Step-by-step laying of a flexible tile. How to lay a soft roof correctly - step by step instructions. The structure of shingles

Reliable, but at the same time inexpensive roofing is, perhaps, every home owner's dream. Bituminous tiles have such characteristics. So that in the end you get quality coating, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the technology of its installation. Having completed the installation shingles Do it yourself, you will save a lot of money. Quality styling- a guarantee of durability of the coating.

Installation actions consist of several stages. These include the installation of a base under the roof, then the lining layer is laid, cornices, valleys and end parts are installed, and junctions are made. At the final stage, the installation of flexible tiles on the ridge is carried out. All these points will be described in more detail in this article.

The bituminous tile has rather small weight and is available at the price. Due to the lightness of the tiles, you will have the opportunity to make a lightweight version of the foundation. It will turn out not a very massive house, and this, in turn, will allow you to save on building materials and pay for work.

Among the main advantages of this roofing material, it is also worth noting the following:

  • High rates of heat resistance, frost resistance and resistance to strong winds.
  • High tolerance sudden changes temperatures.
  • Weather resistance.
  • The color does not change over time.

Before laying the tile, prepare the basis for it. It is placed on top of the frame, which can be solid or lattice. As a rule, the basis for shingles is made of wood. The lattice frame is best made from a planed coniferous board of 20–25 mm. To make a solid base, moisture-resistant chipboard or plywood, sheet pile and edged boards will do. They are attached to the rafters with screws / nails.

Between separate elements a few millimeters should be left in the process of laying the crate. This is due to the fact that when drying the wood, it will be necessary to compensate for its expansion. This moment can be missed only if the material has been previously subjected to technical drying.

To increase the life of all wood elements, they must be impregnated with an antiseptic before installation. To perform the installation of the roof as accurately as possible, you must first calculate the installation distance of the rafters and the thickness of the board used for the frame. For example, if the installation interval is 60 cm, then you need to take a board with a thickness of 20 mm. Accordingly, if 90 cm, then the thickness increases by 3 mm, etc.

Ventilation of a soft-tile roof is usually equipped with a ridge. It fits on a ribbed profile. If a bandwidth the ridge is not enough, then it is necessary to install ventilation elements on the roof surface. This is a kind of profile with ribs that are located at a distance of 2 cm from each other. The ventilation elements are nailed to the roof base after fixing the tiles.

Waterproofing is designed to protect the house from leaking tiles. Provided the slope slope is 18º or more, the insulating material should be parallel to the eaves and ends of the roof. Why? The fact is that in these places there is a high risk of leakage. In view of this, it is important to lay the waterproofing at least 40 cm from the edge. In addition, the ridge should be waterproofed. Mounting insulating material must exercise 25 cm on each side of the skate.

If the slope of the roof is 12–18º, then another lining layer must be laid over its entire surface. In this case, work must begin from the bottom up. The layers of tiles are overlapped. The waterproofing is fastened with nails, which should have a cap size larger than usual with a galvanized surface. The frequency of nailing is every 20 cm.

Installation of the cornice, end parts and valley

To reinforce the edges of the roof, take metal strips. They are stuffed on top of the lining layer on the eaves and ends. In this case, roofing nails should be used (interval between nails 12 cm). Then the self-adhesive tiles are laid. The protective film must be removed before gluing. Then, right next to each other, it is glued along the eaves, and then fixed with nails.

A carpet specially designed for this is laid in the valley. It needs to be fixed on both sides. Then you need to smear it along the edge with bituminous mastic.

To install the top layer shingles bitumen-polymer material should be used. It creates continuous coating with high elasticity. It withstands mechanical and thermal deformations of the roof base. In accordance with the regulations for laying a soft roof, hot and cold mastics should be used.

Cold mastics are used to process the inner layers of the roof. Their hot counterparts are used as an outer coating. Among the cold mastics are bitumen and roofing material, and hot - roofing felt and tar. The composition of the mastic should be a dusty mixture. It can be ash, gypsum or lime.

You can make this material yourself or purchase its ready-made counterpart. To make mastic, you will need bitumen and filler. AT percentage bitumen should be about 80%, and, accordingly, filler - 20%. To get cold buteprol, you need to take 1 part of diesel fuel for 2 parts of bitumen. At the same time, the bitumen warms up to 180º, while the filler and diesel fuel settle in another place. After the evaporation of water in bitumen, both compositions are interconnected. This guide will help you make your own cold mastic.

To prepare hot mastic, you will need an electric stove. Bitumen must be brought to a temperature of 200º by slowly adding filler to it. It is important that the composition does not cool down more than 160º.

To check the quality of the mastic, it should be laid at an angle of 45º. To do this, it must first be heated to 60º. So, if the coating flows down, then it Bad quality. If it does not drain, then you still need to let it dry. If cracks do not appear, then you managed to make high-quality mastic.

So that the roof is not of different shades, you need to use several packs of tiles at once. The color, of course, will not be the same, but at least it will be uniform. Work starts from the middle of the slope. Tiled tiles should be laid in vertical rows. Move from the center to the fronts. It is important to follow the gap, which should be 2-3 cm between the edge of the tiles and the cornice tiles. This point is important to verify when laying the first row. To form an attractive pattern, the extreme part of the tiles of the second row must be cut off. This is usually done in the center. If necessary, elements of flexible tiles can be cut along the edge of the eaves. It is also important that these trimmed edges are subsequently treated with bituminous glue. Glue a strip about 100 mm wide with glue.

For bituminous tiles, alternative fasteners should be provided. It must be attached to the crate with nails. This is done when laying rows adjacent to each other. About five nails are nailed to one shingle. This is due to the fact that bituminous tiles will stick to each other and to the crate over time due to solar heat.

The roof usually has adjunctions, for example, to a pipe furnace heating. There will be a gap in this place, as a result of which moisture will penetrate inside the roof. In order to avoid this shortcoming, it is necessary to correctly attach the flexible tile. First, hammer the rail into the junction of the pipe and the roof. Then put the tiles on the rail and partially on the pipe. Then, starting from the pipe, it is necessary to lay the valley carpet on it so that it overlaps the pipe 300 mm higher from the roof surface. At the end, cover the lower part of the pipe with carpet and tiles with painted tin from all sides.

To prevent snow from accumulating behind the pipe during operation, a groove must be installed. So, melting snow / rainwater, when it hits the slopes of the groove, will flow around the pipe, flowing down the roof.

When installing tile tiles on a ridge, ridge tiles are required. It is made with perforation dividing each element into 3 conditional parts. It must be laid with an overlap of 5–6 cm. This process must be carried out so that the tiles are parallel to the slope line. The short side of the tile is parallel to the slope lines. It must be fastened with nails.

A roof made of flexible tiles can only be laid at positive temperatures, when the thermometer shows at least +5ºС. This is due to the peculiarities of the shingle (a sheet consisting of three to four tile elements). It is attached to the crate with nails or on a special self-adhesive layer. The fact is that the tightness of the soft roof is ensured solar heat. Under its influence, the sheets are glued to the base and to each other. In cold weather, this can hardly be achieved, which means that the insulation will leave the best. On the ridge, you need to overlap, and in cold weather, the shingle becomes especially fragile.

It also happens that a roof made of flexible tiles is forced to be installed in winter time. In such cases, the roofing material must be kept in a room with room temperature. If you still have questions on the topic, then you can get additional advice from our specialist.


In the tutorial provided, you will get information on how to do soft roof:


Of course, no owner will refuse to have a reliable and at the same time quite affordable roof on his house. A well-planned hand-made installation will not only protect all structures from bad weather and possible damage, but also save a significant amount financial resources. So, all of these qualities are possessed by an innovative soft roof made of flexible tiles, the basis of which is bitumen. Therefore, it is important to figure out how to properly install the roof of shingles.

It is necessary to study in detail how the flexible tile is laid, the installation technology of which has some peculiarities. Only strict observance at each stage of its laying will allow you to create a reliable and durable roof. It is about the technical characteristics of soft tiles, as well as the method of its installation, that will be discussed further.

What is a flexible tile made of?

Roofing made from this material has some other names, such as, for example, shingles, shingles or roofing tiles. The main advantages of such a roof are its low weight (the mass of one sheet is an average of 8 kilograms) and not too high a cost compared to a metal tile. Thanks to the first indicator, the construction of the house is not so massive, which allows you to save on building materials and wages, and the second characteristic allows the roof to seriously compete with other, heavier roofing types.

The basis of such tiles is usually fiberglass or fiberglass (less often - organic cellulose), impregnated with bitumen. These materials perform the functions of the so-called reinforcement, which holds together two layers of the SBS modifier, which directly affects the flexibility and elasticity of the coating. Outside, the material is sprinkled with slate, mineral chips and basalt granulate. They are able not only to protect the material from damage, but also to give it a variety of shades of color.

Tiling preparation work

The basis for soft tiles is chipboard, moisture-resistant plywood or boards. When choosing boards, you need to carefully select high-quality material. The best option will be the use of planed grooved boards. If its thickness is 2 cm, then rafter step should be 6 meters. With a thickness of 2.5 - 3 centimeters, the step can be 1.2 meters. The minimum thickness of plywood is a distance of 1.2 centimeters (rafter pitch - 6 meters), with a thickness of 2 centimeters, the rafter pitch is 1.2 meters. One way or another, the butt points of the material must correspond rafter legs. When working with material such as flexible tiles, it is recommended to treat the installation of the base for it with an antiseptic. It is important that the boards used during laying must be dry. The base coat should be hard and even.

In addition to the coating itself and the material for the base, during installation, the following elements cannot be dispensed with:

  • lining carpet, which can be represented by any bituminous roll material, provided that the shingle roof is new. For an old roof, roofing material already in use can also be used;
  • end carpet, the role of which is played by bituminous material with the use of polymers, necessary to protect against moisture adjoining walls and ventilation pipes.

When laying carpet, you must use the following materials:

  • roofing sealant or mastic;
  • building hot air gun;
  • knife for cutting material;
  • three types of nails: ordinary, roofing and galvanized;
  • building strips required for processing adjoining, cornice and front.

When all the parts have already been assembled and the installation of flexible tiles is being carried out, the instruction requires the following set of rules to be observed when working:

  1. Initially, a vapor barrier film must be fixed on the inside of the roof. The material is attached to the rafter legs with nails, and to the ends - with wooden planks. Film strips are connected with adhesive tape.
  2. After that, already from the outside, you need to lay a heater, for fixing which it is customary to use wooden blocks.
  3. A film is laid on the insulation that protects the roof from the wind. For its fasteners, a counter-beam is used, to which it will be necessary to nail the crate.
  4. After that, boards, chipboard or plywood are laid. Fix the material with nails equipped with a wide hat, or self-tapping screws.

Laying shingles

When arranging a roof with soft tiles, one should first of all start from temperature conditions, since the structure of the material requires a special approach. Greatest strength connection of shingle elements among themselves will provide only heat, sun and the absence of any precipitation, and installation of flexible tiles in winter is not recommended, as this may lead to falling off a little earlier glued tiles (read: ""). Sometimes in cold weather it is allowed to use a hot air gun to heat the sheets of the coating. You can also heat the adjacent attic (attic) space.

  1. Initially, the arrangement of the lining carpet is carried out. It must be spread and nailed along the following sections of the roof:- cornice;
    - ;
    - valleys;
    - skate;
    - places of fracture of the roofing slope.

    Provided that the slope of the roof is more than 20 degrees, the lining carpet should cover the entire roof area. You need to start work from the bottom, and relative to the crate, the carpet should have a perpendicular arrangement. It is nailed with an overlap (width - 15 centimeters) with a fixing step of 20 centimeters. It is important that each of the joints be carefully treated with bituminous mastic or special roofing sealant. A cornice strip is nailed onto the spread carpet, designed to protect the crate from moisture. If it is not possible to do this, then the cornice strip is simply wrapped under the crate base. They nail it with galvanized nails in increments of 5 centimeters.

  2. Then work is carried out on the device of the pediment. It also needs to be attached end strips which are designed to provide wooden crate protection and wick moisture away from the skate. After their installation, you can proceed with the installation of ridge-cornice strips of the coating, which can be represented simply by soft tiles with cut off extreme parts. They are nailed joint to joint, retreating from the edge of 2.5 centimeters. These areas are recommended to be treated with bitumen-based mastic, with the help of which free edges are also attached. At this stage of work, it is also worth fixing the drainage elements - brackets that are used under the gutter.
  3. flexible roof the installation of which differs in some features, requires the laying of a valley carpet. It must be laid on top of the main, that is, the second layer. This carpet should be located in junctions, recesses and other places that are optimally suited for the accumulation of excess moisture. It is fastened with galvanized nails in increments of 10 centimeters, and the edges are processed with bituminous mastic. If possible, it is better to use special glue - waterproof.
  4. It is after completing all these procedures that it is worth proceeding directly to. The material must be from different packages, since the sheets in them have a different shade. After installation work is completed, under the influence of the sun, the material will gradually acquire a uniform color. You need to start laying from the bottom of the central section of the slope. The adhesive part of the material must be removed from the protective film, and the coating should be pressed firmly to the base. From above it must be nailed with the help of 4 nails, stepping back from the ridge-cornice strip 4 - 5 centimeters. In this case, the petals of the material should completely cover the perforation of the strip located below. From the edges of the gable line, the coating should be cut to the required length and treated with mastic.

  5. An extremely important point is also the intersection with the chimney and ventilation systems. In this area, the lining carpet should be installed initially. The ventilation base should be treated with bituminous mastic. Next, you need to select one of the fragments of flexible tiles and make a hole in it corresponding to the ventilation device (read: ""). After finishing laying the coating, the base must be treated again with mastic.

More difficult is the work with the chimney. In the place of its contact with the roof, three triangular rails should be nailed, located at right angles to the pipe. Then a lining carpet is laid around the chimney, which is overlapped and processed with the same mastic (read also: "

It is unlikely that there will be such an owner who refuses to have the roof of his house covered with reliable, but at the same time affordable roofing material. And if you plan your own installation correctly, the structure will not only be well protected from possible damage and bad weather, but will also significantly save a significant amount of money.

Has similar qualities innovative material, which is a flexible tile with a bituminous base (it is also called roofing tiles). Of course, such a roof cannot be called the easiest for self-manufacturing. However, it is not the most difficult either. One has only to understand the technological intricacies of installation, and the high-quality performance of such work will be quite real.

innovative material

Flexible tile is a small size flat sheets. This one has one curly edge. Its basis, as a rule, is fiberglass or fiberglass. However, there are types that are made on organic cellulose, that is, felt. The basis of such a roofing material is coated on both sides with an impregnating composition, the main component of which is bitumen.

The front part of the flexible tile is sprinkled with painted specific color basalt granulator. Sometimes mineral chips act as a dye. This or that color is given to the tiles special technologies thanks to which it has been preserved for many decades. The powder present on the roofing tile makes it more beautiful view and also protects the surface from various atmospheric phenomena, increases its wear resistance and neutralizes the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Sometimes it happens that in some places the dressing simply disappears. Such a defect occurs only with materials from the economy segment, moreover, it is easy to eliminate it with glue and mineral chips of the appropriate color.

Positive characteristics and disadvantages

Flexible tiles can be laid on one and pitched roof. Due to the fact that this material has small size and has plasticity, it is simply indispensable for the arrangement of roofs of complex shapes (multi-pitched, domed, round). In addition, this coating looks great on the buildings of the most various styles architecture.

Among positive qualities flexible tiles can be distinguished:

  • durability (about 30 years);
  • significant range operating temperature, which allows the use of such material in both southern and northern countries;
  • resistance to ultraviolet radiation;
  • undemanding to special care;
  • ease of installation, which allows you not to involve specialists;
  • light weight, which can easily withstand the rafters of a small section;
  • a small amount of waste remaining after installation;
  • high degree of maintainability;
  • good adaptability to the change in the geometry of the building that occurs during its shrinkage;
  • the ability to withstand strong gusts of wind (with additional reinforcement by 6 nails);
  • good heat-saving and soundproofing properties;
  • resistance to acids and negative impact lichens, mosses and fungi.

Among the shortcomings are:

  • high price;
  • greater consumption of materials required for arranging the crate.

How to get started with roofing?

Soft material for roofs is used for slopes with a slope above 12 percent. If the roof is flatter, then there is a high probability of leakage at the joints. How to lay flexible tiles in this case, if there is a desire to use it?

With small slopes of the roof, it is necessary to spread a continuous special lining carpet on the crate, which helps protect the top layer from moisture.

AT last years soft material gained great popularity. However, not all developers know how to lay shingles. The instruction for its installation explains that such material should be placed on the crate, which differs from the usual one arranged for metal tiles or ondulin.

A kind of foundation designed for flexible tiles is Mauerlat. It relies on rafter system.

How to lay flexible tiles? It should be borne in mind that these do not like bumps, height differences, unnecessary bends and protruding nails. In this regard, the Mauerlat bars must be laid strictly horizontally. At the same time, for the lines that connect the ends of the Mauerlats at the ends of the building, an angle of 90 degrees must be observed.

How to lay flexible tiles? For it, it is necessary to prepare either a solid base, or knock down a crate with gaps of no more than 0.5 cm. This is where the difference between this system and any similar one ends. Otherwise, an exemplary roofing pie made of flexible tiles consists of a vapor barrier film laid on the rafters, on top of which a heater follows. Further on the roof is placed waterproofing film, OSB board and underlayment. The whole structure is completed with a soft roofing material.

How to lay flexible tiles on iron roof? To do this, you need to level its surface. Of course, shingles can be laid over existing material, however, in this case, its crests will be viewed visually, and the presence air gaps near them will reduce the life of soft plates. Using the surface leveling option, a crate of laths or OSB sheets is laid on top of the iron.

The bases for roofing material can be different. Let's consider them in more detail.

Solid crate

This is the first version of the base, which is made of grooved or edged boards, fastened end-to-end or with small gaps. It is desirable that whole boards be laid without splicing. If such an arrangement is not possible, the joints should be located above the rafters with careful fixing of the edges. When solving the question “How to lay flexible tiles?”, height differences should not be allowed. Otherwise, the tiles laid on such boards will accumulate water, and therefore there will be a high probability of its leakage.

Arrangement of plate material

The base for flexible tiles can be done differently. In this case, slab material must be laid on the crate made of unedged or edged boards. It can be moisture resistant OSB, DSP, GVL boards or plywood. The thickness of such sheets should not be less than 9 mm.

How to put flexible tiles on OSB and other boards? According to the instructions, such a substrate must be fastened so that the seams located in one row must be overlapped by another. In order to compensate for expansion due to temperature fluctuations, a small gap (from 3 to 5 mm) can be left between adjacent sheets.

Features of mounting the crate

How to lay flexible tiles? Due to the fact that the material is not affected by mold and fungi, it does not deteriorate or rot. However, it is laid on wood, which is damaged when high humidity. What needs to be done in this regard? All wooden structures must be processed antiseptic impregnations. However, this is not all.

For wood to serve long years, it must be subject to natural ventilation. For this, gaps of 5 mm must be left between the waterproofing layer and the base for the roof slabs. Sometimes for this they arrange a counter-lattice, to which the base is attached. In addition, special ventilation holes are made around the perimeter of the roof, placing them in overhangs. To prevent birds and insects from entering such holes, they are covered with nets.

Features of work at different times of the year

How to lay flexible tiles? It must be installed on a clean, dry and level surface. In this case, the work is carried out in several stages. It is desirable to start them in the warm season, when the air temperature is more than five degrees above zero. This will allow the coating to become airtight, which will create certain conveniences in work. It is desirable to comply with such a condition because when sunlight hits the material, the bitumen heats up. This process allows it to fuse with the plates into a single whole. Only in this case, the coating, which consists of individual sheets turns into a monolith.

How to lay shingles in winter? If it is necessary to carry out work in cold season need to apply infrared heaters or heat guns. Only in this case it will be possible to heat up the material so that the installation conditions are close to summer ones. But you should not lay flexible tiles in very coldy even if there are heaters on hand. In order to avoid downtime in work, you can do the installation building structures roofing, installation and installation of thermal insulation.

Additional waterproofing

This is the first stage of installation of flexible tiles. A layer of additional waterproofing is laid in valleys, along overhangs, as well as in places adjacent to the building, on skates and skylights. Such a layer will serve as additional insurance against leaks in places where the greatest accumulation of water will be observed.

Fasten the waterproofing carpet with roofing nails in increments of 40 cm. Along the lower edge, this distance should be more frequent (10 cm). The second layer must be laid on top of the first layer. In places where there is an abutment with a wall or pipe, the material should go on them by 5-10 cm.

This task is not faced by those who solve the question "How to put flexible tiles on the gazebo with your own hands?". After all, the pipes this case it just won't.

and end strips

This is the second stage of the ongoing work on laying shingles. It is necessary to protect the ends and cornices from water leakage. To preserve the material of the roof, it is necessary to fill the cornice strips along the entire roof overhang. They are fastened with nails, which are hammered every 10 cm. Moreover, one of them should be located at the bottom of the plank, and the second - along its top, and so on. Neighboring planks are stacked with an overlap of 5 cm.

The end strips are arranged according to the same scheme and with the same interval. Their installation begins at the bottom of the roof with a gradual movement towards the ridge.

Laying the valley carpet

In places where the roof slopes are joined (in the valleys), a special protective carpet should be placed. It has a greater thickness than a waterproofing coating, due to the required protection of the slopes, where significant water flows pass. The valley carpet must be rolled out from top to bottom and nailed every 10 cm. Such a coating is also important when the question “How to put flexible tiles on the roof of an octagonal arbor or any other with a multi-pitched roof?” Is solved.

Fixing the eaves

Consider the fourth stage of laying shingles. This material is similar to the main one, but does not have a curly lower part. The cornice strip is the starting one and is designed to form an even lower edge along the entire perimeter of the overhang. The work of this stage should not be missed by those owners who decide the question “How to lay flexible tiles on the gazebo?”.

There is a protective film on the wrong side of the strip. It must be removed and this element placed, stepping back from the bend of the cornice strip 1-2 cm. After laying, the strip must be pressed. Then it is nailed in places of perforation and along the edges.

Installation of tiles

This is the fifth stage of the roofing work. Pre-prepared packages with tiles should be under a canopy or indoors. During installation, they are transferred to the building under construction. It should be borne in mind that the material in different packs, as a rule, is slightly different in color. In this regard, it is recommended to open 4-6 packages at the same time. You need to take sheets from them alternately. In this case, the roof will turn out to be more voluminous, and stripes of different shades will not be particularly visible. This condition must also be met in the case when the question “How to put flexible tiles on a hip roof?” Is being solved.

Laying the material starts from the center, gradually moving to the ends. The lower edge of the first row of tiles is placed on the same level with the cornice strip. Top edge flexible tiles should cover such a strip for several centimeters.


This is the final stage of installation of flexible tiles. The ridge is closed after all the slopes are completely covered with roofing material.

At this stage, either a special tile is used, or an ordinary tile is cut into separate fragments. The second option is cheaper, because the price of a special ridge tile is twice as high as the usual one.

Private construction and the use of soft roofing is a topic that is quite relevant. This material has many advantages. Among them are light weight, absolute tightness, visual appeal, the possibility of using the most diverse roof shapes, long service life. useful service and low cost of soft roofing. Moreover, the rain does not drum on such a roof, but quietly rustles. In addition to high operational and technical characteristics, the material allows you to install a soft roof on your own, without involving specialists.

The concept of soft roofing

The soft roof is modern material, the base of which are fiberglass sheets impregnated on both sides with rubber bitumen. Rubber bitumen is characterized by high tightness and moisture resistance, which is why soft roofing has spread so much during the construction of buildings. Also, the soft roof in its composition has a special dressing that increases wear resistance and prevents the roll coating from sticking together.

Soft roof is considered perfect coverage for roofs in which the angle of inclination is at least 11 degrees. Therefore, when choosing a material for such strict requirements, be careful. Soft roofing is often called shingles, which is used as the top layer of a roofing pie and differs from other materials in its structure, which resembles rolled materials.

Styling tools

A flexible roof can be laid by 1 person. The only requirement that we have already mentioned is put forward to the roof surface - a slope of no more than 11º. But the maximum slope angle is not limited. Laying a soft roof with your own hands requires the following materials and tools: a hammer, a knife, mastic, sealant, a mastic trowel, roofing nails, cornice and end strips, a waterproofing carpet, a ridge-cornice strip and work gloves.

Ventilation device

The ventilation system is able to provide air circulation, which is necessary to prevent condensation on the bottom of the base. Neglecting this stage when laying a soft roof on the roof will cause the truss system to begin to rot, and in winter ice and icicles will form.

The constituent elements of the system roof ventilation ventilation ducts and outlets protrude, gaps between the waterproofing and the base (minimum 5 millimeters). Natural ventilation can be provided ventilation holes, which are distributed evenly under the eaves overhang.

Lining layer

Cornice strips are made of metal and mounted on the overhangs of the cornices on the lining. They are required to protect the edges of the crate. Gable trims also made of metal, they are fixed at the ends of the roof to protect the edge of the crate. The valley carpet provides additional protection of the roof from atmospheric precipitation. Choose it according to the color of the flexible tile.

In places where leaks are most likely, it is necessary to create a lining layer: on valleys, roof ends and eaves. A feature of the installation is the observance of the direction (from bottom to top) and overlap: in longitudinal direction 150 mm, transverse - 100 mm. Places of overlap are usually coated with bituminous mastic.

Valleys and skates, respectively, are reinforced by 500 and 250 millimeters. In this case, the valleys must be equipped with a lining layer on both sides, and along the ends and eaves overhangs it should be laid at least 400 millimeters wide.

The lining is nailed to the base with galvanized roofing nails every 200 millimeters. The lining carpet not only protects the roof from moisture, but also from destruction if the laying of the soft roof is suspended.

Preparatory work

The base to which you will attach the soft roof must be solid. It is in this that the process of constructing a roof made of soft tiles differs from roofs for which other materials are used. For example, a metal tile must be laid on a crate, in which a gap is allowed between the bars, which is explained by the high rigidity of the metal tile. A soft roof does not possess these qualities and therefore needs to be pre-installation solid foundation.

To equip the base, you can use oriented strand board, moisture-resistant plywood with a thickness of 9 millimeters or more, as well as grooved or edged board. If you have chosen a board as a base, then it is recommended to preliminarily keep it in a pile until an equilibrium moisture level is reached.

Buy material in the winter and use it in the summer. The width of the boards is not more than 100 millimeters. It is desirable that the material has the same thickness and is sawn on band saw. Maximum humidity wood is 20%.

A video about the technology of laying a soft roof shows that such materials need to be laid with a shift of the seams - apart, while leaving a gap of 1 centimeter between them. The surface must be dry, clean and smooth. The quality of installation and the service life of a soft roof will depend on these conditions.

Roofing cake in without fail must have the following layers: a waterproofing layer laid on the rafters; mineral wool insulation, if you are planning an attic device; waterproofing roofing carpet, overlapped on the base from the outside.

The subtleties of installing a soft roof

To cover the roof with a soft roof with your own hands, in addition to having free time, you also need good weather. It is customary to carry out work in warm, dry weather, while the air temperature should not fall below plus 5 Celsius. If, due to necessity, it is necessary to lay a soft roof in the winter at the wrong time, the tiles must be kept in the building at room temperature before starting work. You can also use a hot air burner.

The choice of such temperature regime due to the peculiarities of the shingle - a sheet consisting of 3-4 "tiles". It can be attached to the surface with nails or using a self-adhesive layer, which is located on inside. The tightness of the tiles is ensured by the heat of the sun, under its influence, the sheets are soldered to the base and to each other. This does not happen at sub-zero temperatures, and high-quality insulation is not obtained.

Soft roof tiles should be used simultaneously from 5-6 packages and selected in turn one element at a time to avoid sharp differences in shades in case it is necessary to repair the soft roof with elements from another package. It is in this property that another advantage of this material lies: a small difference in shades facilitates the process of replacing tiles and decorates its matte surface.

The choice of mastic

For laying the top layer of a soft roof, a bitumen-polymer material should be used, which allows you to make a continuous elastic coating that can withstand thermal and mechanical deformations of the base. According to the technology of laying a soft roof, it is recommended to use cold and hot mastics for attaching rolled material to the roof.

Cold mastics are traditionally used for the inner layers of the roof, and the hot substance is used as an outer coating. Cold mastics include roofing material and bitumen, and hot mastics include tar and roofing felt. The mastic used must contain bitumen and a dust-like mixture or filler made from fiber. Among dusty materials, lime, gypsum and ash stand out.

Production of bituminous mastic

you can buy bituminous mastic but you can do it yourself. To do this, take the bitumen, which is close to 80% of the mastic, and filler. Taking 2 servings of bitumen and diesel fuel for 1 serving of filler, you will get a cold mixture. Bitumen needs to be heated to 180 degrees while diesel fuel and filler are being prepared elsewhere. Both boilers can be mixed only after the water has evaporated in the bitumen.

To make hot mastic, you need to use a boiler. In it, the bitumen should be heated to 200 degrees, while it is necessary to slowly add the filler. It is important that during the procedure the temperature does not fall below 160 degrees.

To check the quality of the mastic, you need to lay it at an angle of 45 degrees, after heating the mastic to 60 degrees. The video on laying a soft roof shows: if the coating drains, then its quality is poor. If it does not drain, then you should let it dry. When dry at quality material cracks will not appear.

Laying a soft roof

Before laying the roof directly, walk with a solution of bitumen and diesel fuel on a wood surface. Then slowly cover with mastic, then lay the glassine and roofing material. It is customary to start installation from the middle part of the cornice and move to the ends to the right and left. On the wrong side of the soft tile, before applying, you need to remove the film that protects the adhesive.

If you use cold mastic, then you need to wait 12 hours after applying the layer, only then you can apply new layer. When covering with hot mastic, you can apply layers one by one. Each element of the roof must be nailed in the amount of 4-6 pieces.

When laying rolls according to the instructions for laying a soft roof, make a 7-10 cm overlap. In all cases, it is recommended to follow the overlay rule: position each top row so that the fastening joints of the previous one are closed. There is a displacement of the next new layer, depending on their number (with 2 layers - by half, and with 3 - by a third).

Cut off the excess along the edges of the roof and glue it with mastic. Due to the properties of modern soft roofing materials, the useful life of a roof covering is about 30 years. But this does not mean at all that you can forget about preventive measures.

Laying near ventilation pipes

Proper sealing of joints and careful fixing of material require space around antennas and pipes. The installation of a soft roof here is easy, provided that through elements are used. Without such components, the tightness of the coating is violated. Even before the shingles are laid, you need to outline the places where you will install ventilation and pipes.

Then you need to cut holes around which the edges of the lining carpet will be glued with mastic. Smear upper surface carpet along the contours of the elements that need to be glued and nailed. Lay the tiles on top of the mastic.

It is recommended to treat the joints of the upper part of the passage element and bituminous tiles with a sealant. Having brought the work to the ridge line, you need to use special ridge elements of flexible tiles, which are bent over it, glued to the mastic and nailed.

Soft roof repair

Frequency repair work, which must be carried out with the roof of the house, depends directly on the base on which you installed the tiles, and on the cost of laying a soft roof. Wood lumber, cement and concrete screed- they all react differently to a soft roof, which causes certain damage.

Cleaning up the damaged area

Immediately before starting the repair, determine whether such work is needed at all and to what extent. To do this, evaluate the degree of damage present. If in roll coating holes have formed, it is recommended to fill them with mastic, observing the sequence of materials used for this.

Repair of rolled roofing should be carried out exclusively on a clean area. And this is very problematic, because there is a special dressing on the roofing material. For this reason, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the area where the repair work will be carried out.

The crumb can be removed by using process oil. Anthracene oil is best for cleaning roofing felts, and solar oil is used for roofing material. Clean with an ordinary cloth or brush. With this treatment, you can remove the topping and soften the surface for further repairs.

Repair work

After preparing the damaged area, you can proceed to main work. With small defects, you can use the usual mastic with a patch. But this solution is not suitable if all roofing layers are broken.

If several layers of the roof are damaged at the same time, it is recommended to clean the area from the old layer of mastic and dirt, and then dry it. After that, it is necessary to prepare a mastic mixture with the addition of sawdust or sand. This mixture should putty all existing damage so as to even out the edges. Mastic on all sides of the patch should come out at least 10 centimeters.

With the help of hard brushes and brushes, the mastic can be applied in the most hard-to-reach places. If you are working on small area, then it is advisable to use a simple spatula, which allows you to apply thick mastic and a mass with sawdust. If a “water bubble” occurs in the roof, repairs must be carried out in the same way as in the situation with a conventional hole. The main thing is to determine in time the source where the water comes from.

If cracks appear in the roofing material, it should be cut to the bottom layer. Then clean up excess mastic and debris, after which the area is dried and filled with new mastic. You can do without an incision if the cracks are small. They should be closed with a patch and mastic. If small cracks appear throughout the area of ​​the soft roof, then it must be prepared and covered with heated mastic.

Powder recovery

After repairing the soft roof, it is necessary to renew the removed layer of dressing in place in order to avoid excessive heating of the material and melting of the mastic. To do this, smooth the surface and cover the roof with sand. Excess topping, which does not stick to the roof, will eventually be removed by itself. However, if you want, you can remove it yourself.

Now you have learned what advantages a soft roof has - tightness, long service life and a reasonable price for laying a soft roof. Follow our instructions carefully to install the shingles correctly. Use the recommendations on the choice of mastic and its preparation. And if minor problems arose during the operation of the roof, re-read the information about repairing a soft roof again.

The installation of flexible tiles consists of several basic rules, which will be described in this section.

Roofing materials

Required materials for roofing:

  • lining carpet;
  • ordinary tile;
  • metal strips;
  • bituminous glue;
  • valley carpet;
  • ridge-cornice tiles;
  • roofing nails;
  • terminal seals;
  • screws.

Instructions for laying shingles

The roof is the protection of the building from water, wind and snow, so you should remember that the roof should be as tight as possible.

Before mounting soft tiles, the standard continuous crate roofs. Moisture-resistant sheets of plywood or OSB are laid on top of the rafters as tightly as possible, in a continuous layer and evenly, which are fixed with nails. The base for the installation of tiles can be made in two ways:

  • either a cut board is taken to work;
  • or moisture resistant OSB boards or plywood.

The joints between the elements and the gap between the plates or boards should be no more than 4 mm and the difference in height cannot be more than 2 mm, and the material itself is chosen clean and dry.

Required Tools

Tools that may be needed when installing the roof:

  • hammer conventional or pneumatic;
  • putty knife;
  • roofing knife;
  • metal scissors;
  • roulette.

Lathing installation

This is a very important part of roofing work, since it is she who guarantees a durable and perfect appearance after laying the plastic material.

How to lay slabs or boards in a crate? Work begins from the bottom up, and the material is laid first in a continuous strip at the lower edge of the roof, and then row by row to the ridge, while maintaining allowable gaps.

On this basis, work with flexible tiles becomes safe, and under the conclusions exhaust systems holes are made and exhaust elements are sealed.

Underlayment carpet laying

How to cover the roof with lining carpet? Underlayment is used as additional protection from moisture. In addition, under this material, the building can overwinter if weather conditions do not allow covering the roof with flexible tiles.

Laying underlayment is necessary condition for high-quality installation and tightness of the roof, it can be mounted both horizontally and vertically, with an overlap of 10 cm of sheets on each other.

In the case of horizontal laying, it is worth starting it from the bottom up, overlapping, gluing the edges of each strip of the canvas with bituminous glue.

How to lay underlayment? Installation nuances.

  • Before you start rolling out the lining carpet, it is worth covering the valleys with it and smearing the edges with bituminous glue.
  • Only after covering and fixing the canvas at the valley, it is worth starting laying on a flat surface, cutting off the edges of the canvases and carefully gluing them along the width of the overlap.

After laying, after finishing work with the lining carpet, the roof has the following structure in the section:

  • rafters;
  • solid crate;
  • lining carpet.

Laying eaves

Cornice strips are laid over the underlayment carpet

How to lay cornice strips correctly?

  1. The eaves and ends of the roof are reinforced with cornice strips. This is done so that the material does not deform due to the influence of temperature.
  2. Planks are pre-cut and overlapped 5 cm, then nailed or screwed.
  3. At the junction, the planks are also fixed with two nails for a more rigid edge of the structure.

Flexible tile laying technology

Before starting work on laying tiles, it is necessary to cover all the valleys with a carpet similar in color to the main color of the shingles. Roofing material must be cut close to the edge of the cornice and glue the edges well.

Cornice tiles are laid on the eaves in an even strip at a distance of 10-20 mm from the edge. It is not necessary to nail this strip because there is a self-adhesive layer on the tape. In cold weather, you can slightly warm the strips with a building hair dryer to restore the viscosity of the adhesive base.

How to lay flexible tiles correctly? Installation of tiles starts from the edge of the roof slope, on top of the cornice tiles.

In order for the first line of tiles to lie perfectly evenly, you can drive a small nail into the ends of the roof and pull the construction thread, thereby maintaining the same distance from the edge along the entire length of the roof, or draw a straight line with chalk for convenience.

It is recommended to print several packs of ordinary tiles, mix the sheets with each other and nail with roofing nails ordinary tiles, after removing the protective film, at a distance of 1-2 cm from the edge of the cornice tiles, above the cutout of the pattern. The protrusions of the next row should overlap the cutouts of the previous row. Cornice tiles are cut into skates and overlapped so that the nails are hidden under the next sheet.

The sequence of laying shingles:

  • solid crate;
  • lining carpet;
  • cornice strips;
  • eaves tiles
  • ordinary flexible tile;
  • skate.

As you can see, knowing the basic rules for laying flexible tiles, it is not difficult to do the installation yourself.

Flexible tile laying. Video

Installation of flexible tiles. Video

$ Installation of flexible tiles. Price

The price of installation of flexible tiles depends on how fully carried out preliminary work for laying battens, insulating layers, etc. The average installation cost is:

  • from 60 to 100 hryvnias in Ukraine;
  • from 400 to 700 rubles in Russia.