Wallpaper for a boy 15 years old. What wallpaper to choose for a teenage boy's room? Suitable covers for different ages

Decorating a bedroom for a teenage boy. Tips on how to win-win rebuild a children's room into a multifunctional room for a growing son. Photo gallery - 90 ideas with a variety of room designs in several variations for each interior style.

Choosing a General Room Style

Even, it would seem, quite recently you brought your baby from the hospital, but now he is already going to middle school. He has his own hobbies, first love. Friends come to visit him, and the guy is ashamed to invite them to his place, because his room is more like a nursery. Do not forget that children grow, and their room should change with them. After all, a teenager should be “on time” not only for a bed, but for the whole room as a whole, reflecting his inner world.

Before you start repairing the nursery with your own hands, be sure to ask the young man to tell you what he wants himself. In no case do not try to do everything in your own way, because he is already a person and wants you to reckon with his opinion. Having determined the future room, you can safely proceed to the realization of the idea.

Room for a teenage boy:

The tonality of the style is mainly expressed in such colors as:

  • all tones of pearl;
  • brown and its derivatives;
  • silver;
  • smoky;
  • sand.

It is bright accents that add contrast to the general background - paintings or photos in frames, colored rugs and thought pillows, stylish elegant lamps or posters with your favorite actors and athletes. They can become the main highlight of your son's room.


Sea style


Of course, daisies and clouds are more for. Boys prefer a more strict style - stretch ceilings, as mentioned earlier, will be the best option.

Floor finish

The choice of material for finishing the floor again depends on the chosen style. For example, dark wood parquet, reminiscent of the deck of a ship, is best suited for a marine environment. But if your boy is an athlete, then it is better to choose carpet. For Hi-Tech style - porcelain stoneware or. Universal can become - linoleum or laminate.

Choice of curtains

At the same time, do not forget about blackout curtains or, which are necessary during hours of rest and peace. Ask your son about the color and arrangement of the slats (the strips that make up the blinds). Perhaps he will suggest some interesting option that both of you will like.


With the help of lighting, you can skillfully zone the space in the bedroom of a teenage boy. A small spotlight by the bed, a stylish sconce lamp by the armchair, a good table lamp. But without the general diffused light, which softens the general atmosphere, it is also indispensable.

Design nuances depending on the age of the boy

For example, if he likes to play the guitar, then an appropriate place on the wall should be reserved for it. If the young man loves to read, offer to put up an original bookcase.

13-14 years old

By this age, your boy already has some kind of established idea of ​​​​the world, he has his own hobbies and favorite things. That's it from these hobbies and push off. Invite him to choose the style of the room, colors and furniture. He will be delighted. Perhaps this is his first serious choice in life. Treat this with understanding.

15-16 years old

And this time period is distinguished by a zealous search for an idol, authority - that person who wants to admire. Rest assured, the young man will want to have posters of his favorite football team or musical group on his wall. So do not try to spend money on expensive "solid" wallpapers. They are of no use to him.

17-18 years old

Closer to adulthood, young people are already more or less determined with the main occupation in their lives. So you can safely entrust him to independently make the entire interior and design of your room - it will become exactly the way he wants it to be.

If the room of a teenage son has, then the question sharply arises - how to place the furniture more compactly so that the child is comfortable not only to sleep, but also to study, and also to engage in his favorite hobby. To do this, you need to optimize the entire space, namely:

First of all, you should pay attention to the marine style - there you can constructively solve many issues with.

All boys, without exception, have some kind of hobby. It is not difficult to determine this. It doesn't matter how much time he devotes to it and how fixated he is on it. The main thing is that his room can be decorated based on this hobby. For example, if he likes to play the guitar, then an appropriate place on the wall should be reserved for it. If the young man loves to read, offer to put up an original bookcase. The list goes on and on. We think you get the idea. There are a great many such individual decor elements, or you can simply decorate the walls and shelves with awards and crafts from your child. Still, it will be creative and original.

Finishing plays a significant role for any person, the place of frequent stay should be comfortable and cozy, the wallpaper for a teenager may differ from those used to decorate the rest of the room. Colors can be brighter and designs bolder. In addition, this is a great way to get to know the tastes and interests of the child.

What kind of wallpaper is better to choose for a teenager?

Teenagers are not particularly thrifty with furniture and interior items, choosing wallpaper for decoration, you should take this fact into account. Some types of wallpaper will be the best choice for a teenage room, some of them are more practical and durable, while others are cheaper.

  • Liquid wallpaper is good for its composition, the material passes air well and does not emit harmful substances. A big plus is the possibility of local repair, places of severe pollution or wear can be replaced. Liquid wallpaper is successfully combined with other finishing methods and materials.
  • Non-woven wallpaper convenient in that they can be repainted many times. Tastes of a teenager can change frequently and this will be a good way to quickly change the situation and update the interior.
  • Vinyl covering differs in durability and a variety of choice. The production uses different techniques to recreate a variety of external effects such as silk screen printing, embossed top layer or hot stamping. All species differ in appearance and have different characteristics and are presented in a huge variety.
  • Another option suitable for a teenager is paper wallpaper. It is lightweight, breathable and inexpensive. Paper wallpapers do not have high strength and are difficult to clean, but this is compensated by the low price. This method of finishing is suitable for repairs for a couple of years. However, for a teenager, this is just right.
  • Wall mural will be a great opportunity for self-expression. The drawing has no restrictions, technologies allow you to put absolutely any image on the canvas. For greater surface strength, photo wallpapers with a laminated coating are made. It allows you to easily get rid of traces of a pen or marker.

Photos of design and drawings

rear mural

Wallpaper with a 3D image is an excellent option for decorating a modern nursery.

The most successful option would be to use 3D wallpaper as an accent on one of the walls.

A realistic image can be in different styles, such as flowers, landscapes, or abstraction.

In the photo there is a room for a boy with 3D wallpaper decoration. The interior is diluted with bright orange details.

Under the brick

For many years, brickwork has remained an actual way of interior decoration. Brick can support the trendy urban direction of the loft or become an accent for a more relaxed Provence.


Certainly associated with teenagers, something fashionable and young. To decorate a teenager's room, the most convenient way to decorate will be graffiti photo wallpapers. The pattern will be combined with plain wallpaper.

The photo shows a compact nursery with a comfortable working area. Despite the modest size of the room, bright colors are used in the decoration.

Landscapes of cities

Teenagers most often like the landscapes of megacities or recognizable sights of the capitals of the world, such as the Eiffel Tower or the Tower Bridge.

Sports theme

Wallpaper with sports patterns can convey the hobbies of young people. Adolescents aged 14-16 often go in for some kind of sport and it becomes a real way of life. The image on the wallpaper can be in the form of small patterns or large photo panels, for example, with your favorite football team.

The photo shows a minimalistic teenage bedroom with a sports theme. One of the walls is decorated with backlit photo wallpapers.


Wallpaper with the image of technology is more suitable for young people, although this topic may well be interesting for girls. Technique can be different, airplanes or cars.

Heroes and plots of films, series, games

Teenagers often choose hobbies that they give a lot of free time to. Heroes of your favorite series or movies can decorate the wall on the photo wallpaper. In addition to heroes, these can be plots of computer games or episodes of films.


Geometric patterns not only look stylish, but also help to change the perception of the room, namely to make it taller or “push apart” the walls of a narrow room.

Most versatile pattern- this is a strip, depending on its direction, the space will change.

Circles, rhombuses and more complex geometric shapes will also be appropriate for decorating a teenager's room.

The photo shows a modern bedroom for a teenager in neutral natural colors.

Circle wallpapers are also often used, they create a simple and unpretentious flavor in a girl's bedroom.

The photo shows the design of the nursery in the Scandinavian style. The interior uses a light palette and yellow accents.


A map of the world, a starry sky or a fabulous pirate painted map is suitable for decorating the room of a throwing and inquisitive teenager. Depending on the way the card looks, the drawing may correspond to different stylistic directions.

Color spectrum


Stylish gray tone successfully harmonizes with other colors, combinations can be calm and concise or bold and bright. The shade successfully emphasizes bright details, “highlighting” them and making them more noticeable.

The photo shows a stylish teenage bedroom in a sporty style. The color palette and logos of your favorite team are used in interior decor.


Always up-to-date and trendy. The purest color in existence. It can become the basis, background or finishing element of a teenager's room. White is a symbol of innocence, purity and lightness.


An effective and bold tone that is best used in detail, as decorating a room all in black can have a negative effect on a teenager. An excellent solution would be to finish with chalk wallpaper, they are a black canvas with an adhesive base.


Wallpaper in a beautiful and mysterious purple tone will be a real decoration for a teenage room. The color is fascinating and juicy, but you should be careful with it, too much use can cause a depressive mood.


Calm and elegant color will be a good choice for a classic and modern nursery design. It can be complemented by delicate colors, such as pink or blue, or bright details of a juicy shade.


A positive shade is associated with summer and the sun, which cannot but affect the mood of the child. Calm shades improve well-being and have a positive effect on consciousness.


The red color is also able to improve mood and remove from a depressive state. However, too much use can backfire. Orange has many shades from delicate light to bright dark orange.


The red tone is emotional and exciting, it is not the best choice for a teenage or children's room. It can be used as interior accents in decoration or decoration.

Design ideas in various styles


For a teenager, modern style will be a good solution. The combination of different colors and textures perfectly conveys the character and nature of the transitional age. Walls can be decorated with wallpapers with large 3D drawings, companion wallpapers or bright inscriptions. By combining contrasting wallpapers or different materials, you can zone the space, separating the sleeping area.

The photo shows a cozy sleeping area, separated from the rest of the room by a podium.


The nautical theme is often used to decorate a children's room. Wallpaper can be with a beautiful fantasy pattern or have classic stripes. The palette that best conveys the marine atmosphere is filled with shades of blue and sand and white. You can use themed details, such as a life buoy or an anchor, as wall decor.


Provence style is light and romantic. It is perfect for decorating a room for a young gentle person. The main role in the design is played by details, pieces of furniture and decor can be aged, but retain graceful shapes and a beautiful delicate color.


The classic design will be appropriate for decorating a room for any age. In any case, teenagers will fill the space with little things and pictures that will reflect their character.


Trendy urban style with bold details. However, for a teenager, this is exactly what you need. Walls can be decorated with brickwork, wallpaper imitating concrete or rough plaster.

Wallpaper combination

The combination of wallpaper with different colors and textures gives the room its individuality, and also helps to divide it into several zones.

There are two main ways of combining: vertical and horizontal, depending on the method of gluing. The most popular is considered vertical, in this case, the wallpaper strips are joined in the usual way, simply by changing one to the other.

Two or more colors can be used, as well as combine ordinary and photo wallpapers. Another way means junction of two types of canvases along a horizontal line that runs along the wall.

The photo shows a teenager's room in the style of a new classic. Various shades of blue were used in the design.

Features of the selection of wallpaper for a teenage bedroom

Teenagers are not afraid of something new and bold, they are open to experiments and extraordinary solutions. However, it should be borne in mind that the chosen color will affect the mood of the child.

  • It is better to choose a tone from a calm palette as the main color.
  • Dark shades can be depressing.
  • Drawing can become the personification of the inner world of a teenager, convey the hobbies and interests of the child.
  • It is best to choose wallpaper together, in this case the wishes of all parties will be taken into account, which is important for the transition period.

Features for teen boy

Teenage boys are usually easier on the interior features of their room, although they will certainly be happy with the cool design. The walls of a boy's room can be decorated with wallpapers with your favorite musical groups, episodes of computer games or TV shows. It can also be wallpaper with geometric patterns or cool patterns.

Features for teen girls

A girly room can be decorated in light colors with cute prints or decorative details like lettering or unicorns. Walls can also be decorated with themed murals that convey the girl's hobbies or companion wallpapers.

The photo shows a small bedroom for a young girl, made in bright colors.

The nuances of decorating a room for teenagers of different sexes

In the joint room of a girl and a boy, you need to try to take into account the interests of both children and create an individual space for each, for this you need to divide the room into zones.

To delimit the space, you can use different types of wallpaper. In this case, companion wallpapers are perfect, which will look harmoniously together, while radically differing, for example, with a common texture and a completely different color.

Rules for choosing teenage wallpapers

When choosing wallpaper for a teenager, there are several nuances to consider.

  • In a small room, it is better to use a light palette; it is best to visually enlarge the space with white and blue.
  • Striped wallpapers will also be great helpers, the direction of the stripes will make the room higher or wider.
  • In a room for children of different sexes, you need to try to take into account the interests of both, for this you can use wallpapers of different colors, which will be united by a common texture.
  • If the room is intended for two teenagers, then you can use finishes that will satisfy both parties, such as chalk wallpaper, a neutral color, or a photo panel.

The photo shows a teenager's room with an automotive theme. The design uses deep dark colors.

Photo gallery

A teenager's room is the embodiment of the inner world, decoration and decorative details, without which no teenager's room can do, show the interests, hobbies and character of the child. Given that teenagers are not particularly thrifty, a good solution would be to use anti-vandal types of wallpaper.

Every parent strives to equip their child's room with maximum coziness and comfort. One of the decisive factors in the arrangement of the nursery is the choice of the right wall cladding. And if the choice of wallpaper for pasting the rooms of teenage girls usually does not cause difficulties, then the acquisition of analogues for boys of many parents is confusing. However, no matter how difficult the choice may seem due to the wide range of varieties of wallpaper material, it will be easier to choose the right option after familiarizing yourself with the main nuances that you should decide on before going to the store.


Other controversial options include glass. Of course, they are unique, because they provide for painting up to 20 times, and are also durable and can decorate walls for 2 decades. However, these fabrics do not breathe. There are also such options (liquid wallpaper) that are not glued, but smeared on the walls, rubbing and trimming, like plaster. These products, despite their originality, are also not used as wall coverings for guys' rooms, preferring to decorate this room with roll wallpaper.

Today it is customary to decorate the rooms of teenage boys with paper, non-woven wallpaper and photo printing products.

  • The first panels can have different widths, which makes it easier to paste over hard-to-reach places. However, they are unstable to moisture and short-lived (they serve no more than 5 years). If earlier they were mostly smooth, today manufacturers also produce rough canvases with relief imitation.
  • Non-woven counterparts are notable for a variety of surface textures that can imitate brickwork, plaster strokes, a rough cement or stone surface. Such wallpapers are simpler than paper ones in pasting, have a longer service life, are slightly elastic, which makes their joining invisible. They are often produced in special batches, which include plain rolls and contrasting companions, provided for combination.
  • Wall mural for teenagers' rooms is a separate unique product line. They allow you to make the background design of the room stylish, catchy and spectacular. Often they set the right mood for the interior, hinting at the child's hobbies and making the design of the room special. With their help, you can profitably beat any disadvantage of the layout of the room, making it the main decoration of the background wall design.

Suitable covers for different ages

Despite the general definition of "teenager", wallpapers for boys are distinguished by age themes. This is noticeable in the drawing of the elements or their proximity to reality. Images can be not only drawn and sketchy: often for older children they buy or order photo wallpapers with images of football or music industry idols. And if boys of 10-12 years old can still buy panels with stylized elements of comics, then for the age category from 13 and 14 years old they are already trying to buy wallpaper-posters.

Such options are remarkable in that they can be different in theme and size. This, in turn, allows you to choose and place the accent in the room correctly, without visually warping the space. A plus can be called the variability of the texture of these panels. For example, the image can be not only smooth: today, trademarks offer buyers options with a matte rough and even embossed texture.

This approach allows you to create the effect of a pattern applied on top of the main coating. For example, wallpaper can show the effect of a pattern made on part of the wall over stone, concrete base or brickwork. Such options are especially noteworthy for decorating the rooms of boys who know a lot about graffiti. They look very impressive on the walls of the room.

Guys aged 15 and 16 often prefer a more relaxed design of the walls, considering pasting surfaces with plain wallpaper to be sufficient design. This is convenient for arranging pictures, emphasizing video or audio zones. Some teenagers consider the excessive selection of walls unnecessary, preferring the strict functionality of the wallpaper and the minimalist design of not only the walls, but the entire interior. In this regard, everything depends on the temperament of the child, because if for some self-expression should be manifested in bright colors and sometimes rebellious drawings, then for others it seems like an excess that interferes with concentration.

Colors and combinations

Today, the color schemes of the design of the walls of a teenager's room are varied. If desired, parents can choose the right option without any problems: on the shelves of stores there are a lot of panels of noble shades. At the same time, the choice for guys is no less wide than for girls. Some of the most fashionable today are light gray, beige and gray-blue tones. The best combinations can be called combinations:

  • light gray and beige;
  • white, black and light brown;
  • gray-blue and terracotta;
  • brown, white and beige;

  • gray and white;
  • blue and white;
  • white with woody and gray-brownish;
  • orange, white and brick;
  • light green and gray;
  • swamp, brick and white colors.

The presence of white in the design is not accidental: it is a means of introducing light spots into the interior. However, if it seems to be easily soiled, parents try to purchase options with a light gray tone instead. Some people like mixing shades in the form of a texture. From afar, such wallpapers may appear monochromatic, but upon closer examination, they can consist of two or three tones (for example, white, light gray and beige). The pattern of such wallpaper can resemble a stone or even coarse weaving of threads.

Giving preference to one or another color, it is worth starting from several nuances, for example, from:

  • child's opinions
  • the side of the room that the windows face;
  • sizes of window openings;
  • location of the central and wall lamps;
  • pasting places (relevant for accent panels).

The color of the wallpaper should please the child, it is important to take into account his opinion. When buying, you should pay attention to the muted light tones of the color palette, since gloomy and dark, in addition to negative perception, will similarly affect the mood of the child. In addition to visually hiding valuable centimeters of usable area, such paints visually reduce the height of the ceiling and the width of the walls, demonstrating their boundaries. Light panels have the peculiarity of erasing the rigid boundaries of space, which allows you to create the illusion of spaciousness in the room. Along with this, they bring a feeling of light and air into the interior, so it will be comfortable to be in such a room.

However, the choice of temperature matters here, since the location of the windows can distort the color. Therefore, the seemingly beautiful color of the panels after pasting can look completely different. For example, if it is initially cold, in a room with windows facing north, the tone will appear darker. Warm beige on the walls of the teenage room on the south side will give off yellowness. If the room has small windows, which, for example, is typical of an attic space designed as a boy's nursery, you need to glue light wallpapers in it. This will make up for the lack of illumination and level the room, softening the broken perspective of the layout.


Of course, children's wallpapers with a traditional repeating print in the form of cars or toys are not suitable for the design of a guys' room. Various cartoon characters that do not correspond to the age of the child are also undesirable. Before you go to the store for wall cladding, you should ask the opinion and hobbies of the child. The best choice for boys aged 12-14 will be racing cars, three-dimensional canvases depicting a football field, as well as a marine theme made on photo wallpapers.

Bright personalities will like extraordinary graffiti wallpapers. However, so that such a design does not get tired too quickly, it is important to take into account the peculiarities of color perception. For example, not all colors of the color palette are combined with each other, since they are diametrically opposed in perception. Those who like three-dimensional paintings should pay attention to canvases depicting a night or day city. Such photo wallpapers look not just stylish: they visually fill the room with air and space. No less good for the walls of a teenage room are options with a map of the world.


The design of teenage rooms differs from the design of children's rooms in that in this case the interior style is more pronounced. Here you can already see the belonging of the interior composition to one or another direction of design, in which the wallpaper plays an important role. Of course, guys do not like the classic branches of style with their characteristic ostentatious luxury. They prefer simplicity and conciseness, so most teen rooms today are furnished in a modern style.

And yet, the style of teenage boys' rooms is multifaceted. If, say, minimalism is taken as a basis, then the emphasis is on simplicity and rigor of lines, as well as functionality. The wallpapers in such rooms are plain, they are rarely complemented by contrasting inserts or panels, and even more so they are not distinguished by photo printing. If the rooms are decorated in modern or high-tech styles, you can’t do without some elegance.

In such cases, it is important to demonstrate modern technologies, which can be expressed in the texture of the wallpaper. Today, at the peak of popularity are panels with a creative type of surface that imitates rough materials. It can be burlap, torn stone, concrete, an unplastered wall with a porous surface. If a loft style is chosen, it is worth buying wallpaper for the texture of lime or concrete and combining them with an insert for brickwork.

Together with creative lighting and imitation of communications, a brick wall will look not only stylish, but also spectacular. You can take a similar design as a basis when choosing a grunge bohemian style. If a guy is interested in anime, you can support his passion by decorating the walls of the room with wallpaper in the appropriate style. This design looks extraordinary and bright, but for expressiveness, the contrast in the form of Japanese cartoon characters should not be repeated.

Which ones to choose?

  • To decorate a teenage room, you will have to buy two types of wallpaper: plain and contrasting. At the same time, it is worth buying two types of panels at once in order to select the tones and texture of the wallpaper as accurately as possible. They should not differ in status: against the background of expensive ones, cheaper ones will look too simple. When buying two types of wallpaper at once, you need to calculate where and how the panels will be located, taking into account the chosen combination method.
  • If possible, it is worth giving preference to meter-wide panels. Of course, it is easier to paste over hard-to-reach places with half-meter strips. However, wide wallpapers will reduce the number of joints, and, as a rule, they are easier to paste.

  • When choosing photo wallpapers, you should have a rough idea of ​​​​how they will look together with plain products. You should not combine the incongruous just because you like each wallpaper individually.
  • Do not take the canvases immediately without seeing them: deploy them on the stand and move at least 2 meters away. At a distance it will be better to see how they look from afar. Pay attention to the size of the print: if the room is small, a giant image on the photo wallpaper will distort it for the worse. Too complex a drawing that does not correspond to age is also not good. It is worth going to the store with your child, this will allow you to understand what he likes.

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From about the age of 13, when the boy begins to grow up rapidly, the time comes for a complete or partial renewal of his personal space. In this article, you will learn how to equip a room for a teenage boy 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 years old, where he can relax, study, read, chat with friends, play video games and even play sports. The material is useful for those who equip the interior from scratch and for those who wish to update the existing environment.

13 room decorating tips for a teenage boy

Tip 1. Do you want the owner of the room to take care of things and keep it in order?

It is not typical for young people to bring comfort and beauty into their homes with enthusiasm, but they can and should participate in the repair and some decorating processes. So, for example, a boy can independently choose a mattress, work chair, sports complex, pick up, frame and hang posters on the wall. The color of the walls and the style of the room can be chosen together by arranging a joint viewing of photos of modern teenage interiors.

  • The more the owner of the room contributes to its arrangement, the more economical and tidy he will be.

Tip 2. The most versatile wall colors in a boy's room aged 13-17 are white, light gray and beige.

These shades can be safely used in large quantities in almost any room - classic or modern, in the room of a 13-year-old schoolboy or a 17-year-old graduate. They are easy to combine with any other colors.

  • If the room is already too small or there is not enough light in it, then it is best to decorate the walls in white. And so that the interior does not seem like a hospital, complement it with bright accents.

Design of a small room for a teenage boy 15 years old with white walls

If there is enough light and free space in the room, then more complex shades are also suitable as the main shade: gray-blue, blue, gray-green, khaki, graphite, brown, orange and even black.

  • Remember that if there is a lack of light in the room, then warm or neutral shades should be preferred: beige, orange, green, brown.

For more information about color in the interior of a children's room, see the section:.

Tip 3. You can choose accent colors in accordance with the character of the boy

In large quantities, saturated and bright colors begin to irritate and crush, but as accents they are good both from an aesthetic and psychological point of view.

  • If your son lacks activity and perseverance, he is shy and gets tired quickly, does not like to sit at home, then yellow, orange and red colors will help him develop communication skills, they will charge him with vigor, energy, good mood, optimism, desire to learn new things every day. . The ideal background for such bright colors is neutral (shades of white, gray, beige). Ideal companions are shades of blue and green.

  • If a young person lacks perseverance, patience, and the ability to calmly relate to problems and difficulties, then it is better to choose restrained shades as accents: green, blue, blue, brown or black.

Tip 4. Loft, industrial and Scandinavian style are the most suitable interior styles for teenage boys

In the boy's room, not so much decorativeness is important as practicality, functionality and comfort. Therefore, it is the loft, industrial and Scandinavian styles that are so suitable for a teenage interior. It is easy to keep order in such a room, and numerous posters and posters will successfully fit into the atmosphere.

  • To create a teenage or industrial interior, decorate the walls with brickwork or “concrete”, finish the floor with textured wood, furnish the room with wooden / metal furniture, pick up simple natural textiles, leather accessories and retro-style lamps.

  • To decorate, use predominantly natural materials, neutral colors, furniture of modern design or in the style of the 60s. Geometric and abstract prints will look good in the decor.

Other related styles:

  • Sport style;
  • Strict and simplified classics (American classics);

Three teenage boys of different ages can live in such a room, for example, 13, 15 and 17 years old

Tip 5. Height-appropriate and orthopedic mattress are the main requirements for a teenage bed

A teenage boy should buy an "adult" bed in width and length. The ideal option is an ordinary one-and-a-half bed made of wood / metal with additional “bonuses”: drawers, a soft headboard or a headboard with built-in shelves. The mattress should be firm and orthopedic.

  • A couch, which often has not only drawers, but also a soft back, and a mechanism for transforming into a double bed, will also be a good choice. In addition, it can be used as a sofa when friends come to visit. True, often the couches are not too large and for tall guys 16 and 17 years old can be cramped.

  • If the room is small, then instead of a regular bed it is worth buying. So, on the ground floor it will be possible to equip a working area or a sofa for relaxation.

A room for a teenage boy aged 16 with a half-sleeping loft bed and a workplace on the ground floor

Tip 6. The work area should be as functional and comfortable as possible.

After 13-14 years, when the boy's height exceeds 150 cm, a work table and chair can be bought in standard sizes in an adult store. However, ideally, it is better to purchase furniture for study that transforms and adjusts the dimensions individually for the growth of the child. Read more about the principles of selecting work furniture for a student, creating the right lighting and storage system for school things, read our article:. In the meantime, we offer a look at some successful examples of arranging offices in the rooms of teenage boys.

Workplace for computer classes and lessons

Two jobs for two teenage boys aged 13 and 15

Tip 7. Choose practical and not too expensive pieces of furniture, textiles and wall decoration

Frequent snacking in bed and at your desk or, say, fun gatherings with friends are fraught with quick damage to walls, curtains, carpets and furniture upholstery. Therefore, you should not decorate the teenager's bedroom with too good wallpaper, furnish it with expensive furniture and decorate it with curtains made of expensive fabric. Ideally, the walls should simply be painted, and the furniture should be bought without carvings and unnecessary details that complicate cleaning. Ideal curtains for a teenager's room are thick or (they are easy to wash and adjust in length), as well as blackout curtains.

Here are some useful tips to help a young man learn how to keep order:

  • Buy a shallow closet and/or chest of drawers. Narrow furniture (30-45 cm deep) will not only save space, but also allow you to store things more intelligently. The fact is that in shallow cabinets it is very convenient to put things not in piles, according to the principle of vertical storage, when things are first folded into rectangles or rolls, and then stacked one after another (and not on top of each other). Thus, the effect of a house of cards on the shelves with clothes will be eliminated! However, in standard cabinets with a depth of 60 cm, you can store things in the same way.

It is more convenient to store things in a chest of drawers than on the shelves of a closet, but still you can’t do without a closet, or rather without hangers in a teenage boy’s room, because they allow you to store school uniforms, shirts and T-shirts so that they do not wrinkle.

  • Hang a trouser hanger and a couple of hooks for belts, caps and sweatshirts in your closet.
  • Place a laundry basket in the dressing area so that mom doesn't have to look for scattered socks and T-shirts all over the room.

The boy's room is highly desirable. It's so great when a young person has a place where he can warm up, let off steam, work on muscle tone and health. Choose a sports complex should be as far as possible premises. So, in a small room, a horizontal bar, on which you can hang a punching bag or gymnastic rings, will be an ideal choice for a teenager.

  • If the room has at least 1 free square meter, then you can install a sports complex consisting of a Swedish wall, a horizontal bar, bars and a bench for the press.

In addition to the sports complex, the boy’s room will also include: a basketball hoop, kettlebells and dumbbells (up to 16 years old these should be small weights, until this age it is more correct to train with your own weight).

The photo below shows examples of how a sports complex can fit into the interior of a teenage boy's room.

Teenage boy's room 13 years old

Tip 10 . Let the room have a little decor, but it should be super-stylish and reflect the interests of the owner.

In the room of a teenage boy, decorations are not needed, because they only clutter up the space and complicate cleaning. But this does not mean that the decor should not be at all. Here is a small list of things that every boy aged 13-17 will want to have in his bedroom:

  • Original wall/table clock;
  • Pillows plain or printed;
  • Stickers and signs, posters, posters and posters of your favorite music artists, video games;
  • Living plant (for air purification);
  • Stylish lamps;
  • Globes and wall maps (you can even in the form);
  • Music records;
  • Conceptual photo within frames;
  • An organizer board to which you can pin class schedules, commemorative tickets to concerts, photos with family and friends, and more.

The main thing is that all decor items should not only please the eye, but also reflect the interests and character of the boy, mean something to him, amuse and even motivate him. Below in the selection of photos are examples of the decor of the rooms of teenage boys.

Uniform lighting creates a cozy atmosphere and visually enlarges the room, and most importantly - does not strain the eyesight of its tenant. Ideally, the chandelier should be supplemented / replaced with spotlights. On the desktop and by the bed, there must be table lamps or sconces, and in the play / sofa area you can put a floor lamp.

Tip 12. If possible, arrange a place to relax and receive guests

In their room, the boys not only sleep and study, but also, of course, relax, read, watch movies, play video games and chat with friends. Therefore, a recreation area here will be very useful.

  • A TV in a teenager's room is not the most useful thing, but very desirable, especially if the boy is the proud owner of a game console. The most compact option for placing equipment is with wall mounting, while the console is placed on a narrow wall shelf. An example of such a solution is shown in the photo below.

Another good option is placement in a shelving unit/bedroom set.

  • It’s good if the room has a place for a couple of armchairs or for where 2-3 comrades can fit at once and where a guest who has stayed up can spend the night.

If there is not much space in the bedroom, put a cozy chair or ottoman.

Well, even if there is not enough space for ottomans, then just lay a carpet on the floor and get guest pillows, which, if necessary, can simply be scattered on the floor for Turkish gatherings.

  • In addition to the set-top box and TV in the room of a teenage boy, you can put a table for chess and board games, a synthesizer, a drum set, and table football.

According to sports superstition, you should not count your trophies so as not to frighten off luck. But we are sure that it is possible and necessary to store them on the shelves and in plain sight. After all, diplomas, certificates, cups and medals not only decorate the interior, but also inspire new achievements.

Creating a comfortable room design for a teenage boy is a difficult task even for experienced professionals. It is very important to modernize the room so that everything in it looks harmonious and creates a whole picture.

Any little thing that was incorrectly selected can ruin the entire interior. Therefore, it is especially important to pay attention not only to the creation of a general design, but also to such an important element as wallpaper.

What should be the room for a boy?

Teenage room design photo 2015: modern ideas, wallpapers

Before you start choosing wallpaper, you should figure out what the modern design of a room for a teenage boy should be like and what is popular in 2015-2016. Having understood the main trends in the design of teenage rooms of a modern type, it will be possible to proceed with the choice of wallpaper.

What are the features of wallpaper for a teen boy's room?

fragility. It should be understood that adolescence is a fleeting period, and you do repairs not for a year, but if possible for a longer time. Therefore, you must be prepared for the fact that the child will want to express himself, therefore, it will be necessary to make repairs, at least superficial, in a few years, when your son grows out of adolescence and he wants to decorate his room more seriously.

Room design for a teenager boy with photo wallpaper

Brightness and uniqueness. This is another factor to consider when designing a room for a teenager. In no case should the room be boring and monotonous. Try to make it as unique as possible so that it is not only different from other rooms, but also juicy and bright.

Complete bad taste. Many parents believe that a teenage boy's room is necessarily ugly and tasteless. But it is worth considering the preferences of your son. You should not go too far and force him to decorate the room the way you want it. The child will outgrow this period, and you will ruin your relationship with him.

Wall mural for a teenage boy's room
Let the child take part in creating the design and individual style, as he himself will be able to add a touch of uniqueness.

Choice of different wallpaper options

To date, there is a wide variety of wallpapers on the market, and it would seem that it would not be difficult to pick them up, however, it is not easy to do this for a boy's room. The complexity is manifested not only in the choice of color scheme and pattern, but also in who exactly from the family should make the selection of the wall decoration element: parents or a child.

Room design with photo wallpaper for teenagers photo

Many parents believe that their child should not have an opinion at the age of 14-15, so they allow themselves to make decisions even in such trifles as choosing wallpaper for the walls of a room. You should still take into account the views of the child and listen to him. This is a chance to let him be independent and feel like an adult.

If you cannot allow the child to be so independent, you should familiarize yourself with what to look for, what are the options and agree on the best option for a common family decision.

Monochromatic wallpaper. This option is suitable for those who do not have the opportunity to do repairs every few years. The wall is a place of self-expression for a teenager, but it is not necessary to make it in a bright and appealing style, which even a child can get bored with time.

Wallpaper for a teenager boy's room photo
The ideal option is wallpaper of the same color, and much-needed accents can be made on other things: for example, it can be furniture, curtains or other decorative elements, pillows, bedspreads, carpet.

You can also stick posters of your favorite football players, actors or heroes from films on a white wall. This option is budget and win-win for those who know how changeable their child's tastes are.
Also, so that the wallpaper in the nursery for teenage boys does not look boring, you can choose coatings with an unobtrusive, but slightly contrasting pattern.

Geometric pattern. This option has already become almost a traditional design for teenage boys' rooms. With the help of drawings of various shapes, you can create a unique style of the room, and despite the presence of an ornament on the wallpaper, the room will look masculine.

Wallpaper in the nursery for teenage boys

Strip. A variety of geometric wallpaper is a strip. This is a relatively neutral option that looks stylish. This design, even in black and white, suggests that it is also suitable for boys.

What wallpaper to choose for a teenager boy's room?
Advice! It is important to choose the right color for striped wallpaper. Here you can let the child make a choice in favor of his favorite shade.

What should be avoided?

It is best to avoid ornaments and the classic design of not only wallpaper, but the room as a whole. If your teenage child is not a fan of conservative views, you should refuse this option. You can see the video below on how to properly decorate a boy's room with wallpaper:

Highlight in the interior

When creating a unique design, it is important to find a zest that will become a juicy accent and will maintain the style of the wallpaper in the teenage boy's room, as in the photo:

Room for a teenage boy with photo wallpaper
Advice! Don't turn a teenager's room into a theater stage, even if they have many interests.

For example, if a boy likes to play the guitar more, you can hang it on the wall, and the wallpaper itself can be plain, or posters or murals of your favorite music group can hang on the opposite wall.

Wallpaper for the room of a teenager boy 16 years old

If your child is engaged in boxing or other sports, has awards, you should focus on this. Instead of a guitar, you can make a shelf that will decorate the teenager's awards and remind him that he has found an activity that he does better than others.

Wall mural for a teenager's room - a way to emphasize individuality

To date, due to the fact that technologies are rapidly developing, such an element of wall decoration as photo wallpaper has appeared, which in 2015 again, after a triumph in the years of the USSR, is experiencing a surge in popularity. Previously, posters were distributed among teenagers, but young people still do not mind decorating the entire free wall with the image of their idol.

Wall mural is perfect for any kids room and a good way to decorate it with style. Any image can be ordered. Basically, all photo wallpapers are made to order, and on sale you can only find such wallpapers with a neutral pattern, for example, with the image of flowers. Photowall-paper is very simple to stick, it is easy to remove them. Thus, you can easily change the design of a teenager's room with photo wallpapers, especially if you opt for self-adhesive canvases.

Teenage room design with photo wallpapers

Advantages of photo wallpapers:

  • thanks to a wide choice of subjects for images, a teenager can express himself and choose what he likes;
  • Wall murals can be replaced if they have lost their relevance. For example, in the case when, with age, the boy's interests change. We also note that this is a budget option for changing the interior;
  • photowall-paper create the atmosphere of the order. Since this option is a modern analogue of posters and photographs, it has a significant advantage: it is order on the wall. Posters are usually not hung in one copy, and when there are a lot of them, a feeling of chaos and disorder is created.

Room with photo wallpaper for a teenager photo
You should definitely pay attention to what your child likes. There are no boys without interests, and if your child has not decided what he likes, help him with this.

Wallpaper for various interior styles

If your son is 16 years old and you are choosing wallpaper for his room, you should start from the interior styles that will be appropriate in a teenage boy's room. Having chosen the right style, depending on the preferences of the child, it is worth buying the corresponding thematic images.
Loft, hi-tech and avant-garde are suitable for athletes and computer scientists:

For fans of oriental culture, an oriental, ethnic style is suitable:

For those who like to travel, African or marine style will be to their taste:

Kitsch is suitable for creative individuals:

Of course, this list does not mean that the boy cannot have his own preferences, he will simply help generate his own idea for decorating the room and choosing wallpaper.

Combination of unique wallpaper design and practicality

Do not forget that in addition to the selection of the wallpaper itself, you should not forget about the practicality that must be present in the boy's room.

The room must be highlighted (furniture, wallpaper color, partitions, etc.) work area, sleep area and personal space.

For example, if you want to buy wallpaper with geometric shapes, try to choose colors so that they visually either separate zones, or in places where the boy spends more time and can touch the wall so that the wallpaper is darker there. The same can be done if you are decorating a room in the kitsch style and do not want to glue plain wallpaper on the walls.

Many parents very often ask themselves the question of what wallpaper to choose for a teenage boy's room. This is not easy to do, but if you take the interests of the child as a basis, it is quite possible to create a beautiful room and choose the right wallpaper for the general style. In this case, you will get a successful combination of every little thing in the interior of the room, and the teenager will surely be grateful that his opinion was taken into account.

More photos of teenage rooms with photo wallpapers - for inspiration:

Photo gallery (42 photos)