Slate weight. What is the weight of slate - how much do sheets of different types of material weigh. How much does a flat slate sheet weigh

Slate is one of the most popular roofing materials in the world and especially in Russia. He reached his greatest fame in the 20th century in Europe. Since then, many modern roofing products have appeared, but it is still in demand in both residential and industrial construction. Having analyzed all its features, advantages and technical characteristics, it is possible to understand the reasons for such popularity. In this case, we will analyze the 7-wave slate.

Description and characteristics

7-wave slate is a material with a high degree of strength and an affordable price. It is used for roofing roofs of various buildings and structures. Thanks to modern technology, it is available in a wide range of colors. Therefore, it will look good on any building.

In the manufacture of using GOST 3340-95. Based on this document, it is of three types: six, seven-eight-wave. Among them, the latter are the most durable.

Wave slate has the following technical characteristics:

  • the number of stages for freezing and thawing is 25.
  • density 1.6-1.7 grams per cubic cm.
  • ultimate strength in bending - 16-19 mPa.
  • based on ACL (asbestos-cement sheets)

When choosing the thickness of the sheet, it is important to take into account the load that will be created by gusts of wind. It is also important to take into account the amount of snow cover in winter.

Like any material, 7-wave slate has advantages and disadvantages:


  1. Strength, durability. It is not subject to corrosion, does not rust, withstands about 25 cycles of changing environmental conditions.
  2. Resistant to temperature changes.
  3. Slate does not burn and does not melt. Therefore, it provides a high degree of fire safety.
  4. Quick installation, without the involvement of outside labor.
  5. Affordable price. Compared to other roofing materials, this one is the cheapest.
  6. Safe from an environmental and radiation point of view.


  1. The presence of asbestos, which is harmful to the human body.
  2. Fragility. Installation, as well as transportation, must be done carefully so as not to damage it.
  3. If exposed to open fire, there is a risk of splitting into small pieces.
  4. Moss or mold will form on the surface over time. To combat this, you need to use special primers.
  5. Heavier than other materials.

The benefits apply to all types, including the seven-wave. Even in the presence of negative qualities, it is widely used in various fields.

Due to the physical and mechanical properties of the 7-wave slate, it can be used in difficult conditions. It is in demand in residential and industrial construction. This species, like the rest, is produced in dyed and unpainted form.

Dimensions and weight of 7-wave slate

According to GOST, there are such brands:

  • 54/200. Its height is 54mm, and the pitch is 200mm.
  • 40/150: height 40mm, pitch 150mm.

The dimensions of the 7-wave slate are the following indicators: wave height, the gap between them. The parameters also include the width, length, thickness of the sheet surface.

7-wave is a unified type, its parameters are: 1750mm length and 1125mm width.

Sheets with 7 waves are the most durable, on a par with eight-wave ones. Both options are equally in demand when performing roofing work.

The weight of each sheet is different, so the load-bearing walls of the structure have a different load. The weight of the sheet is affected by its dimensions. The mass of one is 23.2 kilograms.

The 7-wave slate has two types of area: nominal, useful. They are 1.715 and 1.336 sq. meters.

In addition to these indicators, there are standard sizes:

  • thickness - 5.8mm.
  • width - 98cm.
  • length - 175cm.

The height of the 7-wave slate, which is 4 cm and its pitch is 15 cm, is standardized by GOST No 30340-95.

Produce sheets and non-standard sizes. This point must be clarified when ordering.

The composition and environmental friendliness of slate

The composition of slate is very simple, so it is easy to analyze. Components. included in the composition are: water, cement, asbestos fiber. Water and cement, of course, are safe from an environmental point of view.

The same cannot be said for asbestos. It is he who makes many doubt the security. There are two types of asbestos: chrysotile asbestos and amphibolasbestos. Of these, the second option is considered unhealthy. Slate was made from this material for a certain time by foreign manufacturers. After a long testing, scientists came to the conclusion about the harmfulness of this component and banned it. In the manufacture of domestic raw materials, amphibolasbest is not used, which means that it is absolutely safe to use.

Each component in the composition performs its function. Portland cement, due to its binding properties, is a link. Chrysotile asbestos performs the task of a reinforcing filler. It helps to keep the cement mortar in the required wavy shape and provides a strong and reliable structure.

In addition, chrysotile, which is used in the production of a domestic product, is used in combination with gypsum, resins, rubber, oils, and bitumen. This type is allowed in construction and industry in many countries.

Production technology and quality standards

Wave slate is produced on the basis of GOST 30340-95. It applies to asbestos-cement corrugated sheets, as well as to its components used for roofing roofs or fencing buildings and structures.

The technology for the production of asbestos fiber was patented in the 19th century in England. The modern manufacturing process has not changed much since those times. In Russia, the production of this material was launched in 1908. Asbestos fibers are strong enough, in addition to them, Portland cement and soda are used. The resulting asbestos mesh structure is a solid basis for the slate sheet. An important point in the production is the obligatory observance of the proportions of cement and asbestos fibers. Existing standards allow domestic manufacturers to produce many installations of various types for manufacturing.

The production process takes place in several stages:

  1. At the beginning, the pulp is kneaded with a bucket kneader.
  2. The resulting mixture is then recovered and redirected to a sheet shaping machine. This process takes about 30-90 seconds.
  3. The strips are then cut with specialized scissors.
  4. After that, the process of creating waves using drums takes place.
  5. Finished sheets are sent to the next stage for curing.
  6. At this stage, the prepared samples are saturated with water.
  7. Sent to a warehouse with a high temperature for drying.
  8. Upon completion of all these actions, the product becomes durable, ready for use.

All types of corrugated slate have their own parameters, which are also controlled by GOST. In the production, a certain solution of a plastic consistency is used, which consists of chrysotile asbestos, water and Portland cement. The interaction of all components allows to produce high-quality, strong and durable material.

To obtain a high-quality appearance, it is necessary to adhere to strict standards:

  1. Observe the correct ratio of asbestos fibers, cement and water, which is prescribed in GOST.
  2. Production should be carried out only on high-quality equipment that can evenly and accurately distribute asbestos in the raw material.
  3. Adhere to the regulatory documents governing the production process.

Application in construction

Today, wave slate is widely used for the construction of industrial buildings and structures, as well as in the construction of residential premises. Such popularity is due to its strength, as well as wear resistance. It takes first place among roofing materials, while leaving its competitors behind. Its use guarantees the construction reliability and durability.

Manufacturers produce products in various colors, this allows you to choose the right type of roof for any design. Also, coloring allows you to increase the service life of slate at times.

Before starting the installation of the roof, you need to find out how many sheets you may need. First you need to make measuring work on the roof. Then you need to determine the length of the overhang. The choice of sheet size is influenced by the shape of the coating. It is easiest to produce roofing roofs with straight and non-curved shapes. This allows you to reduce the time of work. After all the preparatory work, you can proceed directly to the installation of the roof. To increase the thermal insulation function of the roof will help applying roofing material to the surface.

More and more new and perfect roofing materials appear on the market. There is even a risk that demand for it may decline. Therefore, experts are engaged in its improvement. The appearance of a double-sided protective coating on its basis made it possible to make it environmentally friendly.

The roof is the most important component of any structure. The quality and service life of the roof largely depends on the material used to equip the roof, which is why the choice of roofing raw materials must be approached with all responsibility. There are many materials of this line of the latest generation on the modern market. However, asbestos-cement wave roofing slate still rightfully occupies a leading position in the list.

Features: pros and cons

This material is produced using several components - asbestos, Portland cement and water. The sheet manufacturing technology consists in passing the resulting composition through a specially equipped machine, as a result of which the raw material acquires its characteristic wave-like state. Due to the presence of a number of specific qualities, asbestos-cement slate material has not gone out of the number of popular products used for arranging the roofs of buildings of various types and purposes for more than a hundred years.

Since the scope of slate is rather highly specialized, it is purchased for laying on a roof of a standard shape, as well as for work on more complex structures. In addition, the use of this material alone is possible on the roof of residential buildings and on the roofs of industrial facilities, depending on the type of material. However, along with the versatility of asbestos-cement slate, it should be noted a certain feature of the material, which concerns its installation - the use of the material is possible only on those roofs where the angle of inclination of the structure will exceed 15 degrees.

Although the product is considered roofing, many experts widely use it for the construction of fences, and also use it as a material for erecting walls of non-residential buildings.

As features of asbestos-cement material, its undeniable advantages can be distinguished:

  • High strength roofing products. Asbestos, the main component, has a fibrous structure, due to this feature, the entire composition acquires tremendous resistance to mechanical damage.
  • Heat resistance. As long-term practice shows, even at high temperatures in summer, slate heats up less, in comparison with roofing materials that are made of metal.

  • Products do not rust and is not subject to corrosion, which is the main advantage of such a roofing, since the raw materials of this line for metal-based roofs are often subject to such destruction.
  • Fire resistance. Asbestos-cement slate does not burn; during the heating of the building structure, it will not evaporate any harmful substances.
  • Affordable cost products. Metal tile products will have a higher price than the price for 1 m² of corrugated slate.
  • Excellent sound insulation performance. During heavy rainfall or hail, no noise will be heard inside the building.

  • Maintainability slate makes it possible to change only individual elements of the roof, there is no need to disassemble the entire structure.
  • Long service life roofing made of slate, amounting to about 30 years.
  • The material is allowed to be used in a wide temperature range, which ranges from -50ºС to +80ºС, due to which the slate is applicable in any climatic zone.

Like any other building product, asbestos-cement material has some individual disadvantages:

  • The fragility of raw materials. Along with high strength, with mistakes made during the transportation of slate sheets in a pack, they can break. This disadvantage can also manifest itself during a fire in a building - cracks can form on the material.
  • The specific weight of the sheet. The mass of one product is about 20 kg, and since only one product weighs so much, it is quite difficult to lift it onto the roof.

  • Permeability slate leads to the fact that rain moisture penetrates the material, due to which moss grows on the coating. This feature can contribute to cracking sheets. However, this disadvantage is easy to deal with, it is enough to apply a special composition to the surface of the slate, which is freely available in all hardware stores.

  • According to European scientists, asbestos poses a risk to human health because it removes harmful substances. However, this fact of the carcinogenicity of slate has not been fully proven, which nevertheless did not prevent its use for roofing in many countries. Therefore, manufacturers often include in the composition of the mixture for the production of slate a substitute for this component, which is not inferior in quality to its predecessor.


Slate of the latest generation is an excellent raw material for construction, widely used due to its low cost, a lot of positive properties and a large assortment of species. As a material for arranging the roof, a wave or flat profile is used. The latter material is used much less frequently, and asbestos-cement corrugated material is most in demand for such work. Manufacturers offer the consumer several types of this product.


The material is classified as follows:

  • wavy slate, which is marked VO - the sheets of this product are characterized by regular shapes and are a rectangular material;
  • reinforced slate, denoted by the abbreviation VU - it is produced for use in industrial buildings;
  • unified wavy material - UV, which is widely used in the construction of residential buildings.

All varieties of asbestos-cement material are produced in accordance with the requirements of GOST, but at the same time, firms that produce this material according to their own specifications work on the construction products market.

This is not a gross violation of the specifics of the release of wave slate, but may lead to some discrepancy in size, in comparison with the approved standards for different types of these products. As a result, you can make a mistake when calculating the necessary material for the roof.


For consumers, the most convenient will be a slightly different division of products into types, thanks to which it is easier to calculate the consumption of slate for the roof.

Asbestos-cement slate is as follows:

  • five-wave, where the useful area is minimal, since a significant part is hidden under other sheets due to overlapping. The length of the product is 1750 mm;
  • six-wave material - stands out with a thickness of 6 mm, so it is advised to lay it on the roof, where a serious wind load on the surface is possible. The sheet has the following dimensions: length is 1750 mm, width is 1125 mm, weight is 26 kg;

  • seven-wave- this is the most popular type of product, the popularity of which is due to the most acceptable dimensions: thickness - 5.8 mm, width - 980 mm, weight - 23 kg;
  • eight-wave- has a similar thickness of the product with a seven-wave sheet. The width of the sheet is 1130 mm, with a product weight of 26 kg. This type of slate is a material that is produced with the largest parameters.

The material differs in crest height and wave pitch into the following types:

  • 40/150;
  • 54/200.

These parameters refer to products with 6, 7, 8 waves.

Quantity Counting

Before buying asbestos-cement material, it is necessary to calculate the required number of sheets, taking into account the parameters of each type of slate.

You can perform the calculation in the following way:

  • you should decide on the amount of material that will fit in the first row. To do this, you need to divide the length of the roof by the width of one sheet, always taking into account the overlap that will be on both sides for sheets laid in the middle;

  • you need to determine the amount of slate needed for the roof slope based on the length. Calculations are made taking into account the overlap of the material on top of each other and the presence of a cornice. Having measured the length of the slope, it is divided by the useful length of the product;
  • having decided on these values, you can calculate how much you need to buy sheets of slate.

But it’s still worth buying products with a small margin - it’s best to have 2-3 sheets more than the amount obtained according to the calculations, since any sheet, even a six- or eight-wave sheet, can be damaged during laying on the roof or if the sheets need to be cut for giving them the appropriate size. As a result of damage, you will have to buy additional material, which means paying for transportation costs.

To have an idea about the mass of the future roofing, you should familiarize yourself with the indicated values ​​\u200b\u200bin the technical documentation for the material, each product of this type must have a passport.


The installation process of the slate itself is preceded by the arrangement of the crate. It is a frame knocked down from the boards, on which the roofing material is attached.

The technology for performing such work includes several stages:

  • Rafter fastening. For this, a beam of 50x180 mm is purchased, given that its length must exceed the same slope parameter, since the protruding part will be responsible for creating the cornice overhang.
  • Boards are being installed between the rafters. For this, bars of 60x60 mm are used. During the installation of the beam, it must be taken into account that two boards are needed for one sheet of material. The arrangement of the horse-drawn carriage is carried out with a beam of 60x120 mm.

Words such as "slate" or asbestos-cement sheets are familiar to many firsthand. Today, although this is an old-generation roofing material, nevertheless, it still does not lose its leading position in the construction market. It is easy to use, inexpensive and durable.

How many have thought about the weight of 1 m 2 of slate. Of course, this is not so important for people far from construction, another thing is professionals or amateur developers who intend to cover the roof with these materials. The weight of slate is of particular importance for them, since, for example, the calculation of the truss system depends on it.

How much it weighs is also important because its laying is done manually, that is, it requires physical effort, and considerable. The mass of the sheet must also be known when organizing the transportation of building materials in order to select transport with the appropriate carrying capacity.

Material characteristics and dimensions

Today, the most common material, which includes asbestos, cement, mixed with water. The components are in the ratio of 85 to 11 and to 4. There are ACLs - wave and flat, each of which has its own modifications:

  • – pressed and unpressed;
  • - reinforced, conventional and unified.

They also differ in their dimensions, which, in addition to length and width, include wave parameters such as height and pitch, which determine the profile of the sheet. There are two of them - 40 by 150 and 54 by 200 mm. By the number of waves, they are, say,.

Another version of slate is bituminous, in the bituminous base of which synthetic fibers and a plasticizer are added. The mass is baked at a high temperature, then it is molded under pressure. The resulting sheets are similar to asbestos-cement only in form. As for the characteristics of the materials, they are very different, for example, bituminous ones are much smaller in weight, say, for one sheet of 2 m 2 it is only from 6.5 to 7 kg. This is an environmentally friendly material, easy to install, chemically neutral, resistant to the formation of fungus, mold and more.

The most widespread among the available species is bituminous, etc. still received asbestos-cement. The weight of the slate is determined primarily by the dimensions and thickness of the profile.

Sheet weight 7 wave, 8, 6

ACL can be transported to the construction site using small-sized vehicles. Obviously, its load capacity is strictly limited, so it is clear why it is so important to have an idea of ​​​​how much 1 sheet of material weighs.

Considering the large assortment of ACL, we will determine the parameters of the main varieties, in particular, how much slate weighs 7 wave, 8 and weight 6 wave. This parameter gives an answer to such significant construction questions as whether the structure will be able to withstand the entire mass of the coating, or whether it will cause excessive shrinkage.

A certain confusion in the state of affairs is introduced by the fact that sheets made by different manufacturers according to their own specifications may have some variation in length and width. Naturally, this must necessarily affect the final weight of the product.

Therefore, we consider the profiles made according to the requirements of the state standard 30340-95. In suburban construction, 7-8-wave profiles of size 40 by 150 are mainly used. As indicated in GOST, their thickness can take two values ​​​​- 5.8 and 5.2 mm. In the first case, the mass

  • an eight-wave product is equal to 26.1 kg;
  • seven-wave - 23.2 kg.

A thickness reduction of only 0.6 mm lightens the profiles by approximately 4–4.5 kg.

It is performed with an overlap of one or two waves with an adjacent sheet, which reduces the usable area. It is its value that is used when calculating the number of profiles required to cover a given roof.
When calculating, you can use the following hint: to cover 100 m 2, you need 64 eight-wave profiles or 75 seven-wave profiles.

Let us calculate the load exerted by the roofing of wave material per 1 m 2. For an eight-wave profile, the number of sheets (64) is multiplied by the weight of each of them (26.1 kg), after which the result (1670 kg) is divided by 100. As a result, we find that the eight-wave profile acts on 1 m 2 of the roof structure with a load of 16, 7 kg. For a seven-wave, this value is 17.4 kg.

A large load requires more floors, so for buildings with light foundations, eight-wave material is used, since it acts on walls and foundations with less force.

When developing a roof project, the load created by natural phenomena, say, snowfall, is additionally taken into account.
The weight of products of size 50 to 200 (six-wave profile) is determined by its thickness: at 6 mm it is 26 kg, and at 7.5–35.

The mass of this roofing material, in addition to dimensions and thickness, also depends on factors such as the composition and structure of the profile, for example, the degree of grinding of raw materials at the stage of molding the product. Many homeowners today prefer painted material - it is more practical and more weather resistant, not to mention the expressiveness of the roof. So, priming and coloring also leads to a certain increase in the mass of profiles.

Increases the load from the asbestos-cement profile and the increase in humidity. This fact is also taken into account in the GOST standards - calculations related to the mass of these products are performed, taking into account the humidity of 12%.

How much does flat slate weigh 10 mm, 8 mm

Flat slate has also received wide application in various fields. The weight of the sheet in this case is determined not only by the dimensions, but also by whether it is pressed or unpressed. If an unpressed flat ACL weighs 18–104 kg, then a pressed one weighs 20–162 kg.

This material is often used as a roofing material. They cover both small buildings and rather large objects, mainly in the economic sector. This is mainly due to the mass of the product, which is calculated on the basis of an average of 12 kg per 1 m 2 (the minimum value is 10, and the maximum is 14 kg). Parameters are selected depending on the project and construction needs.

Do you know what is the weight of slate 8 waves? But this information is very important for carrying out calculations, for example, of the truss system during the construction of buildings. As you guessed, our article will focus on such roofing material as slate, its types, technical characteristics and, in particular, its weight.

The word "" came to us from the German language, where roofing slate tiles, mined by splitting special rocks, used to be so called.

When equipping modern roofs, slate is practically not used, while the “name” is firmly fixed for asbestos-cement roofing materials of a wavy shape, as well as for sheets of alternative materials of a similar shape, and therefore is now quite common.

Characteristics of asbestos-cement wave slate

Such slate is one of the most used materials for roofing, and has been for decades. And this is not surprising, since it is practical, inexpensive and very convenient to fit.

Reinforced profile slate sheet parameters

Wave slate - weight 1 sq.m. the roof of which is 10-14kg (depending on the thickness of the product), is made from a mixture consisting of asbestos, Portland cement and water.

At the same time, thin asbestos fibers, which are evenly distributed in Portland cement, act as a reinforcing mesh, significantly increasing the impact strength and strength of the material.

The following types of wave slate modifications are produced:

  • with a normal profile.
  • With reinforced profile.
  • With a unified profile.

Such sheets differ from each other in their size: the smallest of them are slate sheets with an ordinary profile, the largest with a reinforced profile.

As for the profile itself, here there are two types of sheets: 40/150, as well as 54/200, with the first number indicating the height of the wave, and the second - the step of the slate wave, indicated in mm.

According to GOST standards, the dimensions of wavy slate are determined as follows:

  • their length is 1750 mm;
  • width depending on the number of waves of the sheet can be:
  1. 980 mm for slate in 8 waves;
  2. 1125 mm for slate in 6 waves;
  3. 1130 mm for slate in 7 waves.
  • thickness with profile 40/150 should be 5.8 mm, with profile 54/200 - 6 mm or 7.5 mm.
  • an ordinary wave of the overlapping sheet, depending on the type of profile of the slate sheet, is produced with a height of 40 or 54 mm, while the overlapped one is 32 or 45 mm, respectively.

If you take a standard sheet slate 8 wave - its weight, depending on the thickness, will be from 23 to 26 kg.

Regarding the mechanical characteristics of this material, they are largely determined by such factors as:

  • asbestos content;
  • uniform placement in cement;
  • fineness of grinding and others.

Advice! Remember that if you choose asbestos-cement slate as a roof for yourself, the weight of the sheet should serve as a guideline for choosing elements of the truss system of one thickness or another.

In order to improve durability, as well as decorative properties, slate is stained with phosphate or silicate paints using various kinds of pigments.

Often, wave asbestos-cement slate is painted in blue, red-brown, brick-red, yellow and other colors. Paint applied to slate protects the material from destruction, reduces its water-absorbing properties and increases frost resistance.

At the same time, the durability of slate sheets with a protective coating applied to them increases by 1.5-2 times.

Characteristics of flat asbestos-cement slate

Painted slates have great durability and attractive appearance

Compared to wave slate, flat roofing sheet has somewhat similar properties, but still has some differences.

Such sheets are made in two ways: with and without pressing.

At the same time, the weight of flat slate produced with the use of pressing will be significantly higher than without it, however, the technical characteristics of the pressed sheet will be significantly higher.

For example, pressed slate is able to withstand at least 50 freezing cycles, while non-pressed sheet is almost 2 times less.

And even after the specified number of freezing cycles, the sheets remain strong enough, losing only about 10% in reliability from the initial indicator.

The rather high strength parameters of flat slate are impressive: depending on the manufacturer, the sheet is able to withstand a bending force of 20-50 MPa, and a compressive force of 90-130 MPa.

However, the main advantage of a flat finishing material is the versatility of its use.

Flat slate - the weight that allows the construction of a roof base without additional reinforcing elements, is applicable not only as a roof covering.

It can serve as both external and internal cladding of buildings, as partitions between rooms, and is in great demand in the agricultural and livestock sectors.

The versatility of the use of flat slate is connected not least with the high practicality and cheapness of the material.

Flat slate is resistant to aggressive environments, can be in contact with open soil for decades, is fireproof, and can be processed relatively well.

If we take into account the weight - flat slate is a completely acceptable material in this respect, both for covering the roof and for use in other areas.

Characteristics of wave bituminous slate

Flat slate: the weight of the coating allows the use of a roof truss system without additional reinforcements

Wave bituminous euroslate or simply ondulin is a more modern product from a technical point of view than asbestos-cement slate sheet.

These types of coatings are completely different from each other, and from the common thing between them, perhaps, only the form, relatively low cost and purpose remained.

And how much does slate weigh with bitumen? With a sheet area of ​​approximately 2 sq.m. its weight is only about 6.5 kg, which by the standards of roofing is simply a phenomenal result.

Most types of bituminous corrugated sheets are produced as follows:

  • The fiber-bitumen mass, which includes bitumen, synthetic and vegetable fibers, dyes and plasticizers, is pressed at high temperatures. At the same time, the final density of the material is quite low, which to a greater extent determines the low weight of the slate sheet.
  • Pressing is performed in several stages in a certain sequence, which results in a multilayer sheet structure, which gives the material high strength and resistance to mechanical stress. In this mixture, the bitumen serves as a waterproofing agent, while the organic matter stiffens the sheets.
  • Impregnation with bitumen is also carried out in vacuum chambers in several stages, after which the sheets are painted.

Euroslate has a lot of advantages, including:

  • Flexibility and ease of processing even. The material is quite easy to cut with a hand saw or jigsaw.
  • Durability, which varies from 10 to 30 years for different manufacturers.

Advice! With all the advantages of wave bitumen slate (ondulin), it is still not recommended to use it in areas with a hot summer climate, since bitumen softens slightly under significant thermal loads, due to which the sheet temporarily loses its declared rigidity and, accordingly, overall strength.

According to the method of painting, bitumen sheets are divided into 2 types - glossy and matte. Matte sheets are painted with acrylic paint, while they are rough to the touch.

Glossy sheets look prettier and brighter due to the addition of silicone to the paint, which provides this very gloss and shine. Glossy coated sheets are more expensive and less capable of retaining snow and dirt.

In addition to the above options for slate, corrugated roofing sheets made from plastic (PVC) have recently appeared on the market. They are used so far mainly for sheltering gazebos, terraces, all kinds of sheds and greenhouses.

Plastic slate is quite light, easy to process and install, and has many other advantages. Nevertheless, this is a novelty for the construction market, so so far few people dare to build more serious roof structures from it.

So, we found out what slate is, learned about some of its varieties, found out thanks to what and how much a slate sheet of one type or another weighs.

We hope that this information will later help you to more clearly and quickly decide on the choice of slate for sheltering the roof of your own house.

Despite the ever-expanding range of roofing materials, slate is still very popular among Russian developers. This is explained not only by affordability, but also by the rather high technical characteristics of the material.

The classification of slate sheets is made not only by size and technical parameters, such as the useful area of ​​the sheet and weight, but also by composition. Today, the concept of "slate" includes asbestos-cement products that contain chrysolite, as well as asbestos-cement, bituminous sheets and other types of roofing, which are popularly called "slate" for the presence of waves and a rectangular shape.

The most popular among other types of roofing is asbestos-cement products of a wavy and flat shape. In frequent housing construction, seven- and eight-wave sheets are used, non-residential industrial premises are covered with six-wave slate. The low demand for five-wave sheets is explained by the high overspending of material (up to 20%).

When installing a slate roof, one should take into account the size and weight of the sheets, the method of fastening and installation, and also the possibility of maintenance and repair of the coating.

Slate benefits:

  • Long service life.
  • Low cost.
  • Fire safety.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • Low thermal conductivity.
  • Frost resistance.

Rafter system and slate weight

The choice of roofing for the roof must meet the characteristics of the truss system. Given the fact that the minimum weight of 7-wave slate is 18.5 kg, then after recalculation for 1 m 2, the load exerted on the load-bearing walls and rafters will be 9.5 kg. Similarly, we calculate shown for eight-wave sheets. Knowing how much a wave slate sheet weighs, we recalculate the load per 1 m 2 and get 14.1 kg.

In addition to the severity of the roofing, one should take into account the wind, snow load, the mass of the batten, counter battens and the heat-insulating layer.

If you decide to use slate roofing, it is not at all necessary to strengthen the supporting structures of the house: walls and foundations. It is enough to take into account the weight of the slate during the construction of the truss system.

How much does a slate sheet weigh and what affects this parameter?

The mass of this material largely depends on its composition and structure, as well as the size and thickness of the sheet. The final weight of the roof is influenced by the presence of asbestos, chrysolite in the composition, as well as the quality of grinding raw materials in the process of forming sheets.
Some increase in the mass of the material occurs as a result of priming and painting the slate with phosphate or silicate paints. Many homeowners opt for a painted roofing material that is not only practical and weather resistant, but also capable of making a home stand out.

In GOST 30340-95, you can find out how much 8 wave slate weighs. The weight of a 40/150 sheet with an area of ​​1.6 m 2 is 26.1 kg, a seven-wave sheet is 23.2 kg. Asbestos-cement sheets, depending on the thickness, can weigh:

  • 54/200 - 35 kg (with a thickness of 7.5 mm);
  • 54/200 - 26 kg (with a thickness of 6.0 mm)

The weight of slate 1 m 2 also depends on humidity. According to GOST 30340-95, the mass of sheets of material and components is given taking into account a moisture content of 12%. These data can be used as normative.