.

Summarize and disseminate experience in project.

Forms of organization of activities for project:

1. Familiarization with fiction.

Reading a poem by S. Mikhalkov "Sashina porridge"

Target: to form in children an understanding that in the lesson you need to speak clearly, distinctly, loudly.

Reading the work of L. N. Tolstoy "Phillipok".

Memorizing a passage of a poem "AT school» A. Barto

fairy tale therapy "Forest school» :

Story "The creation of a forest schools»

Story "Bouquet for the teacher"

Story "Funny Fears"

Story "Games in school»

Story « School rules»

2. Game activity.

The game « Animal School»

Target: removing the fear of school, acceleration of adaptation to school.

The game "Drawing lesson"

Target: to reveal the attitude of the child to school.

The game "Needle and thread"

Target: cause healthy emotional arousal.

The game « school supplies»

Target: introduce children to school supplies.

Role-playing game « School»

Target: using problematic game situations to consolidate children's knowledge about the rules of behavior for children in school.

Game - dramatization "Remember the Rules"

Target: to consolidate children's knowledge about behavior in the lesson.

3. Cognitive activity

Solving riddles about school supplies.

GCD "Introduction to the Primer"

Target: to form in children a steady interest in school.

Target walk in school.

Target: Enrich children's knowledge about school.

Meeting with the teacher kindergarten.

Target: to form a positive attitude towards the teacher.

Conversation "Introducing Children to Student Responsibilities"

Target: introduce children to responsibilities schoolchildren.

4. Speech development.

Making up a story "Memories of school» .

The game "Say with the word - school»

Making up stories "What will I do in school»

5. Artistic and productive activity.

Drawing "Me and school»

Organization of the exhibition "Our mothers and fathers - pupils»

Compiling an album "First of September"

Exhibition of drawings "My first teacher"

6. Leisure activities

Entertainment preschoolers with 1st grade students

7. Working with parents.

Thematic consultation for parents How to prepare a child for school» .

Consultation Is the child's personality ready for school

Reminder for parents "Do - Don't"

Thematic parent corner "Kindergarten - school»

Making, together with children, attributes for the plot role play « School»

Performance indicators for project:

Members project have a basic understanding of school and school supplies;

Emotionally-positive attitude of children to school;

Participants are able to establish relationships with peers and adults, obey established standards and rules;

Enrichment of the subject-developing environment with attributes, games on school theme;

The ability of parents to apply the acquired knowledge in preparing the child for school;

Increasing the level of knowledge about the motivational readiness of children to school.

Availability of special didactic aids to determine the level of formation of motivational readiness for school for preschoolers;

Implementation Efficiency Methods project:


List of used literature:

Venger L. A., Elkonin D. B. "Peculiarities mental development children 6-7 years of age " M. 1988

Gutkina N. I "Psychological readiness for school» M. 1993

Gutkina N. I. "Diagnostic program to determine the psychological readiness of children for schooling » 1997

Lisina M. I., Kangella G. I. “Communication with adults and psychological readiness for school» M. 1985

Kravtsova E. E. " psychological problems children's readiness for schooling» M. 1991

Wenger A. A. "How preschooler becomes a schoolboy» D,V 1995

Tatyana Kask

Theme of the project: "Soon to school"

The purpose of the project: the formation of an idea about the school, the education of a positive attitude towards school in children of the preparatory group.

Project objectives: introduce children to the school and the teaching profession;

create a subject-developing environment to familiarize pupils with the school (didactic and role-playing games); develop coherent speech of children, enrich and activate vocabulary;

promote mutual understanding, friendliness, relieve feelings of anxiety before meeting with the school; increase the level of parental competence in matters of pre-school preparation.

Project type: cognitive and creative

Project participants: children of the preparatory group

Duration: short term (1 week)

The main direction of the project–informational

Project relevance: Going to school is a major milestone in every child's life. And it's no secret that many children experience difficulties during the period of adaptation to school, a new daily routine, a team, a teacher. The child discovers a whole new world.

First of all, it is responsibility. In the first grade, he begins his social and working life. The main thing that a child needs is a positive motivation for learning. The attitude of the child to school is formed before he goes to it. And here information about the school and the way it is presented by parents and educators of the preschool educational institution plays an important role. It is no coincidence that the issues of preparing children for school, continuity in work are among the main topics for discussion by specialists and practitioners. preschool institutions and schools. To solve them, it is proposed different forms working with children and interacting with parents.

Considering that in recent times in practice preschool education preference is given to the method of projects, preparing children for school based on this method appears to be the most efficient.

Project activity product: an exhibition of drawings, the newspaper "We were also schoolchildren", a game, a package of recommendations for parents.

Expected Result: the formation of motivational readiness for school in children; increasing parental competence in matters of pre-school preparation, a favorable course of the adaptation school period.

Stages of work on the project.

The first stage is organizational.

Prepare in the group the necessary material for cognitive and productive activities (development of notes in direct educational activities, conversations, consultations for parents, production of printed board games). Creation of a subject-developing environment for school subjects.

Prepare homework for parents, collect the necessary information and arrange it.

The second stage is practical.

Days of the week Team work adults and children Independent activities of children Interaction with parents

Educational activities in the process of organizing various

types of activities Educational activities carried out during sensitive moments

Monday Exhibition of illustrative books of school subjects and reading of the work

M. A Ponfilova "Forest School"

Purpose: to introduce the work of M. A. Ponfilov, to teach to understand the main idea of ​​a literary work, to comprehend the characters' characters. "Be Kind" Conversation

(polite words in the life of a future student)

Purpose: to teach children to self-control their behavior. Examination of illustrative books.

Watching the cartoon "The kid who could count to 10"

Purpose: to form children's ideas about the importance of counting. Help parents in the selection of cartoons and board games about the school.

Tuesday Virtual tour of the school (use of ICT technologies) Conversation with children

How is school different from kindergarten? What do we know about the school?

Purpose: to create positive attitudes towards the school. Watching the cartoon "Island of Errors"

Purpose: to form in children the desire and understanding of the need to study at school. Reading books about school together with children at home.

The game is a competition

"First Grader"

Tasks: To consolidate the knowledge of children about what a first grader needs to study at school; to cultivate a desire to study at school, composure, accuracy.

"An Evening of Mysteries"

Making riddles, reading proverbs about school.

Purpose: to teach children to reflect their impressions in speech and drawing.

Creation of the book "Collection of riddles"

Story - role-playing game

Purpose: to expand and consolidate children's ideas about the content of the labor activities of kindergarten employees.

Questionnaire for parents

How do you prepare your child for school?

Thursday Decoration of the exhibition of children's drawings "What did you like at school"

(based on personal knowledge)

Purpose: to reflect their impressions in the drawing, the ability to develop a desire to study at school. Looking at school supplies.

The game "What's wrong?" (school supplies and other items)

Purpose: activation of the dictionary, classification of objects, development of speech. Watching a cartoon

"Our friend Write-read"

Purpose: to form in children the desire and understanding of the need to study at school. Preparing a consultation for parents

"Preparing Children for School"

“Advice for parents whose children are preparing for school

Friday Examination of pictures reflecting school life.

Purpose: to expand children's ideas about school. Conversation "We are future students"

Purpose: formation of attitudes for the responsible implementation of the rules of behavior for schoolchildren, mastered during the week. Didactic and desktop-printed school-themed games:

- "Syllabic houses"

- "Number houses"

- "Logic Train"

- “Easy Counting”, etc. Organization of the photo exhibition “We Were Schoolchildren Too”

(Photo of parents from school life)

The third stage is summarizing.

Project presentation.

Creation of a collection of riddles for children.

Photo-exhibition "We were schoolchildren too".

Design of the exhibition of drawings "Soon to school".

"We will go to school soon"

The purpose of the project: to foster a positive attitude towards school among children of the preparatory group.

Acquaintance of children with the school and the teaching profession;

Creation of a subject-developing environment to familiarize pupils with the school (didactic and plot-role-playing games;

Development of scenarios for excursions with children to school, parent meetings, seminars, etc.

Development of a succession action plan with the school.

Project participants: children, their parents, teachers of the preparatory group.

Duration: long-term (academic year).

The implementation of the project “Soon we will go to school” provides for the observance of the following pedagogical principles:

Purposefulness of the process of educating a positive attitude towards school;

Science-Based Combination different types activities (games, labor, occupations);

personally oriented approach in the process of fostering a positive attitude towards school;

Cooperation of children, teachers and parents;


Systematics and sequences.


Bringing into the system work on this problem;

Increasing the competence of teachers in matters of successful adaptation of children to school;

The use of various forms of work with pupils, their parents and teachers to foster a positive attitude towards school in children of the preparatory group.

Action plan for project implementation

"We will go to school soon"

Theme and form of the event; members

Doe teachers



Development of the "Program of pedagogical support for the formation of Motivational readiness for schooling of children aged 6-7 years".

Excursion to the school.

Development of a plan of work with parents of children of the preparatory group for school.

Development of a work plan for continuity between preschool educational institutions and secondary schools.

Excursion to the school library.

Consultation "Motivational readiness of the child for school".

Consultation "Principles and forms of organizing classes in preparation for school."

Exhibition of drawings "School"

Consultation "Early learning to read - a need, a necessity or a tribute to fashion."

Consultation "The hand develops the brain."

Role-playing game "School".

Consultation “How do modern parents understand “the readiness of the child for school”.

Consultation "Prevention of school maladaptation in older children preschool age».

Didactic game "Collect a portfolio", "First grader".

Holiday "Goodbye, kindergarten."

Making visual information in the parent corner "Advice to parents of future first graders". "School Readiness".

Diagnostics "The level of compliance with the school requirements of children of the preparatory group"

Questionnaire for parents "How do you prepare your child for school?"

Pedchas "Implementation of continuity between preschool and primary general education."

Parent meeting "Preparing children for school" (For parents of children of the preparatory group).

Used Books:

A.K. Bondarenko, Didactic games in kindergarten, M - Enlightenment, 1991.

G. Educator of a preschool educational institution, No. 5/2007, M - Creative Center Sphere.

G. Handbook of the senior preschool teacher

No. 2/2008, No. 9/2008, No. 9/2011, M - ICFER Resources

The urgency of the problem.

Going to school is a major milestone in every child's life. And it's no secret that many children experience difficulties during the period of adaptation to school, a new daily routine, a team, a teacher. It is not easy for parents either. Over the summer, the child grew up, he needs to buy a satchel, shoes, clothes, textbooks.

But with all due respect to parental efforts, we can say with confidence that the future student has much more worries than mom and dad: he discovers a whole new world for himself.

What is to study? Is it fun or boring? Difficult or easy? First of all, it is responsibility. Now the child must forget the word “I want” for the sake of the word “must”. In the first grade, he begins his social and working life.

The initial period of education is associated with the restructuring of the child's lifestyle and activities. The main problems that he will have to face at school are:

Change of daily routine and nutrition,

shift air regime(stay indoors for a longer time than in kindergarten),

Unusually high level noise at recess

Increased time spent without movement, sitting at the table;

Changing the style of communication with adults (the teacher is often not focused on guardianship, praise and protection);

The need for complete self-service in dressing and undressing;

The need to organize workplace at the desk;

Requirements to respond correctly to calls from lesson to lesson, follow the rules of conduct in the lesson, restrain and arbitrarily control motor, speech and emotional reactions;

The need to establish contacts with unfamiliar peers;

Possible failure in activities;

Increasing the amount of intellectual load.

Getting into school - quality new stage in the development of the child, associated with a change in the social situation and personal transformations, which L.S. Vygotsky called the crisis of seven years.

The adaptation period at school takes from a month to six months. All life situations associated with entering school, their experiences require the child to revise, and sometimes seriously correct the picture of the world he has created.

The main thing that a child needs is a positive motivation for learning. Most future first graders want to go to school, but they have a certain idea that can be formulated something like this: a real student is a happy

the owner of a briefcase and a school uniform, a diligent follower of the school rules, he listens to the teacher, raises his hand and gets grades.

Moreover, the “grade” and “five” for the future first-grader are almost the same. The child is sure that he will be a good student, because. saw that his mother had bought everything he needed for school. Such children's hopes are fraught with great danger: the child perceives school as another game, which may not be so attractive at all if it does not eventually turn into educational cooperation with the teacher and peers.

The attitude of the child to school is formed before he goes to it. And here information about the school and the way it is presented by parents and educators of the preschool educational institution plays an important role. Many parents try to create an attractive image of the school: “you will be an excellent student”, “you will have friends”, “teachers love smart people like you”.

Adults believe that by doing so they instill in the child an interested attitude towards school. In fact, the future student,

tuned to a joyful exciting activity, can lose interest in learning for a long time, having experienced even minor negative emotions. The school provides plenty of reasons for experiencing such emotions:

Failures against the backdrop of seeming universal success,

Difficulties in finding friends among classmates,

The discrepancy between the assessment of the teacher and the usual parental praise, etc.

Sometimes parents and educators use the image of the school as a deterrent, without thinking about the consequences: “for such behavior at school they will immediately write you down as hooligans”, “you can’t connect two words, how will you answer in class.” Such parting words are unlikely to inspire a child.

Thus, an exclusively positive or, on the contrary, negative image of the school will not be useful. It is important to set the child up for daily work and inspire him that he can do everything if he tries.

The school is currently challenging tasks education and upbringing of the younger generation. The success of schooling to a large extent depends on the level of preparedness of the child in the preschool period.

In psychological and pedagogical research, the issues of special and general psychological readiness of the child for school are considered. According to scientists, one of the aspects of psychological readiness is the personal readiness of a preschooler for the upcoming learning, which is expressed in the motives of learning, the attitude of children to school, the teacher, school duties and the position of the student, in the ability to consciously control their behavior.

And high level intellectual development children does not always coincide with their personal readiness for school. The preschooler may have

a positive attitude towards a new way of life, changes in conditions, rules, requirements has not been formed, which is an indicator of the attitude towards school. School teachers also note this discrepancy.

In the literature on this issue, a number of authors emphasize the need to cultivate a positive attitude towards school as a condition for successful learning in the future. Yes, and practice today is aimed mainly at the intellectual preparation of children for school, little attention is paid to the formation of the internal position of the student.

It is no coincidence that the issues of preparing children for school, continuity in work are among the main topics for discussion by specialists, practitioners of preschool institutions and schools. To solve them, various forms of work with children and interaction with parents are offered.

Taking into account the fact that recently the project method has been preferred in the practice of preschool education, preparing children for school based on this method seems to be the most effective.



Didactic task: To consolidate the knowledge of children about what a first grader needs to study at school; to cultivate a desire to study at school, composure, accuracy.

Game rule. Collect items on a signal.

Game action. Competition - who will quickly collect everything necessary for the school in a portfolio.

Game progress. There are two briefcases on the teacher's table. On other tables are educational supplies: notebooks, primers, pencil cases, pens, colored pencils, etc.

After a brief conversation about the fact that the children of the preparatory group for school will soon go to school and that they themselves will collect everything necessary for study in their portfolios, they start the game: two players come to the table; at the command of the driver, they must select the necessary educational supplies, carefully place them in the briefcase and close it. Whoever does it first wins.

In order for the game to continue, the children who completed the task choose other participants instead of themselves. The rest act as fans and objectively evaluate the winners. The game fixes the name and purpose of all items. The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that not only everything needs to be folded quickly, but also carefully; encourages those who accurately followed these rules in the game.

Questionnaire for parents

« How do you prepare your child for school?

Dear parents!

  1. Child's age ___________
  2. Is the topic of preparing a child for schooling relevant to you?____________ _________________________________________________________________________
  3. How do you understand the expression "school-ready child"?_________ _________________________________________________________________________
  4. What criteria, in your opinion, most clearly characterize the readiness of the child for schooling (number in descending order: from the most important criterion, to least important):

High level of physical development,

arbitrariness of behavior

The desire to learn new things

The ability to write

Possession of counting skills,


Good physical and mental health,

Ability to communicate with peers

Developed mental cognitive processes: attention, thinking, memory,

broad outlook,

Well developed speech.

  1. Do you think your child is ready for school? Why? ___________________________________________________________________________
  2. Where do you think it would be best to prepare your child for school?

in kindergarten,

In special classes at school,

In short stay groups,

  1. Does your child attend extracurricular activities (other than kindergarten)? Which? ________________________________________________________________________
  2. Are you preparing your child for school at home? How? _________________ _____________________________________________________________________________
  3. What difficulties do you experience in preparing your child for school? _____________ _______________________________________________________________________________

Thank you for your sincere replies!

How modern parents understand "the readiness of the child for school"

The arrival of a child in the first grade is a crucial moment for both the child and the parents. Adults begin to think about what knowledge and skills a preschooler should have for a comfortable stay at school long before this event. However, the understanding of a child's readiness for school by parents and teachers often differs. Often, this is what makes it difficult for children to prepare for preschool and leads to excessive additional workloads.

The transition of a preschooler to a new level of education - admission to the first grade - worries every parent. Adults are worried about how he will feel at school, how he will be able to study, while they hope that on the first of September he will become a real first grader. But long-awaited changes usually do not occur. And the second, and the third, and the tenth of September, the child remains the same yesterday's preschooler. It is also important for parents that the child has socially significant qualities, primarily related to the learning process. Many of them thereby compensate for their own feeling of inferiority: they demand academic success from the younger student, regardless of his capabilities. The reason for this is their own fear. Thus, seemingly innocuous stereotypes parental behavior can lead to psychogenic maladaptation, which is expressed in school fears and neuroses.

The child's admission to school, his adaptation to new conditions can be a painful period both for himself and for his family.

Given the relevance of the topic, teachers decided to find out what modern parents include in the concept of "child readiness for school", how they prepare children for this stage. 9 parents of children from the preparatory group were interviewed.

As a result, it turned out that 41% of the respondents named reading, writing and counting skills as a criterion for a child's readiness for school, 21% - the formation of mental cognitive processes, 17% - a positive attitude towards learning, 14% - communication skills with peers, 7% of parents noted that a child ready for school is healthy, independent and assiduous. Parents were asked to complete the questionnaire "How do you prepare your child for school?".

Thus, the readiness of the child to study at school, most parents reduce to mastering the skills of reading, writing and counting. It is important to note that undeservedly low places in the rating were occupied by two significant positions - the health and physical development of the child.

The success of schooling, readiness to adapt to the changed regimen and workloads primarily depend on how developed the child is physically and healthy.

The study of the survey results showed that parents have certain theoretical knowledge about the preparation of the child for schooling. However, in practice they continue to adhere to the erroneous point of view, which boils down to special training to the detriment of psychological and physical development children. Therefore, pedagogical support from kindergarten specialists is so important, they can help parents not only realize the importance competent training child to school, but also having the opportunity to “arm” them with a number of practical skills and abilities.

Consultation of a teacher-psychologist.

Prevention of school maladjustment in children of senior preschool age

The transition from kindergarten to school is an important step in the life of every child. Finding themselves at this stage in new social conditions, children are often not ready for them, which, of course, affects their emotional sphere. Therefore, it is so important that preschoolers have an idea about the school even before they cross its threshold.

The mental health of children in the transition from kindergarten to school for a long time did not attract the attention of adults. Meanwhile, the admission of the child to school completely restructures the life of the child.

At school, the child enters new social conditions. His usual way of life changes, new relationships with people arise. A change of environment may be accompanied by an increase in anxiety, a decrease in activity. The result of this may be the appearance of inadequate adaptation mechanisms, which are commonly called school maladaptation. One of its main manifestations is elevated level anxiety.

Anxiety - emotional distress associated with a premonition of danger or failure.

At adverse conditions(anxiety in children, fears in adults) anxiety turns into a stable character trait. Closer to 7-8 years, we can talk about a certain emotional mood with a predominance of feelings of anxiety and fear of doing something wrong. In this regard, the issue of successful adaptation of the child to school is acute.

Based on results contemporary research, it is possible to establish a strong relationship between mental health disorders and educational success of children.

By the time of admission, and school, the child should have an idea of ​​​​what awaits him, how learning takes place. And most importantly, he must have a desire to learn.

Numerous surveys of older preschoolers and observations of their games testify to the desire to go to school. But children are attracted only outer side school life. Attributes of school life, the desire to change the situation seem tempting to them. But this cannot be the main thing. If a child is not ready for a new society, then even if he has the necessary stock of skills and abilities, it will be difficult for him.

It is often difficult for children to analyze their experiences and their attitude to schooling.

By the age of 7, almost half of the children, especially boys, are psychologically unprepared to start school. Immaturity of regulatory functions is noted, voluntary behavior, memory, and speech are difficult. Before entering school, children of senior preschool age develop fears, anxiety, and uncertainty. The child's behavior is subject to excessive demands, which he is not able to meet. This also increases anxiety and lowers self-esteem.

To prevent anxiety, it is important to prepare children in advance for such events, discuss possible difficulties with them, and teach constructive ways to solve problems that arise.

The formation of a conscious attitude to the school is determined by the way of presenting information about it. It is important that the information communicated to children is not only understandable, but also felt by them. To this end, classes include conversations about the school, reading correctional fairy tales, expressive studies that develop, finger games. Expressive etudes are introduced to develop children's expressive literacy, the ability to understand the emotions of other people and the development of their own means of expression.

The most effective way to solve the problem of maladaptation to schooling is by conducting preventive work with preschool children.

Through fairy tales (M.A. Ponfilova "Forest School", O.V. Khukhlaeva "The Tale of the Kitten Masha", N.P. Slobodyanik "Pamsi"), one gets acquainted with school attributes, rules of conduct, and the role of a teacher at school. The child learns to interact with other children, to yield in some circumstances, and not to yield in others. These qualities provide adaptation to new conditions.

In the proposed cycle of classes "On the doorstep of the school", which is aimed at preventing school maladaptation and reducing school anxiety in children and allowing them to adapt to school more easily. Classes are designed for children 6-7 years old.

The main objectives of the classes:

Introduce the child to school life through a fairy tale;

Help the child build a model of possible relationships with a teacher, classmates in a new life situation;

Try it out in a safe way different variants behavior in communication situations that are significant for children;

To create in the activity of the child models of the educational sphere.

The main tasks of the classes:

Formation of a positive attitude towards the school;

Coaching positive school learning motivation;

Prevention and removal of fear of school;

Creation in the child of readiness to accept a new social position of a “schoolchild”.

Classes are held in the psychologist's office once a week. Their duration is 30-35 minutes. There are no more than 10 children in a group. During classes, children sit in a circle on chairs. All classes have flexible structure filled with different content.

During the cycle of preventive classes, the following methods and techniques are used:

Elements of bibliotherapy;

Elements of play therapy;



Mobile, speech motor, outdoor games.

The technology of conducting a game lesson includes:

Ritual greeting each other;

The ritual of entering a fairy tale;

Representation of history (fairy tales);

Educational games;


mobile game;

Discussion in a circle;

Ritual of farewell to each other and a fairy tale.

Implementation of continuity between preschool and primary general education.

Continuity is a continuous process of raising and educating a child, which has general and specific goals for each age period. The main thing in the concept of this process is the organization of high-quality preparation of a preschooler for schooling.

More recently, continuity has been considered a tool for ensuring continuity in training and education. Emphasis was placed on the process of passing the baton. On the one hand, the preschool stage forms the fundamental qualities of the child, which serve as the basis for successful schooling. On the other hand, the school, as a successor to the preschool stage, picks up the achievements of the preschooler and develops the potential accumulated by him.

The analysis of pedagogical experience in the context of the implementation of innovative educational technologies today requires a transition from conceptual forms of solving the problem of continuity to practical actions. The main contradiction lies in the discrepancy between ideas about the concept of "continuity" among different social groups.

Teachers, as a rule, express dissatisfaction with the fact that a child comes to them not trained in the rules and norms of school behavior. Educators, on the other hand, believe that they give each preschooler enough knowledge to successfully study at school. In the school curriculum, this content is duplicated, and the development of certain abilities of the child is interrupted. Parents, in turn, want everything at once, exposing the child to forced learning and depriving him of the opportunity to play enough in the most fertile period for gaming activity.

From the point of view of psychologists, "continuity" on preschool stage development means providing a prerequisite for schooling, i.e. general readiness of the child for school without any negative consequences for the psyche.

Continuity is a continuous process of raising and educating a child, which has general and specific goals for each age period.

Work plan for the succession of the preschool educational institution and the school



Mutual attendance at school and kindergarten (directly educational activities, lessons).

Participation in pedagogical councils.

Mutual consultation.

The study educational program DOW and programs of the 1st grade of the school.

During a year

senior educator

Excursion to the school building


Educators of the preparatory group of the preschool educational institution

Excursion to the school library.

School talk.

A Conversation About the Teaching Profession

Reading and reciting poems about school.

Examination of pictures reflecting school life.

Visual activity on the theme of the school.

Exhibition of children's works "What I know about school".

Role-playing game "To school".

Verbal and didactic games of school subjects.

Acquaintance with proverbs and sayings about teaching.

Evening of riddles "Soon to school."

Examining school supplies and didactic game"Collect a briefcase."

During a year

Excursion to the sports hall of the school

Excursion to the classroom, meeting with first-graders

according to school plan

Visiting the holiday "Farewell to the primer".

Excursion to the assembly hall of the school.

Consultation "First difficulties, or how children adapt to school."


educator, school psychologist

Parent meeting "Soon to school"

teacher, primary school teacher

Consultation "Left-handed child".

Consultation "Preparing the hand for writing"


Topic: "The level of compliance with the school requirements of children of the preparatory group"

Group: preparatory

Time: April 2015

Target:Reveal ZUN children; determine what tasks cause difficulties for the child and provide him with help if it is needed. Determine the readiness of children for schooling.

Questions to be checked:

  2. Identification of the level of development of fine motor skills associated with graphic actions:

-Pick up the pencils and look at the sheets of paper in front of you. They have stripes on them. Draw straight lines between these strips from the beginning of the sheet to the end with a pencil.

  1. GENERAL ABILITIES OF THE CHILD. Mental capacity. Sensory abilities.
  2. Revealing the level of sensory abilities:

-Look at the items in the picture. Now consider the figures. Connect each item with lines to the figure that it most closely resembles.

  1. -Look at the picture. Put a cross with a pencil next to the house that is tallest, which is the longest.

-Find all the pets in the picture and draw paths from each of them to the house.

-The teacher shows the children a picture that depicts a story that happened to one person. You need to guess where the beginning of the story is, where is the middle, and where is the end.

-Put a cross in the circle next to the picture that best fits what I'm about to say.

-Look closely at the pictures. Mark the one on which the children behave correctly.

-Before you is a sheet of paper, on the left side of which a car is drawn. Draw the same car on the right side of the sheet. Start doing the task from the strip that has already been drawn. Paint over all parts of the car.

-Now we will write down sentences, but not with letters, but with the help of pictures. I will say a phrase, and you think about what pictures you can designate the words in it. There are as many pictures as there are words in a sentence.

-Pair the numbers with the corresponding number cards.

-Look at the picture and mark with a cross those objects that are to the left (right) of the table.

-Look at the pictures, mark with a cross those pictures that represent words with the sound “g”, “h”, “w”, “l”, etc.

Circle all metal (wooden, rubber, glass) objects.

-Look at the pictures, decide at what time of the year these things can come in handy.

-Connect the pictures depicting people of different professions with the items (tools) that they need.


"Preparing Children for School"

(For parents of children of the preparatory group)

Information block.

The modern school makes increased demands on the child: having come to the first grade, the child must be able to read, count, decide simple tasks writing a graphic dictation. How do you know if your child is ready for school intellectually and emotionally?

Answer the questionnaire:

Is the child able to follow instructions given by an adult? (Yes, no, sometimes.)

Is the child able to concentrate on completing the task for 15-20 minutes? (Yes, no, sometimes).

Is the child able to meet and communicate with other children?

(Yes, no, sometimes.)

Is he capable of giving in, avoiding conflict? (Yes, no, sometimes.)

Is the child capable of self-control, is he able to correct the mistakes made? (Yes, no, sometimes.)

Can he write? (Well no.)

Can he solve simple problems? (Well no.)

Can you tell a story from a picture? (Well no.)

Can you retell a heard story, a fairy tale? (Well no.)

If the answers to all questions are yes, then we can conclude that the child is ready for school. In kindergarten, as part of the preparation for school, we teach children to read, count, develop fine motor skills, solve logical tasks, we offer exercises for the development of memory, attention, thinking. We simulate and act out situations that can happen to a child at school:

The child cannot cope with the task received;

Quarreled with a friend;

The child became ill (headache, stomach, nausea);

Wants to ask the teacher about something, but is shy, etc.

At home, you should continue to prepare your child for school, but without overloading him. Two exercises, fun tasks, an element of graphic dictation are quite enough. After a short