January 11 is the day of thank you presentation. Presentation for elementary grades on the topic: "Polite word - thank you"

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World Thank You Day

Purpose: to introduce children to the day of January 11 - World Thank You Day, to consolidate the rules for polite communication of children with peers and adults. Tasks: to develop coherent speech, to remember and activate “kind, magic” words in speech; cultivate courtesy in dealing with people; remember the good deeds and deeds that the children did and invite them to draw them on a piece of paper with colored pencils; to cultivate love for poetry, and through poetry, love and respect for each other and adults.

Reception of children. Surprise moment. Purpose: entering the day, introducing children to the concept of the term " thank you". The cat Leopold came to visit. He is very happy today that he was able to meet with you. But he came to us for a reason, and wants to talk with you about what is important for all people in the world. Hear what he has to say to us.

Cat Leopold: Children, what kind magic words do you know? What day of the week is today? What season is it now? What is the name of the month? January 11 is World Thank You Day. What does this word mean, do you know? There is such a science as Etymology, which studies the meaning and origin of words. Turning to the etymological dictionary, I read: “Once it was a stable combination in speech of two words: GOD SAVE (you), pronounced as a wish full of gratitude. In such frequently used words, their individual parts constantly merge, and non-stressed (over-stressed) sounds weaken and die off, like the tips of a branch, where the juice no longer flows. The final "G" also died out. But this word has not lost its beauty even without the “G”, it is kind and bright. THANKS.

Morning gymnastics "Funny guys". Purpose: to promote the health of children and the awakening of the body for normal life. A minute of entry into the day " Good morning". Purpose: to help increase the overall emotional background and improve psychological climate in a group. Breakfast Don't forget to say thank you.

educational situation. Application "Decorate a napkin". Purpose: to develop in children a sense of color, the ability to compare patterns by color, to choose the most beautiful. Decorate a napkin with a pattern using elements of Dymkovo painting. to teach children to make a pattern on a square, filling the middle, corners with elements; learn to cut the strip in half, after folding it; reinforce the ability to hold scissors correctly. Musical.

Lunch. Leopold cat. The game "Tell me a word" Educator: - And now we will play, find out from you, do you know the "magic words"? Even an ice block will melt from a warm word ... (thank you) Even the stump will turn green when it hears ... (good afternoon) If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom ... (thank you) A polite and developed boy speaks when meeting ... (hello) When we are scolded for pranks, we say ... (please forgive me) And in France and Denmark they say goodbye ... (goodbye) Independent activity. Games, preparation for a walk.

Walk. Supervision of the work of the janitor. Purpose: to instill in children respect for this profession. Labor activity: sweeping paths, garbage collection. Purpose: to cultivate industriousness. Mobile game "Cat and Mouse", "Clouds and Sun". Purpose: to learn to run easily, without bumping into each other, to navigate in space. Outdoor games for children. Return from a walk. Dinner. Dream.

Evening: Awakening gymnastics. Hygienic and tempering procedures. Role-playing game"At the doctor". Purpose: to develop the ability to unite in the game, distribute roles (doctor, patient), perform game actions. Games with a large designer. Purpose: to teach to name and distinguish building details.

Reading a poem by S.Ya. Marshak "Kind words". Educator: - What words are not too lazy to repeat three times? What words did the child use in the poem? (“Good morning”, “Good afternoon”, “Good evening”) - At what time of the day did he shout these kind words?

Good deeds. Educator: Guys, have you ever done good deeds? Tell us about them. Guys, I suggest you arrange an exhibition good deeds! And for this you draw them on paper using colored pencils. Educator: - Thank you, children for your attention. So what day is it today? Children: - January 11 "World THANKS Day".

Walk Observation of the clouds. Purpose: to encourage the expression of their own conjectures, assumptions about the causes of certain phenomena. Mobile game "Hares and the wolf". Purpose: to teach children to move on the command of the teacher. Free games at the request of children. Care home.

Thank you for your attention! Prepared by: Educator middle group GBDOU №73 Kindergarten"Cornflower" Rulinskaya Tatyana Sergeevna

Cheerful holiday - Thanks Day!

All thanks can not be counted,

From kind sunny smiles

Evil and revenge huddled in a corner.

Thank you! let it sound everywhere

All over the planet good sign,

Thank you, little miracle

A charge of warmth in your hands!

Say it like a spell

And you will feel how suddenly

Good and happiness wishes,

will give you new friend!


January 11th is a day on which it is customary to be polite and remember good manners more often. On this day, one of the international holidays is celebrated, which is called the World Thank You Day. The word "thank you" is said every day by people different ages, gender, nationality, religion and even upbringing. But few people know that the expression of gratitude in the form of the word "thank you" occurred in the Russian language many centuries ago.


Etymologists believe that in the days of paganism in the everyday life of our ancestors, the words of gratitude sounded like “thank you” or “thank you”, but with the advent of Christianity, our ancestors replaced them with a word that today sounds like “thank you”. Initially, the modern “thank you” meant an abbreviated version of the expression “God save!”. In this expression, our ancestors put something much more than just gratitude. It meant not just the gratitude of the interlocutor for the service you rendered, but said that he expresses a sense of gratitude for life. Subsequently, the expression was shortened, and the familiar "thank you" was born, which tops the list of words in the rules of etiquette.


An interesting fact in the history of this word is that some experts argue that “thank you” arose back in the days of paganism and is not a derivative of the expression “God save!”, but from “Save Bai”. Bai was one of pagan gods. However, such conjectures are cut off by most etymologists, and the origin of the word is attributed to the 16th century.

Politeness is more than just good manners!

Our grandmothers taught our mothers, our mothers teach us that "Thanks" and "please"- these are the main words with which a person expresses his gratitude, courtesy and good education. But is it really so important to say "Thanks"? Word "Thanks", according to psychologists, is really magical. Hearing it, a person experiences emotions similar to those that arise in children when they are affectionately stroked on the head. Having received verbal gratitude, a person subconsciously tunes in to positive.


    Today, people are so immersed in their worries, problems and everyday fuss that sometimes they simply forget to say such words to each other as “good afternoon”, “thank you”, “please”, etc. Modern people are materialists, brought up on phrases like “thank you don’t gurgle” or “thank you won’t put in your pocket.” And this means that today it is unlikely that anyone will do a favor or do a good deed for you for “thank you”. Is this approach to life correct? Probably not. Indeed, in the pursuit of material goodness, we completely forget about the spiritual world. And for each person, the spiritual world is expressed in friends who do not come for material good and material gratitude.


    After all, you must admit that sitting on a bag of gold alone, you are unlikely to want to laugh with happiness. Happiness is doubly pleasant to share with your friends, and therefore say more often words of gratitude to others. Were you given a hand when you got off public transport? Say, "Thank you." Did someone help you carry a heavy bag? Say "Thank you" again. After all, kind words are always nice to hear and they make people kinder, but only when you say them sincerely.


  • Waking up on January 11, remember that kindness will save the world, smile and give words of gratitude to your loved ones, relatives, friends and people around you. And most importantly, give your “thank you” on this day and on other days of the year!

How can you celebrate thank you day at school.

For children on this day, it is imperative to arrange an event, the purpose of which is to cultivate politeness.

On this day, you can arrange a game-quest. A group (or two groups) of children are given envelopes with a route (stops are indicated in it) and boxes (baskets, packages, etc.), in which all the "thank you" found will need to be added. You should look for "thank you" at the stops indicated in the route. The team that reaches the finish line first wins. The game is played in the school building after school or on the street.

What are the "riddles"? For example, one of the stops is some room in which there is no one. The guys carefully look around and understand that they need to find something. As a result, somewhere on the windowsill behind the curtain they find a sign with the inscription "Merci" and put it in their basket, after which they go on.

At one of the stops, for example, a teacher or a high school student with an empty glass in his hands may be waiting for them. He does not say anything, but the children must think that they need to fill the glass with water, that is, to help the person. When this is done, he will give the guys, for example, a badge with the word "thank you".

At another stop, the student asks the guys to help him solve the problem (here it is advisable to prepare an entertaining riddle problem). When the guys solve it, the student will thank them and hand them, for example, a ribbon on which the word “thank you” is painted with paint.

So that the quest does not last very long, but at the same time does not end too quickly, you need to come up with about 10 riddles, that is, include 10 stops in the route.

Tasks can be not only search-intellectual (collect puzzles, solve riddles, etc.), but also sports.

At the end of the route, the organizers check whether all the hidden "thanks" are collected in a basket and award the prize to the winning team. The second team, which will come to the finish line later, must also be awarded. After that, you can invite the guys to a tea party and a disco.

World Thank You Day January 11th is the day when it is customary to be polite and remember good manners more often. "Why?" - you ask. Of course, for a simple layman, January 11th is an ordinary day, but on this day one of the international holidays is celebrated, which is called the World Thank You Day. In our everyday life, the word "thank you" is present every day. It is spoken every day by people of different ages, genders, nationalities, religions and even upbringings. But few people know that the expression of gratitude in the form of the word "thank you" occurred in the Russian language many centuries ago.

"Thank you" is the magic of this word World Day of the most polite word in any language - the word "thank you". If we turn to history, we will see that earlier in the Russian language the word "thank you" was not. In the 16th century, they said "God save" instead. Among the Christian people, this phrase had great power and meaning. The person who pronounced it wished the interlocutor good and the best in life. It was a sign of the highest gratitude, and therefore, the openness of people towards each other. A synonym for this expression is the phrase "God bless

For scattered paper clips and paper on the tables, Unsolved problems and dishes in the corners, Unsent e-mail, overtime yesterday, Spilled coffee on the floor and a careless look in the morning, For support in the evenings when the balance is spinning, Explaining manuals for incomprehensible innovations, Naughty parties and gifts on the table, And funny pictures that are on the server - Precious colleagues, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I now pass the baton of the day "thank you" to you. 2 May the world become kinder on the Day of "thank you", May all people become grateful, May it gather full house friends And everyone will smile at each other! On the Day of "thank you" we want to say that this word should be cherished by us. You be more polite and will wish you health and strength.

Politeness is wonderful. Politeness is always beautiful - Let it come from the heart Constantly, hourly, breathe it like air. On the world day "thank you" I especially want to politely congratulate you And pat on the shoulder. Thank you. Important, for all people. ©

The history of this holiday Probably, today it is especially necessary to pronounce this word. We say this word out of politeness, to express our gratitude, but we do not realize its meaning. The Old Believers believe that it was born from the phrase "save Bai" ("Bai" is the name of one of the pagan gods), so they avoid this word in their speech. Psychologists are sure that words of gratitude are verbal "strokes" and they are able to calm and warm with their warmth. The main thing is that "thank you" comes from a pure heart! It is no coincidence that for a long time there was a belief among the people - it is impossible to pronounce words of gratitude in a state of irritation.

There is great power in the word "thank you" And water comes to life from it, It gives wings to a wounded bird, And a sprout sprouts from the ground. Be grateful on this day world, on holiday“Thank you,” open your soul, Melt the ice, remove winter from your heart, Any discord will fall at this time! We wish you to be loved, strong family and success in work. You say “thank you” to everyone more often And they will be glad to see you on Earth!

Thank you for your attention The presentation was prepared by a student of the 8th "A" class of the Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 89", Saratov Andreeva Daria

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    World Thank You Day

      January 11th is a day on which it is customary to be polite and remember good manners more often. "Why?" - you ask. Of course, for a simple layman, January 11th is an ordinary day, but on this day one of the international holidays is celebrated, which is called the World Thank You Day. In our everyday life, the word "thank you" is present every day. It is spoken every day by people of different ages, genders, nationalities, religions and even upbringings. But few people know that the expression of gratitude in the form of the word "thank you" occurred in the Russian language many centuries ago.

    "Thank you" is the magic of this word

    • world day of the most polite word in any language - the word "thank you".

    • If we turn to history, we will see that earlier in the Russian language the word "thank you" was not. In the 16th century, they said "God save" instead. Among the Christian people, this phrase had great power and meaning. The person who pronounced it wished the interlocutor good and the best in life. It was a sign of the highest gratitude, and therefore, the openness of people towards each other. A synonym for this expression is the phrase "God bless

      For scattered paper clips and paper on the tables, Unsolved tasks and dishes in the corners, Unsent e-mail, overtime yesterday, Spilled coffee on the floor and a casual look in the morning, For support in the evenings when the balance is spinning, Explaining manuals for incomprehensible innovations, Naughty parties and gifts on the table, And funny pictures that lie on the server - Precious colleagues, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I now pass the baton of the day "thank you" to you.

    • May the world become kinder on the Day of "thank you", May all people become grateful, May a full house of friends gather And everyone will smile at each other! On the Day of "thank you" we want to say that we should cherish this word. You be more polite and they will wish you, So that health and strength descend on you.

    Politeness is wonderful.

      Politeness is always beautiful - Let it come from the soul Constantly, hourly She breathes like air. On the world day "thank you" I especially want to politely congratulate you and pat on the shoulder. Well, if you let me, I can kiss And of course hug you very tightly From the bottom of my heart. And I hope that thanks Important, for all people You will not forget to tell me - You do not cool off to me. ©

    The history of this holiday

    • Probably, today it is especially necessary to pronounce this word. We say this word out of politeness, to express our gratitude, but we do not realize its meaning.

    • The Old Believers believe that it was born from the phrase "save Bai" ("Bai" is the name of one of the pagan gods), so they avoid this word in their speech. Psychologists are sure that words of gratitude are verbal "strokes" and they are able to calm and warm with their warmth. The main thing is that "thank you" comes from a pure heart! It is no coincidence that for a long time there was a belief among the people - it is impossible to pronounce words of gratitude in a state of irritation.

      There is great power in the word "thank you" And water comes to life from it, It gives wings to a wounded bird, And a sprout sprouts from the earth. Be grateful to the world on this day, Open your soul on the holiday “thank you”, Melt the ice, remove winter in your heart, Any discord will fade at this time! We wish you to be loved, a strong family and success in work. You say “thank you” to everyone more often And they will be glad to see you on Earth!