Functions and structure of the game. Developing game features. The concept of gaming activity, the functions of the game

Ministry of Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Belarus

Belorussian State University physical culture

Tourism Institute

Department of Tourism and


Managed self-employment

In the discipline "Animation activities in tourism"

on the topic “Game, its functions and types”

Completed by: student of group 442

Mironova Natalya Ivanovna

Minsk, 2010


Game, its functions and types………………………………………………………………..4


List of used literature…………………………………………………..9


The purpose of the tourist entertainment industry is to create conditions for entertainment, i.e. a set of phenomena, on the presence of which the result of entertainment depends. Having fun, a person (a group of people) satisfies his spiritual needs, evaluates his own personality, analyzes his role in social systems. Entertainment processes are carried out both in natural and artificially created environments.
Psychologists explain the mechanism of the impact of entertainment on the spiritual world of a person as follows. The emergence of the need for entertainment induces a person to physical action: - finding entertainment and its "consumption", which is accompanied by a change in the emotional background. A person is looking for an object of entertainment and at the same time feels longing, anxiety. A person has met with the subject of entertainment - he is overwhelmed by a feeling of joy. Satiation with the subject of entertainment corresponds to the emotion of calm. The world of emotions remains insufficiently studied, however, the influence of many entertainment functions on the mobility of emotions and mental activity of a person has been proven.

Let us turn, for example, to the mass form of entertainment - the game. A person gets pleasure from the game, it helps to relieve nervous tension. The game is active cognitive activity. In the game, the child learns the world, gains life experience. The game is a means of education, training, formation of a person's attitude. The game is especially valuable as a means of communication. The practical benefits of sports games.
The social orientation of the development of entertainment infrastructure is expressed in the fact that it serves the formation of new personal and social needs, as well as the manifestation and development of needs under the prevailing prerequisites. Entertainment infrastructure, solving multilateral tasks (first of all, education, the formation of an optimistic mood, education, recreation, cultural development), in fact forms and develops a personality. By filling part of his free time with entertainment, a person restores himself as a labor unit.

Modern life is characterized by an accelerated rhythm, forcing mental stress, emotional imbalance of people. Increased risk of disease nervous system. Along with other leisure activities, entertainment contributes to the removal of nervous tension, getting rid of excess energy. Escape from reality, human relaxation are important value orientations of the entertainment industry.
It is advisable to distinguish between mass entertainment and entertainment individual order. Entertainment can be organized on purpose or arise spontaneously. From the formation of a list of entertainment, one should move on to comparing the significance of various entertainments, and then evaluate individual entertainments according to their contribution to the development of the individual.

The game, its functions and types

The main purpose of the game is the development of a person, his orientation towards creative, experimental behavior. The game educates, helps to restore strength, gives a good emotional charge of vivacity, etc. All functions of the game are closely interconnected. They are determined by the main goal - entertainment plus the development of basic qualities, abilities inherent in a person.

The main features of the game include:

Communicative - having an expansive influence. The game covers all those present (participants, spectators, organizers), i.e. establishes emotional contacts;

Activity - revealing the interaction of people with each other and the world around them;

Compensatory - restoring energy, life balance, tonic psychological stress;

Educational - organizing human activity. The game allows you to create targeted education and training;

Pedagogical, didactic - developing skills and abilities (memory, attention, perception of information of various modalities are trained);

Predictive - predictive, experimenting;

Modeling - connecting reality with the unreal;

Entertaining - creating a favorable atmosphere, turning a scientific event into an exciting adventure;

Relaxation - relieving emotional stress, positively affecting the nervous system;

Psychotechnical - restructuring the player's psyche to assimilate large amounts of information;

Developing - corrective manifestations of personality in game models of life situations.

Playing activity objectively combines two important factors: on the one hand, the players are involved in practical activities, develop physically; on the other hand, they receive moral and aesthetic satisfaction from this activity, deepen knowledge about the world, life. All this ultimately contributes to the education of the individual as a whole.

The game introduces a person into communication with other people and nature, contributes to the acquisition of knowledge, the development of activity, fantasy, and non-standard thinking.

The game takes important place in the lives of tourists. In practice tourist enterprises use role-playing, didactic, folk, mobile games, games with singing, geographical, literary, intellectual games, educational, comic, musical, sports, plot, and mass games.

The game as a unique space has a huge creative potential, which must be used for the purpose of tourist animation activities. The game can be used to teach tourists:

Live in the game space, fully immerse yourself in the game world and game relationships;

Be free in the playing space, be aware of your own characteristics and build relationships with the team;

Comprehend the game experience, use the game as a tool for self-knowledge and life experiments;

There are many different features of the game. All of them are closely interconnected and they are united by the main goals - entertainment plus the development of the basic physical and moral qualities inherent in a person.

AT Everyday life we see the game as entertainment and recreation, a way to have a good time. Many different tests, games, contests, competitions and quizzes have been developed and invented, which have a different focus. These types of entertainment can be humorous, intellectual, scientific, experimental, psychological, pedagogical, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to organize a survey among young people in order to identify their wishes and interests, so that all actions aimed at young people cause spiritual uplift, positive emotions, vitality and distracted the younger generation from addictions: drug addiction, smoking, addiction to alcohol, etc.

The game gives the young man:

A break in everyday life, with its utilitarianism, monotony, rigid determination of the way of life;

Order. The system of rules in the game is absolute and undeniable. Obeying the rules of the game, a person is free from mercantile conventions. The game relieves the rigid tension in which a person lives in his real life, and replace it with a voluntary and joyful mobilization of spiritual and physical forces. This quality is very valuable in our unstable world;

Opportunity to create and rally a team. The attractiveness of the game is so great and the play contact of people with each other is so complete and deep that the play communities show the ability to persist even after the end of the game, outside of its framework;

An element of uncertainty that excites, activates the mind, tunes in to the search for optimal solutions;

The concept of honor, self-restraint and self-sacrifice in favor of the team. The game is opposed to selfish interests. For her, it is not important who exactly wins, but it is important that the victory be won in accordance with all the rules and that courage, intelligence, honesty and nobility be shown to the maximum extent in the struggle;

compensation. The game neutralizes the shortcomings of reality, opposes the hard world of reality with an illusory harmonious world, romanticism;

Physical improvement, since in its active forms it involves training and application in game fencing, the ability to navigate and move over rough terrain;

The opportunity to show or improve your creative skills in creating game paraphernalia: weapons, armor, clothing, various amulets, etc., develop imagination, as it is necessary to create new worlds, myths, situations, game rules;

A persistent interest in good literature, because role-playing game created by the method of literary modeling. To create your world, you need to read about other worlds first;

The opportunity to develop your mind, because it is necessary to build and implement intrigue, wit, since the process and space of the game necessarily involve the emergence of comic situations and anecdotes, psychological plasticity, because the game is not only a competition, but also theatrical art, the ability to get used to the image and bring it to an end;



Chair additional education and childhood support

Program course attendee

"Festive and gaming technologies"


MBOU DOD "Children's Ecological Center"

Vahonina Marina Nikolaevna


"Typology of gaming technologies"


professor of the department of additional education,

doctor of pedagogical sciences

Isaenko Vera Petrovna

Moscow 2012

Typology of gaming technologies


    Functions and classification of games.

    Examples of games that I use in my work.

    Functions and classification of games

The game, along with work and learning, is one of the main types of human activity, an amazing phenomenon of our existence. By definition, a game is a type of activity in situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience, in which self-management of behavior is formed and improved.

In human practice, gaming activity performs the following functions:

Entertaining (this is the main function of the game - to entertain, give pleasure, inspire, arouse interest);

    communicative: mastering the dialectics of communication;

    self-realization in the game as a testing ground for human practice;

    game therapy: overcoming various difficulties that arise in other types of life;

    diagnostic: identification of deviations from normative behavior, self-knowledge during the game;

    correction function: making positive changes in the structure of personal indicators;

Socializations: inclusion in the system public relations, the assimilation of the norms of human society.

The value of the game cannot be exhausted and assessed by entertainment and recreational opportunities. Its phenomenon lies in the fact that, being entertainment, recreation, it is able to grow into education, creativity, therapy, a model of the type of human relations and manifestations in work.

The game as a method of teaching, transferring the experience of older generations to younger people has been used since antiquity. Wide application the game finds in folk pedagogy, in preschool and out-of-school institutions.

The concept of "game pedagogical technologies" includes a rather extensive group of methods and techniques for organizing the pedagogical process in the form of various pedagogical games.

Games are divided by type of activity: physical (motor), intellectual (mental), labor, social and psychological.

By the nature of the pedagogical process, the following groups of games are distinguished:

a) teaching, training, controlling and generalizing;

b) cognitive, educational, developing;

c) reproductive, productive, creative;

d) communicative, diagnostic, career guidance, psychotechnical, etc.

The typology of pedagogical games is extensive according to the nature of the game methodology: subject, plot, role-playing, business, simulation and dramatization games. According to the subject area, games are distinguished in all school disciplines.

And, finally, the specifics of gaming technology are largely determined by the gaming environment: there are games with and without objects, desktop, indoor, outdoor, on the ground, computer and with limited liability partnerships, as well as with various vehicles.

    Examples of games that I use in my work

Hall games

Trees - shrubs - grass

If the facilitator says "trees", the participants should raise their hands up, if "bushes" - put their hands on their knees, and if "grass" - touch the tips of their legs. In this case, the leader performs actions with the participants, confusing them (i.e., performs actions in reverse). Children often, looking at the leader, do not hear what he says, but repeat the movements after him. Therefore, it is easy to confuse participants.

Three elements

The leader shows the movements corresponding to the name of the element. “Earth” - hands are stacked on top of each other parallel to the floor (like at a desk at school), “Water” - wave-like movements with one hand, “Air” - hands up.

The host calls the elements in a different order, and the children must show them by action. In this case, the leader performs actions with the participants, confusing them (i.e., performs actions in reverse). Children often, looking at the leader, do not hear what he says, but repeat the movements after him. Therefore, it is easy to confuse participants.

Goal - past

The host divides the hall into 2 teams (for example, the left and right half of the hall).

Then the "names" of the hands are learned. The left hand is called "goal", the other, respectively, the right hand is called "by".

That team, which the leader points to with one of his hands, shouts its name (left - “Goal”; right - “Past”). If two hands are raised, then the whole hall shouts: “Barbell”.

Games - trainings

"Reed in the Wind"

Purpose: creating conditions for the formation of students' experience of mutual trust.

Instruction: “Stand in a circle very close to each other, you are trees and should stand straight. Who among you would like to be a "reed" that bends under the breath of the wind? Stand in the center, put your feet together, keep straight. Everyone else, raise your arms at chest height. When our "reed" falls in your direction, you must catch it and carefully return it to its original position. The task of those who stand in the circle is to do everything so that the one who stands in the center experiences a sense of security and trust in you.”


How did you feel in the center of the circle?

“Could you trust the circle?

- Who were you afraid of?

– What was the most difficult?

Did you get on well together?

"Bees and snakes"

Purpose: to work out the coherence of actions within the team.

Materials: sponge and pencil

Instruction: “And now in a wide field we notice steppe snakes and wild bees. Divide into 2 teams of equal size. One team will be a group of snakes and the other team will be bees. Each team chooses a king."

Both kings leave the classroom and wait until they are called. Then I will hide 2 items for the kings to find in the classroom. The king of bees must find honey - this sponge, and the king of snakes to find a lizard - this pencil. Bees and snakes should help their kings by making sounds: bees should buzz: zhzhzhzhzhzhzh, and snakes hiss: shhhhhhhhh. The closer your kings get to the items they are looking for, the louder your sounds should be."

Both teams take their seats. They do not have the right to speak, helping their king only by lowering or raising the volume of the sounds they make.


How do bees interact with each other?

How did snakes interact with each other?

How did you feel as a king?

Are you satisfied with your subjects?

"Chips on the River"

Purpose: to create an atmosphere full of trust and tranquility.

And here we go to the river. And chips are floating on it.

Instructions: “Stand in 2 long rows, one opposite the other. The distance between the rows should be slightly more than an outstretched arm. Imagine that you are all together - Water of one river. Chips will “float” along the river now. The chips will decide for themselves how to swim slowly or quickly, straight, in zigzags or circles. They may close their eyes or swim with their eyes open. Water should help any chip find its way. When a Sliver swims to the end of a river, it will become an extension of that river, after which the next Sliver will float.


- What did you feel when you were Sliver?

What did you feel when you were Water?

Intellectual games-competitions

Contest "Guess the plant" (for an environmental event)

Props: projector, screen, presentation with the competition task, cards with numbers for the draw.

A lottery is held before the start of the competition. Then images of plants (trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants) will be shown on the screen. In the order of the draw (in turn), the teams guess the name of the plants. If there is no answer, then the next team has the opportunity to answer. In this case, she guesses the picture of her opponents, and then her own. For each correct answer, the team is given a token. In total, each team will be able to try to guess 3 plants from different groups(shrub, tree and herbaceous plant). Teams have 30 seconds to discuss.

Then everyone is invited to look at 3 more images and write down their names on a piece of paper. An additional token is given only if the team guesses all the plants.

Changeling words

Props: cards with encrypted words (see APPENDIX), pencils or pens according to the number of commands, a musical screensaver.

The game is played between teams. The number of teams must be determined in advance in order to prepare props. The number of participants in each team must be equal. Age of participants: 3-4 class.

Teams are given cards with encrypted words. Time is given for decoding while the musical screen saver sounds (1 min.) The speed and correctness of the task is assessed. For speed - 1 token, for correctness - 1 token. If all teams correctly deciphered the words, then everyone is given a token.


Ecological troubles from a barrel (for an environmental event)

Props: barrels from "kinder surprise", in which you need to put task cards (see APPENDIX), a bag, cards with numbers for the draw.

The game is played between teams. The number of teams must be determined in advance in order to prepare the task. The number of participants in each team must be equal. Age of participants: 3-4 class.

A lottery is held before the start of the competition. Then each team pulls a keg with a problem out of the bag. 1 minute is allotted for discussion (while the musical screen saver sounds). After the allotted time, the teams in turn, according to the draw, answer. For the answer, the team can earn from 1 to 5 tokens, depending on the answer.


Trouble 1

In 300 years, plants can use all the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere for photosynthesis. Why isn't this happening?

Answer: The absorption of carbon dioxide by plants is balanced by other processes that take place with the release carbon dioxide(e.g. respiration, putrefaction, fermentation, burning, volcanic eruptions).

Trouble 2

The children really wanted a birch tree with green leaves to grow in their room all winter. In the summer, they carefully dug out a small birch tree, transplanted it into a tub with soil, transferred it to a room and placed it by the window on the sunny side. The tree has taken root. But in autumn, despite good care the leaves turned yellow and fell off. Why?

Answer: Dropping leaves is not necessarily a consequence adverse conditions. Historically formed and transmitted from one generation to another, the ability to seasonal leaf fall manifests itself in conditions favorable for vegetation.

Trouble 3

Explain the reason why deciduous trees leaves fell off in autumn, and conifers stand with foliage?

Answer: Needles - modified leaves of plants - are well adapted to cold and a small amount of heat, as well as to heat. In autumn, when the weather becomes colder and the light decreases, the formation of living matter in the leaves of deciduous trees ceases. The leaf becomes unnecessary, leaf fall begins.

Trouble 4

Undergrowth plants have bright, clearly visible fruits: red - in elderberry, viburnum, wolf's bast; black or dark blue - in juniper; yellow, red - at the apple tree. What is the importance of fruit color?

Answer: By eating fruits, birds and other animals contribute to the spread of seeds. Fruits with bright colors are clearly visible to animals.

Trouble 5

Among the plants found in spruce forests, there are many that have white flowers: oxalis, wintergreen, maynik, etc. This color of flowers is not accidental. Explain what it is about.

Answer: Due to insufficient lighting, this color of plants is more noticeable to insects.

Trouble 6

Many people think that if you pick flowers from wild plants carefully enough, without damaging the plant itself, then there will be no harm to it. However, this is not true. Even the most careful collection of flowers has detrimental consequences. Which?

Answer: plants stop growing

Trouble 7

Are the fruits of deciduous and coniferous plants from each other, and if so, how?

Answer: In deciduous, these are fruits or berries with seeds or seeds. In conifers, these are cones with seeds hidden by scales.

Trouble 8

When do plants grow faster: when they are propagated by seeds or parts of plants (cuttings)? Why?

Answer: Parts of plants are much faster reproduction than seeds, since most of the future plant is already ready at the base, and the seed still needs to grow.

Trouble 9

Why do forest plants grow in tiers - floors? Name the tallest, middle and lowest plants in the forest.

Answer: Forest plants grow in tiers because there is not enough light in the forest. There is a struggle for light and heat. Trees grow above all, shrubs in the middle, grass and mosses below all.


    Titov B.A. Socialization of children, adolescents and youth in the field of leisure. SPb., 2006.

    Lyovina S. A., Tukacheva S. I. Fizkultminutki, publisher: Uchitel, 2010

    Bern E. People who play games. Games People Play. M., 1996.

    Vygotsky L. S. The game and its role in the psychological development of the child // Questions of Psychology, 1966. No. 6.

  • Stepanova O.A., Game and health work in elementary school: A methodological guide for elementary school teachers, extended day caregivers, teachers of additional education and parents, publisher: TTS Sfera, 2003

  • Site materials , ,

Card file of games corresponding to different functions:

  • Games corresponding to entertainment functions
  • communicative: mastering the dialectics of communication;
  • self-realization in the game as a testing ground for human practice;
  • game therapy: overcoming various difficulties that arise in other types of life;
  • diagnostic: identification of deviations from normative behavior, self-knowledge during the game;
  • correction function: making positive changes in the structure of personal indicators;
  • interethnic communication: the assimilation of social and cultural values ​​that are common to all people;
  • the function of socialization: inclusion in the system of social relations, the assimilation of the norms of human society.

1. Games corresponding to entertainment functions

Entertaining (this is the main function of the game - to entertain, deliver contentment, inspire, arouse interest);

Game Astronauts

5-10 people take part in the game. Chairs are placed in a circle (one less than the number of participants) - these are “rockets”. Children are inside the circle and hold hands. At the command of the host, they begin to walk in a circle and say the following text: “Rockets are waiting for us to fly to the planets. If we really want to fly to Venus. But there is one secret in the game: there is no place for latecomers! After the word "no!" everyone runs to the rockets and takes a place in them. A participant who does not have time to take a place in the “rocket” is eliminated from the game.

Bug game

5-10 people take part. One participant becomes his back to the players, with his right palm he closes his own overview of what is happening behind, and left hand- lowers lower under the right, palm outward. One of the players gently hits the palm of the driver with his hand. After that, the driver turns to the players, who hold their right hand in front of them with their thumbs up.
The task of the game is to guess who hit him in the palm of his hand. If he guesses, then the hitter takes his place, if not, he stands further.

Sky, earth, water

The whole class or group can take part in the game kindergarten. Children walk in a circle around the leader. At the command of the leader - “sky” you need to jump up with your hands up, if the leader pronounces the word “earth”, then you need to stomp your feet. At the word "water" - you need to circle around yourself. Anyone who messes up is out of the game.

At the bear in the forest

Up to 15 people can take part in the game. Before the start of the game, with the help of a counting rhyme, choose bear. Bear and the guys are on different sides traits. While the bear is sleeping, the participants go to his side and sing a song:
I take mushrooms and berries from a bear in the forest,
The bear does not sleep. Looks at me.
At the last cue, they must run over to their side. The one who does not have time, hesitates,
bear drag him into his hole. Bear becomes the participant in this entertaining game, who was grabbed bear . As an option - bears with becomes 2, 3,4, etc.

figure, freeze

This entertaining game can involve a class or group of a kindergarten. The script is like this:
the host begins to speak: The sea worries once,
children continue: The sea is worried two,
The sea is rough three
In place, figure, freeze!
(option: on the spot,funny, weird, fantastic, etc.….. figure, freeze!)
As soon as the participants, after the phrase “freeze”, froze in a certain position, the host tries to make the participants laugh. Whoever laughed becomes the leader or leaves the game.

Game Gardener

Entertaining gamefor a kindergarten group or class. Children choose a name for themselves, some kind of flower, and tell the leader about it. The leader - the gardener walks in front of the participants and says the following text:
I was born a gardener
Not jokingly angry
I'm tired of all the flowers, except for the lily.
Gardener: What's wrong with you?
Lily: In love.
Gardener: Who?
The participant names another flower. After that, the gardener continues to read his text and mentions the flower named by the participant. Who did not have time to quickly say "Oh!" - out of the game.

2. Communicative: mastering the dialectics of communication

Communication games - this is the name of games for developing the ability to communicate, the ability to cooperate and interact with people in a variety of life situations. Communication games can be played both at home and in the yard, in a children's center, at a holiday or a family party, at a training session, or used as a moment of relaxation after class.


You need to have time in a limited time (1 minute or while the music is playing) to say hello to as much as possible large quantity people present. The way in which we will greet each other is agreed in advance - for example, shake hands. At the end of the game, the results are summed up - how many times did you manage to say hello, whether someone was left without a greeting, what is the mood of the players now.


Players are divided into pairs. One player in a pair is a mirror. "Mirror" synchronously repeats all the movements of the second player in a pair. Then they change places. It's not as easy as it seems at first glance - try to keep up with the player as a mirror!

Then, when the children have mastered the option of playing in pairs, it will be possible to play this game with a group of children. Children stand in a line, and the driver is in front of them facing the players. The leader shows the movement, and the whole group repeats this movement synchronously behind him (note that the group repeats in a mirror, that is, if the leader raised his right hand, then the “mirror” raises his left hand).

"Hold the ball"

In this game, we will learn to adjust our movements to the movements of our partner in the game.

Players stand in pairs and hold one common large ball. Each player holds the ball with both hands. On command, the players must sit down without dropping the ball from their hands, walk around the room with it, and jump together. the main task– act in concert and not drop the ball.

When players hold the ball with two hands without any problems, the task becomes more complicated - the ball will need to be held with only one hand for each player in a pair.

"Favorite toy"

Everyone stands in a circle. In the hands of the host soft toy. He says a few words about her - compliments: “Hello, little mouse! You are so funny. We love to play with you. Will you play with us?" Next, the facilitator invites the children to play with the toy.

The toy is passed in a circle, and each player who receives it says affectionate words about the toy: “You have such a pretty face”, “I like your long tail so much”, “You are very funny”, “You have such beautiful and soft ears” .

The game can be played even with small children - offering them the beginning of the phrase that the baby will finish: “You are very ...”, “You have beautiful ...”.

All players stand in a circle and take turns complimenting each other. In compliments, one can note both mood and appearance, and personal qualities and much more.

This is a very enjoyable game - try it.

"I am looking for a friend".

This game can only be played in a large group of children. You will need a set of pictures or a set of toys (2-3 bears, 2-3 bunnies, 2-3 dolls, 2-3 ducks, and so on). Each child is given one toy or one picture that has "friends" - the same pictures.

Children are invited to find friends for their toys (to find paired toys, that is, for a bunny to find other bunnies, for a bear - other bears). To the music, children are looking for friends. When friends for a toy are found, children with toys dance together and cheerfully to the music.

This is a game for young children who are just learning how to interact with each other.

3. Self-realization in the game as a testing ground for human practice

Self-realization: the game is important as a sphere of self-realization as a person. It is in this regard that the process of the game itself is important, and not its result, competitiveness or the achievement of any goal. The game process is a space of self-realization.

The children are in their seats. The teacher names an action that children should perform only if the word “please” is spoken (for example: “Please raise your hands up”, etc.).

"I can handle".

The facilitator offers the children various situations. The one who thinks he can handle the situation raises both hands up, and the one who does not know the way out hides his hands behind his back.

Discussion . Children tell how they will behave. If the proposed option is approved by the majority of children, then you should put the chip in the “I did it” box.

"I'm strong".

The facilitator invites the children to check how words and thoughts affect the state of a person. He approaches each child in turn and asks him to stretch his hand forward. Then he tries to lower the child's hand down, pressing on it from above. The child must hold his hand, while saying out loud: “I am strong!”. At the second stage, the same actions are performed, but with the words: “I am weak.”

Ask the children to pronounce the words with the appropriate intonation. Then discuss when it was easier for them to hold their hand and why.

Try to lead the children to the conclusion that words of encouragement help us cope with difficulties and win.
"Bridge of Friendship"

The teacher asks the children, if they wish, to form pairs and “build” a bridge (with the help of arms, legs, torso). If there are no volunteers, an adult can himself pair up with a child and show how to draw a bridge (for example, touch their heads or hands).

"Human Machines".

It is important to explain to the children that the result of their work will depend on how well all the “parts” of the machine work together.

Divide the children into groups and ask them to design their own machine (eg washing machine, mixer, etc.).

You can demonstrate one of the machines, for example, a washing machine. Ask two children to hold hands so that the third one can freely spin in the middle, depicting “underwear”.

Proposed forms of work of a psychologist in the lower grades high school we have tested in practice. We observed in the course of working with children how they gradually became more open, liberated, friendly, contact. The use of games in which the arms are mobile develops the motor skills of small muscles, which affects the activity of the brain, the speed of thought processes, which, in turn, affects the educational activities of schoolchildren.


Construction of a zoo: we put cages for animals from cubes, bricks, we settle animals, we make aviaries, we plant trees.

Animal feeding, animal training. The guide tells visitors about the animals. A doctor comes, examines the animals, prescribes treatment to sick animals, gives them medicines.

Building a circus: we make an arena from hoops, ropes, cubes. In the circus, animals are trained, performances are shown, trainers perform with monkeys, dogs, elephants, tigers.

The clowns will make the audience laugh. Acrobats, gymnasts do beautiful exercises. Magicians show tricks.

Tickets are sold at the box office. The controller checks the tickets, keeps order during the performance. Spectators in the circus have fun, they applaud the artists, laugh.


The store has a salesman who sells bread, milk, vegetables, fruits, sweets. Products are weighed on a scale. The seller speaks politely with buyers. Customers put their purchases in a bag or basket.

Buyers pay money to the cashier to the cashier - he gives them checks.

The seller receives checks and weighs the products, releases the goods.

Toy store - choose the most beautiful toy, the seller shows how to play with it.

Ready-made clothing store - we try on beautiful clothes for our son or daughter. We talk politely with the seller.

Tableware store - we choose the dishes that we need, we correctly name it.

Fabric store - correctly name the fabric that we want to buy. The seller cuts the fabric, wraps the purchase, accepts money from buyers.

4. Play therapy: overcoming various difficulties

The therapeutic function of the game. A special role is played by the game as a means of therapy. Game therapy appears in rehabilitation practice. Treatment with a game is a serious perspective of therapeutic pedagogy and ordinary pedagogy, since the game can and should be used to overcome various difficulties that a child has in behavior, in communicating with others, in learning.

"Good Wizards"The game begins with the children sitting in a circle, and an adult tells them a fairy tale: “In one country there lived an evil rude wizard. He could bewitch any child, calling him a bad word. And everyone whom he called rude words stopped laughing and could not be kind. It was possible to disenchant such an unfortunate child only with kind, affectionate names. Let's see if we have such bewitched children?

Many preschoolers willingly take on the role of "bewitched". An adult chooses unpopular, aggressive children from among them and asks others to help them: “And who can become a good magician and disenchant them, calling them by an affectionate name?”

As a rule, children are happy to take on the role of good wizards. In turn, they approach aggressive children and try to call them an affectionate name.

"Magic Glasses"An adult brings a surprise box to the group and solemnly announces: “I want to show you magic glasses. The one who puts them on will see only the good in others, and even the good that a person sometimes hides from everyone. Here I am now trying on these glasses ... Oh, how beautiful, funny, smart you all are! Approaching each child, an adult names some of his dignity (someone draws well, someone knows how to build from cubes, someone Nice dress etc.). “And now I want each of you to try on these glasses and take a good look at your neighbor. Maybe they'll help you see something you haven't noticed before." Children take turns putting on magic glasses and name the merits of their comrades. In case someone is at a loss, you can help and suggest. The repetition of the same virtues is not terrible here, although it is desirable to expand the circle of good qualities.

"Compliments" Children become in a circle. Looking into the eyes of a neighbor, you need to say a few kind words to him, praise him for something, promise or wish something good. The exercise is carried out in a circle.

"Princess-Nesmeyana"An adult tells a fairy tale about the Princess Nesmeyana and invites children to play the same game. One of the children will be a princess who is sad and crying all the time, and the rest will take turns approaching her and trying to make her laugh. The princess tries her best not to laugh. The winner is the one who manages to still make her smile or laugh.

A rejected, unsociable child is chosen as the Princess-Nesmeyana ( better girl), and the rest try to make her laugh with all their might.

"Mirror" There is a warm-up before the start of the game. The adult stands in front of the children and asks to repeat his movements as accurately as possible. He demonstrates light physical exercises, and the children reproduce his movements. After that, the children are divided into pairs and each pair in turn "performs" in front of the others. In each pair, one performs an action (for example, claps his hands, or raises his hands, or tilts to the side), and the other tries to reproduce his movement as accurately as possible, as in a mirror. Each pair decides for itself who will show and who will reproduce the movements. Everyone else evaluates how well the mirror works. Indicators of the "correctness" of the mirror is the accuracy and simultaneity of movements.

If the mirror distorts or is late, it is damaged (or crooked). A couple of children are invited to practice and "fix" a damaged mirror. After showing 2-3 movements, a couple of children sit down, and the next one demonstrates its “mirror”.

5. Diagnostic: identification of deviations from normative behavior, self-knowledge during the game

Diagnostic function of the game. Diagnosis - the ability to recognize, the process of making a diagnosis. Diagnosis is the definition of not only the essence and characteristics of the disease, but also deviations in the child's behavior and, at the same time, in normative behavior. The game is predictive, it is more diagnostic than any other human activity. The child himself in the game checks (self-diagnoses) his strengths, opportunities in free actions, expressing himself and asserting himself.

Diagnosis of children's play activity preschool age


Purpose of diagnosis. Identification of the features of communication and interaction of children of senior preschool age in the process of playing activities.

Research progress. An adult calls one child to him and gives following instruction: “Imagine that a wizard flew to you and invited you to his castle. This castle has a magical room that contains all the games, all the toys that are in the world. You can come into this room and do whatever you want in it. But there are two conditions. You must not come there alone. Take two whoever you want with you. And one more thing: everything that you will do there, you will offer yourself.

Then the child is asked the question: “Who will you take with you?”,. If the child calls the names of the children, for example: “I’ll take Sasha and Vova”, then it is important to clarify what kind of children they are (from the kindergarten group where the child goes; neighbors; relatives; acquaintances from the dacha, etc.), what age they are (same, older, younger). After that, the child is told: “Now you have come to the magic room, what do you propose to do there?”. After the child’s answer (for example: “Play with cars”), it should be clarified how the game will go, what the children will do. Then the experimenter continues: “Okay, everyone played it, and then they said that they were tired of it and would not play it anymore. What do you suggest next?" The second proposal of the child is discussed, after which the adult asks to suggest something else to do. After the child has made the third proposal, he is told: “You proposed, but the guys don’t want to play like that. What will you do?". In conclusion, the child must be told that he thought of everything very well, and the wizard will probably still invite him to his castle.

Evaluation of results. The following parameters may be considered in data analysis.

Initiative and position in communication

Well-being of communication

Development of gaming skills

Ways to resolve a conflict situation.

Diagnosis of memory development in children aged 3 to 6 years

Memorization of pictures and objects (diagnostics of short-term memory).

Lay 5-6 pictures or real objects (toys) in front of the child on the table. Give 30 seconds to remember. Then the child must list from memory which objects (or their images) are laid out on the table. You can ask him to describe the details of the items. As a variant of this technique: change the location of some objects, remove (add) or replace any object, and then ask the child to determine what has changed.

Diagnosis of speech development in children aged 3 to 6 years

vocabulary mobility.

The technique is designed to determine the level of development vocabulary children 4-7 years old, as well as the ability to use learned vocabulary in their speech. The methodology consists of 6 tasks with a specific focus. Each task is scored and interpreted depending on the result obtained.

Task A.

Think of as many words that start with the letter C.

Time 1 min.

6 - 7 words - high level;
4 - 5 words - medium,

2-3 words - low

Task B.

Word endings.


The child is asked: "Guess what I want to say? By ...". If the child is silent (despite the repetition of this syllable) or mechanically repeats what was said without trying to finish the word, then you can go to the next syllable: "Now, what do I want to say? Pona ...", etc.

In total, the child is given 10 syllables, which occur unequally often at the beginning of different words. The syllables are as follows: 1) on, 2) on, 3) behind, 4) mi, 5) mu, 6) lo, 7) che, 8) at, 9) ku, 10) zo.

Completed all the proposed syllables to the whole word - a high level.
Coped with half of the proposed syllables - average level.
I was able to complete only 2 syllables - a low level.

Diagnosis of the development of attention in children aged 3 to 6 years

Tasks should be bright, colorful, and it is advisable to conduct diagnostic and attention training sessions with preschool children in a playful way and no longer than 15 minutes a day.

1. The first type of methods includes all kinds oftasks for finding similarities and differences between pictures, searching for paired images:

Imagination Diagnostics

Method "Plate"

This diagnosis of the imagination of a preschooler is based on experimentation. For the lesson, you will need a wooden plank, consisting of four small square links connected by loops.

The board is turned in front of the child. The psychologist offers the child to play with it, experiment: bend, fold. As the child studies the properties of the board, the psychologist asks him: “What did you get? What does this board look like? The lesson is held until the child gets bored.

When processing the data, the psychologist evaluates the number of non-repeating responses of the child (for example, “boat”, “garage”). One point is assigned for each new name.

Method "Sun in the room"

This diagnosis of the preschooler's imagination is based on the child's ability to turn "unreal" into "real" in the context of the situation. For the lesson, you need to prepare a picture depicting a room in which the sun and a person are located. You will also need a pencil.

The psychologist shows the picture to the child. The preschooler must list everything that he sees in the picture. After he has listed everything, the psychologist suggests paying attention to the sun in the room. Is there an error here? How can I fix the picture so that it is correct?

The child can use a pencil or do with oral commentary.

During data processing, the child's responses are taken into account:

  • No response - one point.
  • Formal elimination of inconsistency (paint over the sun, erase it) - two points.
  • More “complex” elimination of the inconsistency: simple answer (draw in a different place - on the street) - three points, complex answer (remake the drawing - turn the sun into a lamp) - four points.
  • Constructive response (sharing the inappropriate element with others, keeping the conditions of the situation: draw a window, draw a frame around the sun) - five points.

Diagnostics of the development of thinking in children aged 3 to 6 years

Finding the missing parts of the picture among those offered to choose from:

6. Correction function: making positive changes in the structure of personal indicators

Psychological correction is the introduction of positive changes, additions to flexible structure personal indicators of the individual. Since the main purpose of the game is to prepare the child for a full-fledged social activities, this task is solved through the modeling of social life, the inclusion of the child in this activity, overcoming the difficulties that arise, associated precisely with the lack of the necessary social abilities, skills, or with incorrectly formed mental properties and qualities.


The speech therapist invites the child to play with the frog and draws water lily leaves on a piece of paper, in an album or notebook: “The frog loves to jump on the water lily leaves and sing different songs: Sa-Sa-Su-Sy. Let's try jumping with the frog too." If the water lily leaves are close, then the syllables are pronounced in a row, and if they are located at a distance, then you need to pause.

“Little feet ran along the path”

With the index and middle fingers, the child steps on the table, pronouncing a sound or syllable for each step.

"Colored Flags"

Purpose: the formation and correction of symbolic praxis, the reaction of choosing movements according to instructions

Game progress:

The adult alternately shows the flags, the children perform movements depending on the color:

Red - threaten with a finger

White - blow off the fluff from the palm

Green - hello

Blue - applaud.

Yellow - say goodbye (waving)

At first, you can use 2-3 colors

"Listen and go"

Purpose: formation and correction of oral and symbolic praxis

Equipment: eye patch

Game progress:

one player is blindfolded, he must blindly walk to a chair standing at the other end of the room. One of the participants claps his hands, indicating to the driver that he should go forward, the other stomps his feet, directing the driver back, the third, clapping, gives a signal to take a step to the right, the fourth hiss indicates a step to the left.

"Do it right"

Purpose: formation and correction of dynamic and symbolic praxis, implementation of complex motor programs.

Game progress.

Children become in a circle. They are asked to complete the following tasks:

1. Heron. Put your right hand on the shoulder of a nearby comrade, right leg bend at the knee, pull the sock. Then change legs.

2. Saw and hammer. Right hand perform movements that imitate sawing firewood, and at the same time imitate hammering nails with the left hand.

3. Train The task is carried out in pairs. The boys stand opposite the girls. Everyone takes the girl first by the right and then by the left hand and performs circular movements with his hands in the direction from the girl to himself. Then the girls do the task.

4. Repeat after me. The teacher shows the movement, the children repeat it: the right hand is up, the left is down. With his right hand, the child slowly pats his head, with his left he strokes his chest and stomach. Then he changes the position of his hands: left up, right down.


Purpose: formation and correction of somato-spatial gnosis

Game progress:

An adult stands in front of the children, showing his nose or ear, and naming what he shows. Children repeat the movements. After a while, the adult begins to confuse the children, showing, for example, in the ear, and naming the nose. Children should point to what the adult calls.

7. Interethnic communication: the assimilation of social and cultural values ​​that are common to all people

Games are national and at the same time international, international, universal. They are international because they have a single generic human basis, which is why they bring people together so much. Games allow you to simulate different situations life, to seek a way out of conflicts without resorting to aggressiveness, they teach a variety of emotions in the perception of everything that exists in life.

Ali Baba game rules.

According to the rules of the game, the participants are divided into two teams and stand, holding hands, facing the opposing team, at a distance of five to seven meters.

One of the teams starts the game with the words: "Ali Baba!"

The second team answers in chorus: "What is the servant about?"

The first team says again: "On the fifth, tenth, Vanya is here for us!"

In this case, the name of one of the players of the opposing team is called. The named player leaves his team and runs to the opposing team in order to break the chain, i.e. unhook the hands of the players. If he succeeds, he takes the player who unhooked his hands to his team. If the chain is not broken, then he remains in the opposing team.

The teams start the game in turn. The team that wins through certain time there will be more players.

Rules of the game "Cossacks-robbers"

Robber Cossacks are played by six or more people. Participants stipulate the territory on which the game will take place. Divided into two teams, they determine by lot who will play for Cossacks, and who are for the robbers.

The robbers confer and think of a password.

On a signal, the robbers run away to hide; the Cossacks should not peep. The path of movement is indicated with the help of arrows on the asphalt and other surfaces (walls, fences) so that the Cossacks have clues where to look. Most often, the team runs together at first, then splits up to confuse rivals. The faster the robbers run away and the more intricate the arrows are drawn, the more chances they have to hide safely.

The Cossacks at this time equip the dungeon and figure out how they will torture the prisoners. After a specified period of time (usually 15-20 minutes), the Cossacks set out to look for the robbers. The found robber is caught and taken to the dungeon. There he is tortured (tickled, palmed off with insects, burned with nettles). The types of torture are specified in advance: they should not be cruel or offensive.

Some sources claim that the Cossack, who caught the robber, remains in the dungeon to guard him. Others speak of a guard (1-2 people), who constantly watches the robbers in the dungeon, and the Cossacks can run to catch the rest.

The robbers can help each other out - for example, "attack" the dungeon, grab the guard, and while they are holding him, the prisoners could scatter. The Cossack, of course, immediately called for help (he did not always succeed, prudent robbers tried to cover his mouth in time).

The purpose of the Cossacks is to find out the secret word-password. Then they switch roles.

Clap, clap, run away! (Lyas, lysya, screech!)

The purpose of the game: the development of imitation movements, speed.

The players walk along playground- they pick flowers in the meadow, weave wreaths, catch butterflies, etc. Several children play the role of horses that nibble grass on the side. After the leader's words:

"Clap, clap, run away,

Horses will stop you"

several players say:

"But I'm not afraid of horses,

I'll ride along the way."

and begin to jump on sticks, imitating horses and trying to catch children walking in the meadow.

Rules of the game:

You can run away only after the word "I'll ride";

The child who is not overtaken by the horse is temporarily out of the game.

"Stork and Frog".(Japan) This Japanese game can be played by 4 or more people. To do this, you need to draw on the pavement a large lake with bays, islands and capes.

Three people become "frogs" and sit in the "water", not having the right to get out on the "land". The "stork" must walk along the shore and try to catch the "frog". "Stork" has the right to jump from "island" to "island", but cannot enter "water". The last "frog" caught becomes a "stork"

"Steal the banner." (Italy) Two teams are placed each at their own line at some distance from each other, the leader is in the middle. He holds a scarf and calls out numbers. The players whose numbers he called run towards him. The one who snatches the headscarf from the leader and is the first to return to his place earns a point.

The game "American Hide and Seek".American hide-and-seek is very different from our game: one is hiding, and everyone else is looking. Whoever finds it must hide with it. It is necessary to slowly make your way to a secluded place and sit quietly, quietly, so as not to be discovered. When the last player realizes that he is alone, he hides himself. Everyone goes to look for him, and the game starts again.

8. The function of socialization: inclusion in the system of social relations, the assimilation of the norms of human society.

The game is the strongest means of socialization of the child, which includes both socially controlled processes of purposeful influence on the formation of the personality, the assimilation by children of knowledge, spiritual values ​​and norms inherent in society, or a specific social community, or a group of peers, and spontaneous, spontaneous processes that affect the formation of the child.

Game "Hugs"

Purpose: to teach children to physically express their positive feelings, thereby promoting group cohesion.

Game progress: The teacher invites the children to stand in a large circle. Then he asks the children to try to express their friendly feelings towards the other children by hugging them. And it starts with a light little hug, then the children continue to hug each other in a circle, each time, if the neighbor does not mind, intensifying the hug.

Questions after the game:

Did you like the game?

Why is it good to hug other children?

Do you enjoy being hugged?

Do you often get hugged?

Game "Professor"

Purpose: to develop social competence, mental activity, culture of speech: clearly and competently express your thoughts.

Game progress: Each child in turn is invited to put on a special “professor's” cap. The teacher asks the “professor”: “What would you do in a situation if:

Accidentally hurt my friend...

No one wants to be friends with you...

Your friend got hurt...

Your friend cried and was sad...

The teacher praised your friend in class, but you are not ...

Something is wrong with your friend...

Your friend knows more than you...

Your friend violated the rules of behavior in the group ... "

The game "Pyramid of Love"

Purpose: to cultivate a respectful, caring attitude towards the world and people; develop communication skills.

Game progress: Children sit in a circle. The teacher says: “Each of us loves something and someone; We all have this feeling, and we all express it in different ways. I love my family, my children, my home, my job. Tell us who and what you love. (Children's stories.) And now let's build a "pyramid of love" from our hands. I will name something I love and put my hand, then each of you will name your favorite and put your hand. (Children build a pyramid.) Do you feel the warmth of your hands? Do you enjoy this state? Look at how high the pyramid turned out to be high - because we are loved and love ourselves.

At primary school age, the most significant and deprived are such links of self-consciousness as awareness of the name, the claim to recognition and awareness of rights and obligations."Affectionate Name"

Children sit in a circle.

Instruction: “Remember how affectionately you are called at home. We will throw a ball to each other. And the one to whom the ball hits will call one or more of his affectionate names. It is important to remember who threw the ball to you. When everyone calls their affectionate names, the ball will go in the opposite direction. You need to try not to confuse and throw the ball to the one who first threw it to you, and in addition, pronounce his affectionate name.

"Adult Name"

Children sit in a circle.

Instructions: Close your eyes. Try to see yourself as an adult. How will you sit? What will you be wearing? Sit now as if you were already an adult. How will you talk? How will other people contact you? Probably by first and last name.

Open your eyes. Let's play. I will take turns calling you by your first and last name. The one I name will get up from his seat, walk around the room, as adults walk. Then he (she) will give each of the children a hand and introduce himself by name and patronymic, for example: “I am Maria Igorevna”, “I am Mikhail Nikolaevich”.

  • Translation

The entertainment function of games is an abstract thing. And in order to create game worlds in which the user wants to dive headlong again and again, you will have to think a lot. Sarah Santillan, Lead Designer at Boomzap Entertainment, talks about the requirements for creating game functionality. What is needed and what is not in this creative process?

Quick question: if you make games, are you in the industry software?
The short answer is no. More detailed - partly yes, but in general no. To be more precise, gamedev belongs to the entertainment industry, which means that your task as a game developer is to entertain people. Lift their spirits and give them confidence. Create colorful, immersive game worlds where they want to immerse themselves. For completing game tasks, players can get real rewards (plot development, beautiful art, cool cut scenes).

At the same time, any text editor like Microsoft Word offers many features with which you can type something like a review of a book. In addition, you can save the typed text or send the data to an output device such as a printer.

The essence of software development is to create a product that serves a specific purpose. You don't need to create data for the software except when it comes to reference documents. The end user creates this data himself - book reviews, statements, invoices, Accounts, digital art, etc.
This is all to the fact that the entertaining function of games is a very abstract thing. And in order to fulfill this ambiguous human desire, we have to develop software as a tool for the subsequent production of game content.

1. You need a toolkit (software) to create interactive gameplay.
2. You need data - player classes, enemies, story - that the player will be interested in interacting with.
3. You need to make sure that the data and related software is optimized for the players' experience.

This article will focus on the requirements for game functionality. At first glance, it may seem that implementing a list of functions according to certain criteria is as easy as shelling pears. But things can get confusing very quickly.

Game making is a mess

Functional requirements are constantly changing. Once you start working on one thing, say combat functionality, you soon find that you need to create an item system for it, a dynamic environment that, in addition, can affect the abilities of a certain character class, and off we go.

In order not to be unfounded, in this article I will give examples from the project I am working on - this mobile game with a focus on Monster Roller PvP combat. Below are three mock-ups of the same combat system, showing how different the game can be from the original idea.

An early version of the game is shown in the screenshot on the left, and the final version is shown in the screenshot on the right. The current version was made as understandable as possible: if you select an action mode (the modes are indicated by numbers 2-1-1 next to the monsters' avatars), the monster will perform the corresponding action after the slot machine reel spins. 1 - attack mode, 2 - ability use mode, depending on the role of a particular monster.
The first thing that comes to mind when you see a game with an RPG-like combat system is the system of items, bonuses, shop, etc.

"Why didn't you think you'd need all this?"

“Why didn’t you think that you would NOT need all this?”

Making games is a mess, because true innovation is always a mess. On the other hand, innovations can be "iterative", when the creation of something new takes place on the basis of already known formulas. In game development, both approaches are used to varying degrees. And while developers may be tied to certain formulas(thus, a racing game involves peculiar tracks, bonuses, etc.), in the end, you will not be able to make exactly the same cocktail as other representatives of the industry, where many people work eight hours a day for free, just to find The holy grail of entertainment.

Making games is a learning experience. At the beginning, you are absolutely sure what the game will be like.

But this tower is always on the verge of falling. It may turn out that your game is completely unoriginal, or the mechanics are so different that they should not be used together, or it is cool, but it is difficult to understand it. A certain level of experience, of course, helps to smooth the corners - it will be easier for an old-timer of the industry to get around the pitfalls than a newcomer. But in any creative process, there are ... surprises. This is the idea of ​​a fresh, innovative approach.

The evolution of functional requirements

We start by prioritizing based on how important an individual feature is to the game. We then prototype what we want to put into the game using the sample data. In this section of the article, we will look at the components of the combat system.
At the very beginning, our Monster Roller team had several ideas that we wanted to implement in the game:

The gameplay was to be largely RPG-like, but would also include card game balance elements;
Of course we would like to add slot machine drum
...which would issue bonuses at the base jackpots(then 4 more in a row);
We considered betting odds;
"Hold"- a function that prevents the slot from rotating (of course, for a fee);
Possibility switch between monsters during the turn;
Application items on monsters (obviously, isn't it?).

And it's far from full list, well, sketches. Functional requirements may include, but are not limited to, detailed description what will be included in them (actually, data), how they will be displayed (interface), as well as performance indicators that demonstrate whether the functionality works as intended.

For example, consider the item system:

1. What will be the features of the item? Will it be used on the player's team, the opposing team, or both? Will it have an expiration date? What variables can objects influence? Health level? Attack Power? regeneration rate? In percentages or whole numbers?
2. Can items be used after the battle or are they consumed in battle?
3. Is there a cost to use the item? How is this value realized? Will it be the number of turns in combat (time cost) or something else? Will I need to buy items in the store? If so, for hard or soft currency?
4. What will they look like?

The layout on the left was created by your submissive almost six months ago. The layout on the right was designed by a real artist, and this is what the fight looks like now.

The following screenshots demonstrate how the functionality requirements have changed.

Old top panel:

New top panel:

Both there and there there is a gold indicator and a settings button. The autoplay button, which can be seen on the prototype, in latest version moved to the bottom panel (see below).

The biggest change is the introduction of a timer and lights around the frame that react to what is happening in the game. We added a timer because we are dealing with a PVP game - waiting for your opponent on the other side of the world to decide how to attack indefinitely would be quite sad.

Old battle screen:

New battle screen:

As you can see, there were no selection indicators on the old layout (the arrows at the top of the left screenshot new version), as well as indicators of positive / negative effects (note the tiny monster). In addition, the display of monsters in battle has changed. Another important decision, to which we came, is to reduce the number of monsters from four to three. Thus, we increased the speed of the battle and increased the chances of getting the jackpot.

Drums and avatars, old and new:

Here we have changed a lot. Let's take a look at the cherry symbol first. As planned, the player earned cherries for each round of the battle, and they gradually accumulated. In addition, they could be obtained as a prize by playing the slot machine. Like mana or energy in card games, cherries could be spent to use items or switch monsters. However, we subsequently abandoned both the item system and the cherries.

We added cherries not because everyone does it. We added them to reduce the luck factor and emphasize the importance of the player's choice of action. Will I use THIS item or switch THIS monster? That is, we had good reasons to add items and their cost to the game.

So why was this system rejected?

Looking at the variables specific to a monster battle game, you can see many factors that can be controlled without adding another system.

1. Targeting: auto-attack or focus on one enemy?
2. Abilities: attack, buffs / debuffs, defense, regeneration, strong and weak sides elements.
3. Combos: jackpots "3 in a row", monsters that can increase the attributes of partners.
4. Composition of the squad: affects the chance of a combo.
5. Time to move: a limited amount of time to make a decision.

It can be very tempting to add a feature early in development. This is because at this stage it is still difficult to imagine how different features interact with each other and affect the gameplay. But to succumb to the thought “need more functions”, on the contrary, is easy, since there is no content as such yet. Prototyping is a great way to overcome the temptation to bloat features. The item system would have to be balanced with all of the above variables, not only by the developers, but also by the players themselves. The point is that each variable can affect the outcome of the battle, and not just that there are more of them.

Oddly enough, in this section of the interface there are two more variables that can be talked about for a very long time. This is the principle of rotation of the reels and the symbols applied to them (Does the slot machine have a hold function? How does it give out a winning combination? How will the slot machine react to the stunning of the monster? By what principle are combinations of symbols formed? Do all slots give the player a chance to get a jack- sweat? And so on). But for now, just mentioning these variables will be enough to understand how this functionality has changed.

The last thing we changed in this segment is the Let's Roll button. Although we initially thought it would be fun to spin the reel with your finger across the screen, many play testers (play test - great way define functional requirements) favored a separate button. So we added it to make the game more intuitive. Want a button - please!

Old bottom menu

New bottom menu

So, we got to the last element - the bottom menu. On a screenshot from old version the cost of items and switching is displayed, but in the end we left only the autoplay button and the switch. Another reason for carefully simplifying the system, taking into account all sorts of things that the user must keep in mind, is effective use screen space. The Monster Roller game is already full of icons, jackpots, elements and goals. If we added another set of visual elements, the player would have to remember even more.

Phew, that was a long article.

So, let's highlight the main points:

1. Game development is at the intersection of the software development and entertainment industries. In order to answer the question "what does fun mean?" you need to use knowledge from several areas.
2. Don't get hung up on established feature requirements. Elements of the game change during development, often in surprising ways.
3. Any game combines spontaneous and iterative innovation.
4. Functional requirements cannot be fit into one list. Think about how the feature will interact with other elements of the game, then list everything possible ways its implementation.
5. Create a functional prototype based on the requirements and modify it as needed.
6. Keep going until you know what it is.

Congratulations, you've made it to the end. Here's an egg and bacon for you.

The concept of gaming activity and its differences from other types of activity

The definition of the concept of "game" is one of the most difficult issues in psychology, both human and animal. Referring to dictionaries, you can find the following answers:

- this is one of the types of human and animal activity that occurs at a certain stage in the evolution of the animal world.

- this is an activity, occupation of children and an occupation, due to a set of certain rules, techniques, serving to fill leisure, for entertainment, which is a sport (sports games, war game).

- this is a type of unproductive activity, where the motive lies not as a result of it, but in the process itself.

is the performance of certain roles.

Thus, the concept of the game is very capacious and complex.

Play as a type of activity is not inherent in all representatives of the animal world, but only in those species in whose ontogeny there is such a period as childhood. In particular, these are representatives of vertebrates. Vertebrates are the most highly organized and diverse group of animals, numbering about 40-45 different species.

Scientists have observed play activity in many mammals, in particular, in representatives of all families of predatory mammals, in primates, and also in birds. Game activity is also inherent in man.

All forms of play among any representatives of the animal world are fundamentally different from "serious" activities, but at the same time, they show a clear resemblance to specific, quite serious situations - and not just similarity, but imitation. This is true even in relation to the abstract games of adults - after all, poker or chess allows them to give vent to certain intellectual abilities.

The main difference between play and other activities is that this species activity is focused not so much on a specific result, but on the process itself - the rules, the situation, the imaginary environment. The game does not result in the production of any material or ideal product.

The peculiarity of the game is also in its voluntary nature. Thus, an animal cannot be forced to play by positive or negative reinforcement. The condition for the emergence of the game is the comfortable state of the body; lack of hunger, thirst or adverse environmental conditions. Play behavior has a high positive-emotional component - animals clearly like to play. So it is with children. The child will not play if he is not interested in this game.

Thus, play activity is a phenomenon characteristic only of those representatives of the animal world, in whose ontogeny there is a period of childhood. The main difference between the game and other types of activity is its "conditional" nature, as well as the occurrence only in conditions of emotional comfort.

Game Features

One of the most difficult questions in the study of the game is to determine its functions. The first attempts to determine the functions of the game were made in the works of G. Spencer and K. Gross - the first studies of the play activity of animals.

According to Spencer's theory, gaming activity is seen as the expenditure of some kind of "excess energy". In other words, it occurs when the animal has no need for other forms of behavior essential to survival, such as feeding or escaping from predators. An animal cannot be idle.

A different opinion is shared by K. Gross, who interprets play activity as “practice for adult behavior”. The game is an exercise in especially important areas of life. It allows the young animal to exercise without risk in vital actions, because under these conditions mistakes do not entail detrimental consequences: in the course of the game, it is possible to improve hereditary forms of behavior even before the flaws in behavior fatally "appear before the court of natural selection."

Thus, the main function of the game is to "prepare for adulthood." There is a formation of hunting behavior, the skills of future social interaction are being worked out.

All subsequent studies agreed either with the first point of view or with the second. As a result, the following functions of the game were determined:

Approximately - research or cognitive. It consists in the fact that with the help of the game there is an accumulation of knowledge about the objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, their diversity and properties.

developmental function. The game helps representatives of the animal world to develop qualities that are characteristic of this species: reaction, speed, dexterity, etc.

The function of socialization, which is expressed in the acquisition of communication skills through the game.

These features reflect great importance games in the development of an animal or a person.

The study of play activity has been one of the most difficult questions of science for many decades. It is addressed not only by representatives of psychology and pedagogy, but also by scientists - sociologists, zoopsychologists, etiology and a number of other fields of knowledge.

So, in psychology, the first fundamental concept of the game was developed in 1899 by the German philosopher and psychologist K. Gross. Before him, the questions of the game were partially touched upon by the English philosopher G. Spencer. Subsequently, theories of foreign and domestic researchers appeared - K. Buhler, F. Beitendijk, L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, D.B. Elkonina and others.

During the 20th century, many studies appeared devoted to the study of play activity in various representatives of the animal world. The main purpose of studying play in animals is to explain its nature, compare it with human play, and also determine its functions and role in the development of animals and humans. Among such studies are the works of N.N. Ladygina-Kate, L.A. Firsova, D. Fossey.